Tuesday ✨️ Tezday I Episode 70

Recorded: Feb. 27, 2024 Duration: 1:47:31



Hello hello, how's it going everyone
Am I coming through okay?
All right, well welcome to a Tuesday tes day brought to you by the Tesla's Commons I
Hope today has been amazing so far
I want to just thank you all for being here early and prompt appreciate y'all
So today is all about the community. It's all about you guys out there
We we want to know what's going on in your lives. What have you guys been up to? What have you been seeing happening?
Kryptonio welcome. How are you brother? I hear you. You're good. Can you hear me? I
Don't think you can hear me
Well for the moment you'll just have to listen to me ramble
For a moment at least now
I know there are a lot of things going on out there if
Anyone has anything they want to share Aaron Mac privateer
No, that's all right
Okay, so Kryptonio is experiencing a slight connection
difficulty and we do apologize give it just a moment while he
rejoins the space
Now don't forget the
tesos community rewards program
Come to a close here this month very soon
So get your votes out there anybody you think deserving of the spotlight of the tesos community
We do give away
Up to 5,000 has every month
spotlighting people in several categories if you think these people happen to
Have done something extraordinary
Or maybe that you just really like them and you really just think they deserve something special give them a tag. Let us know
We want us we want to spotlight these people. We want to highlight what they're doing. We want to share what's going on
With them to the rest of the community and we want to reward them. So
Please do remember get your votes in and we'll remind you again periodically throughout the space
Kryptonio, can you hear me my man?
Yeah, yeah, I can hear you now. What about me?
Kryptonio, I'm kidding. I can hear you. I can hear you just
That's good, how are you man? Sorry about that, but I
I really don't know what it is. I
It has to be Twitter cuz like I checked, you know on YouTube I could hear everything
I just couldn't hear you for some reason but
Rejoining always solves the problem. It seems so here we are
Perfect now does my mic sound okay? Yep. Perfect. Perfect. Love and clear
All right, well, I was just reminding everyone about the community rewards program that is coming to a close for the month of February
Is there anything else you can let everyone know while we sort of wait for the space
February is already almost gunman right that long short month, right?
And yeah, I also pinned it up in the Pint tweets for everybody that it is only three days left. So
great job for reminding people
Nothing else at this moment, but
So many stuff happened, you know NFT Paris
The announcement about easy BTC 2.0
Yes, I didn't get a chance to go into that
I saw that one about five times on my feed which is amazing. So what what can you fill me in with that?
Well, I died real quick
This is BTC, you know is
basically a wrapped
Bitcoin on tesos like it represents the value of
Bitcoin on tesos, but not just synthetically it actually you know how is backed by real bitcoins
so there are some entities that are called the key holders, let's say and
People can lock Bitcoin there and get TZ BTC
They can lock BTC and they can get TZ BTC on the TESOS network
So it's one TZ BTC is equal to one BTC
In theory at least because due to other market
Stuff it sometimes gets off back
But the main point is that this was already a thing. This is the token we use in liquidity making right there
Which is a Dex which is a def I think
But that's another story
So now they are going to improve it because until now you could only get TZ BTC
by going to one of the
selected entities and
They had a minimum you had to go through some through some procedures through some procedures which weren't very easy
So it wasn't easy to go and get it right at the source, right?
And now they are going to improve it and make it in an automated process. It will still require KYC
It will become much easier much more accessible. At least that's what I understand from the announcement
so this will make it easier to bring in liquidity to
To have it being pegged to BTC better, you know
So yeah, it's a good improvement. Let's say so waiting to see when it gets implemented
but yeah, you know it is
Communical. I also want to get some people that were at NFT parties to listen
What was going on there? Like what was the experience there? I saw some really cool pictures
I've been in the cold desert man. Tell me something amazing from France because I'm over here in the Americans. I don't know
Yeah, I can't complain it's pretty nice over here where I am at in Greece
But yeah, it must have been amazing over at Paris
But maybe we'll get more people later on
Somebody that attended the event. So maybe we'll get to know more about that
By the way, I didn't ask you was that explanation clear enough, you know about it is a BTC or
Yeah, yeah
I I remember back in the day
It was like there were three people you could go to if you wanted to convert your BTC and then it was like there was
Only one and then it just seemed really difficult for for anyone to obtain it. So
If this helps people get BTC into the eco, that would be amazing
Especially if it's automated that that helps a lot because then you don't have to wait for somebody in their time zone
Yeah, for sure. And it was one of the things that you know, many people
Have brought up in the past that it's not really easy to
Convert BTC to TZ BTC
at least through their main source there were some other alternatives that you could just swap and
Depending on the amount you it also makes sense to just swap it
Like if you want to turn ecstasy and stuff, you know, you can just swap it on the network, but
To get from native BTC to TZ BTC. It wasn't that easy. Yeah
It was kind of a limitation. So now that they make it this way, it will be much better
And maybe hopefully we might see, you know some more liquidity coming in
I mean liquidity baking is still giving I think around
11% API, which is not bad. It's really good and
Yeah, we will have to wait and see I suppose
Now do you know if there's any plans for liquidity baking I know there was talking potentially sunsetting it replacing it so on and
So forth throughout its its entire iteration
Have you have you heard anything through the woodwork as far as liquidity baking is concerned?
Not really. I haven't heard anything like I've seen some bakers, you know
That one would like, you know to
To be sunset it to be stopped
But there is an on-chain mechanism for that to vote each each Baker, you know can signal if they want it or not
Let's say and by the way TZ kitty the Explorer
Has added I think
Has added a metric that where you can see how many like how about it have signaled against it how many for it
So where is the average and it has a threshold that it needs to reach for it to be deactivated
I don't think it's anywhere close to that
But let me just open TZ kitty to on film but it is at it
Yeah, so the TZ kitty they were the ones who originally implemented the first like front-facing UI for liquidity baking
Right, right
Yeah, yeah, correct that like the first front end
Let's say for user interface to be able to swap and add liquidity and stuff
I think it was brought by TZ kitty on their Explorer. It's still available. But yeah
Nowadays, you can even do it through Kukai like Kukai already has, you know
It has in the wallet the option for you to
Manage funds around liquidity baking swap add liquidity remove liquidated stuff like that
But yeah, as I was saying if you go to TZ kitty tie or for example
At the front page you will see the blocks being produced, right?
if you click on one of the blocks on the number you will see it will open up a new page and
At the bottom or left bottom. You will see liquidity baking toggle, which is right now off
And it shows you the threshold how much it needs to reach and everything
About that and they also added one for adaptive issuance as well as I see which is really cool
Yeah, great job. Great. Great stuff from TZ kitty from the baking bat thing always, you know
One of the best if not the best team it has us much love much love
So what have you been up to mr. Cryptonio have you been have you been like sunbathing in this wonderful weather have you been
You've been paragliding. Have you been I?
wish me I
Wish you know weekends are family time. So yeah, I had some good time with family a
Lot of talks with Jesus grace
We even got a new logo. I don't know if you saw it
It's very pillar esque. I love it. Very great. Very Greek
Like very traditional. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so mr. Eveloss who designed it
Wanted to add that element, you know, and we even mentioned it at some point that it kind of looks like a pillar
But yeah, I liked it. I liked it a lot and
Obviously had nothing to do with the design
I'm terrible at designing. So
shout out to mr. Eveloss for creating that
and other than that, I've been also looking a lot into a thrilling like a you know lately I wasn't
Keeping up with the stuff going on with a thrilling and I noticed there were already many, you know
Partnerships, let's say some jobs already being built on it. I was just testing a
Decentralized exchange on a thrilling which is called tie his swap. I never heard it before
I just saw it today and I was trying it out and
Yeah, a lot of interesting stuff that they are doing like they have a lot of they even I think have redstone
They have third web a lot of partnerships
Most of them are tooling I think for developers and stuff, but also some depths in there. So
Excited about that as well
Well, I just want to remind everyone that this is in fact a community call you you don't have to listen to just me and
Kryptonia talk about what's going on. You can join the combo if you want. Do you have anything to share?
If you have anything any questions
You just want to say hi if you want to come up on stage and be at the top because you feel like you're at
The bottom come on up. It's fine
Welcome. Yeah Tuesday test day. It's all about you guys
Yep, and I see you Peter. Come on up. Tell us. How is Porto? How is Portugal? I see your videos
Aaron, how are you doing? Feel free to come up man
And yeah, let's chat guys and gals
We've got Peter coming up right now. He should be joining us shortly. Yeah
Hey guys, hey Peter welcome to the stage
Thought I would share just a little bit about the experience we had of the
Online event that was a couple of days ago with Paul and her here and now
That was pretty crazy
Is he up or is it my connection again? Oh, he's he's talking he was talking about what he was doing. I'm sorry
Maybe I should just join from my mobile because desktop always has this issues. So I'll be joining again
I don't know what the hell is going on with X
Sorry about that. I'll be right back in sorry
Now I had the most crazy online event on the
City RL events that was insane
It was only about it man. Tell me about what happened. Tell me how you felt about it. What did you did?
First that yeah went into of course. It was on cyber
platform and they had prepared this
Crazy good metaverse where there was different
Panels talking really good panels interesting stuff
you went in different rooms and you could talk to different artists and look at different arch and
Then it was possible to go to the music box with a test stone and that was amazing people were freestyling
They were
Doing lyrics and that was an amazing experience to bond with the people that way
I never thought that an online event would have that effect on me, but that was
the best experience online I ever had and all also pretty high up in
In events. I attended in my entire life. So that was
Like amazing experience
Now did you attend the experience on a flat screen or were you doing like an immersive 3d experience?
No, just a flat screen with my
computer so I could just imagine
later on with a couple of years with the VR goggles and stuff like that that is it was pretty
It was pretty good experience
It sounds like these online meetups are getting better and better
I remember when they used to be really cheesy avatars
That would move across like a lame little background where the speakers would be like on this area
You couldn't go to but you really didn't feel like you were part of anything. You were like a
Thumbtack on a corkboard if you know what I mean. Yeah, I I thought that also but a bit of some of the specials that
A test on has been doing also. I knew it is it was improving and getting better and better. But this event was
It was truly a eye
Opener for online events. So that was pretty cool
That's awesome. Now the curator part of that event was joined us up on stage. We've also got butter Z in the room
Oh, and of course, I'm gonna
We got to let Kevin come up here. We always gotta let Kevin come up here. We love Kevin
All right, we got a party up here how's it going Kevin welcome to the stage. Oh
So you're the new you're the new host of the Tuesday test days. No more
Kryptonios not the host anywhere or kryptonius my host. I'm just I'm helping on the new co
Why is kryptonium not in the co-hosts? He's had a technical
How are you Kevin? I'm good. How are you? I'm doing good. I'm doing good. Yeah
Yeah blanks you were talking about the control out event
Before with oh, yeah. Yeah Peter was sharing exactly how it was. Yeah in your words
It was something like it changed online meetups for you
It was on cyber platform and I think here now was
it was the
Entity that did the the rooms and the sign of it. It was a
Truly amazing experience to bond with the people in that way
So I'm really looking forward to exploring more of those online events because that was truly
Eyeopter for me as a paraxiano once you say something
Hello everyone about that what Peter says it really was
Intoxicating and the difference than the events we done with spatial is that the abilities of the sound
With multiple musicians playing from all around the world is much better on on cyber
I mean each platform has its pros and its
faults so we realized because we didn't have an event on on cyber before as well and
Sound abilities were much better
I don't know if hash brown that is actually a musician or Fendo down there can say more about it
but we didn't have any problem syncing or listening or
Broadcasting it inside the room because we had from California people broadcasting playing live set
It was the sound ability that made it possible to be as live as it could get
And we got the feeling of course the bonding and all the things that happened were really intoxicating all the rooms were amazing
It was a really nice event
Shout out to beats that put it together and the pole and sutan and all the other guys
It was amazing actually for all of us not just for Peter
Yeah, I I suddenly missed that one I suddenly missed the control even because I was at the physical
crypto meetup
here in Greece
But I've been I was at the antidote. I suppose it was kind of similar has anyone been
On the adult as well to compare
Event that is that here and out it in the past like six months ago or something
And it was really the same, but I don't know like in the music but in the music box Kiryaka, so we done the
like real live jamming which
seems kind of
strange and impossible and like
Ryan from Tia cafe and I were just jamming together. He was playing I was reciting Greek poems and
It's really bonding. It was like what I said in previous events
We had at times it's some kind of human magic there
apart from the actual event talking about what we're doing and the
Stuff it was something real human bonding that that's what Peter talks about and it was intoxicating really
Sounds awesome sounds awesome. I'm really sorry message
That's proud
What's up, man?
Yeah, yeah hash brown here. I realized I could sign in with the test tones accountant often make people try to find it for my profile
Yeah, it was a great event
We were we were very honored to curate the music box space and I believe it was I didn't actually make it into the event
I saw it afterwards, but the antidote space I know for a fact
There was a sign on the wall from when our music box space was for that
So I think the layout was quite similar and this was just this version of it
They also had other spaces you could log into at the same time. So, you know, I'm not exactly sure
How it lined up like that, but yeah, there was a you know, a live panel in the other room
We had our music space. I think object had a place curated
Tezpo had a place curated and
Yeah, as far as the sound, you know, every metaverse does have its own like strengths and weaknesses and I do think on cyber
because some
Spatial has sometimes it has like a rather aggressive audio gate where it's you know
It's trying to reduce the background sound that comes through
But if you're playing like an acoustic guitar and singing sometimes it'll cut that out a bit, which is a little frustrating
Where on cyber was kind of letting the audio come through a little more unimpeded
Which depending on what you're trying to do might be a downside
But for jamming was was a benefit and also spatial sometimes if you're you're like bandwidth goes behind or you know
We'll say like a chipmunk see where tries to catch you up. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah where on cyber wasn't doing that as much
So yeah, for the most part, I would say other than some people not being able to get their microphones working as easily
So I guess it's a toss-up, but I do think it worked quite well. And yeah, we had people
I mean we had auger
Henrique from
Yeah from Brazil. Yeah, he was in Brazil where I was in California Ryan is also in Southern, California
Pada was in Greece and we were all kind of jamming at the same time
So it was pretty pretty awesome pretty pretty amazing. So fun times
That's crazy that's crazy really the fact that you know or or all over the world and still, you know get to
Jam in real time and white
It is great
Has brown
In terms of creating a space like not just not a whole event or something in all
But if somebody wanted to create a just a gallery, let's say for some NFT showcase or something
Which one you think is easier?
More user-friendly to create something like that special or on cyber
Well, I I haven't really used on cyber that much so I'd be completely biased
but I have heard that I think they have I think Yoshi was saying that they have like a
Like an in-world builder kind of like a like a map editor so you can build your own spaces and they're pretty easy now
They're a little more modular. So that would probably be a great place to start
But but most of them honestly have like prefab kind of pre-made
Templates that are that are really great. So you could just jump in there
Just grab one of those and just start clicking around again some started
So I you know, whatever whatever floats your boat, I'd say if anything for me the social aspects the biggest thing
So if you have some friends who are already doing some other stuff
Just kind of see where they are maybe just so you have friends to check out and share your space with is the biggest thing
For me, but yeah, they're all they're all pretty good. They're all pretty
You know comparable in a lot of most basic ways
And then like the one thing that on cyber has that that's huge that spatial doesn't have is it actually integrates directly with tesos walls?
Which is my main gripe against spatial which I do love and they have the unity coding so you can do a lot more like
Gamification and stuff into there, but don't have tesos wallet integration. So, you know, I guess it really just depends on what you want to do
But but they're all they're all pretty solid
Yeah, that's fair and and but before I give you the word was just a follow-up question and which one do you think is
Better in terms of load like which one works better on for example on lower end devices or mobiles
Do you have an idea?
Honestly in that sense, you'd probably want to go into almost even something like crypto voxels where it's like super basic
I mean my main thing against those like crypto voxels and sandboxes that they do the whole like land ownership
which is cool in certain ways, but then
Unless you know someone who has a spot you can use
It's expensive to rent or to have a space where spatial and on cyber you can just make as many galleries as you want
But those ones are like super, you know low poly count so those would probably be maybe the first
You know, I there's there's a ton of metaverses and I'm in no way an expert
This is just from my own personal experience running for you through a few of them, you know
But but yeah spatial can be a little taxing on the the computer
But you know, I'd say just just jump in and see maybe your device is more optimized for one than another cuz
Randomly people will jump into some that doesn't work for me and it works for them. So yeah, that's right. That's right
Go ahead. Go ahead. Sorry
Also from a user's point of view I've noticed
Now that I've experienced that performance there in on cyber and I don't know about
developing or making putting together a world
but I've seen
A spatial is very good for hosting galleries of art
As well, it's easier a little bit easier to navigate around and put things on place
although on cyber is as easy on putting things inside a
space and
I've seen on
Spatial there are many games
Developed many game developers. Maybe it utilizes gaming
more than on cyber
We need to to check to eat because it was really interesting the abilities of that room there and
We were thinking to check it out as well
If we could have another world there because we're having the live matches as well and if the sound is better
Could work better for us. We'll see
Well, hey pinwheel, I know you've been waiting the moment welcome up to the stage. Thanks for patiently waiting
Did you have any questions or anything you wanted to add
Okay, this time it's not me right yeah, no, no, there's no sound
Said I'm muted. So yeah
Maybe they're just afk or something
Pinwell, I'm gonna move you down to the audience when you're ready to talk go ahead and request again my friend. Okay
Appreciate you coming up
All right, well
Man these these metaverse meetups are crazy. I remember I dabbled in
In VR they have this program called tribe XR
Where you actually get access to entire DJ setups
we're talking about like the turntable and then stacks and you get to decide what stacks and how they're connected and
you have to learn how to use all the mixers and
Basically you could jump into somebody else's
Room and just listen to them jam out to their own custom sounds that they'd uploaded and added to this it pretty wild
So I mean I can't even imagine what it'd be like to be jamming out with someone from Brazil and California
Mean that's that's so awesome. Yeah, it's so fun. Honestly, like I like freestyle rapping
So I was doing way too much of it because I thought there'd be more people to rap
But I was like, okay
I'll do it but like being able to like
Shout out different people's names and like things are typing in chat and like like it almost felt like like a real sight
You know in certain ways like if you closed your eyes and didn't pay attention
You'd be like am I it's kind of a real thing, you know, like it's pretty fun
Yeah, that is that is so cool that that that's possible
So you're saying that the on on on cyber like a concert style venue would be perfect just because of the sound
Yeah, you know, I mean
Depending on how you share sound into spatial you can definitely make it work
But but for at least the jam session where you're just having a bunch of people use open mics that worked better there
But yeah, I think spatial too if you wanted to if you're streaming like a live youtube stream
You could get that audience world's quite fine, probably
So if you did a more setup show either of them would work pretty good
But for the jam session, I you know as someone who tends to build in spatial, I would say on cyber
Definitely one of that regard there
I'm just one of those guys. I want it easy. You know what I mean?
I want to be able to do it without having to go through exactly
Exactly that that's where you know, again, maybe for our official events
We do spatial because they do have like the unity and the more in-depth experiences you can do there
But then in on cyber it's like you show up you you unmute you get your mic in and you're pretty much there
That's that's all it takes
And there is another metaverse
Place the proton world that's integrated in tezos. I think they started building it for tezos
I've checked it once it had started when it was in the beta
To be honest, we might be checking it
We might have to check it as well
It might be interesting
there as well
Flugs if you know the them had a big
Uh gallery in there and he was doing things with 3ds. It's proto. I'll check it out
Proton world. I uh, yeah, I think it's
I think it's proto without an end at the end
Yeah, yeah, I just I just uh got in so yeah, it is without an end proto world
Yeah, it's gonna say man proton world sounds like something that proton vpn would be taken advantage of you know
It sounds it sounds subatomic or something, I don't know
Sounds like a 50 sci-fi movie proton world
It totally does
Go ahead Peter
I have to be going uh
In a short while, but I would just like to say thank you to kryptonio for
Inspiring us to do something here in
No, don't go yet. Don't go yet. Tell us about it first. How's how are things going? Yeah
It's been uh an awesome experience. So I left uh also, uh, maybe two weeks ago
And I met up with a lot of good people here in porto, so we are connecting with uh blockchain enthusiasts and
Going to have an event at 9th of march in a
Good place. Uh, so it will be very interesting to see what will come out of it
So what we are trying to do is just to create
A place where people can connect talk and get to know each other and learn about the tesos and find the possibilities
Together in the future, so it's uh
quite amazing
It's different from uh from norway. It's
much more
People are much more curious about the blockchain
Technology and the possibilities it it brings
So we are very excited. So I would just like to say thank you for
encouraging us to do that and
I think this is a great experience and I know that more and more people are doing it around the world
so it's just about uh
Keeping up up the pace and keeping up the awareness and at the same time a lot of things are happening on teso
So it's it's a really good time to to do those kind of things
I'm gonna jump in really quick because I perfect time to jump off what peter is saying
Have you mentioned peter your whole concept for the the global?
Thing because this is a great time to bring that in I think
Yeah, we already talked about it. The crypto
One place have
Like a big event where just people can connect
online in different communities around the world
With because there are I don't know if it's must be like 30 40 50
Different places around the world that has these kind of tesos
communities and being able to
Do that on uh online at the same time like they do in eurovision
Something like that would be like amazing
yep, yep, and um
Yeah, great great time to say that we've we've already been discussed and we've got a tes tones meeting
Um that we have the seattle nft museum booked for june 1st
And I believe we're also trying to coordinate with peter to have an event also at the same time
um time zones obviously might be hard but trying to get them ideally concurrently going and have a
A bigger event that you know people can make it out to seattle great
But have other people have their own events and have it be a decentralized
Event and just bring together different projects and and just try to make something that can be you know
Because we were just going to do a tes tones event. We realized if we're renting this space
Let's let's make this available to other people
So if anyone's around
The seattle area and wants to be a part of that or wants to tap in and do their own events
And we can maybe try to zoom in and do a live thing at some point where we're all together
That's something we've we've been talking about with peter and we're really excited to uh
To to announce that we just we just secured the spot. Uh,
Shout out to regular jake down there who who helped with all of that
And yeah, if anyone's in any of these areas, let us know and
You know again, thank you kryptonia for for yeah being an inspiration to be like
Hey, if you guys want to do live events
Let's do this. Not just for us, but do it for tesos and the community at large, which is a big inspiration
So yeah, really excited to announce that and to do that. So let's hang out people
Let's have fun and let's do some events in person or decentralized across the web
Yeah, and I love like uh tesos portal that calls it it will be a four-class event, you know with a pan or tesla should not be
Not having folks, but yeah
That was pretty
We had a lot of fun
with the design of it and uh
Yes, how it will be how it looks and uh kind of the wordings because people are
Is inside the jokes all the way?
Something from greek tesos community for that, you know, yeah for sure
like I I told speaker that uh
I would be totally in you know to
Arrange at the same time and meet up here in greece and maybe I don't know have some sort of uh
visual connection to other places to
To port or whichever other places are doing here at the same time. That would be really cool
It would take a lot of organizing. I think depending on how many
uh locations would participate but uh, that would be really really cool and and there's nothing I've said it many times there's nothing like the
physical events like you know
You are peter you're having fun now that you are just organizing and uh trying, you know to set everything up with peku and rubisk over there
Uh and the other people that are helping of course
Uh, but wait till the event you will have so much fun there
and I agree it's uh
like meet up and connect with people in
in real life will always be really special and
Yes, be able to to talk to people and see their body language and take some beers and have fun. It's been
A great experience. We were in our art gallery
uh this this weekend
then we met up with uh
like four or five different uh blockchain enthusiasts and some tesos enthusiasts, so
It is a lot of fun. So I think uh
To do something like that. It's the most important thing is
early on to get the date and then
Make it it it can't be too complex. It has to be quite
To do it online. If you do it too complex, it will be difficult to to arrange. So we just need to try to find
like people around the world that have this small communities that are able to
Secure a venue and do it at the same time. So we're looking forward to try to pursue pursue that
For sure for sure and as I've told you as well
The hardest part it's always you know the first step so once you do your first
Your first meetup once you organize your first meetup
The next ones will be much much much easier to organize and do
Uh, because you've done the process you've already known know some venues you already know most of the stuff
Uh much less unknown
You've probably made all the mistakes already too. So you're fine
Yeah, yeah, exactly exactly
And yeah, the next ones are much much easier. So
That people that we meet on the first meetup is able to drive
tesos support to go the portal forward
be a part of that
because our focus will always be
TTC, uh, but uh, this is just to get it off the
Get it off going so people are able to do it easier than the next time and just have the network
It's all about the network
Yeah, and you meet some great people as well, uh, like
As I said through meetups i've met
Smart contract developers. I met designers. I met uh
various people with various skills, you know and
The many of them are actually, you know helping afterwards with the community. They want to be part and help
With us all those meetups or other stuff that you want to do and with the community in general. So
It's great to
Build some core communities around the world. It's really fun because you all share the same, you know
A hobby passion called whatever you want, but it's always one
Being around people with the same passion and having those discussions like time flies time flies or
During this event i'm telling you
Angel welcome up to the stage. Did you have a question?
Yeah. Hello. How are you? I introduced myself. My name is angel
I'm from colombia angel and I was here. Hey, how are you?
I'm an artist i've got 63 years and also a manager of galleries and museums and a lot of story behind
And I got this gallery you see my pfp i've been working in web 3
Doing some shows and now with us
Yeah, yeah
That's what I was going to say and i'm going to do an irl event the 18th the 19th of april
Down here and i'm mailing pockets and tesos and i'm trying to get tesos to
To come with us. I um, I think I put it in the comments or if not, it's in my profile
my x profile
And uh, I i'm inviting a lot of artists uh nft artists i'm teaching
To new artists down here in colombia
Literally how to do their wallet and all get into the blockchains and one of my favorite blockchain is tesos
even though
I sell a little in tesos, you know, it's one of the blockchains that i've been selling on
Well, not not the 101 but some of the series that I do a little
Series and in the google forms that I made for the for the event
I decided to put if you want to
Give one teso for constructing the event. Here's my wallet whatever, you know
I'm trying to focus in tesos, but I I don't have the i'm not connected directly with tesos
I don't know where to go and say hey i'm doing this event. I want people
to come here and work in tesos and
I would really like
To make it an only tesos event, but I don't know. I don't have the connections
Yeah, like for you like for you we're helping with that
We're helping with those kind of events in general. So
What I would suggest you to do
And for anybody else that is interested, you know to maybe organize some physical events
tesos physical events around the world
Is to go to tesoscommons.org
Events we have a form there
fill in that form and
We'll get in touch to see if we can help how we can help where it is
What you have in mind, you know and discuss it over
That sounds great
What I recruited up there that's in the sample trunk. Yeah, okay
Wait, let me let me just do it. I'll do that for sure
And I wanted to finish to say that uh, there's a big latino community behind
that it's uh
It's pushed a little bit, but this woman called Nikita. She's from kuba
And she's done a lot of things here and there and left TV gate and whatever
And she's always doing good projects
So I told her to come with all the people that is behind of her and she's she she was happy
She was in the space that I did
And I think we have all that people that are friends of mine too. Well, i've been three years in the in the web3
trying to grind and construct so I decided to do
IRL event because of that and and really tesos will be will be will be it what I have nothing else to say
Thank you very much. I'll look for tesoscommons and and
Try to get the the event spot and and see if I get the form. Thank you
Very much for hearing. Thank you for coming up angel and sharing very nice to meet you and definitely glad to connect you
With the right people
Can I really quickly jump in angel?
We were just talking about getting like a global tesos meetup going and want to bring other countries and latin america involved
So yeah, please message. I think we're already following each other june 1st. We were planning to do that. So
You know you're trying to do what we're trying to do. We'd love to talk to you more. Um, yeah, thanks for coming up
Thank you
Yeah, tesos for you you and me we we've been talking before and uh, yeah wonderful, man
Thank you very much. I'll be i'll be looking forward and searching for tesos
Uh, whatever help or support or whatever. Thank you very much
You know, I have not heard from kevin and so long and it's so I was just gonna say that I was just gonna say that man
Kevin are you still with us?
Yeah, what's going on?
Oh, are you like doing sedoku or something? Are you like really? No, i'm i'm listening one thing. Yeah, um, why am I just so used to
I just let me see your questions
No, you just you usually have questions. What is it kevin jumping in and taking over the mic?
Um, oh, yeah, just just working. Uh, no, uh, yeah, i'll be headed to eat denver tomorrow
Um, and then for a few days
So you'll you'll keep us posted on all that right? You'll be are you gonna do impromptu spaces while you're down there?
I was thinking about it. Yeah, that would be interesting. Um, I would jump in a few of those if you're down in eat denver for sure
Yeah, yeah
Um, yeah tesfin we've been getting more, uh activity percolating
uh, I like seeing
things, uh go with uh
Especially for like the tether one like I don't even know anybody who who put the I mean this in a good way
Like I didn't put put any money in it
Like with usd tes, like I knew like the first person who like put the money in
Uh, so it's like when I saw the tether thing i'm just like and the money grow for that
It's like this is like 100 people. I I don't know and they're coming in in small increments. I love this
I love to see it pile on slowly
and um and people finding little little incentives to do it like a little micro which is great when you're experimenting and um
Which is what the environment to do that in man. This is a great environment to do that
It's like if you can put in especially the beginning when everyone there was like five dollars for the first week or something
Uh, like when people could like you could add like a penny you could add a dollar and you can see the numbers change
You know, like you can't do that on compound or obvi
Like it doesn't matter. I don't care how unless you're like a major whale the amount of money and even then I think for a lot
Of pools like it's not going to move the knee like it's not going to change the
The interest rate like you're not that
significant your operation wasn't that much of a change to the whole network that you can see the decimal in which
The the rate change but with this you can
Like even just like experimenting and then you understand how it works and then you want to do more. So that's kind of the point
It's interesting a lot of people. I mean, this isn't new but a lot of people are like
They're they're impulse like there's just kind of a reflex
Among degens where they're just so used to seeing people launch with some kind of incentive yield farm
Program that for one thing they think that's what you're supposed to do
Because that's what they see people do so much
And they they think that that's like valuable
And it's not in any sense. There's no value to it at all
Because people just leave immediately as soon as you the yield farm ends and moreover
You can't make your your platform. You know better because you know, it's actually a very similar
Where uh, if you gave away money
Uh, you would attract a very specific crowd of people that would never play it would take the money and leave. Yeah
Sorry, you incentivize playing you incentivize
Eating food or hanging out at the venue
You you overall the business benefits and the the quality of player seems to increase
But it seems like when you give things away you get what we call fleas
Do you find the same in defy? Yeah
It's I mean especially because it's so
Systematic with the people who to who take advantage of this it's so systematic in defy like that's what they do
They look for platforms and there's a new one that comes out every day
That's doing some kind of incentivized thing in the hopes that that would eventually lead to a sustainable
Organic traction, which is so like the two don't correspond with one another like you're you're there
There's an implicit assumption that what you made is already so good
That people would come
Sustainably if there was money and people there already but no, no, it's not simply that
I mean it's people have to feel attracted to the thing
And and maybe it's a lot of maybe it's like a hundred little things you have to do
But like you have to figure what those things that are out and fix those things
And then maybe you can have sustainability
But then they're just like no, no, no, it'll be so bad or or so embarrassing if we don't have liquidity in looking in there
Right away. It's just people are care so much about the initial optics when it's
If there's ever a time to not care about that it's the beginning that's when there's the least amount of pressure
That's when the people who use it are the most forgiving and the most supportive
It's when you look like a giant that everyone feels
That's when you really believe the product
That's when you really truly honestly believe and stand for what you're working on
You know what? I mean? Yeah, but I mean you can really believe in your product and all that stuff. But like there's no
Like if you have to like nothing is ever perfect right away
You don't believe in your product. Yeah
Um, I had this conversation with someone and he's very active in tesos defy and has done for for many years and everything
It's actually really sophisticated finance and all that and he was like, uh doesn't like why isn't um
Like yeah, but but are they in compound like they had it's like no, no
No, they didn't do that right away. That was that's the whole thing. I keep telling people
They they spent like over a year
Uh a year and a half no incentives at all
No, the idea of an incentive token didn't exist the idea of yield farms didn't exist
But the name of that didn't that wasn't a thing
Um, and then they slow they're just building incrementally fixing improving stuff based on feedback making sure they got it
Right, and then they started off with a very humble amount of liquidity in there and just gradually picked up gradually picked up more users
More popularity and they got to the hundreds of millions
Just just on that just on that
And only then did they start to release this comp like compound like they released the comp token
And they didn't even say much about it. They just said well, here's this thing
It's a limited distribution and that's it and then people the people who already knew compound and it's already been very successful
And lots of users and you know
they they knew what to do with it the whole thing of like them using it as an incentive and like uh
Yield farming and all that that's just that was all kind of like coming from the community
Even for compliance reasons that like compound itself didn't say much about it. It was like a paragraph about that was it
Yeah, you can't make many promises or else a certain team that our organization is going to come take it all from you. It's less
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, I mean there's that and then also just like
That's not the idea
So it's like they they filled that figured out how to grow the thing sustainably
It was already growing sustainably and and all that did was adding that token
It just pressed the gas a little bit more
And so it's not a permanent thing and it's not it's definitely not the thing you do in the beginning
It's something in the middle
maybe but you you want to have people who come in in drips and drabs who are really going to
Understand the product use the product integrate it in their lives because of all these things that are totally
independent of any kind of
You know ephemeral token opportunity you offer to get them to come in
Otherwise, it's just like paying someone to be your friend
It's like no, no, i'll pay all these people to be my friends without improving my character at all or wondering why that's a very profitable
Yeah, or like or wondering why I need to pay people to be my friend and that they're not just being my friend in general
And you know
Over time once they stop paying them to know why they're hiring people to do
Well, yeah, but right but like it's like well, but and over time eventually once I stop paying them to my friend
I'm sure some of them will be my friend and then more people want to be my friend
I don't want to have to pay anybody what that doesn't make any sense. Those things don't connect with each other
What are you talking about?
Like maybe just self-improvement all of that and then you won't need to pay
To be your friend and you'll have more friends than you could ever possibly imagine like that
So it's like um, there's a science to it. It's an engineering challenge growth is an engineering challenge and that's something
um, even like in silicon valley, there are roles and titles that are specifically
looking at like product management like as an engineering and seeing growth as an engineering challenge and a
and an adoption funnel like the the actual conversion funnel as
As an engineering challenge in itself and getting people through that and optimizing those numbers
You look at that the way you would look at throughput
and that that works because you're like all you're doing is like you're using data and numbers and all of that to improve to make
customer and user satisfaction better and better and better
And then you become a total master of your market
Like yeah, you don't need to resort to that other stuff
So I mean that combined so I get very turned off
When I there are two things that I get really turned off by
I get turned off when I see incentive things right away and they get turned off when
They put out a dow
uh less than a year before
That like the product existed. It's like I thought you were gonna say putting soy milk in your coffee. That was the second one
Oh, I don't yeah, I don't I don't do that anymore
Um, I don't that's hash brown milk is the worst though. Oh milk
Well, hey, my kid is allergic to a lot of different things when oat milk
Kind of works at least as far as the like I feel like this to the protein that needs to be there
It's not milk. It's I mean, what do they milk? They milk the little oats and it produces milk, right?
I mean what yeah, they they mash up all the the oats and they add water and they call it
I want to know where they're milking almonds from but it's the problem is it's dry
It's like it's a liquid and you're like I want to quench my thirst but you drink
You sip the oat milk and then your mouth feels drier. That's why I hate it so much
You know, that's fair because I feel like I feel like I've been angry for the last
You're probably just eating a bunch of pesticides in your body
You just need to flush it all out because it's oats
Those are like the ones that are the culprit for holding the most like pesticides and herbicides hash brown. Did you want to add to this?
Yeah, I really came up here for the milk conversation
Um, no, no, no, no, uh, I Kevin I thank you for saying all the things
I think um and in a kind of grumpy way that I would say it so I don't have to
Um, I I completely agree. I think I think and don't get me wrong
I think defy is really cool in a lot a lot of ways
But you know, like one of the things I look at as far as just
Basic stuff is like bnb, you know binance token when it first came out
The reason that worked is because I said look we're doing millions of dollars in trades and they didn't have defy
They don't have any of that stuff yet. We're doing millions of trades each day
If you use our token, we'll take off like what it was like 0.15 or whatever, you know
It's half the trading fees you normally do so just by showing this is our daily volume
Which is a product that works and people use this is the discount
This is the value of our token and that's just a basic value that you can do based on
stuff you already have and people try to just
Throw and and it's like a sinking ship that you're just trying to you're throwing more fuel into the plane instead of making more
Like, you know fuel efficient wings. You're not designing it better
You're just throwing the fuel and hoping it doesn't hit the bottom and it you know at a certain point it can work
But you need to have the engine and everything else working well, so so yeah
Yeah, I mean growth needs to be sustainable and there are no shortcuts to that
Like you can't force people to like it even no matter how much you incentive and and Binance
I mean they they started with a good product that was taking off on its own and then the tokenomics of I mean, it wasn't even the
Yet, like there were benefits to having the the Binance coin, but I remember
I don't see this anymore. But the affiliate program that was huge
I could not go anywhere in the crypto world every single corner
There was somebody or some bot that was trying to get me to go and they were very highly soliciting
every every
Trading pair to get people like the most obscure tokens out there
To get people to do it and use this code or whatever so that that person can get it and
It was just this massive global army of people soliciting Binance and they didn't have to pay them
Even regard like per se. I mean it was it was getting they like those people became marketing agents so they could get more of this token
Yeah, I mean that and like so even that method was even more
But yeah, like people I think people confuse like launching with incentive type stuff with
Using that as a tool and people think that oh, no
They started with that because that's when they first noticed that they existed
That that doesn't that's not the same. They didn't start that way
Like you just didn't know they existed before that
Yeah, yeah. Well, that's when it makes noise, right? That's when it makes noise and
Fortunately or unfortunately in my opinion unfortunately, uh, the market has
Gone to that
to that route
totally, like we see that it is dominated by this kind of uh projects that
Are visit back start out with uh, millions of incentives and stuff
And they just are being recycled in a way, you know, like every two three years
New projects come out with new incentives and then
They can exit and then new projects will come out every year. We have new shining projects coming out
If you are looking for the long term, yeah
It is all about, you know sustainability and survivability in my opinion
Yeah, and um
I think a lot of founders they get
I'm sure like they're clear, but I think in the back of their mind they know. Hey, yeah
We have like tens of millions in tvl. Yeah, but in the back of their mind
They're like but this will go away because I don't know
Why people would come here otherwise because we can't keep giving out this token. We're going to either overflow the market with it
Or we're going to run out
Like how do we?
It doesn't work in the end like this is a I mean
Kind of made that kind of like possible though
Like he said we could do it and he's kind of been the only one that pulled it off
To go sustainably forever with no just keep issuing these tokens like to have a token that he keep to do the issue
I mean, there's a way like like you can have a controlled, uh emissions and burning and all of that
It's harder to sell that because there's so much uncertainty with those tokenomics as opposed to if there were a finite supply
And we've had that on tesos with genius contracts and everything that they've been doing
So like that was but still I mean it's not related to this product and what it's good for. It's kind of like
like amway or or these multi-level marketing kind of things where like, you know, the product really is
getting more people to sell the product and
like there's this sort of subtext of like or not but just um
There's this implicit assumption. No, no, no, this product is really great
It's like yeah, but you're not really talking about how great like no one no one knows what this product is or cares
The only people who are really enthusiastic about the product and saying it's great are the people who are selling it
or and the people that they bring on board to sell more of it and and the the russian doll of
Of down lines that come into it, but no one has ever really
Objectively verified and there's no seed of any kind of cultural movement that says this product this
This this nutraceutical you have is good
Um, so so I mean it doesn't have intrinsic value
You've never established that and you've never iterated to that point
You have to establish and iterate towards intrinsic value
And then if it's just about exposure and getting it out there and just pressing on the gas pedal a little bit more
then then okay some sort of
Program to do that works, but it's not
It gets conflated with that which establishes the market and it's not it's not at all
Um, but yeah, so so it's not just the so with tespin. It's not just to bring it back to it's not just um,
That people yeah, you can't end it. You can't mention amway and just end it go
With um, yeah, so like and I noticed this with usd tes and the dexter the first pool for it
It was the first pool on tesos along with the tz
BTC x tz pool on dexter back in 2020. Um, and so we didn't have like these just
Anything like that and there were no incentives anywhere in tesos at all
So there was no I think distraction of it
And then gradually people just added a little bit of liquidity a little bit of liquidity and they were able to see the results on
Their own. Um, you know, we didn't have some
like massive
Like thing doing arbitrage trading to make sure that that's balanced because that looks better to have a tightness. No, no
Kevin just do it
Have you been articulating at all at how long it has been in in the works?
How long you personally been striving to make tespin happen? I mean, I think it was something you were talking about before even I came around
yeah, it the the ecosystem wasn't I mean the protocol itself wasn't capable of
doing these types of dApps until
The upgrade that came at the very end of 2021
So like getting of 2022 is right, right, but you've been talking about how we're gonna be working
Something that i'm in 2019 building. Yeah
The first utterance. Yeah
So, um, we tried to work around it like we built a version
Of tespin before the protocol could even necessarily handle it like we had these workarounds for the lack of views and um
And then when the protocol upgraded to have views and all that stuff it's like, okay
We just have to start over. I mean, there's no sense in keeping this. It's not as it's not going to be as good
so yeah, like it and that so think about it this way before this era of now enter like the lending platforms and
um the integration of lending with
DeFi and commerce and and and um and baking as well
Like we didn't have we all we had was DEXs on teslo's DeFi
You cannot scale beyond like less than 100 million
Um with just DEXs, it doesn't work that it's really hard. That's it doesn't yeah, there's no sustainability there. There's nothing pulling
Uh, uh increased growth other than just temporary incentive farms. I mean there were well there were
Galleries remember like art was going on at the time. No, no, but I mean in DeFi
Absolutely. There was there were no farms. There was nothing going. I was all DEXs
Well, even there were farms, but like the farms themselves are not like that's not an anchor
It's just kind of a temporary thing. You need like an interest rate model is the key
Yeah being able to let people take out debt
That's the key for any economy in the world
Whether it's DeFi or not DeFi and we saw that play out very specifically in DeFi on ethereum and other blocks and other platforms
The only ones that have ever scaled
Are the ones and have kept that scale are the ones with lending platforms. You need that. Otherwise, it just won't grow
So now we're at the stage where people are realizing use
No, no, those are not lending platforms. That is a misnomer. They are cd keys
Those are those are synthetics platforms. Does it use some is it in a sense a kind of lending?
Sure, but you're not it's not a lending. It's not like compound or obvi. It's like maker doubt
So I think in the marketing they use the term borrow
Because yeah
You can put down collateral and then borrow against that like in this collateralized debt position and you have in the form of this synthetic
But that's not like with with yupana and ten spin you put down collateral
And then like first of all just leave that alone
It's earning money like you're raising money because like it's because there's a there's an interest rate for that
And then you can collateralize if you want
You don't need to just open a collateralized position if you and then you borrow some other kind of coin
Or even the same coin, which is kind of nonsensical, but uh, yeah
You can do that. I mean if you're getting a good price, sometimes it actually does make sense, but you know
When does defy always make sense? Yeah, yeah, sometimes. I mean, yeah, you can
put down the
Collateral you can like you put down tes and if it's like a rate that's like almost zero
Yeah, just I mean like here's the other thing people are missing like uh, you can borrow tes and bake it like
I don't know why people don't do that more
Really quickly really quickly just to kind of because I see new face is jumping in
Just quickly reset the space and say that this is a community call
And the stage is open for anybody to come up and join the conversation or tell us what you have going on
Anything whether it is nft whether it is defy or like, uh, whatever you want to discuss the stage is open
Welcome tuesday test day. And yeah, we've been discussing with kevin here about testing and the economics of lending and everything
Uh before that we were talking about
test zones, uh
being part of the control out event and
Many other cool things. So sorry to interrupt, but I thought because we are at the hour
It was it would be good to reset and yeah, go ahead
I was just gonna say kevin. Thank you so much man for everything you're doing you are
Definitely, uh, very very knowledgeable in the defy world for a large majority of people. I think
80 of what you're talking about definitely goes over their heads
But the passion is there and we feel it and we we get it
and it's uh
it's very
Coming. No one knows anything. Everyone's just figuring this stuff out. It's coming from casinos, man
A lot of the things you say makes sense using casino jargon
And I figure if we could figure out some way to make this make sense to like the average person
Man, we even have people jumping all over this, you know
Yeah, like i'd explain it differently when I when I used to host the uh, the defy for artists spaces or rooms on clubhouse and things
Yeah, it's a different
But um, I I find that I always sound that artists under we're able to pick up on defy
A lot quicker and then those concepts a lot quicker than uh the average person
Meaning the people who are not
Oh, absolutely because you know, they're open to improving themselves with self-improvement
The way I well, no, I mean the the reason why I mean is to me it's like artists can think in terms of abstraction
And so when you can think in terms of abstraction these concepts are not so nebulous
It's like they people would pick it up right away and it's like oh good
I don't have to explain it three more times like I do with everybody else
Awesome, you know, so yeah people just I think implicitly presume. It's like, oh, what are artists going to know about?
How are they going to pick up on defy? They're like better than you
That's been my experience much easier and faster and better than you
Well, I would also like to welcome to the stage, uh, why is welcome welcome, how are you
Um as well as that can be um, only reason I kind of came up from the stage is
For the sake of simplification. Can someone please explain to me what?
ether link is
Because everyone's throwing out these jargon words and they mean nothing
Um, do you know how you know about three or twos, right?
Like yeah, yeah, okay. So like on on ethereum so that's it's it's just like that
It's one of these ethereum layer twos
But the one difference is it doesn't write to ethereum as the layer one
Instead it writes to tesos as the layer one and that way you get all the advantages of tesos
But your app is made for edm. So you can just plug and play and go
Like what does that mean for the people? It means you don't have to rewrite. So like if you have an ethereum app
Just it's coded in ethereum stuff and it runs on like in a layer two you can just plug it in
to ether link instead
And then like you don't have to pay as a builder
Like it's a big deal that you have to pay all these costs for ethereum gas
And all of its limitations and everything but like once you start writing to tesos as the layer one
The world has suddenly opened up to so much more like uh, you know, so much more efficient faster cheaper
Data all that stuff
So that's why ether link is such a big deal
so the idea behind like the the proponents of this is that
like people might maybe right now like have
Like be okay with some of the ethereum layer ones that are out there the edm. I mean layer twos that are out there
uh, but like as we've seen in the past like when people rush to echidnook after uh,
You know the ethereum gas fees shot up to like a thousand dollars in transactions
People will go to where it's cost efficient builders will go to where it's cost efficient. So we have this option open
Everything else will get too expensive because it writes to ethereum whereas this thing writes to tesos
So it'll be cheaper and then that'll cause a mass migration
So is it like mutually just exclusive to dApps
Um, I mean the idea is to get like
These these dApps marketplaces like that's where the content is these builders to come to tesos
Ultimately move I mean in terms of tesos overall as a strategy
It's kind of like a it's not a long-term thing and it but it's not a short-term thing either
It's kind of in the middle
It's kind of a stopgap to say like look it's better if you write your app just on tesos straight up
But if you wrote it for ethereum or edm, which a lot of people do
But you feel like you're stuck because it's just so expensive to do that and there's so much lag and low throughput and all these problems
Guess what? We have a solution. Just go to this thing called etherlink. It's like it's an ethereum layer 2 edm layer 2
Okay, so how does that well, but it doesn't write to ethereum layer 1 it writes to tesos layer 1 so for your users
There's no difference. It's the same as you if you would go to any other ethereum layer 2
You can use your metamask and do all that stuff. Yeah, sure. It's same experience you've ever had. Hey, but you it's better
Would would like say for example, do you remember when they got rid of the 3.5 millimeter jack out of iphones?
Do you remember that? Yeah, now?
Would you say that tesos could be the lightning port and an ether could be like an ether dapps and ether
Ecosystem could be all the nice headphones that we just can't use on our damn iphone until we find that cord
That you plug it into and it's tiny. That's a pain in the ass to find
And and you have to like find it if you don't have one you have to go get it
But once you have it, you can just plug right in and you can use
Any headphone you want on that iphone?
Like an adapter
Kind of yeah, and because it's not you know, it's not directly connected. It's only you have to plug into it's a second layer in there
You know, yeah
It reminds me mostly there's a similar analogy like in the 90s
People don't know now
Gen Z doesn't know but there was a time you don't know
Yeah, but still I mean there's some there's some elements of this that were like
You could not run stuff from a mac on a pc and you couldn't run stuff on a pc on a mac
They were so exclusive and like you had to have specifically a mac version of things like built for mac to do it
but then something changed when they updated like when osx came out where and then
increasingly, so
Like there was compatibility
Um, and then you could suddenly start running all those files you made on one or the other on the other type of system
And then suddenly you didn't see this division anymore
And then it's like oh, well, what's the more optimal system and then mac suddenly got really popular because it's like
Oh, I don't feel i'm not I don't have to use a pc anymore because I could only run my files there
I can write it on a mac
and it's such a better experience and all these things and it's faster and like doesn't break down all the time like
Like my windows pc does all you know, so and then that that really was very
Transformative so that kind of like so yeah, the the underlying word here is compatibility
It's making all the ethereum apps compatible with tezos and this thing called ether link is the intermediary that
Uh makes it happen
Um, but yeah, um
before we go, uh
More forward for accident has brown you you get questions or something bad
Yeah, uh, I was wondering if that would uh, um
Be a motivation for more gamers to build
That will be linked to ether link. So, uh, we get more games
Yeah, you you could get games
It's really about basically the the smart contract language
basically because
As kevin said you you have a lot of developers that are familiar with the smart contract languages that are used for evm
for ethereum virtual machine, right?
So they cannot
Use that smart contract language to
Make a smart contract on tezos. They need to use other smart product languages that we use here
Uh, and ether link basically is an l2 on tezos that will allow
Builders to deploy smart contracts in that language, which is solidity and one two more I think
gamers also many times seek low latency, you know fast blocks you cannot uh, you don't want something to
Take half a minute for example or 15 seconds for every little action you want to do if they are breaking
stuff on chain
Ether link will have low latency as well. So yeah, it will help in that sense
But otherwise we you you can see that there are games coming up on
Uh the layer one as well because uh, tezos has a unity SDK
Which is which makes it easier for gaming developers to integrate tezos
But uh, if you want something that has uh, that needs very low latency fast fast reaction times
Let's say then yeah, ether link will help with that
Then hash brown
Yeah, um, yeah, thanks for all this explanation. Um, really quickly. I think for for those that don't know what a
Layer 2 and evm is maybe if they're more detail, I know evm is ethereum virtual machine
I'm not going to try to explain that because I know you'll get into that way better than I will but
For those that don't know what an l2, you know, just those those catch phrases that wise know maybe other people don't know that as well
But I also have some just weird
Probably very dumb in the weeds questions. But if I have them i'm sure other people do too. So
so if you're running the the evm
And you're you have an insolidity and then that can interact obviously with any
erc or any whatever tokens like that and ethereum itself and then
In theory you could just have for example to make it like very simple for my brain like a metamask, right?
That could then interact with all those tokens
But just be the back end running on tezos. But then how do you then move those actual ethereum tokens? Are they
still on the
You you would need a bridge
Yeah, you would need a bridge just like you would need a bridge to move
From ethereum to polygon or some other evm chain because they are different chains
But it's because it's kind of like its own little wall in between garden
Exactly. Yeah, like uh, you would need a bridge to move them and
For example
If you go right now to the ether link test net you can connect with your metamask
No, normally and you can get from the faucet some xtz but inside ether link you will be using xtz
You will not be using if for example
So to move tokens and assets from one chain to another you would need a bridge
And they usually are in some sort of wrapped form or something. I don't know
Um, but yeah, it's it's different different chains
To bridge back then just to clarify you would then need to obviously interact with the ethereum
Chain and pay the fees on that end to get it over there. Yeah, or get it back
Yeah, yeah, for example, uh, let's say you want to bring
Wf wrapped ethereum from ethereum to tesos right now you can use for example the plenty bridge, right?
What happens is that there are smart contracts on both sides?
There's one smart contract on ethereum one on tesos
So you use the bridge and you basically lock the wf on the ethereum side then there are some
Siners they are called some entities that look that this has happened for example and they
Approve the mint of the wrapped asset on the teso side, you know
So you can get the same the equivalent amount on the teso side and when you want to go back you just
Send it back you burn it basically and then you they sent you back the
Uh, the locked is on the ethereum side. So it kind of works like that with the bridges most cases at least
And the the layer two like layer twos are
basically their own kind of blockchain networks that
Right on to a layer one
So like the idea is like ethereum gets really expensive when too many people use it at once
So but instead if you go to a layer two and do all the stuff on that network that layer two batches
Those transactions into like a single transaction on ethereum intermittently
And that way it reduces the cost so they pay the cost effectively of writing to ethereum
and then so like it kind of like carpooling or
Transactions in that sense. So like see that because everyone does it at once
Um, so but yeah more other limitations not just about that
But like it opens up a world of stuff where the layer one is too limited
But the layer two can go outside the box and do whatever it wants
As long as it and people just trust that as long as it's writing to this layer one and confirming to that layer
As the consensus layer where everything is settled then that i'm good with that
um, but uh, yeah, but even that has problems it's not
like the they're
Like there are limitations there. Um, and then uh, and we've seen in the past just layer twos start to get really expensive themselves
Because you're kind of uh, you're saying and there's an you're induced it's like when they add more lanes to the highway
Like the and then in the beginning it's like oh, this is so much better because there's so much more space
But all that really does is give the signal that hey
It's okay to drive on the highway now and then there's more people driving
And then now suddenly the the bottleneck is somewhere else and you have a bigger problem than you started with and it's even more expensive
to solve so yeah, I mean it
Theorem wasn't built for that kind of a scale but they're dependent continually on more and more of these layer twos to to get it done
And then but but the build the people who eventually have to foot the bill are the people who are building on these layer ones
I mean these layer twos
Like once they've had it and it's like look you can keep going your business can sustain just write to this l1
Just just move your app over to this to ether link as opposed to polygon or optimism or wherever you had it
Whatever other layer to you had because it writes to tesos not to ethereum and that way things will be faster better smarter cheaper
And you can keep going and scaling whereas you can't do that anymore anywhere else
And uh, yeah, a really good example is is ikatnunk and what happened quarter q q1 q2 of q2 of
2021 when like it was I say this all the time, but
ethereum what like everything was at the everyone was minting on ethereum
That's what it was. There were no other options people didn't even know of other options
And then it just got immediately like just suddenly the gas prices went to hundreds of dollars just to do stuff
Everyone was at a grid like no one could do anything
And then tesos comes around ikatnunk comes around and within six weeks. There were more users and transactions on
Just ikatnunk or just this tesos one nft marketplace that every ethereum nft marketplace combined
Like that's the power of cost savings
Like yeah, people say oh, no
It's because of the proof of because it was proof of work, uh, ethereum was and tesos proof of stake and that's environmentally better
No, that was secondary. It was really the costs that that led to the big mass movement
So if you're looking at that kind of you're looking at the numbers and you're just like well, I mean that's true with everything
Why don't we just build a layer two?
That would be an alternative to what will become very limited layer twos very expensive very gridlocked layer twos
on ethereum
that are built to write to ethereum and instead we have this sort of a
kind of um
This thing called ether like that'll bring people
Over, but um, the idea the long-term idea is that people will also realize that oh, it's just better to build it primarily for
tesos layer one
Um, I know that all that's the more optimal app. Um, and also it's not like because the mid when I said the midterm
Like a solution it's like yeah people are instinctually thinking well, we have to build this thing in solidity
But I remember like what arthur talked about at tesdev and it's like look in the long run
You have maybe thousands of people who are active developers on
ethereum right now and you have hundreds of developers on tesos and hundreds of developers on so on a hundred like it's
If you're in the hundreds of thousands
Which is the only which ethereum is the only one that has solidity is the only one that has people in the thousands
But that's nothing none of that's anything compared to the tens of millions of people
Who are coding in these big languages that everyone knows?
Uh that are very very popular
Like python and all that so so the future for all of blockchain doesn't matter who you are
What chain you are whether it's ethereum, tesos, whatever no one's coding going to be coding in solidity or mickelson
They're going to be coding in the language
They know and they love and then there will be these like little bridge technologies that will compile everything down
To the negative lane to the to the smart contract language like solidity or mickelson. So it's not going to matter anyway
sounds like
Yeah, like um, or I guess that could be one embodiment of it
But um, the idea is that like like the future is that that's the long arc
Um, so yeah, like so for the midterm, okay
There's a lot of stuff being built on solidity
We'll we'll have a compatibility solution for that in the long run
We're investing highly in things like ligo and smart pie and and other stuff to make sure that
Any like new fresh developer a fresh blockchain developer will have the thing they could go and they'll have no reason not to go to tesos right away
Because there's no limitations on the side of
Like what this like vary this underlying back end compiled down technology. There are more plans in general
There is also the plans for you
Ultra head throughput roll-up, uh or tesos point 2.0
Whether whatever they call it now, which will have uh support for rust and other, you know, well-known languages
But uh, so yeah, yeah, you're right on that
Uh before I go to via bar or be uh wise
Do you have any follow-up questions because?
There was a lot of stuff said
About ether link and in general with layer 2s
Probably afk. So I think we're good. I think she got it. Otherwise she'd be here complaining
All right, so then I think b was first up on the stage you're being welcome
Um, thank you for waiting
Thank you, thank you very much actually I asked I asked for that mic too fast kind of uh,
Filled that after work. I could have been a
A troll but no I
Just I guess just wanted to be next to all these fine people
Around here and wanted to add to what kevin was saying that what made
that change between apple and
And pcs was that they had to
incorporate the internal
processors that became
Faster than the motor roll about ones that they were using
So that forced them to
Use the same infrastructure
Yeah, uh, the analogy was I think uh pretty fair, uh
regarding the mac and the you see like
Regarding the evm and the tesus vm and the smartphone rock languages
Uh, I think the analogy made sense, you know, like you can use
Ios stuff on android for example is another analogy
So now you on android, let's say you bring
Quotes that allows you to use ios apps. For example, this is kind of what ether link allows for tesus in a way
but yeah, um
Thank you for coming up in the stage and during the conversation. First of all, uh, viver are you with us?
Hey, hi gm everybody. Yes. I'm with you guys. Yes gm gm welcome
You want anything to share anything to add or just chill with us
I'm just here to chill with you guys
Also, awesome. Thank you for coming up
All right, uh for the tzb to c2.0 i'm looking through it doesn't say what?
contract standard it's going to you as if it's
Uh, is it is it going to be the same? No, no, no, it's going to fh the token
Yeah, the token will not change. Kevin. The token will not change. I mean, I mean
It because so tzb tc
Uh used oh it so they're not changing the actual contract
No, no, no, they are just changing the process process means yeah to mint and burn
Um, and they're not and but it's keeping
So what I mean i'm just going through it now as uh,
So it's going to be the same token. Exactly. Uh, nothing's going to change
And they're just changing they're going to change the
process of minting and burning
Uh from yeah from native and they are going to automate the process. Yeah
So it's going to be easier, you know, I think it will help to
keep the peg better
And it will be more accessible for anybody because right now the minimums were pretty high
You know, so like at some at some of the entities where you could swap btc to tz btc
You were required to have like one btc minimum or something. I think
At some others it was lower, but in general now it will become much more accessible
per my understanding at least
Yeah, so this is so they want to keep the kyc stuff originally they want to talk about, um
Automating a bridge, but yeah, like i'm glad i'm reading it now
Like i'm glad they realized that because that's what I was saying for years when people were like
Why isn't, you know stable test stuff? Why do you have to do kyc or enroll?
It's like because institutions won't accept an automated bridged format like that completely circumvents any security standard
Anyone's counting on
So it's like people don't realize the difference between technological advantages and overall realities
Um, so yeah, so I guess they're they're gonna streamline that
You know, yeah, or you could use btc test which has been doing this since the beginning
Yeah, yeah
I think it's a good improvement. I think it's a good improvement. It's gonna help. Uh, but uh, it's not live yet
Obviously, so we will see how it goes
Yeah, um, but yeah, I mean i'm so I mean I would have liked to see
A new contract. I remember when
Sophia was telling me to
not add another token to liquidity baking but to replace to
Uh propose a replacement, uh, which I shouldn't have done I should have just but she said like well
It's tzbtc contract is a nightmare to work with I remember she she said that
Because it and it's not you know their fault who made it because the the standard was so early
Like it was like even the most basics of fa-12 were just not even hashed out yet
So they were under the gun they had to get uh this contract out and they had to work around with a lot of things
Um, so yeah, but and they got they got through it. So the ones who built the ones who built tzbtc
So there was that so that's
like I think an update, um
particularly with uh
Yeah, I mean the other thing I the thing I really wanted to see yeah
That was the other point. I wanted to make a ctez ctez needs an update more than anything
um, because it is not like what we need is a
A new version that has views
Uh, and i'll tell you a practical thing about this
To get tz to get ctez on tesvin like there's no oracle for it
like we because there's no views on the contract you have to build an oracle and to take readings to be secure about you have to
Take a reading. Uh, uh, you know to track it every block
And it's a micro amount of gas to uh to do it
but the total cost of that over the course of the year is
Uh last I checked like 20 to 30 grand
Uh, and now the price of tes is up. So more than that
uh, just just to do it just to run it and have the oracle and everything so it's like well I
Someone's got to pay for that or just why don't we just upgrade the toke the new ctez?
You know, I mean, let's just do it. That's like we can do it now
We know all the partners
It would it would have to happen through a protocol upgrade. So right because the no
No, the smart contractors don't have admin kits
What no the uh, the ctez is it was yeah the ctez not by the protocol it was deployed by uh,
Vanderlaps it was
Plenty. Yeah, but it was deployed without admin keys like it was immutable. You cannot change it
Right, um
I mean that's now that's fine
That's fine. I mean, I mean a lot of people uh would agree philosophically that a true smart contract would not be
Able to be admined or the admin key is sent to the burn account or a true smart contract just lives decentralized in the blockchain forever
so there is
Um, yeah, no, no, it's fine. It's fine. It's totally fine
But uh, but to upgrade it now you would have to do it through a protocol upgrade
You have to redeploy and migrate. That's the only way to do it properly is to redeploy and migrate so out of that out of that
Yeah, yeah
so, uh, yeah, I mean I I talked to uh plenty about this and they're because
They're they're overloaded and they're just like we don't see the reason for it. I think also they wanted to wait until
Uh, or yeah with the adaptive issuance and all that stuff, right?
They felt that that was going to change the the tokenomics of all this stuff
Altogether that maybe that should happen before a new ctez
I don't think it makes a difference because we're still the need for ctez still exists. It'll still continue to exist
Let me pause you real quick there because we've jumped from five different topics and they are all really complex from you know
Uh to ctez to now to adaptive issuance
And I just want to say that um, if you guys have no idea about what we are talking about, uh
It's totally okay. Come up ask questions. Uh, that's why we are here to discuss those things and
Um explain whatever we can explain
Or if you want to talk about any other topic as well, feel free to come up to the stage
Uh, we are going to be going for another
25 minutes, I think uh
Just to the two-hour mark. So yeah, uh after that reset. Yeah blanks you're still with us
How do you I'm here I'm here I'm with you I I haven't I haven't gotten lost I'm
I understand everything that kevin's saying although I may play don't move on I do
I do understand everything that he's saying
awesome awesome
Um, oh, I see hash brown went down to the listeners as well
Are excellent. What about you?
Oh, did we put them to sleep? Okay, we've put them all to sleep
Oh, there we go hash brown request back up
We will take this moment to remind everyone that this is february and the community rewards program is
Ending in a few days get your votes in and out for those that you love and support in the community
People like kevin make huge differences
And have oftentimes been nominated and been given lots of awards
So it is important that we recognize them in our community and it is important that
Make a difference in this community. So let us know tag things with crp
tesos rewards wise wise has won, uh
Awards as well, you know, so if you want to be like wise
You know, no, I haven't you haven't
Not even one. So how dare you guys?
well, then maybe you know, you should make some more contributions to the
The the awareness of the program so that people would know to vote for you. Maybe
Have a motto never be on a list because the moment you are people it starts start expecting more so
That's you're at the top of one of the most like important lists in the community coming from one of those people. Yes, indeed folks
Yeah, i'm good. Thanks
But I nominated
So if you guys want to join me in nominating
Nominate people you love and respect and if you do think wise deserves one don't hesitate to nominate wise either
And that goes doesn't want to be on lists
I want to be very clear on something. I don't nominate because I love someone I nominate based on what they did and
How they're kind of like shaping the ecosystem. I love a lot of people
I like a lot of that's loving on them too in a way. No
Yeah, and it is also good to clarify that uh
You can nominate people, you know for stuff that they have done that contribute to the system
But they have to be during this month for the month that they uh that you are not
For the month that you are nominating in for example right now
You must nominate people for stuff. They've done in february
And then next month you will do it again for stuff that they did in that month. So, uh, yeah
Definitely guys go and nominate
I echo what blank said
Really easy tesoscommons.org
Slash rewards you can see you will have nine different categories there. You can check for what kind of
contributions you can nominate people
Otherwise you can also use the hashtag tesos crp here on twitter in the tesos discord
We are checking those as well, you know below a tweet or something and just add it and we will see it
I saw why is your nomination of bits?
He did a great event, right?
I I think doing other stuff and you're like forcing her to un-mike
Yeah, yeah, that's what I suspect as well
To go back and just say yeah
That's the idea people are forcing me to actively participate
It's really more treat. It's that same love that she sends out when she nominates
Don't put her on any lists
Doesn't like it
I gotta make one of those lists of people who don't want to be on lists
You know how you can make them and then make it a public list. No lists
Not the a-list not the dean's list not shindler's list. No lists. She doesn't yeah the no list
You're on no list
How's rome's back
Yeah, that's got rug there just just just back hey guys
Hey, welcome. Welcome back. Have you been working on your kalimba solos?
I need to find it. We have don't meet me and kryptonia might have a little
Conspiracy going on though. So yeah, just just wait
Wow, I I patiently wait for the pinging
Tingy noise that resonates through my skull and makes my teeth buzz
That's actually what the the june 1st event's going to be. I didn't want to tip her hand too much but
Now, you know
I can't wait, you know, I might just have to fly up to seattle for that
Uh, you know, they might not let me through uh at c-tac with all the kalimba joy that i'll be bringing
They'll be like this guy's on something
And they'll be like, what is he on kalimba?
He's on he's on k
He's on the big k
Oh kalimba
I uh, I got stopped in the vegas airport. I was healing around in a suit and the
One of the marshals like actually like put his hand out
And I stopped like three feet in front of him and he looked at me looked at my shoes
Looked back at me
He goes, is there any metal on those? I said no
They're just like the luggage and he goes go ahead and he waved me through as I healed right past him. So I love airports
Airports are fun
You gotta you gotta get a pair of heelys man
It changes your life. I think wise probably would do well in heelys
I I got a pair of heelys in fifth grade and it was the greatest thing i've ever gotten as as a human
They're they're great as adults
My friend you just have to pick and choose your battles with the concrete big gaps and cracks are not your friends
I remember going into like the target and that tile
That's where I learned how to ride in them
I would stick one of my kids in a shopping cart and then I would just
Push the kid around because there was enough weight in the cart and I didn't want to put like merchandise in it
And I would just shove them as fast as I could and then pop up on the heelys. That's how I learned how to balance myself
Not so different you and I
Wow, you know I had to get ready for vegas
I wanted to be able to like heal through lobbies and stuff
They hate them in vegas big time, but you know, I I can't blame them a lot of out of control
Ignorant adults on heelys, you know
If I if I needed
If I needed any people to look after I have found it today
There's a there's a good chance that you're missing out if you haven't tried heelys and you can take a fall
And you won't break a hip if you'll break a hip. I don't recommend heelys at all because you will fall
Uh, you will probably hurt yourself
I would my wife unfortunately, she would uh, you know
I would come home once every couple weeks and she'd be like we're every other week really it was which side is it and uh
You know, it would literally go from my shoulder
To my knee would be one solid bruise and it would just switch sides every week
And that that happened for about two years
But after that, you know, it's very rare
There was one instance where I full out did like a plank mid-air in costco and just landed
It was wild, but yeah heelys you're missing out. You're really missing out
If you wear them
You're dork then i'm a dork roll a skate like a normal person
No, no, no, no, no, no because you can't wear roller skates in a casino
But I can get away with wearing these things in a casino. I can wear these in an airport
I can wear these all over the world and they'll look at me and they'll be like what's wrong with your cowboy boots
Why do they click?
And then i'll just kind of all of a sudden pop up and roll away and they'll be like, why do you float?
I don't know
Yes, yes, that is just that's just wow, okay, um
When when you are
I guess maybe it's because i'm an adult but when you're an adult and heelys and you can use them
Uh, not only is everybody looking at you going. Oh, man, I would fall if that was me
There's also the mixture of whose parents raised him
And what his kids look like and the best was when my oldest would roll around with me
and then uh lastly of course was the whole like
They don't realize it's even heelys. So they really do think i'm floating. So, you know, it's okay
I like I think I really do think einstein would have been rolling in heelys if they were around
If he could have just kind of zipped between his
Office and everywhere he was going and then hopping his bike and then just zip on the heelys and telling you einstein would have rolled
on heelys
Dude, i'm imagining a full heelys family just out of the store. That's the greatest thing ever
Oh in terror when people like hostesses and hosts at the door would see us walking into walmart or something absolute terror
When you click click quick quick, of course my wife she doesn't uh, she doesn't participate
She doesn't want to do the whole bruise up and down the side weekly thing. You know what I mean?
Now test town events need to have wheelies for everybody
Add them to spatial
You're I just want to go back to the heels conversation for a little bit
And i'm sorry for interrupting because it is literally just two links away from
The epidemic that's currently happening of like those terrible uber scooters that everyone's using
Oh, I love those scooters man. Those are the best we would go down to
We would pay like 20 bucks for the day just hop on one of those scooters and go zip around
Once the thing died, we'd just kick it off the side of the road and grab another one. They're the best
Oh my gosh, did that why is that that just arrived to australia? That's been like for
no, no, it's um, so like there's been like a few programs, but now it's kind of like
It's here to stay sort of thing. Um, it's failing miserably here, but you know, it was fun. Well, it lasted it
Yeah, yeah, so like this one it's like two companies one is like the lime green one and the other one is like red
I know them by the colors and I know them by the type of people that like write them
Because they're both just idiots
So they are bound here. Don't do them
They are banned here in Greece
They should be banned. I
100% should oh they they caused a lot of problems because you know
People and kids and everybody were taking them and just leaving them anywhere too many accidents
You could find them in the middle of the street
Uh in some cities that are close to the scene you could find them in the sea it was crazy
So it was kind of you know created a mayhem
Yeah, so they banned them
But I think that's crazy. It wasn't the pollution. It was the accidents mostly I think and that
I mean it like pervert like it was just there were so many of those
scooters everywhere
It just felt like they were just piling up
In the streets because there were so many there's so much competition for it. They definitely over supplied it
And more people were just curious about it
But yeah, and yeah, it's very dangerous
Like that's like that's the kind of business you start where you're like, okay, this is going to kill people
People will die. We'll put all kinds of like warnings and like oh, you know what? But people are going to die on this
Hey, man, no one's ever
Literally drove five miles across downtown dallas on one of those it was a blast man
You know, I was a little little inebriated, but it was fun. You know, yeah
But like it's just crazy to me that like my whole life
I remember all these bike safety ads since I was a kid and how important that is
And then suddenly the streets are full of these things and no concern
even of all the people who are concerned about those things the the like the idea of helmets and