TV & Film Are Not Ready for AI🎙

Recorded: Feb. 20, 2024 Duration: 4:20:25



Oh man, we are nice and quiet today way to go movie media. Let's go. Oh
Who's that? Is that Glenn? Is that Glenn and Noah in the back end the back end? Yeah, it's Glenn. Yeah
How's it going guys? What what's up, buddy?
Good good. Good. Yeah
How's your how's your how's your lovely British day going today?
Yeah, yeah, no, but not bad
That's awesome dude, oh is Michael here holy how we get the
Cryptos princess here and obviously let me stop. Oh
Don't be too harsh. You might try to defend himself
And then the underwear will you be Jay
Oh, man, what a what a start. Holy hell
Yeah on that note, hey Glenn, thanks so much for for for isn't opening the space movie media
Thank you so much for running one of the best stages in
Web 3 media in all of Twitter media. I need to correct myself there. I think I said it incorrectly all of Twitter media
Media they
We appreciate them making this space for us to run a Tuesday show guys 10 a.m.
Yes T every Tuesday morning if you're across the pond
That's 3 p.m. UTC or you know, if you're if you speak the Queen's English, you're probably living in GMT
I'm just saying they do it differently there, too. So not UTC, but
Just say it man. Hey, I don't make the rules Greenwich makes
I was for a long time. I'm just kissing the ring man. Hey
Greenwich time was the thing for a long day still is so so definitely appreciate y'all being here with us. Oh
I'm speaking to the Queen's English. I was talking for like 10 hours last night with our good old buddy Nathan Nathan Hill
I'm crypto mag dude. Oh, that's incredible, bro
Yeah, no, he's always a great conversation
Big time that's the thing that's here. And here's the thing before we jump into AI
It was something that AI has not been able to do particularly convincing yet
at least the generative AI from open AI and stuff like that is
Is that when you hear some kind of a monologue or when you read a monologue written and unrefined right from an early prompt?
It's somewhere between using American idioms and using British idioms. It's a little bit too generic, right?
Where it's like, hmm. You're neither here nor there. You're not hot or cold. You had this weird stylistic
A stylistic uncanny valley if you will and when I speak to actual real-life Brits as opposed to say a generative AI or in a large
Language model, you know what I get Jay I I get from from British people. I hear I
Hear a culture that has forgotten more about how English is actually supposed to be spoken than Americans will ever know and I'm I'm
Consistently impressed by how little I understand actually about my my primary native language
When I speak to a British person because I'm like these these folks just I mean they the master of the art they made it
They created the language that we speak
so anyway, just just a random aside there that AI is not in my mind has not done a particularly convincing job of
recreating the different regional dialects and idioms and
And just just the interesting
Way that English has spoken from all the regions of the British Isles just in my opinion AI is not there yet
when it is
We're all really screwed
Because then it'll be like, you know
The telemarketer calls you and the typical American response is hmm a British a printed a British dialect or British accent
Oh this person is refined. I can probably trust them that we make assumptions about right that that accent as Americans and
And it can get us into trouble if we don't know that we're actually speaking to you know
A large language model a soup of ones and zeros instead of an actual human. So I think yeah
I think I think I think then again remember we are early right? But I mean we're like super
Ultra early to this thing and look how far we've gotten
just on this early iteration of let's say even you know voice cloning or
Manurism cloning or anything like that with 11 labs right the king of all
You know voice, you know voice text over, you know with with people
So what they would I mean what they have done they were when did we find that when did they establish?
I think was like what just literally after chat gpt, right? They've been on a little bit before but it wasn't until
Chat gpt that they they really you know amped up the
The their tech and dude, that's the year year. I mean just whatever within a short year
They've gotten this far. So yeah, man. I I think I think we still have quite a bit
quite a bit of
Of growing pains still but imagine just like, you know tops for today with with with sora, right?
Which i've been a huge fan of text to video
Right huge fan. So I remember
When uh, jesus leonardo leonardo came out and I was like holy hell
This is this is phenomenal
And then it moved on to to a bunch of others and just the progression that we've had
With the video with the text to video has been absolutely insane
If we're looking at if we're looking at that tech where we are now and where we're going to be in shit six months
I mean in six six months from now. So whatever is happening with this paradigm, right? Because it's
There was a reason sora came out now, right? They got it to where it's holy shit
And it's not out for everyone. Obviously, you know certain
Elite group, you know kind of close to the people
I don't know if anybody down in the audience got a beta look at this thing, but
It's um, it's it's something that was that's pretty super and unreal
Dude, I i'm excited for the next six months. Actually i'm excited for the next three months. Oh, how about next month?
Let's see what happens next. Yeah, it seems like everything is something is something new
Yeah, absolutely, right
I think I think this last year has taught me basically just to not blink when I look at ai at all because it's just you
And then also to increase the resolution and the frame rate, right? So I don't miss a single thing
It's just it's way too fast way way too fast
Um, and then you know, I just as I think it's hilarious that will smith decided to take cheap shots at ai video
Right like you're saying with sora coming out
This is a video was getting out of hand and a little comparison video top to bottom
Apparently something that was a popular prompt a little while ago was to try to generate video of will smith eating
Spaghetti or will smith eating pasta. I don't know why this is a thing. But apparently he loves his spaghetti
Right, and I mean you see him the ai version of especially is like a hungry hippo, right?
It's like all trying to gobble it all up. But
So yeah, so he literally had to clap back right ai can't get the last laugh
They can't they can't blow a fast one on will smith this man saved not only the united states but the entire world in independence day
They know who they're dealing with. Yeah, the machine doesn't slap you
Yeah, obviously
So but I mean these are these are the kinds of this is the perception of people in hollywood right now
And we had the same kind of um the same kind of pushback
During the earlier internet streaming days. If you remember during the first writer's guild strike during internet negotiations
Neil Patrick Harris Nathan Filion
Uh and felicia day, right? There we go
Then I got the cast right there. They made uh, they made a miniseries called dr. Horrible's sing along blog
Not super well known by you know by the youth today
But if you were growing up with the internet during that time, then you remember this it was it was pretty brilliant writing joss weeden
Wrote it too and I think wrote and directed it because he was allowed to
It was kind of a loophole at the time as the writers were striking right the writers guild were they were striking
Just saying hey, well, you know, we haven't negotiated internet streaming rights
We don't know what the implications are if something that we wrote or worked on is monetized some different way
We're used to the typical distribution methods and we're used to the typical money
You know sources of funding right and and markets for our product for it how we go to market with video media
The uh, and the response was well, okay. Well, y'all are on strike. I'm gonna do what I actually want to do
I'm not really a writer. So i'm flying under the radar
I am in these other guilds in hollywood and I know my stuff. So of course, I I know how to write
And the you know decent at writing so joss weeden writes this miniseries called dr. Horrible's sing along blog and it was
Super well received but some of the jokes that they made in it because it was designed to be launched on the internet
And consumed right by by watching video on their little blog literally they published it on a blog
And they had these little jokes in them in the middle of the uh, the media itself saying well, well, thank you know
Thank goodness. We have a way to uh to propagate the signal and nobody will be able to intercept, you know
our our transmission and then they
artificially insert, you know a little buffering symbol right little spinning wheel on the screen and
the video kind of slows down and gets juddery and lags and stuff and
And they they play it off like oh
How kind of tongue-in-cheek right breaking the fourth wall so to speak where they're looking at the camera and saying
Yeah, look we're kind of self-aware
We know that the whole publishing for the internet thing is new and this is kind of an you know
whatever an experiment and then they laugh it off and
They didn't realize that that joke would become everybody's reality
This is before netflix was a regular thing and before you know, hoolie was something that anyone talked about
Or amazon started offering streaming video or anything like that
And they just didn't they didn't know they were that that much farther ahead of a trend
And now I think we're seeing the same thing with ai video and the stuff like with with will smith, right making this joke
We're like, oh, yeah, this is not a threat at all, bro
It is so much more of a threat than people in hollywood realize and poor will smith
Will look back on this post not aging. Well, oh they they're they are scared. They are scared
Dude, that's why they strike. That's why they're doing the strike right that they're scared now. Did that strike end? I don't remember
Somebody in a group that i'm in was probably sure it came to compromise
Because yeah, but it's not gonna matter
I don't think it's gonna matter mike. It's whatever they compromise. It's not gonna matter
Exactly, yeah, yeah
Yeah, it's not it's not about it's not about what they what they have now decided right the writers guild of america
um and or what they've decided with any of the international right uh
Writers guilds or which in so many other territories, there aren't writers guilds, right?
They're literally they've been living high on the hog here in the u.s
System for so long because of ip protections that they don't know what it would be like
To have to scratch out a living by selling just you know, one screenplay at a time
Or doing things piecemeal or having their entire, you know monetization model upended
Because derivative media can be done with only 15 difference automatically right by uh by a machine right by an llm
Like even grammarly grammarly changes again
And they're not even acknowledging the fact that even grammarly could just redo most of the written material that they've written
Automatically with enough changes that there's no possible way that it actually could be detected
Um, and we're having the same problem in academia as well. Like anything written if you know how to prompt craft
No one's going to detect that you just use an ai
So that level of uncertainty you're right the writers
Wait a minute. How are they going to make contracts?
You can wait a minute you can
Because there are services in the background
They screen out. I don't again mind you this i'm not in that level of access but
from circles that that i've heard they have back-end access to
To these systems where they purchase like some way to do this where they can see for example
Chat gbt someone writes a paper chat gbt. However, they prompt it. Whatever's there. Remember chat gbt stores your information
They tell you they store your information
right, so
You ask it to go ahead and write a a whole
Essay, whatever's there right or maybe an article that you're going to publish on the website
That article if you use it verbatim word for word, whatever is there just copy and paste it out of there you're
Stored somewhere to be sold
And resold in the background. They may not be using it
but it could go in a database
that now an educator
Copywriter right not copywriting and publishing is different but someone that that looks for you know
To cancel you out or something like that
They they'll they'll just copy and paste your article paste it in there these checkers ai checkers
Right and go like that now something that it doesn't check for
Is a local model
Right a local model is for example, if you have a windows pc or even a mac
You can download
a full ai system
Right or a language is called the language model and you can run that it's not that difficult
Because there's even some that streamline it you can run that in your computer
And now you have now disconnect your computer from the internet and guess what?
You can now ask it and interact and even train a little bit
um that ai system so
You imagine that now if you're i'm not giving you a way to if you're a student down there if you're you know
Whatever writing articles not giving you a way to evade but just giving you actually
Actually, you can't but you kind of are I mean, let's be real you kind of are you this is like
This is like crime drama right on on whatever it's csi like yeah
That's not who done it. You're showing us the mechanics here. You're showing the for us
Let's talk about the forensics of how to do it. But please go on tell us how to cheat
Yeah, fuck's sake. So anyway, so you
Install this on your computer
And now you have a full ai system in your computer, right?
I'm calling it for what the mainstream is not really an ai, but whatever let's keep it for for what it is
Ai system and now you can do with that will right you can feed it content
You can download whatever you want start training it a little bit start learning some stuff
and have it
Put a push out whatever you need at the comfort of your own home without any
Recourse of anybody else looking at your at your stuff, right? So Google bar to Gemini and
Chad GPT and a lot of these other online models
That may be rewrapped versions of either or
Their store and they tell you when you sign up their privacy statement that nobody ever reads it tells you
They even ask it. That's one of the things ask it to repeat repair phrase the privacy statement
I'll tell you that it it can do whatever it wants with your data
So imagine this. Oh Google Gemini. What does Google do? They sell your search history in life, right? Even the
the the browser
The phone you're using to look this up your Google account all this all this stuff that's already in there
There we sell that now if you look at
Um doing this locally, that's a kind of a way to privatize your your stuff right now depending on the model that
Um the version of the AI you install in your computer in your computer that's going to be the
Uh, the relevance of the data you get back
Right that does take a little bit of research and you kind of have to know that know some stuff about
Um navigating data sets and things like that
I'm going a little bit too technical on the weed side, but it does help to kind of know this language a little bit
um, especially when
when you're navigating in the field because look it's it's easy to just
Create a chat gpt account and just start asking this stuff
Fantastic, but if you want to get to the to the next level of this
Start just go in youtube and search how to run your own model and then it'll start going it'll start telling you hey
Here's a github. Here's uh, here's maybe a website depending. Just be careful on what you click and stuff, but
Um on how you can do this and once you get involved in that then then that's what that's what things get creative
Yeah, yeah, let me just interject also to briefly welcome fidgetl to stage but also
Interject this this one thought you got to be careful about any place that you obtain any kind of code that you're going to run
On a computer and so we will be discussing in this space
We'll be discussing some stuff that is bleeding edge and it can get you into very hot water very fast
I mean exponentially fast. I mean, oops that tree just I was going 55 miles per hour in the highway
Somehow I am going 500 miles per hour at the moment of impact fast be very careful
About about installing any kind of code from any source including github
Just because it's open source doesn't always mean it's reviewed or that it's safe
So just be aware we're gonna be discussing some stuff. It's that that could be very dangerous, but you know what?
The danger is where all the sexiness is too. Unfortunately, so that's why we're talking about it
That's why we're always always on the bleeding edge. But fidget. Welcome to the stage. Also doc. Welcome to stage
Oh man, but real but real quick. I got some no, no, no, I got some alpha
It's a very oh, let's go. Let's go. Let's talk
I'm warning everybody in the audience if you're gonna work with ja crypto and mine your bit set
Make sure to have your telegram
Unmute you you are inviting telegram freaks into your world
Just I did not expect this human capital investment. So just throw that out there
What can I say we just we just care too much fidget, I know you're not used to that in your life
But we're here to help
I think I posted this before in the in the first ai
Space we did
If if you guys look up at the teleprompter here in the billboard
I posted uh, pretty much the greatest alpha of all time is cocktail peanut. That dude is awesome. He um
Away that you don't have to be super technical to install these models, right?
And it's one click and it you could even put it on and now there's a limitation
To running language models on mac computers
right these these these
local internet free
Free from your stuff being looked at sold resold whatever it is and even in in a lot of cases
free from censorship
Right, because that's the biggest thing. I i i've seen the progression from
When even in the beginning when chat gpt and bard or you know, but pre-gemini and bard
They were first given to us
they were
85 really kind of free. There's still some there were still some notable differences, right?
85 censorship free you can get around certain things
By certain kind of prompts and and get the information
That you want no matter the context, right? So for the most part it's it's it was it was there still a limitation there
But context no matter if it was political
Whatever you could have worked the way around that now
We're looking at probably somewhere in the high 40s
We're a 45 censorship free, right? That means it's a 55 censorship on on those platforms
dude, even the
standard stuff is is being
Manipulated so heavily and it sucks because I was I was a fan of bard
Huge fan. I was like dude
It's a way for me to search google without getting all the dumb ads
All over the place without getting those ranked results that this this institution paid
To to be up there and it has no relevance to the information that I want
Right. So when I asked it a direct question when I asked bard a direct question
It gave me a direct answer without any of the fluff
Which is awesome. It was it was awesome
But now it's you ask it a question and it's going to revert you to go to google
Wait a minute, aren't you google that doesn't make sense. Yeah, they're
They're they're and this is getting so problematic because at this point that experience of like, okay
Well, i'm working with an ai now i'm talking to an ai now. It's synthesized all this knowledge
That's what we presume when we when we use tools like gemini or like or like chat gbt
Uh, these the the commercial, you know retail facing products, right cloud cloud ai products
We we expect like, okay, this is going to be a synthesis of of all the human knowledge on this topic
But but so often yeah, you get you run into dead ends where it just it'll flat out tell you
Sorry, I don't have any more information for you. You should you should try searching the internet for that
Uh, chat gbt because gbt does the same thing?
It's just that it's microsoft trying to show you bing services again, which their biggest suddenly point was that it had chat gbt built in
But if you ask chat gbt it'll tell you to search bring anyway
It's it's getting really confusing and I think that the reason that they have to
Start reverting back to that position
Is that yeah, they they the kind of you know, google's bread has always been buttered by giving you paid search results
And if they can't stand behind like this is a paid search result these people sponsored this
Then why would the sponsors pay the money, right? It is a chicken and egg problem
They have right now their monetization model has always been people's people's data. Sure. They can sell, you know, whatever they can sell
A user's search history and prompt crafting history to the highest bidder somewhere else
But that's going to become decreasingly relevant decreasing and decreasingly important
If they can't also be front and center when people are searching right for answers and with the llm
Like on the one hand it's it's it's really dangerous for us to presume that the l these large language models these ais
Can't answer questions by just synthesizing all this knowledge without it ever being tainted by the latest marketing buzz
News has always been tainted and tainted by the the latest marketing buzz
And now like if they can't meaningfully separate it their business model is sunk
Um, but if they can't meaningfully insert it with the ai answers
Then uh, then even moving into the next iteration of the business model, it doesn't work
They have to be able to feed you propaganda if they don't
Their business model is gone and it was always I think always destined to be that way for the large cloud-based ai
retail oriented products
So so I know in this space i'm excited. We're going to talk more about
The the opportunities for running ai locally, but we'll also talk about some disruption, right? Like um, just wanted to say like google microsoft
They can't afford not to try to indoctrinate people. They can't afford not to try to promote
Propaganda from the highest bidder. It's always been the cloud model
So ai, I mean it's just more the same
Let me let me ask doc doc since you're our uh
Prime candidate for this my friend. Nothing on your
On your h status, but i'm just playing let me stop
Let me let me ask you because I mean with your profession with your expertise with everything you do
Right. Is there any value to your either your personal or business life, right?
For you have have you?
Used anything whether it be barred chad gbt or bing any any one of those guys have used any of that for for your benefit
I wish I could say that I have so I can contribute something direct to the conversation
But I just haven't um
You know from the legal process
standpoint, it's it's theorized and it's promoted that while this will for attorneys it will help uh,
Get rid of paralegals, for example, it will help write motions. For example
um, I just find at least for my work, which is
It's really sort of bulk dull and boring that things that I do on a day-to-day basis
I write reports
um about conflicts between
Insurance companies and doctors hospitals and laboratories
And a lot of the work that I do now is template driven
So it really sets itself up for
Taking advantage of some of the technologies that are coming out, but there's just been so much of it
Right. It's coming from from all quarters, you know within the last six months to a year
And to dive into any one
Offering whether it's bing or it's chat gbt or whether it's grok
which went
Before x took mobile media's badges, you know, we all had access to grok and I was trying to check it out
But I know how to do what I know how to do right now
Um, I could I could maximize that I could increase my profitability
I could reduce the time that I spend doing what I do now
I need to do something else or don't do more of it and make more money
But I just haven't had the time to
Resolve which service I should use
How to go about it develop developing my own prompts going on youtube?
Going on telegram and educating myself about it. I just haven't had that time yet. So that's my honest answer
Well, I love that honesty so doc you're I think you're laying out
I apologize for the energy that I think you're laying out the professionals dilemma with with ai right now
And why we wanted to have this space be geared towards. I mean, it's more narrowly focused on tv and film
And i've got a little story that i'll share later on as to why that became the topic for today
But I think in every major industry
It's not that it's not that I think professionals like yourself are intentionally burying heads in sand
As much as I mean you just said yourself you're too busy in production with your you know with your own workflow
You're too busy in production, you know making making the sausage so to speak the way that you always made it
That um that you would you you perceive that the opportunity cost is pretty high
To uh to just turn left or right or spend the additional time right now upskilling in this area
Yeah, that that's a good summation
And you know, I I look toward the future on this
And are waiting for a resolution and a clarity
How ai can affect my industry in particular?
I just not someone who's going to lead that
educational effort, although I do a lot of research and that sort of stuff, but
This is a technological level that
Is not something that I have the time right now to attain just to even assess
How I could improve my business maximize it and grow it but it's coming, you know
I'm in these spaces because i'm really really interested in it. It's it's just a time. It's just a time crunching right now
I got too many things going on
What would it be?
would it be um
Let's see
Would it be efficient for you to hire someone to to?
Help you streamline a lot of this stuff or do you still think that we're still too early with all this stuff as far as
I have I haven't
One I think what I do is pretty specialized in particular even within within the arbitration and mediation business
Two I can low tech
and train
Others like i've got my son and my kids want to do what i'm doing technically they can't sign off on it
But they can I can show them the roadmaps as to
You know how each particular circumstance lends itself to a template. Here's the templates
Modify it as as best as you think
As reasonable and then turn it back over to me for a final review and a signature
That that's what i've been thinking about not not going into
AI or tech or the consultant class
To to review what I do and and make those same sort of suggestions
Fidget knows a little bit about what I do and and yeah, there's a way to
To automate it to a much greater degree
But I just don't see the the monetary reward for me right now because of the opportunity class that would take me
To train somebody to educate somebody into what I do and learn from them how I could do it quicker faster and better
As aspirational at this point, you know, i'm looking i'm looking toward that, you know
Maybe toward the end of the year as I get you know, everything else
In my life it has been sort of a chaotic
really on a personal situation, but
Um, i'm i'm here because I want to learn and and uh, thanks fidget's throwing up laughing emojis. Fuck you fidget
Anyway, take the mic back
Doc's living his best life and if that includes
Learning how to use a computer so he can learn to train AI i'm here for it doc. It has keys
And then you use this thing. It's it's called a mouse, but it's not furry and you click things
That's step one to to learning AI
Wait, wait, it's 2024 and your mouse can't be furry today without shame. Stop. Wait a minute. What's furry?
Whoa, what's going I need 28 800 baud rate so I can just access the net a little bit quicker
No more no more for those who don't know that was an old person joke because as you can tell by doc's picture
He's got gray hair. He's boomer joke
Boomer joke. Oh my god, that's great
Vigil, what about you and your daily contract?
Not to all this fucking
Og and crypto like he's not not old enough to be everybody's grandfather in this room. You're right
The difference is he doesn't have a picture of himself that i'll answer a serious question and and I yes
You don't want to see my face. I'm hideous
No, no, I was that I was gonna ask you so I haven't your I have seen his face and that's confirmers
because uh
From because I know that you're an ip
Capriola, um, so in your endeavor, are you streamlining any of this stuff with that?
Right. Are you using ai at all to even ask it a question? Maybe like a discovery or or anything like that
So i'll answer i'll answer honestly, there are going to be two different kinds of ai people
Um that we are going to see actually three it's going to be the people who are controlled by the ai
The people who use the ai and the people who hire the people who use the ai
Um, I did try ai for a while to write my tweets. There are three kinds of people not two
I I fixed it. I said three
Um, and then there's gonna be four there's gonna be people who talk about ai but don't use it
Uh aren't controlled by it because they live in their own little funny bubble. That would be doc
I honestly
Ai at the core right is is the balance of of cost to utility can I use that word intentionally?
And I simply found it more efficient to pay somebody else to use ai
But I paid them a lot less because they were able to offer me cheaper services because they use ai
So there's a trickle down effect
Um regardless of if you use ai directly you will be impacted by ai whether you like it or not
So if you're not using ai somebody, you know your or more importantly your competition will be using ai
So whether or not you like ai you use ai you will be competing with ai
So yes, the best thing would be to learn it
I simply am focused on other things to to take the time to learn it
But much like other industries that i'm interested in or understand the future and the value preposition. I understand it
And understanding can often be just as important as being able to use it
if you have the capital to deploy
Um and your capital your time which is the same thing is more valuable elsewhere
I'm super excited about the intersection of blockchain encrypt and ai
and the the the balance of our fears of ai
Obfuscating our ability to understand truth and and even more interesting, right? We're seeing specifically with the
Taylor swift
You knew it was ai
But you didn't care when you saw her naked pictures because we're horn balls
There's going to be truth and value that I think is going to come from blockchain as a backstop to ai
I'm surprised we haven't seen more of it yet. Um, I think we're going to see ip law
Transformed fundamentally as a form of truth
As a like a fourth prong, right? You have copyright trademark and patents which are all
Uh, uh financially driven. I think you're going to see blockchain
Help control the truth as to data and i'm super here for um
ip law and and truth of information being bolstered by chains. I think it's a necessary
Uh, uh feature of ai and it'll be if you don't have if it's not blockchain math, you know, that's a bad actor
Yeah, speaking of ip law so
Ai is trained on the ip of others
Yeah, right
Ai is trained on the ip of others. Where does that end because that that's dude. It's people's books
Right. Okay other other manuscripts movies, whatever
All of the above people's essays papers. They've published themselves that belongs to them
All of it. It's not just one sectors. It's literally everyone
of data in life that that
If you're looking at ip the the my understanding is the ip belongs to the person or the entity, right?
So if i'm taking that from you
Reusing it. I know there's different in in different countries and jurisdictions is different
realms of it some non-existent some more existence some
Not so relevant. So jay i'll cut you off and i'll put out the more interesting part
I think the the i think the the part about stealing ip or or or quote unquote using ip or
That's less interesting than the conversation that's been going on for
Years and years and years decade plus in the court systems about what what can be protected?
So does does ai created content deserve protection and it's important
It's important to focus it in that in that manner ip law
Is ironically it was it was my focus and then I focus on real estate and now it's my focus again was was
Founded on kind of esoteric human. I use that word intentionally
parameters, right essentially copyright law is protected because at the core of it, it says that creation
Is good for humanity humanity thrives off of creation not and it's not just technical creation, right?
As we move forward we're going to see that technology is more and more of an art code is art
And the question the ip law was centered in the idea that
Protecting creativity right putting
Protection parameters and therefore monetization parameters on it
Right was valuable for the continued proliferation of creation for the world and that art is good for people
And and I think that's one of the most interesting things we've seen
Court cases about can a computer make art can a cow make art can a monkey make art?
Is human shit on on a piece of paper art?
Right and for the longest time the law has been that that
to the extent that the human
impacted the code
That extent is protectable
But the interesting part of where this is leading is is ai is
Is highlighting what it means to be human right and our fear of it is it becoming human and the the gap between
What makes us sentient and where ai can work is the value proposition of being human for a while
And ip law I believe as you'll see will follow and dictate that ever shrinking gap
So I think we'll give more and more protection to ai created
stuff because
Our footprint our footprint in creation will is and will continue to get smaller and smaller
So I hope that made sense, but it's super fascinating for me
All I heard all I heard was that uh, was that I don't own nothing. That's
Well, hey, but you'll be happy jay. You'll own nothing i'd be happy. It's the bugs. So
I'm curious about and the only reason I have my hand up because I wanted to interject
With one word and fidget he started by by reorienting towards the more interesting question, but I think
Uh, the I think that the initial problem of the internet like you said, it's been going for a decade is a concept of open source
Osint right if you want to start looking that up
Just because something is available
Like just when data is made available data is made useful somewhere somehow
I don't know that there's some kind of maybe there's an internet law about that right? Um, or some kind of an idea like um
Like like metcalf's law right some kind of network effect new related thing or halo effect thing
Um, I don't know what there is but but when when data is is available at all it is it's scraped
And the supreme court has now ruled
most recently in 2022
that the uh
The ability of actors on the internet to scrape data is sacrosanct
I can go scrape any data that microsoft doesn't secure on linkedin
I can go scrape any data that youtube doesn't secure on any of its proper any of the alphabets companies properties
Including youtube they can get angry
They can change the front end
But they can't ever prevent me from scraping that data because it's been made publicly available
So there is something of a town hall effect publishing anything on the internet at all whether or not you have ip protections
Um, it can definitely be scraped duplicated and stored by third parties
So if it can be scraped duplicated and stored by third parties
llms exist
llms will be trained ai will be trained on that data that's been scraped duplicated and stored so
So regardless of you know, regardless of what the current absolute state of the law is
People are just going to do it because it's possible
And open source intelligence is one of those things where you know, skip tracers use any means necessary
Even when they're legally gray legally dark gray to go find people. Well, the same techniques are going to be used to train models
Okay, I have a question real quick does that mean that all torrents are then legal
I didn't say they were legal but listing sites have been repeatedly proven to be legal
So you can list torrent code is law and not go to jail
Okay, can I just uh
Offer an observation here. Yeah, there's a current status of the law when it comes to large language models and scraping
That's true
But there are massive economic forces behind the opposition to that scraping without compensation
So what's going to happen is those industries that want to protect that the copyrights, for example
The the authors the musicians the the artists the actors
Um, they're going to push back
They're going to find politicians. They're going to they're going to
create groups lobbying groups and support
And they'll move to try and change the law amend the law
copyright law intellectual property like right law is a constantly moving feast so
I would expect that there'd be a reaction an economic reaction to
The the money that's being made by the purveyors of these large language models and and the ai
The money that they're making off the backs of the creators if you will
And so I I think it's it's something that could change and I would expect it to change
I've seen that sort of change in my businesses and it totally
Turned what I was doing at the time, which was a medical imaging business upside down
I established real quick. I established a medical imaging business in six states
We did mri's cat scans pets and it was all dependent on referrals from doctors, right?
Who wrote the orders for these these studies referrals from those doctors who at the time
Could not themselves own their own equipment a chiropractor or dentist can own an x-ray machine
And have an insurance company pay for every single patient to get an x-ray in those machines
There's no gate keeping but for pet pet machines for cat scans for mri's
orthopedists neurologists and those professions that
That could economically benefit from referring to their own machines were prohibited from doing that
So those those groups those physician groups the ama got together and changed federal law
In such a way as they were able to acquire
Ownership with those machines and refer to them and have insurance companies pay for them
Robbing the insurance companies as a gatekeeper as they thought they had but what it did was
Completely destroyed my business because the doctors who ended up referring
Patients to our machines started referring patients to their own machines
And so there goes the multi-million dollar deal for dates
Doc well, and this is and this is kind of what i'm getting at as well
If a if a business model is entirely dependent on legislation for for its total existence
For its for its total substance like for all of its deal flow
Then then there are problems right when the when whatever the the legal scaffolding or the protections are
Seem to fall away or when you get into a much more highly competitive environment
So the example you used first off that that tugs at my heartstrings like growing up, uh, you know
Saw alternative alternative practitioners, right but in particular chiropractors a lot
um, so had a sampling of some some of the better chiropractors and
You know love love hearing that that the good ones are being empowered
but as you said the bad ones are too right and it's
And taking a business away from uh from groups that that can compete or that can offer maybe a better service
But in many cases, they really don't necessarily offer a better service or user experience
For the patient, right? Um, what about the patient being able to get that referral and have a same day turnaround?
Possibly same visit turnaround. I mean
Uh, there when it comes to competition in certain businesses
Being able to decrease friction in the user experience
It tends to win right convenience wins even when the product itself is not great convenience tends to win the day
That's why people are you know overweight from eating junk food?
Um, and and set set just just a thought wouldn't you push back again stock and say that the money in ai?
If not already exceeds yes the money of these companies
That's that's the argument. That's exactly the argument
That's exactly the argument and right now the current state of the art is that so much of this is being done
In uh in early phase open source skunk work style, right?
So some of the the most interesting things happening in ai are not being done by open ai
Or by uh, or by google at least not publicly some of the most interesting things are being done
By little groups that are that are just trying to
decrease friction in the user experience and then offer something that um
Where they where when they go to market there's no possible way for them to get shut down because they'll position it
Uh in a way that that just barely sidesteps the current state of ip law and set again docked
I'll highlight this in fact. I mentioned already. I think tether has like one one thousand of the employees that jp morgan has
And they exceeded their profits last quarter
One one thousand so the efficiency can't be fought
You know that that's sort of economic imbalance is is what drives
Those on the on the negative side of that teeter totter to go after the money on the other side
And the law can constantly be changed the law can constantly be manipulated
Uh, we've seen that with all the bullshit, uh lawsuits against, uh president trump
Um, it's it's all about the economics and where there's money
There's the prospect of power. Yeah, but doc they're the same
They're the same companies. That's the point the companies that would that would be fighting like microsoft
Are the biggest investors in the technology?
So I think I think just let me finish. I think this war gets fought not by law
I think this war gets fought by function
Well, for example taylor westerface
Is going to react to the the uh the impact on her brand with this with this
Well, I haven't seen the photos and shame on you if we're going to look at the those photos of that young lady
um, but but uh
Where there's money someone's going to come get it and she ruined the super bowl for me. Okay, she deserves it
She ruined. Oh my god
Fidgety, what was she? Wait, what was she wearing? She was asking for it. Sorry go on doc. No, the nfl
I'm becoming doc the nfl rigged the super bowl
So that that she would win and it ruined it for me. I
Didn't see a I didn't see a bad call. Did you see a bad call that game? I didn't see
Oh my god, okay guys we've been we've been uh, we've been spitballing uh for so long
We have left some hands up and we have some new guests to the stage. Welcome ip nerd
Your hand's about to fall off. How are you doing this morning? I'm doing amazing
Thank you so much for asking. So I i've got two takes one of them has to do with ai
And I know how intimidating it can be and it's definitely going to change a huge flow and money and information and who gets it
But I can actually give a happy ending story to potentially of an avenue for creators getting paid
So I don't do it anymore. But from from 2011 to 2022
I was an infinite infinite information technology broker where I basically sold information reports on technology
And it was between a thousand to twenty thousand dollars per
And over the course of a decade I did about six million dollars worth of business and signed over a thousand clients who wanted to buy
These information packets now what ai does is actually takes a lot of this work
It can actually get better information quicker and faster
To the clients because obviously you're not getting cutting edge
You're getting maybe near cutting edge
But you're getting a lot further ahead than what you were because basically data aggregation being able to scrape everything
Even if you were able to do it yourself
It would be able to do it faster quicker and more efficiently than you ever could
So even if you could replicate the results, there's no way you could replicate the time period
So there's still a benefit for buying this now. The reason why I mentioned this is i've i've identified certain categories
Where there was so much, you know competition or people wanting to get additional information in technology sectors
That um, I already did a business model. Well, there's certain sectors where I could literally pay chat gbt
$15,000 a month and my projections as long as the the information is cited in source
So that way the original creator of the ip, you know could get credit
Now the reason why i'm mentioning that is most people
That have these chat gbt's and stuff. They either use just the free version or they pay 50 a month
However, if somebody's actually reselling the data, you know, somebody like in this business model that i've come up with
Um that there has to be a compensation and a sourcing method to prevent legalities
So i'm just giving you a situation where there's an actual buyer on the other end of this intellectual property
That's willing to pay these, you know chat gbt's, you know 100 200 500 times a month
You know in certain technology sectors and what that does is that creates the revenue?
You know for the artists to potentially get paid because there's certain people that are willing to pay these outlier costs
For these ai llm models and then the last point i'm not an attorney physical could probably back this up one of the neat things
That is going as far as legislation
Is where the world is starting to get more and more aligned on the meat and potatoes
Of what constitutes intellectual property?
Now there is a lot of differences in the nuances when you go to different countries and so forth
So the best analogy that I would give is overall it's very easy for attorneys to have understanding
Of other jurisdictions laws and how to interpret them
Um, the barrier of entry becomes into access
To different jurisdictions. So you you you have one benefit
That you usually regardless of where your attorney is if they're very competent have been in the field for a long time
They'll have an easy time
Interpreting other ip's and in other jurisdictions. Um, the the cost barrier would be getting to those jurisdictions and i'm complete
Yeah, any I can any I sorry my phone my dog is climbing on my face again, um any I can participants, um
Which is based like the western world's, uh ip world agreement
Uh have almost identical, uh laws so you can trust that pretty much in any western country
Uh, they're I can participants and they're uh, they're governed by
Global ip law. That's why
The difference in jurisdiction is based on priority what we call first in line or first first in use first and right
Um, so that difference jurisdiction jurisdiction, that's really easy to look up. You just see what what kind of jurisdiction it is
That's why you get that's why if you register a copywriter trademark the purpose for it
In fact, most people don't know you are granted intellectual property protection simply by the act of creation
registering it is simply uh
Making it known to the world which gives you different levels of protection whether it be
whether it be
How far you've used it in business or if you register it, uh for the united states or globally
Depending on the registration. So just a little nerdy ip nerd stuff
Hey fidget while we're on the topic of ip nerd stuff and while we're getting to quinn's hands
Just really really briefly. What do you think of the poor man's copyright?
This is this is the apocryphal right sending sending something to yourself certified mail to have uh to have now
stamped proof of of first use
And uh, if you don't do that, you're you're a rich idiot
All right, awesome quinn what's on your mind
Hey, um, thanks for having me guys, uh, hopefully i'm coming through pretty well got my new uh,
uh audio setup here, so
I am a writer and uh, I can't speak to all of the
Legalities let's say
But what I have seen
comparing notes with other writers both in the entertainment industry
And in let's say like copywriting and knowledge worker space
We are not
I want to say we collected but me and my friends are not um,
terribly bears or bullish
Our industries in regards to our work, let's say because
What i've found is while for example sora has made leaps and bounds and the other
the will smith example, um
And the uh jumbotron is very interesting
Quality true quality is hard to
Replicate through automation you can replicate
I would say
You can make a sort of fugazi an invitation of something invitation of quality
And there are going to be people who are going to go for the lowest common denominator
I'm going to say like yeah, I want a I generated script and maybe i'll just like pay a human to edit it
It'll cost me less but maybe you'll end up with this not
It's not fair example because I don't think this film is necessarily made with a guy
But maybe let it be the madam web or you know
Some other kind of box office loser at the end of the day
The best work is still being done by humans. The best work in terms of
Uh blog is being done by humans best work in terms of screenplays for television is being done by humans the best work
Is being done by humans. I'd say it will always be done by humans and
Uh to give it to put it into context right go to chess or any other game. That's
Potentially solved by a other suit tends to be solved by ai
chess player
With a computer crucially with an engine will still beat any engine by itself
Now the best human versus an engine is a little tougher, but at the end of the day
humans still
Are supreme when it comes to areas of I would say
creativity originality quality and it's just a matter of
That premium product being something that these industries want
Uh, I think as well as you know, the public and I think
The public has generally been much more
bullish on
original human created content
So I think i'll continue it's just a matter of like figuring out whether it'll be like, uh organic, uh
Bananas the supermarket where you're gonna pay a little extra for something or you know
like grass-fed beef the butcher versus like
Okay, i'll get that, you know, ai generated whatever and it'll be kind of lame, but it's cheap content whatever
And uh, then when you really want to pay the money, you'll pay the money and you get the quality and that's where i'll end the plan
Yeah, and i'll be a quick
Go ahead. I'll be right
Yeah, so I completely agree with you and my findings have backed up everything you said so when it comes to this
aggregated content
Though a lot of it's just like getting a slap of concrete and then giving it to the sculptor
So there's still value in this one to buy
The concrete and the idea though is that's not what the audience buys. That's what a particular creator would buy
And then the creator turns shapes it rounds it off and then turns it into something that's more audience worthy
So there's there's two layers to this and i'm complete
Like our ipno drops the mic every time
No, it's pretty it's pretty baller move
So yeah quinn I so I wanted to follow up with what you're with what you mentioned before
About uh, and that's that's my little contribution for today's space is a conversation that I had with somebody at one of the premier
visual effects and animation studios
Former former ilm lead lead modeler and former phil tippett
You know alum as well
So so kind of all the generations of like working with people who use little armatures and puppets and stuff and stop motion all the way
To the the current bleeding edge of of uh of visual effects, but i'll I'll defer to later on
Let's hear from michael first
Then we'll come back to that one because I i've got i've got something that's not a rebuttal quinn
But but I want to add some parallax what you just said michael. What's up?
I wanted to touch on ip nerds
I guess there would be probably like two types of actors and I think that is going to separate into two different markets
One is going to be the regulated market. That's going to say hey, look you're able to produce the ip
And have it licensed out and be able to use into music videos or whichever right to kind of create the content
And I think there's going to be a black market portion for sure
Because like you always look at the industry in terms of two lights, especially if anything is ever going to be
Banned or unable to be utilized. I think that there's always a market for opportunity and arbitrage whether it happens in china
Whether it happens, you know at a different country
I feel like some labor markets are actually going to capitalize on that
so like for example, um, I I always come back to the analogy of like me and basically playing games back in the day it's because
Inside the games. There's no uh, there's no market for the currency outside of that game
At that moment, but I actually created my own separate market
In order to profit off of it
And I feel like as long as there's a profit and demand portion especially for ai as well
Um, you're going to see you know
It it's just a few interests you're going to see interest from different people
They don't even care sometimes if it's going to be ai generated
They just care if it's fashion efficient and it gets the job done
I actually see uh, if you if you remember like I think it was like a year
Probably like two or three years ago during covid time frame
So drop servicing was similar to drop shipping
But it's actually having it to where you hire people in the philippines and then pay them a lower wage
But also have them, you know, you're still charging
Uh the client the same amount of money
Yeah, no awesome
Hey, michael. I apologize if i'm interrupting. Are you still was michael still talking?
I've got a little bit of a rug action going on with my
My twitter spaces right now. I just see you often. I see his I see him off mute, but I don't hear any audio
No, he had to step down and now he's back mike mike you're back
So he did get a little rug done
Yeah, yeah, he's uh, he's coming back. I think mike fix your mike
There you go
You guys ever to hear me? Yeah, I can hear you set. Can you hear me? No
Was that a dad joke from fidget all the old man in the room?
Yeah, he's he knows all the
Yeah, we we invited all the pun-tastic beasts and now you know where to find them
Yeah, what do you guys think in terms of uh having it to where it's instead of drop servicing and drop
Like basically drop shipping becomes drop servicing becomes drop ai services
So elaborate on that
Yeah, I think I think I think I picked up what you were saying there michael, but um, but yeah go on
Okay, so for example, like drop shipping is whenever you don't have the inventory you utilize third parties you can kind of connect them
uh together so whenever purchase person purchases a goods, uh, let's say like uh
Like let's say I want to purchase this controller this this xbox controller. Um, that's going to be customized
You basically buy from alibaba or a few others
the supplier gets connected directly to the to the uh
There's a shipper that then gets connected to actually send the physical good over so you don't have to have to touch inventory
The drop servicing is where clients would do basically like if you do like legion forms
A lot of the websites would do legion basically clients come in and say hey
Look, I need to get a copywriter or I need to get vas and I get this or that it's basically services
That they would place and what would do is uh, what those companies would do is they would then get
and hire people from
Let's say if it's a va, uh, the va would be basically charged an american salary while on the back end
They're actually paying the va
Uh in the philippines probably like five bucks ten bucks an hour or so and profiting the difference between the work
And then for for ai selection ai selection
You're having it to where an ai model is going to be creating some of these different projects. So let's say for example, uh, let's say
Sora the recent one you're having it to where you're able to pull the api
Right place it into a user base or or your own interface for the landing page
Have it to where the back end engine is basically sora
But then you also mix it a little bit with
Hey, I want to create five or six different videos that actually combine together
And have the same characters in terms of ip. So let's say I want mickey mouse
I want to have mickey mouse in all five scenes and I want it to be able to generate this as a movie later on and this would
Then place over to ai created like youtube videos
So this is just an example
Uh, you have it to where it's five scenes you then pay for the video pay for the final product final product
Let's say it's like ten dollars or so, right?
You're paying for a service to ai generate the video for you have it to where it's going to be fully effective
Maybe it's going to be a subscription, right?
Um, but in the back end you use like utilizing potentially two to three different ai services
Uh through api keys and everything
to have drop ai
Sorry, I I know it sounds very very complex, but i'm starting to see it go towards that route right now
But in terms of like ip and everything that's where like video gets a little bit sketchy
Yeah, so no I I see that so michael thanks for laying that out a little more a little more in depth
But I see so yeah kind of kind of the push towards towards this intermediation of more services having to be more
More cloud-based services that that that are just capable of doing more
And I think by any other name what you're what you're kind of describing is the use of more advanced ai agents
And that's I think going to it's going to take shape in a lot of ways
Is having different large language models that are then tied into different apis or multimodal ai
Services that can be run either locally or in the cloud or or as a service
And I think you're probably right in that in that
In your forecast that there's there are going to be increasingly more services like this that that offer more
So where there was like you're saying drop shipping before there may be yeah more
More complex services that are offered with uh with multimodal ai as the core offering
But but I think the reason that we haven't seen as many
As many like agi or agent-based ai systems and and ai as a service
offering more of those yeah more of those functions is precisely because
intellectual property has been so hard to navigate so far and
Microsoft and alphabet they've got no interest in being the subject of a lawsuit
class action or otherwise, but being a subject of a lawsuit for for either defamation or for
Or for ip infringement. So so yeah, there's I mean
They they kind of have to stay as far away from that as possible
but but in the meantime if anybody can start to
Sift through the nuance of like oh, yeah, you want to make a so you want to make an impersonation of this actor
And you and it's a meme and it's tongue in cheek. You're not really trying to like deep fake them
That level of nuance that would be mind-blowing if a company could deliver a product like that, but I just don't see it
Yeah, but isn't so like those data set built on everybody's that's what I was getting kind of getting that earlier
Yeah, I mean it that's where I was gonna go as well
So like google has all the information, right?
So like google has it to where you can actually look up image search right now and have like 50 to 60 images of yourself
So they can do they can then create a a deep fake portion
Um different industries have different use cases for it
I believe there was one there was one video that I sent around to a few of my friends that uh
The more pictures you have online the more likely they're going to be a hacker is able to use them as kyc for authentication
um and be able to take out loans with crypto and just be able to
You know, especially if they have your data
Uh, so it's really really important. Like they don't even have to know where you live or anything like that
They could just use the the deep fake model to then go into exchanges do liveness checks
That then just you know, spin your head look left look right nod things like that
And you can have it to where you pair it onto your face
That is very very scary because that goes into identity theft
But I think that companies are starting to go into a modular ai system
The reason why for modular ai is like let's say for example how the video I said earlier, right?
The video is going to need a voiceover. It's going to need marketing tools marketing templates
Um, it's going to need, you know, copywriting
It's going to need graphics that are going to be generated with it a project
If you're able to spin out a project pretty quickly
There has been ai generated youtube channels that have millions of followers and millions of subscribers
They're generating like 300 400k a month and just creating entirely
ai generated content
But you're also looking at markets of like ai ai generated music
Right, you're having it to where music models are then
Able to start creating different genres or different kind of like categories
For you to do remixes for songs you even have it to where like spongebob can sing your your favorite song right now
uh in his own in his own tone
so I think that
Especially with with ai as long as there's a use case in demand for it and someone's willing to pay for that portion
ip I mean like if you look at like swan drop's
Right every single song that you have, uh, the vocals that are then tuned in and fairly closely matched to the uh,
the character doesn't mean that they're getting royalties based off of it, but it matches the exact type of tone the type of uh
You know accents or kind of like different types of dialects that words that the character uses as well
Yeah, no, awesome. Hey action ceo is on stage. What's going on? Action. Good to see you, man
Good. So it's actually got a run ai pro here
Well, I was just listening to what michael was saying. I had to jump up and say that
You're basically describing the world we live in right now, man. It's just not as advanced as we want it to be
I mean we're already
Doing a lot of things you're describing. It's just a matter of getting everything nicely packaged into one
Getting everything nicely packaged into one, you know suite of services
That's what's lacking right now because a lot of these things already exist
they're just not as powerful as we want them to be and they're definitely not consolidated like we want them to be either but
Um, hey saith, really excited that you like claymations. I heard about that
Claymation, yeah, no, absolutely. Absolutely
So clay clay, here's the thing man
If you don't if you don't pay respect to what came before you can be lost and you know lost when you evaluate the technology today
Funny story aardman, right? So the studio that made wallace in gromit their very first major feature length film
they partnered with a studio here in the states, right breamworks animation
And their biggest creative hurdle was trying to make 3d animation look like claymation
So i'm not alone that that people want what they want
I don't know if I should say this because this space is recorded
Um, but there is one industry that is the leader
Of ai right now and it would probably be the adult entertainment industry
Um compared to like every single other
Every single other industry that's trying to pioneer ai right now
That's funny
You're surprised that tech is driven by porn that's like
If you go to if you go to technology class
There's just I guess ai hasn't found its place in gambling. It hasn't stuck in crypto yet, but
Uh, I remember when I first this was like fucking eight years ago. I don't know six years ago
It has to be six because ethereum had come up and I was in a board room
With a bunch of people when we were we were doing some investing
And they were telling me about web3 and i'm like cool. Look all these dapps
Great how many of them are they're going through like all these cool applications and how many are working right now?
They're like adjust these and I said those are just porn and gambling and they say yeah, that's how tech moves forward
Yeah, that's always the case
If you look in the 90s where a lot of people were scared to put their credit cards
You know in the internet that that was the major, you know pain point that people weren't willing to to compromise with
Um the sites that were able to get people to participate tended to be adult in nature
And it's like that for everything even how vc would determine what vcr's, you know sold and so forth
So it's just one of those things is if you can get into the depths
Of what gets people to move?
And and make decisions, you know or take leaks, you know where they normally wouldn't do
No, well, you know spreading your genetics whether it's artificial or you know
Actual in real life that particular urge will get people to almost crawl through glass to get the best
Early case data points on how people will interact with technology if they believe in it
You know funny
Funny I was gonna say funny guys that are in the ai in the adult industry right now that i'm like, holy crap
I was like everyone left crypto to switch over to ai and then everyone from ai switched over to adult entertainment ai and i'm
Like what the heck?
Yeah, funny you mentioned uh, I don't know that that industry because uh, I have a
a lot of canadians in my um
my group at cryptos feast quad ladies and gentlemen, and uh
Yeah, one of them brought up something pretty kind of crazy. I'm like is
Canada if you guys ever heard of a company called mind geek
Mind geek they own
The entire industry right like the top, you know seven sites and the in the world belongs to them
um deep rooted into mind geek because one of their founders founded a
cloud company
For crypto, but anyways outside of that they currently have legislation to
That industry or or something like that coming up soon, which is weird because they're like the pioneers. So that doesn't make sense
I don't know. I just thought that was weird. I don't think that
Canadian based company, but uh, you know, their their services are worldwide
Uh, yeah, it's like christopher mallet, right?
You know payment processors back in the 90s or anyone's or what's the movie uh middleman with luke wilson?
It's sort of semi-autobiographical about that. Yeah, obviously these these industries
are going to be huge drivers because
You know, it's kind of base but at the end of the day
This is something this is one of the primary uses its
usages of technology and the internet and I wouldn't even say to respect michael that it's
That these people are pivoting or these industries are pivoting. It's more just that those use cases were already there and
certain people were just like
Doubling down let's say uh more so than like oh, maybe we can use ai for
I don't know scripts or this or that
It seems like the easiest like again the lowest common denominator
Prose would be deep fakes that
People want to see if certain celebrities if you want to see doing things that those celebrities would never do publicly
Which is also like another thing with that whole
audience is like
There's this weird kind of not to get too in the weeds
But there's this weird kind of thing where it's like there's there's the forbidden fruit aspect
It's one thing if there's a person who's a performer in that industry who's just known as being performer
It's another thing if you get like the good girl or boy who
Would never do that and then suddenly they're doing that like that was why there was so much of an interest in like
Streamers pivoting to only fans for example. So yeah, but uh set just circle back. You said you had something in regards to
What I was talking earlier with, you know
The reason why I think ai will be relevant but it won't like destroy the industry the way some people claim
Then the reason that they have concerns about that is because of the advancements being made in visual ai
I mean sora right now again, so this this is just a commercial offering and it's pretty darn good
in terms of the commercial offering
There are so many other little skunk works and projects
And the conversation that I had the kind of the kind of you know, got me a little more on the jaded side i'll say
Was with uh was with the former lead modeler at the industrial light and magic. Uh, so I mean
If you don't know the the visual effects industry
There there are a few majors industrial light magic was you know
They they were founded to work on the star wars films and they continued to just operate as visual effects
Professionals, you know from that point forward right through the late 1970s through today
They've grown with every iteration of technology to create visual effects for movies that we like
Um, and this person is now at weta digital, um in new zealand the company that made all the lord of the rings movies and that
And the peter jackson runs and they do all kinds of really cool visual effects for all kinds of films now
That's the thing about these these visual effects shops is
Sometimes they only have a few a few shots in a large movie like say a marvel film or something else
They might only have five shots that they work on. They might be very complex, but they have to add visual effects to those shots
And you know the demand for this has gone up dramatically
There was a at the academy awards a few years some years back
I guess it's uh, it was a the year that life of pie
Won an award for best cinematography
The guy who got who received the award for best cinematography
Was accepting an award on behalf of an entire crew like a small army of people
Who generated all of the sets where the main character and the tiger in the boat?
Are are seen on screen? None of that was shot on location. None of that had to do with air quotes cinematography
There was no director of photography pointing a physical camera at a location
Using, you know that the artistic concept of mise-en-scene, right?
What what is on what it can be viewed what can be seen what can be viewed on the screen?
There was no traditional art at all being done. There's no traditional cinematography being done at all
It was a small army of visual effects artists who then lost their jobs
right after that movie
Went uh, you know left their shop because they weren't paid enough to be able to generate that product
And that problem has only worsened since that time
Um talking to this guy they're currently when they have certain certain jobs that they need to do internally
They're using deep fake technology instead of the air quotes traditional digital content creation tools
You know rewind in time got movies like you know, the king kong films
It took a team of like almost a dozen people just to animate king kong's face only his face
Now you have some of these same artists saying oh, well if we need to do uh
You know say like a young version of bruce willis on camera or we need to create a you know
A time-traveled version of so-and-so. Yeah, we're not going to use the tools that we did five years ago
Now we're going to use a ai-based deep fakes and in our shot reviews our producers might say like
Ah, that's not as clean as what we used to get but how long did it take you? Oh 15 minutes?
Yeah, we're good. That's a cost we can absorb now, right?
That's those are the economics that we that we'd like
Those are the numbers that we like working with when when grinding out this particular sausage. We need cheaper faster
And so we're already seeing it in the junior level of visual effects and animation. It is it's actually it's absolutely frightening because it's an existential threat
And these are people operating at the highest levels
Of visual effects and animation who are telling me this that they are afraid for their jobs within the next five years
So that's why i'm concerned video. What's on your mind?
So I think it's important to look at both sides, right
People love to focus on the negatives of ai
But the negatives are the inevitables and so I don't see them as negatives. I see them as inevitables and
I like to look at the positive sides, right?
Making movies cheaper should be a good thing
There's a reason because we accept as you just mentioned, there's a difference in quality, but we accept that right when we watch a horror movie
We accept that it's a cheaper budget. There are less scenes
But we go into it knowing that that's why they're incredibly profitable
As same with documentaries is because they know what they are
Um, so i'm excited for the positives of ai
So, okay people pretending to be other people get paid less
I'm, okay with that
But there's really cool benefits to things like blockchain and ai where there could be perpetual royalties
For that family for hundreds of thousands of years because that character lives on right?
Bruce willis is will continue to be a working actor even though he's physically incapable because of ai
imagine a future where humans are the equivalent of cartoon characters whereby
They span generations not because you're watching that old movie with carrie grant with your mom because she had a crush on him
When she was young
real-life reality
But that character actually is in new movies via ai
right, so
And my great great grandchildren will have the same bruce willis that I have or maybe even the best version of of tom cruz
or or or harrison ford so
Technology making things efficient and that affecting
Jobs it's like coal right the reality is you can't fight evolution forever
And i'd like to focus on the positive things
You know, my friend was the guy that that spent, you know, I think it was two million dollars
He got paid to put the special effects for of like confetti into gladiator
Right, that's inefficient
And and he had to sit there and make every single little like people don't know snow in a movie
Rain in a movie usually not real
Very expensive and even if it is quote unquote real it's not real
It's not raining you have to do a whole massive setup
All right
Like when I was growing up my dad's block was blocked off for one three second scene of will smith running down
the block
In seven pounds to go to his girlfriend literally two seconds. You wouldn't even know that was probably a million dollar setup with fake rain
There are I would say a lot more upsides and yes, a lot of people are going to be fodder for technology, but that's evolution
religion, it's
It's technology. It's a it's everything. So
I try to look at the positive things and I don't hear a lot of people talking about that
Well, so i'm looking to look at the positive as well. Let me let me finish up that thought. Sorry action
I'm going to get back to you in a second here. So look at the positive as well
I'm just talking to people who are you know who have skin in that game?
And who are currently using the ai tools and who are currently implementing them and and we agreed
Tell them to come to work with you. You don't need a real job
Yeah, right. They were tempted actually they they were like, oh, yeah crypto does make a lot more sense now
But it's but we're at the edge of the event horizon
so like either we're going to get sucked into the black hole of uncertainty and all there is to do is hang on for
the ride right and
And watch helplessly as you as you know, as you witness your body be stretched into eternity, right?
Or your quanta, right?
The little bits that make you you be stretched into eternity while you're being sucked into the black hole
That's the last thing you you experience as you're subsumed into the great singularity
Who knows what happens to your consciousness after that?
But I think this is this is the issue is that in some small way in some very small way
We we will some industries will witness that like you're saying fidget
These will be the casualties right not the people who make it by definition
but there will be people who just do get do get sucked into this black hole of uncertainty because
And they're not adaptable enough
Anyway, is is quanta smaller than quasars in quarks?
No, no quanta just means you're made of stuff that can be quantified that can be measured. You're just made of things
You're made of physical stuff
So the casualties that you're talking about stuff
Those are the people who would have become actors, but no longer can no longer do it because um, tom hanks is now
Taking up all of that air time because they can now just ai him, right?
Uh, we're living literally in the between phase right now. It's kind of crazy. I get what you're saying fidgetl
Um looking into positives i'm the same way like that's what I always want to do
But unfortunately there will be casualties
Um and sometimes ones that we don't even intend to to have right like ultimately like i'm in it
I know what i'm doing. I i'm you know, i'm all hugging face every day. I'm downloading models. I'm trying things out
But ultimately are we really really going somewhere?
Or is it just like oh, maybe I I feel like i'm going somewhere
Um, the reason why I bring this up is because I do want to see the positive sides of things and we we talk about content
Right, like I really really hope that no one else ever gets famous again
Because of a sex tape because now those can all be faked, right? So
That should no longer qualify somebody to be famous. Um, that to me is a pro
Something else that I see is a huge pro is people who know what the heck is actually going on and know how to leverage
their tech to make cool stuff and when I say make cool stuff i'm talking about, you know
Call deepfakes if you want, but let's say they know
That they can get away with it in a parody sense
So ip goes out the window and now people can do whatever they want with it as long as they're making fun of somebody
They're having fun with it, right?
and that's where I think a lot of the advancements are going to come from is people really just trying to push the boundaries and
running things locally because
Little public service announcement if you actually run the models
You don't have the blocks that everybody else puts on them. So if you're running gpt locally, you're not going to have the
19 paragraphs of you know system prompting that blocks you from doing anything cool that you really want it to do
So I got a couple positives because obviously you gave a lot some doom and gloom examples and the real world examples
And so forth but to give an example you gave the one with the the actor
Basically taking away work from other actors
So there's a couple ways you you could give pushback on that one
Is you understand the overall amount of content needed is greater on a day-to-day basis a the population's getting bigger
More people get access to the internet and then there's there's more streaming platforms
It's not like the days when I was a little kid and there were four channels and if there was cable, you know
20 channels we're at the point where we need this huge amount of content
To justify all these different places you could go for the content
So what that means is they're not really taking away work because the overall pie is bigger now just because tom
You know bruce willis is doing an ai scene 20 years from now
Yeah, there might be one less actor in that scene
But if that art wasn't going to get created anyway without that that artistic part of it being available
You can make an argument when it exists and b there is somebody that's employed
Creating the ai models and shaping it and cutting it and editing it and providing the voices
So you're not changing the fact that somebody makes money. You're just changing where they are on the supply chain process
Hey, i'm gonna just quickly interject before before I get to the hands
Bring back paul walker. That's all I want
Bro feels that's right. Well, I mean they put his brother they put his brother in in the movie, right?
It was kind of you can still see a difference. They didn't quite get the deep fake, right?
But yeah, you know, it was it was it was a close. It was a close second, you know
So yeah cody co what's the thing about the walker family?
They're all ringers for each other with the big eyes and stuff
But yeah, man now bring them back. So before we get to the hands really fast
I wanted to just address what ip nerd is saying about new opportunities and with with the deep fake style of aa content
Becoming more popular and the toolkit being geared more towards both deep fakes and then you know human subjects, right?
We've mentioned before
Unfortunately a lot of ai, you know, uh bandwidth and intelligence is being diverted towards naked human subjects
I mean, I don't know. I don't know. That's uh, you know, I don't know how much that's that's a helping humanity
But but with all those deep fakes
No, the operators what i'm what i'm saying is i'm getting reports back from visual effects professionals people who do this
day in day out people who are part of the small armies
That create these visual effects that we love so much
The the whole cottage industry that supports the main actors and everyone I think is kind of focused a little bit too much
On the acting talent themselves and not the small army of people that it takes to make them look good on camera
Those are the folks that are being disrupted not the actors
I'm, sorry. I don't give a shit about them. So I mean
Come on, you know your favorite
You know your favorite actor deserves to get paid, you know nine figures for showing their face. Come on buddy. Let's do it
Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. Right? Yeah
Yeah, right. Yeah. No for sure. What was it Daniel Radcliffe? His life was definitely not ruined by by affluenza at a young age
Yeah, we're not ruining these people by yeah by like throwing them into the diva like that or uh, whatever god another example is um
Jeez, yeah, the number of these people that we just we've ruined by giving them thrusting them into limelight like this
Who knows maybe we'll give humanity a break by not destroying people's uh people's self-concept that way
And putting them on a pedestal like that
But I but the problem is we haven't seen genuine demand for AI generated content outside of those use cases that were mentioned earlier
When it comes to the the use cases where people are afraid to make really public and it couldn't be broadly commercially viable
Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Not yet, Seth. Hold on. It's a broad statement because we we haven't been
To the advancement that was just made a few moments ago, right last week or whatever it was Friday, whatever it is
We haven't we haven't been to this
Advancement yet. I mean, what was what was the platform that that I was chilling? I was pre Leonardo
It was runway right runway ml very public commercial place
Where it made five to ten second clips and each generation it kept on
Getting more realistic and more realistic. So a lot a lot of animated stuff can be made through there, but it was more realistic
Which was great. Now you have Sora. It just made that thing look like it's an Atari, you know
And this thing is post-place station, you know, so it's
It's it's safe to say that
Use cases come when the tech is developed to that stage
Right. So if you look at the tech and how it is now
Just just look just look at this from up and you can appreciate this because you are mind your best channel
Content creators are from a content creator. Look at look at put those eyes on right?
You can make a 30 or 60 second clip
In minutes as opposed to whatever the hell you're doing now, which is like i'm not
degrading it like that, but i'm just saying it's the time efficiency you and I talk about this right because we
We do run a business black media group bmg and um, and we're consistently raising for clients and and talking and dude
We've had more calls and in one day than probably most people have in months, right? So
You know the the time that that you have is is pretty precious and then
Looking at you have to content create on top of that which also means splicing editing things like this
You have your own team and and and and you're you're spending
however much, you know to to that team things like that
But as as just someone, you know, like action and a lot a lot of the folks down at the audience
I see too as well that
That I use that that are constant creators now, you can just give it a type text
And then you have these programs that you've showed me before that can splice these videos and create this
This freaking cool ass thing that you barely put any effort to now mind you
Mind you the topic here is ai right ai
Used as a crutch, right? It's like that limitless movie, you know you and I talked about this too as well
This is I love her seeing this
It's like the limitless movie if you guys watch the limitless movie, right? What what what was the thing?
that he said
Who was I can't remember if it was uh
It was the main actor whoever was no they were telling him the pill in limitless, right?
Doesn't make you
Doesn't make a dumb person smarter, right? It just helps him get focused right same thing
So with ai, it doesn't really make you smarter you can proceed to it, right?
you can be on these spaces type in your life away and and
rebutting whatever the hell that thing tells you but at the end of the day, you're still not as knowledgeable as you could have been right so
I thought that was just Adderall, man. What happened? Oh, it could be Adderall. It literally is a metaphor for Adderall
Yeah, that's that's literally what the entire movie is about
It could be it could be it could be Adderall. Yeah, it could be I don't know but but but you know in so
What I was getting at is you have these ability to prompt to get a result
How creative your prompt is how it it goes with the substance of how creative you are or how?
knowledgeable about whatever your direction you're going
That's that's what's going to determine the direction of how the video is generated how the content is generated or how that
those bylines or that article
Or whatever's there is generated, right? So that's why a lot of these ai articles sound the same
They all sounds and you can dude you can go to benzinga
You can go to a coin telegraph you can go to all these places. They're all doing this carvish, bro
They I if whoever's telling you is they're not doing it
You're paying for those press releases. Those press releases are being generated by an ai
Yeah, nobody's doing the work right and jay
You're you're you're kind of pointing you're pointing attention to what I was saying before you're validating it that there's there's not proven demand for the
AI generated content because so much of it is just grind house. We're getting rid of junior level contributions
That's what we're doing
We're not getting rid of people who are middle of mid career
Or who advanced in their career just yet and the cautionary tale that i'm bringing is is from somebody who's at the top level
There's there's nowhere else to go. It's not that there's a glass ceiling
It's that there's no other floors installed in the industry where this person is
Until they go and uh and obtain venture capital to start their own studio
Even then they they might be maxed out in terms of what they can earn
Being being an equity owner in a visual effects studio
This person is at the absolute pinnacle has worked for the very best and the best
And has networked with people who worked at every other studio, right?
Digital domain that made the tron movie the and hydraulics that made the real steel movie every other visual effects studio
They're comparing notes and they're telling us. No, we don't need junior
We're not going to need junior level people very soon
That's problematic in terms of our talent feedstock
Where will the mid-level know where the mid-career people be five to ten years from now?
And if they're not around to be as intelligent as the ai to check results
Then we have an even bigger problem in 15 to 20 years
No, at that point it's possible. The ai tools will be so robust that anybody can do what they did as user-generated content
But then we will have the problem of user-generated content platforms and dead internet
Where upwards of 70 percent of all traffic on most channels on youtube on vimeo, which is not even like that popular anymore
Youtube i instagram twitter tiktok
So many of the views are obviously fake and not even on like the fake accounts that are like russian bot channels
But on the mainstream accounts where you can you can practically
Practically measure the impact of of bot traffic everywhere. There's so much fake traffic
Like it's it's there's a there's a number of problems. It's a confluence of issues that we're facing here
It isn't just that ai is a problem
It's that dead internet theory is being proven on these user-generated platform, too
So when it's ai generated there's zero organic demand for the most part the channels that were mentioned earlier with millions of subscribers and
And the projections of hundreds of thousands in in revenue every month. Nope, that is that is simply not true
There's there's a ton of fake traffic being thrown at those at those channels because nothing ventured nothing gained
Like you said jay
It took them 30 seconds to prompt everything they needed for for some of the core
Script and then it took them 15 minutes to generate a video that normally would have taken a human
If they shot edited and produced it would have taken them two days. You're right. They cranked it out. So why not throw
25 dollars worth of bots at it to make it look like you're you know
Like your uh, your channel's popping off make it look like you're the man
And then you know fool them a little bit longer so you can maybe get a little bit of organic traffic
rinse and repeat
We're floating in a sea of wait a minute. Are you are you sure they do that? They didn't okay, buddy
No, go ahead, man. Go ahead
I'm just pressed. I'm pressed for time as
No, and yeah, I love its popcorn style. Thanks for thanks for just jumping in guys put those damn hands down
Yeah, I was doing it right
Hey, I love it. Okay. All right. All right, cool. Now. I know the rumble in the goddamn jungle
Let me get to it with my food, baby. My name is a I love you know
What time it is y'all here fucking say hey, man
He's out here telling y'all the truth man. Tell it to your youth, man
You know what I'm saying? Because at the end of the day, we got a mathematical fucking problem. What's that?
It's called GDP. You know what GDP is gross thematic for production and when we're no longer manufacturing and we no longer have jobs
We got a debt ratio that we got to worry about. Hello
Is anybody out there?
Sometimes I really wonder is this just a blind leading the blind or what are we doing?
You got to get to start putting a little thump in your hump, man
I'm trying to tell you fuck these red parties blue parties
It's time to say what the hell do party because the way it's looking. Yeah, it's relatively bleak and grim and i'm sorry
You thought you was about to take all this motherfucking land and all this shit not give back to the people
What a technology. So wait, you're gonna institute the ai
You're going to continue to have us as your consumers and we're just supposed to abide by that. Come on, man
That doesn't sound right. I think us as humanity and human civilization
I didn't make this shit up the ancients actually said this there would be a time where there would be a
Great unveiling of free flowing information in the universe the keys to the universe would be unlocked now man is man
Right man the spirit creature. You must overstain these things. It's just a vessel right too deep
I'm not going to go there. But where I will go is here follow me, right?
We have got to take action. Okay action more than this space. You're right. You're sillings, right?
You're sillings with the banturism I can go in here and I can gander a million fucking followers and say pump this project
Pump this token. Look at this ai. Let's do this
No, no, no, the people that needed the most are the people that aren't listening to this god deal space
We need to institute a game plan to address that issue because until people are informed
They will continue to be deceived and unfortunately, you can't build truth on the body of lies
What the hell just happened? Have I just been ai loved?
Have I just been ai loved what in the hell just happened here, bro? Holy hell awesome to meet you
Yeah, I actually just turned on my video notifications because if you go on video I need to see where you look like
Pleasure's all mine
Pleasure's all mine man. Hey, look, I can't wait to deal with those is building
We don't put some motion back in the ocean these people. We ain't gotta be stopped. I'm sorry
I don't like what's going on at balenciaga factories in tunnels in new york
I'm sorry. This shit is kind of this is relatively disturbing, right?
Yeah, you know, hey, man, listen, I understand these transmute they transition
But we need to start holding on to some sort of principle morality and value
You know because there's no sense of letting the world destroy yourself when we have an opportunity
To get off this fucking planet right and go explore the galaxies and that's where our partnership is like, yo
Why are we not taking the not the ai can solve all these problems?
Oh, we don't know how to use our resources. I'll bet you ai does you just
Wait, I failed to believe you hadn't asked ai this question now that I think about it
You're too fucking smart and this is how I really see things
You're too smart to not use this technology to know that this technology can solve all the problems
So what is the problem? Maybe the problem isn't the technology?
Maybe you're the problem
Man skynet activated
Appreciate you
Dude who invited this guy this whoever did that was the goat. Hey, hey, hey awesome, dude. Yo, I got you
I got it. It's an ai space, right?
Holy shit, it's an ai space. So where where two or more and gather an ai's name there. Yeah, I love also
I feel like I feel like I was violated. I feel like I was violated. What's going on here?
I thought we were playing
I thought we were playing by salon rules. J crypto. So I was holding my hand up and being polite
Solana's broken. I will get over myself. Solana's broken. So no, no
In the old days if you went into a salado room everybody had their hand up and you had to wait
And I don't play well with others, oh no mama bear what's up you mentioned
I'm good. I'm just listening right because I am a homeschool mom. That is like my my core my my heart my focus
So all of this ai stuff has me super intrigued not only that working for darcy, you know in a production studio
Yes, I plugged myself. Um, you're welcome
Um, so this is this is all of the stuff i'm listening through that lens, right?
I'm listening through the lens of if we don't if our children can't decipher what is actually real
Um photographs because my children will turn and they're like mom. Is that real?
Like no that was computer generated. That's all fake and they're like, oh, okay
So then their stress level comes back down. We're doing our children a disservice. Sorry. I haven't had my coffee yet
We're doing our children a disservice because they're not able to differentiate between those
Not only that you said maybe we're going to give humanity a break
Well, um, maybe we don't need a break. What is the real um allure of of a beautiful woman, right?
If if if it's all fake and it's all computer generated
Um a real physical woman is not going to be valued or appreciated at all
Because she doesn't look like the fake right real women have we have wrinkles
We have saggy droopies. We have all of that stuff, but we're also we also come with a heart
We also come with emotion
And if we're only focusing on the ai side of it and we're promoting and pushing and ai is learning faster than we can feed it
There has to be a stopgap in there somewhere where just because it's inevitable doesn't mean I have to flush my
um ability to think
Logically and to reason and it did not teach my children how to think and to dissect something to break something down
And I feel like people say oh, well, that's just too much trouble
They can just watch a video and that's what it's coming down to people like oh, no, no
Well, just put them on the computer and let them learn whatever they want to learn and they can dissect
And they can go through the stuff
Like if you're not involved and engaged in what your kid is learning
They are going to be learning how to make sex tapes on the on the internet
They are going to be learning how to do that because it's so prevalent and it's out there
That's what they're learning
And if you're not involved as the stopgap guy at the front door to close the door and say no not in my house
Then it is going to become inevitable and where is our society in three years?
Where are we in five years?
If you look at how quickly ai has has learned in the last 12 months, what does it look like in 15 years?
There will be no need for attorneys
I'm, sorry vegetal, but there won't be because the law doesn't have emotion and it doesn't have feeling
So it will be black and white there will be no one to reason and say you know what you're right
Um, there was a problem with this and the system was down and you're right and you're right
there won't be anyone there to reason into logic and to
Think in the socratic method and to actually um use um
The dialectic method to be able to actually communicate into dialogue
It will literally just be black and white and that will be the end and how boring will that be?
Yeah, mama mama bear. I absolutely love what you just said
I'm going to co-sign just as a parent
I'm going to co-sign what you said about about parents rights and the opportunity of parents and and currently in the current paradigm, right?
The the legal weight and responsibility for parents to give a moral judgment
In in the raising of the next generation
And I think it is pretty obvious that with with certain larger tech interests and with certain certain larger media interests
It's become obvious that they've been trying for a long time
To reorient the younger people and children away from parents and towards just more screens
For whatever, you know good bad and different just towards the screen. So so whatever programming can just brainwash them more easily
But mark you've had your hand up for a minute
Let me get a little side interjection, let me get it I was gonna get one too. All right, go ahead as long as we have a judicial branch
Wait say it again IP for the judicial branch is it me sir? Is it me sir?
As long as we have a judicial branch the United States will have lawyers. They go hand in hand
Yeah, I think courts of equity probably but yeah, I I want to come in on the lawyer take if I may
That's not why I put my hand up, but i'm i'm in the camp of um
Mama bear, sorry vegetal
Um, but trust me if you saw my monthly lawyer bill, um, the sooner we don't have lawyers the bloody better in my humble
I agree. Crikey is I literally created a protocol to get rid of lawyers
Thank you. Thank you vegetable. Maybe um, are you looking for investment always?
Oh cool, right. We should talk. Um
Because hey, i'll just shift some of that money I spend on lawyers over to you
It's a win-win evolution and you'll be tactical live
Jesus digital is it is it
Fidgetle will be tax deductible. So that's even better
But I just wanted to come in on something that actually fidgetle said
Um around the production and uh, I didn't hear anyone say it
Um, and and I get I get the the negativity around it. It does i'm gonna be honest it
Causes me a lot of consternation. I think we should always try and look for the good first as a rope as opposed to the bad
But I understand it
But yes, some jobs will go right? There's no doubt about that
But uh, fidgetle you gave a great example of the production there and I look at this as a way of reducing production costs
And yes, we will lose some jobs
But hey, what's the flip side?
The flip side is there will be more indie filmmakers because the cost of production is going to be dramatically reduced
So we'll lose some jobs at the top end. But hey, we're talking democratization here. We're talking decentralization
We'll create some more jobs at the bottom end
Because typically, you know
If anyone's been involved with film finance and I have it takes as long
To fund a film as it does to bloody shoot the thing, right? That's the that's the stark reality
So if we can cut the cost down
And welcome in more indie developers indie filmmakers, that's a positive for me and then uh, we talked about
You know using the tool for production from what I know now
Um, you know, we can use something like nerf nerf technology, for example
And you know, everyone seems to think oh, we'll use mvd as nerves and that will create all the scenes for us
You actually still need a human to look it over when it's completed
to make sure that it's uh, all looks correct and sits correct and is
Correct to the human eye because you know what people don't think about is
you start creating
certainly 3d or vfx assets
Which are let's try and keep it. Um
Non-technical which are mangled to the eye then we'll start getting headaches
We'll start getting dizzy
And you need a human to be able to curate that to make sure that it sits and plays correctly
for our consumption
Oh, and by the way and to keep in keep in tune with the um with the title of the film
I will quote maximist. Are you not entertained?
Are you not entertained? Oh the vertigo is getting them again
Do you do you want if I piggyback off marker real quick, which is
The evolution is it doesn't make sense if you're looking at it in a single silo, right?
But step back a little bit, right?
Think about what happened with streaming services. Think about what happened with covid in movies
Right. I see two big positives from reducing the cost of film
By the way wait to wait till we attach blockchain and immutable data and reputational identities to pna
Talk about inefficiencies, right?
Not only does it take as longer to raise finance and it's precarious as fuck, right?
You're you're getting bonds. You're getting overseas debt. You're you're you're getting post bridges at
usurious rates
Maybe the one side is right as we appreciate films and the cost goes down
That's not going to change our habits of what we're comfortable spending
I'm not going to go to a theater and be like this movie was made by ai
It costs less than 400 million. I'm only paying nine dollars for this ticket, right? You're still going to pay the same price
So maybe now producers or investors will actually make their money back. I think personal if you've invested in a movie
It's vanity. I personally lost three hundred thousand dollars a movie and two hundred ten thousand dollars on fucking reality tv
And guess what? I have an imdb
If you know of an abduct you can see I have a bunch of reality tv shows that I did not produce
But I lost money on
Um, so there's that right more profitable business maybe less money on on certain things and and and better product
Great great upside save the theaters on the flip
cheaper cheaper production for streaming higher quality streaming products
I'm serious
You're not going to change the habits of people who make a decision whether they're going to stream or they're going to go to theater
I'll tell you I still go to the theater for for experiential movies, right? I'm not going to watch
Christopher Nolan movie at home even if it's slow and doesn't need the theatrics like like uh, like Oppenheimer
But if you can make movies that are infinitely more exciting and and prove out the theater model
that can change so there's positives to everything and I think the the the film and tv industry is
The one of the most antiquated industries that yes people might lose jobs, but that was inflated
Glut, there's no reason why someone should be making 40 million dollars. And if there is they'll keep on making 40 million dollars. You can't fight
Finance, so let me let me let me ask you. Okay, Marco, let me ask you this so
Human beings right they're
susceptible to their own corruption, right specifically in the judicial system
If you create a logic-based system that tells you in black or white yes or no
What's what's the pullback on that the human element to this?
Wrongfully incarcerates however many people based on that
I don't know the stats, but I know I know is it was pretty prevalent and pretty pretty apparent
So so what's what's the what's the stop on that?
You know, what's what's and to get you I can we could talk to the attorneys after but for for for you specifically
I want I want to know what what would be the
Well, at least forget about today's technology. This is what i'm talking about. I didn't sign up for a fucking trump space
I'm not talking about trump. What are you talking about? Oh, jesus christ. Oh, yes, because he just got ruled on
Forgot about that, but there is there they're also embargoing right now
Is there something like godwin's law but but how long it takes in a conversation before somebody invokes trump?
Can we come up with that i'm really i'm really big on the internet having laws. This is great
No, but but mark i'm i'm kind of curious on that. What's what's your take on that because
A fair and and and and partial system is something we don't have
So could this kind of fix it? Do you think or no?
Just kind of just want to get your your take on it because you kind of went on that if you're around
Yeah, I am right, um could it fix it potentially yeah potentially I think it could
Right because you know, I look at things as ones and zeros
So if we could get to a place of ones and zeros if I use that as an example
Then it could because you know, you raise a fantastic point
Do I you know, do I see it happening in the next couple of years? No, I don't but what I do see
Is what I deem as you know fees are being paid for what I call
I use the word mundane. That's probably the wrong word, but for administrative type
lawyer tasks where ai
Programmed correctly could do those tasks for me
But more importantly do those tasks more quickly than they currently are you know, it
I don't have much hair as it is anyway
But uh, you know by what I have left I would lose for the amount of time
It takes for lawyers to actually do the piece of work
Um, so in answer, I think it could get there
But it's going to take a while to do so and just on the trump thing, you know, obviously you can tell by my accent
Who the hell is trump? I have no idea who you're talking. Oh, you're being entertained. Sir. Listen, I I every every
You know european individual that i've come across with
They absolutely heat the popcorn and they love watching the show. That's that's that's all they're at
They're not participants like us. It doesn't affect you. Well, not directly but
Dude that is true. I was in australia when trump got elected and I had a shopkeeper laugh at me
Not like laugh with me like genuinely laugh at me that trump was our president
He couldn't wrap his head around wait a minute. Wait, and who's australia's lead? Okay, we're gonna leave australia out of this anyways, um, mama
Oh, yeah, it's the king. It's the king with us
They'd have no room to laugh just saying mama bear, please do not raise your hand. This is a
Disney wears a trump spirit around the house. Let me tell you bro. He's got he's got he's got a trump superman underwear
He didn't show me a picture once but you know, I saw that once
He bought a pair of those basketball shoes
Did you only one pair you buy three right? You I don't you buy one
Fringe on ip. Okay, mom
Well, no, here's the thing actually fidget will also own some lubotons. He likes the high heels to go with the end use
There you go, see
Fidgeted fidget's got it going on man. I the question I had right was
Where do you do with all of these people who were sentenced under these now antiquated laws that we have, right?
But you also have to come back to the law is impartial in my limited experience, right?
But you also have to come back to who is putting the spin on the law
Because they they have the the spin that says well, this is the law and this is the way it goes
Well, there may be extenuating circumstances, right?
If you have we all know it's wrong and against the law to steal food or to steal something
If I was starving to death and my children were going to die because it had been five days and they hadn't eaten
And I didn't have any money and didn't have any way to get any guarantee i'd be stealing some food
But I know is wrong that comes back to situational ethics. My question would come back to well who is going to
Tell the ai
All of the mitigating circumstances that this is a family that's in this situation and all of these other things
Are you really going to convict them? No, you wouldn't but black and white law would so it comes down to this question
Who is feeding the information?
Who's in charge of who's feeding the information and who's keeping track of what's being mitigated? That's the question
Wait a minute. I'm not afraid of ai. I know it's coming but it really does stress. Yeah
To go to go on this. Um
So it is only okay to break a law when the situation demands it
Personal situation not not not environmental situation. Let's say personal situation demands it. No, it's a
No, I well
This is the problem, right? If we're talking about
Someone getting a meal at the moment that will save their lives so that it will better their moment so they can get to the next
Moment and it will save their lives for future generations. What if they're the person that solves?
I don't know climate change. What if they're the person that solves?
Um cancer, what if they're the person that solves politics right in all of the infighting?
What if that's that one person and we were you know callous buttholes and we said nope
Too bad starve your parents or idiots what you know, that's that's what we're talking about
So at what point is it sacrificing our actual humanity?
And the people that are physically tangibly here right now feeding them
Okay to to to put that on pause because oh, you know if I feed you today
Then you know it's gonna have a climate change problem in 25 years
No, I feed the person today and it's not that it's okay to check to break the law
But the that someone needs to have common sense right to say feed the people that are starving now
So that they can solve tomorrow. Okay, this is kind of like
Asimovian ethics. Yes, just just briefly asimovian ethics ethics three law and four law robots
We're not there yet, but asimov had some
Okay ideas on the matter. Yeah, but just uh not to get too crazy in the ways today
I talked about let's let's let me let me apply this because i'm i'm i have my my
Old ethics hat my I love my old ethics teacher in college. He was uh an activist under
Martin Luther king, which is fantastic dude published amazing guy
Taught me an amazing tie. I thought I had it good on ethics. No, he he was amazing. So
Ethics and law completely different, right? Let's throw it out the window for the moment
So if the person has a future potential
His situation regardless whether he caused it or not
It's okay for him to break the law
This is this is just giving you kind of like a a black and white definition, right?
And i've been watching suits a lot. So so i'm kind of an expert on the law stuff. No, i'm just kidding. Um, so
Let me let me ask you this what?
There's two things
What caused that person to cause his family to starve?
providing and two
Um, why didn't that person just go to an available shelter?
Or an available place to feed his family instead of breaking into a place
And stealing something that doesn't belong to him and me let's say if i'm the business owner
I placed myself in a situation to own that business and my hard-earned money
Purchased this why is somebody allowed to take from me as a business owner?
So now it gets into a much deeper ball
But there was two situations there in the beginning there were two situations at the beginning what what they caused it
So it wasn't no one
No one's no one broke in they you walk into the grocery store and there's you know fruit and the display
And they say I have no money. My children are starving. May I have right?
They they try the you know thing
How many times have we been scammed and duped and lied to about all kinds of things? We don't know right?
We don't know the actual reality, but it really does happen even in america
There are shelters that are full. There are all of these other situations
Maybe I can't physically walk down there because it's too far from where I am or I have sick children that can't physically
There are lots of reasons why you can't um, I had a girlfriend her husband passed away
Everything was in his name. They didn't it was going through probate going through all of this other stuff
They had money. She couldn't get to any of it none of it because of his
untimely immediate death
So the food in the house was running out the bills weren't being paid all of these things were happening
And so you're she's stuck in a real world situation even in 2024
This was 23, but in a real world situation where she's not doesn't have money doesn't have food doesn't have
And she said I am so desperate i'm ready to go and steal groceries and I was like girl
I'm ubering my food to you right now
Like we're not going to let you starve to death, but there but it does happen even in america
So that's america imagine you're in another country
Which if we've had the luxury as americans to travel outside, it does happen there even more
And in it does happen those types of things do happen, but you're talking about where
Where do my rights end and someone else's rights begin as as a human?
I don't know that my rights do end and I don't know that someone else's rights ever end either
So we have to have the humanity aspect and I see a lot of
This ai discussion is is is um
Disregarding the humanity aspect of it right the law is the law. Yes, that is the truth, but the humanity
Um will always be here whether there's a law or not
People will always be here and they are way more important than the law
So positive and uh, I just wanted to ask a question really quickly
So like you said earlier like, you know, potentially that kid could could then solve nobel prize, you know
He could cure cancer and everything
Um, I i'm, i'm, sorry. I just have to ask this like the entire time in my mind
I'm, just thinking like what if I just fed hitler, right?
Like you would never know in terms of future potential but also, um
For the next scenario as well as like I do see
The the other side of the argument of like if you're a business owner
And potentially having it to where hey, look i'm going to be losing money because people are going to be stealing like if you look
At people in california, you know, like you can just go in a store steal something that's under a thousand dollars and
You can just kind of get away with it because the law was changed for
Whichever reason i'm not from california
Well, I don't live in california anymore. So i'm not too sure but like let's say if you're in texas
Dude, if you come in texas, you're kind of fucked
Uh, the the law the the law that's actually also kind of not true
It's a very different world even in texas, but yeah retail you can't just yeah, you don't people standing their ground inside of well
Yeah, yeah, retail like target that's being looted
Well, do you remember k-town during the la riots?
Go ahead try to steal some from a Korean guy
Well, no, yeah, no, they're legend no or mike try to steal somebody for somebody in florida
Put it that way because we're in a much different situation. The laws are actually enforced here. And listen, i'm not look
i'm all about
Getting the giving the help right giving the help when the help is there
But let me show you what happened in new york in new york specifically the bronx
They were looting
Target so much that now target has uprooted from new york city and took all their stores and left
Well for the most part, I think one of the stores is up there. But so now because of that
An affordable place was removed from that situation. You see there's consequences
To actions that's what people fail to to go through right? Yes
Is there the one-off situations where it's an extreme case like your friend, but that doesn't happen all the time
That's that's a one-off situation
Now does that person deserve to be looked the other way to take someone else's hard-earned money because they're
Don't have hard-earned money that that's again. That's the coin toss, right?
That's the coin toss that you're talking about but from from the angle of the person that it's being stolen from
How is that fair to that person?
right, oh they
Let me jump in and just
Yeah, let me bring up a concept that that a I love brought up very briefly. He said gdp
And we've been kind of talking of dancing around
The the real economic impact of ai disrupting some of these some of these uh, some of these businesses
It's not just that there will be casualties
It's like jay like you're bringing up there are second and third order effects with some of these new functions and they they will
Distill into their being less
Less viable gross domestic product. I mean yes film funding is is terrible, right?
And what used to cost we used to be a million and a half budget just for a music video in 2007
Was immediately changed in 2008 and 2009
Because canon decided to release a single firmware patch for one of their stupid cameras
Like literally you can track it back to one firmware release on one device
That was disruptive in in uh, at least in that sector of making music videos
I personally know somebody who uh, like uh went to school with the guy who shot all tyga's early videos before that time
And he had to get out of the business
He couldn't he couldn't afford to make music videos anymore because the budgets became so lean so fast
That's the other side of the the equation the service providers are disappearing mostly the journeymen, right?
So we're not getting the middle creators and those who do put up with the uh, the relatively low competitive
Earnings right of those new sectors
It ultimately devolves into user generated content
That after that point was when that was the rise of the youtuber and then we only discovered five years later
That's second and third order effects of that when we saw these youtubers not dropping over dead
But but basically not taking a single break
No days off in over five years of generating content doing 12 to 16 hour days
We never stopped to ask are we basically creating a new hamster wheel? That's even more difficult
I mean, these are these are functional. They're sweatshops that make content
Um, so we we've had second and third order effects there to the point that now people see a video that uh, that has
Relatively high production value and a relatively a reasonably attractive and articulate person
That is producing content and they click on it and think yeah, not good enough
Not good enough. And uh, and so like we said we ironically we want much higher quality on user generated content
And then we're not willing to pay for the highest
Quality highest level of production value in visual effects. That's what i'm saying is we are we're like on a bullet train
Racing towards the bottom right now and ai is giving it an exponential accelerator
So so yeah, there are second and third order effects when we talk about this the simple example of somebody stealing food
It's about to get so much more complex than that ethically
But that's but that's not it's already getting complex with the homelessness problem that we're not addressing domestically, right?
I mean the china shops where there's like a hundred content creators all trying to create content at the same time
And they're all like uh using a filters and everything. It's because it's it's a attention economy
And I want to clarify something really quickly, uh, because like mama bear earlier when I said, you know, maybe hillar
It's a baby i'll still feed them no matter what, you know
I don't care if they're gonna grow up to whoever they are and stuff
but uh, you know, I was just trying to use like a
Like every region is trying to capitalize on the eyeballs basically that's the most expensive
Uh, the most expensive kind of like marketing right now is basically attention marketing through videos advertising anything that can get the eyeballs on there
Um, those are the only ones that people were advertisers especially are willing to spend
You know crazy budgets on just to make sure that they're able to get
The the five seconds in front of a in front of a video or now that ad block kind of came up
They're sort of placing it inside the videos and everything, right?
Like people are starting to figure out ways to try to get the majority of the uh, the attraction from the attention
Yeah, but but but as a result of that the second order effect is amazon and hulu
Amazon is taking a page out of hulu's playbook
So is netflix and reinserting ads into what was previously an ad-free experience that are unskippable
So the platforms that do have the attention and think they have captive audience are being abusive towards it now
It's not going to end well
Well for amazon prime, I was actually surprised too because I was like watching suits
No, I was watching billions the other day and I was like, why is there ads coming on?
But uh, I mean amazon prime already has so many services
It's like for me. I don't even know what the video portion until I kind of like started looking into the videos
Um, but I know like people that are avid, you know
Just like if I if I had netflix, I know I I only pay for the netflix portion and there's gonna be freaking ads on there
I will be pissed but uh, it's starting to happen on netflix as well a little bit
Um t-mobile just recently did it to where if you have netflix free from t-mobile it now adds ads into the uh, the netflix experience
I have to comment back to is if the child grows up to become hitler or the next hitler
That remains to be seen because the value of the human life is far exceeds what they may become and at any point in their lifetime
Is an opportunity to intersect them and to change the trajectory of their life for the good or the bad. Um, I
Inherently believe people are redeemable. Um, seth knows, right?
um, and and and I believe that we have an opportunity and a responsibility
To intersect a hurting person's life and to speak life into their moment and to change the course of of the future history to come
Right. That's that's kind of my view as far as um, you know the quality of production
I think that the storylines need to be there needs to be more focus on the storyline to to actually
Create and write and to build an incredible story so that we're drawn in and we don't lose our attention in five seconds
But we also have a responsibility as a culture to lengthen our our
Attention span and to not have to get that immediate dopamine effect every five seconds. They're
Unplugging and slowing down is not a crime and I think we have to focus on that to a degree as well
um, and and I think the
Pressure is on studios and movie and television people to create something that we want to see and that has value in it
But you know, what do I I'm I was gonna say what do I know? I'm just homeschooled mom. Um, but I I want something of quality
That's I want quality period hands down whether i'm buying leboutins like fidget or i'm buying, you know, um real estate
I want quality
Yeah, that's awesome. So I think everyone should demand that hey mark. You've had your hand up on stage
We were popcorn style here today. So welcome to the stage. You can just take your hand down and
Welcome to my stage mark
All right, cool. Thank you. How's everybody doing? Uh, yeah, i've been listening for the last
you know hour and uh
I got out i'm not such a doom and gloom guy
About all this right because i've had a lot of experience
Uh through films through music videos through shooting through photography
And I don't feel threatened at all
You know, um
I I agree with i'm not sure who is saying it about
Uh how a I will lessen the production value of films
However, let's think about all the positives here. I mean how many doors does this open for people?
Who can't who don't have access to you know, multi-million dollar budgets or I mean you're
I'm you know, if if we were doing a music video we or or a film and we needed a composite
Or we needed, you know something done in after effects. We needed to hire a literally a team
You know hundreds, you know hundreds of thousands of dollars for this right and now you could jump on ai
for a night
And and you know use a couple prompts and push something out that you know, uh
You you would have to do for a hundred and you know a hundred thousand this this completely changes the game
And I agree with what everyone's saying about, you know, uh, you know quality, right?
I've always been a person of quality but everybody's sitting here, you know
We're all you know, I think every like everybody here is talking like, uh, you know
Nine out of ten things that show up on tv or film aren't trash
Yeah, it's not I mean like like there isn't so much trash released as is
So I mean like how is this gonna hurt the trash?
I don't see it hurting the trash
It might make the trash better, right let's go
I mean, hey, I mean, you know
You said it, you know what I mean? Like now people have an opportunity so sorrow, right?
And uh, they just released this clip
I don't know how many you guys saw at the ant walking through the little ant hill, right?
And now you know what that would have cost to do?
Uh 3d wise or or just maybe getting a probe on on on an airy and sending a probe through a
Through a hole trying to get that level of accuracy how many shots how many and now something like that
Can be produced
under five minutes
Um, you know that let's talk about it. Let's talk about how that you're not going to change
The you're not going to change somewhat. You're not going to change hollywood
You know, um, uh dedication to quality it doesn't work like that hollywood. It's a piece of paper
It's uh, it's you know, it's on a sheet of paper. We're gonna spend x amount of dollars
What do we look to make back? Are we gonna profit mark? Can I add to that real quick?
Yeah, yeah
So I was actually watching that was a really beautiful way to highlight the difference between ai and human
Kind of succinctly which is I was watching uh, it's watching mission impossible
5085 uh with doc on saturday. Yes doc was staying at my house. And yes, we watched movies and
Were you guys in jammies? Were you guys in jammies together trump jammies? Yeah, that's good. Basically. Basically. Yeah
Um, no mark
I want you to continue but I just wanted to throw out
We were watching mission impossible and there's a scene where he rides a motorcycle off of a cliff
And then he grabs a parachute and then we stopped the movie went to watch the video because we were so excited that he acted
Tom little man cruz actually did that stunt himself? We watched that video and like five
Right. And so so it was the marveling of the fact that we appreciate the human and we still appreciate
And I think that will grow and so that was just really cool. Go ahead mark
Yeah, no five times in one day
Right. He he launched himself off that off that ramp five times in one day
You know, um, here's my thing, right? I've been shooting i've been behind the camera for almost 30 years
Uh, nothing's gonna replace my love for working with somebody for directing somebody for trying to capture that perfect shot with their eyes
You're not gonna reproduce
An al Pacino monologue you're not going to reproduce a brad pit face twerk
You're not going to reproduce, you know
Silver linings playbook, you know, you just you're not going to reproduce these human
This is you you know emotions sensitivity people applying their life experiences
That's something a I'll not not a I didn't live a life not yet
because training so the the
Deepness of this is is multi-layered, right?
Is very multi-layered the training that goes into these things, right?
So right now a content creator just a standard
Listen, I know we have to start at a small level because we're not at that big level yet, right?
from the content creator
Seth can go ahead and clone his face
Right not recommend you doing it, but whatever he can clone his face
clone his voice, right
and automate the entire process
right, he can automate his entire process and
Let's go now. Is it at a point where it can be streamlined? No, but those tools are coming as
As we progress mind you we're a year and a half two years into the discovery of
Really what this world can do two years just two years and look how far we come
Two years, dude. I know machine machine learning modeling has been around for for a long time
But commercially available and viable to where um, you know
an average user like like any of us here can go in and implement some changes now maybe even software
and and programmers can't software designers and programmers can get in and
Streamline tools to help automate their process and wait make something better or in the video stream make something better or or something like that
This is right now. Where we're talking about is right? You can't you cannot have that emotion aspect at this time
But i'll tell you what we can do that is pretty revolutionary that will treat. I believe will translate to the on screen
I can write I can have a I write
right the
tonality language
Right, even even trans even translated language, whatever it is
The the the straight model of how someone
Emotionally writes an article. I can take that essence and and and program AI to write that to write me something in that person's image
right because that that person's not not say image as in like picture but image as in like their their tonality how how they
How they how would they perceive the situation in this penmanship?
How how they use dictations? Where do they put stops where they it's it's all of it. I can take that
and write an elaborate
book masterpiece based on him
And and I can train what train an AI with all of his writings all of his books
Mimic this but write about this
That's the part that people are furious about because you can do that right now now imagine this with facial features and and all that stuff
that stuff's being
Compiled now in video right with saura
It's dude. It's I I mean, holy shit
I can only and that's just what's what they teaser showed you. That's not probably what it really can do
Right what it really can we'll find out but yeah, sorry. Sorry to interrupt mark man. Yeah
Yeah, let me let me also
Well, we're on the subject
Let me just bring it because it because this is the entertainment AI space right where we are talking about primarily
You know this kind of work and from before talking to somebody at a visual effects studio
Look, um, if you want to do some homework on on the current state of the art, right?
Just attack itself look up a look up a library. It's open source, but look up a tool called face fusion right now
They're already adding. They're already adding
Markerless mocap facial tracking right facial facial markerless mocap. So you get a guy like andy
Andy circus right his whole thing for the last however many years of his career has been that like well, look i'm
You know, I i'm the i'm your your mocap actor. That's what I do now
That's that's going to be a thing in the future. Just wait. I'll show you i'll show all of you
I'm going to be the special guy in the little
You know weird gimp suit that has the dots on it
And you're all going to see me as golem or you're going to see me as caesar right you're going to see me as a
As an ape right on on screen
Well, he was kind of validated because now even open source tools that are that run on commodity laptop hardware. Nothing special
Can take one actor or one performance and put anybody's face on it for free indefinitely
With no usage limitations and no ip entanglements
Like gene is out of the bottle today
Yeah, so you say no ip entanglements, but if if the community
Makes a big deal about it
And that the producer of that content gets less customers or less of a reputation
Uh, there's no such thing as something that's hugely monetized in the ip space
That doesn't have potential feedback at some place at some point
Because to make money off of it means exposure and the more exposure you get the more likely the more points
The more you're like gal, you know, david earth goliath the bigger you are the more of a goliath you are
There's the more points where you could be hit at so I actually want to piggyback on some of the things that mom
Machi j crypto and marco talked about so when we talk about the law
You're literally talking about one of the most subjective things in the world
We literally live on a planet where you can create an imaginary line
And on one part of the line something's legal on the other part of the line
It's not on one side that the the you know
The train tracks that the taxes are this on the other side of the train's track the taxes are this
On one side of the river it's that time and the other side of the river
It's this time and then different things are legal at different times
So you brought up the example of like that, you know
The person stealing for food and that was a very interesting point because you took it from the business point of
Owner's point of view like well, why should there be any gray area?
And mom gave the example of somebody who goes on to do an outlier great thing
Michi gave a the outlier of somebody, you know, they did somebody horrible thing
But if you actually want to put the the business owner at decision
You have to put the the analogy a little bit more like this
What if that person stole that food because they're on a way to a job interview and based on them getting that job interview
They end up being your best customer over the next two decades
See now that now the business owner is at a decision that that actually act of theft
Is actually a profit motive to up now, obviously, you don't know if those particular circumstances are there
But that just goes to show you just how subjective, you know
Morality is and you can take it to the next level like in california people can steal under a thousand dollars and there's almost
You know no recourse. It seems like new york
They shut down the target because they said it's no longer profitable based on you know
They can't keep track of the inventory that they used to well
That comes down to humans versus corporations. So if you look at the law humans have way more rights than corporations, however
corporations can
Afford their rights a lot more than the average human if especially if the corporation is big enough
And when you get these issues where these you know, something like a target, you know
They can't afford to basically scale across the whole globe
Because of span of control issues, you know, we could call it theft
But we can also call it span of control issues
If they had less locations that were better monitored, which is the direction that they chose to get
They can keep track of their inventory better
But they want to provide inventory to such a huge mass of the globe
That they're getting supply chain issues that they can no longer, you know
They want to put their their stores in areas where there's so many poor people
That they they can't defend their inventory. So that gets into the morality
What's wrong is the person wrong for stealing or is the business?
wrong for
Thinking that they could just leave goods undetected in certain areas and that they have a right to the whole economy
So those issues are are always going to be answered
You know by supply and demand and what the market participants do in that particular market and last thing
Um, you know landing the plane on the ai situation with marco and the lawyers and the ai is going to replace lawyers
I think they'll replace a lot of um, you know
repetitive tasks
And then certain lawyers will make money because they'll be part of the you know consultant team to get the ai to do it
But then you create this situation where that you can now do more competitive tasks
And then the blockchain is allowing us to have more receipts
So now you're you're creating a situation that we can afford to do more legal cases
So now the lawyers that you just fired, you know, because the computer is replacing them now you're bringing them back
Because you can afford to basically, you know, the courthouse can handle a thousand cases a month instead of 200 cases a month
And then that brings back into the target story
Now now that everybody has receipts and now that's easier to get through the line
It's not like the the you know, the the dmv anymore
That I this is my personal prediction last place before I land the plane is I think we're going to have more
Civil lawsuits against major corporations than ever just because the amount of documentation
I think they're going to be for lower amounts so that way they're easily settable
But that will ultimately be the goliath the corporation that's doing all the data harvesting that's getting all the money
Basically the judicial branch will be the means of redistributing that outside of the government's purview and i'm complete
Good pause, um
Yeah, the hope yeah, right
Appreciate that. Oh, one second. One second. No, no, I actually I actually did have some I I have to follow up. So let me know
Yeah, do it go ahead, buddy
It's you said lawyer you literally called my name
Oh, it could be doc. Hey, you're not the only one here right now. Let's go. Um, the only one that practices, um,
Perfect yet
Begrudgingly begrudgingly practices. So and this goes to my statement to type in earth if you want to talk about
an area of the world that is
Probably the most antiquated you would look at the thing that that reflects time
The answer would probably be religion, but i'm going to go with with with
The u.s. Law system because it's based off the europe the the euro law system and it's about as old as religion
It's a godless religion at the end of the day. Although we do swear on the bible. I'm not gonna get into it. Um
The beauty if you practice
Law and motion it's we call it law and motion. It's the
So for those who watch suits you think that going to court and arguing in front of the judge does something it does not
99.9 percent of the time the judge has issued a tentative the evening before it's been posted
And no matter what you try it will not change the judge's opinion
Um, the only difference is in is in is in emerging, uh industry
so like you you can it's beautiful to watch these crypto cases go through because
They literally need to hear it from and ask questions that can't be interpreted. That's the human part, right?
So yes lawyers will still exist when the human is necessary
And and in emerging fields
My hope is that blockchain and what I mentioned to you guys earlier in tamarco
Will actually get rid of lawyers and and what I mean by that is less lawsuits
So there's a huge huge part of the of the law class actions are like this, right?
Just you you'll still be necessary doc. You're the human part. You're mediating you're you're handling disputes before
They they waste our tax dollars. You're doing a good service
The idea what happens a lot in the law is that people are fighting?
The good fight as an individual, but the lawsuit is really being paid for by other people, right?
And i'll use wills and estates and and and and bequeathing as the biggest part
When people die and and and estates are are inherited by
Even if it's just one one person right even if it's a kid the money's if it's big enough
You know the family will come out of the woodworks
They're fighting with money that's not in their own pockets, right?
And so the lawyers will milk the shit out of it happens a lot in ip law as well
It's happening right now in crypto. I can't speak a lot about it
But if it's because the potential inheritees or inheritors, whatever you call it aren't paying for the law
The legal work out of their own pocket
The trustee is paying that that that those legal fees and the trustee fees and the court fees and all that stuff
And it's because the inheritors don't have that money in their pocket yet
And so they don't feel like it's their own money
Now if that if that estate was on chain and distributed automatically if potentially arguably improperly
Which is what these law these these court cases are about in the beginning
They're usually arguing that saying you took advantage of my of the grandpa while he was sick
And you didn't really care about him. You took that uh, you visit him every wednesday with with chicken soup because
You were angling to get his money and right and they fight
The moment that that money is already in your pocket and you have to pay that lawyer and watch your bank account go down
I promise you those things will either not happen
As frequently or will settle a lot earlier
And so there's a million different ways that blockchain technology specifically and I know this is my ai but blockchain specific will help
efficient distribution
of money and hopefully reduce
The number of lawsuits dramatically now do I think that you could be right potentially in terms of
frivolous lawsuits increasing maybe but to be honest with you at this point
If you've owned a business, especially a service business at any given point
You've been sued for frivolous shit and you understand the business is a five thousand dollar nuisance go away
Oh, you you're I don't have enough stairs as my the stairs to my restaurants are an inch too long
And you didn't even know that you're just alleging it because you found my restaurant on google maps
That's never going to be stopped and I think that's already rampant
So i'm not sure if I agree with the argument that there'll be more cheaper lawsuits
I mean it's this theory
There's actually uh, like ai fighting and issuing the
What was it the they're they're issuing the lawsuits that is happening, right?
Like basically like they got sanctioned like a motherfucker. You didn't see it
the judge
rejected the first ai
It was it miss cited law and the judge sanctioned the shit out of the attorney
Oh damn, but yeah, this is one of like ai ai language models trying to uh,
There's like different services that are trying to create
Uh, basically lawsuits they're trying to create like summit not summons
But like basically make it to where it's like going to like small claims court
Um sending compensation for you know, this is I think it's called do not or something
And actually fought with it like fought with an airline and actually won a case
They wanted to like see mbc and stuff like that
So that's that's like the cool the cool side of it, right?
But like you physically still have to go and it kind of like gives you a script
But like if you're an individual going into like a small claims court with a script
Um, you're not fully prepared
Compared to uh, if if it's you know, a big action for you like expect especially estate planning estate planning is very very
I mean like that industry is like
To avoid probate right like to avoid probate to where you have to have it to where the courts
Um are issuing it from the state
So the state basically takes over your the state takes over your estate and then issues out everything
Compared to like if you have like trust structures and everything that kind of delegate partials of it
Um, like a living like a living will and stuff like that. I try to create a decentralized
Area for basically a decentralized protocol for creating trust structures
The I did find
some loopholes, um, but then also at the same time there was a lot of pain points in terms of like the
Kind of like the the way that trust structures are created since like what was the 12th century?
Um, so like a lot of the uh, a lot of the courts
Have it's where it has the uh courts of equity that in order to go into those
Into those arguments compared to like regular court which is like courts of criminal
So yeah, like in terms of like law, there's so many different types of jurisdictions
That you have to deal with in terms of court cases
Like I think was with it was it you or visual someone said that they're doing like a decentralized
like law protocol or something
I build the protocols that um
that stacks, um
it builds either customized uh either enterprise white glove or or uh
single use, uh retail
It's it creates a smart contract for every term of an agreement and then stacks them together into one full nft
That lives on chain. It has private and public
capabilities and it also controls escrow functionality attached to it. So it it it's putting business on chain, but
It also is a massive solution for
For legal documents and legal legal instruments. So imagine if you have a trust that actually
functionally controls the underlying assets
So like for example, I put a I put a property into I put a property title, uh into an nft
as the beneficiary of
An irrevocable living trust so you can transfer around that nft. It is always the beneficiary
So whoever holds the wall whoever's the owner of the wall that holds that nft at any given time is the recipient
so when that person dies
by by virtue of the trust mechanic, uh
The beneficiary becomes
The new holder of the nft
So there's a lot of ways to do that where once functionality is added to the to to smart contracts and smart contracts are
Like I said earlier smart
Um, which
Talk about being at the beginning. We are at the beginning of smart contracts
So yeah, I did
very similar to what I was trying to create a while back but
Yeah in terms of like for that one or like ai if you have it to where like the ai could then
Generate the terms for you, right and then have it to where of course you would definitely
I mean we're so freaking early that it's like I would not trust any ai in terms of creating a smart contract for me
There has been like with a lot of people trying to create ai contracts and then they just run into honey pots and stuff
like that errors issues
I think that ai on the blockchain is definitely still super freaking early. I mean
Probably one of them that I mean you can have autonomous agents, but not full like a
Well, actually
Yeah, you can have autonomous agents that are going to be scanning the blockchain
Like if you look at like jerry from subway the the notorious
Front runner of every mav transaction and things like that on on uniswap
Like for for them, they have like a self-destruct contract and things like that
But they're able to calculate like the ai is able to calculate which ones are going to be profitable trading pairs
um, and then go into it, but
I think that ai on the blockchain and especially for like the like for for the
For tv and film that are going to be integrated into blockchain
I think that there are going to be movies that are going to be generated and then that are then you know, essentially
Fundraising for it to be able to utilize let's say for example like akash for the computing power
it's in order to generate the scenes and and render all of the uh
Rent all of the scenes and everything for uh for like a decentralized, you know movie
Which would be pretty interesting
How do you guys feel about ai and originality
Yeah, that's a tough one
I think I think right now we're we're finding that you know
People talk about how the future is going to belong to those who can air quotes prompt craft, right?
So I think that originality when it comes to ai as a tool
It's the limitation is the the imagination of the operator, right?
So and that's already true right now with the different types of ais and multimodal ais
I mean if you if you prompt something
Let's just say that you have a locally running model
We have zero constraints in terms of intellectual like ip infringement or or
Using the likeness and image of somebody else then the only constraint at that point is how you interact with the ai ai
To describe the scene that you wanted to generate in particular if it's text to uh images or text to video
You're only constrained or at this point text to uh to 3d meshes and 3d objects
You're only constrained by your own creativity in deciding. I want to see this
I want to have it laid out in this way. I want these parameters and specifications for the final output
I want it to conform to these technical standards and uh, and then I and then if it doesn't do it correctly
Engage in a dialogue if it is if it's an llm or has an llm component as part of the multimodal ai structure
If you can engage it in a dialogue, you can refine it as you go
And it can ask you clarifying questions or you can load it that can load source material into uh into its into its memory
Depending on the uh on the the token constraints, right or the number of inputs that it can hold
In memory as you're prompting and that's going up, right that's going up consistently
Every few weeks that the amount of data that get that these models can store as you're prompting with them or having a dialogue with them
So I think in terms of create just creativity raw creativity
Today ai takes nothing away from humans in the sense that you can if you want something that's like a you know
Done in a very specific artistic style
You just have to be very explicit about what you want
And if it doesn't come out the way you want you just didn't ask right. It's that simple
Uh, I agree with that 110
And that's why I don't fear ai in that aspect
Because the originality still comes from the prompter
The originality will always come from the human
not the mechanism
And uh, you know, maybe that was the point that I I didn't get out
When I was speaking before but there's nothing anyone can logically say
Regardless of the technology or the prompts or whatever's going on
You can't convince me that ai
Is going to knock out human originality
I mean we draw from a soul
We draw from experience
from a lifetime of experience
and even though you can
a computer or or
You know a
And a workload of someone's art and say here
uh duplicate something like
You know, uh this person would
You that's not original, you know, that's and it'll never be original
And that's why I don't think any artist should fear this
I think this is something that it's another distraction
I believe it's a great tool
And I think it will only get better
It'll it will aid and it will help people
Um create better art
At the end of the day, you know, uh, it's all about the mindset
Uh, you know just those same way that someone will walk down the street and think something negative
And they will attract negativity into their life
Is the same way somebody will say oh my god ai is going to take my job
Yeah, nah, it'll never take creativity from human beings. It's it because it doesn't have that blockbuster effect, right?
The blockbuster effect that they didn't adapt right they they had a chance to
To get into streaming with that huge deal with netflix and they laughed at netflix
And now who's laughing now so that that one that adapts
Right because it's all about adaptation
Look at graphics artists now, right graphics artists. Now you would think that with the ai innovation that that those companies are
Dude, it they the tools that are available right now
Mind you yes, they're not as super high technically progressed as
You know, let's say for example a firm with you know
people with massive degrees and all this stuff and blah blah blah, but let's go back to the
Smaller side of this right not to degrade it and make it say it's small
But let's say the let's say there's the the single man design company, right the single man or single woman, right design company that
Goes out and they're hustling whether it be up work or whether it be somewhere else
Now comes the ability for you to have
What you might have farmed out some artists work or something like that now you can just prompt prompt your way be a
prompt an expert and
Unfortunately, some people say oh no because the artist can do this the artist can do that, dude
I I can I can prompt something right now
Right and and not not putting it out there like like i'm the best and greatest whatever prompt or whatever it is
But I know what's out there. It says seth and i's been playing in this field since since it became cursed commercially available
So we even run locally we run local models
We do I mean we test the newest and greatest just to see how how streamlined things can be
And I can I can literally put a photographer out of business if I wanted to
Right, so that's in mind you and I am humbly seeing this but but this but this is this is the direction that
You have to adapt right? It's a blockbuster effect, dude. Listen, people are saying
Oh, um, it's gonna it's gonna take all these jobs. It's gonna do this and no, it's not the ones who don't adapt
Or or won't conform. Those are the ones that can be out of a job
Right life's about you know, and now i'm gonna say darwin isn't but life's about jay and it's right and
jay, you're you're right
I don't I don't have an argument there either but but the kind of uh, look at look at what you're both saying
I'm i've been saying it is it really is both
There will be uh, so yeah, is ai gonna take away your creativity knows a dude that a dude who's already creative
And knows how to use ai they're gonna be the one that that's a danger in the market
But then also also in the creativity person, dude, that's the pain
Exactly. And but to your point jay, there will be a calling too
Like there will be a thinning of the hurt there will not be as many seats available because of the the amplification factor
Not just the fact that you can become more creative or you can but you can become more prolific too, right?
So teams that would normally require five people to do something now require one and they're really just babysitting the ai
That's what that person is doing moving forward and then having a creative vision
Um, but but it's there will be massive calling to your point with us experimenting with some of these tools
Like I was I was gobsmacked that there was a person bleeding edge
The mountain right
Yeah, yeah, but but I mean like I was I was gobsmacked that we were at the word
That that i'm talking to somebody at the bleeding edge of visual effects who makes the the hollywood films that are exported everywhere
And again, you heard me talk about it america and her interests includes mickey mouse not seem but willie but mickey mouse
Right and and all the other you know horseshit ip that we that we try to like force feed the rest of the world
But but we we literally send, you know men angry men with guns to other countries to reinforce
Our ability to own these ideas
Um, but some of these studios that are creating this this stuff, right that we literally send troops around the world to go enforce
Um, they didn't know about some of the tools j that you and i've been using and when I taught I taught I updated them
On their worldview they they paused and they they stared blankly and just said shit
These these are people who realize that it's the implications are so much more far reaching
Uh than than us just saying i'd love to have you know movies cost less to find i'd love to whatever seed
You know an explosion a cambrian explosion of of user-generated content. I wouldn't
And I think the people who are the best in the world wouldn't either
So let me give you um a real world example
Um, there's just happened recently
Um within the last few weeks actually
So one of my vr portcos
Obviously creates virtual reality experiences
Uh very much in the training field
And uh, they had a client that was an engineering shop
now traditionally before ai you would have a
developer designer use so you'd have a graphic artist you'd have a developer using maya for example
And they would create a 3d model
Of that engineering shop from videos and from pictures
now in particular shop
They did it from from scratch using the traditional method
And it took them two weeks
two weeks
Or to create that engineering shop
I went into that engineering shop with my iphone
I used polycam app
scanned the engineering shop
Uploaded onto the polycam platform. They then downloaded it and they had a 3d model. No, it wasn't perfect
But they created that very same they use gaussian splats and they use nerf technology
And they created that very same engineering shop and it took
Two days rather than 10 days to create it now
Does that mean?
Those guys are going to be made redundant
No, it doesn't what it means and bear in mind. This is a startup company
Mark, hold on. Hold on. I I spot a logical fallacy
You literally just laid out all the ways in which they are redundant actually because you took a workforce of however many people
Reduced it to one took however much uh, however much
Tech was required reduced it to an iphone a commercially available iphone
And then the number of days and also slashed that into you know, less than half
Did you just laid out three ways in which actually in that job function they are redundant just in that one function
But there but that will
There there will be rounding errors made there
As we're trying to right size our labor force and we're trying to right size how much it requires to get certain jobs done
And that's what's scary right now is the messy middle where we're trying to figure out
Okay, I got to right size the budget because that particular task. No, i'm not paying five people, you know x dollars to get it done
In 10 days, you know, and then and try to blow smoke by showing me dailies
Oh, look what we did today boss, man. Nope. I know it can be done in two days
Like now, you know, you're ruined you're spoiled you can never go back
So i'm agreeing with you
But also I think that it's a little more nuanced than the people who are you know on the other side of that equation
These contributors who who i'm sure looked on with dread when you came back with your result using the gaussian splatting
And and nerf tech and saying hey I did this by myself
In my own little skunk works with an iphone in two days. They probably shit their pants
Right, like that's all i'm saying
Is that it's it's going to they're going to be second and third order effects and they won't they won't all be positive
I would be nervous
If I was a factual based job
or a numbers based job
Uh, that's where I would be nervous people who do the standard thing the paper pushing the pencil moving
Any of that stuff i'd be nervous about my career
But when it comes to creativity and originality
Anyone who is truly in possession of creativity and originality?
I I would zero fear
um because
You know ai might duplicate what they're doing
But it'll never lead that
The originality and the creativity will always lead ai
So mark i'm just going to come back on that i'm gonna um
I don't disagree with you. But again, I think to your point seph and thank you for the nuances
I don't think i'd ever replace my cfo with an ai
to be brutally honest
I would argue my cfo is creative
Now not creative with the numbers. Whoa cooking books there mark. Yeah cooking little books. Ah, that's a creative
Financing you got to love it up
Half the panel's gonna ask you for a referral after this this space by the way
But creative with regards to forward planning and forward thinking because you know, I don't want a cfo
Who's reactive? I want a cfo who's proactive who looks up and says well
If we did this this might happen or have we thought of this or what about this example, etc
Etc. And I don't think an ai
Can necessarily do that for us
But where I could see the ai working in the cfo role is doing the day-to-day
Numbers that he takes hours upon hours crunching and putting together
Which would then in my mind free him up to do the more critical thinking problem solving
And proactive like thinking
Yeah 100% on
Yeah agreed also on that that that financial role too
If uh, it would be very sad to see whatever the the quants or the people who who legitimately have a who use calculus in
Their day-to-day job. It would be sad to see them
Just throw the inputs and outputs throw the usual inputs for their calculations into a giant, you know
Neural network soup because there are some issues with that with tracking
Tracking decision making right? Like you said accountability and recourse and bare minimum those things
But what I will say is that that same person that you just gave that will create an avatar of that that person
Right rockstar cfo who can engage right in lateral thinking who can engage like in in really, you know, very
Excellent critical thought which is which is a creative pursuit and I agree with you totally it is their art
Um how they you know what they what they do there
um that same person add to their capabilities an llm
That uh, that is able to take in far more inputs day to day than they can
And then hand them suggestions, right like lobbing a softball to them. You want to hit this one? Is this a good idea?
Hey, look what I just found these three things are happening. There's a confluence of events
That's taking place over in asia. These markets are changing right now. Hey, look, I know you're not normally involved in latam
But this is what just happened in this market. Oh, by the way, the imf just did this thing
Whatever does it that might potentially affect them?
It helps them think uh, it gives them that much more of a parallax view potentially to the point that they can now view 360 degrees
Where they couldn't before it's just not humanly possible for them to do it on their own
So that same guy that you just mentioned marko
Add to add to that guy the superpower of having all those inputs that an ai can handle
And that guy's unstoppable
I uh, I let's remember there's artists in every genre, right?
And so when i'm referring to a creative or an originator or a critical thinker
There's one in my friend steve
Who uh, who remodels cars?
You know, I would never replace that guy. He's an artist in his own way
Um, and his art will never be replaced
But no matter how good ai gets because it'll never have that creativity or that originality
Um, i'm not saying now if he uh, if he up who i'm not sure who's talking and who's not because um
This is a new group for me
Um, so I don't recognize your voices, but whoever was saying
About adaptation, right? Uh money ball adapt or die
Right. We have all these mechanics all this technology
I feel like a kid in a candy shop
And I just started learning ai not no no more than a week ago
And I don't feel threatened at all. Um
I'm, not sure who said uh, put the photographer out of business
Uh, not me
I don't feel that way and i'm a photographer
Um, and you could do my style, but i'll always be out ahead of you
Um, so like i'll never that that that's just that's just the way I think though
You know, and I don't think everybody thinks the same
Um, I think it really comes down to you know, um, someone could tell you uh, something's impossible
And you could walk away from it and say and take that person's word for it and say, you know what?
It's impossible or you could say I don't see anything impossible about this and take a completely different path and prove that wrong
But there's artists and originality, you know
There's artists in every genre, uh sculpting, you know, um, uh, just stone
Car repair, you know, and I don't think those people be even like marco said the head of a company
He's very creative in his ways
And that's exactly my point that i'm trying to touch on
Is that it's going to be you know that the people who duped life
Are not going to beat the people who created and and and originated and I think that ai is just
Another weapon in an arsenal to bring these people to the forefront
I've always felt like artists are going to be the new celebrities
Um the new uh athletes are the new musicians
Because everything's got a digital screen on it
And if you're an artist creating right now and you can manage to get your art circulating on screens
I know 15 years ago. It was impossible. It was an impossible. It wasn't an impossible thought
It was a very difficult thought
To figure out how I was going to get my work into time square
Or my art up on one of those screens without having to pay a fortune and now today
Uh, you can apply to nftnyc and and you know if they like your art
They're renting out the screens
It's not so difficult anymore with the digital content that people are creating with the opportunities that are coming
From having your digital one of the best things that ever happened to me
Was someone from windows or I I don't know who it
Who it was but he um
You know he had made a uh, uh, uh
He asked me to to use my images
so that he could um
Put them on windows screen windows boot up screens
And I just you know
I saw that as like uh, yeah, absolutely. Thank you for the opportunity because that's just more eyes on my work more people learning
I'll ask you a quick question. She brought up putting some art for other people to see but isn't art
Isn't it really defined by what other people see because if everybody loved a piece of art
Then it wouldn't really be art. It would just be kind of like a fact, you know what i'm saying?
And I and I agree with so many things that you've said so far
But I just I wanted to push back a little bit
On and I say this and and i'm saying this as a christian and as someone who is
You know religious, I guess you could say or something like that, but we don't even know what the soul is
We don't know what drives our art. We don't know what drives that creativity
We don't know like we couldn't identify what a soul is. We can't find where it is
We don't know why we love what we love. How can we possibly say?
That in 30 years from now that we'll have that we can predict what's coming with ai
When 30 years ago hell, you know what? Let me rephrase it in november of 2022
We didn't have any idea what was coming
We didn't have any like this this video that we saw the other day
I watched the asian lady walking through through the city from uh from sora
And and I was even watching the calf muscles to see the bounce
In in the muscle and I saw it. I believe it was the 16 second mark
I watched the left leg morph into the right leg and then the right leg come out of nowhere
And it's a really small little thing
But that is but that's the out of a scale of one to a thousand. That's a that's in a one
There is no way we can tell what ai is going to be able to do and like many people here have already said
adapt or die
Well, ai is probably thinking the same thing adapt or die
And if ai cannot adapt and become every single thing that we need it to be at every single turn then it'll die
But there's no reason to think that we can't get a robot to do everything physically that a human can do
And if you put an ai mind in there, it's going to be able to do everything and mimic everything we can do
Why I don't understand
Why it is that anybody thinks that ai
And creativity simply cannot be
Fused at the hip. I mean I I just I don't I just really don't understand
How we think that we're the top other than we're the only species on the planet
That tells ourselves we're the smartest species on the planet
I just don't understand how ai can't do the things that we think it can do
If that makes sense
I I never said that you know that there wouldn't be a a robot with an ai brain. That's not going to be able to duplicate us
No, I may create that's not that what I mean creativity specifically
It's if it can mimic us to 100 percent of everything we can do and we have no idea what a soul is
How are we how are we able to tell an ai that it has no soul?
If we don't even know what our soul is half the people in this room believe a thousand different things about their own soul
That's a fact. That's not a thumbs up. That's a fact
But and i'm saying this as someone who's religious as someone who's a christian i'm saying I can't identify my own soul
Other than what I tell myself that it is
How do we know ai is not going to develop the exact same thing that we've developed?
Because we're trying literally to make it develop that
It does. It just doesn't make sense to me that it won't it can't do it
Let me ask you a question. Where is your personality? No clue
Don't be light
So if you don't know and I don't know right your personality is not in your brain, right?
Your personality rumor rumor has it it's in it's in it's in your bacteria in your gut actually
which may be the
Exactly the bacteria that that's that's actually the brain that runs the whole body. Yeah, that's true
But what i'm what i'm saying is memories are shown to transfer to transfer
generationally through
Through bacteria in the gut and such it makes sense because essentially made up of bacteria separate from water
It's the closest theory i've heard anything but uh
I i'm also of the belief that we are just robots. So really cool robots
So if you were to alter someone's bacteria you could alter their personality
Okay, so that's the first time i'm ever here i'm hearing something like this. So this is interesting
Look it up. So your personality is is a function, right?
So you're saying there's a soul so that that would probably be if if you are correct
And there's a soul and that's the starter kit, but you are the accumulation of experiences yes, isn't knows
results outcomes decisions
And memories right for the ones that you keep it is proven that you lose your personality if you lose your memory
The there's a lot of things that are tied together. It doesn't negate the reality of a soul
I believe that we are that we are a compilation of our experiences and the experience of those around us
Which are part of our experiences. So that's just my
You know what i'll just speak from my from my personal experience as an artist. There's been times in my life where
I literally
Would be looking for my next collection or my next project. I might see something
Something might happen
I'm not really
Trying to push something. I'm just walking around and all of a sudden this idea comes to me because of
Maybe an apple that I picked up out of a store
And then all of a sudden from that apple
Uh, an idea is born. I see something else. I put two or three more different things together
And now a new idea that nobody on this planet has been that you know that nobody on this planet has ever seen
Has been born
Where exactly is it in?
uh attack or mechanics
That's going to happen because I don't even feel like I was in control of that
I feel like that was uh, uh some sort of higher power higher
universal, uh, uh energy
That delivered me that idea
Because they because of the fact that uh, you know, maybe the universe wanted me to felt that I was the person mark that would be
Mark the answer the answer is and either either so either side is fine
Some people simply choose to fill the hole of things that they can't answer with an answer
And others simply continue searching for the answer and that's okay. Either one is fine
No, but here here. Let me let me I know where where mark's going with this, you know coincidentally
I had this conversation yesterday at uh an old friend's house
What is what is being developed right now?
the ability to process a logic based on
A thousand different types situation or maybe even more right with data sets being as big as they are data sets is the underlying information
the logic gets for its
Decision making right? So it's a little more technical than that
but just to give it a simpler spin on it and not to get too far in the weeds, but
AI as of right now
The illusion of AI really is just language modeling, but whatever
So AI as it is right now, right its ability to process information and give it back to you
right how it processes the information is how well that
model is trained
that model is trained on
I don't want to say an infinite number of
Situations or whatever is there but there's obviously a finite number to it. You know, I mean with uh
Nvidia having the largest of data sets of of them all magnetron. It's fantastic
I think is impossible to run for a standard user, but whatever so
It takes this information
However much information you put it you put in there
from everyone else's past experience and life
Whether it be from social media, which all that information is gathered
And placed all in into one place whether it be from
News articles how it's written how that information is there from books autobiographies?
Non-fiction fiction all of the above
Right all of that information right that would tailor a personality in a human being
Is now readily and accessible
And and I joked around this and at our last space because the dude was I fell in love with an ai
whatever with the appliance right with it with the ai, so
That ai has the ability to to mold and place
everyone's personality at will
Right and you're and i'm saying this in the context of personality because
Yes, someone's personality is molded and shaped by how it grows up
Right a human being right the human mind. So
If you're looking at something like that
You translate it to a computer model that model the difference between how that model processes information the way you process information
Is that that model is still a young model, right?
It's still very infant in its in its processing
Right, you are grown up. You're an adult. I'm growing up. I'm an adult. Well
Seth is maybe a child, but not just can't stop but we know we're all we're all adults here
We all process information at a different
at a different
Pace or even a different different way
So that infant of a of a quote unquote ai model, right?
Where it's at right now. It's still at an infant stage
It's not as developed as you and I are as seth is or or or mike or whoever else everyone else on the stage that that
Adult age or whatever it is the human human age, right? So
That comparison of what how how you're comparing that that
That kind of growth in thinking it's still kind of apples to oranges
Right. I mean you would have to look at the processing of you know, and you have to kind of think of where it's at
You know, yes, it can say complex things. It can regurgitate, you know
You know whatever
Uh a situation or something like that that an adult had that's because it's been fed that but the same thing could be said for a
Very small for a very smart child a smart child
He can't discern the the information like you and I can right maybe an extreme situation can
But look at it in that aspect right and look at it grow and that's why I revert back to the beginning of this space
Where where I said dude, we're only two years in into publicly commercial
Available modeling right AI modeling. So imagine where we'll be in another year shit in another two years
Where that thing may actually be what a teenager now
Right now it's an infant. It's a toddler
Right that thing will be a teenager now. Now. That's pretty dangerous, right? Because you got people that i'm not gonna name this but
Whatever we all know the oculus guy. But anyways, we we got people that that are torps that are that have access to infinite capital
That could do a lot of damage because they're very irresponsible
But regardless of that, you know, look at the progression that's going to happen
Right. Look at what we've accomplished in two years
Look at the next two years. Look at the next year. Look at the next six months
So call fast things have accelerated took from the commercially viable
Um, no modeling that became available for AI
it it took
Um for all those stores and all those uh, you know
Even the the public ones the the llama models and all that stuff that come out
It took it six months eight months and then after that it was just hyper accelerated
So maybe those two years that that when it became commercially viable
It would be another four months
And then we're just going to be out of control
You know that it just wanted to kind of point that comparison out because it's it's you know, you you do have to look at it
It's still a child. So I don't know. I just kind of want to tell that
I think it's a great. I think it's a great point. I just I just I find it fascinating that we as humans
Have no idea who we are or what we're doing or whether we're even living in a simulation or not
And we're so positive that we can predict what's coming
AI could be terrible could be fantastic. I mean, I think we ought to just kind of like, you know, enjoy the ride. Let's
You know see where it goes
Yeah, no, i'm i'm I don't want anybody to get I don't want to rub nobody the wrong way, you know
I just i'm a very logical person
uh on the other hand, I could be very original and creative as well and uh
I just started venturing into it and using it a part of my photography as a tool as a um
As an another weapon in my arsenal and uh, i'm just starting to get a taste for it, you know
And uh, so I don't have as much experience as you guys, but I don't I don't share the same fear
Um as far as you know, lose it as far as something, you know, knocking knocking me off
You know, I I think if maybe I was uh, oh I have to put this
Red square here and this blue square here and it's a very distinct logical, you know, um action
Yeah, absolutely. I would be nervous
But uh, if all of a sudden I decide that i'm going to paint one of these square squares green
I you know, I don't see where a I would just
You know all of a sudden get that from you know, because I I think as humans, uh,
We're the ones that innovate and create
Uh, we're the ones that have brought us out of the caves to where we are now
otherwise, we well, maybe some of us still live in caves, but
Um, you know what a lot of us, you know, so I think it's you know, if we adapt and we work with it
It's going to be an exciting time, you know, but I uh, I have a meeting and I just you know, uh,
Jc. Yeah, jay. He invited me in and I was enjoying the conversation. I just you know, yeah, I just
Jumped in because I I appreciate the opportunity. I appreciate you guys
Um, i'm gonna be listening, but uh, i'll probably be in there for about an hour or two
So I don't know if it's still going to be going on
But it was great meeting all you guys and and chopping it up with you. I'm not against the stuff in it
I I agree with everything that everyone said I just can't see the original
The original creativity from it, you know, I can't see it and i'm not saying that that might not happen one day
Um, but I just I don't see it anytime soon, you know
I this is something that I welcome, you know, and I think uh, if you're a creative if you're an artist
Uh, you should be welcoming this into you know, everybody everybody was so scared of photoshop. Uh, you know
It's they just had a they just had a uh, an anniversary, right?
Everybody is so scared of photoshop when it first came. Oh, that's it. The photographers are over. Oh, that's it
You'll never and you know, it's it's the photographers are still here. Creatives are still here. Graphic designers are still here. So
You know, um, there's phones
Right phones. We incorporated all these changes
This is just another change and I it's not something that I fear but yeah, I had a pleasure with you guys
I'm going to be hanging on listening
Awesome. Thank you for spending time with us man. It's been great hearing from you and and I think that yeah
I think your world view largely
I think it's the correct one. Even if you have the uncertainty even if you do have the doubt and the concern
I think uh, I think learning to face it right and have your eyes wide open and say, okay
Well, whatever whatever happens next, right? I'm gonna I'm gonna do what I can to fight for the humans, right?
And make sure that the uh, the artists are still valued right or whatever it is
We need to preserve there, right? I think that's a it's a very very healthy mindset that you're that you're sharing and promoting there
In this push poll right though of the uh of how we're how we're laying out our concerns and opportunities and whatever else
I'm going to keep on advocating that we you know, we'd be very mindful. Keep your head on a swivel, right and uh,
And whatever you do do not be the last person right in this game of of uh intellectual musical chairs
Um, because ai is going to come up quick, right and you want some chairs, I think for some people
But I think you got the right the right attitude
Um, let's reset the room just really really briefly. We've been going for about three hours right now
My name is seth. I go by mine your biz
My illustrious co-host his name is j crypto also known as j man runs crypto street squad and he and I together
Run the blocks media group consulting advisory boutique
You can find me on youtube and of course here on twitter
And some other streaming platforms or you can see me on stage with some of the world's most recognizable and influential people
in crypto publishing
Um, so yeah
While we're resetting the room
We've been talking about all the different opportunities and ethical questions about ai and specifically narrowing it down to tv and film
Why because we've had some spaces where we've talked about music production
We've had some spaces where we've talked about indie music production where we talked about other kinds of entertainment and other
other high-profile intellectual property markets and tv and film let's just face it. They're fun
They're cool and people pay attention to them
And it's one of the biggest cultural exports of the united states over the last nearly century
Almost century many of us will live to see hollywood agent to being, you know, a very very old export for the united states
So we're interested in this if you live in the united states
It's one of the things that that that has made this nation
Wealthy and has made it notable
So we wanted to talk about that opportunity because so much of uh, so much of america and her interests are wrapped up
In that cultural export and it is one of the ways that the world perceives us right as having
Cultural influence and power is that frankly?
We just we just had the uh, the guts to start making movies and pretend like we had that kind of influence
And swagger, so it just kind of stuck for a while. So we don't want to see that go away
But um, but yeah, that's that's our space right now
We're gonna keep on going for a bit longer. And so if you have thoughts on that topic, right not just ai
But the disruption within tv and film, uh, this is an open forum
We'd love to hear from you if you know somebody who's in those industries
We'd love to have them be invited on stage
And we're gonna go for a little bit longer and can't wait to hear your hot spicy takes on that note
We got maximilian.eath who's been sitting here like uh, like hamlet's father
Man his hand is on fire his hand is on fire
Her hand is on fire
That's right. I forgot all oh my god
I forgot about you. What's up, my friend? How you doing?
Oh, i'm doing great. You know, this is a conversation i've been waiting for. Oh, yeah
I want everyone to know so i've done a long time screen actors guild member
I joined like when I was still in a high school because i've been in the acting game for a long time
You know i've been I it's like a bittersweet
Relationship with hollywood, right because we love this stuff they make and there's so many things that hollywood does well
Uh, but then there's a lot of things that hollywood doesn't do well
And I think that for me anyway as a creator, this is why um tokenized
Creatorship has been so exciting for me
Because yes, of course, I can make whatever I want, but i'd like to earn a living with my creations
uh so that I can you know, just enjoy the full spectrum of all the things that I want to create and
Because I come from hollywood i'm an actress and uh have many other talents always on camera
I know i've picked up a lot of skills and I I actually have the chops to create animate do all the voiceovers
All the things to do a one person solo production
Uh, thanks to my many many years learning from literally the best in the business. I can do it myself now
But what was keeping me back was the technology
The tech that was available was not affordable for me
Or uh, it wasn't quite there
um, but now I feel like all the pieces have come together not only the pieces to create the creations, but also to
distribute and to monetize in a way that's scalable that doesn't require a lot a lot of money at the
Upfront talking about blockchain technology and all of the many, um, inter
All the many interoperable systems that we have with regard to the ecosystems that we can use to distribute
Tokenized works, so this is a really exciting time for me
I'm so thrilled
As I mentioned before i've been a member of the screen actors guild for a really long time longer than I care to admit really
But I received an email from them
Like I don't know like last year saying oh we're getting into nfts and I almost threw my phone
I was like you guys just don't get it. The whole point is to be independent of unions
Not to need
Someone to tell someone that it's time for me to eat lunch this kind of stuff
So this is a really exciting time
really, I feel like this is the first time that globe that creators globally are having an opportunity to
not only create but also to share and distribute their works because
You know one of the things that I so I wrote a couple articles about about this one of the things that has been
I think troublesome is imagine so i'm american i'm in america
But what if I was a creator creating content in like africa, right?
And what if you know i'm creating in africa and i've got these beautiful movies
What if you're an american you find one, but how do you buy it in my african currency, right?
Where does it where do you go to get that conversion?
Maybe you know, there's there's all these little snaggles all these little hang ups
Uh, these tiny little insidious things that made it difficult for people to really
Have the whole package. So i'm so excited for this conversation
I'm looking forward to everyone's insights and certainly looking forward to sharing mine, but that's a little bit about me
Wow, if I could i'd love to jump in that was incredible maximilian and
Uh, this is one of the most professional run spaces i've been in so high five
Uh to everyone who's the host and co-host of this group. Thank you for resetting the room
I jumped in, uh, obviously a little late i'm in la i'm in the media business. I belong to greenlight women
We are a dynamic and diverse
group of women in media in entertainment over 40
And we're all creatives and I can tell you that ai has everybody
Uh to use some slang shook
My thing with ai and I think it's just exciting i'm dabbling i'm creating i'm trying to be fearless
During covet I went back to school and enrolled at mit to study blockchain
Uh spun myself out with that and realize i'm still really ahead of the curve
I think we have to figure out a way
To get creatives to overcome their fears. Someone spoke about that earlier
Uh right now, I think most of us are self-taught. We're we're diving in there and trying to figure this out
And webinars can be free to expensive and not everyone is so self-driven
the friends in my writers group are
Their writers writers are they're solo. They're frequently introverted. They are terrified
Right now and I hope that by sitting in on the space today. I can
Have some takeaways for them as to
Where this is going because I don't think it's going to replace someone said earlier
It's downsizing a little bit, but those of us who are smart creative clever
Curious enough to upscale and embrace this
We're going to go the distance and be
On top of it and I you know, i'm looking for all of you
uh to support me in my endeavors with this because it's exciting and terrifying and
Confusing all at once. Thank you
Awesome, thank you so much for yeah for for jumping up on stage and giving us that context also for the for the upcoming conversation
Love hearing from folks who don't just look like
dudes who are 18 to 35 and who are very much into crypto and who only
Always discuss these topics in our our usual echo chambers. So this is a breath of fresh air
The crypto bros the crypto roses every time welcome up. Oh, come on i'm a crypto bro in disguise
I just turned 70
My son is 52. He does special effects and
CGI in the movies and in his early 40s, he aged out at the top of the title
Top of the pay grade he had worked with james cameron on titanic and they started outsourcing the work
To developing countries where creatives could be paid less
So I learned a big lesson there about jumping in and keeping going no matter what and sometimes late at night
I have a little thing called space hopping and i'm in an nft space and i'm i'm hopping around
I want to know what everyone is doing. I don't want to get left out. I don't want to be left behind
That's the right way to do it and so that's all I gotta compare notes
Oh my gosh, there's a non-zero chance that my that my my family knows your family
Uh, just because the vfx is a weird it's it's simultaneously it's armies upon armies
You know small armies of people to try to animate just you know thanos's the wrinkle on thanos's chin
Um for one movie and then on the next movie
It's uh, you know, everybody knows each other because you know, whatever say so-and-so was on was on jim cameron's film from this thing
Oh, oh how funny I was on, you know, whatever the avatar stuff, you know many years later
So, uh, we'll have to compare notes at some point also i'm thinking linda with the last name like yours
We need to connect you to a buddy of ours. Uh, chris rice
Yes, you you saw my name means pretty rice but that's my rapper name
Oh wait, is it but there's not a color I think it's supposed to be the color and the last thing you ate
That's your rapper name
The color of your shirt or your beanie under I don't know what it is. Anyway, the color of your crystal
The game always changes. So I don't know. Yeah color of my crypto. Well, what color is ripple?
Oh, no, oh
Ripple is red. Oh, it's red. It depends on time for that face
You were cool up until that point. Oh sad
You can't cancel linda like that dog she's uh, she's just
She said shook
Let me ask you
Let me ask you without the speculation of future who is using ripple right now. Oh, okay. Never mind them stop
I'm gonna stop playing i'm gonna work later. Oh my gosh. Yeah, welcome. Welcome to our space
We're gonna chase you away in like three sentences or less
Oh, i'm sorry to jump in ripple solved maximilian's problems if an artist in africa
Making art or wants to sell it globally ripple is well i'm look i'm talking to the room here
You guys know this. I don't have to explain it to you. I mean if I said something wrong, I apologize
But yeah, you could transfer the money, right? Well, well, yeah when solana works
Can I do the same thing with solana when it works? Okay, just saying
I don't know
Look you somebody said it earlier. We're in the nacence of this. This is
This is so new
It's so big think about when we first got our iphones
Think about getting our in 1993. I got on the internet. My mind was blown. I was 30
Then in 93, I mean 94. I got an iphone
Now the iphone is the passport to the world. Somebody earlier said yeah, he
Did a whole 3d thing with polycam on his iphone
I mean, we don't know what's coming, but I sure want to have a front row seat
And I think that's where we are at right now in this space
Let's go you guys heard you guys are linda hit those reacts go ahead and reshare the room if you haven't already make a comment
And invite a friend personally in dm's even though we're talking about ai and the automation of all things
Ironically those personal connections matter more than ever so
Ahead of those dm's let people know that we're discussing some of the the opportunities our hopes and fears our dreams and aspirations
Regarding ai, but mostly how tv and film are just not ready mikey had your hand up
But you don't really need to do that in this space. We kind of we operate more popcorn style
So be respectful but but uh, take the end. Take take your on-ramp when you see it. Oh, gotcha
Okay, brother appreciate that. Um, yeah, no i've uh
Not to sound like a fan boy
But i've been a big fan of set since I used to watch him on another guy's channel, uh in a little uh four four screen
four screen crypto channel, so
I wish we hadn't have brought up ripple because
My heart's breaking
But at least I have transferred some of it over to render
And uh, and and yeah, so i'll just leave it with that
Uh, oh for one from one sinking ship to another let's go
No, let me stop let me
Bro can't stop today. Oh, let's go. Good god my gosh
Okay, if I need it while we're resetting the room. Hold on. Let me just
Put everybody on notice here while we reset the room. Jay krypto and myself. We take great relish at spreading fud
This is just something that we do
Is we just kind of we you bring good ideas here and it goes from being you know, a friendly kind of
You know verbal debate into sort of an intellectual dojo. So be prepared to maybe get metaphorically punched in the face
Thrown over somebody's shoulder hitting the ground really hard
And if you get up and you try to do it back to us
We will respect you so that those I I am I am not
A financial advisor nor am I financially responsible
If something we say causes you to dump your bags and go into a more solid investment
Just saying i'm just i'm just kind of putting it out there. Just saying it's all right
And and also to to reset the room everyone, please love the audience members. Do we have some wonderful panelists?
Please follow all these folks if you haven't followed mobi follow mobi sets all of us here
Notable shout outs action. You're still in the audience. Fantastic guy
We should come up again and also we have a mary beth. I haven't seen you in around in a while
Awesome individual great opportunity. I just want to give her a shout out big fan
Hey, so no one has brought this up today at least since i've heard but
I would love to see for tv and film now
It's gonna really hit the fan when this starts to come up
AI that replaces
Film editors. This is like huge
And it's pretty good so far i've been exploring the editing technology
This is like another area where hollywood could really really use some help with ai
Is like the editing just wanted to throw that out there start the spark if anyone knows of any
Uh ai editing software or has been exploring with uh, ai film, please mention it
I would love to know about it. I feel like every week there's some new ai video tools and as we know
video is really so
Impactful for humans, you know, it hits our ear holes. It hits our eye holes
You know, we get we're getting all the senses. So video is super powerful. So like ai video
Hey max, I followed you, um, because I wanted to uh, hopefully I can dm you that what you just said was a great idea
And i'm actually thinking about starting a space would love to get j crypto in there and and seth and moby and whoever wanted to join
But actually, you know getting a place. I haven't seen a lot of places where we talk about what works for you
And what doesn't work, you know, it's like we still we always think of premier in photoshop, but my god, I can jump on
And prequel and do little kind of little tweaks for each one of these things without having to have that that adobe hog
Just shut down
You know my god
I mean, I think back in the 90s when I used to do when I worked for the rockets
we used to do production and we'd have to go to a video house to do rendering and
Oh my god, that that was our lunch break
Like we'd get everything ready to go and then the lunch break would be while it rendered took hours and hours
To do these. Oh my god, it just gives me chills thinking about that and now you could do that
I mean my god, there's so many tools out there
You from color grading to to transitions to I mean cap cut
Is outstanding for just to get in get out and do something. That's really powerful, you know
And I think I think that'd be a great idea max what you had is maybe if we had a space where we could all share that together
Not trying to cut you guys off. I mean maybe we can do that now. I just thought that that just popped in the head
That's a great a great idea. We gotta look gotta love the soft shell
Although we are in a space right now, brother. Let's
No, shill
No, it's a it's a fair point
Here's the thing we so we always try to balance it too because there are some because you can go
We can go to the weeds or we can or we can go and bust out the microscope and tell you what the roots of those weeds
Are made of and we can we can go deep is what i'm saying
So as far as the ai tooling goes, but I love that you brought up a first first offering there mike
The cap cut is it's so capable
There's one
Massive string attached and that is that it's made by the bite dance corporation the bite dance corporation owns tiktok
former musically
And they are in it's it's not this isn't controversial for me to just say they are majority owned by the chinese communist party
There's very strong likelihood that anything that you produce or anything you work on with any of their tools
Is being surveilled by foreign authorities or foreign intelligence agencies?
Um it because it's internet connected like you can't even use the software without having it phone home
To bite dance which again is by being a percentage ownership
It has at least at least co-founder level equity granted to the chinese communist party
I'm going to keep saying that until we understand that there are risks associated with with the tools that are a little bit
A little bit, you know air quotes too easy to use
There's a reason the convenience comes at a cost the cost is almost always personal data and sovereignty. So
Unfortunately, no way
The cc. I mean you said the ccp. I mean just the sun. I mean, I mean cz. I mean the ccp. Oh my goodness. No way
Hey guys. Yeah, I mean that yeah
By the way real quick too, just so just to put it up there uh up in the jumbotron up above in the billboard
um, I did put a
Very valuable resource at least to me. Um, maybe a few others maybe some here would see it valuable if you're not
Already following this channel
The rundown that's uh headed by a gentleman named roan chong. He
is epic in
All the ai news right pretty much generic all around everywhere from video to
To optimizing ai and robots whatever is there whatever is hot and and fresh off the press. He is he is fantastic
I don't have his newsletter. Don't really care about newsletters. I care about twitter. So
So the rundown and then it has who it's run by which is roan chong between both their accounts
You'll probably not miss any news at all or any tech at all. That's out there because someone didn't mention about
Finding about tech and things like that that are that are current things like that
This is pretty much where I get the majority of my there's other things too
But this is this is my starting point in the morning where I get the ai juice with my breakfast. So
Hey guys, uh lucas here. I'm just taking your advice and just jumping in when I see a minute instead of raising my hand
So trying to be polite here. Hey, welcome
Thanks, man. Welcome lucas. Thanks for having me up on stage. Hey a couple things. I um for the past many many years
I've i've been in full-time production in in spatial. Um, ai xr vr, etc, etc
um for primarily for the music and e-sports world and um, a couple a couple of quick observations number one
I didn't see who it was in the audience
But somebody asked um for tools in in editorial and tools in post-production that have to do with ai
I'd highly recommend you go to uh, go look up. Um a guy named michael camas on youtube k a m m e s
Um, he just he's sort of a he's sort of an uh post-production post-production technology geek
And he just released a video about um a week ago called ai tools for post-production. You've never heard of
so look for camas k a m m e s
And then the name of his series is five things number five and then things so he spends 12 minutes talking about
Specifically ai tools for post-production. Um, and there's some useful stuff in there
Uh, the um, the other thing is that you know, I I I love the all the ai stuff out there
I I I pay for ai tools
I use them and incorporate them into into my workflow and into my team's workflows
But but here's the thing is that i'm as impressed with sora and i'm as impressed with what sora is doing is everybody else
But that that one video that they have of the car and switching environments on the car
I'm, sorry, but if i'm a client the first thing i'm looking at is hey
The car changes. It's not the same car keep the same car
Um, it is it is useful right now my experience and I know this is all getting better at light speed
And I know these are all issues that will get addressed
But right now ai is is incredibly useful as a visualization and ideation tool
If you're a storyboard artist, man, i'd be looking for another line of work or i'd be i'd be mastering ai tools as fast as humanly possible
Um, but for actual deliverables for actual clients
It's really not it's it's not that useful yet because the way that the models are built right now
One of the hardest things for ai to do is consistency
So and everybody who's ever been an editorial for tv or film?
I was I was an editor for many years for for tv
Anybody who's ever been an editor anybody who's ever been in a supervised session of any kind in post-production knows that the absolute
most common request of anything is
Is hey, can we just tweak this specific part of the frame or this specific thing?
Just a little bit and ai is impossible right now with any of the models out there to do that
You can't say in that example of the car for instance that sora has you can't say, um, keep the car
Even if you look at their demo video the car changes
It is a different car from from scene to scene
And then the next thing let's assume for a minute that the car was exactly the same from scene to scene because I think that's a fairly
Straightforward in painting thing, but it's in painting plus roto and making sure that those edges are correct
So it's not as easy as it sounds
But then you do okay, you like it you like it when the car changes to a snowy environment
It's like great that snow environment is really cool. Can we have the snow a little heavier?
Please make the trees a little darker
Everybody who's ever been in this world in the post-production world has a list of a million client
Recommendations or client requests that they have in their head that ai just doesn't do right now
The um, so so i'm as excited about the technology as anybody else. I use the tech. I use it a ton. I use it for doing
Summaries of all my calls. I use it for transcripts. I use it for doing editorial stuff in premiere
I use it all the time
But i'm i'm excited about that technology while also still being very realistic about its limitations in doing
Actual work for actual paying clients. So thanks guys. Just wanted to say those couple of things
No, awesome, dude
Yeah, I was gonna say so so how so in the next so sorry real quick in the next
Let's say eight months right in post-production. Same. Do you see this?
I mean, it looks like you're very involved in this. It's fantastic
Do you see any any any real progression at least in the next eight months where it can actually be where if someone doesn't
Adapt it can it can hurt them
Yeah, I mean I think that the I think that the things that ai will be incredibly good at almost immediately
Doesn't have so much to do with the visual stuff as with the organization and the the role of what is in a bigger production
What's an assistant editor?
Um being able to catalog metadata being able to do things like scene detection and accurately catalog
If you if you have hours and hours and hours of raw footage
You can't I think you'll be able to very quickly throw it all at an ai and say please chop this up and make some sense
Of it for me and it won't be perfect
But it'll get you 80% of the way there so that you're cutting down on 80% of the time that you'd have to spend
Organizing and annotating your footage then as far as as far as summaries. Oh my god
It's the one thing that ai is incredibly good at right now is text, right?
So being able to take a transcript and summarize that scene to scene take to take and then organize that
And put it in a form that you can send to a client or that you can send to a team
That's amazing and you can do that pretty much right now
Um and and do it pretty well
The other thing that I think is going to be is going to be impressive is not individual ai tools
But the existing post-production tool vendors and how they are incorporating ai for instance
If if I don't know how many people in here are really really deep into post-production
But color correction and color grading is a very specific part of post-production
In doing film and tv doing color grading and making sure um color grading stays consistent across scenes and being able to say
Hey, here's a here's a here's a face. Here's a here's a close-up of a face
I want to be able to remove that blemish and make give this a soft creamy look right boom ai
I'll be able to do that quickly and again
It'll get you 80 percent of the weight there
So that you can then so that you can then dive in and do the rest of the creative work and then being able to say
Find this face and every other scene in the program apply the same color correction apply the same technique here
And ai will be able to analyze whether it's a different angle or what the lighting is and and apply it
appropriately and I think ai will also be able to do things like it'll be amazing at doing things like um
object detection object detection and
Dealing with those objects in post-production one thing that you have to do all the goddamn time
Is um things like monitor replacement every single tv that you see in a in a in a tv or film show
Has a piece of green on it
It doesn't have any actual content on it and some artist somewhere
Is having to put that content in that screen and make it look like it fits in the scene
Monitor replacement will all be ai a lot of green screen will all be ai
And pretty soon you won't need green screen anymore
And you'll just be able to do pure object detection and do what's called rotoscoping and that'll all be ai
You can see some of that now amd, which is um big chip company
AMD is is debuting a technology called
It's cvml
An acronym only only an engineer could look
Um, but cvml is essentially the death of green screen. It's on amd chips
It's the ability to do in almost real-time object detection background removal and creating an alpha channel
So that you can then have that be a useful part of post-production
So that was a bit of a rant
But I think uh, but I think the most the things that are going to happen quickly that people need to keep track of are
The analysis organization and metadata collection around around to around footage
Object detection around footage and reporting that and I think color grading as well
editorial and creative editorial I think is going to be a little further behind
Um, I do think though that things like listicles and social social videos will all be ai pretty quickly
Um, that's that's just a that's a no-brainer and doing things like trailers and cut downs
Big trailers like big feature film trailers. Those will always be a very creative thing
But if you want to do a 30-second trailer for a piece you're working on
Boom, you can do that with ai pretty quickly and for anything corporate
I think corporate video is going to be a huge place for ai
Because corporate video is all about taking huge amounts of information
Putting it together and trying to put some sex appeal into it and packaging it up
So there you go. Uh, I can probably talk for a while longer, but i've talked for a while
Yeah, no, I appreciate that and I mean and I think maybe you weren't here for earlier in the space
We were talking about how some high-end vfx shops right now
They're they're dealing with the problem that that their their entry level type work and their their journeyman work
Is that uh more of these functions are being replaced by certain tools?
So where you might have had a full say like
3d studio or you might you might have had a full contingent of employees, right? You you allocate some uh, some human resources to just
Modeling a face and and dealing with um, you know the full 3d pipeline of digital doubles, right?
Human digital doubles where you hit it's like, okay. Do we have a digital double for this person?
Do we have a you know, whoever our lead actor is? Do we do we have them?
Uh recreated in 3d space and do we have you know various different looks for this person?
Um look dev in just getting that actor right and creating a digital double for them takes time
It pays dividends. Like you said when you're trying to you know, as they're walking through a given
Realistic space when you're trying to recompose it and an individual blade of grass moving physically in a physically accurate way
But then when it comes to hollywood
They don't actually care about the same quite the same level of precision as you have in commercial work other commercial work, right?
Where you have say like audi or you know, or porsche saying demanding like nope that blade of grass
Absolutely has to fall exactly that way and there better be a tailwind behind our car that makes it appear as though it's you know
Whatever it's uh, it's going 150 miles an hour. So you absolutely have to have these very specific physical effects in film
You have a couple of tastemakers. You have a couple of producers. Did you say no?
Did we capture did we capture the emotion of that scene? Did the emotional content of that scene?
Well, we might be able to get away with some weird looking, you know
Henry cavill as superman
While tom cruise was his as his other simultaneous producer was demanding that he keep a mustache on his goddamn face
So everybody over at warner brothers was forced to rotoscope his mustache out that kind of shit
I agree with you that really does need to be automated and some of the deep fake technology is now stepping in
So where you had like we had superman with this weird looking putty face that cost millions of dollars
Unnecessary because tom cruise had to have his way, right doing producers tom cruise had to have his way over admission impossible
So everybody else got to eat shit and remove, you know remove henry cavill's mustache manually frame by frame or whatever now the deep fake tools
When you're getting a shitty result anyway
The deep fake tools are like oh nice
We can just use the deep fake tool and use we can now impose henry cavill's clean shaven face
Over his regular mustachioed face. We don't have intellectual property entanglements
We can just use the current state of the art in deep fakes and yeah, it is good enough
We'll use ai upscaling even when we don't get a perfect result. We'll narrow the the infill, right? The
The ending to just this region of interest and now
We're not even having to do any tracking right? We're not doing any motion tracking
But to your point some of these tools also they're benefiting
In that your ai is being used only for very specific areas where you had motion tracking before that we're using primitive computer vision
And has been you know, whatever your mocha is right and the other popular
Tracking softwares, right?
And then 3d tracking as well in the more upscale packages like uh, like your nukes and whatever else
That most people aren't using like you're talking about, you know
The the majority of people doing commercial work not necessarily using high-end vfx tools
But then also, you know using whatever it takes to get the job done
Um at at that level there's a lot of custom tooling that happens. So disclosure, I worked
I worked at dreamworks animation years and years ago
And the majority of what was used for for producing like for their whole pipeline was written internally
And uh was based on open source packages that they could then develop themselves
Some of these tools from ai right now the skunk works over in the open source
Is making its way into hollywood faster than most people realize because of that where you have visual effects artists who are just
For that much of self-preservation. Like I just really hate doing this shot, right? We're where whatever i'm i'm
What's what's the movie? Uh, god, some of the vegan mortons and where he fights, you know where he fights naked, right?
It's like oh great
I have to have to sit here and rotoscope out vegan mortons to this junk right to put it in the shadows
Right another one of those like dirty dirty rotoscope jobs that that only vfx person would realize you have to do
And like getting rid of that nobody's complaining about that work disappearing
But they're also not thinking about the second order effects of five years from now
Not forcing a journeyman to do that really horrible work
So they understand the pipeline well enough to supervise the ai five years from now
So we're in a really weird spot
One of the one of the more fun days is like I don't know 20 years ago
One of the more fun days in my post when I was a full-time editor and compositor
One of my four more fun days is dog food
Purina was was a client that I was working on a lot and I was doing a lot of dog food spots
And one day I came into work and my boss looked at me and had a smile on his face
And I was like what and he was like today you're going to be dewinking and i'm like the fuck is dewinking
He's like, oh you'll find out so I sit down and I had to spend that day
Tracking rotoscoping and covering up an excited dog whose dick was out and it was all pink and red in the purina spot
And so I had to make um a dog's uh a dog's dick go away
That day and I got um, and I got home that night and my wife was like, oh, what'd you what'd you do today?
I was like a dick painted
She was like pardon me and and I explained it and and that was that was a fun day that
I still have scars from that clearly. Um, I spent the whole day tracking uh tracking
tracking dog dicks
Um, the uh, right now
At least the vego martinson example you would have gotten an indv credit for that
I'm sure this was also uncredited doggy dick removal. Dude. It was it was bad
Do you want to be credited for doggy dick? It was it was a bad day, man
I did not put that one on my reel
The uh, the one thing though that that is an ai tool that I think is also you remind me of it
That I think is gonna is gonna is gonna make big big waves is actually tying into the
Gaussian splat and nerf technology that's that's coming up and and that's coming up incredibly fast
And the ability to do the ability to take real world scenes and be able to very quickly translate that into accurate 3d models
One of the cooler thing demos that I saw recently is um some dude
It was I saw it. I forgot what website I saw it on but some dude was taking um
Was taking things that were generated video that was generated in sora and very very detailed. Um
Pictures that were generated in in mid journey or something like that and then we're creating and then we're creating
Splats and nerfs from that and then translating that into an accurate 3d model
Um because mid journey has been saying for a while that they're going to start generating 3d geometry, but it's not there yet
So using uh using splat or nerf technology to be able to take a still file or a video
And use that as an intermediary layer to get to a 3d model and then being able to use that 3d model in real world production
I think that's going to be pretty amazing for for ideation and for getting you pretty close, you know
It's right now. It's a long complicated. It's a long complicated expensive process for
A director for a director or for a creative lead to say say hey, you know what?
I want to be I want to see this on on like jupiter's moon with a waterfall in the background
Can we see that and it's like well?
Yeah, we can see that but we have to get a you know, we got to get a 3d artist
We got to get a team. We got to model it up. We got to make it happen. It's it's time and money, right?
And right but yeah, they're always asking you for yeah champagne vision on a light beer budget for that
I hear that all the time, right? So so I mean i'm in a weird position
I kind of feel like we should get acquainted here
So i've got i've got a brother that was at uh, that was at sony imageworks and dreamworks a different brother that was at iom
And and then one of the other shops a different brother that was at digital domain 2.0. Not 3.0. He he got culled
And then another one that uh that wrote software for for side effects, right?
Um procedural effects package who i'm sorry, but who hurt your family when you guys were young that made you all go into visual effects
Who hurt you bro?
It was dear old dad because he was because he was a silver age comics artist
It was just it was the gift that kept on giving the the pain that kept on being inflicted, right?
Like it's like i'm sure you know
It's something you just wouldn't do unless you're absolutely called to it. Once you get into the trenches you realize, okay
That's either you got to really love this or you're out. Uh, people. Yeah, it chews them up pretty fast
I spent time at dd 2.0 and 3.0
Oh, okay, then, you know, okay, we'll have to compare notes, but uh
Uh, but yeah, I mean so so for my part I was out early, right?
It was the it was a gene works experience for me. That was like, um, this is nice
This is nice and I think i'm going a different direction, uh, and then started to move towards tech and I haven't looked back really
But um, but then you know when talking to the family the shop talk is all like like you're saying it's like
Oh, dude, you don't understand nerves and
And um, right and gaussian splatting like these techniques and i'm like, well i'm looking at the ai stuff over here
It's crazy. Everything is converging
Like it actually is this wave that uh that threatens to do a lot of disruption
I think with the 3d package like you're saying too many people are viewing it as like oh, well the this this neural net exists
So just tell it what I want and let it execute my vision
But at the high end
I think the disruption is happening in some of these tools that before they used kind of more primitive computer vision or more primitive machine learning and now
They they're just so much more capable and in order to really
Push the state of the art. It needs to be framed in that way, right where it's like no, no
No, it's going to help you through look dev. Like you said earlier. It'll help you generate a lookup table
That gives you real values or it'll help you generate a vector motion path
Or a camera path right for whatever like magna or something
Or it'll help you generate an edit decision list or it'll help you generate some fixed outputs
So you can map your prompts to some fixed outputs or things that you can then adapt
as needs be
They're viewing it as like oh, no, it's going to be completely revolutionary today
Well, no it it it has far reaching implications
But if we're doing it, right
It should be iterative today and there should be kind of a roadmap that we that we look at and some predictability of like
Yeah, we're we're going to lose journeymen in this in this field
We're going to lose like a 3d generalists and vfx generalists
Broadly speaking we're not going to get as many young people because early small functions are being replaced in the software packages
Yeah, so hopefully we all do to kind of agree like okay
Don't race forward to the point that you lose everybody from this new generation, you know coming into the field
Because we're going to feel it so much worse in about five years
Um, but yeah, I think it's iterative
Hey, Seth, I want to ask you real quick. You're talking about you guys are talking about rotoscoping
Uh his mustache off which was yeah, that was what a horrible position that that had to have been
Probably not as bad as the penis one, but yeah, whatever
Um, but think about how many of you are sitting around watching television and you look at tv shows where they show flashbacks, right?
And and you're looking at the photoshop that's done in the old photos and you're literally screaming at your wife or whoever's around
You you've done a great job with all this editing and nobody can get the photoshop right on the flashback photos
That they should like nobody does it there's no I mean
It doesn't matter no film no television. They show these photoshops of these really awkward people that are holding, you know
It's so mind-blowing that they can't take five minutes to get somebody and just on ipad you could do it in a break room
And to photoshop these things print it out put it you know, put it on a prop
I just don't understand it. Like what what do you think?
Why do you think that they're missing the small parts and go and spending so much time?
On the part on the bigger parts that really is more of an ego driven type edit because a lot of a lot of people
Are not going to see
They're not going to notice the rotoscope on the mustache
It'll eat it y'all too because this is y'all's profession
Like y'all, I mean that's gonna just probably eat each other for the rest of your lives
But like why why can't we spend time focusing on the details instead of the overall big picture?
Because well flashbacks flashbacks and that sort of thing on a feature film with a decent budget. They look great
Um, if you go to if you see it on a feature film, it typically looks good
If you're seeing it on tv visual effects, that's because there is absolutely no money there slap a grain filter on it
Give it a little shake blur it up a little bit
Done, you know, there's no there's tv visual effects is is no money
That's why that's why there are that's why vfx right now is under is might actually unionize
After 20 years of talking about it visual effects editors might actually successfully unionize now
It's another thing to take into account in the very in the very bubble world of hollywood
And keep in mind that hollywood is you know, there's a lot of great content that comes out of it
But la is a bubble. It's one city a lot of post-production happens there
But it's one city and there's a lot of post-production that happens in the rest of the world, too
But in la at least ai is also going to be mitigated because all of the unions are also all of the unions and guilds
Are are dealing with ai right now and encoding it into their encoding it into their agreements
Um, i'm a member of i'm a member of pga and pga is not a union, but it is a guild, you know
producer's guild it is a guild and
We're having tons of internal discussions about ai and when can use ai and how to use ai
Because at a certain point just like any other tool. There's always the there's always the um
the the struggle between
um, uh between cost efficiency and quality
Right. So so being able to there's nothing nothing that producers would like more than to be able to
Take away most of the vfx budget and give it to an automated process
But when you're doing that you're also taking away jobs
You're affecting people's livelihoods and you've got to you got to it's a complicated dance
You have to take it all into account. Something's got to change in visual effects though because visual effects artists are
Horribly horribly abused in terms of in terms of how they are forced to work both domestically in the us and abroad with um
With cheap roto factories in india, malaysia, vietnam, etc
It's uh, something has to change ai is going to force a big change
I think into editorial and visual effects and how people think about it
And in many ways although hollywood is a bubble
It does lead the way in terms of how a lot of people worldwide uh worldwide think about these things
So there you go
And yes dog dick painting is I guarantee you is the worst roto job you'll ever do in your life
I don't recommend it
The thing that has to change is our values when people value the work that people are doing
Uh, then it'll just be a non-issue whether or not an ai is available
I think it's really about what we value and what's right for the job
especially thinking of like on a per project basis
If a film is really like about the explosions and it's really about the vfx
Then the budget will probably go there
But if it's a film that's not really about that and it has some elements
Then maybe that's the situation where it's just perfect for that
In the same way that ai is perfect for social media endeavors and listicles, but not perfect for maybe long-form writings
Uh in the same way i'm sure we'll find niches for ai with regard to video creation and content
Myself when I do videos, um my best videos I like to make with
Um, and I love the node based
Editing and the node based effects that I can do
I love being able to work like that when I first started using da Vinci, by the way, this is a free program
So if anyone who's listening would like to experiment and explore you can download this program and use it for free
It's almost just like the premium the free version does just about everything
Da Vinci, um, and they have wonderful tutorials but explore and you know
I think da Vinci is a really good program to get comfortable with node-based
Creating and I think ai and node-based creation is just so perfect together
So i'm really looking forward to more node-based integrations with ai
especially when it comes to earlier we were talking about green screen and um, you know node-based
Green screen work is just so much the business
It's so flexible and it's just so easy to experiment in a non-destructive way and to try new things
so I feel like
Node-based integrations with ai is really really what gonna
Be a big deal
Yeah phenomenal, right so I appreciate you mentioning another tool there
Yeah for anybody who's not aware yet da Vinci resolve is the is a full name of the software
It's black magic design software and another here's another cool piece of alpha here, uh maximilian
If you buy any of their cameras any of the black magic design cameras, including the pocket cinema camera
You get a license of the pro version of da Vinci resolve included, right?
I wouldn't I wouldn't say for free you paid money
But you also you got hardware and for no additional cost you got the software, right?
You could always resell the hardware and ebay is full of black magic design kit
That's you know that no longer has the software license because people bought it to try to you know
To just flip for the for the software. So that's the second part of the alpha if you if you really want to do that
You can do that
Yeah, thank you. I never thought of that or an editing control server
I think they sell two or three editing control surfaces that also come with the software license key. So yeah
Editing control surfaces are very impressive. They're so impressive
Definitely check out just the whole suite is pretty amazing and there's their customer service is really nice
They're at all the shows like last time when I went to nam
They were there and just just the whole experience is great
But the tutorials are really on point I learned so much not only about da Vinci resolve
But I learned about all node based systems
Just by using this free software learning to use it really well
So I really really highly recommend it to anyone
It will level up your stuff. You can use you can use you you'll be amazed which you'll find you're using it for it's great for
If you have a podcast, you can even use it for like audio. There's a lot of stuff you can do with da Vinci Resolve
You know, it's it's interesting that max million. I I this is a speech i've given a
Presentation i've given a couple of times. Number one resolve is awesome. I agree
Number two is I totally agree
1000 agree with you that that when we value work things become easier
But in a cap in the capitalist structure we currently have I think that's it's utopian
I think what's going to have to happen is the current generation of of mainly white guys in charge are going to have to die off
Um, and I mean seriously, they're all there. It's going to have to be a generational shift
Because the boomers are still the boomers are still mostly in the in the major positions of power
Gen x is starting to take over gen x makes it a little better
When millennials and when gen z another 10 or 15 years when millennials and gen z are mainly in the positions of power
I do think we'll have a shift in how people view
Work structures, but it'll be it'll be slow slow to get here and the um, uh, the other thing is that you know
Talking about tools. I always recommend that if someone is if someone's just getting into the industry now
Or is just now starting to spread their creative wings. I would say hey resolve final cut pro avid premiere
Those are great tools learn those tools
But if you're going to spend your time learning anything learn game engines download unity and download unreal
Um v5 which are both fully featured and free
Um until you start cranking up product that makes money with them if you learn game engine technology
Then you will learn editorial you will learn compositing, but most importantly you will learn
Interact you'll learn how to create content that is interactive and content that lives beyond just two dimensions and beyond a flat screen
And that is that is the future of content and that is the future of technology and also on the job market right now
Just go to go anywhere go to indeed go to linkedin go anywhere that there is a job board and search for jobs for editors
Versus jobs for unity artists or unreal artists and you will very very quickly see where the future is
It's getting harder and harder to getting to get editing jobs
But man if you're good at unity on unity or unreal
You can pretty much write your own ticket in almost any market in the world right now
Let me double down on that I also use unity and can I just say i'm also a screenwriter for friends who?
Who haven't heard me say it before?
Unity will actually help you become a better storyteller as well
It will help you become a better storyteller in your game development and in your storytelling
It's just so powerful because it create it creates an opportunity for you to think in new ways
Love unity. It's very easy to use
So and may I also shout blender is also another great tool to use
You can create things in blender that you can then use in unreal engine later
Another free program. That's very powerful
We um, so i'm also editor-in-chief at alana magazine and we shot the trailer for our magazine
It's a digital magazine, but it's a print magazine and we wanted to show people
That it's a physical magazine even though we hadn't printed the issue yet
So we made a version of it in 3d and we shot a video trailer
Of our digital 3d magazine looking like a physical print magazine. I hope this is making sense
But we did all of this in blender and um, yeah, it was pretty amazing. It looks great
Maybe i'll share it in the in the comments, uh, so you can check it out
But it's amazing. Uh, these free tools that we can use and there's
Because it's open source blenders open source. There's a lot of integrations and plugins that are community created
So you can do just about anything. That's another really powerful tool to add to your repertoire if you're getting started
Amazing guys, we're hearing we're hearing about a whole bunch of a whole bunch of different potential tools to get you more exposure
Both in digital content creation, but also with ai I think jay
We're at the we're at the top of the hour right now. It is 2 p.m. EST. We've been going since 8 a.m. EST
Um, you know, what time is it? 7 p.m across the pond over, you know, Greenwich mean time, right?
So yeah, can you speak the queen's english?
God, that's queen's. Oh, that'd be uh, that'd be a good old glen glensky. Where are you at buddy? Talk to us, man
Where you at?
I gotta wake him up
No, a little bit of tea
Caffeine and adder all inside of it. No. All right. Anyways, yeah, no, this has been uh
Has been a another fantastic week man learned a lot connected some great peeps, man
This is uh, this is kind of cool, man. I'm i'm happy everybody's here. The panel has been great
Um, yeah, let's let's see what we do next week. This is this is getting better and better
Absolutely, and I think we've had we've had a little bit of uh
We've had a little bit of continuity in that there have been a lot of ai spaces
We're hearing from people in the music
Industry we're hearing people in the indie music industry hearing people in the indie web3 music industry
You're gonna drill down on that niche right or double click on that niche
That we've been talking to in terms of the potential threats that ai poses there
We had the largest game five space ever recorded on twitter spaces just a couple weeks ago a few short weeks ago
um, so I think with ai and some of these entertainment topics we're going to keep on going because this is
This is I mean like uh, as I mentioned before by real lucas
These are concerns that we that we have in this country and because we export
These uh, we export content, right?
We're one of the first countries to do it. So it it does affect us as americans maybe disproportionately than other places
I know london-based symphony like the and and then also prog their symphony. Uh, sorry
We l.a l.a was monetizing it for longer, right?
And they had it they had a guilt for longer right from the music side of the industry
We're looking at all the other ways that our industries are going to be affected here and disrupted here because we know
That's going to have knock-on effects with budgets as was mentioned earlier a race to the bottom, right producers demanding more
for less uh for less coin right for less money
And that's going to that's going to have some second and third order effects in other creative fields
So expect probably another ai space really soon that we might shake it up next week
We might come back to you with some uh, some uniquely web3 topics like real world assets
And some of the other ways that we can help preserve value on blockchain
Even though we face uncertainty in how we create value and create content with ai
And generate all those those values with ai
We definitely want to look at how we lock in value
While we have uncertainty in the u.s
Dollars like in the markets that we deal with there and then again in creating intellectual property that we that we've monetized
So well up to this point, um, how do we lock that in probably some of the other topics that we that we talk about here
On the mobile media stage every tuesday 8 a.m
Est that's 3 p.m
Utc or if you speak the queen's English gmt, we're not going to discriminate
Uh, so that's every single tuesday. Please lock that in on your calendars
Please be aware that we love hearing from you
And and we do these spaces to help talk about your concerns in in these in these topics, right?
So ai ai content creation blockchain
Real world assets how we're tokenizing the next billion dollars of value and trillion dollars of value in the cryptocurrency markets
So how we're how we're making all this work
So we hopefully have a brighter future and don't have to be afraid of ai killing us in our sleep
Did I say that out loud? Okay. I did have some anxieties. Let's talk to a human therapist about that
I won't uh, I won't ask chat gpt whether or not. I should be worried
Uh, oh buddy, or maybe maybe we'll ask the sophia robot how she feels let's do that. Oh, geez
Yeah, I think that'll add to my problems because it'll be like hi. I'm ai and I'm female
Are you sure you want to ask in that tone?
Yeah, I don't think sophia likes me very much
But that's our space for the day. I think we're gonna wrap it up j
Uh, do you have any other last words for our audience?
Or do you want to gather any additional thoughts from our panel before we close things down?
Yeah, let's yeah, let's do that any uh, any last words famous last words before ai assimilates you let's go
Robots are humans are robot ancestors. That's what I like to say
Humans are robots robots robots are humans too
Robots are humans too
That was just a little vocal foible
But don't get the message go up garbled up because I made a little error speaking but humans are robot ancestors
That's what I always say. I feel that ai is an important step in our human evolution
There are certain things that humans can do that no other beings can do
Like healing and giving empathy and showing love and care so many special things. I believe that ai
Is part of our evolution. It's a way for us to give each other our time back
So that we can produce more create more and give more of ourselves uniquely to each other
So don't be afraid of ai embrace it and figure out what it can do for you
This is maximilian. Thank you so much for sharing time with me today
Fantastic and then mike mike since it was a soft shield earlier
You are a spaces host. Do you have a regular spaces you want to uh, let our awesome audience know about do you have a week in space or
Yeah, I appreciate that wednesday's at five o'clock central time, which is houston time
for those of you who are
crossed the pond
Um good old takes it let's get I believe it babe. We're down here in texas
We're hosting spaces like no other let me tell you that right now. Okay, let's come on down here and check it out
That's right, that's right. Hey, so uh now listen, thank you everyone for joining
See you same time next week
Glenn let's take it away, buddy. Thank you