TW3TM: YOUR Ego and Mindset are keeping you at square 0🫡🏼🚨

Recorded: June 3, 2023 Duration: 0:48:09



I've seen the time, dance and dance in every place, in every day. Can we kiss here?
She's in my life Even if you got the trick she told all the love I could make you knew it She's in my life She's got the power of the city that she'd like to cry Oh, you're so annoying
β™ͺ I'm fashionized β™ͺ β™ͺ Is that you ever want to β™ͺ β™ͺ I'm begging underneath to be popular β™ͺ β™ͺ That's her dream, she'll be popular β™ͺ β™ͺ Hey β™ͺ β™ͺ Can you want to be popular β™ͺ β™ͺ Tell her girls to be popular β™ͺ β™ͺ I'll be just to be popular β™ͺ
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,#
Hello, hello everybody and welcome back to talk web 3 to me. Before we move to the second song today, we're going to be talking about your ego and mindset and how those two specific factors are keeping you at square fucking zero in this field.
Web 3 and in every aspect of your life, not just in Web 3. We have a lot of things to be talking about today. Let me tell you a slight glimpse. So we're going to be talking about how I'm making one person win a free mentorship with me on a daily basis until
they reach their Web 3 personal brand goals. There will be one winner, the ego and mindset in Web 3 and after we tackle the problem, we're going to be discussing and dissecting how to think in Web 3 and how to be on the right path of the right ego and the right mindset
and the right dignity and how to protect yourself from all the distractions that are going on. In the meantime, if you are interested in this free mentorship, if you are interested in minting this speaker's NFT and winning the giveaway that I posted yesterday, if you're interested in everything that I'm doing and everything that we're all doing, make sure to
click on the pitweed between the space. If you are a speaker and if this is not, if this is your first time, you come up to a stage. If you are scared to come up on stage to speak, don't be scared. Click on that request button. The people who interact with me on spaces on a daily basis.
are going to get rewarded and the people who speak on spaces on a daily basis are the people who can grow faster and faster. So don't be scared. Hit that request button. Come and have a discussion with us. No judgment room. Everybody accepts everybody and all opinions matter. All the love to you. Click on that purple button on the bottom right
corner of the page post a comment show some love like the tweet retweeted and let's get started!
Hey, let it now, I'm tossing a turn and a scream out for the weak. Hey, I'm holding out the rehearse, I'll do the hell of the note. Come on. He's gotta be going in the sky, he's gotta be fast, he's gotta be fast.
I need a hero! I'm holding up the way! Show me the reactions! Come on!
The reaction was fucking hard. What's going on? Keep it coming!
>> It's not a game to shoot to the end.
I'm holding up for a hero! I'm in a hero!
I'm a person who needs to have a good life. I don't like you, you can't see. I can't see what you want from us. Now what do you do?
β™ͺ I'm just stopping the flow β™ͺ β™ͺ I just feel as if I was like a fire in the blood β™ͺ (audience cheering)
β™ͺ β™ͺ
β™ͺ β™ͺ
Good morning. Good morning everybody. So happy to be here today. Welcome to talk about three to me. And today's episode we're going to be tackling as we said, your ego and mindset and how those
things are keeping you at square zero. It is going to be an amazing discussion. I really want to mention that I'm so happy that more and more people and more new faces are coming up on stage. The more you come to stage, the more you are going to grow and not just in this space, but
But I want to tell you one thing. What I can say that in this space, there is zero room for judgment, zero room for mockery, and we take every single person seriously as long as they're respectful. So if you are looking to grow in Web 3, and which is something that I've been noticing, a lot of people are interested
If you want to grow in Web 3 hit that request button come up on stage and even if you don't have the courage to talk at least you have the courage to come up on stage So come up on stage. Let's have a discussion Let's hear our thoughts and let's see how we can all grow together as a family
If you don't know guys, my project is launched. You can go on my Pintweed, click on the link and mint and once you mint you will be able to have all the perks that we are offering and we just started offering job opportunities, posted the first job opportunity today.
And yeah, it is going to be a very, very exciting time. So let's kick through our episode. First, before we start, make sure to click on the pinned tweet and on the bottom right corner of the purple button. Uh, re-sweat the space. Post a comment.
it, come up on stage, share this face with your friends, and let's get this thing started. So the reason why I decided to start this face talking about your ego and your mindset are keeping you as square zero is because
I did a lot of testings, you know, I am known for testing a lot in this space, you know, I throw myself into stuff that I don't know. I have no fear into trying new things, no fear into
No fear into no fear to actually fail. I just want to try. I just want to execute over planning is never going to be something good. So well, executing. I tried at some point to double down and writing threads focusing on spaces only.
focusing on posting original tweets and other times I focused on replies and Let me tell you when I focused on replies and when I focused on giving people stuff and giving people value It has helped me in a way that you have no idea
You have no idea how much this has helped me. It was really, really a crazy time. I think it was really interesting the way that replies can help you grow. And you know, a lot of people who have ego, a very, very high ego in this space, are not going to ever be able to make it.
Why? 'Cause they don't have the time to do 500 fucking replies a day. This is the only thing that is going to help you grow. Literally the only thing. Your ego is keeping you at square zero and if you're not gonna get out of this mindset, this fucked up mindset that's your better than everybody, you're not gonna be able to advance.
In order to advance you have to put yourself at the same level of every single person. Once you put yourself at the same level of people you are going to be able to advance. Now I need to know from the people on stage what are some experiences that you faced in Web 3 that literally showed you how a fuck
up mindset and a fucked up ego can keep you at square zero. Anybody wants to share their experiences? And by the way guys, noting that we're all here before we actually start discussing with the people on stage, with the speakers, with the listeners, I want to let you know that we have a permanent co-host
opening spot. I'm looking to find a committed co-host to be with me on Talk About Through To Me so we can build this together. And yeah, yes, sir, I see you're reacting a lot. Would you like to share with us a little bit of thoughts regarding this topic? Hey, Marianne, everyone.
Yes, I have some thoughts as you were speaking and I can start with there is usually subliminal message messages that come with the tweets you see. So when you daily GM people that you know that you follow that you love
And then you find the tweet that tells you, hey, are you going to GM all the day? Or I just left my work to GM and now I'm successful in Web3. Actually, the GM is only the outer side. But once you see it, you see that that GM
is not only saying hello to people, but also bringing attention to yourself. And what you're doing as well, not only you, like every one of us, you're posting your usual content, you're growing every day, you're learning, and you're adding value to the people.
But in addition to that, you're getting attention by saying hello to people, by bringing their attention to you, which is not wrong. Some people try to cast that as something wrong, as something you shouldn't be doing.
I only do threads, I only do like valuable tweets or nothing else, but I say because this is a new culture, we need to accommodate ourselves to it. So don't be ashamed of saying GM, don't be
a shame of answering to posts, to tweets that are saying GM but also don't forget that you have to put your content out. It doesn't make sense if you have 500 tweets per day which are OGM but you haven't
So, tweeted a single tweet about who are you, what are you doing? You have what? Do you have anything to offer? And this combination, you're not going to see it by one day. And I'm saying this because seriously, last week I was thinking about this. And I noticed
that some of the accounts that I reply to every single day since the last three months have finally started referring to my post and interacting with them. And that means the next time I have an offer, I have something to give, they're going to be more
So that's my two cents to it. Thank you Maria. Thank you so much. You know this makes a lot of sense because a lot of us really think that the DM culture is something that's engaged in farming or it's something that is stupid, it does not help
as much as people think, people just do that because they want to see numbers on their tweets however this is much deeper than just that. pace them, I would like you to explain to us your thoughts and what do you think about the GM culture as well because this is one of the easiest way to connect with people in web 3.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, the GM culture is something that we should not ignore because I think this space walks with reciprocity. The more you give out, the more you tend to take. Because even on the Twitter algorithm itself, the more people's posts you engage with, the more they take
your booths in front of a lot of people. So the GM culture is absolutely a very powerful culture. Before I lost my other account, I used GM to grow that account. A lot of people resonated with it because I'm one of the reply guys. I should say that because sometimes I reply more than 500 this in an
There are some days I do 1000, I just love engaging with people. I am not that I am just a kind of people's person. I love people, good people, I have beauty stocks. So the GM culture is a very powerful culture. Anybody looking to grow in Web 3, if you start with GM, genuinely engaging with people, replying to people's tweets and putting
out your tweets. It's really helped you. I agree, but do you think that... Okay, so what is the most productive way, pace M? In your opinion, what is the most productive way to reply to people?
Because it really depends who you reply to. It really matters to reply to a bigger account, smaller accounts. Do you think there's a specific technique to go with that thing? Yeah, I think because, personally, before you reply to somebody, you just go and reply to
some people who reply something that is not really related to what the person put out. And it doesn't really matter because just like you put ego. Some bigger accounts, it takes them time to actually engage with you. Even sometimes they will come and say, "Anybody that engage with this post and following back all these things."
Most times, it's some small account that is trying to build a community around themselves. Some bigger accounts might choose to ignore you often times. So like going to those bigger accounts on time, those big influencers accounts might not really push you out there, or you see an engagement then regardless.
I like that. I like that. What's up, I hope you?
Hello. Hello. Shout out to everybody in this space. Shout out to you. I think for me the gym culture is more than just a culture because my journey with the... When I first came to a free space in Twitter,
I don't reply GM. I just go on and retreads. I try to learn a lot of stuff. I don't reply or post GM or anything like that and I didn't grow. So for some few months, I didn't GM. I was just reading threads trying to gather information, trying to get a knowledge. So and I wasn't growing.
So then I start the plan. Once I. Hello.
Go for it. Go for it. So I started replying to GM posting GM like universe 18 third. I started seeing numbers for me. It's kind of
This was one big account and stayed on to where he followed me. I was like, what the fuck? I like this jam really works. It's like it connects you with people in
like more than just the James like you're welcome to the community and it's not good to other people and I mean there are a lot of people repent to James for that because where you are consistent and replying to people you are there and they see
you are you do this always like every day you show up you support others you don't say shit about people I really leverage your and it grows your account and sees that you're positive to others
This is 100% true. It's not because replying will unlike other social media platforms. Twitter has this very, very important thing.
It's underrated on Twitter that when you reply, you show up on other people's page. When you reply to somebody, you show up on other people's page. When you do any single type of activity, your name will show up on other people's page, especially the people who follow you. So, replying is not just you trying to catch
the person you're replying to attention, but also you're putting yourself out there. You're showing all the others that you are actually supportive of other people. Everybody is seeing that, oh, this person is a reply guy. This person is very, very supportive. They look like and they look like and they sound
like very interesting people who are ready to someone, especially if you're replies, for example, on other tweets are replies that are meaningful, that are valuable, like to show other people that you're really trying to add value to a tweet, you're focused, you know what you're doing in a space,
And all you're looking to is to help people and actually be able to grow and actually support. So the one thing that you should understand to build the perfect Web 3 mindset is that you have to give way more than you take. Way more than you take.
It is impossible to grow if you want to take take take take take take and not give anything Do you see anybody growing if do you see anybody growing doing that? Nobody Nobody so yeah West I would like to hear from you
Yo, cheers everybody.
Hello, I'm good, I'm good, just a few take on the GM culture. You know, like the name says, you know, GM, more like your daily activities because culture is something like it's built in you. So,
It's one of like waking up in the morning and first thing you're gonna do is GM so that is practically you know something that everybody should actually you know get acquainted with because we can just wake up in the morning and not say a greeting so the GM cultural is not just a
cultural is more of like a way of life, which we are bringing it into WebTree because the first tweet every page or every press in our Twitter or WebTree is supposed to be the GM tweet.
the gym suits goes a long way. So under the like you just said Maria you know when you interact with an account you're actually you know not just making yourself known you're also putting yourself outside for the
people on that account like when I reply to you, you reply that to me. Practically 100% you are going to be seeing my tweet and there is 895% probability that your followers also would also be getting my tweet like your followers
we also be seeing my tweet. So when you apply to all the big accounts, you are not just putting yourself out there, you are putting yourself also for their followers because their followers are going to get in some of your tweets and then also we practically be seeing your tweet on the timeline.
Can I be hid? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I was speaking on mute. Sorry. I was saying that I really agree with what you're saying because it's just it's not just strategy. You know, at some point you go to lose the fucking strategy. lose it from your brain.
And this is something related to the ego put this ego fucking down and just connect with people just move with the purpose of I want to I want to know what those people are up to not with the mindset of like Oh, I want to engage with this person just because they could follow me and once they follow me is just an extra number and I don't give a
talk about them anymore. You're going to lose them as an engagement. You're going to lose them as people who are interacting with you. So one of the really, really essential things that I always think about is that I really like to, I really like to engage with people because I am genuinely interested in what they're doing as people. What's up, Alvaro?
Hello, Mariano. Hello guys. How are you this morning or afternoon? I just jump in. That's good. I'm doing fine. I'm doing fine. Thanks. I just jump in to say a little bit my may opinion on this take and I do believe that this crypto Twitter
is full of big eagles and unfortunately I don't agree with you, Maria, when you say that people when they are rude they lost followers I would love to agree with you but I see big accounts with huge eagles not caring about the followers and they are still growing
And I don't understand why people follow them when it's in this case. Also, I don't understand why people get a big evil on crypto Twitter. Sometimes you just tweet things, not you, Marianne. I'm talking in a general in the big picture. People just tweet things sometimes with no
use no utility and they get the big ego because of that. I'm not sure if it's because they are behind the screen or it's just crypto Twitter working. Also, and just want to make a note that there are wonderful people and crypto Twitter amazing tweets, the magazines, small accounts that work
to follow and to interact. And this is beautiful. And I just would like to ask you and everyone a question because I don't really understand. Is a reply guy expression a good or a bad expression because it seems that it came from the people that have played
I'm a reply guy.
just people, even we call the girls reply, like, I'm a girl, I'm a reply guy, it's just an expression to say that this person replies to a lot of posts to support others. And it's just a person that is active and is worth being followed because they'll support you forever. So as long
As long as you're supporting other people on their posts, you're liking, you're engaging with it, you're commenting, you're giving them more help to get more exposure and engagement. You're a reply guy and it's something that's absolutely beautiful. Guess if you're enjoying this conversation, I would love if you would click on the Pintuite,
like it post a comment we'll be here for another 30 minutes today it's the space is going to be for an hour and we're gonna be back tomorrow for an amazing topic as well so make sure to follow me if you still don't we have amazing topics we're soon gonna have a new co-host we're gonna be having a lot of guests
speakers so stay tuned and let's fucking go. Yes sir. Thank you Mariano. So GME1s and that's just a passing by. GME2s then you're becoming my buddy. GME7 times
and when you're I was wanting to come to the point that you mentioned before that is the giving and taking. It's all about giving and taking. And if you want to give something so you give engagement and then someone would come to me and say, "Hey, I want to be on your whitelist." And I'll be like, "Please come, my baby. You are like
You are one of the family. You are one of the people that I interact with every single day on Twitter and that makes me for sure. I have looked at your profile for sure. I know like in which direction you're moving. Where are you standing in the Web 3 world and it's all for the culture.
It's all for us to exactly realize the title of this space. Talk Web 3 to me. It's not about how you're doing today. I'm doing fine. I'm sitting in front of my phone and my computer. But tell me what are you up to? What do you want to do today? Okay, today I want to create some entities. I want to go to find something.
I want to go to explore something on the ordinals or something and these topics when you just mention them what are you going to do today will set in the minds of other people who are reading your tweet that okay this person is now going into this rabbit hole and it's going to stay
people don't forget that and to the other point of having egos and growing the Twitter accounts. Sadly it happens because we are human beings at the end of the day. We follow, we are inspired, we are amazed by large numbers and we
you see like 100k followers, but whoa I'm going to be one of these 100,000 followers and then if this account were just answered to me then I'm going to be rich or something. It's not the reality, it's an illusion, it's basically it's called social media, it's basically social that you have
to connect to people, not just they hello and then go find what you're doing today or pursue what you're doing today. It's saying hello, introduce something, engage in a topic and this is the way and it's not going to work from one time, always always take it on the on the long run. Zoom
out, check out what have you been doing three months ago on Twitter, did anything change until now and if not, ask why and ask how can I change that? What can I change in my behavior, in my GM behavior, in my engagement with people for my situation to get to the point that I'm looking for? Back to you, Maria.
I love those things that you just said. Really appreciate it. And I agree. I think that I definitely agree. And you know, hang is that
But sometimes those numbers are not real numbers. But as you said, we are human beings and we're impressed with really big numbers. And it is something that I absolutely hate, but it's something that's always going to be there and it's never going to change.
It starts with bots, but then people are going to be impressed and it's going to be more and more hyped. We've seen that. I don't want to keep on repeating that. We've seen that with a shit ton of... I've seen that with a shit ton of...
of projects of people, of a lot of things. So, the FOMO is real in every aspect of the world. It's not just about NFTs, it's not just about
Let three, not just about this whole field. And your whole life, FOMO is real. You know, they say that people are the most genuine when somebody is dying
or somebody's leaving the country at hospitals and at airports because they feel like this person or yeah they feel like this person is not going to be there forever and it's only when something bad happens
It's only when something bad happens that they really, really remember how much they love them and they remember to tell them how much they love them and they remember to express their feelings because they will remember that this is how much I love this person.
If I lose him, I will die. I can't continue my life without them. I was taking them for granted. And we take a lot of thanks for granted. We take a lot of thanks for granted. We take good projects for granted. We take good
accounts for granted and then suddenly when they have a big number we want to talk to them we want to mint when floor price goes up suddenly everybody want to buy even if it's super expensive I mean this is the course of life but
And this is why, for example, sometimes when an influencer is rude, a lot of people want to try to be on their good side, people like to be special, a human being likes to be special, you know, if there's a host that's very mean to
everybody and it's good to only one person, everybody wants to try to be on this person's good side. But there's something that I absolutely hate and it's something that it's not me. I would never be able to be somebody like that because
It's not genuine. It's not the person that I am and I don't see myself doing such marketing techniques that are like that go against my ethics and and the genuine person that I am you know what's up? I hope you
Hello. Hey, how are you doing? I'm fine. So I have two things to say. The first one I want to say that this honestly shout out to this face first of all. I mean, it is not everything. I've been to
I'm not allowed to give the opportunity to come out and say what's in their mind because I've been here from the, I can say from the very start and I want to see shout out to Mary and because you've given people you've given me opportunity to come out and speak.
because you don't see that very often and secondly it's the GM culture I have something to say about that I come say that the GM culture is a way to connect with people and to put yourself outside on a platform and communicate with others
and let's say somebody asked a question you don't just say GM you answer the question then you say GM it's also a way of sharing that you know what you know you have your knowledge about them then GM coaches is your part of the coach or your communicable
(thunder rumbling)
I'm gonna mute you cuz you're rugged a lot and the meantime I'm gonna say that yeah
I mean the more you personalize an interaction with a person the more tense you have for them to reply to you and for them to Notice that you're a genuine person if you just reply the same exact thing to everybody they will just like you know when a DM is cold DM and when you know when and DM is personalized DM, you know
And people don't like to feel like they're fools or sad like that. So try to personalize each and every experience as much as you can. Try to give a lot of time. But giving time doesn't mean work in a dumb way. If you can complete something in less time,
While doing more and in a better quality do it the most important thing that and I learned that the hard way the most important thing is productivity Completing more and less time as long as of course quality is high arrivals. Hello. Hello, my young
Hello, yes, or everyone here. I wanted to point something that I noticed talking about engagements and I don't know if the engagement with bigger accounts on Twitter bring you some like algorithm I didn't feel that but smaller accounts always give me the best attention and
engagement I needed because every time you engage with them or they engage with you, you engage with them back, they will always be around you just like a small community. Best engagement I got on Twitter was from smaller count but we as a humans will always tend to even when we get small like a new follower
We look at their followers. Do they have so much? Do we need to follow them back? But it's totally wrong now Maybe when I first came I was thinking like this now I feel totally different and I think Totally different because it's not like this and I also have a question I've been getting
getting a lot of shadow bands recently, but I don't have any suspicious activity. I'm not even that much active on Twitter. I don't read a lot, I don't do all those stuff. But then I hear that you're getting some links in your DMs if you are in some engagement groups that lead
you to get the shadow band, even though I don't share my links there, but I was included in so many, so I left them. I felt it was getting better, I wasn't having that shadow bands frequently. Is it because of that or there's another reasons I need to pay attention for.
Yeah, this is this is a really good point because I've been shadow band multiple times and a lot of people get shadow band and we sometimes all know the reason so I think it's just that trying to force engagement is not gonna work trying to force engagement is the shit
is saying, however, I do post a lot of engagement groups way less than before, but I do sometimes send my spaces, especially a specific to we, uh, something that I really want people to see. I think it's a very cool way to like, I started gaining engagement before I grow my accounts through engagement groups. You know,
It helps me a lot. Now the thing about bigger accounts is not for the algorithm to bring you any top of engagement. It's for them to notice you. And I'm not saying we count with 300,000, saying 10k plus between 10k and 50k.
the more you interact with those people, if they interact with you, you're going to be noticed. If they're a good person in this space, you might become friends, they might have an opportunity for you, you might learn from them. The thing that NFT God always says and something that I've tried and
works and I've been doing that for a long time is put those people in a list and keep on engaging with them every time on a daily basis. A Twitter list basically is you put people in accounts in a Twitter list and when you click on that list you can only see their tweets and their activity and what they specifically are doing.
So this is a very, very productive thing to do. And I've been obsessed with productivity these past few months. And I can really tell you that it's helping me a lot. Now I have sometimes to do some stuff that are not productive because there is no way to automate them.
Everything is worth it. The more you can accomplish in less amount of time while maintaining the same exact quality as a win, as a W for you. So yeah, arrivals, I noticed that you're Syrian. Oh, yeah. Right. Do you live there? Yeah, for now I'm here.
I'm in Lebanon. I'm living in... I know that way I'm following you. I heard about you and heard that you're living in Zinnouk and there for them. So yeah, I know. I had no idea. I just followed you back. Nice to meet you, girl.
Nice to meet you. I love meeting fellow Middle Eastern especially in Web 3 and especially that you're a woman. Yeah, I know especially that you're a woman. Thank you so much, Mariano. You're so sweet and you know it's cool to
to find people that want to support some people from this small circle because most of them doesn't really like to support each other but you are here yes, there is a great supporter for the Arabic community. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. Thankfully, the people from the Middle Eastern community, some of them, most of them, most of them to be fair, are super supportive. Some of them are not, but that's normal. More than that, more than that, the last thing that I
want to say today before we start talking about nothing and start talking a little bit about the project is that we have a lot of updates regarding the board game. I explained like we did first talk with a company that's going to be producing it. We're going to have another
more details to call later, the board game is done and the holders started receiving job opportunities by the way. So if you still haven't minted as speakers NFT, go to my profile minting his life, check out my Pintuite if you want to interact with it to share it with the world
as well. It would be good. And if you would like to be part of the community, click on the mint link and go ahead, mint a speakers NFT. It would mean the world. And you would be part of an amazing community already starting giving job opportunities to people and we'll be giving more and more job opportunities
to more people. Our holders are always going to be cherished. Our holders are going to be very, very happy. They are already getting happy. Already shared a lot of things. We are already spreading a lot of value and hopefully we're going to do more and more every single day.
BAS? What? BAS? What's up BAS? I like your PFB. Did you draw that? Uh, hi. This is my second space actually. And actually I uh, uh, penned this, penned my PFB, but I didn't uh, uh, I didn't
didn't mint it yet because I just joined this space around this week and this is my second space actually yeah welcome to this place thank you this is a very happy thing to hear
welcome to web3man thank you we're starting to get new people I just meant my art I think last night yeah how did you how did you learn about
about web 3. So actually before NFT I was in micro stock right it's been around 3 years I think and then 3 months ago my account got hacked and I don't know what to do about it so I lost my
So I think I need to move on to something new and then I decide to go to NFT and I do some research about it and I meant something just last night. Yeah.
This is very cool. Thank you. We'd love to have you. This space happens every single day, usually for two hours. Today is going to be for one hour. We talk about everything and nothing. We talk about, but mostly about like, it's everything's about Web 3. But the topics are like everything going on in Web 3. We're here every day from
one to MUTC, till 3PM UTC. And this is very exciting. I'm so happy that we're seeing new faces in Web 3. During the bear market, we don't really see new people. We don't see a lot of new people coming in. So welcome, my dude. Thank you. Face
Thank you. I'm good, but welcome to Web 3. There's a lot of possibilities and opportunities here. Thank you, Pachim. Okay. Yeah. So I did this talk and the dissmotifations to create something new on my art journey, right? So I think
it's nice to meet everyone here, but I don't know why my Twitter is being limited to follow people so I would like to follow everyone here so let me try because you know sometimes Twitter's been as for doing
something right right for following people's yeah I don't know this week. I also have a lot of problems with people's account. I saw a lot of my friends having issues with accounts getting suspended shadow ban that's a bit bullying me to follow but also
get to where it's part of the challenges of being an entrepreneur and rocking with three. Arrival said something, she said something about following new accounts and building a culture, someone said about the culture like smaller accounts. These are something that is really
really important because some people that really notice you and I'm vibed with you most times it's not really the big people in the big accounts it's not really them because I interact with them as well or most times you get the larger engagement because like I said earlier this space mostly reciprocity
what you give us you tend to get involved. So it's good to after this surround yourself with people on the same mission like people that are building. Because sometimes going to do that are beautiful to a certain extent is not really possible to really flow with them but people that are building with you. Really possible to flow with them and go further.
But that is what I think. It's not really about the big accounts or small accounts. Just engage with it. I hope you're 10 to what if I are doing don't fake anything to you. Exactly. I mean, to wrap up today's space, I want to say that it is 100% very important to
Just be have an open mind engage with everyone replied to every single tweet you see DM people a lot DM people a lot make connections Don't just interact with people because you want something from them Do it because of the connections
Your network is your net worth and this is one of the most legitimate things that people say and it's very, very true. Thank you so much everybody for joining today. Tomorrow we're going to be here same time, hopefully for two hours and don't forget to mint as speakers NFT. Let's fucking go. Goodbye everybody!