Twitter Space with Transhuman Coin

Recorded: June 6, 2023 Duration: 0:37:28
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Hi, everyone.
This is Jovi from Swift.
So we will be starting with our Twitter space with Transhuman Coin.
So Peter will be the one to speak on behalf of THC.
So yeah, can you kindly introduce yourself to our audiences?
Hi, I'm going to be the one to speak on this?
Hi, I'm Peter Zing, I'm the co-founder of Transhuman Coin with Dr. Charles here on the call.
And Dr. Charles can also request to speak to us.
And I'm going to be the one to speak on this chain to see this collaboration happen on Twitter
chain to see this collaboration happen on Twitter spaces.
That's great.
So yeah, how about Charles?
Do you want to introduce yourself to our audience?
Yeah, Jovi.
Hi, everyone.
I'm Chris.
And I'm a technology entrepreneur.
I'm a technology entrepreneur.
I'm a technology entrepreneur.
I'm a co-founder of Transhuman Coin.
Jovi, good to hear your voice.
It's been years we've been talking.
It's so nice to talk to you through voice as well.
And it's so nice to be partnered with you for quite some time now.
So yeah, can you please introduce THC to our audiences, please?
Yeah, Peter.
Back to me.
Transhuman coin is the official currency of the transhumanist movement.
So transhumanism, for those that don't know, is really a movement, a global movement of people
that all around the world that want to really extend our healthy human life spans, enhance
our intelligence and improve our wellbeing using science and technology.
Now, it's a movement that's been going on since, I guess, for many decades now.
Ever since the science fiction days came about, you know, we had the moon landing and people
were like, wow, what if we could apply science and technology to everything that it means to
transcend our human biological limitations?
And we're seeing that today.
And we're seeing that today.
You know, people are using chat GPT to do their work, to be more productive, but eventually
that's going to enhance how they interact with the world through things like the Apple
Vision Pro, you know, augmenting our intelligence through how we see the world around us.
And we're also seeing science and technology develop to look at the aging process and treat
it as every other disease as well.
And basically looking at the human body is in its physical form and how physics can be
applied to that concept of the aging process.
And we're seeing that happening in mice.
And now it's going through human trials by extending our healthy human lifespan.
It could be a trillion dollar market in terms of just extending it by a few months or even
And so, yeah, this is just an amazing opportunity to be alive.
And I'm so glad that the transhumanists that are joining us in this sort of spaces is
also seeing the developments as we speak.
And the coin itself really represents that transhuman network state of building out and accelerating
the science and technology for the transhumanist movement.
Wow, that's a great introduction.
And that's really very, very useful for everyone here.
Informative as well.
So what is your vision and goals?
Like Transhuman Coin is dedicated to funding research and development of technologies that
enhances human life experience.
Now, can you elaborate on the specific types of projects or technologies you aim to fund?
And what are your long-term goals for the impact of these technologies on society?
Yeah, good.
I'll go ahead and Peter will speak on other projects.
I want to just start with the Unchained Help Data.
We are currently, we've received a grant from HALO grants.
And that is by IoTeX, which would enable us to build a decentralized database, you know,
on IoTeX's blockchain.
The project would securely install genetic and health data for the purpose of conducting research
on genetic diseases and other health issues.
And also reward holders and participants for living healthy lifestyles.
We also have the Transhuman Coin Metaverse.
The project would enable us, you know, build virtual lobbies for scientists, like your decentralized laboratories.
Virtual consulting rooms, you know, for Transhuman Coin holders so that holders could anonymously consult with medical doctors.
And we would have the, you know, the virtual research center where our metaverse would host, you know,
a virtual immersive research lobby in the Transhuman Coin metaverse,
which would provide an immersive environment for scientific exploration.
And hopefully we could have some breakthrough research and discoveries from our virtual research centers.
And we've already funded a lot of projects in the transhumanist movement already.
So organizations like or the, you know, Life Extension Advocacy Foundation,
and they have a platform basically crowdfunding projects that treat, trying to actually cure the aging process.
So think about animal trials like mice trials, metformin, NMN, those type of experiments that will eventually translate to human trials and showcase from a scientific perspective how we can actually use these tools to extend our healthy human lifespan.
So also creates a whole raft of videos like, you know, on Curse Get in a nutshell, such as, you know, why age should we end aging forever?
And also cure aging.
And they also have a YouTube channel called Life Noggin.
Life Noggin.
And so, yeah, please subscribe to those who want to find out more about Healthy Life Extension and the latest breakthroughs in science and technology in that area.
We've also funded a company by the name of Abbey by GoGoTech.
They create autonomous electric wheelchairs.
And, you know, the ability to make wheelchairs available to people that are in need, you know, that have disabilities but can't access wheelchairs because of the price point.
Well, the electric wheelchairs by Abbey is actually going to democratize this technology.
And so transhumanism, if you think about it, is not just about, you know, all the science fiction and things like that we talk about in the future.
But it's abouting people that have disabilities today to become, you know, operating normal human beings in terms of the abilities that they can have.
And eventually we use that as a platform to have super abilities.
So think about the autonomous wheelchair, the Tesla of wheelchairs, right, going forward.
And eventually that also has an open platform to integrate brain computer interfaces.
So you can actually use your mind to control where the wheelchair goes, just like a personal mobility robot.
And thirdly, we've also funded an organization called Fox G1 Research Foundation.
And Fox G1 is a particular genetic disorder that is found in kids where the brain doesn't develop growing forward.
So in Australia, we've funded Fox G1 Research Foundation Australia.
And, you know, go check out their website.
It's amazing, you know, that what he's doing as well.
And basically helping his son, Kush, really get through this Fox G1 and try to find a cure going forward and for other kids as well.
And also we've looked at actually funded quite a few creative works in the longevity and AI space.
One is going to be on, you know, the last generation to die.
Right. Basically, we want to make sure that everyone understands that, you know, the aging process is a disease we can treat today.
And it would be a tragedy for us as a current generation to be the last generation to die, where future generations get the benefit of what we call longevity escape velocity.
Basically, where every year that passes, they get a year back or more in healthy lifespan.
So, yeah, transhumanism is all actually about modern medicine, extending that healthy human lifespan.
And on the AI front, we're actually working with the likes of University of Technology in Sydney with our chair of scientific advisory board, Dr. Avinash Singh, who runs the Human Augmented Research Center, basically, in Australia.
It's one of the largest transhumanist type of organizations in the research field, basically helping initial people that have hearing disabilities using brain computer interfaces to help them hear,
such as, you know, cochlear implants, but also restoring their sight and basically using these augmented technologies to help the disabled to be able again.
But then eventually giving them super human abilities as well, as we're seeing, you know, with Apple, with Meta, and eventually with Neuralink in brain computer interfaces.
Wow, guys.
Go ahead.
We missed out on two things.
We do have the P2P exchange and we do have the loyalty programs.
I just would want Peter just to throw more light on the loyalty program.
So, you know, as we talked about transhumanism, we're trying to create the transhuman network state with Transhuman Coin.
The basically easiest way for us to do that, to make that accessible to everyone around the world, is to implement a customer loyalty program.
So, you know, basically think about your frequent flyers, your earning loyalty points when you basically shop with transhuman organizations, such as our e-commerce store, which sells products like NMN and other healthy nutritional products.
And also looking at using the Fitbit to move to earn and those type of projects, giving you points which then can be redeemed for transhuman coin.
And on the P2P exchange, it enables basically our holders to be able to transact with each other.
And so we're creating utility for transhuman coin so that, you know, as a transhuman network state, you can use transhuman coin everywhere around the world.
Use that as a means of exchange, no matter where you are, because a network state is about people, places and laws.
And as transhumanists all around the world, there's over 2 million of us and growing, you know, with the likes of Zoltan Ispan and Natasha Veedamore.
Dr. Jose was also on our chair and so many others that are driving this movement.
But also physical locations like what we have in Sydney.
We're based in Stone and Chalk, which is part of the Sydney startup hub.
So our physical locations here is a physical node that we can gain trust among individuals to help build out these transhuman projects.
And of course, the laws.
Well, as you know, with blockchain, everything is governed by smart contracts.
The law is the code in which we're implementing our projects.
And eventually we'll also be running into a DAO so that every transhuman coin holder can vote on where the funding goes to for our next investment and projects we go forward.
Wow, that's a really, really great goal.
And yeah, that's that's really good for your investors and partners as well.
So your token mix include 2% transaction fee that goes to transhuman fund wallet, 2% redistributed to holders and 2% allocated for marketing.
Now, can you explain how this percentage were decided and how they contribute to the overall stability and growth of the token?
Yeah, our token mix takes about 6% tax from every transaction and 2% goes back to liquidity and that's to strengthen the value of transhuman coin.
2% goes back to holders.
And that actually means, you know, whether you're staking or not staking, you're earning by just holding transhuman coin.
And the other 2% goes for marketing and that's how we've been able to fund our physical billboards, you know, in South Africa.
We've branded cars, we've paid for ads in Yahoo Finance and a couple of other top media outlets.
And yeah, that's how the token mix has helped us, you know, to stabilize.
We've been able to list on two centralized exchanges.
I mean, if the way things are going, I mean, that shouldn't be a plus, you know.
But overall, our token mix was designed to help stabilize the project over a longer period of time.
That's really good.
And that's understandable when it comes to distributing funds.
And yeah, that's a great way for your investors to be able to look at how their money was being, you know, used.
And yeah, another question that I have for you guys is that your website mentions a dedicated blockchain security and cyber security incidents response team.
Now, could you provide more details about the measures this team are taking to ensure the security of the transhuman coin X system?
Look, we've had our challenges, right?
We've had our challenges and that led to, yeah, you know, us becoming more conscious of blockchain security.
And we've created strong partnerships in the blockchain security community from the likes of chain analysis to AI analytical tool developers who just major on blockchain security.
And what we're trying to do is not just to secure the transhuman coin ecosystem going forward, but to provide blockchain security through our valid finance platform for other projects, you know.
And we've built that partnership, we've built our products for that.
And in the coming days, we're going to update the website and, you know, show the transitional progress so far.
And yeah, who are your current partners in the blockchain and scientific communities?
And how do you, how do these partnerships contribute to the development of success of transhuman coin?
Yeah, we have quite a few partners now, the Giles, over the last couple of years.
You know, firstly, you know, to make it really formal in Australia, we're part of a member of blockchain Australia.
And, you know, this is actually making sure that we actually can be at the forefront of regulation in Australia as well, trying to drive decentralized finance and get that adoption going here down under.
And we've also partnered with the likes of expert developers like Hashlock and Labris.
You know, these guys have a very seasoned blockchain developers that we'll be looking to work with as part of the IoTeX bridge.
And, you know, IoTeX that Charles mentioned earlier is another partner as well.
And we're also working with Ithium.
And this is, they're creating an NFT version of digital identity.
And so these NFMEs can securely, privately and securely share and monetize your data through their data DEXs.
And, you know, this is sort of the technologies that we want our transhumanists to be able to take back control of their data.
And so that it's not just going to be the large tech companies that are capturing the value, especially through AI and automation.
We want to be able to, you know, create a universal basic income for our holders through this mechanism.
Yeah, quite a few other partners.
I mean, on the scientific community, we mentioned some of the partners like
But also around TAFTI, so the organizations in Africa that show you the extending longevity for the population there as well.
And there's quite a few, Charles, I think I might have left out a few there.
No, no, I think you've done quite well.
And yeah, the rest we could always just send to Jovi for next time.
All right.
No problem.
Also, you are partnered with us and so there.
Yeah, for future developments.
Now, your website mentioned plans for a transhuman metaverse research network and decentralized laboratories in the metaverse.
Now, could you provide more details about these projects and how they align with your overall mission?
Yeah, so, you know, with one of the partners I left out was actually AfricaRare.
So they're building a metaverse for Africa and all the villages and tribes.
And basically, this is how we actually been allocated a transhuman coin land in there.
And they're actually in the process of building out an entire virtual world in this metaverse,
where we can eventually be able to do decentralized research and create laboratories there,
creating digital twins of the labs.
And it's actually in the shape of one big brain.
So we just recently held a presentation that Charles organized the stream for.
And some of those designs is really trying to replicate the intricacies of the human brain.
And what it would be like, especially with Neuralink getting FDA approval.
So some of those designs would be like, OK, well, if you were to, you know,
navigate the caverns of all the neurons and synapses and seeing how the human brain works in real time,
the digital twin in this virtual environment, what that would be like.
So, yeah, we're starting out with, you know, pretty basic visuals at the moment.
But expanding, you know, that out would be, you know, unleashing of, say,
Unreal Engine 5 and beyond.
We're going to see more and more of immersive experiences like this.
And of course, with the Apple Vision Pros and things like that,
creating that an augmented reality experience, too.
And it would be amazing to help the scientists out there collaborate
and share their research no matter where they are.
OK, that's a really good point.
Now, I've known your team for quite some time and I know that you guys are really good at what you do.
So could you share more about the background and expertise of your team members
and how do their individual skills and experiences contribute to the success of the transhuman coin?
Yeah, personally, I'm a director, former director of emerging technologies.
So bring that sort of AI, Web3, extended reality expertise and innovation frameworks
and really trying to accelerate these projects.
And Charles, he brings his cybersecurity, his leadership
and is also a strong following across Africa as well.
You can see from his Facebook profile, he's quite the influencer.
And I think we can contribute a lot of the success of the transhuman coin that Charles is formulating.
Yeah, thank you.
And we have Alice, who is currently the head of Metaverse at KPMG.
And she's co-founded three other ventures, including a genomic data machine learning startup,
a health startup.
And she co-founded Transhumanism Australia with Peter.
And she's also a startup mentor at CSIRO.
You know, she mentors on SciTech accelerator programs.
So yeah, Alice.
Bill is a great developer from Transhumanism Australia too.
And he's one of the most sought after developers, you know, blockchain developers out there.
And then there is Ifai, there is Koki.
Koki is here.
Can Koki just say hi?
I mean, he's been hiding.
Ifai, Koki, then the collective, who are like our media army.
We hate to use that word, you know, but it is what it is, you know.
And then we have this SAG, you know, the scientific advisory board,
which is made up of really great scientists and technologists in the world.
So he's online right now.
So there.
So since you've given your background, you've introduced your team to us.
Now, how does holding Transhuman coin benefit investors in the long term?
And what incentives are there for our new investors?
I mean, I think we're living in the most exciting time in human history and Transhuman.
And Transhuman, this is going to be the Transhuman era with all the AI capabilities coming on board.
All the billionaires actually investing in longevity and with brain computer interfaces
and robotics coming online in this decade.
I think Transhumanism is actually going to go mainstream.
And a lot of people that are adopting these technologies are still trying to coin that term,
try to understand what it is that they're trying to drive forward.
And Transhumanism will become the mainstream adoption of that movement.
And so the people that really want to extend their healthy human lifespans, be smarter, better, working healthier,
and feeling better about their world.
And this is going to be the movement to actually drive it.
We talk about memes and meme coins, right?
I think Transhumanism will be the ultimate meme for humanity as we transcend these biological limitations beyond humanity,
which is going to be the sort of transitory experience.
And merging with AI is actually going to be the most important thing for our species right now.
You know, either that or I think over the medium term, we might face an existential risk if we can't find a way to stay relevant and to really combine our efforts with AI.
So I think, you know, for Transhumanism movement and the coin itself, the Transhuman network state is going to be so important.
And as we grow that movement and bring on more and more utility and adoption of Transhuman coin, that's where you're going to see sort of, you know, that sort of value really grew for this Transhuman coin as well.
Okay, that's a really good point right there.
So another thing is, how do you navigate the regulatory landscape of cryptocurrencies, especially given your unique focus on funding biotech and AI research?
Yeah, yeah, one of the important parts of, you know, incorporating the UK as well as making sure that, you know, stay away from, I think, the scrutiny in the US as well around the US and seeing a Binance experience that right now, right?
But also, yeah, and the projects that we invest in, we also want to make sure that they're Web3 native as well, so that it's as easy as possible to make sure they can navigate this sort of global environment as we stand up this Transhuman network state.
Because ultimately, we want to be able to create our own laws through the DAO to automate those decision making through the holders themselves, and such that we can actually drive all the infrastructure needs for a society through Transhuman coin.
So Transhuman is coming together all around the world, that people actually identify with this movement, they want to get behind it, right?
So it's like, how do we do that?
Well, we're seeing nation states pop up, you know, with El Salvador being able to actually have Bitcoin as its fiat system, right?
You know, it is legal tender to use Bitcoin in El Salvador.
And we're seeing other nation states in South America, Ecuador, and other places starting to have the same mindset.
And, you know, what we're seeing is that, you know, the US dollar hegemony is really collapsing.
And we're seeing that digital yuan is also, you know, potential alternative.
But really, if you want something that's completely decentralized, right, to be able to form behind a movement to create your own network state, I think Transhuman coin is the one for transhumanism.
So we're looking at islands like Aruba, you know, this is actually the partner, Simon, was Lander, who's on the ground over there, looking to build out utility for Transhuman coin as potential state.
And also with the UAE and Dubai are the potential where they actually designate, you know, special economic zones, or they call them free zones in Aruba, to actually allow you to create these sort of network states through Web3.
So, yeah, really exciting time for the movement also, you know, for what's happening around this whole concept of governance all around the world.
Yeah, that's good.
I hope that, you know, everything else will work as it should be, right?
So, yeah, go ahead.
Jovi, I'm just going to add to that, to what Peter has just said now.
We are doing our best to stay up to date with the evolving regulatory environment, especially because we are a Delaware LLC, you know.
So we've moved to the UK to create our operational company, which is Valid Finance Limited in the UK.
And we are currently consulting with Lego experts, you know, seeking guidance from professionals who specialize in cryptocurrency regulations.
And they're going to help us to understand, you know, specific laws and obligations with regards to the activities we plan to, you know, undertake.
And, yeah, we also study on the jurisdictions, you know, especially places where we have more holders, the laws that govern crypto in those regions, in those jurisdictions, you know, Nigeria, South Africa, Australia, the US and Europe, you know, Dubai and Aruba.
So we have that timeframe where we just say, look, we just have to study and understand the jurisdictions we're going to be operating in.
And finally, we, on our platforms, we're going to be implementing the KYC and AML policies, you know, and that just to make sure that we are, you know, we are aligned with best practices.
All right.
All right.
All right.
Yeah, I actually don't have any more questions.
So I'm opening up the discussion or any questions from our audiences is, wait, let me just open it.
Anyone who want to ask questions to Peter and Charles, please request to speak so I can approve it.
I approve it.
Hey, Mecca, can you hear me?
Wait, we're just going to wait for the others who want to ask questions.
Good afternoon and good day.
How are you?
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
Mr. Charles, Mr. Peter, and the host of others, I thank you for this space.
I'm Emmanuel in the Mecca eBay.
I have a question to ask Mr. Charles and Mr. Peter.
Transhuman coin is not that popular in Nigeria.
And that's my question.
So, yeah.
Charles, Peter, would you want to answer that?
Look, we are relatively a new project.
I mean, we started in, I think, July, August of 2021, you know, and we've done quite well
in advertising and reaching to the first transhumanism movement and then to the broader community out
there in the crypto community.
And we do understand that there are some regions that still would need a little bit of ads, advertisements
in, you know, like Nigeria and other parts of Africa.
And, yeah, we do have plans to penetrate those markets.
But currently, we're just building out our utilities and focusing on building our ecosystem
and, you know, a strong community.
But once we are done with this phase of development, we're going to reactivate marketing, you know,
and we would penetrate more regions.
Thank you, Emeka.
Thank you for that question.
Any other audience who would want to ask a question to Peter and Charles?
You can request to speak.
All right.
I don't think we have any more questions.
So, yeah, I would just want to wrap it up.
Thank you, Peter and Charles, for joining us today and for giving out your insight and
introducing THC to our audiences and also to our users.
So, is there anything else that you would want to add?
Any final words for our audience?
Thanks so much for arranging this, Jovi, and the blockchain team.
It's such a pleasure working with you guys.
You know, I loved exploring, you know, various other things like, you know, the feature of
the ChatGPT plugins as well for TransHumanCoin.
Thank you for that.
That's amazing.
And thanks so much for the community for joining us today and for supporting TransHumanCoin.
Big shout out to, yeah, Koki, if any, and G2G and Gonza and all the team members and the
collective, really, you know, getting behind us.
We wouldn't be here without you guys.
Thank you so much.
And, yeah, please, yeah, if you guys haven't heard of TransHumanCoin as well, spread the
This is the time, the best time to be alive for this movement.
Thank you, Peter.
How about you, Charles?
First, I just want to say thank you to you, Jovi, because you've actually just been quite
You know, you've been part of this project from...
I must start, yeah.
And, yeah, to the SWIFT blockchain community, to the TransHumanCoin community, thank you for
all you do, you know, for crypto, for web trade, for technology, and for the world.
All right.
Thank you so much.
And for everyone who's listening right now and who has joined our Twitter space for
today, thank you so much.
And I hope you have a great day or night, wherever you are.
And, yeah, goodbye, guys.