UGC IPs: Who Owns Your Creations?

Recorded: Feb. 22, 2024 Duration: 0:41:09



i took the page out of your favorite book
you saw me last just part of where you go
taught me a language that i never speak
baby that ain't for me that that ain't for me
i took the grave i tell you where you go
you took me higher than i ever thought
too many times gave you a second chance
baby i'm just a man i'm i'm just a man
no, we're thinking about you late night
no, we're running around with your friends now
to pick in pieces of my soul
above the floor
i said i would die for you baby
but i can't take this place no more
i thought i was willing
but tonight i'll save my life when it's so beautiful
i don't want to lose you baby
but i can't play this game no more
i thought it would kill me
but tonight i'll save my life when it's so beautiful
you never thought this day would ever come
when i look to the end i pull the rug up
you try to take away my sanity
baby that ain't for me that that ain't for me
oh no, we're thinking about you late night
no, we're running around with your friends now
to pick in pieces of my soul above the floor
i said i would die for you baby
but i can't take this place no more
i thought i was willing
but tonight i'll save my life when it's so beautiful
i don't want to lose you baby
but i can't play this game no more
i thought it would kill me
but tonight i'll save my life when it's so beautiful
when it's so beautiful
when it's so beautiful
i said i would die for you baby
but i can't take this pain no more
i thought i was willing
but tonight i'll save my life when it's so beautiful
i don't want to lose you baby
but i can't play this game no more
i thought it would kill me
but tonight i'll save my life when it's so beautiful
jim jim everyone welcome to another spaces here on the street world x account
tonight we're going to be talking about intellectual property
in future generated content
welcome everyone welcome johnny as well as our co-host tonight
have a great evening everyone and over to you johnny
yeah thanks as always pleasure to be hosting the space every thursday here
with seed world and i don't know if met is going to be joining us and if he is
he might just be running a little late but we will go ahead and jump into it
and i want to just let all the speakers introduce themselves so i'm going to
swing it around the panel and welcome all the speakers up to the stage
i'm going to go and order the way that i see them presented on my screen
so mix mob how's it going today
good morning guys sorry i'm just walking my dog this is nick
i'm the mix mob account partnership manager how you doing today johnny
yeah not too bad i actually just walked my dog as well so i'm right there with
you i appreciate it yeah pleasure to be here
guys good morning good afternoon good evening
absolutely a pleasure to have you af how's it going today
what's going on everybody i'm just about to to get back from taking my dog out
for a walk so yeah once i sit down i'll be in a
little bit of a better spot to talk but yeah man looking forward to it
we got a bunch of dog parents and dog walkers up here on the stage this
morning style protocol what's going on how are you today
hey what's up guys uh leo here founder of stack protocol and um
i'm joining dog list today uh no dogs on my side
but looking forward to the discussion on ugc and ip
dogs are preferred but not required just no cats i know i know i'll have to
get one at some time yeah i'm kidding uh may so rich how's it going
and it's going great
um i got three dogs myself so i i get that dog run
love it uh if i had three of my dog it would be
a mad house in here so i'm all right with one personally
evermoon what's going on how are you today hi i'm victor right um i have like
three kitties like in the office so yes off like my teams always like
plays with my kitties when they are working and they're very happy with it
yeah i've never seen my dog around a cat i'm very curious how that would end up
going uh may so i'm pretty sure you are speaking
for golden tides there is someone on the golden tides account this morning
it is all from me oh look at that look at that all right that works uh the ant
republic what's going on hey guys what's up thanks for having us
here pumped to be a part of this space with
all the great speakers that we have on the panel
and uh yeah i'm currently at a side event in nft paris so
maybe it will lag a little bit but i really wanted to take the effort to be
here uh with everyone yeah nice um i know a lot of people out there in
paris this week that should be a good time
um if you if you hear any alpha pass it along with spaces
um and then i don't want to butcher the name here
atif con 31 how's it going today good how you doing it's autif uh nice to
meet you man no dogs here just little kids in the background screaming so
apologies in advance harder to handle than dogs are that's for sure
exactly exactly manna what's going on welcome to the spaces
what's good guys uh meta here behind the man account yeah i have no pets either
i'm feeling lonely but uh excited for the discussion
yeah they are they are good companions to have around provide some company
that's for sure and then last but not least uh lion
seraf how are you this morning this is a union here actually hello guys
um always great to be here uh looking forward to the discussion
thank you yeah absolutely and um obviously i think this is a really good
discussion today because it's uh about ugc which has been prominent in the
space recently we've seen games really shifting towards that uh specifically
nifty islands their their play to airdrop is very much ugc
and i'm i'm curious and we'll start in like the traditional
landscape of gaming like whatever in traditional games
you would you know make a creation uh halo three forge map something in
roblox something in minecraft in my opinion
you don't really own that and we talk about ownership so much
in the web 3 space but you know what would you say right now in web 3
your your ugc what would be the line of you actually owning that because what
happens is there's these copyright claims there's a lot of stuff that have
happened with nintendo and sony dreams so
what's the balance with you know web 2 doesn't allow you to own your ugc but i
think the ugc lines are kind of blurred in web 3 currently
um so in web 3 gaming currently do the panelists up here and just buy a raise
of hands do you guys feel like you own the ugc
across these ecosystems or do you feel like it's just still a
part of the game that you're maybe creating
and people can come play on but it's not really something that
that is yours or belongs to you i'm curious to hear this because
i i think that obviously web 3 and ugc provide some opportunities
to earn and people can come play on your lands or your maps etc
but i'm not necessarily sure like are we going to define that as ownership just
because you can own off of off or you can earn off the creation i just
think it's an interesting topic style over to you
yes um i'll leave here quickly because we look into this quite a bit since we
work with different you know games and game engines um and
i think it comes down to just really what's on chain right the moment you
mint it but obviously and you have access to it
individually in your wallet um i'd say that's that's ownership and
this is precisely the reason why web 2 uh ugc usually is not ownership of the
individual or the person who created it because
you know you create it in these environments that are run by
centralized entities and then you can't really withdraw
the the the assets but if web 3 games do it correctly and some of them do and
it's an actual mint that's created then it's it's yours on chain
yeah for sure i kind of see it along the same lines there
um the hand went down but evermoon over to you
um yes all right so basically like if you're comparing like the web 2 industry
into the web 2 industry when you're going to play like any
games in the web 2 industry um in the terms and the policies you
mentioned that all of the assets that you made in the games
is for the game's owner it's not your asset but yeah that's that's it i love
what he said like the part of your trees everything is on
change right when you mint the nft is already on change and the games and the
game asset owner cannot cannot like manage like your assets
but the thing is isn't about the utilities like
um yes what's the games owner or the platforms like promise to the community
that okay that's nft can do anything can do
what things like in your platform or in your games so yes about the thing is
really like i think web 3 is a lot better
yeah like in web 2 i feel like there is some games out there that do allow you
to potentially monetize off some of your
maps or creations if they're super like popular but i mean i don't know around
the space would you consider web 2 games you know where you actually own
the things that you build in the game so i'm curious because there are
some games out there that have earnings and like monetization structure
for some of your creations but i mean is like i said is monetization ownership i
guess that's another question to swing around the panel when it comes to ugc
because um i think web 3 provides a lot of
different aspects and one of the things is definitely earning
but you know in the web 2 model currently if the map is popular enough
there is a monetization structure there on some of these
you know ugc driven games so i'm curious
um would you guys like say that in web 2 or web 3
owning your ip or owning your ugc is that strictly just
monetizing it i'm curious to hear your thoughts
go ahead golden tides
well i think it always depends on exactly
what the terms and services that are set before you
um say because it's really tough to sit there and claim you own an ip
and i think pudgy penguins does a really good job
where you don't necessarily own the pudgy penguins ip
but you do own the right to earn up to five hundred thousand dollars
on the ip that you like hold in your wallet so
um it's it's interesting to look at it from that perspective where it's kind of
like ownership there's a degree of ownership but it's
not a black and white thing it's not like you completely
own it you don't own the pudgy brand but you do own a
piece of it yeah i like that as well like they give you
they give you the a little bit of an ownership right to the ip but at the
same time it's not um you know it there is like just
conditions behind it which i do like and obviously pudgy's done a great job
um atif over to you yeah you know the thing that i've been thinking a lot
about is um like tokens and token incentives you
know air farming to me is like you know driving clicks it's not
driving like actual retention and ownership
and i think there's a there's some overlap between
you know how much uh ugc content you contribute or
how much you know content you contribute to a game and what that unlocks from a
token perspective to actually drive retention
um and ltv up of users in games and i think there's something there
but in general i think like there's there's a huge opportunity with token
incentives to drive behavior that removes the need to like actually have
you know ads on like google and facebook and so
that's like one thing that i've been thinking about and i'm excited to see as
games come out how game developers actually think about
driving the right type of incentives to drive the right behavior
itself yeah for sure i think um i think the ugc combined with obviously the
tokenomics of certain projects and what the token can provide is gonna
it's gonna be interesting because a lot of the ugc platforms out there in web
three um some of them have ugc but a lot of
them their economies aren't fully live so it's going to be interesting to see
kind of the inflows outflows and the sustainability of those things i do
agree manna over to you i mean it's a very
interesting topic um when you look at web 2 right and you
look at these traditional gaming platforms
or engines right most of them are open source and we do see creating a lot of
works being created where people are taking the open source
engine and building on it and building a full
game or on suite with but they don't copy like
obviously the characters and stuff so ip rights are always there i think it
matters what matters the most is the platform
rights right and so just kind of mentioned nithyan if nithyan has
certain uh rights and claims for its platform
and uh terms of services that you should follow
for the user base and i would argue that what you create on that platform is
not your ip
yeah interesting i'm i'm kind of along the same i'm kind of along the same
thought process that like um just because you can earn off of a
creation in a game to me that doesn't exactly
equal ownership because like the big terms
across web 3 are played earn and oh you own your assets that's like what
people really like sell it on like oh all that stuff in your inventory you
actually own but like if it's a map that you created
um it still belongs to the game but people can just
use it and you're the one that did create it but you might not necessarily
own it on the back it's a very different conversation
than like oh it's not as easy as nft in your wallet
that's where it resides so it's yours so it is a pretty interesting conversation
um i think theoretically speaking you do own your creations if you're monetizing
them but on a literal standpoint you definitely
don't so there is um it is definitely a dichotomy
between the two um ant republic i saw you had your hand up
if not we'll go over to golden tides yes thank you
first of all very insightful what you all said and it's great to see how the
different projects and the different builders in the space
each have their own view that is you know they all have the same
common common view but they each have their own
perspective on things and i think this is how we'll be able to leverage
how blockchain technology can allow to
communities and to connect with brands and to leverage their ip
in a much different way that can be perpetual
and like a snowball effect but what's most
interesting for us in the context of ip in web 3
is not only how we can crowdsource your community's creativity
which people like the plague and the pudgies and the
the apes have shown that they are capable of doing
but it's also the aspect of sharing your values
and your vision through the storytelling
through a history and this will create a link
and a real added value between the project and the builders and the
community and the holders most importantly
where you are not only part of a community you are not
only being part of a story but you are also part of a social movement
that is bigger than yourselves that speaks about something in society
and when you are able to then build projects
based on this vision of society then and launching them
with the help of your community thanks to the ip and the values
that will strengthen this is when we will be able to have real use cases
with web 3 because it's not only a product that is useful but it's a
product that people want to use as well and this
all comes from leveraging your community through the ip
yeah i love that i love that insight right there as well um golden ties go
um well i was thinking from the what you guys
talked about earlier but like let's say you built
uh your own um map inside of a game but if this
game like shuts down they run out of money and they have to close their
servers like that that kind of removes the
ownership um you don't truly own it unless you're
paying for the server yourself at least at one degree um
there's just something i was commenting on for per your
conversation with manna um
i kind of lost my track of my thought while i was chilling but
that was the the gist of it well it looks like manna has something to add on
top of it so no worries manna go ahead i will say this right i think when it
comes to web 3 and blockchain uh the the lines are kind of blurred
right because it's a new technology and and we
don't we haven't really defined exactly what all the components are right
ownership life and saying platform rights user rights copyright it's a very
great line and personally i'm like i'm a i'm a gamer right and one of my favorite
games is dota 2 and dota 2 came from
the warcraft lore right somebody decided hey
i'm gonna make him happy instead of having hordes fight each other
we're gonna go five versus five and they worked right they created their
whole brand new niche game with its own game mechanics and everything else
now the the point is the the engine was open source right
so you could use the engine to actually develop this product
and people gravitated towards this product if you were going to do the same
thing in web 3 what happens is what golden said is
various point is what happens when it fails right what
happens when the engine fails or it goes offline did you all those
maps and all those items or whatever you created on there
are they still your your property i mean you need
essentially you need that engine to run all of your items your nf keys your
tokens or whatever in the case maybe
yeah that's an interesting uh that is an interesting thought process there it's
it's uh it's that's in that regard you definitely don't own it because that
type of side can really affect you know your creations or
or some of the things going on and that that's that's like kind of what i was
mentioning like if it's not in your wallet you really
like you know it's just kind of a different ideology behind
do you really own it you know what i mean so that that is a great point as
well like the game you know the server the just
everything going on and like the back end of the game could definitely have a
big effect on that that's a great take uh evermoon go ahead um yes i think
um what's mana said is the good point because we also like the mobile games
yep it's basically like similar like to the delta 2 but it's on mobile so it's
more familiar like to lake of legends fire or
mobile legends bang bang something like that so um what i'm personal like do the
research and see the insight is that like we
separate the parts like for the um order ships and the patterns like for
the patterns everyone's can do like wb separate into
two type of patterns like it is the utility patterns
and it should be like the design patterns so
the utility is is that like um what is your game mechanics and the features
if it is like a normal features and it's not unique
it's fine and yes like like for the web tree like
every your assets like they were like on your wallet
um anyway it should be your copyright or it should be
your own ip's like for sure 100 percent because it's your
it sits on your wallet and we cannot manage like your um the user wallet right
but um yeah exactly like the the the values
and the tokens um i mean it's like the value and the prices
of of those of the nft um it really depends on like
how the projects give those of the assets value so
imagine that um it's still on the wallet you can
you can be able like to sell lots of the thing on chain or maybe
you have depend on the chain that uh where's your nft list with
um but yeah if the games is closed and the server is closed
assets still there but there is no no no values
yes that's what i'm gonna say yeah no that's uh that's a great take as
well and i'm curious a little it's a little off topic but it
but i think it's on narrative currently um do we feel like with the play to
airdrop craze and i'll i'll be honest i think the play to airdrop stuff is
is kind of i think it's going to be unsustainable in the long term because
if every single project does it all of a sudden it's just a little very much
oversaturated kind of like ecosystem nodes kind of like some of the things
we've seen a lot of ecosystems once a few ecosystems can do it and have a
lot of success and we saw pixel be really the one
that kicked off the play to airdrop narrative hard
i'm curious like um first and foremost i'll post two questions with this
because uh like i said nifty island is very ugc
driven on their play to airdrop do we see
play to airdrop being sustainable in the in the
mid to long term and then number two i want to say
do we think ugc is a way to really add like um i don't how do we call it
incentives to these play to airdrop campaigns rather than just going in and
airdrop farming like bridge funds do a dex transaction um bridge lp or
whatever the case may be do we think that ugc
actually provides a little bit of sustainability to play to airdrop or do
we think that it's going to get oversaturated and be a
fading narrative um i believe uh tiff had his hands up first and
then we'll go to mix mob yeah i mean you know like uh i'm old so i
remember you know co-registration on the internet uh you know win an ipod fill
this out i remember i was on early mobile gaming i
remember offer walls to me airdrops are just like
another form of these types of incentivization behaviors that drive
low retention low quality users that aren't necessarily
interested in the game but just you know taking advantage of the offers that
they're provided and so for me i think it's a great step
because it shows that the developers are starting to figure out
how the tokens actually like do good work
right um but i i think that there's a huge opportunity
to change the model and use tokens to like actually
not only drive digital ownership like we've talked about a few people have
talked about which is extremely important
but actually drive the right types of behaviors right and so
you know i think uh figuring out that balance with ugc could be a massive
unlock that drives games into a new uh place that
they've never been before and and it really drives that like yeah
you don't own the ugc or you don't own the content because of how the platform
rules are but like you get some sort of digital benefit digital
ownership or stake in the game and so i do think
that that there's a huge opportunity and i agree with you i think air farming
is it is is not sustainable but it's a good first step and it shows that like
at least people are tinkering and trying
yeah yeah like i think obviously um my opinion on what's happening right now
with the airdrop forming and the play to airdrop before we send it over to mix
mob is like what's happening right now in the
space is people are fighting for users and we see pixel with these huge daily
active user numbers we see mavia reporting great metrics and a lot of
games they either have had a game and they
need to spice it up so they're doing play to airdrop to bring in consumers
or b they do have an upcoming token launch and they want to just gamify the
event the problem becomes some of these games
aren't ugc like nifty island where you have to go in you have to build
something that other people desire and then you can earn that token but
what does that do that makes it to where the player actually
has to go in play the game dig into it and put time into it like
really sink their teeth in and at that point in time they probably
are actually enjoying the game more than not so i think a lot of the
problem in airdrop farming and stuff like that is
in the in the traditional side is i don't really care for half the block
chains that that i have to go operate and do
you know do all these airdrop farming tasks on but i do love whenever i get
paid right like from the airdrop but i think in
gaming if it's done right and if ugc has a lot to do with it where it's like the
quality of your creation well the people who spend the most
time in those games are probably going to have an edge in that
in that regard so you might be adding long-term users
by going with a ugc approach in these play to airdrop campaigns rather than
just a couple clicks do this do that oh okay
i qualified for the airdrop so that's kind of the way i see it i do
see ugc maybe being a way to to make it more
sustainable for the game but i think for it's just very hard to
retain those users unless you you really have a gripping gameplay loop
and maybe ugc can be one of those things that unlocks it because you sink so
much time into it mix mob over to you yeah i think there's
been some great points um you know i i look at it from a
gamer standpoint i think that we've seen a lot of play to airdrop as a as a
marketing tool and as a ua tool and i don't think that's necessarily
sustainable but it does i think it's it's the beginning of
an amazing idea right especially for gaming um i think that it's really
awesome to attach tokens or prizes to leaderboards
and use that more as a retention tool or an event around it right
um i don't think it's necessarily good for marketing or ua because you will
bring in you know bad actors you might bring in
gamers that aren't necessarily interested in your game
but i do think that this is something that we can build on top of and as we
continue you know to to figure out what this is
maybe maybe phrase it something differently
aside from play to airdrop but you know maybe yeah in-game leaderboard rewards
you grind leaderboard some players grind leaderboards and you get absolutely
nothing uh what if we reward those gamers right
i mean i think that this even kind of goes into e-sports
where you don't have to be a top eight player to to win prizes in tournaments
anymore because you can grind the leaderboards on your own time
and win tokens or or usdc or anything along those lines
so the way that it's being used now i don't agree with it um i think you know
it's just it's trends it's you know us figuring out what works
what doesn't there's no playbook in web 3
but i do think that it's a cool idea that we can build on top of uh
potentially for a retention tool right uh versus ua
yeah there is no playbook and it is a uh you know very very infant industry so a
lot of people are just trying a lot of different things see what sticks and
then when something works you know people try to run and
iterate with it and add their flair i i do agree with
that and um you know i i think i think if done right it could be great like we
saw with pixel because their user numbers are actually even higher than
whenever the play to airdrop was going on so like
shout out to them but a lot of ecosystems i just feel like
wouldn't be able to pull it off the way that um pixel just did so it would
kind of create this spike in users and then everyone gets those tokens and then
those user counts go down whereas you know pixel did the opposite so
they're like that example that that really worked and we'll see
as some of these other play to airdrop campaigns wrap up and we see the user
numbers whether or not those are successes
because really they're just aiming to get long-term users so
we'll kind of see how that shakes up but john but johnny not all users are
are valued equal right a lot of their users are in countries that don't have
ark dows very high philippines vietnam you know it
seems like a very similar model to what i unfortunately actually did
yeah nice i can't disagree with that and you are right with with the spend
with just the economic you know the just like the
the different types of players out there it definitely is
it definitely is different not every user is an equal user when it comes to
the bottom line um style i do believe you had your hands
up the longest so i'll go over to you um yeah i mean i was just gonna double down
on a lot of things that have been said already um i think it comes down to you
know what kind of behavior you end up rewarding i can agree with everyone that
play to airdrop is already a lot better than you know just
airdrop doing anything substantial um and i think it can work for the games
where the behavior in multiplayer ends up
creating a lot of utility value for the overall game to be
rewarded um but yeah i think games will have to find a balance but again nothing
super super new here let's keep the discussion going
yeah yeah for sure um i'm gonna i'm gonna give ever ever moon's hand went
up went down then a couple more came up so i'll give them the mic and then uh
golden tides and then mana um thank you so much
so um for the airdrop i think it still works it's depending on which type of
that airdrop we're running a campaign suite
like like that we separate that into two types like first type would be like the
social media engagement and the second type would be like the
the real users that coming to use our service so
um the first one i think is already like everyone using it like
like follow the tweets and then like airdrop like some of the tokens
but for the second one we can add on like some of the um
some of the tasks like maybe coming to play the games
or to do some things more than like the referral campaigns because
um if you knew that like even the two industry also do that like the tiktoks
like the tiktok just like um let you like referral like
um 20 for friends and then we will do some of like
some of the fiat money so yeah i think um that's just what i want to add
golden tides over to you
well i was gonna comment on um play the airdrop and then some ugc stuff
so i was thinking like what's the original play to airdrop and it's kind
of like going to dave and busters or like an arcade that gives tickets and you
play the game and they airdrop you tickets um so there is a
potential for it to be sustainable i i do think that
um you need to get the the business model around
your prizes correct um if you airdrop a token that you can
swap on the decks then people are going to just kind of
sap your liquidity pools but if you do like a airdrop of a database
token that you can then control the swap
to nfts or to tokens prior to like you kind of have to control it on the
database as like a governing game or something and then allow people to
cash it out into prizes like tickets um so i'm just saying there is existing
business models that support this type of of gaming
right play and get prizes it's always it's been something that we've seen
um and we just it's about getting the value correct
so um on that topic i think that the way it's happening now
is exciting but it also probably long-term not sustainable but
people will find ways to make it work for them
i've been thinking on it a lot myself and then
some ugc stuff i've had in my mind was like how do you really get quality
user-generated content that's worth owning
um and i was thinking that if you allowed players to build maps
islands and whatever for other people to come exist on and then they can earn
from that um you should put probably put like a
minimum requirement like uh you know i think like dows could vote
and it's kind of like a vote to mint so you would build
like a level and then the people who in the ecosystem
could be like approve it to mint um therefore you actually do
own it and it's quality and like it kind of would drive
the ecosystem to towards it um so just like some ideas i've been
thinking on uh just sharing it for those topics
yeah for sure um and there definitely has been
models in the past that work like you mentioned like the dave and busters
thing i do think the obvious elephant in the
room is liquidity when liquidity is involved
uh people the the human behavior really changes but at the same time
um i i think that there is a way forward to make it to make it work we just have
to you know it's experimentation we're we're
at such a like once again to use the same word in
infant industry so everyone's just trying stuff seeing if it sticks and
um it's been interesting to kind of see this little narrative play out manna
over to you yeah i think i'm just going to echo
what a lot of people said about uh play the airdrop
i think there is a sustainability issue but uh
it can definitely be fixed right i think if
projects have the correct revenue streams and reward systems
um it can be a way to reward people and grow the economy right and i think
it's a really great marketing tool as well right
it allows those people that would not take your game or
platform seriously to come and explore and maybe you get a loyal customer out
of it and when it comes to user-generated
content i would say why not use both right
why not use the play to airdrop model to reward
people to create user-generated content the way i see it is
imagine a crafting table on every game so by
by using the platform and earning these tokens
or whatever you will get front row seat to create to
like a crafting table where you will create something
and it will be at the forefront and it will be marketed this is how i kind of
like see it play out
over to you ant republic uh sorry there's a lot of noise around me
thank you just uh in terms of when we were talking about the play to airdrop
i think it's super interesting especially as we you know they like to
talk about the current meta in the space what is working what do people want
they want uh token farming they want play to airdrop
that's the new meta but in this context there is something to be aware of
when portland coin came with their farming they took over the space
the entire timeline was flooded by portland coin
farming today there's like 20 different projects who are trying their token
farming at the same time and what does this do it
stops the virality it stops it stops the snowball effect
and instead of having the entire space focused on doing one thing
you have nothing that is working all the guys who are farming yeah they have a
very nice interface where is the virality i don't see them
on my timeline and this is what happens when everyone
starts trying to do the same thing oh play to airdrop is working
everyone let's go do play to airdrop no no no
you have to innovate every step of the way you have to find an added value
and you have to do something linked to the core
aspect of your project and if you're not able to tap into that
and to link it then it's going to be a failure
and you cannot just copy what people did the play to airdrop is working then
we're going to do it but if play to airdrop is working
and you have your creative take on it you have a unique selling point something
that you can do to innovate then yes of course you can do it but the
best way is always to be inspired and innovate
and in terms of how it links to the user generated content
i think at the end of the day you know we talk about streamers in web2
you know you see guys who stream games like call of duty
they make revenue without there even being a token
so today in that context what is the purpose
of the token to remunerate the ugc the streamers
the people who share is it token farming is it engagement farming
is it encouraging streamers and funding content creators
there needs to be a clear vision again and to underline the key aspects
on which we need to work to be able to deliver real value
and to create token economies that cannot be substituted
for ethereum or usdg if you see what i mean
yeah for sure um i mean it's definitely something that has to change
in a seraf lion seraf raise their hand and i don't think that they've chimed
in on this topic yet so before i add my my cherry on top i'll send it over to
send it over to you
sure you know i just i just want to share um
what seraf is doing you know we actually based on
the user's contribution in the game together with their assets owned
then we were airdrop you know our governance token after each season you
know we want you to use our seasonal design to you know
have a long-term life cycle of the game you know to
allow players to further share the benefits of the game
ecosystem actually we do have a plan for community
and players to create ugc including storylines narratives
and the customer designs in the future you know it's
but be able to do that you know it's it's it's actually essential for us to
establish clear policy and mechanism to mitigate the risk of
ip valuations while fostering a creative and engaging environment
for our players um speaking of ip you know as many of you
may already know that we are actually introducing a brand new plp