Ultra x fashion3 wearable Uniq collection 👕

Recorded: Feb. 16, 2023 Duration: 0:47:48



Cool, we're gonna get started in a minute, we're just gonna wait and give some time for everybody to jump in. So yeah, let's keep the lounge music going, I'm just gonna add some tweets to the top of the space and we'll get started in about a minute, two minutes, we'll just see who else joins.
I see the music doesn't play after I've started the space, that's annoying. Oh well. How are we doing today everybody? Ać°±æ˜Ż how are you doing sir?
Yeah, I'm pretty good actually. Busy morning actually busy week, but yeah, everything's fine. How are you doing? Well, thank you again same thing very busy week, and I'm sure everybody listening so so had a busy time seems like the first quarter of 2023 is leaving nose prisoners. All right, we've got a few.
We're jumping in. Just everybody who is in, feel free to invite your friends, we get a crowd going. I will also just reshare this very quick. Got a comment over here. There we go. Thank you, ultra addict. We are on air indeed.
I think we'll give it a little bit more time. I usually like to start on time, but you know, enough time for other people to join and then we'll get going.
I can play some music in the meantime because it doesn't seem to be able to help me out with that. I should do some classic waiting music.
It's a trailer. We've got a few more people jumping in. So I've pinned the tweets at the top of the spaces.
It's the two tweets from the unique marketplace. In fact, let me go grab the fashion three tweets itself as well on your guys page. I'll pin that to the top two.
There we are.
I love the trailer. You guys released as well by the way, it is.
I think very, very cool. Let me pin this. Where is it?
We'll get started in a very short second and there we go. Awesome. So there we go. We've got a few tweezers top. Yeah, we've got some people coming in. That is fantastic. So a little bit of waiting music.
Okay there we go. When I send Rick Roll, now we can get going. Hey everybody, how's it going? Thank you so much for joining. We are here with Atis, who is the creator of the Fashion 3 collection, and correct me if I'm wrong, Atis, DCEO, Fashion 3,
as a whole. Maybe you can give yourself a little similar intro, let everybody know what it is you do and how you do it. Sure, absolutely. Hello everyone. My name is Itis. I lead Fashion 3. We are based out of New York City, Manhattan. What we specialize is digital garbage.
requirements, white labeling, consulting, anything to do with digital fashion. We started about, I would say, officially two years ago, we've done a few white labels for a few digital NFT projects as well.
We're pretty experienced in this field or as much as you can be. So we're launching F3 first flight and we're very excited. Amazing. Thank you so much, Edas. Actually, tell me a little bit about the white label solutions