Unlocking $BTC with .btc names

Recorded: March 15, 2023 Duration: 1:11:10



All right. Hello, hello everybody. Welcome, welcome. The emojis are flowing today. I'm seeing a shout out to Angela. You are just
non-stop. I'm loving every bit of this. We got a lot of movies and excitement around today's conversation, which should be a lot of fun. We've got a lot to talk about, but also a lot has been happening in the Bitcoin layers ecosystem and also importantly in the stacks ecosystem.
as well. Today we're going to be talking about unlocking Bitcoin with dot BTC domains or BTC, excuse me, BTC names as well. So we'll talk a little bit about the naming system, Bitcoin naming system, BNS, we're also going to talk about some of the major launches
as well. But if this is your first time joining us, good morning, good evening, good day, wherever you may be tuning in from the round the world, I'm your host Kyle Elecott, partner at now, Bitcoin Frontier Fund, formerly known as Stax Ventures, and a big welcome to this week's crypto internet show. This is our weekly
series talking about everything that's happening within stacks, the broader ecosystems from Bitcoin to all Bitcoin layers and building and what's happening within. So again, today we're going to be talking about the unlock of Bitcoin and potential to come further
and here a wallet team. We also have got some great great developers along with those from the ordinal space that will be jumping on and of course our regular guests of Patrick and Manib as well. Should be here any moment as we get started. But if you haven't seen already
big news update, Ordinals. I believe we have inscriptions well over 460,000 and less than a month after we saw the initial
and I think that's a good one to start with. And speaking of Ornals, I think that's a good one to start with. And speaking of Ornals, I think that's a good one to start with. And speaking of Ornals, I think that's a good one to start with. And speaking of Ornals, I think that's a good one to start with. And speaking of Ornals, I think that's a#
We had a major drop, a major announcement headline, which I won't steal the thunder. I'll just read it out, but we did have the hero team launch their Ornals Explorer and Ornals API. Mark's going to share a little bit more about this with us, but also
Walker. I had put this out into the world a few weeks ago on our last big discussion, our first big discussion around Orinals teasing this out. So you can check out that more around Orinals dot hero dot so and again, Mark will share a little bit more about that as well. We also just had the
We've got Jeff and Hank. They're going to tell us all about what that means in terms of management of BNS Bitcoin name system as well refer to it. I hear it throughout as well. And I took this from Hank and Jeff and I hope I've got the recent numbers.
It looks like about a week ago we had just over 600 BNS X names registered today, shortly before the start of the spaces we were just under 1300, according to some of the latest numbers I saw on Gamma as well. So things moving, things grooving, a lot
to talk about. Welcome to all of our guests. Mark and Jeff would love a quick introduction from both of you as well as Hank if he's able to join us since all of our guests are usually here on a weekly. So Mark, why don't you kick it off? Yeah, sure. How's it going? I'm Mark.