๐Ÿซ Unlocking more yield and money with $GLP on Demex ๐Ÿซ

Recorded: March 1, 2023 Duration: 0:43:40



Hello, yes we can hear you.
Awesome, so just give us a second while we get GMX on the line. I think they're having some technical problems, but they are resolving it quickly.
Hey, Sarah.
We see you in the Twitter spaces. I think we'll go ahead to invite you as speaker. Let us know if it works.

FAQ on ๐Ÿซ Unlocking more yield and money with $GLP on Demex ๐Ÿซ | Twitter Space Recording

Who is having technical problems?
Is GMX resolving the technical problems quickly?
Who is being invited as a speaker?
Where can Sarah be seen?
In the Twitter Spaces
Are the hosts able to hear the speaker clearly?
How many keys are there in the JSON object?
What are the keys in the JSON object?
Question and Answer
What is the format of the response?
What is the text about?
A recording of a podcast
How many questions and answers should be created?