Unrugged - GraviDAO + BabyBulls

Recorded: May 10, 2023 Duration: 0:45:49



Hey my man. You doing me fine?
Here's some Twitter noises. Let's see if Twitter doesn't rock us again.
By the corner. You got a problem with the mic? Okay, okay.
There we are. Let me just tweet this out actually I'll just share it. Can you hear me? Yes. You're fine.
I'm sorry.
Let me just, I'm just gonna tweet this out quickly and just drop it in our discord as well. If anyone wants to join for a little chat. - That's awesome. I'm gonna do the same.
Yeah, it is.
And our Coleman, we have someone here who can verify our intel in. It's I see.
I just pinged all the Twitter people in the Twitter sphere. I just pinged all of the
Discord people in the Discord sphere, so everyone needs to consider themselves well and truly pinged. That's where we're at. Absolutely nice. And I've got IC coming up as a speaker to verify I am indeed in Tallinn.
How are you doing? Are you still in trouble? Yeah, I'm still in trouble. Nice. I got told that there will be an ape party. Yeah, there will be. I'm getting pretty angry.
Yes, I will be coming. I went home to Kishawa. I had a nap. I had a meeting. I have a space and then I will go. I'm actually at first I was like I don't really feel like party and then I checked and the bar is actually like two minutes.
Two minutes away from my apartment. Yeah, you have no excuse. We also texted me. She's like, oh, you should come for one drink. And I'm like, I know, yeah, one drink. It always ends with
it. You were passing out. Actually, I see. Let's share this link in the volunteers chat as well. I don't know how this Italian event slipped by me. I was like,
I was looking at events recently as well, I think you know I need to get an album and I was looking at Paris and a couple of events and I freaking missed this talent event and I could have I'm in Poland right now so I could have come over easily could have driven that. No we call it in Poland. Where is it in Poland?
Yeah, yeah, I'm in Poland because my wet is Polish and we're in a process of building a house here So we've been back in Poland for like 10 years trying to build this fucking house man. Oh wow I was actually so fortunate enough to find this event because this
This was actually my first web 3 event and now I decided one day to randomly check and go go like what kind of events are there going on and then out of nowhere just saying if T-Tallon appeared and I'm like shit I'm from Latvia
And it's like three, four hour ride. It was like, I am most go. Oh, you guys, we need to organize an event in Krakow or something to show. We actually, we need in Europe. We need more like, Web Tree events in Europe.
I agree. There's one in Prague and Lou is here as well. Lou is from Kodadot and we're gonna release a free abstract art collection on Kodadot. Next, well this month, actually later this month. And in Prague,
there's going to be a few conference and I think I will be going there. I have to book my tickets but I already met some people here at the conference who are also going to Prague. So yeah that could be next event and Coleman if
you're around then please come down. Oh, sure. Can you send me the link? Yeah, let me dig it up and I'll pin it.
So while I dig it up and pin it, Coleman, the mint for baby bulls, how fast did it go? Because I checked one hour ago. Oh, that's...
I see it.
I'm not going to let you go. I'm not going to let you go. I'm not going to let you go. I'm not going to let you go. I'm not going to let you go. I'm not going to let you go. I'm not going to let you go. I'm not going to let you go. I'm not going to let you go. I'm not going to let you go. I'm not going to let#
Yeah, I think you're a microphone and some muscles. I can better leave here. Oh really? I'll be better. Oh, not a little bit.
Yeah, I'm not sure why I can do to improve it once. Oh, it's actually good. Well, now it's good. Yeah. Yeah, that was strange. Okay. Yeah, I was just going to say like I remember being in a space a little while ago and someone left their mic on and
It actually, the whole space has just stopped because people were more interested in listening to what this guy was going on about to this other person and he didn't realise that his mic was on. It started getting really political and then really confrontational stuff. He was like, "Shit, it's like real life, it's really popular. Everyone just stopped
If you can send me a Twitter tweet that I can pin because I'm going on the Polka. Twitter and Kota. Twitter but there's a lot of tweets and not finding
the one for the companies. So if you can send that to me on this board, I can have it here. But yeah, so far it's been very nice in a half-total. I'm here volunteering, so this is the second day, was the last day, was two days.
I met really a lot of really nice people and yesterday I bid in an auction and I bid for the very first I think it could be the first NFT I have to do research first and if
ever issued by a choir like a classical choir because I got a stony and quiet so that was pretty nice I was actually not expecting
I was actually not expecting that someone like from Mullins years will bid. Then I saw your handball up. Oh shit. Yeah, I've been wanting to
buy some art or physical art for some time. This was a great opportunity and very nice networking as well with the platform that is issuing it, that is working with institutions, institutional adoption of NFTs.
Yeah, I think it was a very good opportunity to do this. So I'm happy. And I'm going to be going to their office tomorrow, doing the interview with them, and then buying it officially on Ethereum.
I think I will need to prepare a new wallet tonight. Congrats. So you are staying in Dublin for one more day? I'm still in this thing till Monday. So Monday? Oh, okay. Yeah.
Monday, when did you come? I arrived last Friday. So I'm here for quite a while. Yeah, and then on Saturday I'm probably gonna have lunch with the Polketex founder.
He's an amazing man. Oh really? With the polka dex founder? Yeah, with Vivek. Yeah Very long chat. He's from India and I have a very big passion for India. So he started talking and he's a big fan
of Advaita, Vedanta, and so am I. So, there was a very nice chat. And I'm working on a new project and it has to do with multi-chain liquidity and so PokerDex is also looking at that. So it was a good match.
I actually really liked his seminar today too. Yeah right. Yeah. Yeah. Really decent. Yeah it was, he'd opened up questions, it was philosophical and I enjoyed this kind of
things. Yeah, it's like what I like about what Bitcoin did as well, the podcast. It's, yeah, it's about the state of affairs and where are we going? Yeah, it was really nice, really like the tone that he brought into the top. So, a comb
Oh, you're a muffled again. Can't hear you. The microphone is not working.
was better. And now? Yeah, that works. Yeah, I don't know what was going on there. I think it was just my reacting badly for some equipment on my desk. I think I left my guitar amp on, actually.
I think it didn't like it. It doesn't like guitar. You play guitar. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I do. That's me. I'm a bass player. Oh, cool. Yeah. Yeah. Over the years, I dreamed of being Jimmy Hendrix when I was like 16, 17 and then the reality
of having to pay bills kicked in at around 19-20. It's kind of now it's more of a therapy than anything else. If someone comes over and they play something and then we get together and we drink some
and play a little bit of music. That's really fine. What kind of guitar do you have? I've got, well in the room that I'm planning at the moment, I've got four around me. I've just picked one. You know what it's like, man, guitarist, and all that like. So I went to the music shop to buy a microphone stand, came back with a fucking
Oh no yes this is classic classic for my wife is like what is that that doesn't look like a microphone stand on like a location yeah a little fender six string acoustic we've got a Yamaha 12 string and one
I've got an Ibanez electric. It's my choice and accent at the moment. Yeah, yeah, very fine. Very fine. Yeah, I mean, I love this right. I've actually been finding out that a lot of people in WAP 3 play music on the side. Yeah.
So yeah, I think there should be a Next time and a detail in next year I'm gonna ask Sun the organizer if we can have a space for jamming because there there are gonna be people like today I was talking to VVEC right he's from India and he's studying
drums now because his son is playing guitar. Great, great, yeah, it is a great idea because there's nothing like playing music for connecting with someone. When you think about it, yeah, because I don't know, yes, it's not a great idea. I mean, how, it's not even that costly.
if you do an event, just like on a stage, stick a, you know, a tick string and an amp and a bass and a drunk it up there and, you know, maybe a keyboard or something, it just, you know, just let people crack on and gel together, come together like that. It's such a really good, I meant, mate, that's a fantastic idea. Really good. Right? It is, it is.
And you know, you're right, it's not that expensive, especially compared to like the venue and the speakers and the catering. You know, it's, and you could work with electronic drums or if the budget is a bit higher, you could work with a glass wall around the drums just to keep the volume a bit down for a conference.
Absolutely, I mean, yeah, I mean anything's possible. I think it's a really good idea. I remember like being younger, I guess in my 20s, early 20s and we were going to do clubs and this one club owner, he put just put a drum kit in the club and people who were able to play could get up and drum a lot.
along to the DJ, it was such a hit, such a hit. Really cool. Was that in the UK? Yeah, this was, oh, I might have been in Southern. Yeah, no, it wasn't, yeah, it wasn't in the UK. God, yeah, it was like 19, probably about, yeah, around 98, 99, I would imagine, around
Those were the day, glow sticks and white gloves and craziness and silliness and drum kits and clubs and stuff. I love jumping. I go every week to a jam in where I live in my town in what city.
I started doing this again like two months now just going every week. You know, sometimes like I'm a bit tired, but I'm like no, I'm just gonna go every week and every week I'm meeting because most people they go once a month so this way I get to meet every
everyone who's coming and there's a lot of old friends who come and go. So it's been great doing this jamming. So yeah, actually, let me check if a little shared the link with me for the event in Prague. Give me one minute.
I wanted to say, I can't remember who asked me, actually, someone just asked me a minute ago about the mint and how quick it was. So I got the timings on that and the public's phase because what we did is we actually minted 50% into the holders and 50% of the white list yesterday and the day before.
And then we saved 50% and that went to the public stage today and that actually minted out in five minutes and 24 seconds.
Wow, very good, very good because it was one one was a treatment or he turns out people are free stuff. Yeah, they do.
So it's a dark level, it's exactly what it wanted to cause. I mean, to be honest, I was into the pavement note for the reunion, but we've got plans already in the future in a timely time, and also at the time we were right in the pit of the bear market.
and it just didn't really sit well with me. I just didn't think it was a cool thing to do to the community to try and have them reach in their pocket even for like 10-matik or whatever. I just thought probably do we'll push it as a freeman after speaking to India one planet who suggested it actually and I was like it's a very
cool idea and it fitted with kind of the whole situation, the development of the project and the bear market situation at the time. So I just thought, yeah, it's a cool idea and we ran it that way and it served its purpose really well because we got so much new blood into the community as a result and that's what we wanted.
we're new on polygons so you can only like all of our community members up until this point are basically old terror guys. We've got a few polygon natives who have gone out and actually bought a baby ball since we arrived but not many, not that
many. So by doing this and offering out free, it really gave an opportunity for everyone in polygon to jump on and grab a baby ball. You know, not have to spend any money on it. So it definitely worked for us in terms of expanding our community in polygon space for sure. I think that was the goal anyway. So
Yeah, that was really nice. And five minutes is pretty fast, especially for this market and like the limitation of one month, one mint for a wallet because I actually wanted to mint some more because I only got one, but I failed. Yeah, because I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,#
I was quite surprised actually because we had a thousand NFTs going into the public stage and I thought it was a lot. I was like thinking well, yeah, we might hit 50% in the white list. I was shot by the white list. I'll be honest with you and surprised because our white list was 1111 addresses and 990
28 minutes went out. So, wow. Yeah, it's like as a statistic, that's an incredible amount of interest in the project. Who remembers, I was thinking, given, you know, historic whitelists that I've run in the past, I was thinking, if we get 65% turnout, because loads of, you know, 10% of
those 10% of a thousand are going to sleep it, you know, or 10, but you know, but what we did is we ran the white list for 24 hours, you know, to kind of avoid that. Because I know, you know, man, you know, what it's like, you're from Europe as well. And these American mints and stuff like that, we've got to get up, you know, Australia's a nightmare as well.#
And I thought, you know what? I'll just run it from 10 a.m. to 10 a.m. and just do a 24 hour like completely chilled, weightless mint and allow everyone the opportunity of not, you know, opportunity of minting a reasonable hour. And it really worked out. I think, well, it definitely works out. 998 people turned up. Crazy. I think that was a very good move.
I'm very happy you did this as well because if it was only like three hours, it can be very stressful. You have to make time for it and yeah, I mean in the bull market we all do it right we all make sacrifices. We all put your alarm clock on to get that meant to run the white list in a
The bear market, it's a bit different. It worked really well. I think I'm going to take a listen from this and apply it to the Freeman that we'll be doing too. It's a bit different because baby bulls is a bit like an established brand or at least for us, for the people on the white list.
And I think you also did a very good job at reaching out again because you shot me in other telegram message the day itself or the day before. That was very good. Yeah, that was a very good move. Did you do this with everyone?
Yeah, there was method in my madness in a sense because the team are like, when I went to them and said, oh, this is how I want to run it. This is how I'm going to run it. And I want to do like a three day meant 24 hours. And also what I want to do is I don't want any automated submissions of all its to the white list or anything like that.
I want to actually reach out to all of the projects individually, all of the basically anyone that wants to be on the white list would need to DM me in discord on Twitter or wherever and they were like, you know, you're just giving yourself a lot of work. But I was like, yeah, but in the same sense, what will happen and what did happen is that I've got now hundreds
of new contacts and friends through Discord and Twitter and I was able to reach out to all of you guys, like you just said, you've got a message from me, I think the day before or a few hours before them in. I was able to literally go down on every conversation I've had, which I'd moved obviously over into it into a folder specific to that and just message everyone
on, you know, reach out to him and say, look, the min's starting in a few hours and just have that contact again and have people feel like, oh, damn, you know, he remembered me a bit. So yeah, it was like an extremely bonus. So it definitely was very nice. I love the personal touch. I love this personal touch. I really do. Actually, how do you
I'm going to have to research how you make a folder on telegram. I haven't done this. Oh yeah, I've got way too many folders. I had to upgrade and start paying for telegram, I think, because of my folder situation. It's not, yeah, it's a problem. It's an issue. So you get a couple of free folders, you mean?
Yeah, I think actually you can have quite a lot. I think I've got like 10 or 11 folders on there at the moment, you know, well, group chats basically into folders on Telegram. But I think if you want more than that, you have to pay for the service. But yeah, it works pretty well. It works pretty well. I speak to you like with things like that when I'm really, you know, basically projects on polygon folder.#
I just grouped everyone into that folder that I've had a conversation with about Mint and then just before the Mint I was able to reach out to all of the units. Yeah, it's been cool. It's been cool, like in the run up to the Mint it's been really interesting and cool as well because it's allowed me to reconnect people that I lost contact with and yeah other projects like yeah definitely
It's been really interesting to get that connection back to other projects and build up to them and it's been pretty handy. Yeah, say Coleman. I know because I'm not for this treatment. I'm not actually managing the project myself. Although hearing you talk about it, I think I will ask V&Bobi to get me a bit more involved maybe in the
I know V&B are putting a list together of projects and I think we're around, let me open it up and have a look. If you have any suggestions of projects I would like to participate in our agreement, I don't know how, if you're
I'm not sure if I'm going to find what sharing the list or not, but I'd be very happy with it. Yeah, absolutely, I mean, 100%. You know, I'll always help you or anyone in the space that need anything at all. I'm more than happy to, you know, give you recommendation to projects that have reached out, you know, have worked with me.
to get mince. Because you know, you know, as well as I do, I mean, obviously there's projects that are going to put the effort in and say, yeah, no problem, we'll run a giveaway and they do it correctly, they get all the addresses, they give you a nice Google Doc file or a nice Excel S sheet with all the stuff in. And then those projects
there's those projects that contact you 10 minutes before the minute go, oh shit, I've got all these wallet addresses and just copy and paste them into Telegram because they forgot. So there's definitely projects that I can recommend to you and maybe projects that I've potentially worked
Now it makes me think how we did it. Oh, I think I was in time, but I didn't make a spreadsheet. It's fine. I think it pays to it. I mean, I'm just using that as an example. I just mean, you know, there's definitely an also
definitely projects that are a little bit more like how I'm sort of say sort of proactive in assisting you to you know get those addresses and make sure that they're all you know genuine addresses that belong to genuine members of the community and things like that. So productive projects I would say let's just say that. So yeah I'll be happy to recommend
some project in the space and polygon space that meant it and that community meant it with us. Sure. Also, if you got a suburb, because that worked really well for me as well. Yeah, I know Bobby, it's set up a suburb for us and I installed the bots so I think they're going to use it.
Yeah, sub is really cool. I like it took me a couple of hours to get my head around it at first. I think it was Sam at Polygon Punk said, "Oh, I'm referred me to it's sub-er." And I went on there and I was like, "Oh, I'm missing out here. We didn't actually have one at that point." And I spent like two hours just set up a profile for myself and then a community#
like about that sub-res that the discord members can verify their NFTs in the discord and sub-are actually picks up on that and then you can offer them things. So for example, we've got like a holders part and we've got the OG pass on sub-re depending on the role that you hold in discord you can jump on the sub or watch your
verified baby bulls-older and just grab one of those passes. And the beauty of that is when I run raffles and giveaways later, depending on what pass you hold is the number of entries you get into the raffle and stuff. So it kind of inspires people to want to push for a better role in the community, which is I think really handy.
Wow, okay, very cool. Okay, so actually I also, I'm gonna have to look into several because I went on there for a little bit and I was like, this is like Zili, would used to be Crew 3,
sort of, right? That's how I understood it, but it's for a law list then, really I'm such a nuke when it comes to server, so sorry.
right there baby balls I once again congratulate you on successful and smooth mint I will know head
to take a shower and then we see you at the party then. Yes, I'm thinking can you send me the name of the place?
Yeah, yeah, I will do yeah, yeah. Okay, cool. Thank you for that. I'll see you.
By the way, we've got 82 projects on the list, but I don't, yeah, they've not all been contacted and they've not all agreed. But okay, I'll,
I'm going to ask you, how should we do this, Coleman? We'll just make some recommendations in the telegram chat for you. Yeah, I'll just send you a little spreadsheet with a few projects on there that we worked with and that we're really helpful for us. When we were setting up our white list,
Why this giveaways. Yeah, I'll just send you a little spreadsheet and in TG and Telegram. That's awesome. Thanks for. I see my friend just dropped into the space from the Stained Island. Oh Sam, it's Sam you. I'm going to have to allow Sam to speak. Yeah, let him speak.
Mike him up.
See what he's up to.
See what the man's up to.
I'm jealous that you're at the event now. I wish I'd known about it because I could literally driven there from here, but it's only a few it's like hours, you know, it's not even a day's drive. I don't think it's like, I don't know, like eight hours or something. Oh, I guess.
- Yes, sir. - Thank you, sir.
How are you both? Congrats baby balls and a mint out. Too easy for ya.
Yeah, turns out people like free shit dude.
Mate, it's just, even for a free mint, I think it's still an achievement to wake people up to actually go to the site and mint.
Yeah, man. Can you believe that we had 1,000 and 11 addresses on the white list of 998 people minted?
It's insane. I'm really cool. People just love baby balls. It's simple as.
Yeah, people do love baby balls. I know I got my laptop out just to mint at 10 o'clock yesterday or whenever the first minute
was. So took a stop was on a road trip round Wales in a minute so decided to convince my fiancé that we needed to pull over.
I made it 24 months, especially for you mate.
How does that go? Was it slow? Was it like pre-instant for the first for the rounds of White List?
The first round stage one was extremely quick. It went from 0 to 700-800 minutes really fast. The stage two was extremely slow because stage two was a hold at minute and what we did is
I put in a, I call it a feature, I guess, but I asked one planet to not allow people to min in stage two if they've been whitelisted in stage one. So a lot of holes had actually already got white list for stage one. So of course
when stage two the holders meant came around. Obviously I was in and they told it. I'm a holder. I can't mint and it was, you know, well, did you mint in stage one? Yeah, well, you can't mint in stage two. I wish I'd made it clearer beforehand, but yeah, that's the
stage two was a real slow burner, but it took us up to the 50%, which is what we wanted. So we hit like 53.3% minted when we went into public, which was basically perfect. Though half went to holders and white less and half went onto the public.
Yeah, mate. Great achievement, great achievement. I mean, I think creating that time scale of two hours, like I've done a white list for obviously a couple of projects, a couple of the bags and the bongs.
But like 24 hours just doesn't create that sort of need or demand so it's nice for the holders definitely but I bet you are stressed to put it lightly because obviously you just you just don't know what's going to happen after 24 hours
Yeah, 100% I think the worst part was it going to public because you I honestly, I you know, you can say everyone can say oh it's going to public you're definitely meant, you know, don't worry about it. It's free. You know, people are just going to mince it anyway. Don't worry, but you don't know that no one knows that. So I was like, damn, you know, we've got
1000 NFT is going to public. You know, it is what it is. But I was like, I was thinking if we get to public with 50% I'll be happy because that means, you know, the public get at least half of the opportunity the same as the holders and the white listed people. So I was quite happy in a sense, but I was also
like stressed and do say because I was thinking damn you know it's a lot of NFTs even if they offer free it's a lot of it's a lot to ask a thousand people to come to a website and do something it's quite a tall order you know tall call to action let's just say so
Yeah, I was stressed a bit with the public and then when it went, it had just always shocked. And I actually reached out to one planet because I was like, oh, can we check to see if any bots are involved and he went 100% not 100% he said we've got anti-bottling like the best anti-bottling procedure.
and software in place and I'll launch pad we've checked it and that there's no bots at all that have minted so I was like well I mean I mean I'd hazard a guess but I'm pretty sure that would be the highest traffic that's hit one planet at a long time so I bet they're happy
I can tell you, I'm curious and I brought up the one-penet page. Baby Bulls is number two volume trader right now.
But I'm gonna have to shoot because you know, Wales is calling so I just want to come on in and say congrats to the baby wars and say hello, Elo. Yeah, let's have a call again soon and by the way, I just
posted up in the tweets so there's going to be an NFC conference in Prague in early June. So yeah, I'm hoping I'll be happy to come over and say I'm a view can make it. I know it's a bit far from London but yeah, welcome. Yeah, I'll see what happens.
I'm getting married in 10 weeks. Oh wow congratulations! Yeah, beautiful! But before I go Coleman did you see the logo that I've been working on that sent you
Elo seen it and he liked it. Finn Mandant like the colours he said he looked like vomit. I haven't made it. I haven't said did you start to be on telegram. I'm pretty sure I did. Are you going for a piss? No no no I'm just running the
because I just noticed that in my attempt to do DIY today I just put black stuff all over our tiles in the house so I'm just, now I'm cleaning it, I'm just checking. I think I'll send you on the gram, let me just check before I go.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,#
real life stuff cleaning black stuff off of it is
off of their tiles throughout my home before my wife sees it and their cuts my things up. But what did you do to create this blackness?
I was just trying to do some DIY today on a hunk thing and I was attaching hoses to it using this black silicone stuff and gripped it all over my house in the process.
Oh well, I should have called a professional to install the whole thing to be honest. I still don't know whether or not it's electrically sound or whether or not it's going to electrically, electrically everyone will see.
I think we can run up this space as well. It's been nice for a rocked space. I'm very happy with it. Every week I'm like, we're trying to do this every week. Oh shit, I actually didn't promote
or a validator this week. Oh no, I got so involved. Yeah, I'll plug it right now. So we're doing a space is every Wednesday. We have a new validator running on Stargaze around two months now, it's in the active set.
And you can win NFTs every week. We're doing a raffle. And it's around 3 to 5 winners every week to get an NFT on Stargaze. The only thing you have to do is take a minimum of 1000 stars.
around what is it? $20, $17 and for every 1000 stars you get one ticket to the raffle. And I think we're going to be doing this for another month or maybe two months. But we're firmly in the active set now. So that was the goal.
We did it, so very happy about that. So if anyone's hearing this and they have some stars that they want to delegate to us, that'd be much appreciated. And yeah, that's pretty much it. Coleman, so I'm going to get the list of you.
Thank you for that. Let's see if we can make something work for for a code adult. It's going to be, as I understand it, it's going to be a free NFT gallery that we can go to and
Maybe we can get that ticket too. We can ask Lou. And yeah, I think I'm gonna go. I'm gonna, when I'm back in Belgium, I'm gonna look for a plane ticket and would be, would be really cool to see there. Are you gonna be still in Poland at that time? Yeah.
definitely still be here. I'll have a look into it and see because I'm reading the post that you put up the top there and you put polka dot enthusiast so it's is it polka dot based NFTs that are going to be talking about and stuff because that's really I have no idea what that is. I also have
idea. Yeah, it's not a chain. I've the only thing that I've got that's remotely connected to Polkadot is a token called Cherry, which I invested in a seed round last year, I think, yeah, I can't even remember. But otherwise, I don't interact with the chain hardly at all. So I would have to have a real good look into that.
And just because I don't want to just turn up just a random NFT event for the sake of being there, you know. We want to make sure that if you know, if you're going to go to an event, you need to make sure that it's got something that the interest you, I think, but yeah, I'll look into it a little bit further and if.
Yeah, it sounds good. Sounds good. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, poker or laser. And eventually, yeah, definitely. For me, it's also a new experience. Bokodot is a bit bigger in Eastern European countries. I've noticed. Yeah, yeah. And
Yeah, because one of the stages that the NFT Tallin was sponsored by Polka Dex, which is a tax that has cross-chain liquidity across the parachains of Polka.com. And I mean so far it's been really nice and direct with them and there is no competition feeling between
Ethereum and Polkadot it seems because a lot of speakers were from Ethereum ecosystem. So it's been a nice experience so far. Cool. I mean, I'll check it out for sure, definitely. If anything, just to get to something NFT related and have a beer with kind of like-minded people is always cool anyway.
I'll check it out and let you know. I'll get a list over to you in the meantime and I'll catch up with you soon. Enjoy your party tonight. I'm jealous. If I get some pictures, I'll send you some pictures. Make you more jealous. Okay.
And everyone, thanks for coming and joining in the second attempt at the spaces, the rock spaces today. So thanks for coming. And yeah, beyond the lookout, I think next Wednesday, we're going to do a spaces with Pia's labs.
If we can get a piaga on, they've been doing some really cool stuff. They've gotten into commercial AI work now as well with David leading that arm of the business. So they're really expanding the business, which is pretty cool to hear. So that's going to be next week, normally.
Cool, no worries, take care mate. Speak to you all soon. Yeah. See you up.