$UOS Insights: 2024 Roadmap & NFT Paris Recap 🎙️

Recorded: Feb. 26, 2024 Duration: 0:54:33



Hello, hello, hello. Does everybody hear me? Show me some emojis if you can hear me.
Yep, all good.
Perfect. Thank you very much. Let me add David
to the speaker position.
One second, everybody. Well, we set up all the technical details so we can have everybody with
speaker authorization. Okay, we have David, we have Nicholas and we have. Can you hear me, David?
Can you try your mic to see how it is? Hello, hello. Can you hear me?
Perfect, loud and clear.
All right, all right. Okay. 601, one minute over. Let's maybe wait another 20 seconds to give some people to
20, 30 seconds to let people join. We started this space very recently. And yeah, excited to have another
Twitter space with you guys. I know everybody was dying for an executive update. We haven't had one
in a while. And boy, do we have some cool stuff today. Very anticipated. 2024 roadmap finally dropped.
And it has been very, very well received by the community. So yeah, cheerful vibes, cheerful moment
in the Ultra community. Our token is also feeling the love. So everybody seems happy, which has me happy
also. So let's just wait another more 30 seconds and then we can give it a go.
Okay. And just to remind everybody, I don't know if everybody managed to see what we posted quickly on
Twitter, but we will be giving out three white lists for the anticipated Prometheus chestplate NFT.
It's a free mint by our partners at ExBorg. So yeah, stick around. I think you guys are going to like what we
have for you. Pay close attention because there will be three lucky winners at the end of this Twitter space.
So don't miss it. All right. Let me check everybody's in. Who's requesting? No, no, no, no, no.
All right. Yeah. Okay. Everybody's in. Gather around. Find your seats. Welcome everybody to the 2024 roadmap
and NFT Paris recap Twitter space. That's quite a time we got there. But today we have our two beloved CEOs of Ultra.
We have Nicolas Gilot and David Hansen. How are you guys?
Hey guys, really good, really good. Thanks for setting this up, Patrick. Thanks for everyone to attend.
You know, really, really good vibe for the moment. I think with Ultra, so it's going to be an exciting next in time,
exciting week, months, year, years. I think we are off to a good start.
Thank you. Nice to have you, of course, Nicolas. It's always a pleasure. And yeah, it's been an exciting couple of days,
especially for you two who've been traveling, being at NFT Paris. How are you, David? How have these last days been?
I'm sure you've been having some fun lately and quite busy.
Yeah, I'm good. I'm super excited. NFT Paris was, you know, among the best event we've participated in in terms of productivity,
a lot of excitement, a lot of also great feedback that we heard directly from game developers.
You know, we've been coined as the best games distribution platform from, you know, hearing that from the developer.
It's great. Also, we also heard that a lot of, you know, all the support we provide them, the help, you know, in terms of sharing news,
in terms of helping them get on board. And then, you know, the whole distribution pipeline and the support is also the best they received.
They say typically nobody helps us. Nobody, you know, speaks to us. And here we're really being handheld and it feels really great because that's what we try to do.
And having this feedback really feels great. It bodes well for the future.
No, that's lovely to hear. And, you know, big shout out to our, if you guys are listening to our support team, our business development team, and of course, the amazing marketing team.
Because all of this, these good reviews, these good comments that come from these game developers that participate and launch their games on Ultra.
It's a very holistic approach in supporting all of their needs from marketing services to supports with tournaments or uploading builds.
So it's a very holistic approach and we are quite proud at Ultra that people are coming back to us and saying, you know what?
It really, you guys really sit down. So that's always a pleasure to hear.
So let's get down to business. The topic that everybody's been talking about is Ultra's 2024 roadmap.
It's a little bit different from the one last year. I know everybody noticed that this time we added quarters.
So it's a little bit exciting to know what comes first, what comes after.
And you can see and you can expect a little bit some excitement coming in.
In each quarter we packed everything very strategically.
And yeah, I wanted to hear a little bit and show the community a little bit why we picked the certain order that we did.
How has this strategic approach been thought through and basically why we are developing the roadmap the way we are?
So first of all, I wanted to ask Nicholas, how does this all apply to showcase a little bit what we want to deliver as a platform?
Why are we prioritizing certain stuff?
We have a strong emphasis in player experiences and gaming content this year.
So I wanted to hear from your point of view, how does this all align for the bigger and bigger vision of Ultra?
Yeah, no, indeed. I think what's critical now is really to position Ultra as the leading platform for Web Street Gaming,
whatever blockchain, whatever game, but become really the center of Web Street Gaming.
And that's what we aim to do this year.
The goal for us is really to start growing heavily the user base.
And for that, that's also why you have chronological order that has to make sense.
So the first part, which is really about increasing the visibility of Ultra in the games on Ultra as well.
So for that, we need to have Ultra games on the Web, for example, that allows people to directly see the games,
directly share the games to their community.
So if it's like a cloud marketing push, also for the players who talk about it, for the SEO as well, it's very important.
So that's why it's a core component because it simply helps us to get visible to the world without having to download the whole client directly.
I think that's the same things as well for Ultra Arena.
So if you check to the UltraRina.io slash tournaments for the moment, but that's going to be gone soon, you already can see Ultra Arena as well on the Web.
So that's really one of the core strategy is becoming visible and easily shareable.
The second part is really about the ease of access.
So reducing all the onboarding friction, we want people to have a seamless experience.
And that means that we are tweaking as well the way we onboard users.
They just feel like any other applications, it's already much simpler than I think any other solution on the Web Street space.
But we still want to do better, to really have this flawless and seamless experience.
Next up is a lot about improving the design.
So giving the first wild for first impression to be really a blast.
People see the stores, it looks really amazing and the content's next.
But yeah, we want people to just see that as a top-notch platform,
feeling that it totally competes with an epic team, hopefully better looking than some.
That's also why it's in this order.
Yeah, basically improving the way games also can be published on Ultra is also very important for us.
The way we can do campaigns, which means that when somebody published their games on Ultra,
they have, I would say, a marketing toolbox to get their game a lot of traction,
as well as for influencers and others to be able to talk about Ultra in a way that they can,
how to say, like, abrupt to their community.
They can do many marketing activities that help them do their job.
And with all that, basically, the goal is to do a heavy content push.
So that's why before you do the big content push, we're already going to start a content push.
But before really pushing everything, you need to have the right piece in place so that it has a maximum impact.
Thank you, Nicolas.
That is a very holistic view, and it makes everything a little bit clearer as to why we're approaching the roadmap the way we're doing it.
And basically, we want to set all the tools and have them ready for when we push the content, when we push more users to the platform.
They have everything they need if you're a user or a game developer.
And David, what can you add also to those comments from Nicolas?
I know you can maybe give us a different angle, maybe from a more development side.
How does this all align in the more broader vision of what you have for Ultra?
Yeah, I mean, user accessibility is definitely one of the main points to get users, but you also need great content.
And so this is going to be a big part of what we're working on.
Also, the technology that will allow developers to produce great content with few hurdles is in the making.
Our NFT API, for example, is undergoing a second version, which will include all the missing data that we didn't include yet because it's been in between already new functionalities that have been added.
The goal is that with this NFT API, anybody can create games, dApps, marketplaces, wallets, you name it, with minimal friction.
Because today, making blockchain stuff is complicated, and our objective is to abstract this complexity and really streamline the creation of great content.
And so once you have that, you have a place where you can consume great content easily, and then you combine it with great content, then you have the right recipe to succeed.
And so this is the second big part of our focus is really tech adoption. And for tech adoption, you need great tech that is easy to use.
Sounds good. I heard you talk a little bit about recipes. Is the secret sauce in this recipe or not yet?
It's coming. It's coming. But soon.
I couldn't resist.
This one, this one need to wait a little bit.
You know, because as we progress, all of deals are being made, and the, you know, low hanging fruits are definitely, you know, the best ones to take first.
Yep, makes sense. Personally, David, which part of the roadmap are you most excited about? Can it be the opening of the blockchain? Are you eager to see what people build on Ultra?
Or is it something else that does not appear on the roadmap? And we haven't mentioned yet.
I mean, there are definitely stuff we mentioned that we couldn't put there. But the opening of the NFT standard is very exciting to me.
So we've been working behind the scenes with a series of partners, some of which you guys know, some others you don't know.
Some of the ones you know, probably Ultra is life.
You know, they've been working on a very cool tool to create, you know, uniques, but also manage your unique factories, because Ultra's NFTs have a much more to say like a corporate grade management, you know, capability,
which means once you set them up, there's a lot of things that you can add on top of them, such as the first party store, sorry, the first hand store, which is extensive and very flexible.
And there are so many options that doing everything by code is, you know, tedious.
So I'm very excited to see, you know, Ultra is life's management tool.
I'm sure we ourselves are going to use it.
And I know other partners we're working on and game developers that will use it as well.
That's where, you know, the whole story about Webtree comes into play is that you have a core, you know, function that is open to the public and everybody can build on top of it.
And so even though we're the creators of the fundamental smart contract, you know, we're going to be using third party tools simply because, you know, we can't build everything.
And, you know, somebody build something cool. And so it's it's great to be able to, you know, work with their tools and in the process, you know, help them succeed in their own business.
And so, yeah, so I would say it sounds a small thing, but it's, you know, the accumulation of a lot and a lot of work to achieve that, you know, from the end of the sorry, the blockchain to the NFT standard to the Chrome extension, all of that.
And then eventually, you know, somebody can mean something and then start leveraging some of our very cool functionalities that the NFT standard has.
I'm very excited, you know, to see the creativity of people around that because it's imminent like this one is it's out there.
So we're going to see interesting stuff popping up as soon as it's live. It's life, by the way, on testnet.
It's just not live on mainnet.
Yep, indeed, I think we were just missing one final tool to make this all a little bit easier and a little bit better for us moderating certain stuff that goes on the blockchain.
But yeah, actually, actually moderating stuff that goes on our store because we don't moderate stuff that goes on the blockchain.
Like it's open. It's decentralized. But when you have a marketplace, you can choose what you display on it.
And so we're we need some tools that allow us to not display, for example, illegal stuff because, you know, we're not fully legal at ultra.
And and because it's open, you know, we don't know what people will put there. We need a way to moderate that for our users.
That makes sense. Thank you there for the correction, David. And big shout out to everybody who has been building on ultra and the new people that will be building on ultra.
Also very excited to see what you guys can create. That's the that's the beauty of it.
So right in the middle of the Twitter space, I wanted to give a shout out to everybody and also let you know that the Twitter space has a chat underneath.
It's more of the post of the Twitter space where you can leave questions at the end of the Twitter space.
I will be screening through the questions. You can drop them on telegram also. But better if it's also here on Twitter space to to ask later on to Nicholas and David.
So, yeah, if you have any questions, just drop them while we speak. And Nicholas, I want to ask you which part of the roadmap do you personally are you personally looking forward to or has you a little bit more excited about?
Yeah, quite a lot. But I think the what will be the most visible probably to the to the outside world will be the release of exclusive games.
I should take like success stories like Steam or Epic or any any game console actually as well.
A big game makes a big success for the whole platform. And I think with the Citadel and sports game that is especially, you know, like shiny.
If the whole game plays right. Everything is right. And the push of the game is right. There is potentially a way for ultra to become mass market in a very quick and efficient way.
I think that's going to be big. It also showcase a lot about everything that has been built on the blockchain side and on the tooling side as well.
Because the game will distribute. It will be marketed using ultra tools. It will be using the blockchain technology of ultra arena.
So about everything. So that's a really good showcase of, okay, what's what is it that you can actually be doing an ultra? And that will help us also to bring a lot of users, also a lot of game publishers and developers.
Maybe the second part would be a lot about the partnerships. So obviously, this is critical because working with large partners who bring lots of content is key to have a lot of users.
That's the thing, a part which I will pretty much enjoy seeing unveiled.
And I would say maybe the last bit would be about ecosystem opening. So opening the blockchain to everyone, opening the energy standard and also the grand program that goes with it would be, I think, a great way for us to start becoming very visible and growing a lot.
Obviously, everything we built is also exciting on the tech side, on the product side, but it's less directly visible to the outside world.
Yep, makes sense. Couldn't have said it better myself. I'm personally super excited in case anybody was interested. Very excited about Project Citadel opening its stores we've seen it, and how it's been developed over these years, and the improvements
and the details you can also glimpse them on the Twitter on the Twitter page of Project Citadel so that's going to be a very very exciting. I think milestone event that we're going to be seeing between q two and q three, according to the roadmap
that we posted so keep an eye out guys it's going to be fun.
And then, so acquiring content seems to be a big topic in the roadmap, everybody seems to be quite curious about what this might mean. And what can people expect on the ultra client regarding content in 2024 will it be more web to will it be web three focus the mix
how's that going to play out at first maybe I can ask Nicholas and then David you can give your, your point also
in order to lead.
As you all know also I'll try the capacity to do both with two and web three.
That's the goal is to have a seamless experience across the board and unified.
But here for this year we will have web to content jumping on ultra but also the web three will be outside the main driver, because we have a lot coming on the web three is more exciting for website audience in a sense there is really no solution out there that
makes that makes sense for reading games web to you can always go to steam or I pick and try your luck with all the thousands of games per month but yeah, that's it takes more work to convince with to game developers and web three because
yeah, simply there is no other solution that is as good as ultra on the market.
And also in terms of growth, the tools we put in place for web three already amazing, and we really help the growth of each game.
From the from the, you know, from the before you launch the game you have the alpha the beta the close access the close tournament the close, you know, all the different things that can be accessed through NFT adrops, or, you know, all the different tools we put in place.
So it makes a lot of sense to push a lot of web three content.
Yeah, nonetheless, you will see some pretty cool content coming on the platform as well.
But that's not going to be the main driver main driver is going to be web three for this year.
But yeah, we'll come.
Not bad, not bad. And these, this new content is going to be looking very very good with our client update that we will be receiving, which will be starting with ultra games I don't know if you guys saw already the post that we dropped a couple of hours ago.
And yeah, ultra client is going to look sexy.
And David, what can you add their regarding content. A, we heard from Nicholas that there will be a lot of web three games coming. What has a little bit more excited about new content coming to the, to the client, and how do you think this can also benefit the other apps of the ecosystem.
You're definitely trying to fish some information.
You're waiting me to make a mistake, right.
What I can say.
What I can say is, there's going to be some very known IPs on platform, very known everybody know them.
There's going to be some big surprises.
So, you know, it's always been our objective to have a platform that is capable of addressing the needs of very large companies.
And, you know, without naming games or companies, just speaking generally speaking, it's paying out.
We, you know, what we hear from developers, obviously the big companies, they're facing exactly the same.
So when they see what we have, and how much further we are, you know, you're speaking about non sexy stuff you know tax compliance GDPR compliance, realtor compliance, the open scene, all of these things that are completely invisible to you guys.
These are the exact things that they need to work.
And so they found a home at ultra. So it makes, you know, things really great for us like and we're seeing it happening.
And so this is this is the part I'm excited. So without getting into specific titles, eventually, you know, for the big ones when you don't really have alternative options, you know, there is there is ultra.
And so, so there will be some very cool title and very cool announcements coming.
So that's some juicy information there guys. I did my best to get some details but you know, can't get them all but thank you so much David for sharing that it sounds super exciting.
I can't wait for the community to find out about all that but we're not going to release everything yet. Stay tuned everybody.
So yeah, lots of exciting news lots of exciting stuff happening in the past days, Nicholas and David were in NFT Paris, and they said it was one of the most successful or at least one of the events that they enjoyed the most.
And Nicholas, does this comment come from a origin of how the time you guys have the networking catching up with past partners, how does this, how would you translate this comment.
I think the two, two main points. The first one would be around how the whole ultra solution is received by the developers.
So I think that's very, it was very nice to hear how, how good experiences for them. What do they think about what's out there on the market. How do we fair against any sort of competition.
I mean the whole feedback was stellar. So this is really great to hear because all the efforts all the time we put into making ultra what it is today.
It's actually paying off because we can really see that, yeah, that's what people need it.
And they are very happy, very stoked about it. And there is no issues that they face so that's, that's pretty pragmatic.
The other aspect is really around, I think the partnerships.
We saw really, I can't really name names, but basically a lot of the, of the large companies in the world.
Some we already been in touch with, some we didn't speak with on the blockchain side either.
And now that we are speaking with them, they're just, you know, crazy about what was being built on ultra and really want to be part of it.
So that help us seal some deal, but also help us prepare some new deals.
Yeah, I think we will see a lot of excitement as well from global web3 community this year for ultra.
That sounds good.
I think on this specifically, we anticipate, you know, a network effect will, you know, occur this year.
Because of course, as soon as you start working on these big deals or the mega deal, like I call them, eventually, you know, you get noticed and then people start to realize, you know, okay, if these guys choose ultra, you know, what is the reason?
And then they start digging into it and then, you know, you start getting introductions, you, you know, the everything is going to, you know, kickstart, you know, from these mega deals.
So I think that's, that's a really important part which we felt, especially this year.
No, certainly there will be some type of dominoes that, you know, when you talk about mega deals and people that follow, I think, the example of the other.
If you see an industry giant doing a certain thing, everybody says, you know, he must know what he's doing.
So if, you know, ultra is around the big boys, then must be for a reason. So it's always exciting to hear that.
So, yeah, just wanted to remind the community, if you have any questions, drop them in the chat box below.
I will be looking at them later so we can start answering.
After such a successful event in NFT Paris, Nicholas and David, do you guys have any other events?
Because I know the year is packed with very exciting events, both blockchain events, Web3 gaming and, you know, more traditional Web2 gaming events,
which I think by now is going to start fusing between each other Web2, Web3 is going to be Web2.5 at this point.
But do you guys have any other events on your radar that you would like to attend in 2024 to even reinforce this, maybe the seed that has been planted with some partners here in NFT Paris?
I would say we are evaluating because obviously we, I think everybody knows, we are focusing always heavily on building the right thing.
But this year is also about opening to the rest of the world. So, yes, we will try to meet as many of the people we need to meet.
The question is more because it won't especially be consumer facing, like, okay, we won't do a huge booth somewhere to show to, I don't know, like, it's really if it was still a thing to all the consumers.
Right now it's much more about getting people to build, to build or distribute on top of Ultra.
And so we basically set the event based on who will be also attending so we can pack all our meetings at the same time, meet like 30, 40, 50 companies at once.
And that's basically going to be the strategy for all our events this year.
So we're probably going to GDC. We're definitely going to GamesCon.
And then there are discussions also around Tokyo Game Show, Game Star.
So these are the main ones that we're considering. These are like pure gaming.
And then on the NFT blockchain part, these are done on a case by case basis based on who is attending, who we want to meet and so on.
We will also be at ECC most likely because it's in Belgium.
We have to go there even if it's in Syria, but yeah, a lot of the people that we work with, discuss with will be there and it's just a few tens of kilometers from home.
Sounds good. Close home. Very exciting pack year of events. Can't wait to receive my invitation in the mail, guys, so you don't have to go alone. I'd be happy to join you.
And so I'm taking a little bit of comments here in the chat section and I'm going to start throwing some questions your way, guys, and we can, you know, get some clarity in some of the questions that the community have.
So here we have one question come from Warren or weird. I don't know how to answer.
Is the sport sports game coming before Project Citadel?
David, do you have any insights on that? Can we say anything or can we just expect them to be in Q2 Q3 as we mentioned in the roadmap?
I expect them to be before Citadel. Yes.
Oh, okay. So right now they're working on new game modes.
They're also focusing on the art.
There are QA sessions that, you know, result in feedback mostly around user interfaces, you know, that needs to be improved for to better understand what's going on, how to use the game and so on.
So these are the main focuses. The game essentially works. We could release it. It's just not polished.
So polished enough, I should say. So we that's what's what's what it's undergoing right now. And so based on the feedback, there's more or less work that came.
I think the new game mode they added recently makes a lot of sense. So we we prefer to give it the green light instead of, you know, launching without it. It didn't get a lot of sense to to actually make that.
Yeah. So the building aspect was important for the game. So we are doing on chain updates. So a bit to the blockchain so that they can be used within the game.
Yeah. So we mentioned that I think in the roadmap. So the NFT, the unique NFT standard will have an addition, an additional native protocol level of functionality, which is bidding on NFTs you don't own.
It's a very cool feature, especially the way it's done. Once again, because it's on the protocol, it will work on every marketplaces, including ultra is life, ultra times and whatnot.
The unique marketplace, of course, but then it can also be included in third party websites in apps and so on. So a very cool functionality, which is very important.
The NFT, which is actually necessary for this game. Once you know what it is, you will understand it makes a lot of sense that people are going to want to bid on certain NFTs.
And yeah, so it also makes sense. And this is also, you know, a dependence. I mean, the NFT API has also a dependence on this.
So we decided as a development guideline to when we release a new functionality on the NFT that it is immediately supported by the NFT standard, which means when we release it, everybody can integrate it without hassle.
Instead of starting integrating something and then when the NFT standard, when the APIs are ready, then basically they need to either re-implement or they don't.
And then maybe their APIs are maybe not as good as ours. And so that's part of a new internal politics that we have in terms of development.
Thank you so much. There is another question coming in from Ultra Beamer asking about the social features, something that I know the community is quite anxious about.
Is that eventually coming to the client or having a chat feature, sending messages to people, creating friends lists? Is that something that you envision happening on the client, Nicholas?
Yeah, I mean, this is all definitely something on the radar. So we already have some ideas of how we want to do it. Now it's a question of priority.
But all of those are definitely critical because there will be a system also that allows you to be, to spend your time on Ultra. If you want to talk to friends, it should be on Ultra. We don't especially want you to go on third party apps to do that.
So there will be some level of work done there, also adding notifications so we can provide insight to the users in real time. So yes, all of this is planned. Timing-wise, it's not right now in the immediate roadmap, but it might be added throughout the years. We will see how things go.
Thank you very much. Next question coming from Bederup. Funny question. On a spectrum from grassroots to full-blown global marketing push, where would you say Ultra is right now and where do you think we will be in a year from now? David or Nicholas, whoever wants to take that one.
Well, clearly the mega deal really wears its name properly. It's going to be full blown. For sure. This year. Boom, boom, boom.
Thank you so much. Ben is asking us, how do you plan to manage blockchain opened creation? Isn't there a risk of saturation of anyone that can create their uniques? Has Ultra hired devs in hacking protection or bot encountering? David, maybe you want to take that one.
Yeah, so, of course, you know, because our blockchain is, you know, public blockchain and also because our blockchain has free transactions, everything we do is built in such a way that, you know, it's going to be hard to abuse the system without having a cost for you. If I can say that.
Or even when there is a cost, there are countermeasures, you know, against spam, against abuse, you know, bad content, all of these things. So it is part of the protocol already right now on the low level side, but it's also part of how the NFT standard is built.
So we don't like we have zero stress about that. I don't have any particular concern personally. And I don't think the team has it's well designed. So we're confident.
Thank you very much, David. Connor Moshier, I think he's the guy behind Dev Heroes. So hey, guys. What is something that is not on the roadmap for this year that is planned for later? Nicholas, maybe you can take that one if you want.
What is not on the roadmap for this plan, but for next year?
Say the secret sauce.
Well, as Reddit is, we might partially start using it this year. We will see how things go, but it might be already partially in motion this year. But yeah, I guess that's going to be the big, big thing.
Now, what else? I guess it's what's going. Yeah, what you can expect, I would say so. So for the upcoming years to come, it's more exclusive games on the platform, maybe for this year as well. But the idea is to also work on having more and more exclusive games on ultra.
Perfect. Thank you so much. Our friend Yuki Sanada is asking any news about publishers for the exclusive games? Is that something we can talk about or maybe hint about?
Not especially public information, but yeah, the idea is to have publishers for both games. So it's, yeah, we can't disclose too much. But yeah, we might be able to say something at some point, but it's still under wrap.
Thank you. And David, with the Electron client, front end updates were expected to come faster, but we have not seen many updates to the client. This is a question by Satoshi. What's the reason for the little focus on the UI of the core product?
So first of all, the Electron app isn't live yet or has been maybe last week or something like that. So we, you know, I'm not sure because I've been gone for a week in Paris, but and I know it's been in the starting blocks.
So the Electron client is barely there. Okay, so then something important to understand is that the Electron client is not going to make any difference when it comes to the apps themselves.
It's going to make difference when it comes to the client itself. So, you know, for example, you know, the login screen, for example, you're going to be able to see notifications, you're going to be able to see, you know, like, for example, the, like on the upper right and upper left corners, there's a series of things.
There's a series of buttons. There's a side panel that's going to come all of these things that aren't the app themselves are, you know, going to tremendously benefit from production increase, but not the app themselves.
So when it comes to the app, the UI, such as the NFT marketplace, Ultra Games, and so on.
So it's part of the roadmap. So there's some very cool, you know, UI refresh that are coming. I think we shared some screenshots there.
It's going to look very sexy, very modern, with big images, you know, bright colors, these kind of things.
And so this is scheduled. Work has been already done, you know, with designers, with product owners, and so on.
Even internally, you know, we're discussing certain reorganization now that we essentially have live products. It's time to assign certain people the responsibility of them. And so we're discussing this right now.
Thank you so much, David. Our friend Dios, or Dios, is asking, can you give more info on the Ultra Arena API that is mentioned in our roadmap? And I think we haven't talked about it too much.
What could you comment, David or Nicolas, regarding the Arena API?
Yeah, so Arena has a series of APIs that we can use internally at the moment, such as, you know, publishing scores, creating tournaments, these kind of things.
And we want to expose them to the public. They're made for that, right? So eventually you can have a game that, you know, runs a tournament match.
And at the end, you know, the server can publish these scores without, you know, any human intervention.
And so this is what we're talking about there. And this is also something that's happening this year. It's going to be really interesting. We see a lot of interest for Arena among developers.
A lot of our titles also fit very well, the ones that have been announced, the other ones that are coming. And so I think our now was a very interesting decision of ours, because we see right now it's paying out.
We see a lot of demand for it, like to have an all-in-one platform where you go in one place and then you get the game, you register on the tournament, you leave the game and you won your rewards right there.
And so this is, you know, it was a massive undertaking. But I think right now we were very happy to have made this decision and really our eyes at very, very beginning of its life cycle.
There's a lot of very cool functionalities that are extremely unique, very innovative, and that will open the esports to, you know, a much larger public.
So we're really going to democratize esports through, you know, blockchain technology and directly inside Ultra.
Thank you, David, for that in-depth answer regarding the arena API. I like to always reward, you know, active participation. So David or Nicholas, which of the following of the previous questions that I just asked from the community, which one was the best question or the most creative one or the one that you, I don't know, like the most until now?
Go ahead, David.
You're putting us on the spot.
You know what? We will let you decide. We have full trust in you because I see where you're going.
All good. I personally like the question of measuring the marketing. If it was from grassroots to full out blown out, where is that guy? Wait, let me look for him. I found that question quite well elaborated.
You are the winner of the first whitelist of the night. Thank you. You just won yourself a Prometheus chestplate NFT whitelist for your very creative question that put a smile on me.
Yeah, I don't know, David, Nicholas, if you've seen any other questions in the comments that you would like to answer.
I still have two more whitelists that I will be dropping to the community very, very soon. But before that, if there's anything else that you would like to talk about something that I didn't ask maybe about the roadmap or about NFT Paris or 2024 in general, because this roadmap shows a little bit what we're going to be doing the rest of the year, the rest of the months.
Could we say this is the year of ultra? Will this be the year or is this a more long term plan yet? How does how does things look for this year for 2024?
I think 2024 will be defining like we're at the crossroads.
I know we've promised a lot.
And I think this year we're going to be, you know, showing that, you know, we weren't joking. So we're this is going to be a defining year for ultra.
I like how that sounds. I especially like the tweet you posted. I think it was on Saturday. We all saw it. And I think many of the ultra OG supporters kind of had a little bit of a nostalgic moment that reminded everybody of the tweet.
The famous tweet from David from 2021. I don't remember exactly how the tweet was, but it started off something like I just had a conversation with my partner Nicholas.
And there's no way we can fail at this moment. So it was a very similar type of I know it was a very inspiring tweet. So to see that tweet on Saturday and then to hear what you guys have said today really, really brings a lot of hope to me.
And of course to the community. So, you know, it's always it's always nice to have the community sentiment rise up. And I think with good reason, you know, there's a lot of stuff to be happy about to celebrate.
So it seems to be a very, very exciting year to come. And yeah, I'm personally very, very happy.
So that leaves me with two white lists to give out to the very active community.
And I like to spice things up a bit. I just dropped in the comments of the Twitter space the ultra telegram link.
For those of you who are not in, you can join now. And I will repeat a little bit the system I did last time for those of you who were here.
I think you know what I'm talking about. So right now I just muted the telegram group.
But when I say go, everybody can stop can start dropping some numbers on the telegram chat I just sent Nicholas and David two numbers from one to 100 and everybody you have to join now the telegram chat and send numbers there has to be one number
per message. And the first people who get the two lucky numbers one to 100 those will be the second white list, the second and the third white list of the night.
Don't worry, it's not gonna happen yet. But I will say, you know what, it's 551 and 46. That's the stuff. Why are you writing numbers?
Yes, you were not supposed to say that.
Okay, everybody, I'm going to open up the telegram chat in any second now so you can start spamming. Give me one second, David and Nicholas while I fix this up.
Okay, you guys can start spamming the numbers. But in the meantime, I wanted to thank both Nicholas and David for joining. This was a great Twitter space. I personally liked it a lot. It's always a pleasure to have you both.
And I'm sure the community is also very happy to hear you guys. And yeah, thank you so much. And it was a pleasure.
Thank you so much. Thank you, everyone. See you soon. Take care. Thank you so much. Thanks for joining. Bye bye. Bye bye. Thank you. Bye bye.