Updates from the Lab 🧪- Calc Finance + Gitopia

Recorded: May 31, 2023 Duration: 0:53:01
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Hey, everyone. Welcome to update in the lab. So today few few quick updates. We are, you know, this update on contrary to the liquidity side audit is going well. No issues found.
far. Still on track for launch in mid June, which will be well timed with a lot of the other updates happening at the same time with the third inning and the lengthening. So yeah, a lot of these new awesome 2.0 changes.
which will fix a lot of the tokenomics, contrary to liquidity, drive down a lot of the incentives needed. So yeah, we're looking forward to that. As part of Awesome 2.0, I'm going to be putting up a proposal pretty soon. I'm going to start charging a product
call swap fee that would, like, you know, to date osmosis hasn't gotten any revenue, protocol revenue from all the swaps happening on it. But I think now with the sort of two years coming about and the rest of the osmosis 2.0
changes to good time to start chart. We already have some protocol revenue coming in through a protograph, but I think if you look at most exchanges out there, the trade-in fees are usually the primary source of revenue, and so that's why if
not getting to the time to start reading into that. We'll be able to shift the ROSMOS system to capturing some real value. Then if you want to check it out, you can jump on the
website we just launched the App Store. This is sort of there to highlight from the other side, you know, like Dex going on, but all this other ecosystem projects that you've probably seen the banners for, but what
Once that banner goes away, you just lose track of all the different stuff you can do with osmosis. So today, yes, if you go to the app, app paid on the site, you can see the suite of things. You have Mars on there, you have IBCX, you have CalP finance, which
We'll go from a little bit, but they'll be launching. And then, you know, crazy, Apollo, Apollo save for Apollo balls, ICNS. And so yeah, if you have a product that's built on top of osmosis, you know, let us know it or
And there's a GitHub repo, I'll post a Slab/actlist. And there, if you just go ahead and add your make a PR there, we can review it and add it to the site. It'll be a good way of getting more users and I suppose this is
website is probably one of the apps in Cosmos was like the most daily active users and so this will be a good way to drive usage to other products within the osmosis ecosystem. And then on top of that as part of this, as mentioned before we're working with Notify
to build notifications for osmosis. So that means you'll be able to get notifications for, obviously, just general things, like product announcements, asset listings, data, but also with individual specific stuff like on staking, like, oh,
Is your validator slash or did it fall out of the set or did they change their commission rate or on the decks you'll be able to get things like if you have a constrictor in the equity position you'll get a notification if it goes out and through any or near the bounds. So but as part of the work that we
We did with notify, they will also be building notifications for any product that's built on top of osmosis as well and in the app store. And so basically, you know, the app store and the osmosis site is going to be
hum this unified hub of notifications for your actions throughout the osmosis. So you have a DCA on Calc just finished, you'll get a notification for that or you're at risk of being liquidated on Mars, you'll get a notification for that.
So yeah, this is part of the launching of this app story sort of the first step in building. The osmosis, you know, we've always talked about this idea that way, you know, the goal here is to build the centralized exchange experience, which is what
One in which like you have many different products working together you have the spot training, the market training, the perks, you have the launch pad, you have the BCA tool, you have all of these things but today as well as we are building all the a number of teams together are building their relevant building blocks.
for this but now we'll be able to start making this feel like a single cohesive product now with all access to one dashboard in front end. Yeah so then let's see what else otherwise in product launches
general, we IDCX, I think went live already last week, but yeah, so that's live and the autonomy limit orders are live. So if you can go to osmosis.autoswap.io and there you can place autonomy limit and
So, you know, as we talked about this before, but basically this is slightly different than the on-chain order book that we're building, but what this is is it's more of similar to a, you know, and if this than that, where what you can do is with autonomy, you can say, oh, if the price of
So, you know, Adam hits this value, I want to trigger a cell or if it triggers this value, I want to trigger a bi. So yeah, you can do that today now with autonomy. And then, otherwise, the other big thing is a lot of stream swaps coming up, obviously, Gatopia, which is why
you're talking about it. But yeah, a bunch of others lined up. So stream shop is there in the app store. So go check out their site to get, see what are the upcoming streams coming up soon.
And then, yeah, I think those are sort of the main product side updates. We'll probably have a lot more in the coming weeks as a third inning and contrary liquidity gets closer. Amazing. Thanks,
I feel like we're all building the cosmos web together and it's really exciting to see that osmosis is sitting in the middle of it. So we have two incredible guests on today who are going to be talking about products that are
live and we're going to be launching very soon. I won't take any words out of their mouth, so I'll just briefly introduce names and then we'll start from there. First is Calak and then as Sun you mentioned as well, we're going to be covering Gitopia too.
So I'll let you guys do the introduction. So Calc, can you take us from the top? What is Calc and what are you guys building? Yeah, absolutely. And I think maybe before we get into it, I'm gonna say a lot of very exciting things happening. It's really fantastic to see. I think we always align very
much with the mission of, you know, replace centralized exchanges, we kind of have the ambition to even push that a little bit further, where we're definitely big on the decentralized and self-custody side of things, and if we can give people a reason not only to self-custom your assets, but you actually have a better experience on chain, I think we're very for that. So loving the vision there.
But calculated finance, also known as kelk for short. Essentially, we're really interested in building a fundamental shift for how people enter and exit positions with that for going self-custard as I touched on before. So at the moment, we are going live actually in about 19 hours and 45 minutes, if I'm
was keeping track of that. And we kind of look at slops and add a third dimension to it around the time element. And we looked at this space for quite some time, originally starting with dollar cost averaging, which is sort of tried and tested method, then we've been very community focused and a lot of code is
design with what we've been building. We added some quite advanced features into what that looks like. We looked at some pre and post automation side of things. And then there's a side of machine learning, which we've dubbed DTA DCI+ which we can get into later on. And then we're about to launch calculated finance V2.
which will be in parallel with the Osmosis launch, and that's got some super exciting tools there around varying, again, the bi-amount based on a different dimension of time, which we can cover. But thanks for now. Fundamental shift in how people enter in exit positions is probably a good description to kick it off. Thank you.
Awesome. So, I mean, we can, you can dive right into whichever part of CalCue you want to talk about most, I think I want to leave the floor to you as much as possible. I of course have questions, which I can ask as well, but if there's a specific feature you want people to hear about,
about since we're so close to launch. Feel free to dive right in. Yeah, for sure. Maybe I'll kick it off. I think being very much a mission-driven organization, I think a lot of, you know, our backgrounds as different core contributors. We did Stinson in the WebT space and corporate space and startup space.
And then further background into that, you know, different opportunities of life growing up. And I think, you know, we're very aligned on this idea of equal financial opportunity, where we're very realistic. We know that, you know, the outcome is never going to be even. It's never going to be equal, but at least enabling people that have
equal access. So coming back to sort of building around this swap but adding the extra dimension of time on top of that, we've got three products that will be live as of tomorrow on as most again as mentioned before just traditional DCA. So swapping the same amount over a set period of time.
We've got some pretty cool advanced features in there where you can set price ceilings if you don't buy above a certain price floor, if you don't want to sell below a certain price, etc. And then obviously some nice integrations on the side of that, for example, with Mars Protocol, you can have capital deposited after a swap as well.
And very big on the data driven side of things. So we offer a full analytic dashboard. You can see over time when slots occurred, how much was swapped, your average buy price, etc. Because we found that in bear markets, some people typically forget what the average buy price is and obviously in bull markets.
People forget what their typical buy price is and it kind of makes it hard to take profit, etc. So a lot of the products we're building is really to counter that emotional decision making, counter those firm moments and help people be a little bit more objective about what they do, hence the name "calculated finance".
So that's our first product, it's just traditional DCA with a few advanced features. Next up we released our white paper for this, I would say about two months ago and it's called DCA+ we'll keep it kind of ELI5. Essentially we have a machine learning algorithm that predicts risk in the market.
The original challenge for this was sure DCA is great, but a lot of the time lump sum can add performing. But the real value you get from DCA is a reduced risk profile. So there's nothing worse than buying pico tops and selling pico bottoms or complete bottoms.
With DCI+ the challenge was can we maintain the same risk profile but improve returns? That was a sort of unique innovation we introduced there where we essentially have this bi-coefficient that depending on market conditions and the likelihood of a crash coming up, it will determine how much or a little of an asset you should buy or sell depending.
we only support the more conservative approach to larger market cap coins. So almost most of us will support RAPPTC as well as East, Adam, ST, Adam from Stride is supported on there. And there'll be a few other larger market cap assets there too. And that's again, very interesting problem.
no one else in the space has done that. And then working with a lot of community members, we've developed another feature which we're calling weighted scale in or out. Again, coming back to DCA, it's nice, but wouldn't it be even better if the price is more favorable, and let's say you're trying to take profit, if the price pumps, you want to sell a little bit
more if it drops you want to sell a little bit less and vice versa if you want to accumulate a asset now you know if you're unsure of the price is going to continue to downtrend or flatline for a little bit you know you kind of hedge your bets a little bit by saying if it does drop a bit let's buy you know X amount so this might sound a little bit technical and math but essentially it is
a linear transformation with a custom multiplier so you can be very aggressive if it drops 10%, you can go all in. You can be very less aggressive if it only drops 50% slightly vernier by a amount a little bit more and everything we do also works on the flip side for
the cell side as well. So there are kind of three core products that will be going live with KelpV2 tomorrow and then we've got some really unique features in here which has been dubbed reinvest initially but a lot of the community members are calling it linking or looping where you can start to set up the output of one strategy and send it to the input of another
strategy. And we've seen some really cool things designed in a few really unique Twitter threads coming out about in the end of the day is what we really love. If we can provide this great toolset and tool suite of people to use and let their creativity run wild. So again, that's a super high level overcap.
Yeah, thank you for that. I think in the spirit of keeping, I guess giving people a piece of mind while you bootstrap your brand and build trust with users, how do you deal with, I'm sure this is a problem you've put meaningful thought into with
front running and sandwiches etc. Which I think has been a very common qualm that people have had with adding time dimension is how do you guarantee that users aren't going to get consistently worse execution because they're taking on this additional essentially
I can probably chime in there if you want. Everybody, Fluffy Donkey here. Another core contributor of Telefinance. Yeah, it's a good question because front running definitely happens.
should be worried about that. And I guess to an extent there is only so much users can do in these blockchain systems when it comes to people front running the mempool. So we are limited in that sense. But our vaults, everything we've built is smart contract, has been
enabled by smart contracts and so all of our vaults execute permissionlessly with some off-chain automation and basically our execution model is something we call as soon as possible. We say as soon as possible and not exactly on time because
we have this random element of execution so that people can't just come in and say, "Oh, this vault's ready to execute it." 7pm, I'll place a message, try it, I'll say I'm going to say that vault. So we have this random element of execution for all these vaults to help protect against that.
Yeah, and I think the other dimension to add there because that's a super good question. Something where I always try to push the banner as in challenge there is that's a lot of these new features. Now there's custom time intervals and down to the minute and people typically use it for the short term.
or vice versa where I talked about the weighted scale in and out or the DCN+ where not only is that slight random element with the actual timing itself, but there's also random element with the swap amount as well.
So essentially there's this fuzzing element that makes it harder to predict and in some sense protects users. It's always fascinating to see how people approach that specific problem in this context.
I have a few lower level questions, but you guys feel free to take this back to anything that you think is important to discuss if this is in front and center. But let's say a bunch of people place a DCA order on one's
buy side and then also on the sell side. Do you guys settle that before executing against the decks or is there any special sort of batching that you do around around the CCA tools or do you just stream all trades and all all orders directly toward the exchange?
I can chime in there. Yeah, so I guess we wanted to keep the same that there is no special processing that happens like again, like it's all non-concordial. You always have access to your funds. We didn't want to take away the natural random element that is people trading on a deck.
whatever decks it is. Just the same way that people come in, open up vaults randomly is exactly the same sort of behavior that we want our system to behave like. So yeah, we don't do any extra weird processing and batch trades, etc.
They just, they come in and they go out as they set up. Yeah. And I think, yeah, I mean, we did look at things like the CaspWop model, et cetera, and that batching element. But yeah, I think for V2, all slots run through our osmosis, again, should drive more transaction volume and more slots as well.
I see awesome. And then in the last five or so minutes, I want to dig into what is the end state here? What's the vision for when all your work is done, where will calculated finance land?
Yeah, and I think that kind of touches on what Sunny mentioned before, right? Where we've got this vision that if we can supercharge decentralized exchanges and make them more effective and bring more people on chain, I think that's definitely right and goal. I think the problem space and the problem domain, we're kind of looked at from
You know, V1 to V2 is largely around looking at risk and adding that time element to it and pushing that a little bit further. But a really exciting space that we've been exploring more recently is the idea of leveraging live data or live information to sort of also vary the swaps.
So again, maintaining that same time element to it. But if you, you know, you could imagine that, you know, there's some particular people that prefer to look at simple moving average or, you know, 200 day moving average or whatever it might be. You know, you could imagine if you start feeding in live bits of data, actually,
start determining swaps, etc. That could be quite an exciting space to explore. So I think if I was going to sum that from V2 to V3, I think that's probably the next domain we're going to look at. And then we've got some pretty crazy ideas for V4, but I think we'll probably park them for now.
Great. And where can people find you, you're launching in 19 or so hours, in addition to the Yeltsmosis App Store that recently rolled out? Or is that the main venue? I think they'll probably largely be the main venue.
to kick things off. You can follow us on Twitter, we'll put a post out about it, and there'll be some more content coming. We do have an interesting thing running for everyone that sets up two strategies within the first 48 hours on those moses. You'll be tied with the other
osmos is OG, kelk badge. What that means, I think we'll get to that in the future. But again, just to recap, either calculate it.fi, the app store, follow us on Twitter, stay tuned, I think any of them will work for now.
Incredible. Any parting thoughts before we wrap up and move over to get to Tokyo? I want to say we're super excited. I'm just engaging the community, for example, I see Robo in here. It's been absolutely fantastic. We're really big on
giving the tools to build some super cool stuff and I think with this reinvest features I think Calc Finance V2 is looking quite exciting but yeah we'll continue to push the boundaries and let's build something way better than centralized exchanges.
Amazing. Thanks for coming on, guys. Alright, so let's move over to GitHub. Thank you. That was a great, great session. Thanks to the CalFine as folks on the Allsmusus App Store launching in 19 hours.
So, I think this is going to be a very, very long awaited feature. DCA tools, even just their initial launches, such a core permit for retail focus user base. All right, so let's dive
right into get to be out and give you guys as much time as possible to discuss what you guys are building, which is also very separate domain, but extremely exciting as well. Do you guys, first of all, I just want to make sure, are you guys there? Yeah, yeah.
Okay. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Do you want to do you want to also kick us off with a brief introduction of what is Gitopia? Sure. Sure. First of all, thanks for having us here. I'm part co-builder of Gitopia. So for those who don't know Gitopia, is a decentralized code collaboration platform?
To make it simpler, you can think of it as GitHub or decentralized. Let's say issues, pull requests, code reviews, merges, even pushing code, write out of Git, works exactly the same way. The only add-ons which are very exciting would be ownership of the platform, direction of the platform.
Sovereignity, governance, interchain, bounties, censorship resistance, multiple permanent storages, right? These are some things that are add on so what already let's say GitHub provides. Governance on the platform also is done by for the community
would decide upon via proposals. So yeah, this is like a brief I can go on deeper into let's say what we are building right now and let's say the stream soft that is coming on. So let's say post we have a stream soft event happening tomorrow. So the bootstrapping event will
start. Tomorrow, first of all, we've been building Gitopia for two years. Our test net was live for two years, multiple test nets. And we did our main net via main net ceremony, the GNTX ceremony that usually happens or used to happen in cross mass ecosystem. So our data set is also live.
and our minute went live on 17th of May and then the transfer is there are still long because we didn't want alternate let's say liquidity channels open. So via stream saw we're trying to raise let's say or put stuff the other side of the liquid
which is awesome in this case. The bootstrap event starts tomorrow, 1800 UTC and it will last for 48 hours. The streaming phase post that would be on 3rd of June, which will last for 4 hours.
and soon after that we will synchronize unlocking of the transfers as well. As soon as transfers are unlocked, something unique that we are unlocking is interchain pounties. So any IBC related token can be attached to any issue on Githubia or any issue on any repository on Githubia.
which is ideally let's say escrow field because as soon as that pulled request by a developer is merged by the maintainer that bounty is released to the developer right. So ideally we'll start with osmosis and low token but any IBC token in the future can be used
for these boundaries. Yeah. Thanks for the overview. What is... Okay, so I have a few questions. First, I want to zoom out slightly for the listeners who aren't as familiar with Getopia. How did you guys land on working on this problem?
two years ago and which component of like the add-ons is critical to the point where I use GitHub on a daily basis. What is the primary push to switch and then from there we can dive into what the token is and I guess what it's
Let's start from the from from GitHub. Sure. Also, two years back actually when COVID was beginning, me and father were actually looking at other hackathons that they could take part on to explain what is happening in Web 3. And at that point, we looked into our VHAC
on that was happening on Gitcoin. And just to brainstorm, we were thinking what would like Swarvee for those who don't know does permanent storage. So we're thinking what could be built on permanent storage. What is the right, let's say, exciting feature that we could build. And at that time, we, Kitopia hit us, but it was in called Kitopia.
it is called decentralized Git. We later rebranded it once we moved to Cosmos ecosystem. But yeah, so at that time there were many, let's say censorship activities that GitHub was doing, whether it be around DMCA, whether it would be around freedom software or as simple if many of you would remember something like UDubel.
which was just absolute because of let's say a test case that they had right. So that was a primary thing that actually moved us in this direction. But further on when we thought about it more let's say GitHub is now $7 billion of plus company where let's say
We as developers who've contributed open source for so long have no ownership in it at all. We don't decide the direction of it at all. So, Githopia is that a venue for these open source devs where let's say you take part in the ownership of let's say even the platform you take part in the governance decisions of the platform and so on.
I see great and why build this as as you mentioned removing into the Cosmos system like what was the reasoning behind behind the stack and what does that enable in a way that you previously couldn't show. So very building on RV.
We felt basically a sort of a hands-meantide behind a back stand building it because of the tech stack. It didn't enable us a lot to build the vision that we were actually planning to, the interchain capabilities that we were planning to. And luckily for us, we were also a part of Game of Zones under that time.
and we heard all the cosmos, giants, even sunnies, Akhi and all of them speak. So passionately about interchains of where and how the blockchains are going to talk to each another at the end of the day. And that actually connected to us. So considering, let's say, if you are building a software for people to actually collaborate on software, right, it has to be
able to be let's say chain agnostic or at least be able to talk to other chains in order to process what is happening on the other side. And that is how let's say we entered Cosmos because it gave us those tools. It enabled us to build a vision out, right? The IBC part of it, the tenderment part of it, the finality.
and the sovereignty, right? All of this actually enabled us and is continuously enabling us, even the features that they are building in the future or they are actually proposing to build are very intriguing and actually we can see a lot of things that we can build around that justifies a decentralized code collaboration platform.
Great. I see. Notice we have a number of core contributors for multiple protocols in the audience. What is your pitch to developers to use Ketopia understanding that they're savvy audience?
So, let's say primarily to attract audience, let's say GitHub would be there of course GitHub has the distribution right now so devs are there. But to attract let's say the incentives around it. So we have interching mountains which is already on the platform that will be live on third as it will enable it on the
where one third where let's say any issues you can actually place an IBC bounty in your own token if it is IBC enabled or even if it's wrapped on and the channel is open right you can actually attach that bounty to any issue on the platform this issue is cannot be like let's say remaining to cold
It can be code design miscellaneous task elaborate grants, but as soon as that pull request is merged by the maintainer which is you so you want the the audience or the maintainer won't allow any let's say random pull request to be merged with the right they will have to ensure that and as soon as it is done that the
actual PR contributor gets the funds. So this actually enables a decentralized collaboration among people. And let's say even the future if you if there are a lot of feature requests around which direction we should head with GITOPIA. This would be a light correct platform
to actually do that because now if there are some things that we can solve collectively for the ecosystem, we will take those steps definitely the community wants it. So I think it's a good beginning to, let's say collaborative effort on how we can build this ecosystem further.
So to summarize, there are going to be, well, first of all, you have all these features that are very native to our ecosystem or something that get very much struggled toward, do, for instance, downties. And then also,
over the future of the protocol and the platform such that the end vision here is a code collaboration platform that's owned by the collaborators. Definitely. Something all of these features that I spoke about are currently
These are not something that is planned. Something that we are working on which might also strike court with other developers or founders are. Let's say the governance of your platform. If you're building a decentralized platform, right at the end of the day on GitHub one developer two developers are actually responsible or the maintainer is responsible for merge.
that code, pushing that code out to the branch. And let's say has control that they can actually, let's say, rug at the end of the day. Of course, most of us won't do that, but still it is a possibility if it can happen, it might happen. But here what you're working on also is the governance part of it. Let's say,
We are looking into interchange accounts and even cosmos with a custom-gum module where changing the reposettings via the governance of your interchange or your contract, merging code in a specific branch and deploying to Akash.
using of let's say down own low tokens from modulator access for either bounties or grants can be done all via your proposals or let's say proposals or governance on your own chain. So you do not need to depend on Kitopia governance. Kitopia governance would be
only for let's say features that's off utopia or let's say what direction utopia should hide but your own code governance can also be done now on utopia as well. Would it be possible to like today we have Cosmovisor which like pulls data from like you know I think you can put
get hashed and get how you are out that it like, you know, about as well pull their node software from, but what would be possible to update it so that we can like pull the, for software upgrade for causes change, we pulled the data over IDC from ketopia and then just like upgraded
automated upgrades via getopia. Why IBC I would still have to check but why a getopia directly we can configure it why IBC we would still need to see how data packets would be sent because at the end of their there are two ways you can actually fetch data directly
From IPFS file coin are we they are pushing of course you need to you need those hashes from the topia chain And secondly is if you have a git remote helper, which is the normal flow you can actually fetch it directly from the topia So customer wise, you would need to check the IDC part, but it is either way is definitely possible
Very cool. This is one of the projects I'm most excited about for a long time. Back in when I first started to prepare, there was this project called Mango, which was
very early proto version of this idea of like, you know, it's like one of the things like, you know, there was a lot of those is joke back in the day that like from the blockchain skeptics or like, oh, what do you need a blockchain? We already have like, Git and blockchain is just Git and it's like, well actually, no, there's a lot
a lot of stuff in like that GitHub does today. So, it's typically that like is very centralized and like it just seems like one of the most obvious things on this is like GitHub on the blockchain is like so important from a open
And for the purposes of open source, right, like you had situations where GitHub has like blocked developers from entire countries from accessing it, which is like crazy. And so, yeah, so when I remember GitHub, it's probably been like over a year since we started popping, but I was just like so excited that
But there were a lot of projects who started, maybe it was more of a problem time. There was like radical as well that was working on it. I just didn't really like the approach that they were taking. And then when I learned about the topic, I'm like, yes, this is like the right way of building this. This is so obvious. So I'm just really excited to see this live and like how you know,
start moving more of the osmosis workflows on to get to be like, you know, at least start by using it for bounties. But like eventually I want the official code base for osmosis, both the nodes software, but especially for front-end software to be on
because like today's osmosis like you know through software upgrades they get to choose like on-chain governance chooses out of the node software upgrades but like they have no control it'll be nice to be able to like have osmosis governance participate in like
governance of the front end and like you know choose like what is the official front end for osmosis. So yeah I'm just really excited to see this finally come live. Definitely definitely even to add to that point even GitHub is completely centralized right and Githopia is completely decentralized I'm completely
open source, GitHub is closed source, Gitopia is closed source, open source on Gitopia itself. So that's kind of really cool that we thought like, okay, this is something that we can build out in the open. Also, it regards to governance that is like completely a plus one or plus 100 that we are working on because even we would
like to alleviate that weight from a shoulders that okay who is deploying who's actually merging the code because the governance should actually be part of it throughout so that that is something we're actively working on we should have an MVP by the end of June.
So many directions. Thanks for that. I can't wait to start moving some of our most work flows on to get to PN start tinkering around. I feel like the end state of this is really how it should have always been.
that's always a very exciting place to be. Before we start, oh good. Yes, sorry. Another one small thing that I wanted to add is we have also allocated a major part, 30 million of low tokens to be used by interchain teams and interchain projects. You need not be a network, you need not
you are changing specifically of course, chains are there, but other other projects or teams working on the interchains software or a parents software can actually access those and use as bounties in your own specific projects. So this is something that we've already announced along with let's say 1 million for osmosis
and cost was that we already reserved. As soon as these projects are on boarded we can actually have that bounty flows activated for by a load and of course if you want to actually do them in your native bounties you can add that also. It does feel
like this sort of bounty structure is a much cleaner way to do things like very specific grants rather than other kinds of crowdsourcing that are currently coming where you set up the set of issues and
and the specs and place boundaries on them. And they essentially distribute and execute automatically as opposed to the weird broken web of governance things that happen in its developer platforms. That's really exciting that you guys
or rolling out in such a grassroots way. Do you want to, I guess in the last part of this maybe also talk a little bit about since you mentioned we're going into the Spring Swap launch. What is the role of the token going to be in Betopia?
The low token itself would be of course used as fees. Initially there's no fees, there's also fee grant available on the website that let's say a new users since GitHub is free, right? That adds like additional drag. So actually we have a fee grant for new users to actually use once that gets over.
All the fees on the platform would be under lower of course when currently we are not being charged for storage So all storage for us is free right now, but once we start getting charged Let's say one year down the line that would be offset in against law token Then of course you can have
accarge deployments in low token or let's say even your CICD runs in low once you launch that. So any value added services would be done under lower. Other than of course, counties, counties would have a small piece that would be paid in lower.
I see. Okay, great. Anything that you want to touch on that we haven't discussed so far, it's over coming on time. Actually, we do have time there, so if there's anything you want to discuss, but any parting thoughts in addition to what we've already discussed? Yeah, let's say even for sure.
team shop, there was, I usually get questions about team Unlocks or let's say you will invest Unlocks or Westing right. So, team shop, first of all, team has been working for two years on Ketopia and we have not, we not get any Unlocks on mainnet on Genesis.
Our investing is 10 years that starts after one year of Genesis. So it starts after ideally next May. So nobody from the team is getting unlocks. So we won't be able to sell anything since we don't have anything. Of course, same thing applies with the investors also. All investors, investing starts
one year after the Genesis. So this one year next May is cyclif and then 4 to 5 years investing for them. So it's only actually the game of lore, airdrop that is unlocked and we also have airdrop for osmosis, akash and
cost must take us that we've already snapshot it, but as soon as the transfers are done, LP formation is done, we will have that work flow on the on the website itself. So they would have to do certain actions on Github here so that they are using the platform. They get to have a feed of it and then we'll actually dispose that a dropout.
along with that there's something very interesting that we are doing for the next 10 months after the transfer the unlock you having something as a GitHub a drop so ideally you would need to sign in via GitHub and we would calculate all your past 10 year code contribution history in the open source and based on that
that you would be getting a certain amount of load token. So it's like a way of saying thank you for your open source contributions and onboarding you to Gitopia. It's really exciting. Yeah, I feel like this is one of the
The common sense non-financial use cases that I'm really, really excited to see finally roll out and start gaining adoption. I feel like the strategy you guys are taking for onboarding essentially the heart of the Cosmos ecosystem is
is a really good starting point and there are so many directions to go from there. So thank you so much for coming on and discussing and diving back to the roots of Gitopia and also announcing the stream swap that's going up
soon. So everyone who's listening, who I guess we will open for questions in the last 10 minutes. But before we do that, where can people find Githopia? So Githopia is available on Githopia.com. The website is live.
You can log in, create an account, push code, everything is working out of the box. For Twitter, it's KetoPia.gov is the same handle that I'm connected to right now. So yeah, these are the, you can also connect to Discord. All of the links would be there in KetoPia.com. So yeah.
Small question before we move to audience questions. Is there like a way to I guess like mirror a repo on to get Tokyo such that things like commit history etc are are preserved? Definitely get up. Yeah definitely so we have already
a mirror action published on GitHub. So it's an action file as a bit of a mirror action as soon as you add that action file in your repository every time you're pushing to get up to get up it actually mirrors to get up. Of course, I'll suggest one important thing here. Since your
wallet key is required by a Guttup secret. What you can actually do as a hack is add another wallet as a collaborator to your repository and use that wallet file Pogitub. So you don't expose your actual seat to GitHub.
Oh, that's cool. OK, nice. All right, let's open the floor for audience questions. Not just for your get-to-peer, but for calculated finance as well. We have about eight or so minutes if there are any burning questions.
In the meantime, I have another one for get topia. Is there a, like, I went ask is there a size limit for what we can push out? Is everything just short on IPFS? And thus, I guess we have to
So you mentioned it was free, so I'm assuming it's IPFS for now. And after that, I guess what will the payments for it look like with the token? Is it going to be like every push it you have to sign or just like have a wallet that this would just automatically pays?
like a session key. Right. How about how about? So basically it's even free for file coin only the storage costs for us is for RV which is permanent storage. But for RV we only push verified repository is to RV because it's quite expensive. So I think that is offset by load
tokens only right now or let's say we get those are we tokens since there's no bridge available we actually do that behind the scenes but file coin and IPFS is completely free as of now but as soon as they start charging us it would be on let's say a monthly basis or let's say even or something like that
IBC providers or dealers they can actually start doing that for us so that it is added exactly in the push fees. So the size of it is computed and luckily for us we are only pushing back files. So it's already very compressed. So unless you are pushing like huge blobs of images, videos, it is still in kilobytes.
the diff pack files. So it's like the difference of the code that you're pushing that to in a compressed one. So it's very nominal as of now. And past the stage of FIGRANTS, how do you prevent the requirement for payment from adding friction to the developer
So ideally, what I was thinking around this is once that fee grants is over, we can still extend them for let's say users that want fee grant that are unable to pay for using the platform or let's say even projects that we can write list that are not required.
to pay the fees. But as of now it is still very nominal. Of course the price is not set so we don't know the actual value that is being translated. But since like Cosmos actually enables us with a lot of news we can actually lower it a bit more. So that is not a big issue in my site right now.
I see and they're also probably interesting things that can be done around like fee credits that are like for instance if you stake a certain amount just to participate in governance then that that should afford you a
amount of fees for for smarmer's assistance. But I guess at some point you always have to convert it down to whatever the storage layer cost is. So it's an interesting time problem, but maybe for another time. All right, so it doesn't seem like
we have any open questions from the audience. Sonny is there anything else you wanted to cover before we start wrapping up? There was, but I can't remember. So, just be all over next week. Nice. Okay.
Okay, cool thanks everyone. Awesome. Thanks all. Thanks for having us guys on commonwealth.