USING FRAMES ON WARPCAST?! ☀️☕️ Gm Web3 Morning Show Ep335

Recorded: Feb. 13, 2024 Duration: 0:59:01



check check you
what's up
Shiyam first one in
great to see you then Sarah script hopping in
bright and early oh my goodness GM
it is a GM indeed
great to have you all here as we kick it off
things going come on up and hang out if you'd like
don't be shy don't be shy
alright it's Tuesday
February 13th day before Valentine's Day
we're gonna be talking about the latest and greatest
the headlines the news but then also trying to dig
in on warp cast a little bit further
I'm gonna go ahead and go on down there and share out the room
myself do a little bit of that action
yo gif I just want to say a quick good morning I'm getting ready to head into the office
I gotta get on a BART train to the city but much love to you my man
I'm gonna hop on listener while I commute but shout out to you
and the motherfucking show I love it GM my dude
yo let's go that was a great way
to start the show just some positive vibes so thank you for bringing that in here
and yeah I hope your day at the office is good
maybe we can provide some entertainment some edutainment
on your ride no doubt thanks
yeah man what's up Jeff Jag I don't have my sound board
yes my name is Jeff
thanks man I love it when you have to do it analog
that's awesome
how you doing this morning I'm good dude are you
are you getting into warp cast and frames have you been digging over there
I cancelled my ex up oh
wait you did you still have a blue check as far as I can tell
but yeah I think it goes through like 22nd
mmm yeah interesting
yeah I'm all in man tell me more so
warp cast is the application that runs on
far cast or the protocol and so
I'm big on it it's decentralized social media you can take your account from
warp cast over to another one say like
star cast or moon cast or whatever you know comes out in the future if there's
one problem over here
go over there you know and the deal is they all have
you know sort of features and and there might be a reason to use
a certain platform over another one there's competition in that so like
like it let's just say for instance that if X were to
to change their name
to something like Twitter you know and we were like I hate that
Twitter sucks like I'm not going now I want to be on X
and then and then somebody bought it like
like like like Bob Iger like bought
like bought it and changed it to Twitter it would be like so cool that like
everyone would have the option to go to whatever service they wanted
yeah I mean I feel like you already kind of covered off on some of the
basics there I mean you mentioned far cast or protocol
and you know the the benefits of
decentralization when it comes to actually owning your own audiences
it's just a little bit of shade thrown in
a little bit yeah so no I think that was that was helpful
to help get the combo going and you know kind of seems like
a lot of people are generally excited that maybe
there's finally a social media alternative to Twitter
what I like about it so far is that it's very high signal to noise ratio
you know in terms of like connecting with people who are actually in the
space instead of getting flooded out because
they're popular on another platform so I'm I'm still very new to it like I
signed up a little while ago and I'm like very I'm like
dipping my toes in slowly you know I just because I have
I have such fucking app fatigue already it's just hard for me to sort of
add another app into my behavior pattern but I'm trying to
you know spend some more time over there so I'm so new that I don't even
fully understand yet how the warps work right because it has
its own sort of digital economy and currency
and so you have like I know that when you sign up you get gifted warps so I
just got gifted some warps uh I have 50 warps
but you can go buy them warps can be used to perform a variety of
on-chain and warp cast specific actions that's
that's all I know but like do you you don't need
like do you have to spend a warp to to do a
cast no the service uh basically like when you get in
is like essentially like the first like 50 you get
makes it kind of free to use and I'm sure there's like some kind of way you
can you can look at your uh your warps and
it'll say like like what kind of um how much reach you have or something
like that I think it's set up on the app like
how far like how many impressions you can get so like
it's it's based on overall usage not like
individual post usage and it's also um it's really cool because I bought
2500 warps which was like 25 bucks and um and got a channel so that's what
like it pays for a year's worth of a channel so you can have
um you can moderate and um and become kind of like the curator of
of work in a channel so like if you like I got jeff jag because I had to get it
you know so that I could post my art there and then now I can participate on
far caster in like replies and posts and I can
post memes and I can you know my actual account can be for fun
but then I can also have a place where I can put
like my work and have it be like you know in presentation like this is
all my work and I can say okay go to the channel you can see it all very curated
when so that's a nice feature what part of this is using warps sorry which
which part where the warps coming buying the channel yeah sorry buying the
channel so like like the ability to and and you can think of channels like
communities on facebook or like it's or sorry on twitter but it's
similar also in many ways to discord well instagram also has broadcast
channels now right so it's like that right
yes it's like it's like a cross between hashtags
communities and a discord it's like a place to put things but you have
moderation abilities okay y'all so we're kind of out of the
gate here uh you know gm to the friends hopping in here brett and early
getting it going i see you own rogers uh i see you not a not a fluff
nice name what's up daring diva uh what's up qv um you know again we will
we will touch on other headlines and news happening around web through today
like we do but we're kind of just off to the races here digging in
to what's going on with warp cast a little bit share out the space
go ahead give it a try it feels good feels good sharing cool stuff with your
friends let's get some more of those friends in here
uh while we're at it so uh yeah go ahead and do that and we appreciate you
and those of you who do participate and engage
take the actions it means a lot uh but qv's here
mr quantum variant to you gm one of the things that i think is
really fascinating about and i think i was in the same position like uh as you
get was like i've been on there actually for months but i keep forgetting to go
back and now that enough of us have moved
there um it's it's it's the network effect in
real time like we're literally seeing it
grow a network and become more valuable and everybody's starting to say like oh
i guess i should participate now because there's reasons to be there it's it's
exactly this is the early days of going from
clubhouse to twitter once they get social audio it's over yeah
good sorry go ahead qv but yeah and and a lot of the
though the things that are being built over there like are happening
kind of especially right now really super fast
which makes it like oh wow nothing's getting built here
on twitter because we can't control it but anybody can build stuff on warp cast
and frames is like i think from an artist perspective like i
first was like oh i couldn't it's easy for someone to mint of
you know an nft on there but it's so diverse and so
dynamic that all these things can be built
and the channels also can be um token gated but jeff i don't know if you did
that to yours but supposedly you can token gate so that's where
a lot of discords are moving over yeah yeah i didn't know that but that's even
cooler like yeah you know that makes it why have it
discord if you can so easily set up this and yeah go ahead yeah yeah and they
have a native like they have an app that you can use mobily
and like i really love that because um like i was actually
uh at um two two of my friends uh three of my friends made
two galleries over um the past weekend one was a really a digital vr
uh gallery that i psyched myself out of submitting art to
um and like the the other was like an installation piece and um there's this uh
um guy named uh tim i forgot what he uh goes by
bye but he uh put me on to um farcaster i've been
kind of ignoring it considering all the hype around um everything happening on
base and optimism and all those um good
chains and everything but yeah like um everybody's like been saying i
really love um the combination of the social like
uh media and aspect and um how many things are
being built um using this sort of uh thing it kind of
reminds me of um the first times when like uh um
i mean yeah there's uh fx hash that uh kind of came out the first time that
came out um there was a time god i forgot like
what art if i forgot what what it was called but like um even before that where
people were doing like really dynamic things
and this type of uh culture really incentivizes me to get back into the
woodworks of um like a new media and everything i
took a hiatus after um 2021 2022 and like um this is
getting me back into that maker and um like a builder community that i've been
fraternizing with and doing events with for also long so
just sharing yeah i love to hear it and these are great anecdotes
like you mentioned the base thing which is which is interesting right because
we've been talking about base as a meta and something that we've been
talking like we've literally been talking about it for months and it's
like finally heating up um but a lot of frames and a lot of the
the apps that people are building on farcaster and on warpcast specifically
are on base too so it like kind of brings that
in as far as i understand but what i what i love the most about what's going
on here just in these first couple minutes with all three all
wanting to hop up on stage and just share share these anecdotes is like you
can just feel the energy and the interest in it right and it
and it has it has really unlocked sort of all of these new
creative potentials for for people to be building because
you know with with these centralized uh platforms like x etc like our our our
hands are really tied like we like there's so there's such limited things
that you can do with with centralized social media platforms
and now all of a sudden you're being given tools that let you
you know deploy apps directly into your feed and do all this cool
shit that like you're like oh shit i didn't
i didn't even realize that was a possibility
um so that's that's where i start to look at this and be like this is a real
paradigm shift and if if if this energy continues and if
people continue to adopt it and and use it and build there then it
absolutely can can uh you know become a big thing and it
seems like that's how it's going but anyway what's the point the point is
that's why we're all up here talking about it it really seems like
this is this is maybe the decentralized social media option that you know people
have been waiting for you know we've theoretically been talking about
the possibilities of decentralized social media for years
but it hasn't seemed it doesn't seem like anybody's quite nailed it
you know it's very difficult again to get to those network effects where it
becomes valuable enough because you have to get so many users in
there and so many builders creating stuff and so many different experiences
etc you have to get the content and it's just incredibly hard to get
that critical mass where it becomes valuable
enough for people to start to change their behaviors and move over to a new
app but all of that said warp caster appears
to be making serious serious strides and that's
why we're all up here excited so i i just love to hear the excitement
because again it's like these are anecdotes but the anecdotes matter
right it's like if everybody's this excited there there's a reason
for it so anyway i i love it um i'm i'm again i i'm
still very much digging in we were talking a little bit about the warps
so jeff you you were explaining some of the different things we started to get
into owning channels and the the different
things that you can do with those um also gm to everybody hopping in here
yeah i want to let me rearrange it real quick and then let's let's let's dive
back in so this is gm web 3 y'all welcome this is the
greatest morning show ever invented for obvious reasons but primarily because of
all of y'all who are showing up and participating especially those of you
taking actions sharing out the room drop in comments
y'all are the fucking goats we see you we love you appreciate you
we do this show four days a week monday through thursday here on the x spaces
and uh so welcome to our tuesday episode this week
and then we jump straight out here over to youtube and keep the conversation
rolling on our temple live youtube show that is of course nft live
the longest consistent running news show in all the nfts
so yeah we'll be doing that i believe after this show we took a day off
yesterday but anyway uh today we're we're covering off on
headlines and news like we do we we always cover the latest and greatest
around the web 3 industry but today we're digging in further on
warp cast and everything happening on farcaster i have some amazing coaching
contributors up here biggie poppin's hopping in here
gmb how you doing gm sir pardon my tardiness
y'all we're getting after y'all we're getting after it on say what you know we
got a range of different shows on the web 3 network and we now have an
awesome uh say focused morning show called
say what in the mornings um and the royalty debate is doing i
pin some of that up top we'll probably hit on that a little bit here
but uh yeah y'all are getting after it over there so just happy to have you
um all right though we've already started digging in
again uh we're just kind of getting it we're getting after it we're just
getting into the farcaster warp cast stuff right now um so
we're learning together right again i'm still very new i'm still very green
um but we have some experienced and smart people up here who are also
building over there and learning about it so yeah if you got questions there's no
such thing as a dumb dumb question if you want to come up and participate
feel free don't be shy again we're just trying to learn more
about it together and all right so apparently there's
uh channels again we already mentioned the warps uh
apparently there's channels that you can own and control and moderate so i i like
going in this direction a little bit more and exploring
how that works so jeff you said you actually canceled your x
subscription so that you can be investing more
in warp cast and so so part of that i don't feel like paying
money to have two likes per post it just doesn't feel right yeah
no i fuck man it's elegantly stated i agree um
but no tell me more about what you're doing with it so are you
buying more like so that money you were paying to x is it because now you want
to be buying warps and investing and developing there yeah like tell me more
about it and and i and trying to lead into
you know you said you have a channel now so like i i want to learn what your
experience is about like that and how we can maybe uh
you know get into that yeah i mean well the way that channels work is like
anyone can post to them and you can follow them
like if you want to follow follow an artist and the artist posts there
that's you know that's that's up to you but other people can post there too and
i think the fun thing about that is that you know you could have people
sharing things about you or derivatives or or even just be like hey
you know like it's a community aspect so there's
there's ways that you can kind of build your community in your in your channel
um well with warps they pay for network functions
so anything warp cast specific so this isn't far caster this is warp cast
and i think that the distinction being that the app
takes money to run on the far caster protocol so the app is like a business
right they're like a marketplace on ethereum
the essential like kind of analogy there
yeah where it's gonna exist regardless is the twitter or x clone it is an app
it is a business that runs on the far caster protocol again like you said
right and it takes money to run that so they they need to like basically they're
you know giving you a little free you know to play when you sign up
and then if you want to like get further into the network and like do more with
it you can buy warps to use those for
functions i wanted to throw it to um quantum if he's still
um available at this time because he has a free mint today
and there's uh there's something really cool going on with frames
that um that warps play into so i'd like to
to let him do yes i do i do want to hear all about that so qv i hope you i
hope you're here and i hope you queued up
on that um but just on the channels for again because i'm still very much
learning my way around the app yeah so if if you go right now i'm just on the
on the desktop browser if you go to explore
you have two options you have users and you have channels
so up at the top if you click on channels so these are
all like again they're kind of like community
channels slash discord slash broadcast channels like i
you're starting to try and kind of say it's it's it has
different functions from kind of a lot of those different things that it
combines so these channels could be a super
powerful new uh new tool right because again
you actually own this uh in in in real terms that you didn't in
other social media uh platforms right so it's like i
assume that whatever channel and subscriber base that you're
building with these channels in warp cast is something that you can
then export and move to other platforms in the
future and so that's why you are investing there is that you're like oh
okay i i want to build out my channel and have something that i
that i'm not reliant upon you know the app etc
exactly and like you you go to you know if you go to slash
so it's like tilde slash channel slash jeffjag i know it's like kind of
confusing but if you find the channels you follow them and then
what you basically can it'll show who's hosting it
you can put a bio there so this i this for me feels like your x profile because
you can this is the only place you can pin
a post you can't do that on your profile yet but you can in the channel so there's
an added value there um but like uh like i said it's kind of
more curatorial thing um so you can also see for building yeah
you can also see all channels on home as well at the top i see
that you've got trending frames and then all channels
um on the app it's all at the top and where it like
feels like there's a little purple dot on it so you can see like oh there's the
channels that i haven't seen the new posts yeah so like lets you know oh
there's new stuff in those channels on the on the desktop they're on the left
side kind of further down but but it's it
makes it a prominent part it like shows it prominently in the app which
makes it more likely that users will use it is
the way that i think about it because like you have twitter communities but
no one uses them because they're not really like accessible
yeah they're they're not well integrated and and i don't know the
like what's the value of of participating there versus
in the feed or in other places like yeah it just doesn't seem like a product
that's ever been fully formed in a way so i just followed your
channel jeffjack so again it's like tilde
dash channel dash jeffjack it says hosted by jeffjack
um and yeah you got your pinned there so okay cool uh i think this is my first
channel that i'm following now um all right we're learning about
channels um what i guess real quick before i what i
want to move on to quantivarian and get uh what he's doing with frames today
etc in the mint but um what are the other
capabilities you said again like you felt like this was like discord or like
some other things like so what are the other capabilities
that you're looking at hopefully do using with the with the channel
um just interaction with the community you know like people
people having you know a place that they can
you know kind of interact with you like the one of the
so this is this is not something that i'm big enough to do
but i don't know if you know the ox designer
account uh crypto punk pretty famous or uh popular on uh on crypto twitter
has uh has created a channel called comic sands
and overnight yesterday like you literally started it yesterday
has 2 000 followers so you could go in comic sands and celebrate your love for
comic sand everybody loves that font um one one little funny detail that i
hadn't even noticed stuff like that like meme ability yeah i hadn't
speaking of meme ability and funny details about the app that i hadn't
noticed i had not even noticed that uh if you start a post with gm that it
changes the heart to a gm oh heck yeah it does gn too and there's
an thing and there's like a d gen thing where it
makes a little top hat oh that's beautiful that means that the um
developers and everything like they're not afraid to um
play with uh things and flexibility and every time i actually think about
farcaster and um warp caster i just uh think about
um the there's a really raw social scene in real life actually
uh with uh zora and um based in a couple of other people
where i'm starting to see more and more people um talk
about uh like uh things like warp caster and
uh farcaster um just as uh like like social phenomenon and i'm
getting in uh that way and um like that that's just freaking
freaking beautiful i'm speaking with a bit of a bias for um new york right now
because that's just where i'm based but um i'm like it's kind of crazy when
you do the um have the ability to have like the
social mobility online and um have uh things pop up uh physically
that's what i personally call um uh post-contemporary revolution and
movement and when that reflects within the platform and what experiences
they're trying to offer in terms of ownership and identity for
like artists creatives and whomever um like it it's a really beautiful thing
yeah well i i think what you're hitting on is is that there's there is a a need
and a desire for this right now right like people want ownership people
wanted to own their data they want to own their audiences they're tired of
being owned by the centralized entities there's a
lot more under the surface uh driving this adoption right now um
yeah so i i like that you're you're looking at um
a lot of different aspects of it uh also gm nifty q
he's here some biotechs here too welcome happy to have y'all
uh but yeah so i mean bro you're you're way too late to be
just pulling out your cock in the middle of the show like that that's
fucked up uh y'all everybody boo this man throw
the thumbs down um yeah jam jam jam all right
quantum variant like let's talk about it man so you
you figured out frames already this is this is one of the coolest things so just
to set it up first of all are you there or am i going to do a great
an awesome context and then you're going to rug me no no no he's here
all right great so let's let's uh let's let's talk about frames so frames
are a really really cool new uh primitive as they call it uh which is
again it's it's sort of just like a a native function if you will i don't
know if that's the proper nomenclature it just means that it's it's something
that is now built into the platform and integrated that's
like open to everybody to use um and it's it's kind of just this flexible
new tool that allows you to basically develop
apps uh within the app right so it's like these many dapps
many decentralized applications that you can deploy
directly into the feed and in the app so again it's like the easiest way for
me to think of it is that like right now again if if
we're you know warpcast is the clone of x or twitter
you you're so limited in the things that you can do you can like
literally you can create a poll and that's about it like other than that
there's not much programming you've got the like the repost and the comments
and then you've got like polls there's just such limited functionality and
things that you can actually deploy um on on the app and it actually even
penalizes you when you try and link out to other
websites or applications or whatever it's it's absolutely fucked up again
it's like that's why there's so much energy around
this because it's showing us that we've basically had horse blinders on and we've
just been like you know screwed by these social media
companies this whole time and there's better ways to do things for
you know that are more community and and people focused and creator focused
and so it's really exciting because imagine that you know you
are trying to sell girl scout cookies whatever the fuck it is
and you could just add in a little sales bot
directly into your twitter feed that's like a one click
you know you just like what cookies you want that one click and then it just
buys because it's already connected to your wallet and it's that fucking easy
for you to sell a billion gajillion girl scout cookies
through through twitter or x it's like that it just gives you that
that ability to create whatever little application you want
and deploy it directly into the feed so these frames are popping off everybody's
excited a lot of people doing these free mints and different things
so qv what did i get right what did i get wrong and then tell us what you're
doing with it yeah i think you got you got a lot right and i think you're
thinking about it in in the right way um i
the idea in most social media especially like twitter or youtube
facebook right they want to keep you on platform as much as possible
um twitter is the worst of them because like you can't buy anything
instagram at least gives you the ability to buy and sell
directly in the platform which took a long time but this is giving you the
ability to kind of input these things right into the
network um and and it allows them to be seen
within the network so it's kind of doing both right it's
you're not leaving the network which is good for the platform but you're also
because they're allowing you to see it in the network makes it like you want to
stay there you know it's a weird uh that you know
you can't watch a youtube inside twitter but you can watch a video of
in twitter video inside twitter right and
like it just doesn't make sense like they should have crossbred and they were
being um extractive so i did a um i did my first
frames i used zora uh to create the frame so you
deploy a contract on zora i think i did it i did it through base
um because you could deploy a contract on multiple networks so i did it through
base uh with zora you know it's just like uh
minting an artwork right you write the description you upload the artwork
you can you know put a little uh you know description area
um and then when you deploy it you can also
um it gives you the ability to boost it which gives you the ability to kind of
pre-fund it for free mints so people can uh
just click on it and it mints directly through the app
um without requiring any warp or anything to it
uh so i pre-funded it with like you know a couple of uh
you know a small amount of eth you know base eth
that i had and you know so so far people have been you know able to
to mint it pretty easily on the on the site and then when you put the link in
there you don't have to add the artwork and then people have to click on the
link to go out of it it actually shows the artwork and it
shows a mint button or view on zora button right within
the uh the post so it's just really successful all right
let's let's let's break this down i posted it up top
i've i found it i'm over here on the desktop app i'm gonna try and mint this
right now but yeah it's it's cool like again it's
straight in the app it says view you can view it on there's two buttons
it shows the art that's got two buttons it says view on zora and then mint
so i'm just gonna try and hit mint and just see what happens
i got i got a thumbs up the the thumbs up means that yeah
so i think the boost uh did you drain did it drain my wallet
the boost funds it so that it can be air dropped right because there is always a
transaction fees um and so the the wallet you had
connected the eth the eth wallet that you had connected to
your warp cast it'll get just yeah just connected my eth wallet yesterday
so it worked gave me thumbs up and then after it gave me the
thumbs up image so i guess it worked it says you can view on zora
so i just went to view on zora i can see the artwork here it says nine
minted but how do i tell i guess i have to connect my wallet to see
if if i have one to confirm so i'm just trying to walk
walk through this year with everybody learning how all this works
on the right side you should be able to see like all the people who minted it
will show like if they're using an e-n-s it'll show their e-n-s
um top i believe it's on unique mentors uh yeah it says you own one cool
okay let's fucking go i got a one of nine right now
of course probably some more more people are going to go mint because i'm
fucking talking about it but uh yo i just minted a one of one
or sorry one of nine quantum variant beautiful animated nft on zora
and it was that easy didn't even cost me a thing because he fucking funded the
the gas that's fucking dope it was straight in
the app so while you're on the page if you grab
that link to the minting page and and put it in
a cast on your personal page or even in any of the channels
it will auto populate mintable by warps with the image
so okay so you're saying if i take the zora address
on the mint page yeah okay so i'm going to try this what you're saying so i'm
going to copy pasta and i'm going to go back to
warp cast and then you're saying if if i cast
this just put the link in it'll automatically embed
the uh oh shit a mint with warps uh frame with the image
and you can then that the person hitting your page can choose to click on the
image the image will take them to the minting page
all right well somebody somebody could test it out i just cast it
just the link so it's just showing the image
but it does say mint it has a mint button embedded
with it um so that's mint with warps so you don't
have to leave the platform if you have warps then
and anyone can share your link and then it becomes mintable with warps
oh that's weird though so but so this one doing it this way says it costs 350
warps yes yeah so is that because he hasn't
boosted it no the only one that you can get for free
is through the yeah okay okay well so that's that's cool just to see again the
functionality it does embed the mint like straight
into it but it's it's it's not using the same
frame right like it's it's it's just a different function i guess
of warp cast and how it like uh embeds nft mints so that's pretty dope boosted
frames will show up only on the uh the person who minted the the piece in
the first place love it love it appreciate that uh yeah we
have chas and jawa hopping in here gmd you both um fight it out i don't i
don't care it goes first but yeah make sure somebody's got a bloody nose
thank you i'll go real quick i just want to say i
i love this new feature i just minted quantums
nft sitting on the beach with a wallet that's not at all connected
i'm better masked set up on my phone it's
fucking badass i i really think it's a game changer
and with zora like even if these are free
i still get like a small percentage right
zora remember uh niftyq what we were saying in your room
in the say room like the platform is actually rewarding the creators even if
it is a free mint because there is transaction fees and all
this other stuff so like it's not a ton right because these
are free but it's a little bit of eth just sitting there
you know and as people mint that will go up so
and even though these are free so that's cool you get half
of the minting or the platform minting fee plus
you being the first mentor you get one percent of the total
minting platform fees interesting interesting i love it
thank you for that so can we can we talk about the subtle
boast of jawa sitting on the beach what beach
you know the doctor humble brag yeah i'm walking on the beach i'm not sitting
right yeah going for my morning walk that's what i do
uh just yeah he's using the word sitting very
still hasn't answered the question sir what beach
oh oh mr don't dox me is asking him to give his geographic locations
what beaches are very large great at that you know where he's at i'm trying to
get better and and you're like you're yeah give us your uh
longitude and latitude please sir um let's get chas in here i'll toss up
all right what's up chas um i did put down my link down in the bubble
because i do have a free mint on zora also that's open for like um the next
like i think 27 days oh shit 23 days like that um i did a piece
for um uh related to my to the drop that i
did on salado with the my year the dragon art
so i took one of those pieces i left over that i didn't use for that i made
her free mint on zora so if i search for chas gold here on
warp cast found you i'll give you a follow sir
um and then okay i see this have you gotten your year of the dragon free mint
yet yeah see that but this isn't a frame
no i didn't i couldn't figure out how to get the frame things set up yeah i
don't i'm sorry i mean i i don't i don't meant anything that's not a frame
anymore so i'm just kind of a frame maxi you know
no well let me see if i can if i can vent it
uh one x uh 0.000777 eth
i don't even i don't even have that apparently i don't even have that in
this fucking base wallet so i think i think it's on i think it's on zora base
or something like that yeah yeah i'm trying to figure my my way around
yeah if i can get it i'll try and get it but
i think you guys are you guys are rugging a little bit
check check one two can you hear me hello
i can hear you good all right cool man i'm i'm over it
jeff jack can hear me so that's that's that's all that matters can i can i
share some really amazing news you guys just really fast
not a show like just like some really amazing news oh that's too bad i was
about to say show me chas show me good oh this is maybe a
couple months away show but um i don't know if you've been up and
down my timeline out lately but i'm making these cute little robot things
with computer heads and stuff and like have a lot of fun with them and uh the
first ones that i put up um super chief gallery split into my
dms and said what's going on with this art so now we're talking about doing a
collection drop together i hope i hope it happens and that you
come back and tell us more that's fucking awesome i just want to like i'm
super stoked you're like based it into my dms i'm like
what is going on right now yeah it's because you're a fucking
ai art god uh so they should everybody go slide in chas's gms
and dms with the most inappropriate and lewd
content that you can send them drake's penis please the funny thing is like on
new year's eve on new year's eve i actually wrote down in a piece of paper
and then stuck it in my safe next to my seed phrase i said
one year's new year's resolution have a show with super chief gallery in 2024
and put on a newspaper and put it in the safe and locked it away and like
so that's my that's my only one manifestation this year
and like not less it's probably it's probably because you put it next to your
crystals and and had the right frequencies
attuned properly all right i i do want to get back to
how to make these frames uh ladies and degenerates thanks for joining us here
on gm web 3 uh lots of awesome people down there we
see you um even cake nygaard jesus christ
uh anyway quantum variant tell us about the process because
i i've started to look into it it's not as easy yet as i would hope i don't
think um because that you know you do have to
play with some different coding language and different things like that
you have to deploy your contract first and then you've got to go build the
the little application so it's not as sort of you know uh what you see is
what you get easy builder uh situation just yet i'm sure
that's coming in future iterations but in the meantime
uh can you tell us about the process uh and any sort of tips and tricks
again i i really want to get into deploying some of these frames and
playing with it as soon as possible and i'm trying to learn so
yeah any any help or uh things that you can share from your experience
uh since you have successfully deployed i believe your first frame now
yeah zora's was pretty straightforward if you've ever done an open edition with
um manifold it's like those extra few steps in
minting process um zora does walk you through it pretty
straightforwardly uh you know you could do it on base you
could use zora's network as well i don't know if there's any
benefit i didn't have any zora token so uh i didn't have an eth on the zora
network uh so i just did it through base um
the the there's a lot of like the idiosyncrasies are
where like all the questions are that i was asking symbiotex like well
how does it show up before warps and how does it show up for this like
a lot of that is still like early days like when you
listed on your site when you listed on warp cast
through your cast depending on the link you put will be
charged for warps or will be free um the boosting i wasn't sure what it was
going to do so i just did it um it's pretty straightforward for that
i know manifold and young weekend who's one of their
devs has built out a few things on um manifold site
so you can also mint through manifold i just don't know if i think the word on
the street was that zora was way more compatible right now um
and then there's a frames network there's a frames channel there's a frames
channel and then there's a frames devs channel
which i've been trying to follow and like that's the interesting thing that
where twitter you get lost in just the noise that with there you can kind of if
you want to be interested in something you just go to the frames
devs channel and you read through the posts and see what people are talking
about there's also an eigenlayer channel which
i've already been just to put that back out there so yeah
if if you go search frames there's two channels that pop up
right now there's frames and then frames dash
devs so i'm gonna follow both of these um but but yeah i'd like i what i'm
trying to get through is sort of the the next step
between the contract and actually deploying a frame
right because that's where i'm getting stuck like i know how to deploy a
contract um there's different ways like you
said there's different types of contracts i guess that that they can take
right now i think you can also deploy with third web i'm not sure
maybe i'm wrong about that but you know you mentioned zora and manifold at least
are both providing options um so yeah you have to go like set up
a mint like a normal mint contract right and deploy that
and then and then what is the actual sort of frame
dev like like what like i know there's a lot of documentation i was starting to
dig into it there's like farcaster docs and stuff
like creating i didn't have to do any of that like so
zora gave you a link and said in the boost channel it says
uh you can embed this frame in your warp cast you clicked on that
oh no shit really opened up warp cast for me so okay so you're saying zora's
already solved for this there they basically just give you a
an easy you know deploy button and then it takes your mint and it deploys it as
a frame yeah yeah oh shit yo that's fucking alpha
i don't even know if you it like i think if you want to get into the more
complexities of flame frames right like the
really unlock that's where you're gonna have to
like do the coding and stuff like that but for simple mints
i think manifold and zora both have kind of given you a link
that works natively with uh warp cast um yo
yo y'all follow quantum variant give them some love
and jeff jack jeff jack is providing it's a manifold one
today actually because i like manifold a lot so i'm just gonna do that
yeah we'll figure figure it out and then report back and let us know how that
works uh because because yeah i was looking at
the manifold frames too and i couldn't i didn't see where
that was like i didn't see the sort of easy guide on that yet
but i i have a video for it so somewhere i have a bookmark somewhere so
i have one for zora too i'll share them on my
on my warp cast profile like when i find the links today
i'll make them i'm super excited about it because of the possible
sort of storytelling slash gamification of
playing with this you know what i mean like i like i just think that there's
cool things that you can start to to do with these types of mini applications
and again making it super easy for people to take simple actions and
participate i i'm just really excited about it which
is why i super want to get into it uh super super soon like super
anyway that was fucking god still waking up all right ladies and
degenerates thanks for joining us here manifold
mint is you can't boost those so if you want to cover the gas explain
the boosts again how like like what do they do how do they work
for the the minting cost that's that's what the boost is it's just
covering the mint cost to make it extra well so
so the manifold one if you don't do that you're saying that other people
have to pay some small gas fee after the first five they they cover the
first five mints so far that's not gonna gonna last but
it is for now and did they initially what i'd heard is
the manifold one comes with the automatic i have to recast to claim
people were kind of pissed about that so i'm not sure what's the
what's the cost so qv you you said that you boosted and funded this mint like
how much are you spending for x amount of mints like do you know what the
permit cost basis is on base or yeah it's on
base right i boosted um i think i boosted 0.01
eth um and it got me 24 uh free mints yeah so it's it's not
super cheap yeah so it's not super cheap to do this
at scale yet right i mean that's still pretty affordable but
you know you you like if you're doing hundreds or thousands of mints and
trying to to cover that like that's gonna add up like really quick
and i think that's the the incentive of like if people are paying with warps
like you know people are buying extra warps so the idea is that like oh it's
not really costing their money because it's just warps
you know or if they want to use base they can use base
dude that that fucking that sort of d gen math
the the amount of times that i've lost money
because i'm like oh it's just 0.028 eth
that's nothing it's just you know i'm still reeling from that type of logic
like i'm reeling from the d gen logic of 2021
bro and i'm just getting back i'm like yo it's so bad
this the tax return was nothing i'm like god but you know you gotta get it out
till you it's learning i i just i literally used to spam
hundreds of transactions like oh 25 30 transaction that's great
yeah let's fucking go there my credit score is screwed
there needs to be like an extension for ethereum transactions where it like
takes you to a website where it like visualizes the cash
like sitting on yeah yeah yeah it gives you like a very clear visualization
of this cost yeah like snap back into reality
they don't want you to do that though that that literally would kill the entire
fucking ethereum network if somebody did that
that would literally like everybody's uh genitals would dry up i don't know
that was weird but you know what i'm saying everybody would be like nope
your buttholes with titan huh everybody would stop transacting
and uh yeah anyway all right you got the point don't be weird don't make it weird
don't make it don't make it weird all right ladies and degenerates we do have
a link for nft live pinned up top in the xbox
along with some other things i do want to try and hit a few things before we
wrap up here in the next 10 minutes go give that some love though the
royalty war is on on say that's a that's a big debate the
the the royalty debate is alive and well uh
just just know that um we we now have pac-man and blur
infiltrating say and trying to literally run back the exact same fucking playbook
so it's it's gonna be interesting to see does it does
does the community have any any ability to push back
on this situation this time with doesn't beanie
i think beanie is uh a investment in blur so i'm sure he's
fucking behind this yeah i'm absolutely sure beanie's behind this
yeah uh yeah i mean don't quote me on that but
this is a recorded space anyway how many times do we have to learn the
lesson of don't bite the hand that feeds you
these create the creators are the people that make these ecosystems even
dp no it's well said dp said it really well where he was just like yo i'm
fucking sick of this like it's it's tiring it's old it's
boring why do we keep having to have the same fucking conversations
when you know there's things that can be done about this
um i i don't know i i agree with that sentiment it's it's kind of obnoxious
but you know we have to stay vigilant uh if we actually care about this space
not just being a fucking zero-sum game of uh you know
centralized platforms taking advantage of everybody which is basically just web 2
all over uh jawa go ahead yeah i just wanted to
chime in on the mint cost i i did my first mint yesterday that had a
capture so there's a lot of work being done on the
platform right now to try to circumvent bots
because i think as the free meta you know meta took off last week there were
already bots sucking down thousands and thousands of
mints on some of these free mints so that's where that's why we're boosting
that's why we're capturing that's why there is
you know and they were able to circumvent the recap you know the recast
requirements really quick so just i think it's it's evolving and you know
i'm having a lot of fun kicking the tires and playing yeah
well it's it's worth bringing that up right it's like what are the downsides
and the challenges with all this you know we're all amped up and excited
about the possibilities but you know we all know that the botting is is a
massive issue on x and and you know probably again one of
the reasons why they have not experimented with more of
these sort of like open source dev tools just
imagine the amount of issues that they would have if they did it wrong or they
didn't have the right precautions in place it's extremely difficult
to do these types of things so um so yeah i'm not surprised
um but all right so they're getting captions going that's good
anyway link for entity live pinned up top go give us some love
give us some repost action whatever you can do drop some other
topics or comments uh up there of things that we should be talking about but all
right let's hit a couple last things before we hop out of here in the next
few minutes we already mentioned quick exchange is basically a purple oh wait
sorry you're talking about something else now
no uh yeah what what's purple uh webcast is purple
um nice color royalty yeah nifty cue go ahead
yeah you mentioned dp's post and i was i was watching it i
retweeted did all that and and was appreciative of him jumping in
and making his take the one thing i will say is in his post he says it
shouldn't be up to the marketplace right to
to set these standards i'm just i i just want to be very very clear
these are optional royalties like it it still
is up to us and it still is up to the community to
pay those royalties like at the end of the day the people that are clicking
that zero percent royalty is the user and what i've been super
appreciative of it feels like there's enough social pressure on say right now
and the market is going in the right direction so people aren't like
absolutely pvp'ing each other to to shreds
but at the end of the day it's the fucking user's responsibility
it's paid in royalty yes you know what you know what and
sorry go ahead look i i want to hear your take mo
i i just want to say yes and it's the tragedy of the commons
and they they know this though because what i mean is that whenever you
you give certain options there's going to be certain people that always take
advantage of that that then start to set the anchor and the standard for the
behavior in those spaces that's relieving people's responsibility as
much as also relieving the marketplaces of the responsibility so like it goes
both ways is all i'm saying yeah like totally like they they they know what
they're doing is what i'm trying to say they understand the social dynamics
i'm not fighting so when when you when you make it an option
and and you you you give people that option then ultimately people are going
to start to use that option and then that becomes the standard then they say
like oh well it's i mean we gave you the option but they know
that if it comes down to people penny pinching they're going to spend less
again why don't they make why don't they make their platform fees optional
yeah because they're offering a service go ahead mo
what if i'm i don't know if this would deter people
or or not but um if you made it public in percentage wise how much people paid
in royalty so if it was like i paid a 10 royalty
it gets plastered at the top of whatever said marketplace all the sudden
instead of it being like a you know nobody knows that i didn't pay royalties
it's like you get rewarded for paying royalties yeah
it's and look that's that it's a smart idea because you know you're using
reputation scores and sort of like the the virtue signaling which is also a
psychological you know thing that people respond to
so it gives us an incentive back but all i'm saying is that
if you don't want to treat creators and builders in the space
like a charity um or or or if if you're going to treat the create the
if you're going to treat the builders like an optional charity
then also like why don't you do the same thing for your fees
like that it just doesn't make sense there's a double standard right because
if they're saying like oh well it's it's up to the users to decide
how we benefit the the ecosystem okay then why are you not as confident with
making your fees optional and leave it up to the user
because nobody wants to pay exactly they fucking know it
that's what i'm saying is that they fucking know it at the end of the day
that i think mo hit on it like it's more of a corporation and
entity than it is an artist or a pfp collection and community so i
think again it i mean we've had the conversation
front down sideways about royalties but to me like it does feel like
the social pressure right now on say to push back against royalties
is at an all-time high and it's awesome like it's awesome to be here like at a
i i use the troy analogy for ethereum like i think they just
got set up there are a ton of fucking traders on eth already say is
is i think an ecosystem open for battle when it comes to this stuff whereas
ethereum we never had a chance we just never had a chance
yeah we weren't ready hopefully we're more ready and prepared this time because
we know how this goes all right we got an update from magic
eden speaking of marketplaces who've been really turning things around and
trying to do right by the community lately um
they deserve credit even though again they they they fumbled initially they
were part of the problem um but it does seem like they're i
don't know it seems like they're trying to go the other direction
but they did announce yesterday february 27th
is the expected due date now of their ethereum
uh marketplace and you know board apes uh and yuga part of that we got a cool
video pinned up top if you want to check that
out um de lucrece is dropping ordinals you know there's not really that many
other big stories that i had up here if anybody's got any other last ones that
they want to throw in here in the last minute
uh go ahead otherwise we're going to jump out over to youtube
yeah i i posted a drink thing up top and it's not about what we've been
talking about for the last two weeks so i i think cuban's hitting on exactly what
you talked about gif it's like if you're gonna if you're
gonna have optional royalties hit it optional marketplace piece
that is what it is all right y'all thanks for hanging out with us
we're gonna go out with some uh some vultures
let me know in the comments how angry it makes you let us know in the comments
how how mad you are about royalties but uh most importantly
come hang out with us on youtube nft live is gonna kick off here in just a
few minutes we're gonna re-pin that up top make it
super easy for you we'll be back tomorrow morning with
more gm web 3 here on x spaces but right now it's over to youtube
shout out to our amazing co-hosts and contributors
all the friends who show up and participate
y'all are fucking amazing we appreciate y'all subscribe to web 3 on
youtube almost 12k subs help us get there i
don't know did we hit it yesterday q did we get there very close we're very
close to 12k y'all help us get the 12k subs on youtube
tap in to web 3 go to that link tree and come hang out on youtube
all right nft live starts soon i've been gifted y'all been beautiful
stay blessed
town top five four three two one who am i
yay that's yay yay takes a whole 100k apple payday
if i show what she work i think she just might quit i just bought my bitch a
bitch uh spending all this money like it's
free to me that shit fall off trees to me we ain't
in stress we the new kings and sheaks we done made a mess they gonna have to
clean for weeks all this money on the floor
tune let's throw it up watch how i do it make a drop to a toast
spin it up pick it up real soft