Vara x Staking Rewards

Recorded: March 19, 2024 Duration: 0:52:28



Hello hello guys
For now sound check if anyone can hear me
If I want to make sure everyone can hear you well as well
Perfect I get it
Also here in there. Well, how do you hear me?
Perfect everything is perfect. So I guess let's wait a couple of minutes more
And we will invite some more people and we will start
Should I just put the music on the music? Okay, no problem
And the music
Yeah, yeah, I'm trying
One second, please I can put my own music if you want to
It just doesn't want to start again, you know
Or maybe you guys can vote for your favorite being a DJ I can accept
Yeah, next time we have to ask like a poll before an AMA like which really do you want to listen before everybody's joining?
No, I I can I have like here a low-fi house mix I can put it right now
Think we can start like in a minute. Yes. Why not?
We were just walking
So I think we can start now tell me guys if you are ready and
So guys, welcome to our X space. I'm very glad to see people around and
We recently announced the integration with Turkey staking rewards. We have been here who's gonna be the guest from
staking rewards and we have our beloved father who will be a guest from Bara and
And for the start I would like to mention
That this summer is special because it's gonna be like the first time we ever given rewards and water
Is gonna be like 65 Juarez and I would like to explain here a little bit why it's 65 because like we want you to
try staking
We think it's really cool. So and we want you to try it for yourself and like share the feedback later
so the minimum staking is
50 Juarez and 15 extra it's like for maybe you will have like some transactions cost, you know, so
At the end of the IMA we will have an open mic for six people and those people
Can have a chance to win
Let's start with the questions
Think we will start with Benedict because he's
Like our first guest, you know from aside
Let's say and and could you please tell us about yourself, please? What's your role at the project and you know, just a
short intro
Yeah, sure. Thank you Katie. Thanks for being here. My name is Benedict
I'm the product manager for staking and
for more than two years by now and
It's basically my mission to
Stakers from different program protocols and ecosystems to learn about how to stake
their favorite token and how to select providers and how to monitor the staking activity and
We have staking awards we
Focus on the whole journey
being curious about a project learning about the state economics and
help to choose the right provider for a particular profile for your taste and
for your preferences of risk and reward and to help you
And finalize that journey and monitor and how it's going
Great great. Thanks for the short intro. Well, I just you
The followers of Warren, I know well familiar with Pavel
But since I believe here is a community from staking rewards and
Pavel could you please also give a short of overview of what are you doing in the project and
What are your responsibilities?
Okay, my name is Pavel Salas. I'm a chief growth officer of Gear Foundation
My main duty is
To oversee the whole growth for the ecosystem. So I'm working close to the project that wants to receive some grants
I'm working also closer with a marketing PR team doing a maze. We're ranging hackathons
We're doing a lot of cool stuff and we hope we can do even more these doing this year
We have a lot of things planned on to be honest
From conferences to events hackathon seminars Academy
We just launched a new Academy course the basic one. That's more about theory on how
Actually, you can work and code on Vara
It's even quite easy for people that are not developers for developers is essential just to see the theory part and a small
Homework exercise we decided to make it fun and creative
For different developers as well that we're doing with this MA
We're doing also that with the Academy. So we're launching it like learn-to-earn program
So if you complete all the theory quizzes multiple choices
and plus a small homework you can receive up to 50 USD in bar tokens and
We are practically planning the next jump start for more
Essential course that would be basics already for developers developers to code smart contracts on us
So we're trying to make interesting things for the community
we also thinking about different battles and game plays and a lot of other stuff, so all that is what I'm looking for and
To make a long story short trying to make cool stuff for the community
If you have any ideas of what we can do together just shoot me there
It would be grateful for the things because without your feedback is really complicated to do something because I'm trying to build something for you
Sounds amazing so guys in another question is like for both of you
we would like to hear some overview like of the projects and
would also say
Like how this collaboration started it's like very exciting to know something about that and
Benedict could you please be the first one to start here?
Yes, certainly so
so has the goal to
basically be the marketplace of staking so far we want to
introduce to all crypto users enthusiasts hodlers stakers
Defy interest we want to introduce
interesting POS
on liquid staking or liquid restaking or all kinds of staking basically protocols and
so to say the most interesting projects and
this is how
We came to
Barra actually, and I mean our core we are covering them currently the biggest ecosystems like stop the subset base as Barra is and
cosmos or a theorem
B&B and so on and this is how from our side how how Barra is a fit to our
mission so to say oh
What's great so basically is basically you're like covering all the existing ecosystems ever as far as I understood, right?
exactly and and
for the substrate base chains, this is
Basically, we call it the pocketed ecosystem. We are also
We are branching out and having interesting collaboration with sub wallet
So you'd be able to stake very soon on staking with what we are sub wallet and so on
there's plenty to come and
we are always looking for new staking narratives, of course, and
That Barra the use cases for gaming and finance is very exciting. So
This is why we want to show to our users how to stake how Barra staking works and
Or to draw to our API users and give them access to the Barra staking data for their use cases
All this is amazing. Thanks a lot and Pavel. Could you please give us a short intro about Barra and
The inspiration of collaboration with stake in the wires, please
Okay, let's start with the intro of Barra I'll try to make it short because a lot of people may know about that
But we're like a one solution based on substrate, but like a base core stuff
What we do is we develop totally from scratch what's called the smart contract or execution layer
So we use model for parallel computation and that makes us fast speed
Also additional to that thanks to that logic it really makes
In a way that you can start not just coding smart contracts, but really booty building smart programs
On top of the network that I have more sophisticated logic if we go and see let's say an NFT
It's not just a picture that you can upload there
You can upload a program that would be like a tamagotchi
Depending on the day of the time of the day it can send you a question
You can answer to him and then the the whole picture can mute can change
Can happen with whatever you can send him another NFT will combine all the stuff is done in easy
reliable way like
Practically how you would quote and web to without thinking about memories
Storaging and things like that just the message that you sent to a program and the message that you received from that
It's like a little bit of overview of what water is and which advantages we are giving
to different people and
Regarding like how we make this collaboration
As I told you like I tried to listen to the community and actually one guy from the community sent me message saying look
This is a really nice interesting protocol why bar is not there yet
So I said, let's see and I really like what the guys are doing. I'm sticking words and
I said, okay, let's try to contact them. We contact them get the first conversation going. I think that
The chemistry in this case was movable. Well, I catch up with the projects and this is how now it's life and
you can see how to stake war in an interesting portal and
In the fast and easy streamline way what actually the guys are doing you can see what we did a pair of the
Apy's which would be the most interesting parts to stake in different networks channels and things like that
So I really like what they're doing
So basically you have like all the chemistry of your whole project we collaborate with right
Because our ecosystem is like our beloved ecosystem. I would say so
Yeah, we're trying to do good and fun stuff
We're trying to do things that will engage and actually may grow the whole web-free ecosystem together and the whole community up
So that's why yes when we do collaborations, we like the project with whom we're doing collaborations
We don't do collaborations just on the sake of doing that
Well moving forward I have like several questions more
Well, I would like to ask what is the primary goal
Like both projects want to achieve through this collaboration. I know we touched a little bit
this topic before but maybe you want to dive in and
you know if you have something to add here and
Maybe you benedict
Yeah, certainly. I would like to
We have two primary goals like one for mistaking what point of view and one obviously
over which is our
Which is one of the protocols and that we cover
We have that makes us
Basically to into a partnership relationship. So for our partner, we also have a primary goal
I'd start with statement what score I mentioned before for our users. We want to be the one
Deep place for staking for their staking journey
So that obviously therefore we want to cover all the interesting protocols
So by adding bara we are one step closer to this goal by adding bara
staking information and
Later the possibility to stake and to monitor the staking and then this is it brings us another step closer to the goal
So this is from taking what point of view for our
our goal is to
To introduce bara and everyone who is interested in bara to
The choices that you have to stake bara because staking is
it's not as simple and as easy as
Most people make it say and there's a lot of
Information around it. It's definitely no no such thing as stake and forget
Actually, no such thing
and this is why
There needs to be education around staking and on stake rewards and
On the profile for step for bara
You find quite a lot of tooling around it
So one thing about staking is I think Katie you mentioned it reward
There we you can calculate your reward rate. You can look into the factors that have
For instance like inflation rate or the stake tokens that have
something to do with this economics of the
You have a complete overview even over time. So if you go to the profile
You can see the momentum of staking and the net staking flow
you can see the development of stake tokens over time and
You can see the development of the reward rate over time or fees generated
There's quite a lot of transparency. We are bringing to our stakers here and
Most importantly if there's the full overview of all
Validators we make a difference between verified validators. So that means verified validators
They pass a certain
Test they pass certain requirements then with a verified path and
So basically you even get
Choices that are verified by a third party that you can stake bar of it. And so for all of these
Validators that you can stake with you have basically full transparency over their performance
over their fee structure over how
other stakers and
And so on so I really invite you to come to the staking board profile to check out the stakeonomics and
Also, very interestingly
Very few people notice because the brand new feature
And staking awards like staking intelligence
Is based on certain metrics and we
Distinguish between general staking metrics risk reward and momentum
We have introduced a very new benchmarking feature
On the profile you find it. It's called analyze our staking data and then for every kind of
Feature that say for instance for the real reward rate
If you click on it, then you get an instant comparison
How the real reward rate of Mara shares in comparison to all other protocols on staking what sitcom?
They get a direct comparison
How does it do in comparison to?
Let's say cosmos or power swap or dy dx and so on
even polka dot
And it's a it's a parametric comparison. This is something that is unique that doesn't exist anywhere and
This puts bara actually every
user from staking was calm
When they check out their protocol if it's kuzama polka dot cosmos you name it or B&B
or a theorem when they check out their token
They they will see how it also compares to Vara
So a Vara will show up on literally every other analysis
When it's similar to a top performer or in some metrics not performed very well
It will show up on our use radar on this
analysis feature
One thing I would like to ask for myself actually I would
Wants to it would like to encourage people to use the staking by saying it's not just that
I wouldn't say the staking is only about three wires
but also it's like you pay like guys who stake pay super important role in the
Network security and I think it's just like you buy this small action can become a part of something bigger
Let's say it just because on you and on our people is just depends like the whole network and it's really cool to
be a part of something like
something important I
Don't know how about you guys, but I find it like
Super cool because to be a part of something like a web tree revolution. Let's say it's it's amazing
So Paul, do you have something to add?
like on primary goals of
We want to achieve through the collaboration with staking rewards
To be honest, I don't think so like the idea was and I told you previously is to give as much tooling as possible
to the community and different people to use the instruments and get advantages of
More straightforward flows between staking through validators through pools. What do I think more comfortable?
because I
Agree on that staking is one of the main mechanisms to give security
Because you choose you vote for validators that actually should be secured in the network
So this is the way how the community also can show support and say okay. I believe in disguise and I think it's good
And benedict what do you think about the security?
Let's save the role
But it plays through the staking mechanism, you know
Yeah, absolutely
Staking obviously is first and foremost
Security is at the heart of it and it was up was in some cases and
There's also governance involved with
Being able to stake but yeah, it's first and foremost goal is security and
I mean every protocol has their perfect ratio and
even this ratio you can look at unstaked rewards that come
these the staking ratio and
To get to get an idea how close
How about is fairing on it? So right now the staking ratio for Vara is 40%
That means that from all circulating tokens and 30% of the tokens are staked and
If you go to the profile and you can check out how this even compares to other Q&A as profiles
I mean for dot right now for dots. I think the perfect
Ratio that everyone is aiming for that I could protocol is aiming for us. I think near
55 or 60 percent it
Tends to shift a little and do you guys have a staking ratio that you try to get?
Yeah, we have that
To be honest
It's actually also would be evolving through time first year
I think it's around similar to the post but one and then the second one it would be I don't remember is that I had
to check on that economics page to be honest because
It was a little bit a complicated thing when you try to build the staking ratio because it's a play
Between how much you really want people to stake
And how much free flow you still want to have on the network to have this tokens usable
Yeah, absolutely and also for stakers
And I think Katie has said you want to get new stakers since the staking ratio is let's say
20% short of the optimum that and there's an inversive relationship between state tokens
and reward rate, so that means with
Right now
Stakers are getting more reward than they will get when you get closer to the staking ratio you're shooting for
So this is a huge incentive obviously and they're coming to staking what you see that pretty much immediately
When people are looking for new opportunities and they compare staking ratios, then obviously Vara shows up at something with potential
Yeah, because actually now that's true during the first year this year and the next I think it would be still huge because there
It would be the staking ratio allows you as there is no much tokens out
If you are staking to receive much more benefits that actually later on when there will be a lot more tokens released to them
to the public
That's true
Thank you guys, so we touched a little bit of everything like some short of a viewers of their collaboration of security
And now I would like to ask you
some technical stuff like basically how
Does Vara in staking rewards complement each other in terms of the technology?
But I think I would like to hear
Your point of view here the first
Okay, the question is good to be honest, I don't know exactly how to answer it because it's different type of infrastructure that
Obviously we give information to the guys from staking rewards on this side so that they can check all the information
It's real-time use some chain data and obviously they can also like I don't they already built the option of staking directly from them
So it's a good thing
Yeah, I can only agree with this so every sort of information exchange is via
Directly via blockchain by RPC. So I think that that
allows us to exchange information
It sort of put out any delay or interference and
I can only say that
So far it worked smoothly and if they are in the blockchain ecosystem in general
There's quite a high dynamic update move. So every every API or every
Note and so on it requires new versioning quite frequently
So this is this requires still communication between teams and we are in touch. We have our own
Communication channel, so as long communication between us intact. We keep the tech in in check. Oh
I love the right like taking check. So since the since your mission the mentioned API's so could you please
Tell us how?
API's facilitate that exchange
Just pop up or for me
For your for your benedict. I mean it's more a quite a cool question to just take in the words
Yeah, so basically
we get a part of part of our information from Barbara we get by an eight by API and
part of the information from the blockchain we get obviously via RPC and
In and also we ourselves we offer all the data that you see on staking rewards and even more and
By our own API, so we this is this is taking the starter API that we provide to analysts and app builders like
coin base for instance of Bloomberg
until the
until recently and like
Finance and so on so this is
For us we support
triple digit of protocols we support
very large number of
Validator data so for us in order to be scalable
API's are absolutely essential and crucial without it. It wouldn't even work
So guys I think
If you are ready
We can move to the questions from the community
But before that I would like to maybe you want to add something or you know
just share something more maybe some news or
Whatever you would like to share to share before we start today open mic
Yeah, definitely so currently on the power profile on staking words you can
you can view the
the different body data set earlier and
This this view will get very soon a big update from our side
That's very educated even stronger on the choices and when you can
There will be where it says right now view validator address
There will be a button with this take right away
And this is what power also said we are we are going to do this integration first the sub wallet
And then we're going to extend it
Throughout the year and we are really excited about this for other chains where we did this in similar fashion like
Cosmos with Kepler and so on
This is a very very
Cheered on feature so to say and I'm very excited to bring this all to the substrate chains
Pavel and do you want to share some news like you shared the news about the gear academy
Maybe you want to mention something more how people can participate in my?
There is a lot of ways how you can participate the first one and the most important just follow our Twitter actually you can see it
We have a lot of news that we are posting there also have a telegram groups
By the way, let's do something
I will do a specific I think at the end of for the same a maybe we'll
Do some sort of pricing for some of the people that they will ask later on but let's see how that works
You can just just follow us
Ask us questions
Give us ideas and we are there we have actually a lot of interesting the apps that you can already play if you have some virus
There then you can go and try to play the battleship for example game will not cost you much
But you can get entertained on totally on chain games and see how this actually works on network without having any back end
To you. We'll also launch soon some competitions of different on-chain games in which you can participate and
Win some prizes. So stay tuned to our social medias
This is great guys, thanks a lot
So before we start and open me, I would like to mention several things
We will be unmuting six persons and
I expect to hear three questions
related to Lara in our free questions relating to related to stake in rewards and please and
Don't ask the same questions
Let's make it like interesting and engaging. Let's talk about the technology. Let's talk about community events
let's talk about, you know, something something cool and
at the end all of these six people who
Give like super cool questions. We will receive a rewards with 65 virus and
And it's a you know, it's gonna be a reward so you can try to try staking
So let's start. I I see here
Kelly Kelly defy
He's like being holding hands since the beginning. So I'm giving you a word and
Seems like now you can speak
Let's see
Okay, you can just unmute yourself
Hello, I'm out of boo. Yes, we can hear you. Hello. Hello
Okay, my question goes ladies
How does the community participate in governance decision and
Integrate with any other platform on the wallets
I'll eat the question to you. Okay
Yeah, I understood
Okay, you can participate in governance through
Like in any referendum that we're having
We're not having much for now. It's more technical stuff, but you can easily vote for that
You can either do it from
Your actually like polka.js wallet or I think also it's a process of integration
I have to check to be honest if it's finalized not to do it for the wallets
I think from sub wallet you can do it already. No wallet. It's quite soon to launch else
Right, thank you. Thank you understood. Thank you
Do you maybe want to add something to your question or I can move forward to another one
Okay, there is one. I'm trying to add the any other partnership with other established projects
What do you mean by established projects by the way
Okay, just understand like other projects
Maybe having other projects you want to go into is there is there any partnership with it?
We have partnership with a lot of
projects that are actual infrastructure of once if we're talking about
Partnerships like that then Oracle's
Some tooling part
We're also having projects that are actually built on top of us through grant system that they are playing
We can't say we also can say it like partnership. I don't think it's more partnership
It's more like they're building on top of ecosystems of partnership
It's more like when we do integrations together, but it's there and
There is a lot of them coming on. We have a lot of projects that are getting built on
That they built on us and this is that gives a lot of also engagement
I hope exciting in terms of next announcements. That would be live soon
We have actually some of the things like games like
Chairs on blockchain if you want to play them so that nobody will cheat you we have
One of the good things that you can try and play is arena
It's totally on chain
Edition all for developers for now, but they're paying to add a retail interface through
Some unity API is decay. Sorry
Then there is another guys at the building like DEX is liquid staking. So a lot of things coming out
All right, thank you, thank you. Thank you very much
Thanks a lot for the great question we have another one here from just a second
And J. Silva's 67 0 95
I'm muting
My god these connections are just just taking so long to just say connecting you have
Hello, Samosky some
Okay, we're listening
Hello, yes, yes, we can listen you
Do you have any the idea when value will be listed in another exchanges?
It's a tough question first of all is from the legal side we are not allowed to say anything regarding that
second is the point that the exchanges get the processes of getting listed and
Once they do it and they announce it then we can actually also announce it and
Some practice game there are some exchanges that just listed you without even know about that
So to be honest, the answer to your question is no, we don't know
Because it not depends on us. It depends on the exchange. I
Understand understand if this is this question, man. Thank you
Okay, you're welcome. Thank you. Great. As anyone guys have a questions to stake in rewards
Raise your hand if anyone has something
No, and if someone is shy they just can leave you know a question to in the comments
Raise a guy that's named Samosky. He's rising his hand like all the time. So just
In the option to ask me. Yeah. Yeah, I'm just like I didn't see him. Okay
Samosky I
Invited you to speak
You just need to unmute him I think yeah, I didn't invite him but just oh, okay
Okay and muting
No, he's not invited at least in my Twitter I see that he's not invited
I think there is another guy right that also wants to speak. Yeah. No, I think some of ski now can speak
Please and not yourself now can speak
If you want to speak please and mute yourself, it's like should be
Please share your question
Just unmute yourself
Samosky you have already the option you have to just to unmute yourself
It's just you know, if you're kind of lost with an interface, it should be on the left
There is a little mic you just press it and you will be muted
Okay, you can also unmute him try to unmute him by yourself
Unfortunately, it doesn't let me I can't I cannot unmute the people like they just can't do it by themselves. I
Think right was also a rising his hand just give him
I see I see the guy who is
One second. Well the guy named Jay
Jay let's write and try with you. It's connecting now and you should be able to speak
Yeah, sometimes Twitter is complicated Jay Jay
Question is how to stake in sub wallet for the reward
If you already in the process of the coinbase earn program
It should like you have to pass the quests previously and the last one would be the staking one in some wallet
it will give you the option to
put like from
From actually the coinbase platform
It will say you the quest a link you will just press there and the sub wallet will allow you to pass and stake your tokens there
I don't see Vora as an option to stay on someone I
See how to transfer Vora there, but under staking it is not one of the options
No, you have to transfer from the coinbase wallet that you are having to sub wallet the virus
And then you will be able to stake
Then unable to find it an option to stake it there
Let's do something like if you don't if you don't see it ping as a ticket on discord and
We can help you with screenshots and something about I
Think it would be because now ish do you hear me? I'm sorry it broke up. I did not hear
I think that the best way how we can do it is you can drop us a ticket in discord
Then the guys will help you
Showing you like step by step how you can do it
Tutorial so
The Vora profile, where's that?
Stake was a problem
If you go there
Plenty of opportunities it's this this right in this tutorial how to stake Vora
Thank you
Thanks a lot for the question Jay so guys
Please raise your hand or send me the request to speak please
Jay just one favor. Can you mute yourself please because there's some noise background on your background. Okay. Thanks a lot
Okay, so anyone have more questions or in case if you don't we will
Finish our IMA session
See any more questions actually
No one is asking to speak so guys thanks a lot for the participating
We will be glad to have you on our future Twitter spaces the next one
You know, we will have here on Vora profile. It's gonna be in April 16th on April
It's gonna be IMA with the developers. It's really cool. It's really technical and
It's a chance to talk to the people who actually
build everything and
Make sure you prepare well and prepare your questions ahead. We will be sharing more information
And thank you very much everyone
Thanks, Benedict. Thanks Pavel to
Be the guest today and thanks everyone to join and maybe if you want to say something guys
Yeah, for sure before we quit out the same a we wanted to do some of like a video tutorial how to stake on Vora
But our guys a little bit later with that
Want to give you like it will be my personal prize for myself
If you do some of the videos on how to stake on Vora and put them either on
like with hashtags on YouTube on
On telegram on Twitter
just send me ping there with these links and
I will give some
personal reward for you because just they want to see what the community is doing and I I want I
Just want to help also to we can share this your work with others
So that everybody would have the option to understand how to stake better faster and smoother. Oh
Wow, this is amazing guys, so you definitely have to use this opportunity
And it's gonna be really cool if you participate
Benedict do you want to add something before we close up the session?
Thank you very much for having me. We're really excited to have our own staking words to come and
Feel free to follow me on Twitter if anything questions taking regarding the bar profile
Feel free to DM me or send us in second words
Feedback on our discord. We we would love to hear from you
Thank you very much guys, thanks a lot to everyone once again
See you at another Twitter spaces
Thanks a lot guys, have a great day