Recorded: Feb. 5, 2024 Duration: 2:27:12



all right English let's hit it I think if you're assuming you're free
assuming it works all right let's try this
I can swallow up bottle of alcohol in a feel like Godzilla better hit the deck like the
car dealer my whole squad's in here walking around the party across between the zombie
apocalypse in Babita brain meaning which is probably the same reason I wrestle with mania
check these in a bitch I'm positive considerate to toss me a coffee let's thank you face leap
in on me the hose better get inside me a ADHD hydroxy car pass the capacity
with an AK melee finna set it like a play date better vacate be true like a vacate mayday
this beat is cray cray ray JHAHAHA laughing all the way to the bank I spray flames they
cannot tame a play cake the monster you get in my way I'm gonna feed you to the monster
I'm normal during the day but at night to do a monster when the moon shines like ice
roll trucker I look like a villain that ain't always blocked
but I'm still a sidespitter monster boy I'm the dance floor of Louis V Carpets
fire up to the fire monster boy I'm the dance floor of Louis V
I'm just a product just a cricket onyx told him like the balls had him just appalled
it's so many things that pissed him off it's impossible to list them off
and in the midst of all this I'm in the middle half little bit of crystal ball trying to see what I'm staring like this to my wrist
but don't lose his wrist but this is ball back up against the wall pencil drawn this is just a song that go with this
they're going you just hold the pistol on the guy with the missile launcher
I'm just a likeness the mythological cricket tell a bitch go off like a fit the vodka when you twist the top of the bottle I'm a monster
you get in my way I'm gonna flee you to the monster I'm normal during the day but at night to do a monster when the moon shines like ice roll trucker
I look like a villain that ain't always blocked
all right all right did that go through I'm assuming that people were throwing like thumbs
ups hearts yeah all right I redeemed myself that sounded good I finally fucking redeemed myself yeah
I had to actually reset that computer thing and I had like all these like spreadsheets and tabs
open so I really didn't want to do it but I was like fuck well damn I didn't know that that was well
I don't know so just like with like this this this mint coming up for taproot wizards and
a lot of spreadsheets were involved my friend a lot of spreadsheets let's just say that
at least six um I had about five or six um part of them was I'm helping out with collabs for
for oni force um they're doing a right between between taproot wizards and oni force um a lot
of a lot of spreadsheets my friend oh I told you I'd be useful for that and then you weren't yeah
and then I wasn't so I went somewhere else for for the sappy connection but it's all good dude
I got it under control I'm sorry I apologize it's quite all right buddy anyway how are you doing
dude doing good man good dude you know I I feeling useful you know I got the I got the
I got the song right and I came on time dude literally like literally I was inscribing the
whole last thing like that's why I didn't talk I was I was inscribing my application for a sub 1k
collection and so kind of crazy story but um yeah everything's good didn't excited for tomorrow
um hoping the minute fucking site works well yeah hell yeah dude I hope so too
yeah I mean from all accounts we're good to go so yeah good feeling good brother but how's your
week been busy as all hell I actually funny enough as soon as this space ends which probably
gonna be like a two hour long space or so as soon as this ends I have another hour of work kind of
stuff yeah okay I just I feel like I've been out of the loop I knew you weren't available for
our basil because you had you had stuff going on and you had your break after that so you're back
you're back in law school and yeah yeah I'm full-time and I've actually got and part of the reason
why this is like so stressful and there's so much going on is because I'm actually working on
something else separately not connected to law school although not not connected no double
negatives except for right now to see the thing that we were chatting about uh-huh yeah okay yeah
how's that going great news as of today some great meetings so uh yeah man moving forward
when do we drop the alpha on this show um we'll see all right fair enough as it comes near
um but yeah man yeah man good stuff so so apparently we're talking about the vc
illuminati yeah so there's a couple things on mind I mean I kind of just wanted to chat generally
and have this a little little bit be a little bit more of an open space but we'll also know we're
going to get to Christian in a second here because I do want to talk to Christian because he knows
very intimately uh what we're going to be talking about or at least in part of what we're going to
be talking about but also separately just wanted to say well first off let's just do some base stuff
let's get some base stuff out of the way first things first what's up guys welcome back this is
overexposed i'm your host eddie aka dancing eddie and i'm back with as always english and this is
tda show right tda one of the best places to find your alpha throughout the week that's tuesday
through saturday roughly roughly speaking roughly well 10 30 11 a.m eastern going to around 2 ish
eastern time monday through saturday so definitely very very based love expresso in chief and then
on sundays we run this baby um every eighth every sunday 8 30 pm eastern and then we just roll and
roughly around like two hour shows which makes it that the daily alphas every single day between
their six days and one and we pull in one day no no they miss they miss mondays they miss mondays
they miss mondays maybe we gotta get rooted to stop being lazy and yeah but unfortunately for
ruto like monday kind of sucks it's a day to host a show unless if you're gonna host like a monday
morning rounding you know like a roundin something like that but anyway well and when and when you
pitch when you do your housekeeping you gotta say eddie aka dancing eddie aka nftfi eddie that's part
of your new branding package you've consulted with your friends threat guy has anointed you
like you need to lean into it okay uh aka nftfi eddie which is actually pretty pertinent for some
of the stuff i'm working on cock off anyway um if you guys would do us a favor if you want
there's no pressure to but if you want feel free bottom right purple button likes and retweets they
go a long way to help the show you don't have to again we appreciate it regardless but uh you if
you do it's thank me thank you um so okay there's a couple things we're going to talk about today
right a couple things on top of mind one bit boy is going insane two i mean maybe um two poly and
rider rips got an updated judgment now notably it's not it's final but it is appealable we'll
see if that appeal is accepted but they got a final judgment for roughly nine million dollars
in relation to their trademark uh case against you or yuga against them um so that sucks for
them but thankfully to poly uh poly is just re raking it in with pork right now um i would
probably not suggest buying it at all but you know he's he's doing it um he's doing great for
himself i guess fucking hell it's crazy it's like actually absurd um but yeah so it looks like
he may have made back all of his fees with just one shit coin it's crazy imagine imagine if that
was your life anyway and also we'll know on the two people that i just mentioned english i'll tell
you about this on the side but there is some potentially crazy shit lining up um in and around
like the bit boy slash poly circles i only say that now so that if it actually comes to fruition
i could be like i knew it and it was gonna happen um but that is the only time that i'm gonna be like
gatekeeping in the uh in the show because that's actually crazy but other than that
also i should text uh text expresso see what's going on there um other than that there's a couple
other big things this week we had juke launch big big big coin launch probably one of the
biggest coin launches of the last i don't know six months to a year somewhere in that range so huge
coin launch from juke did you qualify i did um i'm the only eth uh btc piece of shit that didn't
qualify oh don't worry i didn't get much i only got like 3000 but you know nice it's nice lunch
money i actually lost more than that like the day before though on a on an unfortunate azuki short
so um yeah it didn't really like i'm still down so um but you know we take our dubs where we get
them um are you talking about shorty nazuki no i i probably wouldn't recommend doing it right now
to be honest no i told you like three times dude literally no no but here's the thing you were
wrong i was just i was right but i closed literally 24 hours too early i was right it
went i was right my short was correct i was only i just closed it 24 hours too early and it was just
straight pain and and but and bunny was correct for holding that board eight he just held it like too
long so now he's round tripped it so like the timing's everything my friend well he's actually
still up but anyway i'm sure there's that and then the other thing and this is what we got christian
for which christian i don't know how long you have around so i'm definitely going to make sure
i want to get to this and i also know metajit came for uh to talk about jube so we got like conflicting
battles of conversations but um yeah we're gonna i'd like to get to both you guys there's there's
a game that's going on right now it's called crypto the game um and apparently it's like
literally the nft illuminati well not nft but like literally the illuminati of crypto is is all over
this um and i i'll be honest i don't really get it like i don't really know what's going on
so i'd like to know and that's what christian here is to tell tell me about because like
it's apparently crazy and from what i've seen i like the tweets that i've seen from the people
that i've seen say it like notable people are like this is the most innovative thing i've ever seen
in crypto period i'm like all right all right i gotta figure out what this is so yeah man that's
where we're at now just some ground rules for the space um and you guys probably know this already
if you've been around but for anyone that doesn't i don't do hands on my space or at least i try to
avoid them you just come in you just pipe in and chat whenever you want you know raise your voice
be like oh yeah as long as you're not rude it's cool with me so yeah man um here christian i want
to talk to you and metajit if you need to leave or if you want to like rush me at any point because
and to talk about jube let me know and we'll absolutely do it christian what the hell is
happening hey how's it going yeah thanks eddie uh thanks for having me up here um so yeah i'm christian
i'm just a player in crypto the game so you'll have to have dylan or somebody from the team come
up at some point um but yeah i'll give you the explanation that i have you know we've been playing
for five days the concept is essentially a game show that's run online using crypto as the buy-in
and the payout structure so around 400 players put 0.1 eth in a plot and it's a winner takes all
game um it's based kind of on survivor so if anyone's familiar with the old show you get assigned a
tribe and you're in that tribe i think initially there was 40 people and you complete in challenges
the first challenge was like a scavenger hunt where uh you had to find um like there was four
clues kind of related to chris dixon's book and then the the answer was a pamphlet that was hidden
in a williamsburg bookstore um other challenges included one with uh like a hidden transaction
that you had to guess the using the clues the seed phrase to find it and then there was one
where everyone played pac-man and then the average team score determined who the the winning tribe
was so if your tribe wins um everybody on that tribe is immune if you if your tribe is one of
the nine tribes that lose everybody votes off a certain number of people the first round it was
five lately it's been and spend seven so yeah it's it's winner takes all there's a lot of people
because this is crypto like people trying to make packs and alliances similar to like what you see
in the show um but i think what makes it really interesting is the people who've been participating
so there was four or five people from a16z there's some of the bigger i i guess you could say like
um you know like founders in this space like henry from privy and uh a tie from dynamic um just tons
of you know there's influencers tons of vcs and it's kind of funny to watch the dynamics play out
um and if if you go on and if you look on crypto the game twitter you can see who's getting
eliminated over time you can go on their website and spectate uh and it's something that they're
trying to scale over time so that there's going to be you know hopefully pretty soon any community
can run a game show like this and go from there but i hope that's a good explanation i can i can
try to answer any questions if any come up yeah absolutely i'm sure john is gonna have some but
like what have been some of the games so far like what's been the experience to date
some give me some highs some lows some highlights like what's happening yeah i think uh you know
it's interesting there's a lot of tribal bonding that occurs when you're doing these these daily
challenges with people um one thing that's interesting is i feel like the majority of
the game has played out in these private telegram groups um you know people like like d's and
and others are you know actively involved in the game and there's these like networks sprawling
both within tribes and outside so it's a game that you have to be skilled like art like my team for
instance won the first day doing the the sort of riddle challenge um another team won the second
day doing pac-man um so it's a game of skill but it's also a game of sort of forming connections
meeting other people in the space uh and then there's also like this sort of drama and the
backstabbing related to it um i think the biggest example recently is brian from un lonely kind of
going at schlums uh and saying that he eliminated him that was brian apparently that i don't know
the story but they're they're going at it on twitter um but the drama i think is interesting
and right now it's a lot of fun to play i think over time hopefully it'll be better to spectate
um but yeah that's the sort of synopsis so far that's actually on twitter that that you can
post to the top so we can get like some links or anything yeah i think uh you know just going to
to their uh to their twitter is probably the best place to kind of get an overview but uh yeah i'll
see if i can pin something all right yeah no worries i just wanted to take this is the first
that i'm hearing in it so it's pretty interesting yeah like first off i will say the brian from
un lonely guy so i was actually christian i don't know if you know this i was on his dating show
last uh last year weren't you on twice uh no okay no just once um wasn't abysmal failure
but was really fun um brian is crazy i think i think so yeah i've seen him around on uh
on farcaster i feel like for a couple of years um but yeah it's it's kind of in line i know he's
been streaming gameplay of crypto the game on on lonely and i think there's there's a lot of
synergy there between because right now i think that's what's really missing is an ability to
spectate um but yeah it's interesting i think if if you follow crypto twitter you probably will
recognize like 30 or 40 of people who are still playing um like blouse in ajt from goblins um
tons and tons of names and i think it adds like a fun dynamic because you're familiar with who the
contestants are versus it being you know people that you haven't heard of which interestingly
enough and jonah you know that i don't do hands put your hand down uh i i saw ajt and i'll get to
you john i saw ajt put out a comment i think today where he knows of people who are literally not
willing to work together anymore like outside of the game like completely separate just generally
work together as people in their and they're just day-to-day lives in crypto they're done
like the work relationships are over as a result of this game is that true like have you seen that
or heard of that i will say that people have taken at least in my tribe have taken getting eliminated
very personally um so i wouldn't be surprised at all and and it is it's interesting too because
the first two or three rounds of eliminations uh were almost exclusively targeted at sort of like
the you know the variant funds the 16z's the turning group etc which why just just as like a
meme or was there actually a reason for that yeah i think a lot of times like one um if you're if
you're just like a casual player you're going to target people that you feel like have massive
networks and a lot of these vcs have 30 40 50 000 people um and then who knows maybe some of it is
just getting revenge on on you know the the 50 vcs that are written you the uh not now but keep us
updated email um that's funny any you want to target them first like that that would have been
an obvious play like there's going to be people that are natural targets and when i hear that name
like to me that's just you have a target on your back the moment you jump in i don't know i feel
like well i i feel like i would just you know focus on their skill like how good are they at
pac-man you know are they good at that stuff i would want to win right not just like fuck with
someone for the sake of fucking with them maybe another factor too is the fact that a lot of these
challenges go from noon eastern to 8 pm and a lot of the pictures don't have time to play pac-man for
eight hours so yeah okay so then so then that does make like that's actually a skill issue like
right exactly yeah so you know if you feel like you're like somebody's not putting in the work
to keep your tribe alive you're going to vote them off um but yeah i think some of it is definitely
vendetta driven um slash wanting to get rid of bigger bigger players and also just like
why is this so um like why is this actually the nft illuminati like crypto illuminati that's
participating well is is it just does it stem from his network being um just like purely tech bros
that have all launched project projects or products or whatever like why why does it
why is this one of the highest density i guess uh events that we've seen of of like top tier tech
bros yeah so i i was fortunate enough to be on the the referral leaderboard but i tried to refer
to most everybody i knew um and i found that it was very difficult to get people to spend point
one eth on a winner takes all game with with hundreds of participants um but people that i've
been talking to about it over the last couple of months if it's not the first time you're bringing
it up and sending them a referral link it seemed like they're more open to it but yeah i'm sure
that you know it probably stemmed from dylan and the team's initial network they're from sort of
capital slash party rounds i think dylan was also at trivia hq for a while i think he led partnerships
there um so i think you know some of it was just very word of mouth slash needing people who are
willing to drop point one eth uh with almost a sure chance of losing um so i think it kind of
came from that and there was the sign-up period wasn't very long either i think you had around
48 hours to sign up um so i think if they left it open for more time it probably would have
spread further but yeah some some combination of like having a short amount of time and it being
kind of costly to sign up in the game you're certainly gonna lose yeah that's crazy jonah
what were you gonna ask you could also just chime in like it's the rules you could just you could
just unmute i guess like it just sounds like an overly complicated treasure hunt
can some like what what's the difference between this and a treasure hunt is it just because
everyone put in money like yeah i think there's escrow services that exist outside of crypto no
for sure i think you know the interface is is done pretty well but i think the other thing
that they feel like is revolutionary about the concept is that the payments are facilitated so
if you're familiar with trivia hq a lot of the challenges that they had was related to paypal
and minimum balance or like you know minimum payment requirements fees that they had to deal
with that so for them they think the ability for people to pull money into a pot have an interface
that facilitates games and eliminations and voting and does that all in one package is probably more
powerful than you know sort of using an escrow service in organizing games maybe in a trustful
manner off platform so it's difficult to describe i think they could do a better job of showing the
interface and and showing like how people are playing it's done very well in terms of uh you
know if you log on to the site that the social features feel like like you know they're in the
right place the voting mechanics uh are fun they did really good job with the sound effects and
music um but yeah i think that's probably what's better about it in terms of having a platform
versus sort of running a game in a bespoke manner with with an escrow is just the fact that it's
super easy to sign up and the interface is very clean um but yeah there's a lot of stuff that
happens off platform in terms of like you know telegram groups and discords um so yeah i i guess
probably not the best answer dylan could probably answer better but that's been my experience i've
really loved the uh the interface yeah i'm the the chain-based escrow thing um an esports company
and web3 has has done that for a while i don't know if it's the same implementation but community
gaming has been doing this with their payments for a fair amount of time i guess that's interesting
i mean it sounds like the amazing race or survivor or treasure hunt um i don't know how you scale
that maybe you don't maybe it's just like a very uh boutique product but like i can see aid and
ross and like kaisa not doing their own version of this you know just doing it on their own
well the reason why i'm actually interested joan on some of your opinions here in large part because
this is kind of exactly what you do in a sense where at least you know you've done and i think
one literally last week um some pretty successful interactions where you make like short-term
short-lived games that people in crypto can engage with um in some way or another and once
they end they end and that's it and then you just get ready for the next iteration so yeah this game
this this game a lot of people have literally like people that i trust or at least find you
know respectable have been online and they're like this is innovative this is the most innovative
thing we've seen in crypto in the last year and i'm like we're playing i just want to know
yeah but eddie they don't respect they don't respect me so it's like
they're not going to see well no well i'm saying that like
putting these games together in a one-time event is is cool it's harder to do it in a
in an instance live stream format i won't say i do have a vision on how they all connect
and make them persistent but i'm not going to share that publicly but there is a plan for it
it's just interesting like and i and by the way i pinged ajt and i pinged them
ping dylan we'll see if they're able to come through at some point but
i guess like christian do you agree and and this is not me prodding but do you agree that
this is one of the most quote-unquote innovative things that we've ever seen in crypto in the last
year yeah i think it's hard to say a lot of it i think will depend on what the narrative is when
the game concludes i think if if it's a situation where 30 people are arranging to split the money
the narrative of like oh i could buy it for 0.1 ethan when this big pot
becomes less exciting right if you feel like you're up against you know people making arrangements
like that and that was a big part of survivor was banning those agreements whether or not you could
enforce it but yeah i do think from the scaling standpoint i think their idea is that they see
crypto the game as a platform that whether it's gaming communities or any other kind of community
like like you mentioned the kaius and otter or similar that they would be able to have people
easily use that kind of platform to pool money uh and to run games within within an interface
that supports it uh and i think their team is the one to do in terms of you know having background
at at trivia hq and knowing the challenges that come along with running a live game with
right now hundreds but in trivia hq situation you know millions of users um so yeah i don't know
i miss that by the way i miss trivia hq that was uh that was a moment in i think my high
school journey at that time it was a moment in my high school journey that uh it was wild
genuinely wild how much how much everyone just was like everyone get ready it's trivia like
get ready for hq that was weird yeah yeah definitely had like it's one of it's an example
of an app that just had like such a moment i i heard that there's a documentary out that kind
of details the rise and fall of it so probably worth checking out yeah in terms of like it being
revolutionary it's hard to say um like i've been on farcaster for a couple of years and farcaster
didn't feel extremely revolutionary until recently um you could probably point you and say hey this
is similar to lens or similar to other things and uh occasionally like if you have the right team
or if you have sort of the right feature come along um it can really make a difference and i
know that you know the evidence that points towards it right now is just the early couple
hundred users that are involved in the game right now are really enjoying it are staying on for
hours or forming social connections both in the interface and outside um and it's a lot of fun
you know when you're evaluating a crypto game um a lot of times there's you know i'm not an expert
but there's many games where you know you feel like you're not having fun and it's driven purely
off of sort of financial motivations and character of the game so far hasn't been that and and the
the overwhelming sentiment is i feel like i've already gotten my point one youth out of it
and it's only been a couple of days wow did you make any new friends
yes you know i like we the the orange tribe has been getting along really well we've we've done
super well in challenges we got first place the first day and second place the other days
um but yeah it's hard you know you're very skeptical of people because everybody's trying
to form alliances with everybody um and in those tend to fall apart you see some of the teams like
have mutinies and start voting against each other so uh there are friendships but they're often
short-lived uh in many cases damn well real quick just doing another uh real quick reset guys if you
enjoy this space you know the deal bottom right likes retweets they go a long way you don't have
to i always remind you you don't have to but i do thank you if you choose to so thank you
and also san man just reminder don't necessarily do hands here so you could just chime in if you
want so what's going on yeah we'll go for you go for it yeah shut up jonah you know i was just
be careful thanks eddie um good to see you again um you too man it's been a hot minute
it's been a while since i've said hello to you so what's up dude yeah yeah definitely um yeah i've
just been looking at this crypto game just looks like a big popularity contest or something and
it's like like i posted this thing up top about burn it down which is like totally on chain
like squid game basically last man standing wins a thousand eve which is pretty freaking cool and
it's perpetual it's not ruggable like look at the contract it's pretty wild what has been done and
it's just not been out there but it's it's it's been been around since like october or something
but it's just there's no marketing to it they're just kind of waiting waiting for the right crowd
and i'd be like there's the bigger pot and the smaller pot that's like you can buy in for like
20 bucks uh the pot is like 150k or this one is like uh 16 000 contestants with a thousand
24 eve and then it runs again it mints out and it runs in perpetuity it's just pretty freaking cool
so though the difference all on chain like sam and i'm pretty sure a lot of those are purely
randomized right like that's purely randomization base it just like knocks out certain nfts over
time well there's a claiming and then there's like a like you there's time in between where
if you're you've bought into this game you can actually sell off your you know like half of the
half of the nfts get eliminated per round and it lasts about a week from but it hasn't run yet
um i i minted i ended up like finding this and then minting on the the cheaper contract
or like back a few months ago and uh it's it's like there's two different contracts
ones for the like 64 eve prize and ones for thousand 24 eve and there's 8 000 contestants
or something there's so much ease thousand eve that's crazy actually for like uh it's and it's
like a maybe uh 0.1 eth buy-in i think or even less than 0.1 which is which is big but again
like the it's big it's just like when you think about like if okay so your your your pool of
contestants drops in half so if you've bought in then it's increased value and they're the
nfts are tradable in between so you could basically get your exit and and there's going
to be gaming in terms of like you can sell your nfts mid-game because they survived around and
they're worth more because it's it's not like it's it's like you've got chances so you buy one
you've got a one 16 000 chance in winning but if right but that's that's the exact difference
like this is this is so what that is is like basically a long-term game of chicken uh where
whoever's willing to hold their nfts the longest until they either burn out or turn to win like
be a millionaire lottery ticket that's the difference it's almost like a deal or no deal
like as you progressively get closer to the bigger deal you're like oh should i sell here or not but
you've got chances as opposed to like odds you know right but but this game as far as i can tell
is actually skill-based like it is skill slash strategy skill strategy based um with relationships
and and etc which actually will say was legit what brought me into crypto um the well not into
crypto generally but into nfts at scale i guess i'd say um i was uh initially a fan of alex specker
and still to an extent i think he's funny um although i have a little bit more context on how
he approaches crypto now which is interesting anyway um when i was brought into crypto like
he launched neo tokyo and neo tokyo during its launch was like this massive thing where he he
hyped it as this uh this super secret illuminati and in order to get into it you had to show your
value via a series of riddles and tests etc etc etc um to be honest it was just definitely not as
high level as everyone anticipated it being literally like groups formed on i literally
at the time had a group like we we kind of i joined a discord and it was me and maybe 500 people a
thousand people in this discord um i showed enough quote unquote skill i guess and that they
that i got like invited into this slightly different separate uh higher tier within it and
then we like kind of sourced another 10 people into this into the sect and we spent the next
two weeks just locked in trying to to um figure out these riddles and i hate riddles generally but
figure these things out and then it ended up just being like five links that someone else found and
shared and then it was like it was over um and we got our mints and it was great and we made a
bunch of eth but like that was you know the the the allure of the game itself kind of fell flat
because at the end of the day the game was bs and there were not like any crazy high level
game theorists at the at the at the back of it but when i hear this i'm like okay that's kind of
interesting um yeah i'm just kind of curious like the crypto game just seems like it could be
manipulated because there's voting involved and it's meant that's part of the gameplay
yeah but i mean even voting it becomes like
couple balls of people behind the scenes and then people enter in unknowingly and then they get
yeah that's the gameplay the gameplay is who you know yeah basically yeah so okay i don't know
any gamers so i guess i'll just stay out of it it just seems very manipulative
right so i mean it's like why would you go into something that you know that you're the odds
because the route it's not a game it's a reality tv show that's the difference it's meant to be
or it's like a amazing race or survivor or like the bachelor right the game the game is staying
alive long enough and forming alliances and performing at the ball and convincing others
that you deserve to be around and then going behind their back and betraying them it's a drama show
great all the all the great things about america right so does the singular person win or is it
the whole yeah one person wins i just checked it's one person wins like 90 grand or something like
that but wait so how do you i just don't see how that every night one person gets voted out i just
read the rules every night one person gets voted out it's more than one it's more than yeah
so in in the each so there's 10 tribes one tribe wins in a skill-based game whether it's a scavenger
hunt or a video game like pac-man um and then the other tribes vote off it's anywhere it's
been anywhere between five and seven members um if if voters abstain it's less so if every
if nobody and these are and these are tribes of what roughly what size to begin with so are they
all equal or what yep so it starts all equal with i think in this round it was 41 uh and it's dwindled
down based off of who's won immunity challenges and who's voted off what number of people uh so
right now most of the tribes are between 20 and 35 40 people i'll be real i don't hear anything
innovative about this this can can i yeah go for it yeah you can you can happen rich so i think
um i heard while talking about it he's playing as well um and i think like the from like a legal
standpoint that's interesting about the game is that like threads needle between not really
threads you know but like it it goes very close to the line um trying to balance between what
is skill and what is luck um so that it is like legal to do it in the u.s which is kind of a big
a big deal also as a survivor maxi i'm here for it uh like my favorite so that's all i wanted to
add and and you know like to your point saying that like yes you can things can get manipulated
but that is the game it's like um it's very it's like the whole well not the whole point
the whole point is like winning but anyway yeah it just doesn't seem very web 3 decentralized
it's like this i i also saw that like some guy made 200 accounts and then they got kicked from
the game or yeah what what was the deal with some of that fud christian or whatever that was
i think zac xpt like did something on it like yeah i can i can chime in on the story um but yeah
to start off you know i'm not i'm not on the team i'm not you know like a yeah yeah you max this
but no no one no one is attacking you here to be sure yeah yeah but but i don't want to you know
i don't want to sound like um you know that i'm being defensive over it but what i will say is
in my experience um the thing that's fun about crypto the game is more the execution of it
than it being an original concept i think just being in web 3 for a few years now um a lot of
times the projects that have had the most fun with having been the ones that have been like the most
principled and on chain but have just had teams that have executed really well and have created
experiences for the users that uh that are enjoyable and i've noticed that for some reason
with crypto the game probably because they haven't done a great job of sort of creating you know
they haven't uh i think made media for people not playing to understand how it feels like to play
and what it looks like to play um i think it's hard to get across people who aren't playing but
if you look at the people who are there they have great things to say about it and are having a good
time so it's not to say that other projects connect to you well it's not to say that there's
something about it that's just um at a concept level just extraordinary i think just more so
like it's a fun concept and they did a really good job of building an interface to facilitate it
and then in terms of like the i think the big challenge that they have is they want to make
this for for real people um so it's you know i think for the first season especially they
didn't want it to be sort of bot pvp um which is you know a fun concept and hopefully something
that um you know that that there's a format for in their platform eventually uh but a niche i think
generated i think it was a couple hundred bots maybe 140 um and you play point one for the entry
initially they just banned his bot entries and didn't refund the money uh and a lot of people
just basically citing the terms of service um violation which was which the terms of service
was very very vague i think it was just like any form of fraud could result result in a
a disqualification and i understand the criticism of like yeah that you're trusting somebody not to
you know disqualify you at for whatever reason uh in reggie of the point one i think eventually
they did the right thing and refunded it they were in a situation though where like the pot
was increased by a lot of money and they had people signing up with the sort of understanding
that they were competing for 50 eth when in reality there was 40 eth of non-bot money in the
pot um but yeah eventually they refunded it but i think it's going to be like i'm very into chess
and it's another thing that's sort of you know in the world of chess ai and bots and computers are
just much better at competing than people um so there's a paranoia of players of like hey i don't
want to be playing especially in online formats people who are cheating just because of the mental
energy that goes involved that's involved in the the literal zero chance of winning um so i think
it's something that they're trying to like figure out how do we make this fun for people but maybe
in the long term like have formats where maybe it's bots and only competing against each other
and the concept is that you're leveraging crypto in an ai in a way that you're competing against
people doing the same um but yeah they've definitely uh i think the the initial probably
was it was a misstep in terms of banning initially and not refunding um but anish is
playing now i think he just set up a uh he's on the poly market so you can bet on contestants
winning or losing uh he just sort of hedged him uh losing and bet i think fifteen thousand dollars
on the no uh so he's still participating and believes in the game and says he's having fun
and trying to uh sort of introduce chaos to it um yeah i i i think it'd be great to have him up
here and sort of chime in on it being the expert yes but that's the situation so i'm gonna say
where there's like already i'm already hearing issues at this game has like from the game design
perspective i think that i actually think the idea of these challenges and doing the survivor
thing is really great um i think they're gonna have two really big problems with trying to mass
market this product and i'm sure they've thought about it one is like no one outside of crypto is
going to be able to onboard point one so if they're gonna like scale this up in a trivia hq style way
the the buy-in has to be like fucking 50 cents or a dollar right and but you need like thousands
of people and the problem with that is how do you manage like a chat room of thousands of people
per tribe you really don't so the game loop itself has to change in a very uh different way
uh and then the other problem is if there's no buy-in because most people won't put in any
money on anything if you you know if you look at how apps generally work it's like who's the
advertiser and now it's a sponsored game which is still possible like that's probably the more likely
path and uh where the where's that sponsor money coming from and the last part is like
the tech itself is not novel so what happens is unless the game itself really catches flare which
is certainly possible you know aden ross kysanet like if i were steak i'd be watching this and be
like okay i'll do a steak version of this i'm not going to use theirs you know we have kick
kick already has chat room services right now it will make aden neon and all the boys
you know the gambling boys in crypto who are crypto adjacent we're just going to make this game
and so those are three issues where i'm like this is probably going to stay in each product unless
they've figured out for one of those three things and as someone who's done these games on improbable
which are literally limited time events there's a lot of thought that goes into the cheating and
gamification of like how that product is released in fact like we we like honestly can't even tell
you what the game is going to be until at least three days ahead of time and honestly people can
still find ways to bot it so it's it's really cool but there are a lot of traps when it comes
to that kind of design yeah yeah we got a crypto adjacent yeah it is just to be clear it is um
as far as i can tell not the most decentralized products in the world who cares which yeah like i
don't give a shit i don't i don't really care but just you know i couldn't care less yeah survivor
is in its 45th season the decentralization maxi thing is so boring to me like who cares it's
in its 45th season yeah they have yeah they've been around for a while wow
survivor yeah yeah they actually um the survivor guys in the new super bowl commercial for next
week uh yeah i forgot his name but he's always carrying a torch everywhere he goes he is he
likes just enough torches that's that's funny anyway um what's up if you get
rugged by centralized entities you'd be a little more decentralized that's all wait until you learn
that the servers are based in state territories so you can get rugged anyway so it doesn't even
matter oh did we lose we literally just lost sage that's funny uh hopefully we'll get them right
back it's just like the centralization is so funny because most of the decentralization in
this space is built on aws so all they have to do is just shut off shut off the server
so you know what does it matter that's fair anyway guys just real quick update if you guys
want um again i'll just ask to you know if you want to be kind like to retweets but you don't
have to purple button bottom right thank you if you choose to dude aj so i saw your tweet on this
um and uh hence the name vc betrayal i think it's just funny uh but like what's what do you think
what's your opinion just give me your your lay down because we've kind of like covered
what this game is at a base level so we don't need to you know you don't need to like rehash
the the definition of what the game actually is but um you seemed at least like somewhat upset by
some of the social results that have come out of this what's going on and also what's up man it's
been a minute nice um all right i'd like to do one of the challenges right now it's like how
long she's been in space and just farted like we could we could check their challenge board and see
if that's one of the challenges yeah we we should which also eddie eddie were you talking to me yes
sorry my air pods are not connecting to my phone and i think it's maybe because i just
said with the apple vision pro and oh wow that's the craziest space is flexa guys like hey i can't
connect my air pods because my spatial computer isn't really no i don't really hold on i i honestly
think that's it um you know you know it's the funniest vision pro flex i've seen though on
a space so far blau yesterday was like oh let me show you a picture of my like living room that i
took with the with the vision pro and the background like his living room is clearly one of the nicest
houses i've ever seen like ever i was like all right all right dude yes sorry what was the
question i sort of heard it but then i wasn't sure if it was directed yeah so yeah yeah so i'll just
rephrase um basically i saw that you seemed kind of pissed off or not pissed off at least just
like pissed off yeah not pissed off but just like fascinated by some of the social results
that have come out of this game so far so what do what's like what's your opinion yeah no i it's a
lot of fun um i'm um uh yeah i think you said that everyone here knows how it is so i don't
have to explain the game but um i think it's uh it's fascinating i think um it's definitely
the most fun i've had in web three in about a year or year and a half maybe wow and really
like honestly the best thing out of it is just the people in the group like friends i've like
made a bunch of friends already um and that's like based on like alliances and just like
there's like you know you've got your tribe then you've got other tribes and you're just trying to
befriend people and and be like hey i'm not going to vote for you you don't vote for me type of
thing um it's it's like you know obviously the the show survivor but it's it's obviously with
you know with money and money you've put up and it's sort of a game of skill um or enough enough
game of skill that i i think you know a lawyer would sign off on it and um basically like yeah
the whole thing i tweeted out was more like there was one group there was one well it was a few
things that happened but it is actually a few like uh you know things i've heard um but there was one
one group that um after the challenge that they lost they basically kicked out so so some people
on telegram some people on discord having like side conversations like the the tribes
and one group kicked out the people that they planned on voting out like 10 hours before the
actual or maybe like five hours before the voting actually took place so those people started to
just like create a rebellion they're like fuck this i'm gonna we're gonna we're gonna we're
gonna create like mayhem and um and uh anyway so in that specific you know uh case someone's like
well you don't want to like piss people off because then maybe you won't be able to get
you know jobs from them or whatever and then that's crazy by the way that's actually absurd
but i think it was more of a joke and then there was definitely i think there was a screenshot i
saw someone from like injuries in who uh was like hey everyone can pitch me and then they're like i
was just kicked out nobody could pitch me anymore so i think it's more like fun and games i think
if you take this stuff too serious like it's it's a little bit like uh you know get a life a little
bit but um i think uh in the end of the day uh you know the relationships is probably the most
valuable thing more than the potential to get uh any of the money um but it's it's a funny game of
you know like you know psychology and prisoner of dilemma there was one one tribe that they
wouldn't vote anyone um because they realized that if they don't vote anyone no one will get
kicked off but then one person voted for somebody and then people just try to snipe other people so
no way psychology around it um and i feel like the rules are sort of being made up as we go
you know like um i think dylan the founder like tweeted after he saw no one voting for one he's
like okay well you know if you don't vote something's gonna happen so i think like some
of it's like a little bit made up on the spot uh but i think everyone's sort of like a good sport
and just enjoying it and um it's uh you know i think the the i think after 10 more night there's
no more immunity for anyone so i think it's just a free for all and uh i think we'll sort of like
see what see how it goes but i i do think it's sort of the future of sort of like web three
gaming um i think there's listen you definitely just pissed off jonah to an extent no because
here's the thing like when i say web three gaming i i think i've sort of evolved my thoughts around
like i think just defy and gamify defy is really web three game i think games where you're going
to go in ultimately compete against you know roblox and fortnite for at least attention
uh it's just really hard right like it's just it's just really hard especially when they have
all the people there it's like the way i look at gaming is like you want to make a fun game
that you're you know that that you know your friends are there and and then the web three
aspect is making money and like if epic and roblox want to turn on like web three components to it
they can do it tomorrow and beat everyone so there's not much any of us are really bringing
the table there i think that the defy game of five web three stuff like this is really interesting
and i think that like it is a flash in the pan and it is hot like like everything else has been
hot before like you know um but there are some interesting components that you could start to
think about in terms of like you know groupings of this like if we play the exact same game but now
you're you're you're a team you're four people and you're up against everyone else who's a team
of four people that that thing feels like it has a little more legs because there's like groupings
and like you could work together and stuff like that so um it could be a flash in the pan just
like fun for a bunch of you know rich web three people but you know is this going to go mainstream
i don't necessarily think so i mean survivor is the mainstream version of it but is it something
that can scale up a little bit more i think so um we'll see how where they take it i'd like to
chime in since i'm supposed to be angry i'm not angry at all and by the way jonah also i you know
i recognize sometimes i am too rude on to you on this space so i apologize no i like the whole
dynamic you're allowed to be mean to me on this show and i'm allowed to be mean you on tuesday
and thursday it's like dude i've had a lot of other people in this space say a lot worse to me
quite frankly i'm not feeling emotional so i don't i don't i don't totally disagree with alexander
at all um in fact alex i just sent you i mean you and i have talked many times i just sent you a dm of
us doing exactly what you're talking about different form we have a different model but
um you know we we call it events events operation gaming or event ops gaming
um i i don't know i don't know talking about how we built our game it makes a lot of sense but
what i'll say is what he's the there's the right idea is there and i've thought of through a lot
of the things that crypto the game is doing but there are a lot of shortcomings to it that ultimately
will crush its scaling potential but as a base model as a concept is fantastic and i think
makes a lot of sense and i think you'll see a lot more of it and i don't necessarily disagree
with the whole metaverse standpoint to a degree um in fact web 3 companies are on fortnite okay
bears has a million players on their game in fortnite and their web 3 brain are you serious but
that's but hold on jonah that's that's that's not gated for community that's just ip but you can't
you will be able to eventually gate it uh dot swoosh is the first one to test those api
calls to epic game services and uh they actually did gate it they didn't gate the the experience
but they gated what you could collect from it uh which is something nike's still pursuing so
there are but so having benefits for owning web 3 stuff i'm more talking like like and and don't
get me wrong like truth and gobble tie like we're building we have like four games in development
right now but they're all like rip and like the ideas that we like to go more mainstream then
this is a utility for our holders i think the utility for holders is the mistake that a lot of
people make um that's not a real utility that's just the way i'm not really i'm not really
interested in utility for holders either what i'm more interested in is as um community attribution
which is more interesting like the idea that you could tie accounts together where i know that one
real agency key holder plays a lot of valorant but the other one is playing a lot of fortnite
and i understand a lot of experiences they like and then i can hold maybe one once every quarter
or crypto the game scenario based on what the community likes i'm just saying that a lot of
people think of web 3 gaming in a very specific way i have a more pliable vision for it uh where
quite frankly no one needs to even give a shit that they're using crypto or blockchain i just
don't and those are not marketing points to me like if the best selling point about your game
is that it's on blockchain then it doesn't deserve to exist is what i fundamentally believe and i and
i'm someone who does not quite frankly give a shit about decentralization in the gaming context
i think there i give a shit about it from the community attribution context which is a very
different way of looking at it but um yeah i i don't think crypto the game in its current state
could scale but i definitely think it has really good legs for something else to iterate or they
can make adjustments to make it scalable i mean that's that's uh sorry oh sorry no no yeah i was
gonna just say for jonah two questions for you are you playing the season and um what makes you
think you can't scale in the current state it's not a gameplay question it's uh it's like a math
it's like a math and crowd question so i before you got here i explained three reasons
why it can't and by the um for now right the gameplay aside like the i because i've heard
about the challenges and the tribes like that can scale but the so problem one is the tribe model
so the tribe model you guys currently have imagine if a hundred thousand people are playing this
event like there's just no way to manage a chat right and you couldn't you know dilute into
hundreds to a thousand tribes unless the game was very less focused on communication and more
focused on gameplay loop design which would make the cost of the games go up which that's kind of
difficult so that's problem one is your crowd distribution problem uh it's like instead of
buying server space you're buying you're buying community channel space and like god god help you
so that's problem yeah but even in this season nobody's chatting i mean there is a chat for
tribe and a chat for general but nobody's using it everyone's going into their siloed either
discord or telegram so that's not not even happening now okay well i i guess again it depends
on what the game loops are but if it was like can someone compare to trivia hq like you know i think
it's a very different model so that was question one like distribution at scale and then question
two was how um the the funds actually get uh dispersed so for example a buy in a point one
i think you and i both know that the average person never going to happen right yeah that
was purposeful i was doing before and it was just like i want to make it high so we have a
small amount of people so that i could like this is a test you know like i think i think i think
at 25 cents or 50 cents even a dollar i think you you do get people but i think it has to be in like
the nickel to dime to like 50 cents buy-in because if you're you know you're going from
mass market most people don't spend any money on apps just period if they want to do a buy-in and
then the other option is if it's if it's sponsor based and then like how big do these games need
to be and then how much money do you need to require from a sponsor to make it profitable
or whatever however you increase your margins i think that's a big problem to think about
um but those all the things i just mentioned are absolutely solvable but i think the biggest
problem is its defensibility uh if if that matters right if you want to build like a meaningful
business around this because like if i were kick i would just be like watching what you guys are
doing and i would go hey aden hey neon hey nick murk's hey all these guys like we're gonna do that
we're gonna do it with with kick or like for example ludwig agren who hosts a lot of events
there's a lot of agencies in la as well as prosecutors who hold their own agencies otk
is another example where they could go in and they could hire a great smart contract developer
and site developer to organize this whole event so i don't know what makes this defensible versus
someone else making it i mean i guess one answer is you could just build it in the far caster
sort of product lens and let people purposely build on top of it and just make it open source
if i could chime in real quickly i think part of their intent is to scale it horizontally so
instead of imagining crypto the game with 10 million players playing if you can imagine sort
of like those zoom trivia games where if you run a community with hundreds or thousands of people
that you want to run a game for they see their platform as something that maybe could extend to
those communities so maybe you don't have you know tens of millions of players in a single game but
i could see a situation where they have thousands or tens of thousands of communities that have
thousands of players playing so i don't think you have to vertically scale it to an absurd extent
you could have feeder events that feed into championship events i think it but yeah in terms
of it being revolutionary defensible i mean when you're three guys building a you know an experimental
game a lot of the things have gone wrong i think so far when you look at the bot situation
when you look at like you know errors where like players were eliminated and how to get brought
back those things might be devastating to a kick or you know a multi-million dollar
you know established app i think they have the ability right now to test it with people who
are patient with them to learn from 400 players and build on top of it and yeah you know i think
they have different routes to scale it and then their team seems experienced and both in sort of
the live gaming approach and you know just building platforms from zero to to you know
to exit so um yeah i wonder you know i think i think that the horizontal approach is scaling it
where thousands of you know communities are running games is probably probably the goal versus
doing something with you know that was similar to sort of the fall of of trivia with with millions
and millions of players so devil's advocate real quick i would definitely disagree that like it
would be devastating to kick or they they manage one of the riskiest businesses in the
world and they have a better legal team than the most you know top companies do i don't think kick
would even flinch at the idea of having one or two issues and having to do payouts since they do it
on a literal nightly basis when they're doing their like you know their their video chat gambling
so that that part is kind of like null for me the other part is these mass events at wild wide
scale outside of trivia HQ have been done before here's an example mr beast built like the hold
the button app where you held your phone for as long as possible so like again in terms of
defensibility if any creator who has the means which a lot of them do thought that there was
like a solution here for their content that they could do themselves because it sounds i don't know
what the back end is other than i i guess there's uh you know an automated escrow uh you know these
people all have significant resources to go and make their own version of this game so the only
defensible option here is one an anchored host who's so great that you want to keep coming back
to for example survivor right because anyone can make survivor it's just the brand itself is so
powerful that no one wants to and then the other side is whatever games you come up with are just
uniquely better than what other creators do but if this has any legs there will absolutely be
competition sure i i think that that makes sense especially if you look at something like steak but
some of it does just feel similar to like when people were talking about how like oh if we have
successful discord is going to implement it and i think particularly for for kick i would imagine
that there's a good number of their user base that wouldn't be excited about them running sort
of a web 3 you know quasi-gambling skill based oh no oh well one you'd be very surprised uh but
but two this is where i think you're you're missing my perspective in particular because
what what the product is here is it has a web 3 back end but you're basically offering a virtual
content operation and uh when you work in the content creator landscape it is a much it is
a much different landscape than oh it's web 3 for discord because when there's money on the line and
it's about playing a game with like your neon your aden ross or whatever it is um their their user
base pretty much follow like if kai sonnet said he's playing this game and there's 50 000 on the
line like they're doing it and i can tell you a perfect example is this week is 21 savage who's
tried to scam aden ross literally is that was crazy by the way which is insane that's a whole
other topic like these guys are gambling 50 to 300 000 live on stream right now more than that
more than that aden ross's aden ross is no billions yeah well that's because of the the steak handle
but i'm just saying that um what you're talking about actually because it can work as a mass
market product and the cryptos on the back end if this could be adopted in a much easier way than
oh it's discord with the wallet because there's money to be made on the line it's not trying to
change a culture it's it's just very different yeah totally fair which by the way that was actually
crazy that uh he's a 21 savage right he tried to he tried to scam aden ross out of 120 000
dollars with marked cards well yeah dude he's so guilty that was crazy that was actually the
crazy like of all things you're gonna do on a stream you're gonna bring marked cards like
visibly marked cards that was like that was one of the most embarrassing things i think i've seen
in the last like six months in terms of something that's happened on a live stream and man like
there's been some crazy things that happened on live streams that was absurd i couldn't believe
it i was totally totally separate but yeah i want to say to finish up my points here i'm not
flooding this because i actually and and i don't think every game should be a web 3 game so i agree
with alex there i do think there should be unique games i i don't think this is a uniquely web 3 game
other than just like the escrow because i've seen this on on twitch and kick through different
forms it's just the the payment method is different but i've seen this before um but that doesn't mean
it can't work and i think this is really cool and it's something i'd play i'd absolutely play it
and um the these content games are are really fun like i think they're really cool so i think
it's i'm just i'm just thinking about it through the founder entrepreneur and like financier lens
of like okay how is this defensible because trivia hq was a very different infrastructure
than this and this one is much easier to to copy yeah i'm curious if alex has a perspective on this
um yeah you know because i think it's it's there's usually especially with with ideas like this
there's incumbents you can point to and say that you know like they can do it better than a small
focused team um but yeah i'd be curious to hear it's like but yeah those those are all valid you
know i i think like i said earlier it doesn't feel like there's something that's like extremely
special about the concept i think it's just something about the execution in it is just
fun to play and um you know like i think at the end of the day a lot of times it just comes down
to that versus like sort of like a purist or or sort of on-chain zealously or or something
wrong those nature it's just like oh this is fun and making friends doing it uh and the interface
is sick and and then to me that that's enough whether or not that that means it can scale or
or that you know a bigger player can do it better um you're probably right you're way
more familiar with those things but my experience so far is that like the team is great and the
product is is amazing yeah i'd also say that um i was like i'm thinking about it i haven't seen
anyone really have any bad experiences i mean besides for the guy who tried to do the bot stuff
but even he wasn't even that well he deserves to have a bad experience yeah but but um and like i'm
conflicted like yeah i probably send the money back but like also now you've sort of encouraged
people to try stuff so um i wouldn't have sent the money back i told them if i would tell i
me personally i tell them to fuck off yeah no but it was probably the right thing to send it back
but um i think uh i haven't seen besides for people just being pissed off when they get voted off
um i haven't really seen any negative like i think every i think the the great part about it
right now is that like because it was such a high buy-in people like the people that need that type
of money are not in the game right you know what i mean like point one is like a rounding error to
most people so nobody's like everyone here knows like the people who complain the most are the
people who usually spend the least right like any business and you just don't have a lot of that
here so it's i think just people are just enjoying it i haven't really seen anyone like this sucks i
hated it i mean people make fun it's like you know the first day there was a a challenge that
like you literally had to go to new york or brooklyn to complete and like after the people are not in
new york or brooklyn um or yet at least call the place and even there were some bugs in the first
day where it showed like the second day challenge to some people so like but people are just like
whatever it's fun you know this is like different there's like an experiment um uh in terms of like
other people being able to build this yeah i mean but that's like everything now like i feel like
there's no there's very little defensibility in any business um you know it's i mean obviously
there are i'm talking specifically like software businesses or or tech businesses um anyone can
sort of build anything it usually usually comes down to the the network effects the ux and other
things like that um so i don't take that much stock in oh yeah someone else can come and build
this thing and do it better like great if they do then people will use that and i think that's just
how it works in software businesses these days if someone comes and builds the thing and they do it
better you know people go use it think of like you know instagram and tiktok right like i spend
most of my time on tiktok more than instagram these days just because it's a better product
so i don't i don't um i think it's true i just don't like i think if you are gonna obsess over
people coming in and doing it better than you you're not going to really get uh you're not going
to find a business where that doesn't exist so that i don't think too much about it well i think
the founder should think that way but i as an outside third party like to think about it but
if i was the founder i wouldn't think like that i mean yeah i mean i think you're an investor you
may not want to invest in it because of that but but um i don't know if you have to continue to
innovate and try new things and and you know be first to market um and not to say that he's even
first to market like the pitch is like survivor like crypto web3 survivor right but it also makes
it really easy for people to like grok what it is right like you know it's like pokemon with guns
like it's just really easy to understand um what you know what it is and it's like the old like
extra y like airbnb for dogs or whatever so i think he just has a nice little hook right now
and people sort of like it but again there's only like 500 people who've played this game
so like to give some context of how small this is but um it just i think that the people are you
know um have a large audience those 500 people so it's definitely um punching above its weight class
right now yeah i mean it literally so let's just be clear all right from uh from a layman's
perspective um dude it's literally just the illuminati like the it's like everyone who is
part of this game has something x y z in their profile and uh christian and let me just see aj
uh aj you don't you don't have something x y z in your profile actually so maybe not you but by the
way pretty close the green team so it's funny because there's like a lot of different groups
with different skills so like i think the gold team had a lot of like developers um really good
at spreadsheets um the green team someone did an analysis the green team uh the average like
wallet size for the people involved and like i don't know who decided to connect their like
a main wallets to this i connected like my my my you know uh wallet that literally i used for
things that like if it gets hacked i'm fine um but the average wallet size was like uh the average
was like 0.5 to 2 on the other teams like 2 eth and then ours was like i think like i'm gonna say a
number too high but it was really high and that's because i think we one of the people on the team
has like like 20 yeah but like one of the people has like 400 eth in their wallet um it totally
outweighed everyone else but no like for example the green team has a pretty pretty solid team
we've got like um paki mccormack bordy on musk the founder of poapp um we have uh the funniest
out of it is uh gabriel hanes he every day oh my god he's in there he gives us he gives us the
greatest like private content it's amazing he's the best he's very very very funny um and like
every time there's a challenge or anything he just uploads a little video and uh honestly
it's the funniest shit um he's one of the greatest content creators in all of weather yeah full stop
by the way like full stop i don't think that there's anyone that actually matches him um and
energy and whatever but no it's just like and so like these are people like some of the people i
knew like i knew paki before but i didn't know some of these other people and um it's just like
great like you know meeting them honestly that's the the the most valuable thing is you know the
professional networking from this stuff win or lose i think everyone here has just made a bunch
of new friends and that's like some of the best you know products over over the last you know
few years is just you know when you make friends i mean like for anyone in the new york tech scene
in like the early 20 like 2010 2011 people remember like and things like that
like you just met people you met you met people um like early obviously like four square and things
like that it's just it was a great like way to socially meet people and this is like i'd say the
most people i've met in a short amount of time in the past year and i love that type of stuff like
that's priceless to me so i've got a wild question for you um and for krish and again this is not
against either of you guys but just a contact center because i've not seen it um are there
women playing this game like any and they don't want to talk to you they don't want to talk to you
like don't don't don't engage no no i will there are tons yeah oh really okay like actually who
i'm curious i could pull up i could pull up my hold on let me get to my computer um yeah it's
it's definitely predominantly male but uh there's definitely a ton of females in the group hold on
i could pull up my oh wait this is okay so so just to be clear i'm i have like a history i'm
not trying to hit on any of them i'm actually just curious from like i'm not i've not asked for the
names huh i've not seen i've not seen if any of them are actually playing it's just i don't know
if it was like a boys club or something yeah um looking it's definitely predominantly male
let's say in the 28 people remaining in my in my tribe there's some people i can't tell
to be honest so one uh two three four five six six maybe seven i know we kicked out um legion
and i'm trying to look who else um but i would say it's probably like 70 to 80 percent male
that's actually pretty good distribution like that's a pretty
yeah it's not good i'm just kidding no but like for for this industry that's like a pretty damn
good distro like damn wow yeah tell me there's definitely a few that yeah um i don't know what
the breakdown i just i just know my my team um i would say out of the 500 players there's
well actually it wasn't really 500 players because a bunch of those were the bots um
let's see i mean because because the reason okay so the reason why i ask is i actually
no i'm sorry but to an extent i actually do kind of use um like how palatable is it to
both sexes like for example with with the seals like one of the reasons why i got into the seals
in the first place is i saw a lot of girls actually like them there was not again it's
not me like trying to hit on them but it was just like okay this is palatable to all kinds
of people um and that's very rare like that's actually a very very rare thing to find in
crypto most things are just look at the d gods man they they were they wanted to launch
d goddesses and then cancel it i know that the the top score i think it was the white team
the top score in pac-man was a girl um i know this because i work with her but she's a good base
so also was there cheating there was cheating in pac-man right or like there was an incident
with that so yes there was there was the ability to spoof your score um was this a by the way was
this a native on their site like there was a pac-man that was yeah yeah it was built into the site
and um yeah i don't know how but i know i know the gold team was was spoofing they got knocked
down um because they definitely had like one of the higher scores and they got knocked down
we had no one on our team cheat because maybe we're just not we're not you know good devs um
but but the thing was is you could spoof for someone else um and uh because my dad was on
the gold team i think he was probably the oldest player playing and um he uh and there's there's a
guy your dad your dad is playing he was he got eliminated oh he's dead he couldn't he couldn't
be protected um but no so my dad my dad's playing well my dad was playing and um and he's been like
he's for years he was uh in like the tech world ish he was he was he's 66 now but he was
on wall street for like 20 years but in tech and software in like the 90s um and then uh but he
was always interested in tech and he has a wallet he understands how this works um he he bought an
ape at like three like he's he's in he's in it um and so and he told me to sell the ape at like 90
and uh because i was managing damn what a traitor but no he didn't i didn't i told him not to and i
feel bad um so that's my bad uh but um he uh he got eliminated but the thing is there's a there's
a guy in the um the goblin town and ape community named uh white house and uh he was trying to
protect he was in the gold team also was trying to protect him they both got eliminated uh two
nights ago and um there was like some rogue actors in the gold team but he white house told
me that they were trying to help him because he's not a great pac-man player by spoofing his account
and uh and then he got they got they both got um knocked off uh as like cheated zero score
so um yeah apparently you could spoof for other people's accounts they couldn't really check
if you did it or someone did it for you so you could have theoretically sabotaged someone else
i think it's funny because um in uh in neo tokyo they actually had their own it's not like a
frogger game but um a distance or there are a couple like distance games where the further you
could go the higher score you got etc etc right um and actually they are their unofficial policy
was that if they couldn't catch you cheating you weren't cheating so so so the more uh the more
depth among the developers that were in the involved um walked away pretty pretty nicely
the pac-man thing was interesting because the first night of challenge or the first challenge
was the second night i think but this the the first challenge um it was like a scavenger hunt
so it wasn't um you didn't have like a number really to judge people by to vote um whereas
the pac-man like a lot of people went on scores right so like the high you know the highest score
is those people were safe the lower scores were pretty easy to vote against um so it will be
interesting to see like you know tomorrow night what what if there's any individual um stats you
can look at when you look at people whether they vote on them or not um because it helps and it
also makes it a lot more like i think when you don't have anything to go on i think it devolves
into like lord of the flies um but when you have like straight stats it's hard to argue like
you know uh that this person shouldn't go when they were like you know brought your score down
or something golden you had a question what's going on dude yeah yeah so what's the betrayal
oh it's just it's just people are betraying each other they're just yelling at each other and
kicking each other out i'm sure that the i'm sure that the portrayals will only worsen as the
games continue and former friendships uh dissolve and people get actually pissed off yeah so what's
new nothing nothing um okay also for historical context i posted an accurate timeline of female
involvement video games to the jumbotron are you are you serious oh my god what is that wow that's
wow that's actually crazy um by the way speaking of maladies uh there's a few maladies playing
and they are definitely the shit starters in the communities really yeah unsurprising
they are um you know one of them one of them was the one that kicked the people out and i think it
was the red team there was a malady who was running it was by the way one of the key things
become the admin of the telegram or the discord you have a lot of power um and that person kicked
a bunch of people out that they planned on removing because they missed out on because
basically at noon the game starts and then we got lucky the green team we won uh the challenge
and by lucky i mean there was like it was a collaborative effort it was basically um uh the
screen had 12 different things which were very clearly uh a seed phrase when you put the seed
phrase in you um you got uh a message there that linked to um one of the seasons of survivor where
two teams merged and you got to give the name of the team anyway we figured it out what did you
mean um i don't watch that show i don't know i watch it it's like kombucha kombachi komba ruchi
but i don't know what the survivors is the greatest reality television show ever made
yeah i've seen every bar Tucci is bar Tucci does bar Tucci make sense Mcchris probably remember
Jeff Croats is the greatest host of any show in the history that's so funny i'm not even joking
like i watch every no i i i trust you golden i just think it's i think it's funny yeah one day i will
i've actually submitted a video to go on the show i've made a video it's not submitted yet i'm still
editing it down i have a question about that um now like i doubt it's explicitly put into the
survivor contract but let's say somebody just one night went and killed all the other contestants
so they were the only one left yeah i'm sure they would go to jail depending on where the location
was being shot maybe they were like maybe murder was legal in that jurisdiction i don't think so
yeah i mean they shoot at work but would they win that's the question like you know what i mean
like they'd be like hey well they are they are the outlawed in the in the contract you can't kill
the other contestants what is the outlawed in the law of the world no right but that's what i mean
it might be outlawed it like that means you just means you go to jail it doesn't mean you lose
survivors are different things i feel like a legal activity prohibited and they're like in
their contract there's no other activity in order to gain that system what you're gonna get a million
dollars for killing like 10 people i know if you're severely injured you get evacuated so you can't
continue so if you're dead you can't continue so i think right and i think you actually do in the
game whether they actually acknowledge that or not is two different things just just saying like you
can't continue if you're dead and then you also have to think because they shoot in some sketchy
locations you got a now a million dollar legal fund and you're like in some pacific island that's
got like four illiterate dudes on their on their legal bench wait hold on it's only shot in Fiji
but interestingly enough the very first winner of survivor went to prison for five years because he
didn't pay taxes on his win that's so funny yeah he's famous for walking around nude on the island
yeah yeah this was before eddie was born he doesn't know well and for winning he's also
famous for having one won it and then go into jail or prison for i've never i've never watched a
single episode and yes i was only born in 1999 so that explains it that explains everything
my little baby i've learned all of my life lessons from jeff probes all of them yes
what was his virgin to be speech like
it was it was early on i think that was season three africa
yeah wow that was anyway um with that said first off guys because you guys are enjoying this for
any reason um bottom right purple button you know the deal likes and retweets go a long way so thank
you um what the hell that was the survivor talk is a lot more interesting than crypto it just is
so anyway let's get into crypto now imagine um wow this is fascinating
i wonder if i started in the industry eddie did you know that
wait what yeah that's how i got started in uh uh post-production was logging seasons of survivor
no way yeah season five was when i started thailand i believe are you serious yeah and i
know all those dudes they're good people all the editors and stuff um yeah it was crazy but that
was so it was so different than than it is now um yeah on this show getting everybody i'm gonna
have to work on i'll work on it for you golden um i uh yeah that's how i came up through post
and it was great uh i was making like 700 bucks a week to watch tv it was awesome
um damn you know man this is just this is a fascinating conversation um at some point i
would like to and slash wanted to talk about juke because that's been a fucking crazy
story but at the same time man let's just talk about jeff probes i i don't know i don't know
about jeff probes i i don't even hold on i'm gonna go ahead i'll wit out last i'll play
i'm gonna go ahead the sole survivor he's a nice guy from everything i've heard oh he looks cool
that's the whole story he's a good looking dude he's also a vampire he's in his 60s and he looks
like he's still for it yeah he's he's a fit dude yeah he's like the he's like the the wide version
of pharrell yeah you could also just you could become the cook and just poison the food not
enough to kill them just enough to make them sick to leave the show so there have been sabotages
that have happened like hiding people's shoes and things like that i will say like the the idea
of a social game has is seems to be like among the most enticing entertainment concepts we've
ever seen i mean just like especially you incorporate sabotage just look across the
board at some of the most successful things survivor um and or even in like the more
entertainment context what is it like game of thrones what's the one where it's you're not
you guys you aren't serious people um succession succession i haven't seen succession but i've
heard incredible incredible yeah i've heard it's incredible so like people have this um
what's the correct word it's like this all right whatever
fascination it's the better f word for what i was going to use um the other one was probably not as
applicable people have this fascination with the idea of just fucking other people over um and
and getting them either killed or thrown out or or making them lose in some other devious way
that people have this this eerie rooted rooted thing in them where they just like watching
other people lose devastatingly due to betrayal is it kind of weird no i think it's pretty normal
dude i think that's actually highly abnormal yeah i mean i i can vouch for that because i'm thinking
crypto survivor that's interesting but when are we going to have crypto running man
when are you going to have crypto battle royale when are you going to have crypto squid game
like where people actually die i mean that sounds exciting to me it's a case in point
i won't play i uh i value my life personally um but i know that there's plenty others to
hear that actually just don't clearly um yeah put me on the island with a bunch of dorks
all survive is there any jurisdiction where you can legally kill i don't think there is
something like that yes yes yes there are some there where's hold on international waters can
you do it no no no there is a there is a weird spot there's a weird spot where they shoot survivor
no no no there's a weird spot in the middle of canada no in the in the us it's in the us i don't
know the specifics but it's near the four corners um so it's near like the colorado i think colorado
exactly what you're talking about like the woods yes so in yellowstone there is a specific tiny
i want to say like five by five mile region where the jurisdiction is unclear so there is no so like
while it is illegal to murder someone if you have murdered someone there i believe under a very
specific set of set of circumstances based off of jurisdictional whatever setup uh you you actually
like no one no one can try you for murder so you can never be jailed because what if you kidnap you
can't go to jail without due process in the us so without and they can't give you due process
under that specific anyway what if you kidnap someone but kill them there well then you'd be
because if you were then you'd be tried for kidnapping and you'd probably because you did
it elsewhere yeah yeah that makes sense okay so so basically you have to voluntarily have a dual
with the person and you have the dual yeah so probably something like that yeah and it's a real
thing like it's happened before someone has been killed there and i think that there was an actual
jurisdictional question there that they were unable to solve and i think someone has actually
gone off yes they said just call it was involved with that i would i would not you know i had a
conversation with scody the other day i've i had a conversation with scody yesterday and there are
i will say like there are some people in this industry like in crypto that just have these
absurdly bizarre yet incredibly fascinating stories of just like what they've done for
the better part of the last three years and scody scody is one of them so props on being
interesting man thanks you're welcome and all this by the way all this separately like this
whole thing the other thing that not many people are talking about um and i guess it is crypto
centric but like the other thing that's that a lot of people are suddenly now talking about is
farcaster which now suddenly everyone's getting decentralized social there's only one interesting
part of the entire network otherwise i wouldn't use it and that's the frames yeah that's what
that's everyone has just started getting like crazy don't care about anything else they're
engaged with these frames what even is a frame dude isn't it it's just like it's like a much
easier way to click through into someone's like point of sale rather than like going through
multiple hyperlinks it just makes it easier to reach your customer like it's the only use case
i've seen with the web3 social network i go brands would like this this just makes sense
like that's a that's a zero to one value add everything else the decentralization part i
don't care i mean maybe at some point i'd care but as a new person thinking like a normal person
i wouldn't care but the frame part i'd care about did you did you try um i will say like
from what i've heard especially in the the quote the quote unquote developer community
for this is before frame uh frames have been used there they they've always had like farcasters
where it's at like that's where the most based people are on it's great if you want eth alpha
because uh someone who someone who someone told me this i think it was um a townies oh no gunter
gunter my discord community said that like basically if you want salona alpha you go to twitter
because salona has taken over twitter and if you want like eth play alpha you go to farcaster
because all the good eth devs are on farcaster and don't really post on twitter as much anymore
it's fascinating does anyone here like does anyone on stage actually use farcaster with
any seriousness yeah i do uh i joined i think summer 2021 um i think it's cool i mean it for
a while did you get one of their og nfts that recently pumped 2.7 yeah wow i'm using nine six
ones i i got it but i sold it for like 0.5 so i'm regretting that um but yeah i think it's it's cool
from uh from in the beginning it was just sort of like a high signal you know tons of developers on
it um so small social networks are usually like that where you just enjoy it because like
you make friends there you know like i met met people i've worked with there you know you meet
people who've done different things in crypto so i think you know like whether or not until like
it's something that you can see that's evidently special probably not until frames came out i think
you can do a lot with frames even beyond just sort of like the commercial application like yes like
something like resi could do where you can make a reservation in a frame and click a button or
different buttons for different times but people have made interesting things and i think the design
constraints around like okay you have images that you can toggle through you have text inputs and
buttons is a fun design space and i went to like the variant fund like hackathon around it people
are making really sort of interesting apps around that um but i totally agree with jonah where like
if you're an advertiser uh it makes a ton of sense because a lot of people like just aren't
clicking out of interfaces they want to stay where they are um the the ability to like actually
complete a purchase to be able to toggle through different options um to demo different features
in a single frame in like a slide chat or a slideshow format i think is super valuable
both users and advertisers um but yeah before that i think it was just kind of like a fun small
club of people um you know that had a shared interest uh and then the d gen layer in terms
of like the uh like the d gen token where people can tip um without like the team's involvement
has been like another thing that's kind of driven this sort of like vortex of like tons of users are
driving or are driving towards farcaster because of like the tokens and the the frame mints that
that have gone you know like i minted a frame and then like the next day sold it for like 200 bucks
by just clicking a button wow it's one of those sort of like wacky things that happen in crypto
that wait is it is it one tap is it literally a single yeah exactly yeah wow that's pretty
crazy your eth address is connected to your farcaster id um so the idea of just sort of sending
something to it like airdropping uh i think base has been the network that people have primarily
been doing it doesn't involve any signatures or anything like that um and and the idea that
there's sort of like a disconnect between your wallet and the buttons is nice because you don't
feel like you know you're one click away from from losing a significant amount of money um but yeah
hysteria around it has been there just from the same point of like okay people have been
clicking buttons and making a lot of money um but they also have a lot of real development work and
it's it's interesting to see a platform capture both and it's interesting to see a platform that's
kind of you know grown steadily over over two years um find one thing that they implemented
within a week and then have a moment over it and uh yeah i'm super happy for dan and the team over
there um feels like they've done things the right way and to jonah's point like they they aren't like
decentralization maxis even though i mean dan's from coinbase but the whole premise of the
protocol is to be sufficiently decentralized like take advantage of decentralization where possible
um but also don't implement you know sort of decentralization in a manner that's going to
prevent people from onboarding um so yeah if anyone hasn't checked it out i think it's worth
doing so i think uh dwr so dan on twitter i think he posted a link where he could sign up for free
um definitely worth taking a look at uh but yeah i mean obviously a tall order sort of disrupting
a twitter or massive social network what's the collection that uh early adopters got
farcaster og i think it's on the zora network i think it's around 2.5 east right now does it do
anything i have no idea i know that sort of for the dgen uh which is like the current the token
that people tip with on farcaster it was a multiplier in terms of like how much you were
airdropped okay um but other than that i think it's similar to like having a low farcaster idea
i think it's just a status thing and um you know a lot of there's been different mint and and other
things on uh farcaster to where they've been gated by like owning something like that another thing
that's super interesting is like i think on twitter you saw it play out where like you know
projects were like to go allow listed you have to like retweet and like yeah in frames that you can
natively program that into where there's a mint button for this nft and you must retweet and like
and follow to satisfy that's pretty cool um so yeah i mean there's there's interesting things
that going on they're not the best person to talk to they're not like long-term it'll work out but i
think it's worth checking out and i've enjoyed my time there is that the claim still open
uh for which thing the farcaster og i think so that that was four months ago um and i think
there's only like 1100 or something a low low low supply count i've been on the sap for a while and
i had no idea same on me yeah i mean i i have no idea like how it'll play out i think the latest
thing that i'm seeing on my timeline right now is people going and buying low farcaster ids because
you can sell your id um trying to think about what this i'll just let's call let's run it back man
ens part two hell yeah uh so this is the thing that i'm seeing now but um i mean 20 like selling
your you know imagine if you could if you're the 20 000th you know user of some web3 platform
selling for 100 bucks is is interesting but um i don't know very small market uh but yeah
how does that make sense though because if you if you're like new i get the trading part but if
you're new and like you really take this seriously why would you want to trade your farcaster
identity right like if you if you thought that this was going to be like the next twitter wow
like because the the price goes up i know but like that's the point like there's a problem there
the problem with that like like i don't know anyone who's like building a huge business
on tiktok goes like time to sell my tiktok account unless they weren't making money on it
well that that's that's literally it the idea is the idea is either you have the ens and it makes
value for you or you sell it to someone else who hopefully does or vanity thing yeah i don't know
it just seems like we've been here before oh yeah we have definitely we've definitely
been here before um yeah real quick null just so you know we don't do hands so you could just
hop in what's up dude oh okay cool um uh you're good what's up good to see you by the way i think
this is the first time yeah i usually just listen to space because i don't usually come up and talk
um but i joined farcaster like in 2022 so i think my fid is like 3000 um i was gonna ask about the
claim but obviously i guess the claim for that nft is over um but yeah i was just wondering like
i saw something about like the the tipping or whatever in is there like an official
uh token on there to tip people with or you can tip any token
yeah that's a great question so uh the team does manage something called warps natively
one thing to understand is that farcaster is a protocol so anybody can build a client on top
of farcaster uh and utilize sort of like the messages and whatnot so there's farcaster clients
that look like reddit there's ones that look like twitter um you know i think somebody's building
like a chess platform on top of farcaster uh but in terms of the the team itself also manages
an app called warpcast and then within warpcast they have something called warps which are
essentially used to like facilitate payments uh and you can also tip in in terms of just like
liking somebody else's suite somebody else a third party built a token called dgen which is
sort of exploding i don't own much of it but um essentially you can reply to somebody's
uh post on farcaster with like a tipped amount you have a daily allowance uh and you can claim
you know like i think you can claim if you were if you were in the part of the first part you
could have claimed millions of this token which i think i think i've seen early users sell it for
like anywhere between like five and fifteen thousand dollars so uh no official involvement
from the team on that but um wow they do have like a payments you know system i think probably
similar to points uh where you can mint entities with warps uh officially in their app
yeah i saw the um i i did like i bought 25 worth of the warp uh gems or whatever and made a
collection name or whatever a channel name on there because i i have no idea what it is i'm
assuming it's kind of like reddit where you will own the category or whatever if you name it
yeah exactly it's a simple bit like to subreddit um so there's different channels uh so like like
i'm involved in like a nyc channel on farcaster and there's a chest one so just different interest
groups uh and i think yeah you can use orbs to create different channels and because i'm
obviously i haven't done my research i just been doing things i i that's why i'm here now because
like i i saw someone put in one of my chats that secondary marketplace they were like yeah
if you have a low fid these things are starting to sell then i started seeing the usernames
people are buying like accounts with good usernames um and i'm instantly just started
like it's gonna be the whole speculation thing that's not it's like it's just how we are
like everyone's instantly just gonna be claiming different names and it's just gonna get
the typical what we do in this space i think someone was wondering about the farcaster og
and if he was airdropped there was no claim so that must have been people who joined earlier than
2022 because i've been on it for over a full year now you know i don't have anything so i'm guessing
it was people before that yeah sucks you suck Castro yeah i know there was a criteria that you
also like on farcaster or on warp cast when you post a lot you get an active badge next to your
name so similar to like a verified badge but you have to keep posting to maintain it so i think
the there was a a claim that was like not in farcaster og but just something celebrating the
permissionless sign up for a farcaster and then the og's were airdropped it based off of having
an active badge and i think a low farcaster id so yeah it wasn't something where it's like it
was open to claim they just gave it as a gift to people who were active and in early to their
platform is that icon the star or the heartbeat it's the the heartbeat so the the star is like a
like a top contributor to it to a channel so if you're like posting and gaming all the time you
like you have like a little star that kind of indicates that and then the activity badge is
something that like i mean like i try to post on there here and there but it's difficult to
maintain you have to like you know i don't remember the criteria but you have to be pretty
active to to maintain it and i gotta start casting a lot more you know this is fascinating
but i will say i've whole i've had metagit here for like an hour and 45 minutes and i feel like
i've been a little bit rude to him to be honest because uh i metaged him like maybe a day or so
before the space and i was like hey man um your breakdown of juke was fascinating and i kind of
wanted to figure that out so i i'm gonna do a hard swap because before we wrap this space in
like 20 25 minutes or so i want to know what the hell's happening with juke because it's been one
of pretty much the biggest drops of a token period uh in the last let's say year and uh i
mean i've got some not much but some and i actually set up a dca on it because i mean dude
single biggest decks on salana which is going to be one of the best performing tokens of this year
sounds like one of the easier plays to make to be honest um yeah dude what what happened
why are people so upset yo honestly i think people are just i think like the space is just
i mean we can all agree we all have ADHD in this space right um and i think that's really it
it's weird because there's a lot of like eth there's a lot of like eth commentary and uh
you know i'm not saying people are like hating but i'm not saying people are like hating because
it's like salon or anything but it's really interesting how like the algorithm just like
builds up like these like villains from like like whether it's on the each side or on the soul side
there are like these people who always just have to have like the most contrary takes
that have no truth behind it and that's really all there was here bear was here earlier um really
the goat yep yeah the goat the goat of the goat of god awful takes oh my that guy is single
handily he's single handily done to i feel like he did to d gods what that what he's doing to d
gods what like that nazi board ape campaign did which by the way and i put out a tweet this week
about it dude it totally just knocked something over anyway uh there the that that judgment was
for nine million dollars against polly it is limited in scope because it's only against the
trademark that's like the the rider rips like the the whole rrba yc nfts let me just say like my
opinion is while that is limited in scope to just that and that that judgment seems fair for that
or at least like within reason for that in terms of the brand damage that was done by polly and
rider rips it's not even close like you're talking i think 100 to 200 million dollars
with the brand damage that's not accounted for by that uh nine million dollar judgment anyway
that's like a totally it's a totally separate thing but i'm just you know i i really do think
polly and rider are actually getting off light to the damage that they did but anyway sorry you were
saying yeah um yeah i was i was just talking about how people just like to make shit up
dude that's what i hate about uh crypto twitter and that's how i think um a lot of people a lot
i know i'm kind of worried i'm not worried actually why the fuck would i be worried i mean
it happened to me like you come into this space you don't know shit you open at the top and then
you just get murked because a bunch of people who have like over 20k followers tell you what's what
but um like i'm only at 17 so we're good yeah yeah see bro eddie what you get past 20k it's
no longer alpha bro you're gonna have to create an alt or some shit like i don't know i don't
want to tell you but um yeah anyways like i i kind of like boiled down uh the current like jube price
action and all of the chatter down to kind of like two main things which are basically uh
just like the i would say the founding team the like the jube team didn't really they weren't
really concise and they didn't really aggregate all of the information that should have been
distilled to the community and the greater like crypto ecosystem into like one confined place
meow kind of like was all over the place like in people's threads and on people's dms and in
discord kind of explaining things which caused a lot of fud because it because it's like very easily
like take a screenshot and like pull that out of context and then create a tweet about it and
that's what happened uh that that those that actually is what catalyzed most of the fud
and then yeah i already mentioned the first part which is the adhd um and i think like the reality
is is that people people weren't like everyone like knew that they were going to get free money
but nobody knew exactly like how that free money was going to come to us and like what the team
was getting like in return right and i think they get they get they get two things right they're
this is their fundraising right they're fundraising and what i believe is the much
yeah like how how exactly so it's 200 or 250 million dollars i forget the exact number but
how exactly are they making money off of traders yeah so they put in so based oh well so they're
taking feet okay so actually where they they created a dlm um which is like a new type of like
lp pool um and they put in they create a single side pool and put i think like 250 million juke
tokens in there right and that's what and essentially whatever money ended up whatever
money ends up in that pool after seven days they're going to they get to keep so whether that pool is
all juke or whether that pool is all usdc whatever it is at the end of seven days they keep
and oh wait so i so just to be clear and to explain what's happening here um and this is
me working through it as well because i don't fully understand it so you're telling me that
effectively they made a single-sided staking pool in which they have so you call it's called
like a dlmm right like dl double m right so i could look this up later okay so it's a dlmm
they single-sided they put juke of their own accord and and then they pegged that at roughly
worth let's say like 0.6 or 0.4 something like that and then it was up to it was up to potential
so i think they pegged it i think you said like 0.4 0.6 okay and then 0.7 got it so then basically
it's pegged at 0.6 and people buy it and they buy it up to whatever and then as it like as the
price of juke goes to 0.7 that number goes down pretty drastically down to let's say like
50 million like 50 million worth of juke left in that pool but then as it goes down to 0.4
it gets they're progressively left with more juke in the pool and not more usdc in the pool
correct yeah yeah and and like i think the thing that we got to note here and this is like
there's a lot of math behind this part but they created a price curve i don't really know how
the price curve works like like on a like a very unlike a on like a calculus level but i understand
exactly what they're trying to do so they created this price curve that essentially said that the
token would stay for for as long as this pool state as long as this dlmm stays in like uh stays in
place the price of juke will fluctuate between 0.4 and 0.7 and that's and that's just to be clear
notwithstanding absurd amount of sell-off or an absurd amount of buy power that would push it out
of that right or is it actually effectively locked within that range it's it's not effectively locked
within that range yeah some like yeah extreme buy pressure could send it higher but but really
the price curve was custom designed in order to prioritize two things bootstrapping liquidity
which you know the it was single single-sided pool so they can take in usdc right and then the second
thing is to backstop losses right because you know meow has been in solana for what like two years
now he knows that we're a bunch of fucking direct cheaters and that we're all going to just paper
paper fucking juke uh so it was really built for those two things in mind right so they need to
raise money for the team to keep on building out more cool shit and they also need money for the
dow so that we can you know vote on things etc and then um yeah like you know i think i think this
makes a lot of sense to me this makes a lot of sense because it gives people seven days to like
exit their troop airdrops because you know like people you know everyone's claiming their airdrops
at different times etc and you you want some like stability around the token um and the reason you
want that is because is because like i it's really hard for a token to to like be released with like
a low flow and high fdv and like not go to the moon and then and then immediately cascade down
that like coming back from that like moonshot i've like never seen a chart come back from that
moonshot yeah i i'll be honest i'm actually very much in favor of a chart that doesn't launch with
a with a hardcore moonshot it's very rare that there's any like significant comeback potential
off of that yeah i think i think like um for me like having watched dust like the dust which was
like the d god spl token that they launched like having watched that i think that was like a really
perfect example of yo if you're gonna launch a high fdv uh low flow token that shit is gonna send
right and that's kind of what i was hoping was gonna happen with you to be honest because like
i was you know i kind of wanted to like you know make a lot of money but it's no but it's but like
in the long term this is really good right because we we don't end up with like you know i think
another example is the bananas from cyberkong's their token did the same thing right it's never
it's gonna be hard to just come back but like if there wasn't this dlmm in place we could have
saw this token run way past a dollar right so that leaves the question of what happens when they
remove uh when when they remove this uh dlm which happens when exactly by the way it happens on
wednesday wednesday at 10 a.m okay no tuesday at 10 a.m sorry because okay exactly seven days
and so they're just gonna yoink it they're just gonna like it's just gonna immediately
like that liquidity is just gonna poof go into their wallet and then be theirs to decide at
that point right uh no not exactly uh so they're actually gonna so i think they're gonna split up
the funds uh they they haven't actually like verified exactly what they're going to do with
the funds yet uh most likely because the fact that they don't know how much funds they're going
to have so so but what they're suggesting and leading towards is that like a majority of the
funds will go back into uh lp right and they'll continue to earn fees on meteor uh through this
lp through this lp but i definitely but like you know we can definitely expect like liquidity
coming off the table but you know with that liquidity gone now i i believe that you know
we're actually going to be able to enter into a period of price discovery because like what we're
experiencing right now is that is actually like uber price manipulation right like this is like
price manipulation by like the people controlling the protocol who are like controlling it you know
i'm saying like this is this is more than just like free lunch capital coming in with like a
100k buy order and just sending it to valhalla are you saying are you saying i should buy right now
so so that's the thing right that's the thing is that um i don't know if like i don't know how
much cell pressure is left right and what i think everyone should be focused on i think i think what
everybody wants is for this pool to be closed out closer to 0.7 because that means that this team
who has done so much for the salani ecosystem and is going to do a lot for defi in the future right
is going to end up with a lot more money to continue to build right uh and then as well
as like whoever's holding on to this juke token it's going to do well for them and that's going
to put again more more liquidity into the into the market when you say money how much money are you
talking about are you talking literally like if it's at 0.7 is it literally 250 million dollars
worth of usdc is in their wallet that they're just gonna like is that what it is yeah 250
mill don't they look dude that's crazy right they'll they'll erase 250 mill from this um but like
like i said they're not going to just take on the low end on the low end what is it going to look
like like if it's at 0.4 what is zero literally zero okay yeah yeah yeah at 0.4 at 0.4 they take
back all the juke and uh they'll be screwed um i mean if that happens i feel like that's very
bearish so if we end up towards the 0.4 it's like okay nobody has faith in this launch pad
nobody has faith in juke nobody has faith in like salona i feel like it speaks i know but
what you said earlier it was like sounds so promising i'm i'm clicking buy button right now
yeah i mean i mean so that's one thing you know like we were under the assumption that
like you know there's there's a higher probability that the price stays between 0.4 and 0.7 right
so setting like i think dca like what a is doing is probably the smartest move i think like maybe
setting some limit orders also could be pretty good towards like 0.4 or five uh for me i keep
on getting wrecked i kind of trying to like set longs this weekend and try to catch the bottom
so i'm done with that shit i've just been uh farming on meteor uh in camino um i can talk
about those if anybody's interested in stacking up some points which which actually i'm going to
ask in a second because i want to know how to stake this or where to stake this but also i'm
curious on the uh so one of the opinions that i'd shared and i want to know how you how valid you
think it is um is the idea of like a lack of clarity around so a lot of people were like
a lot of people especially influencers um who don't know what they're talking about generally
we're like everyone's just so mad about all this um name the names name um eddie come on today
not today come on you want you want to be like name the name i i just made some friends back
dude jonah's gonna pull you to the dark side as well eddie play the advocate play the app well
anyway um so so my thought is like a lot of people will say
um things like okay everyone just got free money and they're like i didn't get enough free money i'm
upset at how little free money that i got like why didn't i get more free money but the reality is
that's not that's not the case um like these people have never or at least just generally
don't actually participate in airdrop farming with any level of seriousness and when you when
you say um that an airdrop is coming and when you clarify via either points or other kind of
incentive mechanisms that an airdrop is coming you are actually incentivizing people to do things
like one spend time and then two spend money in terms of actual realized losses in terms of you
know part of farming like for example i think i'm at least roughly delta neutral on on farming and
blur right now but there have been some pretty significant losses that i've i've taken at times
um in the process of doing so and all that to say um airdrop farmers do spend money and they
do spend money on the protocol and that money goes into the protocol and at least some shape or form
so when the airdrop is not as good as people think it could be um and it's in part for reasons
that are directly as a result of the team effectively doing a sale and dumping on some
of those farmer's heads do you think that they're at least at at least partially right to have those
opinions that like what the fuck meow why was this not clear uh yeah probably to a very small
extent but i think by the way i totally shaped that question i didn't mean to like completely
skew your answer but i'm just curious yeah no no uh no no i i think you have a point i mean
dude i didn't like it's like i honestly i feel like we have to be very honest with ourselves
like the iq and web3 really isn't as high as people i can think especially even on the d5
side of things like like i always tell people this there's like nothing new on their sun like
no one has created like novel yield like like we're not getting like this 20 yield from nowhere
like it's coming from like a bunch of like very like suspect like smart contracts um but yeah i
don't know i i think i think uh i i think that anyone who was like fighting on the time timeline
for even after getting an airdrop whether it was like small or not small uh i think these things
like reevaluate like their priorities yeah i mean i i think it's what was it uh ajt earlier it was
like yeah some people just need to get a life which 100 like some people just need to get a life
but at the same time i i hesitant i hesitate to think that everyone is wrong when the price isn't
as high as they wish it was like i i think i feel like to an extent there's some level of
incentivization that that is that they took that they partake in or partook in i should say um and
then to just be like well guys i still gave you free money is not is not a valid answer when you
actually are advertising and making or incentivizing people to lose money in that search at the end of
the curiosity when you pulled back your your question did you feel like you were leading the
witness is that what happened actually yes okay i just think people talk too much like you made
your money i dump my token it's over there's nothing to talk about anywhere move on to the
next coin next ponzi that's it it's easy stuff yeah but but also think about this think about
like if they didn't put this price curve and like these back this back losses into place
like this token would have easily ran past one dollar right and then like imagine how many
people would have bought the top on that and just got absolutely burned imagine how many
more people would hate this guy afterwards you know i'm saying oh yeah like yeah and then but
then even on that side of things it's like bro like why are you suppressing the price like we're
trying to get on exit we're trying to dump on these bozos who weren't farming we're trying to
dump in all these east east people who are just now realizing that this is going to be
the biggest d5 protocol by tvl and any blockchain i just i just think the funniest part about jube
is that people on centra exchange for bidding one dollar and then if you want that for like
fucking bidding for four cent and then the token dipped to 30 cent to fill all those bid and they
come back up to fucking 68 cent and i dump all of my 7 000 tokens and it's over i just think i just
done more yeah i've done some good money thanks thanks to the meow i guess but i don't want to
talk about it like others like i think we should move on onto the next one before we move on to
the next one hey meta you said on the best case scenario they'll have 240 million dollars like
they just get that back in the jube token right like how does that work exactly you know do they
just control the liquidity of whatever's left in it basically well okay so if you anyone can do
this by the way if you go to meteor uh which is uh which is this new uh liquidity provider like
protocol and salona you can just create the exact same pool that they created which is like a single
sided pool so they create a pool and they put a bunch of jube in there and um you know people are
going to swap into that pool when people want to buy juke they're going to do it that pool will
only take in usdc so as people buy juke out of their pool or sell juke into their pool people
we either take out usdc or take out uh juke depending on whatever you want right so if that
so if the price of juke is going up higher that means a lot of people are buying juke out of the
pool right because there's just by pressure and essentially once it gets to point seven there
will be no more juke left in that pool because they set the uh the range for the for the LP pool
they want to they are specifically only providing liquidity between uh 0.4 and 0.7 right so when it
hits one direction either way it goes past that then you're only going to be left with one with
one type of token okay makes sense i just i just think though i'm not sure about like uh
slp tokens or anything on chain but for in general i think we're we're getting into like
accumulation phase and bitcoin kind of flow slow everything else out looks like it's gonna have
maybe like a last leg up and just uh starting a long ass maybe like two months accumulation phase
everything's not moving so some of you are all right just don't trade in saburi i guess
morph when do i when when does it all go up when do i make money i don't know
that's your job morph your job is to tell us
yo my job is to fund everyone and your job is to make me money jonah you make so much
money on gaming are you fucking for real bro no i don't i don't yes you do
literally you close up deal though i'm so proud of you i don't make any money i don't know what
you're talking about somebody go call jonah's investors so so meta quick question um and this
is kind of last thing i'm curious on so i now have 4000 juke and i would like more juke and
i don't want to buy juke indefinitely i have i have a dca setup but what is the optimal staking
strategy for this oh okay so uh well okay really quick there's going to be staking for the juke
token here it's like native native yeah there's going to be native yeah on the juke protocol
you're going to be able to stake juke and you're going to be and that juke is going to accrue value
through the through the tokens that are launched on the lfg launchpad so that's one reason why
you're probably going to want to hold a bag at some point uh another thing is is that i i i i
i've read i've read this like uh like an hour or two ago but meteor is not only going to let you
provide lp like a liquid not only going to let you uh at like use your um no no i think it's either
it's either meteor or camino but one but like either one of these platforms that allows you
to provide liquidity you're also going to be able to earn lending yield against that as well so
you'll be able to like you know borrow against your juke as well so those are some like exciting
things that are coming down the pipeline for people who have like really big bags um but anyways if
you want to like farm some of these big protocols some of these like you know big names that are
they're all they're launching tokens you can go to camino finance you need to use a vpn if you're
based in the us um and you can uh you can uh create a juke uh a juke b soul b soul is the liquid
staking token for blaze uh for soul blaze which is a staking platform on salona and you can earn like
double points and like uh double yield um on top of like earning like the blaze token which is like
their added yield from the protocol uh so that's like super it's like it's like a super easy way
to like climb the ranks and like do it do some quick farming right now i'm doing that uh another
thing that you can do if you have a bunk bag for anyone who's like you know into the meme coin
like you can take bonk and juke and you can get uh two times point multiplier on meteora as well
um but like with i just gotta say this like with both of these like plays and with doing any type
of like lp'ing you have to like really understand what you're doing um and you need to these aren't
like passive plays you need to monitor them and uh yeah like you just gotta make sure you stay
within your price range otherwise you'll get burned i'll be honest then so i think i'm just
gonna wait i'll just wait for the native juke staking them because i'll just be straight up
with you um i do not have the bandwidth yeah exactly so you're saying i shouldn't have dumped
my juke bag to buy a salona phone v2 is that what you're saying so we did i didn't get that
big of a bag it was more like wait wait wait hold on they have they have juke token and salona phone
are you fucking no no no i i got a very small airdrop and i used it to put toward that's how
small it was to put towards it's actually really small damn i think uh but i will say it's like
you know some people i think easy made like 100 grand off this it's not bad he cooks i just want
to speak one more one more point i think speaking to what morph just said like you know i i don't
know if a lot of things are going to be giga pumping right now but i definitely think we're
in accumulation period and like something like juke it's like do you like anything under like
point seven man like you don't want to fumble this bag and in my in my humble opinion like if you can
just hold on just just fucking gamble and digest some other yeah obviously when when each people
woke up to a limb dick airdrop 200 bucks in a month so i don't think anything's happening
i don't know uh there's been pretty decent airdrops with bic uh bitcoin puppets you know can't
complain a couple r6 we all know those are fucking doing well so bullish kill my own bags
i don't give a fuck shamelessly you know we we we managed to go two hours and 10 minutes without
a single mention of ordinals and here we are well just you gotta fucking do it right bro
let's keep up the street don't get me started don't get me started let's keep up the street
i actually i won't get started actually i won't i actually i will i will do an ordinal space at
some point i will oh please be on a fucking liar and i will i will you guys just tend to be
do it next week like in the maybe in the fall because the minute that blast starts coming
out with shit it's just gonna be any blast spaces every day yeah yep yep um any blast
also we're not doing next week by the way because next week we'll be watching either
um the 49ers win the super bowl or taylor swift to win the super bowl no no no no i want the 49ers
to wonder i don't know what the over under is i think it's like a point i think it's literally
one over under um you mean like what do i think the final score is gonna be or who do i think
is gonna win i think the final score these are high scoring offenses and their defenses are good
but not incredible i want to guess that i think they're both getting to the 20s at least i think
so i think one of them uh but their defense are good enough i want to say like man i'm gonna give
you the most vanilla answer probably like 31 to 24 something like that i have uh i have a question
have the odds changed since patrick mohomes uh dad is gonna go to prison like wait what do you
know you're his his father got arrested for another dui and are some are you serious yeah crap
you're right seven hours ago right so like i'm like is there a history i i just feel like the
all the bettors are like looking into patrick mohomes like psychopath from like college or
something wait can you pin that can you fuck that i don't believe anything these days okay
like to me the fucking draft king's like sigh off this fucking bullshit so people can inverse
about it yeah bro it's a gamble not even an inside hit bro it's just all manufactured you
probably like got arrested for like some dumb shit and they're just capitalizing on it so that people
like oh now we got a fucking you know what's funny my um my irl friends who don't use twitter
they're like all major like they're just like super degen sports gamblers all of them all of
them same here no literally all of them that like you by the way we'll talk about that in a second
but what i wanted to say is that um apparently like the number crunching has gotten so good
that most of these degen sports bettors won't bet on things they watch they'll bet on things
that they don't watch or that are micro niche because the computers have just over-optimized
the the bets yeah dude i from what i know the actual best bettors on the planet are are winning
like 52 percent of the time like 51 to 53 percent in that range yeah so yeah and yes and yes jonah
literally all of my friends all of them are gambling and all of them like all of my guy friends
are all gambling gambling on like crazy level so like i have the theory i've got this like
eight leg parlay and i just put you know 50 bucks into it to see what the dude i have a i have a
text chat like of like eight dudes and they don't even talk it's just pictures of parlays
and like the receipts of each parlay and then like it's like five notes of conversation you
like i guess the oilers lost they're like you know you know what this parlay would have been
great if not if not for the fact that like this one obscure kicker actually missed on his third
kick it's like and then it's like and then there's like how these work we go again tomorrow boys
yo they opened a fan duel in my hometown and like now everyone i grow up with is just like
a fucking gambling addict and they all work for bet mgm now too so i think it's a double whammy
that crypto doesn't get mass adopted because sports bidding becomes so big that they just
skip crypto all together and actually no interest always it has always been big though no no no no
i have the numbers to show otherwise it is in the last five years it has exploded in growth in
america yeah it has actually exploded like more if i'm a hundred i'm telling you because of mobile
gaming and especially some of the laws that have been passed where it's been more more and more
legalized across the states it is blowing up um and i like dude i'll be in basically everyone's
a gambler over the age of 21 i'll be in no over the age of like i don't think that's like i don't
think that's weird or anything i've been betting like dota 2 csgo for so long dude i mean but in
america think about it think about it like for us in nfts like let's talk about like a niche audience
for us in nfts we see w's on the fucking you know people making hundreds of thousands on fucking
meme plays right or nfts what's the fucking difference of like tiktok motherfuckers no it's
not massive 12 fucking 18 parlay fucking games of some sports that they never watch in their life
the content is just better the content like that's the thing that people are missing here is that
like someone getting like a like a fat bag on a board ape is not as exciting as like oh my god
patrick mohome's dad just went to fucking prison and taylor swift is coming to meet fucking travis
kelsey and you know m&m's playing in the fucking half time again and the spread's going crazy you
got fucking beer like the content just it's more fun yeah it's more fun yes it is and actually it's
it's funny man like i you you took it the way that you think that people are just going to skip
crypto altogether i will say um no not skip just like completely no no i know i know but like
with on egirl capital clcat one of my favorite reader uh one of my favorite writers and like
actual gigabring guy um is of the opinion that we're going to go enter a scam shitcoin super
cycle where effectively people around the world they're going to have nothing better to do except
for continue to gamble as they see their ability to like quote unquote make it quickly diminish to
zero um in the current state of the economy so i have to i have to just gamble i have to gamble
more so it's like some people are going to go to most people are going to go to sports betting but
a certain subset of people are going to go into investing and then another sect of people under
that are going to go into it's all gambling that's why it's literally all gambling happy with the
with the video game stuff because the gambling there is going to be just like a whole other level
actually like what is crypto the game why do people like it i mean like it's different than
gambling or wagering but it is a type of gambling yep so like the wager market's gonna fucking
explode like here's the thing when ai has taken every possible job the only job you could do that
like an ai is not good here's the thing an ai can't gamble because it already knows everything
it's the only thing a human could do well god bless man i'm so excited for the future this is
so much fun who's gonna the house is ai yeah the future is non-stop gambling yeah
now even apple vision pro with a giggle on five different screens
i don't need monitors anymore i don't need a desk bro i'm just gonna fucking hook up life support
and the fucking ib drip to me on bed and just fucking sit there all fucking day dude i'm gonna
build i'm gonna build an app called parlazy and what it is it's a like i said it's a that's a
it's a park uh it's a vision pro app where basically people who sign up for parlazy
everyone's have you to walk by them on the street you can see their parlay and you it's like a great
way to come up you're like oh bro you do your parlay on the eagles is not to bro and you walk
by and you like click his profile like oh dude you're gonna get smoke like i think this is a
great way to make friends it's a gamble social phi using the vision pro app she started out in jersey
i feel like it would do well here dude it would do really well talking about that i just want to
say like i never watched uncut gems until like last week and i fucking love adams sandler
like dude he's he's so good at like he literally just fit the movie and i feel like it
it explained a lot to like our industry and stuff so yes just yeah you also come to new jersey it's
a pretty pretty base place man got a lot of talianos here yo i can't believe we got fucking
like in my mind i just think about all the movies and shit when we were kids and how like all this
stuff just primed us for what this fucking future is gonna be just a bunch of assholes walking
around with goggles and like you know fucking on some black mirror shit with our social scores
above our heads you can't come in the building if you don't have like 10 000 followers type shit
like it feels like that's just been primed for us to actually fucking happen so yeah we get a
little glimpse into the future man i think i think we're a little bit more uh i think at least like
us here a little bit more woke to this um i want you know some people might call it unfortunate
reality i'll call it uh fun so we're so black mirror dirty yeah but it's fun yeah black mirror
dirty jersey again a dirty jersey version god bless i already know what app i'm making for the
vision pro if once so i actually think there's huge alpha in making vision pro apps even more
than making an iphone app now i want to build i want to get the license to yugioh and immediately
do the fucking yugioh you know the yugioh shit where you got the fucking deck in your arm crazy
did you just walk or you walked to fucking mcdonalds and you're like you all bet you for
a cheeseburger and you pull out fucking exodia the the only reason that that will make me
buy the vision bro is probably playing pokemon like catching pokemon so that's like the only
thing okay i had another creepy idea all right here's my creepy idea this is your last idea
for the night jonah it's called it's called only ray it's an extension of the only fans
fans app and oh no listen listen listen listen listen listen hold on it's not that creepy it's
an opt-in okay you had like it's a consent-based app so here's how it works like in amaranth or
people who are like big only fans people who you know or people you may not you have the only ray
app enabled as a guy or girl right whatever and if you walk by someone at a convention center or at
an event or you just see them in the street and it goes this person has the only fans
pay five dollars to unlock you know what they have whoa that would be crazy listen listen
but you don't but you don't see it you can't you can't see it within a certain vicinity of the
individual so it's locked from a distance no like i'm telling you this that's so crazy no that's
actually crazy thinking no listen the the apps the like i'm telling you vision pro apps are going
to be on another level of fucking insane that is just beyond that would okay that would that would
be absurd first of all that app would for the app would print only fans would charge like an extra
it would print for like two to three months and then the lawsuits would go
no no no i had no it has to be often i know but even still even still like there would be some
crazy articles dude all right all right here's the only other one that i had that's actually
good is called gig xr it's basically linkedin but irl and when you shake someone's hand you've hired
them for the gig job immediately it's like if you meet an artist at a coffee shop your
bowl the renovation probably shake that mother fucker's hand it's like psych bitch you work for me
now all right that's a weird idea it's not it's not it's not gonna be crazy just listen these apps
are going to be like the type of shit you're going to be able to do is is another world yeah
we're going to be minority report bro like that's all that's all there is to it you're gonna have
motherfuckers pay five dollars to see eddie's pov an order for that in order for that to happen
you americans has uh obligation to make it just vote donut trump back well look man all
all i want is i just i all right so i need i need i need what ryan goslin i need what ryan gosling
had in blade runner have you played severpunk 2077 this is the last not yet all right so this
is actually in the book and the game but there is actually an ending like a main ending to this app
and i figure what they call it but it's a drug that they invent where you can feel other people's
emotions when they die or when something serious happens to them and so what happens in the game
is people get addicted to feeling someone else's demise or thrill because the last like hit of
chemicals they can get in their brain when they're drug addicted to those chemicals and oh they're
called dances uh something uh uh something dances yeah brain dances that's what they're called the
drug is called brain dance and they're basically these underground drug dealers who will buy the
memories of people right before they died so these drug addicts can feel the feeling of death
which is apparently some high yo how did we get to this part of the conversation i'm just telling
you like where this shit's going in like 30 40 years show it up i'm like i'm having an anxiety
attack that's from a big that's from a video game no i believe you go like that's crazy cyberpunk
it's a huge game i'm having fun played it with a brain dance if i'm also having fun while i'm
having an anxiety attack i mean dude look as long as long as i can have as long as i can have my
digital girlfriend that i can only see her in the vision that that's the first like listen that's
one of the first apps that's coming i'm good i'm good that's all i need that's all i need
how tall do you want to be eddie honestly i'm good with like six foot i think i'm up to i think i'm
you think he's joking but like i had this conversation with him in private and i think
he's actually being serious about it and he's starting it at high tower and what it is
it's exclusively an app for men who want taller girlfriends than them dude what's wrong with that
i would want my kids to be fucking like vikings dude like giants yeah yeah there's nothing wrong
with that yo why is your girlfriend the incredible hulk wait eddie eddie why don't you consider a
range marriage at this point you know oh it'll happen i'm just too busy right now anyway with
that um and on that bombshell in the words of jeremy barks i think i'm gonna wrap this puppy up
um wow that was like a surprisingly depressing end but that was also really fun
hope you guys enjoyed it this one was interesting we talked a lot about a bunch of different things
um you know the deal guys we run this puppy every sunday 8 30 pm eastern um here with english and
i except for probably next week next week we're uh we're gonna call it off because well you know
we got the super bowl so we're not going to do next week uh but we'll be back the week after
and i promise i'll have some cool stuff lined up i'll get some good speakers it'll be a really fun
show the the following week until then guys you know the deal um following elunish and i
and turn on some notifications i'm actually working on cooking up something fairly big
cough cough um english you got anything that you want to add anything you want to
i guess no um no oh well um i guess quantum cats tomorrow i do have oh yeah yeah i do have
a show we'll be covering it uh everything ordinals it'll probably be off good things
account so if you're familiar with bitcoin you probably know bitcoin um and you know i'm sorry
you know good things rather if you know uh bitcoin ordinals and if you're not don't know
good things you probably aren't into ordinals so you probably won't want to hear the show so
it's all good um that's really the only thing i want to show my friend and other than that
we'll call it a wrap and see you in a couple weeks oh yeah and just a couple other things real
quick for me um just uh the only reason i bring this up is because i've had some conversations
over in the past past day and i finally agree with someone and we're we're gonna go forward
and it's gonna be one of the most painful things i've done but um uh just make sure just make sure
that you guys have someone to help you with your taxes it's uh february yeah i need somebody i need
somebody do you have somebody good at it i actually i will i will recommend you someone um
i mean i this is my first time working with them but uh i need to do everything dude i need to
like incorporate like i incorporated a couple years ago and then i never used it and now like
i'm actually doing everything like the right way dude i don't i don't have the time to do this so
i have to hire someone like dude i have no time to do my normal life much less like thousands of
transactions all right let's link up after this so yeah all the all this to say um guys if you if
you guys are doing your taxes like don't forget it's uh it's soon god bless america the greatest
country on earth all right let's do that this week let's do that this week all right all right guys
but not the same way that you helped me out with the collabs like do like a better job
right yeah yeah this this one i this one i won't forget all right all right enjoy your night guys
we'll talk to you soon have a good one and peace homies see you in two weeks see you in two weeks
later peace