📣 @vechainofficial x CoinEasy AMA

Recorded: Jan. 29, 2024 Duration: 1:02:35



I know as your bitch ain't pretty go clean. It isn't your album. We don't fit in a nail
Click on take one day between it a toe. Oh, I was here. Okay. This is a people meet up. She can't get me that
Hello, bitch ain't and community users. We are sorry to have had the opportunity to learn more about bitch ain't
Orj and nail and Jake or bitch ain't this year
Now I feel near and take me tell me just sometimes I'm Japanese
Hello, and Jake, thank you for being here. Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Hello, thanks for having me. It's great to meet everyone from the South Korea community
I'm Jake I am the communications lead and a community manager over at V chain
So I work a lot with communities across the world
Which is a lot of fun obviously working with V chain a lot of fun, too
And yeah, it's great to them to have a chance to speak to everyone today about what working on over at V chain
What we've got going on and I've see got Neil here our expert Forge master. So I'll pass it over to him for an intro
Hi and you have a SEO
Thanks for having me
My name is Neil I work the product team
V chain foundation I'm the head of product delivery
So I'm involved in kind of the day-to-day operations of of all the various products that we're building
And obviously forage is one of those
That said was the I was the product owner of the product manager on on Forge itself
And at the moment, I'm kind of overseeing a number of other projects that that worth doing at the moment
Thanks for having me
Thank you
Thank you for your introduction
Well, I'm gonna take a bit taken in between a communication change. Oh, yeah
You're welcome. But I'm not man. I'm not that well as you will go to town on the
It's a product to take home a second. Also product to change the product. I've been in general part of a shimita
Clickable is a gym. You know, don't know about the book on there
So bunch of shimun. Oh, no, no, no, no for you. Are you watching bio or take it up?
No, I'm your change. Okay, good. You can see it's a bio
And I'm Jimmy it wasn't that thank you for your valuable answers. Now, let's move on to the questions we have prepared
First is what is we you are J. How does it work and make building on we change so easy?
Yes, so so forage is a
No code platform as a service so
The purpose of
Board actually, let me let me tell you a little bit about the name the name forage is it's the phonetic spelling of
The word forage where you where you would craft something or build something. So the the name of it is
Where you build smart contracts where you craft something?
So that's that's the kind of background of it that the name of it
the the purpose of forage is to allow anybody regardless of technical capability or
Crypto currency knowledge to create content on a blockchain
For example, we're removing barriers
for creators
so if if there's artists out there who would like to create
NFTs or who would like to monetize their art on the V chain tour blockchain they can do so
without having to
have a wallet own
cryptocurrency or
And right be be able to write solidity or or just code in general and
Instead what they can use is forage, which is an easy to use platform. It's very familiar it uses
common a common interface a
familiar web to interface and
You can deploy contracts on the V chain tour blockchain and those contracts could be
non fungible tokens NFTs are in other words and or it could be
Fungible tokens like like mean coins or or again
coins tokens
related to the utility of our product that you may be building or
Related to a piece of work that you've that you've been developing
Thank you for your answer
The next question is, how long does it take to make MIM coin or NFTs on words?
It doesn't take long at all.
It's a matter of a matter of minutes really largely it depends on so for a for a fungible
token an ERC20 token it would be minutes you have to give it a name you would give it a ticker
you would check some boxes whether it's to set some parameters on it and that's about it you
then can deploy it and it'll deploy in a matter of minutes and then it's accessible to you to
mint into into people's people's wallets your own wallet or what you can do is create a liquidity
pool on one of the taxes that we have and allow people to to purchase and trade trade with it
so for a fungible token it's very quick because there's very little information that you need to
provide for a non-fungible token it can take again we're not talking about huge amounts of time but
it could take a little bit longer maybe 30 minutes or so for example and again it depends on
the amount of media you're going to upload so say if you're going to upload five thousand images
and we we have to process those images and so that that takes that that's the computational part
we we put those images upon ipfs so that takes a couple of minutes to do but again it's you
filling in a form and you drag and drop your media there you would enter in some metadata
and like for example if if you were to upload you know pictures of people you might you might say
what gender they are what hair color they have what eye color they have
through the attributes associated with it and then again you would deploy and so
generally speaking it's it's very fast and as as you upload more media and it takes
a bit more time understandably because there's more to process
yeah thank you for your answer
What other things can you build on Forge and how can we get started?
Yeah, in terms of getting started, Forge is free to use. Anybody can create an account.
All you need for an account is an email address. That's it. We don't ask for credit cards or anything like that.
A good resource would be to go to docs.forge.app. D-O-C-S dot V-A-W-R-J dot A-P-P.
In there, you'll find tutorials and guides on how to create fungible tokens, create NFTs,
and also the additional utility there, for example, a list of NFTs that you've just created
on the world of the marketplace and start selling it, for example, or as well in terms of how to list your fungible token
on a DEX, such as V-Rocket.
The tutorials are quite useful there on docs.forge.app. Again, that will also list out some additional use cases that you can use Forge for.
For example, there's other contract types. There's the vault contracts that we use, or not use, but rather provide.
There is also the DAO contracts. You can create a DAO or you could create a tokenized vault.
In terms of other use cases, there is an indexer built into Forge, so there's an API,
A-P-I dot Forge dot App. We'll get you there.
The API is useful because blockchains are essentially, you can take them like open permission databases that anybody can read or write from.
It's relatively easy to write to them. It's difficult to read from them.
What Forge has done is created an API indexer that people can read the blockchain.
For example, a typical use case may be that a developer would like to give an NFT or a fungible token to holders of another NFT.
For example, token gating. This is the example.
Let's say, for argument's sake, if I'm a developer and I would like to give all X-node holders an NFT,
I can search to see which wallets own an X-node, and from there I could proceed with an action.
Again, it's the ability to read the blockchain. That's what Forge also provides.
Thank you for your answer.
I would like to ask the question about blockchain.
If you have any questions about blockchain,
I would like to ask the question about blockchain.
I would like to ask the question about blockchain.
I would like to ask the question about blockchain indexer.
Blockchain is a blockchain, but it's not a blockchain indexer.
It's a blockchain-like system.
If you have an NFT, you are able to find out,
if you have an API indexer, it's possible to find out,
The next question is, we heard about X2ARN launching on VJEN, how do you see this driving
mass adoption for crypto? Could first be used for this?
Yes, so Forge could certainly be used in this space. Generally speaking, the Forge indexer
and the creation of digital property, just broadly speaking, in terms of NFTs or functional
tokens can be used by anybody to build anything. The X2ARN piece is certainly one aspect here.
Because again, Forge is free to use, anybody can create an account. So if there was a developer
out there who wanted to get started by creating an ERC20 or ERC721 contract, the Forge provides
that for them in an easy to use manner. And we use the Open Zeppelin contracts, the Open
Zeppelin implementation, which is worth noting. And developers can go and use them and integrate
them into the applications that they've built. So for example, for X2ARN apps, you might,
for example, give an NFT to represent ownership or being part of the community. And therefore,
an application knows who its users are by the presence of an NFT in their wallet or
in their account. Likewise, then tokens could be transferred to those NFT holders. And again,
it incentivizes long-term holding of the NFT. So yeah, and then the other side is the
indexer. Again, the Forge indexer can be used by applications to easily understand what's going on
on-chain, what our certain address is doing, and what activity is happening and use that
information to perform follow-on actions themselves. Thank you for your answers.
How does X2ARN tie into your sustainable plans? Are you working with companies on this?
Yeah, I guess I can speak to that one. X2ARN is the kind of new concept that we're bringing to
the market, which is based around incentivizing user behavior in relation to sustainability. So
you may have seen we had an ecosystem a while back where BYD, that's an electric vehicle manufacturer,
there you could drive that vehicle, you could upload your data from the end of your journey,
and basically the carbon offset could be worked out. And then you could gain tokens,
carbon credits, which could be spent at other companies within this ecosystem. So the logic there
is that by doing a sustainable action, you should be incentivized and rewarded to keep doing that
action. At the moment, we all know about sustainability and the issues behind it.
The rationale is to encourage sustainable behavior through this incentivization model. So X2ARN,
X just means anything, right? In maths, X is the unknown. So we're basically building this
large kind of ecosystem with lots of different kinds of sustainability initiative from lots
of industries. And this is going to play a big key role in how V-Chain drives mass adoption of web
three tech into mainstream. In terms of business partners, we're working closely with BCG on this
front. They are the world's largest management consultant that's working specifically in this
field. So there will be many more updates to come there. But needless to say, we've got support
from one of the world's biggest companies in this initiative, and lots of exciting developments
to be announced at the end of this month. There will be a big announcement coming at the end of
February. So keep your eyes peeled. Thank you for your answer. It was really exciting.
Next question is, there was a recent announcement about marketplace as a service. What is it?
How will we be using it in the future?
I think Neil's probably best placed as the tech guy, but I can open it up. It's a very exciting
new platform coming from V-Chain. It will complement Forge in the way that you can launch
a marketplace very quickly, again, without much coding requirement. It's essentially a white label
marketplace service. So what kind of scenarios would you need that? For example, we have an
enterprise proof of concept at the moment, and they're using it for Fidgetools. So they're
attaching NFC chips to products, giving them NFT identities, and they're creating digital twins.
And these products can be sold through the marketplace to people who can then
take ownership of that physical item, but also have the NFT digital component.
So it's got a lot of use cases. Perhaps Neil can expand further, but
it's a very innovative platform that I'm very excited to see go live myself.
Yeah, I think Jake you covered quite a lot of it there. It's very much a progression
from Forge to give the next stage of utility, which is, let's say I'm an individual creator,
small organization, or large organization, and I want to have my own marketplace
because I want some level of control, customization, or for personal reasons or decisions.
You know, I don't want my content sitting beside other content that I can't control. For example,
you know, I don't want my luxury watch or my high brand shoes or whatever it may be
sitting beside a PFP profile picture kind of NFT for just reputational or brand reasons.
So this is kind of one reason that Forge came about, or Mask came about Marketplace as a service,
was to allow people to be able to kind of scaffold, deploy a marketplace, their own marketplace
as easily as possible. So again, there will be no code on the front end user side. It's all
handled by services that we've built and deployed. And yes, essentially anybody could
create a NFT collection in Forge. And as you can currently kind of export your NFTs into
World of E, you'll be able to export your NFTs into your own marketplace and sell there
and configure the rules, you know, of selling in terms of how you price it, the cost,
and other bits and pieces to some extent to what the actual marketplace looks like.
Obviously, we're going to release an initial version. And we have a roadmap of ideas to implement,
but once we've released an initial version, we'd love to hear back from the community
around what they'd like to customize or be able to edit.
Yeah, just one final note on top. You can kind of get a picture of what ReChain's doing now.
We've always been about removing barriers to entry for enterprise. And now with what we've
got coming, it's about removing the barriers to entry for everyone. So, Forge, you can open it,
you can deploy contracts, dials, whatever you need. There's APIs for your business,
whatever application scenario. The marketplace complements that. It's all very quick to
deploy, no coding required. I mean, it's taking what we've already done a step further,
especially as we gear up for this X2N ecosystem. It's going to invite people from the web2 world
very easily, very quickly, and help make blockchain mass adoption super simple.
Thank you for your answer.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Next question is voting of committee member is very important in a strong governance system.
But what voting process does ReChain use to determine important projects?
Yeah, so ReChain, when we launched ReChain, we had quite a robust governance system in place. So,
we have multiple tiers of governance. ReChain has always kind of had this approach of
streamlining decision making and then putting it to the community. So, we have a steering committee,
which is a community voted committee of experts that essentially will field the most pressing issues
and then put those things to vote, which the community then votes on in turn. So,
as part of our governance structure, we've got X nodes and economic nodes and authority nodes.
These are, you know, the kind of backbone, I guess, of the ecosystem. These are run by, well,
the authority nodes are the block producers. They're run by various parties. But the X nodes
and economic nodes in particular, these are all community held. So, there's around 4,000 of those.
So, the processes, we have the steering committee who will put decisions to vote.
And then the outcome of that decision is determined by the authority nodes, economic nodes, X nodes.
And these are thousands of individuals and entities and organizations from across the world.
And then that will be voted on on our platform V-Vote. So, that's a smart contract-based
governance platform. And yeah, once the vote is cast, the outcome is determined. That will then be
enacted accordingly. So, it's a streamlined kind of approach to governance, but it's a very
effective one for kind of push, you know, keeping things moving forward, we've found.
Thank you for your answers.
Sorry, I didn't quite hear that. Could you repeat the question? Sorry.
Our community is from Korea and various other countries are looking forward to the potential
of reaching. I'm curious to know if there are any promising projects underway that the community
can expect in light of the recent crypto bull market.
I mean, in terms of projects, yeah, I mean, like I said, we've got a big kind of ecosystem
launching at the end of the month. That will be a big one to keep your eyes out for.
We are going to be launching a lot of projects within that under this X1 remit. There's a lot of
liberty at how people can build those, but we've created a really strong pathway to also
help onboard projects into that ecosystem. So, you know, the grants program,
we're really actively looking to help builders create projects of their own. We've actually got
a very cool partnership where BCG is going to help provide mentorship for projects and potentially
connect them to VC funding, which is a real game changer for projects looking to build
on blockchain because they've never really had that level of professional support before.
So that's going to be a big one to keep your eyes out for at the end of the month.
We are talking to quite a lot of projects at the moment. I mean, one that really stands out to me
that we have announced, because I can't obviously announce things when they're not announced,
is Vivo Smart Chain. So we're looking to work with them. We announced a strategic partnership,
but they're a smartware device platform. And basically, when you work out and you do exercise,
you can essentially turn that health data into crypto. So I think that's a really cool project
that people should keep an eye on, because myself, I love cycling, I love climbing. And
why would you go cycling? And you can earn some crypto. I mean, that's pretty cool.
And, you know, that gives you a flavor of where we're going with X2 earn as well. It's like,
you know, doing things you already do and earning rewards for that. So I think this approach we've
got to driving the next kind of generation of web3 applications, it's going to be very powerful,
because it's something that can just seamlessly be integrated into people's daily lives. It's not like
you have to, you know, download wallets and be confused by all these tools and new things.
It's just a case of download an app, do your thing, earn crypto. So in terms of cool projects,
on my radar, I think Vivo, you can search them out, they're called Vivo Smart Chain.
They actually just got approval from Apple to have an NFT in Apple iWatches. So 800 million devices,
in theory, could be mining health data, obviously, with your consent,
and you could earn crypto from that. So that's a project I'm personally quite excited for.
Thank you for your answer. It was really interesting.
Next question is, Vichain collaborated with UFC. Many UFC fans are also participating in Korea,
lead by various Korean players. Does Vichain have any plans to conduct
marketing or games aimed at such fans?
Sorry, I couldn't get microphone button then. Yeah, absolutely. So obviously, for them to be
in South Korea, specifically, we're waiting to see the UFC's kind of event lineup for the year.
But absolutely no reason why we couldn't invite South Koreans to events in other countries.
Obviously, a lot of events take place in America, so it's a relatively short flight,
and we'd love to work with the South Korean community to offer those experiences.
I myself, I'm going to be at every pay-per-view event this year, so I'll be there. It'll be
great to meet you. We'd love to welcome our global community. The South Korean community is
massive, and I think very aligned in terms of Vichain's vision as well. So we would love to
host the South Korean community. I think you can work with the team to identify some targets,
and let's get the South Korean gang over. It'll be great.
That sounds awesome.
The last question is, can you explain the new program plans 2.0? What's the difference from
version 1.0, and how do I participate? Great question. Grants 1.0, we've had that
program for years, and it was a maximum of 30k, but it was quite restricted to very specific
requirements. Given the developments with our new ecosystem, with X2earn, with just our aspirations
in general, we recognized we really needed to revamp the program. So the main grant track
is now worth up to $100,000, and that's for business development or sustainability grants,
so there's two aspects to that. With the sustainability grants in particular,
because that's what we're now obviously working with VCG on, we've added in a lot of nice
features for these projects. So you as a sustainability grant applicant,
you can get this initial funding that can help you design, build infrastructure. We've got the tools
and tech, and we've got various companies we work with that can help you build your blockchain
infrastructure. That can help with app development, things like that. Then there's a second step that
I can't disclose right now, because it's not announced, but tune in at the end of February
to hear more. So we recently mentioned the third phase for the sustainability applicants, which is
BCG, Boston Consultant Group, again, world's largest management consultant in sustainability
and ESG, working with the world's biggest names, they are going to offer mentorship to these
projects. So you will receive the best possible business development mentorship from one of the
world's largest companies. And on top of that, further down the line, once your app is built,
it's launched, we're using it, we're seeing results. Boston Consultant Group can also help
connect you to venture capital. So as a startup, then you could be introduced to their VC networks
that can in turn help unlock more funding and take your project further. So I think
in terms of the grants in the market, this process, I would say, is one of the best out
there. We've got world leading enterprises that is willing to help grow projects that apply on
food chain. So I don't think, yeah, that kind of continuity can be matched at the moment.
I might be biased. I'm certainly not seeing it. And then in addition, we've introduced two
new tracks of grants. One is marketing grants. So last year, we trialed supporting community
projects in running events. And the obvious, the intent here is to, you know, they put on events,
these are helping expand the VC chain ecosystem in some way, whether they're technical showcases,
events, you know, sponsorship opportunities. So two notable examples, we had Andrea,
who ran the Roma NFT week in Rome. So that was a fantastic event. We had
VC chain developers present. VC chain sponsored it, and Andrea helped run, well, Andrea set up the event.
It was an opportunity for people to come meet, you know, people from VC chain, people from the
community, learn about the tech, learn about Forge, Vworld, all these kind of things we've
got coming up. That was a great showcase of that. And then another opportunity was,
we sent 15 teams to NFT XLV. So Connor Boundy, another community member, he took,
he facilitated 15 teams going to NFT XLV in Las Vegas, I think. And yeah, and the intent there
was to help support the community, to meet other communities, to grow the change reputation, you
know, it's a mutual benefit, like we support our community, because we've got so much talent here.
And they in turn help support us. So it's, you know, it's the web three way. It's a win-win for
everyone. We're, you know, and obviously V chain, we put a lot of faith in our community,
because we have a lot of talent. So we're willing to put forward money for people to propose events
to us to, yeah, to go and do that thing and, and spread, you know, V chain, what we're up to,
all that good stuff. Then there's one final track. Sorry, long answer, I know. And that's micro grants.
So again, something we tried last year. These are worth up to a maximum of $2,000. And these are for
small things. For instance, someone came to me recently, they wanted to do an integration for
that DAP with AWS and a cloud server, but there was a small cost. Now we don't want to put the
burden on our community when they build great things. And then they have to spend money at
their own pockets. Of course, a foundation should support, you know, the community at the
at the base level, right? We're the foundation, we're here to support. So three tracks, business
and sustainability, marketing, and then micro grants to help smaller level grants. Now,
if you're interested in checking that out and potentially applying, you can go to
vchain.org slash grants program. That's the URL. Sorry, there's a helicopter. I don't know
if you can hear that. Yeah, that's that's the the new grants program in a nutshell. It's bigger,
it's better. There's a lot more support. And yeah, I'm excited for what we can do with it this year.
Thank you for your answer.
Could I repeat it? Sorry, a bit louder. Yeah, it's so the, the business sustainability grants
is up to 100,000. For the marketing, it's up to 20,000. Or the micro grants is up to 2000. Cool.
Got it. Thank you so much.
Thank you for the, thank you for the answering the, or the question we prepared.
And now we are moving on to live question. One question from the committee, please raise your
hands or request. So we will choose one of those. So there are four members are waiting. Could you
just pick and choose from vchain? Sure. Oh, I'm co-host on it. I'm trying to remember who asked
first. I didn't really pay attention. I did see Jesse up there earlier. So why don't we let Jesse up?
Jesse, could you speak? There we go. Jesse's on stage.
I don't know. Cats goes tongue. You're, you're on mute.
Okay, next one. Okay, next one. Yeah, that's a fire was spamming the, the hand emojis. So
he's obviously keen. Let's, let's get them up.
I think it's worth adding at this point. I don't know if we mentioned the URL of vorge,
but maybe we can let the community know the URL for vorge. If people want to go and play around
with it, VORJ.io. That will take you to a nice landing page where you can find documents and
all the information and the app itself. So I'd love to love it if you could share that with
everyone. Oh yeah. Oh, good. Jay VORJ.io, right? Yes, sir. Yeah. Oh, we are. We are. We are.
Oh, fire. You can talk. You are on mute.
Can you hear me? Yes. Hello, fire. How are you doing? Can I ask my question? Yes, please.
Okay. So my question is, what's your main focus right now? Are you focused on the
community or market actions, the products? Thank you. I mean, it's, I guess, all in one. I mean,
obviously we all know the market's heating up again, which is great. And we are launching a lot
of products to make sure when people come back to the market, they'll have really easy tools to take
advantage of blockchain because, you know, we're moving into an era now, like we've just had
the Bitcoin ETF, we've had the Mika regulations in Europe. Things are going to start speeding up
and VeChain, we know this. So that's why we're building these tools to make sure
it's super easy and people are ready to just be able to jump in. They don't need coding,
all that stuff. But on top of that, of course, community is a massive focus for any,
well, for us in particular. In fact, I say any, I feel like VeChain is, has been particularly
good at kind of working with the community this year. So we've done lots of activations,
we've helped give people grants to launch their own events. And then, you know, this grant program
we've launched that is in part to make sure we can support the community even better in their
ambitions. These tools, again, if people want to come, they want to deploy meme coins in a minute,
you know, if they want to do an NFT collection, they want to integrate an API into their business,
all these tools are also for the community. So, you know, we're still working with Enterprise
and we're still building for Enterprise, but we're also building for community as well. So,
you know, of course, everyone's aware of the market developments. And of course, we want to be at the
right place when that really starts to move, because there's going to be a lot of eyes back
and we want to be the easiest, best and most supportive blockchain in the market. So,
yeah, I hope that answers your question. It's a yes to both for sure.
Okay, thank you. Thank you very much.
Yeah, so I think we are out of time, but we are so happy to learn about VeChain
from this image. And we are looking forward to see VeChain ecosystem in 2024. Thank you so much
for joining us. And yeah, looking forward to it. My pleasure. Thank you so much for hosting.
It was great to meet everyone. And yeah, looking forward to
riding the wave of 2024. It's going to be a crazy year for sure.
Indeed. Thank you all. And let's meet next time.
Thank you. Bye-bye.
Thank you. Bye-bye.