#vechainthorsday: Building Community Bridges With BlockBones $ADA $VET

Recorded: May 4, 2023 Duration: 1:09:49



Hello, hello
What up, what up?
Good to see you. Good to see. Can we get Johnny up here too? Yep, bringing them up right now. For you guys to see your in here. How long do we have you today?
I don't know if I could hear for it. Could you guys hear for it, Giddle? No.
Ferg you there?
Can you guys look at the map? Yeah, there you go. We need you better. Yeah, I'm rocking a roll and I'm in here.
Very nice very nice. I've gotten ahead and liked and retweeted the space and dropped it in our discord so we'll give it a second to see if some people want to come by and chat it up.
How you doing Johnny?
I'm done alright, yeah. We had a block mint in the last half hour, which is nice.
I saw that, yeah, super bullish. Let's see, maybe I can grab a pin tweet to throw up there, too, eh?
Oh, I posted a little visual journey of the blockment for people so that it helps like show the flow. So if you go to my profile and pin that to the top.
Perfect. Thanks, Johnny.
Yeah, whatever you guys need to pin to the jumbo tron as you you know talk to the project. It's all yours
Awesome. Thank you. Gear probably also going to put up your infographic about the raffle right?
I might tweet our, I might pin up our E-Pock reward that we've got at some point, but I'm just going to let your post hang up there so low dolo right now. It's a cool little post. Lots of cool info's on there. So, hopefully that
See some boners in here. See some boners filing in.
Oh, maybe I should switch to my epic top part.
It's been a while, Johnny.
Welcome in everybody a fix through Asian AJAX AP you got food bar in here high-ite 20 out gems nexus welcome everybody
We'll give it a few more minutes before we kick this thing off. We got blackbone today talking about blackbone. They are a project on V-chain and Cardano and we're going to kind of go through their process start to where we are today.
I'm looking forward to it. So let's go ahead and retweet out the room, throw some comments in the comment section. Let's make sure people know that it's going down.
Absolutely. Yeah, thank you, Sid.
This is normally the part where Ferg plays a banger song, but I don't think we have that luxury today.
I'm sitting out back by the pool. I'm not in arms reach of my of my iPad Do what I can hear you would say You could just sing sing a song
Oh, no one wants to hear that. I probably want to hear that.
We can also just all imagine the bad to the bone song right now. I think that would be appropriate. B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-#
So that one made it all the way out to Scotland, Johnnie. Uh, the he with this nor the Ireland is not Scotland. They didn't come over like, but they're, they're not Scott.
My apologies for my geographical unawareness today. I'm so sorry about that Northern you did you did on purpose. I know you did
It's that and with the Aussies and New Zealand they get pretty triggered too.
Well, it's even more controversial over here because so many precipitate here. Anyway, let's not get into the history of the politics of Ireland.
No, I mean, honestly, maybe we could schedule a Thursday about the disrotation of the politics in Northern Ireland one day. Oh god. It's mostly recently just not government at all. People can't agree. The UPS says no, anyway, yeah, you know, it's worse than Brussels.
Yo Jordan Sauer rocking the plague pfp out of nowhere Wow, look at you
That's awesome. We got Drago in here too. That's a clean blackbone. Things looking sick.
Yeah, Drago has quite the collection when it comes to aesthetics and rarity and stuff. He's got a nice bag of bones. Now, do you think people collect based off like looks and aesthetics over like rank and stuff?
With with the raffle being in play, I see a lot of floor sweepers. Honestly, I see a lot of people who don't care about the bone, but then there are there are a subset of collectors out there who are purely aesthetic. Some of the aesthetics aren't even like the rare ones, right? Like you can find some pretty
pretty bangin' bones in the ranked 2000s area but aesthetically they hit man. So it's a little bit of a mixture of both then. Yep. Which I think is healthy for sure. Alright Sig, well I know we got some people
waiting in here so you can kick us off whenever. Alright, yeah, let's get after it. I'm sure more people file in as we continue the conversation and it is a recorded space so feel free to share it once we're done too. But let's first start by just going around and doing some introductions. Tell us who you
are, tell us about blackbones and tell us your role within the project. So I guess we'll start with Ferd. So now for the Ferd you boy. Yeah I'm Ferd, Flame and I are brothers and we started VFS back in December of
2021's been a long fun journey ups and downs and you know we've made mistakes we've had triumphs and we've learned from everything and here we are with the blog bones on Cardano and V-chain currently running a state pool on Cardano and also
have the number one staking on VC for this month for the VTain block bones raffles in the works and I'm excited to be here. Hey that's good stuff Ferg. I appreciate you taking the time as always man. Let's pass it over to Johnny.
Johnny tell us a little bit about yourself what you do for the project and You're I guess your position in in the project and like web 3 in general because I know you're you're pretty experienced builders, so let's get into that a little bit All right, so I'm the guy who set up and runs the Steakpool. I guy
them through. So basically, the FS pay for everything, and I make sure it works. Yeah. Sorry, that's the fun way to say it. But yeah, I started off in crypto in like early 2021, and I just sort of came in, I blind didn't really know
much like the history started off on Bitcoin. But previously, if you look at my profile, there's a link to my LinkedIn, so you can see what I did before. So I've done some text management for web hosting platform for like six months. And then also my main thing was a coin
And also IT administration for a local estate agent in Northern Ireland. So I come into crypto in 2021 and I start learning all about the things and I'm like, okay, I want to be able to do something and I figure out Cardano. I know we're on the VTN space right now, but we're doing a cross-community thing, right? So I figured out Cardano when I figured out about it.
I figured out about the the stakeholders and how they work and just sort of learned on the testnet about how to set things up with some prior technical knowledge and then learning as I went, joined the community technical discord for IOG, which anyone
should join if they want to learn more about Cardano because it's an open place for everybody to talk and teach each other and I learned a lot there and then I was on Twitter spaces and I was hanging out in V-Chain spaces and I was talking about what I was learning about Cardano and then Flame was like "You're the guy, you're the guy we need!" It's like "Same you want to talk about that?"
Yeah, yeah, thanks and this is playing behind the block bones account, but we are also block bones up your hanging out. Block bones whole goal is to bridge Cardano and V-chain NFT communities. It's simple as that.
We have this is going to be a not safe for workspace at some points. So make sure if you if you are around an environment that you can handle certain times, but yeah, I mean first and foremost, we're upfront about getting people laid. If you take a block bone to your local
bar you're going to get laid that's a block bone scaring tea block bone star responsible for you get laid by but that's pretty much the mantra we like to have fun but behind that we we run a stake pool we really want to educate people about card on a stake pool
I was trying to say tell the story of how we met in a space. Yeah, absolutely, and I'll get there. So that's where we are. That's who we are and that's my brief introduction, if you will. And yeah, when we met Johnny, two stars collided.
He just had popped into a space happen stance following one of his card honor friends in and I'd say probably the first sentence Johnny spoke I immediately recognized that hey, are you are you are you done to run a stake pool and he said yeah sure and DM them and we've been working
working together ever since I'd say it was probably seven, eight months ago, maybe. It's been a little bit. Yeah, November, I think is when the pool started. Yeah. And as I said, being ordered on the test, but I wasn't really thinking about starting off anything, but then I was asked to do this. And then I started thinking, okay,
Well, what I could do then is I could work on a commission basis because I don't I want to make money that actually exists. Right. I don't want to be paid up from for things that might not work out. So I have a commission with the blocks that are produced by the pool. And then not let me to think, well, actually I could do this as a business. So
So, yeah, so there's a thing that I have now I enter tree crypto consultants I have my own discord for clients and I work with VFS and talk to them about what's going on with node updates and the meetings that are going on more recently there's a test pool that's being done on card on
And I've submitted my vote on that using the new version of the node that's going to become an out for this specifically. So yeah, I'm the tech guy who keeps up to date with things, joins the meetings for my OG, make sure that the software is up to date, and make sure that everything continues to mint as it should.
And I think we're going to get more into a little bit of the technicals and and stag pools on Cardano and how that all works in a little bit. Because you know, we got a little bit in here and you're going to have to you're going to have to speak to us like we're five years old because right now that is.
my intelligence level. So we're going to have to really dumb it down, but it's interesting. So and it's different, you know, so I think it's going to be a learning experience for a lot of us in here. Yeah, if I could just say if I could just say real quick to the listeners, we will be talking a little bit about Cardano and a little bit about these
chain because that's our whole, you know, that they work in tandem, right? So if you if you were here from Cardano, you are going to definitely learn some stuff about V-chain today. And if you're here from V-chain, you're going to learn some stuff about Cardano. So just want to give you guys a heads up of what that's going to look like. Sorry, say go ahead. Yeah. And I'm sorry for#
position is right and that's where I've been hired. Also I did the block bones min so if we're gonna talk about the mint itself that'll be fun too. Yeah we're definitely gonna talk about that because I know it was a it was a first for I believe it was a first for you right and a first for block bones obviously so
Yeah, we're definitely going to get into that. Is there anything else you guys want to talk about for introduction before we kind of my next topic is actually going to be the Cardano Mint. So if there's anything else you guys want to plug, you know, for introductions, feel free. Yeah, well,
more thing if you guys can like and retweet the space and all of this information we're going to be talking about today in this space is also available in our medium article that's in our bio on our Twitter. So if you're maybe catching this whole space lay and you don't want to sit through an hour of us talking you can definitely just check out that article as well.
All right, perfect. Well, let's talk about the Cardano Mint and the Cardano Collection. First, you know, just right up the bat. Flame, when did you, when did you inferg decide that you guys wanted to launch a project on Cardano?
And how did you choose Cardano? Why did you choose Cardano? When did that idea come to your heads and you were like, all right, let's go ahead and do this. Let's put this-- let's put pen to paper and make this happen.
It was a long, long series. I mean, we've known we wanted to start a stake pool for the longest and there's there's obstacles there, right? And then that was pretty much prior to like VFS operating. So we wanted to run a stake pool and be part of Cardano for the longest time.
And essentially the stars had just aligned. We have an angel investor who delegates to the pool. He wanted us to spin up a pool. We saw an opportunity to make a virtuous cycle, which we'll get into like how the raffle works and stuff in a little bit. And that was really like the catalyst is like, okay,
all the pieces are here to make this puzzle. And then we had, you know, we had Drip Shaw as the artist and he's a phenomenal illustrator. So all the pieces were there for a massive brand opportunity. And, you know, like me and Ferg do, we saw the opportunity and we chased after it.
Well, the artwork fits the brand and fits the mentality and it just kind of all works. So I will definitely give you that. It's fun, right? It's fun. It's supposed to be fun. It's meant to be fun. And I think that's needed in this space. So just my two cents on it.
but let's talk about the mint then and I guess I'll pass it over I'll kind of direct this more towards Johnny. First of all tell us when was the mint date on Cardano and how did the mint process work and go? I think it was October
October 29th for the livement, but the day before had a white list. I used some software for that called Minted with Loveless.
which is available at mintedwithlovelist.com and it ran on top of a card I don't note that I installed on a desk in my room in Northern Ireland. So when people were purchasing they purchased from Northern Ireland on desk but yes it was October 29th and the day before it was a white list.
And for the people on VChain, tell us a little bit about the mint process. Yeah, so it's very different than people were very confused because they come over from VChain, right? And it's all contract-based and they were asking what's the contract address, not how it works. At least it wasn't. We'll see with tip 60. But yes,
So back then you would send Ada to an address and people were confused because like I'm just sending random tokens to your random address. How does that work? And the answer was there is a piece of software that's running on a desk in Northern Ireland that is monitoring the incoming transactions and then converting that into a mid transaction on Jan.
that then sends that back to your wallet, the source wallet. So it was very different. Of course, it was a bit slower, at least for now. Yeah, I mean, so I had, I own Cardano NFTs, you know, and I have owned them for a while, but BlackBones is actually my first
Cardano Mint. So I didn't know what that's that's how the process went down. So like sending to the wall to dress I was like this feels weird. This feels weird to me, but I know it's kind of the norm, you know, so but it was it was interesting. It was fun. Yeah.
And did you think it went over pretty well for the you know? It's sold I didn't it sold I didn't credibly quickly like how long was it like less than 11 hours Yeah, I think it was 11 hours 50 minutes. There's less than 12 hours. No, that's in 12 hours. Sorry. Yeah, I oversolved but yeah
There was ground the software worked rather well. There was one bug that the bug bothered me during the white list that I had the work on, but I figured it out and was able to get people who'd white listed verified for a couple. I could go into the technical details of the bug, but it's probably not the space for it.
No, no, you can spare us. You can spare us that technical stuff. No, but I mean, congratulations to you, right? Like your first time doing that and you hit it out of the park. So you and the team, like great job on the mint. And let's talk about that, right? Like your whole
your whole thing around it was, hey, this is a D-Gen play, we're not guaranteeing anything, these are very affordable mints, it's fun art, let's have some fun with this.
think that played a role into the you know quick mint out and people just kind of ape into it without like with the understanding that hey no promises here but secretly you guys had a plan all along.
I mean, Johnny, can you can you recall us having the stake pool plans and the raffle plans before I actually launched them. And not the raffle, but the stake pool. Did you said that you mentioned a raffle to me before?
we minted blockers if you did I forgot. But yeah, no, the staple was already on the cards. Yeah, and I was I was going to be working on that, but I did them in first. Yeah.
And also, I think, I mean, if Ferg he wants to jump in, you're more of the welcome to, but that we really did want to take the whole like look, they're 15, they're 10 Aida for the white list. You can white list as many wallets as you want. So literally like we could have sold out on a white list two times over from all the wallets that had registered and stuff. So people
were really excited for a fun dejan man in a space where a lot of the men saw 100 200 sometimes 300 eighta to come in with a 10 eighta man was just like hey we're having fun we're getting laid lol and also the artist dope right like like I'd mentioned earlier dripsaw did the art and it's it's phenomenal
I'll stand on that all day and all night. So that was that was kind of the thing is hey, we're having fun fuck your roadmap. We get people laid LOL and then from there like we had we had been taking ourselves serious like we always do in the background, right? So that was that was kind of the approach is hey, let's
Let's work on some stuff, but just push the narrative that it's a LOL thing. So that's what we did Also, sorry, they went ruined flame went ruined all the different cardinal community Twitter spaces, and I think that how to get effect he was interviewed on like a
a cafe stuff and Cardano Stoner's Club, which is a classic and my spiritual home and various other spaces to do with Cardano. So I think there was enough knowledge that it was happening as well. I'm very upfront about there being no promises on utility.
Just plain speaking about like the artwork. Do you know how long, like how did a drip shot come up with it and how long was he working on it before you guys actually went ahead and minted?
Like all great art it was conceived via joke We had a mod at the time Novo she was studying in Ukraine so she's had to step away from her mod position And you know just focus on moving her school stuff over I believe she lives in Dubai now, so she's been trying to get her school stuff over but at the time
time, we would always just roaster in the chat and just like basically say she had a smelly butt and dripshell had just randomly drawn up a very crude version of what you see as block bones today and said my face after smelling novos but.
And we all laughed and had a good chuckle. And that image sat in our discord for maybe like three weeks up to six weeks before we actually like, and we were talking about wanting to do a raffle and an NFT and the stake pool and what the art would be like and what the community feel would be like. And dripshaw was like,
Well, why don't we use that smelly butt skull? And I was like, I don't remember what you're talking about. We scrolled up and looked at it and I was like, oh my gosh, I might even be able to find that OG picture that he dropped and put it in our discord later. But that's how that's literally how the art was conceived. We had already
We had the idea of the raffle. We already knew we were going to spin up a stake pool. We already knew we were going to launch a project that was going to work in tandem with the stake pool. And then the block bones happen to just be 100 messages up in our mantra as a joke, which I think is extremely appropriate for the mantra of our project.
Yeah, I couldn't agree more. Let's talk real quick about the stake pool and the importance of that. So walk us through when that was set up, how that was set up, and what it does, and why it's so important to the project.
>> Johnny, do you want to field that one? >> Yeah, yeah, yeah. So there was a testing phase on the preview test. That's just to make sure everything was configured properly. You can have a look about it's sexplurror.io. And then if you go to preview.sexplurror.io, that's cx.
You can have a look around all the different pools that exist and what they're doing. So we set up a test one on the preview testnet. Make sure we understood how the cool keys work, how to do rotations, how to make sure that the certificates are in place for propermenting. Make sure a register property, make sure to put in the
proper details for the stake pool itself. Yeah, and it was done using just a few servers, three servers, one for the validator or core node, which is sort of the equivalent of an authority node, I guess, on V-chain. But you
Yeah, so that was set up on test and that first using the hardware that was going to be used or the cloud servers in this case that we're going to be used to run the pool. And then that was converted on demand that after we were happy with everything in high it all worked. And then it's been running on me and that ever since from like November on the way.
It requires delegation in order for you to get more slots for you to mint in. So in this current epoch, which is a five-day period, there are two blocks scheduled for VFS. Stay cool. There's already been one in the last R. You can see in the tweet at
top there in the jumble tromb. Links to that block. Part of the thing we need to do is get more delegation in order to get more blocks. That's part of the reason we're here, I guess. Hopefully people delegate. It was running on three servers and then I've
I've got my own little private bridge server that I use to connect clients together to make sure that there's redundancy in the relays. So you'll see in the screenshot that there are three outgoing connections from the core node. And that means there's three connections to
three relays and then one of those relays is my bridging and that goes to other ones so there's redundancy and things can go out and it'll be nice and clean and robust is the word I'm using here. All right, all right, all right, all right, all right, break it down for
me real simple because you know I understand everything because I you know I'm talking more like the people in the listener section like food bar. He doesn't know he doesn't even know his name half the time so let's explain you know let's explain like
What's the importance of it? You know, what would be important for you? Where do those reward go? Yeah, tell us about that. Okay. So I was doing the very technical. So whatever and I appreciate that, Johnny, I think it's important to flex the technicality of it because you know, it
It is awesome and it's also cool that anybody in here can do that as well. Yeah, you can spin your own and you can get your own delegates, but we're trying to get ours, right? But yeah, so how it works is whenever you submitted a transaction on a blockchain like Cardano, that has to be
minted in a block. So the transaction needs to exist within a block and someone needs to actually forge that block from a whole pool of transactions that could potentially be created. So each of the staples are elected on Cardano based on how much people have supported them. And when
they get to their point of election, they can pull some transactions that people submitted in the recent past and put them in the block and send that out to the team. So it's very important to delegate to VFS specifically because that pool can only mint if there is delegation.
If there is a delegation, it's not going to miss. So it's very much a community-driven thing who gets to mint a block on Cardon. And that's a very good thing because it means it can work towards decentralization because people can vote with their money and go from one provider to another. And they're not locked so they can move in any time. So if you already
have a delegation somewhere else you can leave it to VFS in like five minutes. How does one go about it? Like let's say I have a bag of Cardano and I want to I want to support you guys and delegate my Cardano. What's the process of doing that? You're a da. But yes,
extension installed with a wallet, there will be a join button in the right hand side of the pitch. You click on join and then you sign that transaction and that will switch to your delegation over to VFS. That's if you're using something like, well any of them really, but if you're using things like NAMI that don't allow you to see the other pools because they, anyway, that's a whole political.
argument I'm not going to get into, but pull that PM is a universal way to do it and then some wallets will allow you to do it from within the wallet interface itself. And what he's talking about there is other wallets like the server, the services that provide them, they have their own stake pool and they really try to like strong arm or basically make it impossible
will to delegate to any other pool than theirs. And there's only a few wallets to do that. Yeah, they don't promote that there are other pools and they sort of obviscate the idea that you can redelicate. So they automatically delegate you to the wallets pool, which gives them a lot more delegations and saturation is the term that you use for it.
But yeah, we'd encourage people to go to independent pull makers and distribute that delegation. Johnny, how many stake pool operators are there right now live in the world? Oh, that's a good question. I mean, depends on how you measure it.
In terms of actual block producing ones, probably around about 800 in a given day from what I've seen in the statistics, officially on chain, like over to 3000, but because it's based on delegation, the people who actually meant blocks is a lower subset of that.
And so you can have a look at the daily statistics using sexplorer.io and a telegram thing and it tells you how many actual pools minted blocks and on average every day it's between 800 and the 150. And VFS is one of those 850 out of 8 billion people in the world that blows my mind.
It's awesome. It's a great accomplishment. It really is. And it's great that it's driven by the community. I think that's awesome. Okay, so is there anything else you guys want to add about the stake pools before we kind of move on?
I want to talk about the raffles a little bit. Yeah, I think we're just running low on time. So we'll save you, but we would love to talk more about stakeholders with the community and that's part of our goals. So we host spaces every Monday night and this is the type of stuff we'd love to talk about.
Yeah, no, I agree, man. I think it's important. But tell us a little bit because I know we are, you know, we got I think like 20 minutes left here. So we still got to talk about V-chain, but tell us a little bit about Raffles real quick. Okay, I'll give a brief synopsis and then I'll let Johnny
we have a couple different streams of funding a raffle wallet with ADA and then every 30 days i.e. six epochs we will be distributing that to five token IDs of the blockbun. So each NFT collection has token IDs, so to ours, so say token ID 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5#
3, 4, and 5 win the Raffle. You know, those token IDs on Cardano will be honored with the Raffle Pot, but also the corresponding V-chain token IDs will be honored for that Raffle as well. So that's kind of the idea of the concept, and we'll probably get in some more details here in a little bit.
I'll break it for armor.
Would you say Johnny? I'll break it time. Put some paprika on it. Okay, so I'm building VTRAC, or application at the moment. And what it'll do is it'll track your wallet addresses for Cardano and VT and address.
and allow you to see when the snapshots occur once every 30 days of where the block bones actually live at that period of time. When those snapshots occur it will give you a report of how many entries you have based on how many block bones you have.
at the given track addresses that you put in your account. So I'm building that little system now. At the moment, I'm not a front-end designer. I'm a backend person only. So there's someone going to make it look pretty. But it's functional on the cardato side, 95% on about
40% on the V-chain side at the moment, but I'm still building and If you want to maybe give a call up for any type of a V-chain Things that support you might need like is there anything you might need to get that 40% along any Oh, no, no, I've got the knowledge now. I know how to do
the IPI calls to get the locations I've already managed to gather all the RWve hash links for the images for the block bones on V-chain. I've got the methodologies all set. I just need to actually code it. So that's going to take a little bit longer.
Perfect and yeah, I think that's that's honestly why it's kind of been a little bit longer for us to bring that MVP to market right is because We're we've got Johnny operating on two different chains bringing those that information in one aggregated place Johnny's been doing a phenomenal job, so
We're excited we're eager and we don't have a date of the official raffle launch yet. We have not actually held a raffle yet. We do epoch updates and you can check that out. I guess this would be a good time to pin that. We do an epoch update which again is every five days we post this update and within that is all types of
information that we do every single five days that involves the block bones. So we'll explain some of that in just a second. But yeah, that's essentially how the raffle is going to do its damn thing. Any idea on what that prize pool will look like for the winners?
I Hope you like algorithmic formulas because trying to predict this I mean literally I've talked with the most prestigious people of through Johnny and then tracked all his friends down and none of them can give me a straight answer of how this is scale. They just give me a pizza
It depends entirely on engagement. If you delegate, the rewards go up for the pool, the amount of blocks that get minted for the pool increase, which increases the overall awards. There's a 3% margin fee on the pool, which is the source of the pool funds for the raffle on a 30-day period.
more blocks that are minted, the more delegation there is, the more rewards there are for the raffle. And then on the NFT side, it's royalty based. So there's a 5% royalty on the Cardano NFT. I don't know if it's the same on V-Chin, but on the Cardano side, anytime there's a purchase,
And the royalty gets created half of that royalty goes to the Raffle pool for the 30-day period. So that it's entirely based on community engagement. The reminder for reward will be based on delegations to stake pool and liquidity of law votes.
which is something I'd like to point out which is kind of fun because you can view delegating your A to a stake pool is essentially parking your A to. Right? You're your partner, you're in it with the pool, you're using your voice to elect the validator node that you want to get minting blocks. Right? As I support this pool,
I want us to win. This is how I'm going to use my voice as delegating my ADA and you're not parking it, right? However, with the Cardano block bones, you can view it as more of a Dejan Trader type of thing because we're completely in tandem, right? And you can kind of go into a more liquid state with your ADA where you can trade the block bones where you can snipe the trades where you can
the community where you can be a DJN and I think that's a really appealing part of the whole concept of blog bones is you can be a very, I don't know if Ruda Mentor is the right word but just a very suit and tie type of Cardano holder where you don't want any NFTs but you are interested in supporting this movie.
you think it's interesting. Then you can park your ADA in our state pool. We're going to mint blocks. You're going to get rewards just like you would in any other state pool. In fact, our rewards have been awesome. I think that our block propagation is phenomenal. And Johnny is nose down in the card on a community. He really does care about what's going on on a daily basis.
So, these things make us a very attractive pool just to park your ADA in as well. So, I think that's one of the awesome things about blockpons is kind of like the duality of communities that can begin to exist. Johnny, go ahead. I will say this, though, at the moment, the lower delegation creates a lower reward percent.
for people. So the more delegates we get, the better the reward percentage becomes over time. So it's important to delegate because it will actually increase your overall income for the year to do so. The more people that satirate the pool, the more percentage rewards are available to people.
on a new basis. Well there we go. If you got some AIDA, go delegate it to the VFS state pool. And if you have any questions about it, you know, jump in their discord and feel free
to ask. They're always in there, they're always active and they'd be more than happy to answer any questions that you have. But look, if that's kind of a good summary of Cardano,
I'd like to move on to the V-chain. You guys go with that? Oh yeah, I think we covered it perfectly. And yeah, Fergie, you still with us? I mean, maybe you can field some of these V-t questions. Yeah, I'm just in here. I'm baking back bowl.
All right, let's talk about VChain. I know it was a unique minting process and there were other projects and collections involved. So tell us about that, why you guys did it that way, and just the minting process in general.
V.C.A.R. Yeah, so we always try to do different things and think of fun different initiatives for the community and when we wanted to do V.C.A.R.N. blog bones, we originally didn't have exactly the plan of how we were going to do it, but it was
always in the plan even before Cardano block bones minted and when the time came around we were looking around and we were like why don't we kind of make this a burn to mint type collection where you can't just go mint a block bone and then we started narrowing some things down and we were like all right like
So let's also make it dirt cheap. We did it in VC, we did 4.2 for the first two days for VFS only, and then we did 6.9 LOL for the rug burns that we brought in. So we wanted to make it
We wanted to give people the opportunity to whale into something if they want to. People like me, like I can't just whale into projects, but this is a project that a lot of people could afford. So the way we handle the VFS side, basically V nerd air draws.
The MZ Phantoms, MZ Tombstones, Smuzzy Phantoms, Shredders, the Shreddies, and the 3D Boards were all burnable. So essentially everything except for the V-nerds themselves were all burnable.
got a 1-to-1 drop as promised, 1,250 block bones went out to V-Nurse holders before the mints started so they got a nice little head start on collecting their block bones. Once we did that for two days we opened up the rug burn that we called it a rug
So with SSV, VIX, AstroVets, V-Scolls, V-Nomes, Ukraine Relief, and the VV Warriors on there. So that way, you know, if you're stuck by, you know, a wet bag of, you know, projects that kind of exited the community, this would be a cool and fun thing.
fun way and cheap way for you to get out of those and get into block bones which you know we're building fun cool utilities for and meaming out along the way right that's a huge part of block bones is having fun and meaming. Yeah she likes right and so we thought it would be fun to do that in the community
showed up and showed out the amount of people that have over 50 blog bones in their VTain wallets is pretty staggering it's pretty cool to see and so we wanted just to give different opportunities to the community. Flamed it I missed anything there.
No man perfect
That's how it came about. That was the process. Maybe the only additional thing is that you weren't actually able to mint the block bones. So you couldn't just pull up with V-chain to mint it. Yeah, I dabbed some skin in the V-chain ecosystem to even participate. And then maybe one more little asterick, which would be, I think we generated like 130
30,000 V-chain worth of volume to projects that had previously had zero volume for the last 30 days. So there's all the floors on all those rug projects. A lot of people who didn't participate in blockbones necessarily, so got to exit out of those rugs for probably the all-time high of those dead projects.
for block bone enthusiasts. So we think that what we did there was really healthy for like a plethora of reasons. It wasn't just block bones related. We really were consciously trying to support all of VFAM even if it was secondhand. Yeah, I mean I think
is important. I mean, you know, when when you have rug projects just sitting near a wall at any time you go in there and you see that, it just kind of reminds you of that that bullshit really. And so it was kind of a fun way to get rid of those, but still bring some value back to
them. You know, get some cool new fun art in your wallet. And yeah, I mean, I like the idea from the get go. It was definitely a first, definitely unique. And I think it was fun. And like you said, the community showed out and they were more than happy to go ahead and burn some of those rug
projects and get some block bones. So it was cool. Now tell us a little bit, I know you kind of alluded to it before, but the V-chain block bones are going to be part of the raffle as well, right? Correct. Yeah, I was going to say, if you want to handle that one too, start it in a
Oh, no, you're good. So the way we wanted to do it, and we we flamin' I went back and forth for a while about this because we wanted to find out the right way to do it. We didn't want to dilute the Cardano collection by adding 6969 to another 6969 and then all of a sudden your chance
of winning go from 1 and 69 69 if you only had one blackbone obviously it varies depending how many you have to close to 14,000 right so what we decided on and what we landed on was using token IDs so if you hold token ID number 69 on both of these
chain and cardano you've doubled your chances you've doubled your prizes so essentially what we're doing is we'll draw five token IDs every raffle which is again six epochs and then the token ID on both chains win and so they're
be 10 total winners and we'll divide up the raffle wallet cardano evenly amongst those 10 winners could be potentially less than 10 actual people win if you hold twin token IDs that are on both chains if you hold both of those then now you have 20% of that raffle winning coming to
you. And I kind of would like to pass it over to Johnny here because what we're trying to do is make it super simple to get to the website and attach your wallet and just easily claim your winnings. The MVP that we put out first
We might have to manually throw that out. That's not a big deal. We don't mind doing that at all. But yeah, Johnny, can you specify on that? Yeah, yeah. So the way I'll work is you set up an account on the website that I'm building here and the kind is a tracker to begin with. It doesn't allow you to claim the price yet, but it allows you to track what's going on.
So you'll see a history of all the raffles that have taken place, the full history of the snapshot so you can verify that the addresses were collected. And then you'll see how many entries you had in either wallet. So there's a section for Cardano wallets, and a section for Veachin wallets, and you can go into your specific address and see how many entries you had
any given raffle. And then if you win, I'm going to set it up so that it notifies you on the website. I'm potentially by email that you've got a winner. All right. And then to begin with, you'll manually claim that. But this is where it sort of gets into the cross-community bridges thing because
Because in order to claim your ADA, you need a Cardano address, right? So you went on V-Chin. You'll have to claim your ADA over on Cardano site. But the V-Chin bonus for the NFTs still exists in the form of the 50% royalties for VC, right? And sticking. So there's still a benefits on the V-Chin site.
Yeah, why don't we talk a little bit about that? I know you guys just locked down the top position on VC staking for this month, but talk to us about your plans to continue You know burning VC in order to get VC staking for the project
on V-Chain. Yeah, so we've actually we've still got a pretty big bag of VC currently that we will use in a smart way, you know, a business-type way to navigate through Staking, but also every epoch, what we're
doing is 50% of V-chain royalties are used to buy VC and continue to stack that up. So what we're doing there is trying to continue to bring VC in so that way we can hold a solid, staking position
throughout the length of the project, which is forever, unlimited. I don't know if we have any other crazy events or anything that we're going to do because we're really focused on what we have right now, but that's one way we're going to do it.
Flaming out of talked about coming out of our pockets if we need to not only buy and burn VC, but to maybe contribute to the raffle wallet a little bit as well. We really want to make this an awesome thing for the community and awesome project for the
community to be involved in. So we're going to keep up with the staking. We're going to keep adding Cardano to the Raffle Wallet and just try to make it fun and interactive and Johnny's been a huge massive part of that with his tools that he's built
building and the community has been a massive part of that. We've got boners of the day going out all the time and the more and more people that get in there and see the project and want to get into the project that's more and more going back into the project from the royalty side.
Speaking of community, the other fun feature I'm going to put into this tool is not just monitoring your own addresses, but also monitoring others. So if you want to see if you're a friend one, if you know their address, that is obviously. But if you know their address, you can put in a section for other addresses that I'm monitoring that to just sort of celebrate with your friend if they win.
That's pretty awesome. Look for a project that, you know, their mantra is "Fuck your roadmap" and where DGen play sounds like you're actually doing a lot of building too, which is awesome to see.
I think that kind of summarizes, you know, black bones on Cardano and on V-chain. Is there anything else you want to add about the V-chain black bones?
before we kind of move on to the next section. - Can I do a mic check real quick?
I can hear you. It's a lot less quality than...
now i can't hear you if you're trying to talk well i'll just for the i'll just leave it up to uh... for you johnny then i mean i can i can hear you just why are you here for your pockets of the time like you're talking through a water bottle back in here
Um, Ferg is there anything else you want to add about the V-chain white bones? Um, yeah, they just they get you laid. They're fun. We meme it out, dude. It's it's it's all for fun, right? I mean we're in Web 3. We're in this crazy bear market. People are going crazy. Come over to have some fun.
Post a weird meme or a gift or something in the discord chat. The discord has been popping lately and people are in there just having a good time posting their boners of the day with funny little anecdotes on it. I mean it's all for fun and we're building cool shit on top of it too. So we really just want to
You know, embrace the community. The community's been embracing us and we just want to have a good time, right? That's what we're here for. Dude, no, no. I mean, I said it yesterday on my Humpty Crosschainspace. Like we need to go back to having fun, right? We are balls deep in a bear market right now and
Vives are down across the board so if you can find something to latch on to and have fun with and come together about, I think that's important. That builds community, that builds strength between all of us who are here every day. So, gotta go back to having fun, man.
where it all started and that's where it's all going to end. So Johnny, I saw you were kind of poking your hand up a little bit. Did you have something to add to that? Oh, it was just a little disclaimer. The thing I'm building is the tracker for who won and the snapshot from to verify that it was like a legitimate snapshot of all 6969
across both chains. I am not building the random selector because I don't want that responsibility and I don't want to be questioned, right? So they'll be finding some other existing verifiable random function for the selection of winners.
which means my I think it's 23 block bones that I got purchased all but one will be part of the raffle but because I'm not going to be part of the selection process I think that's ethically okay and just on that just
to piggyback off that real quick. I've got some blog bones on both chains, so and I think flame does too. So if one of us win, we're just going to put that back into the next raffle just heads up. I'm not an employee of VFS. I am a contractor. So if I win, it's mine.
I like it. That's awesome, man. Thanks for clarifying. Let's go ahead and talk more about community a little bit and collaboration that I saw and would like to hear a little bit more about.
I saw you guys had a collaboration with Yolo Solos, which is a project on Cardano. Can you talk a little bit about what that collaboration looks like, how it came to be, what it's going to do in the future? Yeah, Flame, are you back, or do you want me to take this? I think I should be back.
Yep, that's better. That's better. Okay. Yeah, I mean, YOLO solos is an amazing game. It's a team of four people building on Cardano. We saw what they did. We met with them through war dogs, built up a good relationship. Essentially, if you go to YOLO solos.io, y-o-l-o-s-o-s-o-s-o-s-o#
Hello s.io you'll be able to see a game and it's not like a discord game. It's like a website game. It's a real legit thing. It's similar to Oregon Trail vibes where you kind of do like an adventure and you click where you go and it's fun. It's fun. You should check it out. Well anyways, they decided to implement block bones.
For every YOLO solo you have, and every block bone you have, like one to one ratios, you can play their game with your block bone. It's super awesome. We got Jordan in the crowd. He's a big YOLO solo. Oh, thank you for, he's got one pinned up. If you guys want to see some screenshots from that game, it's on the
So yeah, that was a really big deal for us and we're really proud of that. So I would love to see any boners of the day out there. Anybody participate in that? I dare you to do a boner of the day with your YOLO solo report. That's something we haven't seen yet. So check out the game. We're really happy to be partner with them.
and they're still minting on ADA right now too for 35 ADA so you can actually go mint to yellow solo and be the first owner of that asset and then grab a card on a block bone it's only enabled with card on a block bones and grab a card on a block bone and then take those two things to their website, connect your wallet
and literally play the game. It's awesome. So I highly encourage it. The final thing I'd say is their community and their team is phenomenal. They host spaces by week or two a week and they're always in their discord and always updating and implementing new things into their game. So they're not done working by any means.
You know, so they're great people in general. I think they come out with something new every week. They're they're regulars on my Wednesday space and they give us you know weekly updates on what
their ad into the game. And again, they're just great people. And to your guys credit, I think there's some other Cardano projects that are collaborating and kind of part of the game as well.
And they are big name successful projects on Cardano. So for you guys to be in the mix in that group, I think, you know, shows a lot and you guys should be proud of that. It's awesome. Yeah, thank you.
I should also put a disclaimer that they I have had the conversation not a disclaimer maybe like put some juice out there right low bit juice I've got two pieces of juice today here's one of them. We have talked with the Olo solos about EVM and specifically V-chain compatibility with
with their game. Their dev I believe his name is Bruno has said that that's something he wants to and can do but they're focused on minting out right now. I think they have 400 NFTs left to mint out. They're definitely going to mint out if not immediately then slow and steady. They're just a solid project. They're going to do it. But when that happens I have confirmed
Blackbones at some point will be enabled on V-Chain for the game as well and I did put in a good word for our homies over at war dogs as well I believe I proposed a war dog showing up with a block bone head in his mouth to announce the V-Chain thing and it sounds like six got some good relationships with her too so say guys
I'm glad you're here.
portion to the map and have some apes in there. What do you think? Dude, I can't tell you how all over that she would be. You need to message her right now. Fuck this interview, go message her about that right now. Yeah, please, please, please. And tell her flame said so if you have to. I mean, whip that bad boy out. It's a golden ticket anywhere.
That's true. That's true. That's true. I might have to do that. I might have to do that. Awesome. Well, I want to take a second and just open it up if anyone wants to come up and ask some questions. That's kind of all I had today. I think we covered top to bottom left.
to write all things black bones we know they get you late and we're having some fun with it so if anyone has questions you know feel free to request a mic I'll bring you up but while we're waiting for that I mean I'll just go around the room real quick and kind of get some
final thoughts, anything else that we miss that you want to add. You know, let's go through that. I don't see anyone requesting. I think we covered a lot. So I'll just go around real quick. I'll start with you, Johnny. Is there anything else you want to add or close with here about block loans?
And I know what about blockbones, but I will say that Jan from Yolou solos has a regular space and that's just pinned to the jumbo tron there the next one they're doing, nerdy by nature, and it might be a nice thing for people to do in the community. She's definitely going to be cross-community supporting so VChain people are welcome on Cardano's.
I'm going to go to that part.
VChain community hub. Yeah, Blackbones are here for a good time and we're here for a long time and a good time. So stop in the discord, throw your favorite meme out there. We're having fun. We're keeping our nose to the grindstone and if you're feeling
Bill and bearish may go for a walk. If you're feeling bearish on crypto, NFTs, whatever it is, go for a walk, go for a jog, go to the gym, eat some healthy food, do some fun stuff. Let's get out of our phones for a minute, get out of our heads for a minute.
Let's just learn to love ourselves. You'll be able to love everyone else. This MF was spitting. I couldn't agree more. Flame, I'm going to pass it to you, but I also have to, I'm going to ask one more question to you.
This whole thing between Cardato and V-chain from the beginning was to unite the communities. Have you seen some good cross-chain interaction
between your community members who, you know, may have originally been from Cardano, come over and check things out on VChain and vice versa. How has that looked so far?
Well, I hope I'm coming out clear, but I think that's something that has yielded amazing results. From the very GIGO, we've hosted the blog bones in the BFS Discord so that all the old BFS project holders can rub shoulders with those card-on-up people and really point them in the direction of their favorite project.
We're trying to throw alley oops right like hey like show your project to you know show them leaking show them at V8 so whatever you want and we saw pretty damn good results we got a lot of people to make V-chain wallets from the card on the side off the big boom the card on a mint but as we go around to these spaces and put it
in this like this grassroots marketing that we do, like you know we're here every day that's kind of one of our models too, like you know when's like we ask people who are rep in a PFP when's the last time you're found or popped into space and vibed with you because we do every day. So we think that that type of marketing and that type of community
So, on board, it's been great, but we think that the raffle, when that goes live, that'll really be a good deal.
really incentivize the community for the VC staking. They'll be seeing that over here on VChain and the VChain people have to go to Cardon to claim their rewards. So we're hoping to create a virtuous cycle bridge these communities because they have so much in common. If you look at VChain communities and you look at Cardon
the common denominator is that not the majority of them are in it for the tech and are passionate about the tech and the fundamentals of the blockchain. And so that's why I really do believe in block non-smission is because our communities are so aligned you guys have no idea. You put 5V
people and five card honor people in a Twitter space on a speaker panel together and you're going to have some of the best conversations you've ever had. You can check that out in the DJN space or in the blog bun space or in our discord. We think that what we're doing is powerful. We think we're doing is important and we just appreciate everybody's support.
I mean I see it and I've seen it and I know you guys have plans to continue encouraging you know B. Chain people to go open up Cardano wallets and check some things out and vice versa. I think that's that's important. I mean going across
chain it's you know at first it's like it's a little scary it's a little confusing you don't really know what to do you're lost but once you kind of get into it and it's especially if you have someone who's gonna take your hand and walk you through it step by step make sure you feel comfortable with it it's not bad it's actually pretty easy
And it kind of all starts, you know, melding together and it's kind of similar on every chain once you start getting into it. So, um, and these people up here are those people who will take your hand and walk you through it step by step. One side 100% 100% questions about V chain.
They're going to help you with the questions about Cardano. They're going to help you with Cardano. So ask anyone up here if you have questions you want to get involved on the other side and you know just want to dabble. And this is a great project to do with because you know it's a low entry point right now. It's a low entry point so you can
go test out what the chain feels like and how to do your wallet and not have much at risk. I encourage everyone to do it. If you're a V-chain person go open a Cardano wallet. Just do it. If you're a Cardano person open up a V-chain wallet man, let's make it happen.
Yeah, man, I opened up a V-chain wallet off the back of the B-chain spaces and talking to people like King and then Flame and others and yeah, the block bones experience has got me coding for a tool that matches to both Cardano and V-chain so yeah, it's gonna be fun.
That's awesome, man. Well, look, it was a fun space. It was educational. We learned a lot about black bones. Flame, I'll pass it over to you if you want to wrap this thing up. I just wanted to show huge flowers and love to Sieg for hosting us today. So graciously, I appreciate that. The Community Hub.
a really appreciate all the support that you guys give by hosting these spaces, not only for us but for everybody. And the community themselves, dude, like our community is absolutely ripping. Go look at the after markets and see how many block bones you sold every 24 hours. Like people are having fun with block bones, the floor doesn't matter, fucking being a blue
It doesn't matter where the brown ship you're gonna have to deal with it. We're having hell of fun and the last juicy news I got for you guys is be on the lookout. We have a super big many announcement on the 8th. So here in about. Yeah, the biggest many announcement you could possibly get.
four days in the blockbunce discord. So if you're not in there, get in there. If you're not doing your boners of the day, get on your boner of the day. Dude, it's a great way to get out of that bear market funk and thank everybody for allowing us to be here and it exists on these blockchains and giving us all the support you have.
I appreciate it. It was a fun space guys. Thanks for taking the time. Community Hub, thank you for hosting. I appreciate you. We'll see you guys around. Have a great rest of your week. Have a great weekend. We'll talk to you soon.
I'm one of those people that if you ever want to reach out to me in DMs or like in a Twitter space just ask me questions about how to set up part-analysis stuff. I can do that including setting up your own node and minting your own NFTs and all that.
Thanks guys. Much love everybody. Have a good day. Have a great one.
If he doesn't come back soon, we'll just throw a party.