#VechainThorsday x SafeSwap - Going Cross-Chain With Atomic Swaps

Recorded: April 27, 2023 Duration: 1:09:09



Hey guys, just checking everything working. Hey, you're again, welcome, welcome. Yes, it is working great. You sound lovely. How are you doing today? Fine fine. Yeah, can't complain. Nice wet day in England. Same as most days.
Yeah, we're going to miss Tim and Dalton, by the way. And the continent is getting soaked. Right, here's Mr. Flame. And we have Sam, that was record timing, well done team.
Right, I'll just do a quick tweet to let everyone know it's beginning. We'll start at the top of the hour, so we'll give it a few minutes. But yeah, we just do some tweets in the meanwhile, get the people in.
Mike test. Yes, you're me, okay? Love and clear sign.
Yeah, also guys can you hear me okay? Yep, did the sea Sam. Good to see you again. Yeah great to be hungry guys. I appreciate it. Thank you guys. I thank you to flame hosting and your awesome way as always. Yeah, we're gonna have some fun today.
Ooh, sounds good. I think there's some juice to be had.
Yeah, it sounds like safe haven team have been very busy Looking over the docket I was excited to To talk to them about a couple of things on here I can't hardly contain myself, but I will for the show We got something pinned up right at the top of safe haven overview so today
We're going to be interviewing Safe Haven. If you guys want to check that out, go to the top of the space, grab that tweet, check it out, save the photo, look over it. Also, make sure you guys are liking and retweeting the space we're in right now. That's how we get more people in here. Make bigger noise for V-chain overall. Bottom right hand your screen is a little text bubble.
You know, the space there, 11 likes, five retweets. Let's get that up. Let's pump that all the way up and we'll get the show started here in just a second.
We should probably foundation we should probably reach out to oh we got to get some kind of like a V-chain theme song we play in here at the beginning or is there yeah I know it mean yeah those five minutes of silence yeah let's work on that nice bum
be tuned. Yeah, even like something like, you know, like kind of tech, no, we are house style music, something to pump us up, you know what I mean? It's almost the weekend, let's party, let's party like it. You're gonna say, you guys expect, expect anyone else on the panel with you today?
Okay, anybody else who requests up we're gonna have an AMA for these guys so if you guys want to talk and you know chat it up say hello to the V family
whatever it is, have your moment on stage. We'll do that near the end of the show. It's good to see everybody, man. We got Killa, RS Joe, Clams, Andy.
see G down there from World of V with sub G. I see a friend, Francesco. He was actually here last Thursday too. I remember seeing him last Thursday, waiting him waiting for him to get a PFP. Chud Nufsky.
NFT dejan
I see a bi-room down there waving. Hey bi-room.
See you down there. How you doing today Monte?
should Nusky has a good suggestion we should use a V fan tunes that we recently made yeah nice and true what's it do got nice selection let's do that also count in the wild Nexus I see you down there wavin hey Nexus how you doing today happy thursday
Jason, I see you.
Give a couple shout outs while we wait if that's okay guys a fix I see you Stoner punks good to see you things coming in
Reef with the spooky Halloween in April. Spooky Halloween PF, I'm digging it.
Keith, good to see you.
Alright guys, I'm pretty pumped up. This is a different time. We normally do Thursday too, so gotta wake up those people on the other side of the world and He's comes to my attention is actually coinigstag as well in the the nevel it and so might be a few drunk listeners tonight Okay
Well, the good news is we have it recorded. So, you know, Safe Haven, Foundation, anybody who's a big fan of SafeSwap, Safe Haven product suite, you'll be able to go back and clip these, you know.
segments right out of the interview and be able to kind of post those around and drop the alpha. That's what I suggest to do anyways. Sam, you're again, you guys want to give it maybe two more minutes and we'll kick off at five after.
Yeah, I'm gonna go share this around a couple of discord real quick. I'll be right back
Yeah, I feel you're paying I'm in Scotland. So there's like a winter day here. Oh wow. Yeah, snow snowing yesterday.
Really, it has been wet. Yeah, hey we're going to Al Nino now so it's kind of a bit more drizzly. Yeah, that's over here. I actually just come back, I live in a canabo of my fiancee, we've just come back from a nearby town and like the flow is
really high like we're trying to come up to the stream and you literally is like half walking speed it was so slow yeah pretty hectic that's cool we're living in the canal but I don't know anybody actually personally up here at this end because there's not as many up here obviously yeah no I guess not
I mean not as many cows in Scotland at least not all the way around. Just rugged, amazing terrain. Yeah, some of that. Which are geographical areas like North Sanfee's best. Yeah, North East, so I'm up in the corner.
north east so it's not too far from the Highlands. Highlands is really funny. A more than a farmland kind of side. Cool. I did a bit of a motorbike journey from Stagnorfeast. I forget the island on the most north-east. Came down.
Shuttland, Shuttland. Yeah, and then went down the NC500 route on a little monkey bag. Yeah, it's beautiful. Yeah, it's beautiful. Like a man, beautiful part of the world. Yes, wind below. All right, you guys ready to launch it the worst day?
Yeah, good buddy. Let's do it. Alright, well welcome everybody. We're gonna go ahead and kick off the show. I'm flame the host with the most. We're here with the foundation and safe haven. So this is gonna be a Thursday installment. We're gonna be doing these pretty dang often. So tune in, tell a friend. Make sure you like and retweet the space. Most of you guys know how
to do it if you don't click that bottom right hand button hit the like button hit the tweet button done. We're going to be pinning up some stuff in the top so while you're getting Sam are talking about certain products or things that you can do with safe haven I'll be pinning those up and you can check those out as well.
So, final thing is make sure you follow some people in here. If you're a follower of VChain, a virus, even long-term holders since 2019, follow some people, get to know some people, make some friends in the community, and enjoy your time in VChain, right? We do web 3, 2, relax, right?
Chase some dreams without further ado. We got safe haven Sam and Yurgen. I want to start with the Yurgen Please tell us a little bit about your background how that led to you working with safe haven and that safe haven and what is your role at safe haven?
So we start with a thank you for having me. So I'm Jörgen Schupper, the COCTO and OffSafe Haven and SafeTech, which are basically the two combined companies. I am basically since almost 20 years, a senior
that work for about 17 years only already in the European Parliament in different positions and have during that period also that some sides development project. I started in the crypto space back in the days by mining Ethereum.
So, about 217 to 1619, not long. And, as I already explained a few times, the intentional building and creating safe havens started
with the idea how can we make a private keys that I acquired over Ethereum's mind and how can I transfer them to my next skin right so that was my main concern and I think it's still a big concern for a lot of people out there so we pick it up
the solution, we patented the solution which is called inherently and beyond because in hierarchy it's not only what we patented, it's much more than that. My role is to have those things conceptual figured out also to lead the development team together with my
partner Andy which is also present here at Randy. So we define ourselves more and more as digital asset management company but our course remains the inheritity scope and safe of its just a project that
that we developed everything, it's attached to each other, but we will come back on that later on, I suppose. That's who I am. Yeah, I mean, we are going to be talking about SafeSwap pretty heavily today. So why don't you give us a brief synopsis of it and then we'll dive deeper as the conversation goes.
about safe hop you mean? Yes, yes. I will maybe let Sam do most of the talks about safe hop. I will deep dive more technically then. Okay, that sounds good. Let's get an introductory from Sam as well. Sam tells us a bit about your background. What's your role as a safe haven now?
Yeah, no problem. I've been a safe even just over a year now. I think about a year and a half must be coming up now safe even. I've got the partnerships team. My background of engineering is a project manager with an oil company, an oil service company. So basically for me it's a transition from the old world you could say
into the new world. I was an early investor. So yeah, it was kind of something I've seen. I'll go into a little bit more detail later on, but I'll explain basically what safe swap is. And now the old off-safes swap just now.
So the platform is an atomic swap platform. It allows us to swap tokens, peer to peer. Now it's wallet to wallet. There is no VAT tokens. There's no slippage. There's no liquidity issue.
issues because it's the easiest way to explain atomic swaps is if you have say somebody has a ball in one hand and then another buyer wants to buy that ball with a seller, will then put that ball into say a clear box and then pass
that ball over to the buyer, but the buyer can open that box until the buyer can obviously inspect the item, can inspect that there's enough say Bitcoin for example in the box, what's the ball? There's a ball inside the box. Once that's confirmed,
the buyer can then he whatever he's using as an asset to purchase the ball so say he's using whether it be money, say it's five bucks, he will put that five bucks also in a clear box and then you'll pass that
those inside those boxes, then the transaction can be made. And obviously the transaction is made, obviously, P.A. to be a through the wallets, and it's done atomic swaps. So like I said, there's no rap tokens, there's no slippage because it is liquidity is taken from each chain. So it's quite a new
Quite a significant change from our standard kind of centralised exchanges and even a lot of dexes out there with the bridges because you've seen a lot of hacks that are going on, wormhole attacks. I don't think there's been an atomic swap platform so far that has had any hacks or any kind of
issues to date. A good example is the well just I'll go through the actual where block the actual platform just now. It allows into profitability between blockchains. Now just now we have Polygon Ethereum.
change and obviously V-chain built on these built on the platform. These are the networks that currently just now you can cross, you can go between. So if you want to go between V-chain and Ethereum, you can go between V-chain and Ethereum. But the main reasons we built the platform is to allow and
us and other projects to allow them to build dApps and move their protocols across onto other networks. So if we want to use Inheritian, I think you're going to explain it better than I will, but if we want to use Inheritian on the Ethereum chain, we can actually, instead of the clients having to buy
a V chain or there's nothing by a shower, by V chain on the V chain network, we can actually deploy on the Ethereum network and then use the Ethereum infrastructure. And then vice versa, we can use that for whether it's B&B, Poly, and obviously we're going to add additional chains
as we go down the line. So yeah, basically say swap is just the way of swapping tokens, swapping assets securely and then, you know, safely and allowing interoperability between different blockchains and therefore allowing different plugins
forms to work on opposite chains. But like I said, it's quite a new, it's not new, but it's only now just beginning to be I think recognised. Obviously, Vaudi's hacks that have happened, obviously you've got things like FTX as well with the exchanges, you know, like this is something
and eventually I believe this will be integrated into every wallet and that's one of the things that we do as well as where obviously the wallets we're integrating different wallets into the platform so you can literally like I said you can trade from multiple wallets through that through that through that exchange and again like I said it leaves out a
there's no centralized that pie that controls liquidity. It's all done on chain. Well thank you Sam, yeah and I like that you guys are making the extra effort to distinguish yourselves from a bridge and make sure that people know
the security behind atomic swaps as well. I know that you guys as a company are really proud of the security of your product, right? And I'd love to talk to you're going a little bit about safe swap as well. You're going to, I guess, a quick question I have off the top for you is, is safe swap more
geared towards developers or traders or NFT agents or D5 people, who do you think the product is most geared for? What's the demographic? I would say everybody actually, the thing is we build it in a such a way that it can be usable for
everybody. For instance, there is a possibility and that's going to be pretty soon available. We are wrapping up the documentation about it. That's everybody, every web 2 company out there should use and be able to integrate saleswap to
simple, a restful API calls right integrated into their web to a platform so it can become a web 3 platform without any hassle so they have those from a company point of view web 2 they don't have to do have any blockchain knowledge that's a block name of knowledge
we will deal with the burden of the difficulties and the security aspect of the whole thing which is already done. So that's one thing. From a user point of view, I would say that users, for instance, like the Massamer-Rawaddimension
the priority of the fight. So the goal is to be as bearer of us that we are not there yet, that we have so many things to build and limited resources. So the goal is that for instance, the priority will be also available on it here, for instance, and by and
It will be the choice of the client or the user actually. What does that mean that this, for instance, Shah is needed now to deploy a protection plan on V-chain, right? So to transport this utility to another chain, it's not only needed to have
The smart contract logic deployed on that destination chain right for the protection plan but also the token itself to pay for that for that particular transaction which is in our case shop So that's the thing where the user can come in handy and that's why also we built a user interface that it's very
userable and easy to use. We swap the token from one chain to another. It's a simple example. So it's not a press say for developers. It's for everybody actually. It's for web 2 companies, it's for web 3 companies and it's for the users that use our products and the products that they will eventually
use of potential listening partners of SafeSwap. So yeah, and I love the I love how all the pieces of the puzzle are starting to come together. My next question would be about SafeHaven creating SafeSwap and the connection to Inheritee and SafeKey.
Well, that's what my example of what I was mentioning before. The reason why is because I am a big fan of Pyrochains and Polkadot's right because they promised to have changed connected, at least the EVM changed connected.
So basically we never should have built a safe rock if they would already have accomplished what they promised a few years back. But that's not the case. And there is no any solution now that could for us, in my opinion.
to have done what we wanted to do. That means that to transfer the economics in a way that the economics itself doesn't get touched, right? Because a lot of taxes and all those rat tokens are out there. And sorry that I'm saying it, because it's the sales
the project are using some of those platforms to duplicate the tokenomics. They create extra tokens by doing this. And Sashop is built in a way that the users, that's in one blink and one I can see. Those tokenomics are not
and line any more and that's when they can see it to graphically right so they don't have to have to deal with the difficulty of block x-wall or snow. We transform in a graphical manner what block x-wall or showing from each chain in one screen.
So that's why we built a safe swap and we have opened it to other project blesses to have because there is a business model behind it. But yeah, to start with it, we build it for our own. That's why we also, it's secure. And our first token online was our own token.
If it was not all that or anything. Yeah, right. We were the first testers. And Sam, how do other projects benefit from using SafeSwap? Like, can we talk a little bit about fee sharing for a second? Yeah, two seconds.
Yeah, so obviously the fish outside things looking at a couple of options with that and the wallets and obviously wallet integrations now We're looking at options to see if there's ways to share a fee so if a project in the great wallet safe swap and we're looking at options there and we haven't got any
And on right and just now without side of things because I was something new, we're actually just looking at just now. I can remain features with the exchange, obviously the security of the exchange. The fact that we don't have any slipmage now, if you compare us to
you need to swap yourself and like that, you know you know yourself that slippage on air can be well, it can be what it can be depending on the quiddy of the token, so we don't have any of that and we don't have issues like that and obviously the quiddy like I said is from the
user. The main feature for that is safety. Like I said, the few side of things we are looking at various options for fees. We do have, obviously, no order rewards. We do burn the share as well. And obviously we do put different
it into the Node Order awards as well. So on that side of things, but in terms of the partners, there's something we're actually looking at and we're actually open to, you know what I mean, open to ideas as well to bring in more custom, to see what projects would like as well.
on their side. So we're not just, we're quite open to see what projects would like as well because this is quite a new, it's not a new but it's quite a new, we're trying to get the awareness of the atomic swap platforms and I think there's other projects out there as well with have similar needs
where they're also trying to get this sort of tech. So we're trying to sell, yes, so basically open, and ideas as well as what we have as ideas as well. So we're trying to, obviously we're trying to expand. So yeah, if anybody's got any ideas, wants to talk to us, just talk to us, and then
We can look at different methods and different ways of doing things. If someone did want to talk to you, what's the application process look like? Where can they get the information and what kind of information do they need to bring to get a hold of it?
Where we've got your official safe swap website, which is safe swap.io.io. And on there's a form you can fill in. And literally, it's not a long form, you just fill in some details, name your company, the talk I need to have, just what you'd like to do. And myself or Alex will apply.
ASAP and arranging meeting with you. So yeah, like I said, or just honestly if you want to just send a DM to myself or any of the team, just give us a shout and we can always open to conversations. So yeah, we're, but it officially is through the social website.
Okay, thank you Sam real quick guys before we get back to you again Make sure you like and retweet the space make sure you follow these guys up here to give you are gonna follow get Sam a follow Give me a follow if you dare and give the foundation to follow if you aren't already make sure you follow some friends
down there and maybe some strangers too. Make sure you guys are co-mingling with each other. V fam is stronger together. I know it's corny, but it's true. It's just the way it is. Make sure you like and retweet and make some friends during the Thursday. You're again. Yeah, no problem. You're again. I understand it is possible to integrate
a great safe swap in a wallet. Can you tell us a little bit more about that? Yes, so that's what I've also mentioned before. So we have the documentation almost ready to integrate safe swap API as a vital label into any other wallet or platform.
it doesn't have to be particularly volatile. You can be a three developer that wants to add some swapping possibilities, you can integrate our APIs into your platform. This happens for this to happen you need first a license agreement
for us for sure this can be discussed through the process that Sam already mentioned. So yeah basically what you do is doing what every front-end developer can do is doing some restful of API calls and you're good to go to work with our sales work. It's built in a way that it's
usable easily securely and so it will be a lot of public that's the documentation so it will become more clear this soon. Okay yeah that's very interesting
So other projects will be able to utilize your safe swap maybe for their particular like say you wanted to Co-exist your NFT project on two chains between V Chain and another enabled chain and it and it yeah, the good example for the beach and
community would be the V-rolls app, the wall was right, so those stocks are going and so it's just a matter of time that safe swap will be integrated and the V-roll as well. Very exciting, that's very exciting.
Now I've got an example as well as DeFi. So if you've got a DeFi project and you want to take your DeFi, you want to take your project across chain and token across chain, then it's a very good useful app. And obviously like I said, you haven't got to look at the slippage, the quid it is, it's very safe. Yeah, DeFi is a very good, good example.
example for the use of safe swap. If they want to do things right. I know that you guys have Shaw nodes. Can you tell us a little bit about the benefit for holding a Shaw node and maybe how people can acquire one?
So, obviously the shangnolder, there's a few, there's various ways you actually receive awards through there. The northern offside just now, well, you begin to grow the utility, you begin to, you can see that we're beginning to spread out now and expand. So now's the time we're really starting to think about.
talk about the rewards and actually start developing this more. But just now we do have a structure and a constant of rewards where obviously if safe swap you've got a planning program with the share and the fees. We also have a percentage of goals to the reward pool. I do have a image that I'll
most shortly. The basic details, what the actual structure is, the reward structure of C-Swap and it does it quite easily in the visual to explain it quite well. The basic is a percentage that goes through maybe times of talking that's listed, a percentage of the, I guess, the
cost goes to the rewards pool and then that pulls up over time once they hit the certain target then that rewards are distributed out. If we did it too soon and obviously it's not a wealth distributed in the rewards so we'll wait till it hits a certain amount and then it's distributed across other nodes. There's also through it's not really
We also have the wards that come from Inheritee and that goes towards Nodeholders and we also have the safe key side of things as well, can contribute to that side of things as well. So it's not just safe swap, there's also other areas.
think there's other areas as well, Yurgen can probably spend there but again I think as we're developing and looking into. When it comes to actually purchasing a node or not setting up a node it's quite simple we are in Alpcord the Trust Wallet. I'll just say
I should be able to post a share. So all you need to do is download the VChain Thore node, so I thought it would wallet. And then we have an app so I call this safe node out. And you can get this on the Play Store or if you're on Apple or see Apple Store.
and you can just download. It's post a link to it on my Twitter and I'll get the guys to post a link on the main official site as well for the actual link to the app on Play Store. But it's a really good app, it's very simple. We haven't had any issues with the app itself.
It's a very simple process to actually buy and share. You just link it to your V-chain Thor wallet. It automatically recognises how much share you have on the V-chain Thor wallet and that relates it to the node. We also have a stake in program as well. So if you don't have to have a node, you can actually stake as well.
But obviously if you have a note then obviously the higher the percentage in rewards is for for steak and we do steak in every month so Like I said the more the more shy you have the more percentage you get every month in in terms of rewards as well So there's actually quite a few areas in terms of the
We've all worked with all the structure for the nodes but we're actually still looking at more areas as well to try and improve it and even governance and things that got so we are we are still looking to expand that but we do have something in place just now but like I said we'll post some information on the official Twitter
site just so guys can have a look and have a have a know as they help to download the safe no doubt and have a look at it. Thanks Sam and I kind of got my brain rolling on how many times I could say a reward perfectly. Okay. Hats off to you that's a difficult one but yeah I think
I'm just explaining the Sean node and I think people should check out how easy it is. I think that's something that you touched on a little bit, but I want to press on a little bit harder. It's incredibly easy to use your B-chain through a wallet, hop on that Sean node. It's just fun. Go look at it. It's easy. The UI is good. Yeah. Good job on that over there.
But you're just in Dublin, right? You went to like a tech meetup. I forget the name of it, but you can tell us about it. It's like a development meetup expo thing and you also want an award while you're out there. So tell us a little bit about what the event was and congratulations on your award. Tell us what you want an award for.
or the word award. Yeah, but you just do started it. It was actually not a public conference or anything like that. It was just an internal V-chain death meetup, but it was behind closed doors. So there's some two or three projects where they're like myself.
And court death of Vichin. As the Vichin death community, the whole department of Vichin, deathwise, isn't Dublin, that's why it was held in Dublin. So that's basically a little bit what's the thing about that. So about the award, that's all.
I would not say an award, but I will explain you in a few words. There were about 20 people around the table. At a certain point there were some con-humber-graggers, goodies still available. We had to pick a number that were only 4 available for 20 people.
And at the end of the practice rounds, Sonny got it. Sonny won the goodies. And so he gave it to me as being the oldest project on reaching. So that's a bit of the idea behind the rewards.
Small jester, but it means a lot. Right, so coming from sunny. Oh, yeah, man. That's awesome. So what did you think about that meetup and like meaning other V-chain builders and stuff? How was it? Well, it's very interesting. It's feeling, feeling we belong really somewhere right since. Metruly belong somewhere.
As being as we were our input was asked and is taken into consideration right so that's a that's actually a huge step for the whole ecosystem because this where the VJ was a little bit lacking that before right so the endorsement towards the depth because yeah
So as being also an ecosystem for Vichain, the development ecosystem builders, as we build tools to onboard other projects on Vichain, right? Through Saswapava and others. So, suddenly that actually said something that was also
what we are mentioning is that for him, SafeSwap will be one of the most important tools out there for the moment to get the new developers and new users to the feature and ecosystem. So that means something and it means also that the feature is going
to be fully behind the safe top ID. So they already do behind the safe top and the safe tech delivered projects out there. So yeah, great things are finally moving. So it goes really good. The thing is how we profile ourselves more and more now because
because as we I don't, for instance, you are a DAP application, you want to fill in a form on safe swaps to get your token list, right? But I don't see it as just token listing. For me, I more and more see myself as an incubator, actually, the safe cave and the safe swaps.
We become an incubator for external project to V-chain, to onboard on V-chain as an incubator. So that's why every case will be looked into independently. We don't have a price and global pricing for everybody or global reals for everybody.
but it will be discussed by Sam and Alex and some other people in our team. So it's on really all the project basis, like in incubators, as I said. So we will have more, more things coming up on that matter, but yeah, we will
You're good and that's an exciting way to look at it. Is there anything else you'd like to add about the perspective? Safe swap has about the VTN ecosystem. You just spoke greatly about it, but I just want to make sure before I ask Sam a couple more questions. I mean, yeah, I love that outlook of incubating these projects and
really helping them launch off the ground. But I think I covered pretty much everything. I can't say anything that's because we have a lot of exciting stuff going on on that matter and other parts as well. So potential listing parts of all the chains, all the
all the tokens all those things are coming up so say that for the juicy new segment you're gonna get me don't get me going just yeah man yeah you're again Sam just just you guys know it's been awesome to hear what you guys are up to and I can hear the the passion in your guys boys
of how proud you guys are about the tools you built and how long you've been in V Chain. So really, really happy to be interviewing you guys and hear how well you're doing. Sam, I hear that there's a little bit of internal testing going on with the comment wallet. So tell me a little bit about what testing's going on and what makes comment wallet so special to you.
Yeah, so we're doing a couple of test test just now. We've got the payment phase going on for Comic Wallet. We've in the Goatstrike, we have Venly, and obviously the Comic Wallet itself. So we're testing it through
just to make sure that F1 works fine and obviously with a safety side of things as well and just to make sure F1, like I said, is integrated correctly in there except payments and the wallets work fine if you integrate some and so far so good we're just finishing it off just now we're doing all the feedback on that side of things and then yeah
then we're going to feed it off to the developers to get some feedback, some information. We're also doing the comic wall itself. So we'll comic wall at 2.0. Now we've got some, this isn't so much internal testing. We have some guys, some of you
guys yourself from VChain working on the comic while it's either things and the test and so the things and we have a lot of I guess other developers from projects and then just we have like a professor and he's also in there and so we have quite a few kind of highs
I guess I say it's kind of people that will actually get this tested out with just now. So yeah, that's more the wallet itself and the integrations with the wallet of seal integrations of safe swap, integration of all the other products and just making sure that it from works correctly and functions correctly. I don't know how much it
and see just now in terms of the comic wallet side of things. But yeah, it's all going well and we've got, like I said, we've got some high ballfuck guys actually testing this out as well to make sure things work in there and they give us some proper feedback and then yeah, some honest opinions so we can get things done right.
Man that sounds juicy. All right. Okay. Okay. That sounds awesome Sam. I appreciate the feedback there Guys we're gonna do an AMA if you guys have any questions Want to come and talk about your experience as a node holder or a shawl holder? Whatever it may be maybe you've done some atomic swaps but
whatever it may be, come on up here and talk to us if you want. In the comment section as well, maybe you're stuck at work and you can't hop on the microphone or something. You can use the comment section too and we'll skim through those. And while those, if anybody wants to bring in any questions, I'll ask Sam and Yergen, you guys have dropped bombs.
It's kind of an easy interview with you guys because you just drop bombshells left and right but I have to ask Is there any specific juicy news you feel like sharing today? Is there any date we can watch any specific announcement we can watch like you guys got any extra juice for us before we wrap it up
Yeah, I'm gonna angle it. I'll let you answer. Yeah, well, I would like to, but I would say it's too sweet. So yeah. Yeah, we go.
We start always from a point that when nothing is signed we don't share it. We are not a hyped project, we are never going to hype. If you hype it's because just based on facts and not on rumors. Right so let's just how we work.
Thank you guys. Thank you guys. I think the main takeaways we're working closer have each. I think I think we can say that and that's one of the things that work and I is a priority just now and obviously we'll mag him as well. It's something else we've recently partnered with which is
I think bigger than what it looks just now. I noticed both of those things. I saw the Magma partnership and then I also just noticed how close you guys are working with the foundation. So bullish on Sean, man, for sure. And thank you guys for coming up.
Star is Sam. We got young A to we got a guy who might a girl who might have a question
See if we can't get him to connect up.
What's the good thing?
- Young Aida, what's good? Welcome, welcome. - Yeah, not so much of a question, but I've enjoyed hearing everything the guys have been saying here today and wanted to mention NFT loss, they guess the end
of September, trying to do more cross-chain promotion, we'll obviously see something like this out there, talking to the rest of these Web 3 people about some of the atomic swaps that they're doing super interesting stuff.
That's a great one. I actually just ran that by the foundation a couple days ago too, as CNFT con has rebranded to just an overall NFT con and a product like SafeSwap would probably be blown people's minds left and right. So yeah, I agree. I think we
The whole community should be looking at that convention as a way to network and meet people and get the name out there, get the idea out there, you know. I'm going to say that actually it's not a re-brand. I went over there, I met with those people, I stabbed them in the heart, I took their business, we read, you know,
just renamed it, so I'm just a bullshit. But it's definitely NFTX lost Vegas end of September, so look for that information, go check out their Twitter, love to see just, we're in Web3, you know, is it's not like this chain that's
I'm just saying to my opinion, if you've got the tech, if you solve a problem, then that's where you need to be. You need to be out here telling people that we're solving a problem. Here's how we're getting it done. And through that, we continue to build the space in the four directions.
Thanks for the heads up, yeah. It's also trying to include the web 2 companies as well into the web 3, which is something we're trying to do.
Can you give us a juice there on what some of your strategies are there?
I think I can't say too much, but I think we're just looking at traditional companies in terms of your traditional kind of businesses, maybe insurance companies, lawyers, things like that. Right where your product needs to be in my opinion, in front of those important eyes.
You guys are solving real world problems a foundation. I saw you come up here. You wanna Now I was just jumping on the the web to web 3 bridging kind of eFOS. Yeah, so it's a survival step now for the world in this whole regulations incoming. We've got Hong Kong Europe all these regions thanks to
to build that bridge and it's so important. Obviously, the foundation and safe haven and these companies have built in those steps between because it's in a confusing world and you can't get mass adoption with confusing tech. It's got to be seamless and I just love that. I was just going to sing their praises and say, "Great, great work."
That's why we love SafeHand. I can't wait to see a mortgage company get built on a smart contract platform. I did a refile on a mortgage a couple of years ago and I just think to myself,
What kind of smooth process, how cheap could we get a process like that if we cut out all the middleman, if we had something that a certain checks on the boxes were filled and it just paid the bank, it paid the person
I can't wait to see some of the things that happen with the smart contract tech and being able to streamline and make these processes better. In a being able to see that whole process, a ledger that proves that it was fact and so, just lots of good things that we can do.
just a couple of months ago where we've been talking all day about swapping assets automatically with little to no liquidity problems. You just got to check them out, bro, that it's safe key. They've got a lot of stuff going on in heriti. So yeah, look at
look at these guys up here you're gonna say I'm say paving oh geez man the guys who built it up I'm gonna bring up another speaker here we'll get we'll get Nexus's opinion I don't know if I've ever spoke with Nexus so let's roll the dice here guys
Looks like we have an error with Nexus. We're just going to move on. I'm going to check these comments section on the space here. Awesome. Art, Hashtag, VeChain, has NFTs yet you know it does. Byram had an interesting question I thought that we might be able to ask Foundation here. He says,
a question for the board of VChain. Where will VChain be in five years and what are the future plans and projects? I thought that was interesting because you guys had just released the new white paper and your guys' initiatives are becoming a little bit more clear to the public. So I wanted to maybe ask you, like you know, we haven't asked you in a
what do you five year plan? What you do you want to do? Well that is a massive question obviously I'm but a pawn in that grand plan but obviously you know the work we're doing with BCG DMV PGABC these kind of systemic players as we move
into a regulated environment, that's the kind of adoption vector. Within five years, obviously everyone knows VChain for industrial, data management and supply chain. We've been doing a lot of that stuff through DNV, through PWC with Walmart. There's a tweet today.
And I think it highlights the point nicely where you have regulations, so in China, where they regulated food safety plus blockchain, VChain is able to thrive and they've done over 140 million transactions. So in five years, given the rate of kind of regulation, you know, some folding at the moment, the
plan is obviously to be as ubiquitous in the US and in Europe and able to operate at that kind of scale. I mean, we've already put a lot of the pieces in place, built tons of technologies, we've taken the tech to enterprises and delivered it at the kind of scales they need to work to, but you know, it's just
hindered by that kind of insecurity. So five years time, of course, the main objective now is also the sustainability drive. And that's where BCG comes in. And they're absolutely critical for that. You know, they're a leader in ESG. They are consulted the world over by everyone on kind of ESG and sustainability.
Objectives and help people meet that and as some of you may have seen we had the the new white paper launch which is all about building these kind of incentivized ecosystems right so you as a user you participate in an ecosystem and to give you an example Again going back to China because the regular
regulations were in the place at that time. We built this ecosystem with BYD, DNV, you drive your electric vehicle, you get to the end of your journey, you upload your data, there's a carbon offset calculated on the basis of how far you traveled and how much carbon you offset because you're driving
an electric vehicle and then you as a user receive a token that can then be used within an ecosystem. So in this ecosystem, there was food producers, there was a healthcare provider, there was an insurance company, PICC, you went again, with a larger in China.
And this was the kind of groundwork of the ecosystems and the direction that's now being put into action with your BCGs. And that was partly why the relocation to Europe is so important because Europe's on the cusp of regulating. We just had Micah.
and you know, to operate most effectively in Europe, you need to be in Europe, GDPR compliant, all that stuff. So without waffling too much, that is definitely the vision for five years right now is spearheading ESG and sustainability from Europe
and within Europe using this kind of ecosystems-based approach and really riding the wave of regulation because I think V-Train is very uniquely positioned in that it's been building industry applications for years now. When you look out into the market there's very few blockchains that are actually done things on that
kind of scaled level in a real commercial environment. And so, you know, that is the objective right now. It's working with BCG, you know, there's events coming up. We're invited to through them, you know, especially because it's the chain, you know, with only blockchain going and it's with
1000 of global, very well-known companies that are looking to build up these kind of sustainability ESG objectives using blockchain and the chain is the only blockchain going to those meetings. So, five or four years, I think the target is operating at the kind of
the scales you see with Walmart, but with many, many companies and of course like US, China and Europe. US, Europe, they're catching up. US is obviously lagging badly. Europe is, get is in a really good position. And China for all the kind of anti-gatherers
CryptoRetric actually has been quite far ahead of the blockchain game for a while now. So yeah, I mean that's the objective is using these kind of channel partnerships that we've built up with really prestigious companies that they themselves kind of advise tens of thousands of the world
biggest brands on how to achieve these goals. And we've already proven how it can be done and the technology is there. So it's about just waiting for the right environment, aka regulations, keep saying it, but it's so important. And yeah, then just replicating the things we've already done at bigger and bigger scales. Five years, personally, I've been involved
VChains since 2017, I think in five years it's going to be all of the magnitude bigger because we're finally getting to the point VChains been building to for years which is the right environment you know regulated but also the desire and the need and you know for sustainability you cannot beat up
public blockchain for creating that transparency and trust. So yeah, five years I'm very excited for where things are going. Hopefully that answers your question. That was a very long answer. No, I love it. I love whenever you know what I'm saying, I like when you talk you shit a little bit. So yeah, I like that. And I agree, man. I think
that we listened to Sonny's Space the other day and he was talking with I think it was Hope, Hope Token. And he had mentioned, you know, he dropped little snacks about being in Hong Kong and talking with a lot of top, you know,
important people who like you said have their finger on the pulse of blockchain a lot more than than you might think yeah well you met the you met the treasure of Hong Kong some government officials and of course he changed already been operating at that kind of scale for a while now so these kind of you know networks that vital and
It's not what you know is true as well in this world. And VChains got many high profile connections, been building in the background for years, you know, maybe it's not as flashy and show off here some of the networks, but the stuff it's been doing I would argue is, where carries way more weight when you go into these interviews with
enterprise partners and I can speak from experience. They are dismissive of some of the stuff done because they just don't see the long-time value when they talk to VChains. It makes sense. Everyone's got supply chains. Everyone's trying to do ESG. Everyone's trying to track emissions. Everyone wants to share data but they can't trust
part of the area of the party B. So you need this intermediary layer is starting to make sense now that the actual application of blockchain is not just hype, not crypto, you know, pump and dumps and whatever. There's a real important layer that it adds to data management. Another important point to make
because we're seeing a lot of blockchains scramble to make their puzzle piece fit ESG, whereas VChain, that's been the initiative the whole time. And I think that for whatever reason, just because crypto, twitter, twitter, VChain is the unsung here. They've had this figured out and built around this model.
for years. So it's really nice being a V Chain holder personally and seeing the foundation not only sunny but the whole foundation stepping up and really like sustaining through the bear market and everything. Like, you know, there's plenty of people who would have wrote us off. We're here doing better than most. Absolutely. I think, yeah.
In terms of where things are going industrially, VChains got already got a super strong foot thing and obviously VChains now trying to also make sure it doesn't just only appeal to that world because it is a layer one. It is capable of doing anything at any other network can do and that's why there's been that push to build vorge, create these new
tools that make everything nice and simple, new developer documentation. We want to create an environment that appeals to both because when rowal adoption hits and this technology goes mainstream, it's like who do you want to be building on? Well, you want to be building on the blockchain that's delivering the mainstream stuff because that's where the majority of people are going to be. So that's the kind of
national that, you know, if this move of the foundation to get those bits in place as well and support anyone who wants to build. Let's go to Climbs real quick. He's been up here patiently waiting. He's got the hoodie gang. I don't know what project that is, but I guarantee he's in hoodie gang 100%. Climbs, what's up? I mean, you got something for safety.
Hey guys, I'm happy to be here with you. I think you know I have a bit a kind of dumb finger. So maybe I click a button and I ask to speak but it wasn't expect us to start to be honest.
And then I see I'm like I have to speak you know so no problem I may review and I think I have a kind of good energy for space but no I haven't I haven't prepared a question or anything but it's just a way to say hi to to be family
Legend. What's all good? I find myself accidentally on stage. I ask them if it's a peanut butter and jelly is a great jelly or strawberry. You know you just have to have random questions of the best people in a tough spot. I love it. Yeah flame where we go from. I had the pleasure of being clamped
by the way in London, like Clems shouts out, really good to meet you. Yeah, it was pretty fun. Go follow Clems real quick, since Clems Fat figured his way up on stage, so I'll just go rate his profile, give him a free follow, Clems we love you. You got some char, you like char, you like safe haven?
Oh, yeah, maybe how to set up a node. I think it's it's a kind of thing they can explain because I know there are some people in the past that have a problem with that. So maybe some some educational speech about how to set up a node.
Sam did Sam did I kind of touch on it if you Sam if you want to real quick give us one more rundown of Easy to set up and hoed Yeah apologies for that. It's them a fun plate up there. So chop me out of the top Yeah, no, it is quite easy what we'll do is we'll post a link on the official
to the site. I'll make sure that's done after this chat. But it is you go to the Game Store and obviously Game Store, sorry, Play Store on your Android or you go to the Apple Store on your iPhone and you just type in safe note. And I'm pretty sure it's the first one that comes up.
and obviously is verified by us and it's a value just download the app and obviously the first thing you need to do is you might already have this so that it's really to be honest is a VChain throw wallet. Obviously download the VChain throw wallet first and that's obviously the official wallet for VChain and then once you have that
that. You have to purchase your share, you send your share to the Reaching Thor wallet and then like I said, you download a safe note app and that basically links the note to the your wallet, your actual wallet. So then wherever share you have
have in the V-chain Thor wallet that will automatically appear in the safe note app. Then you can literally then depend on how much shea have. I'll make sure again that we have a link posted with the amount of shea available to each wallet.
So, you can just click to choose which node and then set as well every month, the end of every month we have a stake in program. So, you just stake here.
you don't have to have a node. You can download the save node app and you can still stake. So even if you don't have a node, you have SHAR, it's for free. Just download the app and then you can basically stake your shars. So there's no real loss to it.
So have a look at it and it's very simple, very simple out to use. It's very ergonomic user friendly. So it won't take you long to figure out. But any questions at all, don't hesitate to contact us. You've got an official telegram.
just jump on there. Again we can post that to that and then also we have the website as well so don't be afraid to ask any questions or even contact one of us if there's an issue.
Yeah, we can be shy sometimes. Especially with my English skills, you know? And their construction. No, I don't be out from Scotland, so I can barely speak English as it is, don't why about it.
So no, that's awesome. Yeah, we've all got, we're all from different neck. Next to the world to all from us guys from Alex from Marke, you know, from Belgium, we got guys from all over the place, so UK, all over the place, so yeah, don't be afraid to contact us, because I think we're covered with language side of things.
Guys, I want to thank you for taking a whole hour out of your Thursday to come hang out on VChain Thursday. I also want to give you both a chance to leave the community with any final words you might want to leave us with. I'll start with Jürgen. Jürgen, you got anything you want to leave the
the panel with today. Well, maybe just like you said, thanks for being around to listen to for the support, this and for the teaching and for safe haven. They are quite aligned in the future.
Projections so stick around them. We will not be disappointed I would say. And you're again, thanks for coming up here. And it was awesome, awesome talking with you. Sam, do you have anything you're going to leave the panel with today? Yeah, maybe just one question, one of the main reasons I...
I kind of go on roll for safe haven. It wasn't originally to work for them. It was more for the community and actually to celebrate, to do what needs to be done. But I look at a close friend that passed away a few years ago. We were both quite early in the
investors and he went on holiday one day and he just had an accident. So obviously quite a lot of money in the space at the time but there was no family members that had a clue. Nobody knew where him was, passwords, anything it was in.
actually might not be asked. The family at the time they went to, you know, I mean, they were divorced as well, so they're among the dead, rossed, divorced. It just caused a lot of issues, cause issues in terms of taxes, because obviously a certain amount is basically
don't tell too many people what you have. I think that's really the thing. There's a matter of your own hurts, I'm not. If you think it could do safe, just don't tell people what you actually have. I think that's something we all need to know. As the first barrier to any of these issues, but yeah, I see it first hand. It can cause a lot of issues.
So if something's not in place and specially seed phases and things like that, like here's my back of the ghost on the wall and we didn't know this, we just came upon it. So it's things like that and it causes a lot of issues and stuff. So just that's one of the main reasons I did it.
because it was just to make sure that at least somebody knew what was going on, you know, if the worst was to happen or even, you know, you just don't know. So, but say, yeah, I mean, like, yeah, that's gonna be leaving. Not even passing thought.
Well Sam, it's nice to know how passionate you are over there at Save Haven man and appreciate you sharing that story with us. It's a big deal to hop on and let people know the real use of Sam bro. We got you back and hopefully Save Haven can prevent a lot of those tragedies in the future as well.
well. So you're working in the right direction there. Foundation, do you have any final thoughts for the day? Yeah, man. I mean, you know, amazing work. There will be some media to accompany this as well. So we can, you know, have a nice explainer on how this works and where it also fits into, you know, VChains Visual
because of course as I touched on this incentive ecosystem approach to sustainability, it requires decentralized finance elements. And whilst we have some defy on chain, we are working to have more and of course a bridge like, so another bridge, Birgen doing
I didn't mean bridge. And atomic swap, like that will be indispensable for interoperability and build those ecosystems on other networks as well because naturally, you change going to be doing a lot of this stuff, but it's not the only blockchain and that needs
to it, interoperate will always be there. So yeah, I think, keep your eyes out for the media if you guys are curious to hear a bit more. There'll be some information how to get in touch with the team as well if you're interested in your own project of your own. Yeah, final thoughts. Great session. Really love having you guys along. I always enjoy these. It was nice to talk of my five minutes
of renting about something. It's great. Yeah, thanks. I could tell you wanted to get it off your chest and you did. I appreciate you foundation for let me co-host Sam. You're going to thank you for giving me the honor of interviewing you guys. It's not the first time. It's not the last time. So I look forward to catching up with you in the near future.
Young Ada and Clems, thank you guys for coming up, bringing some quality on the speaker panel. And as always, the most important part of any Twitter space, thank you to the listeners. You guys rock, you came out, you like, you retweeted, you followed, you went crazy, you emoted. Now it's the weekend, you've done all your business work, take off the suit and tie, have a good one and we'll see#
Take care. Thank you guys. Take care. Thank you. Bye bye.

FAQ on #VechainThorsday x SafeSwap - Going Cross-Chain With Atomic Swaps | Twitter Space Recording

Who is the host of the podcast?
Flame is the host of the podcast.
Who are the guests on the podcast?
The guests on the podcast are Safe Haven Sam and Yurgen.
What is the purpose of the podcast?
The purpose of the podcast is to interview Safe Haven and discuss their products and services.
What is Safe Haven?
Safe Haven is a company that provides solutions for secure crypto asset management.
What is Yurgen's role at Safe Haven?
Yurgen is the CTO of Safe Haven and Safetech and is responsible for conceptualizing and leading the development team.
What is the name of the patented solution Safe Haven created?
The patented solution Safe Haven created is called Inherently and Beyond.
What was the main concern that led to the creation of Safe Haven?
The main concern that led to the creation of Safe Haven was how to securely transfer private keys acquired from mining etheruem.
What is the main focus of Safe Haven's products and services?
The main focus of Safe Haven's products and services is secure crypto asset management.
What is the recommended action for listeners in the podcast?
The recommended action for listeners in the podcast is to like and retweet the space, follow other people in the community, and enjoy their time in Vechain.
How often does the podcast occur?
The podcast occurs on Thursdays and is said to occur pretty often.