Verasity Ecosystem Updates 2023🎙#VRA #Crypto

Recorded: Feb. 20, 2023 Duration: 1:05:39



Okay, just connecting everyone into place. I hope it's done shortly. We've got a couple of minutes to go. Not sure if all of it's on the
Hi everyone, can you hear me a lot glad? Yeah, I can hear you, great Elliot, welcome.
Okay, we'll just get everyone set up and we'll be starting shortly. I'll just add Daniel as a speaker.
Hey guys, can everybody hear me just testing out my mic? I can hear you. Danny, that's crystal clear. How's everybody doing? Good, good. How are you doing? It's been a minute right. I think it's been a year and a half since we last
I spoke. Wow. I think I think. I'm sorry. You guys have come a very long way. I'm massive brand right now. I see we are rocking 250k followers. I really dig the new PFB. It's really nice to be here again.
Yeah, it's been, you know, just growing in the bear market, surviving the bear market. And I think a lot of companies have just done that took that opportunity in the bear market. So grow the brunt. Yeah, even grown, you know, your team is much bigger now. I see like where it just has
I'm really glad to see you. The star of the hour is not me. I'm just here to say hello to our community. I think I will just hand it over to Elliott now. How are you doing, Elliott?
Yeah, good thanks and just for everyone who's probably pretty new to the Brassity community. Daniel is a community manager. He's been at Brassity longer than I have and he does fantastic work. So thanks Daniel for joining us.
and do go follow him on Twitter because we're going to be doing a lot more community interface work as we go forward. Obviously our community's growing absolutely hugely in the past couple of weeks. Pretty insane really so we need all hands on debt. So for us, so sorry
Daniel and Bermese are going to be a lot more active on Twitter, interfacing with you guys, running some competitions, running some giveaways and that sort of thing. So yeah, make sure you follow them so you don't miss it. And hey Glenn, thanks for having us on. Really excited to be here.
really looking forward to again started. Awesome. Yeah, looking forward to it too. I'll do a quick introduction and we can go into the veracity project you've been around a long time since 2018 called a Ford white paper was out.
Welcome everybody for this Worldquaint talk spaces, I'm Glenie Hoast, today we have a joining us for Astity, hit Speakbound for Astity as Elliott, we'll be delving into Astity shortly, but first let's tell us about yourself Elliott and how you got involved in the crypto industry. Yes, I've worked down in crypto I guess for nearly
seven years so just started doing you know like started on marketing for a number of ICOs and sort of worked up from there. I've had the pleasure of working with some top 10 blockchain protocols so I was with the Cardano Foundation for a year and helped lead Cardano
there and through some really interesting times. So I think when I joined Cardano, they had a five billion market cap and then when I moved on to Cardano, it was 45 billion. So through a really intense period of growth. I think we saw that with with rassing now, so it's good.
of where for SIGNM Digital asset bank, the first bank to get a digital asset blockchain license to handle digital assets out of Switzerland, did a little bit of ad hog work with Chainlink back in the day and loads of other blockchain projects through, you know,
like consolidating and also working behind the scenes on their market. I have to say that for us it is actually probably one of the most, well it is the most interesting project I've worked for. It's certainly held my interest for a long time now. I've been with for us for a while over a year.
I actually feel like we're only just getting started. So I feel like we can do absolutely tons in the space and it's really exciting times to work for the project. First of all, I got started in crypto really and yeah I'm really proud to work for Ferrasa here.
Okay, great. Thanks for the introduction, Elliot. So, yeah, as I said in the opening, UI Paypal came out in quarter for 2018. So it's a sort of generation in crypto, Varaster has been around. So let's start with Varaster CD early years development and partnerships you've built along the way.
Yes, so for us it really got its start and as you say the white paper came out 2018 and it launched through an ICO in 2017 and it's been building ever since really so it was always going to be an ecosystem that appended the traditional model of a video
views and how we interact with video around the web specifically on on publishers websites. So it's always been in that publishing video vertical. It's evolved over the years so it was always a plan to launch an ant stack what that ant stack would would
up like and how it would be branded and this sort of thing has changed those obviously in the latter half of last year we had this evolution into bareviews and we really saw proof of view and bareviews come to the forefront of what we're doing at Veracity as our core commercial product and that's really
important it's been building up to that for a while I think we're probably talking depth about very views and sort of the business model there but that was always in the the planning stage so very early on in the project I see our Jay Mark he put a lot of focus into getting painted
paintings obviously take quite a few years to come to fruition and we've seen a lot of those paintings that were applied for you know a few years ago I know that seems like a lifetime of blockchain put in painting or a few years ago is absolutely nothing. We're actually seeing many of these paintings being awarded now and that
That sort of, however, has it got started is painting in all of these really novel technologies that are developers have invented essentially. So we have proof of view, we have a watch and earn module, a rewarded video. All of these are at a painting stage.
where they're protected and proprietary technology. So that's sort of what we've been doing for the last few years is building out the infrastructure and building out solid foundations so that we can take all of those technologies to market. And now we're in that stage, so we're in the stage where we're actually, well, we're not ready
to take things to market. We are in the market. We do have clients and we do have publishers. So I'm sure we'll talk about that in a bit more depth later on in the AMA. Great, Elliot. Yeah. A lot more you mentioned there. We're going to touch on shortly. But I was wondering what problems does for Astarty solve?
Yes, so the number one problem that we sold is advertising fraud. So advertising, we actually did an AMA just a written text-based AMA in our Korean audience earlier today. So the advertising industry is absolutely huge. It's grown in year on year, in fact it's grown every month.
And worldwide revenue from advertising is estimated at around $808 billion. So it's an absolutely huge industry. And most of this is in the USA and then following closely on from the USA, we have China, then we have jurisdictions like South Korea, the United Kingdom,
Singapore, these sorts of economies that are highly developed economies and have quite a lot of consumer trends of people having disposable income. Usually that's very good for the advertising space. However, what's also growing alongside that is
is advertising fraud. So there's an absolutely huge problem with advertising fraud worldwide. Conservative estimates say that advertising fraud is costing the economy, the worldwide economy, around $60 billion per year. It's actually probably much higher than that. From some of our initial
we've seen publishers that have come to us that have fraud within their ecosystem, you know, of over 25%. So over 25% of their advertising revenues are basically being lost to fraud. And this is important because we should look at what that fraud actually is.
So how does ad fraud actually take place? So there's a lot of different types of ad fraud. Varacity and very views we deal primarily with video ad fraud, which is one of the most prevalent. But there's things like click fraud and website spoofing and all these different types of fraud. So essentially what they all
do is they will create either a fake website or they'll create some fake bot networks to maliciously click or view adverts to generate revenue from those ads without actually watching the ads. So essentially the advertiser is spending
a lot of money on an advertising campaign and it's not going out to real people. And the way I always like to visualize it and I've used this analogy in the past is we can essentially think if we think of TV ads, it's like having millions of televisions in a warehouse playing out to nobody. So these adverts are playing
someone is paying for the advert to run but nobody's watching them. And we have that but amplified by many millions on the internet. So all of these adverts going out and it's only robots that watch them. So the reasons that people do this is because there's a few different types of ad fraud and it's very complex
the way that the fraudsters make money from all these different times that are fraud. But one of the most prevalent is they'll fake set up a fake website and so they can either directly copy and spoof and exist in publisher or they set up a website that they just push out like
sort of fake news articles to or content video content, they've basically taken from elsewhere and rehashed and then they'll push loads of fake bot traffic to this website and they'll go and say to an advertiser, look we've got 10 million people a month visit our website, do you want a page to put ads
here. Obviously what they don't tell the advertiser is 9.5 million of those are bots. So it's a really bad problem. And one of the actors in this supply chain that's disproportionately affected by it is small to medium publishers. So because of this trust
gap where there's loads of bad actors in the space. The advertisers will say to small and medium publishers, "Look, we don't want to commit too much budget to you because we can't prove that you are not operating for generally." So they remove advertising budgets from this site.
So just to take it back to your original question, that's exactly what for us it sold. So we add a trust layer to the advertising ecosystem through our ad stack, publishers can basically show advertising campaigns through their views. So through one of their existing video players and embedded
on the side we essentially make sure that no fraudulent traffic, so no bots are making it through into that final campaign report. So it's really powerful as I say it's a $60 billion problem, so that's essentially our addressable market, it's a $60 billion addressable market. There are pre-existing
And for solutions, but we don't think they're effective because they don't have that transparency layer that we make available for the blockchain. And they also don't have the painted technology that verifying a fair of use does. So that's the problem in the nutshell. It's an absolutely huge problem. And we're here to solve it.
I think we've touched on it there, but can you expand on Brassity's business model? Yeah, so the business model, the main business model, I think we'll talk about some of the other product verticals that we've got coming out this year, maybe later on in the AMA.
But our main business model is Fairviews and Fairviews essentially functions just like any other traditional at stack. So in a traditional ad tech stack, publishers will show advertising campaigns. Advertisers will basically essentially bid.
on the on the right through an auction to show adverts on either videos or on a web page that all happens in the background and this is why we've been onboarding demand side platforms and supply side platforms so they basically supply
and create demand for Adverts and a veracity verifus makes all of that ad campaign possible. So a publisher would add their website for verifus and they would fund their account. So we have an escrow account, they fund their account
VRA that's bought from the Circulate Spy. If they want to use FIA, we will go and buy VRA from the Circulate Spy and fund their account for them. And then they basically run the advertising campaign and we take a portion of that as profit, as a fee for maker advertising
and stack available in built within that we have our I V T or bot filter in capabilities and we also make proof of view available so that proof of view essentially records all of that data about their advertising campaign on chain. So at core business
model is that we offer a very highly transparent advertising stack and we make data available for publishers and advertisers in real time as well. So it's a really powerful solution for them. And then all that the advertiser and the publisher actually needs to know is that it's
an advertising stack that gives them the transparent access to data. They don't necessarily need to be blockchain savvy to use our ad stack. So our B2B use case, our B2B utility is very much like your traditional advertising stack.
Okay, I see you know, so let's move on to an introduction to part of the how it prevents fake views in advertising.
Yes, also, I mean, we've spoken a little bit about Veravuse and how it prevents fake views. Essentially, what we have is 13 different modules within our app, at the top of the set. So, an advertising stack is basically when you go on a website and you launch
a video, you'll have, going on in the background there, you'll have a hive of activity, it happens in milliseconds, you won't ever know that it's happening, you won't see it, but essentially what happens is loads of different advertisers across demand type platforms and supply type platforms will be bidding
for the right to show your video to, sorry, to show their video to you as a viewer. So this happens in a split second as you land on a site. So it'll use things like cookies and it'll use a profile from all the places where you've been on the web and it'll say okay.
Glenn is looking for a new car. So we know that he's looking for a new car. So this would be a great opportunity to show him an auto trader ad, for instance. And they all of these advertisers would bid in the background and then the one who won
would show there are. This happens in an absolutely split second. But once the advertisers paid for it, the ad is shown, even if you're a bot or not. So the reason this is important is we have two types of checks. So we have pre-bid and
bot solutions and post-beard-advert bot solutions. So some solutions only make one of these technologies available. Varassity, Veravius can actually do both. So we can identify when a bot lands on a page before that, it's called an advertising auction waterfall. So before
Before that auction will leave and takes place and any money is committed or changed its hands, we can say no, this viewer is a bot, they're not real. And we use a number of different modules to do that. So we have, as I said then, we have 13 separate modules that make up the Verviews Antics stack. One of those is
proof of view, but we have AI modules, so artificial intelligence modules, we have machine learning modules, and we have modules that utilize known databases of bad actors, so they'll have loads of details about IP addresses that should be immediately discounted. They'll also have information
on whether an IP address is a VPN user, for instance, and it'll discount these from the ad pool. So this could happen at what we call the pre-bid stage. So essentially we say no, they're not worth serving an ad to or it can happen at the post-bid stage. So obviously it's constant game of cat and mouse between
the good guys and the bad guys. So the fraudsters are always looking for ways to make sure that they can get through to that post-bid stage and not get identified as bot traffic. If they do make it past the pre-bid and someone bids on the ad in a
and an ad is shown. What we can then do is follow up on a number of touch points as the video is playing and say, "Okay, well, they may have passed Pre-Bird Text, but this video is playing in the background in a window that's not visible or this video is totally obscured from
view so the the advert is definitely not being seen by a real person and this could also be for instance if we call this view ability if you open a video and immediately minimise the screen obviously the ad isn't being seen and the advertiser is not going to want to pay for that traffic we would discount that
then it's an invalid view but the important thing here is we take this information and we store it immediately on our blockchain so on the fairer chain which is a tailor built side chain of the theorem and then we use to store advertising campaign data and the reason why this is such
powerful solution is that essentially when publishers run an advertising campaign and they have all this data about people who have or haven't watched an ad or a certain number of IVT in valid traffic, they have to take it to the advertiser and say this was
these are the results from your campaign this month. The advertiser will turn around and say, "Okay, we're going to go away and examine it. We're going to look at it in detail. We're going to pass it to our experts and then we'll come back and we'll maybe pay you for this advertising campaign in three months." Well, that's eliminated with
three of the fairies. So we instantly store that data on the blockchain transparently so that both the advertiser and the publisher can see that data at real time. So this obviously completely changes the industry in that we can make essentially
lead times on payments that advertising campaigns much much shorter. So that's why it's attractive to advertisers and publishers. It's because of that transparent and immutable way that we store data on the blockchain. Okay, a follow on question from that.
How is PLV patented technology better compared to AA algorithms already being utilized by various web2 video sharing streaming platforms like, for example, you choose? Yes, proof of view as a module is actually the part that takes the data and stores it on the blockchain.
And in that way, we are the only with the first painted a tech stack on the blockchain with the only the only blockchain based a tech stack that actually takes data and stores it transparently. And that's what proof of view does. Drafty has the paint and for proof of view
now in a number of jurisdictions. So we've got the paint and the USA in China, in Hong Kong, Singapore, and also in Duretia. So some of the South Korea, sorry I'm not sure if I'm mentioning that. So we've got some of the biggest advertising markets in the world, our technology
is painted in. So we have that paint and protection for our technology pretty much worldwide if we're talking about the size of the appetizer market. So no one can really copy what we do and exist in our text stacks which as we mentioned earlier on in the AMA do exactly
traditional ad text acts, but as we've just mentioned there, they don't have this transparent element. So they're essentially what we would call in the industry of black box. So publishers and advertisers who are using an existing ad stack, they won't mention any boy name, but there's a lot
of them out there and some of them we've compared in some of our articles and AMAs before. But essentially they take all the data and they aggregate it and they store it on their own servers and you as an amphitizer or publisher have to trust the data that they give to you.
So essentially if they say well we prevented 99% of it valid traffic you would have to take that face value and you would have to trust that the data they had given you was was verifiable. Whereas with bear reviews proof of view essentially makes this redundant
because you no longer have to prove the campaign statistics that we give you through verifus are correct because you can view that data on the blockchain. So I think, you know, I've been around in the blockchain space for quite a while and originally when a lot of projects were getting going back and
2017, there was this phrase that was used a lot and it was "don't trust verify" and I think that we do that really well at Bear Reviews and at Varacity. We take trust out of the equation, you no longer have to just have blind faith or trust that your ad tech stack and your ad provider is going to
give you correct data, you can actually verify it on the chain. So we solved that black box problem in the industry and this is really powerful. You know, you ask there about how it's different and how proof of you does that. So the AI and the machine learning modules, they're separate. They help us identify the front.
But the really powerful part is where we take that data so that where after it's been identified and we store it on chain so that all part is what we would call actors in the advertising supply chain they can all see that data transparent. So that's why it's a really powerful solution.
Okay, great, Elliott. And yeah, for veracity, it was a huge deal getting that paid from China. I mean, was it years in the making as it took a long time?
Yeah, so I think I mentioned earlier that all of the paintments obviously in crypto everything moves fast in blockchain. We have to move really fast in a few years in crypto might as well be a century and any other industry, but in other
areas and this is where I think veracity is quite unique so we we sit across two different industries so we sit in the advertising industry as our main like B2B model and we sit in the blockchain and crypto industry for things like this marketing and some of the products that we're going to talk about later in the
the air bay, but on the on the appetise inside and all the things that we do with with paint and the award of those payments and things do take a little bit longer than than they would in crypto. This is something that I think we've spoken about a lot recently, but I'd really like to get it across to
things that we do for the B2B audiences and for our actual commercial partners. We have to take a very measured approach. So I know that some of our crypto audience, they're always eager for updates and I'm an original crypto DJ.
I'm also a bit of a running joke and I think I'm always pushing for announcements because I want to share as much as I can with you guys. But we do have to move at a pace of our partners. I know that we've gone off on a little bit of a tangent from the original Tango question, but it's just important
but how we actually move for various is going to be at the pace of the industry and we need to do the best by partners and publishers that we haven't bought that. Payments absolutely, they do take years to come to fruition and this is why we make such a big deal about them when we actually do
get paint and approval. So we recently announced, obviously we announced China that was towards the beginning of last year, but we also recently announced that we had had full paint and awarded in South Korea for our proof of view module. And then just before Christmas we also had the rewarded video.
module. So that was a really, really big paint and the we got awarded in USA and that sort of gives us international, it's what we would call international priorities. So if something gets proved in the USA, it's very likely to be accepted or
observed in other countries. But yeah, these things, they do, they're not instant. They don't happen overnight and they take a lot of back and forth. We actually published a medium article, which some of you might be interested to go read about what the paint and process looks like and what some of it means and how we navigate that.
Okay, yeah, it's a great news for veracity going into the future of all the patents here collecting along the way and let's go into their reviews and what it is
Yes, so I think we've covered very views quite in depth, but I'll just give sort of like the high level boilerplate I guess and what very views is. So essentially it's an open ledger video advertising ecosystem and it's built entirely around facilities, painted proof of view, fraud identification.
and technology. So as I've said, we make transparent, invalid traffic available for publishers in advertising. And we also put all of campaign statistics transparently on chain. What I would say I think actually useful to talk about rather than just rehash in what
what Veriveus is as an ADSDAQ. I think for the audience that we've got here today, I could talk a little bit more about what the role of the VRA token is within the Veriveus ADSDAQ. So obviously a lot of you guys will have seen that we've put a lot of emphasis into Veriveus
since Q2 last year. And it's sort of a lead product vertical in terms of what is actually going to make a successful, and viable revenue generation business. So within the very views out of tech stack, we
have two different types of VRA token. So when we push this data, I've talked a lot about transpiring data and how we put that on chain through proof of view. And when we push that data to our side chain to our very, very chain blockchain, we use what's called a proof of view market token. So this is essentially
So we're going to use the data to move data across chain and basically power transactions within the Verifusel stack. So a lot of you might have checked the brasset out on CoinMarketCap and you'll see that we have a circulating supply of
just under now because we've done a burn and I think we're going to talk about that a little bit later. But we have a circulating supply of just under 10.3 billion. But we have, as we show on market cap circulating, total supplies are 110 billion. But 100
90 billion of those tokens are actually only used for data circulation purposes within Verivues, so they don't contribute to the circulating supply and they can't be used outside of the Verivues like closed ecosystem. So they're just for data purposes and then with Verivues and how it contributes
to our actual business and revenue. We also have and I'm talking utility from the circular supply. We also have a campaign escrow bulls. So when a publisher wants to fund an advertising campaign and we mentioned a little bit earlier that they can essentially connect their website to various views.
and put all of their video inventory through Verviews. So when they have to connect the website to Verviews, they have to fund their campaign escrople in order to actually run advertising campaigns. So they do this through VRA.
And that VRA comes from the circulating supply. So that's where the demand for VRA as a utility token comes from. It's used within the Ver reviews ad text act. So I know that we've been over Ver reviews quite a lot, but I hope that that adds a bit more context into why adoption for Ver reviews is a
is a very crucial and important for adoption and actual utility of VRA. As you can imagine, as we scale, as we add new publishers, we've already announced and sort of revealed one of the publishers that currently using our ADSDAQ, we did that last month and we got a feature of
It was really great. You can find that on our Twitter. But as we add and scale up new publishers, they're going to be running campaigns on Verifus and they're going to need to buy and fund those campaigns with VRR8 from the circulating supply. And then we'll use profits from that quarterly to do buy back and burns as well.
So we announced, I think it was last week, that we were going to do quarterly buy back and burn updates. So this is why our messaging over the last say six months has been very clear about their views as being the biggest opportunity for veracity as a community.
personally viable product. We've built out a huge business development team now for Verifus. So I think you'll all remember Dan came on back in Q2 2022. And since then he's like grown the business development team enormously. Verifus
actually the website has just been updated so you can go and have a look at the team on very views now and we're really really excited and proud of how far it's come in the last few months and how many partners and integrations we'll begin into on board. So that's why you know in this context and how it interfaces
is with the crypto side of veracity, we think it's the biggest opportunity for lasting success for us as a project. You've touched on the Burm mechanics there, so what's the sort of plans over the next quarter and the next year
year or two, how much is it you plan into Burn of the year? Top of the supply for the R8 open? Yeah, so we've been quite clear that we don't commit to like a set amount of token burns. It's based on our revenues for the quarter. So as we said, revenues from the very
use add stack and eventually revenues from other product verticals, which I think we're going to touch on a bit later. But essentially these are these burns are revenues after operating expenses. So we need to be agile and we need to stay agile and if we need to use for instance
since in one quarter our revenues to scale up and add new talent to the business for example or move into new opportunities and areas. Obviously we need to retain profit to do that so we haven't put an exact figure on our burn amount and it would make
to do so. We have committed to quarterly burn updates and last burn was 50 million tokens which was around half a million dollars USD, half a million dollars at the time. So that should give some sort of indication on what that first burn
look like. But what's important is that we're now in a stage where we are going to be burning tokens going forward. So I think for a long time we spoke about buy back and burn for a long time and now it's actually come to fruition and we're actually going to do it moving forward. So I think that's the important takeaway from that.
Okay, awesome, Alia. And let's move on to the rewarded video module. How does that work for users?
Yes, so back in just before Christmas, I think it was we announced that the rewarded video module had been given a paint and approval, a paint and reward in the USA and rewarded video essentially is any type of video where a user
Watch is a video in return for a reward. So it could be any reward, it could be in-game currency, it could be crypto currency, it could be like we've seen in many game and economies like a gift box or something or like a
treasure chest, that sort of thing. So essentially it covers quite a broad range of what we would call a video reward. We've got the painting very generally for rewarded video with the methodology that we do. We
share that painting on our social media so you can go and have a look at that painting and also you can look at the media article where we spoke a little bit about what that painting actually meant for us as a business. But essentially what we're going to do with the watch with the rewarded videos
rewarded video methodology, which is now paint and protected available on the market. That's not in our roadmap yet for 2023, but it's something that we're going to be looking to utilize and move forward on sort of in an ad-hoc basis as and when we see opportunities for it.
And tell us about the Vera Wallet and your stake in ecosystem. Yeah, definitely. So this is something I think that our community and probably the audience who got here today will be most excited to hear about. So Vera Wallet is an ecosystem wallet. It's a
So we've committed to a long-term stake in ecosystem. We've had a couple of years of stake in now. Our current APY and stake in is 18.25% and that lasts through to a few years.
the end of March this year, but we've actually committed to another year of Stakein, so it's through to the end of March next year, 2024, and that's going to be at 15%. So we do have, obviously, because that's like a very high APY in the crypto industry.
We do have a limit on how much VRA can be staked at any given time in the wallet, but this usually spots available so I'd encourage anyone to go and check out for a wallet. We've just overhauled all the interfaces there, the UX, the UI, and it's looking like a really great scene
us wallet now. We're quite excited with VeraWallet, one of the features that we're going to become available soon is the VeraCard. The VeraCard is essentially something that we've partnered with Damx4. DamxR
they're a new like challenger app and they make crypto costly and trade in available through the app. And we're going to be issuing the bearer card, which is essentially a physical payments card that you can use to load up with the R.A. spend in store in physical stores.
online. So we're really excited for the launch of that. We've actually already posted a couple of teasers on Twitter and what the Veraclads actually going to look like. And we've got a teaser video and a bit of a launch campaign coming soon. So we're really excited to bring that to the community. I think that
The key utility and the reason why that is so exciting for us as a project is because the staker rewards that we make available now through barrel wallet obviously, you know, they're quite significant and people can use the barricade to actually utilize the RA in real life.
So they could use it to utilize the staking rewards and just get a bit more liquidity and flow for the VRA ecosystem. Obviously you're also going to be able to load up your card through the DamEx app and you're going to be able to purchase the RRA there. So it's going to be another on-run for
VRA as well, so it's really exciting. And that's probably going to link into our PAN for Verapay. So Verapay is sort of still in the development phase, so we can't talk too much about it. That's essentially going to be, as we said in our roadmap,
update last month. So essentially going to be a payment ecosystem, especially for those who are perhaps unbanked or underserved with traditional banking infrastructure. And we're going to link that to Vera Wallet and to the Vera Card and have that as sort of like a payment infrastructure.
structure that will utilize VRA. So do keep an eye on our socials. It's in IQ 1 roadmap. So do keep an eye on our socials in the coming months for more information about that as well. Okay, awesome. No, wait, yeah, like you say, the Vera card, you know, brings real world
use cases for veracity and answer to the ecosystem. So I'm sure the team and community are excited for the U.K. I think is it launching in the UK first and then it will go to Europe and America later on in the year? Yes, we've got UK launch first. It will expand to Europe
Europe after that, that's in our roadmap. There's no plans for the USA at the moment. It's worth just mentioning if there are already USA users that we don't cater for USA residents at the moment. But yeah, it will be expanded out to Europe eventually.
Okay, great. And I was wondering as we gain mass adoption over the coming years, does veracity have educational resources for new investors and developers?
Yeah, that's a good question. So we're overhauling our website at the moment. So we've already pushed updates to and vera and a few of our other like all about socials getting an upgrade and this sort of thing. One of the things that we're working on
right now is We're going to have a brand new blog there so it's going to look a lot more like Verivuse and we're going to have a lot of educational resources that we can put on there. It's going to be a bit more structured than that medium currently is so we can have whole sections for new
users had to get started with VeraWallet, why they should stake this sort of thing. One of the things that we've just done that I think is really important for new users. So we've taken pretty early advantage of CoinMarketCap community feature, so they've got community
We already have on there 150K actually, I think we just hit 150K today actually because it's 150K exactly. But we have 150K followers on our CoinMarketCap community, which is really important for new users.
users because new entrance into the space, the first thing they look at is CoinMarketCap. And it really lets us push updates to people who follow out token either in the CoinMarketCap app or if they use the desktop version. So we've got 150,000 followers on
there which is really cool because it's actually more followers than some of the top 10 protocols who haven't been as quick to adopt this new channel. One of the things that that's let us do is change the about us information and the information for new token holders within Coin
market cap. So if you head over to there now, you'll see that we've totally overhauled the what is veracity and the information about the VRA token and that stake in economy. And some of that information was a little bit out of date. So I think in terms of educational information and information for new users, we're just
going to be making the most of new channels, really pushing out updates across all the latest channels, doing more things like this with you guys as well, Cuntork and other AMA groups, and just making sure that we stay relevant and get our
updates out there for new audiences really but I think in terms of actual educational content our new veracity blog is going to be a big source of that so we have an update for that shortly and when you can expect to see the new website.
Okay, great. So let's just go into the marketing plans for a veracity this year and then I'll open up the spaces to questions.
Awesome, yeah.
Okay, I was just wondering if you had the roadmap ahead for the marks and plans first, are we at the end? I'll open spaces for questions. Oh, okay. Sorry, Glenn. Yeah, so I'm marking roadmap. You know, we spoke a little bit about it there is it's taking advantage of new channels. We're looking to launch crews
So I introduced at the start of the AMA that we've got Daniel and Bami is their two of our community management team and they're going to be doing a lot more like community facing events for the crypto for our crypto followers throughout 20-20
So that will include like crew three giveaways, crew three events. We've got quite a lot of merch that we want to start getting out to people just so that we can spread the word of racy a little bit more. But obviously that's only one facet of what we do market wise. So as I said,
We said, I think at the start, we sort of exist in these two industries. So we're in the advertising industry. We're also in the crypto industry. I think we can probably all agree that our marketing in the crypto space. I mean, we're always looking to do more. We're always looking to upgrade it.
months have been really, really successful. So we've hit top all rank on Luna Crush multiple times and we've really been keeping Varassi trending almost like constantly and consistently and we're going to just do everything we can to
to keep that momentum going. But then on the advertising side, we have to mark it for a completely different audience. So advertising professionals, they don't typically use telegram, they don't typically use groups like we do here.
on Twitter spaces and instead it's a lot more industry publication focused and we have a strong market and plan for that as well. So this year we're attending multiple advertising events. We're going to be back at Can Lion in the summer but running a similar event to what we did last year but actually
much bigger, we're going to have a much bigger presence there with much stronger branding and a much more cohesive effort to actually sign up new clients. We're going to have more team members there as well. We're going to be back at the Mexico, which is one of the biggest advertising events of the country.
calendar year that's in in Cologne and Germany. This year is one of the first years that we're actually sponsoring advertising events. So a response in the New Digital Age Heroes Awards, which is basically the biggest publisher award in the city of London for for the calendar year.
So that's a really, really exciting opportunity to say, you know, we are very views. We're here with a truly transparent ad stack. It's the birth of its kind and really get that B to B, B to B marketing and interface with the real end users of our
of our tech stack. So we sort of have to juggle those two balls really, the crypto market and the advertising market. But I would say it's going really well. We're definitely making a splash in both industries and we have a really good growth trajectory.
Okay, I was great for a variety of going into the future. I'd say you've been building in the bare market there, 223, I don't think it can be any worse than 222. But let's move on and open up the spaces for questions. I think we've got Asia here. You had a question for Elliott at Veracity. Go ahead.
Thanks again. As valuable traditional art enters the NFT space, we are asked to believe that proof of view will become an increasingly important lifeline to galleries and artists to prevent fraud. And I have read in an article that AI
So, it got me thinking, will you also be developing any tools to identify AI-generated art and art generated by human artists? That's a really interesting question.
I mean, obviously, we've all seen the news about chat GPT, stable diffusion is getting absolutely massive. I know that there's been some sort of controversy around AI generated art
and how people, how it's sort of de-platformin or at least sort of replacing some traditional artists. I know that's particularly prevalent in like sort of video game art and fantasy art. We actually
We just did directly answer your question. We actually haven't looked into that. It's not something that we, I mean, it's very nascent at the moment. We actually don't know how big of a problem it would be. On the other hand, we know that there's a $60 billion problem with ad fraud that we can solve immediately.
and we are solving actively now. However, I wouldn't say that that's never going to be something that doesn't become interesting. I'm really interested to see how AI and machine learning changes the advertising fraud space. So whether that's
companies and projects like us using AI and machine learning to prevent out fraud or conversely on the other hand, whether that's the fraudsters actually using AI and machine learning to to perpetrate fraud in a more sophisticated
manner, I'm sure that's going to be a problem in the coming years. In terms of R and NFTs, it's not something we've explored, as I say. We don't really know how big of an issue that's going to be, but it's definitely something that I personally am going to keep at close high on and how that develops in the coming months.
Thank you so much for answering.
Thank you for the question, let's move to Venice. You have the question for Elliott at Veracity. Go ahead. Yeah, thank you so much. Okay. I was thinking that in
Please explain how we use blockchain data to give more accurate information about users' demographics and preferences so that advertising can be targeted more effectively by consumers.
Yeah, that's a good question. We actually didn't speak about targeting specifically. So it's not a blockchain element that will enhance the targeting. So as I say, we have these 13 modules and we have a number of plug-in and integrations. We're actually going to be announcing some more integrations in the coming months.
for the Veriviews ecosystem. It's really important to remember that there's a lot of companies in advertising that already do things incredibly well, so they're already leaders in this space. When it comes to actually
competing with targeting providers, then that's not something that we're going to do with much rather plug-ins, one of those providers, so that we have that targeting built into our
stack and we have these databases of like users and cookies. We actually already announced it was part of our Q4 roadmap that we were in 2022 that we were going to integrate with a essentially like a
right management so it's people selecting their preferences about their cookie preferences and we're going to have all of these plugins within the abstract so essentially when you land so now when you land on a website you'll get asked about your cookie preferences if you expanded that you would see a list of providers
on who exactly is either utilizing the data or collecting the data. Obviously, very few would be in there and we'd also have some of these data management platforms. We wouldn't store that data on the blockchain. What we store on the blockchain is advertising
in campaigns statistics for the brand and for the publisher. So we're not taking users personal data and storing it on chain. We're taking very clear statistics, so things like how many bots viewed an advert, how many real people viewed an advert, how long did they watch it?
Where was it shown how many times was it showing this sort of data, but we don't store user personal data on chain and I don't think that it would be useful for us to build at this stage to build our own like track insolution we would much rather
you know, use an existing plugin that does it well. And this is one of the reasons why we've assembled this expert and tech teams, so David and Dan, they've come on board this year to basically connect various views with these third party providers, with these
demand side platforms, the supply side platforms, and these are the platforms that give you that rich information about where your users are and what adds them all on you to interact with and how you can target them. So that's sort of a little insight into how we'll manage that area of expansion.
Okay, yeah, I click Samson. Thank you. Thank you so much for answering my question.
Thank you for the question, Ben. We've got another question shortly, but we've been trying to pin a competition we've had going through the spaces to win 300 $rod dollars worth of the R8 of free random listeners, but unfortunately Twitter being buggy sometimes we've not been able to pin that but if stay tuned I'll tell you more about that. You just need to have a
a Vera wallet account and follow us and welcome to talk. Follow us from Daniel here. So follow the Vera Varacity Twitter account and follow a welcome talk for a chance to win $100 for free looky when it's let's move to
to another question.
content based on the viewers' behavior in real life. So I want to understand that when you approve of view and AI technology is collecting these 200 data points, how can end users who are human not bought be sure that their privacy is not compromised and their data linked to their online behavior is private and protected.
Yeah, it's a good question. I think we just sort of touched on that maybe a little in the in the last answer. So, um, Ferracity is integrated at the moment within the the Brock cove web player. Um, the Brock cove web player is like, um, many other web players. So,
So essentially publishers can use it to upload content to and they embed it in the player. So you've got the YouTube player that's obviously one of the most commonly known players, but it's not used so much by brands. It's usually used by like the average user like us.
brands will usually use like a proprietary video player. So this bright cove that has over 30,000 web properties and 3,000 publishers using it. Then we've got some other ones. So we've got the JW player. There's also Vibram.
So eventually, you know, we have a plan that verifuses that will eventually be player agnostic so we can plug in to pretty much any video player. This would allow us to reach the maximum number of sort of partners and publishers. But at the moment we're on
Now to specifically answer your question, when you land on a website and it has a BrightCov player embedded in it and you're about to be shown a video or you're about to watch a video, you'll see usually in sort of a anoying
but you'll see a pop-up for your cookie choices. You see this whenever you land on a website, pretty much any website in the world has this and it'll ask you to accept cookies. As we said in that last answer, if you expanded that or if you asked for more info of it,
has the user has accept decline or manager preferences. If you went on to manage your preferences, it shows you a list of all the third parties essentially that are collecting some form of data and storing it to build an
it profile about you. So it doesn't store personal notice, so it's not going to know, for instance, your name and address and this sort of thing or your email or your phone number. But what it's going to know from information that's available through your browser is things like web page
that you may have previously visited that have stored a cookie on your device. So like I said earlier on in the AMA, say if Glenn had been searching for a car, it would be a pretty sure bet that he was in the market to buy a new car. So it stores data like that.
that, you know, this user is searching for a car, so it makes sense to play him an advert for a car brand. It's not storing personal data on chain, and we don't take that personal data, we don't store that personal data on chain.
We only store the advertising statistics, the advertising campaigns statistics, and they're only really important for the publisher and for the brands. All of the other data management, so cookie data management and user preferences management will use a third party plugin because they
They already have the expertise and the setup, so it would make sense for us to defer to their expertise. So in terms of keeping data safe, it's never really a problem because personal data is
as we probably think of personal data which is like you know you name your address and things that would I guess tease the word docks things that would docks you they're never revealed anyway and so I think that sort of answers that question yeah yeah thank you for planning that up thank you so much.
Thank you for the questions, and I just want to point out that Brassett is building a network of ethical calls. It is similar to an influencer, but it has a more targeted audience. We have Daniel, his logo is in here. If you want to
to connect with him and your calls. And yeah, getting touched and that's how they're looking to expand as well this year through calls and influences going forward. And yeah, it's been great speaking today. We're running out of time.
unfortunately, Elliot. But it's been great time for us to back on World Corn Talk spaces. Maybe we can do a recap. We do have a lot of organic people joining spaces in the middle of the show. So if they've missed the first half, we could just do a recap over for us to see if anyone would join the spaces later on today.
Yeah, that'd be fantastic and we definitely be up for doing for doing more of these. I know we said I said earlier this month actually, but we're going to be doing a lot more Q&A sessions, whether that's just me speaking in like a 45 minute session about our recent
updates or whether it's joining AMAs like this. You know, I don't mind live questions, I don't mind taking questions from the community. So we're always happy to do that. And yeah, let's definitely jump
on and do a recap sometime. Awesome. Yeah, then we have the aquarium as well where we have lots of speakers joining. I think we have quite a few speakers with different sort of decentralized exchanges, centralized exchanges and influences in the space.
So you're always welcome to join the Aquarium and that's 4pm UTC every Wednesday we have different sort of topics we talk about. So you're welcome on that show as well, Elliot. And it's been great speaking to you today and I'm looking forward to the future and year ahead for the RACITY for the team and community.
Yeah fantastic thanks for having us Glenn and really love what you guys doing at WellCoinTalk and would absolutely love to join you guys again Awesome and yeah I'll mention again how you can win a share of that $300
You just need to join the Racities main account here, that's here in the logo here to see the V for Racities and open up a VoVero wallet account and then pre-lock it
win is we'll get $100 each so yeah maybe contact Daniel where he's got his logo here if you're not sure on how to set up a Vera Wallet account and yeah it's been great speaking and take care Elliot.
Yeah, thanks everyone and yeah do participate in that that giveaway and make yourself a very well. It's really easy. It just takes five minutes. All you need is it's an email. So yeah, do do join our community and ecosystem.
Awesome. I'll finish the spaces and send over a copy for you to share with the community and I'll send that into our community's chat as well.
Perfect. Thanks everybody. Thanks everyone. Thanks for joining.

FAQ on Verasity Ecosystem Updates 2023🎙#VRA #Crypto | Twitter Space Recording

Who joined the podcast as a speaker?
Daniel, the community manager of Veracity, joined the podcast as a speaker.
What is Veracity?
Veracity is an ecosystem that aims to disrupt the traditional model of video views and how we interact with video on publisher's websites.
When did Veracity's white paper first come out?
Veracity's white paper first came out in Q4 2018.
What problem does Veracity aim to solve?
Veracity aims to solve advertising fraud, which is estimated to cost the worldwide economy around $60 billion per year.
What is the estimated worldwide revenue from advertising?
The estimated worldwide revenue from advertising is around $808 billion.
What type of ad fraud does Veracity primarily deal with?
Veracity primarily deals with video ad fraud.
Who is Elliot and what is his role at Veracity?
Elliot is a member of the Veracity team and has been working in crypto for nearly seven years. His role is not specified in the text but he is introduced as someone who does fantastic work.
What is Bareviews and what is its significance for Veracity?
Bareviews is Veracity's core commercial product and is a significant part of the Veracity ecosystem. It came to the forefront of what they do and is proof of view.
What other types of proprietary technology has Veracity invented?
Veracity has invented a watch and earn module and a rewarded video.
What is the estimated cost of fraud within some publisher's ecosystems?
Some publishers have fraud within their ecosystem of over 25% of their advertising revenues.