Voltage Finance AMA & Updates⚡

Recorded: Dec. 21, 2022 Duration: 0:39:40




look at how it's going. She's going to be waiting here muted, okay? Yeah, perfect. No worries. Beautiful.
Hi, Kyle. Nice to have you here.
was the waiting for the time to be correct, and we'll start.
Thank you.
Hi Victor, nice to have you here as well. We're going to wait for the...
Okay, so there's nothing nobody here. So not sure if it's the correct time or let's wait for a couple more minutes. Yeah, let's wait from on the on the poll we did. People were more
So let's say interested in joining right now. Maybe they forgot. I don't know. But yes, still, let's wait a few minutes to give them time to join.
Is there any chance that you can just maybe send it like a reminder or something like that? You know, to ping the community, ping the followers? Yeah, definitely.

FAQ on Voltage Finance AMA & Updates⚡ | Twitter Space Recording

Who is being addressed in the beginning of the podcast?
Kyle is being addressed in the beginning of the podcast.
Was the waiting time discussed before the podcast started?
Yes, the waiting time was discussed before the podcast started.
Why is the host waiting before starting the podcast?
The host is waiting before starting the podcast to give other participants time to join.
Who did the host ask to send a reminder to the followers?
The host asked someone to send a reminder to the followers.
Did anyone join the podcast yet?
No, nobody joined the podcast yet.
What did the poll indicate about people's interest in joining the podcast?
The poll indicated that people were interested in joining right now.
What did the host suggest regarding the lack of attendees?
The host suggested that maybe attendees forgot about the podcast.
How will the host inform the followers about the podcast?
The host will ping the community and followers to remind them about the podcast.
Will the podcast start immediately after everyone joins?
It's not specified if the podcast will start immediately after everyone joins.
Was Victor present in the beginning of the podcast?
Yes, Victor was present in the beginning of the podcast.