W3E🧽🎙️🔋: @tensor_hq

Recorded: Jan. 25, 2024 Duration: 1:40:39



457 on the dot welcome to web 3 expose we're officially live
He keeps on forgetting what he wrote down The whole crowd goes so loud he opens his
mouth If the words won't come out he's joking how?
Everybody's joking now, the clock's running out Time's up, old one flies, now that's a reality
Oh, there goes gravity, oh, there goes gravity He's so mad, but he won't give up, that ain't
enough He won't have it, he knows it's old wax, it's rough, it's old wax, it's tough
He knows that, but he's drunk, he's so sad, that he knows, and he knows that there's more for
him That's what he said, back to that million young, it's old wax, it's old wax, it's old wax,
it's old wax, it's old wax, it's old wax, it's old wax, it's old wax
He's got the spirit of the world, he's got the lifetime, he's got the spirit of the world
So let's escape through, through his soul that he's shaping
This world is high for the taking, the late teaching
And we move forward, new world order, a normal night is morning
The superstar is close to post-war, it only grows water
Only grows water, he blows his soul over, his heart is all gone
And he comes to post-war, he's knows the blow-to-wire
Only grows water, he knows the blow-to-wire
Welcome to the show, yo, yo, yo
5 p.m. Eastern
As you can see, that is the vibe we are starting off with
I'm very excited to get the show started today
I have a hat on, and you only know that if you're watching the stream
We're about to get started, let's go
You guys want extra credit today, you saw Tender was a part of the show
Let me get some extra credit, you already know
Like, comment, repost, 20 comments, activates a crypto reward
You're gonna get some Solana, maybe some ETH in your wallet
All you do is drop your dot ETH or your Solana address below
And you repost a room to qualify
Thank you guys for already starting the trend, let's fucking go
Let's get started
I'm not gonna lie, I think one of my number one things that I do when I go onto a spaces
That's just starting, I'd be like, hmm, let me listen to the music choice of the day
And I'm gonna tell you right now, they wouldn't choose that shit in public
They would use this Twitter spaces to choose shit
They would never ever fucking choose, ever, ever in public
It honestly makes me want to press the red button
Scott was about to press the red button right now in my DM
Yo, I feel for the Solana community
You guys are really being under attack right now
You guys are on prey right now
Like, all these ETH loser ass whales that don't have liquidity, lost liquidity
Fucking wrote out shit to now, are fucking desperate
And they're looking to dump on your ass, it's already happening
I'm sorry
I'm here, stop talking about group chat
If you think that you got added to a fucking Twitter chat
And you're on the fucking top of all God Alpha
I'm so sorry, I don't know if you got dropped on your head
But just get your head out of your ass
There's no fucking Alpha in there
You are exactly what it is
Save your money!
Only wanted to make each other out
I'll be just a little later
Rest of y'all, I treat you like you never reached
Even they who devastated
Even when you've had the sex period, I've never hated
Even when you stare me in the back, the best is better played
Try to see a piece out my circle like I'm getting graded
Man, I'm suddenly feeling like I'm getting traded
Every time you leave me for a group site, I hesitate it
Every time they eat me for a group site, I get in my head and play it
Then you go find yourself and get the levitated
Realizing everything, treated and stated
Every moment still needed, everyone expression faded
Taking time, mom, and they play the music and they made it
If I press this red button, dog, everybody everyday
Press this red button, dog, and everything, brand new changes
Working in college is the only one who may be saved
Should have been the first position, you know about the shit I'll take
Maybe say it sweet, but I'm not a dog, baby, baby, baby
No! No! No!
Time to record
Welcome to the show, guys
Thank you for being here
What3Expose is official live
And direct
A great day
A nice day outside
A better day online
Why? Why do I say that? Because
There's new things occurring
Nobody is talking about
Some of the most coolest things that are occurring right now in the space
And you definitely want to make sure that you don't miss out on the boring shit
The boring shit is what makes you money when you're sleeping
The boring shit is what makes you money when you're on a trip with your family
Because you did your due diligence, you did your research
And you got in and you did what you were supposed to do early
But yeah, definitely excited to be here
I appreciate you guys
Man, I don't recommend anybody trying to run to spaces with a schnauzer
Do everything for the schnauzer, and it's still not enough
It's just not enough
It's always hungry
She's always yelling
She's always panting
Always wanting to give her more treats
Literally runs my life
I don't know how I'm going to raise a child
Because I can barely raise a schnauzer
But that's not important
What's more important is the show
That's what's more important right now
Scott, I hope you're excited to get into the news
Because the little shit I'm about to say right now is going to piss off some people
But it is what it is
I'm not here to make everybody happy
I'm here to be my best self
While we cover the most relative things about Web 3
And you know, also the innovative things that are occurring
The new stuff that we should be paying attention to
But listen, there is nothing
I know I made a joke, but it's not a joke
And first of all, if you're here for the first time
We go live every day
Except Wednesday, it's five o'clock Eastern
Today's show is powered by Tensor
Shout out to the good people at Tensor
Mr. Shake, Mr. Rich
Thank you so much for being here today
Excited to get into the convo
Tensor is not only killing shit
But literally number one in Solana volume right now
And that's fucking awesome
And super super pleased to have them on this stage today
And a lot of people aren't talking about that
But we will talk about that eventually
But anyway, anyway, get back to it
Web 3 is changing
You're starting to notice more and more and more
Of what's important to pay attention to
Opposed to year one
And now I see finally a lot of companies
And protocols are getting the attention that they deserve
And I couldn't be happier
And I'm more than proud to be the platform
Where they want to come and share what they're doing
That's the biggest thing here
If it's one thing I said when I started doing this whole spaces thing
I don't care to have a sponsor every day or anything like that
My biggest goal would be to have the best of the best here
And don't get me wrong, sometimes some companies
They're not going to be around after a year
I would imagine when it comes to certain startups
And that's why I'm very reluctant to having everybody here
But at the same time I get chances
So anyway, my point I'm trying to make here is
Quality versus quantity
That's the number one thing
If I just shield bullshit down your throat every day
You guys aren't going to trust or pay attention to anything
A lot of spaces are literally like an infomercial
They just go live to say the sponsor's name
There's no value there
And I honestly feel bad for the marketing teams and dollars
That are being wasted
Because then me and Scott got to hear a soft story
As to why they can't pay what they want to pay
Anyway, so moving forward, welcome to the show
We're officially live from the left
Excited as fuck to be here
Going live on Kik and TikTok
I'm lying, I need more followers on TikTok I think
Dude, first of all, I know TikTok has been around for six years
Can I just say that the last two nights
I fell into a TikTok hole for like an hour
Of watching certain live streams
Like, I don't know how the fuck there is
There's this attention span there
I'm like, how are 267 people watching
This girl pluck her nails
Or this guy, like it's just wild stuff
That I'm like really fascinated with
That I'm excited to dive into
I'm exploring it over there
Scott, there was a guy literally dressed as Michael Jackson
Looked like a game player
And he was hovering around
As like, you know, when you're like your game character
You're about to pick your game character
He was hovering for like 10 minutes
Like, and then you press a flower
And he goes, hehehe
Like, just really wild
I guess it's his nuance of marketing
Um, but I don't fall into those
I know this is like, what the fuck
Have you not seen Tik?
No, I don't
Don't fucking scroll that, don't
It's bad enough I have Instagram
But I went down that rabbit hole as a consumer
And not a lot
Pretty fascinated and got some ideas
And I definitely see and understand now
Why and where the attention span is going
In the world
Um, but yeah, anyway
Uh, moving forward
I hope, uh
I hope this week has been great for everybody
Uh, a lot of new coins on the way
A lot of new protocols on the way
Um, Scott's gonna dive into them in a second
I, I'm just gonna be nice today
Cause we have a guest
So I won't get too mad at, at you guys here
But I really, really, really, really, really
Hope and pray that we, we get better as individuals
IR relevance are coming
You're gonna have to face some of these people
You talk to in group chats
You're gonna have to face some of these people you lie to
You know, don't, don't
Don't make this a vicious cycle
Let's move on and let's collaborate
With, with the good people
And let's keep highlighting the good things
That's, that's what happens
Uh, what's up, Scott?
How are you feeling today?
Good, GM, GM
Uh, yeah, super excited about today
Uh, shout out Richard, Shake
Um, the whole team speaks
The whole team had tensor
And, yo, I just wanted to say something too
About Richard
Not only, like, you know, he's killing it
Uh, you know, running this company
But, Richard's like a literally like
One of the dopest, nicest dudes I've, I've, I've met in this space
Like, yo, there's somebody you need connecting with
There's somebody he got a plug with, man
He's very non-transactional
And you don't really see that from founders and CEOs
Um, and it's very rare, so
These are the kind of, you know, the founders we gotta get behind
Uh, dude wears his heart on his shoulder
And, uh, yeah, man, don't mean to get all waggy vibing here
Uh, but, man, Richard's a real one
And, uh, um, just happy to have him here
And happy to have, um, a dub sponsor
Like, tensor
Uh, but, yeah, on that
So, I'm gonna beat this over your head
I don't care
D-Pin is the alpha, man
I, I don't even know what to say anymore
SUI today had a D-Pin space
Uh, if you caught it, uh, with Carrier 1
Opening a D-Pin data center
D-Pin Dow
Solana Foundation saying their top three investments of 2024
Will be D-Pin RWA
So don't listen to me anymore
I'm just gonna be the, the echo of, of these big dogs
Who covered, you know, who are really doing this stuff
So you don't have to listen to me
Um, you can just listen to the news and, and follow the money
And, and, uh, Profits, I wasn't gonna add this part
But I'm gonna add it real quick
Just because of what you said I thought was really cool
Um, this is a last chance because, uh, to broaden your base
Right, we always, we always used to say two years ago
Uh, me and Profits old show on chain TV
That the, the airplane hangar is wide open
The runway is open
It's not anymore
We can pretend it is
But we've seen what companies came in the last 120 days
Right, and I'm not gonna go on my tangent about who's came
Get off this app
You heard, I don't know if anyone heard Kai's from OK Bears
And a bunch of the founders on that founder space
They all agree
Like, you can't, like, you think OK Bears got, uh, the IMG deal on this app
Hell no, right
Use this app for what it's for
And this is not a knock on Twitter
It's for spaces, which are great
And voicing
And, and, and helping
If you're a marketer, helping get that voice out
Some companies don't even use their Twitter, y'all
Like, at all
They don't even use it
Maybe they tweet once or twice a month
The biggest stars in the world, especially the younger ones
Like Prophet said, who come from TikTok
They've never used Twitter, y'all
Because when we left Twitter, a lot of us 80s babies and early 90s babies
We all left Twitter like 2011, 2010, 2012
Think about all these young kids, you know, 14th
They never were on
Twitter was never cool to them, ever
And it probably never will be
TikTok lives, like Prophet said, with people clipping their fingernails
And acting like MPCs on some other ones
Have 500X your favorite space host
Including us
This is not a shot at anyone
A shot at, you know, any space host
Open your mind, all these apps are for growing
And again, y'all keep laughing at Gary Vee
Talking about Facebook
It's this number one growing app
You have to go where their people haven't been talked to before
It doesn't grow on Twitter, Web3
Because everybody that's part of Crypto Twitter been here
Even before NFT started
Like, to ask Cody later on
Like, the DeFi guys were here way before
Crypto Twitter was here way before us NFT cats got here
So again, I don't know how else to say it
You saw it with threads, right?
We're lucky threads never even like, popped off
Because it took a bunch of your favorite Twitter influencers, soul
Because they couldn't move, you know, their fan base over
And what's going to happen, you're going to get siloed here again
Siloed with the same voices
It's okay, other apps don't hurt you
Do the same thing that you did on Twitter for the last three years somewhere else
It'll be okay
But this next run is going to be different
Just because Instagram took the hex off
And, you know, and Meta, you know, switched up what they're doing
That doesn't stop all those companies we named that went to Chainlink
That doesn't stop all those companies that are coming after this ETF finalized
All the biggest banks in the world
Everyone's here now, right?
So, are you just going to sit on the sideline
Listen to people in spaces
Not build nothing, not move anything
Just go, I'm going to be a reply guy
And sign up for replyguy.xyz
That's a real thing, I can't believe it
Don't do it, man
Like, this is like, we're at the end here, right?
This shit's going to pop off
You're not going to be able to talk to people like Richard
You're not going to be able to talk to people like Cody
Not because they don't want to talk to you
They're just going to be so busy working and grinding
You ain't going to be able to talk to them no more, right?
So, yo, put the paint where it's ain't
The airplanes all pulled up
Every big company's here
This runway is maxed out
Crypto Twitter is just a small part, right?
Again, and I'll bring up LinkedIn
A lot of the states be on LinkedIn
So, they can reverberate what I say
All the people on LinkedIn don't care
What's going on over here, y'all, right?
Like, they don't care
They do not care 1%
They're building
That's why you're seeing things like the peak
All these D-pin companies
They're literally going to have a partnership every day
And Crypto Twitter got nothing to do with it
Zero, zero, nothing to do with it
What Cody, all the partnerships Cody's doing
Nothing to do with it
Nothing to do with it
He's grinding, right?
So, sorry
Hey, Scott, how weirded out do you get
When someone adds you from LinkedIn
That says they saw you on Twitter
How the fuck is he talking on mute?
RDC got that hacker tool
He got that flipper
That flipper gray thing
That you can change the frequencies and stuff
Anyway, sorry, I don't want to get nerd out
I'll get straight to the news, y'all
Right, so, y'all
Keeping it on D-pin
I know a lot of people have heard of Golden Network, right?
So, it's a decentralized computer app
Kind of like, you know, you've got graphs
That does the internet
You've got a render that does, you know, rendering
And it's decentralized GPU, right?
So, yo, this fucked me up
They simulated the origins of life on Earth
And let me explain
Golden teamed up with alchemy
Uh, alchemy, sorry, not alchemy for my pretty
Alchemy, A-L-L
So, alchemy had a compilation of 50,000 molecules
Believed that were emerged
During the origins of life on Earth
Dude, the computer took it
And the result was the calculation of 3.7 billion molecules
5 billion reactions
And it formed the most extensive known network
Of prebiotic reactions in history
A fucking D-pin, yo
Like, I didn't even have this on my Bingo card
The video games I didn't have
That really fucked me up
I didn't know, you know, I didn't think about that
Then people were talking about music and entertainment
And now we got things figuring out the origins of life on Earth
Because you tied all those computer GPUs together, right?
We don't got to wait till, uh
What's it called? Quantum comes out, right?
We can start combining this power
So, yo, like, again
This shit ain't gonna be on Twitter
It's not sexy, it's not shiny
It's not gonna, like, 30X our bag tomorrow
But all this, again
All this is going on no matter what
No matter if our bags go up, our bags go down
E fucking goes to 800 again
Soul goes to $8, all this goes off
We talk about IoT devices a lot lately
Yo, fucking Peek partnered with Stax
To bring all IoT devices together
Basically, Stax is a peer-to-peer networking software orchestration platform
That ensures smooth interplay between all moving pieces
And IoT interactions
That will be coming to deepen now
So just do the math, right?
There's already hundreds of thousands of devices in Web3
You put someone like Stax in here
Like, again, boring, I know, right?
Doesn't 40X your bag
But, oh shit, DarkVirus is in here
This, yo, follow DarkVirus
This guy is the deep in God
Yo, he, like, got four map metrics in his car
Two, uh, uh, hive mappers
The helium phone's going like
I wanna be like DarkVirus, man
Give this guy a follow
I just saw him pull up
Uh, yo, Solana, always cooking
Solana haters gonna punch the air again
Dude, they unveiled token extensions, y'all
So, basically, Solana's been bullish on RWAs, right?
So, basically, these tokens are gonna empower financial institutions
And enterprise businesses to enter Web3
There are a comprehensive suite of turnkey solutions
Tailored to meet the needs of businesses moving on chain
Basically arming developers, enterprises, financial institutions
And Solana native development teams
Ready to use advanced token functionality
The token extensions provide businesses with many
The same security, merged Bolin's ass at
And compliance controls permissioned blockchain environments
With massively reduced engineering time
All while operating on one of the world's most popular blockchains
And, yeah, I said Solana's a blockchain mfer
Next thing, Polygon and the homies at Warner Music Group
They announced their two recipients of their inaugural Web3 Accelerator program
To further the evolution of the music industry
So, one of the recipients is Myth
It's a fan-engagement platform that allows artists to unlock
AI-driven insights and analytics
And then the other one is called Muse Collective
Which is building fashion-centric experiences
In games, entertainment, and digital collectibles
So, congrats to those two teams
I'm going to keep my eye on them and see what they come up with cooking
So, knock these two last things out
We covered loyalty programs a lot, right?
From Starbucks a year ago, Mufonza
And we talked about it's going to be a critical onboarding tool for 2024
Now I repeat
NASDAQ, y'all, NASDAQ wrote an article today
Fucking NASDAQ said that
Wallet as a service will become more critical than ever for businesses and devs
Wanting to deliver a seamless UX for their users
Expect to see Fortune 100 companies explore Web3 strategies
For heightened brand loyalty and improved customer experiences
Aligning with the preferences of the next generation of consumers
Always think about the next guy
Not the guys here on crypto Twitter, y'all
Again, I ain't going to go off about that
Last thing, I'm Japanese so I've got to always cover Japan
Japan's staying cook
They don't know shit
Yeah, Japan's staying cooking
So the lawmakers of Japan want to carve out new Web3 policy
We would like to grasp the current situation in areas other than decentralized autonomous organizations
And identify new important points for policy
America, can we wake up bro, this is getting out of hand
And I ain't going to go on no tangent about this
But like, we're like 9th in volume
Like, we have like, I don't even know if we're in top 10 and cranking out devs anymore
Um, like, I'm just getting worried as somebody in North America
Like, watching every other country
Their prime ministers
Uh, you know, a lot of their country just be behind it
Like, can we just get a little bit Love America?
That's all I'm asking
Uh, but on that, welcome to Web3 exposed
Power by Tenzer, let's get it
Look at Scott practicing the
Get your Scott, you love it
Welcome to the show everybody
Like, comment, repost
Uh, we're live on other avenues
I'm over here
I'm a pro live person now
So I'm on all avenues live right now
The hat stays on
You've already posted 4 things to the top today
So, my guess is your attitude
And cockiness is at a level 10 today
So go ahead Will, give us the charts
And the analysis of the days
Talk to us
What are we supposed to do?
What the fuck are we buying?
What am I selling?
When the fuck is Bitcoin going to 35k like I called it?
Uh, I mean, we can all dream
Right? We can all dream
Oh my god
He's on a bull case scenario
Let's hear it
No bull S
Right? Only bull case
Um, so, at the end of the day
You know, I wanted to add some
Uh, some contacts to some conversations
Uh, one being, and we'll get into the charts
One being here
Where, you know, again, big account
Love to point these out
U.S. files notice to sell 130 million
Bitcoin seized from Silk Road
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah
And that's basically it
Um, at the end of the day
These accounts, I think
They're ridiculous, they're honestly ridiculous
Like, you could read into that
Look at price, where that was dumped
Uh, March 31st, price never moved
Price never moved
Was the last time, you know, Silk Road
Uh, sold, or Silk Road
Bitcoin was sold by the government
Uh, actually more than what they're gonna dump
This time
So, roughly, if you look at
The overall here, again, it's just
You know, fear, fear, people love
To get clickbait at the lows
Just like they love to get clickbait at the highs
But they never like to add the context of
Hey, price didn't really move here
So, we don't know if this is really relevant at all
To even talk about it, but we know that people will look at it
And they'll panic
So, we're gonna unpost it
And again, these are important things to really
Pay attention to, because it tells you
Kind of like who you're following and what you're following
It's always good to follow the news
But it's always good to figure out the context
Behind the news, right?
A lot of the time, it's just bullshit in this space
A lot of people
I'll try to keep a PG, I know
I'll try to keep a PG profit
It is BS, right?
It's nonsensical
No point in a lot of the conversation
And it's really just there to scare
Investors into
Capitulating at the worst possible
Time, because if you're gonna capitulate, you should
Have done it at 48k
You should have done it at 48k, like you're at 40k
Like you're at 40k, like you're at support
Can you tell them what capitulate means, bro?
It means, well, here's
The difference, I'll give you two instances
So, take profit
Means you intentionally got out
At a specific place in the market
To rotate capital
And or wait for a cool down
Right? Capitulate means
Give up, get out
Because you think that things are going lower
And you're trying to buy cheaper
And again, that mind process
At support makes no
Sense at all
And these are things that
They're not realizing they're at support
They're emotionally trading
They're not reading the chart and responding
Yeah, yeah, they're seeing an 8k drop
On Bitcoin, and they're like, oh, well this
Bloomberg said it's gonna go deeper
So, Jim Cramer said it's gonna go deeper
Important nuance
Sorry about that, yeah, I had a phone call come through
These are important nuance
Things that you need to keep in mind
When you're looking at these people
Listening to what they're saying
Again, it's right hand, left hand
So, if they're telling you look at the left
Look at the right, if they're telling you look at the right
Look at the left
With a lot of these guys, especially social media
So on and so forth
It doesn't mean like they don't try
They do put in an effort
But they know what drives clicks
And what drives attention
And it's not honesty, I'll tell you that
Like a lot of the time it's not honesty
It's whatever
They think will grab your emotions
So you'll actually read the article
And a lot of times they'll be like
Bitcoin can go to 30k and then you'll read the whole article
But realistically, we think
Maybe 38k is the low end
Range of here, but we just want
To throw it out there as 30k as a potential
And these are
The clickbait things that pull
You in, but because they know they're
Not gonna pull you in with 38k discussion
They're not gonna pull you in with that at all
They're gonna pull you in with 30k
They're gonna pull you in with 25
They're gonna pull you in with 20
They're trying to get interactions
X is paying people to be active
So if you think about it from that perspective
They're gonna lie to you
They're gonna BS you, they're gonna make stuff up
There's gonna be a lot of noise in this market
And it's only gonna get noisier
And I do agree also with what Scott said
I mean, I'm not even a big account
And I'm beyond swamped
I'll be real, I got so much stuff going in many different directions
And Prophets is
She's doing some amazing things behind the scenes
She's very busy too, so Scott
And when you look at it from that perspective
You have to understand those connections
It's always best to make those in the bear market
Or coming out of
And as you move forward
That's only gonna get worse and worse
You're gonna DM me one day
And you're gonna think I'm an asshole
Because I don't respond
Well, you gotta understand my inbox
It only gets crazier and crazier the market gets
My overall perspective though here for price
Is that we'll sit here
I don't think we're gonna do a lot at the moment
I think we gotta drive mass fear
People are gonna be shorting lows
Which makes absolutely zero sense in my mind
But I won't comment on that
Outside of that
And I think as far as price goes
We're probably gonna roll this position
I posted it up there
It's like the second post or whatnot
It basically says I was promised a dump
I'm still waiting
We're basically in that 40k range
I'm being a little bit facetious today
Because it just frustrates me
That they try so hard to get retail
To capitulate and or panic
But I think about 40k
We'll probably roll out of that
And I'm looking for two positions here for Bitcoin
That probably brings us back up to retest the 45k range
And then fail
And what it'll do is
So my thoughts are
We're gonna run high, swing, fail
Run to trend
And then bounce really hard
That's my thought
So it's like a three part move
So we're either gonna hit 45
Swing, fail
Come back down into 37
I think worst case scenario
You're looking at 36
But that's beyond where I wanna think about
Price going at the moment
I just bought
And just because I'm that confident in the market
It's not because I bought
I need to buy
But overall
I'm looking for something to swing there
We could swing higher
That's the other thing I'm looking at
I'm entertaining that too
That's a move from 40 to 52
And then back into 38 range
39 will swing higher on the floor there
Probably scrape 40 somewhere in there
And then break out from there
Back in the trend
And I drew the trend line for context
So people can understand where the trend is occurring
I drew kind of the support ranges
And I drew in kind of where I'm seeing support at
A lot of people are thinking that
This thing needs to flush down on HTF
It looks like it has room
On your mid to lows
It looks like at this position
At least on the daily
You can look at it there
It looks like it grinded up to here
So when things grind into a prize zone
That grind can become support
So I'm looking at it more as that
Than I am looking at it
Like it has to drop through the zone
And hit the low 30s
Again, these are just my thoughts
On a lot of the market overall
So I think the market's going to be fairly bullish
On altcoins especially
I did make a pretty banger call on profits
Discord, just FYI
It's a little tatto
Tap on the back
That's some of the moves today
Literally called it the day before the move
If you want to keep that motherfucking roll
Keep those calls coming
They called it the day before the move
And it absolutely tore, right?
It ripped
So overall I think we'll probably see some altcoin movement
We'll definitely see some
I'm continuing to accumulate guys
I'm getting new mints
I got some ordinals today
I got some different NFTs
I'm very close
I'll just say it
I didn't put no names out there, right?
I'm just saying what I'm doing
I'm acting on many different chains
No chain maxi here
I don't care what chain it exists on
Where's the liquidity at?
That's where I'm interested
But yeah, overall
I'm pretty bullish on a lot of the market
I think when you look at things like
Nvidia, AMD, S&P
I can write off name after name after name
And I know a lot of people like to tout Nvidia
But there's multiple movers outside of Nvidia, right?
And AMD is one of those outliers
That a lot of people are not looking at too
That will move with the market
They just came out with actually a chip
That is a heavy competitor to Nvidia's current chip
Like literally tip for tap, right?
So like AMD is highly undervalued
In comparison to Nvidia
So if AMD starts to front run the market
Or starts to get a leg up on Nvidia
That rotation could happen of capital
So AMD could be the play
If they're able to do that
AMD, they've been a heavy competitor on all ends
They've been a heavy competitor with Intel
They've been really knocking the Intel out of the market
And then now they're becoming a very heavy competitor
For Nvidia
And really they could take heavy market share
If that ends up being a play
So I'm just throwing you guys out there
Kind of like my thoughts
I think things are advancing in a great way
And again, for those of you who don't know
What I'm talking about specifically
They came out with a new chip
That is basically arguably better than Nvidia's AI chip
That they're creating
Again, these are all AI discussions, right?
It's AI chips
What works best with AI chips
And so on and so forth
They're building towards AI
So those of you who think that's not going to be a narrative
It is going to be a narrative
It's going to push these markets
And it's going to be reality
I think relatively soon
So these are things to keep in mind
And I think that pushes the RWA discussion
It pushes the deep end discussion
And really, NFTs aren't going anywhere
Like, I love NFT FUD
I love it
Because the more you guys FUD it
The more I want to buy it
Because I know that like 90% of the time
Retail is on the wrong side of the trade, guys
Like, they just are
And so, like, these spaces really help me
Like, gauge everybody's positions
And help me get a better position
Because I can gauge everybody's feelings
I know there's a lot of people probably tense in the room
They probably heard this guy explain how really well
And really articulating, you know, how price can drop down
To like 3.5K Bitcoin
But it's not going to happen, right?
I can articulate tons of different things
But it doesn't mean it's reality
You have to understand when liquidity and trends
And everything else shifts
Right, it shifts
And you have to follow the shift, you have to follow the trend
When we came out the bottom
I initially thought it was a bounce
And then it turned into a trend
And I just follow the market
I don't argue with it
I don't fight with it
It's not my context to do any of that stuff, right?
I'm looking to be in the market
When it's bullish
And out of the market when it's bearish
And it's bullish
Regardless of whether people want to see that or not
But that's my thoughts overall
Take a breath
Yeah, I was kind of rapping
Man, William, take a breath
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being here
And I'm so sorry that you had to listen to that entire rant
But I will say there was a lot of value there
If you were able to pick it up
Nah, I'm just messing around, bro, thank you
We appreciate you
We know all the hard work you put in
And it doesn't go unnoticed
We all know as well
What the fuck it means when this song is on
More E, more soul
To be honest, we're giving away soul today
We got tensor here, tell me right
Talk to your soul, address
Reclose the room
We've got to get into it
This guy is busy as fuck
And he has way more productive things
To be here on Twitter spaces
He took the time out to be here instead
Rich, thank you so much for being here
I want everybody to hold their thoughts
And hold their questions for a second
Because I'm going to jump right into it
I'm just going to jump right into it
Please write it down
Because I only have them for a few minutes
But I'm going to just break the ice
And make you feel as comfortable as possible right now, Rich
I'm kidding
But I do want to know
What would you say is the sauce, is the special recipe
In leading a community
And granted, I know you guys aren't a one-off
Per se community, right, obviously
Because you're a bigger organization, if you will
But how would you say, you know, going about leading a community
How does that look for you
And how has it been for you so far
And again, thank you for being here
We appreciate you
Whenever that mute button works, there you go
I was muted for a sec there
But yeah, thanks for having me guys
And thanks for having us on
I know I chatted with Scott
You mentioned, you know, we had a little conversation back then
Honestly, it feels great to be just helping people out in the space
Feels great to be chatting with you guys again
We had a spaces with you a while back, right, so
And that was right there
And that was right before our massive, like, NFT launch
So for those who don't know, my name is Richard
I'm one of the co-founders of Tensor
And Tensor is the number one marketplace on Solana
So think of us kind of like a pro, more pro-focused NFT marketplace
Where we tend to offer, you know, an interface, a UX
Catered more towards the trader versus the collector
Although that's kind of like changing over time
Where our interface is basically at a point where
Both collectors and traders feel at home
We have like 70, 80% market share right now
Where, you know, we have a point system
And I think the more interesting thing about maybe the space
Is we wanted to share a bit more about our new product
Which is something that has never really seen the light of day in crypto yet
And to our knowledge is like one of the more unique features
Innovative features that we launched recently
And yeah, wanted to, you know, chat more about it and share the good word
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
Yeah, you were here and it's actually nuts
Scott and me were talking about it
We, you know, we arranged this a while back
And quite a bit has changed in all parts of the market
And especially for you guys
And just want to extend a huge congrats
And all the things you guys have been up to
It's really cool to see the
I wouldn't even say you guys are underdogs
But granted, right, you know, hype and everything
But I would say that you guys have just been super head down working
And it's exciting to see the outcome
And I'm excited to see the changes
Right off of the, you know, right after that question
I would say, what is some of the challenges from then to now
That you faced that at first it was like, oh my God, what are we going to do
And now you overcame it, if any
I mean, the real question is, are there not any issues that we had to overcome while getting here
Too many to name
Maybe I'll pick a couple that stand out in my mind
I think the biggest one was actually sort of like trying to develop a voice
And almost like a personality that kind of distinguishes us from the other players in the space
So I think one thing that's very true to our values
Very true to how we just think as a team
Is that we want to basically grow the pie
And try to bring in as much liquidity
Bring in as much capital, money, whatever you call it
Into the space of NFTs
And for us specifically, that's just Solana
I know a lot of you from ETH
You might have heard like controversial things about Solana
I think there's a world where both ETH and Solana NFTs thrive
And we just particularly like Solana NFTs
Because that's where we grew up
That's where we like ached into our first NFTs
That's where I bought my first NFT and lost all my money
It's what I call home, so I have a very sentimental attachment to it
And that's what we're doing
We're pushing the boundaries of what we can do with NFTs on Solana
So at a high level, what we're building is the financial stack for all things NFTs on Solana
And one of the things that we want to like
One of the ways that we stand out
Compared to maybe other marketplaces going down this route on Solana
Is we have this very active, engaged NFT community
And I know you mentioned something about like
You mentioned earlier like how do I run a community
How do we grow Tensorians to where it is now
And I think that just goes back to like leading by example
Where I think a lot of people joined Tensorians
And you know bought our NFT, repping it on their Twitter PFP
Because they kind of like believed in what we were preaching
And we kind of just showed it through action
So one of the big things is like we want to be pushing the boundaries of Solana
And well specifically NFTs on Solana
And our latest feature that we launched
Just to jump right into it
It's called price lock
For those who are unfamiliar with what that means
Basically at a high level it lets you long or short an NFT right away
For as little as 3.5% of the NFT value
So imagine like you hear about an NFT collection
You think that there's going to be a massive news announcement coming up
And you want to basically go gig along on it
Like you think that, I don't know, maybe like Frank
Or you know the Pudgy Penguin founder
Blanking on his name, Lucas, Lucas Netz
Let's say you think that he's going to make a massive announcement
And the price of Pudgy Penguins or de-gods is going to spike 10-20%
What we've basically introduced is a way to basically go long
With 3.5% of capital
And just have that exposure to an NFT collection for up to 7 days
Of course all of this is happening on Solana
And so transaction fees are super low
You can do it nearly instantly
And of course you're speculating on Solana collections
I was actually going to ask about that
So is the goal to stay only on Solana?
And if not, how do you see yourself expanding to other chains?
I think, truthfully, I don't know if you've heard me mention this on maybe Mark Koeser's podcast
That just came out where I talked about how we got here
Back in the bear market, we actually seriously considered going to Ethereum
I don't know if I mentioned this in the last spaces that we had
I think, briefly, I remember
Yeah, we were at a point where Solana saw a massive price movement down
Went from like 40 bucks, or I think 50 bucks, down to 8 bucks in like 2 hours
And frankly, we were like shell-shocked
And we were really considering, should we move to a different chain
Because Solana might literally evaporate overnight
Or should we continue building and try to recover from
Well, not us recovering, but try to see the light at the end of the tunnel for Solana
And it was a tough decision, right?
Because we know that the Ethereum community and the NFT community there is awesome
We also know that the Solana community is still kicking
They, in fact, the daily active wall accounts were at an all-time high right after that massive dip
And ultimately, we just said, okay, we think there's more to do on Solana
We've built this really good reputation on Solana
So why not just continue building for the next couple of months and see what happens
I think we're over that difficult period of time
Where we're not necessarily questioning whether or not Solana has
Solana's NFT specifically has a future
Now we're kind of questioning how do we actually make the space more interesting
And how can we become the first movers on all of that
And so that goes back to our vision, right?
We want to build the financial stack for NFTs on Solana
Which means we start off with the NFT marketplace
And we want to build cool, fun trading primitives on top of it
So price lock basically lets you go long and short with very little capital
You might think that, you might imagine that we could build-
Wait, wait, wait, hold on, Mr. Rich
Long and short an NFT?
Yeah, that's right
You can go both ways
So even if you're, maybe you're a bit bearish about a particular project
Or if you're like massive whale and you have like a hundred tensorians
You could take out a, you know, a short price lock and just like head yourself a bit
So if we do something like stupid, it tends to like
If we end up releasing a bad feature and you're like
Oh, I don't want to like be exposed to a hundred tensorians
And maybe you can take out a short price lock and just head yourself a bit
This is huge
Oh hey, it's perfect
Yeah, I got a question
This is like kind of like a cool alley-oop and do it
Alright man, this is, yeah, Rich man, you cooking like always
So I love this, so I love this
This next question because it shows if you put paint where it ain't
Put your head down and grind with a great team like you guys got
And exactly a year I think you had posted a few weeks back, Rich
That tensor went from 0.5 to 80% market share for Solana
Like how does it feel from that 0.5 number to like 80 now?
Has it changed anything?
Yeah, like I'm glad you bring a human aspect to like
Because a lot of people always go on the timeline like
Oh, bro, I wasn't even tripping that Solana was at $8
You know what I mean?
Like we always say this like, you know, big tough guy, tough girl stuff on the timeline
But like a lot of like I remember even in the deep bear
Like a lot of us are like, damn, it's web three
Like can even be sustainable
Like everybody has these thoughts
I think I was super bullish that you shared that
But yeah, man, I just wanted to know like, you know
Is the grind mode the same as the 0.5% days?
Is it 80% or is there anything changed?
Like, are you changing, you know, because you're busier?
I mean, anything, bro
Yeah, I mean, now you mentioned it
It's actually been crazy how much growth we've seen
And just like how fast things move in this space
Like if you told me or I think Sting was even
Sting is one of our team members
I think he joined right around that time
When we were still like 0.5% market share
If you told us that we would get to 80% market share in a year's time
We would have been like laughing at healthy room
Like that is such an insane story
Like somehow we took on, you know, a billion dollar company
They had over 100 employees
They were doing BD deals left and right
They were paying for, you know, every single influencer
And every single spacesit
It just felt like an impossible task
Of course, like it was a lot of grinding
And I think like most importantly
It was all about hiring the right people
And getting the right people onto Team Tensor
I think we had like a killer angel round
Where it basically looped in
All the guys that are important on Solana
All the guys who were training at FTSE at the time
We just gave them exposure
We gave them exposure to our seed round
They put in a small chat
And we just kept talking to them
They gave us a ton of product feedback
They hooked us up with everyone
You know, the who's who of the space
And we just got, you know, started picking up momentum
And of course we hired, you know, a number of people afterwards
Speaks who's on the Tensor account
He's been killing it on our Twitter page
And all of our socials
Like this guy basically forexed
If not like nearly 10x our impressions
Within a month, right
And that's just like
I mean that just blows your mind
Like one guy who is hyper focused
On our marketing efforts
He just 10xed our impressions
10x our engagement in a month
And, you know, if you get enough of these people
In the same room
And you just have a very focused mindset
Of like we're going to become the biggest marketplace on Solano
We're going to build a financial stack for Solano
We're going to do cool things like price lock
You know, price lock itself
Entirely like safe
It's not like a perp
Where you have an Oracle risk
You don't get liquidated
It's entirely P2P
There's no liquidation risk
And all of that just takes like really smart engineers
To work on it like every single day
And like put in the work
And actually code this up, right
So I mean
That's awesome, man
Yeah, hey, Richard
So this is this is a great alley to the next question
Because I didn't know speech was on the Tensor account
So I have a funny story about me and this guy's week
So many many moons ago
Shout out Kai's from OK Bear
She just reached out to me one day was like
Yo, I got this
I got this kid speaks, man
There's something about him
Like I believe in this kid
Can you just jump on a call
You know, can you jump on a call with him
Like I think you guys need to talk
I'm like, yeah, for sure Kai's, dude
You know, you're a brother from another
So I ended up being blessed
I got to take a few calls with Speaks
Try to, you know, really, you know, I dunk on myself
Like in spaces on a phone call
Told him, you know, what worked for me
What didn't in this space
And to see how much he's killed it
And then now, you know, working with you, Richard
Like this is why I always tell people web 3
You plant seeds, right?
Like not know not being transactional
You know what I mean?
Oh, shit. I see web 3 Adam in here
He actually tweeted it one day
And it actually stuck in my head like forever
But you don't need to be transactional
Just take a call with somebody that you believe in
Or for somebody who you like in this space
Who's done a lot of great things
And they go, yo, I got this guy
You want to talk to him
Or I got this girl
She works really hard
Talk to him
You never know
It might not go nowhere
It might just be, you know, just a call
But what happens is
Look, the Speaks is over here
With the big, big, big, big fish and big whales
And I remember he was like, I don't, you know,
I'm not sure what the next thing I want to do is
And now, look, with Richard, he's over here
Doing this with the social media
So, man, just want to give you some flower speakers
It's dope to see, man
And this is why I literally, like,
I really stopped doing, you know,
Everything in music to come to this web 3
Well said, Mr. Scott
I think for a second I thought
Richard Scott was bugged
Um, what's the, uh, as far as, like,
Currently with Tensor, what's any, any alpha
That you haven't shared that you want to share here today, Rich?
I would say
This all goes back to our points program
Let's say the alpha right now is
If you've never heard of, like,
This concept of price lock and, like,
Longing and shorting your NFTs
And maybe you've, like, dabbled in salon NFTs
And thought it wasn't as fun as, like, Ethereum NFTs
Definitely go try it
Because our points program right now
Is giving a massive allocation of points
To people who are using price lock
It's something that we were pushing super hard right now
It's a new feature
We want to see it, we want to see it play out entirely
And if you just want to have some fun
If you want to just, like,
Ape into some salon NFTs
Pay very little up front
And just, like, you know, have some fun in this space
Which is why I'm here
And maybe why most of you are here
Um, try out price lock, right?
Just go on tensor
There's a price lock tab at the very top
And we have a super nice tutorial
That Illinois came up with
That just walks you through, step by step, how it works
And I think once you try it
And once you, like, get that aha moment
It's one of the coolest experiences ever
When it comes to NFT trading
And on the plus side, you get a bunch of points
Oh, we love points, Richard
You already know we love points
Um, these have been soft questions
And I know I got you for at least seven more minutes here
Um, what separates you from every other marketplace
Uh, as it be as real as you can
And I know we have love for everybody
So it's no love, no hate or anything to any other marketplaces
But I don't know, I feel something special with tensor
Um, and I would love to hear directly from you
What separates you from everybody else?
I think the way we've approached it is that
We are, we are very deeply ingrained in the community
Like me hopping on this space right now
Um, of course, I could be spending my time coding
I could be spending my time setting up, you know
The next big feature that we're going to launch
The next big protocol that we're going to build
But, I mean, realistically, like how we see it is that
Crypto is about the community
It's about the people
And it's about giving back to, giving back value to the users, right
I think I mentioned this last time as well
I think what separates Web3 from Web2
Is that the community can be part of the journey from day one
And I think that's, we've held onto that ethos
The entire time we've been building Tensor
We wanted to keep our users looped in from day one
We've given back basically, you know, 10,000 tensorians
For everyone that used us in season one and season two
And now they have, you know, each holding, they're each holding a tensorian
And that's how we operate
We want to, like, give the users, you know, give the users
Make the users part of the journey of Tensor
And actually be part of the community
And not hide behind a Twitter profile and not jump on spaces
We're as much in the community as every single one of you
And I think that's what makes us special
You'll go on, like, our Twitter
You'll go on, even our Discord
We're in there 24-7, interacting with the community
Holding town halls, holding, you know, our own Twitter spaces
And I'm not going to trash talk other marketplaces
But, you know, typically you don't see too many founders
Who are running maybe large marketplaces
Hop on spaces as much
But we see it differently
We think that this is, like, paramount to building the right user base
And, you know, giving back to the community
So do you say that because, and I fully agree
I'm a big advocate for the right people in the right positions
Would you say that eventually you'll have these community-like spokespeople for Tensor
That can kind of represent it in the amazing way that you do
Or do you want to always play that role?
I mean, at some point, if the space grows to the size that we think it will
Which is, like, a billion people, if not more
Maybe even eight billion people, you know, the entire earth
I mean, I guess practically speaking
We might not be able to go in every single space, every single day
Just because we have, you know, if you don't include sleep
We have maybe, like, 16, 17 hours a day
And so if there's a space happening
There are 30 spaces happening every single day
We're not going to be able to go into all of them
So I think, like, yes, at some point
If the bull market comes back
If you guys are, like, blowing up
And, you know, maybe a bunch of other spaces and communities are blowing up
We'll have to pick our battles
And we might have to, like, get speaks to jump on
You might have to get stings to jump on
Shake, me, Elmoi
Jumping on each of these spaces
But we'll never be at a point where we just never go on spaces again
I just don't see that happening
I mean, community is so core to our values that we're not going to abandon you guys
Now, well, man, perfectly said
Definitely, definitely
Always a treat having you here
I really like the way you think
I guess I'll wrap it up here with this last question
And thanks again for your time
And hopefully these weren't too tough to answer
Any, do you see yourself as being a marketplace
That's looking to consistently ship products every other month, every other week
Or speed isn't as concerning to you as the quality of the product
It's both, right?
So I think quality, we don't compromise on that
If we have a shitty product, we're not going to ship it
If that means we're not going to ship the next product for two more months
Then we're going to put in the time to make it good, right?
The last thing we want is our product to just deteriorate over time
People, like, have, like, laggy experiences
You know, their entire screen freezes
That's not what we want in our product
And we'll make sure that quality is always there
I think, like, looking forward, like, we're not necessarily
We might not necessarily ship as many products as we are currently
I think what's more important to us is actually inviting other people to start building on top of us
And what does that mean?
So that means decentralizing all of our protocols
That means building a killer, open-source repository of all of our code
Love the smart contracts specifically
Making awesome SDKs
Creating an awesome API that any developer, whether they're from Web2 or Web3
Can just, like, plug into Tensor and start trading NFTs
Start using price lock
Start doing all the cool things that you can do with NFTs on Solana
And hopefully, right, we could encourage other developers
To essentially build the next Tensor
Because our vision is that eventually Tensor just becomes the very base layer
Right, the base liquidity layer for NFTs on Solana
And then people can start building
I know Scott loves to talk about Deepin
People could build a, you know, a Helium
They have a bunch of NFTs
They could build a marketplace for their hotspot NFTs
Or Render, they might have NFTs representing GPUs
They could build a marketplace for their GPUs
And ideally, they don't have to, like, reinvent the wheel
Rebuild all these complicated smart contracts for NFT trading
And they just use Tensor
And we'll incentivize them
They'll make most of the fees
And all we're doing is just providing that underlying smart contract
That's been battle-tested, that's been audited
And all they need to do is interact with their SDK and API
I'm crying
That was a perfect way to wrap
Because this guy's excited as fuck now
Richard, man, such a pleasure
Such a pleasure
And absolutely looking forward to, you know, future discussions
And seeing how we can continue to assist Tensor
And just being amazing, you know
We really, really love what you guys are doing over there
I really, like, align with anybody super passionate about what they do
And I can see that, I've seen that since day one
Anything else that you want to share that you haven't shared today, please feel free
I mean, I think the final thing I wanted to say was
Thanks for having us on
You guys believed in us early
Before we launched our NFT collection
Before we got to 80% market share
And you just had us on and, you know, gave us the time of day
So really appreciate it
Oh, absolutely
You guys go
Luna also says, congrats
You guys go ahead and follow Tensor
They're up here on the stage
Follow Rich
I'm going to pin up some stuff on the top
On the Tensor page as well
So you guys can get in there
I would highly recommend going to the link in their bio
Get in their Discord
I'm sure they have one
Go click those links
Go, go explore
I highly recommend going to explore
Thank you again, Rich, for being here
Super appreciated, sir
Man, man, man
I love it
This is what you call monumental
Because we're still, like, in the beginning
I know it's always like, oh, wag me
We're early, we're early
We're not that early, but we're still early
Meaning, imagine being in a room where eBay
And all these marketplaces that we know
We're discussing coming out, right?
And not to be super forward
And trying to compare people to eBay
But, hey, the quality that Tensor produces
I mean, I think it's easily comparable
But anyway, what I'm trying to say is
In the crypto world, when we pay attention
To the working, high-quality products
You get to get ahead of them
And be a part of them early
And watch them grow and bloom
And I'm just imagining if we were able to do that
For all these, you know, OG platformers
That we use now
Remember when Amazon was just books?
Like, that's just insane
Anyway, Smokey, thank you for being here
Everybody, thank you for being here
Welcome to the show, once again
If it's your first time here
We go live every day
Except Wednesday, 5 o'clock Eastern
Super excited to be here
We have to expose
Best Twitter spaces that you ever heard in your life
I don't make the rules
Smokey, I hope you remember your thoughts
Thanks for holding your thoughts earlier, man
Yeah, I mean, thinking about a bunch of stuff
Thanks for having me up, Profits Scott Will
Yeah, it's really cool
It's interesting to kind of like hear about
Tensor, you know, Richard's perspective
On the market
I've traded around Solana for the past couple of years
That was actually really my first introduction
To getting deep into NFTs
The first project I got into
I was one of the largest holders
And then it turned out to be a rug
So yeah, can definitely relate to him on that
But yeah, you know, I think for me
You know, it's really interesting to see
You know, any types of unlocks for liquidity
Within NFTs, right?
And just more ways for people to be able to
You know, engage in the market
So yeah, I was actually just talking about the
Shorting and longing of NFTs with a friend yesterday
And how it was released
So yeah, super interesting stuff
And I love to see, you know, you guys up here
You know, just kind of like being a spot
Where communities can cross-pollinate, right?
Like E, Solana, Polygon, like whatever
You guys don't care
You're just like, what's going on?
All right, so yeah, definitely really enjoy all that
It was really interesting hearing Will talk
About some different stuff
I think I definitely want to get on a call with Will
To get his perspective on some things that are going on
But yeah, I appreciate you guys having me up
Oh yeah, for sure
I think I'm going to change my name soon
I don't know
This dotty thing is unfortunately
You guys just assume things too much
You guys are just going to make it simple
Anyway, wow, wow
Just such a great day
Just such a great day here
It's been a while
What's going on?
What's up, Prophets?
Can you hear me?
Oh, I can hear you
Oh, perfect
It is a beautiful day outside
I recently went to Solana
You know, the fucking trading fees, man
I wish I learned on Solana
That would have saved me a lot of money
It's very interesting to me
Now I have, like, thanks to the Kevin Hart movie
I got friends asking me, are you still in NFTs?
I'm like, dude
You know, kind of
No bullish
Like, are you still doing this shit?
I'm like, kind of, I guess, you know
I kind of moved from East to Solana a little bit
To save a little fucking money
But it's okay
And then, you know, it's just
I still have friends that have been buying since the beginning
You know, and then they're not like
They're like, I'm not selling
It goes up, it goes down
I've never sold
I'm like, good for you, man
And then I have friends that are like, hey, give me the fucking call
Is it going up, is it going down?
I'm like, I can't fucking help you on that, dude
Anyways, it's really cool to get back into it
With this Twitter, crypto stuff, you know
Wait, where the hell did you go? Did you launch a coin or something? What happened?
Oh, oh, no, no, no, no, no, no
I fight fires in the summer, so I kind of disappear for like
Ah, no, that's a good excuse
That's a good, you don't have any blade of rug
You make a good check, that's what's up
No, no, I don't, I don't rug anybody
I'm fucking busy keeping your guys fucking house is safe
Jesus Christ, no, I'm sorry, but
Oh, man, nice to see you back, man
Yeah, love to be here
Thanks for having me up on stage, it's been fun
Everybody follow these people, learn, participate, fucking engage
You know, have fun
There's no stupid question
That's a fact
There's only stupid answers
What's up, thanks for having me
Hat stays on, by the way
Hat stays on
That's right
I wanted to say that
Nah, I actually just recently went over to Solano
I've been shitcoying there for a bit
Started, you know, browsing through the NFTs
I just recently picked up a Saga Monkey
But nah, the Panzer Marketplace is dope
I've actually been playing around with their price lock as well
So it's pretty fun
Wait, what happened, did you see the Saga Phone drama?
Which one?
About the 750 Soul
No, alright, never mind, disregard
I don't want to talk about it if nobody knows about it
I just was curious about it
Alright, well now I'm gonna dig deep into it
And I'll come back
Yeah, something about the Tao
I don't know, I don't know
I speculate shit all day on Ethan
It's easy for me to figure shit out
Because you just put one, two, and two together
You find one wallet, you gotta eat their skin
Boom, told you, so, right
It's like one of those situations
Solano, I mean, yeah, you got soul scan and all that cool stuff
But soul, there's just
I don't know, it's a little easier to be a little slick over there
So, you know, you really gotta know somebody doing some slick shit
Just because we have nothing to talk about
Nah, that's true
B, can I ask you something? Oh, there's another
Kings, you're up here too
So, yo, my brother is so bullish on the Saga Monkeys
And this ain't a shill, so nobody
The brother I met?
Yeah, yeah, yeah
So this is a question to be like
Bro, he don't even rock with NFTs, bro
Like, it's crazy, like, I never even seen like
He just keep buying them, bro, so
What made you, like, you know, like
Do the same thing, like, or not buy a bunch
But, like, what made you just buy the money you got
Like, what was like, this is the project I'm rocking with
So, I was, you know, I've been seeing that for a bit
Obviously, because they got some provenance
Because they're like the first
NFT for the saga phones
So, the saga phones owners and all that stuff
And then, you know, trading and all this shit
Seeing how the market's going
But what really, like, put me over the top
For the monkeys was yesterday
I just went in one of their spaces
Just checked out their community and they're pretty dope
You know, they seem pretty positive
And all that stuff, they're chilling
And then just talking about it
And I was like, you know what?
That's really all you need, right?
Like, sometimes it's all about the community
And the floor didn't look bad either
Plus the charts and all that stuff
So, I was like, all right, why not?
And then the one that I saw on the floor
It looked dope
Like, it's the one I got, it's color matching
And I was like, all right, fuck it, why not?
Let's see how it goes
All right, that's dope, B
And I ain't gonna lie, like, so medium profits
A lot of us, and shit, Smokey too
That's what like, like, drawed me
Like, while I was always a half-half guy
And people would always clown me
For talking about Solana on our old space
I just thought the communities were dope
Like, not saying eth ones aren't
They just, I don't even know how to explain it
To somebody that wasn't in those days
Like, it was this weird, like, galactic geckos
I'm just naming those old mints
What was the other one?
Meerkat Millionaire Country Club
Like, the vibes, bro, like, anybody would try to
Like, I don't know, maybe it's cause the wagney vibes, obviously
But, like, those communities just hit different
And it's good to see, like, like, you know
It's peeking its head again
As much as I'm, like, you know
I don't like, what do you call it, like, speculation
Of projects, you know, I'm against that
In this new wave of entities
My brother said the same thing, B
That's why I wanted to ask you
He thinks, like, the providence to the phone
Like, he's like, oh, you're sleeping, bro
You're sleeping
And he doesn't even rock with NMPs
But that's his reason
He's like, nah, bro, you're tripping, bro
Like, especially when they went down
I even was like, told you, bro
And then they went back up again
And I told you, big bro
So, it's just, it's just cool
Like, it's just cool to see it again
And, yeah, man, like, wanted to ask you, like
Like, why you picked it
So, that's dope, man
Hey, prophets, how you doing?
What was that?
Hey, prophets, how you doing?
Thank you very much
What's going on, pigs?
I don't think we've met
What's going on?
We haven't met
I'm always in the audience
Listening to you
Thanks for bringing me up
Appreciate it
I'm glad what you do
I've learned a lot from you
And, obviously, I got a saga monkey
And just heard, you know, a little bit of misunderstandings
Going on with the saga dial
Now, I just wanted to clarify that
So, as far as saga monkeys, you know,
It's a free drop
First, NFT drop on the saga phone
With this flood about 700, whether it's Solanas
That was missing
Look, it's this dude that created the dial
The saga dial is separate from the actual saga monkeys
Okay, so the monkeys are not really with the saga dial
There's a chat that's connected to the dial
But if you look at the official monkey website
There's no discord, official discord
So, it's this dude that came up
So, you know, everyone wants to create a dial
Is his name Ashton?
What's that?
Not Ashton, right?
What's his name? Do you know his name?
DZ or some shit like that
I don't know
He's a piece of shit
Okay, continue, go ahead
What I'm trying to say is
He came up with this little thing
Tried to create a dial
Because saga monkeys are organic
Organic NFT
Everyone wants to do their own thing
So, apparently what happened was there's an airdrop that came in
And they dropped it in the wallet that he controls
Okay, he was so far
Hold on, in a wallet that he controls, okay
Yeah, there you go
He controlled the wallet
He was trying to build a council
And create a multi-sig or whatever
He said he was trying to do it
And he messed up
He didn't create the signatures right or some bull crap
So, he got the airdrop, okay
Remember, this is a random dude
Just like everyone else
Just ran into an airdrop that's worth $700
So, all of a sudden
He's creating this multi-sig
And then says that he got scammed
Okay, so everyone was like
That doesn't make any sense
The money is gone
So, obviously the dude took the money
Sent it to a wallet
Forgot that
He actually commented on somebody else's
What'd he call it
Twitter with that wallet
You know how people be like
Hey, comment below with your wallet
So, someone snapshotted that wallet address
Saying, hey dude
You commented on two years ago with this wallet
Bro, that should be scented on people, bro
So, he sent the shit to his own wallet
And then he got caught
So, basically
It's just a random dude that got a airdrop that
Everyone with the saga phone get free shit
You know what I mean
So, he got it
They randomly said
Okay, you in charge of the saga dial
We're sending it to your wallet
Whatever, you know
He took the money
That's it
So, it doesn't really affect the monkeys
Now, there's what you call it
The artist actually released
A what you call it
He said on Twitter
That the royalties that you get from saga monkeys
Go separate to a wallet
And that's controlled by
Either some of Solana Mobile or everything
That's separate from this guy
So, the royalties that are being earned
From sales on the saga monkeys
Are safe, okay
It's safe
And if you look at the artist's Twitter
You'll see that
Everyone's trying to clarify their foot
But people just going around
Saying that saga dial lost a lot of money
That's, it's not true
It's this random dude
That supposedly wanted to create something
And he got air dropped a shit load of money
And he just took it
So, I just wanted to say my piece, man
But monkeys are organic
Free drop
And hey, you're going to see what's going to happen
I don't want to shill
But this is the first air drop NFT
On the saga phone
That's all I got to say
You know what happens next
Hi there, thanks Prophet
I'm just kidding, fam
No, thank you
I appreciate the instant response
And the gratification
We love that
Thank you so much
I'm learning a lot
I also too
This could be super hot take bias
Not bias, excuse me
This could be just a hot take, rather
I don't think
And Scott, I hope you pay attention
And chime in if you can
I don't think that there is enough
Highlighting on the negative things
That go on in the other chains
Because number one, it's a little difficult to research
Opposed to either scan number two
Let's be honest
There's not, I think now there will be
There's going to be more threads this year
Solana company, rug this
Solana, whatever company, whatever chain
That's not East, blah blah blah
I'm sure that will happen
But I guess what I'm saying is
I don't think it's talked about enough
How much manipulation and
Negative things occur on the other chains
Because it's gay kept quite a bit
And that means, let's just be real
A lot of this shit's centralized
Like that's just my, that's my thesis on that
But I don't think enough of this is highlighted
I see a lot of, lately I've seen a lot of
700 this, or sold this, or X amount of sold this
And so many, so much this liquid
I just, nobody really cares I feel like
You guys don't, whereas East
We had broadcasters and all types of shit
Like, I don't know why
I don't know, I don't know
Scott, what do you think it is?
Why do you think people don't really care
On the other chains to
Quote unquote expose the negatives that happens
Opposed to East
East everybody's a fucking on chain
Fuck this loop
It's, it's
It's a turn off
Like I'm kind of, and I'm not saying like
Go be a grift like you know I'm not saying
Go jump off the deep end and go do a bunch of
Crazy wild stuff
I'm not saying that either
But, yeah it's been like that for a while
Like it's been like that since like
You know, like since, since I came
Like I just, I'm gonna say what I said
Two years ago on our old show Prophets
And I still stand by this
There was this point in the
And everyone remembers in the bull run
Where there was like a new meta every week
In this weird time
There was a meta where on chain sleuthing
Y'all remember that when all those accounts popped up
The ethics and like it was like
That was like if you kind of
You know were, were
A dude from Vice News and Web 3
Or you know one of these like
Investigator type people like
Yeah you could find that like
You know you could get
You could make money
Like you could like
You know it was a whole lane for people
Not saying every single person's like that
I'm just saying that old meta
That if you remember in the bull run
When all those pages popped up overnight
Like you know there was like pages
That were like doing paid hints
And like I don't know
It was just kind of, kind of getting weird
But I think like
None of the other chains they never really got like that
There was no like
Sleuth meta
Like on chain sleuth meta
Or whatever
I don't even know what you call it
Like a thirst to be the investigator
Um so like
You never saw like
Like a whole bunch of big accounts like
Like come from that era
Like you know what I mean
I mean don't get me wrong
There's some like
Like guys who like do stuff on Cardano
Or in Solano that look stuff up
But it's just
It was never like a wave
Like on other chains
You know what I mean
Like where
You know what I'm realizing
I didn't make a lot of money
And get a lot of following
I think people too were doing it
For the wrong reasons
People started that
For the wrong reasons
Because they didn't get to make it
As much money
Or whatever it is
I think that's also a thing
You got a point
You got a point
You got a huge point there
Yeah and it's just like anything else
Like if that's your thing
Do it because you love it
Like maybe you're a PI in real life
Like dude that's
And dude I always stand by
Like whatever you did in web 2
And you don't know what to do in web 3
Like especially now that every sector's involved
Like go back to that
So like if you're a PI in real life
Like dude I'm not mad at you
Like not ones that just listen for like token stuff
That's their job
Like they're maybe
They work you know
At the library in congress
Like there's like a whole bunch of different
Jobs that
Like I don't know
I just think like
If that is like what you do
And that interests you
Cool do it
But like he said
Like of course
There was a couple like you know
And that's why they didn't really stick around
That's why there's only like
There's only a few that really like be cooking
Or that really like you know
Do the good
Do the good work
However you see fit
And you see a lot of those ones
Who try to do that same thing in that meta
They're just not around no more
It wasn't in them anymore
I know that one account was like
Oh we got threatened
Uh or whatever
But like I said
If that's what you did
In your real life
And it's interesting
And you know
You want to be
The avengers
Like yeah man
Stop these
We used to have spaces
To stop people
On the bull run
Like prophets was there
B.C. Pampers there
The squiggle space
You know what I mean
You know that's coming back my G
That's coming back
When we hit all time highs again
We're getting back to that
Cause there's gonna be such a thrust
Of shit dropping
And no one's gonna care
Cause we're hitting new all time highs
So it's just gonna be a
Right now it's like in between
Because nobody knows how to really read the fucking market
And then they really don't realize that we're not in a full fucking bull yet
A ex friend that we know
That is probably now launching contract
Out the ass
It's coming back Scott
I hope you're ready for those times again
And get threatened by these new booty founders
That are about to come to this space
I hope you're ready
Yeah but Prophet
You remember
Hey please be careful everybody
Remember the dude that he's coming for you?
Yeah yeah yeah
That was so funny
They're like
If anyone remembers
The project was posting like
Pistols on the timeline
Like it was just like
If you miss the bull run
This is the fun stuff you get to experience
When it's just like
When there were seven thousand
Okay you guys think like
Those big new spaces with twelve hundred people are a lot
Anyone would say back in the moment
Some of those spaces had seven thousand people at once
It would break the space
You can't add people
You couldn't like see emojis anymore
Like way to you guys
That miss the full bull run in spaces
See these kind of spaces where
The numbers glitching
Of the people inside
And there's no bots
It's literally all people on their Twitter accounts
And it'll throttle at fourteen k
Ten k eight k
Yeah like
It's gonna get wild
Like I can't wait
I just I dialed out when shit started getting like that man
I just stopped
I stopped getting into spaces
I stopped on Twitter like
That's the point where people get
On their intelligence levels
Versus progressing
Profits you were there
Like I was arguing with people
Like not trying to argue with them
I was trying to let them know
Like hey the market's over
And they're sitting there like
It's gonna come back
And then we're at forty eight k
And I'm like hey the market's over
Then we're at thirty k
I will say
Okay so remember that?
You were in that world
Now we've got you exposed to this world
Hello welcome good morning
So you were there
Not fully here
And what was happening here
Is instead of people realizing
That all time highs are over
They just kept launching rug after rug
After rug after rug
Just trying to take lick
As fast as possible
Because people didn't care
Oh I knew all time highs
I'm gonna print more money tomorrow
That's what was going on there
I would love to join in
On some of those spaces
After having seen many many projects myself
And seeing people get hurt
Based on you know
There's just like certain things
That you know you don't understand
And when things are hot
And there's a lot going on in the space
There's a lot of new participants
That come into the ecosystem
And I kind of enjoy that
When you know like the grifters come up
And they try to talk big game
And there's just some very obvious red flags
Man it's loading
It's loading
Scott check your text messages too
Look it's coming around
It's like a seasonal thing
We're gonna start getting these messages
That say yo you were right
Yo I told you so
And I'm not an I told you so motherfucker
I promise you
Go ahead tree
Yeah I feel that too profit
So a lot of my friends are making fun of me
For being in crypto
They're asking me what I'm doing in it now
But I feel the sentiment against Ethereum
Because do you remember we were minting shit for 0.08
And then on top of that we had to pay a fucking $100 gas fee
Or some bullshit
Remember when we paid 10 grand in gas for OtherSci
Bro that was the craziest thing I ever did in my life bro
I remember fucking 8 coin dropping
And I was trying to buy more
And that shit fucking just skyrocketed
And I was like I'm not paying fucking thousands of dollars
For $100 worth of 8 coin
You know like fuck dude
Like that's why there's so much hate against I think Ethereum
And then it's like how do I onboard brands
And I'm like oh yeah by the way you're gonna have to pay $40 to buy this thing
Hey remember when they announced
Refunding people who paid all that money
To mint on the other side
And then people figured out through sleuthing
That maybe they own the blocks
And they MEV'd the cost up like that
Remember that
Andreessen Horowitz baby
In it for the bag
The thing is is like there was a lot of liquidity swishing around
I think just
I think the more bearish people get on Ethereum
The more bullish I get on it
Like again I'm playing on Solana cause there's liquidity there
But you can't
Don't ever fade something just because
Everybody hates it right now
Especially like something like the network effect
Like Solana, Polygon
You know all these are the ones that nobody wants to touch right now
Like they can become hot much later
And a lot of people will stay in their trends
And they'll miss the entire wave right
These waves move
They move across chain
And market makers love to push them across chain
Whether people want to or not
So it could be Solana now
Then it jumps over to Ethereum
Then it jumps over to layer 2
You get into Polygon and so on and so forth
And then it jumps back to Solana again
And then they get people fighting with each other
About who's who
Meanwhile they're sitting there
Soaking all the liquidity out of the market
You know on the way back down
While everybody's arguing about which chain's best
Yeah I have friends ask me
Like what I think about
How to compare some cryptocurrency stuff
And I say Bitcoin's gold, Ethereum's silver
And then Solana's going to be copper
It's the only one useful
But the others are good speculation
Well I think the biggest thing too
Talking about it is like
Everybody talks about how bad the fees were
But like I was putting $250 on a coin
And coming out with 10 grand
So it was worth it to pay $500 in gas for me
And I'm not saying people can do that
I'm not saying people are even smart enough to do that
If you can follow liquidity and stuff like that
You can see how to do that
I mean I was even jumping in things that I knew were honeypots
Because I knew I could get in and get out
Before they ended up kind of pulling the rug on me
And you know it's about playing momentum and everything like that
And again I'm not suggesting people get to that degree of degeneracy
But once I started realizing I was doing that
I was like oh I need to dial this back
I was like I'm getting really risky
And now I see where things are going
But not everybody can look at themselves
And be like hey I have a problem
Some people they start smoking meth
And then they just keep smoking it
This is what happened
Yo I had a call today
Hold on let me just say
William being a seasoned trader for over 10 years
Saying that is very very very important to realize
So let me just say that
But I had a call today with a good friend
Old friend
He's an OG
He's a little older
And he literally said that he's been off of Twitter
Because he had a problem where he was buying coins
And he's a grown fucking man
Over 40 years old
Has a business
Now whether that's a gambling issue
Or whatever that may be
But that is just very interesting to hear
Look Scott look at all the people that we don't see around anymore
Probably why
It's because they ran out of fucking money
Because they were here for the wrong reasons
I'm all for the degenning
I'm in degen chats
I'm buying sloppy sleeves
And all the bullshit
You guys are buying too
Just don't let it consume you dude
That's it
That's the outfit
Bro I may have been
I may have been like
$50 or $25 now
Not the fucking
5E 3D pin farming bro
The biggest thing though is that
That works until you start actually making
That's the problem
This market will suck you in
It'll pull you in
It'll give you a lot of liquidity
And then you'll just gamble it all away
It turns from
For traders
It turns from trading to gambling
And once you realize that it's at that point
It's like whoa whoa whoa
I can see what I'm doing now
It's so crazy
Like people forget to do a self-reflection check
Where it's like
Wait a second
Are you saying that
I can't rob everybody
Because they don't know how to stop
And sometimes it becomes a couple
A couple cycles
Sometimes it becomes one
And it just depends on how long
It takes you to get self-control
It's so it's so crazy
Like people forget to do a self-reflection check
Where it's like
Wait a second
It's so it's so crazy
Like people forget to do a self-reflection check
Where it's like
Wait a second
Are you saying that
I can't rob everybody
For a few million
Launch a free NFT
Send it to $3,000 floor price
I've justified
My rugging in web 3
Is that not a play?
You forgot the mental health break
They had to take a vacation
For the mental health break
From doing all that work
That was a lot of work for them
When I tell you Stockholm Syndrome
And web 3 is real, ladies and gentlemen
I DM four people
I said, hey
You're representing a rug
Or do you care?
Yeah, I know
I heard some things
But listen
I made a few thousand off the project
All right, cool
Have a nice day
Go fuck yourself
It's like sometimes we forget that little self-reflection of
If the amount of money you have in crypto
If you don't have that extra in real life
Then you're fucking gambling
Like it's not a
You know, it's not a thing
Like there was a dude that was
Playing shit coins with us last cycle
And I turned his $1,000 that he had extra
And about $30,000
And he was like, oh man
We could do this
I was like
I pulled it out
And I paid off your vehicle
Because your daughter gets her driver's license
In six months
And now she got some free shit to drive
And not only that
But I paid off all the rest of the debt
That you had assigned in that bank account
Because you're my boy
And you're overseas
You're overseas doing things
And so I'm going to make sure that
Nobody else will square you up
But your shit is squared up
And you don't owe anyone any money
So when you come back
And you get custody of your other daughter
I even got you
You got a spot already lined up
Your mom's going to come in and help you
Like that's the type of shit we need to be doing
Like sometimes it's okay
To take these JPEGs and this fake money
And turn it into some IRL shit
It's okay to do that
Long as you pay your bills
So that they can't come fetch you up
It's okay to do that sometimes
Or borrow against the shit and buy something IRL
Let them take that fucking JPEG
And the fake coins
And you're like
I'll just keep the real house then
Hate that, hate that dream for me
I think that's part of it
Is the profits turn into fake money
And people don't understand
It's real money
You can take that shit out
100% dude
And do something with it
And he was salty as fuck too
He's like
Do you know what I could do with that?
Because everything that happened to it already
I did with it
So, you know, you can smile
And you can't do shit anyway bro
Because you're overseas
You can just be mad
I'll hang up the phone
Carry on living your fucking life
Yeah, I think that's super important
Like when you're starting to make some money
It definitely takes some off the table
I found myself when making a bunch of profits
Just kind of getting desensitized to it
The fact that like
Hey, this is real money
And I have stuff in my life
Where it would be a really big deal
So I got to the end of my lease
On my car
And I was just like
You know what?
I'm just gonna put down 20 grand
Just pay it off
Not have a car payment
Let me at least do one smart thing
With this money, you know
Not have some debt hanging over my head
And then it's like
You know, then you know what?
You still have money to play around with
And do stuff with
But it's like
Oh, my bad
Don't get me started
Don't get me started on people's priorities in web 3
No, no priorities in web 3
Scott, what happened? My bad
Oh, that was true
I was just gonna joke on fucking the bunny
Roundtripping his fucking AP
Ain't got no money in his account, man
Look at that
Shitty ass motherfuckers
Oh, Smokey got rugged
I thought
Nevermind, I thought he was talking
But it got
No, it's fine
It's totally fine
We have a ninja on this day
Yeah, yeah
Just one question
Why is this place so fucking real?
This shit all makes so much sense
Thank you
That's all I got
Thanks for having me
It's a cute ninja
Yeah, thank you
Go and go
Love that
Well then
Ladies and gentlemen
What a show it's been
Thank you for being here
Lincoln Bio
Get in the Discord
The party continues there
We had some shit cooking
Don't tell me we didn't tell you in the future
Because right now
You know what I'm saying
Ugly duckling the web 3
No virality here
No worries
Because that's where all the authentic organic engagement lives
And speaking of that
We appreciate all the love
As always
Thank you so much
Thank you Tensor
Excited to see the future of what you guys have going on
Excited to continue to work with you all in the future as well
Lots of things to come
Get in the Discord
We're back again live tomorrow 5 o'clock Eastern
Got a lot of shows in the pipeline as well
A lot of cool ideas that I have
You guys are just not creating a web 3
And you guys are making it too easy for me
So I'm gonna, yeah
Just about that time, baby
Scott, Will
Any last words before we let the amazing people go with their amazing night?
No, I appreciate everybody pulling up
Appreciate you, Tensor
Yeah, man
This is a good show
Good vibes
And yeah, see you everyone tomorrow
Everybody drink water
Text somebody telling me you love them
Like, comment, repost the room for awareness
And remember, I believe in you
Believe in yourself more importantly
And get the fuck up
And do something different
You got this
See you on the timeline