Waves ama

Recorded: April 7, 2023 Duration: 1:01:18



Hi everybody.
Let's wait a little like five minutes and we'll start
Okay, so I actually think that we can start because they're like maybe... ...seriously people. It's okay. I guess I try to and we have our regular Amy.
which happens each Friday and this is a second time we have on Twitter. So yeah this time I actually pressed the recording button so if you
can't participate now, we can listen to it later. Because I just didn't know how it worked last time. So let's get started. And we do the usual way at the beginning, our role.
do some summary of what was happening last week on the waste. And then I'll answer a couple of questions from the community that were prepared by the team, and then you'll be able to ask any questions you want.
So this week I promised last week that we would launch the new bridges like the new bridges will be integrated in WX probably the second so
the launch today. I'm like in touch with the team with Peppa team and it's not going too fast but they're very close. Sorry guys, but it should happen I think today or tomorrow. The new tokens will be launched. New use tablecoins.
And at the same time, there is voting on WX that you can participate in, basically, the situation was like that. There is, as you know, probably, if you're here, that we've been going through some lake.
the top times and the other situation with gateways with the out gateways on WX and some transitions got stuck basically. So now we actually want to understand what we should do.
Because during this idea that it would be good just to cancel those transactions that were unprocessed so that people can either make new with their own requests or sell their tokens.
And why we do that actually. There is some technical issues with those tuck transactions because to be honest all bridges were not prepared for such a situation. And there is some like chance that basically some transactions
would be lost and it would be good to just make new arrests. And there is also the thing with violence as far as I've heard, they are changing their like deposit addresses. And I'm not sure if they keep the old ones at least, this is what I'm like.
hearing from the community that there is a chance that old addresses on Binance will be working. I'm not sure about that. Like maybe you should ask Binance. But actually
it would make sense to be on the safe side, for to say. And maybe if the addresses are changed on finance, it could make sense to make new withdrawal requests.
to the new addresses. So this is the thing. You can participate in this because we can't make this even our own and because some people from the community want their convictions. I cancel by the other
don't want that but on the other hand, even there is this situation with violence and dresses, I always refuse to stress in this world. So yeah, I so probably probably to make

FAQ on Waves ama | Twitter Space Recording

What is the purpose of the recording button that was pressed this time?
The purpose of the recording button that was pressed this time is to allow people who can't participate in the Twitter chat to listen to it later.
What did the team prepare for Amy to answer in the chat?
The team prepared a couple of questions for Amy to answer in the chat.
What is happening with the launch of the new bridges?
The launch of the new bridges is taking some time, but the team is very close to integrating them in WX, probably within the next day or so.
What new tokens will be launched?
New utility tokens will be launched.
What is the current voting being held in WX?
The current voting being held in WX is about whether or not to cancel unprocessed transactions due to technical issues with bridges.
Why would canceling unprocessed transactions be a good idea?
Canceling unprocessed transactions would be a good idea because there is a chance that some transactions would be lost, and it would be good to make new requests to avoid this.
What is the issue with Binance changing its deposit addresses?
The issue with Binance changing its deposit addresses is that there is a chance that old addresses on Binance will not work and it would be best to make new withdrawal requests to new addresses to be safe.
Why do some people want their cancelled transactions to be reinstated?
Some people want their cancelled transactions to be reinstated because they may have already sent tokens to the cancelled transaction and need it to be processed.
What is Amy's stance on the issue with cancelled transactions?
Amy's stance on the issue with cancelled transactions is that she always refuses to stress in this world, and people can participate in the voting to make a decision.
What is the purpose of asking Binance about their deposit addresses?
The purpose of asking Binance about their deposit addresses is to confirm whether the old addresses will still work or if new withdrawal requests to new addresses need to be made for safety reasons.