Waves of Web 3 - Ep. 5

Recorded: April 5, 2023 Duration: 1:40:22



Good morning. Welcome to Waves or We're Three Setup. Okay. Let's get you on the Speak list.
There you go. Can you hear me again?
Yeah, what's up buddy? Oh man, how are you dude?
- Shall I like a villain? - That's it. - I guess I'm early. - Ah, yeah, just a few minutes. That's all good. The others will start rockin' in shortly.
almost I am where I am just far enough the brain cells
Man, 8 a.m. That's been nice. It's 5 p.m. for me. Yeah, yeah. You've just finished your Wednesday and I'm into my Thursday.
Oh man, what's the future like? Well, it seems pretty good right now. Weather's fine. The world's still here. That's always a good thing. Good to know it's still there at least. Yeah. At least for a little while longer.
Okay. For my coasts.
this let me know if it's worth it to go on the Thursday. My side five on the side is. If not, I'll stay here on Wednesday. That's it. I don't go anywhere if it's not good. Here he is.
I don't think Roof Master will be joining us. I think he's on a flight down to South America. So I think he won't be joining us today.
Well, that's a bummer. Oh, yeah, it happens.
Just doing a bit more tweeting out before we kick off. How are your big berms?
I am doing all right. How about yourself? Oh, right sensational. It's sensational. Jake, good, good 45 minutes of sleep did you? Right. I think I slept in. I think it was 50.
this morning. Oh my god. You getting lazy. Getting lazy. I can't wait. Next a whole hour. Peace. Oh,
Anything else new and exciting? Lots of new and exciting stuff. Actually, yes, there is actually quite a bit of new and exciting, but I might say that for a bit later and obviously we'll hear from our guests this morning, which will be exciting. But yes, there is some exciting.
Morning, Nissan.
Morning. Good morning. Morning Nissa, how are you this morning? I'm awake yet. Not awake yet? Okay. I'm just waking up. We're talking to dreaming Nissa. Yeah. Might be a nightmare with this space. I'm just checking to wake you.
I'm not from me, it's not. That's his bedroom voice. Oh, I should have got out of bed, right?
what? These are all of the mean space-times for the portness. She works like ungodly hours.
and then just to get up early for these spices, that's all. - Yeah. - That's all because of you. - Wow, stole. Yeah, I'm kind of friends. (laughing)
It was bad enough when it was 9 o'clock. I know the clocks have changed. I know. The clock's had a change for you. Good morning. I am doing pretty well. It's good afternoon.
living in the future and it is Friday there. Thursday. Thursday. Yeah, not quite Friday. Yeah. But you're right. It is the future here and the sun is shining and the world still here. So I highly recommend you move on into Thursday. There we go. There we go.
it. I mean to the future's looking okay so far. I was good to hear. We're just the skats really. Can I do it, Tyler? I'm doing pretty well. Doing pretty well.
It's been a great Wednesday. I got some exciting things that we're working on to help a couple projects with some things at NFT NYC and it's very very exciting.

FAQ on Waves of Web 3 - Ep. 5 | Twitter Space Recording

What is the podcast called?
The podcast is called Waves or We're Three.
What time did the conversation take place?
The conversation took place at 8 a.m. for one speaker and 5 p.m. for the other.
Who was unable to join the conversation?
Roof master was unable to join the conversation because he was on a flight to South America.
What did one speaker joke about being from a different time zone?
One speaker joked about being from the future because they were on a different time zone.
What exciting news did one speaker mention later in the conversation?
One speaker mentioned some exciting news about a project related to NFT NYC that they were working on.
Who seemed to be struggling to wake up during the conversation?
Nissa seemed to be struggling to wake up during the conversation.
What did a speaker joke about Nissa's work schedule?
A speaker joked that Nissa works ungodly hours and has to wake up early for the podcast because of them.
What did one speaker joke about the other speaker's sleeping habits?
One speaker joked that the other speaker was getting lazy because they slept for 45 minutes instead of an hour.
What was the topic of the conversation?
The topic of the conversation was not specified in the text.
What did one speaker say about the world during the conversation?
One speaker said that the world was still here and the weather was fine during the conversation.