#WAXWednesday | Machiavellic on WAX! w/ Martine from @FGL_NFT

Recorded: Feb. 7, 2024 Duration: 0:58:39



good morning wax Wednesday everybody and Mike always number one down here every week number
one it's good to see you hope you can hear me just a little housekeeping set up add a
co-host in case Twitter tries to rug me again and then we'll invite our guests and get our
show started so just a second up there's our guests what's up optic red room good to see you
in here all right it's up Xander good morning I've got FGLs in here I'm gonna go ahead and invite
them up oh no yeah there we go invite sent invite there we go
could start in just a second here
Nia try sending that invite again FGL
like to speak
Dr. Starla, good morning.
I sent the request again, let's see if it goes through this time, or maybe request
us just request to come up, Martine, and then we'll get it.
I'll love you to bring you up that way.
What's up, where are you lying?
Good morning.
I have a double dose of wax Wednesday today, and you know, there's gonna be an ectopia
space a little bit after this one, a little bit technical difficulty, and we'll get started
here in just a second.
Sorry about that.
Rand man, good morning.
Johnny Butterfinger, good morning.
There we go.
How about now?
Think that work?
There we go.
All right.
All right.
I think we're fine.
It's finally working.
Do you hear an echo or anything from my side?
And you're from outside?
No, you sound great.
Thank you, Martine so much.
All right, everybody.
Last Wednesday starts now.
Good morning, wax.
Good morning, everybody.
Welcome to wax Wednesday.
I'm happy that we get this time to meet with everybody today.
February has already begun.
Valentine's Day is only a week away.
So if you're a procrastinator like I am, get yourself in gear, right?
Today we are joined by Martine Spans from the FTL team.
We'll be talking about Machiavelliq, right?
So Machiavelliq is a flexible next generation dungeon crawler action adventure game.
It has almost all aspects of your character and account are tradable.
So Martine, thank you so much for joining me today.
Yeah, thanks for the invite.
It's great being here.
Yeah, absolutely.
It's always a pleasure to have you.
Now, for those who don't or just meeting Martine,
she started her career in online gaming in 2006
and has worked for well-known companies such as Ubisoft
before setting up her own mobile publishing company.
Since then, she's worked with the FTL team to bring gaming to Web 3
with games like Outlaw Troopers, Cosmic Clash, and Mecha World.
In addition to that, Martine is also the GM of the Dutch Games Association.
So Martine, thank you so much.
Welcome to Watch Wednesday.
Thanks so much.
All right.
I've been looking at Machiavelliq, just kind of preparing for the space today
and I'm really glad you're here because there's a lot of little details I saw
on things that stuck out and I was excited to kind of dig into what we can see
from the game.
Yeah, of course.
I mean, it's definitely a big project that has like really deep lore
so it definitely takes some time sort of wrapping your head around it
and yeah, I hope I can, you know, clarify a bit more on this call
and get people excited.
Yeah, absolutely.
So when I first heard the name, I was already thinking like
this is going to be something that's very detailed.
There's going to be a lot of like little strategies.
Just to get started, can you give us like a general overview?
Like what exactly is Machiavelliq?
Yeah, it's a lot.
It's like an open world sandbox MMO.
That's the easiest way to describe it.
Set in a post-apocalyptic setting where which faction you join
is really very influential on the way that you experience the game
and also the factions decide on sort of how the game continues.
So there's a lot of sort of player influence planned in this game as well.
Sorry, I just made it.
So you mentioned a rich lore backstory also earlier.
Can you kind of set the stage for the game
and give us a little hint about what's going on in the world of Machiavelliq
where the game is going to take place?
Yeah, absolutely.
You know, for people who really want to deep dive into it,
there's a lot of info already like on our website about all the factions.
Yeah, there's like a really rich backstory.
And yeah, we're very excited also to involve the community
into the further evolution of this story.
So yeah, like I said, it's a post-apocalyptic setting,
meaning that Earth is all completely destroyed.
And how you start the game is basically on a spaceship on your way to the planet Ozar
because that's been defined as sort of the next space for survival
and settling and setting up community.
When players acquire an officer NFT right now,
you are purchasing one of these characters that you can enter into the game.
But it's also part of the game lore because every officer is tied to one of the factions.
Plus, you can also switch factions.
So if you, for example, are now your NFT is part of the naturalists,
that doesn't mean that you cannot switch to one of the other factions.
For example, like go join the Euphorians.
And so that way the players also kind of shape what direction the game is taking
and which factions are becoming more and more powerful.
So between the NFTs, they all have different ranks,
like going from the one supreme leader perfection
to the field marshals and all kinds of different ranks.
So yeah, everyone sort of plays their own little protagonist story sort of in that lore.
Yeah, so I'm just mostly looking forward to see how this all unfolds
as soon as we sort of kick off the action.
Because I know there's been a lot of games where we've been promised
that there will be a lot of player interaction shaping the story.
And there's obviously that's difficult to set up a game like that,
that it can actually work in a manageable way.
But I've talked very, very long about this with the Machiavelli team.
And I'm convinced that they really set it up in a way that is manageable,
no matter sort of what direction the game is going to take.
I really like when you mention, I think I even said something out loud,
about the faction switching and how you can kind of switch.
It makes me think immediately, like when you're playing as a protagonist
and writing your own story, you can be switching between factions
like a mercenary or maybe a turncoat.
And then I also wanted to call out too, you mentioned there's a lot of information
on the website.
That website is machiavelliq.io, so you can check it out there
and peruse the site as you're listening to our space here.
That's right.
Martin, so Machiavelliq, it's billed as a P2E MMO.
So how does that kind of play in?
Are we earning tokens and FTS?
How does that work?
Personally, I'm always very careful to label something as play to earn
because I don't want to set the wrong expectations.
But I think people who are familiar with our other FTL and FT games
kind of know how that's set up in a way that it's a functional
and stable economy.
So we prefer to label it kind of as play and own.
But since this game was already first announced on the Cardano blockchain,
there it was kind of labeled as a play to earn game.
So that's sort of in that transition, play to earn, play and own.
It's a bit of both actually because you can earn something in the game
as in tokens.
Machiavelliq operates with two in-game currencies.
There's Mac and there's tiers,
where Mac is kind of very hard to acquire
and the tiers are kind of more of the currency in the game.
So they can be obtained through regular gameplay, the tiers, I mean,
where Mac is exclusively attainable through the hardcore PvP activities.
But it should also be mentioned that during those hardcore PvP activities,
you can actually also die and lose your NFT character.
So it's a bit of a gamble if you want to go onto the battlefield
and earn some of the Mac, the hard to obtain currency.
But yeah, when you're not well prepared, it could cost you your NFT character.
So that's also like an interesting type of gameplay
that's introduced in Machiavelliq.
This is immediately making me think of my level 15 paladin in Diablo,
that guy that's sincerely trying to play with PvP that people saw.
Definitely having, excited to hear like that kind of that risk
and that really will get your blood pumping there.
I know this might be a little bit kind of out of how I wanted to order this,
but you mentioned this was coming over from Cardano.
So would you mind giving me a little bit of what happened there
and then what's prompting you to bring this game over to WAX?
Yeah, sure. So it's mainly because of the team.
I've been in contact with the team for 15 years, I think,
since the days that we were making Flash games.
And I've been working together with them, mainly with Santiago,
with like the, yeah, I'm not sure what he calls himself in that role,
but let's say the main game designer and the dev lead on the Machiavelliq team.
Yeah, so I've already been working with him for like, you know, since 15 years
and we always stayed in touch.
And then about two years ago, we started exchanging a bit of our experience
on blockchain games, you know, me sharing my WAX experience
and he started out on Cardano and like sharing his experience.
So we always like kept in touch about that.
And, you know, then I was talking with him like, hey,
maybe we can help you to actually bring Machiavelliq to WAX.
Because, you know, like on Cardano, you get to find like an interesting audience,
but the audience there might be, you know, what they experienced so far,
a little bit less on, you know, heavy on the game mechanics, so to say.
You know, like the WAX audience is there to play games, right?
That's what we also see with FGL NFT games and that makes it like super exciting
and like, you know, the audience very engaged.
So that's why it also seemed like a good idea to the Cardano team
to then sort of immediately branch out also to the WAX blockchain
and sort of, yeah, roll out this game launch simultaneously on the two blockchains.
So like in the background, it also like mainly runs on Cardano.
So if you like obtain your NFTs on WAX, then yeah, basically like within sort of the game interface,
you bring them over to the Cardano chain and like the team is working currently
on a very easy and user-friendly onboarding process for that.
So yeah, like that's kind of how we sort of structure it in the background.
And, you know, who knows if that goes up well, then we might sort of branch out
to do some other changes well in the future.
But for now, the focus is on that Cardano and WAX.
Awesome. Now, I want to mention also for anyone listening below,
if you have questions about Machiavelliq and you would like to come up on stage and ask,
go ahead and raise your hands and we'll bring you up.
Otherwise, you can drop questions in the thread and I will be checking that,
see if there's any other community questions there.
But don't worry guys, I got you covered.
I got a ton of questions that I thought up here.
So asking all about gameplay is going to be like really the next focus.
So I saw on the site that there's kind of three gameplay types or loops for Machiavelliq.
Can you take us through the basic ones or kind of describe the gameplay
that's being proposed for Machiavelliq?
The first one I think was a MOBA?
Yeah, so like a MOBA style PVP arena.
I guess that's the sort of easiest way to describe that.
Yeah, like the main thing that it all takes place in is like an open world sandbox MMO.
And within that, we have the various gameplay types in Intertwine.
And that's sort of hardcore PVP style where you can earn the hard to obtain currency.
That's what I just talked about.
That's kind of the PVP style arena gameplay.
To be honest, at this stage, I am not completely sure
if the team wants to go for real-time PVP battles or turn-based.
That's something that we definitely talked about.
But in terms of technical implications, it sort of might turn out to be more turn-based.
Since that arena game is still a little bit out,
more details about that will sort of roll out over the next few months.
For the rest, it's also an auto-battler.
That's kind of also one of the other main gameplay mechanics within that sandbox MMO.
You can engage in battles by matching your officers against those of other players.
And that's kind of the whole sort of faction setup.
And that influences the further lore of the game.
And what's also integrated is an endless wave simulator.
When you're looking for an active gameplay session,
where you can face waves of increasingly tougher enemies until you die.
You can take that on as a solo challenge or a group challenge.
Kind of also as a way to refine your fighting skills for the PVP battles.
This is more like a PVE setup.
And kind of also as a foundation for if we in the future want to build that out as in dungeon crawling adventures.
Thank you for giving me the warning.
So I know exactly where to go to avoid my hardcore death.
The endless waves is something that sounds really interesting to me.
I do like playing a couple different tower defenses.
That kind of reminds me of different games that I like to play.
We try to sort of have something in here for every playstyle.
It's like the auto-battler for someone who is not looking to actively engage with the game.
And who's just like having it as a tab open on their browser while they're doing a million other things.
That might be more for them.
But we know that there's also a lot of people on both WAX and Cardano really looking for active game engagement.
That's why the wave simulator and the arena PVP, that's really set up for them.
I think it's great to be able to offer different types of playstyles because you can definitely cast a wider net.
Just for example for me, I'm not big on PVP.
But I am big on auto-battlers.
I like to sit back and watch my minions run around and do their thing.
That's fun for me.
Yeah, same really.
Me for example, I'm also more into turn-based stuff because I like to carefully plan and strategize it.
I guess I get too overwhelmed sometimes with real-time battles.
Maybe it's the age playing up, I don't know.
No, I know exactly what you mean.
That's the reason why I don't play multiplayer Starcraft anymore.
Talk about hectic games that stuff like the top of it.
One of the things that's really cool about Machiavelli is that there's no predefined classes or playstyles.
My next question is going to be about balance.
When you don't have predefined playstyles, every single item, every single armor piece, every single skill,
it has to be balanced against everything all at once rather than class versus class.
How do you even approach that, balancing all those types of game styles?
Yeah, I have to explain the playstyles.
These individual game modes can be initiated separately.
Prior to starting any of these games, players have also the flexibility to equip their officer NFT
or their group of officers, customizing that to that playstyle.
There's a bit of that.
The essence of the whole sandbox MMO umbrella that we're all folding this under
is also the diverse activities that players can engage in.
I think this kind of loops into what we just talked about.
A player who's focused mostly on solo exploration.
They could prioritize the endless wave simulator and things like that.
And prioritize learning to survive and escape over the firepower.
Where someone with an aggressive playstyle will adapt to different strategies for that.
Ultimately, the game revolves more around that player interaction and the economy around that.
Seeing how that evolves and how we can develop the game further in the direction that players are mostly engaged in.
Also making sure that players don't become bogged down in a set of rules that we implement
that might become boring after a while when playing.
We want to develop more into the direction where we see the most engagement.
I'm not sure if that fully answers your question, but I hope so.
It definitely gives a good insight to it.
It sounds like you're looking at, once this is engaged, what metas develop and who decides to do what.
And how they decide to build their character.
If something becomes too strong, it gets a little nerf, or maybe something else gets bolstered up.
You mentioned also being able to outfit warriors before each battle or what kind of playstyle you're going to go for.
I think it's really useful because you're not going to have the same things in PvP as you would for an endurance battle.
Yeah, exactly.
And that's also where stuff like the gear comes in handy.
The gear in the game can be crafted using in-game resources that you can obtain through gameplay or through trading.
We just want to make sure that most of the actions in the game are game rewarded.
The more you interact with the game, the more easily you can obtain things like the soft currency and the tools and the resources to craft your gear.
But of course you can also trade it.
You can also set yourself up a bit as a merchant, explore the world, get as many resources as you want, craft gear and then trade it away.
They can trade these in the in-game marketplace using also FGL tokens or the Cardano, the ADA.
Additionally, players also have the option to craft these items themselves, claim them as NFTs and trade them on a secondary market if they choose.
The idea of almost like being some kind of spacefaring war merchant is kind of appealing. That's what I'm thinking about right now.
Yeah, I think so.
Again, like another type of playstyle, you could be totally focused on exploring or setting yourself up as a ranger or kind of more as a merchant.
Or maybe you go full on battles, you set yourself up as a mercenary.
Like I said, it sounds like a super big project. To be honest, it is a big project.
It's not going to be ready within a few months or something.
But that's also why we're rolling it out staged.
The first stage of rollout is going to go live on February 15th, where we kind of focus on that journey on the spaceship to the new planets, to Ozar.
Where you can already interact with your character there and set up your faction and get the first interaction also with the world.
Because when we get through that stage of landing on the planet Ozar and getting that sandbox MMO ready, that's going to be quite a bit out also in development.
So that's also like between now and then we're going to sort of release some of the mini games first before the entire world is ready to make sure that there's still plenty to do and that we don't test the patience of our players too much.
I think that's a cool approach, especially when you're doing stages because you can take the community along with you for the journey.
It's not just, hey, everybody showed up here and there's factions fighting. It's like, hey, we were all on the ship. We all went out there. This is what happened during it.
People can have the community participate during that build.
Yeah, absolutely. I like how that sort of completely fits in the lore.
And when you are sort of an early adapter of this game and you get on board early, you get to experience that stage.
I mean, if you discovered this game maybe two, three years down the line, then everyone already landed on Ozar and kind of missed that journey.
So I think that's also something really exciting about it.
Yeah, I think when you miss out on something like that too, you get that little bit of FOMO and it lends towards people who come later wanting to stick a little harder because they don't want to miss out on anything else.
So I have a question about Gear Next. It's kind of the last one about gameplay and kind of how the structure of this is built.
But when you have all these different pieces connecting together and all this different customizability, is that difficult to set up on the back end?
Is that extra complexity when you're trying to write contracts for the game? How does that affect the development when you're offering so much?
I mean, I think there's probably more of a question for our dev team. I'm not sure if I can fully answer it.
But I do know that sort of the amount of gears and equipment, I mean, it's set up as a lot, but in the end, the back end of it, it's basically like it gives you, for example, a plus two on armor or a plus one on health and kind of balancing the stats like that to make sure that there's not too many variables at play at the same time.
Just to keep complexity manageable. But yeah, we do at the same time want to make sort of the gear interesting enough that there's enough to collect, basically.
It becomes something exciting to collect as well. So yeah, at this moment, I cannot say yet how many pieces of gear there will be and how many different sort of variables there will be that the gear, the kind of stats the gears influences.
These are things that I know the dev team already has in place, but I just don't have those numbers at this time yet. But more about that also to be released soon.
Yeah, maybe I'm getting a little bit too focused on my question. So sorry about that, Martin. So let's talk about gear. Let's talk about gear. Now, first thing, are those NFTs? Are each of them a different NFT? Are they stored on like a main server?
And then you meant the NFT when you withdraw. How does gear work in the world of Web 3 and NFTs?
Yeah, so the gear is something created in the game, but it can also be sort of minted as an NFT, which then allows you to sort of trade it with other players.
But yeah, like when you first craft it, it is only an in-game resource, but then it can be sort of switched over to an NFT by, for example, paying a couple of tokens.
Perfect. And I think you kind of alluded this a little bit. Can you only have one character outfit at a time, or do you have multiple character slots to interact with Machiavelli?
Like if someone's, you mentioned going into PvP and possibly losing your NFT character. So I'm wondering, I'm assuming that you can have more than one. How does...
Yeah, you can basically build up your entire squad. Yeah, you can, for example, in the auto battler, you can control multiple of your characters simultaneously, and you can choose to equip each of them differently to your preferences.
But other aspects of the game, like the arena battler or something, or like the open world sandbox MMO, in that case, you're just controlling one character, because they're...
Yeah, just imagine it as like a third person view where you're just steering your character around in the world or in the arena battle.
So there it makes more sense to just have your leading character that you're controlling. So yeah, it depends a bit on which type of gameplay you're engaged in at that point.
If you're, yeah, controlling multiple of your characters or just one.
Perfect. That answers that. Thank you.
How about... Now, this is... FGL is taking Machiavelli under its wing, bringing it over to WAX.
And I think you mentioned earlier, there's going to be interaction with the FGL token. So can you outline a little bit or give some hints to our listeners? How does the FGL token play in to Machiavelli?
Yeah, it kind of serves as the main currency for trading resources and crafting crafted items within the game.
So it's kind of the economy backbone of the whole trading that will happen within the game.
But on top of that, FGL tokens can also be won through tournaments, challenges, leaderboard prizes.
Kind of the same approach that we also do it in our other games like Cosmic Flash, Outlaw Troopers, and Mecha Worlds.
You can also win FGL tokens through the leaderboards, things like that.
So additionally to the whole crafting and marketplace stuff, that's also how people can obtain some tokens through the game.
Perfect. Sorry, I was going to cut you off.
No, I was just adding, we also have a feature that's also like an NFT up for sale. It's like a marketplace shard.
And if you hold one of those, then you get basically cut in all the revenue that people generate from making these trades of trading gears.
So it's like, again, because the game's not complex enough yet, right? That's absolutely complexity.
And I have these marketplace shards in there as well, which I think makes, again, a really cool feature for people who are
maybe a little bit less sort of direct involved, people who don't have the time to do daily play sessions or something,
but who are more focused on the trading side of things. This could be a benefit to them as well.
Perfect. I don't have anything else to add about that. Thank you.
So let me ask a little bit about factions. You did kind of mention earlier how you will select a faction to kind of do some PvP battle.
You can do switching from factions. Is there anything else that you want to maybe highlight about how factions come into play with Machiavellic?
Yeah, so there's ten factions in total. There were eight of these sort of original factions that were already there when the game was announced on Cardano.
And now, with the Huwax collaboration, we added two more factions, where one is based on Outlaw Troopers and another one is based on Mechaworld.
And those backstories also really fit very nicely into the whole lore of Machiavellic, so that was also really cool to work on.
And all these factions within the game operate as community-driven entities.
So where members of every faction can collectively vote on decisions that sort of impact the faction's operations.
But for example, how the rewards are given out distributed. So it's kind of a democratic voting system empowering that community aspect of the game.
And also, it can shape the storyline and lore a bit of the game. With that, I mean, for example, imagine that in one of the factions, the player who holds the supreme leader is like a complete dictator and has the vast majority of faction rewards given out to himself.
Then it's pretty likely he's not going to be in power for very long, right? He'll be overthrown at some point.
But if there's a good leader in place who sort of respects the democracy there and treats people fairly, then there is a good chance that that faction will also grow a lot in popularity and with that in power.
There is a limitation in how many officers there are perfection. So basically, how many military ranks there are perfection.
But there will also be sort of civilian characters for every faction, and there's no limit on that. So that is also how the game can grow.
I mean, with the officers that we're distributing right now, there's just a set amount of those and those can also die in the PvP battles.
But we set up the game also for potential big growth and additional characters for that can be made sort of just as civilians that are also taking part in it.
I mean, those civilians obviously have less power. There are sort of less good NFTs than the officers.
But yeah, they can still take part in factions and do their share of the voting and also sort of grow factions and with that shape the storyline and lore of the game.
So yeah, the more I talk about it, the more excited I get.
Yeah, you definitely like really piqued my interest when you mentioned like supreme leaders and you said whoever is holding the supreme leader and then you brought up officers.
So let me ask this kind of a follow up. Is the supreme leader, is that like a position that's voted on by the faction or is that something that you acquire?
It's an NFT. Yeah, so it's something.
All right. Okay. Very cool.
All right. I think that's all I've really got about gameplay. If you're listening below and you have questions about Machiavelli, you like to come up and ask my team, please go ahead and raise your hands so I can invite you up.
See what's being said in the comments. Let's go FGL.
Let's go FGL. Thank you Optic, Waxgang, Miggy. Shout out.
Magic killer is all about FGL too and then Zoom is loving the blockchain. Thanks for the comments, guys.
You know, like also to sort of go a little bit back on like memory lane, some of these people who listen to all of this might be thinking like, oh, this reminds me of other games.
You know, while developing Machiavelli, inspiration was definitely drawn from Ultima Online, but also EVE Online, Albion. I've never played Albion myself, but the team is kind of big on that as well.
So yeah, taking the best parts of all of those and pouring that into an economy that works well on blockchain.
I think I played EVE Online for four weeks, maybe 20 years ago, and it's still something that is very fresh in my mind, that experience and some of the stories that have come out of there.
So yeah, I can talk about that for a while. So let me just show you.
It's still going strong, right? I mean, yeah, that game has been going strong for 20 years.
The traders, the turncoats, the intrigue and the spy stuff. I love reading about those.
So let's talk a bit more about the background a little bit.
So you've been, and I think you mentioned this earlier, you've been in touch and contact with the team for almost like a decade and a half.
But you've also been advising on Machiavelli directly for a little while now. So let me ask you, what has the development experience been like for you?
Yeah, it's been interesting because when I first, I mean, I got to be honest, when I first started talking with this team, I was just zoning out of the amount of information.
I was like, what? You know, why do you have to be so ambitious? Why don't you just start with something small?
I had weekly calls with them just catching up how things were going. And with every call that we had, I got sort of a better grasp of what it's going to be.
And I got to see more of the artwork and the animation bits and stuff that they were working on.
And they got me more and more convinced, like, hey, this team is on to something. This can really be something.
Yeah, so, yeah, that's like I said, it's been it's been going on for a bit more than a year.
Yeah, I think, yeah, some something like that. No, actually, you know, two years ago, it's it's it's 24 already. I still getting used to that.
No, it's around two years ago or something. I started talking with this team. And yeah, like the end of last year is when we really actually summer last year is when we really started talking about getting them onto wax.
Yeah, and then end of last year's force when we announced it and did the first drop and everything. And the wax development is has been going really well. Very happy with that. Also, it's been going quite quite smooth.
So, yeah, you know, I'm really confident that this team can pull off all the things that you're promising.
Let me I think this is about all the questions I had prepared, but I do have some other ones that came up while we are chatting. I do want to maybe give a little bit of attention to your mentioned a couple drops coming up.
And the first in the game of the first game of the season, the first phase of the game tongue tied will be launching next week.
So what can players be looking forward to seeing as far as drops for Machiavellick?
Yeah, so there's actually currently already a drop live that, yeah, like originally started this drop a little before Christmas. There's still a few of the officer commission passes like those packs. There's still a few of them up.
Like, meaning that, you know, you get a pack of three random officers and, you know, could be high ranks could be could be low ranks. What's dropping tomorrow is the plots like the cabin plots that is the cabins that are on board of the spaceship.
And yeah, like, there's there's like, also, these are sold in packs and every pack has one random type of cabin plots and there's like bigger ones and smaller ones.
And the bigger the plots, the more officers that can be placed in it. And with that, you can earn bonuses while sort of, you know, while we're on on the spaceship on our way to to the planet.
So this you kind of kind of see this as a salary bonus, but also a bonus in voting power within the factions and a little bit of sort of like a discount on the training and the crafting duration.
So later in the game where you're like, you know, working on strengthening your, your character and your crafting things that you get. Yeah, you know, your, your crafting will be will take a little, little less long than the standards duration.
So that's kind of the perks that come with getting your cabin on board of the spaceship, you know, your, your big star hotel suite on the spaceship, basically. So that's dropping tomorrow.
Yeah, and then next week on the 15th is when we're launching that first phase of the game where you also then get to sort of see the spaceship and get to see the cabins and things.
Awesome. This is exciting. And then, um, can I mention what's going on February 14th? Has that been announced yet?
Um, I have to check with Roger. I know he's in this call somewhere.
Okay. All right. Well, there's going to be something I know. Um, uh, we're working on something for wax hub as well. So if you're a wax hub ambassador, um, make sure you stop by our discord and check out we got coming from Accuvelic as well this week.
I'm going to be posted a little bit after our space ends today. Yeah. Oh no, actually, yes, it is announced. Sorry. I see it in our calendar. So yes, I can announce that on the 14th to celebrate all of this to celebrate the, you know, the NFT sales and the launch of the game, we're holding a raffle.
Um, so that will be, uh, February 14th, uh, six PM UTC. Um, and during that raffle, you can, uh, win some plots and some, uh, office officer commissioner packs. Um, so some pretty, pretty hefty prices because like, you know, the plots, uh, that's something, you know, the plot packs go for 3000 wax.
The, uh, the officer commission, uh, passes the packs that go for like, um, uh, 500 wax for a single one or 1500 one for, for a three officer pack. Um, so some pretty cool prices. And, uh, yeah, I think Tommy, you can tell a bit more about the wax ambassadors that are going to give out raffle tickets.
Yeah. So this will be, um, launching just a little bit after our space today. Um, I'll be announcing it. Um, and we'll be, um, wax ambassadors will have a handful of raffle tickets to be giving away to followers who are interacting with different comments or, um, either doing an X campaign, reacting a live stream, um, if they're putting out videos. So however they like to, um, distribute, that'll be up to them, but they'll be handing out some raffle tickets. Um, those we've asked to be, please be sent to the raffle wallet.
Uh, Machia Velio and I'll have that. We'll have that posted out a little bit later. Once we start putting out the information for this, we get that wallet correct. But please have that sent before, um, the raffle goes live. Uh, you said 6 PM UTC, right? Yeah, that's right. So let's make sure that if you're going to participate, you get your Machiavella raffle tickets sent in before 4 30 PM UTC. Just give a little bit of lead time for everything to get in there. You're not waiting till the last minute. Yeah, that
is. And I'll be working with Roger on that. So exciting stuff come from Machiavella. Absolutely. Alright, so next question I have here. Um, so Machiavella are Machiavellian. When I hear the, hear the name, it's like, it almost seems like, um, very cunning and sneaky, um, is what I think of. So like, how did that, is that how you guys came up with the name? How is the name Machiavella
and, um, yeah, that's, that's really sprouting from mostly from the brain of Santiago, I think, because, uh, yeah, the name Machiavella was inspired by the 15th century history around, uh, like Florence. Uh, um, uh, yeah, like this era witnessed the, um, you know, yeah, entry, lots of entry, lots of like, um, entry, right. Very sneaky and very, uh, like, um,
by the Medici family, the Borgia family, uh, Machiavelli himself, you know, um, a lot. Yeah. Like you say, a lot of intrigue, you know, I'm a bit of a history geek myself as well. But I have to say about this part of history. If you go down this rabbit hole, there's like so many big fat books to read about this. Um, because there was so much happening at that time. You know, when you think about it, it was also the time of Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo and like so many new inventions were done.
Like, you know, for those people, they really probably thought like, Oh my God, every day, something new is invented. And now like we live in 2024 and I'm like, Oh, wow. There's so many new inventions, you know, like AI and blockchain and like all that stuff. So I'm kind of wondering, like, if you could compare that, you know, would it kind of be feel the same for those people back in the 15th century? You know,
Yeah, I think, um, we really wanted when you have to think about just thinking myself back, like maybe 30 years, um, and trying to think imagine what the world's going to be like, it wasn't anything like I thought now. So I mean, everything that has it's expanded my expectations for sure. Um, I think everybody who live in interesting times get to have that kind of experience where all there's all this new stuff coming for sure. Yeah. Yeah. But definitely like this, this whole period of like, uh,
new world, new inventions in, like you say, intrigue and politics is so much happening. And that kind of aligned with sort of the whole setup and like the lore and backstory of this game, where also like this population is really reinventing itself. There's a lot of politics between all the factions. There's so much happening with all the, like the exploration of a new planet. So yeah, that's kind of, yeah, what, what definitely inspires the, the Machiavellic name.
And then another thing that's very striking, um, on the website itself that I've seen is, is the art. So can we talk a little bit about, um, the art, um, that's that I'm seeing, um, from Machiavellic. Um, first, I want to ask, like, who are, who are the artists, like, who are designing all these characters and stuff?
Yeah. So the team is very, very distributed. Um, so the main artist, uh, is, uh, yeah, his name is Jonathan and he lives in Madagascar. Um, so yeah, he kind of kicked off the visual process, um, sort of, you know, for how this Machiavellic world should look and feel. Um, and then most of the art team, um, like the rest of the art team is mostly based in Thailand, um, uh, under the direction of art.
Um, yeah, art, the art guy, I know. Uh, so, um, he's like, they're mainly working on the 3d modeling and the assets creation. Um, and then the animation, uh, and like that, the high res modeling and stuff, um, that's mostly done by Yoon, uh, who's also located in Thailand. Uh, so he specializes in those areas.
Um, yeah. And then Santiago, like to sort of the, the, the leader of the project, um, yeah, kind of mostly has that sort of, uh, the, uh, the crucial role in, in, uh, yeah, maintaining the creative direction and, um, yeah, sort of making, making sure that arts and animation sort of all follow along the, the same path and the same style.
Uh, but it's definitely like a collaborative process. It's not like Santiago, like he's, uh, you know, like making every decision. Um, you know, all the artists definitely sort of weigh in, in the way that sort of the characters and the factions and everything should be shaped.
Um, so yeah, I'm, uh, very happy sort of with that, that the dynamics, um, uh, I said every, you know, like all the pictures that I look at on the website, it all looks very dynamic.
Um, and that's, you know, it's, that's not like only sort of static characters and static images.
Um, so that also kind of sets it apart a bit from the artwork that we see from, uh, from, from most projects and also from, from other FGL products, to be honest.
Um, like the Machiavelli artwork looks, looks far more like it's, it's in motion.
So, uh, yeah, I can't wait to see it all animated.
Yeah, just scrolling through the site.
Um, I can, I think I can tell like big influences for some of this is definitely, I definitely get a star craft vibe, like the, like the big shoulders are definitely giving me like that big Warhammer 40 K vibe.
Yeah, yeah, definitely.
It looked so, for me.
I wonder how they look left and right though.
Like I can't really wrap my head around that.
Yeah, this is this for me, right?
Just speaking for myself, this is like exactly like what I like.
I love seeing space, um, big star craft, big shoulders, big armor and space Marines.
It's just so, it's so cool to me.
That's, I love it.
I like these.
And then I see on like, also you've got all these like different skills and, um, set up too.
And that's like, definitely like, um, reminding me of just different MMOs.
Like you said, um, give them most of the play.
And, um, it just looks really, really, really detailed.
Really appreciate that.
All right, folks, if you've got questions for, um, about Machiavelliq or for, uh, um,
Martine here, Glenn, raise your hands.
Um, we are getting towards the end of our show.
I just want to make sure I didn't skip anything.
Um, is there anything that I, that I maybe glossed over Martine, that you wanted to give a little bit more information or something that you particularly, um, haven't mentioned yet,
but are really excited about when it comes to Machiavelliq?
Oh, I think we're really thorough and we went through a lot.
Um, I mean, I'm obviously very excited about Outlaw Troopers and Mecha World becoming part of the Machiavelliq lore.
Um, I mean, as you might know, I was like the main game designer behind Mecha World.
Um, and, uh, you know, I gave them, I gave the team a bit of a hard time about implementing Mecha World in the right way into the lore.
Uh, cause of course I wanted it to align with everything that I wrote already for the, for the Mecha World website and sort of that backstory.
Um, but yeah, really happy with how the team integrated that and yeah, same for, for Outlaw Troopers and sort of the, uh, the, uh, character that they created there and how they portrayed a faction.
It just sits really well with, um, with, with how we already, uh, sort of develop the backstories of those two existing games.
Um, so yeah, that's, that's something that I was just really amazed with and I cannot wait to see, uh, the factions, uh, in action.
I was, I was not sure if I wanted to ask for too many more details, but are you able to go into the lore at all about how Outlaw Troopers and Mecha World factions kind of come into play?
Cause I know it's going to be a big one for everyone on the WAX side, um, to learn how these will interact with this new game.
If you can, I don't want to, you know, I don't want to get the cat out of the bag, so to speak.
Um, yeah, like the, the, sort of the details of the balancing are not sort of super set in stone yet.
But if you have already NFTs of Outlaw Troopers and of Mecha World, that will of course also have a, an influence on, uh, your presence in, in Machiavellic in, in those factions.
Um, you know, how exactly, yeah, that's something sort of still, you know, discussing within the team, uh, could also be like, um, uh, you know, like a small, um, uh, how do I say that?
Um, you know, like some, some higher stats or something for, for your characters, just like buffing them up a little bit or perhaps like faster crafting.
Um, yeah, like I said, that's something with the balancing that we're still working on.
Uh, but yeah, we do definitely want to make sure that if you have NFTs of Outlaw Troopers or Mecha Worlds, that, uh, yeah, you can, uh, sort of, uh, have a little benefit in this game as well.
I think that's really great that, um, you're able to not only include them in the lore, but also give, um, added perks, um, to people who have been playing Outlaw Troopers out with Ubers and Mecha World this whole time.
Yeah, that's something that has always been very important to us.
Um, and as you might know, in Outlaw Troopers, you also get like a little benefit if you have Mecha World NFTs and you can like, you know, bring them on to your Outlaw Troopers battles, uh, same with your Cosmic Clash ships that you can also then bring over to, to your Outlaw Troopers game.
Um, so, you know, we don't have like a full web of crossovers yet, but we do try to facilitate all these crossovers as much as possible.
Um, so yeah, when Mecha Vela came on board, that was kind of a bit of a no-brainer to integrate for us.
Yeah, I think, um, like I said, I think it's really great to be able to give extra perks to people who've been, who've been with you and who are excited about what's coming up next.
Yeah, for sure.
Alright, so let me go ahead and check, check this thread one more time, and then I think we're, go ahead and we can close it down for today. I don't see any questions in the thread.
Martin, thank you so much for joining me today. I want to give you such a huge thank you. Um, and, you know, obviously for giving us all the details on Machiavella. It was been a pleasure to have you join us here on Max Wednesday.
Yeah, thank you too. This was really fun. And I mean, we went like really deep into the game. So thank you for that opportunity.
Because yeah, I'm like, like I said, I'm very excited talking about it. And, you know, like, this, this hour kind of flew by just talking about everything that's happened in that game. So thanks for the opportunity.
Yeah, definitely did. So if you're listening below and you're not already following on the FGL team, go ahead and give them a follow right here on X. Martin, is there any other final thoughts or anything you'd like to share with the community before we shut it down?
Well, just check out the drop for tomorrow. Check out our drop page on Nifty. You know, check out the game that's going live on the 15th.
And keep an eye on the WAX ambassadors for the raffle tickets so you can take part in our Valentine's Day raffle.
Perfect. Thank you so much.
Thanks so much, guys.
All right. Okay, WAX. Thank you all for joining our space today. If you're listening right now below, if you're listening to the replay later on, I appreciate you tuning in. We will be off next week on Valentine's Day and we'll be back on February 21st.
Now, if you haven't checked it out yet, you can head over to makiavella.io and learn more about the game and also check out the FGL discord. I'm sure that there'll be adding more and more stuff there as far as as far as the integrations and as the integration develop.
So if perfect. Thank you, Martin. And then now if and now and if Topia's WAX Wednesday space is going to start in just a few minutes. So make sure to hop in. Check out all that's going on in this double dose of WAX Wednesday and I will see you next time. Happy Lunar New Year, everybody.
Happy Lunar New Year, everybody.