WAY Beyond the PFP

Recorded: June 5, 2023 Duration: 1:27:03



Right everybody welcome welcome welcome
Thanks everybody for coming to the space gonna have some more people cycle in I'm sure
but a lot of big stuff happening with the Utes the Azuki and
The pudgies a lot of things so very exciting stuff
So let's check in with our wonderful co-hosts Sansa, what's going on?
My mic set my mic set wasn't set up as soon as I unmuted her like I'll shit
I don't know if this is gonna get through but we're good. We're good. Ah
Just you know regular Sunday night
At least for me
I know some some of us are in different time zones, but man, I'm doing great a lot to keep up with honestly
There's a lot to have been keeping up with almost. It's almost like three different
Divisions of the NFT space it kind of feels like but we'll jump into that a little bit later
But man, my weekend has been and fucking
You know when you successfully like kind of was the word dopamine detox a little bit
That's what this weekend kind of was and it was more of a minor one, right?
I didn't like I obviously still looked at my phone, but like, you know
Relatively speaking. I'm like, okay, I was on my lows and now I'm you know cruising back up. So
Shout out to anyone who's able to do this sustainably while riding your highs. So
Just be careful, you know, look after yourself, but we won't turn it turn this into another self-help space
I know we got deep into that last time
Agents welcomed it. Maybe we'll jump back naturally back into it. That's that's besides the point
Agents, how are you my man? How would you weaken?
Yeah, my weekend was good
Got some golf in always always a blessing. I'm pulling a sanza right now and eating dinner while we're hosting this so
Apologies if if you can hear me munching on the general chow's
And then what today was great too, man. We had inner igloo over on the pudgy penguin discord and
Yeah, it felt like a mega community space because Frank the man himself shows up and I think A's from the
Azuki community was in there too. So it was just nice. It was a really good inner igloo and
Seeing how money
Like just seeing how many guys from your guys community are coming and attending and new faces. It's just it's always great
That's like the mark of success for me for any live event Twitter space
Whatever so long as I see one person who I haven't seen before you're doing good
Right, and there were dozens that I hadn't seen before in this inner igloo. So it was great excited to get into it tonight
Well, I guess I'll kick it off
With some developments that are going on with the Utes
Some very very exciting stuff. I mean, I think like, you know, the big thing is that they've consolidated all of the discords, right?
One discord for D gods Utes and Bitcoin D gods
It's really cool. Like I mean, it's pretty
lively in there, which is really nice like there's
You know a lot of discord group chats that are going on that kind of just happen in prompt to
People are getting pretty excited. The the Utes volume has ticked up ranks done some AMAs in there kind of
Dropping some alpha, which is really really cool. And then we've got the nouns the nouns Dao Utes
We're gonna be dropping all of our stuff pretty soon, which is pretty exciting
Why are you thumbs and down Sansa I I need it to go lower so I can buy it I
I'm I recognize my poorness and I need to go lower so I can sell my you and and buy it
You're not supposed to pump it yet
We talked about the smoky I texted you and I said bro, I need you to give me three weeks
Trying to get paid so I can fucking get this used noun
But now you're pumping it and now you're leaving me no choice
But to go and drain loops wallet so that I can take his nouns you and then I can you know
Respectfully and honorably or dishonorably in this case put it in my banner
So it looks like you know, I'm a legit nouns you instead of this, you know
Just I mean the contracts is beautiful of mine. I'm gonna use now, but let's be honest. There's no nouns you so anyway
I'm just kidding. I'm excited to hear about it. What are the thumbs down and put up on glasses?
Hold on. Hold on Sansa. What are the nouns glasses you like? What's the floor on those?
Cuz I'm about to pull the trigger on a you two it's like five you all decided to get on the rocket ship
Wow, well, I'm not
Like five to six be honest
Yeah, it's five to sixty man, but but but Asians Asians
Here's the thing the and and this is no disrespect to the the current ones at five to sixty floor
The good-looking ones are like eight
You know I'm saying like the ones that you you you would want and sport and like sport is your PFP
Those those are like well well above six seven. So
Elector someone out there. I'm looking I'm looking for those sleeper traits like in pudgy penguins. We have we have bowl cuts
pirate hats
biker helmets, you know all these little
Tricks aren't really rare or mid red. Don't get offended if you got one of those
I'm just saying the holder base is strong. So the floor is strong. I'm trying to find those sleeper
Utreids like I'm looking at this one with a 24k shoey and I'm like, oh, yeah golden
That's got to be pretty good. Nope weak ass holders. I can tell instantly from the open sit
All right, so like I don't even because every so often I'll be browsing blur looking at pudgy stuff
I'm like when I see a
When I see like a pirate hat get floored, right? I know
All right
That's somebody some farmers capitulating right like what are those traits that I need to watch out for and monitor the floor?
Cuz I'm not just gonna go and buy the cheapest one right now. I want to like actually feel like I'm
Doing my research, you know, like I
Come on, you know, it's crazy. It's like with the nouns. There's there's only six listed on OpenSea
right now out of
339 of them
Don't know. I think I honestly like my prediction for them. I think they'll probably get to 20th
Yeah, I mean smoky. That's a that's a 2% scarcity. That's that's nothing. That's it
Yeah, I mean I think like the thing is like so we're so we're we're forking the nouns down
on eat and
You know, we're gonna do the same thing. We're gonna do the daily auctions build up a treasury and
People within the nouns you will be able to access that Treasury. So I think with only
339 NFTs, it's so easy for whales to just come in if the auctions start doing well
Just run up the floor. I mean, it's it's it's such a small collection
so I'm pretty excited for it like honestly like I I I hope that it moons and then I just have like a very very
Expensive PFP. Yeah. Yeah, I don't really care on
Yeah, I'm dad. No smoky. I also heard that all Azukis with the wheat straw sword headphones and
Blue orange jacket very very rare very very rare
Can't get another zook. Oh, oh wait. Wait, that's my that's my PFP. That's crazy. Yeah. Well, so you get it
What did you get your Azuki for Sansa? What did I get it? I got it for 16 eat
So here's the thing here's the thing I the initial deal was
14.5 eat plus one beans and at the time that deal would have been like
15.5, right maybe maybe give or take a little bit 0.25 another eat or whatever
Then when it came time to yes with trade to happen
The guy was like straight up with me. He's like look
I'm just gonna floor this being anyway, so just pick whatever being you want to floor and
We'll just I'll just list it for that price and I was like
Sure. I was like, I don't care. I had three beans. I was like, I don't I don't mind giving up one
I'll give up the ugliest one anyway, Florida
And I and I bought it for
So that's that's what I got my my zuki for clearly work and we're up now
But you know, I smoking I'm not gonna wild that what was it was a while back when he was down
This was when eat was like I want to say equals like 1500
Yeah, yeah, 1500. Give it give or take a couple hundred dollars, but I will say that I
someone asked me the other day would you ever change your PFT and
like like like
Obviously and I was like well
It would have to make so much sense that people would love to change
So for an example, I host the special shot, right?
so the only way to me reasonably in my mind that I would change my PFP is if I got in a zuki with the
coffee cup and
For those of you that aren't aware the floor for the coffee cup is much much higher than the floor of just a regular
Zuki, I want to say it's about
27 right now, so I
Doubt that I'll be able to really realistically do that
But if I were to it would have to be like I would need one with the hairstyle that
Matches my hair and with the coffee cup at the same as that time. So like I
Long story short, it's probably not gonna happen and that's okay
I I got this a zuki for a reason because I resonated with it in the sense of uh
That is a PFP that I could see myself sporting. So
You know what I have people we're gonna go over to Mike it a little bit and this is by no means an attack on him
But I have people going at me like dude. Why aren't you changing it to the Bitcoin background with these zuki?
Don't you know everyone knows you own it you it doesn't matter if you lose your hexagon blah blah blah blah blah
I'm just like no, no just no I
Made I had a 45 minute spaces
About this fucking PFP change and on top of that I spent three
Like almost three months of sleepless nice
Trading my ass off up to this zuki like what the fuck makes you think I'm gonna be I'm just yes
I realize it's still the zuki. But anyway, I'm rambling way much more than I need to so Mike my man
How are you today?
Yo, what's good everyone
Sansa not gonna lie your background would look pretty I mean your zuki would look pretty damn good on an orange background
But uh, I mean that that might be just me
I just wanted to say to agents. I'm pretty correct me if I'm wrong smoky and loop and and Jay but I
Think that there's an equal amount of each trait in the youth's collection. So
There's no like rarity
but obviously there are traits that people like more such as the nouns or the crown or or the
the pimp coat
something like that
And I'm yeah, I'm just realizing that
Yeah, it's equal rarity, but that's gonna change because we're getting an art upgrade
So wait, yes, I hold on back up Frank Frank
Mentioned this during the inner igloo. You guys are upgrading the art again
No, no, they never upgraded it. No, no, it's still the same thing that we thought this is it
I think it's just more information ever upgraded you it's okay. Gotcha. Yes
Specifically about the nouns you like what utility do they really have?
So that way the floor goes down before it goes back up before they actually announce something, right? I honestly don't
You're you're rugged agents your agents agents you're working. Hey, can you hear me?
Yeah, you're good. You're back. You're back. Go ahead. Oh
Okay. Yeah
You can hear me fine. Was I actually running? No, no, no, you're bad. All right, good
Yeah, you were right. I don't give a damn. I don't give a damn about the utility
I just know a lot of sick people have youths
Okay, so I want I
To just know you're gonna part of that group, right? All right. Fuck it. I'm done. I'm gonna rejoin
Okay, wait, let me let me pivot just very slightly just for like a quick like 30 seconds. I
ordered a
bunch of pudgies
plushies while I was honest
I was co-hosting a space last Thursday with ship you all know him as BTC ship or bit shift
You know if you guys want to do that
If you know, you know you anyway point being is that I ordered like
I don't know. I think it was like 200 bucks of plushies of pudgy penguins and
The other day and they just came in today and let me tell you my wife came in with the questions
She was just like, can I cut the tag off? Can I you know, like are we allow?
Are you allowing our daughter to play with this because you seem a little serious with opening these package right now?
and I'm just like
just kind of like I
Realized at the moment that I was answering her within my head and I wasn't saying any answers and
I was like wait a minute
Hold on and then she goes are you just gonna keep ignoring me?
And it was it had been like three minutes of me just opening these fucking boxes and she's like, what's the answer?
I'm like, okay. Look look look look. Look. Sorry. Let's cut off the tags on the ones that
You know the baby wants to play with and let's maybe leave the other ones alone. Just for now until I figure out
what I want to do here cuz I just I just have a hard time believing she needs all
Of the plushies that I ordered, you know, so I like to think there's a little bit of collectible value there
But anyway, I'm excited about that. I'm excited to be posting proof of plushie for
Basically the next 12 weeks here because that's how many fucking plushies I now have in my house
Solely dedicated to pudgy penguins and at this point
I'm probably gonna end up buying more plushies that could buy me an actual pudgy penguin NFT
Not sure where I could go from here, but that's yet to be seen in the next few months. Anyway, let's head back here to
Luke I know he had his hand up during the youth discussion, but Luke go ahead my man what you got?
Yo, what is up guys? Happy Sunday
Yeah, I think I think you should definitely buy more more pudgy toys. I think that's the move
I should just bought a bunch yesterday
So that's gonna be fun when they come but yeah, I wanted to start a little sick. So gotta got got no voice here
But yeah, I was gonna say you're look you're sounding a little bit lower than usual my man. Oh, yeah
Oh, yeah, just had a finishing up a bachelor party and
Those are the worst now like
Like how many times how many times can 20 something you know guys go and just drink their face off for a weekend
In the same a lot a lot of time
In this in the same exact like I've had multiple friends and that we basically have the exact same weekend
Because in Vegas or Miami or whatever the city is
Yeah, anyway
So I think I think about this a lot like the the youth's
rarity structure
Like I think the team the team has said a lot that they think it was a mistake and that they're gonna fix it
with with the upgrade but to me like one of the most interesting benefits is that
The the the group that you're in is
Larger so you act you have a lot you have a lot better of an opportunity to actually make things happen like the the
You know you letics like they they've done so well and you know, I think nouns is the same way
They've done so well because there's so many potential contributors. There's you know likely 250 plus
potential contributors and like when when you have super rare traits
You know that group can't really do all that much like it like for you know crown noun
Which is which is my you I think there's only like eight eight of us
We're not gonna do anything that's you know crazy or special together
But you know as the nouns or as the crowns there's 300 of us and there's so much more power to be able to get
Good stuff done. So I'm almost like I almost don't want them to change it
And you know, I think I think probably with it
whatever they're gonna do is gonna be dope because I just think that they've been working on this for a long time and and
They they generally see things very clearly
But I think that's a huge benefit that I hope in some sense where we're able to keep after the art upgrade
Well, I know that they said that least like, you know, like Grails will be still be Grails
Obviously the nouns are going to stay the nouns like in some way shape or form. I think the crowns
probably going to
You know stay the crowns
so I think it's just gonna be very interesting to see what they come up with with this art upgrade and
Like for me like I've just like branded with this you I really like the you but like I am
Like all in with the D lab. So like whatever they do. I'll just
Change and go with it. You know, I'm sure it's gonna be great
I'm sure I'll really like it, but I do have two youths
and I actually combined those two youths to make like I just put the noggles on my old you and
You know have this so I could like stick with the branding but um, yeah
I'm really excited just to see what they do. I actually holy that's fucking majestic smoky
Thank you
my buddy just bought a
Nouns this morning. He like sold an APD God and then with some of the prophets
You know, he went and bought a noun switch, which is really exciting. I mean man, I really wish Sansa and
You would get into the nouns. I think you'd really like it
It's like a I mean the group like the people that it's attracted into that group are
Incredible. It's like a bunch of venture capitalists. It's a bunch of like, you know, like super
Do not make me apply for a loan right now
Just so I can get into the nouns that okay look look look
I have a confession while we're on this topic and since I just basically prompted myself without realizing it I
Did apply for a loan, you know last year. I was like, you know what? I think I'm gonna do this
I'm gonna try to get into the D God community. Finally, I have like it was really more of I can pay it off
When anytime I want I just don't want to put so much money up front, right? I have the credit
I'm not worried about it. Yada. Yada. Yada. Yeah, right. So like before anyone's like, oh my god
He's so irresponsible with this money. Shut the fuck up
I I had the amount of money that I was borrowing for I just wanted to keep more in the savings accruing interest
While also paying off the monthly idea you guys get it. Anyway, the when the loan
Finally cleared which by the way, this is what pissed me off so much, right?
I was ready if the loan had cleared within three days
I would have been I would have had a D God right now would have had a D God
It took ten fucking days and you know what happened in the ten fucking days
It went up above the loan amount and well more before I could really even buy it and then I turned to my wife
I said well fuck it
I guess we're paying off your car instead since the low payment is lower than your stupid car and she looked at me and go
Why are you upset about this? And I'm like because I wanted this JPEG, babe. You don't understand
I wanted the JPEG. We don't have to pay off your fucking car. But now we will since the money's here and
That's the story of how we finally paid off my wife's car instead of buying a D God
But yeah, you should have spent it. You should have spent it on a nouns. They're probably well
I didn't know it was a thing then smoky. Okay, I didn't know. Okay, God damn it
anyway, long story short
Obviously the lesson here is only borrow if you can afford the whole amount that you're borrowing with so that you don't have to spend
It all in one place
But um and also probably not the best responsibility to use it on JPEG
But anyway, anyway that that that that is a little confession I have there
But I will be looking towards the nouns smoky
I'll be working my way towards it without borrowing another fucking loan because I'm still paying it off
Anyway, I can't or you got your hand up. I'm in what you're thinking
Yeah, yeah, that sounds about right I literally had to load that up. I'm sorry
It was just I planned that for five minutes because you did it before and I was like, okay
This is nuts and then I missed my time and then I was like, oh my god. He's doing it again
So I went and took the liberty to that but no seriously though
I I do think this is interesting because I'm looking at a lot of NFT analytics
specifically on aetherium and like I think this is honestly in a
Designation of like a changing of the guard right like not saying that you sir Zukis are overtaking like Yuga assets positions
But what I will say is I said this on a space the other day
the last NFT run was
You know at least the micro run not like the full-on
2021 run that was led by Yuga assets and now we're starting to see a lot of this
momentum happening from the Zukis with their event at Hakusan as well as a lot of the
Things being done with the pudgy penguins and just d gods in general like we're starting to see a lot of volume going into those
collections, oh, sorry
It's going into a lot of those collections and I just think that in general this could be a really really interesting summer
I think that you're gonna see like a changing of the guard in the sense of what
Projects are going to be held as the new quote-unquote blue chips
Like I definitely like this is not financial advice, but obviously punks are like og og like nothing
You know I'm saying like they'll always be blue chip and I'm never I'm not saying that apes are not blue chip either
But I don't know if you understand like the ratings but like like s tier
Right like I think some of the projects that were like s plus tier are going to s and s minus tier
I think some might even go down possibly to a plus and I think there are some projects that are in high B's and
Mid A's that are possibly going to go into the s tier like I definitely see it happening because there's a lot of money
That hasn't been utilized
properly by a lot of projects and they kind of slipped up and you're seeing the other projects take advantage of that and
and really push forward and
Bring in just a unique type of energy right now because you know
Like remember we're still in a trough right like we're recovering from a bear
So these types of projects that are gaining momentum now
Especially when we hit like a true bull run like once we break past certain levels
Like I think that this will solidify a lot of projects for the next run for quite some time
Like I'm curious to hear your thoughts on that. I know, you know, this is primarily dominated by you know
The the three communities we have in here the major communities, but in general like I'm curious to hear thoughts on it
Yeah, let's let's real quick Luke you shot your hand up in the middle that let's throw it over to you first go ahead
Yeah, I just I think that's a great point Cantor
Like and I hate saying this
but like I've looked through I've looked through kind of the top community members of every single community like every web3 community and
Oh, sorry, I bumped the E button there, but and if you look at apes
There are a lot of great people
And I have a lot of friends with apes and and they're awesome and there are a lot of people doing fantastic things
But they're not nearly as active as many of the other communities
And if you if you look at apes over the last, you know year or two, you know
You have the other side drop which was you know, but honestly ridiculous
And at any any ape will tell you that like that the gas spent was was ridiculous and it was a pretty poor choice
By the team, I think
And you know to be fair
I think there are other options were like, you know
Everything was gonna get the probably their website was gonna get, you know DDoS attacked
But it's rather it's rather that than people spend it spend, you know millions and millions and millions on gas
And then you have, you know their ordinals drop which like decreased in value, which is the first first, you know
For a or you gas that that has ever done that
After after mint price, so I think like I I do think at you know
At the drop of a hat you go could could immediately change this around
But I think if you just if you look across the landscape of web 3 there are kind of you know
the the the
Collections that I've that were you know did really well in the bull market
and then now you have these collections that it's kind of a subset of web 3 of
collections that have really thrived in the bear market because of community and
I think that's what we're gonna see over kind of the next six months and I agree with the changing the guard and I
Think it's like to me. It's it's not it's not about especially right now
It's it's not about like is whatever better than you go as you get better than this or as a Zuki, you know
It's it's really not about that
I think it's just there there's a set of people that are in a working really hard to do good things in web 3 and
Ultimately, those people are gonna win, you know
No matter what PFP they have and I think we're just seeing this really unique time in web 3
Like we're at the worst of the worst like I tweeted this the other day
Like the other day was maybe the worst thing I've been in crypto for six years six seven years now
Like one of the worst days I've ever seen even you know past past the ICOs the ICO craze and in 2017 and all those scams
Like we definitely saw some pretty bad just crazy stuff happen over the last two three months
And you know, I think what we're seeing is like now now people have like try to make the decision
Okay, like what is our web 3 because it's not that and I think we're seeing that decision being made right now
And that's why I think you know, the next six months are gonna be probably the most exciting we've seen in web 3 yet
Yeah, man, I mean I think like
you know the
Reason why Sansa agents and I have come together and and our communities meld so well is because how active
The communities are of the projects that we're in, you know, and I mean I was just looking on on NFT inspect
Right, like so I've had my you PFP for 200 days
So that's like that was the first day of the art reveal
So the youths have only been around for 200 days and already we're starting to see
you know, some of these powerhouse content creators
Come out right like that's still pretty new community. And I mean, I think like just just looking at how well pudgy
I mean youths and
Azuki are doing like right now like in the bear market with with these communities
Like once things really start to kick off. I mean it's going to be insane. I mean if you think about it for the youths
Right, like if we're being honest, like nothing's happened yet
Right, like we've gotten the art and we've got community like nothing against it
But we haven't had the value driven back to the holders yet
Like we we bridge to another chain
We had the art reveal and we've got a really great community, right and we got a great founder that we all believe in
But you know D gods have gotten dust
D gods have had an art upgrade. They've had they got a youth for free, right?
So there's been all this value driven back to the D gods and and so yeah, they're sitting at 10th
But you haven't had any of that and we're still sitting at 2e4 at a with a 15k collection
so once things start getting going at least with the youths right like
We have all of these powerhouse content creators that have just been attracted to the youths naturally
So once season 2 comes out, I think that there's going to be a tidal wave of content
That has never been before like seen before with any project
I think it's going like obviously Frank is great at generating attention
But now I think for the very first time he has like this army of creators
That are within a project that can really come out with it
And I think like D gods has had that but not on the level of youths, right?
Like the the youths are just so active on the timeline
So I'm I'm really excited to see what that looks like. But Sansa go ahead. Yeah, it's milky
I first of all, I agree with everything both Luke and you said and I I
100% agree that D guys are simply
Content creator wise D guys are simply nowhere close to what use art is doing in
Terms of like being active on the timeline making sure the recognition is there and don't get me wrong
It's not that everyone's ignoring the D guys, you know collection
There's still somewhat comes back to them right in a way
But if we're talking about like, you know
Self-brand awareness, right? Like when I see Mike I see you when I see you I see you when I see Luke
I see you I like J toys
Ununcertain that you fucker. I was like, wait a minute. How how am I supposed to say that?
Anyway, no, but
I just feel so stupid for recognizing that in the middle of it
but like it just shows that
The attention in a way has shipped it right and in the best way possible
right and not not say that there's not I love to see the the analytics on the NFTs and
More so shipping towards the communities that deserve it
And in the sense of like for example, I've had my zuki PFP for
128 days which feels like baby shit compared to your 200 days. That's okay. That's okay. We're working on it
We're not changing anytime soon
especially not now
But you know and it's just one of those things that when you see something like that opening your yeah picture for and 500 days
Come on, man. Couldn't be me. Sorry. All right
Let's relax there. Let's relax. You you really I mean Asians come on you were praying for a while in the middle there king
Don't worry. You and I both know damn. Well, you were like, oh Jesus. What am I really doing here?
I'll just get to go to real estate and focus on that for a little bit. Take my mind
I'm just kidding. But no, I I think I think it really speaks to just everything that's going on with
content creation and I think we're all slowly realizing like when you look at people like
Alice jm, right the reason is zuki higher
You see his content. They're both relatable to both web 2 and web 3 right and you see someone like gentle tornado
Doesn't really do a lot of web 3 right doesn't really do a lot of web 3 does a little bit more heavy on web 2
But he is someone that participates in web 3 spaces
So I think that's where he kind of bridges the gap a little bit more on his front
But when you really think about it how and also obviously fucking Asians here
Who's got 100k plus fucking follower on Instagram and decided to tell us about it after we started hosting these spaces together
I guess he just wanted to make sure we really loved him for him, which we obviously fucking do but I
Think that is the real challenge, right?
The first the first actual challenge is getting started getting growing your account getting a little bit
You know what we would consider growing blowing up getting big whatever whatever
But then realizing okay
Well, there's only so much that we can gather attention from in this web 3 attention economy. Think about it
It's fucking brutal, right? If you're not talking about ordinals, if you're not talking about the current trauma or meta today
If you're not talking about, you know, just something that's relevant
You're probably not gonna get as much attention as you like and again, there's nothing wrong with that
But if you're here for the long term
But if you're here to kind of make sure you're picking up momentum a little bit consistently
Then you kind of have to go into this little bit of a I don't want to say trap
But into this little bit of a lull of like, okay
Well, let me try and understand what this is about
let me try and get into this little wave of things so I can understand how to take this and
Adapt it to what my current content strategy is right Lou by stress
He's gonna have to talk about ordinals at some point. He can't ignore it, right? There are people everywhere with fucking orange backgrounds
Yeah, and that's what I'm saying though
But like if this had him blown up you wouldn't you wouldn't have done it you you might have you might have but let's be real
Like you you might have you might have just brushed past it because there's another topic that's more important for you to talk about
Respectfully I'm gonna finally shut the fuck up cuz Asian that had his hand up and then we're gonna throw it over to Mike after
Asians was good
Not did I think I think you bring up a lot of a lot of good points
We are very much limited by the amount of users in web 3 right now, right?
so and the amount of users in web 3 are limited by
The cycle of the market, you know, it's no surprise. We're in a bear. So attention is down
So when I look and why I'm you know in this space with you guys is exactly what you're saying
Which communities are out there that has creators who are still building in the bear, right?
Because when the bull comes back
Those creators are all gonna absolutely blow up
Right because the user base will grow the attention will grow. So I think
examining from a
Perspective of which community is out there with people still trying to build a brand that
Is gonna be springboarded once once the numbers are back, right and
pudgy's youth's d-gods
bazooki beans I
Don't know if it's just my algorithm or my timeline, but these are really
the vast majority of the profile pictures that I see still
Still putting in the work every day, right? They didn't exit
so and then of course, you know apes will always be there punks will always be there but
Going back to you know, who's moving from a tier up to S tier
I think it I think it becomes a little more obvious when you look at it through that lens
Well, you know agents like I
Had a good conversation with my buddy who's like a big crypto youtuber and he was just you know
Cuz I was like talking to him. I was like
You know, I think I was telling me, you know, I was like, yeah, I'll probably get to like 50 60,000
Followers in the bull market. He's like no man. It'll be like
200,000 300,000 like you're already like building this platform in
The bear market and once the bull comes like you're already gonna have such a strong platform
That like everyone's just going to be like attracted to it
He can use like I think I told you guys this before he used like this analogy of
It's like you're building an ice cream shop in winter, right? Not many people want ice cream
But one summer comes you've already got your ice cream store built and everybody else that is the best fucking
I've heard yeah about the bear to bull market. Holy shit. I'm still in that one. I
Do it. He's like dude. He's like a super gig of brain man. He's super awesome
Yeah, you should check out his videos his name's Jesse echo. It's just on YouTube
But um, yeah
Okay, I didn't want to interrupt you
It's not even just it's not even just building a platform. It's building a network
To right having your having your finger on the triggers in the space because you don't know who's gonna blow up, right?
Obviously, there's people who it's very obvious sounds a smoky the people building these platforms
But then you got like giga Chad traders like bog down there in the audience
I don't know if he's listening, but I'll shout him out, you know
He's not really he used to host a lot of Twitter spaces
But I wouldn't classify bog as someone who's growing his following off of Twitter spaces. He's just doing it from
Honestly having good calls good takes and making good plays, right? So what's he gonna be at in the next cycle and you know
Not for nothing. Yeah, it's a it's a little egotistical and selfish bog
But I'm happy you're my friend because when you're at five hundred thousand followers
I hope to God you're still my frickin friend and whether it's bog or somebody else
I know that if I make friends with as many people as possible
I'm gonna hit on a couple million plus follower count
I'm putting jockeys on a lot of horses my what and speaking of network
Let's grow our network of people who are participating and learning way beyond the PFP
By retweeting in the bottom right hand corner. We got 53 people in here six
Retweets that is an engagement level of less than seven percent. Nobody checked me on that map. It's the retweets
My that way hold on Mike real quick that was a fucking brilliant way of sick
I had no idea where you go with that but also Bob
Just remember me smokey as well. Not just agency. I buy affiliation. You have to remember us as well
So I appreciate that. I mean we already follow each other
But you know now now my slide notes DMS a little bit like hey, it's up. Remember me from before your many followers
Yeah, anyway
I'm out here incubating bro. I am out here major
I'm a major league team and I am scouting lucy. All right
I don't care if you have 10,000 followers or 10 followers
There are some people out there who have 400 followers who should be like
20 times that amount and I can identify them. I can see them you plant the seed it harvests
In the bull. All right, and I'm ready to well, you know, you know, you know who else is is one of those underrated follow
Mike Mike who has his head his hand up for a long time and strengthening that shoulder Mike. What's up, man?
Yeah, I just wanted to go back to to smoky's point about
When he was kind of like explaining the youth's community and I I just want to say that that was that was definitely done
intentionally and if you go back to the whole application meta
Youth's was kind of the first one that that started that with scholarships
And I mean they they definitely did it right and as the first ones to do it, that's that's definitely impressive. So
The the creators and the builders that are that are part of the youth's community. I mean that was that was done intentionally, so
Yeah, I just I just really like the way that they did that
well, you know Mike like I think
Like I've done a lot of thinking about like why why are like the youth's like, why are they there's so many content creators?
Within the community and I think it's like first of all, like it's so brandable the youth, right?
It just looks really good. It just looks great. It's just it's unique. It doesn't look like anything else and
It's very brandable art
but then like our
founder Frank like we're inspired by Frank because Frank is this I mean, I
Mean, he's like the most forward-facing founder that I can think of right and and and obviously through like the big grinds
You know, he kind of gets off the timeline for a little bit, but nobody does engagement like Frank, but then
Frank will platform you right if you're in the youth's community or the D God's community and you're providing value to the community
Like Frank will use his platform to help you like he definitely did that for me
I mean, I I I think it would have taken
You know three times as long to get you know where I am
Without Frank's help like I never did there was some times where he was retweeting my stuff like a couple times a day
Like when I was like kind of you know in the middle like of you know
Maybe four months into hosting the youth's community space and that was massive man. So and I think it's the same
you know with with pudgy penguins and
Azuki like we all have these very active founders, you know that that have built up a following and
They engage with the overall web 3 space
right, and I think that that's something that's so important like obviously like yeah, like these projects are massive and
You know, they're already like doing well, you know
But I think you know, even it's a very good model for other founders to look at right you don't just
You know and like put stuff out about your project you engage in the overall wider web 3 space
To to be like hey, I'm I'm here like and I'm I'm just like, you know
I'm just in the NFT community too and I have like a you know
I have something to say about like the current issues that we're facing in this space and I think that
I know I know like Frank
Definitely does a really great job of that and obviously Luca I'm a little less familiar
with the Azuki founder as Agabond, but you know, he seems he seems to
You know do pretty well in the timeline. But yeah, I think that that is is something that's super important
But go ahead. Yeah. Yeah, so I wanted to bring that up a little bit
how about like because I feel like not a lot of people know right which is that
when you see
someone like them them at
Zuki specifically the community manager of Azuki
He definitely speaks on you know, a lot of the topics and on a per space basis, right?
yes, Zagabond isn't as present as as some founders are but I do think that and I
Touched on this topic a little bit earlier this week, which was that it's okay
That is not the founder himself every single time
It is someone who's basically like a branch of the like an extended arm of the founder himself, right?
In age and in the pudgy penguins team agents correct me if I'm on here
I think that's Lorenzo because Luca would be on spaces saying hey
Like I might get rubbed if I do like talk to Lorenzo he'll bring that up
Right and so like in in the Zuki team's particular case that's essentially them, right?
Dem is an ascension of Zagabond and not to say that Zagabond doesn't show up
But when he does, you know, he's got something to drop, you know, he's got something to say, you know that whatever he says
He's he's there's probably some sort of strategy or it's quite simply probably just a quick great update
About something that he just wants to bring up right most recent thing that I remember was he was on a space is about the
One-year anniversary of the Zuki and the FUD et cetera, et cetera
So people came up they asked questions and so there was a lot of there was a lot of talk there
So on that note
But I kind of want to bring up a little bit here and you know
We can go back to this topic
But I just want to bring up kind of something that I feel like not talked about as much the mystery and hype that goes
behind a project, right
The Zuki the Zuki party is coming up and I feel like this is something that needs to be talked about
The inflated expectations here, right?
Basically right now Zuki is like we're gonna have a party. We're gonna have an event whatever it's gonna be Vegas
It's gonna be the official event. It's gonna be on this day. Yada. Yada. Yeah, right almost
Immediately the space has started the talk started. Is it gonna be token? Is it gonna be in hair job?
Is it gonna be something blah blah blah blah blah, right, right? And it's just like bro calm the fuck down
Almost feel like people are expecting a beans airdrop to point out and for those you that don't know
Beans were airdrop Zagabond did an epic speech of check your wallet. Everyone checked their wallet. They got two
essentially, they were just boxes crates right then but they eventually turned into beans and
They started out with the floor of like five to six feet and people were buying them up, right?
And that was like peak right obviously because it was a lot of mystery
there was a lot of hype and so I
Kind of feel like it's coming back a little bit to shoot us in the foot up is plated inflated
Expectations which can be both which mostly is bad
But could be good for you know
Kind of like it keeps the team a little bit accountable keeps the found a little bit accountable
I will say this the team has done an extremely good job with
Managing the expectations right and that's something that not a lot of people will do or that's not something you'll see a lot
so I do want to talk a little bit briefly about it cuz I feel like use and pudgies are
Also, sorry D guys and pudgy. I know all very little little little
Technicalities here, but they're both all communities right now are doing the same exact thing pudgy penguins doing that with the pudgy toys
Manage expectations D guys. I feel like Frank is doing a relatively good job managing the expectation
So and I feel like a Zuki right now. There's a little bit of inflation of expectations leading up to the party
extremely interested but mostly an
Observation standpoint to see what happens in the next month
Regarding floor price regarding community sentiment regarding how many people are getting all of a sudden turn into flutters or how many people are gonna
You know end up becoming higher more have a higher conviction rate, etc
So I've gone on too long, but I needed to set the context here Asians. Go ahead
Common Sansa W ramble. I like it. You never have to apologize for going on too long
I wanted to ask I don't have much to say on the on the Azuki party
I'm sure you're gonna get airdrop liquor into your mouth. Anything else is just
Added Benny in my book, but smoky
Correct me if I'm wrong. I thought I heard something earlier. They combined the youth and D gods discord quick answer. Yes or no. Yes
Wow, so the argument for
Youth and D gods aren't the same community is getting very thin
They took away one one more of your of your arguments. I'm just saying I'm just saying you're now all in the same place
I just don't want to gloss over that
It's true, man
I mean, I I've I've done some thinking about this and like what it means like because like I'm a big community builder guy and
Like obviously the youth support the D gods and the D gods support the youths
You know, if you think about
48th Yacht Club, there's no mutin 8th Yacht Club Twitter
Right, and I would imagine there's probably no mutin 8th Yacht Club discord
Like I don't know for sure but like I know that there's no mutin 8th Yacht Club Twitter, right? Like they're they're one brand and
You know, I mean I think like the youths and the D gods like yeah, like they can be like two
Brands, but I think that it's better to have them under under the same umbrella
because we all like really like, you know if there's youths that don't have a D God and there's D gods that don't have a
We all like really support each other and like care for those community members. So I think it was a really good idea
I mean I've been in there and already like the vibes have been
Incredible like going in and just like interacting with everybody. It's super active and everybody shares
The same alpha chat, which is really cool
Right. I think we have separate chats like you like utopia and like, you know, like like D chat or whatever
But then we also share the same alpha chat. So I'm like, yeah, it's just I think it was really smart
But yeah, smokey smokey. I have a question
Can you put in a good word for me to the use whoever runs the use account?
I was followed before they turned into square PFP by them. I swear to God
I I remember very vividly getting followed by them when I got a sepsis on my application
So this is what happened. Good. Wait, wait, did you did you do the DID?
That the what no?
Okay, so there's this thing now. So this is what they did with this new discord. So they've they've created something it's called D
ID and what you do is you login you
Register your wallet and then you're eligible to be followed
By the main account with whatever NFT that you're holding. So this gives the community the ability
To obviously get a follow from the main account, which is great
but then also verify that the people that those accounts follow are real holders and they will get
Automatically unfollowed if the transfer if they transfer it out of their wallet
So it's really cool
and it also gives the
The people within the community the ability to verify who really is in the community and go and follow those people
So I think like the implications of this are gonna be pretty major and I'm really excited for it. But Mike what's going on?
Yeah, what's good guys
Yeah, no, I just I just wanted to say that I think that the new youth's discord
I guess the combined discord is is a pretty good idea and to agents point on are they are they the same community?
The BTC D gods are also in there as well. So I thought that was that was oh, finally
They're getting some love. I feel like they were getting ignored for a little bit, too. Jesus
There were people like wait a minute. Did I just pay one BTC for nothing? Yeah, anyway back to you Mike
Yeah, that's it I just wanted to say that the BTC D gods were also in the the D discord so
Yeah, but we are all combined as one community now
Yeah arguments are thin smoky arguments are thin we're gonna go to do see here
But I just want to say a lot of people on stage only one hand up
You know farmers feed us but not this type of farming guys
Not this type of farming you get those hands up you contribute to the conversation
Or at least give a quote retweet that says get the hell in here
Okay, you're allowed to stay on stage and engagement farm
But I better go into the quote retweets and see a gushing
Glowing review of the space that tells everybody who follows you to join it. That's all I'm gonna say now
Let's go to some hands you see what is up. There's still not there's no not enough of retweets either
So let's actually press that retweet button. It's not that hard guys. Just use your finger. Not that hard
Anyway, go ahead do see
Yo, what's good glizzy gladiators? Hopefully everybody's having a good day. I fucking love the energy here
I love tuning into smoky spaces and chopping it up with the boys
I just want to say do my boys here a fucking favor like they just said we got a shit ton of people in here
Like and retweet the pin pop well not the pink comment above
I don't know what the fuck this is
But do the one at the bottom left at the bottom, right the little blue or purple square circle
Whatever you're seeing down there drop a like or retweet a comment. Help your boys out
They they do this for us and you know, this helps us out directly
So I appreciate smoky and the co-host and everybody who just shows up to cryptlets Twitter daily
And the fact that you guys are all here grinding on a Sunday. Just make me more bullish on you guys
But yeah, dude, I just want to say hopefully everybody's having a wonderful day. I wanted to comment
Potentially about the D gods reaching 10 aetherium floor price if you guys haven't talked about that already
Dude, I think it's a huge milestone. I think there's a lot of a lot of room to grow
But dude, I'm really excited to see what they can do
I'm really excited what you are gonna do I know you three
I think sitting at like what one point seven five the twos to eat if I'm not mistaken to eat to eat
Yeah, I think there's a lot of upside
I think people are still seeing youth as technically like a third of a D god in floor price
So there's definitely a little bit of room to grow
But you know, I definitely see them going upwards of you know, three to four maybe even five eat
Maybe even larger than that, you know, you never really know
I just want to see what you guys thoughts on D gods reaching 10 eat was and what that means for you to directly and
Indirectly as a holder. I don't want to comment until I get announced you in my wallet. So
Especially I think I think they're overpriced. I think they're overpriced
They need to go down to like I don't know one maybe point five eat before we can really hope to go back up
All right. All right fodder. All right. Yeah, we know what should
Take I want Bob's take on this
What do you think D gods touching 10th any any general sentiments on what's been discussed? What's going on? Talk to me
You beautiful obese arctic
Did I haven't really been paying attention to NFTs for this week?
I'm I have like a four-year tuition a four-year college tuition at a at a premium university in ripple right now
and I'm gonna probably update that to a you know, a nice Midwestern house and
If it breaks if it gets above this resistance right now, but I mean it D gods were like fun
I don't know whatever Frank did with the royalties
I think it was really easy to farm and I don't know there was like a massive bid there and like the
holders are pretty
Diamond-handed honestly like no one I could like walk away from my screen and not get dumped into like that was nice
I just think that D gods are pretty legit even though I do like the youth more personally
And I if this ripple trade goes well, I think I might buy a bunch of youth
Because I know they got the new season coming up soon. I'm sorry a bunch
Yeah a bunch was was a bunch three
Understand the financial girth that is speaking right now
So I mean he just put it all out on the table and quite frankly, I'm in awe right now
I'm just you know mouth mouth wide open not in the way you guys
Anyway, he said a nice Midwestern house this man is fully prepared to throw $56 at youth
Yeah, what he says deploying capital he actually means he's deploying capital not just uh, you know
Just a nice easy Crips $5 bill at the screen like some of you degenerous. But anyway, yeah, so box I well
Why you're at it, you know, it's since you got such financial girth
You could throw tell me announce you I'll give you my you so like, you know, I'm giving you to eat
You know, it's nice trade. You know, it's nice trade. Anyway, I tried not a good look you get your own
You get your own plant to harvest during the bull. Okay, bog is bog is my plant
Okay, those are gonna be my million followers
Indirectly. All right, dude, I'm gonna get canceled before I get there. Hey, hello
I would totally get canceled before I got there. This is legitimate. Did I retweet it?
I quote tweeted that that fish with the DSLs like four times today
Just I thought of stupid things to do because I was just so bored
But yeah, I don't know I don't really care
I cared about followers for a bit, but I think they just come naturally anyway
And there's like five people left in the space right now
So there's no need to engage
I think now's the time to look at people to not follow because there's a lot of clowns that
Kind of expose themselves with the with the meme coins over the last couple of weeks
So it makes it pretty easy to unfollow some of these fools
But yeah, you don't got to rush anything man. These people are straight-up grifter. I mean, that's that's the space though
The game is the game. That's what I you know, like what are you gonna do? But you know, like I did this
Anyone anyone's goal if you're like really trying to grow a following anywhere is get
Get a letter after your following number, whatever that means on the platform. So for Twitter and Instagram, it's the K once you have a K
seriously, it's like
You just have to you just have to show up
I'm dead serious after I got 10k on Instagram so long as I posted even if it is like
Horrible stuff you'll just grow man. There's something psychological about it
So anyone wanting to grow their follower following count make 10,000 your goal. Don't thumbs me down golden
It's true. All right
I've grown multiple pages
Multiple pages past that number and there's some psychological barrier that gets broken at 10k
Do you know you know?
Holistic this holistic shit that people say and they're like it doesn't matter
You know, so long as you have 500 but no I'm gonna give you a realistic goal to work towards
It's 10,000 get to 10,000 before the ball and everything's on autopilot. Okay, I will give it to you straight
I won't lie to you. Let's go to
Getting a thumbs down on space. I know
One sentence all I was gonna say was get a thumbs down on spaces like getting the clown emoji in discord
It's just low-key triggering. You're like fuck you. Anyway, Jordan, you're playing with that mute button hard
So I'm gonna throw it over to you those use they just they think they can just keep clicking buttons and then they get
Well, he did anyway, I'm gonna click away brother
Dude, I've been waiting. So I just want to know what I'm eating for dinner. I can't fucking decide
So if y'all could help me out, I know it's or it's probably steered in the wrong direction. But
Yeah, but don't just on the space as well. This guy just refuses to pick what to fucking eat, man
Just help us out, please. I'm starving bro. I am fucking starving
I just this dude came to the Twitter space to roast his roommate and be like why are you on a space and not?
Ordering off of grub hub right now, but don't any response. I mean, I actually just hang here
Yeah, I actually have no idea what I want to eat for dinner either
So I'm gonna let Jordan decide but I actually wanted to do this. It's nine o'clock, bro
Yeah, you got hours closing soon like you got to order like well, if you're hungry, Jordan
If you're hungry, the dump was about to cook. Let's hear the man speak
See, you know what I'm causing
So I actually wanted to come on the spaces to make a very special announcement. Um, I actually was on Dooku send it and
Who else I shiv spaces earlier today. I made this announcement, but I'm now an influencer
Um, I talk while I put up emojis. I host Twitter spaces
I write threads that have a little bit of misinformation in them
Um, I kind of came to the realization today when I was throwing a bunch of thumbs down
Then people just kept on asking me for my opinion for some reason I was like man
Like no more of this like head of strategy stuff for pudgy pangos. I might just become an influencer
Um, so I'm starting the thumbs down cold if anybody wants to join we just join spaces and thumbs down
Can I get a lot? Yeah, exactly. That's what I like to see. So that's my announcement agents
I'm so sorry to tell you before but I wanted to do it on the spaces that way beyond the PSP the best
Cross community spaces in web 3. I mean first
He doesn't get invited to the teen lunch at NFT NYC
And now he gets a surprise influencer by his own fellow teammate this agents. I I'm her for you, right?
You know, it's you know, it's freakin funny
We were talking about the retreat on inner igloo and Frank asked me he's like, oh, did you go on the retreat agents?
Cuz he knows I wasn't at the lunch in New York
City either. So yeah agents is getting the short end of the stick
You heard it here, which is crazy because you have one of the biggest Instagram accounts out of some of these I'm efforts
So yeah, you by the by the way a hundred thousand followers on Instagram in web 3 is next to useless
Unless you're unless you're pudgy penguins and notice they don't post anything web 3 related, you know
I know you just did your whole spiel, but the thumbs downs are really bothering me
So if we could just chill on those that would be great. But yeah clout on Instagram is is
Essentially worthless. It's worthless. It just opens up it opens up doors. So
No, no one's paying me three ETH for a post about a whitelist. I just won't let you know
and I wouldn't
Take three
Not on actually agents man
I would I would get run out of the real estate industry if I started promoting an FT project
So I just I mean you're clearly a scammer and a criminal if you do that. Anyway, so
I'm not sure why yeah, you don't understand how normies view
Crypto and NFTs man and smoky I told you like I'm unironically
Bullish on polygon and I shilled it to someone in the bar
I was not lying because I got into a fight with somebody on reddit who was calling NFTs dumb
NFTs stupid and he had a reddit digital avatar as a profile picture
And I said to him I said bro, you know, your profile picture is an NFT, right?
And he said no, it's not it's an reddit
Digital avatar. Oh my god. No frickin idea and polygon
You know Lucan that's and pudgies. We talk a lot about Trojan horses
And yes from an IP standpoint pudgy penguins is a Trojan horse into NFTs and web 3 but polygon man
Is like a Trojan horse for all of cryptocurrency
Seriously, this is it's true. Like every day. I'm seeing it be improved more and more and I am not financial advice
But I have been stacking matic ever since we started doing these spaces. Yeah, there we go
There we go. Well, he's acting mad at when you have people when you have people hating on NFTs with an NFT as their profile picture
That's when you know
That's that's what I'm saying, man. So it feels like imagine them come back
Yeah, I feel like I got I got in pre IPO on pop, you know
That makes any sense. Yeah. All right. Well, look guys we we have got to get to uncertain. Otherwise, well, hold on
Hold on before you try to know before you try to invoke before you try to invoke now's
Hold on hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. I just need to make an announcement that I forgot to make earlier
Someone at a 50 family member outing last night
I I got called by my 19 year old niece
What's up, Sansa and it changed everything so we are back the board runs coming back just based off that alone
If you don't believe me just wait to see what happened to the next few weeks suckers
This will all be validated and confirmed by Bob after we go through uncertain who has you in
Nouns privilege. So go ahead uncertain was good
Hell yeah, what up guys? How you doing?
By the way, I sons I was dying laughing when you were pronouncing my name and then figured out what it was
I both hate but love my name, you know, I was just bottom line
I was not prepared to be married to it and then I got a job in web 3 and I just had to roll with
Yeah, just to play on words. So it's funny
But loop and then kind of this is a good segue to what my initial point was
You know loop I'm in that phase of my life right now where I have a fucking wedding or a bachelor party literally every every week
I actually just got back from a wedding yesterday and it's absolutely exhausting
But the cool part is I have been able to hang out with a lot of my normie friends who know I'm in the crypto
And so it's like it's it's just been interesting to get their take on it
and you know, I think agents what you were touching on with you know, the dealing with reddit people and just
educating people on what NFTs and crypto are
I think a lot of at least my friends in particular
They're starting to turn the corner a little bit in terms of when I would initially talk to them and now when I talk to
Them about it in terms of just understanding it and I also think it's interesting to that, you know
I forget who it was that mentioned it, but I can't tell if it's my algorithm or what but all I see on my timeline is
Utes d gods pudgies Azuki and Valhalla
Those are those are the PFP collections and PFPs that I see all over my timeline
And when I show some of these to some of my normie friends, they actually recognize it as well
So, you know, I think you seeing I guess just getting that feedback from normie friends
but also your algorithm and seeing you know what you're seeing on your timeline is just
What communities are gonna make it
Did he bug or that just me
Yeah, no, I thought I
Sorry, I accidentally muted myself, but I that was that was my final thought so an intentional rug
But that was my I finished my thought there
I'm sorry. Can you repeat the question because I'm bugging while you're rugging
No, she's sorry. I didn't even ask a question. Sorry. I live in rural, New York. Oh
Need something need that mid what mid what was it Midwestern money for a house?
No, I love it just for the internet connection
Well great contribution uncertain
I cannot wait to see you again soon, buddy at whatever the next
Event is that we will be going to together
Love going to these IRL events. That's something that I am very excited about. I'm sure as the nouns get cooking
We'll probably start doing more stuff. All right, look if anyone wants to give up their nouns, let me know
Maybe maybe I somehow might magically have money depending on a deal. You're looking to cut obviously OTC
I can't do this open sea shit cuz I can't afford that. So let's you know, you could do you just get one of the auctions
Wait, what?
Get one of the auctions. We're gonna auction off art. Mm-hmm. They when's that happening and
Okay, well Lou is in the audience. Be careful smoky. Can you can you promise that everyone's more broke than me?
so I can actually win it or
I don't think okay, so I already give up there smoky see
You can't you can't be like Oh come participate in the auction. We all know the audience is gonna go like fucking 50 eat
Well, you can still I didn't say that you would get one. I just said that you could participate
In help drive up the price, sir
Okay. Okay, let's relax. I'm trying to get it before the auction then in that fucking case
So yeah, there's any use in the audience you're interested in, you know, you're sick of looking at your nouns you
You want to get rid of it? I'm willing to include my current you in the deal to help my my current broke ass
To switch it out. I'm not gonna lie. I'm probably gonna be more picky than I should be
But you know, I I think it doesn't matter
I think I want in on announce down in order because apparently I have to get it before smoky gives me the real alpha
On the inside information and then smoky will consider me a true friend co-hosting every week is in a dump
So I'm I'm literally just giving you the information that blue
Gave me on a sheet of paper and he said this is what you can talk about in spaces
And then and then you know, all of the other stuff
They try to keep as much as possible from me to be honest
But I am able to talk to Bigsby and he tells me everything
So but then blue has to step in and provide me the the list of the do's and don'ts
Otherwise, you know, we'd probably be at 10th
By now so all right. All right. All right. Well, we're not going there. We're not going there. I I'm trying to drive the price down
We're not trying to drive it up. We're trying to drive it down
Which at the same time which is ironic because it's probably gonna drive the price even up more
There'll be some degenerate here whose ranchers like, you know, what fuck salsa
We're gonna buy up the fucking floor and we're gonna gobble it up
So you have to pay a eat like a fucking degenerate. Well, you know what jokes on you
I don't have any more than five and I can't spend it all. So yeah
Anyway, let's start over take out a long
Okay, take out two lows at the same time. Yeah, we can't do that. Sorry to cut in I got a dip
But I just want to say that
Apple event tomorrow it might completely change the world
I think it's gonna be insane
And then also just want to say that nouns and youths officially partnered with Apple
So big news and I'm just kidding
But that'd be dope. Yeah, let's let's try let's try that. Uh, that nouns price up so sounds I can never buy
That's crazy a fake announcement
Sounds like a downward spiral signal for all of the used collection
Which doesn't work for me anyway, cuz I also let me tell you why Apple why Apple is so strong
I bought my mom a MacBook Pro and a pair of AirPods yesterday
For a gift just cuz I was feeling very generous and I gave her the AirPods and it was all all fine
But then I pulled out the MacBook Pro and she actually cried
she actually cried from receiving a laptop and uh
That's like the the kind of cult of cult of personality
That Apple has grown and I'm absolutely blown away by it because looking at the specs on this MacBook
Like I could have gotten a a PC for a third of the cost
It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. So i'm curious to see how much
Their uh, their vr headset costs
Yeah, I might even take out a payday loan for it
Don't do it. Got a guy for long. Don't do it. No, but look I I am curious
I know I heard it's a smart move. It's a smart move in some situations
How do you feel about the vr versus ar debate?
I feel like a lot of people are like, uh, i'm
Go ahead. I only have one eye. So all the the vr
even like 3d when 3d was big in i-maxes, uh, I just hate it because anything having to do with like
You got to put this over your eye. I just miss out on because
I can't see out of one of them. I don't need crying emojis. I don't need crying
You're you're not getting any out of me. You're not getting anything. I think it's freaking stupid
I have a hearing disability. You think I feel bad?
And I bought the 3d version instead of the regular showing
And and the lady at the counter was nice enough to exchange my ticket
But I had to sit around the mall for two hours until my showtime. Do you know how boring malls are?
Disgusting. No wonder retail is dead
What's up? Jay toits
Okay, I just went to a hand try to control i'm trying to mute twitter's bugging me can't do it. He can't do it
just mute
Hey, what's up, guys? Yeah. Thanks for having me up. I figured I would uh raise my hand here is the least I could
At least I could do since I engaged in farm this space for the last 45 minutes
So I really appreciate that. Well, boy, you guys had a really good weekend
I'm excited for that apple event tomorrow haven't really seen anything
Other than that vr headset or ar headset that they're releasing. So often you guys uh,
Know anything that they're about to drop. Let me know so I can get hyped up for it. But uh, yeah
Um guys asking for the alpha I couldn't tell you about because he didn't mute but yeah go ahead agents
No, i'm good i'm good man, we can go to box
I was gonna make some joke about apple events itune gift cards and and people
In call centers and not well, hold on I I do
I couldn't piece it together. I I have an azuki type announcement. Uh, nate alex bought a beans number two rank
For 10 eat today. I pinned it to the top of the jumbletron. Look at that fucking beauty
It's got a nice little sword got like a little shield a whole whole fucking outfit is is fucking beautiful
Um are much much better than his uh
Other one was with all the band-aids all over it if you know, you know, I know nothing about the beans ecosystem
But if that is truly a rank number two for 10 eve when the floor is at what?
Off the back of my hand. That's probably a good deal. It definitely is it definitely is
Especially when it's a rank number two
Um, anyway box i'm not i'm not trying to i'm not trying to stop it from going to you. What's good?
Oh, shit that dude jordan left. I was gonna say I just had the dankest pizza for dinner like I
Found this new place. It was like I just spent 50 bucks on a burrata basil deep dish
I I literally am living my pudgy life right now, but
It's the best pizza i've had since i've been in chicago and I usually don't like this casserole deep dish garbage, but
this thing is
But yeah, I don't think he has I don't think he would even have he sounded canadian. So there's no way he is
Well, he's in he's in miami. They don't even have good regular. No, they do there's there's a there was a trial
There was this one spot dude. I forgot where it was like
Ah, man, I forgot the name but it was like the best
One of the best places i've ever been I got to look it up actually
But it was kind of like by we where we were in the w it was like some no and you're like that
Uh, that strip in brickel, but it was so good. But
Yeah, that guy's not even here anymore. So rip, but you gotta if you're in chicago. I gotta just
Just try this basil freaking burrata deep dish. This thing is amazing
But I gotta probably do the peloton right now and then I gotta work those calories off. She was
All right, well, thank you for the culinary alphabog, I uh,
I appreciate it. I appreciate it. And this is a man who knows restaurants. Let me tell you make no mistake
He is my unofficial tour guide for new york city when I go
Yeah, well because you're not getting invited to any team lunches. So you have to uh, anyway, yeah
Uh, bottom of my hand corner if you haven't already between let's show some love. Um,
You know I I again there's plenty of topics to talk about but
Uh, you know, it is also sunday. I want to be respectful of everyone's time
I do want to bring up one thing and then i'll hand it off to smoky with the mystery and hyping project and projects as well
There's another one coming up that a lot of people. Uh, I feel like either forgot about or
Are short of you know, just hearing about and don't really know a lot about it. Uh, that that process is ether
uh, if you guys don't know it is a it's an it's an anime project, uh created by vision of v and
Cv which is another azupi as well
Um vision of v is like one of those world renowned artists and his his art is sold for a lot of money
He's essentially a millionaire before he was even 21
Um, and he's he's done really well for himself. So he also created the art for timeless
if you're not familiar with that it's a very very og collection by lupify and
The reason why I bring them up is because they've created a lot of hype
But they also have a ton of mystery behind it. So
Um, and some people might argue that's that's a little bit more
Uh kind of shooting yourself in the foot a little bit
But uh, and some people might be more bullish because they think you know
There's there's a ton behind the screen
And agents kind of touch on this a couple spaces back saying like, you know
Once you peel the curtain back, it's a little you lose
You the individual lose that mystery surprise element
I think I think he the way that he said it was once you learn how the sausage is made
Yeah, he did say that that's right smoky. Thank you for that reminder
He did say that that was how the sausage was made the sausage. Yeah
Agents you got your hand up
Yeah, sanza first off that was the most horrible shill for any project I have ever heard you're right
There was no enthusiasm in it. You must know how the sausage is being made. Is this
Is this super hyped mysterious project? I haven't heard about is this what shiv was given out
whitelist for or mamba
What is what is that project because I won a whitelist I set up a bitcoin wallet first time
I've had a bitcoin wallet. It's an mxrc. Yeah, mxrc. Yeah, what's going on with that?
Um, is there any hype around that?
Yeah, I I I'm hyped because I got whitelist. I'm also hyped because I also have whitelist
I am also hyped because I got whitelist but I need to be here other people be hyped who didn't get whitelist
So now i'm a little less hyped
Well, to be fair we uh, we we we rarely touched on brc20 topic so
Um, I you know golden got his hand up. We all know golden but not not this golden
Golden what's going on? You got your account suspended suspended
Golden bottom up
He does that man he joins comes up raises his hand
You know wants the attention the moment you give it to him
Holds it away
You know his presence is felt but his absence has felt more
Go off king
All right. Well, I take listen we're coming up on an hour and a half. Are you sure I think it's uh,
Yeah, I think it's I think it's time man. It's sunday night. I got an early team meeting tomorrow
I gotta I gotta cook some spaghetti
So I think it's I think it's a good time to to shut it down. Yeah, but it's been a fun one
I I really enjoyed the conversation
Um, it has been uh, it's always a pleasure
Uh to be up here with you sanza and agent. So I think uh, this is going to be a web3 staple
moving forward
so really excited to see how this develops and uh
I hope everyone has a wonderful sunday night and we will see you all next week
When nouns now are you know, they're up to tenny floor and sanza is completely
Bro, why is that buzzer so loud? I thought it was quieter than that jesus
Hey, I just want to say this was a fantastic space
Thank you for everyone who came up to speak
And I also want to point out smoky sanza these spaces have been getting better and better
Since that text group chat was started. I don't think it's coincidental, right?
That the moment agents is involved with communication
Things start popping off. So, you know just want to throw that out there. Well, well when we start a company
You will be head of communications
Oh god, yeah
I will short the company if they make me head of communication. Yeah, he will also he will also fucking uh
He will invite himself to every single event even the events that he has no
No reason to be participating in just just begrudgingly because of the whole team event not getting invited to nftnyc
But I know guys I love doing these spaces
This might be like the the easiest one doing every on the weekends
like I literally take off all saturday off the spaces and I
lovingly added on the spaces on sunday to be able to talk up here with you guys so
As always I always say this and i'll back this off, which is that
Being a speaker or a co-host is a is a privilege not an entitlement and you guys really could have picked anyone else
Uh, but you picked me and I appreciate that and on on that very same note
Everyone who came here today you could have gone to any other spaces
but you came to this one and we really appreciate you for that and we love you and
We hope to keep making the spaces better. We'll be back next sunday at 8 p.m
Et uh 5 p.m psd. Love y'all
All right, everyone. Hope y'all have a great night and we will see you next week