WAY Beyond the PFP w/ @nftinspect

Recorded: May 13, 2023 Duration: 1:36:15



I know you didn't like my intro, but come on man, I had that I didn't mean to but I don't know what happened this spacious rug
But I'll play a little bit of music and we'll get some people in here
Alright everybody, sorry for the technical difficulties, always common with the Twitter spaces
But we have got it all figured out. So let's check in with our wonderful co-host. We got Sansa up here
How are you doing Sansa?
I'm doing great. I'm doing great
Running off of three hours just to sleep and just pure vibes at this point
I did take a nice little nap for like 30 minutes, but that was about it. So we're gonna sleep real nice tonight
You know smokey I get it. You didn't like my choices of intro. You didn't have to rug the entire space for it
I mean, she says you could just DM me like you gotta you gotta just switch into something else
But yeah, no, I I knew something was gonna happen the moment. I saw hosts is having connection issues
I was like, oh no, we're we're getting off to a rocky start here. But uh, yeah
Dup our next beautiful balloon head co-host up here. How are we doing my man?
Hey, I'm just here to make sure you're not monologuing too long
And also representing I think you guys forgot to put the balloonsville on
The the graphic for this week, but I'm here to represent balloonsville. So so we appreciate that
You know all communities are welcome. And we also do appreciate your service making sure that Sansa does not monologue
You know, it's you're like so right now you're right in between me and Sansa. So you're like the perfect buffer
So it's it's appreciated. I'm right in between you. I'm right in between you guys
How many shows are you in with this with this em effort?
Think this is what number four Sansa
Yeah, yeah, this is uh, yeah, this is number four
Okay, so you should know then
He monologues so just just be he he's a weird up. Thank you. He's aware. Yep
Yeah, you just gotta like tap them a little bit. Yeah. All right. Come on
Pest festival festival ice I send DMS, but he doesn't check him during base. Oh, it's
It's uphill
See it. I'm gonna check him. I just don't answer, you know, it's just easier that way
Wait, are you guys getting that feedback from smokes too or no smokes? Do you have an echo going on or not? I
Did I did I did earlier? I heard my own voice, but then it stopped for me personally
So I don't know W. I don't know you getting your voice back bounce back at you
Yeah, I'm getting my terrible voice bounce back at me from smokies Mike
Yeah, so I if you don't meet your mic like when I'm speaking then and you know, it'll it'll have some feedback
I got to figure out this road caster. I kind of just fired it up and
You know, it's a little bit more technical
Then I would like but yeah it it when someone's speaking if I have my mic
Like, you know open then it'll it'll echo back
So I got to figure that out like to see but I got a friend who's like a sound engineer
So I just like hit him up. I'm like, what do I do? Tell me
Do you not use headphones? I
Do I do use headphones
Then maybe you should just unplug it and play about him
Try that Wow, that's great. I teach it
Did that did that work with Eve did it come back on and just
I heard that's what the talc did. He just went over the computer unplugged it and plugged it back in
Tonight I haven't had a chance to speak to a lot of Ethan efforts at a large capacity
But all these M efforts coming around talking about this a lot is always going down
Taste of your own medicine and my first taste of your own medicine Mike. I know you love that
Man well look we we do. I also Mike can only be here for a little bit. But Mike is representing NFT inspect
So, you know, I would like to just get his thoughts about this this new multi multi chain effort that they're going in
they're going to be integrating polygon NFTs and and maybe if he wants to
Speak a little bit about that like timeline and reasoning for that for sure. What's up guys?
Yeah, super excited. Thanks for having me
The premise. Yeah, and the reason we did is just because you guys are you guys are really building something epic over at polygon
We've seen what you guys are doing been speaking behind the scenes for a little bit now
And we really believe there's a lot of synergy between what we're trying to do and what you guys are trying to do within
the NFC ecosystem, so
It only made sense that the next chain would be polygon
We're gonna integrate the rest of the chains as well eventually and we'll likely have polygon officially on NFT inspect in the next
two to three weeks
I'm I'm it nice. Yeah, okay real quick. I just want to say one thing
First of all, I'm really excited for polygon
I'm at first
You know just be as down bad as the rest of us with their reach and you know when you try to check out your oh
What reach am I at? This is so exciting
Prepare to get to feed it a little bit every now and then
Yeah, that's all that's all I gotta say on that front
But what I also want to do real quick for the people for the lovely people in the room
There's 33 of you in here and I check all of you are real
Maybe some of you boss like one of our co-hosts up here. I won't say which one
But you know go ahead and press that reach me button
And if you have a heart you could press that heart button for us
We appreciate that we don't have a heart
But love to have a talk with you about how you achieve that and still are able to you know
Breathe and function like pressing the button on the phone
But yeah, so please reach meet the spaces bottom right hand corner
Press show some love if you don't want to go all the way to the bottom right hand corner cuz that's a lot of hand
Movement that's okay
You could just go on right to the top king or queen and go click through on that click that reach me
But let's show some love I think we could get to 20, you know 20 plus right now, you know
There's 30 plus of you. I'm letting 10 of you off the hook. So go ahead press that reach me, but let's show some love
But yeah, Mike, I'm really excited for polygon M efforts to get into this
I you know, I love I love gamification and I think it's something that can really move move
You know or I guess the word is motivate people a little bit more to kind of figure out, you know
What am I doing here? Am I just having fun with this gamification?
Am I you know, am I gonna take a grain of salt here?
But also be kind of understand if I'm moving the needle in the right direction with my content
And so I love that and go ahead smokey. I'm gonna throw it back to you. Well smokey. Are you excited about this?
I mean, I guess because technically, you know you are you haven't been able to see your your reach under. Oh
I've been able to see my reach. They've they've supported they've continued support for the Utes
but I think that
You know probably I should be a lot higher with all of the polygon engagement that I get
So I think you're gonna see me moving up the leaderboard
Once there's that polygon integration, right? Cuz you know, I farm all chains, you know
Duff and I have talked a lot about this and
You know the the battle of the first of all like the algorithm changes like all the time
So you got to like change up your content do all these different things and then you know
As you go up and down the NFT inspect leaderboard, it's really fun
It's like just a great metric, you know to be able to track to see if what you're doing is working, right?
So I've always really enjoyed NFT inspect. I've been using instance, you know, I probably had like 300 followers. So
It's been really important for me as I built my account and then also like it's kind of cool to like go and see
Like how many you know people within your community?
That you know you that follow you and then you follow so that's that's cool. So yeah
What do you I know you've got some what do you oh, yeah, go ahead. I was just gonna curious
I always like asking this but what do you guys think would be a good addition to inspect?
I know everyone always has that some idea. So curious to hear what you guys think
All right, I want to go first I'm just gonna talk some shit on on who
first reason I have my hand up was because
you know, I
Haven't had a psychedelic synonymous for like I don't even know nine months now and for and yet they have been the number one
And I'm just like, oh my god. I can't I can't wash my hands off here
Zuki's number two I got you know, well, it's disappointing, you know use is like number one
Two three four five six seven eight eight number eight. Whoo
Yeah, no, I'm gonna think about a little a little bit longer on that on that question Mike. That's a good question
You guys can take that question first if you want I
would say a
Lot of people approach at the inspect in like a PvP manner, right?
I would honestly think trying to jump in that Avenue a little bit more so if we could kind of get off by
The challenges of rising up and down and that movement. I think that'd be pretty fun
Something that kind of keep people on
the website a little bit longer
With that like like gamifying in a sense from like a like a scoring and point system
Where yeah, it's like to do challenges and stuff like that. Yeah, is that what you mean?
Yeah challenge or like some sort of like leaderboard thing. Oh, I'm getting a call. Sorry. Hold on
yeah, I actually I actually want to bounce off of that real quick if you don't mind up but
What like I I'm just thinking of this cuz I'll be honest
You know when I was doing
You know spoiler I used to cross fit and so this this reminds me a lot of that type of thing like where there's a leaderboard
There's points being had this point being scored based off how you perform with your work out
So like first thing that comes to mind based off of that
Model is you know, maybe creating a custom community and like nothing really changes, you know
Everything's kind of still the same but you can see where you rank among your cuz your community that you created
So like let's say I want to go it's smart and you can pre-save it
Precise it and then you can constantly check it. That's smart. I like that
so like if I want to come if I want to quote unquote compete with duff and smoky and watch them leave me in the
Dust and so I could feel like shit all day
I would love to be able to do something like that, you know
So like, you know dub smoky like shotgun maybe to make myself feel better Mike down there
You know, it's just like kind of picking whoever whoever, you know, a saps or proves and just like ah
We get to talk shit all day every day kind of deal. So like yeah, that's I like that as you could tell
I'm heavily sarcastic. Yeah
Do you make something like that public or is it private for only your viewing?
You could if you could like maybe like toggle on whatever it could be public or private
You know, cuz I think that that's also something that a lot of people would enjoy kind of seeing as well if again
assuming that whoever creates
That that custom community
Wants people to see that like did that did that make sense Mike? I don't know if that's that's a possible thing
No, that makes a lot of sense. It does make a lot of sense
You could almost also do like kind of like I guess in a sense like many little tournaments
where you're having people kind of like like a
like a round robin style and
Every week it can go up and up and up rather than just like automatically ranking, right?
we can do the keep the automatic ranking as well, but people can sign up for let's call it like a
Tournament round robin style. We have to go through a few things to rank
Yeah, I I actually really like that
Cool, I'll be expecting a number one winner every single time any any time I'm entered into one
So I appreciate that Mike. Thank you so much. You've been so generous about that
I like it. Good. I had a question. So sorry. I got cut off. Have you guys thought about a token?
We've thought about it from a perspective of like how do we reward people because that's the main thing it's
It's it's such a small community that we're in and obviously the goal is for it to get bigger and bigger and I don't mean
NFT inspect. I mean the web through community as a whole
One of one of the issues that we see is like look look at look at everyone on this space
You guys all spend so much you guys have spent so much time on on Twitter. You guys are so passionate about it and
There should be a reward mechanism for you guys to receive something out of it, right?
Kind of like on on YouTube YouTube you have subscribers you get depending on the amount of
Average view time you get the amount of people that see it period etc. You get at you get ad revenue out of it
It's too bad that there isn't something like that on Twitter
So we've been kind of figuring out. How can we do that? Is a token the right way for that?
Maybe maybe not where we're still trying to figure that out. It's early stages there
That's like no like even like if it's like a currency
just like inherently with points and like we could go back to the whole like competing and
And that those whole metrics as well like to tie that in all together
and then from there kind of playing in like our reward system in place based on movement and
Reception and obviously how you do in whatever event or I guess
Achievement so to speak you kind of run through I think it'd be pretty cool. It just adds a little dynamic
Bit to the site for sure. I
Definitely agree and it's there's one aspect to it, which is like having people compete against each other
but then there's the other aspect that
There should be just a reward mechanism in general for people in the web3 space and just people on Twitter in general who are
Specifically spending all this time on spaces and pushing the platform, right?
It shouldn't it shouldn't even be a conversation that like NFT inspects should be doing it
This is something that Twitter should be doing ultimately in my opinion
Especially like look look there's so much there's so much room for ads
Like there's people who come on like you you have such a strong audience on
Twitter spaces people are going out of their way to stay on here for a long period of time
You can you can put ads targeting people on these Twitter spaces and reward the hosts. I
Don't know. You know, it's interesting like I was I was listening to somebody who was talking about I think it was like
dr. Drew did a space
right and
halfway through his space he just said
Okay, guys, we're gonna take a break and we're gonna hear from our sponsors
And he just took like a little break like played a commercial in the middle of the space and then came back
And he's like, alright guys, we're back
and I was like man like that's
That's pretty that's pretty crazy. Like that's pretty smart
You know what I mean? Like cuz cuz like obviously like Twitter as far as social medias go has like the worst
You know a
Way to reward creators, right? There's just there's just nothing going on
Right, and and I think that there is a lot of room, you know for first some things to happen with spaces
Especially if they make you know, if they update them and make them a little bit better
I think that there could be a lot done but I was just wondering Mike and then we're gonna get to Husker
You know Mike will you guys integrate?
You know engagement with spaces like or do you guys do that already?
Yeah, I've always wondered about that as
Now no, but it is it is definitely a plan not only to have a ranking system there
But also just the tag so that you can people who are on inspect and they want to see
The top they want to know who's a space host who's in that space in general. We want to like it's
Right now the focus is really like web web 3
but we want to go I think as a whole like
It's if you want to learn about AI and you want to be the right meet the right k-wells if you want to learn
You want to follow people in politics? There's there's never been like really a tool for that at least that I've seen so
I think there should be a type of segmentation no matter what you're looking for
So like I just like I'm just one like will you?
Will you guys add?
Like you know for for as far as like reach goes like the global reach
Will you add like some form of integration for spaces for people to get some more reach based on the spaces they host?
Yes, eventually. Yes
Nice excited for that. That'll be really cool. Well, let's get on over to Husker. What's going on Husker?
Yo, I'm just watching the Knights and Oilers game that just kicked off but a GM to all you guys
Sucks being in the central time zone because this thing's gonna keep me up till midnight
And I'm old as fuck. So whatever but I have to give a shout out to my boy Brett aka cats
King aka golden down there, but my question to you Mike
Thanks for coming on is any thoughts to expanding beyond just Twitter like pudgy penguins are big into like
Into Instagram and stuff like that. Have you guys thought about like going over to Instagram as well?
Not something we've thought about yet, I feel like we have such a long way to go on Twitter itself
But definitely, I mean once once we feel like we've properly given Twitter
It's time and really developed the product to cover everything in Twitter, then I'm sure we'll want to expand to other platforms
Awesome. Appreciate your honesty, man
Go ahead stanza
Yeah, I I I'll be honest
I initially raised it cuz I was liking what you know
I I was on the same page as I guess that's a true there
Which is like, you know and and Lore Lord also does this as well. He does it getting of his faces
Where they do a little bit of like a commercial break if you will and it's interesting to me because Twitter spaces to me
Has the most like?
Technically speaking right direct direct to you know from from whatever you're talking about to the person that's listening
Right, you literally could not be any more engaged unless you were literally standing right in front of each other, right?
So if someone likes what I'm saying right now
They can request to speak come up and ask the question that they just thought up based off of a couple sentences that I might
Have said right and that to me speaks to how much potential there is for something like, you know
For content creators to utilize it whether it's monetization whether it's you know
I don't know measuring engagement metrics for this for their profile. Well, whatever there's a bunch of shit
Well, but it almost makes me wonder if too many people start doing it
Is it going to then a bet eventually, you know push away the attention that people are looking for?
This is also, you know, I'm not posing a question to the whole audience
It's just more so just me thinking out loud because I it does come to mind very often like if you do it too much
or too long are you losing the attention of your audience right away or
does it not really change because
It's still got the same effect that we all like all all of us right now all 45 of us
We basically feel like we're standing in the same room with each other
And so that is sort of you know, that's powerful, right?
And so but does that do you think that would obviously lose its best over time?
And so we still need to make sure we're kind of careful, you know with with with that kind of like
I don't know how to say other than commercial break, you know what I mean?
Like smoky when you were going through that
How long was it and did you feel like you know, did you feel like okay?
This is a little overkill or did you feel like okay, this is like regular. This is you know, this is fine
Well, I didn't actually see it. I just heard about it
Okay, and and they said, you know, it wasn't for very long
But like I've done sponsored spaces before when I worked for for Bell studios
And and like honestly like usually like the way it would go is we just have kind of like, you know a normal space
And then like, you know the the project that would sponsor the space would we give them like a little time like, you know
In between, you know, like an elevator pitch right to talk about their project how to get white lists and all that
but I mean like look I think
We're we're coming into a point where like NFTs and and defi are
Kind of coming together at this point, right, you know and and you know with with defy
Communities, right like they don't they don't really host space like some of them host spaces, right?
But there's not a whole lot of content creators and they they seem to need some help building
community, right so
I mean, there's not like a ton of money like within
You know NFTs comparatively to defy right like there's just vast amounts of
Wealth that is that is within these defy communities in these defy projects, right?
Like like a three hundred and fifty thousand dollar raise is like, oh cool
Like that's pretty good for an NFT project like these defy projects have like millions of dollars
right in their token and
So I think like we could move into a space to where there could be some sponsored spaces or
Something of the such with some of these defy projects where it's like, you know a lot more profitable
So, yeah, I mean obviously, you know, there's there's a bunch of rugs out there, but there's plenty of reputable
Defy projects just just not the one that we're ones that we're seeing on the timeline lately, but there's plenty of
Wait, you you mean you mean to say that the pussy coin yesterday wasn't legit. Fuck. God damn it. Ah
God, yeah, you might you might have a bad time if you guys are sending money to a
Random wallet from somebody named Ben dot eth and there's not even any like contract or anything
But we're sending millions of dollars to just a wall and people are sending it from
Like that like they can't like exchanges don't take these random tokens. You know, they mean like what are you doing?
Yeah, yeah, imagine imagine
Emailing Gemini and going hey, excuse me
Where's my Ben coin and they're like what the fuck is who's been and why are you asking us about him?
Something just go over people's head
Maybe maybe NFT spec can and can implement something where it protects people from being stupid
I don't know for lack of a better way to say it. I
Think I think that will always be around no matter where I mean, we're in a high-risk
Environment and people are going to I mean, I don't know if you guys saw that that greed
Thought experiment that Vashi did where you got fifth like forty three thousand people to give him complete access to their Twitter's
And then he just put out tweets from their Twitter's about like hey
I was a bozo and I gave all permissions
To my Twitter to this guy and he just he did like 1600 of them because Twitter rate limited limited at that point
But there's forty three thousand people that did that so it's like yeah
I mean, we got a long way to go, but I do want to get on over to
Lore what Lore Lord Lore Lord? Yeah, Lord Lord. Yeah, put some respect on Lord Lord
Yeah, homies fucking welcome fucking deejins on a fucking Friday night
Look you guys were talking about ads man and sounds a thank you for fucking bringing up
Yeah, man, we do all of us radio Monday through Thursday 69 p.m
And we do we fucking we we create fun ads
And that's just a few thoughts on that number one
they they need to be
They need that whoever it is that your advertising needs to be something some something or some product that's going to
Resonate with the web 3 audience and your audience there
Number two that the ads themselves need to be engaging. They need to be funny
at all of us radio what we will do is we will set aside a Thursday night and we
Advertise the space is such that we're gonna be doing ad reads that night
And so we'll fucking we'll have beers and we'll do these fucking ad reads and they're funny. They're hilarious. They're crazy
And then they also need to switch up. Yeah, I mean you got to switch them up
Constantly, but if I could I would love just because I'm so fucking proud of what we do. They're so fucking hilarious
I would love to play one single ad for you if you'd allow it
What do you think Sanja I
If it's one single, I mean lola it can't be the whole thing
As soon as you get as soon as you get bored you put thumbs down and I'll fucking I'll stop it
But if you like it, just let it go for it. Go for it
That whole thing in my mouth
Board bagels a variety of 18 different Brooklyn style bagels bigger than your head plus one group and three options
Pair it with 30 plus different flavors of cream cheese
And it's like a party in your mouth now available for delivery anywhere in the continental US get them at board bagels calm and follow
Them on Twitter. They're probably in the crowd right now, and that's it, bro
You know what I mean, but we just do a yeah, I just fucking threw you a follow dog
Yeah, so I mean we got some for DJ and doses
We try to we try to fuck around
We like to do these for the brands that fuck with us folks who have been on our show folks who have like
Understand what it is that we're doing folks that we know that we can we know that like we're gonna be able to create a funny
The people are going to enjoy
Before before we jump up and so yeah, man, that's fucking it sets the mood for the show, too
It's like oh, I'm about to get into a show. It's about you know chaos and fucking man. So
Yeah, man. I appreciate you. Let me play
I just wanted to give you a thought a taste of what what it is that we do out there when we talk about doing ads
and in Lord Lord
Can I can I ask you like like if there's like an average ask that you have for for like these these short ads?
That's a great question. If you go to all of us radio org right now
I just built out a whole brand new site this weekend on it
It's got a sponsorship page and we just released a 2023 sponsorship package
We're actually looking for folks to sponsor our Miami event. We just did a not NFT NYC
You can search the hashtag on that and see some of the advertisers that were there
They were put on the flyer the banner, but you can also see like the event itself
It was it was wild, but we're planning another one for Miami in July
It's gonna just all of us radio Miami
summer bash and we're gonna be fucking
parting it up the night before rolling loud and
Have panelists and weirdo shit and yeah, man, I can yes and short answer. Yes. Yes. We have packages
Nice. Okay, so I can like check those out. Yeah. Yeah, I'm just saying
You know, we had like like a set, you know thing that we did for for Bell Studios, but it is it is always interesting
but I think
Yeah, because you guys are doing stuff. That's that's not even you know, like crypto, right? I was talking about baby
Which you know, I think well, hold on. Hold on board bagels is a web 3 fucking company, bro. Oh, yeah
Yeah, they use IP from different communities to put on side the bite the bagels or cream cheeses their beers all kinds of stuff
No, no, every everybody that advertises with us is web 3
Okay, cool nice. Yeah. Well, that's I mean smoky they gotta be read through to be cool with that kind of advertisement
I mean, you know how that shit started off. Ah, you want that a fit in my mouth?
You're like, whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Where is this going? Yeah. No, I
You were the first person that came to mind. I'm also gonna be picking your brain about that this upcoming week as well
I appreciate it, man. No, I appreciate it. You need bro. I'm always here. I appreciate you better
But yeah, no, I obviously if you haven't already I know I know can't or did I know can't or did
Shoot him a follow. He deserves it. You know, he might be the only legit up here, but that's okay. We still love him
Real quick let's throw it over to Husker who's been a gentleman as well Husker
You do your hand up during the same talk. So I'm gonna throw it over you. What's your take here?
Yo, I'm just having a lot of thoughts right now
like dude is people actually using like an empty inspect for like pricing out their ads and stuff like that because I
Have a solid like 3,000 followers, which I mean, I know is pretty immense in this space and everything like that
I'm sure like only a two to like maybe three fourths of them are probably bots and stuff like that
But if I do like little news segments and stuff like that
So I figure like each one of those is probably worth like five dollars
So duh, if you want to like pay me five thousand dollars or something like that
I'll say your name once or twice in the news ad so
Yeah, yeah, so dub he's offering you a bundle deal of
$5,000 or you can just buy a pudgy penguin for me that that works too. Okay
This is awkward I always see you guys on the chillin spaces
Think gonna happen don't be hanging
But I do love you doubt
Or Dop he always he always everybody's always trying to come in and deflate poured up
He's just trying to come in come around have a good time in web 3, but I do want to ask you duh
But I did see a post that you're very excited to not have to grade any more papers. So
Is is the time near that?
The the move into full-time web 3 what's what's going on my friend? Yeah, it's uh, it's May 12th smokes
We have about I've honestly been counting down the days
Things like two-ish weeks. We're just getting down to like the finals and whatnot and then I'm skedaddling. So
Yeah, dude, I'm fucking
Done with that
Well, congratulations, buddy. I know that it's been a long time coming
I think you know like like watching your journey dub like for me was was like really important, right?
Like to see how like you didn't monetize too quickly
Right and and take every opportunity that came your way. So that kind of like informed me
I was like, all right, you know because there's like a lot of people that would come to me with different stuff
And I was like, hmm
Like let me just kind of wait and see what happens and wait till my platform is like a certain level
You know and then this polygon opportunity came and I was like, alright like that worked out
You know and because you see, you know, you see it sometimes we're like people they just they do too much
and then like they get involved with stuff that that can tarnish their reputation and
So yeah, it was really good to watch you and your journey buddy. So yeah, very exciting stuff
I know it's a lot of people's dream to be full-time web 3 and I'm right there with you dub
I you know, I'm not not I don't teach kids, but I teach people on felony probation
So it's probably just as fun as as teaching kids
Quite a bit of fud going on around there. So
They actually got like substance. These kids are just
Like you can actually talk to people and have some sort of conversation versus like I
Don't know just like, you know, you know
I ate a quay on today. He's like, okay. Cool. Good. Good talk. Go the nurse or something
You're probably gonna dive you don't get over there in five minutes. So yeah, that's probably about what it what it sounds like over there
Yeah, looked up looking forward to having you join us over here on the full-time. We're three boat
Been been here for a good year and a half. It's a good time. It's good time. It's good time. You know
Like there there's it's fun a lot of flexibility flexibility you get to shit talk everyone all day long
Yeah, yeah is no complaints here. No complaints here. But yeah look I got that. Sorry smoky guy
Yeah, I just you know, I was just thinking like
It's just it's interesting the people that do web 3 part-time along with like a demanding like full-time job
And like just thinking about I just like I think about this all the time is like
What are things going to look like when I'm full-time web 3 right?
Like I already do like a lot in the space
But like what's gonna happen when I'm fully able to focus my time on web 3 so it'll be really interesting to see
What happens?
You know duh when you make that that transition and to see what you're able to do with your platform because I remember when
You know over the summer right what happened?
With your account you were really able to build it up quite a bit, you know
When you when you're off in the summer this this past summer, so
Yeah, it'll be it'll be cool to see see what you're you're able to do once you have that full focus, you know
It'll be fun. It'll be good to be a little bit more productive. It's a lot of it is like
Empty not empty time but let you know
it's just like catching up or just being kind of face level with stuff and not being able to fully put out what you want to
It's exciting
just it's that little thing of being able to
Actually put full effort versus like half in half out, right? So
Absolutely, man. Well, I can't wait to see it. Well, we do have golden up here. He seemed like he was kind of teasing us
Raising his hand. Let's fucking go
Yeah, go go go. I feel like that's his fucking signature move
He did that like three or four times in my spaces earlier and I was like golden
I can't tell if you hand disappeared and anything you're just putting it down and reappearing because you know you have a glitch or
That's just your fucking thing which for me it throws me out cuz I'm I have it. I have a count
I have a lineup that I like to do and like he's throwing it off. I'm like, okay cool
Lord Lord shotgun golden and then he takes it down. I'm like, well, I'm going to can't or lower shotgun cantor and he throws it up
And I'm like, okay
Well now lower shotgun cantor golden and then it like you're just putting yourself to the back of the line every single time
Yeah, anyway look fuck you guys golden was good my man
The next lost
I'm so confused. Aren't you in New York? Aren't you in New York or New Jersey?
Yeah, I I am. Yes. Yes. You don't care about the Knicks. I I don't
Here we go. All right, Smokey. You might be in for a treat. I don't want I don't watch I don't want sports
I don't have time for that. I have a kid. I
Have a kid. I have a kid. I'm full-time whip three
I've run I've run I I do 130 hours of spaces a month
I I don't know where I would have the time to be able to fucking pay attention
At all to any sort of sports that doesn't affect my day-to-day life
So yeah, that's that's that's kind of where I'm at called hands. It's called the meat button
You just watch it on me like I'm doing right now
Shout-out to Husker you guys should all follow him. He does these
threads summaries of
Discord and our igloo discussions and podcasts basically he saves everybody a lot of time who misses
He doesn't have two hours or three hours to set aside. So definitely follow him. He has really good substance
He doesn't over tweet like a lot of people and he really distills things to their essence, which is
Appreciated in this space. So he's a good dude met him in New York could follow
Same back to Golden. Appreciate you, buddy
Definitely already following both of you legends. So not to worry, but let's throw it on over to cantor. What's going on cantor?
So I have one quick comment and then I have a question for Doug the quick comment is I just brought home
quadruple stuffed mega stuffed Oreos and
They're pretty good, but I'm kind of a little overwhelmed with the amount of
cream filling it's like
Legitimately like might be a little overkill
It's just FYI for duck
What grade were you teaching and how long were you teaching that grade for?
Bottom left King bottom left bottom left. You can find it. I believe in you
He's trying to he's trying to get some information out of me. I ain't giving him
Oh, no, no genuinely curious you like you don't have to say it. But like to me, I don't yeah you ain't split King. I
Just don't know if I'd be able to deal with kids who are like eating crayons and stuff that that takes a next no
They're not they're not crayon eaters. They're
Older they're
Peep peep pewpity balls about to drop down the deal dragon ball Z or do they like Naruto? That's all I need to know
They're like the chainsaw man, okay, okay, I feel okay
Bunch right there. That's a tough
They're like some dumb shit
Are you happy to be out
Such enthusiasm a man a man of many words a man of many words he monologues well, it's beyond
Hold on. It's way beyond the PFP with NFT inspect
you got can't they're trying to ask me questions about what I teach and where I'm teaching and and how I like and what they
What well well duck the only NFT is representative left 20 minutes ago cuz I thought we had 60 minutes with him
We didn't and I would have kept my question to myself. I had known that
So yeah, but you know what? It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. We're we're living. We're vibing. I'll get a DM
Mike I'm gonna apologize then what we'll be fine
But we do have
Two more legends up here on stage. Well, sorry. We already we already called Husker a legend
We have another legend up here on stage
Ruto who when he changes PFP, I was really fucking confused. I'm not gonna lie to you
I know what what NFT is. I don't I don't know. I heard it's like a 3k supply
Every every selfie is different
The men price was something like point zero zero
Zero zero six nine zero four two zero. I yeah, I don't know I never understood but
It was the thing but yeah Ruto with your mysterious legendary PFP. What's good my man?
What is good fam? Yeah, it's a one of one. It was forged in the bosom of Italy
February 15th. Yeah legendary one-of-one man rarest traits
some of them include
hyperactivity ADHD and
Impatientness so
Yeah, those are the rarest traits that I have but yeah, it's a banger man
It's funny because I got like a million DMS like Ruto. Are you quitting a web 3?
Are you like leaving NFTs? I was like, bro
This is the only place on planet Earth
Where you if you use your actual picture of you everyone assumes that like all hell is breaking loose
Like the foundation of your life is crumbling beneath your feet. I'm just like bro. It's just my picture man
Everything's fun. Everything's gonna be okay guys. Everything's gonna be okay, but um, yeah, look it's been it's it's been fun, man
I'm listening to the conversation. Shout-out smoky dub Sansa. I see you Husker cancer shotgun, man
The brozos up here golden the absolute pengu legend. Yeah, I had to tune in I didn't say what's up to the gang
But yo dub, congratulations, man
Making that switch working full-time in web 3. I know a lot of people
Have that on their list as like a dream come true for them
I've been very blessed to be able to work full-time web 3 for the better part of the year now
Over a year now and it's it's a journey man. So just a huge congratulations to you like it's gonna change your life, bro
It's it's an incredible feeling and smoky too man. Fuck. I mean, I remember meeting you like in discord
Months ago and then finding out that you're doing spaces. You're just like yo
I should just do like community spaces and now you're fucking around and working at polygon like what on God's green earth
If that doesn't tell you the type of opportunity that you can have if you seize the fucking moment boys and girls
I don't know what else to tell you. All right quipping bozos and put yourself out there and make shit happen
Yeah, man, it's crazy, I mean, uh, I don't know it was really cool
like I had a you know, my best friend he got in a car accident and he ended up passing away and and the
He was most bullish on so I after that, you know after that happened like it was like February of last year
I got super deep into web 3 and I just like really started like pushing and
The the token he was most bullish on was matic. He was just he was just always saying he's like, oh man
It's definitely going to $5. You know what I mean? Like you gotta check out matic. You gotta see what's going on with this
So it's just like crazy to think like man
He would have been so stoked to know that I'm working at polygon
So that's like I was just thinking about that the other day. But yeah, man, it's pretty crazy
You know, you just you just I think you know, like a big thing with a lot of this stuff is just right place
Right time right like I happen to be like a community leader for Utes and I was also
Looking for more work in web 3 and I think that's a big thing
Like to understand like if you're if you're looking for work in web 3 let people know
Like it needs to be top of mind for individuals in tandem
With you doing these different things where you add value to the space
So when there are these opportunities like I think like honestly like like the way that this came about
Was probably through Kevin
right because you know Kevin really likes the way that I was doing the Utes community spaces and
You know and and he understood the need for the development of that on polygon
So I think he gave a little nudge be like hey like, you know
You should check out smoky maybe have him start doing a space and then I started doing ones, you know Sandeep
You know contacted me and I think like that's the big thing like you never know what
Connections will lead you to what right and and I think like a big thing is is like yeah, man
Like protect your reputation at all costs, you know
Don't don't do these like quick
You know money, you know, whatever that comes your way, right?
like just be very very careful and be very very careful with who you engage with and who you interact with
right on a deep level because I mean
It's so easy to tarnish your reputation in web 3 and I don't know it's it's really hard to come back
Right. So if you're looking for opportunities really got to have kind of a squeaky clean record
But we do got a lot of hands up here. I want to get to them Husker. What's going on?
Hey, thanks for calling on me and this is gonna be a good transition over to tree beard
But I just had to give a shout out to him and the fam team that they've done some great jobs
Integrating with the pudgy penguins, but a tree beard man
You kind of rugged me because I live in the middle of Kansas and I saw you on the fam
Community page right next to me and I was like fuck
Yes, another pudgy penguin living like right down the road for me
it turns out that he had just put the United States as his location and it just turns out that I literally live in the
Middle of the United States and fam when you just put in like a like general location just throws it right in the middle of
That location so fam like apparently I found out that I live literally in the exact middle of America
Damn, I thought we were about to find out the dark truth about tree beard when he said you rugged
I was like this Ben ain't got nothing on us
Wish breaking news, by the way, someone has been just in the middle of this space someone has been hey
Longer you get to keep the pre-sale open for he said when there's enough and someone asked if 3 million was enough
He said no
So that's gonna be funny. He said initially he was gonna be open for 72 hours
But this man is over 2,000 each by the way, so that's crazy
But anyway, that was a quick that's I wave breaking news
So tree beard, you know, how does it feel to be kind of indicted into the Rutgers community now?
I are you okay? I
That's that's a top. That's an accusation right there. I
Got a little nervous sir and Husker said that I was like, wait, did I do did I like fuck up and do something wrong?
But no, I Husker I actually live in Bozeman, Montana
And I I put the United States in for my location on fam during a demo cuz somebody wanted to see if you could like
Be vague about your location
But yeah super stoked for for where polygons going. I'm getting like early
Solana days type vibes
and I got to connect with smoky at NFT NYC at the
The God's event super cool, dude
I'm the head of BD at fam and me and the CEO were there meeting up with our partners and
Obviously trying to make connections with other potential partners, but Husker, I appreciate the shout out
You know, we've got some significant partners on ETH like pudgy penguins and doodles and
We just rolled out a few weeks ago
Polygon compatibility and I was talking to smoky and we're making the platform free for
Polygon NFT projects as we really want to help the ecosystem grow
And people talk about you know, people have commented of course on Twitter, you know
The polygon NFT ecosystem needs to improve and this and that I think a really big part of that is
community driven and
entrepreneurship driven
just from people building out so tools and solutions that
Can facilitate stronger community in an overall stronger ecosystem
Yeah, we just got brozo on boarded normies just came on board
And yeah, we'd love we'd love to bring more projects smoky
Do you mind if I share for like 60 seconds about the platform for people who aren't aware? Yeah, man. Absolutely. Go ahead
Awesome. Okay, so I'll be concise. So there's two components to
Fam is a platform. There's the community management component and there's a rewards component. That's very much connected to Twitter
So it's relevant to what was being discussed earlier on about rewarding folks for what they're doing on Twitter
But the community management
Component is essential. We there's really there's two main components to it
There's a multi-sync calendar that will pull all of your communities activities from multiple sources automatically
So you connect your project's Twitter account you connect your discord and all of the events on your
Discord native calendar any events you have scheduled on Twitter like future spaces a Google calendar
It'll all get pulled into one single calendar that can live on your website and it can live in your discord server as well
So it'll automatically be posted and updated in discord now on top of that
Husker had mentioned the community map where holders if they want so you have some people who are very private about their location
And then you have other people who kind of want to bridge that the feeling of distance that they have in online in these online
Communities and they put their location on a map pudgy penguins. There's a ton of people on their map
And we just rolled out a feature where any IRL events that a community has it has coming up will also show up
And there are sub communities that holders can create based on trait activities, etc
So really what the idea here is it makes all of your online activities as a project more accessible to your communities
They don't have to keep up with like endless discord threads and announcements and it makes community management as a responsibility for the team
Much easier much more efficient and not take as much time so they can actually focus on engaging with their holders
I and then the last thing I'll share really quickly is the rewards component. So we're gamifying
Interactions on social media. So when you if you as a holder in a community like let's say
Utes for example
If you're part of their fam
You can connect your Twitter and all of your activity with Utes like liking retweeting attending Twitter spaces
Ute as a team they can create their own currency on fam that their holders can earn by retweeting
Commenting liking attending spaces and then they can redeem that currency for however the Utes team wants them to whether that's
Raffles NFTs merch, etc
So there's a deep analytics component there that tracks all these granular activations on social platforms
People earn points for that and they get rewarded and they level up within that community
So there's a whole leveling system. Anyway, I could bore you guys to tears about it
But the whole idea here is we're trying to make a community activity more accessible to the average holder
Not just the like the super D gen that's keeping up with every announcement
But we want to make it easy for them to say hey, what's what are you it's up to this week?
What's brozo up to this week and how can I participate and then we're making it?
Possible for them to be rewarded for that participation through a leveling system and through a point system
So we'd love to if there are any polygon projects that are on this space that are not on fam
We'd love to bring you guys on board at no cost
we're really just you're trying to trying to help the polygon ecosystem thrive, so
You're stoked for the future. Like I said getting those Solana early days vibes very exciting
I and yeah, thanks for giving me a chance to share about the platform smoky and and thanks again for the shout-out Husker
Treebeard, please DM me man. I definitely want to get you on the show to talk more about that
I'm super fucking interested and everything you just talked about. So please do DM me
Absolutely. Yeah, I appreciate the positive feedback. I'll shoot you DM right now. I
Love it, man. You know, it's so funny is like so I've got like a dev that I work with and he's he's he's up
He's an animal. He's just a monster, you know a fang developer and we come up with all these ideas and these different things
And it's so funny cuz like we'll come up with ideas and then like like people will just like come in spaces
And they'll be like, oh, yeah, so like we're doing this thing. I'm like, oh shit
Like that's what we were we were wanting to do right and it's just like so cool like web3 like
There's just people they see these different pain points and then they just go in and they're like look this is what we're gonna
Do we're gonna help with this, right? There's all these different like entrepreneurial minds coming in
So, I mean you love to see it
I think it's so important that bottom-up approach of empowering the community, but then also giving the ability for
founders to go in and reward
community members because I think that that is like some of the most powerful things that you can do as a founder, right and
I think that's really evident with like the youths or the D gods right like and and really that that comes from Frank
Right, you know really, you know
You get like some of those Frank retweets and it just blasts your account of all holla
Like like Frank really helped me grow my account like early on
And you know for for people to be able to have like this dashboard
Within it for project founders and and that's something that that, you know
I talked about with NFT inspect like being able to see like new members coming in and and you know telling them to like go make a
Introduction host and then having the community go and blow it up
so any type of this community level support I think is so needed and it's really great that you guys are coming into polygon and
Offering it for free because you know, there are a lot of people they're like, oh man
Like well, you know like polygon like it just doesn't have this infrastructure
Well, like neither did Solana like when I first joined Solana, like it was not great
You know to mean like it was laughing right, but it had great community
you know, I remember like going in there and working with my dev like on all these little like tools and
Watching the development of all these different things like when I was there
There was like no analytical tools like, you know, hello moon wasn't around soul sniper wasn't around like there was none of that
right, so
Yeah, I mean it takes time for an ecosystem to develop right and and it's just it's just kind of you know
You got to give it a little bit of time and and you see all these people coming in that's like like for me
That was one of the reasons why I was really interested in going to work for polygon because I really enjoy new ecosystems
that have
Solid communities because all they need is a little bit of help, right with some some individuals coming in and building some of the
Infrastructure to support the community that's already there to help build it out. Right and
and also, you know, we've we've never seen a
an actual blockchain
provides support for the NFT ecosystem like we're seeing with polygon
So it's really exciting that they're actually, you know providing resources to help the development of
Of the NFT space. So yeah, I mean it's it's it's like we're seeing this. It's just like a supercharged
ecosystem come about right with these infra builders coming in and then also having the support of
Blockchain foundation coming in is like, okay
Who are the who are the NFT projects that want to build here?
And then who are the infrastructure builders that are coming in and how do we support them?
Right. So I mean and we're doing all of this in a bear market
So, I mean the foundations are being laid, you know, and I think you know, it's gonna be you know
Very short amount of time before you know, everything's all set up nice and nice and tight and it's just gonna be very clean
But go ahead tree beard
Yeah, I fully agree with all that
What I would add in and really this is kind of division behind what we're doing is the the standard way
that projects have been rewarding their holders for quite some time now and it's it's gotten really stale in my opinion is
Is staking and it's this incredibly passive
Way of like passive sort of reward system where you just take your NFT
You park it and then you get some points or currency or something and that you can redeem for cool shit
But the actual way that you're earning is extremely passive
And so we're not necessarily against staking by any means staking is part of what we're doing
But the idea here is an engaged to earn model where the things that community members are already doing like liking retweeting
Really striving to help a project succeed and get more exposure
That we want that to be the principle thing that community members are rewarded for and we want them to stand out as being active
Which is why we have this leveling and badge system where they can grow and sort of show off within that community
That they're super involved. And so we're really trying to move this
There's a lot of people trying to trying to or there's a lot of people talking about how our rewards gonna work in this space
And we're trying to move it in the direction of the people who are engaged who care and who are involved
They're gonna be rewarded for that
It's that it's not this this passive thing and what happens as a byproduct of that system
Is you just create a much more vibrant community within each NFT project because you're incentivizing
Participation and so when people are being rewarded for attending spaces and and in-person events and all of that
Not only are you are you implementing a more robust reward system?
But you're just making your community more vibrant and we want to make web 3 particularly the NFT space more vibrant altogether
So we're super excited to to start to bring communities
Really bring them to life and bridge that that sort of social gap between holders
I mean if you think about it, right like
I got a lot of support from Frank and a lot of members in the the Utes and d gods
community get a lot of support both from the project accounts and then also
You know from from Frank himself, but how many people slip through the cracks, right?
You know, it's it's it's really easy unless there's like this
Centralized system to really be able to to track the metrics of your community
Right and and that's that's something
that you know that you guys are doing and then also
NFT inspect and there's all these tools coming out and honestly like I just feel like it's so
Underdeveloped in the way to be able for projects to be able to track
What their community is actually doing and to be able to know?
Okay, who are the people that we really need to support right and I think like so it stood up and I we started
A club within the Utes called the farmers right and we're like, you know for engagement farming
And it's just to help individuals build their accounts
So when we see people that are doing really really well with like content creation and they're like, you know
Just trying to build up their account. Maybe they got like a couple thousand followers, right?
We'll go in and we'll just like share a little bit of of some pointers that we learned, right?
So if project founders were able to go in and see the ones that are really putting in the work
Then they could go in and provide some mentorship rewards, you know, like a whole bunch of different stuff
So I absolutely love that man, but go ahead Sanza
Yeah, yeah, i'm aware. I'm aware you guys have the farmers group. I asked stuff if I could come in he said no
So, yeah, yeah, that was great. Um, you know
nothing nothing nothing to say anything what I really wanted to say, uh
Was really just that I think it is really cool how you you have so many different people seeing
A completely different vision that suits them whether they want to you know build something that's closer to say a legacy
Or whether someone just really wants to build something cool and they just want to you know
reward people or you know, they they literally they want to change something in the industry that they're in
And or just fucking hey, I just really want to make some cool art and people like it
They like it and that's great. I'm that's why i'm gonna build like there's so many different ways to build and I think a lot of people
I think some people end up kind of limiting themselves, unfortunately, but that's okay
like you still have like smoking you were saying you still have a lot of builders that
Uh that come in and see what they could do
And they they go for it and that's I think that's that's the
That's the beauty of all this and what we do day in and day out
Is that you could literally join last week and already have a concept or an idea of what you want to do
And probably make it come to life in the next year. How powerful is that right? Like and that's uh,
You know to me that's much more doable than say whatever you might want to do what to
Yeah, it's probably the same thing
But I just think there's something freeing about that really could be anyone literally it could be anyone that comes in
They could be fucking, you know 16. It could be 45 doesn't matter
It doesn't matter what they are. They have that pfp and all that stuff. So
Um, yeah, or or there's there's someone like rudo who decides to use his real face for some reason. Yeah, but uh, yeah
That's okay
It's it's because of that jawline man. He's like I can't I can't be hiding this
Yeah any longer the people have to know well
Which is which is hilarious because like I can already see the dm splitting into hey rudo you okay
Are you quitting and like like when he actually said that I was like, yeah, I I could I can't see
People want to see the crown you and then they're like, wait a minute. Who the fuck is this guy?
What's going on over there?
But uh, yeah, no rudo you got to share some of those stories with me, man
I'm curious what what some of the actual messages that you've got in our
You know, some were super sweet, but some it just got to the point where they're like quitting. I was like, yes, dude
Throwing my hands up. I hate it here
We got we got we got people who are making millions on shit coins
And we got people rugging people we got
Motherfuckers who were who were rugging other people and saying they were a developer or then they weren't and then I don't know, dude
So it just got to where I was like, yeah, man. I'm quitting. I hate it here. I'm over it. But
Dude wait until the next pfp update. That's all i'm gonna say rudo switching something up to something big boy
Well, it was it was it was nice to have you while we had your rudo. Yeah
Um, yeah, I really enjoyed my time with you, sir. So we hardly knew he came we hardly knew he
Uh, just kidding
Real quick just just I I do want to say just treebeard like very exciting stuff. So so
Where can people go and and and find this? Yeah, you know site to be able to integrate
yeah, absolutely, so
If if if there's a project on here that wants to get on fam
Um, the quickest and easiest way would be simply to just send me a dm
Um, follow me send me a dm. I'll follow you back and
onboarding to get on fam
We've the last few weeks we've really been
developing a
Streamlined method for onboarding. It takes about 15 minutes
For me to get you set up with the core product
So that one all of your events and activities and I mean primarily online, right?
So whether those are twitter spaces game nights
Or even if the event is simply that you're announcing some new rollout for the project
All of that can be found on this multi-sync fam calendar that again can be can live on your website through a plugin
And will be published automatically to your discord
So i'll get you set up with that i'll get you set up with the members on a map so that you can
Not only set your holders can
Facilitate activities with one another and see where each other are which on its own is just fucking cool
but also so that you can see what areas like if
Where you're getting most of your engagement from right? Like what in what country are most of your holders?
And as smoky as you pointed out, you can really start to support those individual members
Uh who are doing the most for your community who are really striving to help your project succeed as a holder
Um, so I can get you set up with our core product in about 15 minutes. So shoot me a dm. Um, and uh,
Y'all get you i'll get you started
I love it, man. Well, thanks smoky. Appreciate that. Yeah, very exciting stuff
Cannot wait to to come and check it out and and you know, just like thinking about it, right like like for
For the utes as as as a project, right?
They're they're really coming into to being like a content creator heavy community
But like that doesn't just like happen
right that that takes nurturing and and it takes like a lot of people coming together and
And you know mentoring each other and and I think like with this supportive tool that makes it a lot easier
For prospective projects to come in and and support those content creators that that are really coming in and and trying to support the brand
Because if you have 10 dedicated individuals as a project project, you know building their platform with with your pfp
Like that's a big deal. Right and then it just starts to grow hundred percent. Yeah, and also
Just another another quick thing here
Um, we're going to be rolling out support really soon for for there to be fams for actual crypto currencies
Uh rather than just nft projects
So they would be it would be a token gated fam for anyone that holds
Ethereum or whatever and so what we'd love what we'd love to do smoky at some point
Is potentially create a fam for polygon?
I'm, so anyone that anyone that owns polygon that supports polygon would have access to that fam
And that's where you guys would really be able to identify. Hey
Who in our community and the overall polygon community?
Um, who's who's the most active who's really striving to to see polygon succeed the most and it would also just facilitate a lot more
Community activity for the polygon community overall overall
So that's that that's going to be coming soon and would definitely love to chat with you about that in the future and the near future
Love it, man. Well happy to get on a call, but I do I do want to throw it on over to links
Whoa, hold on. Hold on. Hold on before links goes here
No, no, no, no, no
I gotta give them a story links. I gotta give them a story. I gotta give them a story. What is this echo?
Yeah, yeah, there is an echo wait link go on mute. I don't like you in my voice. Not not a lifetime
Um, okay. So look, uh, first of all treebeard, I feel left out
So i'm just gonna shoot you a dm just to shoot your dm
Um, you know heck yeah. Well, I I don't mind. I can't you don't follow me back
I I totally did not mean to say that uh, I love but I I hate I hate when people like you're not
I'm sorry. No, no, no, no. I'm sorry. I got no
No, i'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. Stop. Shut up
Anyway, look uh links links and I uh met in uh in nft nyc
You know, I know you're surprised you're you're like, oh, I thought all azuki's had already met irl
Well, that is not the case. That is not the case. I I know you all think that
um, no, no, um, so so, you know
what's that group which is now repurpose for vegas and
I had a wedding together on thursday, which was smack dab in the middle of nft nyc
and so my my my stay for the week was
Staying in the hotel tuesday wednesday go uh go home thursday morning for the wedding come back friday afternoon and then leave saturday night
Uh, and so so that that was like my whole thing
But no one knew that I was leaving thursday. Everyone thought I was staying the whole week
So I had people dm'ing me like yo, bro. Where are you? Where are you at?
I I saw because I was dm'ing in the west app group. Yep, right around the corner, uh in in in an uber, you know
I uh, the uber's taking a while, you know
I think at one point I even said i'm in an uber with uh with frank
He he he's uh, he's having a gas right now, you know, and then because lynx decided she was like
Oh i'm at the club with uh thread guy lieb and you know something i'm like, oh, okay
We're we're all we're all joking with each other, you know
You're not just gonna drop the three biggest influencers of nft twitter for whatever reason, right?
So i'm like, yeah, I got uh frank luca and uh, you know gentle tornado with me
So we're we're just in the uber right now on our on our way over. Uh, where where's everyone at? You know
Late cold
Let's go. We're we're upstairs. We're upstairs come through i'm like, ah bat bat. We're like we're like 20 30 minutes out
We're 20 30 minutes out. We'll be right there. Uh, yeah. Yeah. Meanwhile, uh, she found out the next morning
That I was indeed not there and I was indeed not with uh, you know
The founder pudgy penguins the founder d guys and the founder of positivity in the nft space. Uh, so yeah
But uh, I just I have to I have to so links what's up girl, how you doing? How you living?
You know, it's funny it turns out I was with gentle tornadoes at night
Wait, did I say gentle? I I forget what the third name was
Yeah, no, I think you did say that but no it was hilarious. Yeah, you thought I was completely bullshit
But uh, yeah, and then the pictures started to post and you went. Oh my god. No, you really are
No, I was uh
I came up and thank you for telling that story fans that you tell it better than I do
I came up to ask treebeard, but did he know he's still here. I really like the um
positive influence of the platform you're building
My only concern would be and this is not to shut it down by any means but just to
To throw you a challenge to think about
Um, you know, we've had bad actors pop up in the space who gain a lot of influence and
Um use that for no various purposes. So
How are we gonna?
Um, how would we have a way to identify that with your platform?
Are you talking about when you say bad actors, are you talking about projects that rug or people who are promoting rugs?
Can you be more specific?
They go hand in hand don't they usually the project that that rug has a
Has a front riding promoter
that gains traction
Yeah, so I want to be
I want I guess I want to be clear about what we do. So
the whole
The whole purpose of fam is to provide a place
for an nft project to
Activities for their holders and reward them for participating. So we're our platform isn't necessarily about
like uplifting or giving more exposure to individuals
uh, the platform is more so for in an nft project who creates a home for their community
Where community members can be meaningfully rewarded. So I don't I I personally don't don't see
Just in terms of our I don't see any of our functionality facilitating
Um, like scamming or something like that if that makes sense
Perfect. And then the other question I have is that some of our projects in web 3
um, when they get to be a little bit more developed they kind of fall into an echo chamber where
Um your audience is your audience and they may or may not be and other projects especially if these are
mid-level tier projects they tend to not be floating around in the upper level projects and
Kind of too big for the small projects. So
Do you have anything in mind in the app to accommodate or kind of help projects break out of being in an echo chamber?
well, the whole the whole idea behind the rewards component is
When you have like so you have projects that go viral, right?
Like they mint and then for whatever sort of mysterious reason around
like the right combination of people tweeting in a short period of time and it gets enough exposure and then it sort of just like
Blows up or moons so to speak what we're doing with this
uh, this rewards infrastructure
giving smaller projects a way to
Incentivize the members of their community to be more active so that they do have that greater shot or greater chance
at achieving some degree of virality, so
If if they're if they have a leveling system, that's really cool or quests or they're
They're the points that people earn for engagement can be redeemed for something meaningful like not just bullshit
Uh, then then there's a there's a system in place so that incentivizes people to help that project
go viral so in other words the
By its nature the rewards infrastructure gives smaller projects a better shot
At achieving that that greater degree of exposure because of because of the incentivizations around engagement if that makes sense
Perfect. I'll show you a follow and i'm definitely interested in learning more about some of the projects that i'm working with
Because they might be interested in your platform. Oh fantastic. Yeah, i'd love to have a conversation
And I really appreciate the questions, by the way all good questions
Yeah, thanks so much i'll drop back down to listener, but thanks for having me up smoky and sanza my favorite shortcane stay out of trouble
Link you can stay up here. You know, you could chill here. You're the only other zookey up here. It's fine
Uh, I could I could use some support
Um, but yeah, yeah
Anyway, if you guys if you guys are wondering why why is this title the space called way beyond the pvp?
Well, well
That's a funny story. Uh, so we initially had uh beyond the pfp
Um, and then we had we had, you know, uh, all of a sudden we have like five ten twenty people maybe even fifty
I don't know. I just kind of like oh, yeah
I I also had a spaces that I was going to bring back kind of similar to that title
um, and so it's uh
You know, we're like, okay. Well, we'll change it. You know, we'll make it pretty obvious and smoky like we're gonna do way beyond
Uh the pfp so we cannot be mistaken with anything called beyond the pfp behind the pfp
Uh the pfp and beyond I don't know there's so many different variations here
I it's smoking. You know what? I love I love how people act like they claim first dibs on the words themselves
And it's like these are spaces titles. Um, it's
You know, we're not we're not over here trademarking this shit. We're just
Titling the spaces so it looks clean when we tweet it like that's the only reason so uh, yeah
Anyway, that that's the whole story
I'm pretty sure it's all cco
Um, you know and we just need to do a little more education around that so so people understand
And you don't have the ip rights to the name of the spaces. No, you know, what's crazy is there were two people
that said
that they had
Beyond the pfp as the title of their space, right? So I was like, all right
Well, we'll be way beyond the pfp and and so far we're we're getting away with it. I I haven't had any cease and desist
Uh coming my way, uh, you know, I I'm pretty sure they'll send those to sanza first
They'll be like listen sanza. You got to shut it down. Uh, we can't be having this but
No, it's it's it's it's been a fun space. I I really enjoy like, you know, some some of this cross chain
You know, it's really nice to to be able to have people from from all over, you know
I think i've got nfts on like five different chains at this point
Uh, so it's it's been nice, you know, I I would like to get some h bar
Uh people in here there's there's uh, there's like a project that i'm in
It's like the blue chip over there like these little ghosts and uh super fun community
So it's I just love like, you know, like smaller smaller ecosystems and and they just seem to have a lot of fun, right?
It's interesting because like salona and eath
Have both had like super crazy bull runs
With that with the bear market, uh, they've had like really major dips, right?
So so there's there's a bit of saltiness
With some of these more developed ecosystems and then with some of the newer ones, right?
They haven't had that major run
And then the the the crazy drop, right? So everybody's just like having a good time still they're like, yeah, that's great
You know and the floor prices aren't like super crazy high
But they have been they haven't had their major dip. Yeah. Yeah, everyone's like
We're finally gonna be able to buy the dip. Oh wait, the dip is still dipping
So everything
And you know everyone's just all of a sudden panicking and it's just it's so fun. It really is
Uh, you know i'm just sitting there in my comfy position, you know
I always tell everyone every fucking spaces that I do
Uh with the espresso shot i'm like dca in dca. Yeah, you know and and my co-host will always
Always interrupt me and go bro. If you if you explain dca in pokemon terms one more time
I'm leaving this space and i'm just like, okay. Well I bought that
Uh, but no I one of those co-hosts being big nil
So I kind of want to check in my man big nil over there
He helps me co-host the polygon shot every wednesday
Which we do on purpose highlighting polygon because it's just one of those things that we still feel like is slept on in general
And smoky i'm sure you know that that that vibe a little bit like you still feel like people are still
Kind of either fading it or having a tough time with it or whatever kind of experience that they're having
Um, and so, you know, I I just kind of want to check in my man big nil real quick big deal
What's going on my man?
Good evening. Zamza. Good evening smoky. The brozos are up here good people across the board
I've been hearing a bunch of good things from tree bird recently
He connected with the kitten castle family recently. I've seen them using the platform
Good people in the space. So I had to hop up and uh
Say what's up on this amazing friday? I'm trying to uh
Keep it low key a little bit on the web 3 side. It's mother's day this weekend
You know, we got stuff to take care of on that side and take care of the fam and everyone knows that but uh,
Yeah, really enjoying the space. Obviously hopped in a little bit later
But uh, yeah, we actually have some bangers coming up these next few weeks
Like I said i'm wrapping up my coaching season
Uh a couple very cool projects will be on our polygon shots over the next few weeks. We are
Booked out through the rest of the month. So, uh, if anybody's looking to get that a little extra exposure
And the main thing that i'm like pushing essentially in the next
I don't know forever from now is put your neck out there and
Influence people that aren't into the polygon ecosystem yet. That's why I love
hosting with you sanza and I love hosting with shotgun because the majority of your crowd right is
Based on the ethereum and the salado ecosystem. So
My entire goal and I keep preaching this in different spaces and calls and stuff like that
I was actually on a call with stand deep on wednesday
Was to make sure that you all take a chance out here and just talk about the why behind everything
That you're involved in for me. It's polygon. It's been that for 16 months at this point
And I think that just continuing to push that education continuing to push that fundamental why behind things?
Um, it's really going to push the entire ecosystem forward. So just appreciate being up here today
obviously looking to connect with new people if you're looking to
Organically meet some of those polygon creators like jumping because I got a bunch of people that are looking to build the polychads
Have been a really great people that have been connecting with uh, just really providing resources out here
And so there's a lot of different avenues that we can take for it
But if you're interested in learning more feel free to reach out because that's my entire goal this whole
Rest of forever in my web3 life is to make sure people understand what this world is going to be
From scalability to gasless solutions and everything across the board. So appreciate that. Love my friends
Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their amazing web3 weekend
I'll probably take it easy tomorrow and i'll probably lie to myself and i'll probably do a space but you know
It is how it is out here fam. Appreciate y'all
Why do we have a spaces addition smoky big nail?
Why why is it that we know we shouldn't but we're like, you know what?
Feeling frisky today. Let me press that start button, baby. Oh the dopamine hits and
Feels so good and we're just like, ah, no, I should have done that. I I don't know what it is, man
I don't know what it is. Uh, i'm in the same boat
But also what I do want to say in big nail, uh won't say is that my man is becoming a new father
Soon and what what is it now big nail? I lost I lost count. Is it five months six months?
Yeah, it's in the end of october
So i'm trying to learn from all of my other web3 parents out here so I can learn that ever
So delicate balance that you have
Probably just going to be tired all the time probably going to learn how to deal with it
Uh, but you all handle it really well and sounds like you kill it. So i'm just trying to uh integrate into that
Web3 parents club slowly
Yeah, uh, you you know what happens you get so tired you drink a lot of coffee you end up
Making a space. It's called the espresso shot. That's what happens
Uh, yeah, so now you all know now you all know the true the truth about the espresso shot
No, but in all seriousness, um, I I do appreciate that and i'm really excited for you. It's a blessing
Um, all I have the the only advice that I have to give is embrace the chaos and get ready to embrace the chaos
Because quite frankly anytime you settle into a routine with with with the with your with your baby
Um, they're gonna switch it up on you
They're like, oh, you know my routine now. Well, guess what motherfucker? Uh, I wake up three times a day now
I was like, okay
All right. All right, we're just gonna go fucking mostly sons
I want to learn what kind of sound proofing you're using because apparently you can be as loud as you want and your kids
Just just fine
My I I think out of all the spaces i've done I by the way
Uh, my for those of you that don't know my office is literally right under
Uh the nursery so like literally my daughter is right on top of my head
And she has not woken up. Uh, I might have woken her up one time
Out of the 200 plus spaces that i've done so far
Um, yeah, and i've only merited three death messages out of all that time
But my wife so I I we don't have any sound proofing but if we do I I mean jeez
I feel bad for my vocal cords then but um, and I feel bad for all y'all's years, too
So i'll do my best to keep it down. You know do my best to keep it down, baby
Maybe i'll start whispering. Maybe i'll start whispering
Um, but yeah, no links. You got your hand up. Uh, and then we'll we'll bring it back to smoky. What's good. Thanks
You know, I thought I did and then it happened
And uh, yeah, so it's been an experience. Uh, I will say i've been learning a lot from him
Uh, you know, I I haven't quite learned how to monologue quite as well as he does
But I think i'm going to get there here pretty soon
You know who you know who does a great job of that is leap
Like I that's like I I remember like watching leap like early on I was like, oh cool
Like maybe i'll do stuff like in the way that leap does and then I was like I can't do that, man
I can't like talk for that long, you know
He's just like man. He does such a great job of it and and uh, you know sansa does the the second best
Uh job of it. So, okay, wait, whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. You can't put me that close to leap
You know some people tell me like oh leap goes a little too long and i'm like, okay
Well, I can't be too close to him, you know, some people said oh you're like third fourth or fifth
Second if i'm graduating i'm doing something wrong here. I cannot be moving on up above the banks
Uh mostly because when I say let's go to the hands or let's let's take let's take some of these hands
I only say like one to twice. I feel like I hear leap say it at least
Four to five times at least so so I like to think you know more around number three four or five, you know, hopefully
Uh, but yeah, man. I I also feel bad for anyone that asks me co-host
I think I have to start doing a disclaimer, uh thing from now on whenever anyone asks me
I'm like well disclaimer. Uh, I might talk for longer, man. I I
initially anticipated because I
Tell me a lot of you missed the beginning of the spaces where I basically said running on three hours of sleep
Uh and pure immaculate vibes and so that's that's that's the only thing keeping me up right now
Uh, but yeah, yeah smoky. Uh, well, first of all links
Did you have anything else to say besides that one question or are you good?
Okay, okay well suki I might first be doing the most I guess I like that
I like that that's that was yeah, that was that's what she wanted to hear
But look you guys I I think that this has been a very very good space
But before we end it I do want to hear from bros though
They just been up here holding down the engagement farming
Exactly. You know what? We like the engagement farm, but uh brozo what's going on with you guys before we end the space?
How are you? Hey? Yeah doing doing well, honestly, um, yeah, i've just been engaged in farming, you know full transparency here
Uh, just enjoying the space and like what you guys have to say and like, you know
I listen to your spaces anyway, you know
So it's just like I was like dusting and cleaning and just you know listening along and learning and everything. Uh, shout out
The fam gm fam we use them they're dope
And uh, yeah, it's back. That's super dope, right? So happy all that's going on on polygon right now
Um, we've got a couple things cooking right a couple fun things before we get in space, right?
Uh, we're sending an airdrop out to all brozo holders. It's a like an art collab with meta vixens
Uh cool polygon project dope art. So if you hold a brozo you get one
Uh, and she she drew everything up and it's got brozo traits super dope a little memento for like our partnership
Uh, and what else?
I mean, yeah, I mean, I guess that's like the that's what we got going on right now
We got steak coming out in a little bit summer line dropping
Little d-list incentive if you're delisted you get entered into raffles every month. We just have 500 bucks worth of nfts
500 bucks. I mean if you're not dropping a hundred grand worth of nfts that you really even trying
Uh, I mean bro, so hey we gotta we gotta start small we gotta we gotta we gotta baby treasury right now
We gotta make that make more money first
Uh, but also, you know reward the community a little bit for staying active
I hope everyone understands that's listening that I was completely sarcastic
I i'm starting to find out there are some people out here that don't have a sarcasm meter on
That makes me a little worried honestly
Uh, but really quick brozo because I saw you come up mute and I want to I want to give you back the mic
But I just want to remind everyone that uh next tuesday
I will be hosting
Smokey said i've had it. I'm tired of your ass. You take the mic just fucking schedule it and put it out
And I was like, all right smokey. Jesus. You didn't have to be that aggressive about it
Um, yeah, this guy's mean behind the scenes
But that but you know that you have to be with that with this kind of with this kind of with the weight
With the world the weight of the world on this man shoulders. Yeah, so yeah come through next tuesday
Uh, we got way beyond the pfp your uh, european friendly time. Uh, I think it's 6 p.m
Eest so stick your uh, stick your set your reminders. I can't fuck it off today, man
The three hours of sleep is set it in uh, set your reminders come through next tuesday
I've also dm'd uh the uh mic from nft's bet as well
See if you would also like to come through then as well to discuss a little bit more about nft's back since his time
Here was cut a little short for my jackass question that I ended up presenting. Uh, so that is my man
Uh, so yeah come through. Uh, bro. So I want to throw you back to mic because I saw you come up you go ahead
Uh, I mean that's that's pretty much it, you know, those are the most exciting things right now
You know, we're still new we're still the new kids on the block
Our community is not the same community that's going to be here
Uh, you know, it's towards the end of the year. We're going to throw some events
Uh, you know teddy's cooking up the ideas behind that, you know
It could be a pizza party or something like that
Or you know, it could be a little more it could be a little cooler and you know have a open bar type situation
Uh, and you know bros the holders only type thing, but you know
We got to let our community get a little bit stronger first before we roll that sort of thing out
You know, we're still you know, we're still new we're still the new kids on the block
Our community is not the same community that's going to be here
Uh, you know in six months, right? It's you know, they'll filter out. We're still getting through the mint phase and everything like that
Um, but you know, it's super strong already and you know to hear people say they see us all over the timeline
Is literally, uh, you know me as a marketer all I want to hear that's like that that lets me know that we're doing something, right?
So we just got to keep that going spread our reach even more shout out nfc inspect
We're gonna run it up over there already. Talk to the community. We got it going. It's on lock
So run it up
Let's fucking go let's fucking go. Uh, yeah, shout out to entities back
All I need you to do is just boost my reach a little bit more. That'd be great
Um, yeah, i'm i'm also talking to the dude that has at like sanza just sanza and man this guy's a painter
Yes, i'm trying. Oh, yeah
Jesus Christ. I just want to change my fucking name a little bit. I just want to get rid of eth
That's it. I just want to appeal to a broader audience
Anyway, we're working on it. We're working on it. But um, yeah, so
Uh, that being said guys, I you know, it sounds like you know, smoky wants to wrap it up a little bit
We're 90 minutes in where it's friday night. I don't I mean, I don't blame him. I'm not fucking complaining
Uh, it's friday night. We got mother's day this sunday. I totally remember that did not at all think that it was next weekend instead
Who would think that not me?
Uh, but yeah, so I do appreciate you all you could have gone to any spaces
You could have not been on twitter at all
But your your dopamine addicted ass came on and you listened to us for 90 minutes
Uh, and we appreciate every single minute of that. I love you all. I appreciate you
I'm grateful for you humbled by you if you have any feedback at all whatsoever
Please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We will implement those changes the best way we can
And we will work on promoting this better and doing this in every in and rewarding you guys for coming in and listen
Uh, you know smoky will probably mention this a little bit. So I won't I won't take his spotlight here
But I love you guys. I appreciate you. I will be finally shutting the fuck up. I love you. Have a great fucking friday night
All right, everybody it has been a great space and sanza is right
I am sure that I will be able to get some polygon projects to come in and give some white list
I can check in with this new one that is coming out. It looks very very hyped. It's called pluto misfits
Uh, i've been talking with the team and and helping them with some stuff
So I think that we could get some white list spots from them and maybe 10 spots
So show up next week and I will try to arrange that and stay tuned
So I hope you all have a wonderful night
Please call your mother
This weekend go hang out with your family spend some time during mother's day. Very very important
Get off of twitter for a little bit hang out with your mom. Tell her that you love her
All right, everyone. I hope you have a good week or bring your mom on twitter. That works, too
Thanks smoky. Take care man. Take care everybody
Thank you for having us. Love you all
Love you more