🎙️WE3 | +C.O.C ft Goat Club & Folklore NFT | sponsor - META-BUILDERS

Recorded: Jan. 26, 2024 Duration: 1:34:01



Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Community of Communities, a groundbreaking Web3 movement
that celebrates the diverse tapestry of human creativity, innovation and collaboration.
In a world characterized by unprecedented connectivity and decentralization, the community
of communities stands as a testament to the power of collective ingenuity.
Together, we'll discover the limitless possibilities of the Web3 movement and the remarkable individuals
and communities who are shaping the future. Stay tuned for a showcase of inspiration, collaboration
and boundless creativity as we dive deep into the heart of the community of communities.
Welcome aboard. I now bring you our host, Die Revolution.
Good afternoon and welcome to the Community of Communities Web3 space. Thank you everyone
for joining. Happy Friday, I hope everybody as well. Do forgive me, I do have a headache,
but I am trying to soldier through it. I hope everyone is having a fantastic Friday.
As always, I will give everyone a breakdown of how we conduct our spaces before we then dive into
introducing our team and then we will introduce our amazing guests for tonight. Hope everybody
is well, hope everybody is good and we are super excited to be featuring some guests we haven't
featured yet. So how we conduct our spaces is a little different to how most projects conduct
their spaces. We feature two guests for a two hour long space giving each guest up to a one hour
slot. You don't have to take the full 60 minutes if you don't wish to, but you do have the
opportunity to do so and we do this to help give projects the opportunity, the chance to
fully break down their ecosystem, to dive deep into who they are, who their team are, what their
ambitions are, what their vision is and what they aim to achieve in the Web3 space and we also
like to take a deep dive into how you found Web3 and what it was that sparked your journey in the
Web3 industry utilizing blockchain technology. So without further ado, we will introduce our
co-hosts for the night and then we will move around and introduce the rest of the team before
we introduce our guests for tonight. So first of all, we have Tricky Buddha. How are we doing,
Tricky? It's Tricky Buddha from DeFi Space Donkeys, sponsored by Shibu Society. What's up,
fam? Happy Friday. Happy to be here. Love seeing all the people in the community showing up.
It's going to be a great space. I know you're not feeling great, Rev. We will carry this
for you. I hope you feel better soon and yeah, looking forward to the space.
Thank you, sir. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I appreciate that, bro. I'm more concerned about
my son. It's typical of my sons not well now, but that is how big families work in small
houses. It is what it is. But yeah, no, thank you. One last thing, everyone. Make sure you
retweet the room and tag some friends. This is going to be a great space. It's also recorded
so they can always tune in later. If you don't want it on your timeline, you can always undo
that. Go ahead and give it a retweet. Let's go. Let's go. Nice one, brother. Yeah, we also have
the bacon sandwich. How are we doing, bacon? Happy Friday, sir. All right, ladies and gents.
It's the bacon sandwich here from the bacon sandwich. Yeah, I just want to mention that
thanks for the picture of your child sick. We really appreciated that. Just telling us
that your kid wasn't well wasn't enough. Yeah, with everything that I had going on in my
household before, you're going to think I'm making this up. It sounds like a Coronation Street
episode I think I've got going on. So I thought, yeah, I better just spoil your tea for you.
For why not? There's a British way to go about it. It's way more than you need to say. And
on the carpet too. Just terrible. Just terrible. Oh, it was a proper pizza. There was a proper
floor pie. That was just part one. There were three episodes to that. But anyway,
yeah, that ruined my tea completely. So that was my appetite out of the window. But
anywho, we will soldier on. But yeah, I know. Apologies for the graphics on that one.
But we also have in the building crypto tour. How are we doing crypto tour? AKA Tony.
Hey, Mickey. Yeah, I'm doing good. Thanks. Looking forward to this space.
Thanks everyone for joining. Let's go. Yeah, legend. Me too. Super looking forward to this.
I love speaking to people I haven't spoken to before and getting to know more people. That's
what we do in web three. We keep growing and expanding and meeting more people. So I am
definitely super excited. It does normally take between five and ten minutes for everyone to
join because there are quite a few spaces that start and finish around the same sort of times.
Our ex can be where people have trouble getting into the spaces as well. So
hopefully everyone else will be joining very shortly. But without further ado, we have
our guest on the stage tonight. How are we doing, guys? Welcome. Happy Friday.
Hello. Happy Friday. I'm not sure if you're speaking about me or somebody else. But
welcome. Thank you. Welcome, Sima. Yeah, Simba. What's up, Tricky? Simba down. Nice to see you
here. Absolute legend. And yeah, and shout out to the rest of the team. We've got hangry animals
in the building. I see we got Trey in the building as well. You guys, you guys are awesome. I love
it. Rock in the plus. We've got Gunner down there. Bella. Mermaid. I got Gnar there. I see.
Let's go. Mike. I love it. Seeing all the pluses and welcome, Ashley, the Festies and Doji.
Welcome to the club. Welcome to the party. Also, we got Killa4b. Welcome. He is Killa,
one of our hosts or our guest tonight. Who's our guest tonight?
Yeah, our guests tonight are the Goats Club and Folklore as well. But I'm not so sure if
they're going to be coming on stage on their personal accounts. Sometimes people do do that
and we don't know what accounts they are. So if you are for one of those people that we're
featuring tonight and you do have or you are sorry using a different account, just drop us
in a DM or drop a comment in the comment section on the bottom right and we will get you up on
stage. Yes, for sure. I know there's lots of accounts being banned and people are having new
accounts or other accounts. So it's hard to tell sometimes who's who. But if you're new to this
space, just feel free to hang out and we will be asking some questions later. It's always
difficult letting people up in these recorded spaces who we don't know. But I hope you're
all doing great tonight. What's up, Killa4b? Hey, hey, what's up? It's actually Caleb.
It's just a little twist that way I can keep track of all my web three accounts.
I'm actually a mod over in Folklore and I'll be speaking for them tonight.
Cool, cool. Well, welcome, welcome. Do we have anybody else from your team that you need to let
up? As of now, it's just it looks like it's just me coming up tonight. Sir Fattius may be here
at some point, but Fridays is typically our founder's personal day. We everybody kind of
has a day to recharge and Fridays is his day. So we take over for spaces and such.
Cool, cool. Well, welcome. It's nice to meet you. This is this will be fun. This will be fun.
And welcome. I see Bella stepped up as well. You want to just say hi real quick, Bella. I do
love having you. I want to say hi. But before the night is over, my great friend Caleb will adopt
the plus. Do we have any takers on this bet? Let's go. Let's go. I would I would I would
bear with you. Okay. All right. Let's let's just watch. Add the plus.
Add the plus. You're one of us. We're always about being a positive addition here. So that's
what's up. Well, welcome. Welcome. Why don't you give us a short intro about, you know,
who you are and kind of how you got here, Caleb? Oh, man. Okay. So web three has been
an absolute journey. I can tell you I've started. I started probably two years ago or so now. And
the first project I ever even looked into or got into, I would say a full mode on is no longer even
a project. It was called the metal lizards. They were minting at the time for point zero eight S.
Oh, my God. And that that was forty two hundred dollars back then is where I was sitting at.
And I ended up getting back the very first day minted minted a lizard got stamped
almost quit web three that day decided to do a whole bunch of research and learn
for the next round to give it one more go and ended up getting into another
rugged project that one. Oh, man. That one was called the high smugglers club. And that's
actually where I got my real star into web three, I would say, because that project led to
several other projects, one which I actually met Bella and Gunner and a whole bunch of
people that I still consider family today. And it's just been growing ever since to the point
I've actually recently started doing spaces. This is maybe my fifth or six official space
in web three for folklore. And yeah, it's been it's been a mission. It's been a journey.
I've had a blast. I won't say anything about making money because I don't know
if anybody really does. But yeah, and every everything's everything's kind of led me to
where I'm at right now with folklore and we're branching out even more.
But yeah, folklore has been been home for me recently.
I mean, I'm sure some of you guys is web three journeys are similar
to that. You found a project, you found another project and you just this kind of how it all
turns out, isn't it? Yeah, yeah, I remember the first project I got into. And I didn't want to
get into it, actually, I was, but everybody else on TikTok, like all my friends were invested in
this guy, Gorilla Pimp Squad. And he was he was charismatic. He really did bring the community
together. But when the when the bear hit, he was not prepared. And he just bailed.
Simple as that. And I had literally minted the day before he decided to just take all the
everything and just dip. It was like, I had to be holding that NFT for less than like 18 hours.
And then he was just like, out. And I'm like, what? What are the chances? I mean, so my first
NFTs were actually NFTs that I made. But that was the first one I bought from someone else,
I think. And since then, I bought the NFTs from everybody else in the community. And, you know,
it's it's been a much better process. But yeah, man, that's I think you all everyone has that
story. You know, everyone's got at least one story of, yeah, the guy that got him, you know,
just deceived you or just failed or yeah. Yeah, my first my first NFT actually was
something I created. So my sister is doing a degree in fine art, I think it is. And she had a whole
bunch of her coursework and stuff like that. So I took really, I took really good pictures of it
in good light and stuff. And then I uploaded those as NFTs. No one's interested in buying it,
because no one really kind of knows they're out there where they're there. I've never really
publicized it. But the originals that I that they were taken from, they no no, no longer exists.
There was a fire that affected my life. And many people close to me. And lots of people lost
a lot of stuff, including myself. And the artwork was one of those things that didn't make it
through the fire. But I managed to encapsulate them forever on the blockchain. So I just
drop that in there real quick. Yeah, that's the beauty of it.
That's kind of beauty of NFTs. Because even even if you have it, you can get, like you said,
you've encapsulated those those pictures that are on the blockchain. You can have those recreated
or remade now for forever. Yeah, yeah. And if in a verified fashion that you know,
that isn't a copy. It's an original. It's an original piece, because there's a collection
to it, you know, I made a whole bunch of them and gave them a name and this sort of thing.
And they were all sort of tied in together with different stories. But yeah, it's what it is.
I'm sure I'm sure I'm obviously sad that the art, the originals are gone, because it's really,
you know, really cool artwork. But but yeah, it's there. It's there forever. You know,
yeah, good on you for doing that before that happened. I mean, shit, like stuff happens,
man, you never know what, you know, when something's going to go astray. And the
blocking is great for verifying and saving, you know, your art, your pictures.
My idea was that my sister could go, Hey, look, if you want to buy my art,
then I actually have some art, which you can purchase. Here you go. Here is that was
the idea. But she's obviously never never found a buyer for some of her,
some of her work. She normally gets commissioned for stuff. She does like loads of tattooing and stuff
now. That's cool. Well, you know what, those art pieces may be good on some merch. Maybe
we put it on some merger and make her a little merch shop and she sells the merch or the canvas
prints. Because people are more into that sometimes. And you know, bad idea. Web two.
But yes, I mean, the thing is, the art was got a bit of a story as well. So obviously,
it's just not just art. It's got a little bit of something to it. You know,
a bit like the Amanda story with her dragons kind of similar.
That's awesome. So, so Caleb, what got you, how did you find this project that you're
currently with? So this project was actually something my brother had brought me into it.
And Bella, Bella actually gave me my first folklore NFT ever.
This wow, this was that would probably be looking back a year ago, at least now.
Kind of introduced me, you know, hey, we're finding these new projects. We were all kind of reaching
out. We found our own things. If we liked it, we'd shoot an NFT over. I know I've got at least
six projects or so that I'm still part of that Bella and Gunner have more, more or less gifted
me into these projects in these communities. And that's actually how I found folklore to begin with.
Back then, they were minting their the OG collection, the OG Tokuloshi. And they've actually that
collection is minted out. That is the only one in folklore that is on the blockchain.
That being said, if you would say sweep an OG or own an OG in our collections right now,
you get the OG roll, which gets you a whole, a whole other game channel, just for OG rumbles,
gets you a higher amount of tote, which is our native token. It kind of opens the door for
everything on a larger scale than one of these other PFP collections that we have right now.
Um, the only, the only catch with those F based NFTs is that they're not stakable. So that does
not earn you any of our native token per day, which is more or less the lifeblood of the entire
project. But you do have more, more opportunity to win that tote and higher amounts. So it's kind of
like a give and take. We didn't want the staking platform to be too expensive because you have to
pay the gas. And that's always really expensive. Yeah, I think like the really the best staking
going forward is if you can figure out a soft staking mechanism, because you can save the people
gas, they don't have to move the NFT from their wallet, it's just a little bit more secure.
I feel like a lot of people are leaning that way these days. And it's just more cost effective.
So we actually offer staking on every one of our PFP collections, we have six of them out right
now, two of them are actively minting. And it's custodial staking still, but it's on the polygon
network. So it's much, much more feasible for you to stake say, like, I have at least 100 NFT stakes
right now. And really to un-stake and all that, it takes about an hour and a half. And maybe
4Matic right now, if it's a bad, like if it's an expensive timeframe 4Matic. So we're on a
different network for most of our other collections, which makes it much more feasible for our holders.
Oh, we tried, we've tried the soft staking idea. And it doesn't, it's not
necessarily what we went with. It's a great option. It's just, I don't know how else to put it
besides. That's just not what we chose to go with. You got less, I mean, it's the whole idea
behind staking is that you're rewarding people for being like diamond hands a lot of the time,
right? So if it's not staked, then it's not, they can very easily still flip it. But if it's a hard
stake, then they got to think about it a little more before they pay the gas fee. And it gives
them that extra moment of pause before they do something rash and just liquidate, which is,
so I understand, I definitely do understand. So I mean, it's really, I've listed a few that I
forgot I had stakes just on the off chance. You know, listen, I've got some art that I've had,
staked in there. And it's honestly, the platform we're going with is so smooth. It's,
that was almost the 100% buy right there. We have never had really many issues.
Nothing's big. Nothing's crazy. And gas fees are really low. Like I'm talking 0.001 Matic.
So yeah. And like you said, a hard staking platform gives you that pause. Do I want to
un-stake and then list? And most of our holders who have them stakes have the idea of what are
I don't want. The easiest way to say it is they picked up on the idea.
You want to hold these NFTs. You want to stake these NFTs. You want to earn that hope per day,
because everything else we have to offer all of our art collections we've actually got.
Wow. Nine, nine plus art collections out right now. One of them was made by one of our holders as well.
And they all meet through toke. We've got, we just had a week. Last weekend, last Sunday,
it was called the heroes and villains means all based off comic book heroes and comic book
villains, main characters and such. And that minted out within three hours.
And that was all, all done through Matic or not Matic, our toke token, the native token.
And some of these, some of those mints, people were going, going pretty nuts for them. You got
think like childhood nostalgia, comic book heroes.
Yeah, very cool. I see we got Miss Evie back here on the stage as another member of our team.
She does the mental health spaces on Tuesday. I saw you here, Evie. Just wanted to say what's up
real quick. Hey, Tricky. Hey, y'all. How's everybody doing? Doing great. Doing great. Appreciate
you being here. Hope you're feeling well. I am, I am. A couple of minutes late, I was trying
to join from the car, but wasn't getting any sound, but I'm here now. And I'm excited to
keep hearing and listening what's going on. Yeah, absolutely. Caleb, this space is all for you,
man. So pin something up to the top, you know, call to action, your Discord, something that we
should be looking at or helping you share. And we'll say some what's up to some other people
who've joined us. I see we got Rizzo the boss in here. What's up, Rizzo? Hope you're doing
well today. Hey, what's up? What's up, man? How's my plus crew going, man? How's the guys going out
there? You have to pop in. What's up, what's up? I have to pop in and just say what's up,
you know what I'm saying? I see Tricky. Tricky dropped it inside the chat, you know what I'm
saying? You know, thank you for Tricky for keeping me informed. I'm saying, you know,
I'm in the revolution, you know, I'm with the revolution. So, you know, I'm down there.
If you guys check in my body, I do have to plus Rizzo. I made sure I had that explanation
for this right now, right? I told you before why, right? Because people can't find me,
but I put it in my bio. If you go in my bio right now, where it says Rizzo the boss,
it says plus Rizzo the boss in there, right? I made sure that I did that personally the
other night. I was like, yo, you know what, man? I love this fucking group, man. Your chat,
man. I'm telling you, you guys might not hear about me unless I'm doing like my music shit,
but I'm always listening and looking, you know, I got multiple phones and doing shit, but
I like what you guys are bringing to the Web3 table. So that's why I'm continuing to keep that
plus in that bio right there, man. Thank you, man, for including me. I appreciate you, Rizzo.
Cheers, bro. If you've got any new tracks, man, bring them in deep notes later tonight.
Oh, hell yeah. Yo, yo, man, I've been coming to you. I'm telling you, man, you know,
I've been all over the place, man, but I'm doing I'm doing my drop today,
seven p.m. and shit on sound X, Y, Z. So I'll definitely pass by.
I'll let you put it on top and everything. Yeah. Thank you.
This space is all for the two interviews, but we will definitely be doing music spaces
and some other stuff later on tonight because it is Friday. So that's what's up.
Rizzo. Yeah, we'll go. Rizzo, my guy.
Hey, Bella Rizzo. I like the bio. I like the bio.
But let's go.
All right, Caleb, baby, you're looking for a post right now to pin.
But yeah, this is this is a good conversation. So let's see, where should we go next with this?
What what is your what change did you say you were on and the mint price?
I'm curious about that. So we have two minutes going right now. I'm sorry. I'm not 100 percent
sure if it was for me, but we've got two minutes going right now. We have the folklore fangs mint
for 10 matic and we have the tenuki tails mint going for 20 matic. And as a mint bounty right
now, we have a one of one. Topoloshi NFT done by crack the toy. He's a he's a toy artist.
That's breaking into the Web three space. He's done a one of one NFT that will be stakeable for
ten thousand toke per day. And we'll be giving that away on mint out. And then we're doing a
weekly bounty for a tote cartel. So every minute you get tenoki wise will get you two spots for
the mint out raffle, four spots for the tote cartel raffle. And each folklore fang mint
will get you one mint out raffle and two weekly raffles. These weekly raffles go on Sundays
and those NFTs are stakeable for five thousand toke per day.
Cool. Very cool. And we got some we got some cool stuff up top as well. Feel free to go up there
and hit up those pin tweets in the jumbotron. Share them out. Show them some love. You know,
maybe drop a comment or tag some friends who may be interested. And also everyone get back down
to the bottom and retweet the room. We got a nice space here, but we've only got a couple.
We've only got like half the retweets of the people who are in here. So I know you can do
better people. Come on, get down there. Retweet the room. Let's tag some friends. Let's go.
It's Friday. We got a great space. So I appreciate you all being here. I know a lot of you are at
work and just kind of listening in. So that's even that means a lot to us for sure. So I have
a giveaway. I can try to pin to the top here. It's not pinning to the top, though. It's through
my personal X profile. But I'll be giving away a twisted Tokuloshi NFT. It's a PFP collection
stakeable for 200 toke per day. And I'm also giving away some toke today for anybody who's
in this space and likes and retweets. Let's go. Oh, you heard it, people. Get over there
and retweet. And we're about to pin up that giveaway as well. Caleb, if you just retweet
it from that account, the Caleb account, I can pin it up.
All right. So incentive tokens. Quite often, they are an inflationary metric.
Have you got anything in place to try and keep the inflation under control so that it doesn't
dilute supply too much? So the token is actually a non listed token. So we're not
really concerned with inflation or pricing on its main value is in the ability to mint
future art collections. And if you have a million or more, not you don't have to hold a million
all the time. But if you gain or get to the point where you hold a million toke tokens,
you'll gain the toke millionaire role, which right now we're sending out in real life tokens,
their challenge coins for all toke millionaires, and it gets you extra games and it can give you
mint access two hours early for future art collection mints.
So it's a utility token for people can use within your ecosystem.
Yes, so the whole really the idea behind that and this ties into the non listing,
the value is in what the is in the investors eyes, if that makes sense.
These collections mint for toke, which is essentially a free token that you win or you earn per day
from minting other collections. And we give we give a lot of toke out through rumbles and poker
collabs. Almost every day of the week, we have a poker game rolling that can win you
stakeable NFTs and toke. So the values in the eyes of the holder, and some of these are like,
I meant art to have like this most recent collection for me, the child like I was saying
before the childhood nostalgia, the comic book idea, the pictures, me and my wife actually have
a plan, we're going to redo one of our whole rooms in NFT art and NFTs. So we're looking at
a way to turn our NFTs into say a wallpaper or poster board to hang in and decorate an entire
room with them. I mean, any printer could help you with that. Yeah, I think any any decent
printer, we've got to give you the right equipment to make that happen like a transfer or something
Yeah, absolutely. And we're looking into the whole process of adding the QR codes next to the picture
and all this. So the for me personally, I won't ever sell any of these art NFTs that I have,
I don't even have anything listed for them. So but you can list them the ideas you meant them
for coke, and then you can list them for matic. And that's how you get your value. That's how
you retain or your, your return on investment. And we have collections selling, I think one of
our collections, the floors for matic and some of them go as high as 300 matic.
So there's a wide, a wide range of value that our holders perceive for these NFTs.
That's pretty cool. I would just give you a friendly tip, be very careful how you phrase
things. If you're in America, or in certain countries, you don't want to guarantee return
on investment or APY, because you can be considered security sometimes, you can provide value and return
to people. But if you guarantee it, that's when you become a security. So that's just something you
might want to be very cautious of laws are coming more clear. And a lot of us can register later as
well when the laws are starting to change. They're going to go after those millionaires
and the big dogs first. But yeah, something to be wary of, you know, 100%. That's really cool,
though. I like the idea of another token and being able to get NFTs with those tokens,
like it from Discord or from, you know, from your other collections or something like that.
That's really cool. It's a, we've been seeing that a lot more. And that's a good way to get
your community more engaged and bring people into other, you know, collaborative communities that
are working with you. So that's cool. We've had, we've had quite a few collab games and people,
honestly, I can tell you right now, there's been a few we've turned down just because they don't
want to give tokens away. And that's, that's our whole project. That's a lifeblood. That's how we
sustain our future mints and our next, what's coming next and how we're planning to move ahead
going forward. So some, some projects we just don't line up with. But we did,
we've done enough research. We've done all this. I like this, this ad, the plus the community of
communities. It's, it's all a lot too. You guys have a lot going on. Yeah, a lot of great people
and a lot of great founders that have joined us. And it's, yeah, it's really, it's really amazing
to see all the people coming together. And that's, that's really what it's all about, you know,
trying to bring positivity and good value to the space without, you know, without creating
chaos. Yeah, I mean, we know we're trying to be here for everybody else. I mean, that's,
value to founders by, you know, giving people a platform, you know, helping people to connect with
other people, you know, people that can share skill sets and knowledge and life experiences and
shit. Sorry, I swear. Yeah, I mean, that's, that's kind of what we're, what we're aiming to do,
you know, community communities is great name, because it's exactly that, you know, we're a
community of communities of founders and the communities of those projects.
Yeah, it's good to keep each other safe, keep each other in check. And keep each other positive,
you know, you definitely need to have a good community, a good strong community in this web
three space, especially as people are coming in here just flooding in before the bull,
the bull run, it's gonna get it's gonna get hectic for sure. You're gonna have to look,
we're gonna have to all be on top of things. That's awesome.
Let's see, do we have okay, we do have the giveaway up top now, I've just interacted with
it, make sure everyone goes up there, we reply, you know, repost tag three friends,
and and get in that giveaway. Let's go. Yeah, so that giveaway is going to be for,
like I said, for a stakeable NFT, that's going to earn you 12 per day.
Down the road, that's going to be more, more of our NFT or our art collection mints.
So I guess it's a win win. Plus, there's some token there enough to mint some of our current
collections right now to kind of get you a foot in the door here for folklore.
Yeah, that's really cool. Awesome. I appreciate that opportunity. You know, we definitely,
we definitely encourage giveaways. You know, that's a good way to bring more people in who,
you know, are may not be able to otherwise meant right now. So that's really cool.
But yeah, so I mean, I think I've covered a lot except for maybe some specifics about each collection.
I'm gonna open it up for questions if anybody's got questions or anybody wants to know more about
folklore. You mentioned games. What sort of games you got going on?
So right now, right now we play a lot, quite a bit of poker. And we do in house games, we got
bingo and rumble set up right now. We try to do rumbles once or more a day and bingo
kind as where we're going. Bingo takes a little, a little bit longer. So we end up paying out a
little bit more. And then our poker games are really where the money's at. If you look into
win token, you're looking to win prizes, or poker tournaments are our main focus right now.
What sort of times do you kick off your tournaments?
So most, most of our tournaments, actually, I think we have one partner tournament starting
here in about 20 minutes through web three poker. But most of them start typically around three,
four p.m. Eastern Standard Time. And they run, I mean, they run for maybe an hour,
hour and a half, if it's a longer game. Okay, so during our spaces, don't talk about it.
Don't talk about just playing. So they're in discord, basically, you can go through discord to
get into it. So you could, you can be here and in the poker tournament at the same time. Let's go.
Absolutely. Jump into discord, find the web three, we're partnered through web three poker. So you
kind of have to join their club GG. But you join their club GG, all the poker tournaments are
listed, all of them, there's a ton of folklore free rolls that earn you toke and NFTs. We have
every Thursday, we do a folklore free roll, and the top nine win a piece from each of our well,
each winner wins one piece from one of the collections we have out right now, plus tope
for future mints. Very cool. Well, I want to see some art, man, I want to see,
I want to see more, more of the NFTs. What are the like, can you post up some pictures of some
of the NFTs you're minting from those two collections? Actually, I'll post up a few of
my favorites. My PFP right now is one of our, is one of the favorite piece of the mind from our
original, the original art collection is the Joker profile picture I have right now.
Post one of the poker champs too.
Okay, I have a couple of those. I actually have never, personally, I've never won a poker
champ. I'm not, I'm not the best poker player out there. Yeah, they are. They're very unique,
man. I was lucky me and Bella both were lucky to win them early on. But yeah, we've both been in
folklore for a long time. And it is a great project. And Stanton, he's a, he's a very good dev
and a very good founder. And he takes care, he takes care of his discord, you know, with
the third web stuff, he mitigated, done, done everything, got everything fixed. And he's on
top of it all the time. Very good man, very good team, very good project. Yes. But those poker
champs are badass and you can only win them in poker. And there's a lot of stiff competition
in their poker games. So bring your game. I got to show up, man. I'm really good at poker.
Well, for the first 30 minutes, then I get bored and just go all in.
Yeah, so I don't play too, I don't, I never buy into poker, but I play every once in a while.
But yeah, that's how it goes. There's, there's times when I've gone in, I've just been like,
all right, I'm going to go all in on this. I've, I've won a lot of poker, like championship or
games where I've just like gone all in on absolute nothing. I probably shouldn't be saying that
actually. I come in second place a lot because I live with Bella and she's tough competition.
So I've, I've always, I'm always the pridesmaid, never the bride, right?
Man, I would not, I would not play poker. If I saw Bella there, I would not, I would just leave,
especially if I saw Bella and Gunner there. Cause like, man, they got a whole family there. They
could be working us. They could totally be working us in the back and be like, all right,
no, no, I got a better hand. You two fold or, or just like match the blinds and then get out.
I've tried playing poker with someone else in the room trying to do that. And it's not as easy to
think. Yeah, it's true. It's true. If they've got like four decks and you can't count the cards
or anything, then like it does make it harder. But cause sometimes you think you've got a good
hand or the winning hand and someone else just comes out with a flush or something random and,
or you fold something that looks like it's meaningless and totally worthless. And then
that would have been a flush or something. You know what I mean? So yeah, it could happen.
It's no, you never know.
Club GG is notorious for the river.
That's, that's what catches me all the time. So I've posted a few, um,
they're actually on the spaces. I reposted on the spaces, a couple of our art pieces,
the top two are from this most current mint, the, uh, the heroes and villains mint, the one
that was last Sunday and it minted out within three hours. They're the comic book, uh,
art pieces. The third, the third post I posted the picture, that's actually a toke cartel.
Those ones are only obtainable through our mint bounties or weekly mint bounties.
And they're stakeable for 5,000 toke a day, which will basically get you, uh, an NFT every two weeks.
And then the last picture or the second to last picture I posted is our in real life toke
coin that we're sending out to all of our toke millionaires. That's an actual physical piece
that you'll receive, uh, for becoming a millionaire. And then the last picture I posted is from our
folklore frights collection. That was our Christmas collection that came out just a little bit ago.
It sounds great, mate. So it sounds like you've got a really good community, uh, back in you. Um,
you know, you've got your free roll tournaments, which I think is really cool. Well, I think I'm
about to find out what's happening there. I used to play a bit of poker back in the day, but
uh, not so much now. I don't really have the time for it. Um, but yeah, I used to love a
special live tournament because you can get a real read on your opponent.
But I'm, I'm a little bit like, uh, like gunner in his situation as well. Cause I used to play
with my wife and, uh, she'd, she'd nine times out of 10. If we found ourselves on the same table,
she'd end up taking me out. That's, that's my situation right here. My wife actually just slapped
me on the arm when you said that. Okay. All right. Well, I pinned them. I pinned them all
up top because they are pretty cool looking. I also pinned up the discord so you guys can all jump
in the discord if you want, but yeah, check out that artwork and give it a, give it a retweet
comment on your favorite one. I see them up there. Thank you.
See your hand. There's so much more. I have hundreds of those I could post up here for you,
but those are my, my most recent favorites in my camera role. Yeah. I, I'm a big fan of the,
of that last one too, that you post, that we posted up there. Um,
daredevil. Yeah. Not daredevil. Um, I'm blanking right now.
Oh, that's dead. Yeah.
Yeah. The Deadpool is really cool. I see your hand gunner. Do you have a question?
Comment. Oh, my bad. I didn't, I didn't even know.
Hey, look. Hey, look. Hey, Rachel, my love. Hug Rachel. Love Rachel. And
I'm going to beat y'all on posters. So, nevermind.
You know, I was just, I was just up there trying to comment and retweet all these great ones. I
posted them up and I got a retweet. Okay. Get up there, everyone. Don't sleep on that. Let's,
let's show some support. I want to see, I want to see at least 10 retweets on that, you know,
or at least 10 likes. I mean, everyone can like it. If you don't want to retweet it,
I understand, but you can at least go up there and like it or maybe give it a comment.
Yeah, very cool. Oh, well, you guys are all
retweeting comment, which ones are your favorites. If you've got a favorite and you own
any of the art pieces, please feel free to share and add on to what I have as my favorites.
Because there's, there's a ton of awesome art out there.
Yeah, very cool. Very cool. All right. I posted it up. Looks like I'm going to have to delete
a Discord server so I can join you and see what it's all about. Let's go. That's what's up.
Very cool. Well, if anyone else has any questions, now would be a great time to ask.
Caleb, do you have, you have merch for this, these collections?
We, we actually don't have merch as of yet. The first piece of actual like physical merch we've
done are these toke tokens and they're more or less a gift we're sending our, our millionaires.
That's cool. That's cool. Well, if you're interested in that option, I would get in the
club or contact, we've got Nar down here in the audience. He's a good person to maybe talk to.
Might be some options there. Yeah, that's what's up. That's how we grow. We've got lots of great,
great legends in the community building stuff. And yeah, I actually did buy a bunch of Nar's
NFTs in order to have him make me a merch store. So that's something you could look into.
I think it's really cool to be able to put your NFT on stuff. I know there's a Bugatti
group as well as doing a thing right now, where we can get you a discount to put your NFT on like
a bag or luggage, which is really cool. I mean, this is like high end luggage. If you know Bugatti,
the baggage company, not the car. Bugatti, Bugatti group and the, I know they're partnered with
addition 22 too. They've got some, I saw their luggage, that luggage you're talking about.
That's sick. Yeah, I can get you a discount too. I'm going to be an ambassador for one of our club
members. I'm going to have to go to Canada actually to meet with Bugatti and discuss some of their
other collaborations. And it's going to be pretty cool. I see your hand, Bella. Welcome up. Hope
you're doing great. I'm doing great. But my last question for Caleb is not really hard.
So are you going to have a plus? Are you going to adopt the plus to be positive in web 3?
I will. I will adopt the plus. Let's go. I just have to figure out how to
change my profile thing because it keeps recycling me back through the same space
and all of that. I don't want to close Twitter because if I close Twitter.
You just click on your profile, go to profile and go down to and then edit profile and you
just can edit your name right there. A plus is just a symbol you can add. It's actually,
the plus is one of the smallest symbols and characters you can actually add to your name.
So sometimes it won't even change your display name, which is cool.
I just got out of that cycle of save.
What's it doing? All right. Saving something is taking me to another page.
Oh, I see it. I do see it. Let's go.
Let's go. I bet if you swipe the page down for the space and back up again.
Yeah, you'll see it. He's got the plus. Let's go.
That's what I like to see.
Let's go.
Thank you, Caleb. I knew we'd get you. I knew we would get you.
It's kind of hard to resist our positivity.
Well, I really appreciate you, Caleb, for coming in and repping the project.
You're definitely a good community member and a good ambassador for the project.
So yeah, I appreciate you having the time and coming to answer some questions.
That was really cool.
Crypto toe. I see your hand up.
Brother, you got a question for him before he leaves.
No, I just wanted to come in and say, you know, nice one.
Caleb, add in the plus.
Welcome to the group. Welcome to the family.
Legends. This is how legends are made.
I love it.
We're trying to create movement.
Stopping in. Oh, go ahead, bacon.
We're trying to we're trying to start a movement and, you know, and it's moving and I love it.
Heck yeah. Very cool.
So we do have another guest who'll be coming through. What is it?
Got the goat club coming in.
So let's see. I don't know if they're in here yet.
Let's we can go ahead and tag them. Maybe we can get them over here.
But yeah, now's a good time to go down to that purple button and undo your retweet and hit it again.
Put it back at the top of the timeline.
That would get some more people in here, get some more eyes on it.
Yeah, let's go. Let's grow.
So that's that's what I'm going to go do right now.
And can we tag goat club?
I don't know that I am following them.
Yeah, I see a couple goat clubs. I'm not sure which ones which.
But yeah, you guys are all welcome.
Hey, what happens? What happens?
He looks like you got me blocked, bro.
What happened?
How dare they how dare they tricky.
I mean, it could be just a Twitter thing.
I don't know. I can't follow.
I haven't been able to follow anyone for like three days on this account.
My main account is suspended.
I don't know what's going on.
Things are all wacky.
But yeah, very cool, very cool.
So we have some really cool things coming up.
I don't know if we want to go into what we're what we're building.
But yeah, if I don't remember who has the what's the act for a goat club?
Let's try to get them in here as a P.
Hopefully they're doing well.
It might be a Twitter issue because we have been having some things happening recently.
It's been hard to even give some people the microphone.
Sometimes you got to retract your request for a mic and then we can send it to you,
you know, that's how Twitter is.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to be saying goodbye here in just a couple of minutes.
I was just I got my space.
I do every Friday, so I got to do that.
But yeah, no, it's been awesome.
I just want to catch you guys on another day, too,
when I don't actually have a space right after it.
I could stay and chill and listen more and get to know everybody more.
I'm really interested in the project.
I don't quite have the phones quite today.
I've been waiting for some of my bags to go back up.
They kind of went back down and I'm like, OK, I'm going to wait a little
long before I post the money out.
But yeah, like in about a week or so, I should be able to jump in on this
because I'm really interested in being part of that, this whole project.
And yeah, so cool, man.
I love you guys.
Thank you for letting me have me and having me on stage and everything.
And I really appreciate hearing about your project, Caleb and the rev.
Thank you for having the space, man.
So I'm sorry I have to bring my friends with me down there,
but we're going to migrate.
We'll see you next time, though, for sure.
We'll stop by.
Thanks a lot.
Yeah, we got we got to get tomorrow.
So we do Friday, Saturday's trick.
He's active, like everywhere all at once.
So yeah, facts.
We are here Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Eastern Standard Time.
Always spreading positivity and researching more crypto and more NFTs.
I love it.
But yeah, I appreciate everyone stopping through.
Yeah, we'll definitely have to get more people in here for some interviews.
You know, we can always work things around with the schedule.
And yeah, we can schedule those interviews any of those days, really.
So yeah, that's what's up.
Yeah, sorry, I've been a little bit quiet.
My little one looks like he's just starting to settle a bit now.
So I'm hoping he might fall asleep, which is good.
But yeah, I see your hand up there, Caleb.
Thank you for adding the plus as well, my friend.
Really appreciate that.
You're an absolute legend.
Fire away, buddy.
Hey, hey.
So just so you guys know, I just ran that giveaway while we were still in space,
while we were kind of waiting for the Go Club to jump up.
Miss Evie actually won that space.
I know I see her in here.
If you, Miss Evie, if you could join our Discord and open a ticket,
we'll shoot those prizes out to you then.
Hey, thank you.
I'm assuming your Discord's in your bio.
I'm going to go check right now.
And we ended up top, Miss Evie, as well.
So it's easy to get to.
Not, you know, couldn't have gone to a better person, honestly.
I was hoping I would win, but if I'm not going to win, I'm glad it was Miss Evie.
For sure.
I never win.
It's usually Trey or Toe.
So it's usually Trey.
Yeah, Trey's a beast.
He's an absolute legend.
He's always in every space supporting people, and he gets in those giveaways,
and he wins more than anyone else because he enters more than anyone else.
It's more like Trey wins more than Tony, but Tony wins more if they're both in on it,
if that makes sense.
I think if it was a head-to-head,
I think Tony's probably got the edge, you know?
Yeah, I feel like if it's out of numbers of times you've interacted,
Tony's got it hands down.
But in sheer persistence and wins, then Trey's got it, right?
But yeah, really, they have some amazing luck with that.
I had a friend that was in my Discord.
He won three games in a row.
And I was like, okay, we got to do a fourth game just to see if this is broken.
And if you win a fourth game, I don't know if I can give you all those wins.
This seems sketchy, but he didn't win that fourth one, so I gave him three.
That was great.
I bet it was well-affy.
I bet it was like, oh, it's my day, like, the chances.
Yeah, every once in a while, that happens where I have people get like triple wins.
Same thing happened with Mr. Green when we did a raffle.
He put in like 10 bucks for a raffle and won like, I don't know, $500 in stuff.
It was like he won everything.
I was like, how did you win with his 11 tickets?
He won everything out of like 190 tickets.
Pretty funny.
All right.
Well, we, I don't know, we could go through a couple other announcements, maybe,
or if anyone else wants to come up and say hi.
Now's a good time.
Well, we try to get the goat club in here.
Once again, appreciate all the pluses.
Everyone who's shared the space out and just being supportive.
That's what's up.
Support gets support.
You know, you attract your vibe, so, you know, be a real one.
That's what's up.
I see we got, we got Sheena in here and a couple other friends stopping through.
It's always nice to see Mermaid down there and Bella.
And we got Doji in here.
We got just Mike knocking the plus.
Ashley, Rachel, appreciate you stopping by.
Yeah, that's, that's what's up.
So, Bacon, while we're, we have a little pause here.
Are there any airdrops or anything that we need to be aware of right now?
There is one that I will qualify for, for staking Celestia tokens.
It's an old layer, it's called.
It's a modular roll up technology type thing.
I think, I think the future of blockchains is going to be modular.
I think that's going to be a big narrative over the next few years.
And I think interoperability as well is going to be another big narrative.
Things, you know, things like Polkadot is great because if you, if you build it on Polkadot,
it doesn't matter what chain you're on because you can be on all of them.
So yeah, Polkadot is a really cool option.
But when it comes to airdrops, yeah, I'm just staking Celestia, Atom,
just getting three airdrops.
And a few, there have been a few Ethereum ones, but they've been a bit of a bust.
I know there's, I think Win token is dropping as well right now.
If you have a certain, certain NFTs that you've been interacting with,
I think it's a Solana token.
Then they're airdropping it to people.
So they always be careful with, with clicking links, guys, you know, airdrops
shouldn't require you to connect your wallet in general.
And if they do, you better make sure you're going through official links.
Also have pocket universe or a wallet guard.
Have a contract reader that will tell you if that's a scam.
It'll tell you if there's a red flag or what it's doing to your wallet,
what's moving in and out.
And if it's too much moving around or it's too ambiguous, don't do it.
Yeah, simple as that.
Stay safe for sure.
What was that called, Tricky?
When token.
No, you said that the wallet, the wallet, what's your thing?
What was it called?
So wallet guard or pocket?
Wallet guard, that's it.
Pocket universe.
I've learned that one.
Yeah, I like pocket universe.
That's what I have on some of my devices.
I see what I've got interesting topics.
Anyone seen this device?
It's called Rabbit.
Someone in the community was talking about it.
I think it was Dojo.
He said he was involved in in this rabbit.
It's an AI.
It's like an AI handheld device.
It's basically what was a little mini disc player.
It's called the Apple ones, MP3 players and stuff.
It was like the beginning of something.
So this is like an AI companion.
They're calling it and it's like a one-use device, but it's an AI in your pocket.
So it's going to be like, I don't know, I think it could be the genesis of something
potentially huge, but there's a big marketing campaign because I heard him talking about it
in the space and then I saw an advert for it pop up a couple of weeks later.
And then I see another one on a different platform pop up again.
I'm like, oh, hello.
Let's see.
They're really pushing this thing.
You haven't seen it.
Has anyone seen it?
That's interesting.
I haven't seen it.
It would be funny to have like an AI through your camera, through your glasses
or something like that.
Have it scan the environment to find like possible lens.
Give like, like, look, there's a puddle there.
There's ice.
You know, that guy's got a, you know, an angry look on his face.
Stay away.
Based on body language, you should stay away from that guy.
He's a threat or something like that.
Like AI could do a lot of really crazy things.
I'm working right now with some AI stuff.
Image to video AI, which is really cool seeing that work.
And then also there is, you can like type in lyrics, like a prompt,
and it will generate a song and play it and perform it for you.
So we're making a, we're making deep by space donkey songs.
And there's a few of those.
There's a few of those.
And I don't think it's been nailed yet the whole AI music thing.
I think it's got a, it's good with rap.
It's a little bit easier, but if you're trying to have someone sing, that's really difficult.
And I think that has got a long way to go when it comes to AI and music.
Yeah, nothing is going to be the live singer ever.
I don't think, but the, it can actually wrap pretty well.
So there's this thing, I think it was called a Suno.
S-U-N-O dot AI.
And it, yeah, you can, you can basically create your own music there.
If you are a writer, but you don't want to perform it yourself,
you don't want to make the music.
You can literally play with that and make some interesting stuff.
Some of it's actually not bad.
I was really surprised.
S-U-N-O dot AI.
It's funny because at one point you could go to Bing
and it would actually do like create AI songs and lyrics for you.
So recently I had a friend that went there and Bing just literally said,
hey, go check this website out.
It's all inclusive, kind of.
It can actually complete that for you.
I love hearing about all the new AI projects.
We've got some friends.
I think this is going to be the, this is the Game Boy.
This is the first, I think, of many things to come that are similar.
I think it's going to have huge collectible value as well.
I don't know, man.
It interests me as a concept.
And if they can get it right and they can get the marketing right,
I mean, to be fair, the device doesn't look a bit janky,
but I'm sure they'll try and work on that.
But it is cool.
It's a companion.
It's a friend in your pocket.
You can ask it a question because the thing is,
I found chatbots and stuff a lot easier to search for answers
to my questions than Google and stuff.
It gives you results that it thinks you want to see.
And it's like, no, I just want you to answer my question.
So it's having that in your pocket.
That opens up a huge world of possibilities.
It cuts down on having to know what Boolean logic is.
Just the whole logic behind search engines.
And you don't need to know it anymore.
You don't.
You don't.
Now you can just ask a straightforward question
and it'll automatically search the internet,
figure out what's the most common answer.
And there you go.
It's not perfect.
Obviously, it's quite well known that they're pushing back
a lot of false information and being assertive about
its accuracy.
So it is quite concerning that, obviously,
if you are getting results that aren't truthful,
what does that mean if someone's not paying attention
and they're just using it as like a data collection
or raw data kind of machine to give them an output
that they can just go ahead and use
without kind of looking for it.
There's all sorts of problems that can arise
with this AI stuff, I'll tell you.
Yeah, that's true.
Sometimes it just isn't accurate or it kind of goes off
on a tangent a little bit.
You know, it doesn't know who Tricky Buddha is
or a DeFi space donkey.
Every time I ask the Siri or the AI,
it comes up with a different thing.
At one point, it said I was like a, what did it say?
It said like I was a potato.
It was like I was a deformed potato.
Another one told me, said it was like I was like a troll
or something like that.
And then there was another one that was like more accurate,
which was really cool, but it's really funny.
It went through like old mythology and stuff.
It was like, I don't know what it was doing.
Maybe you need to feed more data into these AIs
so that the data set knows you Tricky Buddha,
DeFi space donkeys is.
Well, I would like to know what the update,
like the paid version that's up to date.
What does that one say?
Because the free version doesn't have like the last five,
six years of data.
It's just like from before that.
So yeah, but there's many others out there just like it.
There's many others just like it out there now
where it is up to date or, you know,
almost up to the minute in some cases.
It's out there.
It's out there already.
Yeah, like not better than chat GPT.
There are many free ones that are better than chat GPT.
They're all over the place.
I got to check it out.
I got to definitely do get some better ones.
I've been using chat GPT for a while.
But I mean, like I said, it's if you try to make it
make a story, there's always a guy with a guitar.
And I'm like, this doesn't belong here.
Yeah, that's good stuff.
Oh, it looks like is that the go club down there?
Welcome to go club.
Hope you're doing great today.
Grab your microphone.
Come on up and let's let's talk.
Go club in the building.
Maybe the next person to add a plus.
Who knows?
Who knows?
Let's see.
I'm going to I'll check out the comments
and make sure we're not having any issues
or unanswered questions.
Happy Friday, everyone.
Yeah, they said they were on PC.
So it might be might be a bit awkward.
But yeah, go club.
Thank you very much for responding to my DM and tag.
We appreciate you guys.
You know, I webbed three years and I keep saying it,
but apologies for me being quiet.
Hey, don't apologize, man.
Just feel better.
Just feel better.
Thank you, sir.
You know, we can't we can't control
when we got a migraine.
If there's anyone who understands that,
it's definitely me.
So yeah, no.
Yeah, we found out that we'd had a we'd had a gas leak
for quite a bit, but we couldn't smell it
really strong and we had to get the emergency gas
people out at like 12 o'clock at night.
So they came made it safe.
But then we don't started being sick.
And then we was worried that it was because of that.
But they did some tests and said it would definitely safe.
And then we found out that the nurse she goes to,
there was a tummy bug going around
and my sons just started going to nursery
and he's got the same tummy bug.
So although it's not good to be in sick,
we're just definitely glad it wasn't because of that.
But I think that's why I've been having headaches for so long
because the bottle is right behind where I sleep.
But yeah,
Yeah, that would that would do it.
You're lucky you didn't blow yourself up.
Yeah, I'm glad that we don't we don't smoke.
If you were, I definitely wouldn't be in the space
right now.
I'd be in a space, but it wouldn't be this one.
Right, you'd be in outer space.
Funny enough, one of the space we was in,
I nearly ended up being taken out by a casserole dish.
Remember that?
I remember that.
Oh, my God.
Yeah, you nearly died, bro.
You were dying with death that night.
Holy cow.
I kind of wish you'd have seen it because it honestly,
I saw it was hot because it looked like you could see the glass had been burned.
And it was only because there was a creek on the ceiling above me
because my wife had got out of bed that made me turn my head
and it just smashed the corner piece just pinged off.
I felt it brush past my neck and the cupboard behind me.
And if she hadn't had got out of bed to see if I was all right,
I wouldn't have been.
So, yeah, that was great.
That was right in the middle of space as well.
That was crazy.
Yeah, I wish you had cameras in your house just so we could see that
because that sounded really ridiculous.
Yeah, in between all the chaos of all the kids,
it would have been entertaining to watch that in slow motion.
We've got another legend in the space.
Pete, welcome to the stage, man, that we're talking Web 3
and we're about to interview the goat club.
But I appreciate you stopping by.
Hey, Rev, been a minute.
Hey, I've been a minute.
How are we doing, Pete?
Missed you, my friend.
Doing good.
Yeah, spin the board, Pete.
Welcome back.
Oh, welcome back.
Yeah, cool.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I just missed all you guys.
I took a break in September for a couple of months on Twitter.
Just a lot of stuff to do and shit like that.
Yeah, so yeah, I'm back now.
Ready to go.
Let's go to the moon.
Let's go.
All right, I've sent the goat club.
Mike's repeatedly.
I don't know if they're having trouble getting up.
Yeah, I'm not sure what to do.
Maybe the goat club.
If you can't accept that, Mike, maybe you need to jump out and back in real quick.
And then maybe that'll help.
Yeah, I've been having problems where I come into a room and request to speak.
And it gives you that error message that it's not working right now.
And I have to actually close this, go out of the space.
And it's like almost twice it's happened now.
Twice in a row.
Yeah, facts.
Yeah, I have issues sometimes with the very start of a space.
I'll try and join and I'll request to speak on stage.
And then it will just sit there and I'll do anything.
I know they can see it.
And I know they invited me.
And it just won't work.
And then I leave and then I'm on the stage when I come back.
And it's just like, hold on.
Then I can't speak.
And if I let me unmute myself, it's just chaos.
Yeah, facts.
I mean, I'll just keep sending you a mic if you're here.
But you probably should just pop out and back in.
It might fix it out.
If that doesn't work, then you might have to close your app or computer entirely
and give it a soft reset.
Just reset your computer, reset your app, come back.
Yeah, sometimes I have to just shut down my phone.
Yeah, that's normally the remedy for me.
Reboot that normally fixes it.
Alright, so he's going to leave and come back.
And I see we've got Val up here, aka Nightman,
one of the legends in the community, making art for a lot of projects.
If you are a collector of NFTs, you probably own some of the art
and don't even know this is who made it.
But also, if you need a custom one-on-one,
for my collection, this is probably one of our high-end artists.
So, what's up, Val? How you doing?
Doing good. Thank you for the intro.
Yeah, just currently doing some more art.
I got back-to-back website clients right now getting stuff done.
And then, actually, somebody did kind of cash in recently on a custom.
They got, it was our friend, iSpy.
She took a picture of her and she got a picture of her and Nessie.
And, gosh, I just forgot who else was in it.
But I did this kind of sweet little good morning post
where I made this sad girl, kind of branded girl,
like glowing from the eyes and mouth and everything.
And it was like good morning post.
I did that to her picture for her as a claim on those rewards for the eyes.
Very cool. Very cool.
Yeah, you get five eyes and you get a custom one-on-one.
See, it was 10 just a while ago.
So, now is a good time.
That probably won't last very long.
Also, there's a couple artists within the sad that you should
strategic, is it strategic art and design?
Is that right?
Gotcha. Cool.
Yeah, very cool, man.
Very cool.
This space, we usually just kind of save it for the interviewees.
But please, share something down in the comments.
I would love to see, if you want to share anything, that's really cool.
But yeah, feel free, everyone.
Drop some comments down there.
Questions, anything you want to, you know,
maybe just positivity also that helps out the algorithm.
All right.
We got goat club back in the building.
Hopefully, they can accept this mic request.
Yeah, I was going to say something else to you, Val.
I can't remember what it was now.
It'll come back to me.
I need that just the way.
Yeah, I think we're going to get.
Is it working?
All right.
If that doesn't work, though, you're going to have to do a hard reset and then come back.
But hopefully, that works.
Gosh, Twitter just working against them right now.
Oh, and now I remember what it is.
So you design websites as well.
So like SAD, you know, mostly what we do, it's kind of an interesting thing to like
be in this space, you know, doing this stuff because a lot of people want to, you know,
compare it to like a project or, you know, think of it as like a project.
Like when SAD is like, you know, we just do we do branding.
We do media for for businesses and companies and projects here as well.
So part of that is website building and design.
We need to talk on the back end because I've got a couple people that need websites designed
and we're trying to get some bids.
So yeah, let's talk.
Let's talk more in the back end.
Yeah, definitely.
And, you know, we offer an array of, you know,
simplistic to full dynamic and different price ranges.
So should be good.
Very cool.
That's what this space is all about.
Collaborating, finding the good people to work with.
And yeah, making stuff happen.
All right.
So Go Club is resetting and coming right back, I think.
Once again, thank you all for rocking the plus and showing up here on a Friday,
hanging out with us.
Love to see it.
Hey, Trey.
I see your Trey jumped here up as a speaker.
Welcome, Trey.
Hope you're having a great day.
Only when you're following Trey.
So far, so good.
Just driving home, so probably won't be able to chat much, but I'm listening in.
Much appreciated.
Always happy to see Trey in the spaces, in the Discord, in the giveaways.
That's awesome.
Plus, that PFP is pretty fire if I don't say so myself.
I love it.
We actually have a couple of friends who are trying to help out some other people.
There's one friend who's in a rough spot, needs some cash, and another person,
JD, their mod, is actually kind of needing some money.
So I did give them some DeFi space donkeys a while back,
and I told them they should hold on to them, but they might be needing some cash.
So if you want to join the club and help out some people in need,
you can contact me on the back end or just watch that floor.
Is that JD LA?
JD from Tech Talk, remember?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Mate, I love that guy.
He is such a warm heart in Web Free, and he's friends with everybody.
Nobody's got a bad word to say about him.
He wants to do good.
He does stuff for charity, for the homeless and stuff.
And he is a genuinely top, solid geezer.
Just want to put that out there.
Love that guy.
There's so much respect for that guy for something real.
I love the British in you, man.
He's just a top-notch geezer.
It sounds great to me.
Yeah, JD is a legend, man.
He's such a positive guy.
He's been through a lot of stuff, but he shows up,
and he really does make an effort to help people and add value,
and that's what this community is really all about.
So yeah, he's a good guy to follow.
He takes lots of people under his wing and teaches them what they need to know.
You know, definitely adding value, positive addition to the community, 100%.
Oh, a goat.
That goat is having some issues.
Maybe we can at least go and find some of his posts.
Let's see if he's got a good pin post, right?
That's the alpha, guys.
If you don't have a good pin post, how am I supposed to blow your stuff up?
I don't even know what to share, you know?
Oh, it says, for some reason on my phone, it says sensitive content,
so I cannot look at it or share it, which is weird.
I could try to share it.
Make sure you see what it is first.
Hey, Tricky.
I just shared you a picture that I sent to Amanda.
All right, cool.
Let me check that out.
Oh, that's really cool.
A little seahorse.
A little dragon seahorse.
Is that like AI or real, bro?
What is that?
That's real.
And I'll tell you what, after looking at that,
I actually believe dragons did exist sometime in our past.
Are you going to post that?
Flying dragons or like glizzards?
It's a seahorse.
It's a seahorse.
But, you know, I think we can...
You can share it.
Tricky share it if you want.
I can't seem to copy that.
Make a post out of it.
And we can show the team.
Show the class.
I love it.
That's pretty cool.
So we can talk to the show and tell.
How's it going, Miss Evie?
Welcome back.
No, I was just coming to say like,
I think X was really having some issues
because I had to leave.
I couldn't hear and come back.
And I had someone contact me
saying that they were having issues
and can't get back into our space too.
I said, but it's not just us
because they couldn't join any other spaces.
Sorry, guys.
So basically, we have to keep this Twitter space going.
Otherwise, if it closes,
then there will never be a Twitter space ever again.
Is that what you're saying?
I think that's exactly what I was saying.
There you go.
It's up on the nest.
In the nest now.
All right, cool.
Yeah, it's a neat scene.
Like, I mean, I definitely geek out
on nature videos now,
especially now that they got like
these night cameras that are like,
you can see perfectly at night in full color.
That's a cool looking picture though.
It really is.
I mean, that just blows my mind.
Everyone see that pink seahorse looks.
It does look like a little water dragon
kind of like beautiful.
I need a whole tank of them.
Yeah, that would be really neat.
For sure.
Well, let's see.
What else do we have going on?
We had some giveaways.
There's lots of cool posts up there.
If you haven't re-shared it,
definitely get up there
and show it some love.
Also, we have a space tomorrow,
which the reminders up there
in the very, very beginning.
So make sure you set your reminder
and give that a share.
We've only got five reposts on it
from the room.
So I know we can do better than that.
Let's get up there,
give that a repost, set your reminder.
And yeah, we'll be having
a great space tomorrow again.
So hope to see you all there.
And I'm hoping GOAT comes back.
It's rough having these issues.
If you can't come back,
we'll reschedule them
and we will have it another time.
Eventually, Twitter is going to work.
Can't not work forever.
Hopefully, I get my main account back too.
I hit 7.75k last week
and then followed too many people
and got banned.
So Shadow suspended.
So hopefully, it just recovers
in the next day or two.
But I don't know.
Is it a time ban?
Have they told you that
for the first three days
I had access to my DMs.
I could join spaces.
I could speak.
I just couldn't retweet or post
or schedule a space.
But now with that main account,
I can't do anything.
So now I'm thinking
it's actually an actual suspended account.
Like they've actually
permanently suspended my account.
So now I'm just submitting appeals
like appeals every 12 hours
with different wording.
Trying to hope that I appeal
to someone not compassionate
on the other side.
But if you guys want to submit
an appeal and drop in
Tricky's NFTs in the at.
And then to say,
we need more people
like this on the platform.
We need positive additions
to the community
and not all these
just bots and scammers.
You can't take out the person
who's the lady who's out here
doing the good stuff.
You know, like we might have to
do something like that.
But you know, I'm not not going to give up.
And this accounts already over 3K.
So, you know, I'll get I got to that 7.7
in less than a year.
I'm not too worried about it,
but also like I paid
for that verification.
Give me it back.
You know what I mean?
Yeah, facts facts.
Think I'm paid up to like August,
maybe I don't know.
We might have to do affiliate badges
for the club.
Once we get over a certain number
of people, it'll be worth it
to just make it affiliate program.
I think we'll do that
for the wild with dragons.
Dragon juice elixir.
Once that starts popping off,
everyone who's an ambassador
will get get a badge.
That would be cool,
especially if we can make it
like a dragon or something.
That'd be really neat.
So cool, but they're spending.
What was that?
Affiliate badges are like a thousand
a month, I think it was.
I think it's a thousand
and then $50 per user,
but I don't know
if it's a thousand per month
or a thousand per year.
I thought it was a thousand per year
and then 15 bucks per user.
No, it's a thousand per month
and then that's not happening
anytime soon.
Then it's 60 per user,
but it's also a thousand dollars
worth of advertising.
So if you're going to do it,
you may as well just pay for advertising
and then you still get the gold tick
then so you're not at least
you're getting something extra out of it.
That makes sense.
I'll look into it
and see if there's a cost,
break even analysis
or whatever at one point,
but we're definitely not there yet.
Yeah, it's pretty priced
it up to be fair.
Yeah, it's like
I was talking to Shiba
because he works in helping
with the affiliates get in with AIOW.
So I was looking at getting
an affiliate badge with AIOW soon.
Yeah, let me know how that plays out
and maybe I should do that too.
Yeah, I can get some info on it
because I know I try to look into it
with like my agent
and another company that he has
and he was like,
yeah, I know that shit's expensive.
Like what they would be better
just go pay for the marketing outside,
Get some articles written about you
and then get yourself a little business
or solid real blue check
or the business gold check.
Yeah, and when you have
that affiliate badge too,
you can change your PFP
and it doesn't take away
your blue check,
which is pretty cool.
Yeah, luckily,
I've never been shadowbanned
on this account
and like whenever I change my
I just wait like three days
and it's back again
three or four days.
Yeah, I also notice
there's like
you can get verified
with a blue tick
but then there's also the
there's like a premium version.
I don't know
what the extra benefits are
but there is another version
that they've added
that I'm not seeing anyone
really speaking about.
But I see people use the AI.
I don't ever see them
talk about anything else.
Yeah, well, I was just thinking
you know, if like
if 10 people
all paid $100 a month
to get the gold tick
because you can have it
and then also
share it, can't you?
Yeah, I mean, you can just
get like membership group together.
Yeah, something like that.
I remember
I think it was
Joshua forgetting his name.
I think it goes by Chilipel.
I can't remember
but he was starting up
like this thing called
the creators within eight
and it was like a bunch of artists
getting together
to start up something
like that at the time
and I joined early on
but then like I was just too busy
doing freelance stuff
and some of those groups
are great for people
like starting out
but it's like when you're established
it's like you almost, you know,
it's not like anything harsh
but it's almost like you don't have time.
You're always busy doing shit
but yeah, I ended up backing out of that
and then I saw it kind of rise up
to having that affiliate
and all that stuff
and then he
and then it like collapsed
shortly after
but I was like seeing him post on it
he's gonna try and do it again
so I wonder if he's just found
the better way to do it.
That'd be good.
Yeah, because it's just things
that we could, right?
You know, yeah, how to do it.
Yeah, finding the best avenue
for using your money
on this platform
is difficult sometimes.
Come on, Elon.
You don't need our
you don't need our hundred dollars.
Hey, bro.
I'm gonna jump out.
Uh, Valerie, COC, Trey.
Oh, uh, Miss E.
You guys have a wonderful Friday.
Yeah, man.
Always great seeing you in the space.
Stay positive.
I'll talk to you later.
Good to catch you, Pete.
Thank you for stopping by.
Glad you had a nice rest
and I'm glad that you're back.
Talk to you soon, buddy.
Have a good one.
Take care, guys.
Thanks, Valerie.
Well, uh, it doesn't appear
to have, uh, you know, I guess.
I guess we'll have to, uh, call it
or not, I guess.
I mean, it's not regarding it, is it?
I mean, unless we have any, uh,
any alpha you guys want to drop, uh,
bacon or.
Val, anyone in the community?
No, I mean,
if people want to follow me on TikTok,
you can do stuff over there.
That's where I drop all the little nuggets of wisdom.
Heck yeah.
We've all got TikTok accounts.
Follow us.
We'll follow you back.
Let's go.
Let's grow.
That's what's up.
I'm still doing the Dragon Juice charity.
We're trying to send more smile boxes.
We're going to do 10 this time.
We're trying to raise over $1,000.
If you want to help or participate,
just feel free to contact me.
Amanda from Wild Wheel of Dragons
has made some awesome elixir,
and I really do want to help
as many people as possible.
So that's what's up.
It was awesome helping people.
We sent five boxes last time.
Great reviews.
Everyone seemed to really appreciate it.
So happy to be able to do it again.
And yeah, we got some other things
growing in the future.
Also got that raffle going on right now
for a DeFi space donkey plushie.
It's $1 a ticket.
$10 for 11 tickets.
But yeah, make sure you're following
everyone in the space
and we will see you again tomorrow.
We have that communityofcommunities.world website
where you can go sign up
for our Twitter spaces.
And we will be doing some reorganizing
of the website soon.
So yeah, stay tuned.
Rev, you got any other closing remarks?
No, just thank you everyone for joining.
And sorry, I've been a bit of a lost cause recently.
I'm recovering,
but I'm starting to feel a little bit better today.
So fingers crossed.
I feel equally better tomorrow.
So yeah, thank you everyone for the patience.
And we appreciate your time.
I will play us out on the song
that was created for us by
the VI underscore NFT is the tag on here.
They have an ecosystem
that creates music through AI.
So you can have it tailor made to your projects.
So definitely check that out.
And our introduction was created
by Shaggy from CBW radio,
which is a web three friendly radio station.
So definitely check that out as well.
So yeah, thank you very much everyone.
And I'll play our song
and we will be back at the same time tomorrow.
Remember, if you've got the plus, you're one of us.
Take care guys.
Catch you tomorrow.
Till next time.