#Web3 101: Starting From Scratch

Recorded: March 15, 2023 Duration: 0:45:19



Good morning, good morning. It's Web 3 Wednesday and in this case it is Web 3 101 day. Now the topic today is starting from scratch.
Why is that the topic for today? Well, I've been doing these weekly Web 3101s for a good bit now. And there are folks who are learning about it for the first time, but maybe they don't want to go back through the archive, although you should totally go back through the archive.
But in case you don't, we're going to start this as if you are brand new, brand new hearing about this for the first time and we're going to ease everybody into it. And the reason why is because it kind of was a
I prompted a little bit by some of the conversations yesterday, both on Hive Chat and on Hive Spaces, where the conversation was where we going to do community outreach or to do blockchain outreach or in that case Hive
specific outreach. And the key was being consistent and realizing that even though I've been super active creating content on the blockchain since March of 2021,
There are folks who are hearing about this for the first time. And even though I've been talking actively about this for over a year now, there are people hearing about this for the first time. The concept that there is such a thing as blockchain-based social media. So it only makes sense to every once in a while, quote, "reset
the room or in this case, reset the conversation to go backwards in order to go forwards. And I kind of talked a little bit about this last week in order to go backwards to go forwards, meaning start at the very core building blocks. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized, you know what, I need this needs to go backwards in order to go forwards. So
we are resetting the room and we're going to start from the very, very beginning of what this is, who this is for, why creators might want to consider this and just go forward. Now you may be thinking, well, Jennifer, isn't starting over like a beginning of the year or beginning
beginning of the month or beginning of a season kind of thing, you're doing this in the middle of March. Let me tell you something folks, you can start over at any time. Every single moment is an opportunity to rephrase, reframe, reposition, anything and everything. So I want to do this now. There's folks that are on spring
break. Those are folks that are, you know, for some folks, they take the time during these holidays, like whether it's the end of the year, when it's the holiday season, or whether it's summertime, or whether it's spring break, or some kind to kind of like gather themselves and get into sponge mode. And that's really the key. I think we need to get into sponge mode when we're doing something like this. And even though I#
I'm still in sponge mode. It is so helpful to just be in that space of not only creating content in the space and speaking about it, but still soaking up the knowledge because it changes so fast. And that's really the key here. It is changing so fast that some of the stuff that I talked about
about originally has changed, may not apply. There may be something new that needs to be added to the conversation, which is why it's a great time to start from scratch, so that we can take this very beginning step as if you know very little about this or maybe you're hearing about it for the first time and let's move forward.
Now for folks who want to fast track their stuff, there is an archive of content that you can go listen to to fast track your knowledge. But if you're hearing about this right now, what blockchain based social media, what, what's that? Then we are starting from scratch and we are going to go forward and we're going to baby step our way there. So simply for many reasons, one of which you,
This is something that has been an ongoing conversation, but for you, it may not be too. A lot's changed so much. I've had people ask me to build courses for this and groups like private membership groups. And I did do that. And then after I did it, I realized that wasn't going to work.
because it's moving too quickly. You need something that's ongoing. And so I actually wound up pulling that back and telling the head of that group, that private membership group, this isn't going to serve you or your people well, which I could have just said nothing because, you know, there's a paid gig.
It's not actually, I mean, yes, there's core things there, but it's moving too quickly. And so we're actually in collaboration and discussion about having an ongoing membership specifically for just that private membership groups. So in those that new beginnings and new things and reiteration, it just makes sense to go
start from the very beginning and press forward with the mindset that folks are hearing about this for the first time. So I'm going to open it up to discussion. Hey, Bobby, hey, Rose, what are your thoughts on this, Bobby? I, so number one, I think this is it was
This is not just great. I think it's also like you said, you know, this is gonna keep happening. This is probably for you maybe like third or fourth or fifth or sixth generation of You know reframing go you know rewinding the cassette and I'm you know, I'm sure like
all of us, you kind of review how things have gotten in the past and how you want to introduce and keep modern. Yeah, I think there's gonna always need to be a 101 version. So completely support the concept.
Awesome, cool. I mean, I think as we go forward, even stuff that you and I have discussed and that, you know, when we went through the workshop and everything that it's changing. I mean, Rose was in...
Rose, I think you maybe have been in the, we're in the second workshop I had ever done you and Alessandra and a lot has changed since then. Things are moving quickly.
Yeah, I mean I'd love to hear roses thoughts, but yeah for me like you're saying Jennifer also I think your roadmap is probably changing As you go from the you know, Web 3 101 to 201 and
or whatever. And I've seen that in your PR material that there's a maturation how you promoted how you provide avenues. So yeah, I think to me it's a natural segue.
Wow, that's interesting. Yeah, you're right. I think it has changed because Rose was in that blockchain creator's deal that I did in January of 2021 and she among others pushed back on me saying this is the one account to rule them all. What I didn't know
was that that Lord of the Rings is not a common thing, which I was shocked it wasn't a common thing. But I'm a geek. So in my world, it's a common thing, but to the general public, no. And I really appreciated that Rose would push back. She kept pushing back and saying, I don't understand this. I don't. And it forced me in a really
great way to pull back and reassess my assumptions of how I was trying to in-plane English, explain things. And if my geek speak wasn't in plain English and I needed to pull back even further and really come up with something that I thought everyone could
understand and that's where the mall concept came from was because there was pushback on me geek speaking thinking it was plain English and it wasn't and I have had people who are other educator web three educators and people who are active in the web three space tell me that is an amazing way to explain that I'm going
start using that. It really does simplify it. And so that wouldn't have happened if I hadn't had people pushing back. So if we go back before then, I was talking about the one ring, the one account to rule them all. And so if I don't update things, then people are still, if they're like, I don't understand what that means, what does that mean? The one account to rule them all.
I need to rephrase everything. I need to reposition realign and re-center everything. Now, for those of you who are geek speak like me, you can be like, of course, I understand that means. But again, making it a more understandable for a broader audience is, to me, the bigger win.
As you just said, it's going to broaden your audience. And the other thing, I'll tell you the biggest question I get from people. You know, I hear you are the people talk about owning your own content. But the pushback I get is, oh, so it sits on my computer.
Hmm, interesting.
And the best analogy does not so many say so that it does not own my own content.
So you own your content and there's people who are better versed in explaining it to but I will do my best to explain it in my own understanding and you bring up a good point because I haven't actually had anybody ask me that ever. Okay. This is the first time which it
When people come to me with questions, I'm like, I need to find an answer for that and a response for that. And so now you've given me something new to go find. But the way I the way I look at it is that it may not be on the computer, although it could be because I could choose to be a witness. I could be choose to be somebody who has a computer that's writing things. I could also make it
decision to hard fork off of the existing chain and create my own blockchain because it's it's open protocol right you can do any of us could do that I don't have those shops nor the interest but if somebody did they could but the way I look at it just as a creator barring me
doing all those things. If I was just a creator, that right now when we think about ownership or actually lack thereof in traditional social media, we know that Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, any of them can flip a switch, push a button, and our stuff is gone and we have zero say about that. So we don't
have ownership there. For sure, 100% that we don't have ownership. On the blockchain, even if one witness who's running a server somewhere on this planet decided that they were like, we don't like you, I'm going to flip a switch. There's still all these other servers operating that your content is still there.
So it's not the single flip of a switch. It's the fact that it exists in more than one place. It's not centralized. It's decentralized, which we always make this distinction. Or I try to, and I know others that talk about this, make a distinction. Web 3 does not equal decentralization by itself.
There are centralized Web 3 blockchains and there are D centralized Web 3 blockchains. And if if something had a pre-mine, if they have a CEO, if they have a physical building, you know, that centralized meaning there is a single point of failure that could happen or a single point of failure that could happen.
point of a flipping of a switch or anything, then that's centralized. So it could be using blockchain technology, absolutely, but it is not decentralized. A decentralized blockchain doesn't have a CEO, doesn't have a corporate headquarters, didn't do a pre-mind. It's run by individuals all over the planet. And there isn't a single
source of failure because even if one witness or server went down there's a whole host of others that are around the planet that are still operating. Now granted if we have an EMF kind of thing on the entire planet well then that you know that's a whole other ball of wax that we have to deal with but could that something like that happen? Sure.
And it's going to affect everybody, not just the specific blockchain. But yeah, that's a good one, Bobby. I hadn't heard that one. I really liked that question. I'm going to find the proper answer for that. I think mine is workable, but it's very long-winded. And I think if I can find a response that is more--
maybe more to the point, more Twitter-esque as a response versus this long, you know, diatribe that I just went through. Well, I think that and you know, it also, the year of response got a little techie in there, which I understand, but I think a number of people don't. So for the one-on-course, yeah, maybe you find a
way to to pair that down to no words more than two syllables. And um, that I use a five dollar word in there. Yeah, well, yeah. Um, so anyway, no, that's that's I wanted to pass that along as well.
Yeah, that's really helpful. So what other pushback are you getting when you try and explain what you're doing? Well, for the most part, what I hear is intrigued. I hear the tell me more. People want to know more. So that's what I'm saying. If you have the 101
overview and you almost need like two introductory or you need like the you know round peg and the round hole level of introductory and then you need the okay what color peg you know but I think yeah I think you're
on the right track and I would I'm always willing to be a guinea pig for people to you know as far as content and stuff like that and help to refresh and yeah that's super helpful and you know you remember Bobby when I was doing these
We had three one oh one's and doing all of this conversation initially. I didn't ever mention a specific blockchain because I felt like we needed to just have an understanding of the fact that there was such a thing as blockchain based social media that had an ownership and a potential to earn. And it took me and I would I always
push back and I'm like, I don't want it, there's a lot of blockchains. I don't want to tell you which one because I really just want to get the understanding of what's possible to open up the mind. It's the mindset kind of a thing that you have to start with is that is that understanding of, okay, all the things you've done before and I say that a lot, but I don't think people like grasp it#
haven't had any time in it, you're like, I don't get it. And that's a kind of pushback I get sometimes is like, it seems interesting, but I don't get it. And why would I want to do that if I'm already over here? It's like, well, let me tell you why. So that's some of that. I think you're right. It's like a, it's kind of like a two part#
minds that to understand that there is such a thing as blockchain based social media. And then when we do the 101 on let's take an example of a because there's a lot of blockchains of a blockchain that is decentralized where you can create blockchain based social media type content. So that's actually really helpful.
But you said that because when you said that it was like that's why I was never naming a blockchain because I was just trying to get the mindset there And I agree in your in your basic class, you don't want to name any particular. I mean you might want to You know, I want to say here's some names of some blockchains in fact you probably want to work
almost that way. The first time you bring it up so that people realize there are multiple blockchains and you probably want to associate that too. And a similarity in the web too world like. And that might be a little bit tough to do as a front end that lets you portal to all sorts of
all those things. But you know, so the way I explain it is the mall. We all have a lot of malls in our in our town and we have a lot of malls in our state or in our country. And then people are like, Oh, yeah, okay. That's exactly what popped in my head is even even as I was speaking. Hey, Rose, jump in at any time, Rose. Yeah.
So yeah, okay, I'm gonna push back Jennifer. Yes push back you I'm here for it. I
I haven't been in this 101 space in a while, so I'm not sure if it's to discuss the next iteration of how you would teach. So I'm not sure. So I don't want to go ahead. Yes, go ahead. Well, I was on the
space that I've chat last night. And I said, okay, I'm going to do this. So that ended and I spent like two, three hours trying to figure out how to put my simple Twitter post with a video, but not I was told non video on
and I hadn't been in Hive's Hive a while.
And I couldn't post a photo. I figured out the text, and then I couldn't post a photo. And then I went to the site you suggested, like, to, as in French2.com. And I played around with that. First, I couldn't get in at all. Then I got in.
And then I watched a video, I googled the video, you know, how to post a picture in like two. And I wasn't that clear, but then I went to, and I tried to do that and I couldn't do that. At some point it showed me, I know a lot, I have this much in
tokens. I don't want to see what it was. And then before I knew it, it said, "Okay, you have $25 and you've just like, you know, instead of keeping it there," it said that I
I like to I um withdrew it. And so the only way I can say that it's like having a bank account, you don't know what's in it and how to get there. And maybe it's it's just me.
I'm going to go look at your account really quickly, which is I think the other nice thing about blockchain is that it's all there wide open for everyone to see. And some people make that makes a nervous for me. I think it's very liberating and very freeing. So I'm going to see what you're talking about, but you you had four different things.
things that you address. So I saw that you sent me something at 11 something last night. I had already fallen asleep and so I missed it. But this morning I was up at like 5 a.m. and I saw it and I was like, oh, and so then once I had done all my all the stuff I needed to do, I sat down and I took screenshots and I put arrows and I was kind
of showing you stuff, but I can see the confusion because each DAP is like, it's like trying to do on Facebook what you can only, what, on, but on Twitter or trying to do, you know, that it's not going exactly Matt. There's going to be some similarities, not exact. So for, um, but like I've had enough experience.
experience with that and it doesn't seem so complicated to me. But this shows much more complicated. So in the very beginning of using Facebook and the very beginning of using Twitter, probably it seemed complicated because it was like, how does this work? And where does this go? And I know Facebook for sure was something that was a whole big, a much bigger lift than Twitter.
of learning all the nuances to it. So if we kind of put ourselves back to the early days of social media as we were learning Instagram as we were learning YouTube, you know, there's a lot of that unshirtness. We kind of have a sense of it, but we have to do it in order to get practiced and comfortable with it. So what I will say is that in reference to deba's
So for those any so we just totally are jumping the shark in the Q&A and that's cool, but know that the starting from scratch was the actual lecture part of it and now we're open Q&A so on the deba's when you want to add a photo and share to Twitter. There's it deba's is like Twitter so you can click
to upload a photo and it'll prompt you now. I think you also mentioned peak D and that has another way to do it. It's more like a WordPress and I think about peak D, it kind of looks like a WordPress blog to me. Bobby, Alessandra, would you do you think that's the same or maybe I'm using a wrong comparison? I'm gonna tell you.
I haven't used a lot of tools. So I couldn't say. Yeah, I think of it like WordPress or even maybe Microsoft Word because there's the little toolbar and there's a photo there. So in the DM Rose, I took a screenshot and pointed to where you can upload your photo. I didn't do it for like two.
But like to the very first thing that you do at the very top is you add your photos and then you post your blog the words that go with the photo and then you add your tags other than like to. I got that idea but I was you know either it's that it's a different
different sort of interface, you know, I was going to where the photo was. I was, then it said it can't accept it as a J, except as a JPEG. And I, I titled it as a JPEG, you know, where's in Twitter, you don't have to, you just take a screenshot and you put it in Twitter and it's there. So, so there was some communication.
that was, you know, there was a missing link. I got to the point, watched the video. I saw where they're count, you know, where it said to load the picture. It's, it's even logical. You can add text. You can tag, you know, tag I get that's in any platform kind of, you know, how you tag it, how you, you know, your SEO. But
you know, after three hours I hadn't done anything and the post, my introductory post I guess had a lot of comments, but then I posted something about, I put a link to a show, one of my livestream shows, and that has zero, so I don't know if it's even up there.
for other people to see because it has zero, you know, there's nobody who's looked at that from what I can tell. Right. So, you know, I'm just in the dark. You know, it's like, I just feel in the dark and is this an investment, you know, I mean, I feel like I'd have to spend
time like doing a term paper to master this. Well, I do see your second post there. So it is on November 8th. You use the hashtag authors, which I don't even know if authors is a hashtag to use.
There's only one other post that has the word authors in there so it wasn't in a community or even in a commonly used hashtag to start off with so the discoverability looks like it's not there. And one of the best ways to get people to engage with your content outside.
of happenstance and people accidentally just stumbling upon yourself because it's in the timeline is to engage with other people. So if I go and look at your comments, let's see comments. Here you go.
You did comment on a few folks in October and that's good. A lot of it was in reference to your introduction, people welcoming you and you replying back to them, which is good. I mean, definitely want to do that. But yeah, I mean, you're building your audience and you already
have an audience, you've got 14 followers, which I think is great. I mean, when I did my very first on my all-to-count, when I did that AB split test with the bread, I only had nine followers at the time and still wound up with 37 cents, which again, not compared to a blog post. It was just a micro blog post, but still something that's
says anything. So yeah, like anything else, it's going to take time to learn the way that they do it here. It isn't so dissimilar from traditional social, but there are differences. And so to take the time to have that become something that is more second nature, like Facebook is second
nature, Instagram a second nature, Twitter a second nature, but that wasn't always the case. So I think you're on the right track and I can understand your frustration because for three hours worth of time to not have something that's up there being seen and potentially being upvoted, yeah, that's frustrating for sure. Most definitely.
And if I had been up at that hour, which normally I am, but last night I did find a link but I didn't expect a response. And then I saw you were doing this space and I said, all right, well, here's my, you know, here's my chance to ask. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, that's what this is for.
that's a 101 and you're running into some maybe a 201 challenges, but at the same time this is helpful for others that may listen to the replay that it is going to take time just like anything else. When we all started on traditional social, we didn't have the nuances and understanding that we have now many years later. So you're you will take time
But yeah, if I'm available, I'm always happy to respond and be supportive and offer guidance So that you minimize that you know that frustration because I I have found great value by creating content on the blockchain and I feel like others will too But if you're running into pain point after pain point after
pain point? Well who the heck wants to do that? So I can understand the frustration and I want you to know that I'm definitely here to support what you're doing and to help facilitate a smoother learning process. I did check and there were five comments about the woman to follow summit from you
and Al-Sandra. But I didn't, anyway, it would have taken me a while to figure out how to respond to those. I did find their account. I did find the post, but it wasn't intuitive to me. Okay, here's my reply. So, just be, you know,
me. People say there's aging, but I've learned lots of new things. So I'm looking right now at the Women to Follow #onHive and I see four posts there.
I go to the Alessandra's post, which was written 15 days ago, and she took a screenshot of me and Mariah and you and then used all the hashtags and tagged us on it and tagged you as well. So you would have gotten a notification even if without
using the hashtag you would have been gotten to the little bell with the little pop up to notify you. So if I just scroll down on all Assange's original post, which by the way, I did, there's a box there for comments or for upvotes or for tips or to re blog and
I replied in the comments that such a phenomenal event, thank you for supporting and amplifying the whim to follow summit. And I upvoted her, but even after 15 days, because it's paid out after 7, I could still give her a tip. So I'm going to tip her right now and I'm going to give her one hive.
And I'm gonna say,
Again, thanks for being such a great supporter of the Women to Follow Summit. So even though the organic aspect of this has changed and I'm going to screenshot this so I can send it to you.
There's still an opportunity to earn from someone who finds the content later and feels like it has value. So that's what I've done right now. I've sent Alessandra one hive as well as a memo so that she can know what it's for. But then I can also re-blog this. So right now I could take this
posted Alessandra did and I can share it to my blog. It says this post will appear on your blog and personal feed. So I'm going to do that right now and all I click is confirm confirm and now it's done. Now it's showing up her post is showing up on my blog even though
So this is after the organic thing. Now I participated with this post organically so that I could upvote her so that I could give her value for the content she was created and I posted a comment which allowed me to and what I'm doing is I'm curating her content meaning I find her content has value.
I write things sometimes that people don't find value in. How do I know? They don't vote it. If they don't find value in what I say, if my stuff is hard to find, then guess what? Vote. But you know what? I'm getting up votes on on Twitter. Not a darn thing. You know what value I'm receiving?
I'm not a thing. I get that and I'm with you. I'm with you. But you know, for it's almost like when I don't understand something, I'll go to Google and there aren't as many. If I go to Google, I'm going to go to Google and I'm going to go to Google and I'm going to go to Google and I'm going to go to Google and I'm going to go to Google and I'm#
I find I was so now it's not gonna be you know a chat GPT or something you know but right and I'll see you and I'll say oh in there are five videos or 10 videos and I'll pick one if that doesn't seem to you know resonate I'll pick a
But it doesn't seem to be from my experience that way on on high. Yeah. Can I hop? Yeah, please do because I'm going to say it's not easy to find on web too. You're not going to find a lot of good search in reference to hive or a lot of blockchain stuff. I'll sound sure that's something along the lines of where you're going.
Yeah, so in terms of like a critical pathway of what I have learned over my months of having my own similar experiences to Rose as she had last night, is that, "Oh, I've gotten ahead of myself. What I need is like, what is my
What is my plan for how I'm going to learn hive? Let me start there. And out of that came the need for, well, I get more done if I make a faster breakthrough if I am on a
live screen with someone else, especially if I'm helping them learn something that I just learned. And so that is how the Sunday, semi-private lessons for discord and hive came to be. So I have, we have devised a link that will
take you straight to that voice channel on Sunday. This coming Sunday, it's at 2 p.m. Eastern. I've sent you that link rose in our personal DMs, but I've also added it to this chat because that link is set up for
Anybody who wants to learn what we're talking about here. So awesome. Thank you. You're gonna love it. I am because everything is slowed down. It's with shadows pub. So the low hanging fruit questions.
I practice with those and stuff that's over my head. Like shadows you take it. And she's just so lovely in how she explains things. There's no there's no nonsense. Like Jennifer says it is in plain English. And in just in doing the screen,
shares, whether it's from your screen or from mine or shadows. It's like a picture is worth a thousand words and you're not having to look at Google even once because Google is not really here to support what we're doing. Are they?
No. Okay. So I just posted a tweet with the link to the post I'm referencing so that you can see my curation because me commenting, up voting, tipping and re blogging is the for the quad Fecta of curation that I can. Hey, you tip me.
I've never been tipped. Rose, Bobby, I've been tipped. I've got $2 now. I got a hug. So yeah, yeah, it's going to take time like anything else.
your fresh three hours with no end result totally understandable to be frustrated, but it's more aligned, but the nuances are probably just not obvious or visible or understandable. So I agree with Alessandra, the more that you can engage with it the better because the
The large gap from your last post in October or even in November until now, that's huge. And on anything, no matter what you're doing, I mean, I can stop doing something and then I come back to it four months later and I'll be like, what was that thing I was doing? I have to refresh my memory and poke around and get more comfortable again.
Yes. But it does it also look like the bad, I mean, it looks bad. It's like somebody sends you an email and invites you to a party and you don't respond for four months, you know. But just, you just say, hey, I'm back. It's in the meantime, what's happened since I've been gone?
You know, and you can talk about the women to follow summit and I would tag. Allisandra's post you may have seen this from allis at allisandra white and you may have seen this post from dream steam. Who talked about she was going to be a speaker unfortunately we were in it she was able to join thanks to some freak snow blizzard but we do hope to have her in the future.
And when you tag Dream she's gonna be notified that you're talking about her when you tag Alessandra just like on Twitter or Facebook or anywhere else So that same behavior you can just say you know it's I've I'm you know excited to be back and I would also spend time curating content meaning engaging with other people's content
content. Just because that shows you're the people what you've got interested in and it kind of gets you connected with others. No, those are all my cents and they they translate from you know what you do on on web too. It's more the actual it's more
You know, it's learning how to do that. It's all the principles make sense and the principles aren't that far. You know, so if you post on LinkedIn or you don't post or I don't post on LinkedIn, I'll be off and now, depending on the post, you know, it'll say,
it'll ask me do you want to turn this into a post? You know my comment and I will do that. And like so I was thinking well is that what I should do for Alessandra's post because she generously you know posted about it or do I as the
Post of the summit, you know, say, well, here's what happened and here's why you should be interested and tag the people who I think would be interested. I would say yes to all of that. I mean, it's just your creating content. It's not any one thing.
It's the collection of all the things. It's the body of work. So yeah, you could re-blog Alessandra's thing and then you could write an original post that tags that all the stuff that you would do normally, it's the same type of stuff here. So ease into it as you're comfortable
I had to do in the beginning because it was not natural for me to come to the hive and post. I actually had to put it in my calendar to remind me, go post on hive because it wasn't part of my routine at all. And now it is. Now it's just like anything
else. Now I don't even, I don't need a note on my calendar and alarm on my phone to remind me to go post on high because even if I don't post, when I go to high, I'm curating. And I don't post every day. I don't. Yet I post every day on traditional social, but on high, I don't. I will curate
every day because that still has a value and a potential for reward for me as someone who's engaging with that content. But I'm not someone who posts every day unless there's a challenge. A dream steam is going to have not dream steam. Tracy York is about to launch the April version of
high blow pomo, which is the high blog post month, which is like na blow pomo that happens in November. She does it twice a year, once in November and once in April. So that's a really great way to fast track your community, to fast track your content, to fast track your learning because you're
to be posting every single day. I forgot about that. Thank you for reminding us that she does that every April, April and November. And it doesn't have to be worried. I mean, she just she has a prompt. So if you're like, I don't know what to write about, she has a 30 day prompt, but you don't
have to write about her prompt. She's just giving support. Go ahead, Ella's on her. So what I wanted to ask, and I know, sounds like a derivative of the famous Tim Ferris question, but what I wanted to ask is, when you get up in the morning, Jennifer,
What do you habitually do to interact on hive?
What habits do you have set in the same ones that I have when I check Twitter Facebook LinkedIn those same habits. I just will open up because you know it's brave right so I'll open up the brave browser and I'll just go through and take a look
look at everything and reply where I need to and then go about my Mary because we all have work to do. So it's just that same process. If I'm checking Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn on my computer, I just open up Brave and check real quick to
see what's happened since I looked at it last. Okay. And then throughout the day, I'll go back and see if anything's come up. Sometimes I only check it twice a day, just, you know, in the morning after it went in during, I think if it is like water cooler time.
You're at morning lunchtime evening. Well, I think what you said about. Row it on the calendar so that there's not that nagging need to keep reminding yourself. And then I wanted to ask you, how do you interact with hive on your phone?
I kind of I know eSensei is on there. The only way I really use is when I use act of it, which I will be doing in April because April for me is walk talk challenge month. Oh God. Okay. Fine.
So yeah, I'm getting ready to start talking about walk talk challenge. Rose got help. And so then I'll be using active fit. So I'll be using, you know, Twitter spaces. I'll probably be doing some.
some wisdom stuff and then I'll be using active it so my fitness is both creating my podcast is encouraging me to be a little bit more have more movement in my life which creates a blog post daily which then goes to hive so there's that
I feel like I absolutely lucked out meeting you and shadows and rose because there are strengths that you guys have that I'm like whoa and there's things that I know how to do that I forget
have value. Yes. Oh my gosh. We all bring so much value to the table. All of us. Every time I want to. You really, you know, you. I don't know what you've done because I haven't been checking. You know, high, but you seem to have run with it.
I have my sticking points, but then I have some things that are freed up too. That's cool. That's great. Speaking about it here. And, and Rose, I actually, I, I sent you, not just the invitation for Sunday, but it offered to just hop on and do some
screen sharing today if you had any time just to kind of like free things up a little bit. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you Jennifer. Yeah I missed a call from my doctor. Oh no no. Yeah okay. Well that's okay we were we were done. Thank you both so much and Bobbi in the replay and everyone else who
and popped out because we probably were like, they're like, what are they talking about? But I appreciate you all your support and coming back because there is always stuff to learn. Like I learn as much as as maybe you're learning, I'm learning too. Like the roses give me pushback on stuff. Bobby saying, here's what I'm encountering. That's super helpful. The more that we all learn and share what we're learning or
share the challenges, the better it is for all of us, because then we can report back to one another. Okay, here's what I came up with this. What do you think? And I think it just enhances the entire experience. So thank you. It sounds like a boring thing, a standard operating procedure, but we're all writing the SOP for
What is the easiest way to learn hive? We're figuring out all kinds of ways to not. Right? But it needs to be noted as well. This doesn't work. It needs to be noted as
well. So I feel your pain rose on there too. I've got my struggling points all caught up in the briar patch. But I think we're doing something really important for people that are coming behind us. We're figuring out how to learn how to do it. Yeah, the goal is for you all
to be the guide for others always to me. So I saw you posted on your, I looked at your feed, one of the social things I try to do. I don't feel somebody I follow. I say it once a week, let me see what they're up to. And I saw, you know, there are a lot of posts saying,
encouraging people to learn hive and you know ask us your questions. But is that something that's a new thing or is that what does that mean? That's I think you probably saw the hive chat that I that we did with deba's yesterday and so every
week. Hive chat happens on Tuesdays, the time varies because we have a global guest host. And so yesterday it was high, it was debuzz and they are in the Philippines. So for us, it was afternoon and for them, it was more early morning. And so that's what you saw me retweeting was so
of the questions. I see. I see. So the one that's most like Twitter is Deep Peek. Deep buzz. Deep is. Deep is like the letter D and then the word buzz. Because it's time. Oh, maybe so was I trying to post
But my post that that you were probably on peak D, which is like a blog or kind of Facebook page. So yeah peak D, I mean a D buzz D the letter D dot and then buzz that's actual URL. That's the one that's like Twitter. And if you look at this
I said you screen shot posted maybe my tweet because it wasn't so much a blog right as a tweet mm-hmm and That's where you can go from deba's to to Twitter just from right there and I said in the DMs I sent screenshot. Okay. I'm sorry. I'm being okay
I'm being annoying. No, no, if, if, no, these are sticky points that I'm sure you're not the only one is experiencing or will experience. So again, I, I appreciate the pushback because it allows me to kind of rethink and hopefully rephrase or expand upon maybe what I think is an, is an assignment.
of knowledge and it isn't because it's different. You know, so I appreciate it Rose. Okay. Alright. Alright. Yeah. Absolutely. Okay. Y'all have an amazing, amazing day. I know what you're asking me out the week and we'll talk to you later. Bye. Okay. Thank you. Bye.

FAQ on #Web3 101: Starting From Scratch | Twitter Space Recording

What is the topic for today's Web 3 Wednesday?
Starting from scratch in understanding Web 3.
Why is Jennifer starting from scratch today?
To ease everyone into the topic and to remind people that there are always new individuals who are hearing about blockchain-based social media for the first time.
What does 'reset the room' mean in the context of Web 3?
Starting the conversation over from the beginning in order to re-learn and build upon existing knowledge.
Why might someone want to take a beginners' course on Web 3?
To ensure that they understand the core building blocks and to keep their knowledge up-to-date as the blockchain industry changes rapidly.
According to Jennifer, can you only start over at the beginning of the year or a specific season?
No, you can start over at any time.
What does Jennifer mean by 'get into sponge mode'?
To be open and absorb information in a learning mode.
Why might a private membership group not be a good option for learning about Web 3?
The blockchain industry changes too quickly for a static course or group to keep up with the latest information and trends.
What did Rose do during a blockchain creator's deal in January 2021?
Rose pushed back on Jennifer's explanation of the 'one account to rule them all' concept, forcing Jennifer to reassess and rephrase her explanation in plain English.
Why does Jennifer need to update her explanations of Web 3 concepts?
To ensure that a broader audience can understand the information and to keep up with the changing trends and terminology in the blockchain industry.
What is the main goal of simplifying Web 3 explanations?
To broaden the audience and ensure that more individuals can understand and participate in the blockchain industry.