🎙️WEB3| +C.O.C ft Hangry Animals - CHET CHEWSDAY sponsored by OTIS

Recorded: Feb. 13, 2024 Duration: 1:47:59



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Welcome aboard. I
Now bring you our hosts die revolution
Good afternoon. Happy chat Tuesday. I hope everybody is good. It is my favorite time of the week
We will be diving deep into the hang animals ecosystem. So tonight is
Founder Andrew Minton who is the man the myth of legend behind all things hangry
We don't care about what the copyright may be for certain individuals in the world
Hangry is for hangry animals and hangry animals alone. So thank you everyone for joining
We appreciate you joining us tonight and spending this next hour with us
Where Andrew is going to be giving us insights in what's going on updates and the dev side of the hangry hang reverse
And also giving us information around the check passes and the memberships and how people can get involved with that
And how to utilize that path to get involved with the premium coming up on the 16th of March
If you haven't done already if you could drop down to the bottom right and share out the space
It normally takes five or ten minutes for everyone to join
So we just have to have a bit of patience around that but hope everyone is good. Hangry Andy. Welcome, sir
How are we doing?
Very good. Thank you
Awesome, let's go. We have the bacon sandwich our co-host for the night also. How are we doing bacon?
Even gents, even gents says again
Let's go and we've got Z3 on stage as well. Z, how are we doing brother?
I'm doing amazing. Thank you guys. I hope everyone's having a great start today. No, Tuesday, sorry
Yeah, this this this space always throws me off as well. I'm always thinking i'm just at the weekend and it's just not
but yeah, um
That's it. Tuesday with a chew because we're chewing all the way through the day
But you know
excited about this this space because I love hearing about everything that you've got going on and all of the updates I know that
We are all here and we were just on
Another platform a few minutes ago, but people do listen back to these recordings as well
So we have to speak because if they're already in the room, so to anyone that does listen back
Thank you so much for doing that
You're about to get more information around the hangry animals ecosystem around the check passes what that entails
What the check pass actually is and how you can utilize owning one of these check passes for only?
And it pains me to say this only 25
Crazy, huh?
Absolutely. So I don't know where you want to what angle you want to come in from and if there's anything specific
You want to mention or whether we just want to ease our way into the hangry verse
Yeah, cool. Well, i'll kick off really because we're where we've been
august september, I guess
Um, you know, we've been building behind the scenes, you know, i've got three devs
working on
game development because
that's our first product is a
pvp that will eventually
morph into an rpg with a multitude of levels, but um,
Yeah, we're we're in the thick of it really and the the guys have been doing an awesome job putting a
alpha level
demo together of the gameplay and you know
Items you can collect in the game and nfts you can you can mint
through discovering
Discovering them with mini quests and stuff. So yeah since about august uh september we've been
Building that out, you know 3d models and assets being created items and
props within the the game being created so
Yeah, it's all you know, this is all pre-mint really which i'm still
Flabbergasted that we've been able to do all of this stuff. Just uh
between us
up to this point really but
This let's take a bow back and just explain what what it is. We're actually building for angry animals as a whole so
This is a you know, a brand focused ecosystem where the characters
Have a you know, they are a piece of ip that owners will be able to
use in the game
Have them appear in the comics and potential appearance in the animated series
through improving
Your skills in the game and through the levels in the game
So you're updating updating your metadata of your character of your avatar
In the game through gameplay through skills upgrades collecting items acquiring
In-game tokens and additional nfts through through gameplay
and all of that culminates in you being able to increase your
Yourself through the leaderboard and at the end of each season your character
Whoever's at the top of one two or three of that leaderboard
Will be eligible for a place in new stories future stories
Of the comics and eventually the animated series as well. So it's all really nicely tied together
you know a game
Stories through the comics and the animated series and hopefully twice, you know, i've said it before and i'll say it again
I want a really
Nice set of vinyl action figures sitting on my shelf with each of the characters that you know, we as a community have
Created and brought them together. So that is the ultimate goal
But the sort of the precursor the first entry into the hungry animals ecosystem is this chet pass
Chet do good is the character who has
a you know plays a big part in the storyline
because he is one of the
One of the officers of the edf uf the earth defense force united forces
Which is almost like the military organization on our version of the earth in which the hungry animals
and uh chet
a guide for the hungry animals as they
Battle forces of evil the aliens and you know multitude of alien beings that come in they come into contact with
so the chet pass is that
Piece of the puzzle which people can get their hands on
In order to mint and hungry animal when it comes to our our pre-mint
you know, that's
That's where we're at at the moment and we're about 45. I'd say
No, maybe more 55 through this level one game
demo, um, i was chatting with the developers today
They've they've got some really nice pieces put together
There is a term called gray box and the gray box is literally the entire build up the level is put together
but it's literally a grid of gray boxes or shapes, you know, um to
To describe where pieces of rendered graphics or buildings or stairs and steps and walkways will be
so it's at a gray box level
And build out with game mechanics that the guys are
enjoying building out
Weapon pickups item pickups
Power-ups for your character as they deplete their energy levels
And then really interesting pieces of gameplay with switching out
Of which we have three working cool weapons at the moment
Stolen alien rifle which fires out these blue beans circular beams of light
The other one's a burger firing cannon, which uh, it literally fires out
Cheeseburgers at your at your opponents and the other one is a soda grenade. So it's a soda can that's been combined with a
Mentos everybody knows what happens when that happens kaboom
So yeah, we're trying to keep it
Light-hearted and nice and friendly not so much like the fortnite world of projectiles and weaponry, but um,
it's still fun to play so
Yeah, that's where we are at the moment knee deep in uh
Development of the game which will have a first inaugural
Playground for our holders in spatial just to make it easy for feedback. So yeah
I speak quite a lot and I ramble as we all know but uh
That's not at all
Not at all. I could listen to you talk about it all day. That's that's amazing and and
You're 55 the way through
For this demo as well
I think people are going to be blown away when they see it because I was
So shocked to see the quality of this game and how well it's been put together
But how smooth of a gameplay it is as well. I couldn't honestly believe my eyes
I was like I was I wasn't expecting it to
Not be good, but I wasn't expecting it to be
To the standard of games people play today that that did take me by surprise
So i'm really excited about this and it is the perfect kind of
Light-hearted game as well that you can just enjoy and have fun with and there's no, you know
Seriousness behind it and i'm sure that the younger generations will get to enjoy it as well
hopefully, yeah, I mean there's a there's a term called couch co-op and I want to get to a point where
Dads and their kids months and their kids or guardians and the youngsters can play this game together, you know
You pick and choose what character you want to play
They've got special or ultimate moves if you like that they can perform that are different for each character
So we really are building out those aspects to it and don't get me wrong
And we started off big big ambitions that we wanted this 10 level rpg game
But that's like double a triple a standard which we want to aspire to get to and we will get to eventually
But we need to do baby steps now and those baby steps now are making the animations look as really beautiful as possible and fun
as possible
making the gameplay as addictive and
people who want to enjoy
Playing part of the game narrative with these characters because they they believe in them and they they enjoy
Enjoy playing them. I'm looking forward to
Creating a sequence of animations for the hippo. His ultimate move is basically a body slam
So when he collects enough green crystals, he powers up he gets this crack in his skin and it gets this
Luminous or lime green glow crackling throughout his skin and he does ultimate body slams on his opponents
So kind of like a big big old wrestling move, you know dive bombs on people
But I want to get to a point where some of those moves look super cool and you know all flashy and stuff
But you've got to build it in a way where the mechanics are solid the levels
entice you and they guide you to a way you need to go to do weapon pickups and stuff and
You know keep the fun factor alive
And time with the time with the devs they were like
If we do these two three interconnected level zones
Well enough then we may not need to do as much
variations in levels for the first wave because
The gameplay is going to intensify is going to get more waves of enemies. We're going to have introduction of new enemies
Every time you level up we may not need to go too far
And the fields from what we've got to date and that will keep people entertained for a while
So the ultimate goal there then is that we end up going on spatial and we get showcased on the spatial home page
With with this gameplay because there are several web3 projects that have had
Showcase on there including salty sharks uprising, which we absolutely love. We're big big fans of salty sharks
And uh, just going to follow follow their um, their example really and
Do it iteratively build this game this franchise and build it out
It's really simply uh as best we can with the resources we have and the time restraints we've got so but
Ultimately having fun along the way
Which which I?
I think we think we are
at the moment
So, yeah, um
And i'm still obviously preparing for 16th of march
The presale I think is what we're aiming for
Yeah, we've got the checks and then a presale on the 16th
Yeah, which is really exciting and an absolutely
a phenomenal opportunity for people to
To get involved and I and i'm really excited because you know, this has been
brewing for for years now, um
Sorry, I never replied just a second ago. I was off joining to get caught trying to make a post. Um
we did we did a giveaway for um
stone sloths
for and we're gonna select the winner in this space which i've just done the um
The giveaway so we have the winner for that. So hopefully they join the space at some point and uh
we can we can
Let them know who won. Um, but sorry going back to
the 16th of march, um, hopefully people utilize the chet pass because
People have a chet pass can mint hanger animal
Which is just awesome for them because you know mint date it's going to be around 50 dollars for people to to minute
Hangry animal, isn't it? Um, yes, I mean, I don't know if you want to just break down what the chet pass is
And what people get for a chet pass i've pinned at the top as well for anyone that's listening that might want more information
There is a link to the discord
There is a link to the website and then there is also a link to the chet pass if you want to have a read up
of it or if you are um
Wise enough to want to get involved and get all of the utility that and is going to break down now
Um for just a crazy 25 dollars then you can do that as well
But yeah, if you just want to break down what the chet pass is for anyone that might not know or anyone that may listen back
Later on that'd be awesome
Yeah, um, ultimately, you know, it is classed as a prement pass
Um, so this it gives you access to a private area within the discord so you can follow along with the game development itself
so there is a an og channel which
you can you'll get invited to if you um
If you connect your wallet that possesses a chet pass with colab land
And then you can dive in and follow along live streams while we're doing some game development work
um, it also provides you to
early access game demo where we did like a side scrolling beta map, uh experiment that we
Were able to showcase the 3d models because we'd already built out
The moose so marvin the moose
Zabrina the zebra funny, uh, and oh just the hippo all three characters were already fleshed out
There's 3d poseable characters with with armatures and rigs. So we felt um,
You know some off the shelf, but then we introduced some, uh alien characters to test
To test their might against the enemy. We did a side scroll and beat them up
There's like a testable level and if you own a chat bus, you wouldn't go ahead and play play that testable level and test your skills with
Uh doing some roundouts roundhouse kicks with autistic hippo, which are quite fun for his weight. It's quite a heavy dude
But then obviously with that chat pass it doubles as a mint pass
So when we do our pre-sale you can mint a hangry annals for free
As as mickey said, you know, the hangry animals is a 50 dollar nft
But buying the chat you're basically getting a hangry animals for half price
Because on mint day, it'll just be there's a tier ready for a phase ready for that mint and you'll be able to mint
However many hangries you want from however many chairs you possess. So it's one chat to her hangry
Um on mint day
but also within that
Um, you know, we're going to give you a 3d posable character of chat. So it'll be a 3d
character that you can use in any metaverse that we'll actually
Rig it up so that you can play the chat with inside the game
and there's something i'm working on that would be super awesome is the ability to
Uh metamorphosize the chat at a certain point in time
A second generation potentially a second generation hangry animal
via a mint and burn mechanism
Keeping hold of a chat may be a really interesting rarity
Item down the track because it will be a mint and burn item
That alone really, you know having a 3d posable 3d
Character that you will have to blend a file you'll be able to use that character in spatial or any other metaverse
And and also, you know, if you connect your wallet in the game in the web based game experience
You will be able to play as chat inside that game. So yeah value added
Going to offer to do an additional illustrate illustrated trait for one of your hangry animals
And as you meant the the chat if you own more than one, I would just suggest that I do
one trait for one of your characters, um, but
I think that's going to be quite cool
trait of your choice
And maybe there's going to be an allocation of food tokens as well
That's awesome
See that gets me so excited
Because there's so much utility for just such a small small price. Um
And that's what I think's amazing because there's you know two
digital collectibles and a third if you include the
The avatar that people can use in multiple net avers is because of the ip ownership
Um, but z you've got your hand up brother. I'm sure it's probably related to the passage to fire away my friend
Yeah, I was gonna say I know I know you've said you offered uh, the ip use
The the avatar itself, but uh, what type of commercial use do you offer on the nfts themselves?
Commercial use on the nfts we are still figuring out and working out those those elements because
obviously with the comics is fine, we will grant a
Nft or a version of the nft that we use in the comics to the holder of the nft
Similar to what salty shark's uprising is doing in in that respect
But when it comes to tv rights, we may need to hold
for the time being
Purely because we're not sure where that's going to lead
We've we've been successful with a grant to develop the animated series
With an animated trailer as the first precursor to that. So
The ip rights around things like that become muddy when it when it comes to that asset
being part of an animated series that has
The potential to go uk and then you know international
Um, but once we're clear on that we will make sure that all holders are updated with with the uh, the potential
Ultimately, what we want is that everybody has an opportunity for a revenue ship
But we need to go through the regulations. We need to make sure that we're
Compliant on that one before we bite the bullet and then send that one
You know send it to the moon
But it's it's right in the front of my mind in terms of how we're going to be able to
allow holders to earn and
benefit from possessing
Be that a jet or the actual jet collection itself. So I question
I I don't want to I don't want to name
a drop of a projects, but have you thought about um looking at the
Style that kataro is doing with the ip or the style?
Um azuki are doing with the ip, you know where they're making their animated series, but
you could
also benefit as a holder by
You know, um, say kataro got air freshness
And you could have an ip share from their air freshness for an example, you know
I think it is similar to that man in in my mind
Anyway, because you know, we're we're on the cusp of you know, this ip being trademarked
it comes to a point where
We we we have the game
You know, we have a revenue stream from the game
So in-game purchases and items and you know tokens and items in the game
There is a potential pool there a treasury pool there that will be an allocation holders of the nft
We have physical merchandise
We have the comics we have the digital comic plus the physical comics to print and distribute, you know globally
And I think all of those pieces of ip is where we can definitely definitely have a revenue share
model built around it
The animated series is different and I guess that's where azuki and kataro are weighing that up because
It's a different ballgame when it comes to that because you're dealing with the web2 world you're dealing with
You know vcs you're dealing with broadcasters
You're dealing with commissioners who want to lock up the ip and the ownership around that or exclusivity
I guess from a rights perspective for animation
So that they know it's covered off and what they've got on the rights for merchandise they have
Are slightly different for the broadcast than what they are for any
um, you know piece of other revenue that you have so
You know i'm definitely exploring all of those to make sure that we you know, we lock that in
Um, and that's why I think the animated series might be a slightly different lean than what it is with the rest of the
product in in our ecosystem
But bang on man, you mean I really I love azuki azuki is a really nice visually. Anyway, it's a really nice brand
Um, but not sure where they're going to take it with with an animated series. I'm following closely
with those with those guys, um
But yeah work a question and we will have an update for that with a you know
Sort of an ip licensing page on the website before we go to presale
Um, so it's coming to come fast for sure
I think the other one is
Thank you for answering that I was uh, really well put and I understood it
Good i'm glad I'll take you later, I guess
But uh, what's the other one seals is it the salty sappy seals?
um, yeah, they're they're making moves in uh
in nifty island and
Yeah, that's pretty cool
they've got um
No, sorry, not happy. See the pudgy penguins. I was thinking of see it's all these
Ppsss and pudgy penguins
Their business model and their ip model is around the revenue share of merchandise
So it's the sale of the merchandise and all of those pieces is where holders are benefiting from a revenue share
But in that instance, you know, it's very clear that money makes money
but when we're building something like this from the ground up, you know where
It's all blood sweat and tears with everybody's efforts
once we get to that exposure then we'll we'll have a
Bigger conversation about ip ownership, but the chat itself the chat character, you know, it's do what you want with it
Do what you want with the character, you know
animated tutorials for you to pose the character with the rig and all of those things that will come in there
uh a gated gated access web page for folks to
Dive into um
So, you know look forward to that
similar to what um
A kid called beast do with their access portal where you just log in you download the blender file that has the
Two two really good projects they're
pudgy penguins with the ip ownership in real life and uh
A kid called beast with their ip ownership in the digital world
So they're both good with ip to focus on you know
We've put pudgy penguins today. Do they pay?
Um sort of everybody or is it um more like what anu said earlier where it's kind of like nft specific?
I don't know if it's nft specific. I think it's a percentage of revenue share
Just as a blanket
Distribution is like a distribution. Yeah. Okay cool. Yeah
And I don't know if it's if that's a decentralized distribution either. I think it's quarterly so that it aligns with accounting
you know sales
Uh, which is probably the right way to do it because then you can you can apportion profits
losses, I doubt there's any losses, but you can apportion profits and
The tax implications and then do your distribution from there
um, so that model I think is the right way to go about it because
You can measure
the performance of the product
And then you can reward the holders for promoting it pushing it maintaining holding it
And everyone wins. I think that's a really great model to follow because it it
It combines the web 2 and the web 3 world, you know, we've always seen that as being the right
I don't think you can really progress in web 3 without progress and then web 2 I don't think
I don't think we're at the stage yet where we can reward people and web 3 without rewarding people from web 2 if that makes
Yeah, 100 man, I think there's there has to be a balance and you know from the off where were we 2021 right?
End of 2021 into 2022
Where you know the naivety and the mindset in the first instance the naivety around nft drop
Big bucks less role, right? That's the mindset for most projects in 2021 for those early nft hype projects, but
What the brass tax and how we've turned the table really is product first
So hence why the last two years two and a bit years really focused on refining the collection
Understanding the ecosystem we want that we want to build
Iterating on products involving the community and trying to build solid
fun enjoyable things
Whilst enjoying the journey as well
Um because the stress of a collection and you you have a mint and then everybody goes we've made it we're rich
No, no, you haven't it's just like kickstarter
You've got a big bag of money that you need to now do something with
to perform for the holders who eventually are investors if you think about it you have to
Turn turn your hands and think no in a business sense. They're investors. So you are now
Beholden to a group of investors to deliver a product
so yeah, we
We really need to be thinking like that and delivering on the promise of making something awesome. So
And that's where we're having this
Yeah, so you're so you're kind of coming from the mindset of you know, having deliverables rather than producing something on on a promise
Um actually be able to deliver something and say hey look
Look how cool this is. Do you know what I mean?
much, uh, you know, I think
That's the lesson we've learned
I'm not gonna I'm not gonna hide behind that is
You know 2021 was a mad mad time where anything was selling, you know
And you had like blank pages of jpegs with an eye in the middle two color eye in the middle was going for 300 dollars
right, I stupidly bought one, um, but
Anything was going and then all of a sudden he just saw this realization kick then it was like no
No, no, there's an expectation year that it's not it's you know
For the love of the art is one in quoted in inverted quotes
Was said a lot and it was like well, no really this is a different way of generating cash to create product
And like my ultimate thing was we could use this as a means to bootstrap an animated series
Uh proof of concept and i'm still on that path
But along that journey I realized we've got some cruel stories to tell you
We've got some characters that we could make some work in merchandise with and why don't we see them in a non-linear?
Entertaining environment of a game. Um, so we pivoted quite a lot to get to that point where we think
Hmm a game might be really cool
Actually, because the gaming industry is worth more annually than the film and animation industry. So why don't we start with the biggest?
uh drawer of
Crowds and the attraction of users and players
Uh, so ultimately that's where we're at. We're building that out and eventually that will showcase the potential for an animated series
Why not go and see get your end up there mate
Yeah, I think what I was going to say is I think a lot of people got wrapped up in um,
And people didn't understand the free market. So people got wrecked
I think uh next time people are going to come in a lot slower. They're going to understand things the prices are going to be a lot more
reasonable to get into I think people overshadowed the technology and forgot about the technology because
Of the scams and the space, you know
and we're we're really
Need to focus on
what we can
Build in the space rather than what money we can make, you know, because it's a it's a long-term investment and
Web freeze here to stay it's not going nowhere. It's building every day, you know
100 you know, there are loads of projects in
2021 that
Are not here anymore
But there are a few that i've met in person, right? There's a few projects that i've met the guys in person
Weirdly three of them are uk-based. So, you know your creepy creams you have
skull bombs and you have
Starkey Starkey is building a tabletop
Game, you know, so a board game with cards dice and uh characters
And that guy james white is an absolute legend. He's a major illustrator that loads of work for
Um, you know disney and some of the major
comic organizations
You know, he does a poster art. He does a really cool synth way poster art, but he created this collection. It was
it's just really inspiring, you know, very vibrant colors and um
He he's been through the mill in terms of his collection and pivoted as well from what they started off with
They were going to build a game. They're going to build an rpg game an actual
computer game
But have reverted and
Gone back to doing actually let's do what we love this through the passion this through tabletop games. Let's do a physical printed board game
And enjoy that so i've been following along his journey and him and his wife's journey
Met him in lisbon and then yes super cool really lovely people
but it's those kind of relationships that have been very special to me to
connect with them and realize
founders of other projects the plight of
You know what you do in web 3 and how you conduct yourself in web 3
matters and
You know your staying power is super super important
So yeah, and the creepy queens guys, uh, yeah tarma and alex are
Super super amazing. They just announced the other day that they have a collection of merchandise that is being distributed through hmv stores
Um, which is an amazing achievement. So following their journey and i'm just like
Props hats off to you guys, you know tons of prolific
Amazing amazing prolific illustrator and seeing his stuff in the shops. He's got to be super proud of that
Again for us. That's where i'm headed. I'm aspiring to be the same
kind of business model really where you've got um
Illustration stories and brands and characters in major retailing outlets
For people to enjoy
So yeah angry all the way
This is so exciting and you know what what a phenomenal
Ecosystem you've built as well that people can enjoy this journey every step of the way because
I think that's the best part about
Projects like this is there's just so many different opportunities for people to get involved
And there's so many different exciting attributes to it that just really complement the storyline
so if you're playing the game and you're reading the comics and you've got a grasp of the storyline
And there's easter eggs hidden throughout this entire project that there's just so much fun to be had with it
I just think that you've done a great job of piecing it all together
Thank you, man
It takes a while to
connect the dots for me
Once I do
It it's a it's a fun thing to to unlock, you know, so i'm an adamant that within the comics
There are eddy QR codes for azure hunts that will have benefits to your gameplay
So if you possess a comic and then you go in and you you scan some QR codes
It'll know that you are in the comic send you to a page and on that page will be a randomized
nft that has
utility within the game
It could be tokens. It could be a weapon or a power up
It could be extra health or it could be
An extra character
You know, you never know because i'm trying to make it as randomized as possible. So reading the comics is fun
But also you're rewarded for owning one of those comics as well. So
and the same will go for merchandise not a lot of people know but there's going to be
Hidden QR codes in the merchandise. It may even be augmented reality aspects for the merchandise
Which will have scannable QR codes
Or um screen grab QR code from the ar
mixed with metro complications, but
Again, those may yield after tokens
Extra nfts or you know, very rare characters to mint in that in that way as well
Doing my best to make it as fun and entertaining and engaging as possible. So
You know the the approach of
Make them never want to leave
Is a problem for from an addiction perspective, but from a brand perspective
That's the aim in a way is to make you want to enjoy coming back to the brand and coming back to the product
But certainly leave some time just to go for a wee and have some food and stuff
Yeah, well you've definitely made it look easy
You know and one of the things I love as well is that it's just so easy to understand as well
Like you know the website so easy to navigate all the information's there and you know for that
anyone that
doesn't know you also have um
And a magazine newsletter as well. Don't you that you do you release?
The thread every week or is that monthly? I think it's weekly, isn't it?
The new yeah, the newsletter is weekly. Actually, I I enjoy writing the newsletter on sunday
So it summarizes what the guys have done throughout the week and you know, they they send me updates to everything that I need
um in the evenings and then
I uh, like I picked that apart and decide what I want to share
And the reason why we've started a newsletter, you know weirdly in web 3
People sometimes don't like sitting in discord waiting for updates
especially with
with our community
Some some folks a passage in uh in discord and and others don't like discord at all
And they like going on telegram
But we needed a way of communicating something that was consistent
That wasn't going to be lost in a thread in a single thread like telegram
So I created a newsletter on a decentralized platform called paragraph
Paragraph.xyz is really good because it's got some helper tools to generate newsletters
And you know, I I am guided
Or I am helped and prompted by ai when I write these newsletters
Um, so it's not all altered by me. I must say
But it gives me the framework to write with
I found that website a little bit clunky actually just just for me personally the uh, google signing thing doesn't work for me
super annoying
on paragraph
Uh, yeah on the paragraph. Yeah, I have to type it all in manually super ag
Yeah, I tend to click one button on the mark and i'm already in it remembers my data. So I can't say I experienced that issue
Because i'm always logged in I guess
But uh, well i've sent i'll send them uh, send them a bit of feedback and say clunky
It might it might just be my dodgy old device to be fair. I don't know but yeah, it's just just a little noise
Yeah, I know appreciate that i'll let them know
Yeah, I was gonna say that i'm glad you mentioned that because uh, I was logged in and it logged me out and I couldn't log
Back in I didn't try a second time, but I thought it just might have been something my hands though
Maybe they've got a couple of tech issues over there. But
um, I think it's a great feature though, um, the the paragraphs because not only can it be
Um a digital collectible so you can actually collect the um
the threads that you post but
It's awesome that it can be something that you can collect along the way as well as the comics and uh,
The passes and the nfts as well. So I think it's great
I have sort of made it something that people can uh, collect and keep a hold keep hold of and have some ownership over
Yeah, that's an added benefit as well, you know, we said about this before that um
If someone collects the newsletter that's obviously associated to their wallet
Uh, the newsletter is on polygon by the way, so it's associated to your wallet
Then knowing that and we look through the amount of newsletters that have been collected
We can understand if anybody has collected a certain one or a certain number of them
And and we can reward those for for collecting the newsletter so we can actually dish out special characters additional tokens
items or traits for the game
Give them an airdrop from a comic or a commemorative comic with a with a special cover and stuff
doing that and
Baking it on chain has ultimate benefits that go beyond the likes of MailChimp in this in this space
So it's been awesome to to build out an audience on it
Yeah, and I and simply I wanted a way that made it
Very clear and clean when it comes to sharing information and progress and updates
That we could do it in this really nice succinct way and then post that in the discord for those that do appear in the discord
But paragraph's got a really nice way of doing it where it can send it to a wallet
It can send it to an email address. It can publish it online in the url
Yeah, I think it does quite a lot of those things born in one
And now you can schedule when when they go out didn't see the button to schedule before but now it does so
So when it so when it sends it to a wallet, uh, is that in the form of an entity?
Or is it like a message to a link or I think it's like a message. Yeah, I think it's a message. I've never
Picked it out from the wallet. I just when it comes to
The publishing options. I just checkable
So you've got publishing details
What I have publishing settings
Yeah, you just check all of them. Um, and you can do all four
All four different types and you can do a gated or ungated
For uh community members or open to the public
Um, but we've got it gated at the moment so we can just accumulate and collect
Addresses so we can send new updates out to because that's going to be super important for the the pre-sale and the public meant so
Yeah, just finding
many ways in which to uh
Showcase what the project is doing
Could you send that message automatically out to your check holders? For example, if you had the addresses you could
Paint that off to them. Nice
Yes, yes, yes
So we can we can send it to a group of wallets
As well as email addresses
Which is nice
That's actually pretty cool is he had his hand up for ages go on
Well, I was actually going to say that I spend a lot of time on discord so I spend a lot of time in telegram
on twitter
but because I spend so much time in other places, I don't have always have the time to like jump into your telegram and
Jump into rav's telegram, you know
Discord sorry not telegram and uh
Someone like me a newsletter is perfect, you know, because I never got the time to keep up with all these projects that keep on
Like but I join every single day
These one of the most probably one of the most well connected people in web free that I know
In this case in point right so I think we're overwhelmed and um
we've got to be very
mindful of how much of
a holder or community members time we take up
Uh and how much of an attention span we have to keep their attention really?
In discord and you know, we're not a very um giveaway focused discord. It's a very project orientated updates
This is what we're doing. We need a community's vote or we need community's opinion on a storyline or character development or
We need you to test this aspect of the game
Which you know that that's what we're going to utilize that discord community for in the near future. So when it comes to like
Weekly updates there will fly by if that's going to happen with the chitchat that's going on
I just found a newsletter to be a perfect solution
um, you know kicking it old school, I guess
um, but it was inspired from uh
there's a
a community called the web 3 academy
And i'll read head and those guys over at web 3 academy wicked podcast and um
They started doing a newsletter on paragraph
And I thought ooh, this is quite cool because it does keep it nice and
succinct and short and
Thought why not? Let's try that. So yeah, we just spun that up and we've done 10 updates to the game so far and
multidiver of the things and
I can't wait to share the in the one-on-one interview with otis the hip-hop rapper that i've written is hilarious
That'll be a newsletter in the near future
Yeah, I think the newsletters are great. Um, I think they're really cool. Um with with with that, um, what was that?
Paragraph wasn't it you were talking about?
Paragraph.xyz. Yeah. Yeah, that's the one
Do they do they allow you to do like a gated entry where you like you pay like a couple of quid for an lft?
And then it gives you access to the article. Is that something they do? I'm thinking someone different
No, no, yeah, they do that. Um, we we do gated entry, but it's free
Um, but all we're doing that is you know, it's data capture, right?
So you don't have to pay anything
to read the newsletter
But ultimately just provide us with your email address so that we can keep you updated in the future
So there is a gated aspect element and you can do it charge. It is chargeable. You can make it chargeable
To uh bypass that you can have different tiers as well
So you could have one that is just general informational update and one that is more of a premium update
So you get information before anybody else
So you can do it that way as well
Yeah, that's pretty smart that's pretty cool
Yeah, I thought I thought it was I thought it'd come across that before because I was looking for it
I was trying to share an example of
Of exactly that and I was trying to show someone what it was and I couldn't remember for me for the life of me
What it was and now it yeah, it was that it was paragraph
Yeah, there's any light bulbs going off from here
I've must have I've written quite a few on paragraph now. So one every week
Um for the project so we do weekly updates as a newsletter and then monthly vlog
vlog updates
So it's either me on camera or me showing
product updates
gameplay walkthroughs or um, like I did last week I showed some of the
In-game items that I got commissioned by students
and so I I mentored some students doing them on the animation course and
They produced some really cool
Prot for the games for us
So I did like a video piece where I was just speaking over the top of the video
So yeah, we try and do something like that each month and then a newsletter every week
So other people are kept up what we're doing
That's awesome a few more people have joined. Thank you very much
We got salty sharks in the building. We've got chally in the building. We've got miss evie trey and kevin john too
So thank you all guys for joining. Um, if everyone for anyone who's reposted the room. Thank you very much. We appreciate it
And there's an absolute legend he's built some epic stuff and
great questions as well by uz and bacon and this is absolutely phenomenal and
I can't wait for
people to
see how much value there is in the chat pass but also play the
The demo version of this game and it's the level one demo as well. They thought is that right?
Yes, it's a level one
We call it a level one alpha demo alpha because there's probably going to be
some unfinished animations
The scenery is going to be semi baked so it won't be super super polished
So we need to keep it in that state in order for us to get
feedback from players
Before we start to refine things. So call it a level one alpha
But we're gonna we're gonna
showcase it via spatial
And the reason we want to use spatial is because it's quick to deploy some of the character controllers are already baked in
Yeah, we can keep it nice and neat. So the guys are
optimizing and
Wearing away trying to build up
The level ready for that. Can I
Can I just interrupt you a second?
Go on. Why not?
Well, I already asked
What about um, while
Nifty island is a pretty big deal. Could you rush something along for that?
Yes, we could
pivoting now
To add something else to the list is probably not on our
And sprint
So we do two each sprints and in that two each sprint
The you know, the next one is refining gameplay and spawning enemies
I don't want to take the guys away from doing that
But i've you know, i've been aware of nifty islands for a bit now
Two three you're the third person to mention nifty islands to me
I think eventually we will make some moves and do something as long as the gameplay the environments
The characters and anything we do is transferable into nifty islands
Yes, it should be I think I think you've got
I think you've got the right people that could probably push that
um gameplay and content out there, you know, like rav bacon e
Yeah, like I think
Yeah, I can't wait to stream that every single day as soon as that's playable i'll be
Um live on uh a platform that's not called x as soon as that is playable for definite. I can't wait
People are going to be like, whoa, what's that game you're playing? I'll be like, it's the hangry verse my friend
But it's interesting because it's got like azuki bode
clonax cool cats euts pudgy forgotten runes and cybercons
Are featured on the home page, you know, so it's clear
You know a kid got beast through in there as well
I can see so, you know, it's clear that it's a popular place to begin your journey and
Great to have a multitude of communities playing together in one space
Yeah, dope. I like it. I honestly believe if you if you can get in them places now
like I know it might be a bit of a rush but
I think it's
I think there's
That that all them projects you mentioned then are some of the
Projects that will 100 percent make I don't want to give people financial advice
But I do think damn projects will 100 percent make it in this space, you know
Yeah, yeah
You know, i'm very aware that those projects that can pivot and that can adapt
Um will benefit from doing so
It's tricky when you're in the midst of
You know game development
To to pivot focus on that but you know, if I had more bods in that
In that space then i'm pretty sure we'd be we'd jump on it
But i'm gonna set up i'm gonna set up a uh, a user for hangry anyway and see what it see what it does
Especially if we can create our own island let's go
But that's brilliant and um, it's great that um
You've got a great team building the game as well. Um, which I think is
very important and you can see just by the uh, you know, just by being in your telegram when you're
Doing your dev work and you're streaming the game being developed
I think that's another cool cool thing that people get to enjoy as well
So I definitely advise anyone who isn't already to be in that telegram
It's great to see you working on the artwork and like when he was making them christmas boots. Um for the moose
I thought that was really cool
The christmas boots yeah, the how the rocket boots the christmas themed rocket boots. Why not?
I think it's important that you know web 3 is the opportunity to
An audience a community an audience the ability to see the process and enjoy seeing that process happen
I think we're too quick the gratitude dopamine hits of today
We're too quick to see the finished product and not appreciate the time and effort that goes into making the actual product
so by following along and by you know realizing the hurdles and the
the broken bits and the mess ups and
Then seeing it repaired and seeing it working in the actual game
I think there's a renewed appreciation for the time and effort that goes into building these products and the game
I think I think rob's sitting there. Not he said at the moment
Uh, and um, yeah, so everybody knows, you know, rob was uh, for the sark's uprising was in the uh again
development pitch
Project earlier today for us, but yesterday for you i'm assuming rub. Um, there are thereabouts
Well done and congrats on uh getting that far. It was great to see it and great to see the uh
The progress of the card game and the the depth to which um, rob and the team had got to with
All the mechanics of the game. It's super super cool. So I can't wait to see what happens next with that
But yeah, great to be among greats
Because uh, yeah good day all around speak and he shall appear speak and he shall appear
Here in the background and no no no no no no no no no no no no
Sorry, rob
It was uh, it's early doors for rob. I reckon it's about that time of day, isn't it? Um, and the kids haven't asked for ice cream yet
So that's cool
Exactly. Exactly. I just dropped him at school
But uh, just enjoy listening in everything you say is a hundred pence head spot on my as always
Thank you
Yeah, we we know the pains and uh, I think we're uh ourselves and and rob the salty sharks are in uh a game
sort of a game developers
Therapy group in a way you're in similar waters
Giving similar methods
That's what we're calling it now gaming started collected
Yeah, i found this therapy group just uh sharing the pains of uh, you know sprints gained about
developments for instance, so it's uh
It's great. You know, you get some really good support and i've met some cool people over the last three months
Uh in that space and long may that continue
been good
Very smart group of people don't they in that group
Yeah, a lot of interesting experience and talent
Yeah from some pretty uh, high-profile gaming studios as well, you know, so
game seven are in there Davey and that's in game seven and um
The gd wizards stuff that was in there earlier just a lot of inspiring
Folks that you know, we're we're sort of following, you know following the footsteps of them
I think for me, I speak for ourselves where we're super early in terms of
What our capabilities are and what we've been able to do
in comparison, so
It's uh, it's great to be among that group of people and learn off them
and uh, i'm an advocate for
uh, every day's a school day because it's certainly
being schooled every day on
How much time it takes to build games and so on so forth
I spent I spent 25 euros today on
250 sound effects for our game
That's awesome. We need to find a beatboxer that can just produce these sounds for free. Um, that would be oh, yeah
But no, um you guys you and rob are really paving the way for so many projects and
One of the reasons why I think that it's incredible is not only is it the success that you guys heading into deserved
But you really are
Helping people around you get involved in in what you guys are creating, you know
there's a lot of projects that
really talk and get what they're building and really do not let anyone inside of it and you guys are so open to
educate and involve and also
You know collaborate as long as the projects that are right projects, you know
And I think that that is you know
It's really testament to the kind of people that you are
and i'm looking forward to you guys getting the support that you deserve, you know because eventually you're going to be surrounded by
Tens of thousands of people all getting behind what you've built and uh, you know anyone with a pair of eyes can see that
Thank you
I think i'm
Speaking for angry really that
I've just got into a space where i'm just immersed
Enjoy myself in the you know in the times where
I allocate to play in in the angry animals ecosystem. I've just found a place really where
The schedule of my day
Early evenings get some food and then into the evening. It's it's angry time. So i'm just
Behold unto that time to just focus and enjoy what i'm doing set myself micro little tasks and just
Chat with the community and go for it
And that's that's my life at the moment, but it's it's fun. So
Yeah, i'm glad
You know, I find uh solace and what you guys are creating. I know my future is going to be all right
So a few different reasons, but what you guys are building is definitely part of that. Um
So yeah, i'm really glad that you guys have done what you've done and you're at where you're at and it's been
A great journey to watch, you know this far and it's sort of
Awesome when I hear you guys say oh, you know, we accomplished this so we did that and you know, you're so
grateful for every achievement when
for the outside looking in it's
for us, it's a no-brainer to see these things happening because
We know where it's going to end up, you know what I mean? So to see you guys
You know accomplishing each task one at a time and achieving certain milestones and reaching certain
Places and you know, I think it's absolutely awesome to see how humble you both are
because you know
You guys are leaps and bounds ahead of most people for for what your capabilities are and what your networks are
And you're just so humble and about it and so willing to educate
like that's one of the things that you both have in common is
That you're very experienced at what you're doing
But you're also humble enough to educate people who want to learn more about it and get involved with it
And I think that it's great that you're like that
Thank you mate, I mean I will say the last three years have been a massive learning curve
massive learning curve for
Just understanding the space
Understanding the the the ask in terms of the build and you know, we're beholden to
the community
But it's our role and responsibility to engage the community keep the community informed with consistency
and uplift
So there's a lot to be learned from
other founders other creators in the space and just
Be humble. Like you say be humble be open
Be transparent as much as possible where you can without dishing out, you know alpha too much too early, which i'm guilty of
Just spilling the beans too much and not holding back
So when it comes to mint you haven't got nothing to say you're just like well i've told you everything
So for me that's a massive learning curve. It's just the whole facts and things so you have
We keep poking you like pull it pulling on you on your dressing gown while you're trying to you know
Devour a wagon wheel and develop stuff. I'm like, what are you doing? What's that? Have you done that?
Is there a wagon wheel in the game yet? Is that part of the the robot piece to me?
Gotta be gotta be there's gotta be a hangry branded wagon wheel. Like what can we call it?
Call it something different than the wagon wheel. It's gotta be like a
I don't know the whole thing
I've got it. I know what it's gonna be because it it can't be a circle
But it can be a hexagon and it can be a hangry hexagon
hangry hexagon. Yes
the hangry hex
That's it. I love it
I don't model that
Okay, i'll see andy licking his pen making a note
If you could see me now i've got an ipod in my hands with the pen sword going. Oh, I wonder about this
Hangry hexagon. I think the trademark application just got lodged. Well done. Yeah, hell. Yeah
That would be funny. Yeah, it's a trademark hangry hexagon. Does that mean that riff gets rupees every time someone consumes one?
Hey, you know, there's there's a hundred thousand food tokens to the best idea for a name
Did you say royalties or calories?
calories definitely calories
Yeah, rem gets all the calories
Yeah, i'm down for that i'll get i'll take the calories i'll definitely uh eat all the profits
Because it can even be a hangry hexagon or an autism octagon, you know, we can oh
You see what he's talking?
You know, it'll be a bit more more of a smoother wheel as well if you was to you know, put it on a vehicle
Not as much bumps, you know
I grabbed a mic just to say that i'm going to be disappointed if you don't make this happen
Oh, yeah, i'm talking about okay
Wagon wheels are a thing. This we need to have a brand. We need to have a partnership with wagon wheels
It's gotta happen
Yeah, i'm gonna say wagon wheels taste like sawdust
What nothing done?
Even if i just go on stage
If i get to the uk and they taste like crap
You will not be disappointed
I'll tell you what i'd even pay for your flight if you came here and was disappointed
I would pay for your flight home and the fly flight costs here
And I would bet rav that flight that you would take you would say it tastes like sawdust
Well, if you know what sawdust tastes like then i've I hope you're okay
um, I don't know what you went through in life to to ever know what that tastes like but
Do you any of you guys remember that there was a car advert and I think it was called
I think the cars of pisaco
And these guys basically molded it to look like a persio
Um and the whole advert they was using like
They got an elephant to sit on it and then they were banging it and they changed the shape of the car to make it look like
I just imagined doing the same thing with a wagon wheel to make it look like an octa an autisoptigan
Just you know just flattening the sides to uh change the shape and being like i've got i've got an autisoptigan
And then what do you mean though? I remember that end of it
Yeah, that's just what I was thinking of
That's a super cool idea. No, definitely, you know, this is this is community driven project
Let's put things in that the community suggests into the game. So
You know the angry hexagon as a wagon wheel derivative
Should be collectible in the game
Oh, definitely and it can be like, you know an autisoptigan. It's not just a name. That's a mouthful
I'm a man of many ideas
It'll fill all your sides
I'll tell you they should be able to they should be able to throw those
Angry hexagons as throwing stars and when they hit they explode in small raspberry explosions
No, that's that's a waste of a good good wagon wheel is
Not if you catch it in your mouth
Yeah, that's it. That's what the enemy will do. They'll stop to eat it
Now i've got to eat this
We've got it in uh in the game design document at the moment. There's this plan that
Strategy strategy wise you've got the option of either
Sort of stockpiling food for your energy reserves or using that food for your weapon
Because you've got a burger bazooka. So you can either stockpile the burgers or use them as ammo
So then it becomes this balance of like oh, I need more energy
I can eat the food or I can actually use it as a projectile
So yeah, we've got that going on
I think adding some chocolate desserts and ninja stars would be amazing
Yeah, 100 percent. I think we're on to we're on to something there. I hope it's going to be a bit a dare zooka
But I thought it was a I wrote it before that it was a big big zooka a burger zooka
Yeah, I like it
It got shortened to bird zooka. Just imagine it as you shoot it. It just goes burger
Yeah, it means to make a thunk sound it means to make a thunk that's that's the sound
what's uh
It was off a show
Was this space or something where they were firing paintballs? It was like boom
Yeah, the sound is everything that was a good that was that was good, uh, that was a good
We're in a a really terrible paintball
We have kevin on stage as well he just had his hand up kevin john, how are we doing?
Thank you for joining us. Happy chet tuesday
Hey, kevin welcome
Uh, thank you, mate, uh good to be part of the space. How are you guys doing? Uh today? Uh, it's very early here. Yeah
In in singapore. Um, I just wanted to add
I wanted to add you guys are talking about
Uh wonderful tasting goodies, uh your side
I was living in london for a few months a few years back and i'll tell you I was completely addicted to those uh 99p
chocolate swiss rolls from tesco's it was
Literally my tri-weekly addiction
My addiction is uh on its tin tans. Oh, they are just ultimate
They are ultimately these things
Tin tans you've said this before i've i've never come across them
You won't you won't you don't know what you're missing
Do you shotgun the tin tans with your coffee?
Absolutely, not with coffee. I don't i'm a tea drinker
But absolutely do I shotgun it bro is it is a culinary experience that every human being needs to experience at least once in their life
Tin tans absolutely if you don't know if you don't know what you do you you you nibble off one corner
Top left corner of your tin tan and you nibble off the bottom right corner of your tin tan
And then you dunk it into your coffee or tea
And you suck the coffee or tea up through the tin tan which coats it in chocolate and it is just divine
Yeah, and then you stick it all in your face hole. It's amazing. Correct. You do exactly what he just said
What was the one you mentioned kevin
It was the swiss roll when it this tesco swiss rolls
Let's go swiss roll
Yeah, tesco. I mean, you know when especially if you're if you're like you're living like the law budget lifestyle
Which is what i've lived my entire life
Tesco swiss rolls and maryland cookies will see you through any hard time
Like the uh captain scott what's that
Brick sugary brick that he took to the north pole. That's your equivalent, right? Just a swiss roll
Yeah, you can't beat a good swiss roll, so yeah fair play
I mean it's a shame that they don't even they don't do them in uh
In singapore you might have to come back and stockpile some
But yeah, I think using desserts as weapons is pretty pretty
Awesome. I I I use the dessert to make money
Uh, I got a friend of mine to bulk buy a bunch of timtams in in australia and I sold them over here
Because you can't get them. Uh, so I saw an opportunity of uh,
Lack of supply and high demands. So I took a bunch of that
How many did you eat did you be honest? Oh mate, I ate the profits, bro
Well now I know what to stack in my suitcase when I come over to visit
Um, just imagine
Go ahead. Who's in there?
Uh, I I'm sure you guys I don't know if you guys know know them, right?
But uh, they are probably hands down the best biscuits ever tasted and and uh, rob would definitely know them
They're called squiggles. They are the best best biscuits in the world. I can swear to you
You should hunt those down and try them. They are
The thing thing on your bucket list that you need to do before you die serious
Squiggles i'm on it
I don't know that one. I have to look it up
Oh, right really they they they like uh, they like the
New zealand the new zealand. Uh honeycomb chocolate biscuits. They're like signatures. I thought you'd know them
No, I don't but I love honeycombs i'm looking them up squiggles you say
Yeah, they they're the originals the best ones like everyone knows uh squiggles and then you do get these other
Other brand varieties which are called something else, but they are the same kind of model but squiggles are the original
See how hungry everyone is now is unbelievable
Yes, all i'm thinking is those are definitely not the same type of biscuits we have in texas
No, yeah, remember when i'm biscuits in texas. I sure they even they were tiny
Yeah, we'll cover ours in sausage gravy down here. Okay
Yes, that's what I thought you were going to say. The biscuit is like bread, right?
Yes, and I want some right now
So if you visit people like bread, what's bread over there?
There's more like a scone. It's more like a sky
Yeah, yeah, it doesn't it's like a denser bread
it's still
Yeah, that's a skull but it's not
We have scones too
Yeah, but your scones aren't scones they're they're weird. Yeah
the british
It is good
So god their biscuits like a damper or like a hard tack almost
like a biscotti
A biscotti. Yeah, biscotti is pretty awesome. That's awesome
Yeah, see the british in particular about two things tea and scones
And what is considered a biscuit
Yeah, it's like the jaffa cake debate is it a cake or a biscuit
It's like as soon as I get there
I want to eat a wagon wheel and I want to make you biscuits and gravy
Yeah, I want those things to happen and we could do at the same time
You can have your you can have your wagon wheel. I can have my biscuits and gravy
And then we can just have a moment of silence for the enjoyment that we'll be endeavoring in
And I have to make you my cinnamon rolls, too
Oh my god that that if that doesn't happen i'm gonna file a lawsuit. This is that's it
It's gonna sue me for cinnamon rolls
And i'm gonna and i'm gonna take them to the case and have everyone try one
On the jury and say I nearly never got this and you want this woman to just walk out of here
Scott free
No, thank you
Oh my god, so on thanksgiving day this lovely lady dropped an amazing picture of
These cinnamon rolls you could smell them from the picture. It was it was crazy
And I just want to say the kids did not want to eat them at all and my niece told me she didn't like cinnamon
But wanted cinnamon toast cranny cereal instead
Oh, don't worry that that'll be in that'll be in the case notes. Don't you worry then kids aren't getting away with that
They'll they'll be getting punished as well they'll be they'll definitely be doing jury service they'll be picking litter over here somewhere in a field
How funny is this I just typed in squiggles into a browser
Griffin's squiggles candy. I think is the one you mean, right? But there's a collection. There's an NFT collection. No
of squiggles
There's five thousand non fungible token NFT
Did not know that yeah, man
But it's not we're getting all the alpha all the alpha tonight
Yeah, it's funny. It's not associated. They're really cool. Actually, they're quite a cool bunch of uh,
They're very
Candy like but uh, yeah, they're not
Kevin's definitely opening to that project and doing absolutely no research whatsoever
Spend all his profits on sweets
Another another thing you got if you can get it back home is uh, ice cream called hokey pokey
My goodness, that's the best flavor
Do you know what I had that yesterday?
Okay, hang on. I screamed. Did you did you turn around?
That's funny
Don't just don't go sticking your right arm in and then your right arm out
No, no dangerous
speaking of
Ice cream flavors. There's one from baskin robins called love potion
Now given it's also a valentine's day today. It's worth worth mentioning
This ice cream flavor is like crack cocaine
it is just
We got it. We got like a
Two liter tub of this and it just goes in a few days
It's just incredible stuff
Oh, you can't be frothy about
desserts, no mate
Halfway, if we were crunchy before I joined this space now
I need to smash that crunchy up into bits and pour it over some ice cream and hangry
or dessert
I would have said more but I'd already drooled over my phone and i've shorted it out. So
I was just going to say that after this space my search history now actually looks like a normal person's
So i'm kind of really glass. So I appreciate that people are just going to think oh this guy just likes food
No need to look any further
Other than the the obvious ingredient that's in love potion, which rob mentioned what what's the
flavor in in in love potion except for the the addictive addictive, uh drug that they put inside it
I don't know
Um, it's got raspberry. It's got dark chocolate
Hang on i'll get more info. Oh, it's like a marriage. It tastes really good at first, but then the aftertaste starts. So, uh
And and crushed up viagra
Oh that amazing I don't even know if it's crushed up it's just that it could be just holed it wouldn't matter
Yeah, it's white chocolate and raspberry ice cream swirled with a raspberry ribbon and loaded with raspberry filled dark chocolate hearts and chocolate chips
Wow topped with raspberry. Perfect. Oh my god. Is that is that it for this bike? Is that even legal?
It's not it can't be legal. It's just seriously when you order it you've got to be wearing a trench coat dark hat and uh,
And sunny seriously, they can't identify you
That's it. I was gonna say like that's got to be a
No set, you know side door type deal like i'll come around the back and grab it in an hour
Feels I mean who needs a valentine if you can put that in your mouth
I know right
Wait, are we still talking about oscar? I was gonna say there's so many things
And on that note
Let's let's talk about what three
It's definitely clear to say that this this game definitely makes you hangry and takes you
Your mind into a world of hangryness, which is awesome. So
other than the the burger bazooka
that definitely will uh
pack a punch
and the uh hang the hangry heck the hangry
Hexagon or whatever. I said it was
Yeah, the oats is hard to go another hangry hexagon that's gonna happen i'm gonna i'm gonna design a small treat
That is available in the game. That's got to be done
Um, that's gonna be cool. I'm really I the gameplay. I love the soda
Soda grenade it works really well because you shake it and then you throw it and then it explodes in front of the enemy
I'm designing the designing the wrap around packaging for those soda grenades at the moment
Um, because we're going to do a multitude of different flavors if you know what I mean, so they all explode in different colors fizz
Uh over the aliens. Um
Yeah, lots of food scene stuff, but I can't help it
with the beef bazooka
uh, I think you should have scrawled along one side of it, you know by the by the
designer or manufacturer whatever in chalk lettering the tenderizer
The tenderizer. Yeah
I love yeah. Love it. You're gonna have it like, um, you know, you know in a
sort of u.s. Military na'am
Spelting where they personalize their own weapons or their helmets and stuff, you know full metal jacket stuff
That's actually the key
that's what I'm yeah, yes, yeah painted on the barrel or something because
The the bazooka is made up of like a toaster a microwave oven a cheese grater some spatula spatulas that are like taped together
And then a basket that loads the burgers from the top
So we definitely have something like spray painted on the side. It says, you know
burgers kill
Yeah, it'd be good
Did you ever hear that song? Did you ever hear that song cows with guns?
Okay, it's by us. It's by a us comedian or band or whatever but listen to cows with guns
I've got a i've got to search for this now because racking this on spot
That will work so well with that concept of the beef bazooka
I've got to find this now
There's an official claymation of cows with guns
That's the one so are we going to get to have like a huge food fight in the hangry verse when this is all yes
Because that's going to be awesome
pvp food fight
There's a there was a game
A while back called butter royale
And you could like coat people in butter like a hose
With butter and stuff and it became choose your weapon choose your food and it's just a massive food fight
So we've got aspects of that, but you're actually trying to maim some aliens in the same breath. So
Yeah, trying to inject as much fun and hilarity as possible and hopefully this will
This will do that
Yeah, we can have some like we can have like some sort of community wars and then we can uh
Sort of we can we can fill film the uh, the battle and make it an nft that everyone who participated
We could actually we could stream it as well we could stream it on twitch with um mad nattie, yes, um
offered to help us um get some exposure with the
early gameplay, so, uh, yeah, we can absolutely stream some battles get a community of communities guild going and
Invite invite others to challenge you in in the space. Yeah, that would be awesome
Oh, I'll be so down for that. That'd be epic
Yeah, because I was gonna speak to you actually as well. Uh rob about um setting up some uh
Some community games play in uh your games, maybe you know
So after some spaces we can all go on there jump on
Jump on spatial and i'll play some of your games and have a laugh
Well, that'd be pretty cool
Yeah, absolutely. We should do some sub racing
I'm just in the process of getting it the last part of the development of that sub racer done. So
As soon as that's finished and i've got confirmation it's done the new vehicles are in then. Yeah, it'd be good
Actually, I wouldn't mind doing another tournament actually
Yeah, that'd be awesome because i'm getting the last one
Count me in on that one. I I want to play in the tournament. I need to practice
Maneuvering my sub though because the last time I did it was shocking
I was like I was all over the shop. I couldn't get it to go straight. So I love no money
We've made it a little bit easier for that base vehicle now, especially with the new vehicle attributes coming in
so so some of the new vehicles have like, you know turbo boost and
um, you know obstacle, um, you know
Little obstacles they fire out to try and put others off and stuff like that
So it should be interesting to see how um how they work
Perfect. Is it like guard rails while bowling?
No, we don't have we don't have those we don't have bumper rails, mate. Sorry
Is that me?
But yeah, no, I'm excited. I would love to um participate in that the next
The next adventure of uh celebrating for sure. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Definitely
That'd be awesome
I'm I'm really excited for this. Um
This mega space on the 16th of march. I think it's going to be epic
Hopefully we can yeah, hopefully we can we can make sure uh, everyone has the opportunity to get the chat passes for the night and uh
You know, we can all have some fun mint in mint in a hungry animal
I can't wait
The second issue come out yet, uh only the first issue still
For what sorry
For uh for hungry animals, uh, I have the first one, but I actually haven't uh looked for the second one
I just wanted to know if the second issue has come out
Of the comic no that uh first issue origin story. Yes is out
um in digital form i'm just refining some of the snags for the physical printed one and we start work on
Planning out the pages for the second origin storage, which will be sabrina
Hopefully end of this month. We'll start planning that
Um, and it's going to take about a month or two. I think before we can get it to a point
Where we can amend the second one. So
Yes, you're you're okay. You've got enough time
What's the next one awesome, yeah
In the style of it actually it's a good read the first the first few pages are
Really exciting. Uh, you you have no idea where where it takes you but uh, I love the way it's uh
The the characters are portrayed and the and the and the layout and the animation is beautiful
Thank you, thank you really good appreciate it. Um, yeah me and uh myself and terry this group
writer, he's um, he's directed and and um produced
to live action, uh films and um has been writing
the comics with me, uh
For the last year year and a half maybe
And so this second one gets into a little bit more depth and then once we've got all five origin stories of the characters
the sixth
Episode or the sixth issue is almost like an extended graphic novel. So it's their first adventure
so I can't wait to get to that point, but I thought it was important that we
That we wrote the origin story so that folks understood where the characters have come from and the human
Aspect the human history that they have coming into a different form
So it's a really fascinating aspect of storytelling that we wanted to explore
Um, so thank you. Appreciate that
Yeah, it's a labor of love and uh, I think the next issue will be
We'll try a slightly different style on the next issue
Just just to break it up a bit
But yeah, no you're awesome kevin as well, you know a big shout out to you
It's very clear that you are very supportive of good projects and uh, you know
You are very very important in the in the growth of projects and it's people like you that help make people
Learn about these things and you know
sometimes people you know aren't sure about stuff and don't really want to
You know dip the toe in the water
Um, but you clearly do do that and you know your feedback on on these things that people are creating
Is extremely valuable and really important. So, you know shout out to you for for being willing to uh, you know
Invest into great projects and also look into the things that people are creating as well, you know
Good we need that spot. We need creators need the spoke of people so appreciate that
Massively, you know, it gives us the energy and the fuel we need to keep doing what we do
So yeah, thank you
Uh, it's always good to be involved and uh you guys uh, and um, actually this the general community who are all connected with uh
collab center and uh, and you know all these uh
diamond collabs
Which have been introduced through uh, ssu
um all brilliant, um
there's the all top notch and uh, there's nothing nothing short of brilliance with with with all the projects that i've seen so
I can't I can't be not attracted to the projects of the the products the people the community
It's they're all brilliant
That's awesome, thank you
and yeah, we
we get to uh
We get to do
the thing
That comes natural to us for the most part, you know, like my um weirdly my parents
Went to they went on a cruise to the us
Uh, this this has a point probably and my parents went on a cruise to the us and I asked them to pick up
The motion capture suit that we have for the project
So we purchased a motion capture suit through the funds of the project so that we can accelerate some of the animations that we do
To showcase for the the animated trailer, but the suit was in the us and my parents brought it back
So they met my co-founder conburn in the us before i've even met him face to face because
Where we are distant across the world and he said, you know, your son is great
He's enjoying what he's doing. My mom said he's living his dream
He's living the dream of doing what he does and that is being creative
And it's so good to hear that from my parents and from other people who recognize what we do in this space
Just continue to enjoy and create things. So
Appreciate everybody in the community for realizing that and following along on our journey to uh,
Just stay creative
And share share the joy in what we're building. So
My props to everybody who follows
That's awesome, bro, like that is
As good as it gets I feel um and to hear that from the people you care about
Is is just invaluable and will live with you forever, you know
But thank you to you for what you've created like i'm so invested in it because I just love every aspect of it
You know the team you've got who you are as a person how creative you are
Your story through your journey through, you know
The decades that you've gone through to get to where you are now to be able to build what you're building
And have it created in such a way that people can get involved in so many ways
It's super affordable to get into the monetary side of it
It's super creative. It gets your imagination going it makes you ultra angry
People can follow along in the development of the of the game
Um, you know
But we're nearly at a point where we can play the first demo version of it. Um, and I think everyone who
Just hears you talk about it for a little bit can really see
What it is that you're creating without even seeing any of the the actual
Gameplay or storyline, you know, and I think that's what I think so awesome about it
Is that it just don't everything just fits the characters the storyline
And uh, you know everyone we speak to about it
Just you can see that their imagination just kicks in straight away
Which is from your perspective and like rob as well is that when you're creative like that you really want to
Ignite people's imagination and you both do that so beautifully you make everyone feel young again
I you know, I think I've
I'm resulted in the fact that I never want to grow up for many aspects of what we do because they're just
I don't know. I think we're um
that thought process and that
that aspect of our being is told out of us in the modern educational system and
I've managed to avoid that for the most part. We managed to keep hold of my youthfulness
Just stay in that moment of joy as long as possible. So
Yeah, I don't want to lose that and the only way I can is to just keep creating
Keep yeah coming up with new things and new ideas and enjoying that process
That's that's just it. Yeah, you've got to keep doing what you love
And yeah, when you when you when you see people who are young at heart
They're always young in body as well because it does reflect
Onto who you are as a person, you know and everyone who you know, quote unquote grows up
they become
They sort of lose themselves because that inner child is who you actually are
You know like and as a father when when i'm with my kids
I'm very playful and I and i'm young and i'm using my imagination and that's what
That's what that makes them the happiest
And it doesn't need to change as we grow up, you know
As long as we're responsible in taking care of our families and you know as a man or a woman taking care of business
That you can stay young in our passion and enjoy our life because that's why we're here and if you can enjoy
You know what?
What you do is as a as a as a job or a career
Then that is the the golden ticket to happiness because that is the burden of everyone is the fact that we have to work
That's what drags everyone down, you know
So if we can all work together to help each other build our passions into something monetary
Even if it doesn't become your full-time career for at least
Helps us in our journey through life
And takes the edge off that we'll all be happier for it and we'll all be able to stay younger for longer
Hell yeah
Keep playing that's all that's all I know you know, I mean there's no other way about it
That's all I know is to just keep playing
If that's just a sketchbook and a pencil
Just build and imagine worlds and just keep playing
And I had the joy of spending the day with my nephew the other day and he's a budding little
Artist and creative and he was giving me ideas about you know
The hangry layer the den of the characters and what what's in that den, you know
uh a mini refrigerator
Big big tv screen with x-boxes and playstations and stuff and we were just conjuring up this little world together and
I just really enjoyed spending time with someone who
Exploring his creative world and how he expressed himself
um, so yeah
Just stay stay in that bubble as long as possible
Yeah, definitely and I think that's definitely a good good point to call it a night because that's it
the only difference between us and the younger generations is the fact that we've
Gone through school to learn how to get a job and we've been working ever since that's it
You know, so if you take that side of it out you're left with your
Imagination and your creativity and that brings the best out in everyone and we all need a form of expression
So to have a place where you can express yourself in all its glory with no limits to what you can
What you can create I just think there's no more exciting place to be so
Well done for getting to that point in life. I think that is where it's at
But um, you know massive shout out to you guys for being so creative and helping
The rest of the world have something to enjoy. So, you know, we appreciate your hard labor and your thousands of hours of hard work and
I'm sure you'll feel our appreciation when we enjoy it in its fullest when when it's ready for us to do that. So
On that note, I want to say a massive
thank you to everyone who's listened in and joined the space and shared it out and
To anyone who listens back to the recording. Thank you so much to you guys as well. We appreciate it
If you ever need any information for
Anything hangry you can check out the website, which is just hangryanimals.com super easy
Definitely join the telegram the discord because there's so much amazing information in there. There's all the artwork
There's all the alpha all the official links are in there so that you can navigate the ecosystem safely
We always advise you
Only use the official links and the best place to find them is in the discord
But please ask questions first, please do your research
If you have any questions, you can ask any any of us at any time and and we hope you enjoyed listening to
Andrew minton the founder of hangry animals give us more of a deep dive into the hangryverse and the check passes as well
Which the check passes are also on the website as well
But just to make it easier if you wish to search hangryanimals.com
Membership that will take you to the place to find the passes and all the information about it as well
So every if you've got any closing remarks andy now would be the time sir
Um closing remarks from me. Thank you very much for everybody who's listened in and uh, yes
Stay stay tuned as mickey says stay tuned to what's to come. Uh, we've got some
Interesting conversations going on behind the scenes with chains with blockchains. So, uh, hopefully you have some announcement very soon
There's a little sneaky bit of alpha right before there is so um
Yeah, uh, that's it. Enjoy hangry animals
Let's go and thank you for your time tonight as well and we appreciate that um bacon if you've got any closing remarks, sir
No, no, it's uh, it's pretty good laughter night
Yeah, it's been awesome. I absolutely love these spaces. But no, thank you as well bacon for your time
Always been an amazing co-host in every space we've ever done since we started you're a legend
Everyone dedicating the time to stuff like this or every week, you know every weekend
Um is just absolutely iconic and
Absolutely appreciated but as well rob
Thank you very much for for joining us tonight and so early on in the day for you
And uh, have you got any closing remarks, sir?
Can't wait to the big uh, launch of hangry animals
March spring it can't come soon enough. Let's go
Absolutely. Thank you, rob
On march to get chet rin on the diary
So, uh, even the missus knows
I've written on my diary i've written on both my children. Everything's ready to go
Yeah, that's the one but no, thank you and we appreciate the support on that as well
It's going to be an amazing night for sure
Miss evie. Have you got any calls and remarks?
Steak and chips with biscuits, absolutely
I wish it's
Sorry, my phone was locked but no i'm just excited for everything and i'm ready for lunch
Let's go. Thank you
Yeah, i'm ready for lunch, too
Yeah, no, thank you and thank you for hosting the mental health spaces in the community community telegram
Every tuesday at 9 p.m. UK time as well. You're amazing. We appreciate it
Um, kevin have you got any closing remarks, sir?
I just uh, I just greatly appreciate uh, being being involved with with you with all of you. Um
being involved with all these communities
um forever
grateful for actually meeting, uh
Even though we are a world apart some of us. I feel
super close like family
um, really looking forward to growing, uh
organically and steadily with every one of you
That's awesome
Yeah, nice one
Definitely extended family. It really does feel like that. You know, there's a community of supportive people all around us and
very warm
warm fuzzy feelings all around
it's amazing and it absolutely feels like family because we all want each other to win and with that ethos we all will
Because we're going to do it together and you know
It's amazing that we are worlds apart. Yet web3 brings us closer together. So
Beautifully said that kevin and uh, you know a shout out to the uh, tesco swiss rolls will be forever remembered in singapore
But we also have ken on stage i'm sorry you've come on at the end ken I absolutely love you bro
You're one of my favorite people. How are you, sir?
Oh, i'm good mickey. Thank you for the invite. I really appreciate that
Uh, thank you for including me guys. It means the world to me
And I hope to be more involved with the community of communities in the future
Absolutely. You are a part of the furniture my friend. You will be a part of this
Thank you
Thank you i'm just i'm just driving right now
I just dropped off my son at work and then I got to go to work at six o'clock
So you guys have a great evening and keep doing what you're doing and god bless
Nice one, dude
Yeah, thank you, bro
But yeah, you guys have been amazing. We'll be back on for our chat tuesday next week same time
So I look forward to seeing you guys then for that and other than that
We will see you guys on friday at 9 p.m. UK time
So until then I will play us out on the same epic song
I played as inapp and I will catch you guys when we catch you next. Thank you very much
And you know
Don't cry