🎙️WEB3 +C.O.C ft Micro Pets & Casa De Luna ➕

Recorded: Feb. 2, 2024 Duration: 2:02:44



ladies and gentlemen welcome to the community of communities
it's tricky buddha from defy space donkeys sponsored by shiib Boe society
yo what's up everyone happy friday welcome to the community of communities
Sponsored by Shibu society. Yo, what's up everyone? Happy Friday. Welcome to the community of communities. I like it bacon
I like it. I'm feeling the energy feeling the positivity. Let's go. Yeah, I'm buzzing
I'd my date my day was like really awkward. So normally when I go off and do view ins
I'll just make a day of it. So I'll leave from home. I'll go to London
I'll drive about a bit and then I come home and but today I
only had like half a day's worth of view ins so I went to the office in the morning and then I went out like
lunchtime and
Everything was going really really well
Until I got to one venue and I called the lady and she was like, oh, no, I'm really sorry. I forgot
So then she then turned up like 15 minutes late. So then I was like, okay fine
So I called the next guy said look I'm running about 15 minutes late, but I'm still gonna meet you at the venue
Is that okay? Yeah, that's fine. That's fine. I'm actually running like myself. Okay, great
So I got there and then I had to wait another 15 minutes for her which may be essentially half an hour late
But because of our traffic works in London at four at five o'clock on a Sun on a Friday
what ends up happening was and that half an hour journey took me over an hour and
The sat-nav took me to the wrong place. I've never been to this venue before. I didn't even know what I've never even seen it
So it took me to the wrong place. I'm not where the hell is this venue?
So then I called my colleague and I thought mate I can't I can't find this place and I've already had like multiple phone
Calls. Where are you? Where are you? Where are you? I'm not I'm on my way like I'm trying to get to you guys and
So yeah, so anyway, I ended up turning up like 50 minutes late
Luckily that they'd stuck around and one of them was already running late and a text me to say it should be you know
45 minutes late as well
But it was just so stressful because the traffic's just not moving it's just bumpers a bumper that you know
The lights are green, but no one's going anywhere and it's just infuriating. Do you know I mean?
But yeah, there we go
Basically what I decided to do
Was because I deserve it
I popped into the pub on the way home for a little cheeky beer and
The karaoke guy was just getting set up and he was like Oh bacon. Do you want to sing a song?
It's like yeah Gordon if you can get in early I'll sing you a single song so I got to sing a song as well
So, you know
You turn the turn the negative into a positive. That's what we do over here, right?
Good afternoon gentlemen. Hope all is well. Sorry about the
Rocky start but that is what we do. We turn the negatives into those positives. I just had a bit of a
Some of the sprung out of nowhere right and right before the space started on the personal side of life, but
All is well
I will just quickly play the intro to our space just to give us time to show the space out and all that jazz
And then we will dive back into it if that's alright gentlemen
You're biased so I guess so yeah, that was just a great story, you know, I love the energy
Excuse me
Yeah on the men feeling a little bit better today than yesterday, which is awesome
And I'm definitely looking forward to our our guests for tonight
But yeah, I'll play this song then I'll play our introduction and hopefully show the room out
Give the guests and everyone else time to work jumping. So yeah, let's go
Ladies and gentlemen
Welcome to community of communities a
Groundbreaking web 3 movement that celebrates the diverse tapestry of human creativity
Innovation and collaboration and a world characterized by unprecedented connectivity and decentralization
The community of communities stands as a testament to the power of collective ingenuity together
We'll discover the limitless possibilities of the web 3 movement and the remarkable individuals and communities who are shaping the future
Stay tuned for a showcase of inspiration collaboration and boundless creativity as we dive deep into the heart of the community of communities
Welcome aboard
I now bring you our host
die revolution
Good afternoon
Happy Friday. Hope everybody is good. I am I am been missing you legends been under the weather for the longest time
I'm still on the mend, but definitely feeling better than I have been I hope everybody is good
I know it's been a rocky one for everybody
But hopefully each week things get better people get closer and the positivity keeps spreading
It's definitely nice to feel some more life in me than I've been feeling so i'm super excited about that
Definitely looking forward to our guests tonight. I know that they're not with us just yet
So there's no need for me to dive into what we're doing how we do things
So we'll just ride through the people on stage and say a quick hello to everybody
Let's start with that when bacon you've just opted yourself to go first happy friday, sir. How are we oops?
Yeah, i'm all right, mate. I'm all right. Um, i'm actually quite um quite glad to see uh dcwb here
Um, I wanted to see if he's got some uh some updates for us
Oh, yeah most definitely I have a few updates for you guys today, uh, this is your guys's show
So whenever you guys want to know a little bit about what we have going on, you know
Let me know but I really appreciate you for asking
Well, you always know shout out to the revolution
Shout out to tricky buddha really appreciate you brother and everybody else in the space the bacon
Sandwich i'm not gonna lie
I never looked at your full name like I always
Was like oh that's the bro like that's the homie and now i'm just like wow like a bacon sandwich sounds really fucking good right now
So the name hits it really hits. What's up family?
Yeah, cheers for popping by I mean we're waiting for our main speaker
Um, so I think rev's probably going to want to introduce the team. Um, and then if we've got some time, mate
We'll uh, we'll pass the mic to yourself mate if we can
Yeah, absolutely. We've always got room for dcwb
Even if we've got to squeeze them in we always get you in and get you up and it's always got to hear from you
Devin, you know, it's great to see you out there always grinding and working hard and you know
I know I don't know your story as in-depth as you know it
But you know, I always see you by yourself do anything and I just admire it to be honest tonight takes a lot of courage to
You know be in an entrepreneurial
Type of position in this day and age and you know living that life
In this day and age by yourself is very difficult
So I always have my scene you do your thing and you know, every time I see new updates and new things happening in progress
It's just great to see so we'll definitely get you up in a minute and see what's new and what's happening with you. So
Anyway, much love to everyone. It's in the space so far
Thank you for joining and to everyone that reshares the room. We really appreciate it
Massive shout out to the team and the co-hosts for really carrying these spaces every week
It was best with me being bloody dying every week. So I appreciate you guys smashing every week
Um, but yeah, and it's awesome that we keep moving forward regardless
Taking it each day at a time and just trying to do whatever we can for the best of everyone
So I appreciate everyone for always trying to make it work
Whatever challenges come our way. We somehow somewhere manage to keep moving forward as positively as possible
But anyway, we'll go around the room. We'll say hello. We have tricky Buddha. How are we doing tricky?
Hey, it's tricky Buddha from defy space donkeys. All right on the other device. So hopefully you guys can hear me good
I appreciate everyone for stopping through. Yeah, this these spaces are always great
You know happy to be here as usual glad that you're, you know feeling a little bit better rev
But you know, we we always got this and uh, yeah, i'm just happy to be here
So make sure everyone's sharing the room and tagging some friends, you know
Shout out to all the lovely people in the room. I see bella down there
And of course the lovely hosting team the bacon sandwich and the rev always happy to be here on a friday
So much love i'm sharing it out right now and uh, i'm actually making some bacon
Let's go yes
Love that love that but yeah, no nice one bro. I appreciate it
I definitely feel better today than I have done in in weeks, which is awesome. Um
Yeah, it's been a busy day today
I've been on the phone i've been on the phone so much today that I didn't even know what time it were by the time
We got space in less than an hour
But yeah, it's definitely been an eventful one, but it's actually been a good one. So that is awesome
We have christian from the stray dogs club the douglas official the shibu's the site of the community communities and the stray dogs club
How are we doing christian?
He is busy in the background it looks like he's requesting right now on my screen maybe he's in the portal
Yeah, I think he's in uh, I think he's in a bit of a limbo i've just requested accepted as I request
Yeah, I got an error message from him. It was weird. Oh, but now it says he can speak
All right, we're good normally i'm on my pc as well
But my pc is logged out of the account and I can't get back in so I can't even uh
Share the space on the other account while we're live, which is unfortunate
But while we're waiting for christian's account to let him talk
We also have hound four in the building hound four. Who do we have behind the account today?
You've got to have the man himself because gonna run bella or in the building, too
Uh, this is ordering. Uh, yeah, I I just happened to catch the show
It's just faces coming on and I I always try to tune in if I can
Um, let's go. I've been wearing multiple hats today. I got my plumbing hat on I just got off the live stream
And now I got my plumbing hat on trying to
Bay flooded the bathroom while I was on stream and the sink's all clogged up and I got yeah, I was trying to
Trying to figure that out. I don't know
Well, I mean even when you can't make it, um, you know bella
Is and gonna always representing bro
Always for sure
You guys are awesome and third place here, bro
Streaming is difficult. It is exhausting. Um, and people who don't do it will never understand that so
To go from that to doing anything else is is legendary. So third player to you, bro
Thank you for stopping in we appreciate all of you guys. Thank you all for jumping in and showing some love. We appreciate it
Can I just give a big shout out to trey?
Um, I have absolutely fallen in love with trey over the last two weeks
Um, I think he's a real solid brain in web 3
And congrats on on breaking through the 1000k mark, let's go
Hello, hello, hello
Test test
We hear you loud and clear now
I don't know what happened, but um, I just couldn't connect
But i'm uh here. I'm very very very very busy
Just going to sit in and listen today and
See what's what's what's going on?
Um, can I just say something real quick? Um, so christian built a website last week
Um a new website for the community communities and it's fucking epic. Can you guys go check it out?
If you haven't seen it yet, it's amazing community of communities. X Y Z it is
Beautiful. I love it. I love it. Stop. Stop. Don't do that yet because
Um, it's still linked up. It's not linked yet, but um, okay, but it will be within the next two days at least
It takes it takes some time it takes some time for the dns to update so
All right. Okay. So so those in the uk will get it first. So if you're in the uk, there's a chance you might be to see
Let's go with nothing. Like I don't I don't think I don't know what christine hasn't done this week to be fair
You know smashed it. I'm busy. Absolutely
Legendary purple. It's where everyone's smashing it, you know, it's uh, it's been a rocket. It's been a rocky few months
I mean, it's been a rocky year, aren't it? I mean, you know, we all thought 2024
We're gonna make the ground run in but I think we might have hit the ground a bit too hard and we got thrown
About a little bit but we uh, I think I I think I burned my head coming in
2024 I think I I think I I think I jarred my right knee. I twisted my ankle
Just flips my elbow off a door frame
Yeah, and then one of your kids flicked your ear just to add insult to injury
Yeah, they actually do that, you know
Because i've got you know
If I put my earphones in to try and just drown out the noise a little bit
But just for some reason just like run at me head first into my ear and smack the headphone into my ear
Yes, it's that it definitely is a weird experience, but it's an occupational hazard, Rif
We need to wear one of them. I need to wear one of them egg guards at the amateur box as well. I think
Yeah, that's what I was gonna say
We should probably wear protective clothing
We should also probably message to people that are supposed to be uh guests
Yeah, I think we should actually I think we forgot about our guests
I think they forgot about us as well. Yeah, hopefully they can see the space and I want to say shout out
We got mermaid from outer space down there as well. Myra. Welcome. Welcome. We also have mel makes money in the house
Looks like she's connecting right now. Welcome mel
Oh, I meant to throw a heart not a sad face. Hi. How is it going?
How are you guys? Good. I'm glad you're doing good. And you're not sad
Nice to see you
Is that invisible animal invisible enemies?
Hey, how's it going? Yeah, let's go
How is everyone happy friday
I haven't seen you for a minute
Mel on my screen your pfp is just a blank circle like a black circle
But if I click on your profile, I can see your pfp
But it like totally makes sense invisible enemies and it's just like a black circle
It's just totally invisible. Like I thought you were being funny, you know, like I thought you were being was like clever
Uh, see you on my screen
Oh, there you go. I'll take it. I did it on purpose tricky. It's my new campaign for invisible enemies
But no i'm actually rocking a unicorn lately for the utility company
Um, I don't know if you know this but i'm on the team at utility company and at costed aluna
Which I saw in the title and I was like, what is this?
So is this supposed to be a costed aluna space today?
Yeah, they are our second guest tonight
So they'll we go deep dive if they can join us we'll be going for like, you know
10 15 minutes to an hour depending on what they want to
What they want to do and how long they want to hang out how deep we can go
But yeah, you know, you're not required to use the whole time
But we do these deep dives with two projects where they get basically up to an hour on friday and saturday
Yeah, it's really cool. Oh, that's awesome
Um, have you spoken to hush because I could have sworn he's on vacation with his family
So that's why I came in to double check and see what the vibe was. I wasn't too sure
We're all thinking uh
I'm thinking what's vacation? What's vacation? That's what i'm thinking
Yeah, we'll uh, we'll get in touch with them through the back channels and figure out who's coming
I'll text him for you. I'll make sure it gets handled. I'm on the team over there
So i'll make sure it gets handled i'll talk to him and see what's going on
But I did see it and I didn't want to check in I didn't want you guys to like host his face
And then he's like on vacation. I don't know
We had a we had an issue
Where we had invited kasaduna before and something went wrong and he couldn't make it. Um, so we said we'd have to do it again
Um, so uh, if we have to do it again
I'm so sorry. No, that's not usually how we roll. He must have just gotten his schedule confused or something
Um, i'm about to pick up my kids, but I can't come back if he can't make it
So I won't let this space go to waste. I don't know if I can do a one-hour deep dive, but
I'll give you something to talk about in a little while
Right, we know who you are, but we could we should get project info since you're a partner basically. Yeah, that's very cool
and i'm i need to tap in more with you about everything you're doing over there kasaduna and uh and the
Collab center and the utility company and there's there's so many things that we need to get more involved in
And I love I love seeing everybody build in this space
You're always such a great positive person when you when you hop in too. So I always appreciate seeing you
Oh, thanks tricky. I know super down i'd be down to get on a phone call and fill you in on everything and I
Just saw in my wallet the community of community books nft as well as the song
So, um, that was my social media post for invisible enemies a few weeks ago
I'm going to repost them the other one for my personal soon. I was really excited to see that in our wallet
I like the song who wrote the song to that
We uh, who was the name of the guy I I don't remember i'm sorry
It's all red. Well, yeah, was it vi underscore nft
um also known as
Yeah, also known as black nft, but it's tag on x is vi underscore nft
And he's got an ecosystem that basically uses ai to create tailor-made music
So, you know, if you wanted if you wanted a song tailor-made to your project then you'd give him
Certain certain things to mention and certain artworks and it creates like a little music video with uh with a song as well
Really really cool. Actually
Oh, that is dope. Yeah, I was listening to it in my wallet. I was like, oh this song's kind of a banger
I don't know what's gonna be a music nft. That's always a bonus
That's awesome. And uh, you know, thank you and we appreciate you uh jumping in and out
I've reached out to you both for the projects
But yeah, we're more than happy to uh, you know get you you up if you want to come up and speak and
Yeah, lots of stuff to speak about definitely, you know, that's what it's about
We can uh, we can all just vibe together one way or another we'll we'll get through it
But um, i'm just super glad that you know, we're all here together today and everyone's doing all right and uh, you know
life is precious and you know things happen that that sometimes remind us of that and uh
It's good to remember it when things are good as well. That's one of the things I was thinking about, you know, we often
You know appreciate things when?
all think of
Appreciating things when things aren't good, but it's just a case of remembering it when things are good as well
So, um, it's not i'm just glad that everyone's here now and we're all good and
Everyone is healthy and well and we can just uh enjoy some time together and uh vibe about all the amazing things that are doing
in web 3 for sure
Yeah, we've got uh, so we should go to dcwb before I guess our
Next post comes in and um, I want to play a little a little clip after that
I have a little 30 second clip of some of a of an ai song which we uh, which we made recently
And it's not done yet, but I think a little teaser would be fun
Um, but yeah, so let's uh, let's just go to dcwb real quick. I guess right?
What up dev?
Um before you do I hand the mic to dev I do have to pick up my kids in like 10 to 15
So how long did you say the space runs for because I can come back after that if you guys are still running
Yeah, it's two hours. So come back in 45 minutes
Yeah, that would be perfect
I'll hang out until the school pick up then when you see me drop off
It means i'm busy getting them and then i'll make my way back at some point for sure
Appreciate you
So I see I see I see the cats down there just real quick. Um, he's been busy
So he needs to have a quick chat with him if he's available. Uh, go on dcwb kraken bro
No, I was just saying hey to melie
I've been moving around doing stuff in the back channels or in the background
So just trying to throw emojis here and there but I didn't want you to think I didn't hear you. Hey
Hi devyn, where's my burrito?
Is it that time yet?
Nah, it's not that time yet. Honestly, I haven't had a burrito in like
Four maybe five months. So it it it might be coming up pretty soon
You're beyond over to 100 go get you that burrito devyn carne asada, please
Most definitely
Sorry, what have you been up to uh, what's your updates
Oh, it's definitely uh, so
Don't know we've pivoted a little bit
I know there's a few people in the space that I haven't met so I can kind of just give a
Quick little breakdown. So my name is devin bowdo. I'm the founder of dcwb
It stands for the digital community of wealth building
And uh, what we're really trying to do here is connect web 2 and web 3 businesses to get together to create what we're calling
utility stores
These utility stores are going to be launched inside of the dcwb market that we're opening first in spatial
So the whole idea is to take a commercial real estate approach as well as a retail approach to these metaverse
Environments and start backing them more with physical products and services
So obviously, you know a lot of the time if you guys have followed myself on uh on x and seen what we've been doing really big
Uh appreciation for a lot of you guys because you have
But uh nevertheless you guys know that we've created a few digital storefronts like the dcwb suit store
Like the everything baseball store for uh hermi over at meta rides
Like the wrist aficionado store where you can buy high-end watches like rich and millie protectfully
Apes what else is there?
Rolexes jacob and coz hermes bags
So they're doing very very high end products and services
All real world products that you can purchase get delivered straight to your door
So with this new collection that we're releasing at the dcwb market, we're releasing this on february 29th
So we're pretty much just giving you guys the ability to come in and just like our dcwb smart suits
Right, you're able to go ahead and create your own nfc-based clothing line all from the metaverse
So when you hop into the metaverse store, you're going to be able to download mock-ups for the clothing
If you don't want to design it yourself
We actually have designers that we're working with now so they can actually provide design services for you to create your clothing line
From there, you can also access the uh nfc blanks
So these are clothing items that have that nfc chip in the right sleeve
So you can create that in real life access point to your business to your brand to your sales funnel, right?
Whatever it may be in our case. We're going to be tying our metaverse hub to our
Clothing that way people can really see and experience what we have going in the metaverse
But ultimately once you get all of these things together, right?
You have an understanding for what the design is going to be and you have an understanding
For what garments you want to go ahead and use we have all the details
Listed inside the metaverse you're going to actually be able to order those if you're a holder of one of the collectibles
And this is why you really want to be a holder
You'll be able to get a free sample for the first design of each line that you guys release
So pretty much. Let's say you wanted to go ahead and create a community of communities t-shirt a community of communities hoodie
Right, you would you wouldn't have to go ahead and pay for that first sample to see if you like the quality
That first sample is on the house by being a dcw b holder
So that's just the way that we can go ahead and start creating more digital storefronts that have real world products backed by it
so instead of you having to go through all the steps of
Finding a supplier finding somebody that can embed an nfc chip
Sourcing the nfc chip making sure that it's put into the clothing to where it won't be destroyed when you wash it
We're going ahead and packaging all of that into this one metaverse store being our utility store
So as you guys come go ahead and come in and create your clothing line, right?
We're giving you guys the ability to put your clothing store into the dcw b market as well
And that's where we really start taking the approach of the commercial real estate aspect
The more digital storefronts that we're able to create
We're ultimately going to expand and start taking this group of digital businesses backed by real world products
And place them in other metaverses or digital environments like hyper fly like nifty island if we can figure out how
Uh just what exactly the analytics will look like for that like what else is there?
Um on cyber right like the central land and sandbox
So ultimately instead of you having to go ahead and come out of pocket to pay for all of that land
This collectible is about to give you the ability to not only create a real world product
But also place your business inside of the different metaverses that we attack as a group
So we're really just trying to like I said
Bring more real world value to a lot of these metaverse worlds instead of it just being
You know you buy a digital skin or you buy a skin in fortnite stuff like that
We really wanted to be oh, I bought this avatar, but the clothes on the avatar got sent to my house as well
Yeah, I bought this avatar
But it also gave me access to this community of real world business owners and they teach me how to go ahead and create
Or source, you know the manufacturers for creating a real world product
You guys already know, you know have a close relationship with sid
Her me carmen crypto a lot of these individuals have you know, a great retail or traditional business
Knowledge so that just puts us in a prime position and not only give you guys some expertise on creating some of these products
But also implement some web 3 and blockchain implementations into developing your business
So we really just want to give as many people as possible
A very simple and easy way to start getting acclimated to doing business in this digital world
That's really the update right now. So we're releasing these collectibles on the 29th
We're still debating on whether we're going to do polygon or salona
We're not going to do eth because of the gas fees, but nevertheless is going to be around that 50 usd mark
So for 50 you're going to be able to create your own clothing line
You're going to get a metaverse store as well as being able to access different
Access and put your business inside of different metaverse worlds
So we're only releasing 20 of these to start with just so we're not, you know over promising
We really want to focus on the first 20 individuals and get this first shopping center set up properly with a high quality of products
But if you guys want to check out the metaverse environment or the clothing store
All of it is accessible inside of the bio in my link tree
And or inside of my bio and you'll be able to access the link tree
And that that'll give you a quick demo of what it'll be like to order your clothes or create your clothing line
But come february 29th, we're going to be token gating that and it's going to be for holders only
So that's the updates really appreciate you guys
So you said you said pivot
Um, I don't see a pivot there
You know what you've been doing is you've been constantly building
Um expanding your reach like you say, you know having a presence on in all these different metaverses, um is super super important
Um, and I kind of feel like you're one of those people that are trying to bridge the gap
Um, you know not just from web 2 to web 3 but from web 3 to web 3
Uh, I really appreciate that man and
Just to touch on the point on why I said we're pivoting right?
Um, a lot of the time people will think of me as the suit guy, right?
They think me as the guy that's coming in trying to sell suits
But I really want people to understand it's not so much about the suits
It's about the fact that we were able to create a real world business model from a metaverse environment with a very very
Small amount of out-of-pocket expenses. So like that's the main point I want people to start taking away
not so much that the
Not so much that the clothing is in real life access point, but that is just a definite, you know
Benefit that comes with being a part of what we're doing here
But I definitely understand what you're saying. I really appreciate it. Well, like you're saying man
It's just like we're really just trying to get as many people as possible to start using
The simple tools and tying it to world world stuff
Like like you said not just bridging web 2 to web 3 but getting people to understand like web 3
This is how we can start using these web 3 tools to build like real value, right?
So it's just baby steps as of now
so these first 20 that we're releasing is really just about finding people that are serious about creating value and
Like I said are serious about creating some in real world product and we're trying to make it as easy as possible
That's why we're creating these utility stores
So that founders like you don't have to go ahead and like I said go through sourcing all of this different stuff
You can just hop into the dcwb market and you'll see the clothing store. You will see the real estate wholesale store
you'll see the uh
Dcwb campus where you can get access to all the different courses that we're going to be providing, right?
So it's not just the fact that yeah, we have the metaverse. Yeah, we can connect
Let's look at how we can really start businesses from here
because like I said
Like that's going to put us in a position to eliminate a lot of the out-of-pocket expenses for like retail locations brick and mortar
locations utilities for keeping the damn lights on at a retail location if we eliminate those expenses
How much bigger are your profit margins going to be right?
And not saying that you know eliminate them all together
But it's just like for those that are starting up if they don't have to worry about stuff like that
And still be able to provide that same level of customer service as if they did a walk-in to an actual store
Like that's the real moral of the story here
So I really appreciate you guys for giving me a chance to give you guys some updates
And then we do have a little avatar free claim. That's going to be coming. I botched the uh free claim last week
my computer just
Did not want to agree with me, but we're doing a free claim in nifty's uh on nifty islands for a
DCwb killer avatar, so you'll be able to run around with this avatar and uh, just have a good time in nifty island
So it's just another way we're trying to get people to just start interacting in some of this web3 gaming
But uh, if you guys want to check out that avatar if you guys want to be a part of the free claim
Just go ahead and dm me your wallet and i'm going to be opening up the free claim a little bit later today
during the live stream
Everyone everyone send me your wallet now
Let's go. I'm doing it. I'm doing it
all right, also, um
I want to uh
So give me a give me like 30 seconds and I want to play a little a little intro of i'm gonna just play the chorus
Yeah, i'm gonna play the one of the choruses from one of these these tracks that we made
All right, all right, so
Also, I gotta make sure I send my wallet over there before I forget. Okay. So hey, i'm just gonna play
suck the dj
Too quite tricky too quiet
It's yeah, it's not this this microphone is terrible on this device, okay, so you just get a real faint tease that's all you get
That's all I fix it
Tricky's running multiple devices at the same time. He's in like five different spaces right now
I'm actually just here, but I am on all three devices
So, how does that work have you got like a
Like some things to like hold your devices so you don't have to like keep picking them up
Yeah, so I have a holder for yeah for like, you know doing lives on like tick tock and then i'm one's computer
I have two phones and then i'll use multiple apps on the computer as well to be in multiple spaces
But if i'm going to speak in like three spaces, it's usually speaking on the computer
Speaking on my my old iphone 6s plus and then my new iphone as well
Let me let me guess the new iphone is the one that's not so good, right?
Bingo i'm on the 6s plus right now
It's like they intentionally make them worse. Uh, I don't know. It seems kind of intuitive
I mean when apple first started they were they were breaking barriers and creating like new and
Innovative stuff and I just don't feel like apple are on the edge of innovation anymore
Well, there are on the edge, but it's like off a cliff so like, you know, other stuff works, I mean like
When it works, it's great. Honestly when it works, it's it's amazing. And it's the most intuitive, you know user interface on the market
I give them that
Yeah, I mean, it's a good ecosystem, you know, because obviously it takes for all sorts of things like music and all sorts of other stuff
So it does kind of like making an interconnected
So it does kind of like making an interconnected way of making things nice and simple and easy to use
Um, but I don't know. I just I just kind of feel like they just don't really
Kind of push what's possible like they used to
Yeah, maybe they're just sort of focusing on
Um, because it kind of now it's sort of become a trend now, hasn't it having the latest iphone? So maybe they just sort of
Capitalizing on the trend side of it and if um, anyone else
Sort of catches them up. They'll just
Pull something out of the bag and be like, oh by the way, we're doing this now and
Keep up keep a hold of the market again
Who knows
But yeah, just just quickly looking at the room shout out to everyone who's jumped and enjoying we appreciate all of you
We've got jet boy in the building
We've got randon lee from color in the building if anyone wants to come up and say hello
You're welcome to do so. Um, we do have two guests for tonight, but
Um neither of them have been able to make the space as of yet
Whether it's technical difficulties a crossover in timelines. Um, we're not sure but we're happy to
Speak to people if anyone has anything you want to talk about any updates. You're welcome to jump up and join us
Um, we're just talking all things web 3 at the moment, but we do appreciate you guys jumping and enjoying us
But nothing makes us happier than hearing
progression and updates and everything that you guys are up to so
You're all more than welcome to jump up and join us if you wish to
Yeah, I just want to show some appreciation to dc wdb I think you're doing great stuff, mate, I think you're smashing it, um, I think you're
A real drive and force like I don't know how you find the motivation like but you know
You know you are you are constantly on the move
Um, and I and I appreciate that
Even if no one else doesn't
Nah, man, that that honestly means the world like sometimes I consider like I wonder if people even
Care about what i'm doing in this space
And it's like moments like this where I didn't even really plan on coming into the space
But I saw you guys hopped in and then you
Wiped that straight out of my head with the words of appreciation. So it's just like
That's what really gives me the motivation, right?
It's like coming back into the space and then when I do talk about my ideas because usually when i'm in the space
like i'll crack jokes and
Put in some comments here and there but I don't really like talk talk about what i'm doing
But when I do you guys always show a lot of love and appreciation
So like that's really just where I get the motivation from and i'm not gonna lie
But if I don't have web 3 like i'm going back to just getting a regular job
So it's just one of those situations where I could either continue to push it out here and try to build something that i'm passionate about
and sacrifice for a few years or I can go back to
Doing a regular job and not really liking it and being tired of what I do day to day. So like
I'd much rather prefer to be here and figure it out and struggle a little bit
With the type of support that you guys are giving me like all of you guys are showing a lot of love
like big shout out to
Kaguya down there. I see you queen, but uh meli shown so much
Love her me down there from metaraj shown so much love you guys have been giving me
Uh, just giving me words of encouragement. I've talked to you guys about building a lot
But um, like you guys have said, you know, it's been a it's been a struggle
So just being consistent is is hard, but just got to do it for you guys, right?
Can't let down the people that believe in me that'd be disrespectful
Dream, you know dream big and we got to play the timing right, you know, like the havings coming
You've got you know
We're what are we like less than a hundred days away from some some stuff really popping off and then
People are gonna make money people have more money to spend we're gonna see another another pump of everything basically
So, you know, you're just keep on building man. Stay stay positive and you know, stay persistent. That's all that's all it takes
We see that plus in front of your name, you know, we gotta we gotta pump you up when we can. Oh, yeah
Absolutely. Well said bro. I'm just gonna say touch on something you just mentioned there, um devan as well and it's not even about um
Letting anybody down, you know, we just want to see see you win and we want to see everybody win
So it doesn't matter if it takes years, you know, because it's not easy doing anything, you know
And it's not just a case of factoring in what you got to do
You know the fact that you're always willing to pivot is just a great sign that you're going to succeed one day
But you know, we just want to see you win and we're believing you and that you know
You've got to take care of your health and stay healthy as well
You've got to take care of your mental health and you know things get thrown at us, you know
Without you know, we don't know what tomorrow's going to bring
And there's just so many things to factor in that, you know, we may make it tomorrow
We may make it in 10 years
But as long as we keep moving and we keep trying and we keep doing our best, you know
We can't we can't do anything else other than that really so fair play, bro
There's so many ways we can all help each other and build together and you know
It's not like we're just working on one project here. We got so many things so many, you know fingers into so many hats
Um, and I you know, I want to make everyone an ambassador for different projects that i'm working on
So we're definitely have a lot of things we can build going forward
We'll talk more on the back end devin for sure everyone joined the t talks on tuesday
No, I must definitely and really quick. I did just want to add like something for you guys as well
We did just get a new metaverse builders
So for those people when I say like we're creating those metaverse stores for you guys
Like just like you guys are saying like it's not just about my brand and what i'm doing like it's about
Connecting and getting all these resources together. So everyone can succeed
So it's like anybody that's trying to come and be a part of the dcwv market
You don't have to worry about building all that stuff out yourself
We just got a new builder on the team and he can build out your full custom environment
And he's going to give you a real good price for being a holder
So it's just that's the type of stuff that i'm talking about and that you guys are talking about right pulling together
And making sure that it's not just one person winning one brand winning
My brand dcwv the digital community of wealth building only wins if there's a community that's building wealth people
So like that's the whole moral. So you guys like couldn't have said it better
I love it. And yeah, man, you got and you're the way you're you're incorporating the metaverses
I want to get more into these metaverses
I could even make you like the metaverse wing of some of these things like because you're already doing it
You know, like that's that's what's up. I see we got a hand up. We got bella in the house
Bella, how's it going bella?
Hey guys, you know, it's bella and gunner my sidekick
Um, I just want to say devin
You don't have to worry about having family you have the plus
And we're all about the positivity. So we will support you. We are here for you
You know anything any of us can do we will do it
I can't speak that enough
You know well said we mentioned earlier in all that we we're proud to see you out here
Don't build them by yourself, but you're not by yourself not even close
All right, you guys
Really don't even understand how perfect like the timing of this space was I really needed to hear all of this
And that's why we are the community of communities
We spread love and positivity and we support each other
So just you know
There is someone always here just know that
We we do host a space in our telegram on tuesday's at nine o'clock you take uk time
Which is like what 4 p.m. Eastern at the moment. Is that right tricky?
Yeah, okay, yeah for four eastern
But yeah, so you know, sometimes we just you know, just chatting and having a laugh and you know
Just cracking jokes telling stories. Um, and you know
But you know if someone wants to bring up something serious, you know, we're there and we can listen and we can talk and
Um, you know, even if you just don't want to share, you know
What it is that's weighing it down. You can just come in and listen or join in. It's up to you
Um, but it's something we like to do. It's just a space. It's a safe space basically where you can just come chill
Usually miss evie runs it and uh, it's always a good space. Yeah
Whether we're just you know shooting the stuff and joking around or getting to the you know
The deep intricacies of our life in our over analytical minds, you know, it's always yeah, it's always great
I mean we used to we used to do it on uh twitter, but we kind of realized that
It's it's the kind of thing that needs to be more private and more personal
So that's what we do in the uh, the old telegram
Yeah, and it only took a couple trolls to make that decision
Yeah, and the way that they went about it as well
Um just for anyone that doesn't know we did we did the mental health spaces on on here
And then this guy came up and said, um, you know, it's been being bullied by the this guy
um, and there's these people that keep making fake accounts for me and then all of a sudden like 10 versions of the same account joined and
We knew that he was joking but
We had to sort of take it serious just in case because of how he was still trying to play being serious
And it was just really awkward and uncomfortable for everyone in the space
So we thought next time we'll just do it in telegram
Because it's just a safer space for and the only people that are in there are people who want to be in there
So we decided to stay doing it in there just so that it was a better experience for everyone all around but yeah
We are not alone. We have each other
We will always be there for one another because you know life hits everyone from every angle all hours of the day
All the unexpected times and the beauty of web 3 is that we are all from all over the world
So there's always someone available somewhere to talk to at some time about something. So
Let's go. See how well said everyone and I appreciate that we are all there for each other in this way because
If we can keep moving forward together like this, then we will certainly get there one day. We certainly will so
Yeah, well said bella. Thank you
I thought you'd uh, you'd be hanging out the washing roof
Yeah, I know
I've been talking to a couple of friends man. All these illnesses have been going around. I'm like
Well, at least you don't have five kids, but they're always getting sick and just rotating. That's the thing. He's like, oh damn
So, yeah much love rev you're a freaking trooper
I'm glad to hear you doing better. Like you do sound a lot better. So that's good
You know, shout out to meta rides and we got dead eye in here now, what's up wolf?
Brandon in the house
I don't know what's going on in my other account. I guess it's locked
Yeah, twitter's been acting funny like that
It says I was not following like half the people in the room
I started following all you guys and then it locked me I count like you can't you can't follow anyone else
I'm like what i'm not even at 5k followers. It doesn't even make sense. So yeah, I don't know
I don't know if someone's reporting my reporting accounts or it's just like bots going crazy on twitter right now
But like it seems to be a lot of issues
Yeah, I know
I was supposed to go into space this morning
I like I can get on to twitter
But I cannot get on a space with my other account it just sits there and spins
it's like
It doesn't tell me now it did get locked out from trying to follow people earlier
And so when I unlocked it, you know, it's supposed to unlock everything
But ever since then I can't get on to any spaces. So
You're doing good
So it's a little gift for you
Yeah, shout out shout out kagoo. Yeah, we've got casey imagination also popping through see randy
I love seeing people walking the plus and yeah judge boy. I gotta follow more people once I can
We have uh, we have some pretty cool stuff coming up as far as like some other announcements
I'm working on getting those dragon juice thing redeployed. I should have that done pretty soon
And we uh, we're we're 9 30 away from our goal
To triple our impact on the smile boxes, which is pretty cool
We're gonna send out 30 care packages this time
What's up devin
I was gonna say, uh, I still need those check out links for the wild word of dragon space
When you have those let me know so I can link them up
Yeah, we'll be so we're gonna be linking. Um, we got the merch store
The the dragon 3d drop will be done soon then we'll have that link i'll send over to you
And then we'll have an order form for the t also available pretty soon
We're still working on getting all the labels done because we need three different labels for different countries and stuff
Um, but yeah, we're working on all that stuff. We got some cool like ai dragons we're playing with for the labels and
Yeah, it's gonna be neat
Awesome awesome, man. I just didn't want you to think I forgot about that
Yeah, yeah, I appreciate you. Definitely. We'll be in touch for sure. It's getting it's getting all set up. It's awesome
Yeah, i'm excited
I'm excited for that product. So I think it's you know, I think
Me and tricky have spoken about it. You know, it's it's it's something that benefits people
And yeah, I just think it's got massive massive potential. I think there's a there's a really good market for it
Yeah, i'm looking forward to to see what you can do and it's tricky i'm super excited
Yeah, and we're gonna try just utilizing the community and our our charity networks to basically market
Our first launch right? So we got test market here locally in orlando
I'm trying to work with the foxtail coffee here in orlando winter park
And then we're going to do all of our networks basically talking about so everyone can kind of be an ambassador and make a commission
And then when we launched to go, you know in multiple countries
That's when we'll have the international advertising campaign, but we're not going to do
We're not going to be spending massive amounts of money on advertising at first. It'll be like
You know helping people sending the boxes out and using our current network
So everyone here can kind of you know benefit from that that initial initial boost
You know and the people who are are hanging with me will be there for the milestones
We'll have bonuses for every milestone. So it's going to be great
I'm super pumped about all the prospects of it and the ability to help people and I mean there's so much potential here, right?
Feel free anyone if you want to grab a mic come up, uh, we're just chatting right now while we're waiting for our for our guests
Have we uh, we dm micro pets and constantly, you know, I think we have constantly in the house anyway because we have mail here
but uh micro pets
Micro pets incoming see i'm gonna get down here and tag tag some more people as well
What's up did I
You know, I was just thinking like you guys were talking about like people sometimes needing to
You know reach out or whatever and you know, we're all here and I was just thinking you know
That's kind of like a byproduct of the plus
Like that. I don't think
Any of us thought about or at least I didn't
But like let's say somebody was in like
Crisis mode or you know just really needed to talk to somebody right?
and they saw somebody on twitter with a
Plus and they knew the account right like not just because somebody's got a plus go talk to them, right?
But you know, it's a verified plus account
Then you know if you were ever in a bad situation
You would have somebody you could reach out to
Yeah facts
Now that's that's the great thing about you know, just all this whole community
We really do keep each other positive and you know
Just you never know when someone's kind of going through something they're feeling some type of away
And that's most of us like the human condition
We overanalyze stuff and we get stuck in our brains and if you don't interrupt those processes and and become positive
You will keep spiraling like you have to recognize. Hey, i'm going down a path. I don't want to and interrupt it and you know
It's tricky Buddha from defy space donkeys. You know, that's why don't interrupt me when i'm doing that because I need it
That's what's up though
You gotta just force that positivity you force it enough it'll become natural at a point
It took me like two years, but it's even natural now
Yeah, I think it's quite you know, what's quite powerful about what we're doing is is we are here for the builders
It's not so much like
And like a community bunch of people like you've got on places like youtube and stuff like that. This is more of
A network of people that are building the space. Um, it's it's it's it's it's it's so it's so simple
But it's quite impactful
Um when you look at the bigger picture of of how many people?
Um, you know
Are a part of what we're doing? Um, you know including the book project
Yeah, absolutely
And we do have micro pets in the house
Welcome. Welcome. Hey, what's up guys? Sorry. There was a bit of a
Technic not technical but um scheduling error and uh, i'm glad uh, i'm glad you guys reached out because um,
Luckily, um i'm available
And I had you guys down for tomorrow's space you're doing
Um, but uh, but yeah, man happy to come in today
Ah, well, thank you for joining us at the short notice then and uh for being a day early and that yeah
Don't never worry about apologizing. Uh, we know how web 3 is and uh,
Life happens things happen. Don't worry. Uh, thank you for jumping in when he does. We appreciate that
Yeah, glad you're here yeah, of course guys
On the last bit I love that we're a community that hosts spaces what really adds value
But we're not like blowing up people's dms like hey chart give us give us 500 and
And we'll and we'll feature you
It's not like that
It's like no, no
We're finding the people in the space that we want to build with and into interviews
It's just it's for the love of the game instead of just like pursuit of profit
That's that makes a huge difference. I think in the community
But yeah, let's let's jump into micro pets
Yeah, it was cool. It was cool that uh, I uh chimed in right as I was hearing the uh
D5 space donkeys that one that's always cool to you got that tricky booty you got that down, man
Much love I appreciate that
Yeah, so um for people who don't know you who we got behind the account
Uh, yeah for sure my name is moses
And I uh go by well, my yeah, my username is so cal moses
I'm from southern california and I am the community manager for micro pets
um micro pets is a project that
Is phenomenal
I'm kidding. I'm biased. Um, it is phenomenal actually, but um, so micro pets took over
The new owner of micro pets took over in august of last year
Um, we had a we have a bad seed that we're trying to get booted out of web 3
because he likes to make projects and rug them slow rug them and
You know move on to another one and do the same thing habitual process. So
That person goes by the same by the name of saint nick
And he is a very very
Bad apple for web 3 and is one of the people that needs to be taken out so that web 3 can have a
good honest ethical
Um from the mass adopters that are going to be coming in so that's our fight that we're fighting
We took over successfully the project fought for the project didn't want it to die
And hey sus has done a great job of becoming the new owner of the project
We've had a lot of successes by
Delivering to the community that has been with the project like myself
Uh, i've been with the project as a community member and investor, uh from november of 2021
Um, and a lot of the community members are just
Legendary we we've all just been arm in arm making everything correct again
What the project should be?
It had a phenomenal
You know 200 million market cap all-time high back in its heyday when the bull run was ending in december of 2021
You know slowly we couldn't figure out why everybody kept blaming, you know, the bear market bear market
Well, we found out that actually it was being slow rugged. So
Now that we fought back for it. We have a brand new secure contract
and what's great about this is yesterday we actually got to reap the benefits
doing this migration to
a new contract because
That same shady character that I just mentioned tried to steal the liquidity from the old contract
Which was locked until on pink sale. It was locked until yesterday
So he immediately within three minutes tried to steal it
well, we have mechanisms in place that prevented him from being able to
Separate or yeah to take the liquidity and sell it
So it is stuck in his wallet right now and the authorities have caught him red-handed
So you're saying so you're saying that saint nick
Um is is the bad guy in this situation and and jesus has has come to
Rescue the the project
It was a storyline, right
Yeah, it sounds like the beginnings of a book
But uh, yeah, I just wanted to point that out if if it had gone over anyone's head
Yeah, don't don't don't believe in false idols
There you go
That's messed up
Yeah, yeah
he shouldn't you know, he shouldn't go by that name for sure because it's uh, it's almost like uh,
You know, he's laughing in everyone's faces with that name
But you know, that's dr. True who completely lied to me
What what's your doctor's name?
Oh, dr. True. Yeah
He took out all my wisdom teeth
He's got four wisdom teeth without giving me any uh, any kind of pain medication when i'm like in chronic pain
Back in the time I was in chronic pain and I didn't I didn't actually have any medication
I was between doctors and he just like took out all four of my wisdom teeth and I was like it kind of hurts
Can I have something and they're like no like you said that you said you were
like, all right
He's got like three reviews on google and one of them's me you can you can tell which one's me
That's wild man, I had yeah I had my wisdom teeth out but I was actually in high school
Which was uh back in 1995
I had mine out
But uh, so, you know, our project is is great now, you know, it's on the right track
um, we have
minted out of our
bnb chain
where we minted 500
Uh 3d nfts that are you know
being staked they have staking utility
And they're in preparation. They already have land attachments, uh assigned to them for
Petropolis, which is you know, the metaverse, uh goal that we have as a as a further out long-term goal for the project
um, we just announced today
that we're going to be
um bringing the
what we call our
Our runner dap, but it's a it's essentially our magic chest dap
If anybody's familiar with chucky cheese or davenbusters or you know businesses of that sort
Um, you're going to be able to take all of your engaged to earn coins
your discord
Coins, you know
Hey, all all of that that you've earned you're going to be able to swap into
Our magic chest and you can either buy from our shop or you can enter
raffle drawings
Which we're going to be giving away
really cool prizes and
The best part is how we've networked and made so many friends, you know through this journey with other awesome projects
That you know want to also have a place for their community to be able to
You know swap, you know any zealie, you know
Token or coins that they or xp sorry that they've earned or discord coins things like that and they just want to have an outlet for that
You know, we're going to have network
nft's and prizes for that
um, and essentially
Did we lose him or is it just me
Yeah, no, I lost him as well. Um, I think I think we lost him
Hello hello
All right, sorry about that guys, um, but yeah long story short right now we're
On our uh 2d nft mint
Pulting our um development
I think we might have to give him a second. I think I think you're struggling with a connection there. Just just just for a sec
Oh, no, we've got the connecting logo of doom, uh, okay, so what you need to do you need to lead the space
Come back in if it gives you the option to go as a listener go as a listener and then request back and we get back on stage
It does this if you uh, if you walk too far away from your wi-fi
Um, it has a tendency to to like do this thing and then it like half kicks you out
of the space
We've got a draconian era and requesting the common stage
Yeah, welcome draconian
Hope you're doing well today
We also got mel makes money back in the house. Welcome mel
We also have kagoya up here on stage as well. Welcome kagoya. I hope you're doing well today
If anyone has any questions or comments feel free to throw up a hand
We'll get micro pets right back here on stage in just a moment
It says speaker on my screen, but
It seems to be connecting
Hey guys, i'm gonna drop down
And let more people join. So I just want to say love all of you and i'm still here but
Appreciate you. Oh gunner said let's grow
You know, let's go. We'll love you both
All right
Like loads and loads and loads
So I was just taking the make out of these accidents for a second
Yeah, lords and lords and lords
We also have our friend fungus mungus in the house
That's a great name did you say fungus mungus
That's a cool wallet name. I love that
We're gonna get fungus mungus in here for maybe an interview about his background. That's it's pretty fun
He's got a cool a cool project on soul
Fungus we have to get you to fill out the form and get you in here for an interview one of these days
These friday and saturday spaces we do interviews with two projects where we do deep dives and kind of focus on them
And then uh, yeah
We uh, we like to do secondary content and some other things but tap in we'll have that website up soon
Maybe we can put a copy of the twitter form down in the comments too. Sounds good. Sounds good
I was just coming up to say hello
Um, I saw tricky in here and I saw draconia and up on here. So I thought just, you know, do a quick shout out
Much love much love
Appreciate you being here
We got draconia on stage. What's up? Draconian? I want to say hi
Yeah, drek's been working with a bunch of dudes that uh,
Like so a bunch of guys that I know over at tangang and over at pulse chain and that it's been it's been a busy buddy
Hey, what's up guys, can you hear me
Oh, thank god finally after the whole day first space that works
How's everybody doing at the house?
Yes, that's the universe that's the universe point you in the right direction that is let's go we'll make it count what's going on everyone
Micro pets they're they're gonna get grilled again
They've been on busy all day and they got out of space with me also at 9 p.m
So they're gonna get drilled again
This is gonna be fun
Micro pets are you back here now? Can you uh, are you connected? Well, can you hear us loud and clear?
He's over there trying to put it push this microphone button and it just not working there we go
That's exactly what I was doing
I was uh, I had stuff in my hands and I was like crap
Let me put it all down and hit my mic button as quick as I as I can but hey, what's up nj?
How you doing, man? We're gonna see you here in a little bit. I feel bad for you
Going all over and everybody's grilling you today
Yeah, man, we're you know, we've got we've got a lot of
A lot of cool stuff, you know, one of the things I always try to do is
you know adapt
Kind of my spiel
To whatever space i'm doing. So
So yeah, man, I think hopefully this is a very friendly space so you can grill him hard
I feel like it'll be it'll be balanced, but we'll go on to our next question
Wait, I hear some background. Okay, we'll go on to our next question. Uh, micro pets. Why are you not a rug? No, i'm just playing
uh, I'd love to ask hard questions, but uh
Let's get right back into it. Um, where were we micro when you cut out?
I was basically talking
Can you guys hear me?
I heard I heard that part. Okay, there you go
So so yeah, so what I was what I was getting to was our magic chest
and the fact that right now our our we're turning our focus to minting out our two dnft's
Because these two dnft's have major utility that will be
used in our magic chest app
What happens is a hundred percent of these funds are going to develop
The this dap to develop to bring it back. We were going to wait till we were going to wait till we were at
Fully minted to bring it back
No, it's not
Sorry, we're going to wait till we're fully minted to bring it back. But we decided to bring it back at
Had the halfway point so that we could bring it back to the community members and start being able to give them back
you know some in this form of prizes and
You know the raffle drawings that we're doing because we're going to be giving away one bnb to three lucky winners of our top tier vault
And anybody who enters that raffle drawing
You know three people are going to walk away with one bnb a piece
And then we have you know, two other vaults that are going to have
Smaller prizes, you know, but you know, you need to obviously qualify with our 2d nft's
And verify your holdings to enter those vaults. And so what we've done
to incentivize everybody for buying them is we want to
Put a bounty on our hokkaido
Pet type which is one of our 2d nft pet types
So anybody who mints and i'll put it up on the jumbotron, but anybody who mints a hokkaido today
within this space
Up to an hour after this space any transaction hashes of any mints of our 2d nfts
You will win the second one for free
So you go to mint you happen to pull a hokkaido and instantly you
Know you won in the second one and you will receive a second, uh 2d nft which is a random nft
So it'll be the next mint and it could be that you receive a free doge, which is our most rare
um order of rarity is a kita kishu hokkaido floki shiba
Um and uh hodge and doge
So it's a lot of fun, you know
All of our 2d nfts are a unique one of ones with the attributes that they have they're all randomized
So you never know what you're gonna get and uh, how your how your 2d nft is gonna be dressed
but um, but yeah, i'll put that up on the jumbotron so
Everybody can um, you know have a nice and nice way to enter our ecosystem
with these 2d nfts and um, you know hope to be able to get a buy one get one by uh
You know pulling a hokkaido on their mint
So you keep saying 2d nfts so that kind of makes me think there must be a 3d nft, right?
Oh, yeah. Yeah, we have 3d nfts
um, we have many collections that are 3d nfts and
Um, then we also have our 2d nfts which are more utility based towards our magic chest
Um to because if let's say for instance, you earn a thousand xp on zealie. Well
however many
Um 2d nfts you own you get a bonus on those
XP points when you swap within our dapp
Everyone you own you're going to get an extra percentage bump
And so it's it's really cool because your efforts get amplified, you know by you know
supporting the project with the 2d nfts as well as
you know, it's bringing closer and more rapidly the funds to
Develop our petropolis. Um, as well as like I said, we're we're bumping up from ten thousand
Mark to the five thousand mark when we're bringing back the um
the dapp for the magic chest
Uh, did I rug again
No, i'm not i'm not really sure what the what the magic chest is
Okay, so the magic chest is a utility really cool platform that we um, you know have
where you can exchange
Um coins and xp and discord coins
Um in our dapp you can exchange those for
magic chest
So essentially it's a one for one. So if you earn, you know, again, i'll just go back to the thousand if you earn a thousand
Uh xp coins you can swap those for a thousand, uh magic chest, uh
Tokens to enter the raffle drawing and enter one thousand times, you know into different vaults that you want to to
If whatever prizes you like
So that's what the magic chest utility is. It's a place for people to be able to
Come and exchange their points or their coins
That they earn through various community
gains or events or whatnot
be able to get actual real life, you know bnb or
um, you know the nfts that are within the shop or at being given away as prizes
And you know, this is going to be membership based. Um, it's going to be 399 a month
Because the prizes in here are insane and it's it's just going to be all sustainable and all fun
Where it's also going to be I I mean, this is really in depth
It's gonna I mean we have an affiliate program attached to it where you get 15 percent
back every month, um for so, let's say you're
You're into affiliate marketing and you
Actually, you know want to you know, push the envelope and bring in a bunch of members
To take advantage and enjoy the magic chest utility for a place to swap their tokens
um or their xp points
You know, you're going to receive 15 percent of that every month
um, but uh
I gotta I gotta I gotta go step on um for like one minute real quick guys just to do something
Uh in real life real quick and and then if I can come back real quick
I'd be happy to answer any other questions you guys have
Cool yeah, i'm sorry trying to sell some some dms here, but uh, I see we have a question maybe from tray trays got a hand up
No, I don't have a question. I just want to say great space so far and i'm looking down we have some legends in the room
Uh mermaid from spaces here, uh randy from color you guys check out what color's going
Uh, let's see who else we got
miss evie
Good crowd today
Yeah, absolutely
Shout out to all the legends make sure you're all following each other. I think everyone here is pretty much family, you know at this point
It's great
I mean I except we got one buddy who has me blocked for some reason i'm not sure about that but
Everyone else, you know, happy friday
Hey, even if you have me blocked happy friday
They can't handle the space donkey. That's the problem
either either that or
They they're annoyed with you because of your lack of blinking and they're like I have to block this guy because he doesn't blink enough
Facts i'm starting to i'm starting to get it programmed into my algorithm. So I I blink now I do blink
Took me a while to figure that out though. Yeah, I appreciate you telling me
Part of entertainment for me to be fair
Tricky used to be on spaces with jd all the time and he would just freeze up
And jd would think oh tricky's internet went down. He's frozen. Nah, he was just messing with him. It was beautiful
Yeah, that was funny
Yeah, I got the no blink down it was really easy just to fake a freeze
It was good
Oh the tick tock days
We'll be doing some more tick tock stuff. Uh going live with jkneks and stuff over there, too
So if you uh, if you see me over there, we need to blow up jkneks account and get him live
But i'll be going live with him until he can go live by himself, too
Tick tock is fun. You just got to be careful what you say
You can't they don't like web3 content
But if you talk about the utilities and what you're actually building and don't you know
Leave the the nft web3 content as like an after effect or you know a side note, then you'll do fine
Yeah, we got okay, so we got a couple pin posts up there I pinned up the uh, the giveaway he's got
Well, not the giveaway, but the uh, the mint raffle I should say mint bounty and we've got another post up there
So get up there and show it some love maybe tag some friends who might be interested
And go ahead micro explain what you just pinned up there
When you get back to all right guys, yeah, no, no, no i'm back. I was just wrapping up. Um, I
I have customers sometimes that you know, come talk to me and
And uh, it's urgent. But anyway, um, so yeah, so what I pinned up there what I was explaining was, um the
Because we're going to be launching that dap
For the magic chest drawings and raffles in a place for you know
The platform the utility for people to be able to exchange all of their hard earned and fun earned, you know tokens and coins
Um to be able to enter the drawings and so we put a bounty on the hakairos
if you go on to
And you happen to pull a hakaido you're going to get one for free
Um, not a hakaido for free you'll get a random 2d nft for free
And so it could actually be you know, as I mentioned the most rare is a doge
It could even be a hodge which is you know, the second most rare, um, and you know those hold a lot of value
You know, it's really cool to kind of but we wanted to do something to incentivize
You know and the community to mint and enter our ecosystem
As well as you know, have a chance to double up their you know, their um
value by getting
Essentially a buy one get one for every hakaido that they that they meant
So it's a you know, it's kind of a little bit of a gambling effect there that uh, you know
We hope people have fun with and uh, you know be able to get some free mints
So that's what that's up there for um as well as well
There's more gosh guys our ecosystem is so diverse and we have so much going on
so for our 2d mints
If you really want to dive into our ecosystem and you're just like damn. I love micro pets already
We have a whale golden ticket where if you meant five of these 2d nft's I just mentioned
You're going to get back a rebate of bnb
Um, and if you meant 15 the rebate gets higher
Up to if you decide to mint 20, um, which I believe is like 775 dollars or so usd
Um, you're going to get back 0.5 bnb, which is a hundred and you know 55 dollars or so
Um back as a rebate so it's kind of a cool, you know thing
We want to say thank you to you know
The the loyal community members that are supporting the project and and having fun with what we're doing
because we have some
plans for the future
earlier I was just telling
On the different space that you know
If you guys could see me my my brain goes from ear to ear when because of what I know of what we do
You know in the background with the team
And what we're developing and what we're coming coming out with
It's it's a lot of fun and and I think the community has uh, you know
Hopefully appreciated all the hard work that we've done to right all the wrongs from you know
What the previous uh owner was doing uh to make it a legit viable project and it's just phenomenal man
It's phenomenal and it's surreal to be a part of it. I'm always
uh, i'm both like humbled by it and i'm just on fire for it to
Be able to know, you know what we're doing and where the project is going
Um, so that's that's in a nutshell micro pets. Um, we also have the uh ethereum
Launch that we're going to be doing with uh, we're going cross chain. So we're going to be minting
Uh, well, we are currently minting right now the ethereum, which is what got put up on the jumbotron
And we're giving back 0.125 eath
Uh to a lucky winner
At every 50 mint incredible because there's only 500 of these we already did one for 50 the next 50 those
Each mint is a draw is an entry
so those 50 are going to be entered into the next drawing and one winner will receive 0.125 eath
As a prize back to them
Um, and that's all in preparation for our ethereum
Lawn token launch, uh, which is going to be at the end of q1
Uh, so we're just having a lot of fun, man. We're we're
It's cool to be able to
Do the things that you want to do to make a project what it should be and what it deserves to be
The team that we have right now the chemistry the work ethic. I mean we work around the clock
It's it's because of the different time zones. We're all there's always work being done on the project
So essentially since august and now we've been working on it 24 7 and I think it's showing with all the stuff we've delivered
Especially to you know, bring back the trust to the project from the community members that were standing by or you know
Listening in silence, you know
Um to what was going on
I mean you uh, you were saying earlier that you know, essentially the community have fought the the projects. Um
Yeah, um, you know
We we speak to a lot of guys every single week friday and saturday's uh, we're on twitter spaces talking to people
And you know one thing that we found is you know, some of the best projects come from those projects that were ruined
Um, you know a lot of the in fact, you know, there's a few probably a few in the space still
Um that have experienced, um, you know a rugged project
And the you know, and then the community coming up and stepping in and going right we need to fix this
um, and then taking it upon themselves to do what was necessary to
um, you know continue
The the project and improve the project like you say, you know when you fork it you can
You can do what you want with it. Um, so yeah, I like it
I like what you're building and you're trying to give back by giving incentives for mint in by giving bits back and
It in gamifying the experience. Um, yeah, I think I think you've got this really cool
Yeah, thanks, I appreciate that we uh, yeah, we're what we're doing with uh with the gamifying aspect of it is we're going to
Um, you know, I mentioned all the great partnerships and friends that we've made in web 3
Um every month we're going to feature
a project's game
So whichever, you know
Let's say just next month, you know, we're going to have a project and everyone's going to have uh, you know
be able to play their game, uh
and earn, you know the coins that that game offers and essentially we're going to be creating a
Type of arcade, uh so that people don't get bored with just one project and one game
We're going to you know
always be bringing in fresh fun games for people to play
and enjoy and earn coins and enter the raffle drawings and win prizes and
You know rinse and repeat, you know
We just want everybody to just enjoy themselves and and know that they have
Good value in the time they're spending, you know within the ecosystem of micropets
Are there any um ip issues with the brands of micropets is there is there any sort of potential issues with that do you think?
Yeah, I mean, you know a long time ago back in like the tamagotchi days kind of thing
um, you know, there was a micropets, uh, you know toy that uh
Stizzled out and is no longer, you know around except as you know, vintage vintage toys
Last we checked. I mean for for web 3 obviously
You know there isn't when we crossing over to web 2, you know
It's something that we're going to have to really look into because all of it is essentially a dead right now in terms of
you know trademarks, um or copyrights
you know, we we haven't crossed that avenue in terms of web 2 to be able to
Um, they you know, we want to
blow this up
you know to
Stores, you know something like pudgy, you know penguins has done
Um, because first, you know, we definitely will make sure we secure
the ip rights to to the name or
Definitely, you know, who knows
So you want to you want to nail that down?
Or see if you can collab too with the originals. That might be an interesting way to reach out. Yeah, that would
Yeah revive revive it
I I've personally looked into it and i've and i've tried, you know some soft, uh,
you know reach outs and stuff and it uh, nothing's turned of it but um
You know, it's it's definitely something that's on our radar and that we want to
You know our our first priority our first priorities were a save the project, you know b
Start initializing and securing the contracts, you know migrate
So we're we're kind of in this sequential order of priorities. And now that we're getting to the point where we're gonna be
Going into towards the end of q1 where we're launching our ethereum token
You know those all of those, uh issues now become the next priority and because we're treating it as a business
um, uh, we actually are incorporated, uh out of florida and so it's
You know the the measures are being taken
Um, I just in that regard. I don't know the exact specific details other than i've tried myself
Just reaching out to people that you know are tied to the you know to the original, uh toys
Um, but uh, the corporation, you know does exist out of florida and because we are, you know growing it as a business
You know looking for a 5 15 20 plus
Uh long-term, you know existence as a prominent
Crypto project and web2 business
Sorry, I have hands full I hate those awkward silences
I was just gonna dive in there myself actually and just say that um, you know, that all sounds amazing and
It sounds like you've done such a great job as well. And
You know, and I say this quite a lot, but i'll never get bored of saying it, you know
Public speaking is never easy
And to join spaces that you've never really you've not joined before around people you may not have met yet, you know
I just think you've done a great job of the way you've carried yourself. Um
You've made it really easy to understand you've been amazing to listen to i'm really excited about learning more
It's great that you guys was able to you know
work together so
productively as a team and
You know as we understand that web3 never sleeps, you know
Once you've got a proactive team that is making moves every single day
There's nothing more exciting than that
And it sounds like you've done a great job so far to get from you know
Where you was at to to to where you are now, um, and I just want to say, you know, well done
And you know that the the hard work behind that is never really done
Especially when once you've achieved what you've achieved then you've got to tell the world about it, you know
And I think how you conduct yourself
In front of people is is really important and you know
I just think you've represented really really well
And I just wanted to just to give you that a little bit of feedback on that
So, you know you sound like a really friendly person anyway
So it's great that you're a community manager
But it's a really really important job and a very difficult one that requires no breaks and no days off
So, you know kudos to you my friend
And a fine line of managing your your parallel, uh real life, uh with your spouse, especially
Are you allowed one of those as well
Yeah, I know
But yeah, it's uh, it's definitely uh time management. Uh skills is a is a big
Necessity when uh
When you to be able to jump from say like a space like this to like, oh, hey, honey
You know, let's let's uh, go have some dinner and you know, just have you know, one hour's worth of time
you know, that's uh
That's meaningful, you know, it's it's definitely uh
Kind of like a muscle you have to train it, you know, because yeah for sure back in august
I I was very much uh an n-word, you know type, you know really didn't want to
Put myself out there and and speak
like like I do now
Um, but I think the more you have fun with it and and and the passion just comes out. I think automatically which uh, which
I'm lucky because
I'm glad that's happening and I appreciate the feedback man. Thank you so much
Yeah, no problem. And uh, you're you aren't you're right
It's a it's a case of learning all the time and yeah trying to factor this into IRL is
It is it's near impossible. Um because
There's so much going on. It's like just takes today for me. For example, you know, i've been on calls since
um, not long after I woke up this morning and I even
whilst on calls picked my kids up from school and before I knew it it was dark outside and
I've missed my tea and the space is about to start and it's like it just you know time just absolutely flies
So we know when there's stuff to be done and things going on. It's uh, it is really really difficult
So, you know fair play for for managing to uh, keep the balance
I gave that balance by sitting in traffic
Um, I was doing absolutely nothing. I was completely unproductive with my time
Um, the only thing I did productive was I sang to myself
Um, that was probably about as productive as I got on my drive-on
So yeah, that's that's where the balance is for you there. Mick
See you see once upon a time
I used to love sitting in traffic
For the purpose that I could turn on my pokemon go app and it would think I was walking
And I would get walking credits because i'd be movies so slow
But i'd be traveling 30 miles worth of walking
And I was like, well at least I i'm getting some kind of benefit out of this
Now it's turned into crypto, you know, so
It's uh, it's all it's all in good fun
Yep, exactly what so that sounds like maxine
I think we can close the space now. We've dropped some good alpha. I think we're we can call it a night
Yeah, it's like how do I compete with these guys that are working for walking 30 miles a day? How are they doing this?
They're not yeah fight traffic live in california is real
No, thanks guys
But yeah, anyone anyone that can turn traffic into something that works in your favor is definitely somebody I want to get behind
You know that is that is a great mind if i've ever heard of one. So fair play for that. Absolutely
That's actually exactly why I bought a prius because when you're in stop and go traffic i'm getting like 70 miles to the gallon
So like that's the alpha if you're in stop and go traffic
You want to get something that has a hybrid like the regenerative braking was super clutch
Yeah, if you've got a prius in the uk and you stop in traffic people are getting in because you know only
People who drive prius is known in the uk use them for taxi driving
So, yeah, there's no there's no slowing down or stopping in the prius in the uk without someone trying to get in your car
That's great, well that makes sense though, you know, they're in stop and go traffic all day
They're probably very efficient
Here they're all like we get a lot of uh teslas that are now like everywhere like ever
They're tesla rental cars. The teslas are ubers and stuff and like yeah, they're really cool
Of course when it floods then there's like two feet of water and it's a high voltage charging station
Like I wouldn't want to charge my car there
If you if you drive if you drive a prius in the uk, um, it's uh, it's it's almost frowned upon
Oh, it's frowned upon here too I live in florida everyone's got a truck they're like get your prius out of my way
Yeah, that's pretty funny. But um, you know, i'm getting i'm getting like 70 miles to the gallon. So
I don't I don't care
You know, he's he's laughing now
Yeah, exactly
But yeah, I love I love micro pets having in the space. That was great
Um, we definitely are going to show some love to this post up here
Let's see. We've already had a couple retweets, but come on
We got more people in the space get up there. Give it a retweet and a like
Comment cost nothing to support like that and check out the mints. They're minting right now
Oh, what's your mint price right now?
Uh, so for the uh 2d nft the mint price is 0.125 bnb
Um, and for our ethereum
Um eggs, which i'm not sure sure I mentioned much about it's our ethereum mint that we're doing
Oh, yeah, I did about you know, we're giving back. Um, the 0.125 heath
at every 50 mint incredible, um, those are 0.14 east to mint an egg and
same thing when you when you're you're minting an egg and
you reveal
a rarity of a pet type
And you know if you get fortunate enough to mint a phoenix. Well, you just
earned yourself
the second
Phoenix in existence because right now there's only one that has been minted
And so, you know, we're we're waiting to see who gets the second one
Awesome very cool
Well, I appreciate you stopping in and you know
Joining up our our space with the community of communities
I noticed that you have a blue check, which is awesome
Um, you know, you'll only lose it for like two or three days
Which is still get all the features if you decide to add a plus in there somewhere
Uh, we all rock in the plus because we're a positive edition. We throw it in our bio
Sometimes if you don't want to just you know change your display name, but
Yeah, I would love to see more people rocking the plus, you know, maybe maybe something to consider
Next time you want to change your pfp or something. Oh, yeah, I see that. Yeah the plus, uh
Why are you guys's names? That's cool
I'll look into that
Yeah, that's how we kind of show some solidarity with the community without like changing our pfp or you know
Name your bio too much, you know, it's just a real simple. It's like half a character
So it barely even changes your display name, which is pretty cool
All right, cool to invite you into that and I appreciate you stopping into the space
If anyone has any questions or if you've got any uh final comments
Maybe we'll we'll do a final comment and then we'll go talk to uh, mel here who's uh,
representing casa de luna
Yeah, absolutely, I just want to quickly say as well, uh, you know micro pets
Sorry, I didn't catch what your name were. I know you said you're the community manager
You know, thank you for joining us and especially when you know
You guys thought you was coming tomorrow and you've just jumped in last minute
No, I appreciate you doing that because you could have just not come at all and just explain tomorrow
Why you wasn't here today or whatever, but we appreciate you stopping by nonetheless and uh, you know
It's awesome that you've been able to have such a success from you know
The direction that things could have gone to say that, you know, you had to fork the project
So I think that's incredible and it sounds like you've got an amazing team and uh that you're all positively impacting each other
So, you know, we appreciate what you do. Um, and uh, yeah and the plus next to our name, um, because you know
We're the community communities. So there's lots of different projects that are in and around what we're doing
and that's what that plus one of the things that the plus sign represents is it's our way of sort of
Supporting each other without sacrificing our profile pictures in our names
And we're also believers of everyone adds value regardless of the skill set
we're all believers of positivity and trying to add value and also
Highlight all the positive attributes and positive sides of the web3 space
And also it's a way of representing web3 together so that you know as as more and more people
Adopt the plus that more and more people start to see it and realize, you know
What is that plus all about and as people learn about it?
They realize that there's quite a lot of people all building and and working inside of web3 and we're not competing each other for
A top spot yet. We're lifting each other up and you know sort of growing together
So I appreciate anyone that adds that plus or even considers it at all. So yeah. Thank you
Yeah, cool, thank you guys
The pleasure is all ours my friend. So yeah, no, thank you for joining us. We appreciate it. So did you stay we're moving over to
Mel now tricky, sir
Yeah, we got a casa de luna partner in the house mel
From invisible enemies. I think she will be here to represent a little bit maybe talk about the project and what they're
What they're developing what they're some new alpha maybe how's it going mel?
Good good. Thank you
Yeah, I can definitely give you guys a little bit of info and costa de luna
Um hush would be the one to give you like that really deep dive ama
Um, we've had a lot of things coming up, um during our team meetings that we're not allowed to talk about yet
So i'm going to do my best here to tell you what costa de luna is doing as well as what's coming up
Um, but if you're not familiar, my name is molly
I'm the founder of invisible enemies, but i'm also on the team at utility company as well as costa de luna
And so costa de luna we've been in the space for about a year and a half now
Um, and we are a collection of astronauts. There's um, I believe there's a thousand two hundred and thirty four of these astronauts
Um, I think actually the collection may have gotten a little smaller than that
But um, we are very close to men's house
We have around 80 or so astronauts left and the first collection will be sold out
And there will be plans for an upcoming collection as well with completely different artwork brand new astronauts a bunch of larger collection
and um the main thing at costa de luna, so
In spanish costa de luna actually stands for home of the moon
And um, the reason we named it this is because when we came into the space
We realized everyone's saying we're going to the moon
We're going to the moon and we thought that would be awesome to be the ones building that house for everyone on the moon
Without concepts in mind costa de luna is all about community
When we launched the first collection
We did have um 12 other projects that we highlighted and featured as collaborate collaborations within the collection
So when you do go through the artwork, you'll notice that a lot of the astronauts have a lot of other projects. You may recognize
Excuse me. Let me take a little sip of my dreamy here
But um when you do go through the artwork you'll notice that these astronauts have different patches on their arms
They have different flags
As well as the suits are different colored and they all kind of represent some of those other projects
Um, some of the artwork includes invisible enemies. You can also find
ATS apes on there the snuggle buddies. We have some pharmacy phantoms in there
capitano collective
Etherbrews respected ariana and many others
Um, so that's just some of the collaborations when we first came into the space that we were building along right next to but we do
Have some new ones coming up and some art
There's going to be a little bit of an update coming to the artwork
And you will see some of our newer partnerships including wolf tongues and metaverse
Or mentaverse, excuse me
Which you can find some mentaverse planets with cosadaluna astronauts in their collection
As well as for example invisible enemies some of ours at a reticulum to have cosadaluna hats
And if you get one of those you might get a matching hat for yourself irl
So, um, that's just some of the fun ways we've been collaborating with the artwork and the other projects in this space
But the the utility the main utility at cosadaluna is e-commerce
So when we uh started the project we wanted to use the mint to open up our first e-commerce store
Um, the plan is to open up up to six of these stores
The first one has been underway. We were supposed to open it up right after the first mint closed
However, we did kind of slowly start working on it behind the scenes
So I don't know if i'm allowed to announce it or not
But there may be our first store up and running and testing right now. So stay tuned for those announcements
I'm pretty sure I can confidently say without getting in trouble
I think that uh, I can say this but the first store will be open before we mince out the first collection
So that's really exciting for us. That's a really big milestone that we are hitting
A lot sooner than expected. Um, so that'll help sounds like alpha
I'm like, am I dropping out? I'm like i'm getting in trouble later
But you guys keep it here. Okay
My secret save here. Okay. Good
Um, but yeah, so that's really exciting because um, that'll help us generate more revenue for the project as well as help us
help us go on track to opening up the rest of the stores and um
When the second collection does launch and we have quite a few mints in we do want to work as a giant community. So, um
Whether the community decides that e-commerce is a really great avenue for us
Everyone's happy there or maybe they want to explore other business ventures
Um, we will be doing big community votes on where the money gets invested and what is next for costa deluna
Hush is working on some stuff on the side again. I don't know if i'm allowed to say it or not
That one store that e-commerce store that we have open there may be second one on a completely different platform in the works
Um, so that's all i'll say there. I still don't know what i'm supposed to say or not
Um, but back to how we are building a community
So we've built all these amazing collaborations with friends and partners in the space
We also worked the past year, uh on working on outer spaces, which was our
It was our mega space platform and that space did evolve quite a bit
So it was originally just a mega space where we get to talk about what we're building
But also invite our friends and get to hear about their projects and what they are building
But then we started out a lot of fun with it and we started to do a lot of games
We used to have a game show during that space. That was a lot of fun
That was with our friends at utility company and they would come up to give us a prompt very similar to whose line is it
Anyways, so it was a really fun like impromptu impromptu kind of a show
Um, we've gotten a lot of great
Feedback on that which I will touch up on further down the road on my pitch
But um, we will probably be bringing those game shows back in a different way
Um, but then going back to outer spaces
We not only had the game show then we also had a really fun way of winning our nfts or prizes
We had um a deal or no deal game at one point where if you minted
Um during the space or prior to the space you would end up on a wheel and then we would spin the wheel and the winner
Would get to come up on stage and play a whole round of dealer. No deal
Um, so in the briefcase instead of having, you know, the million dollars, um, you would get five hundred dollars
Or maybe if you opened up a case you'd get a costa deluna nft or if you open the other case you get an invisible enemies nft
So it was really fun to do that live on the space. Um, we had a lot of really happy winners
Very first episode someone hit that 500 dollar briefcase
We were all so blown away, but they knew the numbers are team
They got it from the beginning they had it and they knew that that was going to be the big winner and sure enough
First episode someone won the big catch prize. Um, so we had a lot of fun doing that. We also, um
Introduced some ai contests where we would have people
Um either do ai artwork based off our projects and our lore or they could write a story where you know
An astronaut is uh discovering an alien on a planet. So we had a lot of fun with that show
We were always trying to be innovative
Um, we also started to do educational workshops, um that originated from our
Our first mint party. We had a lot of fun doing that where we had
Special people from web 3 come up and do workshops based on their skill and talent
So I actually hosted a cooking show during that
We had chris from wild guardians host a web 3 security space cyber security
We had a ballistic mystic come up and blew a blender workshop. That was very educational
Um, we have had many workshops a lot of different topics. We are in talks about
Bringing that back at some point because we really enjoyed
Just having all these different talents and skills highlighted through a space through a discord event a live stream
Um, so that may be in the future as well
We've also done a lot of fun games in between we used to do minted to win at spaces where
We would play like we would set a timer and if a certain number of people minted during the timer
The prize would get bigger and better up until the final hour
Um, then we also had another game called riddle need this
Where you had 12 different words and they all had riddles
So once you solve the riddle you would get the word and you move on to the next riddle
And there were 12 riddles because each word actually amounted to a seed phrase for a wallet full of different nfp
So that was another really fun event and game from costa daluna
Um, we do have plans for the cater trade, which is going to be our arcade
It's going to be multiple games, um all outer space and astronaut themed
Um, i'm, not allowed to give any etas on that or give too much detail into that
But he did recently introduce the morgue medallion
Which if you haven't seen it, that's a really cool airdrop
Of a coin with an astronaut and I believe it will be tied into the crater
Cade cannot confirm more than that
But the nfc themselves are pretty cool
You can win those as giveaway prizes sometimes you can win them as like bounties for min team or when hush is feeling generous
He may airdrop you one for being on a space with him. Um, you never really know
Um, if you guys don't know hush his name is dalton richins, but he goes by hush in the space
Um, he's a great guy. He's a father of two a great husband a great
A great goth a very genuine, uh generous person in this space. He's been he's been in web three for two years now
Um, and he works really hard. He has a lot of really strong beliefs for kasa
And he did spend a lot of time working on the lore for the for kasa to luna
So much so that he actually published his very first book
Um, the very first book is available
Um, it is available for purchase on paperback hardback or digital copies
Um, if you are a kasa daluna holder, I believe you can claim the um digital version for free
So just open up a ticket if you want to claim yours
Um, it is called i'm trying to find a picture of it. It's called
Ooga volume one. Um, so if you do want to read that it's definitely great outer space story
Um, there may or may not be beta reticulins introduced into that storyline, which I am personally obviously very excited about
Um, so great lore a lot of plans for e-commerce business other businesses down the road
Um, and like I said, we really are all about building with like-minded individuals
We're all about community which i'm so stoked to be on this space because I know that's exactly what you guys believe in as well
building together community of communities, of course
Um, we are official nfa partners as well
And we have recently joined the mega server
Which you may have heard me going on spaces talking about it as myself or as invisible enemies
So the mega server is something that i'm personally very stoked on
Um, i'm i'm on the team at utility company and we are partnered up with them as well
And these guys
Also have the same concept where they just want to grow and evolve with the right people in the space the people that are here
To build long term. So they decided to turn their discord into a giant mega server and a big community hub
Um, so what you can find invisible enemies in there costed alunas officially in there now
We also have a lot of friends, um, like typey safe societies in their hype beasts wild guardians
We've got bird builders in there. We have wolf chunks just signed up new this project just signed up as well
Um, so you get the idea
It's like a big hub with a bunch of similar communities where we all get to share one roof
and the reason we're doing this is um
It's going to be a really fun gen chat where you can find all your friends in her one roof instead of having to visit
20 different discourse to do your good mornings and good night
We're really excited about having a shared calendar for all the communities
So that way if you're a founder and you're looking for new spaces to attend or support
If you're a community member and you just want to um, listen to some spaces for the day
If there's any event that community calendar every single project under the mega server will be able to add their event
So if you go in and you look up what's going on this weekend, you're going to go in for saturday
You're going to see oh look, um hypee's is hosting marvel races. Oh, look invisible enemies have silence for 22
Like look kapiluna has a community space
Um, so it's going to be a really fun way for all of us to support one another
There will never be like a lack of things to do or listen to
Um, that's also going to lead to really exciting rumble events. We're going to try to have really big rumbles with really cool prizes
um, we are also going to um
We're going to launch our digi bazaar at utility company very soon, which is a marketplace for digital assets
So, um that marketplace will not only have some of our project partners nft
But maybe some of their merchandise as well will be in the shop
Um, there is a lot of great kapiluna merchandise. So if you do like rocking your web three year, um, I highly recommend the baseball hat
That's my personal favorite, but there's some really cool shirts. There's some cool jersey
Um, there's shoes either in there or coming up soon
Backpacks and totes. There's all kinds of different products
So if you do like the merch, I would definitely recommend checking out kapilunas
Um, but yeah, the mega server will be really fun
Um, we do have that like community gen chat, but every project also has their own hub
So you can go in there and get the latest kapiluna announcements as well as um speak in their personal chat as well
Um, and there will be a lot of fun events to come including poker. Um, we're gonna do game nights
We're talking about possibly doing movie nights
That party space that I spoke about earlier that improv show
We will be doing that as part of the mega server events as well
So lots of fun to come if you're the kind of person who like loves to vibe and win web three meet new people
Um participate in poker rumbles to win some prizes win some tokens, then I highly recommend joining
I it's either in my bio or in one of my more recent posts
If you are looking for the link to join, um, if not, you can always DM me and I can send it your way
Um, but upcoming for kapiluna, so we are close to sell out
There will be a larger collection of astronauts coming up
In the future which will give us the ability to open up more of those e-commerce businesses
Um, but for now, I feel like that's all I can think on
Uh, i'm open to questions. Hopefully I can answer them
There may be something in between the two collections involving rocket ships
Again, I don't know if I can talk about it or not. It's not a recorded space. Just give us all the alpha
It is recorded tricky. You're trying to trick me. I see the record button
I love it. But yeah, that's about the gist. Yeah
It was great having you here to to give us some alpha and some updates and uh, you know
We'll have to do a deep dive on on the founder and get to know him more later. Um, but that's awesome
We got some uh a post up top. I went ahead and shared up the uh, the post for casa de luna his pin post
So go ahead and get up there show it some love make sure you're giving them a follow and all the legends in the room
You know, what's up?
Happy friday everyone. And um, yeah, I think maybe we'll go and get some closing remarks
If there's any questions for mel about casa de luna now would be a great time for those questions
And uh, i'll say well real quick what's up to kaguya I see kaguya on stage
Hello it is king here representing miss kaguya she's currently getting some beauty rest
Um, just wanted to say thank you so much for hosting such a space and bringing attention
To the creators in this space the builders in this space
Um and seeing these relationships
Build out in real time. Um, it's been a wonderful experience as I get to know you more tricky
Um, you're truly a beautiful
Human being and I want to thank you for being all that you are to this community
Tell you two kind king. Oh, I appreciate you being here man showing up
It's awesome to to meet kaguya and to see what you guys are building
King is all king is working with uh, it's time and we are doing that with a man does from wild world of dragons for her
Her mint which is almost ready. So yeah, it's cool to be working with you and i'm happy to be building building for the future
That's what's up
Thank you for stopping in
And uh, yeah, we got out. So any closing remarks, uh, any closing questions rev bacon?
I just wanted to uh, nice one tricky quickly say there's a guy in the audience
Um plus randy you'll soon down there the colorful triangle
Go and drop this manifold. Oh, they are revolutionizing web 3 and film. The project is called collar c o l r dot i o
Definitely check them out. They are creating the first ever fully web 3 funded feature film
It is it the snippets of what they're doing and it's absolutely groundbreaking
Brian bowen they are both hollywood film producers and are doing absolutely phenomenal things in the industry
Just wanted to give them a quick shout out as well. Um, because
You know, they are absolutely incredible at what they do and how they're integrating their ecosystem with web 3 and how community driven
They are it's just definitely something that you definitely want to take a look at but yeah
No, thank you very much tricky. Nice one micro pets. It was awesome listening to you guys
Mel, um, you did a phenomenal job
It was almost like it was your actual own project with the way that you brought that down then and that was amazing. Um
So, yeah, no, thank you and uh nice one as well. Um
For jumping in as well buddy and uh saying a quick hello. I'm looking forward to speaking to you in uh,
More detail will have to get you up to speak. Um in more depth a later date
But no nice one tricky and uh, thank you everyone for for joining us tonight. It was awesome
Yeah, absolute legends appreciate you all and we have another space tomorrow same time same bat channel
So yeah, we'll see you all saturday
Uh four to six or nine to eleven uk time
And yeah, I appreciate you all being here. You guys are all legends stay positive and catch us on the next one
Yeah, thank you very much everyone I will play us out on that on a song
But thank you everyone for joining the space for tomorrow is pinned where we are featuring gangs of new york
And also we've got some updates about the book project
Um some exciting news and some cool stuff to talk about as well
So you've all been absolutely amazing just a massive shout out to bacon and tricky as always and the rest of the CRC team
Where you guys are absolute legends
So have a good rest of your friday if it's not saturday already
And we will play you out and see you guys again same time tomorrow
Thank you very much everybody and if you've got the plus, you're one of us.
Catch you next time.
Catch you next time.