Web3 Exposed 🧽🎙️Marketing101? Multi-Chain Alpha

Recorded: Jan. 29, 2024 Duration: 2:28:52



Where's Scott where's Scott he needs to report to the principal's office
He needs to report to the fucking principal's office pronto
Right now
Another day another day where the fuck is this? Oh here it is. I see the problem. Oh
My gosh you guys
It's lit, it's lit
Share the room like comment repost we're about to start it's gonna be a great space. I'm fucking excited. I'm excited. I'm so
Let's fucking go
My god, dude, oh my god, I think I
It's not my fault. Somebody else's fault. I'll do it. I don't give a fuck. I don't give a shit
Scott told me not so I'm not going to
Welcome to the show about to start. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome 5 15 p.m. Eastern on the dock
I'm gonna die Luna
Gosh what a fucking beautiful day it is outside. I woke up and it was like a wild
It was like icy. It was like it was hot yesterday
Literally at the pool hot and woke up and it was just icy icy icy. This is how I feel today though
We're outside. Let's get it. Let's fucking go. Let's fucking go
Well, the pump pilot is on fucking fire today the pump pilot is on fire today
What the fuck is the vibe pull up it's a good day, let's go
Shout out will I was a fire analyst uh market analysis last night, yo
You guys don't know any idea how to move those hips
They keep playing all types of tunes at some of these NFT events and y'all just stand next to the wall
I love I put this shit on so y'all could start practicing on these spaces when no one's looking
Alright, we're on profit space. We're gonna learn how to move our hips today
Welcome to the show
There's a cool thing about having notes I don't forget what I want to talk about
At least at least what I want to cover. I want to talk about so many things every damn day, but obviously we can't
But shout out to to Scott shout out to polygon lab. Shout out to smoky this morning space was was a banger
Everything RWAs it was really good. I think it was recorded
You could go to the polygon Twitter and check it out. It was just fucking just alpha after alpha
Information and then also to new companies coming like it was it was really cool to hear all the new innovation
All the things that I thought about a long time ago
I'm sure Scott did too and finally like there's people
Companies and money being put in play to make these things come to life. She's pretty fucking dope
Also to an emergence in this space I feel like it's literally happening before our eyes
I saw it happen on clubhouse to here where it went from really good content good information
And the tease came out you guys manipulated your following dumped on each other, you know, whatever reinvented that
There was like fucking author gurus and all type of gurus teaching you things on clubhouse. They faded away
Then we come here to crypto Twitter and it was you know become more niche and then there was better
Conversations, but then it's like it's like it's back again where there's so much of the same shit being spoke like talked about
That people are like often out there like just logging out and or they're going to different
Conversations or different rooms to seek new information
a common of how many times do you guys want to hear about like
Solana coins and this and then the thing is what's gonna start to be real like it's I realize it already Scott already knows
I sure know I know well knows a lot of you others that have been around know
When are you gonna fucking realize that you are in a grift fest?
Like they're they're just prepping you for the next thing
They're gonna drop in a chat and dump on you like don't get me wrong play the casino plays play your play
You know, I'm over here fucking around with shit, right?
Shut up to the puppy talk to the you know, all the the ribs and all that like we're having fun
We're having fun
But I think finally the space is like, okay. I want to hear something else
I want to learn about something else also to like what kind of message are we are we are we gonna put out to?
The new people I think about new people like every single day. I'm like, okay, we're the brand new person
Want to hear about all this information some of it, bro. Let's be honest. They don't they they'll run very far fucking away from this space
Another topic that we're gonna go into today that nobody talks about anymore. If ever is marketing
Actual marketing and web 3, you know, I saw a post I didn't agree with it was something along the lines of echo
The marketing change for web 3 what's the no? No, it should have never fucking changed
You should always be the same do what the fuck you're gonna say you're gonna do deliver, right?
Deliver some quality right actually be who you say you're gonna be. I don't understand how there's all these
Fucking partner collab people and all these motherfuckers and you motherfuckers never even left your city never even left your city
You got 1700 followers on Instagram. You got seventy seven thousand on Twitter that are bought it
So now you're this collab manager, if you will, like whatever happened to the director of vibes role
That's just like long gone. I don't know what the fuck happened to that role
That's just not here anymore
Just certain things that I don't know if we're paying attention to but I love love love that we're growing and emerging as a space
last thing before I get to Scott that they cannot wait to hear the news of the day is
This okay haters and perpetrators and shitheads come in all shapes and motherfucking sizes
Quick just public warning because I kind of already just gave two or three out in the last couple of days and today for sure
Don't give a fuck about
Shit that has nothing to do with moving forward
especially from
You weird fake motherfuckers that don't give a fuck about me that don't give a fuck about Scott
I don't give a fuck about will I don't give a fuck about this show or where we do or where we go
All you give a fuck about is watching and watching and watching and waiting
For us to fuck up and keep fucking waiting. Keep fucking waiting. That shit is so first of all
Thank you, cuz it just shows me who you are quicker
Like motherfuckers don't text me. Don't hit me up. Don't call me nothing to check on me. Nothing
Congratulate nothing but something negative instantly hitting how fucking are you are you fucking?
You think I'm slow like maybe you do maybe you do cuz I am a little slow sometimes
But now I just public announcement like I don't give a shit. I don't I don't care
I do not give a fuck do not contact me. It's if you're my homie, this is different
You know, I already know where the genuineness is but a lot of you other motherfuckers
You've got to get block low-key. Yeah motherfuckers. I'm gonna give phone number block. Stop hitting me up
Leave me the fuck alone. Just contact me on Twitter. And then if I get to you I get to you
but yeah, a lot of
Lot of good shit to get into I have a notebook today ready to go with topics
So brace yourself. Anyway, what else Scott? How you doing today?
Yo, yo GM GM, sorry the mic was on yeah, no you're good. I was like wait, maybe I'm fucked up
Okay, it's just my air part. Give me like two ten seconds on
He's in the meta verse ladies and gentlemen, he's in the meta verse
All right, I'm back now I'm just playing no
I'm gonna reverse go. So yeah, like I'm just gonna
Talk about what you just said at the
The end there
So yeah, I'm on the same thing
Don't message me anything be like I don't care about what's going on in drama cat cats. I don't care who's sleeping with
Who thinks what I don't care who thinks
WAs are a grift. I don't care. I don't care about it. That's cool. Everyone has their own
Their own legs to fill but don't take me not responding to any of this stuff is hate
Like I still love you. Like I just don't got no time for it. No more
Finders are up when the bear markets over. That's when I said yesterday. It's when it's time time to Brian and
Y'all know like if you were with me in the last bull, you know how crazy I am now
Imagine not a full rolodex from the bear into the bull. So like I'm just laser focus on prophets is too
And yeah, man, if it ain't our WA or deep in I really don't give a fuck and respectfully like you know
I mean like I still love you. I still care but
What I mean, I'm just trying to put pain words ain't
So yeah, shout out to polygon
College real dope. They let your boy co-host the space. It was really dope to see
300 people in our WA space just like the deep in space and
Everybody vibing learning about what the other projects are building and what legacy systems are being broken
Ma'am brains fool again
It's super help just out of our speakers and this here's on the front line of this tech
I know it puns profits up. I know it gets a little motivated, too
So when I like go into these spaces, even if I'm not even speaking I see you guys now
I saw a lot of people in the black rock on do
JP Morgan space
So yeah, I was like I was so proud of all these like I didn't even tweet this nothing motherfuckers pulled up
So just makes me happy that I know y'all are listening and then taking what we say and moving with it, right?
So like it makes it so like what we do is not not in vain
We'll be launching so you guys probably seen deep in daily will be under the exposed media umbrella
Shout out to you know, everyone over there that that put us on and partnering like on some co-founder shit
will be launching so
we already have the web 3 exposed discord and then there'll be the deep in daily discord that'll be connected to
The the mainframe which is the web 3 exposed this court
So yeah, just excited that this day would come. I just didn't think our W is
As much as we're all bullish on it. You never know, you know, it's like yeah, I'm not gonna front
I was like, okay summer like in yeah, that's what I was thinking
I was thinking yo this summer is gonna be be hot and this to see like
Like more people in these spaces then then the the go-to Twitter spaces getting smoked
It was just real interesting to see and and and dope to see
Another thing too, right? So I made a thread about high pepper
on the 14th
January got like 25 likes
Hi, hi mappers coin ended up being listed a
Shit sold out instantly and how they're like $2,500 in America on eBay and like 5g's another country
And the only reason I'm saying this is this see the forest through the trees and my boy wills in my bill
My boy wills voice like you got some of the uber driver homies
Making 4k a month with like three devices two devices
You know me making more money than they're making on the regular job truck drivers making even more, right?
And like I saw all those farm lists again and some of these are my friends my some of my closest friends
Her job farm lists and
None of them, you know have one D pin or RWA farm and it's just kind of fucking mind-blowing
And then this leads to something crazy, right?
So, you know, we check the news every day for you guys to you know consolidate it into this little 10-minute spiel and
I used to always have to hunt for D pin on the own search, right?
I you guys a lot I would have to actually spell it out if I wrote D pin because there's two types of D pins
It would always pull up you the web to D pin and I'm like, no, I've not been searching for any of this stuff
So you'd have to actually write out
Decentralized physical infrastructure networks to get the news. So today's super interesting
I always type web 3 news to start off with on Google first story is how AI D pin will change web 3
Well, I don't even got a search no more. It's just there on the main search and basically
The you know the interview saying the or the article saying the collision of web 3 services and distributed infrastructures
mixed with AI and meeting AI agents and we can get into that maybe later today it creates entirely new forms of internet experience and
We're just starting to see the future and this is straight from Lex Socklin at generative ventures
You can't hide it anymore, baby. Like I I could just sit back now, right? Like I don't even I don't gotta even know in my timeline and
We talk about commodities right first was like a joke then then what the canyon farmer thing popped up
Then shout out to the boy ponds. He started cooking shout out to uh, you know, I forget her name the ones doing the chickens
E grains y'all E grains
Makes history as the first company to offer tokenized Agro commodities to the world
So for the future of E grains the license plays a role in expanding the company's operations in El Salvador and beyond
Then it positions the company for regulated offerings of tokens backed by the contracts on commodities
providing investors with a secure and transparent platform to participate in
obviously this emerging market and again
it's RWAs and things connected to D pins that make things like garbage E grains and
Things that we would even fucking Google interesting to not only financial instruments
But institutions and regular people like ourselves bringing eyes from everywhere not only on the tech but to invest right more money
Come to the blockchain
It's all about bringing the tech again. I'm gonna fucking beat this horn. It's about bringing the tech back to web 2
I don't onboard no more. What the fuck is onboarding bro? No, I'm don't I can't even onboard my own daddy
So I'm not onboarding no more
It's my job to bring the cool stuff that all y'all built and bring it back to these companies these people
You know to break these legacy system
Yeah, I look up NFT news. I got open C chief says
My old big boss Devin open-minded for acquisitions
You know a couple ordinals sold
But yeah, man, it's open your eyes see the forest in the trees
But on that note super excited to be here brain is full and appreciate everybody that pulled up to the bar
Let's fucking go like comment repost the room 20 comments activate some
Crypto in somebody's wallet. Maybe it's some Solana
Maybe I was about to say some saw because I saw his ass coming up. That's hilarious. Anyway, maybe it's some Solana
Maybe it's me like common repost the room also to let's take a moment right now
For the simple fact that you guys are officially somewhere where you will never be grifted Wow
Okay, William what's going on talk to me with the vibes what is the market sentiment of the day, sir
What's going on?
Well, I mean we did just have the discussion last night the discord with all the people that are in the discord, I
Don't know if you remember that or not. It was quite a while ago a whole you know 12 hours or so
Not gonna lie. It was so good
I hear you talk all the time obviously breaking stuff down, but that was such a good breakdown for real real. Great job
Yeah, yeah, I sometimes get a little off-topic I get it and but I tried to stay really focused last night and
Tried to stay more on topic of the trading versus me getting pissed off because people don't have no clue what's going on
You know it is you know it is
Yeah, so again, you know getting getting back into like the market or market discussion
You know, we talked about it last night. We discussed it
Recording it is recorded for people to see
If they want to go back and look at it
And we basically talked about like where the market is we talked about trends we talked about strength
We talked about everything, you know from the moon and the Sun and sky and what is the favor for for price action, right?
And the favor was was upside regardless of this small move, right?
This minute move that kind of pulled back into 38 K range and I say my new
From the 40 K range because the 40 K was roughly your floor you were looking at and we dipped below that
Right, and then a lot of people got super buried up there and wanted to short support or at least the breakdown
But they didn't allow price to retest and prove that it was a failure and then once price retested and came back into the 40 K
Zone. Oh, where did we go now? Oh, oh, we went right back up
And this is this is kind of the the trickery that they can get you caught right you can get caught trying to short
Support you can get caught trying to trying to long resistance
And these are very important things to keep in the back of your head when you're when you're trading and or looking at price
Action or even trying to get entries, right?
You don't you don't need buying entries at the top of the range. You want to buy it at the bottom of the range
So, you know, I purchased I think roughly around I did I know I purchased below 40 K, but Coinbase's receipt says
Forty thousand two hundred but it's what it is what it is. It is what it is
I think it's completely wrong because I look at price when I bought and I was like, oh, okay
We're below 40 K. It's time for me to buy
The market, you know dip down rolled back out exactly as uh, as we discussed right literally five days ago
I told you guys like hey
We're going up from here. Not down up
Hey, we're up, right?
I'd say high time frame price range what you're kind of looking at here and really I think he's even putting up bottom guys
Like it people are super bared up on eat and that thing came down
It looked like it's like people were talking about breaking to chaos like absolutely not and like you're not going below back below 2k
Like it way too much consolidation below there. There's absolutely zero chance going back below 2k at the moment
There's no way for that to happen. And you know, he's kind of popped up prep prepped up
I think it's around 2300, but soulful. I hope you weren't short and soul cuz if you were short and soul
You're definitely liquidated. You are definitely liquidated
There's absolutely zero chance that you got out of that unscathed if you were short and soul
Cuz that's like a 70 to a hundred dollar move that that move is liquidating no matter what your leverage is
these are things to keep in the back of your mind when you're leveraging, you know soils like
Ultramated a Bitcoin at least Bitcoin you get some breathing room you get on the wrong side of soul. You're gonna get ripped
But yeah, ultimately I'm looking for like that 45k range we talked about that
I want to see, you know us push through that we might get a slight rejection in the 45k and then a
Pull out and if it runs higher, you know, I'm looking somewhere. It's probably like the 52
I think this is gonna be a higher high. I'm just not much higher than what a lot of people are thinking
And then we'll probably see 52 and then I would if I want to be bared up
Right, like a lot of people just keep on looking for the bearish trade
I'll give you the setup right, you know, it'll be a move about 52 and a fallback below 48 you get into that range
You're coming right back down probably to the mid to low 40s. Take it level by level though
Just take it by 5k increments
I think 45k is a solid position to be watching for resistance doesn't mean it's gonna hold as resistance
But it's a solid place to watch as resistance if it does hold as resistance
I would expect a sweep of the lows so
Higher low or if they want to see if the market's super trapped
Here's a play and I talked about this this morning with with some of my trading buddies
I said if they want to really trap somebody what they're gonna do here is they're gonna sweep the lower, right?
So they hit I think 38 something last time. They might just dip into like 37, right get people ultra short
They're gonna come in with size on short and then at that point you'll see that thing reverse right back up and rip everybody apart
It's it's not a good thing to be shorting a bull market or
We don't have to call a bull market look for some of you who don't like that word
It's it's not smart to be shorting a trend that is in the upward position, right tomato tomato
But maybe that that whole conversation right there makes you feel better about about what I'm talking about
Yeah again, just high another range, you know where those are 52 45 if you want to take shorts
I don't know if I'd be shorting this market
Long long seem great. I'm okay with that. I feel comfortable with that spot spot seems great. I'm okay with that
I'm comfortable with that but shorts. Yeah, you're gonna see what happened just literally five days ago
And the sentiment of the market is completely 360'd outside of me losing 40 followers for laughing at people because they short at the
bottom of the range
I'm not laughing because like
Because I want to see people fail
It's just like all these people talking shit to me all the time like oh, it's you're wrong
It's gonna go to low 30s and I'm like, okay. We'll see. We'll see and yeah, not even close
So, you know if we swing high though, here's the anticipation I'll give you guys kind of the overall play
So if we swing high we hit 52
We might even swing up to like 55, right?
I would kind of watch that upper range. It can get pretty pretty exaggerated over the top
But um, I would say that you could reach pretty high. I don't think it reach all-time high
I think you could but you can stop pretty high and that staff ultimately could be
The capitulation move right because now that people have been faked out now twice, right?
25k at the 30k
Now you got up here to 40 and everybody's looking for low 30s didn't happen and then we'll get up into the 50s
And then everybody will be like, okay, this right here is it's just gonna keep going
I might as well not I might as well not even try and
Try and take profit or anything and then all of a sudden it rolls from there, right?
And when I say rolls, it'll probably roll back into the 40s again
Like that's that's that's what you got to watch for because if they swing really hard
You're gonna have a pretty decent pullback. This thing's gonna get more and more violent though
I do want to point that out like a lot of people think that this thing's top
No, it's just the volatility is just getting started. The violence has barely came into play
Violence is a is a really really harsh predator when it comes to leverage positions
When when the market goes into a full uptrend because you're gonna think you're in a great long and they're gonna come back and take
You out you're gonna think you got a great short. They're gonna come back and take you out
So like if you're not taking profits on leverage from one support to the next you're probably gonna get wrecked
You know and that's that's really the honest truth of my thoughts on the overall market
I think it's just safer to be if you're gonna be leveraged
Just take it level to level and don't be don't be greedy. Don't be greedy, right spot positions work out
Well, because you can't be liquidated
But leverage positions you have to be extra safe and extra safe way is to be able to take profits
Don't don't just don't do it. Just don't don't try and write it out for more
I don't care if it's uptrend or downtrend even at the markets in a bullish trend because you can see right here
Look at the wick on this candle and on the monthly and and look at the downside and the upside they took out
Both sides on this on this whole play like longs got got wrecked shorts got wrecked
And and it's gonna continue to look something like that going into the ball
Yeah, that's that's that's my thoughts overall Solana has a lot of momentum. Oh one more thing, too
I'll give you guys kind of like the layout of liquidity. So I've looked at overall games
I kind of went across the board on L ones and looked at overall gains and kind of like, okay, where will liquidity lie?
Where's liquidity gonna play and where's interest in the market and I I did nominate that in dollars
I don't care about people sentiment or blah blah blah. I care about dollars. So dollars flow in there's interest, right?
I'm somebody's putting their money where their mouth is
So I would say Solana is kind of your front-runner
Avax is kind of like your secondary and sui is moving into a close third a really really nice third
So these are these are networks to continue to pay attention to to be looking what's on chain on those
Everything else is lagging algo's way behind I would say Aida's way behind
Even Aptos arguably is way behind
As far as liquidity flows, they're all so all those ones I just named out those last three
They're being beat by Heath and Bitcoin as far as upside
Whereas if you look at the other ones that I just talked about
Those are all actually beating Heath and Bitcoin by upside
So that means there's interest in the network which you'll probably see devs start to step in and you'll start to see projects
Created and you'll start to see, you know
All the retail step in and start to play in those networks and so on and so forth and it's a building structure when you see
Liquidity step in so those are all things to kind of pay attention. So I gave you guys place to
On top of just market sentiment, but that's that's my thoughts over
We love it when met when William gives us those plays and those opportunities and guess what?
I'm still rooting for a $35,000 Bitcoin. I want a $12,000 Bitcoin. That's what I want
That's exactly what I would like right now
Doesn't work like that though. Unfortunately, what up everybody? Welcome to web 3 exposed
Awful and imitated never
duplicated bitch
Welcome to the show 544
We bought a jump into the working conversation because nobody knows what the fuck it means to market in web 3
I didn't say grift in web 3. I said market you motherfuckers know how to fucking grift
You motherfuckers know how to manipulate in live. You don't know how to market. So we're gonna start the combo very easy
Real simple real fucking simple. Yeah, throw me all the laughing emojis
Okay marketing for a throat I feel like I really want to I've been wanting to have this combo on a normal basis
We started a little bit when the bear got really disgusting
But I think it's important to dive into it even now before we're full on in a bowl
Let me tell you why everybody's fucking high in a bowl. Everybody thinks everybody is like right in bull markets
Nobody has real alpha in the bull. Everyone's just high off their bags
It's like like the quality of combo isn't as good in my opinion
So I want to jump into marketing. I want to jump into marketing 101
Before before anything and and I would love to know
Andrew I'm gonna put you on the spot if that's okay. What does that mean to you? What does marketing in web 3 mean to you?
Yeah, for sure I think you know, I'm gonna talk like macro for a second
I think there's a big misconception that everything in crypto is organic
And what I mean by that is you have projects where there is, you know
Natural speculation occurring aka I've got an airdrop or aka there's a potential airdrop, you know
That is not organic and then the other thing when when we look at kind of influencers or coals kind of depending on what country
You're working in
You know, there's there's a lot of different disclosure laws globally and so in some countries you don't have to disclose, right?
So I would argue again, like there are certain projects that I see, you know pumping right now in the bear market
But I know they have an army of coals on retainer or I know that they're playing the speculation game
So I think when I think marketing a web 3 the way I really look at it is it's a hybrid of what I would call
You know web 2 marketing tactics and strategies web 3 native marketing tactics and strategies and then things that kind of combine the two together
and I think
the biggest challenge in this industry right now is just there's such a huge talent shortage because
You've got a lot of you know, especially with the big layoffs
I came from Amazon and there's a lot of folks getting laid off right now
You've a lot of great marketing talent from web 2 that just doesn't understand the tech and doesn't understand the the vibes and doesn't understand
CT and then you also on the flip side have a lot of natives that really understand all of that
But may not have you know an understanding of web 2 strategies
So I think again really the the holy grail is something that kind of lives in the middle of the two
And still to this day how many
Scott can count
Fucking with his toes I could too how many meetings I've been in with some decent credible companies at that not just crappy ones
Decent ones that literally said that they ran out of their marketing budget or they're really low because they spent money on the wrong
They thought fucking I don't know this random spaces host that boss their spaces for you know, 50 grand
They're gonna fucking change their they're gonna just change their company and you guys just continue
We I hope this changes now, but we're for I think this is actually gonna change
I know has nothing to add about marketing, but I'm gonna go ahead and bite the bullet. What's up?
I definitely do like because I I've been trying to market right for a long long time
And I think like the most organic marketing is like the fairest way
Like I think like if you guys understand me right like I've been here and I've been organic and you guys see it
Like you guys see you the person right like behind the picture and without ever meeting me, right?
So like the most organic marketing in this space, especially because it's so low-key is
The best type of marketing to actually like deploy a whole full community back in you
right cuz like you guys understand the person and the person that's like is
doing it right and they act who they act the act the fool they act who they who they want to be and
That's the most way that you could get behind someone right cuz they know like to fud through high peaks
They're always gonna just be here on listener or on space listening to someone and kind of and then eventually they're gonna evolve
Right. So like an evolution of that is actually like what's next and then you from a community standpoint
From a marketing standpoint like the community wants that from a founder right you want to evolve
so like marketing is like an
Evolution of what you're marketing and how you could like
Show like that path to someone and I think that's very important
Scott did you hear that?
Said in fucking months, that's that's amazing Wow good shit
Now I agree. I definitely know my son is going absolutely insane. But yeah, no alpha was just cooking give me like 30 seconds
I do want to hear from you, too. You're definitely I'm looking through your old tweets
Scott was one of the only people ever talking about marketing back in the day. Oh shout out to that
That's amazing curating those conversations actually starting those conversations
Will from a consumer standpoint because you you know, you love consumer, especially when everyone's putting a project
What's your take on marketing and web 3?
Well, why do I have co-hosts they don't do their job what the fuck is going on holy shit
Absolutely love to fucking see it. Oh my god bad brothers. What do you think of marketing and web 3?
Much about you know marketing in the sense of like, you know, I mean what do you call web 3, you know
When the shit coins came out, you know
Everybody wants to know what the marketing budget is and then they go spend it all on influence
There's some of them work some of them didn't then they you know
Go to zero or then they're like safe moon and go to four billion. Just got a call
So so basically what I'm trying to say is
Yeah, you just throw money at the wall and you see what happens. That's basically my understanding of what marketing in the web 3 space
Throw money at the fucking wall. I mean this could be super simple
I think if it wasn't so if people who weren't so like rushing a lot of there
I think there's a difference because if people are rushing
It's mr. Anti RWA
With all those web 3 influencers
the fake of all and
Get destroyed by an RWA space with a whole bunch of unknown builders
But you want to say our WAs and D pins?
Ain't the next wave
It's happening bad brothers and you can't stop it
My only point was you know, you gotta be careful with them because
Me co-hosting with polygon you wanted to go sit on an influencer stage and I enjoyed it
The cat one. I didn't see that one. I just left his son to come back at bad brothers
Let's let's just the record state. All right, he literally did
I came back
Space with 300 people in it. We need to eat everything man. Come on. Everyone says profits every screenshot on planet Earth
the receipt King
You know what Scott just for that? I'm gonna put notifications on your post the next one you're in
I'm gonna fucking join it. Okay, because you know, you know bad brothers. He works a web 2 job
He's in that wager cage and you know
He knows what times his faces are and then he just goes and looks and then he joins it and then you know
He's on there, but he know that
I'm giving you a hard time
You heard him. There's a TA guy. Nah, you know, I'm just playing there's this TI TA guy on stage
You also I guess new Steve Jobs. He also manages influencers
My bong bro
And I remember this guy saying RWAs were a grip
I remember him saying what is deep in so just funny that that whole stage came together like the Avengers
And got beat by a whole bunch of people with a thousand of us followers building man
So but shout out to everybody that's not me
Well, I just want to say remember my position a bullish on RWAs
It's just that it's just very hard to distinguish what's gonna be the good ones and the vaporware
That's my only whole point on it cuz there were still some good ones
But a lot of it was vaporware. So you just really got to know your shit with this stuff
I mean, you know, go ahead. Well, there used to be a lot of vaporware
There's actually real tech coming out of crypto now
Like it a lot of people are still kind of in the PTSD phase of thinking everything's vaporware
But there's actual like there's real things coming. There's fucking working tech now
We got to do some fucking research. It was beta in 2021
Now we're moving into you know, we're moving past the beta stage and moving into operations
What was your question and you know
Actually, I always saw this RWA stuff I go that's the future
It's just a matter of time of is that future in the next five years which was like 2017 obviously wasn't or is it now?
Within the next five years, you know, you know, I mean, it's just you know
When is the timing gonna be and I think the timing is kind of right now the Scots points to be honest
It's just with everything that's going on around the space
Yeah, there's a lot of opportunity out there when it comes to
RWAs and deep ends. I think just not enough people are paying attention. It's fine though
I'm okay with not enough people paying attention. It allows me wearing trees
What was the question I'm sorry
What's going on answer you talk to me forget all these freakin
I'm not here to fight about RWA, but I do like her to do a
No, I was gonna say what what what Bad Brothers was saying is not entirely untrue the notion of like throw shit against the wall
See what sticks. So so what I mean by that is when you're looking at marketing
I mean, there's really kind of two different forms. You've got brand marketing, you know upper funnel tactics build awareness
Get the name out there and then you've got performance marketing which in web 3 a lot of people refer to as growth
but I think like a lot of the folks that I see quote unquote doing growth marketing aren't doing performance marketing and and the reason I
Say like throw shit against the wall is because
You know when I was at Amazon, which is kind of like the king of performance marketing
I mean basically the way you approach this and I'll use influencers is through what's called test and learn, right?
So instead of you know signing an influencer on for a six-month partnership with a giant token guarantee
You know what you should first start with is research, you know, who are these influencers?
Where are their audiences based?
Are there audiences align with certain verticals because there's different influencers with very different followings and audiences, right?
So this person's audience might love shit coins
This person's audience might love infrastructure, right and then what you want to do is exactly that you're like
I I've identified through research these five people that I think could be the right fit that seem to have the right audiences
Now I'm gonna put a test budget against all five of them
I'm gonna incorporate something like an affiliate link or or a tracking link
Even if you're not looking at it as you know
How much did this person impact on chain action?
You're able to look at the five and say wow this person
Significantly outperform the four others in terms of driving folks to my site
Which means there's a more actionable or aligned audience and then you're like I'm gonna scale that person up
Maybe I want to wipe out the other four and test another four
but I think like
there's a lot of tests and learn that you should always be doing with with small budgets and
Using that to basically identify signals that then help you identify where you should actually be spending
The the other thing that I would say because I think profits you brought this up earlier is I see a big
Misunderstanding in terms of kind of what moves what needle and I'll give you an example, right?
So I think a lot of people in this industry put a lot of money towards events, right?
Because they're like well, you know meta blocks us and Google ad products blocks us but events there's tons of people, right?
So I'll give you the example when I do events
you've got to do a wallet connect to RSVP and then what I can do is I can take those wallets and
See if any of those people after the event actually traded on my decks, you know for the first time for the second time
How much did they trade?
And and what I find is that there's not a great correlation between in-person events and on-chain actions and that's fine
You just then have to look at that as well
This is really a brand marketing function
But again, if you're one of these companies in the industry that's putting, you know, a million dollars a year towards events
That may not trickle over into on-chain activity
And I think you need to understand that before you decide, you know, what percentage of your annual spends going towards what right?
Hey Andrew, I love what you said, bro
And that's why I'm such a a big big proponent on saying
Events are fucking sunk cost and web 3 without data and I'm so glad you broke it out
Like you're just throwing like a hundred like anyone who's throwing events know it's six figures, right?
Like like just to even get like
Don Julio to sponsor four hours to drink you can give you DJ drinks for four hours
We're looking at like 50 racks, you know what I mean? So like yeah, how am I gonna make what?
Well, okay, Andrew, let's do web to shit
Let's do the 4x rule right or even 3x. Let's be nice cuz it's web 3
How am I gonna 150 up just my alcohol bill?
Getting any kind of data any kind of volume any kind it doesn't happen
It doesn't happen and then you see teams literally in the bull run blow
25-30% of the mint on two events one at NFT LA one in New York and that and you look now they have zero budget and
That's why I call it a sunk cost man. Like I'm not trying to be I love I are relevant
It is you just like you open a womb for me Scott
Like you she would did that Busta Rhymes play for ten people and wasted a hundred K bro
Like it was nothing and I was so mad about it. I didn't go to the event
I spent a bunch of time in that server bro wasted, you know wasted time with good friends, right?
But uh, yeah when they did that event, bro, it was sad then the homies were there playing they had a good
But you know that they had a good show
What's a fucking Busta Rhymes showing 10 people in New York, bro
Really like how you do that? How you not made a top a top?
I forget who it was and I'm not clowning this project like cuz it was I wish I just wish they like I knew
Someone that New York last year rented the whole 4040 Club out, right?
Dude, it was crazy
Like all they had I could have just called Bobby Shmurda
Somebody like we could have somebody perform there did a collab with whatever that like, I don't know if it was a dow or a protocol
Whatever rented it out. Dude. There wasn't even a hundred people there y'all
Me and y'all were sitting there like dead ass me and y'all were like damn
I wish we knew like we could have told some people to come and then I went to claim the source right after popping
So imagine if the claim the source had like teamed up with that dow
rented the 4040 Club out and have bobby shmurda and fucking somebody else before it would have been
We used to be talking about that event right now
Like with that unknown doubt and it's just crazy people just like they want to be like the sorry ladies
They want to be the bd in the room and i'm not talking business development
They have they want to have the best event like I want to have the best event like it's me
It's my company instead of going damn you just really threw a quarter million
with the drinks
You know the the rental for 4040 Club and like what what caught what did you get out of that x even at a 2x?
You know what I mean? What what five hundred thousand dollars of value?
Did you get and we really want to do real business for x you definitely didn't get a million dollars worth of volume
People staking or whatever you're doing, you know on your protocol platform
So yeah, man, like like be smarter with with these funds, especially if you're if you're using your mint funds
On events you're just you're fucking your your your your own utility over it's almost like the lions using a timeout
And then they had onside kicking
Sizzle sizzle, baby sizzle sizzle, I would love to pass it to a med a med
This suit is a lot more expensive than your suit
Um, that's all I got for you guys wearing a suit
Not Scott. Anyway, I haven't changed my pfp since you met me, man. I think I think that deserves to run for pause in itself
Yeah, it does
I don't know
Are you over here like are you catfishing you don't look like that
Leave me alone. I'll send you I'll send you a picture. Don't worry
Um, but back to the marketing conversation. I think one of the biggest things that like is often missed is like
Well lft ethos and even like web3 ethos was all about when we all kind of got into the space rather at least when I got
in which is was user centric and you know community centric and I think you look at a lot of brands now and
You know why they've so many of them have rather pivoted towards user generated content and influence their marketing and whatnot
Because these individuals quote unquote platforms come with these communities that they've built, you know
They've intertwined themselves with their users their followers. They've engaged them and
Unfortunately, you know commercials don't do that for you running a commercial on bloomberg or cnn or fox or anything nowadays
Like doesn't resonate with a lot of people why because it doesn't necessarily speak to them
It's just speaking to an a wide array of an audience rather where it's just doing its job to market the product
And I think the one thing that web, you know, web3 is kind of pivoted towards and you know
More marketing would benefit here would be to continue that ethos to continue to be community centric to continue to be user centric
Kind of step away from the product aspect because that's literally what it was all about when we first all started at least it was
For me, you know, like, you know, you follow people that rock a certain pfp
You follow people that were in a certain discord or followed you on twitter or you supported their spaces
Like I come up here and support you guys since as long as i've been on twitter
So I think it's really being user centric and community driven in a nutshell
But yeah, and I think it was bad brothers just to comment quickly like
I think the issue with the whole rwa sentiment where you brought up, you know, a lot of people have pdsd
I think one of the biggest disconnects between then and now
It's a lot of it now is towards it's consumer facing where it wasn't just
Facing towards crypto twitter users and people that were like infatuated with the technology a lot of the stuff that's coming up right now
Is it's for people that you know are in real life that do just consume real life products that are like now
Oh cool. What is this?
I'll use the loud punks example
Again, they came up here on your guys's stage and they didn't sell an nft
They sold a membership and everybody got what a membership was
So they were able to translate that technology into it and in retrospect like I think that's why it's going to be a lot more different
Today tomorrow next year the year after because a lot of the blockchain products being developed aren't just for people
That understand the tech now, you know this quote unquote mass adoption
That's the only people we're talking about four or five years ago. Well, it's coming to fruition. So I just wanted to touch on that
But yeah, that's it
Pretty fucking insane what's going on if you ask me what's up luna? You got the floor
Yo, what's going on?
So before I uh, quit real quick. What's up? I'm marking. I just wanted to ask bad brothers
Why he hates rwa so much?
Ah, i'm i'm kidding bad brothers i'm kidding. It's just you know, I hate acronyms, you know rwh just doesn't go together well
At that I was that that that's fair. I was I was just kidding
It felt like a funny easy joke to make
but um, yeah, like marketing and web3 I kind of feel like
It doesn't exist and you can fuck you know, that sounds like an easy statement to make but
Following omed and a dude from amazon is real tough act, but i'm gonna do my best
Like I feel like all the projects I hear about and maybe it's just my timeline are
Projects that like they have events and they blow
All their mint funds on a mediocre event. They didn't draw anyone into the project and now they're
And now they're like rugging their own discord where like the best projects
They leverage their
They leverage the value of their pft
They leverage the fact that people are trying to build brands
Using their ip as a centerpiece
Like they do all the mark. They do all the marketing themselves
Yeah, like I think it was maybe the zamad or trying to mention about
commercials on tv there's that super bowl commercial last year
For one of the million was it digi digaku dragon egg eggs
I'm, not really quite sure what that did
But it was a nice free like 900
Besides that like it really didn't do much of anything
so I think like marketing and web 3
sounds that sound dumb, but I kind of feel like
Need to be they need to take notes from like
Marketing and web 2 and not like copy paste but like these are there are brands out there that know how to market
Take that savvy and figure out how to translate it to web 3
Yep, I think um, that's where this goes back to
original thought of
people jumped into web 3
seeing all the money, um, but then forgetting about the
The whole way to actually properly go about, you know gathering the the community the users the consumers if you will
What's up people go ahead
Hey, happy monday everybody. I really hope everybody's having a blessed start to the week. I I love that we're talking about this right now
I've always felt that marketing and web 3 has
How do I want to say this? It's missed its demographic. And what I mean by that is I forgot who said it earlier, but
There are a lot of people here who could care less about the actual brand and they're just interested in the alpha
Right airdrops this and that and that's cool, especially over on solana. I'm not knocking that
But the problem is as we mentioned many times before if we really do want to bring onboarding to mass adoption
We're going to have to understand that not everybody's interested in airdrops and people do really want to see a tangible asset
They want to see a brand growing
but the biggest issue we're seeing right now is learning how to
Balance both web 3 and web 2 demographics and what I mean by that is for example
I believe community is the biggest foundation we could have right if you look at the timeline
Everybody's rocking pfp's even especially on solana. A lot of people are actually able to sign
1099s now as independent contractors because they're doing raids for the brands and this and that
Which is very cost effective for the team
But and then they're taking that money and as you just mentioned blowing it on
Events that actually bring no value to the brand whatsoever
So in my eyes is we need to go back to the drawing board
And we also need to start watching the language we use because just because a team has to go back to the drawing board
When it comes to marketing and branding doesn't mean they failed. It doesn't mean they rugged
It just means they're an actual growing business that's trying to understand their different demographics
Because there's a lot of us out there who don't have time to be searching for alpha
There's some of us who don't care about that. There's some of us who are just cared about the interest of the brand in itself
So for me, it's up to the marketing and branding teams to actually get down with your community have conversations with them
Figure out what you're building and then actually come up with a sustainable business plan
And I think that's where we've fallen short severely in the web 3 right now
Can I just piggyback off that too?
He mentioned something that we nobody here including myself talked about which is branding and I think more often than not so many people
Forget about like the power of a brand. This is certainly the same reason you guys all rock a certain pfp or
Engage in certain products or brands for that matter and more often than not it just they think that you know slapping on
You know makeup on a pig per se and taking it to market and you know throwing x dollars at it
Or putting it in the hands of somebody who's going to return
Unfortunately, like if your product itself and the story behind it
Isn't resonating you can throw all the money in the world
That's something and it's never going to work out and I think people like really bypass that idea
Especially i've seen it a lot web 3 where they'll get out a product or service or a project or whatever it is
And they really forget to like tell a story. They really forget to like, all right
How am I differentiating myself from the millions of nft projects that exist the millions of d5 projects or tokens or?
RWAs or whatever it is in the space or anywhere in that matter and
What they end up doing is quite literally fumbling the ball because they go and try and sell something that doesn't have a story
And in retrospect like that is a brand by definition
And if your brand is not going to be resonated with then you might as well start all over again
And he kind of nailed down on the head
What's up
Uh, go ahead kenny also too
Um before we go to the next hand
If you happen to have a project
Requesting i'm not going to allow you up the fuck you think this is free real estate
No, real estate is expensive right now, especially for single family homes
So that's that uh andrew go ahead and then kenny. What's up?
Yeah, no, I was I was just going to go back to what people's was talking about because I think he nailed it
I I think like here here's the challenge, right?
So, you know, I won't name names, but there's a couple projects right now, right that are there's big airdrops pending
There's tons of speculation. You're seeing massive on-chain metrics, right?
But then the problem is you then have that airdrop, you know people that are smart sell the token
They rebuy it lower if they're still bullish
But then what you really have to focus on is is what we call ltv lifetime value, right?
What is the lifetime value of all those customers and I think like this is one of the biggest misconceptions is I see a lot of projects
either kind of pre-air drop or post-air drop where they're like
Why do we need to buy media? Why do we need to pay for anything?
We've got a million people in our discord. We got 400 000 people on twitter
But when you dive into those those users, are they really qualified users? Are they really repeat users?
Are they really going to come back after that speculation event happened or are they going to go chase another speculation event, right?
So so I think again, you've got to really take a step back
I mean in traditional marketing like the rule of thumb
Is when you're doing a campaign you're going to put about 80 to 90 percent of the entire budget
Towards media like reach and impressions, right? It could be a space like this
It could be banners could be pre-rolls whatever it is
But you're trying to basically keep your content
You know production costs as low as possible so that you can maximize the reach that you get on it, right?
So when I see in this industry folks
Spending no money on reach and no money on targeting sure you can build some nice vanity metrics
But like are you actually marketing or or attracting the right users? They might not even be on twitter depending on what your project is
Good candy, that's right, baby flow through baby
Yeah, you know what I was gonna say I was gonna say about uh, rwa's, you know, first of all, let me say hi to you guys
I love you guys. I love you space
We're three exposed. It is the best but um, hold on
I got out to kenny because kenny is is echoing weptory exposed vibes all through tiktok
And you absolutely fucking love to see it get me to a thousand followers on tiktok guys
Profits overweight just follow me on tiktok kenny. You need to help me chat. I need you to help me
Yo, i've been practicing my npc shit. Yeah, i'm outside. Yo, we outside
Kenny i'm sorry. Go ahead. Yeah, I love it. I love it. I got you fam
You know, I got you but uh going back to the rwa's yo, if if they are biting your style
You're seeing your shit on the black market on ebay. You're doing something, right?
You know, you got ariel simon throwing up throwing up his ninja
Freaking swords calling people out saying you douchebags better calm the f out after down. I love it
I love it. It just makes me more bullish on rwa's, you know, um
Helium mobile we got the hive mapper. There's plenty of stuff going on and cooking. I love to be earlier
I'm left to be a part of it
And um, I just hope everybody's just taking advantage of it because this is some uh free apps out there guys
You could just take advantage and be a part of it and reap the rewards. All right, cilencio
Uh, just saying just saying and will keep cooking bro. You're killing it. I'm on a two-week streak right now
We outside. I need to pass sky on the fucking leaderboard. That's my goal. Hey real quick. Hey real quick. Kenny
Can you let the people know?
Uh, when did you get your helium mobile eson?
Like like what how many days ago?
I got it about a week and a day ago
And so that means you got this that your seven day rewards
What were they? I sure did. Yeah. Oh no, so
You just let them know like I guys so I drive about 160 miles a week to and from work
Not including grocery store picking up the kids from school blah blah blah guys
I got rewarded
19 for one week. Okay, the monthly bill is 20
Like do you do I need to say anymore? It's a it's a free service now
And that's no device like that
Your google and apple is stealing the mapping from your phone period you ain't good
Ever since I got had I a lot of us have had iPhones for way more than a decade
I'll get none of that back at all at all. I don't get a dollar
So now kenny's gonna get 80 back. Well 60 will just say 60 after the 20 dollars
Like bro sign me up for every single fucking you know, they got the water meter coming out
They got the weather antenna
Like yeah, i'm selling all the data back and it's funny
The people buying the data is the regular companies like verizon needs to buy the 5g
Like it's not like we're selling you selling it to some random people
Like like just like the flight data i've said it three times now, you know, raytheon is the one that buys that right?
Like lackey martin like, you know, those are top two two companies right there
Spending almost a half a billion dollars, you know combined on just air traffic data to study
So get your piece of the pie like it it's not a meta. It's not no hack
The the shitty thing is
A lot of the helium people, you know in the early days. I get it. It just wasn't ready, you know, like
You know, the shit wasn't ready
And now you know, that's I feel like the little the little marriage with salana
Uh being able to use the e sim so if you guys don't know what that is
You can you like the iphone I have right now is on t-mobile
And then I could put the uh helium e sim on so it's like I have two sims
Obviously, you can't you know, you're not using the number but I can map using my e sim
So that's what can he's talking about. So he has an e sim in his regular phone and just him driving around
He's gonna get 80 bucks
From his e sim you can actually take the sim you can get a physical sim as well
So before someone asks you can also get a physical sim and put it in a whole different phone
But if you just want to start mapping today, you know, you could you could put the e sim in your phone
a lot of people doing the helium hot spot, which is like it looks like a little amazon device where you're you know
You're the hot spot, you know for for cellular service
And then for rewarding you for that data you get the token so you can match that with any industry any sector
It can all it's all going to work. So
Uh, yeah, shout out to you. Appreciate you. Just to add to that too. Scott. A lot of people don't realize like there's a lot
of value in doing that now
Before the bull run hits
Because the cost of those go way up in the bull run your token value is probably maxed out
If not falling over by the time you hit the bull run
Like your value is going into the bull run with those type of plays. Like if you're looking to like capitalize on them
And so I mean I watched a lot of people buy a lot of dumb shit at the top of the bull in 2021
They were buying miners. They were buying all these other things that were way overpriced
Um, and they pretty much sold them all for next to nothing because the value got devalued so hard because of the bull
Because of the bear market that came
And this is what happens every time people get bullish on these things at the wrong time
Like you're you're trying to be bullish on these type of plays or from the bottom of the bear up to now
And I mean whether people got burned on helium or whatever like helium's bottom was in a long time ago
And people were just not paying attention to it. And once you start to see a bottom end
Before they gave up on it. Yeah 100 percent. Yeah. Well a lot of people got burned
I'm not gonna sit up here and bullshit like they got wrecked because they try to hold it to the floor
Um, but I will say this like once you start to see a bottoming on liquidity
Go look and see what these projects are doing
Like a lot of people don't they don't understand. They're just like oh, well, it's bottom because it's going to zero
So it's going to slow bleed. No, it's not it's bottom. So go look and see what they are doing
Because around the same time that they started to turn around they announced the mobile for for helium guys
Like everybody was sleeping on it
And then you know, it just started going straight up from there
Like if you pay attention to these key points again liquidity, right? That's why I said watch areas where liquidity flows
And well, they've teamed up with that little company called Solana
Yeah, yeah, that sounds like nobody nobody saw them
Getting getting tag team together. Nobody saw that coming
Um, so I mean with that on top of it, it just adds to the value even more
And really I think these could become staples in the space for a for a long time
Moving into the future like these guys had to really feel their way out and I think they're really kind of you know
Creating groundwork for for a real web 3 decentralized
Mobile mobile service, you know
Straight straight up. Well, well you hit the nail on the head because you're saying how
Doing it now. It's gonna you're gonna reap the rewards in the bull
Well, the same thing is happening right now with hive mapper
That's why we're seeing like people selling their shit on ebay
They're like, you know what?
I'm gonna take that money now and then maybe i'll just go buy another 10
With that money that I made from ebay because people can't wait and and they're they're fomoing into this. So
I totally see it. Well
What's up taco it's been a minute what's going on
Tm gm gm. Oh man, it is I got i've gotten to see you guys twice today now
Earlier was good
Uh, I I'm always love talking about rwas and you know
Sorry, I was totally stalking with my work account because I didn't want to go log into my personal account
So I just turned on another phone but uh to touch on what scott was saying
um, you know
Hive mapper is awesome. You know mobiles is awesome. And uh, I also do demo
You can you don't even need to buy a a miner an auto pie
You can if you want if you have a smart car, you don't need it. You can just connect your car
I just drove from new york to dallas and I earned
I think 73 dollars
What the fuck see hey, bro
Dude, so like bro, that's like so in my japanese car
Like that's that's three fourths of the tank. You know me like my japanese car is better
No, but no i'm just saying like well because it doesn't take much
That's what i'm saying and i'm japanese. So before anybody's if you're new to the show
You know me i'm not
Anyway, but i'm just saying like it's people go. Oh, it's only 73
Taco wasn't gonna get that
Yeah that data from taco's car gets stolen from every single partner and sold to the next guy
So it's like why I want all my little 80s and 20s and 160s
And then like like what will was talking about in uh, uh
Uh kenny dude, some of these tokens you can believe in right?
Like like like if you're collecting
Crest right now like you know, that's gonna turn into some pink like bro
I ain't selling none of that and this is not for the obviously nfa, but this is stuff. That's really backed by companies
Yeah, like the biggest companies in the fucking world doing these deals
Like this isn't some vaporware shit coin that the salona chats are dumping, you know on tomorrow
Which hey yo, some of you guys are making millions of dollars. I love it like fuck
Yeah, me. I suck at that shit. So that's not that's not what I have to bet on
The the company play the follow the money type stuff
And the long like on the on the right will will brought this up showed me we covered it
Everyone's like what the fuck is that? Did he do one billion dollars in volume in like six fucking days?
right like the whole
Web2 ran after that shit like my my you can buy that
Off shit. That's not just on coinbase regular ass mofos can just go buy that learn about and go
Oh that should put the blackrock etf together. Okay, i'll i'll throw 80 or i'll throw 20
25 bucks on that, you know right now and all these plays like will saying
It's the it's the bear on the way up
And this is where I fucked up last time. I didn't do none of these plays. I didn't farm no tokens
This is why you see some of those people with infinity e that we you know
Some of us have worked for these people
You wonder how they did that it's because they got these crazy airdrops or these they stake some liquidity pool
Where you got some crazy reward?
This is like your chance now to now all of them like that brother said yeah, some of them are gonna fucking
Give you like shit back. You're like fuck. I wasted a hell of time, but some of these like like parcel
Let's just talk numbers
Whether they add over 40 million tvl like I don't need to even fucking guess that whole team's debt docs this hell
partnered with a bunch of real estate real and real estate stuff in web 2
Like you can feel 99 percent safe with some shit like that, right?
As opposed to like man, I don't even know who any of these guys are from the protocol
But you still got to be smart
but don't let don't be here from a year while you're literally in all these twitter spaces like I was and
Talk to these people on my old marketing space and then not doing it
Taco was with me on all my old show commander crypto show this deal on chain
I'm taking it back that far and I didn't take my own advice. I watched everybody get rich as hell
Farming tokens, you know doing everything that was popping then I was trying to buy
I was trying to get rich off safety and twice. That's how stupid I was. You know what I mean?
So no, don't fucking go for
Hey be nice to yourself
No, I made a lot of money but then lost it all honestly, you know, I mean you think you could do it twice
You know what I mean?
But what I'm saying is these things are promised like taco said he could you drive somewhere, right?
You put the hive mapper on your fucking mirror
And you drive fucking around or you turn nadix on if you don't want to buy hardware
I get people like I don't want hardware in my car
Uh, you know you think you're some super 007 agent of web3, but okay, I get that but you could use nadix
Turn nadix on right when you start driving your car
And you already could start swapping out for their token. That's about to go live
Like so if you're one of those people like I don't want to wait five months
Like dude, there's get grass right for the extra internet the extra bandwidth of your internet
They got render. Look everyone doubted render. What's render coin at y'all and that's extra gpu even
Okay, we have three motherfuckers people's an advisor for that now stand out. I don't want to hear shit from you
Oh, what is this render shit? Yeah, your boy people's a advisor for that shit
So before you go knocking shit like on rwa or dpin
Look who is involved like see the forest through the trees and i'm gonna get off
Uh, my my my pedestal i'm done talking
I love no, I love I love the fire because it's like
dude, i've been
We've been talking about this shit forever like decentralized cell phone service, you know, like I
I have an nft that has me a free asim
That i've had for
A year and a half now i've been doing demo for two and a half years. How long have we been talking about this stuff?
one of the things that really sucked that burnt a lot of people with
Uh helium was that you never really could own your miners unless you wanted to build one from scratch
And those things, you know, so a lot of people got into predatory practices
You know and stuff which really fucking sucked for a lot of people like with jag or bobcat
Um, but now with a lot of these people the companies are doing they finally have, you know, covet's over and a lot of the
Uh infrastructure shortfalls shortfalls for assets, uh to build stuff is is gone
Or they've sourced new material sources to build and they can build in mass. So things are cheap as heck
Um, you know if you can connect it directly to your smart car through like your uh
On star gm app or you can plug it into your obd2 if you don't have a smart car and it's 99 bucks for the thing
Hive mapper still
600 bucks because of their special camera, but if you don't want to participate with that you can go onto their site
Connect your wallet and just confirm
Signs like hey do all of these signs point to the left
Yes, or no
And if one is off you just say no and the ai gets the rest goes through and says, okay, cool
And you can just participate that way and actually participate and help build out this informational structure
uh, one of the I don't remember if it was this space or earlier space but uh
Where you know with polygon that you guys had?
uh, you know all assets might eventually be tokenized and
You know every you'll you're seeing everything from alcohol on chain right now and to
Um invoices and the reason why is just because
People are getting outages on networks and stuff like that and they're seeing the decentralized oracle systems for data storage
Is amazing and you were talking about render i'm doing work now for cpu coin on the ai stuff
I've been doing stuff with akash
This shit is taco
Just just just to touch base real quick on exactly what you're talking about and this is what I was talking about a week ago
This is this is literally the crypto space filling out the gig economy
And and a lot of people don't like to talk about the gig economy specifically
But these are areas that companies don't want to really
Have a department for they don't want to have an itch for it. They don't want to have they don't want to deal with them
So they would rather pay you
You know significantly less than what they're making
And have you map it out for them
But it's still a lot for you as an individual like a lot of people you might say 78 in a lot
Go and do a second job go see how many lifts you can do to get 78
They might take you three or four before you end up getting
628 ladies and gentlemen, we're cooking
Like comment repost we outside
We are not inside
We are learning
We are thriving
And most importantly
We are not drifting
It's crazy you guys we love crypto. We love it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Vanessa
So nice to see you today
Thank you for saving me because all I am every single day on twitter spaces is surrounded by men. How are you today? Vanessa?
I'm doing good. Hey prophet Scott. Well, happy to be up here. Happy to have my voice back
I've been a little sick these days. So
Um just wanted to jump on here. Kenny was mentioning, um, you know
The value he was adding the actual monetary value to his hive mapper
Um, I was one of the lucky people that about the saga phone set up the here you're mapping right away
And yesterday I actually paid my first bill
Um, so just to kind of put it into perspective you get one month free
Um, this is not tacked on too because there's i'm just doing it on the cell phone
I don't have a hotspot. I don't have the outdoor hotspot
There's people that add it to the indoor hotspot and outdoor hotspot. They are able to mine a lot more
Within a month and this is that I was out of the country for like a week. I forgot to turn on the mapping
Um within a month I made I want to say like 64 dollars. That's like two thirds of a salona
The monthly bill is five dollars a month. I just paid fifteen dollars to pay for three months
I'm still in profits with the with the service. So it's like
It's literally paying for itself
I'm not even gonna go into the air drops that came with having the saga like the phone is literally paying for itself
But those types of real world assets are just kind of you know, they're they're blowing away like they're blowing the
other companies away that
Basically have all this duopoly structure set up where you would give them your information because they're physically paying you to
Go ahead and use the service
Vanessa is giving me this alpha
Here my you need to help me you need to come help me set this all up so I can do what you're doing
That's fucking alpha right there. What's up, Andrew?
Yeah, no, I was just going to talk about data brokering for a second
I mean it's a massive massive industry, right?
And so if you think about you were talking about high mapper before it's like you're getting, you know
80 something dollars, you know for different trips
If you think about that across all the products and services you use and you start to add those numbers up across your day-to-day life
I mean it starts to be a pretty meaningful amount of money and I think like
Just to give folks a sense of this if you want to see the value of your data
There's there's a hack you can do so all you scott is the example, you know
If you create scott food calm, you know
And you set up the proper email address to be scott at scott food calm any email address
You don't properly set up will auto redirect to that to that email, right?
So, you know you have verizon you create verizon at scott through.com, you know, you have etsy you have uber eats
You know all these things and then all those random emails that you get all the time that you're like who got my information
You can literally see the trail of data sales, right because you'll say wait a second
I didn't I didn't ever sign up for this but the email address says verizon at scott through well
Guess what verizon sold your data to a data broker and your data broker sold the third parties and this happens all day every day
And you don't see a single dime of it, right?
So I think like when we look at kind of what's happening
I mean really at the end of the day if you have total control over your data
You control that value you monetize that value
And instead of all these companies profiting off of you in a way that you don't even know and it's unethical
You know all of that money goes right back in your pocket
Yeah, and you're not and that's the point in liking it a lot of us, you know 80s babies
Uh and before like man, we've been getting our our data stolen since aol dial up
Not even 28k i'm a 80s baby 14 four
We've been getting our data stolen since we had to run a 40 foot cord from our room to the kitchen
Just to get the internet and then 14 four
We've been literally i'm not i'm not even trying to make a joke like literally that's when
A lot of that digital data was just okay. Let's just start selling this stuff off the bat. So like man, I need
Everything from back all those decades and everything that you were going to take from now
And well, and I love what you said
Could you add it all up and then you add one or two that maybe you had no interest in
Like I'm putting a water sensor on my shit. Are you kidding me? Like uh, dude, like it's all set up for me
I just got to buy the little device and then put like yeah
I want to know what's in my water and then i'm gonna get rewarded and then the little weather xm antenna
Like bro. Yeah
Bro, I have to look at the damn weather anyway, and and it's not like these antennas are huge guys
They're super small like they're some people put
We saw somebody in the wing biz discord tape the airplane antenna from amazon to their window in their bedroom savage
He's like no i'm farming now like so again, like like these antennas are small and think like
Some of these companies or the other thing i was going to say is all the iot folks
Are coming now. I noticed
Having you know being in some of these meetings with some of these dping companies and it's dope to see that they see it too
smart homes smart mining the uh, the data cropping
Uh, what really with and that means with drones, you know looking at weeds
You know, I mean like it just goes on and on and they were even talking about ip earlier not web3 ip
regular ip
Like standardized just ip
So like it like I said a hundred times the last two weeks
It doesn't matter what sector you're in like there's something that you can do
either with a d pen or with rwa like and I really think real estate agents like
If you guys like can find, you know, any kind of smart home smart cities being built like you could be
The lightning bolt you could be the you know, the conductor to to to do it all like and tell these developers
Yo, look how much money you can save on your water
You know, you're heating your air
Everything smart and then you have it boom in the system one system, uh salamander. What's up sis? How you doing?
I'm good y'all
Have a sip of wine
Hexagon fucking go out to eat collect the hexagon guys. I'm telling you this shit is crazy guys
Scott food made me like
A freaking crack addict. It depends like I was like I pulled out an android from
2000 and fuck fuck nowhere
I'm like, yeah, these old phones going to use finally
I know right and I pulled it out and i'm like i'm putting i'm putting uh silencio on that shit easily
So, I mean it's yeah, it's just crazy. You know, it's also crazy
Our generation's so unique because I mean like I grew up I didn't grow up wealthy, right and
Like just seeing my parents like struggle and like work all these jobs
Can you imagine the next like 10 years of people who like
You know can who actually cannot work two jobs, right?
Like they literally have to only work one job because that's just the situation they're in
But they're farming and they're making shit at home and like I don't know
It's just like really cool to see because this is actually going to change a lot of people's lives
And I mean, you know a little goes a long way 150 to 100 bucks
Like, you know a couple here a couple hundred bucks here and there from like just farming
It makes a huge difference for a lot of people
And I think that's something that I started to realize in the last like
Couple of months here, um, just from like farming deepens
Like i'm hearing people's testimonies and being like yeah, like i'm slow, you know, I heard people I heard someone on a space
a mother of two
Literally saying hey, you know, like i'm working my waitress job and I you know
I'm farming at night and you know
I'm slowly able to decrease my hours just because I know that i'm getting educated on something
I've never been educated on before that like that thing just humbles my heart and it's just cool to see
You know people tap into different things. So I mean again guys, man
If you're not tapped in the web3 exposed discord is always popping. They just created a channel. Check it out
Can I I want to add one hey taco real quick
I just want to reply salamander and and everyone this is the super low end barely if you don't like, you know
You don't got time part time. Yo, if you do got time you a youngster out there
And you know your board is hell at home and you're like, man, I got a couple hours a day
Man, so of course you're gonna get rewarded the low end stuff, right?
but the token
Uh, go look at some of these white papers. We ain't gonna say no names
Just look at some of the white papers and look at the token allocation for the people supplying the data, which is you
And you got it and like bad brother said you got to be you got to make your best guess right like
The one with the most users the best web 2 backings, you know, I mean just kind of like, you know
Okay, that's there. This is there. Okay, I can definitely i'll really go in on this one with my time
Because some of these aren't you're not putting any money into some of these it's just you're driving
You know unless you're buying a device, but dude time is money time is like very finite thing
We you don't want to waste so like I don't want to waste a hell of time, you know on something
So even with those like like the one salamander brought up, uh, uh, salencio
Uh, like their team is crazy, right? They're like partnered with peak
like the fastest
Amount of users like on a d-pen device and like it's a white wallet and this is the thing that's important
People like salamander could literally send it to her mother. I could send it to my auntie whoever and they could just download it
There's no going yo mom. You got to make a meta mask
You know, it's just a wallet embedded inside the app. I don't really gotta explain shit
I go yo when it's time to get paid mom
I'm gonna tell you when and you're gonna just tell i'm gonna tell you exactly what to do
And then like in natives it's super easy
Swap like in the in the wallet they have right and then helium is really dope too
Because you get choices like you can put a little bit of soul in there
You could have your little helium there. You could just keep it in there. You can send it to your phantom
Like you can I mean it's up to you what you want to do
But a lot of the other ones are literally it's a wallet within the app and the people don't even know it's crypto
It's just points and some of these people literally you're seeing male uh male men and male women
UPS drivers, yo, they're about to get the craziest airdrop and it's not web3 people
That's what i'm hyped about that a lot of people are about to eat this next round
And that's why I when uh, what's his name from pudgy penguins? It's like why are you so mad?
Bro, i'm not mad at all
I'm just trying to get people on board on the train and cut the bushes down so you can see what's going on
You know you got this guy making pirate voices as a penguin which you worried about me for brother
Like man, you need to be be farming this stuff too
My guy and not acting like a pirate penguin on twitter spaces, but that's neither here or there. The point is
The point is is you can do the low end
And get these like what salamander says rack up a thousand a month, you know, that really will help you out
Or you can go completely psychopath
like I do on salencio, um
Or whatever one you believe in hive mapper
And you're seeing some of these truck drivers get eight grand a month with four four devices on the truck
Making more money
With the devices that they do at their job like the uber guy like so
Like if you if you really do uber or any of these traveling ones, these are super low hanging fruit
Like you don't need to go hang up the airplane antenna. You don't need to put the weather antenna
These are things like nadix. You can there's no excuse no device turn this shit on in your phone today
And start driving around this motherfucker. I think you've got three days to swap out some more tokens. Yeah, I have a question
That came up just now so for the people that
I think we i'm sure you've been asked already. I know I have
What do you say to the people that because we all think this right as humans we want to make sure we're safe
Granted our iphones and all that shit. There's no such thing as fucking privacy, right?
Like we're being washed and consumed and collected data all that so when people say oh, where's all the data going?
Um, how do you I kind of have an answer for say you get a hot tub time machine
Like me and andrew was talking about you get a hot tub time machine
You remind yourself when you first jump on the internet
Actually, you got to go tell your mom not to get on the internet because she's already inputting your your social security
Uh all your info on the internet on every single damn thing going
So is your metal so is a lot of your leaked medical records a lot of your leaked everything records
So you got to go fix all the pat you got to get a hot tub time machine turn into the flash
Get like 25 places at once stop all those data breaches
Then I know none of y'all are trappers. So that phone you're on you bought it with an atm card
You bought it with your capital, uh one or your southwest airlines car for points
You didn't go get cash from an unnamed source walk your ass to 7-eleven
Buy some weird ass androids and talk to me on spaces this whole time with a metamask wallet on there
Your dude your data is breached. It's it's been sold
I I've done that. Nope
I did that. No, I did that today. I just wanted to clarify. It is possible. I did it today
This is a well, i'm a walking testimony at this point also when I pulled up two phones today
I was thinking about that song. I got two phones and then I rang rang rang
I hope you guys know that song if you don't
Instead of two chains, we're gonna be like well phones
I think that's great answer. So I feel like that's that's real quick taco. That's that's the
Why not reap the benefits of us collecting this data because they're already collecting it regardless
That's what you're saying right scott. Okay understood. Go ahead taco
They even got outer space ones, but we'll say that for a different show
The one thing that that I want to remind people that we all we we view a lot of these tokens or the the dollar amounts
situationally like 70 bucks is a tank of gas 40 bucks is a tank of gas whatever
In other places where these projects are live these protocols are live. That's months of income
You know and so uh, and that's just at current token prices
So like you collect those things like for some people this is life changing money that they don't really have to do anything
But it's they're not going to go hungry. There's there's there's helium miners. There's d-penners. There's stuff that have done
Amazing stuff down in africa on water wells. There's stuff in india
uh on power centers and data that's powering internet for
Communities and I guess I don't know if village is the right term, but you know, there's this cool shit going on
Not just here state side where you know, some people are like oh 70 bucks
Yeah, that's a tank of gas or half a tank of gas and other people are like that's an entire year's income
So and that's just at current token prices, but like scott was saying like this is the time to collect tokens
Yes, take profits
Please take profits
Use it to pay your phone bill, you know, if it pays for itself anything else on top of that is magic internet money
But remember we view this stuff through rose colored glasses sometimes in just how it relates to us. This is
So much more but uh
Also, I love the marketing side of talk stuff. Has anyone else got the
Those random messages saying hey, do you want ai followers now with ai based responses and impressions?
Man I never get these messages they must not think you know, i'm interested in growing my following i'm not though, but
You know, it's just nice to be considered
Go look in your spam folder. I'm sure you'll have some some tron wallet seed phrases
I'm sure you'll have a whole bunch of uh people that want to marry you
That uh, really they're really liking your project growth and they really see the future and you would want to send you some monies
No, yeah, i'm gonna respond to him right after I responded to dm without my forbs interview
Wait scott prophets. Are you guys gonna be at east denver?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
Yeah, i'm not
Usually like like my main move would be like you practicing the npc on this basis. I thought we were gonna do it on ticktock
No, no, uh, i'm excited like i'm really excited. I'm excited to go to denver. I'm excited that
Since we're on the subject. There's so many d10 events. Like I was in shock
Uh, there's hell rwa events
There's like an rwa event with like some of the most goat goat like
Representatives from web2 companies and web2 funds. I'm really excited for that and
Oh, yeah talking. You gotta you gotta show me the way
Somebody needs to rush my motherfucking application and get that motherfucking hoe accepted
Please and thank you. We'll be back after these messages
I never heard this in my life
Pompamentals pump up that's fucking catchy. Oh fucking catchy as hell salamander. Wait, would he say pumpamentals?
Pompamentals go ahead salamander
I don't know what that was, but it makes me not want to eat mentos anymore mentos
He was saying like fundamental but pump
This shit's got me tweaking it's only monday. I don't have time for this. I've never heard that before a genius
That's what I was gonna say. I've never heard of that
Um two questions y'all pulling up to nftmyc. It's my first time going just booked my flight and hotel. Let's fucking go
Secondly, are you guys more bullish in rwa's or deepens? I have a good answer to that
But I want to know everyone else's response here
I think I think for me real quick. I understand rwa's
A lot better than I do deepens. Although I understand what they both do
And I also think rwa's are a lot easier to digest for the masses
But I mean that's my answer. They're both very important. Go ahead scott
Uh, the first question for new york. Yes
Uh, we'll be going
Um, and you hear fucking let's write it
Uh, i'm actually one of the mc
So will I be on your stage?
So i'm really excited for that and then also
Uh, i'll be an artist this year. So i'm really excited about that. Uh have the art my
Hey, they try to save my scary ass art doesn't work, man
I'm telling you and it's funny like I don't care about nobody. You know, what's funny here
Another thing is too
You don't gotta be in the web three one of one
Communities and all like just make art make music make like don't care what nobody else think I don't I don't need nobody co-signing it
Because look what happened?
I'm a feature artist. Not only that i'm i'm you know, i'm one of the hosts too. So like
You could do both you could do both is what i'm saying and you don't have to be part of no group
You could just make art make music
People that enjoyed are gonna enjoy it. You don't need to put web three before just make some shit
And watch people enjoy it could be five people could be ten people
You don't need to you don't need no accolades from crypto twitter
To to be to to feel like your art is good. Your art is
What he's uh, what's that book? We're reading profits. Uh, the rick reuben book, uh, your art's your diary
Like an out deadass mean that when whatever you're building
Is your diary too it's it's for you first
And then and then it's for for the for everyone else. So if you can't even be comfortable for it
How's it gonna be good for somebody else? So, you know super dope book, uh, pick up rick reuben's new book. Shit's really dope
I would say this
It's all about the deep ends, right?
Rwa is a part of the play, but it's all about the deep ends
I think you can play either side of that coin and and make a bag. I guess i'll put it that way
Um, I think they're both profitable
Again, I think it's just more about building into infrastructure
Uh the gig economy and like this is this is building real use case. I mean look
Take take apart something like uh
Let me think
something like uh uber or something like lift or something like that in those scenarios is
multi-billion dollars
What's up andrew
Um, yeah, so I would say my my well, first off I won't be in new york
I think the next event i'm going to is um digital asset summit in london
Um, which I think is in a couple months, but but on the rwa side, um
I want to say rwa short-term deep in long term with caveat and what I mean by that is is I do agree with profits
I think rwa there's less barrier to entry. It's a little bit
More understandable for the average person. I'm very bullish on deep in um, and there's kind of two things
I would say one
The timeline for that type of thing typically takes longer, right?
So again to to will's point like you can make a good play in both
But you may just have to wait a little longer on the deep end play to fully pay out and then
And then secondly, I would really keep an eye on b2b, right? So when you're scaling a business
Um, you can scale a lot faster and more efficiently with a b2b play and i'll give you an example
Like i'm a mattress company like casper
I can sell direct to consumer or I can literally just go straight to
Every major hotel chain and sell, you know, 20 million mattresses in a week, right?
So if you start to see certain deep end projects, um brokering b2b type partnerships or things like that
Those are the things that could accelerate more quickly
And then I would say those would probably from a timing perspective be on par with some rwa stuff
Because sometimes you know
They'll say hey i'm partnered with microsoft and it's like hey
We just shook hands and had a coffee and that and that was the whole partnership, you know
You can barely see what they're doing
I know you're gonna say that
No bad brothers just cooking like I took that job
because microsoft
They pitched it like microsoft and ibm were a part of it, but they just threw money which is way different
This is bull market chronicle. Ladies and gentlemen, if you're listening in right now, take notes
This is what happens
This is what a lot of you are still drinking kool-aid with shithead fucking founders because they keep telling you they know mike tyson
Go ahead scott
Yeah, yeah, so like a lot of us were like dude dope like they're like
We thought like we're gonna be in the room with microsoft and ibm like, you know
They're like on the website. They're on like ibm's on the spaces with them like i'm like, oh shit
Like this is gonna be dope. It's two years ago a little over two years ago
And no, they had just they were part of a vc fund
That they threw money on and then they they they separated
30 entrants
Yeah, yeah, they separated those two out of that fund
Like like it was like they it was them too
But uh, that's why I love what you said too right now bad brothers andrew. This is why I love peak, right?
Because like they're doing b2b airbus bosh like literally like, you know mega companies
You're seeing like vodafone do their tenure partnership with microsoft
So if you're not listening out there andrew's literally telling you what's going on not like
Like it's a bit like it's going on right now b2b right now is literally going on
So i'm kind of following that's why I believe in salona right now. Solana is that's why deep grabbing every
Every d-pin b2b deal as well on top and then I think we're still in the gorilla marketing phase
Uh the ground zero it's us. We're the nerds who believe in it
We're like the front line the front facing the people that are going to put on the next people
Uh, and I agree with andrew. That's why I think it's like it's not immediate because we're still in that like organic gorilla phase
We're on that front line. Uh, but here's
Yeah, I was gonna say real quick scott like one of the things you can do is is um
I did a whole
I remember when this was maybe about a year ago
I did a I did a podcast and I talked a little bit about like the manipulative tactics that projects use, right?
So like market manipulation is one thing
But I think again like press and narrative manipulation is very rampant in this industry and like i'll give you a couple ways to kind of see
Through the the bullshit. Um, one is go to the company block, right?
Don't go to the project blog go to the company blog, right?
Usually they will put some sort of announcement there that kind of details it
Um, if it mentions they're part of a program or it mentions they're part of an accelerator do your research go look it up
What are the qualifications to be a part of that because i've seen companies do things like
You know literally apply for a program that your little brother can apply to
And then promote it as if they are quote unquote the choice of this massive company like a disney, right for example
Um, the other thing I would say
And this is a pretty good indicator is look at it from a pr perspective. And what I mean by that is
Let's say you have, you know
An alt one blockchain and a big traditional web2 company and the alt one blockchain is is screaming to the roof partnership partnership, right?
Are there any quotes from the web2 company in the press articles?
Um, did the web2 company issue any press articles because what you tend to find is very one-sided narratives, right?
So if both companies aren't promoting it aren't marketing it aren't commenting on it
That typically is an indicator for me, right?
The other thing you have to be very careful of
Is a lot of these partnerships today are pay to play, right?
So you have you know alt ones or l twos paying, you know eight figures to a web2 company
Um to quote unquote launch a partnership and then they promote it as if they were the choice of that company
So you really do to your point like you've got to research this stuff
And a lot of times your best bet is honestly just to look at the press
And look at kind of some of the traditional web2 marketing channels because if it's a very one-sided push
That that's usually an indicator
Well real quick too to add to that there was a couple and and like how you said the accelerator program a lot of people
Don't even know what that is
There was a couple I watched
I think last cycle around 2021 and they were saying they were partnered with google
And they were part of an accelerator program right wink wink you go and you look at the accelerator program
What's the requirements for the accelerator program?
It's x amount of money and then they'll advise you on what to do
And then uh, that's that's the whole partnership. It's not it's not a real partnership
It's just them advising you for x amount of money
And so when you look at those type of plays, it's like oh man i'm
Getting played by this by this crypto project when in reality
They're just being advised they paid to be advised just so they can try and scream that they got partnered when in reality
They were never partnered with google would never partner with them
And so again, these are important things to understand accelerator programs are just something to kind of help you get out there
It's like a marketing strategy essentially
Really tricky wording. I would say that and a lot of them won't even say accelerator program
They'll just say we're partnered with and that's where you can like kind of dig through the weeds and see what's going on
And again, like you like you said
Don't go to the project go to google directly if they say google go to microsoft directly
Look for where they're connected to or look at what it or ask them like hey
What are you doing with them?
They're like, oh we're part of the accelerator program go and look at the requirements of the accelerator program
You know me bro, i'll go on the linkedin and see if the workers were talking about it like just like
You know bds that were were probably they were part of probably part of the deal
So like we just brought a peek. So when they did the bosh
Uh fetch ai deal all three talked about it. So you're like, all right, cool. Like those are three big ass
Companies on every social media like being proud of that partnership and that's what we mean guys
It's not like you're like, uh, oh they're part of what? No, that's not the mastercard
Innovator web3 program. That's not the lafonza one
It's like one will say where you pay to play and they're part of the lufonza
You know the the umbrella or uh, the uh, whatever innovation program that there is
But a lot of these people like you know, like there's a lot of people in the space that work for the real one
So it's not really hard to do your homework, especially now. It's like you can kind of like
You know kind of pinpoint people really quickly, especially with linkedin
But uh, that's why like that uh, i'd be so hard on bad brothers
It's just like a it's not that there ain't scammers
Like there's all the ways to to chop it like andrew and will broke it down
But it's a little bit easier for me this next time to go
Okay, let me check this motherfucking bd on linkedin. Let me check
Uh, uh what they're talking about even on twitter, uh, like the on-do coin too on rws is we'll just talk about both
That was the defense example the rwa example. Uh, you had the black rock people on the space you had
JP morgan onyx people on the space and they weren't even announced they just pull it up
All just talking and i'm just like damn like i was telling prophets of will I didn't have this shit in my bingo card like
So like then, you know on do is not just playing around like you look at all their employees on linkedin
They're all the black rock people who just went to the like they just moved them to that company
So you can check pretty quickly if these deals are real like and not get you know
What happened to scott again ibm and microsoft were on the zoom call and you turned on and it was mario
Um, hold on
I wasn't expecting that chucking on this cookie. Um
Oh my goodness, that was funny average
What's up, man? Happy yo, yo, what up? What up? Uh, happy monday. I'm just listening to all you guys talk about
That you know, it's funny like I see all these projects do this like um
Like pal's a good example of this, right? Like
They're posting google cloud on their website and their pitch deck
They're posting in video on their website and their pitch deck
And there's lots of ways that companies can get in those ecosystems, right? Like I
I build a large part of the go of the go-to market for google cloud
I build it for um recapture. I build it for google and bare metal google for oracle google for splunk
Google cloud in general
Big query I built I built the entire basically I built a lot of the go-to market for google cloud
Um, but none of these crypto projects are probably partnered with google cloud like directly just just so everybody knows that
Um, you can get in their ecosystem and you can apply to be like on their marketplace and shit like that
Um, but that's not like a real like strategic go-to-market alliance, right? Like, um
So, you know, I think like the funny thing is a lot of these a lot of these projects kind of like flag
A little bit with things like that and these companies aren't even thinking about that stuff, right? Like
um, i've been in like a certain space for a long time where i've been consulting for like sales transformation and
Like the industry that i'm in they're they're multi like billion dollar sales technology companies
That's all pretty big pretty pretty big problems
and if you look at the bigger consultancies like deloitte and kpmg and and
um pwc and extensure
Like they don't even look at the space the space that i'm in is probably a you know
30 billion dollar 60 billion dollar industry like that's little to them
Like they don't even they don't even give a shit about that the space that i'm in because it's so small, right?
But you will you'll start to see that with a few projects like but the I think like the only projects you're going to see
That with are projects like chain link
Um, maybe I don't know if the ethereum. Hey average. What was that? What was that?
Chainlink it's a little there. It's a way. I can't hear you and you can you say it's a little loud in here
It's a small like it's a small cryptocurrency. It came out like a couple years ago
um, very very um, yeah, very unknown project called chain link that everybody fades, um, but yeah, it's it's out there, um, and they are actually
They are actually partnered with a lot of large financial institutions like the d the dtcc
Um, they have large enterprise customers like aws and t-mobile
Um, so, you know, there aren't many there aren't many, uh projects in the space that are doing that actually
So that's pretty pretty crazy that people are fading them that hard
I I gotta get running but uh, you know on top of you you have chain link, you know, you have pit
There's you have graph. There's all sorts of awesome things. Um
Scott love all those taco you cookie bro. I was it's all the boring stuff, right?
It's all the it's not the again like I got this from prop
Not shiny stuff, right? Yeah, and it's our job the nerdy ass people who really enjoy it to make it shiny
But now i'm glad like to like those last two spaces if you would have told me even a month ago
There'd be 300 people in a deep end space with no bots and like almost all new people
I would have been like get out of here. Are you lying? And then the rwa space today?
I would have said the same thing like unless it was about collectibles, maybe I would have said like oh no
I could see pokemon or you know sneakers doing that
But rwa is that like it was only a little bit about collectibles and the rest was about, you know financial
You know the ways that you could do it with finance
Like I was i'm like in like not shocked. I'm like excited that that
I'm watching twitter on like not on board because I don't like that word
But i'm watching new people that i've literally never seen in any web 3 space before
Like come here now
So like that's what i'm hyped about and like I said, it doesn't matter what sector you're working in web 2
Like there's a place for you now
Yes, uh and uh, I I have to say that rwas are above
Deepin for the simple fact that
RW like deepin is tracking all of these rwas real world assets is are is
Technically data points whether it is a physical item or it is your personal data
That deepin
Is the infrastructure for all of this to travel on but if you don't have the rwas to begin with there's no need for the infrastructure
So i'm gonna say rwas over deepin, but they both go hand in hand
Uh, and i'm not gonna i'm not gonna be able to make it to nftnyc this year because i'm gonna be in london
So andrew I will see you at das
For those taco. I agree, bro
You stole my answer my answer is both because what do you get when you take machine rwas and deepins the economy of things?
And that's what i'm bullish on right? That's the final
like that's the final
Uh, what is it in dragon ball z, you know, the you know, the final form the final form
You know, that's what i'm like
That's what i'm looking at. I try to look ahead and I just see like
every sector just like cooking with
With all the iot devices together
so I think the answer is
Like what you said taco they go hand in hand like they're like they they survive with each other. Yeah, and
We've seen everyone sort of grow that has stayed around, you know
scott and prophets were talking about, you know early shows like the day's book like clubhouse days even or
before unchained or after dark and you know these things that we put together that we're still here and
I i'm sad
That scott has an ai pfp or an aipp as I like to say
But uh, you know I bring bring back the seal or the pudgy bring back the pudgy. Um
You know i'll see everyone at the digital asset summit. Um
But as we bring
New things like hell i'm working on infrastructure and rwa's now who would have thought a d gen like me?
that chased thousand percent aprs
Every day all day and in and out of lp pools. I'm like, bro
This is a this is a two-hour thing two hours is better than than nothing
Now i'm saying hey five percent is sustainable
Let's let's build, you know
Competitive i'm building a competitor to fracks and die, you know, ando's just first mover on me
You know, so they took pages out of our book. So
Let's start a karate called ando
How many times we've seen that motherfuckers taking pages out the book you motherfuckers are not low
But we will see you all
At the next awesome thing. So yeah
Monday night twitter space. We'll see you tomorrow fam. You don't gotta do a farewell
You got one job right now. You got one job and your job is to give us right now
The opportunity of a lifetime average. What are we?
What are we looking at right now average? What's what's the word?
I think the thing i'm most excited about that's
Probably going to happen in the next 30 days is the troop lation launch
Um, if you're not familiar with troop lation, it's uh, um, it's a um, like a real-time
Data platform that's backed by chainlink labs and coinbase ventures. It's ran by stephan rust
And it pulls like probably the most amount of data points from different places in the world that i've seen
and aggregates them to give you real-time data on things like
Um how the economy is really doing what the inflation?
Uh levels really like what the housing market's doing
Um, and so it's just like it's basically like a big ass data aggregator
Um, and it's kind of solving this problem of all these like silo data points that we're getting getting our information from
But that's probably like the biggest
Biggest launch that i'm hype about over the next over the next couple weeks
Blink three
Sorry, i don't know who that was right there was my uncle or something
Yeah, true. Flation is gonna be dope though. I don't know have you have any of you guys seen it
I haven't I just seen the post average is another one
I wrote down like i'm about to go crazy with food gpt and just fucking have him break it down
Like a lego set for me. So yeah
Food gpt is
Probably a lot smarter than 90 percent of nft founders
99 percent you be able to smart us, you know, it's funny like how much it
Hey and profits really pulled out a receipt. I can't believe that was a year ago
The the ai post about the marketing assistant. That's fucking funny. So
Yeah, like yeah, man that shit really learned. It's really dope
I really my mom hates it. Of course, she thinks it's scary, but
I think it's really cool. Like it's just like having a twin version of yourself
That's way smarter and can do anything that everything that you can't like brainwise
Uh, some people think it's scary, but I think it's really like a adult. It's like having an assistant
Has a way better way more voted than you at everything and you don't pay a dollar, right? It's just your time
Uh, that's going to take you know to to form
the the personal side of the llm
Uh on top of the one that's already made on chat gbt. So yeah
Not going to go on around about that because i've been said everyone should be doing that and you can sell yours now, right?
Like sell your to sell your chat gbt. That's sick
I didn't know you could do that. That's really dope
Remember these llm marketplaces here like what four months ago. Okay hotshot was up here that one day
Yeah, everybody back to this about that. Here we are
I did pen a post from anthony pompelliano up top that talks about
Trueplation it just it kind of shows one of the use cases on um the inflation data that it's pulling in versus
Uh, the inflation daily we're getting from the u.s. Government, for example
Um pretty pretty dope project check check out the website. I must I actually forgot to point out
I did get in on the presale. So
There is that bias leaning this way, but um, yeah, obviously didn't buy the presale because i'm bearish on it
Uh, one of the other things i'm like really into right now is ordinals like I think ordinals are the nft of the cycle
I'm buying a lot of those
All right, all right, let me ask you a question because I know you're a big trader
What do you think about a lot of east native projects going to ordinals
Um, any any care for it?
look, I mean like
We're seeing a lot of the east a lot of the east volume moving over to solana and other chains where fees are
These are cheaper. Like fees aren't really necessarily cheaper on bitcoin per se
But they are building like a lot of scaling solutions around bitcoin and on top of bitcoin
You know, I think I think we are seeing that that meta kind of takes shape where
You know people are like kind of I think people are starting to ask themselves. Like why are they using eave?
Um, that being said like I still have a large a large part of my assets in the eath ecosystem
Um, but i'm noticing that i'm spending 80 to 90 percent of my time
on other chains, so
Man, I don't really I don't really know how it plays out
Like it's tough right because this is an ecosystem where there's a lot of wealth
There's a ton of money and liquidity and eath and I don't really see how
Um the ethereum foundation like goes down without a fight
Uh, that being said I heard that there it might be
I don't I don't know there might be something going on with the ethereum foundation
And I don't know. I don't really what do you mean?
Wait, hold up your brakes. You don't just say stuff like that from a random twitter chat. What do you mean?
I mean, this isn't our secret chain link chat
Look, uh, how do I have to play guys?
Jeez, I I mean, I I don't know man. I like there've been a lot of accusations floating around about the ethereum foundation
Um, but I I don't can you give me one?
Yeah, I mean
I mean one of the accusations is that they're doing they're doing a bunch of illegal shit
But I mean
I I don't know you have to go out there and find the information by your on your own like I you know
Let me try gbt this yeah all this like I there's too much information floating around right now
But it's kind of getting baked out through the process. Yeah, but is it illegal shit or is it bad shit?
I think it's both. Um, but you know
I don't know man. I've got good dyor on that shit
But I thought when when vitality passed the keys to the you know to the cabal
It's it passed
Uh, what do you don't scare me? It's tough. It's tough because it's just like there's so much liquidity there still
So like I think it's it's hard for something like that to unravel, right?
Like no matter what's going on like you see people saying shit about the e foundation or whatever
People can say whatever the fuck they want where there's a lot of liquidity things will somehow work themselves out, right?
Like a lot of the time
but you know, it's definitely when you're seeing a lot of this activity and a lot of this volume go to other chains and
You know, you're you're seeing different metas take shape
Like you have to start kind of asking yourself like is this temporary?
Or is this where like liquidity is moving permanently like like meme coins, for example
I think it I think it is safe to say that meme coining on eath is probably dead
Like why would you do it? There's really no reason to participate in the meme coin economy on eath
Like there's just no there's literally zero reason there's zero incentive to do it
The incentive to do it is on salana and I mean, you know that that's a very quick. Why is that?
Well, because there's there there are no fees, right? Like I can go trade I can go buy and sell my meme coin
365 times and I want to see meme coin action full bull then we'll talk about this
I want to see salana stay awake when when we're at a full bull
I mean, yeah, it's a it's a good point. We'll see what happens, but
Yeah, I agree. I've been seeing a lot of the deejans like, you know
Not the super whale entity buyers, but we'll see like the next year down, you know
They got six figures to play with the early seven figures
And i'm seeing them going yo, bro
I'm just gonna hold my shit in my bonk wallet and my phantom wallet and just kind of
See where it goes from here. I've really never seen them ever say that bro
Like they'll never change their pfp to a soul pfp or anything
But like I've noticed like just like motherfuckers going no
Uh, i'm gonna go, uh, you know fucking do the quiddity pool with this protocol on soul instead of going to do it on eath
So like i've been noticing that like that is like i don't know like you're saying average
Is there a shift because i've never seen it before maybe like the people that were really hard
Air drops like salana for for staking on the liquidity pool
Sorry to like cut the line
But that's kind of what's going on in my opinion with the whole salana liquidity like that's what the appeal is
You know the air comes in here
That's why I double down my d-pin air drops i'm like yo at least I know
I don't know what it's gonna be but at least I know like i'm a part of something that's gonna be something
You know at some point, so let me just double down on these instead of
some shit on eat that
One person can put like 12 million in the lt and like i'll never get part of the airdrop either, right?
Like i'll never be part of that. We'll we'll say this
I will never be a part of the 2%
Where the airdrop is gonna be, you know
Like you know
Birthday where i'm gonna go post it all the time. I've been like oh shit, you know the eps days type shit
Right we're gonna get a $10 airdrop on ethan. It's gonna cost you 20 to cash it out. I hear you
Yeah, that's this is such a great point, right? Like I just got that win airdrop
I've been on salana for maybe like six weeks, right?
And I made like 500 for nothing on that win airdrop and that like it's not a lot of money to a lot of people, right?
But like you gotta think like I just got 500 where the fuck did that money come from?
You know what?
I mean like if you hand that out to a bunch of people especially some guy that's been on the chain for like six weeks
That is that is a lot of money. And then the other big thing to consider is access, right?
Like the majority of the world cannot access the market on eth because the fees are too high
So if you think about you know, the millions of people in africa that a 15 transaction fee
Like that boxes them out of the market
You just opened up access to the market to millions and millions of human beings
And while that may not be a big thing
From a like like a liquidity perspective. It's a big thing from an attention perspective
So if you're launching a meme coin, you got to ask yourself. Do you want?
Uh, do you want a couple hundred thousand eyes and ears and just the us market or do you want millions of eyes and ears?
and millions of people retweeting and liking your your meme coin project because you've opened up access to
Um a different a different economy that can't access that project on eth
And you're like, oh
Jen is activated
No, not to be scared
But I think like I love what you said actually a problem
Like let's see this in the full bowl. Like what is the reason what's the reason do any of this shit?
People want to make money and they go where the liquidity is. I mean, I think for like ordinals look and i've been
paying attention to it since literally like
before you could do anything without having a node and
Like that to me ordinals encompass so many things that I think like we came to nfts for
Um, but at the same time
There's a limitation as to how much can be inscribed and you know, it's it's different, right?
And that's when other chains come into play
I don't think that there needs to be one chain that wins
And I think it's actually really healthy for this ecosystem to have activity across all chains
Not only do you have people learning but like understanding the difference between chains which can help them, you know
come up with ideas of like
Things that can be done because there is a difference for every chain. So I don't think that like
Ordinals is necessarily this fad, right? I think for a lot of people
We were told that like oh your nfts will be there forever
And then you learn a little bit more and you're like, oh shit
They're only there as long as ipfs is where like on bitcoin you can store stuff on chain
But the transaction history like on it that stuff is on chain
So I think like people make their own decisions based on what's available to them and as more and more things are available
People are going to experiment and it's not necessarily always a grift and I think that's a good thing
But I promise you people will be spending a fuck ton of money
On gas in whatever bull run. I don't really care what aetherium foundation is doing because at the end of the day
At the end of the day though
The they don't control everything right and I think like
Understanding what actually matters in this ecosystem is important
So like people can start some rumors some shit can be happening
It really doesn't make a difference. Do I have utility with this technology? Have I seen it change the world?
Yes, if other people feel that way they can do it, too
Also, there are so many countries in africa where they have been using crypto
So much longer like I hate that example of like oh my god people in africa aren't gonna spend 15 dollars
Like dude, there are so many people in all parts of africa that use
All kinds of chains and I do think accessibility is important
Right, but at the same time you're not usually profiting only like
Ten dollars on chains where the transactions are more expensive, right? You're doing bigger volume stuff
So once again, there's like a reason for everything and you can find a use case for everything
But yeah, those are my thoughts
I mean, but I I think like you got to look at the data though because like go look on any ethcoin and do you see?
one dollar two dollar
Transactions on an ethcoin you don't
You do want so that was my point like I don't care about only a one dollar profit
like salana profits
Small eth profits big also losses right like for I don't even trade shit coins that much
Um, but I I get it. It's easy on salana. I'm also like why the fuck do I care?
Yeah, I mean I think for some people in the world a dollar profit is is like a big deal
Like that's the only no totally I get that I also think I mean and i'm very aware that i'm coming at this from
An american perspective, but if I make a dollar in 30 minutes, and then I pay a capital gains tax on it like
It's not really a profit
Go ahead and
Uh, I love you jen
So I think before all this we were talking a little bit about like what we're focused on what we're excited on
Um, I don't do this very often, but it's my birthday. So i'm gonna get you guys suppressed because i'm feeling generous
Um, so just going back to what other folks said trueflation very familiar. Yes. Keep an eye on that
Uh ordinals. Yes, I think a lot of folks are sleeping on brc 20s. Jen knows a lot about brc 20s
So go go check her out
Um, but i'm gonna tell you what i'm focused on and just for background like I am a day trader. I do quite well
Um, i'm also an airdrop hunter and i've done quite well in my airdrops
So i'm gonna give you the airdrop that i'm focused on
So I think uh in a previous, uh episode I talked to scott a lot about
narratives or sectors that i'm very bullish on that I don't think people are paying attention to
Two of them are decentralized data
All you have to do is look at centralized data breaches and you see the possibility and potential
And then the second one is interop and I think like especially when we started talking about, you know, I think it was
I think it was average that brought this up
But like, you know whales and larger traders going to other chains a hundred percent like i've been buying nfts on salana
I've been buying nfts on say
Um, just because i'm finding like better performance and more up potential right now
Um, but but interrupts so if you think about it again with airdrops
You want to focus on airdrops that the average person is not focused on right because you're looking at you know
A token pool that gets split amongst qualified users and potentially long-term users, right?
So, you know axel are good example. It's been out the token exists. It's actually performed quite well for me good technology
I would say most folks are probably looking towards layer zero as like
One of the biggest potential airdrops out there, um, lots of different ways to qualify for that
But you have to remember how many people have been farming that for how long
The one that I don't think anyone's paying attention to and again, I don't do this very often is is wormhole
And and here's my take on wormhole wormhole is is the jump team and jump
Pre-crypto is one of the largest kind of trading firms. Um, I believe in the world, right?
So they have amazing capital amazing resources amazing devs, you know wormhole was built in house at jump
It then broke off recently into kind of a separate entity
There's no token yet. I've got to believe that long term there's going to be a token
And then the other thing right now is not only is no one talking about this
There's not a lot of ways to farm it right? So so pretty simple if you if you go on hash flow
Uh recently we launched multi-chain trading between uh evm and non evm chains primarily solana, right?
So what have I been doing?
I'm literally making trades from ethereum to solana
Or from arbitrum to solana because I know that those are powered by wormhole and those are probably getting seen as kind of an indicator
So, um, so that's actually kind of one of my biggest focuses right now
Um, and I don't think anyone's paying attention to it. So I think there's a lot of opportunity on the wormhole
Hey andrew a average a real quick andrew. I love that you said that because
Fucking peek just signed the deal with wormhole to bring 30 fucking blockchains
And what does that mean?
All d-pin devices iot devices will be able to use liquidity for fucking 30 plus chains
Through wormhole. Yeah, and you cook you cook every fucking time
Well, you should have seen me about
My my son's like why did dad just get so excited about he's not even telling you because you're just talking right now
I'm like wormhole, you know the wormhole here because I think like the wormhole airdrops
100 the biggest airdrop on farming
Um, there are a couple there are a couple of different avenues
To farm the wormhole airdrop you do want to make sure you use the portal bridge once or twice
It's kind of like the native bridge for wormhole or a few times. It sucks
I'll be honest with you. That bridge is terrible, uh, but you got to do it. Um
It's usually like part of the qualification criteria criteria that you've used the native bridge
And then there are a couple of other frank maybe use it seven times. Yeah seven times. Whatever how many every times?
I don't know. Um, i'm just I use it a few times just to make sure
Um, but then there are there are a number of other platforms that leverage wormhole messaging like all bridge
You can swap stable coins from chain to chain and you can select the wormhole messaging option
Um, you can also use mayan. I believe is powered by wormhole
Mercle is powered by wormhole. There are a lot of threads out here that you can find that give you a lot of this information
Um, but if you go to the platform, usually you'll see the wormhole logo and it'll say powered by
Wormhole, so there are a number of different platforms that you can use to farm the wormhole airdrop
Yeah, 100 and I think where I got excited was was um
Now that I can cross chain between urban soil. Obviously my gas fees on those transactions are very very minimal, right?
So so again in the past, you know, if I was trying to farm it from ethereum
I'm just waiting, you know until late at night for gas fees to go down to make those trades now
I can just trade freely and pay cents on the dollar, you know, is it seven times bad brothers?
No, no, no, I think it's like what uh, all right one two
Three, okay, maybe like five times
Wait, you had to do d gods you
So that's two times then use again and then wait, why did I say five? All right three times
That's interesting, um
No, I I think the uh
Great. It's always great to find especially if you're already doing these things actively, right?
Like if you're already gonna swap or bridge or anything like that
Just use the chains that will reward you for doing it regardless like that's it only makes sense to do that
I will say this though. Like I feel like
Average you hit a point and jen hit a point and and you guys hit a point
But maybe didn't see quite in the middle
But I think there is a middle ground between the two of you here
Like and I and I think that that's that's kind of the point that that a lot of people are missing
Is they're missing the other side of the coin, right?
There's a two-headed coin here two-sided one's tails one's head and everybody's looking at the heads and saying salana
Just because of the liquidity the flows if you look at them across the board, they're not even they are not even
Um, you are seeing only flows in the specific chains
And in a bull run you see flows across the board
Um is there's going to be high high high congestion. There's going to be a lot of issues l2s are going to run like every
And this is why getting into l2s too early
I won't say it's necessarily too early right now because we're starting to seep in here, but
Um getting into them too early can can lead to you just sitting sidelined and watching things play because
Things are still relatively cheap to transact on eath right now
Like 20 is nothing I paid 500 to a thousand dollars to transact in 2021 for some transactions, right?
Um, just depending on how congested the network was
But I was profiting heavily like we're talking like 10 000 20 000 a trade
Um, and and big swingers will they'll play with that liquidity. They will play with that liquidity
Um, so I wouldn't I wouldn't go to bat to say that you won't see the same thing play and and and
You know this coming cycle
The the biggest thing I would say too to kind of add to that
I just want to add some nuance is I 100 agree on the ordinals discussion. I think ordinals are the new NFTs
Um, I think NFTs will still see value
but I think ordinals are the new hot thing when it comes to NFTs and
What is that going to do for bitcoin? Well, I'll tell you this i'll give you guys a little alpha since uh,
Since andrew's dropping it on here, right?
Um, my thoughts are is this is going to attract new participants to layer twos on bitcoin
So i'm watching really heavily flows on because layer twos haven't come into play yet, right?
They're just kind of sitting sidelined watching everything play out
And everybody's sitting over there pouting because nothing's moving because everything's still cheap to transact on your main chains
But when things get extremely heavy
And extremely congested and extremely expensive on your main chains, then you'll start to see outflows to your l2s
And I think bitcoin everything else is going on
You'll start to see more and more of those ordinal projects because they can't afford a million dollars to drop a 10k collection
Or 250 000 to drop a 2k collection
They're going to move to l2s on bitcoin and claim their bitcoin ordinals and yada yada yada
And then you're going to start to see in the flows in the l2s on bitcoin
So this is going to bring a whole new market to the plate to the to the marketplace new participants in a new
Ecosystem that was really not even used last cycle like the light network and everything else
A couple places that i've been looking I think of vara is one. Uh, that's an l2 on bitcoin
Uh relatively down and continuing to roll
Um, but the these are these are I had another one in my head too
But I can't remember the name of it
But I would just look at l2s on bitcoin and just kind of watch those if you're bullish on ordinals because that that could
Kind of respite that whole scenario when it comes to ordinals specifically and that's just due to cost right your cost is going to continue to
And like on bitcoin
Good luck doing the transaction guys
With people moving in fp or ordinals will say right across chain
With with people trying to move bitcoin the bitcoin maxes are going to get pissed. They are going to be freaking out
Um, but yeah, yeah
Just some just some alphas and thoughts for you guys to kind of pay attention to uh as we're moving into the pool
Hey, and again, don't listen to these smart guys. Will and andrew don't listen to scott
We've quoted four articles in the last what two months will
What are they all bullish on? We'll go through the list again
D-pin rwa interop brc 20 social fi financed out
But keep chasing all that other stuff. Like I don't know what to say anymore and again mason
I'm, not mad
You just get you get really emotional when your own people that are around you every day including your family
You're like it's right here in front of you guys
The larry is literally saying in the in the black rock interview tokenize everything
And my stepdad's like, oh, I don't know man. I don't know. You know what I mean? And then people in our own space
They you don't mean they'd rather go do something else and then what's going to happen will will toast you this all the time
A year is going to go by it's going to be
January 29th
And you're going to be all irritated when everybody's getting these crazy ass air drops
Or crazy ass things. They farmed their little butts for you know this whole time
So like like if you're going to sit on the sideline, don't be mad
When all you look in the air and it looks like call of duty war zone with all these damn parachutes coming
And none of them land on you. You ain't getting one drop box
Uh from the airdrop so don't and don't knock anything
Yo, like web three's the wild west and one thing I always ask everybody because y'all know i'm from you know
I'm from the bay area silicon valley
I asked a lot of the people that went through shit went through the mud
And and don't fade shit
I've done it like like ordinals is the thing i'm so glad I
Even if you don't understand it, just don't don't comment on it
You don't gotta go in the chat be like the fucking ordinals. All right, just don't say nothing about this
You know, let me watch this shit. Let me let me let me
So I like bad brothers
I'm glad I got to watch him and zk little bro used to always come to the show before he became to the dawn
Over there of the ordinal shit. So like I watched this man zk build a whole ass movement by himself
And then he would come drop alpha over here
I'm gonna let you guys know right now. We called it over here too. Scott you were we we weren't
How mad would I get at the other co-hosts for trying to dunk on zk?
Is here I said that kid is I said yo on this stage I said that kid's special
He's gonna do something and then our co-hosts. Oh, no, he's a d god. He's a d god. Ah, nah, do you?
People that are like oh the shit like me will and you've been here bat
Bad brothers always forget if you order yeah, you'd like one of those middle guys
Uh ball of old guys timeless all those old guys
Like we seen hella shit before bro. Like that's one thing when you when you're older
That's one thing you got experience. He's then seen every bullshitter especially from web 2 a lot of those came from
They're just projecting their narrative on people because of their feeling like at least yeah, whatever I talk
Scott talks you'll never hear it from uh, oh they hurt my feelings. This is how I feel
No, it's good or bad
like good or bad all the time whether whether the take is whether the opinion is a good opinion or a bad opinion or
Like what they did was a good thing or a bad thing rather. I say it's not a bias of of oh, I
Oh, they don't like me. No, it's never that it's the same with scott
Like I hope you guys understand that there's people that don't operate like that and that's flawed. That's mad flaw
Yeah, I wanted to add there too like
You know like even like I know we we had nifty on here and we were talking about nifty island and stuff like that, too
Um, like I actually went on and played the game. I didn't just sit there and talk shit. Like oh, it looks like garbage
I went on I tried it out
I gave you guys my realistic opinion on it, you know
And and I told him the same thing when he was here
You know, i'm not i'm not here to try and appease anybody or tell anybody. Hey, this is the best thing since i've played
You guys should be uh, the number one game in the entire gaming industry
No, I I said, hey, these are these are what works
These are not what works and I gave them opinions on both sides
And then like it's the same thing with projects like it and and this is like why when people fade
It's it's it's the easiest place. It's the easiest way. I feel like everybody's fading east right now
Everybody's fading east. They're like, oh, why would anybody buy on east? It's so expensive
Well, wait wait until salona can't operate anymore because there's so many transactions going on over there
But you'll see a lot of people start to operate on east because guess what when there's when there's issues
And you can no longer move on the chain
You're going to migrate to somewhere else to where you can it doesn't matter about fees fees are no longer the factor here
The factor is can I do things or can I not look i'll give you guys an example, right?
And i'm gonna i'm gonna ruin a deal for myself, right?
I'm gonna just ruin it. I don't care though because I don't care for deals. Um, but
Magic eden for instance, right?
I get transactions on there all the time that i'm trying to push through and they just get stuck
And they get stuck you can't sweep you can't buy like this or that and once it gets stuck one time that wallet's jacked
I now have to move over to another wallet
Utilize another wallet if I want to buy that item
And then you know, so on and so forth and that's if it'll even go through
And I don't know if that's magic eden. I don't know if that's salona. I can't really point fingers because I don't know
Who's fault that is?
But that's just me being real and given a realistic opinion on my thoughts on you know
What I got going on over there, but that only happens on magic eden though. I will say that
Um, and they got some pretty good sponsorships pretty good deals. They they they got some uh,
You know some good people people on the team, but hey i'm telling them like hey your software
It works. It works. Yeah, like a lot of things you're doing but like this thing is it's not working
You know ideally it's just not working
Uh, there's issues like if I were you know coming in there and trying to be you know, play whale games
It's difficult to do on your platform
Right, um, and I did try to do that at the start, but like it's it's too hard
It's too hard to try and play whale games on their platform
And now some of you may be like well, that's good. That means everybody can get in no
No, that's not good because if you can't get good flows
If people can't come in with size and sweet floors
And you're gonna have issues doing those kind of things you're not gonna get your project very high
It's just not gonna go very high at all
Um, so you you want people to be able to play whale games just like you want market makers and you want all these other things
Um, but you know aside from that that's
This is this is what people need to hear versus like people projecting their thoughts on where they think
Things will go or where they think this or that and this is why I always talk liquidity because
Money talks everything else is just bullshit. It's a narrative, right? And that's why I talk money
Um, this again, I think I believe this is why profits brought me
On that, you know help out with this with with her spaces and stuff like that
Is to talk the money side of things and and talk talk up the charts and talk up
You know where liquidity lies and where i'm seeing things move
So these are all important factors
When uh when you're dabbling in these markets versus like I think that this will happen or I think that that will happen
Because that's 90 percent of your spaces
In web 3 there. I think this will happen based on what i've experienced in my life
What you've experienced in your life doesn't mean anything for money flows means absolutely nothing. So you've experienced a market dump
That's great. Go see a counselor for your ptsd
Uh, you've seen markets pump. That's great
It depends on the environment, right? It's all about the environment is the money there. Is it not?
The money the money's present and I think a lot of people again are just continuing to fade the easiest plays
Just continue to watch you'll see a lot of this play out live of what i'm talking about
Facts you can go at people's
Ladies and gentlemen, happy monday
Take that ass into the web to expose this post let's go let's go
Hey, hey, hey guys, we appreciate you. We love you
It's time for some me time and it's time for some you time. I hope everybody had an amazing day
Thank you for the support me and scott and will appreciate it
There's a lot of amazing shit loading whether you are a hater or a supporter
The love goes the long fucking way. We love you
No matter what drink some water tell somebody that you love them
Make sure that you're not just sucking off your favorite influencer because you hope and wish they will engage back with you
But you're supporting your friends too
Support your friends text your parents text your friends text your homies that give a fuck about you
When everybody else does not
in reality
That's it. Have a good evening
See you in the discord
You can buy it
Take that and maybe a thousand dollars and a thousand dollars come on