WEB3 Fashion: Shrimpwear by Mindblowon Universe

Recorded: May 10, 2023 Duration: 0:43:57



♪ I'm out of full of bones ♪ ♪ My yadda dance ♪ ♪ Take it yours ♪ ♪ And I have the same thing ♪ ♪ And the makin' love's to come ♪ ♪ Give me a hold to get in the rough ♪ ♪ Ha ha ha ha ha ha ♪ ♪ Look at that like yo ♪ ♪ We been living here ♪ ♪ We throw one down like a prop ♪ ♪ Pop up off naked ♪ ♪ Do you ♪
(upbeat music)
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]#
And when I wake up I recognize you looking at me for the pay cut But I'm a cell in the gym for the face down I'm like 11 if you pull with the face down, screaming and let me tell you about my life
Thank you
♪ When you know we've been urban down before ♪ ♪ When I'm proud we're slow ♪ ♪ Looking at the world like where do we go ♪ ♪ When we hate poor poor ♪ ♪ When the killer's dead in his feet we're sure ♪ ♪ I'm at the peak just dope ♪
I don't think I'm gonna be able to do anything. I don't think I'm gonna be able to do anything. I don't think I'm gonna be able to do anything. I don't think I'm gonna be able to do anything. I don't think I'm gonna be able to do anything. I don't think I'm gonna be able to do anything. I don't think I'm gonna be able to do anything. I don't think I#
I'm right
I'm a fool.
All right, all right GM GM. What's good? This is your boy sushi
Welcome to the Web 3 fashion shrimp wear by my I'm blowing universe spaces Was good. How you doing? We have vocal Hello mr. Nigel by dole I don't want to judge
Marcelleno. Marcelleno. Oh, sorry. That sounds good. You can we invite other people? We also have Joa in the building. Joa, can you help invite all strength?
GHS invite everybody up on stage like it's cool. Yeah, what's up? It'd be fun. What's up y'all? What's up guys? I see everybody here. I see human being.
I see bejoin OG my blow on Fandy obviously was a little claw would be unknown user. Everybody that equal Tomo mark bagass risky
Why are you so different? Why are you so formal? What's up man? What's good? What's good? Thank you. I know. I think it's his first time talking in space. Are you serious? Yeah.
It's the same as Discord, so whatever. But you got a mute like more often I think. Sorry, you got a mute more often here. Ah yeah, yeah, first share, sure.
What's up, what's up, what's good guys. So yeah, thank you everybody for tuning in. I mean, we're just gonna talk about you know, I guess our recently announced printware collection. Let's go. I think I'm gonna put it up.
Which we just when did we not set I? Go a few days ago Yeah, a few days ago it was in our anniversary So again happy anniversary to my blow on universe It's been a year. It's been crazy. We done a lot of stuff. We partied who who went to the party?
on Sunday. I think everybody wants the party. Yeah. And then Nigel, he got too drunk and then, you know, he just, you know, he just, he just, I mean, just like, I saw it. I'm like, that's so funny.
It was fun. It was so fun. So I think we should do it again. Yeah, I do. Yeah, man. I think I really wanted to change my pfb since last week, but Twitter
blue doesn't let me. I actually have Twitter blue. Don't get Twitter blue. It's like it's crazy man. Yeah so today again it's about I think we're gonna talk about like you know our shrimp wear our anniversary. I think I think we we want to
to talk more about Web 3 fashion. If you guys know Boko, if you guys know Mr. Nigel in real life, they are very fashionable. Boko, is this maker head? I mean your husband is this maker head, right? Yeah.
funny story what happened to your shoe when we went to the office a few days ago. Oh my god. Oh my god. I didn't tell my husband about it so I was sitting on the chair and then you know I was just like going right and left and then I hear the sound like
And I was like, what the fuck was the fuck? And then I look at my shoes and it got scratched pretty deep. And I almost cry. And she was like, oh, we cannot see it, we cannot see it, don't worry. Yeah, so vocal kind of, what would you do with it? Yeah, kind of just...
not ruin her shoe. It was you know unnoticeable. But yeah, it's gonna be alright. It's gonna be alright. No, of course not. So yeah, we were so excited to kind of talk about the shrimpwear, I guess. That's kind of, I don't have an agenda. I have
a little agenda, but I think we can talk about Web 3, Fashion in general, shrimpwear. Shrimpwear for those that are new here. Don't know what shrimpwear it is. Oh, nice. Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Shroomware maybe Nigel you want to explain a little bit about Shroomware because I think I'm going to go on and on just hear a host So yeah, basically Shroomware is just like it's easy like it's just like to give reward to our
So we made it exclusively for our holders and basically it's like our promise from my blog universe. So basically you guys have checked the the roadmap that we're actually like I'm sorry guys. I'm so outside. Now I'm paying the ticket for my
Sorry, wait up section. And yeah, and then like, you know, maybe like, I mean, project is like doing like just giving them the t-shirt we don't any kind of web chip late, but I think like, um,
We're an NFT project, right? And I think it should be attached with also the digital asset. So it's basically like if you have the NFT asset or like the digital artwork, and then you can redeem into a physical merchandise. And yeah, maybe like that's about it.
So it's gonna be a digital collection if you guys can catch that it's gonna be digital and it's gonna be physical. I think It's kind of already going, you know, I guess Web 3 a lot of projects are making this and I think it's about time for us to my blowout
to also launch our own video collection. And it's going to be pretty awesome. Have you guys taken a look at it? Check it out at shrimpware.mindblowon.io. The website is dope. You haven't seen it. So yeah, there's a few cool. I guess I want
to kind of share as well. I previously just tweeted that a little bit a few minutes ago regarding the collection. Let me paint it up here. So if you guys want to see, we have a few diverse, will not diverse
It's kind of like a mini collection. This is basically our first drop. So we wanted to make it small but also like quality over quantity, you know what I mean? So the first one that we created design, if you guys can see it,
We call this the fly high hoodie. So I love the hoodie. Yeah, the hoodie is a classic black one. I think a lot of NFT projects, they like black hoodies. So we went with what the general public wanted like that color.
But I think the differences we also kind of used a different color for the graphics, which was like lime green. And we had our characters there. We had our main characters are Luke, Ali, we had Jesse, we had Mina, we had Robert, they're all in the hoodie. So check it out.
out, check that hoodie out. It looks comfortable as well. I think most of these collection will be oversized. - Ooh, nice. - Yeah, but also, yeah, I think it's kind of the trend right now.
And, um, yeah, and I'm also a bit, you know, I'm not that skinny, so that's I guess I designed it for myself. And then we also, um, I'm just going to show it from my tweet as well. Yeah, check out the back part as well.
you guys can also see in my thread. The back part I think is my favorite part of the hoodie. It's crazy, it's trippy. I wonder why we went with trippy Mr. Nigel. Nigel loves trippy stuff. His favorite T-shirt is
are holy mountain? Can you explain a little bit what holy mountain is for those that don't know here? Basically it's like a movie from Alieandro Jodorowski and you know it's like very trippy and it's talking about like
Semiotics things and until now I don't really know about the movie, but it's very like artsy and if you are like going on a trip I mean like the trippy stuff maybe you can go watch the movies Carnage will enjoy that movie worst carnage
Oh, yeah, obviously he was gonna come. He just message me. He'll be here. I think you know what? I'll go, go, go. But what makes what what I think of the hoodie it's the green neon color that makes it really pop. Yes, I agree.
with you. Yeah right like when you when you when you wear it people will be like dang. Yeah that would be good. Yeah we have we have something we have a surprise for
this one. So I don't want to spill too much, but it's a specialty. So be sure to stay tuned for our announcements for that. It's not just a hoodie. Okay. So you can use it for other. She is full of mystery. She is full of mystery.
of this street. So guys, oh yeah, don't forget to retweet this space so that everybody can also, you know, join in and listen into our chat, I guess, our spaces
So yeah, don't forget to do that. The next drop that I want to talk about as well, I guess we didn't really talk about this during our party how much is the tea, the friends tea, and this tea is a special one because
It is free. Let's go. Whenever I hear anything free, I be like, "Oh, it's mine. It's mine." Yeah, this is gonna be, I think, the most favorite or the most method one. I believe so.
Yeah, so we designed the C as well to make especially we kind of purposely also chose the you know like a classic play in color Yo carnage was good man. I see your hearts. I see your hearts. I'm putting you up. I'm putting you up So yeah, we we designed the C with
You know we wanted to make it like classic you can wear it like every day you want to wear it While you go to sleep or go on and date whatever like this shirt is kind of like this tea Is made for that but again, we also chose specifically chose these colors that pop as well. That's why we had this pink
color and that pink color is actually taken by Luke's Beanie, which is our pink Beanie our mascot, our guy, the PFP of my low NFT. So what do you think about the T vocal all Mr. Nigel?
Okay, I think again like the color like it really pops and you know, well, it's pink, but it's I think it's suitable for you know any gender to wear it like they can wear it proudly they can show it that it's from you know the NFT this they've been that they've been holding
they believe in the project and the team. It looks pretty cool. Who doesn't love our Kate, right? Yeah, dude. And I think as well, it's kind of like it reminds me of not kind of reminds me. The inspiration actually comes from the community events, the discourse.
for events that you guys have been hosting. It's fun. It's like getting together or playing games. You're dropping, you know what I mean? So I think that's also the idea where there's also like Ali Huzi D-Genning playing computer. So it's all fun.
and games and I think that's kind of the vibe that we also try to bring to Mindborne. That's awesome. So yeah, I'm definitely gonna get this obviously because it's free. I'm getting everything. I want to talk about the next one as well. The next one is
Let them cook and this one was I love that yeah, I also like how this is a
such a web 3 kind of terminology. I think we always kind of use a little bit of web 3 slang, lead him cook, right? I think everybody's been using that. So we kind of got inspired by that, but instead we're frying some shrimps. We're frying, I you guys, but like
legit trims and then you see Robbe like running away so I think it's also very fun and interactive again also kind of one of our favorite teas from the collection. What that person really likes this color wave which is what this
not here, he's preparing his flights in Japan. But he loves this like natural earthy tone. Easy, it's not easy, sorry, it's a, what's it called? Beer and God kind of look to it. So yeah, I like this one. And I like
I do like shrimp in real life. Do you like shrimp? I'm like more like a chicken guy. This guy he ate chicken every single day. Only fried chicken. Only fried chicken. No boy.
No boil. All right, all right, all right. Even grill. You don't like grill chicken. Uh, grill is good. Yeah. As long it's like, you know, like it's bit spicy. I would eat it. Okay. You have to try like Indonesian spicy. Yeah. It burns my
kind of spicy. So yeah, the next one that I also wanted to share, also personal favorite one, is our journey to, and this is a very simple one, but I think very fun, and it kind of also represents
So a lot of not just our project in general, but like a Web 3 project in general, I think we're all on a journey, right? We're all kind of like we feel like everybody's racing, which one is which was good to go to move, which one's whatever, but
That's why this kind of tea is like it represents that like it's not a race. We're all in it together and yeah How do you do that? Who did that? Oh, there's a soundboard on it
Twitter now. Are you serious? Yeah. I'm gonna pause. She will not stop now. I'm gonna say. My god, I didn't update my Twitter.
dang it. Alright, that's fine. I think I also just want to show because I'm kind of a cap guy, everybody if you guys see me. And I love these caps, right? I think these caps are going
to be dope as well. Special caps actually because they're special because they actually come from the traits. If you guys know the LFD cap traits and also the I think it's called the denim cap. These are the caps based on that.
So you guys can check it out. Maybe the floor is going to go up. I don't see the floor. I would wear the, personally, I would wear the LFD cap because I'm that kind of guy. I just reply with LFD. Which one would you rock out or go over?
I want to rock a cap but I wear scarf so no I'm gonna get the cap with the black one with the black hoodie
Yes, yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.#
I'm still trying to get a lick here. I love the caps and I think I'm going to wear them every day. I'm going to get booked about
So obviously I'm gonna get all of them. So the next one I wanna share as well is finally our socks. This was a product that is loved by a mister Nigel. Nigel is a socks guy. He has weird socks. Who would like to wear socks here?
I love socks. Nigel does. Nigel has weird socks. I have so many socks as well.
And Sarat Siliunik. Hi, Liyunik. I'm still wearing the phone case from Liyunik. I have a booby song.
That's one of the strangest ones. Where did you get a booby-talks? I think it's just like a gift from my friend. Please wear it to the office the next time we met. I want to see. Yeah, for sure.
Oh nice. I think I had a sushi socks like a few years back but now I just have Nike socks so I think I need to get socks. I need to get GM socks. GM socks for sure. I'm gonna use this for the gym.
for the office with sandals on so yeah for sure. I think that kind of wraps up our collection. It's a pretty small but I think again it goes back to the quality. We want to create quality and something
something awesome for you. Yo, carnage was good. You don't have to raise your hand. What's up, man? I'm finding everybody here. What is up guys? He's high.
I have 30 so I have 30 so I have 30 so I have 30 so I have 30 so I have 30 so I have 30 so I have 30 so I have 30 so I have 30 so I have 30 so I have 30 so I have 30 so I have 30 so I have 30 so I have 30 so I have 30 so I have 30 so I have 30 so I have 30 so I have 30 so I have 30 so I have 30 so I have 30 so#
you were like dude bro you're you're you're parting your heart I was high as fuck I can't remember you was high before the party I was high before the party and I was high after the party and during the after party also
Did you enjoy the after party? Yeah, that was trippy for me. I don't know about you guys, but that was so trippy for me I'm glad you enjoyed it and did you see your your mind blowing?
Yes, thanks, thanks for that. I just, you made my day. Actually, I was talking about this thing to my friend and he was like, okay, that's cool. Like, what the fuck?
And he's not my friend anymore. But you know, it's a very funny story how carnage came to my low end.
Tell us, tell us, please. No, no, I think it will be best for you. No, no, no, no. He used to hang out in the server and used to dedicate everyone, maybe Nuke. And later on, he joined one of the events and won Mindblown. And every day he would come at certain time and just knew everyone.
That's pretty, that's pretty, that's pretty, we're in a hurry. So wait, is this this PFE, is that that's that's the one you got from the from the the events for what? Yeah, that's the one.
we crafted. He been begging me every day like vocals and we mind blown on and I think vocals and we send me one. I'd be like no you have to win the game where you have to do you know something to get it to earn it and at some point he won and I was like dang and then I thought that all after this is guy will be God and no he's still here until now.
I had the option to get it like 0.08 something. Yeah, I remember. So yeah, you chose to stay awesome. Holy crap bro, I wish I wish I could win in the events, but yeah, for sure.
sure. Way to go, Farneche. DGW. Let's go. So yeah, yeah, dude. Thank you so much for tuning in as well. Before I kind of, you know, just before we just talk shit stuff, like I think I also want to explain kind of the play flow to everybody here.
The claim is very easy. We're gonna tweet something a bit. But basically, we are minting next week because gas has been a bitch lately. So, finally, I think gas has been chilled today. It's like around 50 to 60s.
So hopefully next week guesses can chill down a little bit more Jetcoins can get a F out Don't get it, but yeah, hopefully we can have the missing next week on 15 May 2023
APMW, Indonesia time and what time is that in US time? It was the UTC time. UTC? 2PM UTC. Oh, sorry, 1PM, 1PM. 1PM UTC. So that's going to be our minting date officially. So I'm excited. Hopefully you
you guys are commenting everything and speaking of the claim flow because again this is a new kind of thing for my lawn right it's our first digital claiming your shrimp ware is actually very easy we will have a snapshot first of all we will have a snapshot on
Saturday or Sunday, I think. And then, again, be sure to get your mind blown by then. And then again, you guys are secured to mince your shrimpwear basically and get your free t-shirt. And if you guys didn't know,
If you are a shrimp like a normal shrimp once a four NFTs you get one free tea no discounted price This is all in the website. Basically. I'm just reading it If you're a jumbo shrimp five to nine NFTs you get one free tea plus five percent discount for the
purchases. If you're a colossal 10 to 19 and NFTs, you get 1/3 plus 10% discount, super colossals get 1/3 plus 20% discount. And I want to talk about the freebies for those who have special traits or will be called
the special weirdo in the collection, you get one free cap plus one free cap. So you get one free cap you don't have to buy the cap. And the legendary, if you have a legendary, you actually get hoody, you get the hoody for free. So congrats to you guys holding legendaries, you guys
getting the hoodies for free. Let's go. I hope that's why I really wanted it from Floyd so I can get a hoodie. I don't have to buy it. But yeah that's as easy as that that's gonna be kind of the minting
pricing and discounts. Claiming the physical item will be announced on a later date. So the claiming process will be again if you hold the NFT, you can claim it for the physical. So that's how if it will work, you get the digital
We'll claim for the physical and then finally we will process the production. That's what we're going to do. We're going to process the orders with our mindful and factory team. It's the same team that has been producing all the high-louettes merchandise.
If you guys already seen the quality of the tile product video with Jan, most of the products are also graded by the Mindblown factory team. So we have a dedicated team specifically specifically for that. So it's going to be dope. And finally, we will then actually
production is done. Obviously we're going to send it over to you guys. So please be patient and yeah it's going to be it's going to be dope. I think I think y'all are going to love it. And that kind of wraps up our shrimp where kind of like toxin or not. I think I just
want to again talk about like what carnage maybe carnage what which one do you like which ones are your favorite one which ones are your favorite like March from the question. Whoa the hoodie one the hoodie is actually so cool and I like socks you know that's it.
Yeah, for sure. For sure. Yo, let's go. Also, I should see there is question from Wilgato. But what if guess, but what if guess still high next week? Yes, great question. Is this from the discord?
It's from the Twitter DM. Oh, cool. Yeah, that's a really good question. Will was sub will Ambassador of my blog. You fit rep in my blog. So well, thank you so much, bro. Good question. I'm Mr. Nigel. Do you want to get this one?
Yeah, basically the gas is still a bit so basically we're going to postpone the launch because I don't know it's just like bugging me since last week you know because of this meme coin season but the first year we want to give
the best price for the holders as well. So yeah, we will try to postpone until the gas is like slower a bit. So yeah. Yeah, for sure. I think looking at the trend as well, that's why we've been also kind of confident
to say that it's next week. Gray has been calming down since the weekend. The weekend last weekend was due to it was crazy. So we've been seeing the trend and I think we're pretty confident that next week it's going to be a lot more chilled, unless, again, unless everybody
but it's meant to, unlike again, it's everywhere meant to. So yeah, we'll see. And definitely want to make it very smooth for you guys. Sorry, I don't take something. We also have another option that we can also prolong the, you know, the the minting face basically. Yes, correct.
How long is it going to be the mincing? Maybe you can also explain that. Yeah, so for the mincing, we're aiming to be like until the end of this month, the end of May. And then after that, we can go to the claiming phase and then for the production and the delivery to you guys.
Let's get it. All right. Are there any questions? Other questions is well-boken from the discord just letting them also. Can we mint or purchase multiple times?
We can't wait for you once. Can we meet and purchase multiple times? Yes, obviously you can. Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure. This isn't like a cat or supply. You know, we don't have a
cap for this. This is all based on the supply of these digital NFT collection will be created by the community. So if the community decides to mint, you know, whatever, like 50 or 100 or whatever,
Then that will be the supply of the NFT. So we will determine the supply together from the community basically. So it's going to be dope. And also last question, will the mint have collection on open? Will the mint.
be available on OpenC. Maybe not going to explain this about the tokens. Yeah, we're sure there will be like a collection in the OpenC and once you claim your digital asset, then the artwork will change.
That's what dope about it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's gonna be dope. So looking forward to this. It's not so again, this isn't just a merch that you're getting, but there's also the NFC art thing. You also get to keep it your wallet for your memories and pretty excited for this.
Maybe I'm also gonna get some random shit. I get to be sure to be like, you know, all the trip where I want to talk about web free fashion which web free fashion are you guys? All the info. Not just shrimp where what do you guys think about web free fashion and fidgetals the future of these?
kind of products and trends going maybe from Agile as well because I know you own a Figital NFT as well right? Yeah so I've been following this you know digital fashion I think like about two years ago
So there's this one platform, it's called DressX. So basically we can buy the asset and then they will tailor the attire to our intended photos. Let's say I have this one photo and then I will send it to the team. Basically it's automatic in the website.
and we just need to upload the photo and then they will you know mock up the where both into the photo. So basically as simple as that and I think like it's also a good thing if we can you know have a future collaboration with them and now they're currently focusing on this
you know AR thing for Instagram and also like Snapchat where you can buy the NFT asset and then you can add it into the you know as a filter for the social media. I think that's one of the things but with Mindblown itself
I think like what we give here is basically like the you know the digital collectibles and also like the physical ones and yeah, I think like It's been like a very interesting journey with with all of this
with this digital collection because this is the genesis of our digital merchandise. So I think you should get it. And for me, basically, the LADAM cook and the Loki cap, it's
what's best represent the mind-blowing identity. So basically in this collection we have a good mix of the first Talon and also like the article that can represent our you know brand as a mind-blowing as we do and definitely I will get the Loki cap.
and lfg cap for you know for workout and then the hoodie as well with you know some shorts and of course with the socks as well so yet let's fucking go and if you guys didn't know and I go is a heavy workout guys so
Yeah, be sure to follow me on Instagram as well. You can see and work out with this cap. Yeah, for sure, DressX is a cool project and I think in the future, I think why these
It's also digital. I think in the future when MindLawon, I don't want to talk too much. But when MindLawon in the future is insuroperable with other metaphors, I think it'll be dope as fuck imagine if you put the body.