Web3 Gaming: Fun vs Earn | The Blockchain Arcade

Recorded: Feb. 6, 2024 Duration: 1:28:51



how are you today is the time for the blockchain arcade again excited to see
you excited to see the third speaker joining we have an amazing lineup today
we have some speakers that we had previously we have some new ones and we
have very cool topic again about web 3 gaming but this time we will talk about
blockchain gaming is it more entertainment is it money or is it a
mix of the two of them and I'm hope to hear from you what are the latest trends
how both developers creators and gamers take a look at these two opposing sites
and if there is a good balance who is doing this well and I'm really excited
about this topic because you can take each of the sites and I'm hope to hear
some perhaps even kind disagreements and opposing views on that excited about
that and before we jump into the topic if you want if you want the spaces to
reach more people feel free to comment like whatever whatever is your way and
before we jump into the discussion maybe just a recap of how it works I
usually have some questions prepared but I don't don't really go question by
question I like to open the topic and see how are the interaction takes us so
I'm not really going to call different speakers to answer I prefer the speakers
to grab the mic and contribute to the discussion whenever they feel they have
something to say that is great so if the conversation and it flows the
discussion flows that's that's a really good sign and in case we run out of the
topic then of course I can I can contribute with them with some question
but we also had some spaces when the actual the speakers were asking
questions each other which was also very cool before we go into the discussion
itself we will do a quick round of introductions so everybody who is
listening as knows who is behind the mic and right after that we will go into the
discussion and we will have two blocks each one of them has 45 minutes and for
the second block we will keep the topic but we will change the speakers so again
we can hear more different points of view and more opinions that we will
continue the discussion so feel free to stay with us as well my name is Bojana
I'm the host of the event I'm a CEO and co-founder of a company called game me
we create mobile games we have large gaming audience across mobile gaming
applications but also telegram we are on a mission to introduce the value of
blockchain and NFTs to mass gaming audience which is to the 75 million user
base that we have across our games now over to the speakers to introduce
themselves and then we will go into the discussion excited about that so the
floor the floor is yours yes I can jump in here thank you for having me
appreciate it yeah my name is Luke so I am a web3 gaming content creator have
been for many years my backgrounds in in entertainment so TV presenter for a
long time and then yeah I've been a gamer for many years I'm making content a lot
around mobile gaming so I've been pretty obsessed with gaming within telegram I
think that looks pretty really interesting all the kind of hyper casual
stuff that's going on there it's pretty fascinating you have to forgive me I've
got a strong case of the sniffles today so apologies in advance of that but web3
gaming isn't gonna stop up because of that so I'm yeah excited to get into
this a great panel as well so thanks for having me and I'll let someone hop up
afternoon folks my name is Paul I'm a of it is my sort of online moniker I am
general manager here over at myth and our heck I'm under the hex mythica
account which is our flagship game which is currently in development and yeah I'm
just looking forward to shooting the breeze with you guys telling you a bit
more about what we're building here but as in when the case arises and yeah I
think the the fun versus earning is a is actually an excellent conversation to
have today because there are quite a few people out there in the space who think
that games don't need to be fun in crypto or in web3 you know because it's
all about the earning and the money whereas you know most sensible people
like ourselves here I would imagine all believe that the most important thing
about a game is that it has to be fun otherwise it's not really a game so yeah
let's have a good discussion today folks hey this is spicy capital here behind it
is Trivie Baker I'm the CMO of the VC and we are focused on layer 1 layer 2
investments we also double into defi and gamefi and we're also partnered with
some real-world asset companies as well so yeah looking forward to the space me
personally heavy into gaming so this is gonna be a dope space and also thank you
for having us up here hey guys no bar here is so nice to see so many familiar
faces I think I was with a lot of the speakers on the previous space that
we've just been on but thank you so much for having us Bushina it's a real
pleasure to be having this discussion and I think obviously a game needs to be
fun and you know it's it's good to be making you know some kind of a profit
out of it but if it's not a fun game then you might as well just do some
investments and trading and just leave the gaming aspect completely off because
that's not what we're here about and I think we've seen some amazing game
center the space obviously I'm representing Gensokishi which I think is
an absolutely amazing game where the champion and user generated content as
well but yes a game has to be fun and we need to make sure that we do our best
to keep them that way I guess I can jump in here thanks for having us again
we've been on the spaces with you a few times I guess this time it's not the CEO
it's the COO my name is Abdullah in case you haven't heard of Havens Compass yet
we're a first-person shooter game or three game obviously and we've been
doing a lot of buzz lately in this space I hope you heard of it
okay I guess I could jump here right now I'm Jujuki the BD for IV alien and we're
triple-a first-person shooter game launching on polygon and we're looking
not just to be a gaming project but a brand as well so thank you very much for
having me up here and I look forward to having a great space and conversation
everyone I'm John Jordan yeah I've done a lot a lot of different things over the
years started out as a journalist ran a media company been in blockchain games
since 2018 and I do some consulting I have a podcast a YouTube channel actually
because he's been on the podcast last year I think also do some investing I
guess I guess the question is interesting in the sense that I think
everyone will have a slightly different take on one what is fun and two what is
earning so for me what you know just what I will enjoy will be very different
from say someone who is in there so a teenager in Vietnam or the Philippines I
guess with blockchain that's sort of what we've seen the moment we've seen
you know earning is such a strong sort of factor for many people that that has
in general you know been something which people have used for marketing
virality and also has something that has just overcome any other sort of
consideration but I guess that the fun thing also makes me a little bit nervous
because games are not necessarily sort of fun there I think games will can have
elements of fun in them but more about things like progression and things about
challenge and overcoming and you know funny funny is I think is a not actually
very helpful term when it comes to define why people play games and I think
when it comes to blockchain games you do need you do need both those factors to
be part of the design but different people some people will just play the
game because they enjoy it some people play the games that you challenge some
people play the game just to earn I think really as we go on we're starting
to see now game developers think much more sort of seriously about how they
how they sort of combine these these sort of factors
hey everybody this is Cody from layer 1x blockchain we are a bridge less
interoperable chain that is basically designed to unite all of the different
chains specifically when it comes to one of our objectives is helping provide
games with the utilities that they need to be able to do cross chain transactions
data logic that kind of stuff and as well as being able to provide a lot of
opportunities to scale their communities provide innovative tech but also do that
all within a unique platform that users can tap into
hey guys I'll go in it content creator here glad to be here thank you Bozina
for having having me up here again we've been a long time we haven't chatted so
excited for that and see a lot of familiar faces you know in the speaker
panel and also in the listener panel happy to be here excited to talk about
fun and earn or fun versus earn or both together i think this is a very
interesting topic is going to be a very interesting topic
amazing i think that that's it for the first round of speakers right correct me
if i'm wrong please jump in if you didn't have your introduction yet
no i think i'm good all right so it's time to open the talk oh we have heard
some beginnings of it it's going to be really interesting so i'm excited about
it so what i was thinking that we can open with is that um we have gaming and
different motivations to play games we have gaming and we have ownership that is
a value proposition that we are introducing to gamers is on top of the
gaming itself and then we also have gamefi and um the question i guess could
be so can blockchain and nfts enhance entertainment or for some people
perhaps the blockchain and nfts are the entertainment
so basically take the question as as you like and let's let's dig a bit deeper into
what is the difference and um how how you see web3 gaming right now let's go let's go ivy
okay so i currently i feel like the web3 gaming space needs to evolve to the point
where we don't need to use the term web3 gaming but just gaming because at the end of everything
we are basically a game not just like trying to find the separation between web2 and web3
why are we here right here to entertain to create good time to bring up memories to like
create a great lore at the back of the story like the gameplay to like get people involved and like
interact with the games because personally i feel like a lot of gaming projects don't really
toggle that space feeling like they need to have a great lore and needs their game to be entertaining
for people to play them but just like look at the hern perspective like trying to pay players
to play the game and i feel like that's kind of creating a bad narrative even though we understand
and the space is filled like with degens and everybody just wanting things for money
but at the end of the day if you really look at us humans we all just want to have a great time
we just want to have like a safe space to escape from irl or whatever drama like happens or it
comes up so before people do look at like the earnings and whatever they'll look to have a
great time because we would have just want to be like paying people to play the game
but creating an experience for players to like have a great time and always want to come back
to the game so i feel like that needs to be tackled and like don't solve whatever it is
like create a great storyline create a gig game create don't go with graphics because i feel like
graphics also matters in gameplay as well if you look at gaming then web 3 most most times in most
cases the graphics are below par i don't want to mention like some top games you see but yeah like
we'd step up with graphics with the lore but the gameplay we're just having like making people have
a great time thank you very much juju out yeah i agree with some of that i i think really
um the problem the problem is in terms of certainly market sentiment at the moment
um is that the easiest way to get you know uh interest in your project is to talk about
tokenomics talk about airdrops you know that's sort of that's sort of human nature that that will
never sort of go away um but i think it's very hard to differentiate projects in that way because
you know a lot of this stuff is is what people hope will happen but but but no one's in charge
of token prices as we see these things are extremely volatile so i really think you know
taking different angle on it if i was i'm not this game designer at all but if i was going to do
something if i was going to be part of a game project i i would basically want that game uh
team that game project to basically you know differentiate itself on what the game is so we
could maybe call that in this context fun i don't think it has to be necessarily be fun i think
these games i say can be can be challenging can be hardcore can be competitive you could lose a lot
and but they have to they have to nail themselves to the experience that they're going to bring
i think in the end earning is going to be part of that for some people i think the problem we have
is we sort of want to in certainly in this market we want to get our our fix quickly we want to get
our earning quickly we want to get sort of our fun quickly and actually i think for if we look at
what's happening over the next say five years the games that are going to make it are not the ones
where you can get an airdrop you know straight away and and cash it in you know they're going
to be the games where they can build a big enough audience maybe in a few thousand people who are
just totally committed to that game and that's the game they're going to play they're not going to
fiddle around with other games they yeah this is this is this is the they're going to define
themselves through that game and it's a similar thing but nft products i suppose as well but
that's a very hard thing to do in such a noisy market but i think that's where we have to get to
that we can't put the earnings first we almost can't put the fun first we almost have to put the
the challenge the you know commitment the hardcore bidding first then the other stuff will come
sort of a little bit years down the line maybe we see that with some of the projects now that have
sort of built through the last of 18 months of really difficult times um but that's how i sort
of frame it in my head i'll hop in real quick i agree a lot john and you mentioned about like
progression in games i think that's so obviously so important but quite overlooked for kind of how
people come in to web 3 because i think if a game is like if their core selling point is the economics
of it and is their token air drops then it likely will end up looking a lot like an nft project from
the last cycle where you sort of you run out of steam because the entire game is built around
an economy which is kind of unsustainable so you know hopefully we're moving away from a lot of
that stuff but what i was i've played a lot of pixels and obviously that's doing really well
um and i think benefits from being a like very accessible uh browser based mobile game but
their kind of progression into web 3 for new players is really interesting because you sign up
just you know with an email for with uh no wallet and you start playing the game and there's
plenty to do and there's quests quests to kind of progress through and then they have a subscription
model in that game which is paid for in crypto so you're like genuinely motivated when you get to a
certain point in the game to maybe pay for that subscription because it opens up the the player
trading market where you can sell your items for a better price a better rate than you would get
without that so there's this like natural organic progression where you move into web 3 and then if
you want to be a kind of super hardcore player you might then buy land where everybody else has to
farm on your land i think that model is is really interesting and really good because it's not
trying to sort of shortcut the hey here's the hype like buy all the stuff and then we have to deliver
it's like an organic progression through the game i think that is is really important for for this
stuff so yeah that'd be my two cents let's say the the the main pillar of uh of a game should
be the the fun part of it you know it needs to be it needs to have that value of entertainment
but depending on the module of course or depending on how the game is planned
it could have that earning money uh potential in it right but it really depends on the game itself
how it's built and in the end first and foremost thing that needs to happen is that they this game
needs to be entertaining so if it's not entertaining then nothing else is is going to help that game
you know or or regardless of how much money you're going to put into it for earnings
if it's not fun then it's just not fun so i think that's exactly where it begins
yeah i think that's as well when you like i think the word entertaining is is actually a
possibly even a better word than fun because people derive fun from so many different things
you know be it even in real life you know people have fun with their kids you know people get fun
from from fishing some people even get fun from going to BDSM clubs you know they like the pain
you know and it's like it's like fun is such a wide ranging term you know so it's like but
when it comes to games it's like you have to have fun to keep playing it now the people's
definition of fun is different so some people you know particularly at the moment which would tend
to be getting more of the the degent involved in web web tree gaming you know they like the idea of
of earning some money you know that you know or getting value out of their NFTs or or the tokens
in the system compared to then you know obviously people in in lesser development i won't say less
developed nations that's probably wrong but nations where where they don't the income levels are
there's a great disparity between between between the west western gamers for example and they can
they can get earnings through that and they could find that fun so there's so many different levels
on this stuff you know we want to get more like again i hate web 2 we want to get more
traditional gamers into the space so that they can get the benefits of what blockchain can offer
them you know but again it's like we kind of need to there's going to be games out there to to suit
everybody's need you know and and to meet their need of fun we just need to make sure that in
other for for mass adoption we need to make sure that their onboarding process is simple and that's
what we'll get that's what again that the the mass adoption eventually um i think sometimes using the
words NFTs and crypto and everything else in gaming can be a little bit polarizing and i think
the the stage that we've reached at the moment doesn't really require us to refer to our products
and what we do specifically even even in those terms because in the case of genso the majority
of items and the NFTs in game while they're just gear weapons or anything that you might need in
any other MMO we also do UGC which allows for people to actually create their own items and
really kind of personalize their experience in game but also if they're content creators you
know they can show off their potential through those NFTs so i think given that that is just
simply a mechanic to push out a project that is actually good we should just refer to it
differently and just you know kind of acknowledge that the earning potential is something that just
follows naturally because you're investing time and money for me the thing that makes less sense
is having maybe another MMO like any of the blizzard games or anything else where you're still
investing quite a bit of money and you're still owning items and you're even owning in-game gold
but you get nothing for it and i'm i'm not sure if it was in one of today's spaces
have been on so many already but um what we were talking about was that you know you you have this
economy and you're spending money and all of a sudden the game can collapse and the studio
can close something might happen to the game and you have nothing you know you have nothing from
it whereas if you own your assets it only makes sense so for me it's not about whether crypto is
going to succeed whether what three gaming is going to you know be able to compete with what
two gaming it's about having some kind of a balance in that investment system because gaming
is investing you're constantly investing money and time and attention so yeah this is the way
forward so having some profitability i don't think it's it doesn't have to be your main choice
is something that you should demand from something that you've invested in
that's a good point especially from if you take it from a last so you have a game studio and maybe
you know the start off of one game and then maybe developing two or three games in the background
you know so if one game doesn't work but you have nfts and they're similar games you know
you can transfer them into other games i think you know if for example if world of warcraft
collapse now and say for example it has nfts in it the likelihood is that unless they do
world of warcraft 2 which is very unlikely they're not your assets aren't going to transfer across
so it's like it's back to the maybe the discussion of the previous space a bit interoperability
so that if you have a gaming ecosystem that you can move your your nfts depending on what
their function is from from one game to another so that it has so that it has long-term value
and again i think that's what that's something that that we can eventually bring to people
it's just that i think we need to be better prepared for as as a space as a whole
we have many hands up these could be leftovers though but i think they're they're here right
oh yeah um yeah i'll say what's up um so it's actually really cool listening to everyone's
like perspective and stuff because um everyone's got really good points and ideas and whatnot
so i'm going to probably flip the script a bit and give like a different perspective
so a lot of us in the space are probably you know we're talking about how we can help with
changing some of the language and changing some of the verbiage and whatnot for
you know the web2 people and web2 normies and whatnot and that's like great i agree with that
i think that's a good idea because it allows us to be more uh it allows us to be better when it
comes to worldwide adoption and stuff especially in the gaming space but most projects in general
look i'm going to be looking to get funded right so what i like to do is i like to give it like a
perspective from the vc standpoint and i being in an actual vc and talking to other vcs
a lot of times when they hear and this is also vcs that are web2 based are looking to come into
web3 right bigger vcs with more liquidity 50 mil 100 mil banks just waiting to invest
a lot of them are very it's it's like a massive turn off when they hear outlandish things on a deck
so let's not even talk about like social media and what's being put in the timeline let's just
say you're a project and you're trying to integrate to the web2 space but you are obviously in web3
you're a game as well you're looking for funding and all this other stuff and then you have
like let's say you're like you're gonna be operating on a blockchain and you say you're
the fastest blockchain in the space and or you're this or you're that or you have crypto regulation
you have web3 and you're partnered with this person you partner with that person or okay like
one that i have seen a lot and heard a lot um the phrase triple a raid now this is not to anyone
that says they're triple a rated but from a web2 standpoint yeah gaming so this is before you hit
mass market this is before you hit customers before you hit your consumers people that are
investing into projects if there's the common phrase that's triple a rated and i've said this
before in spaces you've got to be really careful saying this stuff there is no specific qualification
that you can get to say that you're triple a rated it's just a phrase it's a term but over
the past over the years of gaming triple a rated has gone under certain terms these terms are
usually massive freaking budget talking 70 80 mil plus put into developing a game
then there is a well-known team the well-known team can't be something new that's why they're
well known because they have a history and then there's like various other things as well that
make that game triple a rated insane fucking graphics sorry if i'm swearing but you know
here's what it is um like insane graphics i'm talking about apology fifa level graphics
in their prime so you were never hearing of a triple a rated game back in 07 or 09 or
2012 right it wasn't happening triple a rated games came out later on gta red dead redemption
all these other games they don't and you know what i'll say a triple a rated game is a game
that doesn't even to say they're triple a rated because they already have like all the stats to
prove everything they've got the game they've got the fun and they've got everything again this is
not going against what games call themselves because there are games being built by web 2
studios but they're building in the web 3 space you can still call yourself a triple a rated game
as long as you have those things to stack it up because the first thing the vcc's like i used to
hand projects over the vcs and i'd always ask them why did you turn this one down why did you
turn this one down why did you turn this one down and they all said the same thing bro the same
triple a rate the triple a rate triple a rated and i'm like okay cool this is weird now being in a vc
now i'm like okay i get it this is just long this is just so annoying because the first question
i'm going to ask is okay cool how much is funded behind the projects or how much you look in the
taken uh what's the graphics look like do you have any gameplay i can see do you have any alpha
that's not been released that i can see that i can prove to my ceo i can prove to my cfo
this is what it is they can they can say the triple a rate like it actually makes sense
so let's look at other stuff let's look at their tge it's going to be let's talk about cliff it's
what vesting blah blah blah it's my z so there's like so many other points and i'm not going to
go into because then i'll just take over space i don't want to do that but the main one is that
one there triple a so before you if this is if you're going for investing and you're in the gaming
space before you think about how your thing is going to be converted over to the consumers
converted over to the people that's going to be playing the games right your stream is like luke
your streamers that are banging up on shrapnel and playing all these other games like pachara
like i see that i see in the space before you get to those guys if you're going to get funding
it needs to translate to the vcs it needs to translate to the angels um so the main thing
would just be make sure you have stuff to back your thing up which is incredible would you say
that with your uh like with your perspective would you say that how how you label the game
then creates the expectations right so and that's also for the dc point of view as as you describe
but it could be also for the gamer point of view so we started to uh talk about expectations and
what people translate the fun uh is for them and everybody sees something else is fun so it could
also be the expectations on the scale between fun and uh money or uh you know like what we say about
the game that people expect the game to be and i was thinking that whether when we say blockchain
or naf we're actually pulling people into the expectation of money a little bit more just
because how it's perceived um even though if we have the intention it's going to be the end result
is going to be the eventual you know like possibility to monetize on the assets or sell
when i'm done with the game it's just the expectations how it's set maybe there we put it
like as a headline like okay people think like blockchain that equals money but we're actually
um looking to build the entertainment or the game itself now what is the way out of it so
what is what is a good solution so there are still a couple hands up and i do not want to
i do not want to forget this maybe layer layer 1x had the hand up for quite some time yeah
yeah um you know if if we look at it from a blockchain perspective and and what we're
trying to do as well i think that um you know if you look at a game there there's really just
basically three models right a freemium model pay to play and then there's a hybrid in between right
and um we're we're of the mentality of like um you you need to focus on user experience
if you can nail the user experience so that people feel comfortable enough they uh your
your game's intuitive enough that they feel that they can master that game and then with a good
community behind it that's really what it all boils down to to build that intrinsic motivation
and build those brand ambassadors that get them to keep coming back time and time again
so then it comes back to the question of like uh you know do you go out and get vc funding do you
go out and do a token raise do you go out how do you how do you start bringing in money into this
and one of the things that we're doing is we're implementing an advertising platform that pays
users um to basically see ads um doesn't even interfere with the game at all you think of like
i like to call them the toilet bowl games that you sit on the crapper and just basically play the
games and then you play a level and then you get fed a an ad it's nothing like that because of of
how we're doing it um plus as we kind of move into the web 3 space um we're trying to build out
digital identities so that the users can actually be in control of their game data um so that they
can share it with other games that they may go into it allows games other games to tap into
maybe possibly targeting them for ads um and this is a great way because if the ad sees
if the ad is seen um on your game type of thing uh both the user and the uh platform can can earn
so that's one way that takes a little bit of pressure off of the games um so i think it's a
i think from a blockchain standpoint it's trying to build out those libraries of SDKs and and
different utility contracts and things like that that people can tap into so that they don't have
to focus on spending the dev time to do it but have a world of a plethora of audience that they
could tap into or different tech as well i'll just quickly jump in actually um i would say going
back to the the triple-a um discussion um i would say there there are no blockchain games that are
triple-a you know when it comes to money i think a triple-a game is 100 million dollars the reason
they can they can spend that much money in development is they know cool of duty knows
what is how much billions it's going to make you know no blockchain game is is yeah the most is
maybe 50 million there's no blockchain game is triple-a i think we get there but i think we get
there by building small and building up and you can imagine a game over 10 years generating that
you know the game the way it starts off is not the game it is in 10 years time that's why i think
maybe when it comes to this sort of fun and an earning thing we we are thinking in in too much
of a web 2 uh mentality i i i really think you know the games are going to be big the biggest
blockchain games in 10 years time probably will will be starting out now they'll be doing something
you can't do they'll be making games making game experiences you can't experience it without
blockchain and i think that's the vast majority of blockchain games are not those sort of games
i think you know blockchain is a very particular type of technology and there's really weird stuff
you can do that you've never you could never do with the centralized um infrastructure and i think
that that innovation is going to what is going to be eventually what drives interest and i think
those projects are probably not going to have tokens they're not going to have airdrops they're
not going to have nft presales they are going to be hardcore in building very small and building
these very very tight core components very tight you know core communities and over time they're
going to bring more and more people in and that's going to be like a you know a snowball that's
building up but it's going to be based not on people are going to earn you know x infinity type
type money for two months and then it all goes away that's going to be based on basically a
really interesting concept with no earning in it maybe in the in the in the first you know year
maybe the first five years but eventually you get somewhere and i think maybe we need
to be a bit more imaginative um thinking really on the game design side of things
well agreed i sorry i don't i don't want to jump in maybe too much on top of
the speakers got their hands up but to add something on top of that there i think you know
yeah we're not triple a and blockchain haven't seen any games out there like that but i think
very importantly in terms of getting sort of investment and stuff like that it's all about
not necessarily the game you build but the fact that you've developed a strong revenue model you
know that's not based on your tokenomics that's not based you know that's not based on nft sales
or what happens in the crypto markets it's based on your you have built a system that attracts the
users keeps the users and more importantly keeps them spending and i think that's something that
that you know as developers and game studios yeah we really do need to focus on if we want longevity
so we have two speakers with hands up for sometime january yeah yeah no so i love the
points made um i don't think i properly introduced myself on this space but i am a recording artist
that you know currently has her music on chain um and the conversation there are is gaming um as
a way to build fan bases and you know we need developers we need you know models is it play to
earn you know ultimately the conversation in the music space the consensus on chain music if you
will but i hate the word on chain music it's just music um much like gaming is not web3 gaming it
is gaming um one of the um issues that we often find ourselves in is like is music are you know
artists that are creative that love you know video games because most of us that are artists
and create art we love to play games as well so bringing in that that merger between the two
because we know we have fans that you know like games which allows us to then say you know what
how about in the spirit of community building let's bring them in um to have them do like a
music video um game there are two artists that i know um who are friends of mine tk did a game
this company mochi and then um heno also did a video game with his um music video it's an
immersive pixel game but it's very very niche and i want to know like from some of the people that
are building in the web3 you know gaming space you know where could you see room for improvement
in the music side of artists that want to not only bring their music on chain but also you know
get more immersed in the gaming experience as well as using our music um to build our fan base
introducing gaming as a concept because there's only two or three artists that are doing it but
these are conversations that we often have when we meet up when we have our discord meetings or
telegram groups because i feel like from the conversation here today like we may be missing
the mark in a few areas so i would love to hear um some opinions and feedback on that that situation
can i like go ahead okay let me just jump in quick talking about like the music side i feel
like it should be taken the same way it's taken on web2 as well you're seeing according to the
genre of the gameplay like the kind of music that you know is going to like match the style of the
game if it's going to be something indie something like electronic you know whatever it is because
i just feel like music basically is a global language there's no perfect way to do music
there's no perfect way not to do music you just do you and basically you just find like whatever
your gaming product or something you would build out your community within that gaming project
and find out like how it's gonna like be connected to the gameplay what kind of game is being built
out like what kind of like genre it's on and try to like sing out according to that the main point
though is like there's a perfect way to music music is just like it's kind of like a beauty in the
eyes of build up kind of thing so everything is perfect with music there's no lore i believe
there's no wrong way to do it and talking about like the earning side of games i'm thankful that
it has evolved away from the play to earn side because i basically saw a lot of gaming projects
failed due to like providing like liquidity back to the players and giving up a whole lot of money
and maybe the game is not enjoyable enough or something i really don't know but i know like
the funding of those projects got like milked out real quick and thankfully like the space
is evolving now and you're doing the play to air drop thing which i feel creates a little room for
flexibility based on like the amount you do to air drop to players but i feel like play to air
drop at the same time is also a gateway to play to earn because it might eventually still evolve
from the play to air drop like strategy into a play to earn at the end of everything and looking
at these things the point now is aren't we currently attracting the wrong kind of crowd into
the gaming side of like blockchain because i basically know someone who invested in shrapnel
and he isn't like literally playing the game but handed the game and the assets over to his son
and the friends to play it in order to get like a huge amount of air drop because you know like
basically they'll have all the time to play it they have the skills to play so it's literally
just giving it to them to play and earn them the air drops and you know that kind of person you
know that is literally like done with it it's not intending to be like fully part of the ecosystem
but the good part of that is at the end of everything he might be like you know introducing
the sun and the friends to blockchain so i believe that's a good thing so he's all down to
could they like afford it at that time so i just feel like at the end of everything is all down to
maybe currently be not attracting the wrong kind of like kind of crowd and i heard someone talking
about onboarding a little bit earlier i feel like there are two things that we need to onboard
people into web3 gaming firstly when big companies big gaming companies come over from web2 into web3
that's a huge like that's gonna have a huge impact then secondly when people and web2 like players
in web2 play the web3 games well like i said i don't like differentiating but playing the web3
games or games on blockchain without actually knowing that they're playing games on blockchain
so whatever transactions would be done on the back end like people with web2 basically
paying for in-game items using their card as usual like game you know just making usual
transactions and people who are like who totally understands the scenario and the
processes behind like web3 we can just pay in crypto take that out crypto you know do the
basic things and i feel like this is kind of a scenario where i feel grapes are currently doing
that and i feel like um what's this project that is also not a project like doing something like
that i feel for grapes we can see that on your floor price and we can see that like with their
ecosystem because they have enough funding to like keep going so it's just a way where we could like
simplify things and make people also play without really knowing that you're playing a blockchain
game so those are two things i would like to see thank you very much should you out thank you
later on you had your hand up and we have something like a last minute of the conversation
of this part do you do you want to take the mic for the last minute yeah yeah i just wanted to
applaud jen um for uh being a pioneer in bringing a new industry uh being part of the new industry
that's coming onto the crypto space uh i uh you know one thing that's going to definitely help
artists like you is uh being able to get your music into video games and things like that is
having a blockchain that basically allows you to have um you know bridge-less interoperability
to all the different chains but more importantly have the contracts the smart contracts that you
can connect with these games with uh in a decentralized manner that allows you to um
you know lease out your uh commercial rights to be able to use those use your songs in their games
and things like that and so um that's where i feel like we'll see a large shift of people come
over in your space as soon as uh you know that's one thing that we're working on is trying to create
those those kind of almost contractual um smart contracts that that are almost like a form fill
type of thing where you go in and you both agree to terms and pay that kind of stuff and then that
way they can use it for you and you never really have to do it but a lot of that really boils down
to having um digital identity and being able to promote yourself in a way that people can see
stuff that you do um in in such a unique way that you can provide what information you want to share
with them and be able to control what information you share with them and be able to revoke that at
any time um that's going to be key as well so there those are the two components that i feel
that will basically jump start and kick off the whole music video kind of industry thank you very
much thank you very much the time is up for the first block thank you for being part of it thank
you for sharing your ideas we have discussed entertaining entertainment versus making money
we do not have a final answer on what gamers look for in web3 games but the good news is that
everybody who creates in that space is opportunity to shape the expectations is what we built and
offer because we can see what the response is and then we we shape the expectations on what the
industry is about and what is more important or how do these uh two opposing sites or apparently
opposing uh complement each other i'm excited for the second block and we will be bringing up
the next set of speakers if you want to stay and continue listening to conversation feel free to do
so and we will now be taking another set of speakers on that stage then we will do a round
of introductions so you will you will hear from them who is about to share their points of view
with us today and then we will continue in the talk fun versus urn so stay with us with the
blockchain arcade for the next 45 minutes of the discussions i'm already seeing some of
the second batch speakers pop up hello good to see you here
hello hello hello hello hello i think we are ready we will have more more of the speakers
joining us thank you everybody who has joined us for the first part welcome new speakers we will
start with a with a round of introductions so um we can hear from we can hear from you
all right and then we will continue with the discussion on wet regaming fun versus urn um
i usually open the discussion and then let the conversation flow you don't have to wait for me
to ask you a question just grab a mic whenever you want to contribute to the talk and i'm excited to
hear your point of points of view so now over to you uh introductions and then let's go into the
topic go on go on wow put me on the spot there well thank you though chivalry is not dead i see
hi guys my name is bachara i'm a video content creator for web3 games um i've been doing this
professionally since end of last year and uh before this i was a content creator on instagram
in 2018 i used to do collabs with bond dodge assholes and then i kind of moved to the dark
side of web3 and i've always been a gamer and now i'm a full-time g-gen so i'm really glad to be here
to hear everyone and to meet new people nice picture hi it's hybe from blackpool finance
so really interesting conversation so far but thank you for inviting me on today to contribute
to this um so i think a lot of you all have obviously heard of blackpool finance in the
past we do a lot of things in the web3 gaming space content supporting a lot of the partners
we have through advisory marketing and managing a a fairly large bag of nft assets across various
games so yeah something we've we've been looking at for for quite some time i came into the space
from plinks serere directly and then a couple of years after that joined blackpool in the lab and
started to explore a whole range of new web3 games so yeah very exciting conversation to have
hey hey everyone my name is alex representing banksters.com uh one of the few trading games
on web2 and web3 happy to be part of the space hopefully we will get more info thank you
hello hello hello i figured i would go next but uh yeah cool so uh hey marco here from
merit circle one of the co-founders i think if you're not familiar with merit circle
basically uh one of the largest web3 gaming dows focus on investments and infrastructure for
web3 developers and uh yeah eager to be here i've been a been a gamer myself so yeah excited to go
over the talking points and meet some new faces hey folks i'm jonathan head of community marketing
for nfl rivals built by mythical games um we are a blockchain enabled game on the mythos blockchain
fully licensed with the nfl that's american football the one with helmets and touchdowns
not the one with striped shirts and penalty kicks uh we are fully licensed the nfl and
nfl players association we went live april last year so give us a download on the app store and
google play hi this is adil from striker game studio that's behind the first uh free to play
title from our site called search find a mirror it's going to be on pc and we're about to go into
private beta in three weeks happy to be on the space
hi everyone this is web3 hero from uh sugarheads nfts honored to be on this space with such awesome
speakers um we have a 1750 custom drawn collection of nfts that have a basket of
uh crypto assets attached to each one so think of it as like an index fund for an nft so it's the
first of its kind and um we do have a look into the future with gaming also but uh we're not quite
there yet um we're building towards it hey guys andrew lubon here from pulser.ai we're nft
discoverability across the entire ecosystem we're gearing up for our pfp launch and our token
launch all on salona go to www.pulser.ai.ai sign up to get an account and get on the wait list for
our pfp which has rewards for our point system and our future token launch coming soon
and i believe we have one more speaker is that right or no i think we had everyone there yeah
okay let's go then so uh let's open the talk today we speak about fund versus earn or money
versus entertainment and the question is can blockchain and nfts enhance entertainment so are
we at the stage where we're building games that cannot be built without nfts and blockchain
or at this moment we're at a stage where players see it as a way to generate income
and actually the nfts and blockchain create expectations on the earnings side where are we
any of the speakers feel free to grab a mic and take your stage i'm just gonna say it from maybe
my standpoint um this is my speculation only so take it as a grain of salt but um as a gamer
myself you know there's so many new games coming out you see i don't know if you guys recently
played power world but that's been taking over my life recently i've been playing it till five in
the morning um terrible sleeping schedule and games like that you know with a budget of like
what six million um they released the game and more in three days they made over five million
copies um you know there's still games that are coming out and that hyping and i think we're still
so early that the web 3 aspect to web 2 or if you want to call them traditional gamers
it doesn't really matter to them right now apart from the if they are interested it's more about
the technology about the earnings and i feel like we're still very very early in a way um
personally i try to kind of on board people saying like you know it's like playing fortnite
but imagine with your skins you can trade it um and that's been the best way possible instead
of like just talking about tokens and speculations just because my community myself don't really
care too much about it and that's the way i'm i'm boarding but that's just my opinion i'd love to
hear you know what everyone else is thinking yeah i think uh tokens originally right we're
designed to bootstrap a venture and give you upfront capital to allow people to run an experiment or
start a project and to reward the early adopters and those who contribute in the earlier stage and
in a more fair and equitable way based on their contribution i think that's still a kind of a
killer use case and i hope that stays and gets more aligns the the value across ecosystem but
taking that same model and then pairing it with points or rewards just is probably the next
version of that where not only are the original investors or you core users and team etc all
they're all rewarded based on liquidity of the token but now you get the future contributors
to the ecosystem who instead of taking a bigger risk have a more direct use case of if i do x i'm
rewarded with y and that's part of the ecosystem so i think it's a very healthy transition and i'd
love to see a team kind of nail that yeah that'd be good great to see i think we're definitely
moving into a new phase that definitely feels like the decks i'm coming across nowadays and
the games i'm starting to look at now are positioning themselves a bit differently from
the definitely the play to earn days i think some of them are just doing a bit of a rebrand and
is very much still play to earn and rebadged as play and earn but i think that the games that are
going to start to to do well are the ones who've taken this bear market and really focused on
building desirable games for players and not solely focused on those monetization aspects
obviously games are reliant on funding you need to to be able to to bring in some funding to
to get that game over over the line and to keep it developing so a lot of that early token sale
or nft sales have enabled some of these early web3 games to to get off the ground but are they
sustainable and i think we're seeing some projects starting to consider that whether or not they can
introduce some more traditional gaming monetization aspects loot boxes skins all these kind of things
alongside the the nft's and other parts there so i think the next round of web3 games and hopefully
that's something we'll see this year will attract a different type of gamer so as that gaming
experience improves i think as we improve on the technology side of things the account abstraction
should make it easier to onboard the masses we might start to see more traditional gamers feeling
that yeah it's time they can get on board with some of these games and maybe we'll see that from
some different regions in the world where there's maybe been a bit more crypto adoption so places
like nigeria and the turkey these kind of places and but yes still still a long way to to go i
think we're we're still a little bit away from truly seeing those mass adoption and games within
the web3 space everyone um yeah so when i hear this question i think of a couple things um
one patra mentioning power world made me think of og pokemon and the game boy and the only way to
trade with other players is in person with that little cable uh you know throw throw up a emoji
reaction if you remember those days um and that was the only verifiable way to trade game assets
otherwise you were participating in a gray market um around world of warcraft or runescape or who
knows what else um so i think if you want to build a game of trading you absolutely have to you
absolutely have to incorporate some sort of verifiable technology where you know there's a
there's a track record um you know the internet is full of scams crypto itself is full of scams so
having a track record is really important for trading um nfl rivals we've seen three million
you know three almost four million downloads of our game and we've seen over two million dollars
in trading activity on our marketplace for the game um just since eight from like april to
december um and that's because players they see they see the track record they know that it'll
work they know that they're going to get what they're trying to buy with their with their credit
card with their tokens um and we have that provability the other piece is um you know
kind of the broader question of you know fund versus earn um i saw a quote recently from a
friend that if you build a game to make money you'll likely fail but if you build a game that's
fun other people will probably find that fun and you'll make money uh that's kind of a paraphrasing
of the quote but i think that's to me that's the guiding principle and i think that's really what
we're trying to do at mythical games is make a fun game that people want to invest in having a good
time in yeah alex from banksters here i'm not sure we are there yet in terms of fun in web3
i'm not sure we even we're miles away from web2 uh i'm a little bit some people called me i'm a
little bit of a hater however in my opinion i think we're miles away uh two years ago we said
together like the the developers the gaming owner we said web3 will rule the world in gaming well
it did not happen and i see some sort of a transition moving towards oh we're gonna do
this seamless technology integrations to grab the attention from the web2user uh to be honest with
you i don't see that happening the web2user is still scared is still scared because he hears
about stuff online uh people getting scammed wallets being hacked assets disappearing and
whatnot so in my perspective i think web3 games should move towards a legal framework
and then with a good product that touches exactly on a particular audience that should be you know
a recipe for for a good game but otherwise let's face it there are a few games out there that
produce fun in web3 it's more about the money and how much they can earn by playing the game
this is just again this is my own perspective i think we're miles away from from web2 and i think
we should all of us should do something about it and you know create well i would say a much safer
environment for the web2user to come in comfortably if i may uh have you downloaded nfl rivals because
we're we are building that seamless experience there's no wallet there's no token insider game
we have primary and secondary transactions on chain that you buy with apple and google pay so
it can be done it is being done and it's being done at scale i don't mean to be disrespectful but
like you really should try this out i'm not trying to chill but really try to at least understand
that there's an experience there we haven't built and we haven't built selling yet um but
you know you try getting apple and google to do anything it's really hard um and and that's and
that's where we're at is we are moving we are moving these trillion-dollar titans into a new
a new sphere of thinking um so definitely try it out because we i mean just in the first few weeks
alone before we even had the in-game marketplace with secondary transactions in the game we had
them on web we had players come in and say wait what is it a tease i came here because i played
bad and mobile for 10 years and i wanted something better and different and i found it and now i'm
able to trade with my fellow players and this is nft's i guess i guess nft's aren't always a scam so
definitely go check check us out and there are other games doing it too there are plenty of
other games checking it out uh really on mobile i think is the best place to look because you do
have to clear that regulatory hurdle with apple and google um they will not let you go mind scam
their users because they're really trying to prove that their monopolies or their duopoly on
mobile apps is uh is what keeps people safe so i think mobile is really the ecosystem
market if you want to find safety and web 2 friendly web 3 games
i think we are very very early um i think it was um i think it was hybe sorry if i pronounce your
name hybe hybe he mentioned about dex um and if you go back like two years ago the last war run
you can just see like there's a big change and big improvement right there were a lot of games
back then that would come out before there was no gameplay um there was no demo and nowadays you
know as we're in this you know 2024 2023 we noticed that there's more games coming out and before
their mint there's already like a finished like at least a close better or like alpha that we can
already test on and play test so there's been i can tell like there's a big difference of like
improvement and quality of games i still feel personally like they are there are some fun games
out there for me i just want to find that game that i can like grind and play till like five in
the morning and i'm still finding trying to find that game so hopefully we'll get there and when
we do i'm gonna play the shit out of that game i think i might have one for you there i've literally
been you know i was gonna weigh in on earlier i think they're worse now slowly getting into the
place where there's a lot more fun games coming out actually they might just not have all implemented
the wet pre part of their games yet they're just going back to the core gameplay which i think is
the most important part anyways but one of the games that i saw now doing it to skill you know
with as least user acquisition early on is heroes of mavia they launched yesterday i believe they
have like over a million downloads now they had like over 250k day au throughout the past couple
days um it's been grinding that base myself simply because i've always been a large clash of clans
player and so it just feels very familiar and takes me back to the game experience i think
partially you know obviously the the day you that we're seeing right now might be because of the
play to air drop where people that came already are getting an air drop of the token when they
you know participate finish the tutorial etc so i'm very curious to see what that user is going
to look like after that phase ends but same time going back to is it a fun game i would definitely
say so because i've been grinding the shit out of it so yeah if you are down for those kind of games
we'd recommend it and i think other than that what i noticed was there's obviously a way different
monetization model and advertising model here i feel like a lot of the early web 3 games they've
just been trying to fish in the same pool of web 3 gamers which is very small and they might forget
that even though you have web 3 elements and even though you you know have introduced some
kind of friction in your game very often you still have to go back to the roots to advertise
to the web 2 gamers as well which i haven't already seen at skill done yet properly either
so yeah very curious to see where that goes and yeah kudos to nfl rifles for taking it back to
the core game experience and not you know introducing the the friction of the wallets
and whatnot if you will i'll stop there
yeah i think when we talk about uh users spending on digital items skins etc i think
there's a huge brand ip value that's associated with it and what value do users assign to that
cosmetic item even so i think for web 3 games it's a long way of you know before they build
that equity and then users start paying for them because it's a different scale at which
we're talking like okay there's a few thousand people who are looking for your nfts be it
cosmetic that's completely different than you know a few hundred thousand or million people
wanting that same item inside a game so there is we're working towards that fun angle but i think
getting that scale i think that'll be the step two i would say for games that come out in this cycle
yeah i would say everybody sees and definitely everybody in this room i i think that sees the
value in a web 3 game right own your in-game experience own your nfts port those across
different ecosystems potentially i think the real hurdle has been the user experience i think gaming
in particular people really do come for the gameplay first and everything else second but
i think as a as an industry we we need to help push that narrative forward because it's a great
entry point for the next billion users i totally agree i think um one big problem with web 3 gaming
right now is just the difficulty and friction that exists there whereas once the new generation
of games start moving towards amazing gameplay that just happens to have these simple ways to
integrate in web 3 rather than complicated hurdles and whatnot then i think we're really
going to start seeing more mass adoption than we're seeing now which a lot of it now is like
crypto people who are just trying to play the game just to play it rather i think we need to see
like nfl rivals is trying to do and and others like and i've seen the heroes of maybea
what an incredible you know token launch something like almost 100 million market cap
last i checked but um i think we need to see this sort of awesome gameplay first with very very
intuitive and simple integrations of the crypto side that makes it easy for the user rather than
has a ton of friction
one of the dirty secrets to this is you have to get comfortable with custodial wallets
um if you want to scale to millions of of players um which is kind of the it's a trade-off that
we've had to do um i would love if we could add on the custodial wallets that people could connect
their metamask or um wallet connect but it just it just doesn't scale like like human behavior
with digital products just isn't there on mass um you know i i saw a piece from third web out
recently that said it was an email saying the connect wallet button is dead so uh so if you're
building a game um or you're about to play a web3 game you'll have to get comfortable with custodial
for a while um because until we can really seamlessly build non-custodial it's it's gonna
be a minute so um it's a it's a trade-off it's not an easy one but if you want millions of people
right now there aren't millions and millions of people in web3 there may be a few million these
days that aren't just chasing you know bitcoin go up um so yeah custodial wallets
yeah i think that is a point that way we do need to take on board schemes like sorayer and obviously
yourself rivals there are seeing that firsthand that to to really get the hundreds of thousands
the million users plus you you you have to do that for for now um and but then what is the
journey to to then on board them to a non-custodial setup to i suppose bring them along that journey
with you as the technology develops do you have any plans on that side
i think as a gamer and when i see new games come out you know on on web3 i think what's really
important for me as a a gamer and when i bring it to my community is that it's there's so many scams
there's so many problems when you know if you have a client-based game like for me i would feel more
safe you know if it's on a some sort of platform like hyperplay or on you know epic games just
because if you download these links um they're very you know there's many people can scam it
they can hack it i'm not very tech savvy myself so when it comes to downloading links it's just
really scary if it's on like browser on apple or google play store like i think in general people
would be more you know on boarded to to play the game just because it's a bit more safe
i would like to hear more views on this because i think that's really interesting i have heard
a claim i don't necessarily agree with that but it was a claim that web 2.5 actually doesn't exist
or it's something that is is not viable and let me uh let me try it on that a little bit so i think
the claim was um behind more like if if we build a game that does not really need blockchain and we
focus on the gameplay and make make it entertaining i mean like entertainment it's different thing for
each of the person but if you look at the retention data people come back they spend time you know
it's happening right uh so and then we look into okay can we put ownership can we add nfts or
payments in crypto so that would be kind of the definition of web 2.5 because there is this
possibly ads or alternative business model with enough purchases and then the crypto is like a way
like when you're ready we show you right so um we're kind of using this model in one of our
mobile apps in in archaic where you progress into owning an nft eventually but the claim that i heard
or the discussion i had previously was that it doesn't really exist because that's not really
using the tech for innovation so um the claim was more like how can we use the the ownership
and the technology of blockchain and nfts into building something that's not possible to build
without it so that was it that was the opposing voice and i would love to hear from you what is
your point of view on that i'll start by weighing in here i think you know i'm not sure if the term
2.5 would be it i mean i i think you know web 2 2.5 or 3 let's just talk gaming but in a way like
when i look at the bm ecosystem we have web 2 studios coming in that are now building a web 3
title where they're looking to use blockchain elements we have web 3 native studios that are
really going heavy on the you know web 3 in your face kind of angle what i find interesting is
let's say you have a game where you're playing it indeed because you like it so say i think maybe
track screen could be a good example here it's a bike racing game on your mobile phone so let's say
you're playing that game you're going through levels and you're learning about crafting and
upgrading your bike so it becomes better and better that aspect doesn't necessarily have to
be on the blockchain and that's something that a player can just do they can navigate through the
missions through you know challenges tournaments whatever you want but at some point they're going
to get elements that might be nfts on the back end where the users are not necessarily you know
aware of it because they don't have that friction of already having to use a wallets and whatnot
but let's say later down the road they're like maybe i want to transfer this item to another
player maybe i discovered that it has some kind of underlying value because it's actually pretty
rare and i might want to start trading some part of those items i think at that point when you
introduce like hey at this point you could either use you know an in-game marketplace to do part of
that i know that there's restrictions more so on mobile there than pc but could be possible
where ultimately if you wanted to take it out of the ecosystem that's why you need a wallet because
you might want to you know put it into tokens into crypto or into fiat but before that the
whole loop could just be normal gameplay no need to learn anything about attack and you know just
focus on that fun aspect i think that that definitely exists i think definitely will see
quite a bit of that but yeah curious to see what that's going to look like of course
yeah i would say um it's not quite that there isn't something that's not possible without money
because games in general for years and possibly decades now have used in-game currency what web
three allows us to do is actually just make that real so rather than thinking what's possible now
that wasn't possible before other than of course trading things in a real way um or transacting in
a way that it's real money rather than you know fictional money i'm not quite sure that there's
something that wasn't possible before that's possible now rather than us just bringing what
was done before to life with web three i actually like that point i think one of the things it also
takes back to um let's say you have uh csgo you have so many items in there and some of them are
very rare and very valuable at the same time there might be you know some databases there that show
how much supply is actually there of those weapons and if they're actually rare but majority
are not going to find those databases or whatsoever where they might not be as transparent as people
think i do think that's where web 3 does enhance you know the experience of transparency and
efficiency for that matter like let's talk about for example esports and tournaments i think in
normal web 2 you have tournaments and then you have prize pools and obviously it's for a very
small amount of people because it relies largely on sponsorships but let's say you want to use it
as a marketing tool for user growth then in this case with the web 3 aspect you can actually very
efficiently send that crypto out in cheap matter to a lot of different peoples that would normally
not be able to you know be done with price money because you would have the transaction fees you
would have third party fees etc where again what sugar said this time it's not in-game currencies
that you're just here routine but it's actually money and making it real so yeah there's a lot
of aspects that we could talk about i feel like and there's always the different elements and
depth that you can go to with web or without web 3 yeah regarding this web 2.5 to be honest with
you we always um the game um that we're developing at banksters one of the first trading games out
there we actually consider ourselves as being a 2.5 type of project when we're talking about web 3
i think web 3 project will have to go through a specific crypto journey so to say and a web 2
is web 2 we cannot use it for for example for our product we require where we need it to use the
nft technology and the token allocation for this nft and um you know technical stuff that we have
to introduce in our game to make it you know feasible and you know for the user to understand
it to use it and you know to land it rent it whatever talking about nfts but um in my opinion
i think i think us as as builders should also touch a little bit of web 2 because what these
guys are doing there um i mean which we should and we discussed it throughout the space and whatnot
but i think um web 2.5 exists but also it depends on the audience which want to target
for example in our particular product we're not targeting gamers believe it or not we are a gaming
project we're not we're not touching the gamers we're touching the traders and people who want
to learn about crypto nfts and and all of that investment stuff so i think maybe in the future
we should also um open doors to to specifically design audiences or specifically target audience
because right now let's face it how many web 3 users are out there how many web 3 gaming users
out there does someone know the exact exact number this is just an open question if i may
yeah i think it's it's a really good point i think we really probably need to be patient
as a space and as an ecosystem if we really are truly rebuilding the internet right that's a
it's a giant claim that takes time it takes porting users building infrastructure etc
something we see at pulsar all the time as we use discoverability and nfts are what what you're
searching for on the platform the reality would be is if you're going to search on our platform
across the entire ecosystem we have to be patient as a company to allow games marketplaces etc to
rebuild their entire business model on nfts so i would just encourage patience and i think
we're moving in the right direction we're adding value to the right users i think it's just
patience and be realistic about the time it will take to get there um that's a good point um banksters
i just want to come back to i think i think the lens in which you're looking through to to the
kind of web 3 gaming world might be a little biased because you guys are doing a trading game
that kind of starts with the crypto user rather than starting with a gamer so i think what like
merit and nfl rivals are doing and a bunch of others is is trying to target the gamer and then
sort of bring them slowly uh you know on ramp them slowly and gradually into the web 3 space
rather than start with you know crypto as the um beginning point which i think inherently
is user-based so i think just trying to look at it from a different perspective
might allow you to kind of be more open-minded of the grand scale that we can achieve with web 3
gaming we have something like last nine minutes of the segment and since we touched on the personas
the gamers and the traders um i would be curious to hear from you what are the features
or the selling proposition that you would use to like we use that as attractive that would
that would invite um gamers from the web 2 space over into testing blockchain game
i think that um was pachara you mentioned that it's like fortnite where you can own the skin
right anyone you would take um a different approach what would be what would be the usb
that would you would highlight because i understand earning is very powerful marketing tool
but can also create certain expectations that are difficult to deal with after
yeah that's a really good question i mean what i mentioned earlier about my my kind of usb on
onboarding without sounding crazy to traditional gamers it's like just like having a game like
court night where you have so many skins and there's like different rarities but i have over
like i don't know like 50 skins and i'm so sad because i know if i lost my account or if i
stopped playing it they're stuck there forever so to have that ability to to fully own your
you know skins and to trade it to other players as well um it's a really good usb but i mean
there's different ways right depending on what games people have and i think people using
technology like having a custodial wallet i think is pretty cool and when players are ready to use
it you know they don't need to like they don't need to have uh like if i can explain it i lost
my words um having a custodial wallet right you don't necessarily need to know you have an nft like
they should be aware it's a web free game but you don't need to shove it hey we we do nfts we have
tokens we have speculations and once they play the game the game should be fun first of all and
then if they do want to get into um whatever's in the game if it's assets land um they have that
custodial wallet already made since they signed up and then they can dive in a little bit deeper
once they cement you know into the gameplay that they like the game etc
no one else i was gonna weigh in on the different uh angles well i think if you look at one of the
web tree features that you are there i mean just to go back to the earning component i did just
mention here's a mafia as a good example they have over a million downloads and sure it's
incentivized because of the initial play to air drop season at the same time it does really
boost their day au and and people are enjoying the game and i think the same can be said for
big time for example they had a similar launch that still isn't going by the way where you have
basically seasonal leaderboards that are incentivized and as a result they are doing pretty
well in terms of daily active users i think one of the issues right now that we're seeing in
history still that we keep talking about is obviously user acquisition and user retention
and we're largely fishing in the same pool of people but i dare to say that with those
kind of incentivized leaderboards right now what we're seeing for example on the mafia side is
clash of clans uh esport players or better sets you know very pro players that have very high
rankings and that are maybe influencers or streamers they're trying out mafia first of all
because the game is good and i think second of all probably because they're also partially
incentivized but because there is this incentivization of people to try out this game
we're now seeing a lot of those followers and people watching those people try out the game
for themselves as well and then enjoying it um obviously it's a way different user acquisition
model than you would normally see um but yeah it's definitely an interesting one that what
tree i think offers that but you wouldn't right thank you anybody else wants to share how they
how they pitch or invite web2gamers over to test their games
well okay so if not i have one more question we have last five minutes um so there there is uh
there is something people tend to disagree on as well and that is um that is about monetization
in web3 games so i've heard heated discussions about ads uh yes or no in uh in web3 games so
from my experience when we added reverted video ads in our mobile games it was welcomed by the
communities as some of them claimed i do not want to or cannot afford to pay but i want this and
that so i'm willing to spend my time on the ad instead so at the same time uh how the advertising
networks how they're using user data kind of goes against the uh the promise of web3 and the
decentralization and being in control so there is there is not an easy answer and i would like to
hear from you between this fun and earn and how to monetize it or actually have a sustainable game
are ads okay or no go
i think um having an option for the user and then having you know some small amount of
currency that could be used as in-game currency uh would be a really good incentive for a user who
wants to play the game might not want to you know pay out of pocket to to the app store or whatever
the case may be that could you know use ads to sort of get additional playing time or lives or
however you want to do it i think some sort of optional model would be optimal in a lot of cases
yeah i i would love to see a game that goes from token launch to launch the game pay everyone and
then leave some of their treasury for in-game token that is used for all kinds of purchases
that seems like a really healthy organic completely web3 native way to bootstrap a game
when if you can get the the gameplay right and the user experience right
that would be a massive unlock for all of us
okay it looks like nobody's going to argue about ads today it can happen another day
thank you very much it's been a massive pleasure having this talk and discussion with you on the
fun versus urn we do not have a final answer what do gamers look for in web3 game but we're
getting there uh every day with every new game with every new experience we're getting closer
to having something amazing and growing that space thank you for being with us today at the
blockchain arcade if you would like to if you would like us to reach more people feel free to
like comment or share that space would be very appreciated and otherwise see you in a couple
weeks again on the next episode of the blockchain arcade thank you very much have a great day
thanks for hosting enjoyed it thank you thank you have a good day everyone