Web3 Gaming hype bubble?

Recorded: Feb. 9, 2024 Duration: 1:32:40



what is going on everyone it's been a little bit i'm not going to lie it has been a little
bit so since i've done my thursday spaces expresso texted me um today and chewed me
out yelled at me uh told me that i'm a terrible tda uh community member and i was like yeah
you're right dude i have been pretty horrible about being consistent on my thursday nights
it has been pretty crazy in this market but i'm trying to i'm trying to be like expresso
be more consistent i mean it's literally only one night i it's crazy to me for me to look
back and think wow i used to do these like three to four times a night for like three
hours a night um peak peak peak bear cycle too so not sure how i did that but here we
are man so for those of you guys tuning in i'm going to pin a couple stuff at the top
uh some more people are probably going to start trickling in maybe they don't maybe
they do not don't really care my main goal is that i do want to kind of talk about um
the topic for today which i'm calling the web three gaming bubble and maybe i'll come
up with a more like clickbaity title um but it's something that i wrote about and a tweet
kind of did it did pretty well as far as like engagement it seemed like a lot of people
kind of resonated with it so it's something i want to talk about and i and i've chatted
on a couple twitter spaces talking about what i think is a major issue that no one's really
discussing when it comes to like these web three game studios um and long term so that's
what we're gonna be talking about today right now i'm just pitting up some stuff web three
gaming is a bubble okay there it is dude see if anyone wants to come up and speak i'm just
gonna invite random people dude i don't even care i don't even care i i do have also my
boy sanzo who's coming in soon um to chat about all of this that's going on right now
as well but let me put up a couple stuff at the top that i've seen recently that either
people are talking about or mentioning when it comes to web three games and like what
has happened to the hype or something like that maybe i'll change that like web three
gaming hype is dead web three gaming hype is dead that's a good one maybe people will
get mad and join in that's that's my goal my goal is that people are like ruto you're
smooth brained you don't know what you're talking about you don't know what you're doing
and then they join in and they want to fud me but reality it's not what i'm saying at all
so all right here here's what i'm gonna put it i want to pin it at the top
for those who haven't heard it quite yet um how far was this okay here it is
here it is and i wrote and let me know what you guys think and oh by the way if you guys could
do me a huge favor favor that bottom right corner the purple button if you can go ahead
just shoot a little retweet um or like or a comment that would be pretty sick and get some
people in here so i wrote at the very top and i said why is no one talking about the elephant in
the room with web three gaming a team of capable devs and founders create a game they mint nfts
launch a token raise millions launch a game and then six to twelve months pass dau is diminishing
they're now stuck working on a game that's not growing and can't pivot and build a new one
indie web 2 devs build for two and a half two to five years launch not successful rinse and repeat
until they are unfortunately if a web 3 dev stops working on a game it'll be considered a rug
some indie dev studios don't even see success until their second or third title if ever
so there's potential for an incredibly talented web 3 game studio to clip through wings before
they even have time to mature so i want to actually pass it over go ahead miyagi welcome
up to the stage too man happy thursday how you doing doing well rudo thanks for having me up
i can't stay long i'm actually doing real life things with a female so none of you dgens would
know anything about it um but naturally i gravitated towards this space um i'm excited to hear what you
have to say i know rudo always has some good takes and yeah i definitely have some takes on the web
3 gaming uh industry so i'll definitely let you keep talking and i'll definitely chime in but i
definitely have my two cents i definitely want to give some alpha because it's getting a little
it's getting a little shiesty i don't know dude i like i like shiesty takes i appreciate shiesty
takes that's for sure you know we have someone else who's up here we have the one and only chef
tony chef tony what are you what are your thoughts on all of this um the tweet i posted above what
are your thoughts on like web 3 gaming as a whole right now um i i feel like it's taken over the
timeline especially the last let's say three to four months uh what's your take on everything
i'm fucking angry i'm so mad nice nice what are you uh what are you mad about well this this
title of this space just got me so fucking pissed off had to come up here and speak my mind it worked
it it hooked me dude that was that's the goal my goal is to get a bunch of founders to come
in here and be pissed at me also um i have one what three gaming founder who literally hates me
now um because of some stuff i said in twitter spaces with them so i'm hoping so yeah no i
was just fucking with you so yeah i mean i think you make a a good like i think you painted the
picture a bit well in this like long tweet kind of just like a hey just in case you didn't know
how long it takes to build a game and like how difficult it is to make something a hit like
largely like you're kind of going off something like similar like music think about how many
people make music and then how few people make hits i think it's similar to like making a game
but i i mean i'd probably guess that there's more people making music than making video games
if i had to just just guess but like how many famous fucking music artists are you friends with
that's true i feel like uh i feel like there's i feel there's at least one
friend who makes music in like a friend group or something like that and and to be fair it's much
easier to make and maybe some people get mad at this but it's much easier to make music
than it is to make a game that's for sure so i'd imagine that's probably why um yeah i mean so
when you say i think your title or the randomly like where is a bubble can you explain what you
mean by that because you i also hear you know people talk about the dot com bubble and and maybe
i don't understand like that terminology when people say a bubble yeah i mean i think it's
just something like when there is the market or that the the product or whatever it is is over
valued essentially and that there's too many there's too many people or markets or too many
products going to market and people are putting far too much value on these like products for
example so that's not what i would deem like a bubble the same thing with like the housing bubble
that happened in you know in the u.s back in like 07 where um you know everyone was just getting
houses and getting approved for a bunch of like super shitty uh loans and then before you know
like it the whole thing popped so yeah i'm i want to hear some other people's takes on the whole
miyagi i know you have your hand up and then i want to pass over to some other people go for it
brother yeah no i'm perfect well first sanza hi haven't seen you on a space a while i just wanted
to say what's up to homie um seeing you've been hitting them squats bro you've been motivating i
gotta get my ass off the d gen chair and do some squats um just shout out to you uh but i do want
to comment on this gaming industry i feel like it's one of those things where it's like an and
then problem where it's like well we we have this team we have these developers we have this
marketing strategy we have this you know ip and we're going to launch it make all this money
and then we'll hire a team of developers and then we'll get this game going and it's like
for instance i'm a huge overwatch fan and i like consume a lot of content on that and one of the
things in the industry with blizzard and like these companies is like the synergy between teams
and how cohesive you can accomplish what you actually want to do in a timely manner and
with the correct vision and i feel like a lot of these web 3 teams have like because for instance
to do video games on a level on a scale you need you know 30 40 50 people and this whole team so
people are trying to do that and do a web 3 nrt you know d gen you know project and you know
it's like doing it's like juggling like fucking two yachts you know what i'm saying it's like
one thing is hard to do when it's set and it's and it's owned and the other thing is hard
and now you're trying to mix it together because you know you know that there's money in this
industry and there's more speculative value like you could literally be designing a game and have
teasers and gamers do not give a shit they will not give you anything they won't even like their
posts gamers care about when they when it comes to their pc and it's on twitter etc so but within
it's so different where it's like you could post a 30 second clip and have a couple of callers call
this project and next thing you know there's a million dollars in sales so i guess to end my
rant to kind of go kind of into the listener phase as my you know people come back if the web 3
industry continues to have the and then mindset we will forever be in this carrot and stick race
and it's your best bet to you know navigate and trade and make the money right because if you
minted farcon our overworld you could make two three eth it doesn't necessarily mean you have to
bag hold it the whole time it's an airdrop and play the game like you don't have to do that by the
way because anybody listening you don't have to be a community member talking from all the people in
the bear markets you don't have to be a community member you could sell the farcon up a three eth
and now look you could buy ten farcon at the same price and you can still support the community
so yeah i'll just end it there appreciate you having me i just think if stop having the and
then mindset stop investing your money and believing in people who have the and then mindset
really invest in products that are already doing it already have things i mean off the top of my
head you got kaiju kings imaginary ones uh chimpers you got fucking you know i'm so encouraged that
you have so many things off of so many blockchains that have games that you can play you don't need
to believe in the and then so appreciate you guys go good takes as always me argument really
appreciate you coming up here and if you have to dip out dip out man or you can stay up as a speaker
if you want to doesn't really bother me but yeah good take i want to pass around the room even if
you're not ready for me i'm coming i'm coming for you i want to go back that sounds that sounds a
little creepy though i know someone's going to cut that out and then uh yeah use that against me so
i'm really yeah they're not even gonna they're not even gonna clip the i'm coming for you part
they're just gonna stop it at the i'm coming and it's gonna be bad it's not gonna look pretty
i should have said it more violently because then people would have bought it more um yeah uh what
okay pause let's let's pass it over to kuro my brother kuro uh i feel like we've been on a couple
spaces to get today together actually you know what dude i want to give a shout out to kuro really
my boy was live streaming on on x him playing pow world for like eight hours straight and i i
couldn't have been more bullish bro throughout the whole day every once in a while for like 10
minutes i'll be like yo i wonder what what kuro's farming right now in pow world and i asked you to
i was like yo where the hell did you get that hat i'm i'm like level 40 in pow world and i cannot
find that hat anywhere so my boy kuro is on his uh his gaming content creator arc right now just
live streaming pow world for fucking eight hours a day it's awesome how you doing man i'm doing
great rudo i i like this conversation because like i have a huge problem with web 3 gaming
and this whole buy this and then we'll do something for uh for the people that are holding
like listen man i minted the uh the what do you call it the other side stuff yo if they kept on
going with those experiences they could have held the attention better but i guess what they did
they decided to say just trust me bro i don't i think i feel like i speak for a lot of people
when i say i don't trust you bro i want it now i don't want it like don't sell me on something
that's going to take three years to build sell me it in three years when you built it like you
raised enough money that you didn't have to raise even more money like you could have gone smaller
and like built up to the point where you had something that was like feasible to put out but
like you didn't yo even like right now i'm gonna try shrapnel while we're on here and see whether
or not it works sink calm down who was i who was i talking to i think was on the other space with
jonah and then they were like uh yeah so i'm i'm funding shrapnel to zero oh i think it was you
bro it was fucking literally kuro yeah you're like i'm putting this shit to zero i'm following
everyone at shrapnel because the goddamn servers weren't working they weren't up and you couldn't
play on so are you able to log in now i'm about to try right now i'm gonna start live streaming
because like yo this is the problem it's like i see all these people put out this stuff
okay you got like no gameplay footage nobody knows what the mechanics of the game are
you're just kind of like super confused and they just think it's okay like it's like
the perfectly acceptable thing to do i think we need to set a higher standard like to be honest
like there's no way that like that this is like gonna be acceptable long term there's no way
so i'm gonna deploy right now i'm gonna tell you whether or not it even puts me into a game
yeah let me know dude let me know yeah i'm actually i want to i want to be able to actually
try and play it myself so you let me know how it how it goes for you oh dm jonah and get an
extraction pack i actually got mine from sanza thank you sanza i appreciate you um they had
shrapnel on um recently so it was really cool got a got a pack yeah it's putting me into a game
right away so i guess they had server issues earlier but like they should know if they just
like a load balancing test before they even like try to do this with like normal well not normal
people like people like me that are just gonna complain now dude someone uh kuro dm the team
a bunch of unsolicited picks and it was like get me in a server right now and uh they they hooked
it up so i'm proud of you kuro let me know how yeah it's live streaming dude and make sure it's
recording something cool to see it it is recording um i you know i'm getting a really low frame rate
though and i have a 16 gig uh 3060 so i'm not i don't know what's going on here it's probably
because you're on uh um we all know twitter spaces take up max bandwidth because i feel
like every single like hardware in my entire house just shuts down when i'm on twitter spaces
because it just sucks up so much power hey hey look if you had 50 people in your house
right now that's that's a lot of fucking people i mean that they're gonna take up a lot of bandwidth
too you know yeah that sounds like my worst nightmare i'm not gonna lie having 50 people
in my house sounds like my absolute worst nightmare and you know it's gonna be smelly
because if all you degenerates around here that's for sure i don't have enough of breeze for you
guys so um yeah it's you know what let's let's pass around the room let's pass around the room
before i expose myself i do want to say what's up to clark clark you've been up here probably since
the first like five minutes so what's going on brother happy thursday happy thursday i when the
space started i was face deep in some spicy chicken wings like i saw so like all over myself
so i couldn't come up but um i think your take is great i also think that it shouldn't be as
narrow of a take like i think that kind of applies to everything in web 3 whether it's indie game
devs entrepreneurs artists pretty much anyone who wants to do anything in this space it's like
you have one chance or you're crucified and exiled and like no matter what your skills are it's like
you kind of have one chance and that's like kind of it and i feel like for like a lot of these
like indie game dev companies it's almost best that they're like not they're like web 2 normie
devs and then like at the last minute like pivot with a finished product to join this space by
getting like convinced by somebody because the the pay now play in two years is just like
it's just so done i mean there's game there's games that minted last bowl that aren't you know
i mean i think i think you make a point like just think about like halo for example like halo can
be like hey we're dropping a new game in three years and you're like all right fine and then you
get excited about the game right now you're like hell yeah it's coming out in three years let's go
yeah would you pre-order it though with a track record like that would you pre-order it right
now that's crazy no that'd be crazy
that's too crazy yeah and then they they sell like they sell like uh dlc's like two years before
it's out too yeah expansion packs like it's really it's like this yeah if you if you buy
this 120 version you get an exclusive skin and you get you get access to the game 24 hours before
everyone else so like you know you can you can rank up first you know it's it's worth the extra
60 dollars and and you know what's you know what's funny is that i buy it i buy the expansion packs
i i buy the the so i get access to it 24 hours before i did that shit with with harry potter uh
the harry potter game that came out and i bought i was like oh what do you get for you know the
hundred dollar version rather than the 60 dollar version i was like oh man i get like a really
sweet like dark dark wizard hoodie i was like okay yeah i'll pay i'll pay 40 extra for that and
then i i played the game for like a week and a half and i come i haven't touched it since so
yeah i'm the perfect i'm the perfect consumer uh for all these speculative buys that's for sure
so i think i think it's a good take to have done card i think it's a good take i i'm going to give
my own personal take but i ramble so i want to make sure i'll give everyone else a chance first
i want to pass it over to outer outer how you doing i appreciate coming up man i i love having
conversations with you honestly x uglabs x hash mask if you guys don't know outer the legend
herself how you doing hey how's it going um i'm just laughing my ass about halo um so
come on you didn't buy it for the soundtrack alone i'm just kidding i um i think circling back to
maybe i think it was kuro that said it like when i pay money i expect to put the video game on
and fucking play it right we're not we're not used to like seed funding games i think that's a bit
different for us gamers that have been gaming for a long time like you pay and then you play
that's the point so it's a little bit interesting when it comes to like adjusting expectations a
little bit in paying to wait and then maybe play um maybe i'll give my take on the games and i'm
enjoying now but um in terms of like game agency which i think every person is going to have a
different motivation for why they play a game that could be monetary value that could be escapism
that could be being a hero on climbing leaderboard everyone's got different motivations um mine is
fun i just want to have fun and i also enjoy social games as well so with that in mind um so
monetary value is actually not i i i seek that like indegenuracy but i'm not going to play game
or grind i don't give a shit that's not how i have fun just wanted to preface that with that
because there's so many games um i'm here liking serum city uh mutant cartel vibes uh lior's game
just because i was a big sim city person and i enjoyed building a city with like as many people
as possible and grinding all the shit and making more buildings and making rockets and whatever
the fuck else like i like that kind of game that like passive you like do some shit you leave you
plant it out well you come you collect i enjoyed that so serum city is literally that with like
monkey pictures so i'm totally here for it especially because of all the different like
community members that are in it so there's a lot of nostalgia too and seeing like your friends
fucking pfp pop up and them telling you that you don't have enough money to launch a train or
whatever the fuck like there's just some good nostalgia there so i'm enjoying it and plus like
aside from the past i didn't have to spend anything to play either so i could just have
fun grind whatever um i also have to give a huge shout out to pixel vault and battle plan
which just fucks like that and i mean like you know my partner was a holder like he
obtained right from the beginning and i joined like pretty close in into the founder's doubt
first because they had a shitload of alfa back in the day so like i've been around there for
long enough time and that's a classic like holy fuck community vibes are down everyone's waiting
waiting waiting and then suddenly they just draw up this like techy nerdy as fuck like ecosystem
and i mean you kind of have to like auto brawlers because if you don't that might not be your vibe
you might be like why can't i like fucking street fighters or mortal combat this shit like why is
it playing for me i know there was some like ux you know thinking around that but i do i do think
it's fucking awesome and i love how they're adjusting it and i love gg like that whole concept
itself is probably like a really good example of a web 3 game versus like web 2 web 3 kind of hybrid
if you will um so yeah so that's that and then like i mean i guess i don't know for those of you
who don't know i was the senior ux designer for lotm which is leslie lamara for yuga um and i mean
i'm kind of keeping around and seeing what's going on um but that one is quite passive right like you
set shit up and you kind of forget about it so um but yeah i'm gonna mint some loot and see what
else comes out of that but probably too close to home for me at this point but yeah that's those
are kind of my three right now that i'm enjoying and also of course just whatever random games are
embedded in frames on farcaster because that's just fucking funny yeah i think and those are
those are really good ones actually and i haven't had a chance to play those ones specifically but
i remember back in 2021 when kind of like you know obviously the axie infinities and alluvium
had started you know doing their marketing campaigns and like big time started you know
marketing and stuff like that most of the like on-chain games or web 3 games were mostly static
so like i was really big into like bridge world on treasure dao and i even like messed around a
little bit with like uh defy kingdoms um like the more static games and i'm ever thinking of myself
man there's gonna be a point in time where these web 3 games that either were announcing like my
pet hula game right is like a perfect example of that they minted around like end of 2021
and now they have like an actual playable game already um and i'm pretty sure they're launching
also like they're doing a part launch on the epic store if anyone correct me if i'm wrong but i i
this is kind of the topic of tonight that i wanted to touch on is that you have games
like let's see even and maybe i don't want to name once in particularly but you have games
that either launched in 2021 or 2022 you have a salute like an absurd amount of games that
are marketing this year and even some that are already launching mavia being one just recently
who and that's a whole other topic kind of you know lying about uh dau lying about you know
total downloads and stuff like that in order to kind of you know get people to fomo in and try
to play the game but that's all other topics but what i wanted to really touch on is that
what's going to happen in another two years three years when the games that did launch in 21 22
and even 23 um they're daily active users it's even hard to get past you know a thousand right
now daily active users for most games so what's going to happen in like a year or two when it's
just basically abysmal it's like are they going to have to keep reiterating on that same game
because they did their vc funded because they did a token launch because they sold nfts
like is that same dev studio or dev team going to be able to continue to work on that game even
though it's not necessarily successful anymore or are they going to be able to close shop and then
potentially lose all social proof whenever it comes time for them to try and build another game
so i'm curious to know if anyone has a take on it yeah i have a big take on that so if you
if you like kind of approach it from like a studio point of view and like you know your first game
has kind of like come out um it's like a free to play with a token i feel like you'll be able to
get a second chance kind of deal because like you know people aren't gonna want to like what did
they pay they paid 0.25 eth for the far counter right or something like that i don't remember
yeah i think i think it was point i think it was a 0.25 man and then like it goes under 0.25
like you're not gonna get any of those people that bought your first game
because like you know they put such an emphasis on just that one game they put all that marketing
behind it you know like you know a lot of these guys they need to understand like we we know like
what a good game is because we play games like that's our relaxation when i i just played uh
some of this like this this game's way better than than dr disrespects game like i'll just say that
that's right but like the textures not being complete uh like it's hard to differentiate
between like what uh like what a like character is and what like just like any random blob of like
that looks like human shaped is like a character it's kind of brutal and then like some of the other
textures like on the floors and stuff they weren't there then like i try to go through like a tunnel
and like it was so confusing like everything just kind of blended together too well it was weird
and that's only because they didn't have proper textures like i've seen better indie stuff put
out by like holders of projects than like so do you think do you think that like and maybe not even
specifically just the game that you're playing right now but do you think let's say two or three
years from now if like their their daily active users is like sub a thousand or something like
that over the span of years considering the amount of money raised do you think like it would be
viable for that team to shut down the server shut down the game and then work on something else and
potentially do even more raising um down that road like do you i don't think because like
far canna is just like a single ip right like if they come out and you know i know it's like
supposed to be like a game studio behind it but like i feel like the game studio should release
passes that give you access to the upcoming titles or something like something that's a little
less like and this is not to be like mean or anything but it's not it feels like predatory
having to buy a fucking nft of a character to play a game like i understand if you're
selling like a pass or something it's much more viable if you have like a series of games coming
out from your studio but just selling a new nft every time is this is like we're going back to
like second and third and fourth fucking collections with like a lot of these companies
and it's like that's not like the way to do it dude well that's that's it doesn't bring the
fountain people assume that because you have a game you're just like going to be a successfully
running business model like like you're going to be able to cover your overhead just because you
have a working or viable product and it's like what might happen is that the your ecosystem could
and i'm not saying it's going to happen but it could become pretty recursive where it's like
okay the only way to generate more revenue is by just minting more nfts by dropping more nfts by
raising more by selling digital assets so that and that's i want to pass it around the room and get
some more takes here for a second i want to go uh go go for it outer lunar and you know what if
anyone wants to just chime in you don't necessarily have to raise your hands i feel like we're you
know there's not too many of us here so go for it outer so to answer your question with like
a small side tangent but i think it's so relevant and this might be like a hot take but i don't
really care this is kind of my thinking for the next you know two kind of three years and web
three gaming and this is just like looking at a big picture as opposed to looking at like oh i'm
playing serum city right now or i'm playing zelda or whatever right like just zooming right the fuck
out i think that and this goes back to what you said about like where are the daily active users
like where are the people that are playing these games right and i don't know if the narrative
for web three gaming in general is about getting like web two gaming people into web three gaming
i think it's more about having like huge games that have a lot of daily active users
finally be like you know we're going to upgrade our databasing and instead of using whatever the
fuck we use we're going to use you know a web three database which allows for you know like
obviously self custody and ownership but we're going to do it so sneaky kind of like reddit avatar
style where no one's even going to know but if they want to they will and i think like something
like eve online if anyone here has ever dipped their toe into that then you probably dropped
off the cliff because it's deep but that's like a prime example of a game that like is just like
its economy and its daily active users are just prime that's og right there too that's og right
eve online right but like but how like if you know that game then you know all of the inner workings
of its economy and ownership of everything from parts to whatever you get to interacting with
people to trading economies like it's already set and the last time i peeked at it which is probably
like six months ago there was like at least 17 000 people online like just in that minute
like it's it's it's still really active even though it's super old and that's not even to
mention like you know roblox and and the new like generation of of like younger kids that are like
living and breathing roblox and their skins and avatars and getting rubbed on pet simulator x
for all their shit like whatever it is they're ready so i think like yeah i don't know what's
happening to web3 gaming that is starting from web3 but i think at some point someone is going
to finally use like an immutable database with with self-custody and i think that's going to
change the game but that might be a hot take i don't know we'll see yeah i don't i don't think
it's a hot take i think a lot of people are don't just believe that but i think a lot of people are
really really betting on that happening um that's for sure i mean obviously you see that's the main
reason why a lot of vcs are just absolutely putting a ton of money in cannons and just
firing it out like everywhere just like you get money you get money you get raised you get a raise
um just because they're kind of just trying to find that that target right like okay
if we bet on 25 games if one of them ends up being the one that does the you know the cliche
on board the next million web2 gamers right if that does happen then you're going to see a
substantial return for that that's like the whole vc game and in a nutshell there but
let's pass it along i want to go over to to miyagi you got your hand up then i'll go over to chef go
for it brother banger take banger oh holy shit miyagi chill chill chill we'll get right back to
you man relax all right go for it chef okay so if one like you were saying about um
um like printing more nfts as a business model right like hey we need more money let's print
more nfts it is like the that's like that concept is like antithetical to how we all got here right
like bitcoin comes in with a hard cap and you look at you know like the u.s federal reserve
and the treasury like they print money when they like need to get out of you know
out of dodge like oh shit we're fucked we need to print more money and that is never good right
i mean just when you dilute stuff and you have like that money printer or that nft printer
other people that are further away not like the people that print the nfts do get fucked over
so that is unfortunate um that that's like become a model because it it is so anti you know
crypto like anti like web three like from the financial system perspective um and to tap into
like a game specific thing like outer lumen was talking about i guess like your eve online was my
runescape um runescape was a really cool game because you know you you owned your stuff
and you could play them around and trade and you made ingame currency but there were these like
third party like gold farms and sellers where it was like illegal like against the game but people
would earn money in the game and earn these assets and they would sell them on a secondary market
so that that concept if it was just like a permissible thing for people like that grind
the game to be able to take the assets out and make real money from it that i'm bullish on um
you know that that concept i think is the shit i went down well first off like the reason why
and i grew up during like kind of the the golden age of like mmo rpgs for example so like these
in-game economies that didn't have like a like a token right it wasn't like on chain like it this
was like pre uh bitcoin basically and so just like you mentioned these third-party companies
or websites you would go on and buy a bunch of gold and i remember in final fantasy 11 online
what i used to do i created like this new meta of like making a casino in-game and i would have
my character sit in the middle of like the time square where like the auction house was where
everyone was like buying from like this in-game economy and i started doing like a casino where
it's like hey if you bet let's say you bet 200 i mean 2000 gold and you and you roll a dice right
there's like a random dice rolling mechanic in the chat where you roll the dice if you get in
between certain numbers you get a 2x or 4x if you don't hit those numbers you lose your money
and i remember i created like this whole meta where like a bunch of like the asian markets saw
what i was doing and i was making like millions of gold um a week because like the house usually
always wins right and so before you know it like three weeks or a month afterwards i had
essentially like ruined like the in-game economy for my server because everyone just started
gambling these uh for their in-game gold and these uh third-party companies were making a
shit ton of money because people kept buying gold from this third-party company and then injecting
way more gold into the server um than they were used to and it was just it was crazy i ended up
getting banned my account band and had to start over on another server but it just was you that
if you go for it was your server on like a native american reservation yeah i mean felt like it man
it felt like it yeah i definitely came in and uh and pillaged uh my way into being like uh
uh an online gold kingpin and i was like 12 years old too and i like destroyed an in-game economy
i felt i kind of felt like a badass about it i'm not gonna lie it was it was pretty sweet
yeah i don't know i don't know where the hell i was going with that
to be honest um i think i think iron iron hose monologues beautiful like that though
it's so funny because i have add so like i'm on one track mind and then all of a sudden it's
like oh shiny something else and i talk about that i'm like oh no no something else and then
i lose track so yeah i think what i was trying to say i want to i want to circle it back
here for a second for those just tuning in and you guys haven't done so already do me a huge
favor the bottom right corner little purple button yo if you press that and then like there's this
other button that if you if you press that too it retweets and like other people figure out about
repose repose dude i'll never first off we we can't say retweet anymore we get deboasted
wait that can't be true is that true it i mean it would make sense my eye people will say it's
false but will we ever know what's true or not rudo i mean let's be honest here i mean i don't
know do you really want to test it i don't know man i mean i let a groundhog determine whether
or not i think spring is gonna is gonna come sooner or later so i mean what we really felt
for that pretty hard didn't we bro okay but the groundhog take is more based than half the takes
that people have in spaces in crypto twitter let's be real dude i forget the name of the groundhog
but he has a he has a badass name i forget what it was but it's like Bartholomew or some something
like uh like middle earth or some shit it's really cool let's see look what we're doing right now man
what are we talking about okay all right look repose comment bookmark the space if you don't
already then you're a motherfucker all right back over to you rudo true true i'm gonna pick it up i'm
gonna pick it up you guys seem to be kind of going in circles there for a bit thanks for having me
i'm gonna give you a couple takes both of them are gonna be really really really really really
fucking garbage but i'm gonna give them anyways uh first one i'm gonna agree with you on your
on your tweet that you previously posted up because unlike collectibles and unlike community
base ip games are either good or bad on launch like it's not like a collectible that gains
followers and holders with time it can only lose players so even if the game is good it can only
go down from there so they're like at a great disadvantage and think even about the most
successful games like five years is the most it will stay like relevant for when that's just like
a unicorn we're starting to see now with a couple of games like think back to modern warfare 2 like
how many people play that game right now and it was the best xbox 360 game of all times by far
in all stats so it's not the same way that pfp's and other collectible nfts hold value
like in the decade end nfts for gaming are not going to hold the same value whatsoever
and uh my second take which is why i came up is because of the title it says it's a hype bubble
i think this quote-unquote bubble is fake or manufactured because we haven't seen real
players come in we haven't seen capcom or bioware or respawn or riot come in and you guys have to
remember and we forget this we forget this so easily yeah yeah a toe in but we forget that
what's the number one reason why these companies and web 2 gaming studios are coming into web 3
it's for money and you have to think why do they have to come into web 3 to get money
it's because they can't get it in web 2 because they either failed or nobody will give it to them
so we're dealing with like bottom of the barrel fucking devs and designers and like we're scraping
the bottom here you guys cannot forget that so this bubble that we're in it's kind of like this
layer four like layer four matrix bubble that like we're making or like we're pumping ourselves
so we can make a little bit of money but this is nothing compared to like real blockchain gaming
which will come eventually like eventually they will bow down and same way that the etfs now is
like super normalized the gaming companies that are like blocking blockchain and like going full
on against it they will bow down to blockchain so when they do i think we'll see the real bubble
or like the real bull market for gaming nfts no i think i think you you actually said a lot of
really you said it was going to be shitty takes i disagree i think they're all really good takes man
though the first one you mentioned where um keeping this keeping high daily active users
is very difficult especially like the longer it's ran super agree with that second you mentioned
just the almost the lack of liquidity right so like there's only so many games that people can
or so many like nfts people can mint at a high price because like they're waiting for a game
you also have to keep in mind that if you're minting minting an nft or buying off the secondary
which most people are doing they're buying off secondary for these game gaming launches you also
have to hold your liquidity into those nfts or even the token for example for a really probably
a really long time before you get to actually use them i think of like my pet hooligan as like a good
example the the holders were holding their my pet hooligan since november of 2021 and then they were
able to finally start playing with it um like late last year so imagine you know one eth may not be
a lot to some people but one eth is a shit load of money for a majority of people um that's for sure
so i think you you made really really good points man um i i don't think you said anything that was
wrong and i also want to state like the when i mean web3 gaming hype bubble i just mean that
exactly what you said is that there's not there's not too many consumers um that they can continue
to keep selling products too it's it's more or less like the same you know couple few thousand
people who are either buying selling trading most of these assets and don't get me wrong man like
there are some awesome awesome web3 games that look good um that are going to be coming out
like one of my favorite ones i'm excited about is like uh treeverse by lupify and in this cloud
it's like i'm super excited for that one um and a ton of other ones man but it really is kind of
just the web3 gaming hype bubble right now vcs are just throwing a ton of money for pre-launch
tokens for pre-launch nftp fps a ton of rays and then you know minimal games that are actually
being launched anytime soon so it is really interesting go for it kurua yeah what i was
gonna say is like we need better models like the minting before it's ready is kind of stupid
like what about like having it ready you know doing the vc rays whatever then having the game
ready before you mint the token or like having it as like a play to earn sort of like uh nifty
island like i know a lot of people have tried the play to airdrop or whatever not play to earn
sorry um but like i think the play to airdrop model is a lot more interesting because like
you actually have to put in time to receive the benefit of playing the game like instead of like
trying to make this like weird fictional fucking value to something that doesn't even
exist yet and you have no idea what you're going to be doing in it like at least give people
something to do uh but then like it goes back to what lumen said about like the game being fun
right like if the game's not fun the like what's the point like why are you even making anything
like just like finding a normal job or something like don't waste people's time i think like the
wasting of people's time is like ridiculous in this space like and there's never any sort of
like end to it like they waste their employees time they waste their holders time they waste
their own time like not getting any yeah that's for sure my back and my knees tell me every day
when i wake up that i'm definitely not getting any younger that is for sure like dude santa knows
that's the sound of the knees cracking dude yeah yeah it sounds like it sounds like someone stepped
on a bag of burritos um anytime i like move or get up or rotate or anything like that so it's
pretty terrible santa what what else man is how bad is your backer right now i well that's a whole
another space i actually i just my physical therapist uh that i just you know i saw her
the earliest week and she was like hey you're a little bit more energetic than usual i'm like
you know it was easier for me to say yeah you know i started eating right and i'm doing good
instead of i started filming content for my ex audience so now i'm fucking hyped to be posting
this shit but instead i was just like yeah no i'm feeling good i'm feeling good but now
i i actually want to touch on uh tree verse is a very interesting example to our case study i
should say case study to me because um i came into this space i technically came in space may
2021 but really i took a break and then i came back uh september 2021 and the one consistent
thing i remember very much among all the fucking noise was lupify and tree verse but the thing is
this i wasn't exactly paying attention up until until like really early early last year and well
not early i would say late 2022 and i'd be interested to see if other projects would apply
the method that tree verse did in terms of maintaining their community and how they did
things on the back end and i know technically they probably can't release all the information
or maybe they did and i'm just because i know lusifies in a different time zone but um tree
verse is interesting to me there because again it seems to be one of the few projects out there
that people are like still really passionate about and you could also admire the art of the nft itself
because technically gaming projects don't need art or nfts right so i think tree verse is a much
more special example uh sorry case study than people uh i was the word overlooking like give
credit for it but like yeah i think you guys get what i'm trying to say so i um rudo he yeah i
i want to jump into this a little bit more what are your thoughts on that dude i think it's i
think you mentioning that you remember lupify and you remember them talking about tree verse because
i remember lupify from early when i was in in first got into nfts also like summer of 2021
and people don't realize that tree versus been around for literally like that long or at least
like the the idea of it and obviously it's on it's on a lot more people's radar now because they
waited a while um to really start diving far more into you know the gaming footage that they've
that they've shown they've also made it a really big point to like curate their community the last
like two years man like imagine being so bullish and excited about a project that you you held
through like mold literally at this point multiple cycles and now you're finally going to be able to
like get the get the fruits of your labor and be able to play a game that you've been looking
forward to so i mean i've just been a huge fan of lupify for a long time to begin with dude and
i think a lot of people barring into tree verse are doing it because of lupify honestly he's he's
an og man the quality is no fucking joke either it's it's insane like again i haven't played it
personally i just know from the the trailers the gameplay the website is it's fucking phenomenal uh
so if anyone's ever played it we'd love to hear your experience but otherwise we could just carry
i've been dm'ing the i've been dm'ing the web 3 gaming cabal for for a damn private key so i can
try and play it but i get booted every time i get booted out of the cabal channels because i'm asking
you for it is it's because you say retweet it's at a repost that's your problem dude i'll i'll i
will never i'll die on this hill too dude this is twitter all right this is twitter not x i i
didn't post oh my god my reputation is taking a hit left or right i gotta get out of here
all right all right well you know let's let's pass it around let's pass around
i want to go to outer and then go pass it over to zay or zeit um go for it outer
so piggybacking a bit of what kuro was talking about i guess what that i was talking about this
whole idea of fun i think one of the challenges in web 3 gaming especially nft based kind of like
if it's a pfp project or a kind of token based stuff is that you have folks that only have like
one of whatever it is and then you have wales and like like no one walks into a game store and gets
like 1000 fucking you know like switch cartridges of link because they're bullish on link like we
just don't fucking do that you don't bring that shit home and you don't hope that the floor price
rises on the floor outer can you imagine like but that's not how it's not how this fucking space
works so then you're thinking about like well how do you make a game fun for whatever it is whether
it's like way too many passes because you have way too many you know pfp's and you claimed every
single game pass and you're like how the fuck do i play you know a thousand of them to how do you
design a ux when they're claiming a bunch of shit and you have to claim it all at once like
there's just like these subtle nuances of how do you satisfy somebody who just like spent all of
their money to buy the one thing to participate versus the way that came in is like well fuck i
have like you know 1700 maras how the fuck do i put them on my deeds or whatever example right
like or i have like you know 55 serum passes i can't fucking grail.eth owns like all 150 or 200
different types of pixelmon already like he's collecting them all so like i just and i don't
even know like necessarily i'm going to turn the corner and like drop the mic with a point here i
think all i want to do is just make us maybe be a bit more appreciative of like the people whether
they're like you know not the best devs according to site because they are like you know coming into
web 3 and they're not at like whatever you know big game studios but the point is it's still like
an interesting and different conundrum because when you start out with your naked link in zelda
like you're kind of all equal there right it's not because you own 50 cartridges that he gets
all the armor right away like you go through the same process but that's not the experience here
and i think it's important to just kind of like remember that a little bit as we all fucking
fumble with whatever games are thrown at us dude i will say it actually would have been in our
benefit to actually have swept up a couple of games and then kept one like boxed up and stuff
because i was looking online don't ask me why i was but i was looking for a hard copy of like a
brand new final fantasy 7 disc and these things are selling for anywhere from two to five thousand
dollars for a nine graded final fantasy 7 unopened uh game it's it's absurd i was like man uh i think
my biggest generational wealth like fade was me at seven years old not buying like 10 copies of
final fantasy 7 but yeah um you know silver linings but i appreciate that outer let's pass
it over to zeit go for it brother hey man uh just a quick question because you seem fairly
knowledgeable on web3gaming and i have this like itch to ask this question because i really do not
understand it so recently we've seen a lot of like gaming studios lay off a bunch of people
and these are studios that are selling games for like a hundred dollars and we're also seeing like
free to play studios like going under basically free to play is dominated by like a couple giant
studios right now so it's basically impossible to do well in that space so how can web3gaming
companies be launching games that not only not charge not only are free but they say that
they're going to pay their users so how is this sustainable or or or possible in reality
yeah well i think you know let's break it down a little bit um i think a depends on like where you
where you're located where the company is located um also i think it depends on who your target
audience is so like axi infinity for example the most of their demographic that they cater to
is like you know southeast asia or like just like the asia markets in general and then obviously
you have a lot of these mobile game web3 companies who are catering also to the asian market so
like them being able to market like a token or like play to earn or something like that is a
little easier for them whereas like you know in the u.s market um it's not necessarily like that
take big time for an example i think they're like the perfect example of like what i think
most games should try to do is that they should the only way that you can get the token is by
actually playing the game so like you can't buy it on pre-sell there's no marketplace where you
can go and purchase like the in-game token for the economy you have to actually play the game
to earn it and so i think it's like a really cool way to make like you know scatter distribution
for their token but i mean honestly man it's it's a tough question like honestly i really do think
that what the main reason why web3 gaming is seeing such a huge surge right now is a because
it's been a couple years since it was first kind of like you know talked about you know i.e 2020
2021 but also it's just how easy it is to get funded for that um and you have to remember i
said it earlier in the space that most of these web3 games that are coming out or will launch in
the next year or two or something like that they're gonna have very a very hard time generating
enough revenue that covers their cost to run the business or the servers or whatever it is
pay the devs whatever it is so most of them are going to be basically living um off of like the
vc funds or the capital raises that they've done for token pre-launches or nfts or or whatever it
is right it's why you're seeing such huge massive raises 20 million 10 million 30 million 40 million
here because it gives you a lot of runway um because ultimately like these games are not going
to be profitable uh they're not going to be profitable for quite some time and i think
a lot of web3 gaming studios are going to run into a pretty big issue the same way like the
character ip nft collections are running into the exact same issues too from 2021 they're the
treasuries are drying up some of them raised millions tens of millions of dollars and don't
you know those things are drying up quick so they're trying to figure out other ways to generate
revenue merch or that's why you see a lot of people doing you know a game it's why a lot of
projects in 2021 want to do a game because they're hoping to either get higher valuations or launch
a token or potentially generate revenue from the game in the future but yeah that was a long tangent
i don't know if i answered any of your questions at all to be honest but i appreciate it no no i
mean you answered basically uh basically just lose money um by giving it to the users um and on a
less serious note something that you kind of made me think of when you mentioned the story about the
final fantasy on open do you and this is for anybody do you guys think that virgin nfts should
be worth more meaning like minted and doesn't have a transaction on chain for it oh i can feel that
too good yeah i feel like we're getting more into like provenance or like you know something
like that i don't know maybe that's maybe if you asked an ordinal like a really big ordinal maxi
they'd be like yeah that shit matters bro it definitely matters also check the check the block
let's see what block is it on also and then yeah so i don't know i don't i personally don't think
that matters like at all i don't think anyone's going to look at an empty and be like wow this
is worth so much more because it's been the same wallet for like five years i don't think that's
gonna matter no i think collection um the hash masks collection holders do like try to snipe if
somebody offloads any virgin hash masks because they collect uh name change token because you
can change the names of hash masks dynamically on change on chain over and over again so as a result
of that everybody always looks for the ones that have the most nct because they've been collecting
name change tokens since the inception in 21 of january and that contract and that recruitment ends
in 2031 and so there's definitely some speculation about like what's going to happen way later for
this project when people dig it up and they're like holy fuck like there's no more nct where all the
hash masks that haven't been touched that are completely like no name changes no nct claims like
nothing just like totally untouched since mint or maybe have been purchased you know by others but
that's kind of like the definition of virgin for that project and there's probably several others
too so i think it's project dependent and what like the actual collectors and holders value and
they kind of determine that yeah i just i feel like it i mean it is it is a cool concept don't
get me wrong i feel like there's a market or demographic for almost any if you niche it down
enough there's still going to be a small market for literally anything that it is it's like i know
someone and i actually think it's super cool there's one collector who only buys green nfts
so and i think it's a girl too she she spends a premium on all only green nfts so if you go to
her open sea it's all just a sea of green um from ncts from her like favorite collections i think
it's super dope but yeah it's like super niche um but yeah i did want to talk a bit about the
reason again as to why i think more i want to know why no one's really talking about what
things might look like in the next like two to three years with a lot of web three games
whether it be because they're losing money or be they're losing users and then these are some of
our favorite studios now for example might end up being studios that a lot of people are mad at in
like a year or two with things potentially shut down because the game isn't generating any money
and it's not getting any users into it so like i feel like no one talks about this ever because
we're all just super wag me about new games coming out and i want more games to come out because i
think it's awesome for the industry and i want i think the more shots on on the on basket the more
like you're potentially going to make in so i'm bullish on that aspect of it but i feel like
we're so short-sighted and like on why we're so incredibly bullish on web three gaming
but we're not talking about how sustainable a lot of these either raises or games might be
in like a year or two because they're all so heavily financially backed like no one's talking
about it and i don't know why breads go to go to you brother happy thursday happy thursday um
sorry we got a mouthful chicken sandwich here um i had two questions actually a question and
statement first the question is is virgin nft is a real term i'm not gonna lie this is the first
time i heard about you you fucking virgin right you could have said like i mean did nfts you could
have said there i thought of i thought of virgin nfts because in bitcoin um you call virgin
bitcoins to like newly minted bitcoins i heard the term in 2021 with hash masks like in like
january of 2021 so yeah like that i was gonna say something right away but then you also drop the
virgin language hey hey hey and i was like maybe i'm i don't wanna play myself here so i'm gonna
phrase it as a question instead of a call out um okay anyway now that we've now that i got that
out of my out of my off my chest um something i'm very i don't even say hyper aware of in this space
is that uh typically it it is um what i swear to say this um typically there are a few people who
make a lot of money off of um most other people and i think that that comes about in a lot of
different formats but typically that's the template we see um so when i think about gaming
i try to say okay how is this not that template and i think that
by these gaming companies starting in web 3 they're basically like sequestering themselves
to this little ecosystem and i'm not hearing anyone talk about the hyper negative sentiment
of blockchain in the web 2 gaming community and even if like they make these games good
which they aren't um sorry i get a little uh emotional when i thought yeah yeah i was just
gonna say you sound like yeah i've very passionate um but even when like even if they were good
which there but even if they were web 2 is not picking it up they're not getting anywhere near
this there's outrage when games or creators talk about crypto or nfts so i you know because of
the fact that we that these games are likely never in my opinion never going to go out of web 3
it's just the the big fish milking the time and money of everyone else and it's the same
template that we see over and over again in my opinion dude web 2 gamers there's two things they
hate more than anything it's ai and web 3 and blockchain if they literally hate it go to i
watch a ton of like osmond gold uh live streams like on youtube or whatever it is or just look
at any major web 2 uh content creator who who does games if they ever talk about like especially when
doctor disrespect um announced his web 3 game oh holy shit just go and find those videos and
just go look at the comments for the love of god go look at the comments it is insane how much they
hate blockchain web 3 nfts and ai like they hate ai so much i have no idea why it's the most bizarre
thing to me but they're all because it's because all of them are have been fooled by all the ai
girlfriends that's why all the simps have been fooled and they have come back and transformed
into trolls and now they're out to get revenge to make everyone hate ai because they've been
bamboozled by their favorite uh i was gonna say the favorite influencer but that doesn't
make any sense we've been in web 3 for way too fucking long dude take my mic back it's it's funny
because as asman gold makes a joke to like all of his people in his live stream he's like listen
the reason why most gamers get mad at a lot of stuff is because they have a lot of time because
they don't have jobs and he's like the main reason why a lot of you are even watching me right now is
probably because a lot of you also don't have jobs and i i listened to that i was like holy shit and
i think back to all the twitter spaces or x spaces where there's like 600 people on a space even
though it's it's like 11 a.m on a on a weekday i'm like dude i don't know maybe none of us have jobs
either man because we're all still here more like sun up sun down doesn't matter monday morning at
8 30 a.m people there's 300 people in in a space talking about it tweeting in in the group chats
are lit at 9 a.m on a tuesday for no reason i'm like dude maybe no jobs i'm still shook that when
i check on when i checked on x during christmas eve peak my daughter's about to go unwrapping
present like i'm i'm in euphoria and i'm like i hope everyone else is doing the same on x like
i go to x threat guys hosting the space there's 600 people in it and i'm like what the literal
fuck is going on right now like it's no breaking news it's just literally they're bored
and they're all just fucking sitting in spaces time zones are a cluster fuck in my head i'm not
gonna lie i'm like nowhere in the world this is peak of christmas eve it's either super early
or it's it's like you know late everyone should be sleeping a dozen like what anyway back to you
dude i know i'm in i know i'm i am up too late when i start going on spaces and then like
everyone has an accent all of a sudden like you guys know what i'm talking about right
that's a great way to tell like damn bruv like damn bruv and i'm like shit i need to go to bed
bro you hear the australians are up the you know my english homies are up i'm like yeah as
soon as i'm like it's over in the peak in the peak bowl um i would say right around november
of 2021 um we would do these like never ending spaces and it was hard to do because you'd likely
get rugged you could never like pass the hosting off we used to do them with mori's little lemons
it was like a bunch of projects and it was totally just like you would nap you would get up and you
would scare people because you would just like as the host on mute and go what's up after you slept
for like a few hours and you would like never knew who was in the room you hope your co-hosts
were like switching over but yeah i remember there was like 48 fucking like 50 60 hour spaces
just like over and over and over and all the accents going through the time zones was the best
part because you just like had no idea but something you said earlier reminded me because
i never thought about this in terms of kind of like web2gamers i guess not being into nfts or
whatever a different like context but i never thought about it but like i would never go to
my local hobby shop and like you know talk to like my magic the gathering friends about nfts
and you would think those fuckers would be like the most like into trading cards and shit right
and yet like that would just be so weird so maybe maybe i'm generalizing but because i also play some
dnd recently with some web3 friends on spaces but still like i don't know how that community like
that like board game gaming community i don't know how warm they are to nfts either which is wild
yeah because they're like they were they're not they're not i will tell you they are not
yeah what's up shakina hey what's up what's up yeah i saw you you had a web3gaming space i was
like okay i will hop into this instead of playing call of duty right now um yeah no like my whole
beef i think a lot of the issue or some of the issue with um web3gaming and the guy before me
that spoke um kind of kind of mentioned this it just seems like the developers are building
like specifically for a web3 audience and like i think you you've lost already there you know
because the majority of the world that's playing games you know is obviously in web2 i think it's
okay to bring in like web3 you know dynamics parts of web3 but to to to completely tailor it to where
to where you have to be on twitter you know and all day doing spaces to promote it to sell your
nfts to raise money that's an issue you're not going to win like because we're too small of a
pool you know like already um for the amount that it takes you know to to to pay people that are
building games for the money for the amount of money you know that that it takes to be successful
um recently i've started kind of looking at the the d-pin you know kind of sector this new emerging
market and i've been mostly looking at the games that are trying to come out of it i don't know
anything about the one that um gosh that kuro's doing the gaiman gaiman like i don't i don't
anything about that one yet i've been looking to that one yet but like i've looked into like i
guess shaga is one like they're building on salana there's hp um chain and then there's also like
eight um eighth or cloud um and a lot of it just seems to be around kind of democratizing like
cloud gaming um and and making that i guess like easier distributing cloud gaming uh networks which
i think is something which i think is similar to what um gaiman you know is doing as well but like
i said i have to look more into that one but like i i think you can use the tools to make you know
like gaming more accessible you know to to those that can't afford you know like a i don't know
what alienware or the really um high-powered pc's like i think solving a solution is a lot i don't
know it would be more useful and then you know once you've done that then maybe at some point
you want to you know slightly introduce the idea of you know like asset ownership you know but but
but yeah like i think just to already target just to specifically target web 3 that i which i call
the twitter crowd you know like i don't understand the point and the purpose behind that because
again when i go to gaming conferences i i get laughed at every single time i don't mind getting
laughed at but i get i get laughed at every single time i raise my hand and ask about like
blockchain or what are you doing blockchain or what are your thoughts on blockchain the technology i
don't even say nft's i just like i talk about the technology um it wouldn't be used for and then
everyone sucks 13th and then the people presenting get everyone else in the audience to fucking laugh
at me this happens in many conferences and it's okay because i'm still very confident about what
we're building and web 3 um but yeah even the dnd folks the the ones with cards who don't judge
me but i thought i thought they were like nerds and i thought they would be the most interested
in something that's like techie and i like no no i've i've tried that as well um at a couple
conferences um gaming conferences where dnd was large and they don't care um and i don't really
i don't think they ever have a really good excuse to talk when they still talk about the environment
like peace but aside from that like they don't ever really have an exact reason um with the
technology um it just lack of understanding what i would say they just want to they just want to
have their neckbeers and just vibe with the homies and play a nice six hour dungeon raid
with with their friends like and i respect it man i respect it you know what dnd players
are some of the most like um what's the word uh creatures of habit that i know because i actually
have some friends that really really play dnd and they've been playing it for like 15 16 years now
at this point and they're creatures of habit they they don't want anything new they don't care about
okay what's their oh they're adding more tech stuff to to the dnd game no they don't want it
they want to write down their strategies on a yellow notepad and they want to count they want
to schedule all their their their meats and raids on a chalkboard so yeah that's that's dnd players
and i think that's fine but i'll tell you one thing the reason why you have web 3 companies
or web 3 games or whatever it is right nmt projects doesn't matter the reason why they
try to cater to a web 3 audience and not to a web 2 audience is because the average spend
of a native web 3 user is like something along the lines of like 10x that of a traditional web
2 consumer and there's on-chain data too that suggests that this this data is pretty accurate
the reason why people only cater to selling products to web 3 users although the amount
of users that are possibly purchasing these products whether it be games nfts doesn't matter
it's because we're more likely to spend a hundred to five hundred dollars on a digital asset
than even like a web 2 user or web 2 gamer for example is wanting to spend you know 30 bucks on
a game so like we're like the perfect audience to sell products to at an extreme premium right
try telling one of your dnd friends hey you guys uh i'm thinking about playing this game you guys
want to play with me they're like yeah sure like how much is it you're like oh it's it's
800 dollars they'll be like what are you get out of here you almost make me want to just hearing
that number makes me want to shave my neck beard off so it's pretty terrible that's a valid point
like i just recently started playing with some web 3 friends we do it every saturday night like on
twitter spaces and because we're all on web 3 the person that's our dungeon master she's like yeah
i'll buy the whatever mobile app yeah we're just gonna like it was she didn't even question some
of this stuff which i found so funny like you're mentioning like what happens if dgents play dnz
you're gonna get all the fancy shit because we don't care right it's kind of hilarious like i
never thought about that but you're so right i'm telling you i know i end it there's the same
people who do dnd they're also like big warhammer fans and they have like next to their dnd tables
they have like an absurd like a full-blown like uh militia replica of like these hand-painted war
hammer characters too so like trust me i i've been in the depths and like deep corners of like
niche like subcultures of whether it be dnd or war hammer or you know even the people who at
my local card shop who are playing games i've tcg games i've literally never even heard of like
these games came out in like 94 and they're still playing it but anyways i have digressed a bit but
i will tell you one thing man i appreciate every single one of you tuning in tonight uh this was i
basically just announced the the twitter space i was hosting like three hours prior to having it
so i'm actually really happy with the turnout and i've said it time time again i actually really
enjoy twitter spaces or x spaces with like 50 people in it man i feel like i'm just talking to
the homies we're all just hanging out relaxing i kind of get a little bit of anxiety uh i've been
on some hosted space with like a thousand people and i'm like holy shit what is happening right
now santa go for it brother yeah no i was gonna ask you know um because this is something i think
about literally all day every day right you already know i do a daily show fucking we promoted like
a few times a week too on top of that which is not easy at all what do you think that twitter spaces
or more so what do you think and i want to i want to throw this around the panel what do you guys see
that is missing from spaces i was doing right like for example we got some people doing a variation
of shark tank but with projects uh that's been a very nice popular concept that some have been
able to do uh who wants to be a millionaire kind of game show the game show overall overall concepts
but like i feel like we're lacking creativity we're we're we're not seeing as much um creativity as
we normally used to so like i want to kind of ask you rudo i want to throw this around the panel
real quick before we actually start closing up what do you think could be could be utilized more
what do you think we you will want to see out of hosts doing these spaces so often dude um
it's funny because even me in peak of like hosting spaces doing four a night for like three hours a
night for like seven months straight super tough by the way i don't know i don't know you do it santa
honestly it's so fucking hard to do that but i honestly don't think there's anything really
missing i think what's missing is i think more more people like more users right because if you
i don't know if you guys have noticed but if you tune into spaces quite often i'm gonna go ahead
and say it's about the same like 200 people that you see or same 100 to 200 people that you see
either hosting them or speaking on them or even in the audience i'm pretty sure i still see even
in this space right now there's people that are listening to me right now that i remember from
like 2021 or 2022 like like legit so i think that's really the from like a like a product standpoint
i don't really think it's missing too much stuff obviously like it would be cool if rather than our
pfp is it was like a live video because i also think live streams are kind of not that great
like you kind of lose that interaction with others that are also speaking with you
but it would be really cool if like our little pfp can just turn into like a camera and so that
we could still have this same format but rather than seeing pfps you actually see like the person
i think that would be pretty cool um but that's the only thing i can think of we would get a lot
of uh up the nose type of a deal because people would be like i can't see myself is this like a
little kid you got games on your phone bro you got games or or even worse like the guy who uh
who couldn't turn off the cat filter on zooms like judge i'm a human i'm not a cat i swear
i swear judge you mad at that man said judge i'm fucking dead uh
dude um yeah it's it's i can't think of too many other better features to be honest i do
i just think it's i think these x spaces when they work maybe they can make that better right
when they work i still think it's one of the best you know top funnel or even networking
things to do i think maybe adding more speakers would be cool rather than like 12 like make it
25 dude let's get rowdy you know make it a party uh go for it out or what do you think
oh shit my bad shit kind of my bad go ahead yeah no i was gonna say like and and kuro knows
uh i mean when he's not talking i'm just gonna keep mentioning him um like yeah he knows i
can't stay in the rooms that are just full-on djin um they it hurts my brain uh and so i i'd
love to see i don't know just spaces where people like genuinely wanted to learn and so i guess it
it may those faces might sound like a college lecture but you know for stuff that people
actually wanted to like learn about and you actually had i don't know like it's the actual
experts in that field that could could ask could answer questions so like i mean i'm sure you guys
might have heard of what's his name um carlotte carlo like the him and um gosh i don't know they
do like a legal like panel whatever and carlo like his background is criminal defense and so
usually like whenever there's something with like i don't know within npt or web 3 space
that has to do with like a criminal anything he will talk about it because that's his expertise
and i can be in a room with him with a whole bunch of other lawyers and he will be the only one we're
all lawyers but he's the only one talking about the criminal stuff because that's not our expertise
that's not what we do but then you have another group of us that that will talk about ip and he
doesn't talk about ip because that's not what he does and so it would be and that's the only
that's the that spaces that he does with the other dude that i'm forgetting his name because i haven't
been in there forever um it's normally a lawyer space but it's open to everyone and what i love
about it yeah you can as a lawyer i can ask questions you know about their expertise and
okay what do you think about this what do you think about this and and vice versa and so i wish
we had that unlike the the web i guess on the d gen end when it when it comes to maybe some of
the tech you know stuff if i wanted to understand like i don't want to understand ordinals but if i
did want to understand ordinals you know there was actually a space of people that actually
understood it and could explain it as if you were five you know they understood it yeah i'm sorry to
cut you off but it's only because you just gave me the best idea for like a sass product so if
there's any devs listening um hit me up in my dms we're gonna slide into an nda real quick but
think of a platform like skill share or something like that or what's that what's that platform
where you hire someone you hire someone to do like to do a video of you like you know uh uh
or like do a shout out right like a celebrity does like resolve like a happy birthday to my wife or
something like that what if there's a platform where experts in a given field can charge people
to pay for them to come on spaces what rudo what's that yeah it'd be like have you heard of um
wait hold have you heard of like the master classes or whatever like that's in yellow so
something like that but audio live audio that's what i'm you know everyone everyone don't move
don't you dare move no one's allowed to leave anymore um i'm gonna delete this because that's
that's such a good idea dude it's literally such a good idea you're welcome if there's any devs
designers in here if you need someone at the helm just hit me up man we can talk all right uh
outer hurry hurry run the space let the space and delete it burn the evidence yeah we're gonna
we're gonna rub the space here after outer so um i do want to let outer go and then i want to
say thank you to everyone right after go for an outer oh my god the if i had an eath for every
time somebody invented something on his spaces damn i love it um i wanted to mention a couple
things from spaces from before because i it's actually a really good question that i haven't
thought about and i used to host a lot of spaces and i haven't probably hosted in a while and i'm
not sure i want to go back to it maybe um but it's interesting how like most in fact my entire
following is just from being on spaces since 2021 i don't post often i am trying to maybe a bit
better but i i don't really like i i would not call myself a content creator that feeds the
machine like every hour because i don't really care um but we used to do like if you remember
there was a big metaverse push so i remember giving like voxels tours we would build hidden
voxels while on spaces i remember going to some like artist talks where we would be standing
in voxels in somebody's gallery while on spaces the artist is literally talking about their art
while we're looking at it all together so there was just a lot of like i hosted a new year's eve
party so i didn't have a christmas literally we were all for the first new year's eve in 2021 to
2022 we were on spaces and in voxels at like some giant party that was happening somewhere
and we did i think four time zones so we celebrated four time zones and we were all dickle butts i
think we picked some hilarious nft and we all just like passed them around and that was like
those were our pfps for this so if i'm going to show it up in the space they were like why are
you guys this like rugged project or whatever it was really funny but that was like the height of
kind of like you know the the bull and everybody was vibing and it was insane so a metaverse was
a big part of that is hanging out in like the central land or whatever the fuck metaverse was
dropped at us um another one was playing games like my partner and i made a game called the
meffra blaster which is just a skin on like a blaster but because the meffras are cco we just
shoved all the mf's in there so you could put your number in and then you're just shooting
each other in a box but like a bunch of us would end up doing that while on spaces and it was really
funny so i think a lot of it is just like using social audio to connect but then do some other
fun task while you're on it because that came from us being in discord a lot right at the very
beginning and having like calls together in discord before we moved there and then before
that we were on clubhouse and like you rudo you mentioned like what about more speakers man
your clubhouse was chaos right that's like your chaos so i don't know about more speakers i feel
like you know i'll take one for the team to be dropped down any day to have like less chaos
than being in a room with like 60 people trying to talk all at once like i think from like from
being on clubhouse for like two years i don't know i think i'm good i think i'm okay with with
like a 10 panel or whatever the fuck it is yeah it's not it's not bad you know what okay this is
the last thing i'll say man i i'm really just i'm the i'm the idea guy right okay so you're on space
is just how it is right now right you're looking at your screen you're seeing everyone the audience
the panel but then the jumbotron up top is a video so like if you want it to be a video and still
keep this same format that is that would be banger like if i could live stream i think
live streams would do 10 times better if it was this exact format but then at the top that's where
the video was live streaming from that would be by far 100 hands down yes absolutely we brought it
up in some spaces town halls back in the day where some of us were testers for spaces when
they first had it and they were just like yeah it's not possible just like we were asking for
handoffs we requested it on a town hall as well we're like why can't we hand off hosts and they
were like the way we're set up we can't do it because on clubhouse you can just hand them off
right and it doesn't have to close down but yeah they they're like nope and now i don't even know
what's happening because the people that were making spaces back then are no longer even there
so no idea but if they did live streaming in the jumbotron i'm all over it listen outer i
think we should just apply to be head of product at x i don't know i mean you know just imagine
you show up in in the mf'er outfit and i show up in like a pink butt down or whatever my character
is wearing and then we just tell them like this is what we want we're gonna be leading the product
side and yeah you're gonna pay us a lot of money and then fire us in like a year because that's
what they do anyways guys um this has been an incredible space we went on a couple of tangents
but i don't really care because it's been a lot of fun i only give a huge shout out to santa who
agreed to be my co-host uh like 30 minutes before the space so huge shout out to you huge shout out
to tda if you guys don't know i am part of the tda fam hosted tuesday through saturday with the homies
chief at tuesday through sunday with the homies chief and expresso they are on every single day
10 45 a.m eastern so if you don't know about tda already i don't really know how else you're making
money because they're the they're seriously like one of the best people dropping really early stage
alpha and stuff like that not financial advice but they are really great people they've been doing
consistent every day almost every single day twitter space for like two and a half years
it's insane they definitely have to be like the top three longest running twitter space show
um in the entire industry have to be but yeah huge shout out to santa outer shekinah kuro and
everyone else who tuned in those who've been listening since the very beginning too you guys
are absolute goats man like you it really means a lot to me you have no idea i don't care if there's
10 or a thousand people in here it means a lot that anyone's willing to take five minutes out
of their days to just hear me ramble on and talk about nothing so i appreciate you guys we do host
these and usually it's me my boy andrew forte he's the pudgy right there every thursday either
8 p.m eastern or 9 p.m eastern um oh shit i'm taking andrew's place wow i mean i work with the
guy every day we're literally in a slack chat like i oh this is gonna be awkward uh hey andrew uh
well uh team meeting tomorrow's gonna be real fun andrew andrew's on a date right now and he's also
in spaces so i'm fucking bullish on my boy andrew dude shout out to that's not on the relationship
if he's in space is always on a date no dude i'm bullish on that i want to be on a date
and support my boys and um or girls and support their spaces on a date i've done it sometimes
too i just mute it i know you can't hear us he has it all the way down he's just showing support
no i'm doing that all the time i do it all the time just to like show support if if i'm in the
gym i'm still in the listeners okay i can't i can't do that because the battery drainage is
ridiculous so uh i don't know what kind of insane battery power you motherfuckers have but i i'll
show up there for about five minutes and the minute my phone gets hot i'm leaving that fucking space
i'm telling you right now yeah my phone does get hot but it's kind of nice on cold days man you
know get it a little low low leg warmer there for a second anyways i've spoken too much i appreciate
you guys a ton seriously i'll see you guys next week or i'll see you tomorrow on the tda also
check out my boy eddie man me and eddie used to host a space together called the really good web3
show every sunday night 8 p.m eastern him and the homie english also some of the best spaces you'll
hear they get some incredible speakers on there so yeah shout out to eddie and uh english over
there i think it's called over overexposed or something like that um i'm a terrible friend i
don't remember that but anyways i love you guys i appreciate you you could have been in the world
but you were here with me and that means a lot to me peace out everyone have a great night