Web3 Wednesdays with Chippi NFT

Recorded: June 14, 2023 Duration: 0:57:00



Absolutely not.
I think it's expected at this point. Here's the, I'm not surprised. So I started the space at 3 o'clock and on my end it looks like I'm hosting the Twitter space and when I sent out the link everyone's like what's going on I can't join. So yeah and then Twitter told me I can't
can't start it up. It disappeared from my scheduled spaces. It's not like, OK, business is usual. Just get a new link up. And if everyone here can just share this out, we can get more folks in here if you really appreciated. And we'll get started in about a minute or two. And apologies for the delay for those who are waiting to join.
Yeah, just inviting him up as a speaker Awesome, let me treat this out. Yeah, and I just want to start by saying this is an unprecedented amount of speakers
today and I'm so excited for the Chippy NFT takeover. So yeah, let's get more folks in here. I'm gonna go ahead and share this with some bankless style friends and some telegram shots and yeah we'll get started in a minute.
Okay, everybody. So looks like we're getting some folks joining in. We got Chippy, Perchie, Montgomery, Tonsky, Coco, the corn cob. I think Cthay.
behind the Chippy account today and then behind the OpLis logo today. My name is Rachel for those of you who don't know me. I'm a Coalition Success Director at OpLis and I focus on our Web 3 partnerships and I host spaces like these. I'm the host and producer of Crypto Sapiens.
And yeah really passionate about building community and showing up and doing spaces like these so without further ado, I'm really excited to feature to be an FT this Wednesday because Chippy's done from a project that is really close to my heart, which is banquist style and I see some
and the most important thing is to have a good time.
Yeah, sure. So it's pronounced K-a. Okay. Yes. No worries. So I am actually a Portuguese in real life little sister. And when this started as a passion project for him, he
very much developed this project while he was living with me. So I actually had no desire in the first place to start helping him with this project necessarily. But as a loving little sister, I slowly helped him with, you know, just
ideas and he always asked for his opinions on things on his art and so I actually only created a Twitter so that I could follow along to watch his project grow and it's slowly but surely turned into me being the person behind the scenes of a lot of things so here we are.
Awesome. Thank you so much for sharing your introduction and I'm so excited to hear from Purchee. So for those of you who don't know, Purchee is the mastermind and the artist behind Chippee and Ft. Uh, constantly creating community art, uh, hotler beach and so many others for the community to mint.
and just continue the ethos of bankless style in building community. So without further ado, Perchie, we'd love to hear from you and hear your introduction, man. Hello, yes, thank you so much, Rachel, for hosting and yeah, I'm super excited to be
on this I've been in a few interviews before but this is the first time that I've had the privilege of being in a space with my sister and with so many other chippy as speakers so this is going to be a lot of fun and means I don't have to talk the entire time which is great
But just to build a little bit of what KethA said Yeah, so I was I was going through kind of a Transitionary time in my life and I was I was living in KethA's basement and I was
I had just joined the bank list now. The bank list now just started. I was trying to figure out what my contribution was going to be and that's how this all began. Right from the basement, as Kate said.
I think I just want to say that she really undersells her contribution to Chippy quite a lot. She is behind the Chippy account completely. That's any time you see anything happening from the official Chippy account that
99% of the time that's that's KFA is behind that so yeah and she's given me like tons of advice and guidance on throughout the entire project so huge shout out to her
Awesome. So, Percy, I want to circle back and really focus on the origin of TIPP NFT and why it was created and really I want to hear from all three all of you guys like what your why it
is like, what gets you out of bed in the morning? What's gets you excited to work on Web 3 and work on Shipping NFT? And we'll come back to some of those questions. But I'll pass the mic over to our next speaker. We have Montgomery on the stage.
GMGM, hello. I give some background, I suppose, to talk about how I got involved and what gets me excited. I mean, Chibi's a great example of what gets me excited about Web3 is a decentralized brand and great friendships online.
and digital spaces, redefining what does getting together in digital format mean. It was one of the Genesis team members of Banclesty, so they're during launch and participating ever since. And in those early days, Purchase Dropping some
comics that really embodied the energy of what we were doing and creating and been repping the the PFB ever since. Collected a number of others as well, so I'm really happy to be a part of the GP family and happy to be here today to support
Awesome. Thanks so much Montgomery for your introduction and for your passion and just showing up today. Next I want to pass the mic over to an OG Chippy. So I believe one of the first Chippies, if not the first Chippy, we have Tonsky on the stage. What's up Tonsky?
Hello, how's it going? It's going good. Happy Wednesday, man. Happy Wednesday. I'm very nice hearing everyone's voice again.
I really look forward to these spaces. It really just all gives us a chance to come together and talk about what we're passionate about and continue growing community.
for it. So happy you're here, Tonsky. And I'd love to hear about your Chippy journey and maybe a little bit about what inspired you to get involved in the community, your journey at Banklistow, whatever you want to get into. Feel free to
Sure. So I was early on into the bank list. I got the bank list or the bank token drop and everything.
just kind of was into the whole like NFT, PFP trading kind of ordeal and the collecting of it and then along came Perchie and like tied the two worlds together with what I loved about Banclas and what I loved about NFTs and this was
the first community that I actually really got into when it came to PFPs, the other ones were just kind of flipping in everything. And yeah, I got my chippy early, early on. He did a little raffle, I believe it was. He had a
a sale of three tickets. And if you got the ticket, you got drawn into the bankless location. And I got two of the three tickets and the third one he gave away. So I was basically guaranteed a spot
to get in and then I sold the second one to Curls because he wanted to get in and he had some connection errors so it worked out perfect for him too that he got in and we were drawn in and it's kind of just evolved from there. It's just been
I mean, it's just been everything I've ever wanted in a group of people. It's just like no one cares about the price. Everyone here is just like down to chill. Everyone is just very, very nice to each other. There's never an immosity about anything.
And it's the place you can come to just like relax and just actually, you know, just like be a human in Web 3 and it's not about anything else. It's just about being nice to each other and everybody loves each other in here. It's really, really nice.
Dude, that's so true. Like I just have to say like we had a little chat going in discord and I started getting all the tippies together for this space. And I had one of the most refreshing conversations with you guys just going back and forth sharing corny jokes. And it was really just a breath of fresh air and I honestly had like belly
laughs just like laughing at these jokes. And it was really cool just to vibe with you guys. And I definitely feel like I was welcomed with open arms. I'll get into my custom chippy in a minute because I'm so so grateful that I got one of the last custom chippies. But I want to give everyone a chance to introduce themselves. So
Speaking of corny jokes, we have Coco the corn cop here who really inspired the corny joke discussion that we were having. Hey, hey, what's up Coco? Not too much. What is a redneck put on the ceiling if they don't have a fire detector?
I don't know, I don't know. Corn kernels. We... Appreciate it. Yeah, I'm Coco and community member.
I don't know really what to say other than I was appreciating the bankless locations decent amount of time before I even knew what a Chibi was and I think one of the things that we love in crypto for better or for worse is the fact that when two crypto people have a conversation
conversation like nobody around them. That's not in the crypto knows a thing about what they're talking about. It's like we're speaking different languages and I feel like the bankless locations are a visual representation of that. It's like a beautiful piece of artwork that you put on the wall and nobody that I know knows
What it means at all. And then yeah, for into my G-Flan, I think he was one of the earlier members, one of the earlier Chippies was telling me about Chippies is like, man, you should you should join the discord and just kind of what you guys are talking about is what I found every
everybody was just so nice and it's not a lot of D.G.N. talk is more about this more dowel heavy which I'm very bullish on dowels and they fascinate me and I didn't even know the connection with bankless dowels until after I kind of started hanging out more.
Yeah, I just love everybody here and we're going to permission this. We'll probably bring this up, but a lot of us are going to be staying in a chippy mansion that we rented in Austin. And so I'm super excited to meet people in person.
Awesome. Thanks so much for that introduction. It's awesome to hear about your journey and how you really found a home with the Chippy NFT community. And I was just going back in our conversation to find a corny joke I looked up. So I'll leave this one for you guys. Why did the cornstop change careers?
He wanted to change fields and plot twists to work in NFT and it's Coco in Web 3.
Okay, awesome. So I think we just have Johnny left on the stage to give an introduction. What's going on, Johnny? Hey, how's it going everyone? Sorry, I was struggling there a little bit. I was in the wrong boat, I think so.
I just wanted to give a shout out. I think tons of tons of you hit it off, hit the nail on the head there. I started, you know, this is the first NFT project that I purchased.
And I think it's just like the foundation of this community is just based off love like tongue tongue skis said it best like nobody's selling these things, you know, because or these pieces of artworks I should say because they're beautiful
and people love them and they're like a piece of you so yeah it's just really great and yeah I just have love being here you know shout out to all the Chippy and I see some some familiar faces in here so it's just great to see y'all.
Awesome. So we got there everyone's introductions and thank you so much, Johnny, for being here. Thank you everybody for stepping up and showing up for your community and just living your passion. So I really want to start today now that we're done with the introductions and talk about the origin of
So, uh, Purchief, you want to talk a little bit about this. Uh, how did the initial inception or the idea for Chippian Ft come to come about? Yeah, sure. Um, so as James was saying before, uh,
I was early in the bank list out days. I started dropping some comics into the bank list out discord just to sort of chronicles and things that were going on. And my standard default character was
very similar to what the modern Chippy is right now. It's evolved a little bit over the last few years, but still quite similar. I've always been interested in comics and drawing, and so at various times in my life that sort of
kept like little notebooks and journals where I would occasionally sketch and that would the chippy would always sort of be my character for comics although it didn't have that name at the time that that came a little bit later
from from Coros actually who Tonsky mentioned when he was talking. And yeah, so that's sort of the origin of it was was through bankless doubt was sort of my my way of contributing to bankless doubt, which was
to kind of chronicle this journey that we're all on. I really liked what Coco was talking about with just having like us in Web 3, we have this, we're involved in this world that we care very much about.
And it's just like other people outside of it don't understand what's going on and we want to kind of
Keep these like, um...
document. That's the word I'm looking for. We want a document what's happening. And so that's what I was initially aiming to do with creating Chippy and with the bankless locations.
And this is a little bit unrelated, but to the question, but what Johnny was saying, I just wanted to go back to that.
All of these chippies.
There's so much co-creation with all of this. Like when I create these custom chippies, I feel like anyone who's gotten a custom chippy for me, we've co-created that together and it's like this.
This project wouldn't be anything without the community. It wouldn't be anything at all. The community is what this is all about.
I just love how I've been able to create this with everybody else. Like this has been just such an amazing journey. And just
Yeah, everyone, all of the Chippy have contributed. Like anytime someone's gotten a custom Chippy, like Coco's Chippy, for example, I would have never thought to make a, make a corn cob Chippy. But now it's, it's created and that's part of the canon now. It's drawn in
to a location you can find Coco on on Hauder Beach and that's yeah that's that's permanent that's an NFT that's that's out there forever and it's all a way I think I I love how
we can all add something to it and and all contribute in our you know our little ways into creating co-creating this together. Yeah, honestly and purchasing I'm really grateful for just how hands-on you were with the process of making my custom to
And just asking me questions about what I wanted to portray. And just looking at the open sea, I see a lot of like Ethereum symbolism, even cult down for Jarash James. For me, gave me the the opalist work token logo and my buffa corn.
Viking helmet too. So I got to fuse the ideas between two of my favorite NFTs, Chippies and Buffa Corn. So I was just so happy with that. And I think that's really like what this project is about. It's about letting people be their authentic selves and show that through
you're creative process and you know you have a chipy, a custom chipy for Marco Grendel. There's just so many amazing people that are a part of this community and it's so awesome to see. Now before we go on to other speakers I have a few questions for everyone here.
But, Pertia, I want to hear from you specifically. How do you see the Creator Economy intersecting with Web 3? And how is this empowering creatives like you? Yeah, I think it's incredibly empowering.
It created, it allowed for Chippy to happen. So that's, I don't see a way that this happens without this creator economy, without Ethereum, without NFTs.
It just gives everyone a way to buy in and have some kind of skin in the game and to, yeah, it's just I, it's impossible to imagine without NFTs like this.
this community existing in the same way that it does now. I mean, I've been doing it full-time now for almost two years.
it's supported me. I've been so fortunate to have this community buying my NFTs and allowing me to continue creating.
And it's just been such an incredible change in my life to be able to do this. And I think it's all
because of this brand new innovation, this new creator economy that we have.
Absolutely, and I see the Trippi account has their hand up. Go ahead.
Yeah, I just want to add on to what Perchie is saying because obviously he's never going to brag about himself. But the only two things that Perchie has ever been so extremely passionate about in life are web3 and drawing his own artwork. I mean, he's been doing that for years now and he's been telling my
family to get into crypto and web 3 since before anybody even was talking about it. And so to see him being able to blend his two passions together, I mean obviously you guys can see how talented he is with his memes and his artwork
the funny stuff that he's able to contribute to it that's just so subtle but just really nails it on the head every single time. The fact that he's able to do this now full time and people are supporting him and supporting his livelihood is just I can't tell you guys how many times he just calls me and he's like is this real life
life, this can't actually be happening. Like how do I have this many amazing people supporting me all the time? Like how can I do this for a living? This is crazy. So I just wanted to give you guys that little insight too because I don't think you would ever give you that insight.
That's that's just amazing to hear like you've really found a home in Web 3 and found of medium where you were able to build this community and and uplift people and bring them together and just looking at some of the designs like they're just so wholesome like some of them are so adorable and I
I just love looking at rupees. And yeah, there's a lot of little subtle means like looking at this one with like a bankless beanie and then one of your larger artworks behind in a poster. There's just a lot of creativity that goes into these and just a lot of amazing people you've made.
I know my colleague O. X. Joshua too has one as well with his hat he's always wearing in the office work token logo so of course from the opposite team we appreciate you making those for us. Now I want to open up the floor.
And just ask a question to all of our speakers today. So why NFTs? So what do you think the benefits were of creating a project through using non-fungible tokens and using Web3 technology? What do you think were the benefits of doing that for a project like this?
And I'll just leave that open for anyone that wants to talk about it.
And kind of like to follow up on that a reason I ask is because I am actually not as familiar with the NFT space. I have been a downer since day one in Web 3. I've just been really in love with the potential.
for Dowels to democratize employment and uplift individuals. And I personally want to know, like, just the benefits of using NFTs and like why this has worked for this community and what the benefits are.
I can take this for a shot at that. NFTs are a broad solution for lots of different things. Even like PFP style, 10K clubs, etc. like Bordei, the rest of them try to service
this identity niche. And as a part of that, dowels and identity have naturally found one another. You are showing up in digital spaces and you need to represent your identity to people who you know and people who you don't know. How can you
know someone and trust and what are their values etc and NFTs offer us a medium at least in this time to demonstrate some of those. I think NFTs also offer this neat thing in Web 3 spaces
to demonstrate provenance. So, you know, all of us here working or claiming, working with, working with Perchie to create a custom one or grabbing one when the chipies are dropped by surprise on us. Any day, night, right, Chip?
Any day, I write poetry, the next ones are coming, yeah. So like the the provenance of having Chippy right all of us here wearing the most RPFPs I think is wonderfully like we can demonstrate and show our ownership and working with purging like
You all can very clearly see that we paid for these. We support this artist. They were not created by it by a known hand. They're a part of the collection with his signature on it. And I think that all these kind of things come together, at least for this community,
to show, okay. I'm working in Bangladesh now. I see a lot of chippies. I want other people to know that I also feel bankless values very deeply. I want to show up in spaces and share this identity.
see all these people I talk to them, they're on my teams, they're on my guilds and projects. I want to share an identity with these folks. And I think that this really small project, 500 cap, this is not a
10k clubs is not even really by your way in. Honestly, I think that if you were to look on OpenC and I know we're in the middle of a very strange migration which I'd love to also talk on later, they're not for sale. And I think that that is a really great part of this thing, which is
like these identities are not for sale. These identities we hold and cherish and share online in every place we can. Not only here on Twitter, but in Discord. My God, you could catch me looking up, should be like wallpaper design that I want to put in my room. I'm like, "How do I decorate?"
The locations and the comics and really identifying with Purchie himself, right? This person is a good person. Has a strong identity, has developed around him, a good people, loving people, and like,
I think that I'm hoping that I've colored in the perspective that I think, like NFTs are just a piece of that puzzle, but I think they offer a really good
utility for connecting the identity to the pieces. Absolutely. I think that's that's so insightful to talk about the the identity piece and even our digital identity and how we're represented in the digital world. And I think these PFPs have given us a chance
to like not only establish our own identity here, but also connect with a larger group of individuals. And I think that's our innate human nature to have that sense of belonging, right? To belong to a community to have that support, you know, friends to lean on and to talk to. So that's just really beautiful.
Thank you for kind of bridging, you know, the NFTs with Identity, because I think that's so important. I see Johnny, you have your hand up, man. Yeah, I appreciate it. For me, it's like the paradox, you know, we're talking about these technical capabilities, this technology, this, you know,
this legacy almost like written onto the blockchain right these uh this is like very intense and and kind of like you know um i guess you know a technical aspect of this place but then the paradoxes you simplify it with these chippy and they're very just like simple and you know there's
a feeling to it. So for me, like that paradox is just so cool to see, like, hey, we're talking about like a technology which I think is going to stick, you know, in the long term in the future. And then, you know, to look back on that and be like, hey, you know, a cool project that started was just like this simple thing.
And it goes back to the people and like linking that connection that relationship pieces like really cool to me and just nice to see so you know for me the web 3 is like hey why why not you know, you know, we're gonna we're gonna make this more intuitive and I guess I
I think for me it's like a vulnerability piece. It's like the Chippy are so loving and like you can just see the passion in the artwork and then we're going to throw this technology into it. It's just like, it's just in terms of like onboarding and just helping people. I think it makes them feel more comfortable and that's like, you
I think that's has helped with the community and just overall in general. So yeah, that was a lot, but sorry, that's just kind of my feelings. I love it. Please, if you want to passionately rant and go into a rabbit hole, rabbit hole, that's what we're here for. So I love it. Yeah, so another
And I think that's a really important aspect of working in Web 3. It's like, have fun, right? Connect with people, make friends.
do things that are fun and inspiring and spark creativity and I really think Chippy NFT is really doing that. So I want to hear also from Tonsky and Coco if you have any thoughts here on like the benefits of leveraging blockchain technology, digital identity, anything in relation to that.
I think everyone pretty much summed it up nicely. The only thing that maybe wasn't talked about that's maybe a little on the darker side of humanity is the ability to flex. I remember when the talent was talking about
we didn't see NFTs, you know, really taking hold of it, he didn't understand the like the benefit of having the Mona Lisa on your wall when you can just print it out of a random printer at Kinkos because it looks to you exact same. But NFTs
give you a way to say yeah you can right-click save this but like this is mine and I got this you know three years ago in the first drop and went through whatever it's just it's it's one reason that we buy NFTs is probably not the biggest one but yeah I think it should be said
Awesome. Thanks so much Coco and tons key. Do you have any thoughts on these topics?
Everybody summed it up pretty good. I would just kind of add to the ownership thing that it is very important to put your money behind or your east behind a certain project like like Coco was saying you
can right click save, right? But when you say I'm willing to put X amount of ETH towards a project and give that up knowing that you could spend that anywhere else and do anything else with that ETH, but you're just willing to
be a part of a community and make it, you know, and do what it takes to be a part of it. It doesn't matter what the E3 really is. Fortunately for all of us, it was pretty cheap. But, um,
Yeah, that's all I would add is that the ownership aspect of it is just
That's what makes it important, I feel like.
Absolutely. And honestly, I have some questions in relation to the ownership piece and also just want to educate anyone that's on the space today. Chippy did have a recent migration and there is a process in which you need to send to a wallet to move you to be over if you haven't done so already. Maybe perchie or
Chippy could talk about that a bit more. But aside from that, I really love to hear what you guys are most excited about. And if there's anything coming up on the Chippy Road map, I heard a little chatter about something potentially being released. So yeah, feel free to take the mic and you don't want to talk about upcoming initiatives and how to transfer your Chippy.
Okay, I'll jump in there and just before I do I just want to give a quick shout out to Cute who is my in real-life partner and she's listening in the space and was also along with Keith
one of the very early 50 supporters and also another early chippy who even predates well this is debatable we can get into who predates
two, but Finn for Dow, who is officially the first custom chippy is in the audience, so just a shout out to him as well. So, Tonsky was telling the story about buying one of the tickets, so I have
three tickets to get drawn into doubt town. So this was before I had the idea of the Chippy P.F.P. project. And so Tonsky's Chippy is drawn into Mount Doge, which is the second bankless location,
which is very, very early, very few Chippy are drawn into to any locations that early because it predates the Chippy P.F.P.'s. So Tonsky has that very unique honor of being one of those Chippy. Finnford
the one who actually inspired me to create Chippy as a P.F.P. project when he said, "Oh, I like your P.F.P. can you make me one with the Discord mask on?" And so you can see him there in the audience is the
with the discord mask and that's uh and and so that's sort of where that all got started and then uh uh hold on oh I was talking about the migration okay let's go back to the chippy migration um yeah so for a long time uh
We've been I've been minting Chippy just on the open sea shared contracts, mostly due to kind of my own technical lack of technical skill knowledge.
I've learned more about NFTs and grown as an NFT creator. I've come to the decision along with the
with the support of the Chippee community, that moving to our own contract is the best thing to do.
few weeks, I've released a new Chippy contract, one that I control. And we've been starting a process of moving all of the Chippy PFPs over to that contract. So rather than give you an explanation of how to do that,
Here I you can look at the my pinned tweets or you can look in the the Chippy discord and there's a full explanation of how to do that there But basically it's just we're moving our Chippy off of the open-sea Contract and onto
our own contract, which I think is the best move for NFT for a collection like this to sort of have that longevity and to sort of have that control that is so important. So that's that.
Awesome. Well, well, thank you for all the updates, Perchie and for explaining that to our audience today. A couple more things I want to ask and then, obviously we can open this up. If anyone in the audience wants to come up, Finn for Doe, Cute, whoever wants to come up,
It'll be an open stage here in a minute. I want to hear from our speakers and actually I'll pass it over to Montgumry before asking my next question because I see he has his hand up. I want to sort of add one thing on the migration bit beyond the technicals.
And it kind of speaks to Chippy community at large. If board A was to expect to migrate, for example, we need to go to a different contract, x, y, and z reason, the expectation would be that there be some very x,
explicit Web3 contract where you would put your thing in and out the other end you would get and mint and whatever. And for a lot of reasons, the trustless nature of contracts is really, really important.
I would like to say that it's a really beautiful thing that basically right now our migration and it is a good idea that we need to migrate. But our migration is send your ship you to purchasing and he'll send you one when he gets online on the new
contract. Like it's really funny to say that out loud in this community, right? Like you would fully expect that, oh, you know, we would mint and transfer and contract.
Right it like no just send it here and they'll send you one back like like litter Like send one Bitcoin here get to back classic nonsense But I just want to zoom in on that and be like
Like that is at the core what we have, we have deep trust and love. Like hey, we got to get this done. This is the best way that we figured it out. Perchie is handling all the gas on that, sending all those things back.
I just wanted to highlight and share that funny tidbit of the almost counterculture of having a very trustful NFT community.
So, go team, we did it, that's culture right there. Chippy guys. Sure.
Awesome. Thanks so much Montgomery for elaborating there and we are at the the final 10 minutes of the space. So something I want to ask perchi and then and then open it up is
What is your creative process when you create these shippies when you create the larger pieces? What is your artistic process like? Is there another larger art piece that you're working on currently?
Yeah. So for creating Chippy, if it's a custom Chippy, then I work very closely with the person who is requesting the custom. And Rachel, you know
from your experience with working with me to create your custom. I hopefully the person has an idea and then I just build off of that. And for other Chippy, there's so right now, I think there's about two thirds of the Chippy
roughly our custom chippy. So mostly that's just ideas straight from the community, their ideas put into chip form by me. And then other chippy just from my own imagination. So for that, it really, really varies.
So I think this is actually a good segue into a quick little announcement here. So we've got a chippy auction going on right now. It just started right before the space. So I'll share a link
for that. Yeah, let's pin it. Yeah, a new new chippy dropping. It's the name of the chip is polyphemus. It is the only Cyclops Chippy, a one-eyed chippy. Polyphemus can be found chilling on Hobbit Beach.
So it's a three day auction for this one. So I'll go back to my creative process. We'll circle back to the auction. I'll drop the link for that. For these larger pieces,
it really depends on the piece for this last one, how their beach is taking a lot of whatever is happening in crypto news. Obviously I'm a big fan of the bankless podcast and
Just follow crypto very heavily in general and so anytime something happens in crypto that seems noteworthy seems like I can make some kind of visual representation of I make a little note of it.
I kind of start a long list of things that I'd like to include in one of the locations and then as I'm drawing the location I throw them in. So for example, it really changes. From where I started, this previous one, how did they beach?
thrown in, belogies, like Bitcoin to a million dollars bet was just so crazy so I had to throw that in as well. Yeah so just any time something happens in crypto news I like to just make a note and see if I can work that in some way.
Awesome, well thanks so much Perchie and Coco, you've had your hand up for a while, if you have anything to add there.
Yeah, going back to the migration just real quick. There's something brewing related to the migration, but we need people to sing this like chorus that we just DM me either on in Twitter or
and discord and I can send you this chorus and what we need is for people to sing it back as if you're like a drunken pirate and the more people the better so so please don't be shy if you sound if you think you sound horrible singing it does not matter
Awesome, and I'll pass over to Chippy.
Awesome. I can't stop laughing at Coco. I swear I'll get back to your promise. It's going to take me a minute. Yeah, I mean what he just said alone just speaks volumes about our community. We are trying to get a collaboration of a bunch of us to sing like drunk pirates for an air drop for people.
sorry if I spoiled anything but here we are. Yeah so going back to really quick what Purci said there is officially the first option of the final chippy drop so he really put that low key but this will be the final chippy drop we
My mic just went off. Is it? So we usually have a chippy drop with every bankless location, but we had to do things a little bit differently since we reached the 500. So this will be
the start of the final drop and we will be auctioning off the next few weeks a chippy so just pay attention there's only about 10 to 15 non-customs left so if you have any desire to join the
community or want to get another Chippy that's a non-custom before the 500 closes. This is your chance. So definitely pay attention. I will be posting everything on Twitter as well as Discord. But yes, the first link will go up immediately after this chat. So stay tuned.
Awesome. Thanks so much for sharing all the updates for our listeners today. And I just want to draw attention for a moment to the pin tweet at the top of the space. I shared the link for the new polyfemus drop. So you guys, if you're interested in looking at it, it's there on OpenC. And Johnny, you got your hand up.
Yeah, I wanted to give a shout out to Frank. Oh, he had an idea for an IRL meetup and I see Blue Bear down there at the bottom too or he was here. But yeah, right before permissionless, we're getting the community together. Hopefully to do a type of Chippy con.
event where people dress up as their chippy. So super excited. Please send me all the details. I will share it on all the socials and try my best to make it there. So you guys, that's going to be before permissionless.
Yeah, we're thinking I think it's going to be September 10th and then we're just kind of waiting for it's going to most likely be at a bar or a brewery and yeah, Perchie and Cathay has been super helpful with that and then we have a huge channel that we've been going through but yeah, it's super excited and shout out to Aaron for helping out.
find some places to you so. I feel like nothing would make me happier than dressing up as like a buffa corn chippy kind of character like that would just be so amazing. Wow, wow that's so cool and I think it's so important that we continue to show up IRL too and build community.
That's something I always say. I'm not going to travel anymore. And then another event like this comes up, permission lists, ECC, EAT Toronto, I'm looking back going to this year as well. So I really am adamant about just continuing to show up and IRL make these connections and show up for your community.
So we are getting to the end of the hour here folks and I want to make sure everyone has a chance to share their thoughts and you know if you want to talk about like your favorite Chippy your favorite art piece by Perchie or anything coming up in the world of Chippy that you're excited about. I'll just leave it open now if anyone wants to come up and request the mic feel free.
I just want to add real quick. There's also a new merchandise store where it should be merchandise is for sale. We have shirts and hoodies and if virtue wants to add anything to that I'll let him go because I've only
been on the site for a little bit and already bought some stuff. So I'll let him take over if he wants to. Sure. Yeah. This is all K-Fa's initiative. So I've been too busy making Chippy and working on the bankles locations and K-Fa's
been telling me we need to get some merch out there, we need to get some merch out there, people keep asking about it. So big credit, big shout out to her for finally pushing that and getting the merch out there and I think she did an amazing job. So if you want some merch
go check that out. We'll make sure we put a link up for that too. Yeah, if you wouldn't mind if one of you could pin the tweet, Chippy NFT is currently a co-host of this space, so I think you have the ability to do it. But if you guys want to drop a link to me, I can also pin it on my end.
Awesome. So anything else that you guys are excited about, any favorite piece you want to talk about or we're closing thoughts from our speakers today?
Oh, we actually got a request. Bringing up a new speaker to the stage. I will say that I love all the Chippy. They're just all awesome.
I thought the Gary Gensler one was pretty funny how he's curling through inside. And yeah, I saw the post about is Chippy a registered security?
Yeah, I just wanted to jump in and just say, you know, a Web 3, where's Waldo, you know, a cornucopia of color and imagination.
in comedy something that's personal and yet pervasive a unique artist as that guys thanks perch
Wow, that was that that was beautifully stated Frank are you like a journalist or writer or artist or something? Yeah, he's all of those he's all of those things. You got the gift. Frank is Frank is also a long time chippy and someone I work
very closely with along with I also see Alan Brace here. So Frank Alan Brace and also cute we all work on the rug as well which is another Web 3 project which we can talk about on another day but yeah thanks a lot Frank I appreciate that
Yeah, and Frank, it looks like your DMs are closed currently, but I'd love to connect my Twitter for those of you by the way you don't know. It's @RachelRowsB. You can't miss my Chippy.
got a baffa corn, biking helmet and obelisk worktoken logo. So, yeah, Frank, I'd love to connect and talk more about what you guys are working on on the rug news. Sounds really interesting.
Awesome. Well, we are past the energy hour. Does anybody have any other closing thoughts? Anything you're excited about? Anything you want to share before we end this space today?
Now this has been so great. Thank you so much, Rachel, for having us.
Absolutely. It was our pleasure. Thank you guys for coming on for Web 3 Wednesdays. As always, I'm super excited to just show up and continue building communities and talk about amazing projects like Tipee and Ft.
So thank you all for joining. Super grateful for our speakers and our audience members today. What's up, Jarice? I see you in the audience, man. Yeah, so thank you all. I hope to see you on the next WebFear Wednesdays.
Thanks everybody. Bye. Thank you.
Thank you, sir. Thank you. Bye. See ya.