Welcome to Paloma v1.0.0! 🕊️

Recorded: May 17, 2023 Duration: 0:32:28



Can you see me?
I want you to put your hands together. Just move your hips.
We've been a lot of times searching for love
And never know where it's coming from And as soon as we get it, so far We seem to think that our work's gone And we're the same thing it took us to get us that long All the things that you'll have to do to keep us
You gotta go, you gotta take all things You gotta get all things, you gotta take all things Give it all, you gotta go, take all things, give it all, you gotta take all things, give it all, you gotta take all things, give it all, you gotta take all things, give it all, you gotta take all things, give it all, you gotta take all things, give it all, you gotta take all things, give it all,#
You can't get me, oh you've lost. You can't get me, oh you've lost. You can't get me, oh you've lost. You can't get me, oh you've lost.
(upbeat music)
♪ And all the things we did ♪ ♪ And the things we intended to do ♪ ♪ But as you told us ♪ ♪ That you could go to my cell phone ♪ ♪ All the way ♪ ♪ And there ain't no way ♪ ♪ That you'd spend your day with me ♪
Alright, nice music, nice music. Okay, thank you so much. We've got to keep the fire burning and we got to keep the fire burning. Keep the fire burning. Hey Vera, are you keeping the fire burning?
We're on fire. Well, you know, it's midweek Wednesday. Welcome to Wednesday, May 17th. And this is the volume event. This is our volume weekly update on everything and volume is working.
on. And we just want to say thank you for joining. And if you're here for the generative AI presentation, or sorry, we made a last minute switch because we have an exciting update to share. But we will get back to generative AI in the crypto ecosystem. And oh, yeah, thank you.
Thank you so much for your time. We want to make sure that we share the exciting news that today we're going to talk about Pulumma and Pigeon V1.0.0. We are delivering today Pulumma if you are.
In volume on our GitHub or you're on the Pulumachin GitHub. Pulumachin is a Pulum as our client. We are a vendor and developers for the Puluma Foundation and we had volume are working on releasing updates with other partners. We have BitWit, binary,
working as well on Paloma and we're happy to share that today we want to talk a little bit about Paloma and Pigeon v1.0.0. Also just a little bit again to recap and recenter us on who is volume and volume 5. So first of all, I want to thank everybody here on the Twitter spaces.
And we're excited. Happy you. Thank you. We hope that we deliver you some hot alpha here today. And of course, if you're reading this in the transcript or listening into our, we suppose to have this on YouTube or recordings, then welcome. So volume, we're volume finance or volume.finance our
goal is private key security and private key management. We want to really innovate around managing private keys and automating the use of private keys on chain. Our goals are to explore how to get more use out of your private key without losing it or without getting in Hattro Stolen. Also our goal is to enable us, you know,
folks in the digital asset space to unlock additional uses and additional dimensions of private key use that will, of course, allow folks to be able to do things they couldn't do before. So today, and of course you can find us in bollion.finance and we're always hired
And we do these weekly Twitter spaces with everybody from our Paloma community. So we also give a shout out to the Paloma chain community who may be listening on today for us as we talk about Paloma 1.0. All right. So with me is Vera. Hi Vera again, and we're going to talk about
Pulumma 1.0 and Pigeon 1.0. Those releases were cut fresh. These were fresh eggs laid today. So if you like your eggs fresh and just in coming out of the nest, Pulumma 1.0 and Pigeon 1.0 have been now cut. So we're going to talk about
the features like why do you care what's the big deal who gives a but who gives a feather. Well, we would like to say upfront that Paloma 1.0 and Pitch 1.0 are using Cosmos SDK version 4.7.1. Right. So you may ask
What's the big deal version 4701? That's just another number. Well, what we're using essentially is the most recent version of the Cosmos SDK that is what we say is essentially a new Cosmos SDK. So this is all new. So if we were on version 4.5.13,
And the beginning of the new Cosmos started with four six we waited and then with partnership with VITWIT and partnership with the binary team. We want to send thanks to those great teams. We are now at version 4 7.1. What does it mean to be an entirely new chain? We'll talk it through and also talk about what it means
for those users on Paloma and why this blockchain is going to be something pretty powerful as we launch some of the new steps on the chain as we go to mainnet. So the first thing we're going to talk about, and Vera, this is your favorite feature, right? Transaction prioritization.
What? I'm going to hear you. It's definitely an exciting one. It is. So, we, a transaction prioritization is something important for us because Paloma is, we've
been working on Paloma for nearly a year. My first test that was launched in June of last year and my goodness, it takes so much time just to get a protocol out. It's just, it's amazing. I still think that Ethereum was a miracle because it was so many people working on it and they got it out within two years.
And we have been working with established software and it still took us a year to get it out. And why? Because this stuff is hard, but transaction prioritization is something that is new. What it means is that we have custom mem pools now on on Paloma using Cosmos SDK. What is a custom mem pool? Well, and the car
If you're not on pre-4/7 or pre-4/6 version of Cosmos SDK, what happens is all your transactions get loaded up into mempool all at once. Because they're all at once, if you're trying to sign more than one transaction at the same time, you essentially would
software through what we call an account sequence mismatch. So last year, at this time, we were on Terra and we were running a liquidation bot on Terra's anchor protocol. If you remember Terra, if it is 2021 or 2022, oh my god, it was 2021, right? Is it been two years?
No, it's a one year. I'm nuts. It's one year. Okay. It's 2022. It's one year. It's one year ago last week and Tara died. And while everybody was, that was, I know we were young, we were young kids that year ago. And if you were in the car,
a year ago and you had your money in anchor, you were trying to get out. You were trying to get out as quickly as possible and you were trying to get out like we were across the wormhole, across the bridge and back into the safety of the the the warmth of the theorem diamond. And in order to do that, you had to essentially
unwind or withdraw your USDT from Terra and swap it for USDC and then take the USDC across the bridge to get to USDC. Well, if you were doing that on May 10th of last year, you and everybody else, you know, the $9 billion in liquidity will
all trying to do the same thing, get off anchor and get back and withdraw funds, trade them off of any of the UCC exchanges on Binance, whatever, just get out. It was a race to the doors. We were trying to run these transactions to liquidate positions where we were getting essentially Luna and we were being Luna and we were trying to liquidate the
to Luna and then convert to Luna and to the end of the bridge couldn't do it because every time we signed a transaction we would get a con sequence mismatch. The transaction could not be included in a block because that transaction was too much. It was just too many of our transactions were happening
at the same time. So the solution that we did was we fired up multiple servers and multiple nodes. So thank you, Quick Node. We paid Quick Node a lot of money because we signed multiple nodes and multiple keys to sign transactions at the same time. And that account sequence mismatch was essentially a clogging of the system and it was a problem.
Transaction prioritization allows the protocol to prioritize certain transactions with something called a custom m-pool. So you can now say, "Hey, we can subdivide the m-pool into essentially different groups, and each of these different groups will give a priority."
And so prioritizing the mempool into groups is a massive innovation of 4771 that we have wanted here at Paloma because if we're running clients on Salana, imagine that we're essentially executing transactions on Salana. And Salana does not have a mempool, right? Salana just has
has the state that goes really, really fast. We are trying to process it. You're going to realize that the message is on Salaam, they have to be treated and say the message is that Paloma is controlling on Ethereum, because Ethereum is slower. Transaction prioritization is hot and we are the first chain. Paloma will be the first
in production using transaction prioritization. And here, just here how we do it. So Paloma, on which volume is building, will be essentially prioritizing all attestation messages first. So we're grouping, imagine now we've cut the group, the mempool into four groups. The first group that is important
for us as attestation. That means if Paloma validators see messages happening on Solana or messages happening on Ethereum or messaging happening on on Osmosis, those messages and their consensus are top of the pile. So even if you want to send money, that message will have to wait until
the message for essentially coming to attestation is processed and into a block. And then the next message we have is of course, hey, after attestation, we talk about scheduling. If you're scheduling a job on ploma to execute on osmosis and on ethereum, those messages
come next after the attestation of the messages that were processed are successful. And then of course, our third mempool is the validator set updates. If anything that has to do with updating the validator set saying, hey, we are the security network. We are the security message for the network. Those are third. And of course, everything else comes for us.
So if you're sending a, you know, some money to mom, that message will wait until Paloma is actually successfully attesting, and of course scheduling jobs. So what we want with this functionality and feature to see happen is Paloma, the protocol,
essentially prioritize message relaying above all messages in the system. And it is our view that if we can get that done, then Paloma becomes a unique blockchain that the validator is, and of course, users find useful. So we're trying to make Paloma useful
for folks and this is one of the key features that we're doing. We're still testing it out and we're still finding that it doesn't work as perfectly as we would like. On Paloma, we've had to slow down some messages because things move very fast with our validator set. But we're really excited to be the first to
to have pull them away the first chain to use this functionality from the Cosmos SDK dev team. And we use it in production. Like it has a use. There's a critical use case for it, and it is a competitive advantage. So this is one of the great things about the Cosmos SDK. You can really build it to tweak it to add and create a unique positioning of your chain, which
other people, you know, let me try to copy, but again, if you're really focused on use case and users, it should benefit all folks in the Cosmos ecosystem. All right, so the next one is comment BFT. We have moved from tendermint, so big change, no more tendermint, goodbye tendermint.
Hello comment. So we're a comment BFT no big changes there, but we're going to be looking for consensus changes and upgrades to make consensus faster. Right. So we want to see, we want to say, you know, raw raw to the cause of the K team for bring this and of course not the comment BFT team for bringing this
We are already opening up tickets on the Cosmos SDK side because we'd like to upgrade to we even like to continue upgrading and tracking the most recent version of Cosmos SDK. We know that in Cosmos SDK for eight, there will be no new changes to comment BFT that won't be available in 10 minutes. So we're excited to be on
contract for those. And again, we hope that by Paloma continuing to push the boundaries of use and demand on the Cosmos SDK and now of course on the consensus layer, we'll be able to see features that will make Paloma even better nest for our users. We're also moving out to IDC GoV7. So
Of course, you know, polymer currently right now prioritizes communications to the EVM. And of course, now we're going to be looking to start working on communications towards the cosmos group of chains and change running IDC. So making it easier to build a pigeon
a Puluma pigeon and a Puluma compass that is landing on a Cosmos chain via IVC is critical to us. So what we're going to do is, but of course the IVC like client is sort of like a standardized like client, whereas the Puluma Composivium is a custom like client, right? The difference is here, but what we're really excited about is that Puluma
the most compost for IBC will be powered by IBC 7. And soon we will be looking to, we have some exciting news that we're looking to share. I'm not going to mention that now, but say that, you know, if there's a, if there's a cosmos chain that, you know, is doing well, you will definitely see Pulumma enabling anyone
including developers to automatically execute transactions towards those Cosmos based chains. So very, very excited to see that come alive. Hello, Kava. All right. Also, what's hot is NFT is now a base module. So imagine creating an NFT on Paloma that now exists.
in any target chain. What does that mean? Well, you can have an NFT that is originated on Paloma, but now is substantiated on OpenC on Ethereum. It's now substantiated either on possibly Solana, on Magic Eden. And that's the same NFT. So having a base module for NFT
in Paloma now allows us to do Paloma at cross-chain NFT execution. And we're super excited for that because that means now we can let folks essentially launch the NFTs and take them anywhere they want to go. So imagine your NFTs go wherever you want to go. When you go to the volume.finance website, you'll
Let's talk about, hey, take your private keys wherever, this is having the NFT based module. You can take your NFTs wherever you want to go. I know we don't talk about it enough because we're still very much trying to get Paloma into production with some very basic DAPs, but we're very excited to bring up the NFT type DAPs as well.
we continue to launch. So good stuff to have XNFT now manage and create and substantiate NFTs that can go anywhere. All right, so now we get to the more mundane stuff. So we talk about the exciting stuff. We talk about Comnet. We talk about prioritization of the
And they usually do so when the proposal costs nothing to propose. So being able to change proposal costs on the fly is important so that we can prevent spamming. Now we have that functionality. Dracked proposals now you can present which are great so that you can even raise the cost of submitting a proposal but leave the cost of
creating draft proposals cheap or course to zero so that you know people can separate the noise from what is important or what is a priority that's really hot. Minimum proposal deposits this allows us not to set an upgrade minimum proposal positive higher governance. So you know it's a far just seeing us set up minimum proposals for that as well.
Validators now will have minimum commissions another security feature to limit folks lowering validator commission fees to acquire stake to then hijack votes. That is now something that we like and it's a patch but every validator coming on the new Paloma mean that will be
be required and we'll have a 5% minimum commission. So you cannot charge less than 5% minimum commission on polymer chain. That was hot. Now in terms of scheduling, there was a ton of feature changes and updates and logging and fixes to pigeon. We'll talk about
One important thing is that we have upgraded the Python SDK, we have upgraded the JavaScript SDK. So because of 4.7 there are changes, there's no more block sync or block broadcasts, you know, have to sync. And that is no means that we have to change how we query contracts. We've updated the Python and the Pullima
So, we're sort of volume team is moving very fast to sort of launch these initial dApps so folks can see them and copy them and take full advantage. But now you can schedule a job so you can schedule a job and then you can schedule a job and then you can schedule a job and then you can schedule a job and then you can schedule a job and then you can schedule a job and then you can schedule a job and then you can schedule a job#
So a job much easily and much more easily we've been testing it nonstop and we're excited again super pumped with Paloma you'll be able to write a Python script that will just run contracts and execute on Paloma and on our target chain.
So in this moment and in testing, we're already seeing that it's very, you know, maybe in an hour, you can write an app in Python that will run on Ethereum in an hour. Right. So imagine now you're like, "Whoa, that's all I have to do. Yeah, like imagine that. You just, you don't even have to write any Rust. You don't have to write any Go
you don't have to even not to write any solidity. With Paloma, you will soon be able to just write a Python and you're executing on Ethereum. You are getting new users, making profits, speculating whatever interaction with these systems. We're trying to make it very
very easy for devs to be like, "Wow, I'll just write Python and you know, next, write home to my mom." So big changes and improvements there as well. All right, so now we've talked about the course of Vera. Am I missing anything? Anything we did not cover in that walkthrough.
There is a listener. I'll continue along. One very come back to speaker. One point I was here, Tarr. Nice work. Good job. Here's your pat on the back. Here's a dog. I'll see that.
We did the Pulumma Tested Upgrade. TestNet is live and functioning. We're testing bots. You can think of Pulumma as a bot chain. We're in an AI world.
to test that upgrade on Tuesday, which was on today's Wednesday. We did a test on upgrade on Monday afternoon. We did a patch release beta 2 and now we've cut the release. So test ends working, functioning fine. We have successfully sent messages, reced transactions, query transactions, query state, create cosmosmocontrol,
So we have all green. I repeat. Gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, we have all green. So we will be looking forward that not the detestant is proposed as completely.
So every Thursday since last year we've been cutting releases. And today is the first day we cut a release on a Wednesday. So the release is here, which means that Thursday we will announce tomorrow. We will announce the releases available. And then we will also put in governance a proposal to upgrade the release.
the Pulumma mainnet. All right, so the upgrade will happen, a proposal will happen tomorrow so that on Monday morning, most likely around 4 p.m. CET, I think is that 4 p.m. USD or UDT USD or UT, a universal time? We will have
the chain halt and upgrade of the main net validator. So if you are a main net validator, you will want to get ready. We'll have a proposal out today. So folks can review. But main net is coming on 1.0 and we will be deploying to Ethereum and BNB chain. I think right
Now we're in polygon and BNB channel and testnet, but from me net, we're expecting that we'd like to deploy to Ethereum. Of course, for folks who are like, "Target, what about those Valsad updates?" Valsad updates will still be covered by the volume team for now. We are, again, eager to deploy contracts
So we want everybody to create bots that automatically execute on other terms.
target chains from Paloma and we are already testing, most of our testing we've already been testing bots on the testnet. So today we're going to be doing some final bot tests on the testnet. So imagine writing a bot in Python and it runs on Solana. You write a bot in
in JavaScript and it runs on Ethereum. We are all about running bots across chains and that is really what Pullomo wants to be. We think is the best bot chain in the biggest bot chain ever. So 1.0 mean that upgrade will mean that we're going to be getting ready to launch
bots and I think for us that will be on Ethereum because there's a lot of activity on Ethereum even in this moment. Of course we can launch chains to anywhere but and of course I'd like to remind folks folks that we'll go to Aubrey Trimmie
You can launch chains and arbitrage them. You can launch targets on any EVM in this moment. And it can be done by anyone in the community with grains. But we know that folks are still like, well, what does that mean? It means it's fully permissionless. But in order to, again, because we're still working on essentially making sure
that the cost for the asset updates are towards the users and those proposing for now, we're just going to keep the number of chains. We're going to say that any chains can have, but we'll ask validators to decline proposals for other chains until the cost for recovering their fees for the
covered right now it is you know covered by volume but we need to still write it so that it's covered by the folks who are proposing it and using it. But we're excited. We had volume or building bots as well on these chains so we're excited to see have folks build with us and also use them. So main now
a date, but let's just say the main net proposal will come out between today and tomorrow and the vote will come out tomorrow. Main net release is here. All right. So what happens after main net? So what happens after main net is that we will be demonstrating
our bots and I think we'll be encouraging folks to build their own. So look out for those as an exciting time to build and this is an AI world we live in. So we are going to be making bots AI friendly and AI smart. So we're going to talk about generative AI and generative AI
bots next week. So look out for that and we'll be continuing to let folks know or say hey this is an AI world here's how you can use Pouloma to essentially leverage AI to engage in the crypto space in a new way that creates more growth and of course more wins and profits.
for everybody in the pull-of-the-mill system. So I want to say thank you, Vera. Vera, are you still here? Yeah, sorry, I had a microphone issue earlier. No, sorry, did I miss anything? Anything we need to cover on 1.0 releases? No, they're good. All right, so... Sorry, I could finally get to this new world. I think, well, what we should
should say, it seems like we're the first, right? Correct. We are. That's right. We will be the first main net, well, the first test net on Cosmos SDK 47 and in a few days will be the first on main net. So we are the tip of the Cosmos spear. There's no one else ahead of us. So welcome to the new world. Welcome to the new future.
See you guys next week.
Rock and roll, cue the music. All right.

FAQ on Welcome to Paloma v1.0.0! 🕊️ | Twitter Space Recording

What is the topic of the podcast recording?
The podcast recording discusses Paluma and Pigeon v1.0.0 releases.
What is Volume Finance's goal?
Volume Finance's goal is private key security and management.
What is the most recent version of cosmos sdk that Paluma and Pigeon are using?
Paluma and Pigeon are using cosmos sdk version 4.7.1.
Why is transaction prioritization important?
Transaction prioritization is important because it allows for custom mem pools and prevents account sequence mismatches when signing multiple transactions simultaneously.
What happened to Terra a year ago?
Terra experienced a liquidity crisis and users were trying to withdraw their funds and leave the platform.
Why did users experience account sequence mismatches when trying to withdraw funds from Terra?
Users experienced account sequence mismatches because all transactions were loaded into the memory pool at once, causing a bottleneck when trying to sign multiple transactions simultaneously.
How did the team solve the issue of account sequence mismatches on Terra?
The team fired up multiple servers and nodes to handle the high volume of transactions.
What is Volume Finance's contribution to the Paluma foundation?
Volume Finance is a vendor and developer for the Paluma foundation.
What is the focus of the Paluma chain?
The Paluma chain focuses on private key management and automation on the blockchain.
What are some additional benefits of unlocking more uses for private keys on the blockchain?
Additional uses for private keys enable users to do things that were previously not possible on the blockchain.