Recorded: Jan. 26, 2024 Duration: 3:14:24



Man, this music sucks.
Hey GM to my lovely listeners my bad y'all I'm just looking at some stuff
Damn up to buy some more when token here y'all. It's looking nice
Storm if you haven't checked your phantom wallet or anybody here in this room right now
Go claim your fucking when token so fucking airdrop
Good morning storm, how are you?
Good morning, did you would have storm?
Anyways, I'm seeing that I'm doing bags to be made
What the fuck is when what do I need to do? I literally just woke up
Help me help
Honestly, it was um, it was a Jupiter exchange drop
It's when token so if you've used phantom in the past
You can check to see if you're eligible. But honestly, it was like a $15 drop like when it first went live and
Since then the market cap hit like I think 93 anywhere from 93 to 95 million market cap
So that $15 turned into like 50 bucks, but people bought the dip, you know what I'm saying?
So people are just pretty much trading it right now
So we'll see and then for all the unclaimed tokens like you have three days to claim you have until the 29th
I think at 10 a.m. Eastern and for anything that's unclaimed it's gonna be burned
So in turn it becomes deflationary which will make price go up. So
They go be a good idea to get on that though. Um, I just want to say everybody
This is not financial advice. We are not
Financial advisors, okay
But you better fucking ape into win and that's it. That's all I'm saying
Okay, I'm gonna go do that right now. Let me go make some tea
And wake up
Yeah, get on that ASAP girl while you're making that tea get on that wallet
Yeah, it would be a good idea for sure
But yo big what's up, bro, how you feeling man? How's that? How's your Friday? Oh Friday's great, bro
I'm here at work got that little quick a drop. Just just feeling great man energy first. Great. How about you my brother?
How you feeling today, man?
Yeah, I'm doing good. Honestly, I had a great night's sleep to be honest
I'm not gonna lie. The full moon was buzzing heavy, bro
I woke up from like a nap at like 7 8 o'clock or something like that and I was chillin
I was like scrolling the timeline
I was in the chest but I wasn't really too active and then like I don't know it got around to like I stood up
Maybe for two three hours and it got around to like maybe like 11 and I just knocked out again, bro
Like that shit was just a lot. But yeah, definitely. Uh
You know got rid of some stuff some stuffs and no longer, you know suit me
And I'm feeling much better. I feel refreshed. Honestly, I feel really good to be honest. It's free money Friday
We're here
I'm happy to hear that my brother man can't go wrong with free money
Especially shaking off the shit that you don't need in your energy in your space, man
That's the best feeling in the world shit. I can't wait to get home and fucking sage man. It's Friday
I gotta get the weekend, right?
You know, let's get it, baby. I
Want to send love to all you guys the Brooklyn way how we doing Brooklyn is always love and peace
Let's get it baby. Have fun
Can I get a year
It was Tom we gotta talk about that I want to talk to you about you know, I hit you up on the side
I'm fucking weak. Yo mystic. What's up, bro? How you feeling man? You're just left the DMV hopped in the space
I heard there was free money to be claimed and yup
Anybody hasn't claimed that yet. It literally takes like two seconds
I just did that shit learn some shit in the space free money Friday get your money straight get your mile, right? I have
Now for OGM everybody
Leave a little miss what's up, brother
We are for that we also for real I see one on their sleepless little cat
You know doing doing all the tings all the art tings
Shout out to a varn man really holding it down really doubling down on his convictions and stuff like that doing all the quests
Love that you got the white list bro much much deserved for sure
Yo, Mara, what's up, bro? How you feeling man? How's the Ferris wheel Miami?
Good talk, bro. That's it. That's a lovely story, Miami. Yeah, Miami is Miami, you know
It's been pretty cloudy lately
But uh reality
It's been cloudy for you too, we ain't seen the Sun in like three days over here not for nothing it's been raining
Yo, Miami so everyone who's from Miami
Like they know how the weather usually is and the weather is
Like been very weird lately. I don't know what's happening, but I'm here for it
I'm not gonna lie because like when it's like sunny and beautiful outside
I guess so much FOMO like everybody in Miami gets FOMO and it's like you just feel like you need to hurry up and get
the fuck outside
So I'm glad that it's been cloudy because like I'm able to kind of be productive and work
Inside without having that FOMO
Yeah, and I feel that um
Honestly, I don't know I feel like I could relate but I kind of kind of can't because I don't really get FOMO to be
outside for real. I just be glued to computer screens, but not for nothing like I
Think like I was taking some time to reflect and I'm not gonna lie to you
Like something that really stuck out to me was like I seen the tweet. I think it was Ansem
I'm not sure but I think yeah, I was having this conversation with the cowboy, but
He basically said like it's you know
There's a lot of bull market fatigue
Like on the timeline and just like the sentiment like overall and we're only like in the third quarter
Like you know
Like they're not even third quarter but like third ending if you consider it like a baseball game like there's nine innings in a baseball
Game, but we're only in like the third inning like bull market hasn't even really started
So it's like you really got to kind of like retract sometimes and like get back to yourself and like really just not like
Overwhelm or overwork yourself like shots of on bro
But you need to definitely get some sleep as soon as possible because you know
There's there's money to be made like every single second of every fucking minute of every hour, right?
Like there's gonna be so many more plays so many more opportunities
There's really really really no reason to kind of like overwork yourself
You know I'm saying cuz health is wealth and above all like your mental stability
And your mental well-being is gonna get you really far in the space. What's up, sir?
Yeah, Yvonne told me to tell you you're not my dad
Wow, I love it. Thanks
Her hand went up quick I knew he was gonna fucking troll bro. I'm like yeah, what does he have to say this quickly?
Even wanted like now I get out of here with that shit. Yeah
Looking cry. I see shaunte. What's up shaunte? I see you down there GM GM
You probably just woke up to shout out to the shout out to the peeps over there in the west coast and all that
You know hope it's hope it's sunny out there
You know having a great day a great morning
Bro honestly, I'm about to fucking buy more when token
Like right here right now
Let's do it bro. Fuck it. I'm with you rock
Yeah, I'm too much of a DJ for this shit honestly
But yeah fucking puppets are fucking ripping obviously
They're probably USD wise they're like
Probably like 2k right now give or take
Yeah, I mean I guess people caught on to like, you know
The phone will probably kicked in when people started realizing that, you know, just being a holder
Would get you, you know perks and utilities like basically like the arctic drop, you know people that got the arctic drop
The you know initially when they first got air dropped
They were like point oh one flip rice and they had like a point oh six all the time
So that's like a free two thousand four hundred dollars if you qualify
And then not to mention like just holding a puppet like gets you like white list for other ordinals projects in the near future
So I think everybody's kind of you know catching on and you know puppets just work like puppets are mimetic, right?
Everything is all about timing
When it comes to like certain drops and inclusivity, right? I think that's the most important thing is
Inclusivity like the thing about puppets that makes them so unique is that you have traits from all types of different collections
Like you have rainbow vomit from doodles you have like the toga and like certain board ape traits
You have the mob pitpipers, you know, so it's like inclusivity and just really bringing those communities
communities together is like what
You know what makes people kind of like want to be a part of the culture
I get into that shit
Hey, you did you know my pain did you you know, but it's all good
Did you don't know this he has his puppets? No, no, no, did you know my battle that day girl?
Let's not even get into that shit. But yo, I saw that you were winning. I'm winning with the communities
Oh, fuck it. Let's go. Let's keep them puppets going. I say the same shit, you know, but I ain't gonna lie
The FOMO be FOMO in brah
Hey, man, I was screaming that I was screaming from the top of the mountain tops like if you can't meant by secondary
These shits is cheap by secondary and I don't know whoever listen, you know, you'll miss the listen
I remember that bro. Josh was put in and it hit like point oh three and then they came back and bounced back
I love hard and I'm saying they're like damn people scoop for below mint price
I mean mint price was free, but they got it even freer, you know what I mean?
So shout out to anybody that got in i'm proud of you. I faded
I got stuck in the waiting line and by the time I came back secondary it was fucking
It was crazy, but it's all good
It's just the beginning like did you said we have a long year and there's gonna be a lot of good things coming
But I feel that shit in the air
Here comes one of my favorite puppets right now bringing world peace
She's gonna tell you to find god, but we have found it
Hello liz, how are you? I'm doing wonderful. I'm just here to promote world peace
Hey liz, how'd you scoop your puppet? What was what was what was the process? Did you man? Uh, liz has a great story, bro
You're gonna love it. Let's hear it. Well, this has the most traumatizing story over this and it all started with digi. So
Uh, we tried minty
We tried minting this one and of course got the heads up. Hey, you know get your btc wallet get ready
And this was my first mint. So
Of course, I sent the btc to my own bc address because that's what my friend had told me on the phone
He's like you're gonna have to send it to the bc address. So I sent it to myself
We're all minting. Everybody's having issues. Obviously on the timeline. We're not the only ones like everybody's having issues it stops
And i'm just like no my shit went through because I for sure sent it the stuff. So let me just wait
Yeah, it turns out I never minted. Everybody got excited. So I was like, oh fuck it
Um, and then they started taking off. I started complaining on the line and doing super fud
Like what the fuck this was the worst man i've ever experienced. This is like the shittiest shit that's ever happened
And then I said uh sent pup and next thing I fucking know I have a puppet in my fucking wallet
And life has been great since guys. I did get the free
Csi drop which was just like a fucking two thousand dollar airdrop. I did get the magic eden code during our discord
I mean these autistic ass fucking puppets on ketamine are fucking working. I don't know what kevin rose said because
Ketamine evidently has gotten these fuckers rowdy
Love to fucking hear bro world peace is manifesting in puppet form
Yo, close mouth don't get fat you heard she took it to the timeline she was like fuck these puppets
Yo, I even made a video because of the inscriptions too crying on the timeline
I think people just felt bad and they were like damn is she really like
Retarded or not, but it wasn't it was just I didn't know what I was doing. It was the first time
Liz let me tell you that's like the best story i've heard this year so far
So hey, i'm happy for you though. That's amazing. That's how you do shit, you know next time. That's what i'm gonna do
Not but good shit though i'm happy for you girl, let's go
Honestly, um don't fumble into the puppets right now it's looking local top
Obviously, it's a new uh a new all-time high. I think was like oh five bitcoin
Hey, yo chill out start barking bro. Um, but yeah, oh five five was a new all-time high
And uh, yeah, they're probably gonna retrace here find a new bottom
Um the euphoria, you know, there's a lot of euphoria on the timeline. I could see them pulling back here
Um, the cats obviously are going to be minting. So people are going to be rotating with profits
You know to try to mint a four thousand dollar cat
Um outside of that people are also going to be rotating into when token and the jupiter airdrop which is also happening
On january 31st if i'm not mistaken
Um on top. Yeah, it's pretty much airdrop season people you have saturn
The saturn platform for ordinals bitcoin, you know, they're doing a rug token drop followed by moon token
Etc, etc. So keep your eyes peeled. I'm gonna go ahead and pin some fucking
Tweets up top posts. Excuse me because we're on x or whatever. Uh, liz. What's up?
I was gonna say, you know what? I have been putting the cats for different reasons
The cats have been traumatizing me since tapu ritz's since last year. So nothing about the cats
But I will say that that's definitely going to be like a double flip immediately. I was scared
But conservatively, I think that we will see like that one's going to be a move and I was fighting it because it's definitely
Overpriced and super high but it's going to be worth the flip
Yeah, I definitely I have mixed emotions I definitely think that there's an opportunity for the flip
I just see it as I don't know like for like, okay
So like for blutallians, for example, right? Like this is nowhere near in comparison for price, right?
But they're sitting below me. I think right now 0.06 last I checked but long story short
It's like first mentors, right once you hit secondary you list
Uh out the gate they were going for like 0.03, right? So now they're sitting below mint. So the only thing for me is like
You know anyone that mints early on is probably going to be able to make that quick flip, right?
But I don't know like I don't see there being that much volume on the ordinal side
Um, especially with all these airdrops happening and all this activity on salona
Um, so yeah, there just needs to be there just needs to be you know volume
There just needs to be people who want to buy right? So it's like I don't know like if you mint for 0.1 4k
Like what are you gonna list secondary right and where's all the liquidity coming from? That's the only thing
that I see as being
Like I don't know like I really really really hope that people can literally 2x 3x like immediately but
I just don't know like what's up, Liz?
I think the BTC people are different the ones that are actually waiting for
The cats and the tap roots aren't the kind of people that put their money into anything
It's people that have been saving money for this move have been dc-ing
BTC since fucking like 2012 like people that are into tap roots and quantums aren't just like any BTC or so
I do believe that there will be a conservative like small flip
So if you're buying it at 0.1, you probably be able to sell it like at 0.16 or some shit
But that's still a fucking flip
No, yeah, that's definitely a flip that is definitely a flip that's like 2k on top of your investment
It's a nice little roi for sure
Hopefully these boomer Bitcoiners want to spend their Bitcoin
Um, because that's literally what booty has been going back and forth with these but these guys for a little while, you know
Essentially like they didn't want
You know ordinals overall right because it's congested network. It's expensive. It takes up block space, etc, etc
I mean, hopefully they turn the corner here and they're a little bit a little bit more dovish when it comes to
To these cats. I don't know. I'm hoping for the best though, for sure
I'm bullish long term on the Wizards on the cats. It's just
Like I said in the chat yesterday, like I remember doing fucking
Shower videos barrel like a year ago over a year ago
So it's like, you know, the attention economy has shifted many times over it
And I feel like any time he gets the attention, he kind of drops the ball
So i'm hoping he does something a little bit differently here with the cats and uh, you know anyone that does mean cats
I hope that there's some opportunity for you to get a wizard as well
Um, that would be dope
Nashante laughing don't cry
Storm did you get your winner? He's really laughing at me because I don't want a cat because i'm not spending that kind of money
She's like poor people
Guys storm you were gonna say when yeah when when storm
I'm literally still sitting in the same spot. Girl. What are you waiting for bro? I'm gonna get up right now
Give me a second to breathe like you got three days. Yo, there's no
Oh my god, I i'm not i'm gonna get that shit before
I'm gonna get that shit before 2 p.m
And then i'm gonna get more and then i'm gonna get more but right now
I need to wake up
So that's what i'm doing
When wake up
I had to I had to post my gm
Now i'm gonna go and uh wash my face you guys want to hear the whole like like, you know
play by play or
Uh, yeah, I want to know if you brushed your teeth before getting up over here
I literally just
Woke up so knowing this I don't sleep with my toothbrush and toothpaste next to me
Um, but that is what i'm about to do right now when I wash my face
Your pfp says different that pearly white
I'm gonna head out
Yo, y'all are really white teeth
The veneers
Anyway, what are some sending this to the group chat now, she's like who got liz here
Yo, I never ever I never ever send this shit to like any chat
That's probably said it's like one chat and just like hope for the best i'm like, yo
All right, whoever comes comes whoever doesn't it is what it is, right? Because at the end of the day, it's quality over quantity
Um, I rather attention ten lions over a hundred sheep
Um, that's that's my preference. Honestly, i'm not gonna lie to you
Um, but yeah aside from that though, uh, what else are you guys looking at?
Not liz leaving i'm dead
I'm looking at this toothbrush
Aside from the hygiene aspect of life, um big what's up with the e descriptions over there on that side my bro
Tell me a little bit what's going on over there?
Uh, everything's going okay so far. Uh
You know keeping our eyes on the mf birds man. I love the little cats. Uh
Want to pick up a few more man and some of the anybiddies
Have you had any of those?
No, I actually sold bro. I had floors and when they
I think they got up to like one six or something like that
But yeah, I just kind of take profits bro. Rotate it rotate into fucking
You know shit coins and all that stuff, you know get on my degeneracy vibes
honestly, I try to stay liquid more than anything because
you know, um
Market the market's tricky bro, but right now it looks like we're fucking you know, we hit that reversal, you know
Everybody I think we brought them to like 30
It was like 38 five or something like that. So now I see we're back to
almost 42 so
You know, yeah, man, pretty much timed the bottom pretty good. Yeah, you did you did you think bro? I'm actually a natural and i'm actually uh
Moving some of my stuff and trying to stay liquid for for this year. I want to do things different, man. Um
Yeah, man holding on to certain things really didn't benefit me at all
It's time to start doing uh different things differently and I like how they're going right now
um, so you already know because
You've opened up my eyes to certain things man, and i'm gonna be grateful to that brother. So yeah, man
That's what i'm feeling right now, man
Appreciate you bro for heads up for future reference. Nobody's indebted to me. I do this free of charge free game
You know what i'm saying? I'm heavy on each one teach one. I really don't care. Just pay it forward
You know what i'm saying? Teach somebody else who's gonna teach somebody else and that is enough for me and my bro
Bro, that's that's
That's the beautiful thing about you brother
You know it comes genuine from the heart and you know, i'm not saying that because we're here in this space
You know, I can say that because I I know you personally now
Um, yeah, man, so that's a beautiful thing and that's why we vibe the way we vibe
And I love what you're about my brother never change that keep that shit going bro
Always pay it forward
You know how we do man
You know the vibe spread love is the brooklyn way you heard there's not many of us left
Yo, what's up gambler how you feeling bro
It's good digi bro. I'm feeling good man. The markets are green again
You know, I got this little pup. Uh
Cat whitelist i'm excited about we'll see how that goes. I'm on spaces with y'all. It's been a minute. It's been too long
Missed y'all, uh, I like the the timbers pfp update digi
I'm about to probably update mine to that one change back to that one after uh, I guess I got whitelist locked in don't I?
Shit. Okay, cool. Okay. We'll see what's up
Well, I guess I want to see what I meant first because I might I might fuck around
But i'm good, man. Happy friday. I'm feeling good. Hope y'all are good over on the
East coast the west coast wherever you're at
And uh, yeah, thank you folks. That's big safe, man. Shout out to you too and everybody up here
Appreciate you, bro. Let me ask you where are you going for alive or dead?
Alive bro, easy easy easy
Too many everybody dead is too dead was too easy, right?
Dead was like the the too too easy one. So that's what made
Alive the two two two easy one. It was like I don't know
I feel like I might if it plays any role into rarity, which it very well may not at all
Um, but that would be kind of cool. If I if I got
You know a rare cat bond's not happy with that because he chose that he's like i'm dead team dead
Despite my my my suggest I told you no
I would have been sweet to have on on team team team alive though because he's
He's giving team dead a real shot to win that shit with with their video bonds video was crazy
If you haven't checked it out, of course as expected
Um, but hey man team alive, you know to the death of me to the death of me ironically, that's a bar
Yeah, I love to hear that man
But honestly, I don't know when I was first getting into it
Like I didn't do any requests or anything like that because I was just like yeah
I don't know. I just kind of wrote it off from the beginning from jump
I'm gonna try to see what's up with secondary, you know, there's a lot of papers and a lot of cheats in this space
So, uh, hopefully but uh, what really uh sold me on team dead was uh, witters can't fade witters
uh, I think it was um
What's his name founder of emojis right, uh, what's his name?
Um, and uh, donny donny's one of the homies, you know from back in og like ordinal days and stuff like that
So I was just going based off the people and I really like the the cats
That's the thing too though. Everybody was pushing dead. So it was like
the easy the easy
Left curve play or maybe I guess the left curve play is a lot. It is dead, right?
So I guess I might be I might be middle curving in here stay tuned. We'll see
Look man either way, uh
Hope for the best. I hope that every single person that got a white list ends up minting
I hope that shit two x's three x's four x's
Fuck it. We need a we need a big one for the squad, you know what i'm saying?
Um, but yeah, I definitely I hope that that shit pays off beautifully. Um, otherwise i'm coming after udi
Yeah, i'm excited man, we'll see what happens, you know what it is all these mints you never know
Uh, but you have fun with it and fucking you know, make sure you keep a bag to to to
Capitalize on the next one, you know what i'm saying? That's all we can do
Next time digi jumps in the chat drops one of those
classic 69 out of 10 calls, you know what i'm saying? You gotta have that liquid ready
Fucking tragedy when you don't when you don't have that fucking 15 20 30 40 50 bucks, whatever you need
And then you're scrambling with that fucking
Or you're trying to floor something you ain't even got gas to floor it on soul
bruh, how how bro, bruh
Like when you send that message to your boy and you're like, bro, can you send me some soul, bro?
I'll send it right back bro. I'm gonna floor this. It's like bro. You said on on either soul soul, bro
All right
Don't tell nobody about this man. So do you know it is what it is, man. One play at a time
One play at a time for sure when it comes to ordinals, you gotta have that bitcoin in your wallet four days prior
Otherwise, you're gonna be scrambling in that mempool boy
You're gonna be waiting in the line like it's black friday at walmart for real, bro
Having your fucking sweats, man, like you're gonna be bro
That's what it was because I did my uh, my day of the puppet. I actually did it that day
So I had minted it when I was I mean, I said that i'm a way home
I got home and stay see nothing. I started sweating. I started rolling. I'm like yo, what's going on?
My fucking by the time the man came it was there
Mine is the technical difficulty. Let's get into that shit. But yo, that was my experience with that shit, man
I do everything from my phone
So my phone just be like about to explode and shit
Like i'd be having to like turn it off just so it stops tweaking on me and jump back in like
We're gonna get there. We're gonna get there
Man, I feel that man. I hear the pain in your voice. Yo mystic. What's up, bro?
Yo, um, I don't know shit about wait, can y'all hear me? I really like reconnected a wi-fi mic check mic check
All right for sure. Uh, these one three three seven zero skulls, right?
I've seen the project around before I see that they're coming to ordinals
Can anybody kind of give me some background on what they were before they started coming to ordinals and?
Yeah, because I feel like I've seen them on on eat in the past, but I don't really know much about anything about them
Yeah, so initially, um
The 1337 skulls were eth freemen
Um, and I remember
I I won one actually through freemen. I don't know if you're familiar with egore
Lenorman who was part of like limit break now. He did. Uh, I think they got bought out
They got they got they got acquired by gabriel laden and you know, lemon break, you know, digi digaku fucking founder or whatever
But long story short it was a stealth freemen
Um, they ran all the way up to I believe like point three eight point four something on ethereum
And then they basically ended up dropping an ordinals collection prior
Uh, I forget what the supply was but they did have one prior. So this is basically like the
the sequel to that
initial ordinal collection
Um, there's no telling like where where they go with it. Obviously, it's like public domain cc cc zero
Um, I think there's a low supply for that one as well
I'm, not sure it's 1337 but 1337 is basically leet speak and leet speak is uh,
You know speaking in numbers speaking in code. So, you know leet is you know, the fucking 13 the one is the l
Three three ee and then seven is a t right? So that's just basically all it is. That's just really the narrative
Um bunch of coders really cool community
Um, i'm not sure where they are now in terms of like the project on eth
or the ordinals, but
Who knows? I mean, this is the second second go around for ordinals in my my personal opinion
Um from you know before and now they're starting to catch on again, so it can go either way to be honest, you know
Gotcha gotcha, um
Do you feel like a lot of these projects that are coming back for like around two?
Of their ordinals things is is it mostly a cash grab or is there anything to be built upon like releasing a second ordinals project i.e
The 13 37s or even udi in the space
For right now. I mean there's a lot of stuff in development right over on the big coin side
So it's just like everything everyone kind of coming over is just in my opinion like right
This is my opinion not financial advice, but I think everybody just kind of tries to capitalize on the narrative
Um and on the volume so to speak. I mean the first time around
We've seen eth projects that were burning or bridging over to bitcoin
Um, so this is pretty much like the same thing. It's just now people are dropping ordinals collections like directly on bitcoin
Uh, you have oni force and oni force is going to do something as well
Uh, there's a few others. We've seen shadow hats right forgotten ruins like they got
A stupid amount of volume over on eth bro
Like they've been out since I think late 21 or early 22 or something like that
And they racked up over like 300k or 200k and eth volume over on that side
So, you know, the shadow hats obviously was 0.2 bitcoin bid and they're sitting below floor right now
They're down like 80 or something like that
So I don't know man
It's really a hit or a miss with with a lot of these projects, you know
And just like I said, like I just feel like a lot of people just kind of go
You know not only the consumer not only the retail investor is going to follow the money, right? But also
Just kind of dissect and do deep dives and really kind of understand what's going to make sense and what's going to go and what's not
I mean for me personally, I respect the low price, you know free mints a low priced, uh
Mints over on ordinals because those tend to do well
Bitcoin frogs it took them like I don't know almost a year bro to really get off the ground
But from a free mint to half a bitcoin almost that's that's exponential, right?
So digi digi what what price are you a buyer on these uh on these cats?
I would buy the cats at 0.05
If they come down to 0.05, I would buy a cat because two thousand dollars is not a lot, right? That's a puppet right now
So that's that's where i'm at with it. Like that's that's reasonable, you know, because
Low supply. I mean if the tech really is what it's what he says it is, you know
They they obviously, you know change over time or whatever
You know, they're supposed to do in terms of like the traits and stuff like that. I'm not sure if they're recursions
Um, but yeah, the traits will change over time
For me, I don't know. I feel like it's a long-term play because it is udi and
They're they're leading the charge when it comes to ordinals in the space between him trevor leonidas
You know see they got the fucking the drop that he's trying to do the fair drop
100,000 inscriptions for those who've been active with ordinal
Ordinal wallets in the last year. So like those are those are definitely the three musketeers
And uh, you know i'm bullish on those guys overall
But for any of these other projects, I just don't know like so do you see?
I'm just trying to reconcile that with like so if we say the ninjas are one of the top projects 40s
in the top in the game
Do you see the cats?
Having a smaller market cap than the ninjas or the the monkeys
because right now
At mint at the mint price of 0.1 for them to get to the market cap of the ninjas
It's about a two and a half x and for them to get to the market cap of the monkeys. It's about a 6x
For mint, I mean, yeah, it all comes down to like the supply, right? I think ninjas is how many
Ninjas is 1.5. Monkeys is 10k ninjas is sitting at around 0.08
Uh, which is about a two and a half x from mint price of 0.03 market cap of 120
And the monkeys are 10k supply holding a point
1 8 mint price of 0.04 via dux auction, which is about 4x
1800 btc market cap when you when you
Bump the ninja supply up to 10k from 1.5 k the market cap goes up to about 800
To match like if you match the supply of ninjas and and of monkeys the market cap of the ninjas goes up to about 800
Which 800 is about a two and a half x from
the 0.1 mint price
Of the the cats and then the the 1800 the higher end of that spectrum of the monkeys
Uh for the cats to reach that market cap
It would be about a 6x from the 0.1 mint price. So about 0.6
Yeah, I mean
Honestly, it really comes down to like the like, you know, the market deciding right like
Like I said, it can go either way like for me
I'm like, you know, there's certain things certain people that i'm bullish on in space
Obviously butoshi was one of those people and it's just you see the reflection of the mint of the floor price and you know
Compared to mint and it's just like people like the attention like just seems to shift like every few days
You know every couple days or so
So I don't know it really comes down to like where everybody's head is at like for me
I i'm bullish mid to long term on every single one of those people that we just
You know mentioned every single one of those projects. I know a lot of people are rotating profits from puppets into node monks. So
You know, it really really comes down to what people consider like at one point people were saying node monks would be the punks
right of ordinals and
You know apes would be like the wizards or something
But I don't know to be honest the vcs
own the wizards if i'm not mistaken, so
Uh, it would it would be up it would be up to the vcs to even
You know release that collection to the public or you know, do whatever they're gonna do there
Uh the cats
I don't know bro. I have no idea bro, but the short term. Do you see them being like
nobody knows right i'm this is like kind of how i'm thinking of it and i'm like
Just barely getting my feet wet in this ordinal side. So i'm looking at those projects
But like do you see I know you believe in them long term, but like in the short term
do you see the the
The cats like not even reaching the market cap of the of the ninjas in the short term, which would be like a two and a half x
I think it's I think it's feasible. I think so
honestly, I know they're probably going to try to push, you know in terms of like
You know ordinal maxis and you know having spaces and you know going about the whole thing the way they usually do but
Yeah, I could see it. I could see it being possible like look
Uh ninjas hit well all the time. I have like point one two five
right, so
I mean it's possible. It's possible. They do a 2x. It's possible they
They do more than that
You know what i'm saying?
It just really really comes down to to the volume and really comes down to the attention
Like wherever the attention is i'm sure it's a stimmy that's coming through
You know with this one token the jupiter drop like there's going to be an influx of liquidity. So
It really comes down to you know
What happens in the in the time frame? When is the mint actually for the cats?
Monday, so it's coming up and then people have to register their wallet their whitelisted wallet with the
appropriate amount of funds by tomorrow
Yeah, so see the deadline of having had the funds pre-registered by tomorrow
It it it cancels out exactly what I said about the drops, you know having that extra that extra liquidity, but um
I don't know. We'll see. We'll see. I know that I will be waiting secondary if it touches 0.05. I will have a cat
Because that's a 2x to mint, right?
It has to go back to mint even if it goes below floor it has to go back to mint
So that's a 2x from you know 0.05 entry
But you know, like I said, we'll see we'll see I am hopefully I do hope for the best though
I do I do I do want to see udi and all these guys succeed in space and I do think that
Ordinals have came a long way. I mean i've been in this shit since fucking sub 10k inscriptions, bro
It's already like 57 million or some shit. I don't even not I don't even I don't even know at this point, bro
You know what i'm saying? So shit
If anything, I mean bitcoin's gonna make it bitcoin goes up the bitcoin ecosystem goes up. That's why i'm saying long term
It doesn't really matter if you know i'm bullish on these founders long term because you know
They're they're out here in the trenches, bro
And they're putting themselves, you know at a level playing field with the with the community and you know
You can you can go into their spaces and ask any questions and it's not like they're they're unreachable, you know
Going up bro, speaking of going up these fucking puppets man. Shout out to the puppets. Shout out to everybody woke up
puppet rich today
Uh, man, I love to see those motherfuckers win, bro. I did
I did some of y'all saw I did liquidate my puff. I ain't gonna lie. I like the paper handed that motherfucker real quick
Uh for quick 6x to put into this cat y'all can mug on me after the fact when the cat is
under mint
Um, but I do I genuinely I hope to get back into the puppets, man
I love that collection so much and I think there's nothing I think there's nothing like it
It's a it's a cool collection for sure. Um
I'm still under silence. Keep an eye on it. I'm hoping for that miracle and a bad finger, but it's a beautiful thing, man
Yeah, man
It's I don't know what it is. Like it looks the art looks a little crazy, but I love it
I don't know what it is. I love the little things man
They're kind of like a bad
Well, somebody said they're the first meme on bitcoin too
Which I don't know about the first but they're definitely one of the first which is
Pretty dope and they're definitely like the one that has the most attention
Which is kind of dope
I mean, um
Creator like right like you have opium so technically opium was the first meme but it just didn't catch on because
There was a smaller collection
and you know, obviously
like jack butcher talks about this a lot is like
You know in order to have like onboard like mass mass adoption and onboard the masses you have to make it
Like like either, you know, you have to make it an affordable price point one and two you have to make it so that it's not a limited
Collection right like opium didn't catch on because there was only a handful of people that could have got into the community
But what separates that from the puppets is puppets is 10k, right? And gamble
I don't know if you were here or not
But I said the fact that they were inclusive and you know
Dropping all those traits from all these different collections, right?
Like the the doodles traits the board eight traits the fucking the pit vipers, right?
even though it's kind of like oversaturated just a little bit, but you see that like
Mog being a meme token, right? There's culture. There's shock value in the pit vipers just seeing it on the timeline. It's like
Subconscious gorilla marketing like it just it just works, you know
And that's why you see the adoption of all these collections trying to implement it as traits in their projects
Um, so yeah, the communities are already there. It's just a matter of bringing them together like for me
The puppets were similar to pepe the meme coin, right?
Because it did the same exact thing like you had people from the crypto space
And then people from nft communities and everybody just kind of like merged together
And then you know the shit coin the shit coin meta was born from uh from pepe. So yeah
It's really good to see and uh, shout out to uh, the puppeteer, you know the the founder
And uh, yeah, he's actually really killing it. He's had previous collections on ethereum as well. He's had uh,
Laza get I think on eth
Um, I think it's like a 2 2k collection or something like that on eth
And then there was uh, actually hold pixie get which was one of my first ordinals
I forget what the supply is. But yeah, i'm holding one of those too. It's pixelated. It's pretty dope
Um, yeah, it's it's just dope to see him coming around man
A lot of the traits were inspired by the community members, too
Like if you see liz's pfp, that's the tupac bandana, right? That was a community trait. They voted on it
Um, so yeah, that's that's what I mean about inclusivity bro
Is just you know having community members contribute and be a part of something. That's so great and here comes jason
It's so funny. I was gonna say yo gambler as you liquidated your mug
Uh puppet he uh picked one up this morning. So he got
He got the the hoodie with the mug uh the pit vipers on it so yeah shout out to jason man
Picking up some grills over there. I see
um, he also picked up a
ethereum punk ape
I think it was like sub 50 or some shit
His dude's not playing around bro. Yo, that shit inspired brother. Yo, he came in
I'm ready to take over the weekend, bro. He ain't playing around
Jason what's up, bro? What uh, what encouraged you what inspired you to jump into puppets, man?
You know, i'm just always looking at the different platforms and how things are progressing. So it's more just
like research to me
and bitcoin puppets is essentially just the extension of
magic eden and
Ordinal theory and the inscriptions and I want to see how the wallets are working
So I was trying to connect, you know phantoms wallet with the bitcoin application
Or xverse and then there was an embedded wallet magic eden that I was playing around with
I waited, you know, gosh forever for to fund the wallet and then the transaction everything was like janky and slow but
Way better than when we launched
ordinal theory and inscriptions and we had to spin up a node and download the whole blockchain and like
I don't know if you guys were there for that but it was way way harder
Than to do what I did last night. So that that's
That's why so I thought it it's really cool that people keep
You know putting pit vipers on projects
That's super relatable to me
Um, you know, I feel somewhat a part of any nft project that puts pit vipers as a trait
So that's it, man. I think it's super cool
Yeah, I love that I love that for real a lot of a lot of these cats these days
They don't understand the struggles jason. We were on uh, you know, we were doing otc, man
Discord google spreadsheets, you know, it was it was trust. It was based on trust. You sent them money
You're like, I hope he sends it back. I hope he sends it
People don't realize like imagine you guys were like experts in the eath world and digi knows both worlds
But i'm saying like people were like what is going on with this bitcoin stuff?
Like I don't even have any bitcoin like what is how do I get bitcoin and like?
What do you mean? I have to have a special wallet and if I send this here it goes away and
I can't send it to my bitcoin wallet
Like you need an ordinal wallet like all of that stuff was crazy and and then you had to spin up a node
And people are like holy crap. What is that?
And there was a whole business of people like okay
I'm gonna run a node and you send me your bitcoin and i'll i'll set you up and people are like trusting off the charts
It became every it's like we talk about bitcoin is like permissionless trustless
You know semi private all that went out of the window people like bro. Take my money. Hold my shit
Do me do this for me. I trust you
Yeah, shout out to the unfortunate souls that definitely got rung
Um, man discord is a dangerous place. Um
You know, don't trust verify obviously things are different now
I mean we've seen the innovation and just how far this shit has come along like
You've got an exchange with listed ordinals with wallets
You have wallets now, which i've never seen before you have wallets that you can hold
ethereum salona and bitcoin
It's incredible
Like that's really cool to me
And i'd say I mean that it may seem stupid to everyone but it's not to me. It's like really
Fascinating when I can't wait to see wallets that I can take ethereum and buy bitcoin and salona
And chain link and then go back to bitcoin and buy an ordinal. You know what i'm saying? Like that would be awesome
But it's not there yet. I know there's a lot of people working on this stuff
Yeah, definitely for sure the cross chain the cross chain capabilities are phenomenal
I know magic eden. I've been using the magic eden beta wallet. So
You know shout out to magic eden shout out to phantom. Uh, they're actually going crazy. I'm not gonna lie
Uh metamask, that's a fucking relic, bro. I don't even touch that thing. That shit is so
Crazy, man
But that that's it's so cool and I digi I appreciate your expertise
On all this stuff, you know, i've been challenging
David, you know from the sidelines to you know
Take advantage of like if you're a home run hitter
Make sure that you're batting forth and you're swinging for home runs, man
And I I see you as a home run hitter, man
I hope david puts you in that lineup in the right spot
You know, you know the vibes if not i'm a dh man designated hitter for sure
Need me to come off the bench. I got you
I got you. What do you think about uh, what do you think about these runes, man?
What do you think about leonidas and everybody trying to farm around these drops? No, I think it's really cool
I was doing a call this morning with fake annie, you know, and
I take I don't know if you guys know fake annie. She's like a super quant that has og status
She worked with rare skrilla
On uh fake rare pepe's she was one of the
You know, uh illuminati working on the back end of that. I don't want to dox her
But you know, she's she's an artist as well. You you might know her as rock mommy
Um, it's funny to me. She's like this normal sweet person, but uh, her art is all like she's a dominatrix
So I don't know. I work with these people. It's strange when uh, you see them express their uh,
their, um inner feelings and their art but
Uh, man, we're we're trying to position ourselves to take advantage of like rune drops
So if that's what you're talking about, you know, I think we already received one
Um, and uh, you know, I want to be in position to get them
Yeah, definitely for sure, um, I think it's cool what uh, leonidas is doing with the fair drops, you know 100 000
active wallets on ordinals, I guess in the past year, um
obviously, there's some requirements but um
Yeah, fair drops are fair drops are I guess the new meta. I mean a lot of people ate swell on the arctic drop even though it was like
subjective in a sense, but
I think uh, yeah, there's a lot of there's a lot of good things happening on bitcoin and people need to stop fading man
That's the that's the the grandfather chain, you know, it's a luxury chain and the tech isn't all that great
But I don't know man bitcoin it always leads back to bitcoin
We have a way better already because like remember when we launched inscriptions even when we launched
When pepe is launched
like x-chain sucked
The dispensers were horrible like the experience was janky
You'd buy something from a dispenser that wasn't even there someone had to send you the money back
Like there was all kinds of weird things and then pepe. What the fuck?
Uh pepe.wtf was launched and it made it so much more fun and gamified it. You can see the wallets you could buy things
Um, and then you had a legitimate exchange like uh, you know the exchange it's simply a wallet
It's a user interface like your trezor isn't doing anything. It's just it's an interface to a block chain
That's all it does. It's like your your bitcoin doesn't move. It's it's there
You're just you're just accessing this and and making a record into this thing. That's all these are they're a portal. So
Right now the the portals sucked but now they don't so much like magic even is cool
Like there it is. Boom
Embedded bitcoin wallet, you know, I it's a hot wallet. I need to move my assets out of it eventually
But it's cool, man. You can look at rare sats. You can look at the cool, you know mints. There's different projects
That that didn't exist what six months ago?
Yeah, it's all happening so fucking quick man, it's it's uh, it's great to see honestly
I mean we came a long way in such a short amount of time
And I don't think that people people tend to take that shit for granted, right?
But you know sometimes they just want instant gratification and they want things to work
I'm trying to now look at the quantum cats. I don't know if you got on the white list. Did you?
No, I didn't do any of the quests man because honestly
Well, what's your take on it because for me bro, I don't know udi extracting, you know, 4k per cat is a little crazy
I know man, like this is
uh, but you know me and udi we uh always used to make fun of
Like stacking sats, you know, like because like I don't know man. He's og bitcoiner
So like he's saying like if the floor is point one
For a quantum cat people are paying 0.5 for your bitcoin puppets right now
Is that the floor 0.05 for?
Yeah, it's just over 0.05 and he's what is he gonna launch quantum cats at 0.01?
0.1, so it's double 2.1. That's heavy. Uh, yeah
It's a lot
It's a lot man
I don't know that they may be over it may be overpriced but guess what?
He's gonna sell out digi
He is though, it's undeniable he definitely is it's just will it be sustainable that's my that's my thing, you know
I just want it to work. Yeah, I think quantum cats has some really cool technology. Remember these guys
Man, they are experts in bitcoin
They know so much about bitcoin and the different functions and that like they can do
So I actually think like quantum cats are gonna evolve into things that we've never seen before and push the technology
That bitcoin is uh beyond what you know, we have
Uh, we we've even understood it like bitcoin is the coolest thing to me because you know
I heard about it in 2012 and I learned about it every day
I learned something new about it every day, man
I've been and I speak about this stuff all the time like I i've invested
A lot of time and money in it and I still don't know everything about it like
The war that's going on right now
You know the stupid stuff with and then I don't want to get into technical stuff. Did you but it's pretty amazing
Yeah, no for sure like I said earlier i'm definitely bullish mid to long term for sure
Um, if you're a trader, I said this in the chat gambler knows if you're a trader
Uh walk away, you know
If you see the 2x, you know get out of there
But uh, if you're a long-term investor
I mean you're gonna outperform the rest of the market in my honest opinion because you know the price of bitcoin goes up
The bitcoin ecosystem is going to go up as well. But digi that isn't is that walk away or is that?
Make the play in 2x and then take your profits and get out
Not financial advice man, but you know, there's there's a lot more that that you could do with um,
You know if it 2x's you get 8k like you could sit you could sit there looking at tickers all day and make 80k
You know that mean motherfucker not
Not me motherfucker. That's how I think about it. You know what i'm saying like you can make 80k bro on fucking eardrops
Listen if I can put it in your wallet and you can do that
I would love
We could we could do that next
If I could print this quantity if I could do a easy 2x all day
I would man. I can't i'm not there yet. I can't have a lot of fun
I I know where I could do well mid to long term, but your boy ain't got no patience. I'm trying to make a bad
and uh, you know, this one is just you know, everybody got a
Figure out their own wise and their own budgets and their own
You know targets and all that good stuff
But you know for me an easy 2x here is like, you know
It's low risk and if I can turn, you know, a four digit number into a bigger
Four digit number, you know, you're not if that's like a 50 percent to the 2x that would be
That would be sweet. So
um, and I just wanted to make the distinction of like
Is it walk away or does it make you go 2x? Because it sounds like maybe you're no I meant I meant I meant like
Definitely take the 2x and walk away. Excuse me. Let me rephrase take the 2x
Because if you're in that I'm going yeah, if you're in it for the mid to long term, then all right, cool
Like, you know, you're an investor, but if you're a trader
Well, I'm actually really I'm really happy because i'm with my boy on this and we're able to we're able to scrape up enough to
We're both gonna mint
But we're gonna split the equity in both
So that we're able to sell one to either take initials or take some profits on the first
And then we both get to also take gains later down the line when this shit inevitably goes up
Also, we get to the added benefit of like higher odds of maybe minting a rare, right? Double. So we'll see
I love all that man. Like I I don't I I sometimes speculate like you're talking about but turn into an investor
but I definitely was investing in like rare Pepe's and I
I sit back and I think about what's happened like I own two or three Nakamoto's rare Nakamoto's maybe three
and I own two
Pepe millions which are
They're just dope like I don't and I wouldn't sell them
The numbers are so big. Did you like I don't even like
I don't even know how we would talk about this like
We would have to you'd have to come to me with like 50 Bitcoin to even start to talk to me about a Pepe million
Did you yeah, I don't even know like you know what I'm talking about digi
Yeah, 100% bro. Definitely the Nakamoto's the Pepe millions all that shit bro. It's great. Yeah
I'm a Bitcoin chain. Yeah, there's only I don't I don't even I think there are only five Pepe millions and I own two
Uh-oh, let's get rugged a little bit but go for it
Okay, perfect. Uh, this is a perfect opportunity to but it unplug the cats
Uh gambler definitely on it
I believe and again gonna say the same thing that I repeated earlier, but we have new people here get the fucking cat conservatively
You're gonna be able to flip it mint it at point one guys. Let's not forget those. There's not a zero there
Minted for point one and you're definitely gonna be able to dump it for at least point one to point seven immediately
So do it if you got the opportunity
But i'm a digi to like fucking do it and dump it because so all it takes is digi saying that when you said walk away
You meant get your 2x and well, all it took was that
Wake up and turn around and say, you know what?
Let me stop buddy, okay, go ahead
Yo, we're having a fun guy. Yo, these puppets are on the loose
Yeah, the fucking puppets
But what i was gonna say is you want to dump it because you don't know when he's gonna dump the tapu
Wizards dude, this motherfucker's been like like pulling us by the dick since last february
That's the reason why i'm like
So if you think that your cat's gonna get you a tapu reservoir like the next fucking few weeks like you're all yours
You're like on something. So no
Lego the quantum's cats fuck beauty on a recorded space
Let it be known that this motherfucker's gonna pull after the cat watch. He's gonna be like, oh you guys need cat food
So liz are we are we hold on? Are we bullish or are we bearish?
We're bullish on the move or bearish on him
I took a shower a year ago a tapu wizard shower
Went to the fucking conference once I did the whole thing
That's why I didn't do the cat thing, but i'm not a hater and I know in markets
When there's actually going to be money put into something and people are definitely going to dump into anything that has to do with tapu
Wizards, I mean that's the whole point of that
So if you're into btc and that's something that you liked and this is a project that you're definitely looking into
That you're definitely uh aping into and just kind of staying in the ecosystem and finding out what's going on
Otherwise, you're not really a btc person
Let's go you love to hear people that's coming from our our head puppet head puppet master
Liz and by the way, I don't know if there's a puppet chat, but someone just asked me to start the puppet chat
So there is one there is one
I ain't never heard that laugh. Come out of you liz. That's crazy. That was uh
That's a new side of you and I just imagine the meme you made of your puppet that when we're shooting in the air
I feel like that's that's the laugh that that puppet makes
Liz can you post can you post that puppet to the to the to the jumbo, please?
That puppet is out of control bro that puppet that puppet is full tizzy bro
Don't have no restrictions, bro
Yo, but uh
Who's buying more when here
Not financial advice when needs to take me to
To the promised land with what the airdrops and bro, they can't do that
I don't know, but I am holding I haven't papered it yet. So i'm holding
Yeah, I haven't sold anything either. Honestly, what's up? Kax?
What's up digi? What's up?
Yo digi I spoke to you in fucking ages, bro. I don't even know how long it's fucking been
Where have you been bro, bro? I've been here bro, but every time I like see you like you're in you're in uh,
David's place and obviously that's like
All formal and fucking i'm like bro. I just want to throw this motherfucker for five minutes
But yo w on the puppets. I don't know if you're in the bitcoin puppets chat, but there is a bitcoin puppets chat
It's got like 200 people in there
Is there a
A room of someone so we can add to wait. Is that the one that's on telegram or the one that's on twitter?
There's one on twitter. There's one on twitter. There's like 198 people in there. Um, oh, can you add me and make me the admin?
Of that one because I don't want to have to start my own
I can't make ethylene because I got added into it
But i'm trying to add a couple of people now i've just asked them say can we remove someone so we can add focus
Add me first because there's 198 people and it's telling me you can't add more people. Please create a new chat
I don't know twitter at the fucking limit. Uh, yeah, I think 200 is the limit but uh, damn 198 they capped it
That's crazy ladies first though prioritizing this there's a puppet chat too now right here and then
I had to okay. Well get out of all those puppet chats. I'll be starting one this evening
Here comes the third puppet chat that's bullish honestly that gives me 2021 early 2022 vibes
You know, you start seeing all the chats motherfuckers are like look at my traits
Like honestly that was the one takeaway that I could say puppets brought back
You know to it's that excitement, right?
It's like a pokemon booster pack like shout out to the clano stores on salona
Because like all the iRL events that they had, you know, whether it was nftla nftnyc, right?
They brought back that kind of like rarity snipe
But like they brought it to like real world assets
But like blur took that from us, right because it was trade to earn farm the airdrops, etc, etc, right?
But the puppets though trade sniping, bro
It definitely brought brought that shit back
Like I think that's why people rally behind this fucking project so much because it's fun, bro
They made fucking jpeg's fun again, or you know, at least that's how I see. I don't know. I I personally like sniping trades goals and
Rainbow vomit and all that stuff, you know, so what's your favorite tree?
I like the fucking I like the weed bag because obviously that resonates with me
Uh, I like fucking the mud glasses
I have one of them because obviously day one mug off like for the culture, you know, i've got to get one of them
And uh, my other favorite one is uh, the fucking habibi hat, you know the dubai hat
Because obviously I went to buy the dubai hat. Yeah for sure
Yeah, I'm fine with that. Honestly, bro. I have I had a fucking one of my favorite traits was uh
I think I had a bitcoin fucking crown
Matter of fact, I got a look at them, honestly
But favorite traits I would say obviously the nakeds can't sleep on the nakeds, right?
It's like going back to board. It's like 14 anything. That's like minimal
I fuck with it, you know, just a base naked traits, uh, the promethazine cup gotta have a lean sipper
You know what i'm saying gotta have the ketamine tea or something and the fucking allister crowley fucking
You know the the the hat, you know what i'm talking about right the freebasing hat
Bro, I got addicted to them like I was pretty I don't know you guys were probably earlier because I know
Digi's been fucking with all you know since way back when
I started buying them at like 200 or 250 dollars. They were like less than 0.01
And bro, I just got hooked like I think i've got like 10 now or 9, but it's still like
I'm just hooked on them, bro
Yeah, it's fucked they are fun. They are just so fun and I like the whole law like
Yeah, send them to fucking zero like all the holders are just funding them to fuck bro. They just keep going higher
It's fucking hilarious, bro. I fucking love it. I fucking love it
Now yeah 100 I would have way more i'm not gonna lie
But initially right like we all tried to mint dropped it in the chat. I was like, yo
It's just coming up trying to mint shows congested as fuck site camp crashing waiting in line, you know the queue
So I was just like fucking you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna buy them secondary
And I picked up a whole bunch. I think somebody said they were dead
I'm just like nah, bro, these are not dead. It was like the next morning after this site, you know
It's right after they all indexed
Exactly. They all indexed and as soon as they index it went to like 0.003 or some shit
And I picked up a few of them and uh, I think it was josh. I was like, yo, he's just dead
I'm like, are you crazy bro? Are you fucking crazy? I'm like inverse creamer right now bottom call the year
Literally, we all ran to the to magic eden and that's actually when I managed to pick up
They were as low as like 0.02
uh or 0.002
And I managed to pick up, uh, my fucking mod though at 0.006 sub 0.01
Um, yeah, shout out josh, bro. That's fucking bottom caller
The best bottom, yo, these shits were dead as soon as he said it, you know
You know what popped up into my head the fucking undertaker gift bro him popping out of the coffin, bro
I picked up like five of them shit
No, that movie was hilarious
Tell me david bought the bottom
Bro, I kept telling him bro. We were in the space. I'm like, bro pick up some puppets right now
He's like, yo, how do I get these fucking puppets? I'm like, bro, just pick up some puppets right now
I don't know bro if he ever did but you know
Fuck it. Another one bites the dust to be honest. I was swing trading the fuck out of these puppets, bro
I made like 8k
Uh when they hit like even before they hit like the all-time high and all the influencers got on board pumped them
0.0 3 6 8 9 or some shit
Uh, so yeah, I cleared house and then I picked up like a couple more
Uh, it got me the arsenic drop, you know free fucking 20
Whatever the fuck I mean it was subjective bro, to be honest
I really don't want that but then I bought one at 0.03 on the secondary because I was like I want two of these shits
Yeah, people people were flooring bro, honestly, and if it's activated it's mining rune for you. So I mean it's a win-win, you know
Yeah, you activate it just by sending it to another wallet, right? That's what you have to do
Yeah, either send it to a wallet or list it. That's how it gets activated
What's up, spa?
What's good? What's good? I wanted to thank you man for uh,
Putting me on a mint in these puppets now a gambler that that gambler's anonymous chat has got my bags up tremendously
uh, I I remember I was actually was able to mint I waited through the queue and so I spent like
$60 minting and then I sent myself some money
So I like spent another like 20 bucks
I didn't need to and then I actually had to reset myself the puppet so I spent like maybe like 100 bucks
In total, but yeah, i'm i'm definitely up off the group. Thank you digi. You're god send
And i'm sitting right here next to uh next to honest right now. We at his mansion right now
Yo, what's good with y'all man chilling over here
We computed up over here man. Try and get the trying to get the alpha before the alpha get us
Not you kidding up in the homie cross country bro, what is this damn?
What's up, they shooting videos right shooting videos or something uh going crazy out there
We're not we're not out the country yet. We in texas right now, but we just don't hit columbia. That's that's that's what we're calling
What we want medellin
Probably medellin. Honestly, I think that was out there. Honestly, we was in the space yesterday. That was like i'm in medellin right there
So medellin i'm coming out your caps. I don't know maybe
Dubai at the end of the year or next year. Let's see how things go out
But yo, I want to meet all your crazy people in real life, man
Yeah, let's fucking go bro, and then the gambler's anonymous chat bro because I have a problem
Yeah, I knew he was gonna say something
I have a problem bro, and I probably motherfucker was holding out
I'm a fucking degenerate of degenerates. Like I got a bit
I don't know if you man jumped on pudgy milady's as well like fucking
That shit was wild bro. Like I seen like this is how much of a degenerate I am
So I seen pudgy milady's and i'm like, oh open seat delisted
Blur delisted i'm like nah, there's got to be something with this
So, you know me and it like x2 y2 i'm gonna look so rare
I see i'm on x2 y2 for like fucking
$10 a piece bro. So i'm just like fuck it. I'm gonna scoop like 30 40 of these motherfuckers and bro
They fucking ran now. Jeebus is taking over and I see charlotte fang fucking commenting saying these are fun and
Yeah, bro
If there's a gambling addiction chat, then yeah, i'm your man
Fact somebody add kex in there man. All right. Well listen, I can neither confirm
the existence of a gambler's anonymous chat of a josh anonymous chat of a puppets anonymous chat of a
boo toshi anonymous chat of a fuck that boom in chat, uh, or any chats of the
Name or origin. I can also neither confirm nor deny whether or not you were just added to said
Chat that I cannot confirm nor deny
Uh, also, uh, I have no relation to anyone in this group. I don't know how I was added here probably by some unknown party
Uh that I also am not affiliated with
Uh, yeah, no, i've uh, i've not been out into anything
Yo, bro, I mean uh
Honestly, the year has been off to a great start. I can honestly say that i'm not gonna lie to you
It's been jimmy cooks after him. He cooks after all the cooks anonymous and the anonymous chats that don't exist
Um, but yeah, a lot of a lot of good shit happening, bro. A lot of good shit happening
Uh, hopefully
I don't know at some point, you know, hopefully we see a shift
I I focus a lot of personally right because the gas fees are pretty much nothing
uh, I think we got maybe another couple of months left in the fucking meme coin meta over there because
I don't know what else could you do right? How many more memes could you fucking make?
Um, but yeah, it'll be interesting to see where the fucking the volume rotates and
I don't know. I know gaming bullish extra bullish on gaming. Obviously people are going crazy and nifty island, bro
There's also this fucking pow world pokemon shit that they got going
I forget I think you know jonas called this shit in multiple multiple spaces, but
You know shout out to jonah, man
Because he was screaming gaming at the top of his lungs for like months and everybody's like nah
Yeah, I don't know web 3 gaming. I don't know but yeah, it's here. It's uh, it's definitely
You know live and direct man gaming tokens, you know the airdrops
And generative art generative art don't sleep on generative art anything jack butcher
You know what i'm saying? A lot of new artists dropping collections also, so
I don't know just kind of do your research and
You know differentiate all the good shit from the bad shit
filter out all that noise and whatnot
Bro, say power this power this fight. Yeah power is definitely firing that shit that shit goes crazy now for nothing
My bio is reading the comments but um
Yeah, more more importantly though drink some fucking water, man
Make sure you guys are drinking water make sure your postures check, you know step away from the monitors do some stretching
Go outside get some fresh air. Take a walk
You know what i'm saying go go uh interact with some people irl because this shit could get weird. I'm not gonna lie
Uh, probably before miami before I went to basil, bro
I'm not gonna lie, but my irl experiences with the normies was not hitting
I was like who the fuck are y'all? I can't resonate with y'all. There's not a thing
That's you know, it was like a foreign language. You go outside. You speak to people
What is wrong with these what the fuck wrong with these people like
You know what i'm saying? So yeah, it could get it's a double edged sword at times
You got to get outside and you know, uh have some have some uh human interaction
So it doesn't get weird and shit. But um, yeah
Yeah, bro, I just I did uh touch some grass and grab some ass bro and enjoy life man you have to
Grab the ass with consent though. Don't go crazy
Yeah, I decided
They're gonna make a couple of spaces and then you can add uh, whoever else from the puppet army
So you added me to the puppet chat
Yeah, and I decided you know
Another group chat another one. I mean like 40 million group chats, bro
I've got like five pinned
But twitter needs more pinned conversations because i'm running out of fucking space
Yeah, bro, my dms they get lost in the sauce, bro
I'm not gonna lie. Uh, I got you know, just same same exact thing five pinned and then everything else just kind of
Just kind of goes bro. I got dms in there from months ago people like yo, it's good like hit you up about this
I'm like, bro
There's like 40 million plays a day like I can't keep up with all this shit
It's the message request I get that's my like comedy 30 minutes I go through my message request
Add one guy. He was like yo, can we jump on the call?
About what and he was like, I got this play and all that boy jumping on no call
Would you about no dumbass shit going that's gonna last two hours? Do you know what I mean?
Get the fuck out of here, bro
Yo, i'm crying bro, this is crazy, uh, yeah the chats, bro
I think the chats will make it overwhelming for me. It's like discord without slow mode, right? That shit just goes crazy, bro
You're trying to keep up like all these chats. They're pinging you they're like yo, what the fuck you been at?
I'm like bro up in here, bro. I'll be here bro. Like why you ain't call this shit in here?
I'm like, bro. I'll be trying, bro
I'll be trying to drop this shit
You know how many people was mad at me for win token, bro
You could do bro
I get the exact same shit. Like why didn't you drop it here? And i'm like, bro. I dropped it in five chats
like what the fuck like
Oh, can you dm me personally next time bro? How many motherfuckers i'm gonna dm personally bro? Like what the fuck would you expect?
And for the craziest the craziest part about it, bro
Is like you drop it in those five chats and the dude that's complaining is in all five chats
It's like bro, you ain't see it, bro. I dropped it in five chats, bro. What the fuck
That's the dude that ain't even gonna buy he's gonna be like, oh it's too fucking high
It's already 100k at 10 million. Good question. You know, why are you giving me bro?
Yeah, that's just crazy bro. Look at david dumbing down. I'm gonna bring him up here. Let's see what you gotta say
David's gonna buy the top of the propets on one bitcoin each
Yo, what's opium for
I was gonna mention opium, you know
I've got one opium but i wish i bought more because i bought opium at like 0.04 and they're almost hitting like 0.1 right now
They were like 0.09 yesterday
Sheesh, I already knew that shit was gonna happen man. The genesis collection gotta run for real
It's like my lady to romella is like fucking opium to puppets
the way i see
Yeah, that's actually the sentiment that we had since like the beginning like
Puppets are m'lady motherfuckers like they're motherfuckers, but they're m'lady's like at the same time
Bro, that chat is wild bro. The one I just added you to like they just constantly fud puppets in there
But they're like fucking large, man. I got like 20 puppets, bro
And they're like yeah send these shits to zero bro with haste
You got 20 of these bitches, bro, but you're just constantly putting that it's fucking hilarious, bro. It's too funny
Yeah, I gotta get uh
I gotta get a little puppet in here one of these days for space like yo, bro
So like talk to us about these puppets man. Yo, david, what's up, man? You got a puppet?
No one told me man no one told me
Yo, you changed your pfp bro again, no, this is the same pfp. I don't even know bro
To be honest. I know I changed my pfp though
I was trying to get me to change my pfp to a puppet in the chat. I told them that 0.1 btcl changed it, right?
Damn the kax pfp change would be crazy
Why'd you bring me up here
What you mean bro, you don't gotta accept
I was brought I just want the audience to know I was brought up here to be shamed for no reason
Uh, I don't know about these chats that digi dropped them to but i'm not a part of any of these chats. So
Shout out to anybody who was in the chat who got in
Uh, the only chats that i'm in are the gakshi media community that all they talk about is baking
Okay, like my motherfuckers are talking about bacon and wine
Uh, i'm talking about baking not bacon. All right, and
I'm in the obviously the g media chat. What else I I
No, hold on. I'm in the automotive chat. Hold on. Let's break down the chest and i'm in
Let's see here
So I have
Bring my microphone with me
Hold on. Hold on the chest. I I got one chat i'm in a legends network and you know what they're talking about. Hold on
Hold on let's tell you the the here's alpha goon vibes every sunday
Carp 608 and I at 8 p.m
That's the alpha. I have no clue what that is. And then mega music space
moonshot one million dollar volume
That's it
Hold on. Let's see one two, three. Uh
So sir, do you have money because I don't bro. I'm gonna ask you the same question
Uh, i'm scrolling down
Where are these chats?
Where are these chats they have that you have spoken on sir? You're in the wrong chance, baby
Yeah, do you want to say just so that when you guess that out?
I'm not in we don't we don't even have a chat, bro
What do you also heard you like to leave chats though? Like I heard you were just you just cleansed your chat
Where everybody's talking about
Fucking clothing and like what they're doing this weekend and that's just just popping up
Consistently and it's annoying like I want to be friends with you. You can dm me. How about that?
Ask me for my number of me and you can text message
I don't if you don't put me into these chats. I want alpha
Look even somebody see aging death just is dying laughing because he's in this legends chat and there's nothing legendary
About the shit that the motherfuckers are speaking about
Why am I not invited to alpha chats? What's the problem?
Do you understand like I go into meme tokens with like fifty thousand dollars bro. I don't go in at point five
I'll go at I don't go at zero point one
Y'all know this already y'all
Maybe that's why you don't invite me. Maybe you want to save me
Now I understand it
Y'all want to save me for myself
All right, I could say I now won't even take it personally
You're the dire hero bro. You live long enough to see yourself. I am the villain
I am now the villain
For somebody who gave you ferraris and lamborghinis in 2021. You at least want to invite me into something
shout out to kax
He gave me he gave me something
I gotta give him a shout out
If we get david into say nfts, he'll start moving entire fucking markets like it won't
I could go ahead and say anything. Yo, I was in a room accidentally just listening. This shit went up. I didn't say a word
I called this project retarded
Like literally I I called the project
I said that's stupid and retarded after you even go into the and it went up I left
I had to leave
Motherfuckers the screenshots of me in there, bro
It'd be your own people
Let me just say this dig. Oh, he's like he's late though. Like he's that late friend
He's that oh, I forgot he exists type of person. So like no
Shit, I forgot to tell dg
So like this shit was probably like when he went into something, it's like
a hundred k or some shit
And then he got the oh shit moment. Like oh, I told everybody in my group chats
Hold on. Let me text dg
And that shit went from like 500k to already 2.6 months. Like yo, I got this feeling bro
Got to go in and yeah that everything like no doubt about it
Whatever digi looks at this dude is like exact like he examined shit, right?
Like it's an amazing thing to be able to examine a meme token because there is no information about a goddamn meme token
So he's analyzing shit
Trying to figure out where it's going and then like he'll send me
No doubt about it. He's great, but he'll send me this shit mad late and i'm out here in these streets
Uh, yeah at this point i'm gonna just go into a mad late and i'm gonna just get like 500 out of this shit
Fuck it, you know, fuck it
But look at what you just said though. Look what you just said. You say i'll be going into this
I don't be going in late. I don't be going in late, right?
But I gave you something the other day right at three and a half million dollars and it hit almost 30 million this morning
So imagine if you threw 10k at it, bro
That's like a 7x right 7 8x
Or something like, you know what i'm saying? So it's just like bro. I don't know what to do anymore
I'm not i'm just telling you this
I took vacation
time from g media
So I will be looking for the next play if you got the next play
I know this is gonna be coming. I can't wait for these dms
But have you got the
Yo, how you look jason front run you bro, he was in here talking about his puppy, bro
How you laying for you like that? I've been shooting puppets in jason since they were fucking 300 dollars
He decides to spend 8k. I'm looking to get one of the three that i'm looking at in terms of
Ordinals like i'm looking at there's three projects that I really like and I want to get one of them
Like I don't want to get all three
So like that that's that's where i'm at right now
You know, you know what i'm doing. I'm not trying to make the same mistakes. I made in in 2021
That's really it like that and maybe and maybe it's hurting me because i'm not
Like that person in 2021 maybe this time around if I would have done the same shit. I did three years ago
Maybe I would have caught some bangers
But it could have went the other way around on me as well. And like I don't I don't want that. I don't want that feeling
I'll i'll leave i'll leave this entire space. I will go to cooking twitter or cooking x whatever
I will go to that section of twitter and and and that's where i'll be
I'll hang out with everybody who cooks eggs and shit
And like fucking steaks and i'll talk about that all day. I can I could never handle that again
Well, the difference between now and 2021 though is like 2021 was the end
Of the cycle and this is like the beginning bro. I wanted to lazy a lot instead of board apes
Don't don't say that shit. I don't know who just said that I don't know who just said that craziness like the thing is
Bit 22. Well, no, let me finish my motherfuckers. We're still making money. No, let me let me finish
All right
Can I finish my point? Yeah, go ahead. My point is that there's going to be more opportunities to learn from your mistakes
Whereas when the market is at the end and the cycle is going down
You're going to be a lot less discouraged to keep learning from your mistakes because you're a lot further from that next 10x
Whereas when the market is just picking back up you're a lot more encouraged to stay in the market
Practice proper risk management so that when that next 10x comes you'll have liquid ready. That's all i'm saying
So there's a lot more opportunity to learn from your mistakes. That's my point
We were talking about february. This was where was it david? Because I remember this one. Hold on because because we were as deejin and
April 2021 this is the beginning of the meme economy when
When the whole yeah, that's april. So like this was like right around
January like when well, that's like this is 2020. No, but it all started
The real ramp up started in 2021
That's when yeah when doge when doge like just exploded for literally we were like no reason
Because we were sitting there in spaces together
It was like you know
And then the nft started to pop off and pranksy like i'm sure people know pranksy and like
He was like he he was you know, nobody knew him and then all of a sudden he made 1.3 million dollars
on top shop
NBA top shop if anybody remembers that I have it that shit's worthless
Uh, and I put like, you know 45 000 into trading cards that you know work like
You know a penny to the dollar at this point
There was an opportunity. He said going to board apes and I went into lazy lions
I mean like hey this that's what i'm saying like these are this
It the the atmosphere around lazy lions was so much stronger than board apes
If you guys were around you you know what i'm talking about like everybody was roaring
They were at every everybody was like lazy lion fever. Okay
You didn't have the same with board apes board apes were just going around clubhouse and making noises
Like that's it. There wasn't like no like
We're holding spaces at the same numbers as lazy lions and then you know, look what happens
Fucking booty. Oh sounds like some autistic puppets all over again. I mean the puppets are
Exactly. Cool, man. Like no doubt about it
No, i'm i'm thinking about when you had me um
Is this just nft space because I don't want to talk about other stuff. This is just nft. This is puppets
We've been talking about anything and everything
I just I just want I just want to I just remember that night
David was in a room
And I was trying to talk him off a ledge
And he was like i'm going in and he kept saying i'm going in
And his friends were like don't do it. David don't do it
And then he put him shit some money into them fucking shitty ass dogs
Um, and now those dogs are all dead and all dogs do not go to heaven
These motherfuckers ones at hell
But yeah, like those are like
Great things to learn for I don't know meme. The meme economy is just weird, man
That's why I posted what I said. I said i'm gonna go into dogecoin and shiba inu
I'm gonna go into pepe and just like just relax and wait
And i'd say like me chasing this shit. It is so unless you're in and let's be real 100 unless you're in alpha chats
Where you know you the same people go into the same winning plays
You're not winning and like i'm being serious. Like i'm not a participant in any of these chats
I am not so like i'm at a huge disadvantage
And people who add me into these chats that say well, hold on. David. I heard you talking about not being in alpha chats
They're putting me in these chats where like there are a bunch of crackheads in there and they they have no clue what they're getting into so
Hey, I said bye I said bye and wait, I know god has my opportunity coming
That is a fact he meant to that man
He meant to that
Agent death is laughing. I'm getting right. She's a serious
Tell you right now mark this i'm putting this into the universe i'm getting the next
100k entry and two billion dollar
Two billion dollar fucking play watch
And then i'm gonna tell digi i'm gonna tell you once we're around hold on
I'm gonna let you know around like 5.6 million be like yo ditch should think about this right here
Bro, if you find something and it's at 5.6 million and it's the next cooker like and it goes to like a couple of bill
Bro, I don't mind that because I got into pepe at 4.2 million dollars, bro
And it went to 1.6 bill. So i'm fine with that bro. I have no problem
I have no problem
David you're already holding something in your wallet. That's gonna explode
So you just gotta wait. Yeah, I am definitely not depending on that shit. That shit's on that's just an icu, bro
That shit is fucking life support absolute life support. But
I'm banking on apple
I'm not talking about anything. Are you talking about owning?
I'm not talking. Oh my god, please don't talk about that
I didn't talk about anything. He's talking about owe me money because you're down bad. What the fuck that is probably
No, i've had a worse place
I had a word
Yeah, you definitely had worse place, but just just just wait. Yo this weekend is a million dollar weekend. I have to make
It's not even about I don't think people understand when I post these things it's not about the money
It's it's it's the competitive nature that I have inside of me this starting. Hold on today's friday
Yeah, today's friday. Sorry, by the way digi. I I I don't know. I laid down my eyes closed
And then I woke up I had no clue where I was
This starting today till sunday
I must make a million dollars
That's it and it's all from a competitive like I I don't need the money
It's from a competitive standpoint. I cannot be losing to these 13 year old kids creating contracts
So fire up the chat, bro. When you're gonna add in the chat, bro. Open the chat right now add everybody
Open make a chat make a chat right now .01 to a million dollars. You think I want to throw something in about me
You think I'll need a thread ring
David, okay
We got this new chat coming out a new new thread. It's called the challenge. I don't know the thread's gonna be like
supposed thread challenge leads to
Unsuspected yo these motherfuckers don't make up anything
It was just a regular challenge in the motherfucker on the next behind the scenes like bro
What the fuck you're talking about behind these nerds?
I actually love it when they come up with their own like punishments like oh i'll eat my own poop or i'll do this
And it's like bro. You don't even have to take it that far. Yeah, i'm trying to eat my own
Oh, i'm on a space. I'm trying to eat my own thing. That's weird
But I let yo digi. How about you fire up the chat?
Three days to one million. That's it. Like I have to reach this
I honestly I will reach you know what i'm gonna retire if I don't hit this by this weekend because I feel like I just
Don't deserve to be here
Like when people work like literally I have people telling me 14 year olds are multi-millionaires. I'm like
Why am I here?
Like what am I like? Okay, look i'm not like i'm not wrecked or anything like that
But when you have 14 year olds making millions of dollars per week
We ain't talking about a year or cycle. We're talking about a week
It's time to one. We won their asses
Yo, make that chat
Some dude that i've seen earlier got air-dropped like 1.3 million dollars worth of win
Yo, david did you did you claim it claim what
When david this whole space is about when you don't know what we're talking about
What the fuck did you play? I just I just told you I woke up. I have no clue what's happening right now
I I forgot what I said five minutes ago like a goldfish bro. Don't use your phantom wallet use the backpack wallet
It's a lot smoother process to claim the win
There we go use your backpack wallet people do you imagine it was just if somebody just came into this room and somebody said that
People be like what?
Somebody put on that jam sport right now
Claim it yo, can you please open up a room not not on spaces obviously because all you snitches in here who don't like money
Like literally we have snitches in here. They're like, oh my god, that's a good. Tell everybody that they're trying to make generational wealth
Guys is so why are you here?
Honestly, bro, I have yet to open a chat or start a chat i'm just in chats, man
I just compiled a whole bunch of shit from different chats and
You know, I just kind of decide what's gonna go
Yeah, but you see like you have so my thing is like you have that alpha, right?
You can look in like, you know, you don't have to believe everything that people are saying, right?
You can take whatever they say and you look into it and you're gonna do your due diligence
And you're gonna put yourself in the proper position, right?
Like you'll say like, okay, like
I'm in five chats
Three of the five chats are talking about it. These are big names or whatnot and I look okay
I'm gonna go in like but i'm gonna keep it 100 when you see big names start talking about it
Like I don't know like how well the project is going to do itself
But it's definitely going to go up. It definitely is going to go down at some point
Because you got the big names in there and then they you know
Their experience they know what they're going to do and that is they're gonna get rid of a bag dump it on your forehead
And that's it
Honestly, bro. I don't wait for them to start talking, bro
I wait till they hear me start talking like, you know what i'm saying? Like i'm trying to get so far ahead of the curve, bro
Like it's it's it's like ridiculous. That's that's how it used to be
Yeah, that's what my timing was like but now i'm trying to be so far ahead of the curve, bro. That
Like I literally challenged myself like you got to ask these guys in the chats like i'm dropping in there
I'm like, oh your favorite influence has just started tweeting about it
Like i'm coming for everybody's head, bro
Like once I start seeing i'm not even gonna say who or what or what companies or medias outlets or anything like that, bro
But these people started posting about like say and started posting about puppets and all this shit hella late
So i'm like, bro. I'm doing something. You did
Gotta be ahead. I was looking at say but you did push me into say though
Yeah, bro, let me see
No, i don't got into shit from there. All right. Listen, I I rather right now get salana
Over getting salana meme tokens because i'm terrified of the meme. I think I get my offer from below
Yeah, he goes to chad gbt. I mean everybody has access to that shit
Well, he gives me all my alto everything every time's a hundred it goes through caxi
How are you guys but yo I can't say at 10 cents what the fuck is down here, bro
Yo, it's great
You never came into a space and said shit. You ain't say shit. How about that? You ain't saying okay. I have receipts
right now
I have receipts but no what I think what I really think is that
uh right now like a bunch of like promoters and influencers and whatnot are now like
trying to shift into say
Uh, but the gits are a little bit stuck on salana
Um, and I don't think they're gonna I don't think they're gonna fade salana for now. Uh, I think they're gonna
Stay there for for now
Uh, but say is definitely something to look up for. Uh, I mean like would you would you rather be the first ones?
To go in for example shit coins or say in itself and and then like just wait on it
Or would you rather like wait until the promoters and everybody start talking about it?
And then you you're gonna be used as exit liquidity. So it's it's
two different things like you can go in slowly but
Um, salana still plays out
Yes, I mean it already started happening, you know the people call it like that's what i'm saying like
When I told david to go in to say I don't know what the fucking I don't even remember what the price was
But nobody was it wasn't on the timeline, bro
Yeah, it was not on the timeline. Like people weren't barely talking about that shit
And then that's when you started to see like nifty fucking
Nifty portal and like all these fucking you know, and they started posting about it at like 88 89
I know what I like to do. I'm doing something right like i'll say this and and this why I give digis a shout out digi like
He really studies like you guys think like i'm fucking around i'm not like he really studies
everything even when like we're on the broadcast he's probably like studying like everything on the market and
Legit he did tell me i've already seen it
But like he really told me like look at it look into it look into it
I went in
because it just reminded me of a play that I went into like when I like 2016 when I went into chain link because like
I already told the story. My friend was like on me on it
And and then all these other influencers popped off like a few days later
Like talking about it like they knew about it, which I can tell by the way they talked they knew nothing about it
Digi deserved his flowers. He probably had a smile on his face
Because like nobody was making mention of it. Nobody i'm telling you not not a single person
And i'm probably looking into like all these influencers when they go ahead and pop off with something
They always do it in their here's the problem
But when my beef with influencers is that they do everything
When it favors them and they don't really give a fuck about anybody else. It's just when it favors them
So it's hard to find like genuine people
Exactly. The why why do you think they they only promote when they want like
Let's say let's say they invest in a shit in a shit project, right or in something
And they they're down like a little bit like 20
That's when you mostly notice
A bunch of them try to chill it just to just to exit or to at least like make a little bit of percentage
Or some of them what they do is that they they invest in it and then they just like push it push it push it
as much as they can and into their
And then they cash out. It's it's it's a weird game, but it's a
Psychological game and if you if you understand like how people post how people like
React how people like try to get engagement of certain shit
You can definitely like monetize off of it. You know, it's it's it's easy as one to three. It's not it's not that complicated man
Let's keep it 100, right
If I was a douchebag like if I really had that kind of soul
I could go and like and I know this I can go into probably anything
And and send it but then people will get rekt
And like that's the only and I always stay away from that like, you know
When you get this platform, you guys are starting to get this platform, by the way
And that's and and it's something to go ahead and and think about
When you get this platform and then people start listening to you
Your threshold is different, right?
You guys could probably lose one eat two eat three eat, right? And like yeah, it would bother you
But it's not gonna hurt you. Am I right right or wrong?
When I say that
subjective, yeah
Some people three eat is
One two three eat bro. Fucking broke myself. Well, you said if you would lose three eat you would what?
I'll say it don't go for the road bro. I'll go for the satin silk rope
No, cax like seriously speaking if you if you went ahead and went into
A certain project at one eat hypothetically speaking. It wouldn't bother you if it rubbed, right?
Yeah to a certain degree, yeah, I wouldn't lose sleep but for some people
They've literally saved like it took them three years to save up three eat that might sound funny to people
But it's not because like a lot of people don't have like their
They're going in with 25 dollars recurring, you know
incline like
to them it would mean the world
And like I learned that and like and like and when I first got this platform, I was like
Yeah, i'm i'm good when I go into these things, but like
I finally noticed like yo people are following me. I'm telling you don't follow me. I'm I'm retarded
Like don't follow anything. I do like if I go into bitcoin at like 30 000
That's because I have belief in it and i've done enough study on
You know, i've studied it enough to go into it at that and eat and whatever it is
and if I take a chance on these mean tokens, like I
Personally can handle that loss like when people saw me going with 30 000 on a mean token
They they just it was scratching their heads. They're like what's wrong with this guy?
I lost on some I won on some but like i'm ready. I can handle that that pain
lot of people can't and that's why like
That's why I like i'm very cautious like you don't hear me talk about shit
Like do you like you can't even name me one thing that i've talked about
And even if I talk about it i'm like, yo, like i'm not telling you to buy it either
It's just that i'm excited about it
And it's just like it's a fine line
It's a really fine line to go ahead and like talk about these projects
Some of them last generation of wealth
I didn't mean to interrupt whoever was trying to talk no
I bought safety because you did
I I destroyed safe moon at every at every opportunity that I had I ripped apart safe moon
every single one
Safe one was cheering man. The motherfuckers were cheering when safe one had this one pump
And like people were cheering
They're like, yeah, I told you so bitch like they were like ripping me apart in dms
You fight at us, but you couldn't get rid of us
I'm like please crack heads and then that shit just went straight down never to rise again
Never to see the moon
But to cover to govern on your point of the three east david is
You know a lot of people don't realize but let's say they took them
Let's say whatever three years to to stack three east, right?
They had a successful plan
It's just like at the end
When they lose it is because they derail of their successful plan of them like covering the three east
Yes, uh, uh small coffee three sugar, please
How about you
So they get derailed off their path which they already like
experienced that it's successful for them to stack three east right a percentage of profit is still a percentage it doesn't matter the capital
But like when they lose that three east is because they go in they go in something and they be like, you know
What I I want to raise my risk capital. I want to I want to try something
So this so they put one if they think that they're gonna double it the same shit as they do like with 0.001
Then they lose it because they it's it's a loss and win game
Like there are projects that rug right away literally, you know
And it's it's it's just their path
They don't realize that their path was successful enough for them to actually continue and grow grow their portfolio
But they just go crazy at the end, you know, what are you telling me my mutant?
Um, yes lizards aren't gonna make it to 10 eighth each
It's around
Well, what i'm telling you is that um
Don't fall in love man
Don't fall in love don't fall in love with money. Don't fall in love with anything. Literally. Wait, hold on. I got a pick
No, you know
You know the problem is a lot of people are expecting that ticket that lottery ticket because they hear everybody talk about how
And you know, honestly most of the people that sit there and say they made this money
They made that money like I don't believe most of them to be honest with you
Especially the ones that sit there and they trade like if you're sitting there day trading all day and you're making all this money
Why are you just pay trading all day?
Like what the fuck?
Like what's going on over there you find I find it boring to sit there in front of the computer
There's other ways to make money. Like I don't understand. No, bro. You you you you're not getting it for us
It's not boring man for like for me. For example, I can talk about myself when I look at a chart
I like I feel I feel happy man. Like I don't know
So look I I do my trades bro. Like I do options. I do everything. I know how to do everything
But I don't day trade like why like yo, bro. There's so many things you could do
Like why would you like I I get what you're saying. I love charts. I look at it all the time. I just can't
I get up in the morning. The first thing I do is look at the when I sit on the toilet. I look at Bitcoin
Spy and DXY bro. Those are the three charts. I look at every morning when I sit on the toilet
I I'm telling you straight up and down
I the first thing I do is open up Webull and I look at those charts every morning when I'm taking a shit like I
That's that's my routine every morning
It's I love charts. It's just that i'm not gonna stay in day trade all fucking day
Different people have different like
Strategies, you know, it doesn't work for the same like for example
It might work for cocks to day trade shit coins and maybe get trucked like 57 million times
But like he's profitable, you know
But for some people to day trade is not it it all depends like on on your personal
Like strategy and plan your exit strategy your investment strategy
Um, it it's not the same thing towards everybody because if it if it was the same thing towards everybody
We would already have a plan
That is out there that really that be like, okay guys do this this this and just wait
like we would all be like
Profitable profitable profitable, but it's not this it's not like that, you know
Some people would just like to
You know, some people just need to
Make money, I guess every every single day and every every fucking hour of the day
I mean why not like right there's opportunities like every every fucking everywhere you look bro
There's a new contract being deployed. There's no meta. No meme. No this new that like
Sometimes you got to capitalize
but like I said at the beginning of the space like you kind of got to take it easy because
You know fuck around and get burnt out bro. We're not even there yet
We're not even this is the pregame before the actual fucking run like this is nowhere near a fucking run. So
This is nothing bro compared to the alt season, bro
Bro, this cycle is nothing compared to the last cycle
When when this shit starts to actually hit like the alt alt season where you see like fucking shit ton of money flowing into the
The alt coins you're you're gonna see like some of your bags are gonna hit
Thousand eggs a hundred eggs left and right you're not even gonna understand what the fuck is going on
You're just gonna wake up one day
You're gonna see a wallet that you don't look at for the past five months and be like what the fuck
There's 15k inside that wallet. Hey, let me cash it out
You're gonna you're gonna you're gonna realize some shit that it's it's crazy
Like for example this week alone
Like this is not the alt season but this week alone you had when you had pre you had like you have trump you have
Spoody you have
Bro, there's a lot of shit that is going on even now, which is not even the alt season yet
Which is even fucking even crazier and solana solana fucking shit coins
bro, like
Just use bunkbot man
It's as simple as one two three you put it you put a ca you put a contract
But okay, I want to buy one soul you look at the chart 10 minutes after you cash out two soul
Not financial advice don't do that
But all right
Let me I just want to say something real quick because I got called out to come here and he's not even here
That's the funny thing. He's right here, bro. What are you talking about? He's here. Where is he?
He's in the listeners. Oh now that was here earlier. Yeah, but david's back
Oh, no, david didn't call me on. Yeah, that was here. Yeah, that was definitely here. He waited for you, bro
You showed up late. Well, look he he that was a pt
There's nothing I could do him, you know
Like thou has to understand a couple of things when we got like appointments and shit, you know
Like he wants to i've been having this conversation with him since ornaments came out and let me just say something
Because dao doesn't understand the moment liquidity pools because thing on bitcoin then that's when there's going to be a full send
Not this fucking not the etfs the liquidity pools the moment we could see everything and how much bitcoin has to get locked up
That's it. That's the full send
But like I don't think people are understanding that part
Nah, it's all fairly new jason was in here earlier. We were talking about, you know, just the benefits of being early
Right. Um, I mean I said it yesterday. It's just like bro aetherium like all this shit took a while for it to be built out
And you know since ordinal theory and all this shit has been indexed
It's only been a little bit over a year. So
I think that people just are you know
People fear what they don't understand and then on top of that there's there's room for improvement, right?
And people just don't understand that, you know, I mean we were sitting here the entire bear
I don't know. It was like over 600 days of just bear market vibes, right?
And we're just waiting for all this shit that was being built out to finally come to fruition and you know
People were screaming all gaming gaming. Yo all these tokens and look it's finally happening
So it's just a matter of patience
You know what I'm saying? You have to you have to be comfortable with delay gratification
And I can't stress this enough like people see all the gains and people see all the wins on the timeline
But they don't see like when people are down bad, you know, it's all just kind of like a facade
So you kind of just got to take everything, you know with a grain of salt
Don't take anything at face value. Do your own fucking research. I can't say this enough. Do your own fucking research. Do your own due diligence
Um, the way that I tend to gains these, you know
Gage these fucking meme coins and all this shit is I kind of look for narratives, right?
I look I look for what sticks like I look at fucking these different tickers and their fucking socials and i'm like, yo
Okay, is this something that people could rally behind? Is there any shock value shock value?
Meaning it hasn't been done before
You know what i'm saying? Like I look for something that the community could kind of really get behind and you know
I don't look at price. Um, I tend to look more at distribution holder count, you know the volume
Um, there's a lot of different factors, you know what i'm saying?
And don't try to TA shit coins. There's no fucking TA and you can't do technical analysis on shit coin
It's really fundamentals, you know community sentiment and uh, yeah, that's pretty much what it's been
You know, you've seen used car like it's a meme. It's fucking funny
You know you've seen with dog with hat like, you know, fucking bonk like all that shit is hilarious
So I don't know just
Just kind of know how you gotta know how to pick. Do you not use photon?
Yeah, I use photon from time to time photon is fucking alpha bro
What's what what's fontan it's a chicken noodle soup
Yo, cax why every time I ask you
It's like a deck spy but for solana shit coins
Where you'll see tickers being deployed and then you can see if they've got socials how much volume they've had on launch what the market cap is
How much liquidity is in there whether the contracts renounce whether the liquidity is burnt
Whether the top 10 holders have more than 15 percent and then you can buy and sell through that. Um
Yeah, photons pretty good. But
It's like you need to have a strat like a lot of photon coins of rug
So you need to be taking initials by 30k like you enter at five you take initials at 25. Otherwise, you're gonna lose all your money
Yo, can we do
Beloji tells me his life story. Can we uh
Like you guys are in here, right?
Can y'all retweet this room?
Like you can un-retweet it after the show is done like it won't hurt you cause zero dollars like literally to just
Nice. All right. Don't let them look they don't gotta retweet it, bro
Only the people that's in this room gonna make money this fucking fool. I get it
He's the only people that's going
Out there man, there are people suffering in rooms right now that say, you know
Fuck it. I'm gonna say it. Should I say it? They choose it. They choose that bro. Bleep ruin bitcoin. I'm just saying
I'm a I could put I could open a room right now polyverse cax and I swear to god
Bro, it's gonna be 4,000 people in there, bro
So it's all like I don't care like pause because it's too fucking scared
But um, if anyone does want to use photon DM me and I'll give you my referral link and then we get massive
And you never
Yeah, if you DM me then just fucking like i'll check it i'll check it
You know just harass him in the comments bro till he mutes you
All right, so what's the next play yeah, what is the next play don't
Bro, the next play is the next play. No, no, hold on. I'm talking about three days right now
First of all i've taken a vacation. I'm ready to let everybody know so let's rewind real quick
I'm i'm ready
I'm doing that million dollar challenge because I have to feel good again. I have to feel like
I have to feel like a winner bro. I feel like i'm on a 13 game losing streak, bro
I need alpha
I need alpha look man. You just gotta fucking look for something that's different. Like I said shock value man shock value you like
Bro, one of the things
One of the things one of the things that uh
Somebody said i'm not gonna say who but
You just kind of gotta look for the trends, bro
Like look for the fucking narrative like you know what i'm saying like people make fucking tickers for everything, bro
For every fucking thing you just have to see like what's gonna stick what makes the most sense and
Ansem said he was like oh like before it was like the meta of putting fucking enu on everything and just you know
Having this fucking meme as a picture or whatever and then you would just hope that it goes, right?
But now it's different like the game has changed like there's all these animations all these different videos like motherfuckers are interacting with
Everybody on the fucking timeline like when you see those fucking tickers
And those types of projects that are being deployed
Like those are the ones you got to really look into because it's like they're really trying to put in the effort
Like it's so funny how a lot of these fucking shit coins are doing more than most of these nft projects
And that's what it feels like to me if you could see if you could find a ticker
That reminds you of an nft project. That's probably going to be a winner
And that's not financial advice. That's just how I look at it. I just got a thought
You were talking if i've seen like like a dude in a wheelchair type of shit, bro
Bro you had the other fucking token going crazy sonic 10
All these things came out I was too late to them bro. They were already popping up. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
No, but i'm just saying like that. That's what the whole trend. That's like one of the examples of the trend
You know, but look honestly, did he?
Yeah, that's a good way of losing money though, too
At the same time because you gotta pull you gotta know when to pull out some of these because they end up running
Like fucking crazy. So I don't know man
No, yeah for sure. You have to you have to you have to fucking derisk, bro
You have to you know, you degen responsibly like we've been telling people since fucking pepe launched bro
Like this is a year ago now, like, you know, degen responsibly derisk
You know i'm saying take your profits and have your moon bag only play with money that you can afford to lose
You should never be throwing rent money at a fucking meme token. You're crazy
That's like that's like straight up gambling like for that
You might as well just go to atlantic city or vegas or something
You know what i'm saying? If you're gonna be doing that shit you have to you have to have to have a strategy regardless
No matter what have to have a strategy and try to be less of a degenerate, bro
Like it's so easy to get lost in this fucking, you know, the timeline everybody's shilling their fucking wins
You're like, oh my god. There's so much opportunity to make so much money. It's just like bro. That's not realistic
Right, and it's everybody it's it's all subjective
It's like to each his own like their situation is not your situation and at the end of the day
Comparison is the thief of joy. You should never be comparing yourself or your bags to anyone or anything for any reason
Right because that's their life
You have yours. So move accordingly
I also wait for plays david. Like I also don't like looking for them
too, like I wait for a shit like I like to like this
The entire thing like ordinals too. Once I heard about it, I told leo from last year. I'm like, yo, there's gonna be a point
I'm like relax
You know stop buying all these eats nft. So all these rugs
I was like, dude
There's gonna be a point where you could but you're gonna be able to buy anything and you're gonna look like a genius
And you gotta cash out
Go to him
You know right now he's happy. Let's see how far it goes. But yeah
But but didi you have to know
It it depends it depends on your strategy again
If you if you're looking for something that you want to go in and you want to stay for like the next two weeks
three weeks a month
Don't look at low caps look at like I don't know like 100k plus 200k plus 300k plus some some shit like that
And look at like the liquidity look at the look at the volume like the last the last week or whatever some shit like that
Um, like you can't like for example, you can't go in a lower lower cap shit coin for like five eats
It doesn't work like that, man. You're gonna get fucked
So you just it's just your strategy bro
Just your strategy and sometimes you can even go at a lower market cap
For like let's say zero point one eth or like let's say one soul
Whatever at some point when it reaches 100k market cap, you're already times. I don't know. Fuck. How how much you know, so
Just it all depends on what you want to do exactly
And look and look at the shit coins as if if you really understand memes
Like if you if you genuinely like understand trolling memes
Um like stupid internet vibes like gamer nerd vibes like if you really understand this shit
Like you it's easy for you to to like guide yourself towards like shit coins that have a click on them
The golden rule and I don't really follow it
All the time, but i'm trying to the golden rule for me is especially with like meme type shit
If it makes me laugh buy it
Most of the time if it's funny and it's it's it's like sorry to use the hard R
But if it's retarded like yes, that is the case
Yeah, a lot of these things make me laugh and i'm laughing crying at the same time. So I don't know what that means
Yeah, but if you don't buy it doesn't it moves? I don't know
What is this moon that you speak of sir?
I've missed it so many times, bro
Like i'm telling you I see I see something it makes me laugh
And then I look at it and fucking 10x is like a week later or 20th is like a week later
And it's like god damn it and I didn't buy any of it like yeah
That's what i'm trying to get with the rule. I had somebody spotted in my dms who I think is uh
Is an honorable person I think
And said go into the salon to play i'm telling you school go bananas
I've been waiting a week and a half and this shit
I looked at it
What what was the narrative? What was the narrative?
The narrative is is that a bunch of people are definitely going into it like exact exact words
Yeah, but did it make you laugh? I'm telling you did it make you laugh?
It kind of made me laugh
Like it was like this is stupid like so like you you just heard me laugh kind of like
I was like, this is stupid and I and I chuckled a little bit but
I am the only person that has bought
The point that i've gone like i've looked and there's like I bought and then
Everybody sold
So i'm like out here
With theme music in the back of my head
Like for example david, right? I don't know how many times I don't know how many times and this for everybody in the space
But I don't know how many times people had to hear I need the max ween like before they decided to buy wind token
How many times did you need to hear that or see that?
No, no, no, i'm not talking about you. I'm just saying for anybody else
It's like that's the type of shit that i'm talking about
It's like when you're in chats and you see people firing up spaces and all you see is fucking drake and they have gifts now
And now there's merch and it's like oh my god
It's a fucking craze bro catches on like wildfire like that is what a meme is. It's virality
It's like something that spreads like wildfire
Like, you know, this shit is gonna spread and it's like bro, like it was a super fucking obvious play, you know
The shit went to I don't know 70 80 mil like same thing with stanley cups stanley cups is the narrative right there
Everybody's talking about it. Now. You have this fucking stan token not financial advice
But it hit already like all-time high fucking 30 million dollars. Can I ask you a question?
All these things are popping off right
Well, all these things are hitting 20 30 million dollars, right
That mean they're not none of these things are gonna hit a billion
Can we agree like most likely these things aren't going into the you know
That's that's that's honestly I could honestly tell you that it's questionable because
You have tokens like bonk and wiff that are already listed on major exchanges. And like I said, we're not even okay, so but
besides a few right most likely
A lot of these tokens aren't making it into like the 10 to 20 30 million dollar area, right?
Now for the most part yeah
No, some of them very few but the ones that do are the ones that i'm talking about the ones that have a strong
But let me ask you this question. Remember back on eth
One like everybody was making, you know, obviously shit on eth
Things would pop off to 20 30 million easy
Like I can I I remember this too like easy 20 30 million
I feel like i'm salana
You just said something like a few minutes ago that resonated. It's like
People are are trading this shit. I don't know if you said it exactly like this, but
If they're trading or they're going into this more than nfts and shit like that
they still have this mindset of
Trading these assets as if they are nfts and that is i'm gonna get like
Whatever three soul out of this and i'm out
Like they're the mentality is not like, you know, they talk about I want to see the shit that hit a billion
But they're out at three soul
So how do you get to these numbers?
When people are just taking like three soul out and going into the next project and like you're never gonna get the project unless it's like
Hello, like it has a hell of now
Yeah, but what you have to understand is like we're not in easy mode yet. This is not peak fucking
cycle where
Devs the way until a 30 million mcap before they fucking hard rock a project
Like we remember those times right 2021 like bro ship was moving to 20 million then the dev would hard rock
Like we're not at that point yet. We are so the devs not doing it. The people are doing
No, but that's what i'm saying to you. There's not enough liquidity in the market right now
For what the situation you're describing
All right, so
Right now it's you're talking about orders. David. What you're talking about is like
We're orders of magnitude away from right now
Like because like to give the example a new shit token
Is coming out they put five thousand dollars liquidity and the market cap is fifty thousand dollars
And it's not going to go to 30 but it might go to a mill and that's like a 30 40 act
No, three four hundred three four hundred x whatever it is
I'm not going to do the math right now on the top of my head, but you get the picture
Yeah, but you go. No, you got me wrong bro. Like
All right. Look even when we hit three point seven trillion dollars
total market cap last time around
It you you could talk about shiba inu like you can use that shit as an as an example
Only three people could have pulled out their you know, their entire games
Like none of these things have enough liquidity for you to pull out
Like if you put in four grand in the beginning of shiba inu or eight grand
Whatever it is, like you couldn't pull out the the millions upon millions that you were sitting on there was no liquidity for it
Well, my thing is like this is like
You really like mean tokens like now i'm gonna be serious because i've been goofing around like
To be so on it like you can't sleep like you have to be on here
I know did you you said like degens? You can't be like no you have to literally stare at your screen like a crackhead
For the next 24 hours, bro, whatever play you go into like you can go to sleep
On any of these mean tokens you're gonna wake up and this shit's probably at zero
How many people have contacted me during this current run with solana?
saying that
first the three days i'm not gonna mention the project three
Four or five days ago some project contacted me. They're like you'll look into this
We're the next big thing. We have the narrative all this stuff, right?
Three days after them saying this to me and their whole community and my dms the dev rug
the dev rug
And all these people that had money in it
Are now like looking for ways to prop it back up
You can't you can't sleep on any of this shit you just cannot I mean the right way to
I would think the right way to play these mean tokens is you take out your initial profit and you let it ride
And what happens happens is at that point?
You're either gonna win
But if you lose you really didn't lose because you got your initial back, right?
I mean like that's the only way I can think about playing the mean token economy
Honestly, i'm more bullish on meme type nfts I think that's gonna be like
A big thing in the future like digi director. They're not doing anything in fc pro
There's meme tokens are doing more, but hopefully they'll get the picture. I think nfts have a much more
Uh, like broader future when it comes to like memes and stuff like
Yo, i'm gonna say it. I don't give a fuck it's down
But it's up. It's still up for more. It was a free mid bitcoin trumps, bro. Those things are gonna fuck in
I love them. It's a pure meme. They're cute. They're hilarious, bro. Yo
Yeah, yo, i'm telling you dude the bitcoin trumps
They look hilarious
All right, all it takes for something like that. All it takes for something like that is for some bullish catalyst trump comes on the tv
You know tomorrow or some shit or monday, right?
And then they fucking start start moaning like that's literally all it takes for shit like that
Yeah, like I honestly think these go towards the election just because it's an election year
I'm gonna go fucking wild bro. Trump sat there and he came out with a fucking
Uh a polygon nft
A 50 000 piece collection polygon nft and he brought it what did it hit one e but it almost hit one e
But he defied it anything. I would have thought of
Right. So like this I feel like it's one of the easiest dca plays
in the world
You know, like I really feel like from here until election time this is gonna go fucking wild
But anyway, whatever not financial definitely not financial advice. I hit my fucking head two years ago. So don't listen to me
I'm a little stupid
Yeah, none of us know shit about fuck
That's definite up for for me at least that i'm just up here spewing bullshit
But you know take everything little bits little pieces, you know here and there but yeah, he's not wrong
He's not wrong. Definitely dropped the first
Polygon collection. I think they hit like
0.6 or 0.7. I don't know it was all time high. He came back dropped another one
Minted that out sold sold out, you know, I think he fucking made like three over three million dollars
Between the two i'm not sure if I remember correctly
But if you're a holder of any one of those projects, he actually has an ordinal drop in two
I think it's like a hundred to one or some shit
I don't know what it is. But yeah, shout out to donald trump, man. Even he sees the beauty in ordinals
So, I don't know rocky. What's up? What's going on? Did you? Yeah, y'all are talking about nfts
I wanted to see if something I had heard did dolce and gabana seriously rug their nft project
Was that was that real or is that fake?
Um, honestly, i'm not I know i've seen something about you know
uh something about
Um, it's not for me. It's not necessarily a rug, right? It's kind of like just a failed
You know just a failed project here in the web3 space because I mean we've seen the same thing with recur
And recur being the company that brought in like the nickelodeon nfts with arnold and hello kitty and all that shit
So I mean in a way like for us here in the space
It's kind of like a slap in the face them extracting value and kind of doing the dash
But I don't know. I feel like it was just a failed
A failed approach, you know in my personal opinion. I wouldn't consider it a rug, you know
I mean david says it all the time like we like to fucking use buzzwords and stuff like that
But you know, maybe it's just a failed business, you know
Or a failed extension of their brand in the web3 space
If that makes sense
Okay, well there was all kinds of hype around that, you know the bitcoin utf
Is that going to be a failed thing as well because we were supposed to get this god candle, you know, I don't see it
Where's it at?
On what i'm sorry say that again on the etf for bitcoin
Everybody was hyping a god candle god candle coming now
We're going to have big business in is that going to be a failed attempt as well? Like there's no god candles anywhere
I mean usually what happens bro is you got to do the opposite of what everybody's screaming, right?
You gotta you gotta think inverse, right? I mean it's gonna go the opposite direction you accumulate eventually it's gonna happen
eventually, you're gonna see more of the marketing, you know to the mass to the masses, but
You know, we've got to have liquidity first, right? Like at the end of the day, you gotta be realistic, bro
Like I said, like I was saying this before in a few spaces like people don't have the the spending power, right?
You want retail adoption, but it's like people are struggling out there to buy fucking milk and eggs and shit
So, you know really just comes down to
People having having the spending power
But yeah, we'll definitely see it. We should see it at some point david. I think you're in 42 right now and climbing so
You can look at it from an old school perspective
As you know, this is what the market needed it needed to pull back
It's coming back. You never know this weekend
You have got candles that pop off at any time
Like I said, the market makers can go ahead and just pop off and we're looking at 50 000
but like everybody has severe mood swings on
at least on
Social media because it goes down a thousand everybody's already that's it done leaving leaving eggs
Nobody's talking but as soon as bitcoin starts popping off, everybody's back, you know
Coming back on one horse on horseback. It's crazy, bro
Like you got to stay like that's why I respect people that stay here
Like that don't leave and have a conversation daily, you know regarding the market and what they see
Rather than just like cry about you know, oh my god bitcoin has gone back. It's all over for us
I think ordinals are gonna do well, by the way nico like you'll make
You know points about ordinals. I think they'll do well rocky. I just want to say this every here. Here's why
Here's why I would never invite people to build
Doji and kavana, right? They they come out with a project
It's not successful. It's not successful because they hired web2 people to go and
Push their shit out there
And if they hired anybody from web2, they probably hadn't they have no
Excuse me. What three most people in web3 have never ran a business
They don't know what branding is. They don't know what marketing is
And a lot of people get confused with branding and marketing within this space
You guys think that branding and marketing is somebody shilling the fuck out of a project. That's not branding or marketing
It's that's not it
There are companies and there are projects that legit had
I don't give a fuck i'm not even getting off of this i'll protect them
Because I like i'm tired of like projects getting shitted on
Meanwhile, they the only intention was to build something
I would say 90 of the projects that came out
Really wanted to build
something iconic
They just didn't know how to get there
They got to a certain point where they did not know how to answer their own questions in terms of building
And they failed they failed they didn't rug but they failed and when we go into these projects
We're happy when shit is winning, right? So like
When things are going up, everything's all good. If something goes down
Automatically, it's a rug. So let me ask this question then to the general audience here
Tesla right now went yesterday it went down
and price
Is tesla a rug?
Like is tesla now a rug
Because that's how you guys consider things if apple stock price goes down. Is it a rug?
If google stock price goes down, is it a rug?
Verizon like like when companies when their prices go down, is it officially a rug? Are you guys basing?
a projects
You guys base everything based on price like you don't look at the actual project and see what they're doing like
As much as I might shit on cardano is cardano a rug
No, because charles comes from from ethereum
The reason he left ethereum is because he thought he could create a better platform. Is it a rug? No, it's not a rug
Price is just down
Like this space has turned everything into a rug like you why would anybody want to build here?
Think about it. Would you want to build here?
Do you understand how much pressure you have on you?
To keep price up instead of keep building. It's not even about building
It becomes like keep price up get bid boy to do a video like all this nonsense
Where you can take all that money and continue building or hiring real developers to help you and hiring
Like a real marketing expert to go ahead and build out a proper game plan to showcase your project
Like i'm tired of all these like was penguins a rug
Like think about it penguins before it got acquired by luka. Like was that a rug?
Or did they just say like what like, you know, bro, like we I don't know what to do here and luka comes in says
You know what? I like this project. I think this is the project I could take and take to that level
Which it's at now proper marketing, right
Yeah, and that's actually been done a few times like the only one that sticks out like a sore thumb is penguins because obviously
You know the growth was phenomenal
But there's a lot of projects in this space that have been acquired
By a bunch of people who are building in the background gutter cat gang is one of them
I know somebody that was a community member. He took over the entire project
Um, I think there was another one. Um, I think it's like beanbag friends, but it got acquired by I think
Jace ryan who was doing like something with the meat nippies, you know, and they're utilizing the ip
They're trying to do animation and stuff like that for the kids, you know, so it's just like
There's a lot of people that are actually trying to
You know turn turn turn things around here in the space and I don't know man. I think we're just used to
I don't know. We're just used to kind of like what we hear. Nobody kind of
Kind of does their own fucking you know does their research it keeps coming back to that
But yeah, nobody does their research. Everybody's quick to call everything a rug and
It's kind of fucked. I wouldn't build in this space personally me. I like being an investor. I like speculating
Um, I would not build i'm sorry not in this environment. Hell, no, bro. I don't need to pitch forks
I don't need to have
I'm coming out of my shit
I don't care about what anybody in this space has to say because this will not be the only
Social media platform that I will use to
Put it out there
Uh, put my project out there
For people to go ahead and see like this that that's the biggest thing is like everybody
Everybody looks here
Like here's I can only introduce my project on twitter
Like no i'm going to linkedin i'm going to fucking tick to i'm going everywhere to showcase what i've built over three years, man
Like i'm not
I am not going to be
you know held
I'm not going to wait in line to try to get an approval from the fucking click over here of 13 young virgins, bro
Who will go ahead and then deem that I can move forward and and announce that I am actually doing something here like?
This is how weird
It's so weird
really weird
I'm gonna get frustrated. I'm about to say some shit. So I'm gonna mute myself here goes
Bruh, i'm crying. We got rad coming up having her from rad in a minute right here, bro. Chill out, bro
It's free money friday. Look listen people. Let him know if you haven't claimed your motherfucking win token
What is you doing? You guys told january 29th 10 a.m.
Eastern, you know utilize your backpack wallets your phantom wallets, you know
If you've been interact you've been interacting with the jupiter exchange you've been trading some salana shitters
You want that jupiter airdrop? This is your little test run right here
It was 15 initially this morning sitting at about 40 bucks
Usd if you're in the states
But uh, yes free money freed the nettle and honestly
Unclaimed tokens. This is some alpha for y'all unclaimed tokens. If there are unclaimed tokens by the 29th 10 a.m
Eastern they're gonna be burned. What does that mean for the token? It means deflationary. What does deflationary mean? It means price go up
In some occasions, so don't take that shit
But you know for what I said do what you will with that information. Uh, what's up, rad? How you doing, man?
Shit, I just came up here to tell david. He's too old to be pick-tocking
It's good, yeah, yeah, i'm representing for long island, son
I respect
Yo, what day is your birthday, uh sis the 27th the 27th? Oh, we lit bro. I'm the 21st, bro
I can't even say it right now my words
Wait your birthday your birthday passed already your birthday passed nah my 10th 4 21 we we both in april
Oh, I was about to say I was about to say we're plotting already. We're plotting
Yeah, I haven't heard rad and like that was a man for
Nftnyc bro is in april. So we we uh figuring some things out. Uh digi
Rad disappeared
Might have to leave, uh nftnyc and go to knowledge
We out there we out there
Wait there nft's over there bro. I'm here for the tech. We'll bring them with us
We're gonna break them
We're gonna get kicked out yeah, hey like yo, y'all except nft
Y'all take those y'all got y'all got pepe back there
Yeah, that'd be the best bro, like do you either krypto though?
We're gonna embroider right now, man, let's go to the back real quick
Honestly, bro, it's only it's you know, it's only a matter of time before
That's a literal fucking thing. Like you're at the grocery store, you know paying for your shit
Or whatever. I don't know man. I've seen people out there with that palm scanner shit that amazon fucking cbdc bullshit. I don't know man
I prefer uh cryptocurrency, you know
I don't know if it's happening here like in new york. Nah, not in the states
I still see i'm talking about specifically in the city
You there's still so many fucking cash businesses
Like I still see these motherfuckers go to the bank full of cash
Like they gotta they need a depositor or whatever the fuck like
Yeah, I don't see cash flowing anywhere. I'll be honest. Yeah
Nah, cash ain't going anywhere, man
You know how the the good yo the government all these people they love to say oh crypto crypto useful all this dark web shit
You know all this fucking you know, bro. Come on, bro
What about cash like, you know, and elizabeth warren always says that shit all these malicious activities
It's like bro cash just came when it comes to that shit
So yeah, that's just gonna be around for a long time. You know, she's using cash for something. There's no way she's like that like naturally
Oh my god, I see it
Yo, gee bunny mars rad
The cc yo, where you guys have been man, there's been a minute
I hate web 3
23 why what's wrong? Honestly, bro. I need to go back to the why I like you money. Don't don't talk
What do you mean g money you come up here at 2 30 on a friday afternoon? Ask me where to spray some cordy because i'm working motherfucker. What do you mean?
I'm talking to you in the afternoon. What is that pfp by the way? It's a way. It's a pocket chipper, bro
You heard of tempers. This is that kind of cute. That is so cute
Yeah, all you got to do is interact with tempers the founder of tempers and whenever he drops
Uh, you know the post you just comment and he'll fucking pocket chimp for your pfp
I don't know what he's gonna do with it
Maybe it'll be an ordinal who knows but I know that I started out fairly early when I was like, I can't believe I walk into
a shield damn it fuck
It's not a shield bro. What the fuck? This shit is free. You don't gotta pay for nothing, bro
He's doing this just for free if it becomes something later on just know you got that I'm just waiting for soldier boy to drop something
He dropped the court case what
What drag
Chokey when I see you
Please don't get away from me. I'm scared
Yo, I woke up
Hitting people with chair shots. This is the royal rumble, bro. It's trending too. Yo, he might like it
That's the problem. He might actually like the joke. Yeah
It's five o'clock somewhere
Token and shit with him like, you know now you heard this shit, bro. This is great. Yeah, he looks at shit. No
The news though like of him you heard that oh the lawsuit the lawsuit shit
Listen man, hold on so she got paid three million dollars to stay silent
And then now like hold on so she collected the money and now she's not silent
What you think is gonna happen if he did he you think Cassie's just gonna get paid and stay quiet she gonna make a remix
Exactly bro, like yo, he from one day to the next right? She was like, oh, yeah filed whatever and then he's like
Oh, I gotta shut this bitch up and then okay cool
She accepts the payment like bro, that's gonna be lingering over your head forever
Like you're gonna have to fucking come up with a payment plan or some shit because she's not gonna stay quiet
I I don't know man vince mcmahon
It's just weird
But I can understand during that attitude ever if like you've ever watched wrestling when it was when it came back made that come back
And they were just like literally it was almost like rated r shit
Like I get it like if shit probably did happen, you know
But you put yourself in that position no like
Guy or girl like you put yourself in that position you could have walked away no or or like I mean like
I don't want to sound like an asshole
But like you could have walked out the door
Like if you're working in corporate and somebody's like like i'm out the door and like you could have like went and got yourself a lawyer
Said like I was sexually harassed or whatnot
I'm just like thinking out loud man. What makes you stay there? Like if you feel this way, what makes you stay there?
So like to me, it's like there has to be two sides to the story
It's not just one and by the way, I'm fucking defending ditty here, bro
I think ditties touched mace and all these motherfuckers, bro
Diddy deserves what he fucking gets man that dude man. That dude has always been hella sus bro
50 done warned everybody
50 warned everybody goes ain't no grown man taking you to the mall, bro
He said ditty asked me to go shopping he said I told him get away from me before I mess up the wedding
Did you guys remember the pop culture when 50 cent destroyed jaru korea?
Oh man, if he destroyed a lot of careers 50 yo, nobody listens to 50 50 destroyed floyd mayweather's career, bro
In terms of like public speaking
For years. Yeah, he said
He asked him to read a book
Yo, floyd came at him hold on floyd came at him with a video, right?
And and there were two videos it was back to back. So the first video 50 cents wakes up
And he's like what the fuck he's like wiping the crust out his eyes like I just woke up to this shit me
The fucking I do all right cool. He came out of video goes I dare you to read this book
I think it was harry potter, right?
I see that I dare you to read this book and if you can read it
I will donate money to your favorite charity like and this dude knew it. He knew floyd couldn't read
Yo 50 is lethal bro
50 at any moment like I would never I would never fuck with 50
And all of us know a 50 cent
In your in your area, bro. We know
I mean he's from jamaica. I'm from fucking historically, of course
No, but what i'm saying like, you know, you have a friend
Literally will put somebody on the spot like that. Especially if you're from new york. Oh, that's me
That's me as fuck. I'll put you on the spot so fast. What kind of spot?
Are you okay? This turns around real fast. What the fuck? This is this is what i'm saying. David
You tell him about choking. He's gonna like it from you, bro. So you call him. Yo, it's 237
When puppets have you claimed your when you drop puppets looking real good right now, too, huh? Did you trying so hard?
You know, I feel so bad. Did you train for bro? I had a hundred dollar that went token
Are you kidding me only a hundred dollar? What the fuck? You should have brought the dip man
No, that's a dip hard. It almost become a honeypot. Yo digi
We can't see your spaces by the way, I don't know if it's the settings or something that you have
Yo dig. I think you do have to fix your settings, bro
Yeah, you know setting so basically you have settings where you can show people like if you're in a chat in the spaces and stuff
You might have that shit off, bro
How you know I can do it on purpose. I don't know what you do on purpose and I cool
some people
Some so there are certain you think I want everybody in my room. You can't be tagged and
Shit like that. So you gotta find those sudden. Did you want this?
Look man, i'll be giving out i'll be giving out free game, bro, but it ain't for everybody, right?
I don't get fucking with everybody
Did you move your did you move your monkey? Yeah, I did. I moved my monkeys the big one
Okay, because we got an airdrop. Yeah, but you know nico like i'm disappointed with like I got it
I i'm thinking on chain monkey is gonna set this fucking standard for
You know in ordinal land and like what's happening, bro, like i'm telling you I need to sell nico
I'm gonna do you a favor. I need to sell this thing
And this shit's gonna fucking rock it
You and everybody all these fucking chats about oh on chain monkey
Everybody's gonna be fucking celebrating
If I sell these shits because this shit is gonna go parabolic. It's gonna be like
I just feel like sometimes I am with on chain monkey. I am the top signal
There's no doubt about it. So but
David you actually bought one even after what I bought it the first day
So I was oh my fuck and you didn't sell when I told you what?
I literally told him the alpha and he didn't sell by then. No, are you fucking kidding me right now?
Gee bunny, there's always the sell with what you told him. I know what you told him relax, bro
Like I know seriously you didn't you actually didn't know when I told you everything in that chat. I have 14 monkeys
I like the project
I they're just lacking branding that that's really it and it sucked that good thing left and who else left good things and
Polymath, but yo, this is andy's fault bro. And why is it about danny's fault?
Yeah, I know you don't like polymath, but good
But that's on you. Yo, don't put me on a spot like that. I don't I don't I don't I don't like i'm gonna tell you
Right now nico. I'm gonna keep it 100%
On chain monkey
They need somebody who understands web 3 because none of them do like they they don't understand
They need no they just don't understand that branding is essential here no, he's way too technical, bro
You're right. You're right about the branding part, but he's way too technical. It's not that he doesn't know about web 3
He's just way too technical. He's
Danny he's trying to cater to like a certain crowd from the way it seems to me and it's not working
I don't know like I mean look
I kind of agree with one thing that people do say like you had board a biac club
And then they decided to come out with monkeys. So like they could have done something different. I don't know
But other than that, no nico
I've spoken to danny multiple times. I won't like obviously out of respect for everybody who I speak to
I like to keep things confidential and stuff
Here here's what i'm gonna put out here
Have a really hard time
Understanding the pulse of of the community. They are so stuck on what they've created that they can't see outside the box. This goes for
Protocols like like let's say a car down. All right
Charles is so stuck on what he's created like he can't understand that
People are not going to just come to car down because he created something great
This is how he speaks. Like if you listen to his live videos
He's like i've created something great and I don't need to market because it's great. No
You need branding and what I mean by branding. It's not chilling
It's like you need to allow people to understand what the fuck you've built same thing with polka dot
And same thing like going back to like on chain monkeys
They are way too corporate looking like it's all it's very corporate and nobody in this space
The space that you're trying to get people
You're trying to get people from this space into your project. These aren't corporate heads
Like no with no disrespect. You don't even want to be corporate
Nobody wants to be corporate here. You have people wearing hoodies chilling relaxing. We're having fun
Ain't nobody trying to wear a suit and tie to the event i'm telling you like nobody if you have a
A suit entire event people are coming in in their pajamas and they don't understand that and that's why like
It is vital for like on chain monkey to like and and and nico one more thing when they try to look web 3
They don't even look web 3 like they you know that the person's trying way too hard to look web 3
That's my biggest problem with on chain monkey
All right. All right fine. Okay, so let me just give you so let me give you another scenario here. All right
Don't you think there's a place for a project like on chain monkey?
Because web 3 is expanding for who nico think about it
Porsche 911 porsche drops the porsche 911 drop, right?
They thought it was an automatic like we're gonna sell out
They didn't sell out because you know what? Nobody cares
But the the people that know about porsche's they probably bought one just like hey
I got porsche and who knows I might you know being that i'm a porsche guy and I have porsche's maybe
Getting the nat from porsche will give me something towards a porsche
But other than that nobody from from this space even fucking look they're like, okay great 0.9 11 great
You can keep 9 11 like all i'm saying is like
On chain monkey can be successful if they brought in hypothetically speaking yourself a digi
Like like people who actually know they bring in a d gen like a like a d gen
Yeah, like yeah, I agree. I agree. But that's that but anybody can benefit from a project like
To be the hottest project on ordinals right now if they had udi or whoever
Fucking trevor like any of these people who are really mentioning it
And there have been like I know there've been shows about it, but i'm saying really like passionate about it
Go nico, like I I know how hardcore of a fan you are. So like I I don't mean to be disrespectful. Oh because it's no no
No, no, no, look here's the thing
I i'm a fan. I like the I actually like the art
But that's because I I have a background in like it building like physical stuff
I actually have a furniture background david like I had a furniture factory
When I found out the story about answering monkey how
He he and I also have the computer science degree and I know how like I I've built
One of the products one of the first things we had to do was build
Algorithms to make shapes, you know circles and fucking diamonds and triangles and all that stuff
So I understood the work behind it and I understood why he did it for me
Like all of that is art like even the whole
the whole point of uh
The whole thing about getting that sat to get on block nine to get that certain sat number for him to snipe that
Even that is kind of artistic. Yeah, it's way too techie for some people
But if you're a techie, you find your ticket, but he doesn't know how to explain it that that's the problem
This is true. Yes. Yes. I agree. I agree. But this is what I see within the project. I agree with you
bro, it's very hard to find people that
Like like a mirror digi or even like you or anybody that understands the degen side and the tech side
You gotta you gotta like like look look at how much I argue with dalchemists about ordinals all day because for some reason he's stuck
On like the tech in a business way like he he's perfect raunchy monkeys and he's probably fixed to stupid project
You know, but do you get what i'm trying to say like it's very hard for him to understand
Where we're coming from on a little bit on the degen side and even on the tech side too like a dal helped me
Because I like it not that I didn't pay attention
But like when ordinals came out and all that but like he brought me back to school yesterday
Like in some ways like I was thinking about things from classes that I went and i'm sitting there and i'm like
You didn't take these fucking classes like at some point like he said they're giving me all this shit where it didn't matter
Like it's on a json file. All right, but it can be updated like it's the way it's done everything like it's still
Like the record is on the blockchain. That's the whole thing, you know, so like everybody has their perspective on things
I just look at it as a perspective as in my opinion here
Onchain monkey has a place they're gonna put up
They're gonna create a place for themselves within the ecosystem and it might just expand the ecosystem within their own realm
So that they can start to try like if you want if you also want adoption
You want them to attract those people with the suits or whatever the fuck bro
There are events here that nobody even knows about and there's shoots and shit like that happening like creeper
The week before nftnyc. Hold on nico. Think about it board apes
Board apes started with the community going ape shit in every single clubhouse room
They were like having fun with it going like i'm talking about like real
Real grassroots marketing and then came the suits
When you're when you're starting off with let's bring in the suits first and then bring in web 3
You're going to alienate a huge crowd, which is web 3 and my thing is like danny needs to
Find that person and finally say, you know what?
I can't do it the way I think I can do it
I need to bring in somebody who has the pulse of the community and I let I need to give them free rein
Let them go ahead and explain
The project to the masses. That's it
So let me give you a little bit of background on that still and you're right
It's danny all of this comes down to danny
I think danny is just a little bit too secretive and everybody got stuck that was in charge
Danny hold up. It's not
Look, bro. What about amanda?
But what has she done like what has she done for the project?
I mean wait who?
She looks in the background. She's from metagood to be honest with you
Like i'm not 100 sure like exactly how that works, but i've met amanda i've had conversations with amanda amanda's very good
I've also listened to amanda speak the whole thing is that
Danny just takes it. He looks at it in such a way too techy type way
And I don't I don't mind that I actually like it
But that's what i'm trying to tell you like I really feel like
You like bored apes was an outlier. Just like the pudgy penguins was an outlier. Let other people pave their way
That's why like yo using the example of bored apes look at all these other projects
They became cookie cutter projects. They're trying to do this trans to that
Like I would rather go along with a project that's trying to pave their own way even if they fail
Like I don't care where on chain monkey is today because I don't think they're gonna get wiped
You guys you guys are going back and forth. I mean
You're willing to go long term with it, right you have people that are coming into web 3
They're not looking long term. They're looking for okay. What is the next hot play?
I know my friend got into you know, my friend was lucky enough to buy, you know bitcoin
Excuse me, crypto punks for like
He was lucky enough to get into bored apes at point eight point zero eight
Like I want I want the next play like what is the okay great i'm gonna go into
Imagine me in 2000 whenever this came I forgot when it came out. I get it. I was like, oh, this is crazy
jpegs were put onto ethereum on chain
I understand that they had to do the art a specific way to put it on chain
Like I get the whole thing
But there it feels so dry nico like that. That's what i'm saying. It just feels
I agree. I agree where everything else feels like it has like a soul to it like penguins have a soul to it
You know bored apes at a time. I don't know now
But bored apes at a time had a soul to it. I think mutant apes have more of a soul than bored apes
If you want to ask me, you know for my honor
Motherfuckers are funny where they go from here
I don't know like but like I can name you so many projects that have a soul to them
Like that can you like that like some people jump into certain projects because they feel
That project represents them like they can see themselves as a i'm only used to casa's pfp. They see themselves as a motherfucker
And that project is going to allow that pfp is going to allow them to really express themselves
But david I was gonna add into this on chain monkey, here's the thing they have a soul
They just don't know what how to expand it
If you look at them, you know what? I see I see entrepreneurial spirit
That's what I see
But the thing is if they're gonna go that route then stick with this stop trying to running around
So many do so many trying crazy thing you already pick a route you want
You know what you want like you want to
Attract business owner or entrepreneurial people or invest in your project. Okay acquire that you have the ability to do it
You were on all this shit. I'm like fucking like I don't know trading center promoting on chain monkey
Okay, get all those people in and now you want to use that money get into the dow fix your doubt
That's the number one thing about them
They need to fix their doubt and they fix their community because their community is not and they got a strong community too though
They do but like i'm like, yo like stick with that you have an entrepreneurial spirit
Run with it. It will work. I agree with nico is saying like look they will have a name in this space
Which they already do. They just need to find that niche
They're like, how can we differ from this space because to be honest like if I want to be an entrepreneur
I'll look at all these projects, okay
What project will I go in there when I meet other business owner that can benefit me?
Not just like, you know how to say but across the global state, right?
It might be on chain monkey because they got all these entrepreneurial people, right?
So that's what I would see them as they need to run with that if they're gonna pick that route
That's how I see it to be honest. They need to bring in some i'm telling you you want to see them level up
They need to bring in somebody who knows the space. That's it from a
They need to bring in fucking like I guarantee it and see cause I guarantee you
Go into on chain hypothetically as an example if cicasa went to on chain monkey
You'd see a bunch of people, you know going into on chain monkeys like I can see it
He'd come on with his deep ass voice and go
It sounds raspy roast cicasa
Cicasa, what are your thoughts bro? What's up?
What's up motherfuckers?
Hey, I got a fucking I got a an evolved take on these
ugly ass monkeys, um
I I was uh, I was a perpetual shade thrower
uh for a long time
understanding that there was a
deep technical fucking
Acumen with the motherfuckers behind the scenes there, right?
Right before they started bridging to bitcoin
uh a base motherfucker, I know mv jr
helped me understand what the
technical fucking depth is of them, right? So i'm
Reluctantly bought an on chain monkey. I migrated it over to bitcoin
I didn't fucking talk about it. Okay, because I
I still it kind of whatever the reason why though that these fucking that that they're so ugly
is because of
There's a certain um quality that's required to be able to be housed on bitcoin
and so they
had the foresight
to build the fucking
shapes and and the and fucking size and everything for something that can be worked with
on bitcoin and so
Well, they did they put it on what do you mean they put it on i'm sorry i'm dying laughing
What do you mean they added the json file they added the fucking the java library
Oh, but j5 but the but the fucking what i'm saying is it takes a motherfucker. That is uh, you know
You know how there's there's certain technical people that?
Are could yeah, yeah, hold on. Can I can I let me finish?
You know how there's technical people that could fucking
Uh build a bridge, but they can't have a fucking
Empathetic conversation with you like there's just a spectrum of motherfuckers out there these people
When you were talking about the soul of a project, they got a soul. It's just fucking it's not in the in the vibes
It's in the it's in the fucking mechanics. And so once I could just
grasp that that distinction
They're doing innovative shit
Bridging the to bitcoin the way they are I got air dropped and fucking other ordinals that are all like different dimensions of the shit like
That it's undeniable that they're doing innovative shit on the front lines of bridging shit over to
Ordinals and and how they did their whole fucking bridge experience. It was fun
And it was fucking new it was something that I had not experienced before and i'm not aware of any other project doing it to that
In of that caliber
So I think that we got to take it easy on the on these ugly fucking monkeys because they serve a different technical purpose
And I think that they got pretty big fucking roots when it comes to what they're going to be able to generate
In ordinals and i'm in that fucking arena. So I wouldn't fade them as much as I hate them
Just I just think
Oh, sorry, wait, what was kax rugging?
What about bullshit
Engineers tend to like
Do shit way too technical they have like they have no clue about like how the branding works
How the marketing works how how to push the image out there
But but what they're building might be the best thing ever, you know
It's just known for a motherfucker that would choose to put a clown nose on as their fucking representation
Like I can't understand. I can't grasp it in my fucking mind about someone would elect to put that on as their
Representation especially when there's such a pretty fucking motherfucker when they're using their linkedin picture
But again, that's what makes the world go rally
There's certain people that like to get this deep inside of them without fucking lubrication
I actually could play every single snes game
With my ordinal like that came out out there. Are you talking about the super nintendo? Yeah. Yeah
I mean not only that hold on hold on not only that but they
Developers can make indie games for the super nintendo emulator now so they can actually expand on it through ordinals
believe it or not
uh, there's like
Granted you guys don't see this as anything great or whatever. It's more like a like a
I guess a historical type of thing
But look at the capabilities already
And this is all because of lines of code that expand like yo, this is the thing
This is why dal brought me back to school yesterday because
Because I have to sit there and think when i'm talking to him and like he's not getting it that json file
It's just a json file and he's right. There has to be a standard but
All you gotta do is change one number and the whole thing fucking changes and the whole thing is updated and like yo
There is a lot
That can be built on bitcoin now. It is insane
The problem is that we just have to figure it out like there's a there has to be a standard
Actually done and then from there on that's it
Right just the way I was thinking about it afterwards. I don't know where what his background is
Like i'm not 100 sure if he's just a dev or an engineer or whatever
But like I have an engineering background with this shit
You know, and it's like oh
We could do this that and that i'm like, oh shit
You know like they're there and I also went and read the gitbook on on the ninjas too
Like you it's it's actually extremely interesting. What could be done with automus, bro. And the fact that
Just because the transaction's not necessarily done on change. It doesn't matter just be it'll
It'll be done. It'll be on the code on chain. That's the thing
That's why the whole thing about ethereum is that when they do the transactions on change just takes away too much memory
That's why it's so expensive. They're actually they're actually working on a way to do it so cheap
Yeah, but nico like you know vitalik and and crew never designed ethereum to have jpegs be put on it
Like that was never yeah, but i'm not i'm not talking about it's not just jpegs over
They're doing brc20s and liquidity pools, bro
Like they have this thing. Then it's not out yet, dude
We'll give it some time. I'm just saying about ethereum like they never
When all this stuff started popping off with nf, you know with art being you know jpegs being put on the blockchain
Like vitalik even came out and said like I mean this was never supposed to happen. I mean like
But this is just the beginning on ordinal. This is just the first step i'm telling you
Give it some time and we're gonna have everything that dao was talking about liquidity pools already
There's lending the moment the liquidity pools happen, bro
I don't doubt I don't doubt that like i'm not a first of all like, you know, I know where dao stands
dao is a big eath head and
And listen, like I love ethereum as well, but like i'm not rooting against ordinals and I think that
their current leadership
Can go ahead and develop all these things and I hope they do because it only benefit bitcoin
So like for me do I but honestly did I ever want the etfs? No, do I want to build on top of bitcoin? No
But it's gonna happen either way. So I hope that it's built out. Well
Like there's a reason why I don't want things to be built on bitcoin
It's slow as fuck by the way
This is different though, but this is all about so this is
So you're just passing a long code
All right, because it's just it's just exactly as they said you're just passing the long code in a cryptographic way
Where like there is a standard where when that standard comes out
When the code gets like interpreted you're going to see all kinds like all kinds of shit happens
So that here's the thing bro, when like when you go to school
They want you to make everything with at the least amount of code possible
That's what it is save as much code as possible. That's what this is all about
That's why i'm trading monkey was so important. Like that's where I like I was able to resonate with it
It's all about like yo, if you could if you could represent a thousand lines of code with one line
That's the goal
Believe it or not. That's like the whole entire goal
To try and represent one line to try and represent a thousand lines of code with one fucking line though
That's like the goal here
So like that's why I resonate that's where that's where like that's whatever that's like really what people are looking for
That's the goal
Like in computer science too is to be able to just do it like that faster
So like that's really what you got to look for in this space
And I know it's just jpeg, but that's just the beginning
Bro is cooking bro is not gonna he will die on this hill bro cicasso. What's up? I'm gonna talk a little bit of emoji
I wanted to just take a pause from these fucking monkeys because they've gotten enough attention and just uh
Flag a piece of potential alpha for for motherfuckers. It's a very low
entry and I just kind of
Dived into uh or dove into
This um off of uh, the suggestion of some some based motherfuckers. I know so, uh, you know
Because g media always brings the fucking heat. I'm gonna just toss it out there people can fuck around to find out on their own
Um, if you guys haven't checked out liquidium liquidium, um yet
It's super easy. You sign in with your fucking expert's wallet and you can lend on puppets and you only need fucking
Less than the floor and if so and so like you literally just put that up if uh, you put up an offer
So like if the puppet floor in 05 i'll put a fucking 0.03
If someone defaults then, uh, I get the puppet per 0.03
If they fucking they they get it you still get interest paid in bitcoin to you
It's not that much but depending on how much you're doing you're literally just fucking adding bitcoin
And then you're also putting out very low offers for shit that you have for specific collections that you believe in so I would
Suggest if you got a little extra fucking scrap
Some satoshis on the side and just fucking take a look at liquidium. Not only that but uh, you're gonna be getting uh
Um, probably an airdrop from just using them
So there's that cherry on top from nico. Look at that beautiful. Like yeah, I know all about it
Yeah, no, it's great because I I actually been fucking around with arcade too to like
With loans and all that like I put my seal I put my monkey. I move things around. Yeah
Yeah, it feels like this this loan stuff is like
You know how machi came and just raped us with blur like all these stupid fucking bots and shit on each
Like it just got so out of hand and fucking reckless for people that were just trying to participate as you know
Fucking enthusiasts in the space
With with bitcoins like the liquidium is it is that version of it?
But it's just way more fair and transparent like you're active. You're gonna go take a loan
You're actively fucking doing that and that's you that's not you. I'm gonna build them to transact
Cool, but it's not these like fucking shady ass of mass fucking bots and shit
I think that's why I love bitcoin because it's so slow and clunky
But I like this fucking iteration of you know, how to kind of play strategy
Uh in in the in the scheme of things
Check out arcade. Uh, that's actually I like that one
what you do is you list on your terms and then people counter your offer and
You accept you whatever you want to accept you accept. It doesn't automatically do it and whatever. It's actually pretty cool
I like this and liquidium. I saw it like it's a little the thing about liquidity liquidium
And it's because there's no uh, there's no what do you call it? Um, like there's no really way to do things
Yeah, like there's no real liquidity pools and stuff
It's a little weird when they come out with a standard. It's actually gonna be a lot better
But right now it is great. I I I love it. Yeah, like but yo, yeah
Super fucking easy and like yeah
the fact that you don't need some crazy bag to be able to
To lend is is really dope like you're like, oh I'll fucking take you know, 40 below floor on something that
Project I already like or just get fucking bitcoin sent to my wallet like that is that's a nice combo
Can you use a burner for that? Would you recommend?
I mean it's not
I don't think so. I don't think so because you're only like approving that amount and then it basically goes into like an escrow
Okay. Okay. I'm gonna do it. No, I like I used to do that with one
I can't remember the platform
I like I like liquidium specifically. I tried I checked out some of the ethylons it I don't know man
It just it didn't slap the same dude. It feels like these guys are big brains
So what I really like about what they're doing with the ordinals platform so far between the experts wallets and everything
It's super easy, bro
Like i'm sitting there and i'm like if anybody gets lost with this shit
Something's wrong. Like it's a lot easier than metamask and trust wallet and everything else
Like yo, they don't even tell you to store your fucking
To store your seed crate. They didn't just let you go and like if you lose your phone you lost everything
But still like you get what i'm saying here like it's kind of wild but they made it super easy
Even the the adapts so far too. It's like
They were like, you know what? Let's not do it the way it's being done on ethereum
We're gonna just fucking do it the way we want to do it here and like yo
That's why i'm like super bullish overall, bro
Everything order notes like that. That's my
That's my yeah, I I don't give a shit about anything else right now
I'm just kidding. Yeah, fuck with ordinals for sure been here since uh
And uh, yeah, love where this shit has been going love love that for sure. I fuck with arcade nika that you were talking about
Arcade is dope because you know, they do the you could put, you know, real world assets up as collateral stuff like that
So that's pretty cool. I see people do, you know luxury watches. I see some guy do like a fucking entire supreme box logo
Tea collection for like, you know, I don't know he put it up for like 1.5 million dollars or something against it
But yeah, it's pretty dope
Liquidium I haven't fucked with it
But I know some people that been taking off some loans against puppets that's actually worked out in their favor
So yeah, shout out to you guys for providing the alpha. See casa nico below G
We're gonna go to below G. We're probably gonna rap here because i've been here for like fucking three hours, bro
I even ate a sandwich while you guys were going back and forth. I'm not gonna lie
Fill the gas, you know what I'm saying?
below is usa
Yo, yo, um, so i've been looking for a programmer for ios and android app
Um, if you guys know anybody
Please send in my way i've been looking for that for the past week
I just uh, I just need a little bit of uh
consultation and probably like
work together of something
In general is just like an application that is multiplayer online
Ios and android that is connected to the main company
No, no, no, no, no, no, whatever. Uh, so if you guys know any programmers, please
Please I beg you get in touch with dog hammers
Bro, I did bro. I did but he's like, I don't know
I he told me that he knows a guy. I told him okay send me his email
And after that nothing happened. So
I even went to spaces like where they were uh hiring people apparently
I I went there. I talked i'm like, okay. Hey guys, I need this
Nobody came back to me
So so I don't know I'd rather is because i'd rather ask in this space
Then actually go look in linkedin or go look at jobs go or indeed or some bullshit like that because
Some of the programmers are really good
But they don't understand. Uh, they don't understand the like salinity and crypto and
Like I don't know like programmers shit in crypto, you know
So this is why I ask here. It's it's better for me. Did you check linkedin bro?
But it's it's shit
For me, I don't know for others, but for me it's shit
When you're done, let me know I have a quote I want to read to everyone in this room. It's very emotional. It's very heartwarming
Oh, so gee gee buddy's gonna close this out. I feel that nico. What's up?
Well, I want all right
So like if you're I don't know what nft projects you're involved in but usually there's a dev somewhere not
working in the project but
lurking somewhere within the
Oh, no, it's not an nft project it's not a token it's not a shit
What i'm trying to tell you is that usually there's some sort of dev
Lurking somewhere that owns the pfp. They may not want to work on a project but they can help you out like not me
I can't like seriously. I
No, I can't do nothing but
You should go look around and like if you're in any projects, like if you were a non-chain monkey
There's like five devs over there that just they do things for the fuck of it and they talk to you for the fuck of it
You know what I mean? Or if you're in like there's a bunch of projects like that
Like with people like that
Somebody get below your team, bro. This is my second space. He came up in here looking for fucking look in the field positions
Come on, bro. Get him a team. Yo, nika one poly mat sell two million dollar worth of jonching monkey
I'll definitely buy into one
just saying
But that's the thing I got fucked before like like looking at devs like inside projects and shit like I got fucked before
While doing that is because these people like tell me okay i'm a dev and everything i'm like, okay great
So what can you do?
I can copy a contract of etherscan and do it again and change the names. I'm like, okay, sure. So so what's unit
He's like, oh you just have to add 18 zeros depending on this decimals and shit
And one of the other devs that I contacted this way that you're saying niko
He actually scammed me for like 13 000 while doing jack shit
But you gotta you gotta do it to depend like a little bit more of a
I don't know what projects like you're involved in like how you did it and like like
Probably if you're if you're in a project where everybody's buying ten dollar psp
Then I don't know what to say. Like I don't know what projects you're in your pfp
You've got a clown nose on it. I'm not trying. I'm not trying to judge you
I'm just trying to give you advice here. I don't know where you did it
But I know seeing it happen with unchained monkey
There's like all these devs they're working together and they're doing all this shit like i'm not involved in any of it and but I see it
You know, like can you refer me one at least and by the way, my pfp is a rock ball. I just like rock balls
All right, motherfuckers take it up in the back channels I gotta go too because I just fucking anyway
Yo, appreciate you nico
Uh motherfucking cicasa is always good question
What's up gee bunny you deejian a lot, right?
On occasion bro. Why what's up? Okay. Okay. Uh, I need a friend to deejian with oh by the way
When I say I need a friend to deejian. I mean do you watch my lap? I watch yours
That's what I mean. I'm cooking on salon like dead ass cooking people are fucking losing money, bitch
I'm making money. I wait, but honestly too dumb. I buy it and guess what everything just you you you know, I was like, there you go
I need a max win. Thank you for that fucking extra, you know
All right
If you're trying to get a nina max wins or jig bunny hit him up in the dmc
Don't don't it's it's pumped right now don't get in now wait for it wait for a dip, but yeah, you know, um
Yeah, i'm trying to find a buddy who I can uh
Deejian wits like, you know, you tell me ordinal shit i'll tell you salana because i've been cooking on salon if you watch my uh
My car recently. Yeah, i've been hitting since the beginning of the year. So, you know, so i've been doing very successful in salon
Yep. All right, sounds good. I will I will I will reach out to you in the dms bro. Just give me ordinal plays
And i'll give you salana play. Thank you
All right, bro, see casa cax yo been a minute appreciate y'all coming out below g see leslie tammy gambler
Everybody down there boo, you know, shout out the goxy network big. Thank you for co-hosting. Shout out to david
I know he left early probably went to go make a sandwich
Um, but look man, I appreciate everybody that comes out, you know support the unwavering support, you know, it doesn't go unnoticed obviously
Um, you know wouldn't be here if it weren't for you guys and uh,
Drink some water go outside touch some grass, you know, get some fresh air. Don't burn yourselves out
Uh bull market fatigue is is is it's it's a pretty it's pretty apparent right now. I don't know you got to take a break
We haven't even started yet. It's uh, you know, we're nowhere near the bull market. So save yourself some fucking energy, please
Yeah, go go uh, go connect with your family bro. Life is short. Uh money isn't everything
I know we're all trying to get financial freedom, you know, I'm saying generational wealth and all that good stuff
But you know you gotta you gotta be in the moment
You gotta enjoy the enjoy the present and shit, you know all that cliche nonsense, but uh
Yeah, I appreciate everybody that came out tonight today tonight wherever you're at in the world
And uh, yeah, as always I do this every friday, you know come by with us 12 p.m eastern
Yeah, I think g bunny was gonna close us out with a sentimental quote or something. I don't know g bunny
You still gonna do it. I just want to say I know everything I have
Every coin always here
I can't take it anymore
Aggressive back holding screenshot. I can never delete everything is so intense script. So it's over
I am community member. I'm very grateful to meet you life has a dream each is a wonderful. Bye
You heard it here first ladies and gentlemen with that you guys enjoy the rest of your weekend peace