Wen Radio - Market Updates/Overlord News & 🚨Giveaway 🚨

Recorded: June 22, 2023 Duration: 0:25:10



♪ Jump in the air, bust 'em in the eye ♪ ♪ And then I'll take the pumps off ♪ ♪ Feeling fucking empty, I'm sitting at your feet ♪ ♪ I got more bombs in this cup ♪ ♪ So I jump in the lift shot ♪ ♪ Jump up, I got fuck ♪ ♪ From the kids on the head ♪ ♪ This is my mama, mama, mama ♪ ♪ I can't make it down ♪ ♪ I can't make it down ♪ ♪#
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪#
♪ 'Cause when I shoot the get-boss, shoot the kill ♪ ♪ I can't make it down, I can't make it down ♪ ♪ So get down to sing jumpa-ro, jumpa-ro ♪ ♪ Jumpa-ro, jumpa-ro ♪ ♪ Jumpa-ro, jumpa-ro ♪ ♪ Jumpa-ro, jumpa-ro ♪ ♪ Jumpa-ro, jumpa-ro ♪ ♪ Jumpa-ro#
(upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)
I'm coming to get you I'm coming to get you
♪ Jump up, jump up, jump up ♪ ♪ Jump up, jump up ♪ ♪ Jump up, jump up ♪ ♪ Jump up, jump up, jump up ♪ ♪ Jump up, jump up, jump up ♪ ♪ Jump up, jump up, jump up ♪ ♪ Jump up, jump up, jump up ♪
(upbeat music)
Oh yes indeed it's fun times, fun times.
♪ I'm on the way right, where is my mask ♪ ♪ I'm on the way right, where is my mask ♪ ♪ I'm on the way right, where is my mask ♪ ♪ I'm on the way right, where is my mask ♪ ♪ I'm on the way right, where is my mask ♪ ♪ I'm on the way right, where is my mask ♪ ♪ I'm on the way right, where is my mask ♪ ♪ I'm on the#
Stop! Oh, then I'm rockin' the shoe, shout, shout, shout, shout! (upbeat music) (upbeat music)
I didn't know if I should just keep on playing fucking music. We just turned this into a, into a fucking a DJ session and just fuck with y'all all night. I don't know.
Be poop space. Let's go. Yeah, no, we're not gonna do that. Those are always fun. Yeah. All right. This is gonna be hold on. Let me stop this. Did you kick this off an hour early in the after? I thought this shit was at 10 o'clock. No, well, no, I scheduled it wrong because it should have been non, you know, I'm on central time and I thought I was on East#
So yeah, I fucked that up.
Yeah, so fucking I started it a change the time did you actually set a reminder you would have got it up they don't know I did set a reminder I said a reminder Jesus what can he decides to take a night off from beating women
Yeah, everybody welcome Kenny back.
Any powers yo you were out fucking abusing the women of Texas me and fucking poly were coos last time but I see where we stand with Jesus now Even even
Earlier I was thinking I was like, you know what? It'd be funniest fuck is to bring Paulie and Kyle back up his co-host and leave Kenny sitting down there. I'm okay with that. I don't want the responsibility. I've been drinking. You don't want to be.
I go mad at my mouth. Somebody's going to have to read the market report if Kenny gets removed this co-host. So I'm a little glad the market sucked yesterday and today is kicking ass but tomorrow it might suck again. There you go. There's a market report. Oh my god. How much background noise are y'all getting from me right now?
No, you sound good. Okay, because I am literally driving down the road my iPad is held up by a backpack and a laundry bag full of clothes and or not my iPad my laptop and my roadcaster is sitting on top of a fucking ice chest and this is pretty
Probably one of the most dangerous things I think I've done yet. So, you know, why does it sound like everybody's in a fucking submarine lost that sea right now bro? Oh, too soon. Too soon. Oh, did I miss that? Yes.
Yeah, brother. They didn't even found the people yet and you're over here throwing shade at them. They're not gonna. They got swallowed by the Leviathan or fucking a person by Hochan aliens or some shit dog. I don't know what, but they go. I said this to somebody earlier. I was like, didn't it take like 70 years to find
Austin cops and they would have been fucking just absolutely had nowhere no idea where they were and wherever they end up know what he would know where to search for I'm like that shit is legitimately pretty fucking crazy yeah find that fucking airplane from fucking years back they find that little fucking busloads of green yo how do you not have that
I don't know. I don't understand. You know, I mean, like, you know, shit that's I think I can't afford a thousand feet under the ocean or something though. You got a 4,000 foot long steel cable there. I mean, I'm sure they make a.
add to the fucking risk considering the 4,000 feet of fucking current pushing all ways and shit so maybe that might not take a ride a little bit more than 40,000 40,000 feet down 40,000 oh yeah they got him bro what the fuck you fucking went to anything 40,000
I don't even like four foot deep swimming pools. Yeah, they're a bunch of fucking idiots. They'd been better off buying JPEGs and watching those. There's only one idiot on web 3 and he's right here on stage with you not lost to see boys and girls.
(laughs) Guys, if anyone wants to come up and talk, please come up and talk. I, my co-host, will have to accept you. There's a pin tweet at the top. Make sure you retweet, follow all the rules. We're gonna give away 10 codes here in just a little bit.
So everybody here is gonna win one then motherfucker. Um, did I say you had to be in the space? I don't think so. What happens when you take time off you fucking part time web 3MF or you? No, no, no, this isn't this is just you know, there's a lot of reachweets and likes on this thing so. Um,
Who's that somebody's trying to call it you bought it bro. You know Hey bro, you know bots are out steady. Oh god damn you hear the beeping The beeping has his charm. It's his part persona at this point. I know co-hosts. Can you do your co-hosts fucking duties?
Yeah, you bring whoever's up God Paulie and Kyle were on top of shit last week like I Could have laid in bed last week and not done nothing but just talk and these guys were on top You come back and you're slack and now if you come up here and you start fucking putting shit up on the
on the the pinboard up here with like Dix and shit you're getting kicked so I don't I can't see who just came up but looks like we just lost one of them maybe that was a plan okay there you go wait I can't pin Dix I'm out of this
fucking space. Yeah, and an immediate disqualification on the on the giveaway. So, but what you do get is fucking free beeps for at least an hour and a half. So, but anyway, Kenny, welcome back. We're glad to have you. Hey, I'm glad you're back. Now, let's let's understand
and my hiatus was not me, you know, figuring myself out, basically, Jesus ghosted me and I kept asking him, hey, when are we running another space? And he told me motherfucker when I feel like it. So yeah, bitch, I'm going on. Yeah, I was, I was in a depressive
State I was depressed. I was down my RA. I'd be depressed too if I spent my kids college fun on RA I'd say real depressed My rover fucking broken wheels and all rolled away from me the birds all died got cooked in a barbecue and like yes
shit was not good. So yeah, I was not in the mood to host fucking spaces and definitely not in the mood to talk about overlord, but you know, I went and found Jesus and now we're back. So yeah, Jesus found Jesus.
Yeah, I can't wait to see what this is gonna be about who hold on who's up here? We got a Zra up here. Oh, okay, as Raid Al as Ra game and represents many MFers. Yeah, as Ra game and out nice as we're what's up?
Hello, what is it selling your body? Casting off a fucking Mars Hello, they found the fucking hello dude. Can you be me? Do you guys are you in? As we're are you in the same?
submarine can you give us a beacon location of where you're at drop a pen MF or send it on Apple who have you out of there in the heartbeat find my submarine. I don't think GPS it that's I would have said. Oh he's got shit
playing on his computer and we got all kinds of shit beeping and as we're it's all right all right we got somebody else trying to come up I think they're just trying to fuck the show up is what they're doing Kenny
Get control of the fucking room bro. Wait, you just told me to bring people up now you're telling me to control that which one do you want me to do? Let's go. All right. Who's this when all I see is Ka Ka Ka Ka Ra Ra What do we got?
No, it's not. This fucking beep and it's gonna drop me fucking nuts Camrudent hi hi. All right. That's a fucking mouthful
I would take your peeping ass right away. Hey buddy, what's going on? But what's the police are going to drop the airboard fog? He's in the fucking submarine too.
Yeah, I don't know what's going on. We're having a technical difficulty now they're having technical difficulties right right I think they're in this space with multiple Twitters. He's sitting in the same fucking room trying to win the goddamn codes What are we doing here?
Okay, sounds good. All right, well, Kenny, how was the donkeys in South America? I know you went down there. That's why we couldn't do spaces where they is gentle as the women of Houston or
was everything good? Everything was fine. Thank you for asking. Yeah. Do you still have the hiccups? My hiccups are gone. Thank God. Let's not jinx it. I was a little worried that I was going to come up here and steady hiccups the entire show.
but they just went away about five minutes before we went on so we're looking for a brand with Jesus' beaming. I was just about to say if we could get the beaming and the hiccups in sync that would be pretty cool. Dude, Paulie, are you in the fucking search? Have a cup of looking for the summary?
He sounds like a traffic helicopter guy. Hello, this is Molly. I'm coming in from Chicago and we got we got traffic ready to stuck on 90 coming in. It's coming in hot. We don't know what's gonna happen, but can you do I sound that bad? Yeah, I sound that bad.
Fucking fun finally an educated man on the stage future trades. What's up bro Jesus Christ. Oh, yeah, I I heard Kenny talking about his hiccups, and I was just wondering about his see-cups
Wow, I love it man. We are coming back with a vengeance baby. We're coming back Holy shit. All right future trades is worried about you hiccup. So he had something to say about your hiccups. We're good. We're good.
Wow, yeah, I don't know what's gonna do this is fucking nuts While I do not like kicking people off the stage, we got to figure out this shit guys if you can't figure shit out
We're gonna have to remove you from the stage either way Kenny answer the fucking question about the hiccups So we I drank water without breathing I heard that's a home remedy. I don't know who else is heard about that, but the shit worked so we're good
comes out. You drink water without breathing. Yeah, you're supposed to like take like 10 g of water without taking a breath. It's supposed to, uh, I don't know, something. Yeah, it worked. Did you feel like you were being waterboard? It sells both both hiccups and directile dysfunction as it turns out.
from my grandmother told me to. Well that's a new tip for me. Thank you very much, Kyle. Bro, you have so much testosterone flowing through you. I don't think that's a problem. So you're good there. So what else happened on your your break, Kenny? Ah, things were good man. Just spent time with family without
had fun everything's good man thank god life is good yeah bro you know what's fucked up what's that so my daughter goes to a gym a cheer gym like they fucking you know they do flips gymnastics this night she's been going to this place since she was fuck six
I know the owner of the gym, real nice guy, never had any issues. This motherfucker just got arrested today on four counts of aggravated rape of a minor. And bro, I am so ready to get the fuck home.
Um, you know, I have no concerns. I my daughter had already texted it to me and told me But she knew a couple of the girls. I guess it turns out. Dude, this place is fucked up. You know, at a sea do that motherfucker never make it to court. He's gonna fall down I can see he on this in Dale's house or they ever fucking charge him
Bro, who you talking about right now? Oh, it's just it's fucked up. I think I'm gonna end up rugged in this space. You understand me? You should get these fucking new dials and have some on camera. Ramrod and some cum buster is the fuck out. That's a lot of what you're doing.
Yeah, we got a lot of dials up here. Come on. But all this shit happening in Web 3 and then I see that shit and it's like fuck me running man. The whole world. He's the owner of the fuck
Jim like a guy I knew I was like blown away yeah the guys think like 40 years old 35 what kind of what kind of do you know right? Jim Nastix. Stop it sir. The way too soon sir. You forget stop it. What what it zirks say I didn't hear him.
Maybe I don't know we'll see what happens, but y'all keep the update of us pretty fucking wild or sick I asked you motherfuckers But anyway, I was gonna save my daughter kind of had a sleep
similar thing back like in third grade there were like four or five different girls that a teacher was kind of doing the groping thing and and one went a little too far and we had to go in and like do the go to the court thing and everything and then come to find out. Yeah he got
paid, paid leave for two years and then nothing ever happened to him. So he literally just got to not work for two years and got paid. It was ridiculous. Oh, dude, that's much please tell me y'all got together and beat them. Yeah, I don't even know what stayed
and so otherwise that's the only reason I'm on these spaces because I have a feeling it's candy powers. Joe, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo#
No, I'm just joking Damn, well, I don't feel like I could overstep the line tonight. Nice one future trades. Yeah, yeah, whatever man, I'll be else punching back. I don't mind It's all good. Hey, are we gonna talk about web three or what?
I want to let me say the new towel with the last one up here. He's the only my MF. We haven't tried his mic yet new now. I'm not even a fucking co-host, but what's up? All right, kick this MF right now. Now we're good. We're trying. We're trying. Okay.
game all for the winners. Yeah, I'm about to hack this guy's computer about the loose Jesus. I just got the host is having connection issues at the end of the show we're gonna do a live drawing and I bet the end of the show is in like fucking 90 seconds.
I'm not gonna be surprised if he disappears. Well, we will see.
But to answer the question what we're going to do at the end of the show will do a live draw and We'll announce the 10 winners and then we'll ask you to DM your wallet If you are chosen so that will be coming up shortly at the end of the show whether that's an hour from now or two minutes from now
We will let y'all know. But yeah, thanks for participating. We appreciate it. And yeah, let's talk about some web three stuff guys. Sound good? Yeah. Yes. I agree, bro. Was that yeah, okay, cool, cool. We'll let you know when we did the drawing.
Should be shortly these buffers fucking showed up just for the giveaways You fucking beautiful SOB you I've been to every one of these spaces. I ain't one one of these giveaways yet God damn it. I'm cursed on this stage
I mean, I have a good feeling about tonight for you, brother. Well, it's about nine of us here. So yeah, if I don't win tonight, I'll know fucking Jesus deliberately choosing around me. Well, listen, listen, since we have the man, the myth, the legend, fame up here. Fame, can you give us a good breakdown