Wen Radio 🎙 With KP & 🧀 Special Guest Rafsby & AKCB

Recorded: Feb. 13, 2023 Duration: 2:36:01



I wake up and chase my dreams I won't regret when the sun sets 'Cause I live my life like I'm a beast Breathe Breathe I'm a motherfucker
I'm a watcher and I try and I beat you when you're headed to you time I'm a motherfucking baby
I'm a fucking fucking
I'm a motherfucking beast ride. Holy wiggle to the east side where I kill this re-sci we flam
I'm a mother fucking play
I don't know how I'm still hungry, but they don't know how the iron was hungry.
Because I gotta eat, I won't let the demons release, kill me On your son, I'm a feast, I gotta need a bishop, a priest I am that monster, coming to get you to say the least I'm a father, fucking, baby I'm a mother, fucking, baby I'm a mother, fucking, baby Fucking, mother, fucking, baby
Hey now Kenny what's
What's up brother? Good morning cheese. What's going on? Oh man. Another day another Monday ready to kick off the week. I want to thank Raspbian. I know it's early for you. Sure you had a late ass night. So thank you for coming in. We greatly appreciate it. I know a lot of the
and even your community, you know, they want to know what the hell's going on. So, yeah, I'm excited today. I'll keep reiterating it throughout the space, guys. The second tweet up here is a giveaway. We're going to give away a couple of NFTs today. Unfortunately, no, they're not B.
but they do have value. So if you will go up follow those rules and retweet that then you could end up winning one of these NFTs at the end and also want to give a shout out to Gunnum make it NFT marketplace. They are now you know going to be
sponsor in a few of our shows for us. So today they are doing this one as well. So we're, you know, we're happy to have these guys help and win radio, bring out our brand while we help bring their brand out. They have an air drop that's coming up in Q3. So go check it out. A lot of, a lot of cool.
security innovative technology that Tommy and his team are building over there. So, you know, go give them a follow, check them out, qualify for that air drop. And I think actually tomorrow's the last day, right, Kenny, for the before those rewards like reduce. Yeah, tomorrow.
the last day to get the highest return on the air drop. Yeah, so yeah, there's a link up there for that as well. So, you know, make sure you go in and do that so we all gonna make it. So, but yeah, let's check out the market and the rest. What's up, brother? You know what's really neat?
I woke up literally like seven minutes ago, no alarm, and I was like, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, what time is this? 9, 9, 29, and I looked at the clock, and I jumped right in the middle. Nice, bro. Did you get the man early or did you

FAQ on Wen Radio 🎙 With KP & 🧀 Special Guest Rafsby & AKCB | Twitter Space Recording

What is the giveaway mentioned in the podcast?
A couple of NFTs
Who is sponsoring the podcast?
Gunnum Make it NFT Marketplace
What innovative technology is Gunnum Make it NFT Marketplace building?
When is the airdrop for Gunnum Make it NFT Marketplace?
What does the speaker thank Raspbian for?
Coming in early despite having a late night.
What is the speaker excited about?
The day ahead and giving away NFTs during the podcast.
What does the speaker say about the value of the NFTs being given away?
They have value.
What does Kenny remind the listeners about the air drop?
Tomorrow is the last day to get the highest return on the air drop.
What is the name of the podcast being recorded?
Win Radio
Who is Tommy?
Tommy is part of the team building security technology for Gunnum Make it NFT Marketplace.