$wen rich- Lunchtime Grind #51

Recorded: Jan. 26, 2024 Duration: 1:01:49



Yo, what's up?
What's up, Ruto? How we doing today?
What's up, Chris?
Yo, GM. GM. Hey, Ruto. How's it going, man?
What's up?
Having a good day today?
Yeah, man, I'm trying to figure out what to do with this whitelist thing.
I've never sold a whitelist before, but I have it for Quantum Cats.
What's up?
What's up?
It's a hard decision, man.
It's like, do I take the quick money?
It's like, do I take the quick money?
It's an easy decision for me.
I feel like it's a hard decision for me.
You sell the whitelist?
I just feel like that's the hard thing to happen.
It's also kind of a stressful process.
It's my knowledge.
I think I have to like, the easiest way to do it is I'm going to have to surrender the wallet.
I'm gonna have to surrender the wallet, but the way they have it set up is that the you have to have like over point one
Bitcoin in that wallet so like so like yeah, I'm like, you know red over it
So I'm not hopefully like surely I can like load it
Verify it with point one Bitcoin and then send the Bitcoin out and then surrender that wallet
But then that wallet is still connected to my discord, which I don't think they can do anything
I think it's just like a roll thing
I think it like see your activity or whatever
But it's still just kind of sketchy if somebody's like and like has a wallet. Yeah, I don't know
That's connected to my discord. So it's like not like a very like seamless process
Yeah, I mean it's a little janky
That seems like an insane amount of money to pay
For the second collection of a mint that hasn't even released yet. That just seems absurd to me
What are you guys talking about? I have listen listen, I have one
It's uh, it's over a $4,000 mint it because the mints point one Bitcoin right now point one bitcoins like $4,200
People's playground it's all that it is. Yeah, I get that but I mean
That doesn't kind of defeat that's a good point that they came out like a week ago
And those are down 50% from mint and you know, you're down
Yeah, but the taproot was I mean isn't it kind of I feel like it's almost grifting at this point man
You know, it's we've experienced that before no matter how high the project is
Yeah, when they start charging those high as mints
We know what happens is yeah, everybody gets a bond, you know, and then they already rug
Didn't they already raise a ton of money
7.5 million my company invested a hundred thousand or I don't know how much actually exactly but yeah the company I work for
yeah, so I mean
Just that alone. I mean it seems like they're just trying to raise just a
Humongous war chest and then what?
But but yeah, but I mean they're trying to build like the layer two of Bitcoin so people can do make smart contracts on top of
otherwise, I mean that's an
Antiquated, you know technology so I do think that like this is this is like not just some grifter people that are like
Yo, we're trying to raise, you know 300 whatever the fuck Bitcoin
I think it costs a lot of money to be able to build something that like that
You think I mean yes because bitcoins hard as fuck to develop on I don't think there's like this
Massive developer community out there because it's very you know
Because if you if you're able to develop on Bitcoin it kind of like defeats the need for so I mean not not entirely
But I mean, what are you talking about?
Yeah, it's a maximalist it does I'm not saying like everyone's not gonna use Solana
But like if there's protocols on Bitcoin that allow you to do more DeFi stuff
Bitcoin maxis are like people that don't want to move their money around are just going to do that on Bitcoin. That doesn't again
Okay, there's gonna be a lot of
So do you know what op cat is like that? This is what the whole thing's based off of
No, please. Okay, so op cat it is a protocol to Bitcoin that was
That was put down by Satoshi back in like I don't know the year like 2013 or something like that
basically, it will allow for smart contracts on Bitcoin, so it's like a it's almost it's a Bitcoin fork and
The it allow you to do it like create a better space for developers
I like to hire in smart contracts like you know more than we're able to do now and like do a couple of other things
So like a whole like op cat like playoff is like should we vote for op cat to be back in?
Bitcoin and I guess the I I went for the side. I didn't really care
I just did it for the quest and that's like the whole like team dead or team alive
Like should op cat come back or should it stay dead?
But even if it stays dead, you know that kind of goes in layer twos and stuff like that
But a lot of these a lot of these guys they're trying to make Bitcoin
they guess the whole like
Ordinals thesis. I feel like is is bringing
Web 3 to Bitcoin like I like to innocent well
Well, but I'll look at it the other side like Bitcoin as it halves every four years, right?
That means there's less that you're able to create which in one idea you're like, okay
Well that will create a supply shock on Bitcoin and that would probably drive up. You know the price of it
however as
Having keeps going down and it's way fucking harder to mine it and you're centralizing
Where Bitcoin is produced?
There there comes a point where is it going to be a good idea to mine Bitcoin, right?
Like like where is the economic security come from and with ordinals?
These fees is something that's like the fee markets is very unique because that does, you know
reward people and
I think being able to build on top of Bitcoin and creating more fee markets is a net positive for for the Bitcoin ecosystem for sure
Yeah, for sure
But I also think there's like other things that are also building these lanes and lines to I
Don't know I feel like but why do you like aetherium because of smart contracts? Yeah
Because of smart contracts and low transaction fees and inflationary supply
Yeah, that like and why is Bitcoin at stake and you'll be okay for 85 X the price of Solana
You know what? I mean, that's it because Bitcoin has a hard cap like it's it is the it is very favorable
you know what I mean, it's it might be a high access point, but
It's kind of for the streets right now. Solana is not decentralized
okay, but
Yeah, not. Yeah, right cry. I thought it was getting better with that. But regardless of that
Good, they're all varying stages of it. I mean, it's all it's getting more and more centralized. I think the
Thought process is the nodes are harder to run because they can't require a higher-end computer
so it's less it's more restrictive than like traditional proof-of-work nodes like from
You know from anyone can run a Bitcoin node
How much Solana you need to run a node?
You're seeing a good computer. You just need like higher-end
It's like a different between staking and then there's like a node a node just has all the data you could just run a
Just have it on your computer. You're so you're just helping the network. You don't really get like money from it
It's different than like staking like you can just stake however much you want
Yeah, okay. My last question on this is
Like how many other layer ones are being our layer twos are being developed on Bitcoin? Like is there a need for another layer, too?
Is it isn't track doing something like this? Yeah track is I mean, it's kind of what like
Obviously, I don't maybe consider layer 2 but stacks and stacks has been doing really well
Yes, we got like lightning. We got a lightning network. We got
Well, I think really isn't like a waiting solid. See what really I mean, like
Lightning is just a payments channel. That's
Yes, I guess I was just trying to think of like developments like on top of player one to make it like more compatible
But I think at the end of the day like the most important part is like is this minute going over 4,000?
Or is it going under 4,000?
Well, yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean he's just wondering is never gonna go up and should is it gonna be a smart idea
I mean, well if you look at all of the other ordinals projects out there
What there's only like two projects that are higher than the min price of this right now. Am I correct?
Like it's just OMB
node monkeys
But but I'll just be honest like is there a coin frogs so okay, that's another one
Chris in your opinion how like how important are the taproot Wizards to the ordinals ecosystem? I
Think they have the biggest attention and it's like not even close. Is it even yeah, is it even remotely close?
And no, it literally my only fear is because this isn't their primary
Like this isn't the taproot wizard and this is taproot Wizards
I pay like as literally all the Bitcoin that I had to go like that's how confident I would go in on it
But the fact that this is like a different thing
For a point one Bitcoin entry, which is a lot for a lot of people including myself. It's like I know it's high
Yeah, so I literally like I my dad literally doesn't know anything about crypto. I like called my dad earlier today
I was like yo dad. Would you accept $700 right now today with no risk or
Would you risk?
$4,000 to make a couple thousand dollars because my dad's like he's he trades and he's good with finance type stuff
But it I mean, it's kind of the the thought there's a lot more that goes in. Obviously, that's like the very like basic part
Yeah, the risk reward here is you're getting a free $700 for nothing or you pay
The risk of something. I mean, I'm with your dad on this one man. Thanks. I think selling him for
700 bucks is a pretty good
Same thing with the crypto undead whitelist, you know, you can sell your whitelist for like 15 up the gate
Yeah, I think it I think selling it was easier
I think I would just pull the trigger
But again, it's kind of complicated because yeah, it needs to be connected to your discord
And then I think you have to like because what I was like chef or like somebody the ninjas this board
Um, I was just gonna submit their wallet instead of mine
But I think even at that I think you have to actually connect your wallet
So I don't think it's like a submission. I think you have to like physically connects not physically
but you know, I mean yeah, you have to actually like connect your wallet to the
Pre-ment in order to like be verified
So it's like how would I just submit their wallet when I have to I have to like, you know
Submit like this or I could give over access to the discord
But I'm not gonna do that because it's like my actual discord
That'd be the easiest way if I used a burner account and did it but I didn't do that
Yeah, I'm with with that on that one, I think it's definitely interesting but I also think that
That's a big that's a big ask for a mid price and I feel like even if you don't mint it
So I feel like you're you have another chance to just buy it at that same price, you know, right after yeah
My opinion it's gonna get a lot of hype and it's gonna be like point one five point two on like the bull case or
It's going to like have trouble selling out or it's gonna start going under mint price and people are gonna like, you know
Because like mint price is so high people are gonna basically want the downfall of it and it's gonna go to like point
Oh, I don't see it going below point. Oh seven at least like not right off the bat
But I mean still going for point 0.1 2.7 is losing point. Oh three Bitcoin off the bat
And I feel like people that are gonna be missing this are probably spending like all of their money
So be like worried if it starts going down and then they'll panic. So
That's my thought
But I mean dude, I literally have to I literally have to move money out of my ledger to mint this
Like if I do, yeah
We're I do think it's interesting. Congrats. I'm not on the whitelist there. We uh,
Well, I'll give this start. We got everybody here today. Chris. Yeah, but ruto chef toast
It is lunchtime grind
51 we are doing
The huge Monday through Friday 1 to 2 p.m. We do these every week
Mostly just talking about all the stuff in the space current mints current prices of
Alts and Bitcoin eat that we're tracking
Buys on Solana or I did some buys on Solana that are turned out to be pretty good. I got around like the
83-84 dollar range
Back up to like 93 94 dollars. So that was a good one. I think we're still gonna be ranging
I think really know this 42 to 38 range is probably gonna be
Us for a little while. So we'll see what happens
We did a little bit of recovery today on Ethan Bitcoin
But the Bitcoin ratio is still going down and all three are still kind of holding low
So it's mostly just that continuation of a range
But I do think we're kind of gonna be coming down a little bit from this position
All you know, he's why a lot of Ethan of teeds have been ripping off a lot of traction there we've seen
Some Solana, you know plays do rip off really well. So Harambe do super well
We had the wind token come out today. So if you had any volume on salon at all, we were talking about yesterday
we I actually bought ten
additional around like 20 million or so like when you went when you're able to get the
Liquidity was added or whatever
So that was kind of nice. We it's up to like 60 million. So it's been pretty good
Was able to get a couple wallets on that so definitely make sure to check yet till 29th to check if you were eligible
Definitely worth doing
Or what eligible for what? Oh
For the when airdrop token on Solana. It was a dream. It's a clam. Oh, yeah
I thought it was just an airdrop
No, you gotta go claim a actually don't go claim. There's Tony cuz it's gonna be burned. Yeah
You know, let's make a sacrifice for the rest of us. Yeah
But yeah overall, I mean pretty
Did we lose cry or is it just me yeah, you lost him he's gone
You don't tired
Hard as a win Jesus Christ
Those androids man. I'll tell you what
You know, but but speaking of man, did anybody see of even if he's pumping did anybody see
The crypto Maurice
All right, basically our first question is do you remember the crypto Morris? I mean, yes, I love crypto Morris
I love I won like that was probably my favorite project when I first entered the space these still have
Why did they rip? Yeah, they're up to point one two now, man
Well, where would you know?
Yeah, you're back. Yeah. Yeah, I just pulled in my house. So I've got the back on the internet cool
Welcome back cryer. We were talking about crypto Morris. Oh, yeah, your job was showing his bag
Let's go. Well, you know, I think on for eight seconds job is already showing no hands down
RSG I think I deserve to show this one because I held that thing
I'm like I was like their day one held my crypto Morris
All the way up until now like down to like point zero one and not her back up to point one two for like two years
Maybe three so I feel like I deserve to show this one cry. Sorry
You know that
Why are they pumping what reason, you know?
Actually, I don't I think last night Frankie was saying that they released some type of game or they release a thread on some
Type of game. Let me find it and see if I can put it up there
Um for people that might have crypto Morris to refer to yeah
I'm gonna make you back up all your skills with actual information nowadays and then see what happens. Why? I mean, there's no reason for that
Sometimes you just don't know where the pump comes from always out there cryer
So if you're talking about crypto Morris because I think crypto Morris and MF first came out around the same time
I thought they were about the same time or like the MF first came out a year later
I think they were like the second cycle, but yeah, maybe I'm mistaken
But I do know MF is just ripped and then they went from like point four to like point seven
Last yesterday. I mean, I really did. I'm I personally like I didn't say unless this week
I think a lot of the East NFTs is just like the beta play for the East getting approved
You know collection sizes are small on stuff. That's actually building stuff
I do think that there's a lot of a lot of valuable things out there that people are still working on and
They're you know still in the oversold range because you know people have been death and gloom on all pretty much all the FTs
for a while now, so
You know, I definitely think that's definitely a thing so
What if that's been moving around we got we saw those retrace on the rubbers me and
About that one
like I had that I had the soul to get it and I
Was just looking at it and I was like and then I guess you got in my head cryer because I was like yo
These are eight
And cryers like they're going to five
I'm like damn, you know, well, I don't want to pay out if they're going to five and
They're at 13 now long story short wait
No, no, no, no the
Rubbers rubber the art of Solana. Yeah, the Fidenz is of Solana
There's a couple of mints that are gonna I think are gonna get traction because of the rubber ones
It was the smile, which is like a big artist that's coming on to Solana for the first time
So I do think those mean one to watch we also have
We had the say gods one come out today, I know I don't know we got a couple people
You get to yours yep, I just got home so I got him in mind real quick, but
I think the say say and
Injective are kind of getting a little bit of more traction now that the token has stopped, you know
Going up only getting some retracement. I think a lot of the NFTs that we bought
You know should be performing pretty decently say has been holding up with we bumps have been doing super well
Pretty much a lot of our saved plays have been holding up pretty pretty well, which is pretty awesome
We've been I've been on the was wasabi doing some stuff
I got some long on pudgy penguin still
I think those are some of the wasabi influencers
I don't even know what we're talking about. I just kind of requested popped up. So I don't want to hijack anything. Hello
We're just talking alpha shit what we've been doing hanging out
men, so we did
We got the when we got we just mentioned some say gods on say we were talking about
rubber on Solana
Yaba was talking about crypto more is they're up to point one five now y'all so might be on to something there
You might be able to not be the round trip or again
What you been up to Eddie if you've been in the hug you came on like a week or two ago's good chat
Yeah, dude
Priority day-to-day in school. That's that's a big thing but outside of that man
Got on the Bitcoin caps whitelist don't know
We just talked about it
Bro, I've been talking about that all morning because I'm like really debating whether to sell my whitelist or not
And because they're going for 700
You know, which that's a yeah, I wish that's a guaranteed 700
But it's also not like a super butter
Process trying to sell these because it's like the discourse cool, but yeah
What's up? The whitelist is going for $700. So the expectation is that after a minute goes to like point one two five thousand
Yeah, yeah, that's what people that's what people believe. Yeah
Yeah, or do you risk the point one or do you risk the pit point one Bitcoin for a possible?
You know to almost a 2x. It's like but I don't know that's a big man
I will say like I'm somewhat more aware of some of the stuff that's happening on the back end
Surrounding that men and also like the context of it and it's a little bit like
Not the most exciting
But at the same time like I'll just be straight like people have been wanting people from all chains have been wanting a cat
For a long time. Well, not a cat, but they were just wanting wizard exposure for the better part of like a year now
And this is the best analog to wizard exposure that anyone can get so I wouldn't be shocked to see this go to like point one
Five point two type range and I like I'm I feel fine
minting for point one even if it even if it doesn't do amazingly initially
the closest analog would be
what do they call it like uh
the the OMB is which I think minted at like point two seven and
They went from point two seven to like point two nine and then come in there. I think I won't be spending at 108. I'm pretty sure
So what's your what's your back end of the quantum cats because my company invested in there
That's exactly what as a lawyer, right Eddie's Eddie's going through law
Yeah, you're legally you're legally required to drop the juice on this one because the company I work for invested in
I know like problem man. How do I say this? I know from like
analogous and
relevant sources
roughly what is probably happening
And I mean you can also actually you know what you can kind of like source this information yourself
So they're like using this to pay for what they're doing like they're using this. Yeah as like old infrastructure
Yeah, so this mint is
Purely like it is a necessary part and that's why it's so so much fucking money like they're gonna make
especially if they hold
The Bitcoin over the course of like a year and a half
Right if they hold a lot of that Bitcoin and let's say
We assume that it appreciates in price to all-time high within the next year and a half
Like you're talking how much like 20 30 million dollars, right after tax especially like that
Yeah, so they get ready to dump on us, basically
Well, I mean, yeah
And they're gonna have to but like and I just I will say like it feels a little weird
Knowing that basically directly, you know funding out of pocket
Business success and hoping that this doubles but I you know, just separately it's probably gonna like double or triple
You mean like you mean like you guys did with with Bitcoin ordinals dropping those those ugly 12 holes. Yep
If not immediately at least like over time, so I'm not too concerned about minting them because they'll just don't there will be an exit
So there's that so are you gonna meant Eddie?
Money from farming Bitcoin over there man, I think I'm at the point
Made like $600 off of liquidity. I'm so far so and I'm gonna keep using liquid. I'm so I think the highest
you're also farming a that's another one of our
Investment portfolio company as well as liquidity. Oh, really? You're you're also farming a
Yeah, we were really really the liquidium
Farming an airdrop for liquidium too. So you got to keep that in mind as well
What's been your place are you you borrow in and you you've collateral rising your ordinals and going all in on puppets
No, I don't I have not been really trading the puppets like I made some money off of them
But I'm like, I don't really know how to play them that well, and also yeah, don't don't play with the puppets, man
We will we will liquidate you. Yeah
My strategy has just been like providing like I had a OMB loan and I had a
node monkey why have a currently a load a node monkey loan out and I had a
OMB 300 like the dimensions out so I moved like close to a Bitcoin and in loans, so that's it like I'm just
Picking numbers that I'm fine with if they were to be liquidated
But generally probably won't liquidate. But for example, I think I was at point three on my
Dimensions loan and I don't think there's ever been a point three sale
I know and be like lower than point three in my last like four or five months
So I would be basically buying like a six-month bottom if I were to get into
So yeah, like it's stuff like that
And yeah, nothing crazy, it's just it's fairly like simplistic
Outside of that. I mean, I'm hard farming. Are you doing much on?
Tensor at all. Are you doing on Tensor?
Yeah, I'll get to that actually so
I'm hard currently hard farming blur. So basically hard farming blast effectively
I just said like 5,000 points on my farming wallet this week
Which is cool. I'm excited about that. Although that I will say like
It's not something I can really recommend because it is one extremely capital intensive
Yeah requires a lot of like confidence and understanding like I've been stuck
There's been times where I get stuck holding a ten thousand dollar asset for like two weeks before I can profit off of it
Which was not fun
How much were you sweating on that one?
Not I'm not a lot
It was just really annoying because I I bought it
I bought a digi for three and a half and I listed it for four point two and I was the floor by point seven
And it and as soon as I had listed there was no volume on the collection for another week
Like it had just stopped agent people just stopped buying them for a full week
It was the longest that there's not been volume on the collection in like six to eight months
I mean it worked. I eventually ended up selling at the point seven profit, which was nice
But just took way too long
But yeah, all that to say like it's still a it's a really good and proper bloods and rights if you know you're doing
But it's I also pay for a botting service, which I paid point for eat the month to do that
So it's not a cheap. It's not cheap at all. Yeah
Yeah, yeah, I'm basically paying to eat for
Hold and ten if to make like point zero to
The expectation is on a per-point basis anywhere from four to eight dollars, so let's say if it's five dollars I've currently probably
Spent like today. I've probably spent and lost
Somewhere around let's say three since I've started farming and so that's like let's say
$6,000 and if it's five dollars if it's five dollars a point
That means I am currently sitting out like twenty thousand dollars or twenty five thousand dollars
Yeah, so I'm it's yeah, so that's where we're at and then other than that, let's see where else we looking
Tensor Tensor looks amazing. Yeah, they have their new their new release with the up price lock
And that's essentially what you're doing or what you're talking about is like you're if you're funding a short-term loan
And if someone you know capitalized out you're buying like a bottom
You know, essentially so exactly I'm not
Like I've just been busy this week
so I haven't been able to look into it, but it looks like it's probably fantastic and I trust the tensor team with my
Firstborn child at this point like they're pretty damn amazing at what they do. Yeah, they're doing really good
I think that's gonna be under farmed compared to let's say magic Eden just because people everyone knows about magic
You know about it and everyone like assumes that it's gonna be way better than tensor
Wait, are you really saying that magic you think tensor will be under formed as in comparison to magic Eden?
I feel like nobody uses magic Eden anymore
I use magic
I feel like well, you know, you're not a soul guy Chris. I am now I claimed it soul airdrop this morning and bought it a
Lot of people buy off of tensor. I don't know how people are farming it
Especially like there is no farming product in the same sense that like there are serious serious
Farmers on blur and I'm like cuz I compete in it, right?
So I see what it's like that same farming pressure is not at all anywhere close to existing on sensor
Yeah, so that's notable
and that's almost like you know another analog and another thing I've been watching closely and playing with is a
Like for example the layer zero versus wormhole right now wormhole is actually under farmed compared to layer zero
So it's like there are there are some pretty big ones that could be really impressive
And it's just like find the under farmed ones
So I did something I did three buys on hyperspace when they were a Vax only and
I got over an a Vax and rewards which it wasn't a lot but it was still literally I didn't even
Yeah, I was even like really aware that I mean I kind of knew there's an airdrop but it in the care
It was just the first
Marketplace I found at the time I bought three items that were even that expensive and then got like a free one free a back
And this was their there. It's like their v2. It wasn't even there like original airdrop. So yeah under farmed is the alpha
Yeah, so stuff like that and then also it's funny because everyone looked at wasabi and they're like, oh, yeah
Once wasabi comes out you can start shorting out of T's everyone's just gonna take short positions
That's like completely not the reality. Like everyone who says yeah
Look at the charts, it's like 80% lean green, right? Yeah, I I had I had a good entry on a pudgy
One for I did do a lot. I was the first time being wasabi, but I did like a 1e 3x leverage or whatever and it was
You know, it's pretty powerful. I mean, I think that's really cool. It helps people that don't have the full funding
Be able to unlock, you know that leverage or you know
If they make that play if you can't and that you can't even do that with you know
Let's say like blur you still have to have a good amount of money, you know for a pudgy, right?
You're still gonna have to pull up at least like 2e. I don't know right now
But probably like, you know, three three two to three four e something like that
And capital to get a you know, zero percent interest. So
Your sappy short
But it yeah, it's ridiculous like they're going up they're going up I'm actually
Pixels at an all-time high and if the island is ran by ran by sappy seals, which is going to have their I mean
I know you're obviously in sappy, but just preaching to the choir, but if you're in the audience
It's like the seals are obviously care about activations Wab is actively looking for more activations
Like it's just yeah, I'm so I'm underexposed. I have one seat. I have one seal
Yep, they're gonna go to six to eight and people are gonna be shocked and they're like, how did we forget about this?
I have 21 actually right now. I'm like 25. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait
You said six to eight e for seals. Yeah at some point in the next two years. They'll hit six to eighty somewhere in that range
No way. No way
In a weekend
Okay, what happens first seals coin will be will be a million dollars
Yeah, hyperinflation and seals are six point
Six point six or six. We need to eat or crypto undeads. No one soul. What happens first?
it it's just I
well seals will
I don't know how to track the undeads for but
Look at Yaba look at Yaba's PFP
It just blows my mind that they're like the seals are objectively literally objectively one of the most hyperactive
It's not like the most hyperactive community
Also getting free money sent their way consistently
Like and people are like they will not go up in price like dude
Well, they got a lot of paper hands in that collection
But all of us have been sales holders at one point and still ourselves holder still are are either still are sales holders and
Two or something like any 1.8
For a day
And I know that in part because like I accidentally was one for a couple days
It's just like we haven't pressed the button yet. It's not like it's not
It will it's gonna happen. It's just gonna it's gonna be funny cuz everyone's gonna be like, wow
This one was just under our noses, but it was like this is an obvious play
Of all I mean that minimum at minimum they're going to two
Right. Yeah, and it's like if you're gonna go from point eight to two
That'd be a pretty damn amazing play to take and I just most people are not willing to write it again
Always been in pudgy's shadow and their little brothers and they just yeah, that's a good thing. That's a good thing with pudgy's going to 19
Yeah, yeah, pudgy's at 19 is not 19 even where the seals that right now. That's what they have. They have room to 10x
Like people could dump their penguins and sweep them and and they could I
But but where's the attention on Maurice though? There is way more attention on seals
I do think a lot of seals rotated into pudgy's a while back
But like you're saying, I mean, it's just a powder keg waiting to happen like technically sure
Morey's I could technically in theory has great upside but like I just don't know where their attention is right now
Yeah, they're the literally seals are the only
Actually the only collection that I've any substantially parked and the only other one that I would consider would be tree verse
Although the immutable announcement was a little bit. I'm not so sure about
But other than that, like yeah, like Ronan's a much better
Like an extra couple like an extra million
Yeah, at least from immutable to get to move there
So I have a friend who has it's like the polygon move for the gun
I have a friend RL that has point seven e to his name as far as crypto exposure
And I told I told him to put the whole thing into a seal
No, I mean, I'm a big supporter of field I've been there's I mean I was we we've been in our ends been a big supporter of
Them I think I just think the idea of people getting more of this like now they had they were the one of the first in
The device like side of the NFTs. I think the NFT finances itself will just be a big mover of the next cycle
For NFTs as we get like just more robust and more Legos that can build out really cool shit with NFT finance
I think the ones that actually the collection that actually accept them or like, you know full steam ahead or like hell
Yeah of NFT five are going to really shine and I think that's why we see like pudgy's doing really well we see
And I think sappy has been doing well in the sense of like perforation recently
And I just think wob has a really good head on his shoulders on the D5 side
So I do think they will also do pretty well
So a question for the pudgy holders on stage have you guys moved your pudgy from ETH to a different chain?
Yeah, I have not I only have loans out on mine right now
Okay, I do love this is a horrible idea
The first thing you should be doing at your next earliest convenience is moving your pudgy assets to as many chains
As possible because every time you move them to a different chain you get an NFT for it
You get like a token that indicates that you've explored that chain
And it's like very very likely that Brian Pellegrino is going to be rewarding the pudgies
And what way to either a like be specific about which pudgies to reward other than by looking at
Oh, these are all the pudgies that have actually used layer zero as native to the pudgies
So if you are if you are not
It is like one of the biggest misses that you are doing as a pudgy holder. I'm just being honest
Get that pudgy as a Bitcoin ordinal prior that way it's
Providence provenance there's like 15 chains to explore. I've done one of them with my little
Wait so you can actually move your pudgy to different chains right now 15 different chains
Yeah, the problem is if you put it like on Solana, you might not be able to get off
You can no, no, that's not a
EBM I was about to say yeah, it can't be it's a guy EBM. Oh, well
Layer zero is gonna go to they're gonna integrate Solana as soon as they can
They're very aware of it and they're planning on it, and I had talked to Luca like Lucas pushing for it
But yeah, I got a question Eddie how do people without a $50,000 PFP
Maximize layer zero. Yeah
So I am I don't know how valuable it is
But I'm also staked on stargate on 40 wallets like I so I bought four grand of stargate
It's dollar sign STG. I have no idea what the price is now. I can be down. I don't really know don't care
So I bought
And I staked I well because it doesn't matter like the whole point of the token
That I bought is not for the price like I could care less of the price goes to zero. I bought it for usage
And the and the reason like the way I'm using it is on one wall
I have staked like I staked half my stack
I stake like two or two and a half grand on one wallet and lock that for two months at the time
That's like a month and a half ago
And then on the other wallets
So I have like 39 other wallets where I put 50 bucks of stargate on each and I just staked them for two months each
And that's those are layers your interactions because I bridged from optimism to arbitrum via stargate, which is their
cross chain decks, I believe effectively and it's it's like a remarkably easy to use system
it's like basically flawless and it's
As supported and by layer zero as it gets really so yeah, if you just want to like make sure
That you're using layer zero and you have 50 bucks to your name
One of the ways to do so is that but also follow this guy?
I think his name is like CC to or something like that
He's one of he's probably like the most aggressive layer zero farmer. There is I think he's like
I think there are some leaderboards that track potential airdrop mechanisms for layer zero and of all of them
He has like he's like top seven in activities
so follow that guy at CC to or something like that and
Just I think there's like a zealie list for things you can do on layer zero
Transaction stuff like that. Yeah, you don't you don't need a lot of money. It's like fifty to a hundred bucks is plenty
Yeah, I definitely think that's the definitely move
I mean we did a lot that same similar approach with through wormhole through like injective and different chains and
Sticking all these I do think that we're gonna have a massive amount of
Money flowing through airdrops and stuff like that
I mean it happens pretty much every bull cycles of you farm early and then you get a lot of stuff
You know, so definitely worth doing a lot of these things for sure
I do like that approach of what we're just talking about just the idea that we are
You know NFTs people are specifically being targeted because they are active users and they want to bring them over to defy
Right, like that's the idea is once the convergence of like ERC like everyone understands both, you know, both sides of this coin
There's a lot more applications to use
And a lot more things to you know, grow the the you know, the the use cases for all these products
So I really think that you know, we see that with like dimension. We saw them targeting stuff
But I do think that you know ones that are active and we see this with like nifty island
You know with seals being like taught like really active in gaming and we see that I think other gaming companies start like targeting
Specifically active gaming communities or specific, you know each in their own niche, right?
So I think that's a good thing to look out for on the future is wired to being targeted by gaming tokens, man
Right now it's annoying. It's all these referrals for a token. That's probably like worth three cents. I
Mean either you have money and you farm stuff like blur and you have
Or you have time and you farm a game like although
I would not be shocked pretty significant. It's not massive amount of the
initial distribution of blast is going to be handled or given to
Developer teams and I know for example one like particle which I'm gonna have them on one of my spaces
Coming up. It's not my Sunday one which by the way sponsored by arcade and you should all be there
It's going to be like an excellent NFT by space
so please but
But yeah, so wait your spaces this Sunday. Yeah, always Sunday. That's a 30-day stir
And it's gonna be great. It's a must attack. But um
What was I saying? So so one of them, right?
so there's this group called particle and they tried to launch on EVM and they tried to or
and they had a
Shorting product like a short the long product
But frankly, they just did not did not have enough money or volume go through them
So they just it wasn't successful
But they're trying to relaunch from what I can tell on blast and they have some pretty good investors and they're a smart team
So I would not be shocked to see them like make something that's actually half decent and all that to say
Sorry, I lost my earphones for a second all that to say
They're going to I believe take either a hundred percent or at least a pretty substantial percent of their blast
Allocation which they're going to get a pretty massive blast allocation from what I could tell from like the blast team
giving it to early users, so I think in terms of like
so like one of the problems with the current ecosystem and
Again, I'm sort of okay. So make things quick. But one of the problems right now with generally like where to spend your time is there's
Everyone and their mother is doing a farming system of some sort because it works
But vast majority of them will not be super effective
So like there there's plenty of you know, there's plenty of air drops or if you spend an hour here
You're gonna make vastly more money than if you spend six hours
Somewhere else, right? So in terms of blast I would not be shocked if farming some of these
some of these protocols that are gonna be building on blast and then
Distributing their rewards from blast to early users might actually pan out really really well
So I'm gonna be taking a look at a particle actually
For something that I'm considering just got added to the big blast
slack with blast like they they're
Basically, like they're starting to work with people that are interested in creating something on blast
So as I find out stuff from some of these groups as it comes up all you know, but people know
but I will say like I think there's
under farmed under farmed
How it will call it like protocol sure that uh, yeah, just keep your eyes open
Well, I posted your spaces Eddie to the top of the big board man just go ahead and do some cross promotion here
Yeah, so we don't want to miss out on the NFT five discussion
I think that's a big thing coming up in the space right now and
Really gonna, you know turbocharged the NFT market
It's good that we can't because I was talking to toast toast and prior and I were talking about it last night
I was also there. Oh, yes. What are you trying out for your ambassadors? You didn't cook you didn't compete. Yeah
You didn't contribute to the conversation Chris. I wrote a business for damn you extractive
I literally wrote a business proposal on that while we were discussing
Yeah, you did you did you did fair enough?
But anyways, then I think it's cool and I think I think that's something that we all should attend to try and get a little
Information or get get a little bit more education on that because I think that's gonna be the way or the future man going forward
Yeah, well, don't forget to that like Cyrus does not do Twitter spaces, right? Like the fact that we have them
Coming back
I'll be honest man. I am NOT convinced that um, I'm not convinced that a lot of this effort is going to pan out well, and I'm also
Looking very much forward to making fun of everyone that virtue signals that world teams are the best thing for creators
Like that's gonna be very interesting
Pretty funny. It's like
Next few months are gonna be annoying as people are like, you know what? I support creators
I support royalties and it's like actually there's better ways to align and sentence
Discussion has been put to bed
Eddie can you toast?
No, he was like shouting out your space and then you talked over him. He's like talk is he just let him you down
Oh, I can't hear him at all one second. Yeah
I just yeah tell him something with sight like Cyrus doesn't do spaces
That's the reason people should attend those two is that we were able to get Cyrus to go on a spaces for once
He only does one a year. So
This is the one the annual cyberspace. Let's go
I just try to accept Eddie back, but it's being finicky good old Twitter spaces, man
That's right. No, so you Chris. Well, so
He had earlier might actually be with the penguins, you know, the multi-chain thing
So like a good play would be now I'm like looking into it is I already have you know
One of my penguins is out
I think actually both are out on them if I look at it
Yeah, fuck both are out online, but I'll probably use some of that, you know
Eat I got boat for those loans go buy a couple lils and just start moving those things around throwing around different chains
Okay, and for the for the poor woman like me that don't have penguins look we'll be willing to
You can delegate your wallets to to us and we'll do all the the heart of the groundwork and you can send us
10% of the year the airdrop allocation if you get it
Don't sound like a scam
Yeah, I you know, I will say this though, man. It is like a little bit
Like, you know, I get a little nervous when I put loans out on my NFTs
Like I'm gonna lose the damn things. I don't know how y'all deal with it
But for me, it's just like I don't know man. It's I feel a little bit over leverage when I do it
I do it, but I'm just cuz you were asking for under collateralized loans yesterday. That's why
You're trying to get the max out that's the problem Eddie toast was saying that serious only comes on like one space a year
So yours must be super duper special that he decided. Well
I'll make sure I'll make sure to make fun of them the whole time
Do it man, that's like that's how you treat
Popped up here
This magic guys popped up yet. I'm gonna have a question or something. I don't know if magic exists, man
There you go, he's live you got a question for us magic. Are you why's it got any question maybe he has alpha for us
How y'all doing
No much just jumped in the space wasn't sure if he's talking about baby or what's going on
First of all magic welcome you do exist man
Chris is the VB expert
We were not really space we were talking about just farming and stuff on mon trains so different chains
transferring around
We are coming up near the end of the hour we try to run these 1 to 2 p.m.
every Monday through Friday
If anyone's got any last comments or questions on anything
Hit us up. We got one more. I'm job has always got the final
You know final say what you got? Yeah, I actually have nothing to say man. Oh my god
Check out crypto more ease the show is bad
I'm kind of actually I will say that the the say God's different yesterday and that meant actually is going pretty quick, man
I people are still selling the white list right now and
Sorry, here's some interesting Eddie going back to the quantum cats
Earlier, so somebody just launched. What is their name? I don't remember they just launched rats. No not quantum rats
there's a hype mint that dropped today for con I dropped today and people were paying like thousands for that white list and
It's at like point. Oh three right now
I feel like I feel like for the last few
Mints that like where like we saw like a big craze and like selling white list
It hasn't been beneficial to buy the white list
I mean look at uh, it is a different chain
But look at crypto and Ed's like those are selling upwards of 20 and I mean they're like it like might as well be
It like one soul now
Yes, man, I mean
That hype is a good idea to buy the white list for like it's it's just not a fucking good idea
I mean, it's a great idea to sell it. It's a great idea to sell it. Sorry. Tell me to sell it chef
Is that your your financial advice on this space to me?
The white lists actually do print just
There have been cases where the white list sell for like 20 to 30 soul and then offer it to go to 100
Like there there are what what case? I think it was like there were eight some kind of eight last year that did that
So define so define the behavior by the exception to the rule or yeah
Yeah, you know like there's a reason why people do it in the first place like people aren't paying that much because there is
There have been exceptions which explode
Sure, and that's yeah, I I guess that's what people try to hold on to
Don't know it's just like when people say well, you know, they're selling for point one
They could go to point two just to be clear
A lot of the price is determined by the float not by the actual value of the collection like it's all
10,000 or whatever, you know, all 3,000 were listed the price will be very different than if there's only like, you know
It's a hundred listed
So I'll have to say like point one as the starting point removes a lot of potential trading with but easy and that's a little
Bit concerning but at the end of the day look at I could see this over time
Getting to point two to point three, if not, you know pretty quickly
And if anything's a reasonably good hold because there's actually like basically no good holds on Bitcoin
There's not many things that I there's like maybe what eight collections at max that are reasonable
Right now in Bitcoin for most buyers and this will be immediately the most trusted across from those chains
So I'd say it's a second to ninjas. No, no, no second to puppets
So two things real quick
Well three joined at a spaces this Sunday, it'll be awesome. We've got a lot of people joining
Second thing is a little bit of alpha. There's actively
$500,000 of like collection offers on arcade for pudgy penguins
So if you have a pudgy penguin in the space, you can pretty much just go grab like unlimited money right now
And then the third alpha is if you haven't actually transferred around
Yeah, if you haven't yet joined in our ends like discord chats at night, well, you know, we're playing some games in there
We have a few drinks
There's a lot of you know
Give me a couple more drinks and I spill a little bit more alpha in there
So like I try to join that discord late night and stuff like that to play video games
So it's definitely the spot to be so much
You're well, you're welcome
Appreciate the shout-out. Yeah, definitely check out the spaces. Like I said, we do these 1 to 2 p.m. Every Monday through Friday
Checking out what we're buying from the panelists. Thanks for showing up everybody
Bro it just hit me speaking of drinking too much chilling in the discord. I woke up yesterday to ordinal Trump in my wallet
What we bought in the town only I
Was like don't buy that shit. That was the alpha that night
I was about to sweep like five of them, but I got price anchored. So, you know
What are they at I got I don't know bro, but I got I don't even want to say this on a recorded space
But I bought the I don't think numbers matter, but I got one that said 9-11
Said that he's like I can't be
Don't remind me. All right. Thanks guys for showing up appreciate you. We'll be back on Monday
And if you like what we're talking about discord gg slash nrn you can check us out
We have all of our content. We do newsletters podcasts spaces and video content. So
Check us out next year next week. We got frame airdrop and Jupiter
I know you're rapping
He's more of a telegram guy, yeah
Grandma god, I hate tell grandpa. Yes, it's really office. Thank you guys. We'll wrap it up here
We'll see you guys next week. You want to
Check us out discord gg slash nrn. Thanks