Wenchday Wench Lips A Flapping- Is Nikki Haley Really A Wench? 🫦#GMGFY

Recorded: Jan. 25, 2024 Duration: 2:55:12



welcome to WEDJAKERS
Seems like I can hear
Welcome to Wench Acres, Balaké. Very good to see you again. I hope you're doing well.
I hope everything's good in Balaké Acres.
Wench, did you see that recording that got leaked from Kerry Lake in Arizona?
I didn't hear it, but I saw it. I think that...
Dude, Wench, listen to it. Find the long version. Listen to it. This shit is so insane.
If you google it, it's really hard to find, but it's fucking insane.
There was one in Gateway Pundit. Let me see how long there is.
So there was a few that had long versions of it.
Are you talking about the Shane Gillis?
No, Kerry Lake in Arizona with the dude trying to tell her that...
The cabal doesn't want her to run, and they were like, what's your price?
And then saying, like, I'm not for sale. What are they going to do, fucking murder me?
And the dude that just goes on and on and on, this dude trying to convince her to take the bribe.
And he was the former attorney general of Arizona and the head of the Republican Party.
The Arizona...
Yeah, he resigned tonight.
In Arizona? What is his name? Mark something?
Just, you know, Arizona's got major problems with fucking rhinos and Democrats.
I don't know what the deal is. Okay, I think Zero Hedge has it.
Let's see. I saw it somewhere where there was a long recording.
Dude, if you listen to it, you're just like, holy fuck, we always knew this is how this all went.
And now, like, there's proof.
And the dude's just telling her, like, yeah, we'll find a company.
We'll toss you on the board. You don't have to do anything.
Jeff DeWitt?
Jeff DeWitt, yeah.
So let's see, there's a video. Let's see if it was on Twitter.
It's five minutes. Is that the one or is there a longer one?
There might be a longer version too, but man, it's bad.
It's so bad, Wench. Like, everything that that dude is going to kill himself.
I hope so, because you don't do that. Come on, give me a break.
Like, they're going to like, seriously, like, suicide him because he's the go-between, you know?
And then, at one point, he starts talking about, like, the cartel and he's like, yeah,
they're in all 50 states and they're infiltrating our government too.
Yeah, that's true. All the W-E-F are all there too. They're all fucking there.
Dude, it's wild. If you listen, if you find a long one and you listen to the whole thing,
dude, I just sat there like, oh my god. I just, I posted it.
Oh, dude, you got it. I just found a five-minute one, so I think that's the one.
Okay, good. Thank you. We'll, we can check that out later. And yeah, I think Nikki Haley is a wench.
She is. She's such, I mean, I think that's the thing I love about Trump though, is that,
like, it, when you just, it's something to contrast, right? Comparing contrast versus,
like, the everyday politician. And it just goes to show, like, they're just so
phony and, like, not relatable and fake. And it's like, even if you don't like him,
you could just see, like, yeah, I may not like Trump, but fuck no, I don't like these other people at all either.
Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. Why did he call her a wench? Did I miss something? No, I mean,
like, if you just, if you just, like, watch him do, like, campaign stuff and then you watch any
of these other people, like, it's just so tough. It's just so noticeable, like, how different they
are. And, you know, like Nikki Haley is just like a robot, you know, she's got, like, a pull string
behind her. I mean, they just all sound exactly the same. That's not a pull string. That's a
military industrial complex. Come on, boy. Yeah, you're right. My bad. No, but they all, once they
get to a certain few years in government, they've changed and they're just robotic and they're
like Stepford wife and they're just, like, just going through the motion, you know, after a couple
of years. Is that right? Do you have a Stepford wife? I've got a beautiful star. Would you?
She's here. She'll come out later. Her show's on right now. Minh Le. Well, she's watching these
Chinese movies on Vietnamese channel that have both languages playing at the same time. Like,
they should at least end that soundtrack or tear it off or something. It's funny. So you hear,
like, Chinese and Vietnamese. These are, like, the soap operas. My new favorite thing is watching
this video of this guy who can speak, like, 50 different languages, at least somewhat speak them.
And, like, they'll go over to China and, like, speak Chinese and, like, just the reaction of
people. Like, there's a stand-up comedian who said that. It's like, if people overcome over here and
they can speak English, we're just like, oh, yeah, well, you should know how to speak English.
It's America. But, like, if you go to a country like China and you can speak Mandarin or
Vietnamese or, you know, Cambodian or anything like that, they're just, like, they're, like,
so blown away in shock. Like, the reactions are actually, it's very wholesome content,
which you need a palate cleanser every now and then for the internet.
Right. But, I mean, is he actually speaking good Chinese? I mean, because it's very hard.
I studied Vietnamese for a couple years with Pimpler and writing and spelling and talking.
And then I go over there. They're like, what? They had no idea what I was thinking.
Yeah. He actually, like, when I was watching this, he spent time in, like, Beijing and
he lived there for a little bit. But that's, like, his thing. Like, he's a young white guy
in New York, but he just studies languages. But he lived in China, in Beijing. And, like,
that's what they say. Like, people will, like, they'll be like, your Chinese is so good. Like,
how is it so good? You know, that's the thing. Yeah. Because that's what I hear is that I used
to work with a surgeon and he would tell me he's like, he's like, yeah, there's, like,
there's, like, poor people, Mandarin, and then there's, like, intelligent people, Mandarin.
I like that there's two different languages in it. And he's like, people in China can barely
speak because it's just it's it's such a hard language. So when people see, like,
a white guy speaking it, they're just, like, completely blown away. And it's pretty funny.
Yeah, right. You can, your whole life, you can't learn at all. So to be able to do that
in a short amount of time is quite impressive. Yeah, I don't know how, you know, looks like
these, like, these Asian parents are, like, any Asian parents, like, they have kids and,
like, the kids just, like, don't, like, they just give up on trying to learn that. And they're,
like, oh, just learn English. Like, English seems easy after Chinese, after Mandarin, right? Or,
you know, any of, like, there's a bunch of different types of languages in China, too. So.
Yeah, you got your regions, right? Like, north of the Mason-Dixon line,
north of the Great Wall, and south of the Great Wall.
Right. And it's just, like, that'd be just so, it would be, I was thinking about that,
how interesting that would be if, like, we had that in the States. But, like, where you, you know,
like, you would go to, like, the mid-Atlantic, and they speak one kind of English. And then you go
to the south, and it's completely different. And, like, if you don't know how to speak it,
you would have no idea, like, how to communicate with anyone. I think that'd be pretty, that'd be
wild. Well, and I think that's kind of the way with Britain. Like, if you listen to some people
from Britain, or you can't talk, it's very hard to understand. But if, you know, if you're kind of
used to it, they're, you know, they're speaking English, but it's a, you know, it's like a strange
form of English, especially for people that can't really. I think the closest thing we have to that
are, like, the Creole people down in New Orleans, and, like, Louisiana. Right. Or maybe the Ebonics
people. Yeah. Well, I mean, if you've ever listened to people that are, like, deep Louisiana, like,
swamp people, and they're, like, hang on. They all sound like Boom Howard.
Hi, Mindy. Mindy's barking. Yeah, I'll bake for a little more. I made some wings of 400 in the
oven, but they weren't. Hey, you mean the microwave? Hello. Oh, and then
and then it's very, you know, it's very, oh, look, and goos here. Hey, goo, goo. Hi, goo.
Hi, goo. It's like a... Dude, look at that profile picture, dude. Miigoo made that. What's your name?
Goo Goo. Do you just tell her to take a little walk? I only have four. I want more crispy
wings, please. Yes, that's fine. I like crispy, please. Thank you, babe.
I will relate Wendy and talk to you. What happened today?
We're talking about how sexy your husband is. My husband, he's very sexy. Super sexy.
He's so sexy. He's so sexy and I'm so crazy. He said he's going to buy you a Louis Vuitton purse.
Oh, I don't like Louis Vuitton. Maybe it's... What was the other one? What was the one you like?
I like Chanel. Yeah, that's what he said. He said he's going to buy you a Chanel purse.
Oh, he never liked. He never won. I buy any of that. No, he said it's his goal for 2024.
Is to just Chanel you out. I told him, no more purse, no more love.
She's got four of you. You wouldn't believe her. Let's go, dude.
She is the definition under closed horror in the dictionary. They got her picture.
That's right. What can you do? How are you? I hope you're doing well. I got kind of booted.
Oh, so you're not going to buy her this Chanel purse?
I bought her one. She is playing more. No, no, no. The new one you're talking about.
Oh, fuck no. She wants a $6,000 backpack. It's like, oh, fucking no.
I thought you were going to do it though. No, I know. I bought her one when she first
came here. It's beautiful. It's traditional. We're thousands of dollars. She's bought 2030
on her own. So she doesn't need me to buy anything. See, that's why we goes back to Christmas.
I don't buy her anything because she shopped every fucking day.
She's a closed whore. I'll do a walkthrough of her closets one day. It'll just be shocked.
Not that big bag. Yeah, none of your business.
Well, maybe. You didn't get inside it. I did. So what did you share ADHD? Oh, the space. Yeah,
thank you. You're welcome. Really appreciate that. So what I was saying is I think I
had the shortest time out of space ever last night. Yeah. It was about 10 seconds. No,
no, it was like two minutes. It was long enough for you to just fucking jam on that fucking soundboard.
What do you hate it? Because it's so goddamn loud. And like I said,
Maddie was Chelsea was trying to get her to fall asleep and you're just
raging dickhead jamming on the soundboard. And you hear this and you're just like
that's so funny. So are you on speaker? It's so funny. Yeah, I'm on speaker phone.
I had my volume all the way up to.
You know, they're, they're kind of like, wouldn't you call it a, not a high hat,
put a snare in the bottom. So when you, it's kind of, I only do it when it's like a great
retort. It's not great ever. All right. Let's get a show of hands. Who likes my soundboards?
There, there's one person who loves my soundboards.
It's not for effects. It's not, there's no effect dude. The only effect is, is that it sucks.
I mean, it's, it's not that loud for me, but I think for some people it does kind of like
blow their eardrums out. What about a crisp one?
That's bull. I can't call them. See, I'm not the only one. Do you want it? I'm trying to get you in.
Yeah. I made the mistake of doing it like once or twice when I first found it. And I was like,
ooh, this look at this. And I did like the scream thing or something that little, let's see.
I don't know which one the ghost.
It's the blue one above the toilet. Yes. And
yeah, I got ridiculed immediately. And so I like kind of stopped. All right. Well,
I'll stop at other spaces, but in my space they're going to keep coming. So no,
sure space, right? You can do it, but it's only done to add, you know, effects or accents or
just emphasis. You know, hash will say something in the back and doing, what do you call that?
The hi-hat with the drums. You know, when you, when something, the drum roll or the drum roll.
It's not a roll though. It's a short one, right? Yeah. It's like butterdum. The
dum-pump. Yeah. What is it called? Drum drum.
Hi-hat is hi-hat. No. Anyway, it's done on all shows. I mean, that's,
no, not hi-hat. Yeah, hi-hat's more of a, it's the symbol. Yeah. All right. So
I don't know. Let's say snarky drum reply.
No, snarky puppies. I don't even know what snarky puppy is. Sorry. It's not snarky,
but snarky puppy. It's on wrapper names. Speaking of, okay. So today at my daughter's school,
apparently a red tail hawk came down and ate a squirrel. Wow. Took its time and long enough for
like the younger class to come out with their like biology teacher or something and make it
almost like a field trip. Oh, cool. Yeah. And I'm like, Oh, I bet there were a lot of questions
when they went home that tonight for, you know, mommy, why do birds eat squirrels? You know,
this bird was ripping upon us, but you know what? You should have no sympathy on squirrels
because I've seen them eat a mouse like a corn on the cob. Dude. It's on YouTube. Go to you,
you know, squirrel eat mouse. He's like, he's holding it and just. Dude, that's crazy though.
That's crazy. You said that about the hawk because the other day I went downstairs,
I was just getting some water and I look in my backyard and I see a hawk in the back,
like left just on the ground though. He was on on the ground. I was like, what the fuck is he doing?
And I went and I and I looked and I was like, Oh, shit, he's eating something.
And so I just scared him off because I was like, fuck, you better not be eating like a neighborhood
cat or something. But I was like, all right, I'm gonna go see what he's eating. And I went up
to it and it was I think it was a pigeon or a dove because all that was left was just some like
recently I'm like, Oh, no, did I do? Did I fucking cause this?
Yeah, but you didn't. I mean, have you ever seen those little it's like a porcupine
vest for tiny dogs so they can go out and walk on the in the park without getting like carried
Oh my God. No, but that's ridiculous. That actually sounds like a good idea.
If you have a small dog out here in Arizona, like if you get out like on the outskirts of the valley,
yep, they'll they'll jump over your like you have an eight foot fence, 10 foot fence,
like some of these titles can jump over that and they'll snatch your dog up or cat.
That would actually be a really good way to do it.
Restart your phone and then come back if you if you're having problems connecting. Usually
restarting your device always helps.
It's kind of cool. It's like a little punk rock, punk rock Chihuahua, you know.
I'd have a I'd have like a I'm thinking more of like a steam punk Chihuahua.
Yeah. Like some saw blades or something like circular saw.
I have my I'd have like five Chihuahuas in the back dressed like they're like straight
out of Mad Max or something with goggles. Yeah, exactly.
I dress my Chihuahuas up like a legion of doom. Yeah, I mean, like,
like I used to work in like a dog kennel or just really it was like the hotel for a
pet smart or whatever. So we would keep dogs overnight and stuff. And so I'd have to go
and like feed all the different dogs and like man Chihuahuas really are fucking like they're
annoying and they will bite you like so like more often than any other dog.
I can never understand why people love them so much like I don't get it.
Yeah, they treat them around me like a lot of Mexicans treat them like like toys or
like little I don't know they like spoil them so that they only like them basically
they'll bite anyone that comes near them.
I just seem so like I would hate that because like every time I would go to a friend's house,
they never have one. There's always like 234 and they just sat there and yap at you the whole
time and I just like I want to scream out at a friend like like do something about this.
Yeah, it's like they learned to just zone it out or something like yeah, it's fine.
No, they'll always do the thing like you know, they'll be like peach peach stop it knock it off
and it's like dude that has never worked in the entire time you've had this dog.
It's a newspaper works real well. Hey, I got to spend actually I got to say dachshunds
are very you know, I was used to deliver steaks and lobster if you recall and the meat man,
the meat man. Yes. And in San Diego somewhere rich area, I bring in the meat and the fucking
dog jumps up and latches right on my thigh and won't let go so it's hanging off my thigh
and thank God I got you know shorts on and I'm like really so I just kind of like kicked my leg
and it went flying off and but she had about six of them just barking you know and attacking.
Can I ask why you say thank God you had shorts on because I think I would rather have some
jeans on if the dog I got hairy legs yeah no I mean it was in the thigh it wasn't in the lower
legs it was in the I got hairy legs corn pop had a dog anyway there was denim but so it didn't
break skin but it's just hanging there yeah so so you had the daisy dukes on and your pockets
were hanging out past the cut line right that's how I got a lot of high tips bro with with those
suburban wives come in hey baby I'm the meat man did you have your general day and I'd open the
trench coat like ADHD made one time if you can post that you're more welcome with all my meat
and I was I was buff dude I was you know went Bigelow
oh my gosh that's right dude smiggle though
good to see you good sir hey bubba what's going on welcome back I know you've been busy you got
cocksocky and now I got a different thing
what's your new disease I'm collecting them I got a new autoimmune disease this week
no I'm good I'm good are you okay good you see the rensenby where he has a collection of
infectious disease that's right that's killer
I forgot about that shit yo how good is that show when they zoom in on his like boogers
or like they zoom in on his fucking life and it's like a painted oil painting
that's the best part they would zoom in and it would be like an oil painting of like
the inside of his ear
Stimpy had that fart that he kept as his friend remember that shit oh my god what a show
it was only on like two seasons it was the chihuahua was it Ren yeah Ren was the little one Ren was
the chihuahua yeah yeah so Ren so Ren like had he decided he was going to be a hermit
and one this is one of my favorite episodes and so he went and he's hiding and he's like
on his own and then he gets all crazy and he starts having imaginary friends and imaginary friends
kick him out of the hermitage because if you're a real hermit you can't even have imaginary friends
it's like so smart too and stupid but you see they said like some creepy shit about them but
I feel like is that what happens after every nickelodeon cartoon from that era like goes off
the air they say like there's creepy shit going on like on the cartoon and then when you look back
it's like Ren and Stimpy really I don't know I mean it's creepy because it's just so fucking weird
but I mean yeah I don't know like did you hear any of that shit that there's like all
this illusion that they were lovers and all this shit it's like please I never heard any of that
weird stuff yeah oh yeah oh yeah it's like a whole thing I never heard about them they might have
burnt nerney you know what that's the other one that's right that's the other one you were definitely
gay dude but see that was injected like lately like the past decade like that idea it wasn't
yeah they weren't as gay when I grew up I do they don't act gay now they don't really act
gay now I watch them all day they're good okay well I'd let my I'd show my daughter
I mean they could act gay as fuck if they want I don't care I just am saying like pick a shot
pick a side but I thought you said they changed I thought you said they changed recently no but
they talk about them as lovers like if you if you watch any commentary by adults talking about
fucking any of this shit they always do that and it's fucking woke propaganda is what it is
but whatever well as long as they're not showing it then no that's on The Simpsons Reddit
um but I would always show my daughter Ren and Stimpy but I would not show her Beavis and Butthead
just I I drew the line oh man Beavis and Butthead was like growing up was like
that was like a that and Sailor Moon I used to be obsessed with
five or six I used to rush a tuxedo mask I used to rush home and fucking watch Beavis and Butthead
that I taped and then Sailor Moon episodes and Dragon Ball Z and then I'd be like why
don't I have a girlfriend yet hmm yeah I watched the majority no I had girlfriends already I quit
I was like I'll quit women and watch anime and Beavis and Butthead
my friend in college had cable I didn't and he we sat over at his house one day
they had a 24-hour moronathon with Beavis and Butthead and we watched almost every single second of it
bro everything for that error is so good it's just so good the words are so corny but it's so
fucking good and then actually when you watch Beavis and Butthead some of the music videos
are awesome some of the bands are awesome you've never seen their music video before
and it's like killer it's so good some of the stuff now that's coming out where they're old
as funny as shit it's oh my god it's ridiculously funny yeah which was the band they um put out of
business they oh winger winger winger what is the video about that winger sucks remember the kid
the dumb kid stewart stewart would wear the winger shirt and they would fuck with him you
fucking loser stewart uh and they the fucking gym teacher be like kernel bug cut whatever you call
you call i gotta watch this shit right now holy fuck i love it hold on i gotta see the
gym teacher or the principal i mean yelling that's my favorite you know what i'm talking
about when you got it all you got it all queued up i'm gonna find it right now yeah okay
all right so let's see so we've basically uh you know we're talking nikki haley's the wench so we've
proved that wait what does that mean by the way the comedian
no she's running for republican president who's the comedian oh nikki uh nikki haley yeah she's
rounding for president yeah but she has no lips so oh does she have a uh adams appel
oh sorry no she's a woman with no lips oh you know i've never trust a woman with
they make cows for that oh her first name is actually nemrata oh no effing way bro
yes that's her name she's a dark mistress what's the other name she's a necromancer
from fucking dungeon and dragons
i'm gonna i'm about to mint that name nemrata the dark mitt
nikki haley is not her name damn that's an american name that's an american comedian name
she's like a hollywood with that nikki haley coming to you saturday live yeah exactly she looks
yeah i think of too yeah that's what i thought wench had in the space i was like nikki clayser
that would be cool i'm such a i'm such an idiot um and wenchy'll get this it was watching the
rerun of the new heart show like the episode the original episode i was looking up the names of
the guys and do you remember the dentist or the orthodontist guy wenchy for what show
the new bob new heart show or the new heart show okay yeah remember the dad oh my god you guys are
talking grandpa shit yeah i looked up the guy and i did imdb and the freaking dennis guy his name
his real name was peter boner and i just first all around my wife remember my wife
he's like you idiot no i knew i was very deadpan he was he's great he's like very dry
i don't know i don't know if it's an imdb we have to hack it and change his name to peter boner
yo do you remember in um do you remember in the show uh perfect not perfect strangers in the show
with uh what's the guy who sings you get your grandpa you go fucking oh uh oh he's famous
his dad's mad famous oh fuck they go to the uh they buy the grandpa's clothes or whatever
at the pawn shop or at the fucking vintage store i'm my i'm my own grandpa tell him about mackelmore
mackelmore's dad mackelmore's dad the show mackelmore's dad was on was called uh
oh it was a huge show in the 80s fuck oh with uh the kid in that show his name was boner
on the show the neighbor he would come over hey boner every fucking time every episode boner i'm
going to hang out with boner it's fucking so stupid and funny like every single time uh uh you know
who else was in it um michael j fox wasn't he wasn't michael j fox on that show too
what show fuck it's with mackelmore's dad fucking michael j fox and boner he was google michael
j fox and bone i don't know was it michael wasn't michael j fox i have the whole theme
song in my head right now it's like like it was blonde wife the blonde wife like pretty hot
oh man mackelmore's dad with the hair up what's his name bill haggerty no we're talking about
never mind dude i'm getting i'm getting uh who's the boss with yes no not who's the boss not
who's the boss same time frame same time frame oh what show is that i just went you know
more's dad and it said bill haggerty wait that's not who it is i don't know michael more hold on
it's not michael more who's the other singer that's tall that was dating fucking ariana grande maybe
or something like that back in the day pete davidson now like a wonder years or something
wonder years was it the wonder years no any show you say like that it's the same title though
it's gonna was grande on a show uh no but she dated this dude whose dad was on the show
i think man family ties no but it was family something no you're going too far too far into
the 90s you gotta beat 80s growing pains baby fucking growing pains you guys don't know growing
pains yeah i just googled ariana grande's ex-boyfriends i was trying to oh god you should have you
should have googled boner from uh boner as the neighbor i wrote in boner as the neighbor on tv
and the first thing that came up was andrew conan from growing pains are you talking about alan thic
yes alan thic thank you alan thic that's robin thic robin thic i think of that
that's right well listen boner wench you never saw that show those are snappy retorts you never
seen that show retorts an old school one too damn there's a there were a lot of like
heavy heavy hitters in that show yeah i know i know boner found dead in canada holy shit
boner uh poor for boner hold on he died yeah andrew conan died 2010 it's the headlock damn dude
this show put fucking all kinds of people bro the headline is boner found dead how is this
guy dead and they use that name in 2010 that's a terrible thing to do holy crap rio kirk cameron
kirk cameron he was the shit in the show brad pit matthew perry bro nuts boner killed himself
okay boner's dead this is what happens you name the guy boner holy shit hillary swank that's
right i gotta go back and check this out now wait what are we looking at boner dead in canada
yeah it's from the new york post 2010 fucking nuts man boner he looks like a
psychopathic cokehead in this picture but i'm sure he was i just put in i just put in boner
dead and the person that came up was a wikipedia article for death erection wow that's a killer one
death erection sounds like a killer band name that is a killer band name kind of like
beavis and butt head style band almost like we were talking about death erection uh retort a
retaliatory actor remark especially a shark or witty rejoinder i know these retorts wouldn't get
that though i know this is waiting to use that as much as i can now it's like trying to play butthole
surfers butthole surfers but what really with butthole surfers though they kind of stink though
bro like what are they they have one good song right what is this song uh cherub yeah i don't even
know moving back to florida i mean you know i don't know there's one called negro observer
it's kind of an odd title it's very odd i didn't write them all right is that supposed to be shocking
no no look well they are shocking i know i remember them being like a jane's addiction
wannabe man like no they're not even close no two drummers i'm 40 years younger than you
they got a phenomenal actually their guitar player is like a grateful dead head right
he lives a grateful dead he's great he's uh what's his wait he lives in a trailer bro
he lives in a fucking trailer i saw a vice thing with him playing guitar and he's in
a goddamn trailer he lives in i'm like wow this band was everywhere when i grew up
i was working a jane's addiction show in 1989 man that's the club i worked at
were you on the old train were you driving were you driving that train no but uh dave
the green room the edie brickel had played and um they she had drawn the little artwork that's
on the front of her cover if you've ever heard of edie brickel in the new boom man's and dave
numero saw it on the wall and he ran across the green room and put his head through the wall
because he wanted he hated that's hilarious dave fucking numero yeah that's like how it used to
be right like that all that teenage angst and all that bullshit would just come out physicality
physicality like you want to get pills you want to get ssri's and shoot a school up you put your
head through a wall it did uh you know he's really lucky that one where the stud was though
yeah i know he wouldn't he wouldn't be fucking mr dark dark magical yeah maybe he is lucifer's
guy you know who knows maybe what's his name told him that you know somebody went on his show and
was like yo you're an illuminati guy you know that right dave numero was like what and he gave him
like an hour and he broke down all the research he did on dave numero's career and his tattoos
to him on his show and he didn't deny any of it he just was like yeah man you're a very interesting
guy he would say at the end it was like real weird the guy's name's isaac weishaup he's awesome
he does like all this uh hollywood illuminati shit i love that guy look up isaac cappy
oh yeah he's into that shit too actually he's into that shit so tom hanks got him killed anymore he's
dead bro tom hanks did get him killed and it's so crazy that it's been eliminated from the general
psyche of everyone and the internet they're just like yeah he didn't exist yo what's
tom hanks got boner killed tom hanks got yeah tom hanks dude tom hanks killed my boner
that's for sure tom hanks yeah tom hanks is definitely a top tier boner killer tom hanks right he
put out just pictures of kids shoes by the side of the road what a fucking creep for like years
on instagram until isaac cappy died then isaac cappy died and there was a cap with the letter
k on it on the side of the road in arizona that he put into it yeah it's fucking facts
and it's weird as fuck my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife my wife she's driven past
that uh where he like that bridge and shit that little bridge yeah what would you do you would
take a header off of that you would bounce off of that my damn head he just felt it like there
you know there's someone has like supposedly has like a car cam video of him like standing there
and it just looks like the fakest shit you've ever seen i know it's so terribly it's like
well whatever but what do you mean like there's somebody that has like a car cam and they're
driving across that bridge and he's just like leaning against you know like the the barrier wall
right and then you drive like when you slow it down it's like dude it is it's so clearly fake
there it's so bad what are you what are you saying about that i don't get it
so like someone killed him in the house and then they made it look like that or it's just
an all a big setup no i just like they the whole point was right that he jumped yeah instead of him
being like you know well the point is he jumped off that little bridge but he was also hit by
a car and run over yeah exactly right right right right right so like them putting that there is
like oh he was just out there by himself right right right he drove off because he was getting
that uh phil cons and he did the night beamed into his head remember that shit do you know that
that's his girlfriend was sitting next to him in a red light and he started sobbing with his hands
in his fucking his head in his hands at a red light with his foot on the pedal and she turns
around and says what the fuck is going on and and he's like i can't get it out of my head and
he's freaking out and then all of a sudden she starts hearing in the heat of the night in her
fucking head she recaps the story it's i get goosebumps it's fucking nuts and and basically
she said i couldn't get it out of my fucking head and i knew it was there like artificially
he's she's like the radio i was flipping through the radio it wasn't on the radio
and like all this crazy fucking shit dude it's so crazy the uh how they can um use a directed
energy thing to vibrate the bones in your skull to yeah i got hit with that i got hit with that
occupied wall street i got hit with the early version of that shit that shit is real i got
talking about in space lesson people are like what are you talking about i'm like dude look it up
they can do this is like this they can make you think that they developed it so like like enemy
soldiers think that god's telling them to like surrender yeah it's called um it's called voice
to skull technology actually yeah v2s wild i think it was a DARPA project yeah they have
they have this other shit with that too right then in all the uh see the tangled web of this
whole thing is that there actually is a pedophile fucking camp right where he killed himself and
there was a woman who was doing stories on isaac happy and what he was basically going to bring
out with all this shit with this guy in this camp and that was connected to DARPA that was
connected to the defense contractor uh i can't think of the name of it but they have a huge
thing out there not raytheon it's another one um and it and they make this dunk works uh no no no
it's not like high tech like that it's more like a maintenance contract but they work for the
government if you know what i mean it's something like that it's not you're not going to be like
it's a weapons maker it's this company like grayscale like a company like that and they're
connected to this pedophile camp thing and basically this woman from orgon she was on
the radio there i can't think of her name she was really badass chick she would put out mad
information about all this crazy shit she said she got possessed one time by some fucking demon
all this craziness right anyway she was on the radio for mad years she got onto the story
within like a year she was dead she fucking killed herself and it was right after i think
he killed himself and she started investigating heavy she met him though and they were into
something and then she started getting onto this camp she made it known she had a file come
out when she died like a dead man switch i have that file all that shit is in there about the map
there's a google map there's all this shit it's not made up it's crazy crazy crazy shit
and fucking dude it's got trails into everything and the other thing is this this woman
she started getting voiced to skull and she started doing all this shit now and and so the
guy she co-hosted with he is a very like he's a cool guy like he's his name's clide uh something
and he's like a real like truth oriented guy so he says shit about this on this radio and he got
kicked off the radio that he was on for like 20 years that there's no other there's no other
shows he's the only show they built the thing around him at like a college radio some shit like
and fucking a public radio station in oregon and they built it around his show they took it off the
air like within whatever a short amount the same year like all this shit happened so fast and now
no one talks about it no one knows what the fuck their names are anymore there's no like fucking
resemblance of it there's no talking of it it's crazy shit it's fucking weird and then the people
shoot he would have on man some of them were fucking really like you couldn't say they weren't
official some of them were like it's sketchy there was one girl on there that they had i forget
her name now but she was like a aristocrat type bitch from california and she was saying some
shit that was creepier than a motherfucker there was also a video that she had in this
dead man file that was creepier than a motherfucker and you know what else is weird uh biden
what's his name he's got a picture similar to this fucking little video clip and what the
video clip is is of a it looks like a greco roman style bath house like in the fucking in
greek in greece yeah yeah yeah little eight-year-old girl yes yes yes i saw that on tiktok and i was
like this is nice and then like a bunch of people i saw it like a joke and i was like
what and they're they're dressed in like these yo toga weird weird toga you don't see anything
nothing weird going on video that person ever posted yes yes and it's well she has the unedited
one it's like the one that he posted was taken down it was like a second clip or whatever it
was she has like five seconds of this little little peephole through a crack of a video cam
from a camera it's fucking creepy goddamn wild shit and that was it was the same with uh biden
what's his name was in a room like that there was a picture yeah there's a picture of hunter
in a thing like that it's fucking wild shit it's all wild i don't care all the shit blows
up in their face it's never gonna die i don't know man it only will because of public so many
cracks in the damn it it it never will like that it's never gonna do it like that the only way
it will is if we best deal day the fuck out of everyone you know it's the only way honestly
a front revolution yeah that's the only way to best deal the fuck out of all those motherfuckers
for real that's it and then just have like a state's rights fuck the federal government
they could go fuck off what do we need them for we don't need them we don't see uh i was
telling once when i came in what happened with uh in arizona with nicky lake and uh or what's
her name kerry lake kerry lake who's that well she's running for it's the first pin sweet
dude she recorded this dude trying to tell her he's the head of the gop or was he resigned today
because of this that um he's ahead he was the head of the gop in arizona and a recording came
out of him telling her they will pay her whatever she wants not to run for congress
because they need that seat and trying to bribe her telling her how powerful these people are
how much i wonder what was she getting offered they didn't he said whatever you want that far
man what would i ask for 12 million 15 million maybe 15 million she got up to a billion and
she told him i wouldn't know for a billion yeah okay in the recording that's what
that's a little bit much okay who's got their price mine's 20 million
whoa to do get you would get it in the bud for that you couldn't penetrate me but i'll do
whatever you want for 20 mil you'll penetrate you'll penetrate for 20 mil even with inflation
yeah you gotta worry about inflation with that penetration yeah like 20 million isn't what it
used to be when she went back to the calculator yeah maybe you say like 70 that shit that shit burns
i heard that shit burns anyway and then i'll just go live in sweden and eat kippered herring
they won't let you into sweden after that's sweet and you gotta live in switzerland if
you do something like that actually i'm going to fucking soapy heaven thailand so that's another
good spot right my feet will be kicked back and i'll be soaping it up for eternity
when they're getting soapy from the lady boys when she'll be giving sobies after a while
he'll be bored of getting them he's gonna be working on it he's like guys you know what
you keep the money i just want to do this i need to get out of the house go to practice
i just want to give you a soapy he's so cute yeah i got it what's that little hang dang there
what's that little hang dang dude we are a long way from chihuahuas and spiky vests
what's that little hang down she told me tonight she asked i was like uh she was telling me some
shit oh have you ever had anybody get hard while you're with us it's like no hard who's that
who does massage i mean i'm sorry what who's doing the massage this lady that i go to
a medical massage place and she said that they had some italian dude come in
he kept getting boners and they fucking had to kick him out of the place because he kept trying
to pull the sheet off when he got him and yell at the lady saying you did this to me you gotta get
this off get this thing off of me he was like yeah he kept pulling the sheet down and telling the
lady like you did this dude something about this that's a good move are you serious she's
like yeah it's a tactic you get them all confused like should i help what did i i am
a medical professional he doesn't need like you know like i started thinking she even said
he pointed at her like raised his arm like point like you did this to me how did you just like
oh look at your little leaning tower of pizza well to be honest with you my wife worked uh next to
my wife my wife she worked next to a massage parlor and they moved their salon like into this
new place and there was a massage parlor there okay i mean whatever all of a sudden it starts
to turn out to be like one of those type massage parlors right so that guy what does that mean
a little rubby tuggy but so my wife and their team of of uh whatever middle-aged whoever goes
to get their hair done every other day they think they're like an army they got that shit
shut down and i'm like yeah you're psychotic what would you do guess what a month later
they didn't even change the sign nothing a month later they're back with a different with a different
sign yes but not not like a crazy sign just a different white sign over there whatever and
anyway there's guys that park in the restaurant next door that's clearly closed because it's
like a night spot and they walk through the bushes and they go in there and one time more than once
they walk into the salon and the salon is like very nice it's like spa like yeah whatever you're
chilling there it's nice they're all like good looking in there and shit so these guys go in
there and then they go in the massage parlor because they forget or they say they forget
they're like oh they walk in they're like oh excuse me i thought this was no oh i guess i came
in the wrong door like they do weird shit so one time when it got closed when they closed it hit this
guy the same guy that you're talking about like that creepy italian guy it was the same guy he
fucking went he had a jetz jacket on too she told me he had a jetz varsity jacket on my wife i was like
she she included she included that bit of information for some reason she knew i would
like to i was like this mutt anyway he fucking he tries to go in but it was locked and he jiggles
the handle bum bum bum and they were and my wife was opening the door it was the first thing
in the morning so he's like back to back because they share like a kind of like a vestibule so he's
like oh i uh i hurt my back i don't know is this not open anymore i don't understand i had an
appointment today blah blah blah like he's making up all these like crazy scenarios that she's like
now that that's a rubbing tug it got closed oh i i didn't know that i like the guy started talking
and she's like uh she just like slammed the door and locked it like fuck you but then i said you
better start bringing that f-n 503 bitch because that shit needs to be in your bag that's what they
did they should have a sign you know like happy endings next door or something no they were upset
about it bro and they're scared they think like they're rapists i'm like no they're going there so
they don't like freak out traffic right so they don't rape i was gonna say that too but i didn't
i didn't want to be the one i'm glad that's right though
your old lady was face to face with the john we had with the john with the hand john
face to face with the old hand john you know what to do she pulled out that little piece
she was like you know what i'll stick this right up in your fucking gut you want to see them
we should look up the massage part my wife will stab you you know that right like my wife will
fucking stay at the fuck out of you and then just like randomly ask him if he's ever heard of him
no but i'll get him into one if he comes back for the old
nyc nft so she's a good jersey girl she's a brooklyn girl oh bro when i started dating her like
she put uh i didn't even know she put a fucking she put us i lived in like a sketchy uh gentrified
neighborhood quote unquote gentrified but uh she put a knife open on the windowsill i didn't even
know one day i was like cleaning up or something and i look there's a fucking knife open like
i like i switch but it like open one of mine like i had one it was like one of mine whatever
and i'm like windows so they could see it from the street right no so she could grab it like
if anyone got in no one's getting in here like they know i live here first of all and they're
not doing that well too much good can she suplex you i don't know maybe no probably no she's tiny
if you don't know bro she could shoot an ace she could shoot an ace at a hundred yards with
an ar-15 more than once like a clip blah blah blah blah blah of course it's weird because a pistol
like a Glock 40 no chance in hell she's hitting you with that she you could be robbing every
bank in her area you'll never get hit with that but like the baby the bank the house everything
you're not getting it don't worry but if she's got that ar you're dead a hundred times you're dead
like running away you're dead you're dead in the car a mile away like that's how crazy
it's really it's fucked up but i'm scared of that shit
not really i'm scared she knows how to use weapons and shit it's like oh you know they're
bad so they just kind of yes dear that's why i pack my under armor under my armor you know i'm
saying that's right happy wife you alive happy way you living you breathing unhappy way you dying
that's right you got it really is experimental and this is experimental lovely who's doing dishes dude
it's not me for one
no no i'm not that's not me all right so experimental and this is experimental they made a 3d printed wench
came out killer look at it's up above it i mean well it came out excellent it's reverse it's
it's yeah let's go the other way it's like right and it's kind of cranky looking like
yeah he's like upset it looks like punk rock is hell
it's like perfect on it it is perfect it looks just like your painting it's fucking nuts actually
you guys did a good job so um it's really fucking nuts it really is did the file um experimental
print it and then this is experimental um painted it so is that the trifecta of wenchiness
it's fucking sick now how do we mass produce them and who's gonna even want to fucking buy
no you can definitely sell these bro what are you crazy definitely all right so josh is what
25 bucks for him but you got a box yeah but it's the problem is you got to come up with a price
that is worthy of the time because you're painting and hand painting and if josh is going
to do it then he's hand making it it's like fucking you can't be $20 it's got to be like $150
i'm not kidding around with you what do you mean you're a fucking legend it's a new it's
a new medium you're planted in what do you mean your shit's gonna be worth money one day
you got to just start now with it maybe we'll start at 99 but i probably either $99 that's
right that's what trump does that's the move there you go the trump the trump grift
the trump grift always works hit that up i mean who wouldn't want i know iteration has it you know
loves it bro what can you do with it to make it a little extra with very cheap what could you do
maybe have like a little sound clip put into it or something oh wow that would be cool they have
those that are like a dollar no make it a camera oh make it a webcam oh my god oh my god that's so
make it a webcam that's sick that's sick and it's cheap you can do that cheap move this thing's
watching you you could either do this one yeah up to the bedroom to have a conversation
don't fucking move from the living room because this thing's either that or just have the eyes
move it's literally put it on the doorstep um and it'll it'll be like a ring cam that's right
oh my god is that fucking killer that is killer that is killer that shit is killer killer killer
that's fucking great black cloud would you buy one at 99 hell yeah he would if it goes on your
door i would definitely get it and you could talk through it like hey what's going on there
like you say shit hey is that ups leave the package there laddie just put it by the door
whatever i like it to do your bedroom but he's like hey
hey baby what's shaking in here you got some mustard for these buns
i see a little crust around your ketchup bottle needs a little wipe in
that was gross i said that came in my consciousness somehow how did i go i'm an open antenna
i just we just got a insight break the antenna subconscious well it's called fucking straight out
with no filters yeah that's what you that well dude i mean ten thousand hours on anything
you know what i mean and you're an expert yeah my ketchup bottles are crusty as fuck so
wench what do you got buddy well speaking of boudoir accessories i used to use double-bladed
axe by the bedside in case the ninjas came did you ever use it
no never had to do you know randy johnson you don't want to use it well randy johnson the
pitcher the big unit he's like seven feet tall right yeah he hit a seagull
and it exploded it's fucking mid mid-pitch bro he says i he said i have guns yeah but i don't
keep that in my bedroom i keep a box of baseballs next to my bed if you break in i got
enough room to throw one at your head at 90 you're dead well i was like wow dude you're crazy
if you're doing that i would love to break into his house to see if he's telling the truth
imagine if it's not a baseball it's a flashlight and you just stick it in your skull
90 miles an hour i'm like haha i broke in you don't be aware of that
yeah live stream we're gonna be famous after this boys live stream break in say randy johnson's
bedroom i'm humping your dog live streaming it's gonna be like when bam would break in on his
is that why you're humping his dog we gotta that wench cam won't put up with that
wench cam will be like stop that stop that house to hump his dog dude that's like what
well you break in you hump his dog you're live streaming no that's like what the poppy did
with uh what's his name there with the uh senator's husband you know who i'm talking about
you break in you hump his dog
hey get out oh it's like a pelosi situation it's like a pull pelosi to poppy situation
pelosi that was one of my favorite things i ever did on here man when i listen to that
shit sometimes and it's so fucking funny i just love it i hate i don't think i'm that
funny but that one was funny i don't know we just kush was like what it what happened with that uh
pelosi thing one day and like literally like just i got a post it so you can hear it it's so good
hash is fucking great it's like it's like it's like a whole thing that goes on for like 20
minutes and we're just like it's just off of kush saying what happened with that pelosi thing
and man is it funny it's like i'm saying pelosi's on one like paul pelosi he's like i've had it
with this bitch i'm on one i'm going to fucking get my meth dealer it was it's like it's so good
i say that about like i act like him it's like a whole thing it's funny though and he
but he fucking he did that though he definitely did that he's friends with that buck he's friends
with that bucks and shit ed bucks like a serial killer meth head ed buck was like the
meth dealer to all the upper crust uh gay guys that lived with all the senators the dried up
senators that don't get any dick so that's what it is they all are it's like a club of fucking
black shoes you know i'm saying so that's what it is and that pink hammer thing
he got hit with a pink hammer that's what prostitutes carry oh wait so he said that guy
was there remember he said oh man it's so good it's such a good story to beg on and then they got
rid of it again in the news no one even made fun of it SNL should be ashamed it should be burned to
the ground it's really it's a shameful thing it's such a joke the kids have no idea what's fucking
funny really with that i don't think i actually that's not true no one watches SNL i was going to
say the kids even watch that shit no they don't they watch all the uncensored shit that's funny
remember the last time i watched it it would have been well over 20 wow
wow 20 something years i think when um like chariot carrie and and oh my god will farrell
when they were doing the the clubbing thing when they would go to the club you me you me
the mexican guy harisho harisho sands he was funny what about uh what about yeah oh what's
what's the fuck the big lover what was his name yeah i'm the ladies man yeah that's me
hell yeah that's my man right there tim meadows i'm the ladies man i got something to say
that movie rocks bro it really is good that movie's up there with uh that movie's up there with
yeah absolutely absolutely right now and i think i didn't really see it but i remember the studio
54 guys i i like their skits i didn't see the movie but man ladies ladies what's studio 54 guys
they were like baby don't hurt me oh that's will farrell and uh what's his name yeah
that's who you're talking about right chris catan yeah
yeah yeah yeah stool and just who did
what did he do yeah there he goes he didn't rub a chair on his spine on the butt of his spine
and oh the fuck i saw something it was in a skit there at a bar
i didn't know that yeah if you look up chris catan accident or something
isn't he like a big time uh truther now is that him or is that the other guy what is the truther uh
like a like a fucking like anti-establishment guy on twitter and shit well it means they're
yeah or a realist or a realster i'm not saying it's like they're not right or wrong i'm just
saying that's what they call him well he's a realityist um remember when he first came out he
was mango like this uh you know the chimp the chip boy thing yeah he was a drill sergeant
mr peepers mr peepers that is killer yes after that i just turned off it was just got to
you go from that to pete davison with the hillary clinton tattoo talking about social
norms at the beginning of a show no and pete davison like his movies are fun that king of
satin island is is a banging movie it's fucking good i i had respect i respect that's where i
saw that but i mean i've heard him on the radio like i i heard him on the radio a lot
he's not funny on the radio at all if you're not funny on the radio to me you're not a funny
you're not funny right you're not funny you're not you're not funny period if you can't be
funny on the radio you're not funny if you're a stand-up you and you're scripted even like you
can't be on the radio funny you suck nor mcdonald was never like that you know like all those guys
they could just talk shit they're the best was one of the grades dude he's one they all are
already fucking the lineage of people from that guy i love all that shit and then how norm went
out was like oh speaking of which espresso and i are doing a little kings of kek comedy tour
i'm sorry i just realized we're talking about comedy you're just gonna stand up no we have some
stand-ups we made like for fun a couple we've been passing back and forth when we're
this whole i don't know we made a couple different things and one of uh one of them is
seinfeld one of them is here i'll post one of them that he does is it worth traveling around
it's not uh an actual comedy it's not an actual comedy tour bro it's a drop it's gonna be
pictures of comedians as pepe and shit like it's watch i'll show you here's steve martin like
okay are you queuing it up are you ready well go ahead talk i'm not
is it worth that if you want to get into comedy going out to our clubs all over the state
oh i don't want to get into comedy i tried to get into comedy versus um just doing it
virtual on youtube i i won't even do camera nothing i'm such a bitch i could do radio but
i can't do i can't do any camera lights or anything i'm like a total frozen chicken even
on twitch experiencing in front of the camera i don't mean like somebody's phone or like a little
fucking you know home camera it's way different i twitch streamed right
camera like oh no oh forget it oh forget it it's like staring into a fucking cyclops's eye
yeah yeah i went on stage to try and do comedy a couple times in like the craziest places to do
it one was in asbury park in a pizzeria that was like get to like there's fucking you know hand
to hands all over i'm like up there trying to tell one half of a joke and i got so
just mortified at myself like that i left i just bounced i didn't even i just i just went
right off the front of the stage and went out the front door then fucking another time i'm in
brooklyn i was like my friend i'm like i'm going i'm gonna do it i had a burning thing for it for
a minute so i sign up i go there we wait there through all this god-awful nonsense these people
half of them are fucking mental patients it's like oh my god then it's like good people go on
it's like fucking oh my god then you see good comedians you're like holy shit like then they
call me and i'm like i'm like dude i was shaking my shoes were shaking off like i was fucking
shaking up now i go up there right they put the light on immediately that's how fucking distressed
i look so distressed i couldn't even talk so i just let i again i just left and that was it
i never tried again but you know that was with really no material either i had some jokes that i
was trying to do but they were so gross and stupid one of them was like hey you ever get
home and your hands are so dirty but the girl at work was giving you uh a wank and you just
couldn't help yourself so you just got right to it even though your hands dirty like i was like
that's what i was trying to pull and it was like i remember that one and that's the only one i remember
that i had that i wrote down too it's like bro yours suck you suck so i just never i kind of
so scared hey who's here uh fan of mr bevel theater
hey who likes mr belvedere over here
who the fuck is that
i got a theory on boner man let's hear it i think uh remember kurt cameron was all god like he loved
god fearing yeah so um i think hollywood couldn't turn him so they brought in that boner kid so
that he would quit because that was a hit show they brought him boner it's for him to say boner
all the time so we look what kurt camera is doing right now like that's an embarrassment ritual
well he's doing what you know he's always meant to do like what we what do you mean
isn't he a preacher he's a preacher or something like that oh good for him where's his church i'm gonna
go latter day saints who knows oh it's mormon he's a mormon preacher lsp wow how interesting
black land that's a good theory though i like that that's exactly what it is
it's an illuminati ritual you've got legs that's what adam 22 does too
you know that right no he's a he's a fucking illuminati motherfucker there's um two good
movies about guys trying to do comedy and they both have deniero in them the first one oh hell yeah
the joker in i don't know that one that just came out with uh hair lip what's his name oh yeah yeah
that is uh jack queen phoenix yeah so that was good because he's trying to be a comedian
that's killer yeah yeah that's me actually that is me
yes what was his name ruper pumpkin
ruper pumpkin and uh boy he's oh man that's brutal comedy who's that jerry jerry lewis right he gets
in the limo with him he's like jerry i'm gonna be the biggest thing since slice bread or whatever
he says he's like all right kid give me a two minute hit right doesn't he what does he say at
the end or he tries to shoot him right what does he do it's some crazy shit you know that's
a martin scorsese movie right that's a scorsese yes it is yes it is that's a killer movie i just
hate him bro i make those references a lot i call people ruper pumpkin i call hash that a lot
and fucking no one gets it really that's funny ruper pumpkin i call hash that sometimes
on the phone you sing what you're talking about hey actually like ruper pumpkin over there
meanwhile it's me my i'm the one my basement set up like a fucking talk show
like hey everybody welcome i'm by myself that would be so funny if it was that's how his house
was what a freak right especially like in the eight especially in the 70s that took place like
in the late 70s so you know it's like not it's not pumpkin but it's pumpkin it's pumpkin
pumpkin pumpkin yeah ruper pumpkin yeah yeah yeah yeah that's a great white pumpkin
jerry uh jerry lewis or whatever is fucking hilarious in that in that movie too i gotta
i'll read that this weekend wow how long has it been since you've seen that movie
25 plus years oh my god bro you're gonna love that shit i watch that shit occasionally
i love it i fucking hate the hero i did too but he's got all the good movies from that time
right and i especially enjoyed when he when he got fucking plugged in uh joker uh i was like oh
yeah he was good in joker because he got killed i could just watch that he just shot a boy blank
in the hand like he was good in the irish man though bro just just kind of i didn't watch
because i hate him so much so i might no the irish man is good i have to say i love good fellows
believe me all the godfathers i've been holding off can you milk me you might like it you might
like it it's a two-parter though you can't watch it all you would go crazy watching it in one
sitting probably oh yeah it's like it's it's a little it's like four hours bro oh jeez and
it doesn't feel that long if you break it up though if you do in two it's kind of quick
but if you sit there i'm sure it's hell but i don't know though it's good i mean it's pretty
fucking good it's pretty fucking good you know for this time frame like for our time
now to do a movie like that it's kind of cool actually but there's a lot of good actors in it
you know the other boss is uh you know it's about jimmy hoffa and shit it's pretty cool
history pachinos in it he's fucking badass he's like the head of the union he's jimmy hoffa
oh yeah it's fucking killer well it's real cool man it's real cool check out the outfit
okay what city is that what city are they in new york it's it's in the states i don't know where
but like this dude from ireland is a tailor and it gets much more complex like it's very surprising
you don't really know what's happening until the end of the movie and you're like holy fuck
what he's an irish gangster i'm not gonna oh this is my uncle my uncle's an irish gangster
he's dead though that's my half porterican cousin he fucked the porterican chick and i
and my cousin well they got married i shouldn't say like that i'm saying real pretty but they got
and that's why my cousin is half irish and half porterican
and he could pop his fucking shoulder on it that's the dude he's a menace on the handball courts
he's a midtown legend my shoulders like to dislocate at the most inconvenient times
it's annoying oh he he does it to hustle people on handball courts
to hustle uptown what does he call them uptown fools because they're all like still old school
even though they're not even that old they're like in their 50s now but they act like they're fucking
i don't know they're funny i love them i don't even see them in the winter though
they could all be dead for all i got in the winter i'll never go to that godforsaken neighborhood
in the winter hell's kitchen wench in the in the winter time you probably never want to be there
right why it's fucking frigid just cold oh my fucking god is it cold because of water it's
like the two blocks from the water the one block thing that wind off the hudson is so cold it's
like an arctic oh i thought it was warmer during the air of the water no it's freezing when you get
wind coming from the avenue and from the street you're dead bro it's like a frozen chamber it's
so crazy because one is colder than the other the avenue is is very strong wind and it's cold
but the street wind is like ice it's like an ice sheet so there's this thing called the mason
line and you can actually go south with it we don't have those issues i know but you grew up there
oh you know i did uh and maybe you didn't you're just a liar you're trying to get street
credit i grew up in yonkers it went to ps11 there was a did you go to high school at jadekis
no we moved after that uh they moved in and you guys moved out
we moved to arizona but you know we had a reservoir around here
hell yeah that sounds like the way fred yonkers that you left
yeah but now i go back and the school's like oh hardcore locked down with like barbed wire
yeah bro that's right they got a lot of good shit in there they don't want anyone getting
in there and taking ps11 that was in yonkers nice dude what a nice story yeah it's like a
walk down marine lane almost and then when i went back there like a few years ago minnie and i
for something we went back east and i drove by and it was like a like we rented one floor
there's another and there was like a hill a little you did a little airbnb there it was so
fucking small i couldn't believe oh you went there and stayed for a night no no we just drove by and
i mean it was so small yonkers yeah yonkers i've only been there a couple times yeah there's
nothing there and then i went to the pizza place where he was never doing anything good
there i'll tell you that much at least i just walked down and get these great slices that were
dripping with oil and you know just that you fold them up there like a foot
i don't like that you like that kind of do you like that style with the oil yeah oh man that's
weird yeah i know ruins your shirts and shit i know i like the pizza that's not drippy from
like i like to yeah it's thin crust but yeah yes thin crust but that's right you have to love
what you grew up with no i grew up with that pizza too i hate that pizza now though i like a
different style but i like all kinds so i'm not jersey has the best pizza in the country
like if you just go pull in if you just go pull in a pizzeria that you see
you're getting a better slice per capita than anywhere else in the country absolutely they're
just banging they got it all they got it all together then there comes a point when you
cross a line where it's all falls apart so you have like a good shitload of acreage like hundreds
of miles of good and then all of a sudden like you cross a line and they don't know which way
is north south east but they're just all fucked up but no i mean just in new jersey there's a
mason dixon line in new jersey too there's got to be the requisite amount of the pizza
you didn't know that i gotta teach you that one
they do they do i know jersey has them definitely because if you go past the
shore you're in no man's land that's fucking considered like mess uh thousand uh thousand
what's what's that movie uh rob zombie movie house of a thousand corpses is where you pull
into out there it's like the pine barons that's where i want black cloud to move
it's like fucking it's it's like crazy that's where the jersey devil lives and shit
yeah bro yeah and then fucking they don't know how to make pizza all the way down there
you know they even make shit and then when you get into philly it's good in philly but
around philly it sucks bowls like chest or anything in new jersey and it's garbage
so i live in like the epicenter of like pizza the pizza is i have 20 pizzerias from my where i'm
sitting right now dude i'm so jealous i fuck like i literally have 20 and i worked at five of them
so i could walk in and be like yo give me a slice there you know there's nowhere around me
hey there chief give me a second one of my friends we used to all listen we had like a
little crew of delivery drivers we would deliver drugs and pizza it was killer and fucking when we
would and we were nuts we were nuts right we would do k off the fucking table on the back
and then go take deliveries like walked out one would drive one would feast honked out
and then fucking whatever so like uh we did this shit one time and uh it was so fucking crazy
because they had they had his training like people to to be drivers and we were just telling
them like the wrong we were telling them like two towns away it's the same street because they had
a map that was huge so we're like see this street yeah this street isn't in town actually it's all
the way here and it's like you're sending people on these fucking journeys they run out of gas and
shit pizza we get all fucked up one one of my friends would eat their sweet shit and everybody
would get a call every night like because this fucking idiot would eat like chicken fingers or
something like hash would do like if you had hashes your doordash guy you'd be like all right
you keep the tip and you keep the food all right here you go thanks can you imagine
hash comes to your door it would be like that pelosi thing we were just talking about
hash poppy he's upstairs fixing the hot tub i don't know what he's doing here at midnight
where is hash oh he just got off a flight he's internationally kansas to ohio what a flight that
is that's a flight that i wouldn't if i died on that flight i would be so upset like oh god
they're gonna read in the paper i flew from kansas to ohio the flight went down overall
uh well we can't tell was it ohio indiana or kansas i don't know it's like dying on the toilet
it really is like that it really truly is that's a good that was excellent you know what
very good i would i would not like that that's how that hollywood dude who made uh top gun died
the producer he died on the toilet you know that that guy made like five banging movies top gun
fucking uh days of thunder fucking all these movies and then he died on the toilet at 50
so did elvis oh it's tragic what was it just uh cocaine oh i thought it was a violent uh no he was
well yeah probably no he didn't like die of cocaine but he was on blow so like he probably i don't know
you gotta do a lot of blow to die he was doing a lot of blow there's a there's an article about
i only know i only know because there's an article i think feisty i read about it somewhere
oh you did right i know i feel like i did too maybe it's like a playboy or something
i don't know playboy after dark hey bob how are you oh let me show you the steve martin
wench hold on mr bastard are you able to chat
oh is it is it hanging out at a frat party in kansas he's fresh off the old pj
they got some crazy little women and i'm gonna get me so okay here i'm gonna post
i put it up there did you meet him did you practice my pick up line in kansas
which were they what were they well you know you start off with a very enthusiastic hello
oh yeah right i'm probably working uh and then you comment down on it and you're you're very
good oh that's don't work that one's kind of creepy even that'll definitely work it'll
either get slapped or laid the ash would probably pull that off i think if he took his glasses off
he'd be like yo there you go it's good it's funny i don't do that i don't want to get
canceled i i think if he fucking took his glasses off and said that it's a killer they would laugh
i know i know i know i know the first one's enthusiastic in the second one i like that
that's wedgie's school of getting laid that's cool school do they still have enrollment i got many
and wedgie's school of poker wow another class that that school is offered wow sick
that's a good price i'm in
good we should go we should do like carnival sales like hey someone from the crowd come up here i'm
gonna give them one of my 99 oh come up actually i'll just buy it it's 99 right folks let's do
that in spaces we'll show those wench statues and then we'll we'll show them to all our enemies
with cameras in them and we'll say put them in your lab put them in your fucking next to your
computer where your secret is right next to your pillow put it next to your pillow let's see
hello your pillow
yo i'm um uh there it is you see that steve marin it's pretty dope it's lit okay good
i like that guy was so good at banjo i know i don't like steve i typically don't really
like steve marin but i did dankfeld i don't even like sinefeld that much but he is a funny fuck
i'll tell you not anymore though he's like a fucking old woman now who's that sinefeld and
stern and all these fucking gibraltas they all suck they all just turn into these whatever what's
the word they all suck is what the word is they're not gibralto that was good gibraltas
like what the uh the isle of gibralto or something but are you talking about the straight of gibralter
the gibraltas straight where the straight of hormaz and the straight of gibralto meet
my shipping is done uh strictly through the straight of gibroni
what gibralto the straight of gibroni is a word dude the rock made that word you know i was
watching wrestling about 20 years ago and then you know rock was wrestling and all these guys and
yeah he called him gibroni gibroni is one of the best words of all time he called him jobbers too
jobbers it's the guy that gets bodies fun yeah
they're the most like the most famous the famous uh jobber of all time is the brooklyn brawler
mankind too mankind was right i loved him that's what he was terry funk was one too
those guys are all those brooklyn brawler just rocked i don't remember that guy really
no he was like saturday morning wrestling like he's the guy that would just like he always lost
that's what a jobber does yeah that's the best that is the best i love that shit listen we can
we're gonna wrestle but you're gonna be he's co-host i've been putting fucking fire out here
and you put him as co-host what is he gonna do i invited you oh sorry i didn't see it anyway
uh anyway yeah he's here now hey hey what's he doing here uh what's he doing here
hey i guess you got home good oh yeah yeah i just got home
hey any any good stories from lawrence um yeah yeah oh yeah well was the milf there was that
that where the milf was goo and uh black already heard this one but i stated
um unbeknownst to me i was at a haunted hotel or you know a uh a holiday and express
there's like one room up there apparently that has like this really fucking scary ghost or
some shit that like people fight over and like try to run out for halloween and shit
and oh that's where they filmed the shining i read oh yeah yeah so it's like okay so
uh like one of my co-workers comes out next morning she's like yo so i was doing some
research on this hotel and i was like yeah okay it sounds fucking good she was like well
okay so are you on the fifth floor right i was like yeah okay that's like the haunted floor
okay i was like it sounds like a bad b movie the haunted floor fucking 506 she's like oh my god
you're in the ghost room and i was like the fucking podcast he's like look at that look at
that it's like this fucking hotel room was on like you know uh ghost yeah and fucking this
and that and fucking all there's all these videos of fucking orbs and fucking door slamming
oof that's freaks me out i like that i like that one bit oh god why didn't we do that we're so
stupid here's a thing that was like drop the ball shit that didn't even come into my mind you
should have mentioned that one here's a fucked up part you guys is that i like i i slept that
first night i didn't even know that it was haunted they didn't even fucking tell me
why did she give you an std no i just slept like a baby dude and then i woke up and then
uh well i woke up they said he slept with that bitch the only thing that was weird is i woke up
the middle of the night and the fucking like i had the heat on fucking blair because it was fucking
uh cold outside and uh i woke up the middle of the night oh yeah what's the temperature
there in lawrence kansas so this time of year it last week it was negative 12 so but this
holy shite it was like that's so depressing 18 so it wasn't like what is it the dust belt
and they get ice storms like that oh god seriously said but uh yeah i like woke up
that next morning or i woke up in the middle of the night and it was cold as fuck in there i
was like shivering i was like what the fuck is this shit like the ac was on and it was like got
up and turned on i was like what you put the ac on finally fell back asleep and i didn't put
that the ghost the ghosts need that cold air the ghosts do need cold to to manifest
i mean i believe i believe that's what they say on that show
hashes hashes so white they thought he was one of them he was like is that a sheet with red hair
welcome home hashes so white the sheets jumped off the bed
we'll be extra planning
snaps i feel like in the snaps mode god lucky you're on a good one too today that's why
he is rocking it up wenches too making me fucking lash hard
is that a stupid shit
oh when she's like they mistake you for one of the relatives you're like jim is that you
jim you you haven't been in lawrence forever jim why you piss why are you pissing in the armoire
jim is that you piss boy piss boy yes it's the ghost of piss boy
i'm here that sounds like a banger too the ghost of piss boy
that should be a whole fucking collection the ghost of piss boy
when did that happen we're
here a 1940 did they have the internet then no then it's not real they had pictures
oh they do is it black and white photos yeah
down bed we like saw like the creepy ass portrait they're like hey it kind of looks
like you oh god oh that's exactly how those movies start man you sound a little different
i was going to say i wonder if this thing like falling are you going to start singing like
i'm so tired right now it's insane time is on my side you like fucking possess now
yeah bro you remember that movie fallen yeah the best part was i was like oh this is going
to be a serial killer listen to this part so i'm reading like this article because there's
there's a national geographic article on this fucking hotel room called a room with a boo
yeah i read that hilarious dude that shit is weird weird right very weird they're like so like
they're like oh yeah so there's this one fucking spot in the room somewhere that acts as a portal
between two worlds for the ghost right it's fucking creepy shit to write fucking freaking me
out all right there's like i don't believe that shit in there one was like this dude like
throw liars okay and um it would slam shut and then he needs to sneeze some wd-40 he's
fucking morons go over there yeah ak-47 more like it he would go back to bed and they were fucking
slamming and then he the third time he like it uh he opened it up and then he put a fucking towel
like in between the shit you know so it wouldn't fucking plan and then it slams again
he opens the thing and the towels in the fucking bathtub i read that shit wow that one's creepy
that one's that one would that would give me chills that would make me freak the fuck out i
would go nuts do you ever wonder like if there are people who just get really frustrated and
they're just like yeah suck my fucking dick ghost like keep slamming that door yeah that's what i
would do and maybe that's the move that's actually the first thing i do is i i i i scan
the room i i look everywhere i'm looking behind picture frames um i'm looking is that what you
were taught is that what you're taught in your training to find the invisible ghost i'm trying
to find the portal dude and then i was like okay flash the room go team 18 sorry yeah i found a
fucking uh i did at first it freaked me out but then i was like okay maybe it's a sign
i opened up one of the it was like the bottom drawer it was kind of hard to open up and then
i fucking opened it there's a bible in there i was like oh did you look through it oh no i just i
did i put it next to me and i slept next to it so no you got to look through it because if
they put demon fucking shit in there you look it open it up no i didn't see yeah that wasn't
part of my training so i i found it i should have consulted with the manual i was like
colonel i don't want to offend you um so i'm gonna close this bathroom door
i know you like it closed
and then i uh all right don't like ghosting fucked up nah don't come get me mr ghost
yeah i got a bible that's a great move house by the way pass his drunkest fuck screaming the
power of christ compels you yeah yeah i had a bot so i put a bible on the pillow next to me and
then i i kept the lamp on and i was like okay i'm just gonna take one extra sleeping pill and i'm
just gonna knock out i didn't i was up the whole fucking night
but i watched uh i was watching true detective and i was kind of freaky too so
yeah that series is hard i was getting fucking killed the early oh what the new one you were
watching first came on no i was i watched season one i'd never watched oh season one is
creepy as fuck that's a good one that's i think that's the best one that's the best one
i heard people call me that y'all should just skip season two and three no season two
is pretty cool it's just it's one of those things where like season one's so good that
like it's not the season two they weren't bad but it's just like not as good it's just like
fargo the first fargo was good it was cool they made it like the movie and it was cool
did you say go fargo yourself yeah it's terrible i didn't acknowledge it because it was just
but you need you gotta get a couple drinks in there buddy you just cut off the plane
i am so fucking sorry are you are you off now for the rest of the week
dad you're working sunday are you off now dude what is that nope i have i'm meeting
tomorrow and friday and sometimes you fucking have the hour to fucking welcome some new
bitch that's working in our what if you say you're sober now yeah get her fired say you
quit drinking you can't be around it tell them that you need a mental health day after the haunting
bro that's what i would do i'd be like listen i'm allergic to alcohol actually i just found out
i cannot be around it i drink and drive i have sex with people i don't know
well that kind of shit yeah some of the wenches people i don't know yeah that are wenches that ghost
may be a raging misogynist and i can't be around a female new hire so that's a good that's good
office uh degeneracy right there i wish i would be cool if i was single and worked in an office
i think for like a year
i don't know what that means so i would be good
like if you hired me from my experience my job experience now to that job i would fucking
feel like i was in yearbook high school yearbook again dude what was what was the thing that uh
mackin on some honeys i was just thinking like with with hash uh and the that ghost
wait eighty eight she's not in here anymore i was trying to think what was that thing that
we were looking oh yeah like we were talking about bone or dead right oh death the death
that's no bone or dead in
how does how does your post write that about an actor in parentheses too like
like does anyone remember him no one remembers him as bone or even that's not even if that's
his most famous role no one remembers him imagine if that was like you imagine if that was your
brother or something right he was your brother died and then you like see it in the new york post
and it's like that's what i'm saying that's what i'm saying it's terrible yeah boner was the
next door neighbor in the show that we all watch from here kids called uh family matters
what is it called family ties family ties oh i guess i watched it no one else wants you
someone should send that to kush and tell him that's what we're gonna put on his gravestone
boner found dead in canada
kush kush definitely um watch that show i bet you i bet you he watched that somehow i mean that yeah
the canadians love all of the famous well he he would have been in the media he would have been
in new zealand then i think she is in 2010 was he still there no i mean like the show the
original oh okay yeah like the old school show i'm saying because they get all that kind of
shit like the international tv we'll get that he for sure did right like back in the day like
people people these days could never understand goo but like i don't know how old i was though
oh sorry oh i was i was super young that was born 84
oh shit i think i was like not even i must have been watching reruns though
i don't know but i uh like i'll talk to people that are like you know 50 60 70 and they'll be like oh
you watched that show you knew what it was and i'll show like any show like from the 70s or the 80s
and i'm like yo i was like yeah i used to that's all that was on yeah we had tv's with knobs and
bunny ears and no remote like we had five channels i had black and white tv when i was a kid i
remember my parents had yeah i was like it's not like there was a lot of options right in the
kitchen we watched it yeah we have one tv kitchen with that five and a half inch bubble screen
it was like a white tv with the black and white switch on it black and white tv i had i had an
intellivision too that's how broke dick i was as a kid i had intellivision everyone had nintendo
and i was like i am intellivision with nice paddle yeah did you ever have like back in like the
the late 80s or like early to mid 90s did you have a threat like any rich friends who had satellite
tv like do you remember the size the size that satellite tv dude is the size of a fucking
like dude it was the size of like a tractor it's so funny because i remember exactly who had that
and mad shit attached to it like he had golf at black i would have loved this this was in jersey
city he had astroturf in his backyard for the dad who was like a big guinea to fucking practice his
putt this was like in 1990 yo they were this kid anthony bro yeah he he got they own this
they own this deli right in the neighborhood down the street and we got our bikes stolen
we have bikes and and these kids stole them and they were in the park the park lincoln park
was like mad junkies and shit so we didn't go in there alone his uncle came right his uncle's a
fucking right he comes he goes he goes yeah he goes right he's like howard beach like you know
he goes in the he goes in there he comes out with the two fucking kids by their coattails by their
neck coat whatever their necks like not holding their neck but like their t-shirts and he fucking
has them with the bikes and they brought him back and they said well we're very sorry we're never
disrespect your property against some whole thing i was like eight probably i mean it was
like fucking the coolest thing ever we were freaking out that's all we did was ride bikes
in the city there and then they got stolen and then these kids they fuck with my dog one time
my dad was like if anyone fucks with you and the dog or your mother or your sister you let the dog out
it's like a huge dog these kids got my dog's paws stuck in the in the fence crosses at the bottom
you know like the old school fences like that kind of paw stuck and he yelped and i never
heard him yelp like that so i opened the gate bro this fucking dog chased these two uh fucking
dudes i don't know for lack of a better word uh down all the way to fucking up into a tree
they stayed in that tree for like six hours till my dad came home and got the dog
and fucking the dog just laid there i was like this shit is great i love that
i love thinking about that stuff it's a weird dog he had the satellite he had the
satellite tv anthony because they were all mopped up they had all that shit yeah that shit was
like legit 15 feet tall man bro it was like 150 000 pounds yeah dude you had to have so
much money to get something that shit would fucking shift in the middle of the day to like
go pick up a signal on the south side of the sky wow it's funny they got that to watch
fucking italy play soccer bro that's how goddamn right it's like italy sucks at soccer
you guys are dumb but anyway the fucking you're breaking your mother's heart
my mom's not italy the fuck what do i look like greasy fuck bro anyway hash how was your trip
did you go to the ice rink so can i ask you you gotta hang out with these people too
it's like an obligation you can't just sit in your room and jerk off like i don't want to be
around you yeah i want to jerk off in a new bed now i not only do i i do i do uh hang out with my
coworkers why don't you say like i want to get a prostitute why don't you say shit like that
you gotta break bread with your clients yeah you gotta break it's not the clients it's not
the clients though yeah it is it's quite we have dinner with the clients and then right that's
different have like a couple drinks at the hotel bar with all the boys and girls together
and like talk about like you know what happened that day and what we have are you good do you
hold court do you hold your rock glass like a rock glass and you and you stand there with
with do you hold them with two hands or one hand and one hand on your hip and you say
and you say like sophisticated shit like i have yeah do you do you hold do you hold court like
after all that you're like hello everybody come here grab around i'm gonna tell you about the
day i can imagine it i can imagine you're jacked look we got this client guys like my
adderall is still pumping because i yeah and you're drinking one too late and then i'm also
drinking so yeah really what do you need me to do boss yes i'm here i'm ready i'm here i'm ready
anything you need boss i'm your piss boy hey i'm piss boy come over here give me an adderall
hey i'm the only writer on that bitch bro oh you're the head writer bro you can do whatever
you want go get some blow a prostitute exactly i'm the head writer that's what i would be saying
listen bitch i'm the head writer you go have your meeting and i'm gonna go have my prostitute
all right see you later i'm the head writer where do you think all this marketing uh
genius comes from it comes from back page that's right survivor
oh bad anyway
you know it's funny what all my childhood friends are looking down on me like this guy's on the
internet talking shit and we're dead i think about that a lot i think about that a lot it's
weird you got dead brand yeah man my friend died on christmas but a lot of them are dead
that was one of the last ones that's like that's it all my friends are dead i have about 30 dead
friends so it's wildly dead it's literally it's literally a fucking epidemic man of craziness
what i started really thinking about it after this last one and it's like really a sad
epidemic of crazy it's not real it can't be real it's like manufactured as fuck
like it's it's pushed i mean like or something government something china i don't know who do we
blame no they died from drugs bro or it or or like in involved with drug crime stuff that
happens with drugs and literally guys could stop doing drugs well i saw my friend a year or two ago
and he looked like he had no he looked like his head was his skull like i saw him from the back
and i could see his skull the indentations of his skull like his back of his head like the
round back part of his head i've never seen that on anyone and i could i could see it and i
didn't know it was even him he was like begging for change at walmart and i was like i used to
play ball with him and shit it's like basketball like that
he recognized me i didn't recognize it and he asked me for help or whatever could you help
me up i'm like dude i don't have any cash right i got my credit card you want me to buy you
some clothes whatever that wasn't the right answer so he was like nah i'll see you later
you know cash for drugs yeah of course cash for crack
no he was on like he was on meth and heroin and shit and he was running rampant he was
he was really at the the end of his rope with the cops too there was a lot of shit going on
it was pretty speedball is meth heroin i have no idea but i have no idea i have no idea
all i know is it's crazy shit yeah but dude it's one a year it's it's been one a year for like
the past since high school at least and it's always the same shit or it's it's crime related
to to drug shit and they get either capped one of my friends got shot because he was trying
to rob a house like a fucking momo moron what a fucking moron what you can laugh at that
would have fucking idiot right i would have shot him if he robbed my house i would have shot him
i don't give a fuck right and then i would have realized though look it's fucking ryan
his name he's got some real white name his name is ryan bow hickety no
one of my friends yo one of my friends another basketball connection he ran into the back of a
walgreens jumped over the countertop in in tom's river new jersey he fucking took bags of the white
bags of prescriptions jumped back over and ran so fast that he he mistimed the door lock thing the
door um camera the regular you know the regular door and he slammed into the door it didn't open
it opened after he fell but bing and it opened and all those prescriptions were everywhere
and then he ran out of there and he fucking got in his car and he got out of there right
within like two hours they got him like in another area like it was a whole statewide pvp or whatever
and they took his car and they made it into a detective car they were so happy to get that
car it was a drop top to ville coupe far screen the nart detectives would drive that shit and
they made him buy it back if he wanted it for like 12 grand it was only worth at that time
like that was crazy talk right this was like 2004 i don't know and fucking we were young kids still
but fucking yeah and that was it man he went to jail for many years bro he got the tank
commandments written on his back so butt fucking is right probably right he got the tank
commandments tattooed on his back i was like what happened to you in there i saw him at best buy he
was trying to get me to hustle best shit from best buy like with him and he was working there
he's like i go well he was trying to give you steel playstations or something at the time
and i saw bro i'm telling you i saw that shit on his back and he was talking to me about scam
and best buy as he worked there and he was like a new hire because back in high school we
scammed kmart for like police season two like a shitload on them it was a good move
but why would you put the tank commandments in tribal tattoo on your back
it's very jersey sure uh of jesus finding he found jesus in prison
he found jesus at seaside heights and lost him when he her name was snooki
uh that reminds me that reminds me that's such a like a 90s thing remember wench you
probably would agree with this it's probably started earlier than 90s but it was famous then
more so like remember when everyone would call uh god a woman that was like a hip thing like
like remember that song like counting blue cars remember that song again i heard that
radio i was like remember when people used to say that like she'll tell me and it's like about god
you guys remember that like like when alanis morris it was like huge um well yeah i was
whatever like the 90s it was like a thing i feel like um yes um and you know maybe um
all right you don't have to answer you got just an observation you know what i was like doing is
i'm just a dude i like doing the andy warhol reply so ask me a question what does that mean
i'll ask you a question that was a question but um what color is this guy today wench
what i hate people like that that was like that girl remember hash when we had that
space and we had her up and we both like collectively just like look like the biggest
assholes because we're like yo what do you want drugs wait get with the fucking get with it
already we're both like yelling at this chick who's probably traumatized like let's go let's
go what is this a game dude she was so stupid and slow though i know i can't deal with it
especially when my brain is on fire and people are trying to talk it's like bro shut the fuck up
i'm gonna send you an adderall right now so wild i hate that that's the last person i can
remember talking like that that i that i was around that chick then she wrote a tell-all
about omakase that was so like ai written romance novel it was like i meanwhile i have all the juice
on that guy that fucking if he ever shows up again i have it it's like a thesis that is a bad job
grunge that's cool story for the ages
i don't have to check that trailer out boys how do we only have eight people in here this
shit was a banger no fucking clue how to be we're all throttled i'm blacklisted i'm so tired
oh hash isn't throttling he just wasn't here that's what that's it a lot of it the hash
bastard factor but i'm also ADHD too he gets a lot of looks now yeah and a lot of people
black with me so i'll meet you what can i do all you can do is say fuck you
you can go fuck yourself you put your number one cheat your your fucking views will go way up
wench start putting gmgfy in the headline i really should official night you know i'll be going
again and thank you for calling me the ron white of web 3 you're welcome it's beautiful because
that's what you are i do like i like that it's fitting because he's pretty good
it's pretty good so don't so don't expect me to be some punk ass version of it
what just stop using the fucking sound effects wow speaking of speaking of speaking of ron
white and speaking of hand jobs ron white said that his wife lets him get hand jobs on the road
that's the only thing he can do is go to rub and tugs
he said that on a radio interview i love that guy he's a killer
who is that is that black his wife getting having yes it was apply apply dreams
is she applying are you applying creams to her feet that was rachel meadow you
you said you're married to rachel meadow and you guys fight you guys fight like crazy
cat the dogs but then you make up you're the type of guy she's the fucking you know other side
now not at all not a chance enhance enhance enhance
enhance in hash how are you doing hash is still shaking from a spooky ghost encounter
you know you want to hear something funny i got so high the other night down here it was like
four a.m like i realized like i was so high i fell asleep but i might i felt like i was still
awake kind of and i i cracked my eyes open i'm like shit the candle's burning like whatever
so i blow it out and all of a sudden bro i turn the lights out and i blow the candle out
and it felt like a fucking this was this was right after i found out my friend died too by the way
i found i felt like a fucking spirit man like i never felt that shit it felt like a ghost not
a spirit like a ghost in my basement so i fucking go i was so baked though i know it was so big
i'm sitting there freaking out i wouldn't get up i wouldn't get up like i was sitting there
stuck and i'm like oh fuck i was starting to make noise they said it's from what uh big cats hunting
us what back in the day from i was high though it was from being high as fuck dark
that's when they would attack people well listen well i have curtains hanging down here and shit
so i saw like them go and do like a move like a little wiggle through the and i was freaking
out bro i was there was no lights on i was freaking the fuck out so i started making grunt noises like
i couldn't even talk i was going like uh like i was like making noises like and then i started
getting up like real like i could never walk like i was like oh here we go all right here we go
and i just started doing that and i ran upstairs and started hugging my wife in bed it was 4 a.m
i was freaked out right so the next day i go downstairs i fucking left the window open so
when i blew the light out it fucking i could tell that the wind was blowing down there and it fucking
and i was just so high and so like whacked out from like the news whatever i guess that and then
listen to this the best part when i go up there like that i was my heart was racing and shit
she was like holy fuck what's going on i'm like downstairs i don't know something weird blah blah
like i was like oh like that she goes i knew it i'm like no way and then the next day i'm like
oh by the way you knew nothing it's fucking not haunted down there i'm down there all night
i'm the one haunting it i found out i uh i ate mushrooms one night and did like basically the
same thing but it's fun upstairs but i tripped at the top did you did the whole house shake
like a god damn rocket ship crashed remember that remember that spaceship in final fantasy
seven that crashed into the earth that's yeah that's like basically what i did and she woke up
and i got in bed and like spooned her just like squeezed her i'm like fuck dude there was ghost
down there and that's when you had your daughter there was ghost in ADHD is the descendant of
paul we used to party with your wife at all this was pre-partying days or after no we never
partied until like a month ago oh jesus i met her when i was one year sober and i made it 10
years and then fucking started drinking again you're drinking again too and smoking you're
fucking not yeah but like oh it's uh i'm not gonna talk to you about your drinking but i
would like to say how much you gotta drink a lot right you're a big dude yeah and but wait a second
what put you over the edge what the fuck uh why don't you start drinking i told you i told you
no don't start drinking bro so like i found maddie unresponsive oh what the fuck and like you
fucked me up and then when did that happen i'll like a year and a half ago what she
fell off the couch oh my goodness i didn't know that yeah and then like uh in december
that's insane she played dead one night when we got ptsd bro dude yeah i have to go to counseling
now but the weird thing is i told the counselor like dude i didn't drink for 10 years i started
drinking again i was like but i can only drink to a smoke and then like i'm like freaking out
like i don't want to feel this you can't drink bro let me tell you i have ptsd really bad too
like i have it really bad you want to feel in control all the time and yeah wrong feeling for
that don't drink i'm telling you you're not gonna be yourself it's cool no it's not i'm
not even being weird or whatever i i have ptsd bad because i was an explosion and fucking that
i can't i cannot drink if i drink i'm a total chris benoit maniac like instantly like i'll have
chris benoit you're gonna kill your family like i don't know like like i'm well no he was a fucking
what no he's a fucking kingmaker i was just a maniac like whatever like that like no not like
kill my family but just like psychotic i know he's one of the best wrestlers of all time i
mean rip right here ptsd here here bad ptsd i have some ct so they said that i don't have ncte
i have some kind of trauma from it it's not well yeah i guess you're not past it yeah whatever
yeah but i don't know dude it's weird like that night she she pretended to be dead dude that's
came downstairs had the worst panic attack in my life took my oh my god like two fucking oh my
fucking lord eight and i just grabbed a bottle of chelsea's vodka and just fucking chugged it
and then and cranky and some fucking stranger got on at the space till like just randomly
and i was wasted for the first time in 10 years damn and i missed that space
fuck that would have been a high litter dude nice to meet you should have recorded that one but
that's not cool i feel bad for you actually now really that sucks oh i i had a thing with my
daughter she turned blue with the parmesan cheese got stuck my first daughter and it it was it was
it was fucked up till today i can't even i was chewing food like i'm like fucking i can't even
feed the baby like i feed her but it's like i have to feed her or i can't watch you feed her
like if she seriously it's nuts but i learned the heimlich and all that the baby heimlich and
all that shit before so i kind of knew what i was doing thank god it just snapped into my head and
i didn't i didn't but i'm like that with shit though dude i will say like i i can get in there
but i don't know what the fuck i'm doing like i'll get in there i won't panic but then i don't
know i can make a wrong move you'll give somebody a mouth to mouth like a stranger no no i won't
or you'll walk by i'll pick them up i've picked old men up that fall and shit i pick them up or
like if a woman sleeps anyway i pick her up whatever but i won't give you mouth to mouth i
keep it moving no no you're not suing me and taking all my shit because you feel like the
airwaves clear they can't see you that's uh there's a lot yes they can there's a law
in new york they cannot in new york they can no they can't i believe they can bro they can i had
to take a i had to take a cpr class good samaritan law yeah that's what it is no i don't think that
is in effect it is i just like i got voluntold and i had to be one of the people that did like
cpr training for work okay and that was one of the things that people asked on your remote phone
calls really oh it's a federal mandate like yeah like you it's like you have to it's like uh
now that if you if you attempt to save somebody's life that's a good samaritan law they can't see you
they can't come after you dude i gave cpr i feel like in new york they still can't i mean i don't
know good you might actually be right about that because it's so fucking ass back there
i've left so many people in the pavement just because i'm like nah you're not taking my car
only one of us is going today blacking blacking i'm just kidding blacking can you sit on my face
what's that can you sit here on my face i want you to sit on my face and smother me with your
big dad butt
dad butt is an awesome name for a band dad butt dude that would be that actually would be a really
good name for a weed company dad butts dad butt still smells like dad butt in there yeah it is son
what's your deal man he's cool he's just trying to be funny okay you see hawks um hawks
oh yeah hawks up in the fucking hawks up in the old funkadelics the old school funks
the punks call those ones the shit eaters
shit it's so good shit beer yo e-scriptions really is e-scriptions really like fun again
it makes it makes it fun again a lot of it the eaters of shit i'll tell you if you boys aren't
on that train it's cool shit beard wench we should do the wenches over
like we said what a shit eating wenches no like fucking like i told you um you do 50 wenches
yeah 50 right yeah okay it's cheap right now let me get some wenches up i got some wenches
right here my disposal and your wench i got about 12 you got some you got some hanging in
your wench repository yeah my wench repository's got about 12 in them so 50 wenches okay makes you a
shit here but i mean very plain very plain just like your one you have now that style
no because it's gotta take it down ten kilobytes yeah good luck well no we'll do it with this
program i showed you right that'll do it yeah give it to me when you get the ones you like send
them to me dude and i'll do it i have the program but what what nothing just pick the wenches out
bro is all that we want you to do pick plain wenches 50 of them and send them to me in a package
if you can if you can no no no no don't do anything except do just send me uh 50 wenches
that you pick that are skimmy that are skimmed down scammy i mean i'm getting all confused
because you're asking me the same question like five different ways uh yeah
yeah png png clear clear background yes
and and what i mean what i mean by what i mean by um skim it down is what i mean by is uh less
traits as possible least traits as possible and not busy backgrounds oh no backgrounds yeah we already
we're gonna we're gonna try and not pixelate it we're gonna try and not pixelate it like that you
know no just send it to me how it is just just do those little things take the background out
pick the ones you like and pick the traits ones the shorter traits the smaller amount of traits
that's that's all you gotta do that's all you gotta do and send them like that or put them in
a we transfer thing and i'll download them as i need them also that but do you want me to reduce the
no no no don't do anything just just do it like that because we're gonna play around with it
because if we pixelate them they might look like on-chain maladies which would be fucking insane
if we could get them to look like that because then we'll just totally hack that whole thing up
and then the other part of it is we'll do the funk color in the background too so we'll mix it
up with all of it it'll be sick i think cool i think i think it would be it would be cool and then
there's like there's like uh i mean we should just split them in whatever it costs we'll split it
between however many of us it's gonna be a little bit but we should do that like if however 10
people it's only gonna be 0.01 each or something whatever it might not even be that much if the
gas is cheap all right yeah yeah that's what we'll do and you could control the wallet too
only put your wallet on the controller if you want but we'll split up we'll split the pay on it and
then we'll split them in through whatever because we want to do it all we'll still
well it's easy it'll be funny it'll be good i think it'll be good to do
it might get people uh who knows what it'll do
dude they're exactly like black clouds fucking pfp or hawks
yeah yeah i like the black clouds but what i'm getting at is like that's the pixelation that's
the size whatever it's not gonna be that different there's a way to to skim it down like
i got these apps now that i found that people are using and you can skim down really good
to like these excellent and yours with lower traits and the way the contrast is
it's gonna be good i think it's gonna be really cool i think so we'll see
yeah that'll be the test
falling asleep right now so yeah bro love you
keeping it real
all right you guys are cute you say love you
no you hang up first has never says he loves me no no you hang up
uh i guess i could email do you want me to give you these programs and you want to
fuck with them or do you want me to do it they're they're web they're web-based they're
web-based so it's not like let me gather the 50 i'll put them up where okay and we go there
they're all right 1000 by 1000 pixels yeah that doesn't none of that shit really i don't even
know how that works dude i just know how to make it work no yeah yeah don't worry about that
and then i'll give you these apps anyway i'll send you over the things and you just can play
with it if you want because it's cool because you can make it way crazy and it's not like photoshop
really it's like a different thing it's like more into the pixel of whatever you have there
even if it's hand drawn or painted
what are we going to put on meme scribe i don't know i mean it doesn't matter because oh no we
could do it through the floor of the tooth well we could do it through floor date but i have the dao
membership so we could use that
anybody else noticed that guy uh wolverine just dropped a bunch of pictures of someone getting
there like getting to having a girl shit in some guy's mouth
i i got rid of all this but
how the fuck are you in the stream notice there was like 20 of them all right damn
that's all right that's all right it's a little flavor the shit eater let him in the shit beard
shit eater shit beard hey shit man yeah one of the other
man there's a lot of e-scription uh stuff going on
one of the people who um fucking did a drop for me like earlier in the year or whatever last year
actually fucking did a huge he he has like the highest selling one in this one collection
it was looking at one of one he did what you didn't see that i put a whole pixel quartz
on the chihuahua's he did the one of one he did a lot of the traits bro oh he did the wawas
he did envy for me he's sick okay i like i like him it's good i'm really happy for him he's like
blowing the fuck up i'm so happy for him no i'm just kidding i am happy he's cool
no i am i am for real for real for real i'm not fucking he's cool he's good he's good dude
all right kids why don't we do some hell's bells bro we're gonna kill
all this shit dude there's so much shit
hell yeah all right so i'll work on the 50 for you bro do it and then yeah hell yeah
and we'll do that you're we're gonna do your drops in too a couple of weeks
oh is that a little battle that was great you know when he says they're gonna have backgrounds
it'd be like the the most rare with all the traits what's that too how about
bro yeah you know the white background wenches are they look cool
cool yeah they do that would reduce that would reduce size probably there's no background
yeah yeah that would probably reduce right no a lot of them look good without you know the
background you know they're all good yeah oh by the way you know do this instead of fucking
wenchakers you should do this you should you should think of a way to market this as wenchakers
doing these e-scriptions i'm telling you it's the way don't worry about your brain telling you
you need a fucking meta this that just think just think about it a little bit because just market
your thing you want to do so bad like that just do it on e-scriptions then do wenchakers on
e-scriptions bro make the animals and put them on e-scriptions that would be fucking killer too
that would be killer that would be killer it black cloud
right right right so either do the 50 wenches will it cost money it cost it's gonna cost money
but we're in a low spot right now gas was like six dollars a min right now so i'm not talking
right this second but we go into these little we have to watch for it we have to be ready
and then we go on it but that's what you would do that's what i would do if i was you i would
make fucked up animals make them and make them cool looking and then do it on e-scriptions it'll
be a fucking banger absolutely there's no dude absolutely you already did it everyone gets a
don't even worry about all this bullshit just make a collect dude no don't do any giving away
whatever we're going on e-scriptions they're gonna be cheap enough they're gonna mint them
it's gonna be worth it you're not giving shit away anymore fuck all that
yeah you're gonna mint them they're gonna be like three or four dollars and we guess they'll be
like 10 bucks people will buy five ten of them whatever at a clip because they'll be funny
whatever you do and then but don't make them you gotta make them fucking you know make them
funny like make them malady like make them like malady wench fucking animals that would be so
sick dude i'm telling you that's what that would be a move flat cloud knows that
that would be a move we'll do the 50 as like get you out into the ecosystem
and then you do and while you're working on that and then do as many as you can
what do you think is this different than the 50 that you need for the
no that's what we're going to launch you into that little introduction that's the injection
and and draft code with all new wenches no no what i'm saying is do what i told you before
you know the 50 pick the 50 and send them get them ready to send to me and then the next move
for your like your wench eakers idea just translate that to e-scription same idea
just kind of you know maybe brush it up a little with the just the look of it or whatever
kind of curtail it too you'll see actually because you're gonna have the wenches now you know on there
and now you'll see you'll see what we're talking about but you could be real fucked up dude like
you could have fucked up traits bro and no one can say shit like it's uncensorable and you could be
the first person with certain things also like there's shit to think about uh you could have
anything you could have anything you want i mean it's a copy written protocol like they can't
copy you they can't once it's out your data is out so no one can put wenches that look that way
out they'd have to change them and it would be obvious whatever
so it's cool but i mean you could say like fuck you know fuck my mom whatever i don't know
whatever you want and it'll never be able to get taken down and it'll never not be sold
it could always be sold and shit and indexed it's good dude believe me this is the reason why you
got into ethereum the reason why you got here is because of e-scriptions you didn't even know it
that's the problem see people don't realize that yet are you saying e-scriptions or e-scriptions
yeah ethereum it's ethereum it's mainnet ethereum it's still it's just not an nft smart contract
it's on the blockchain all the data so and believe me why i say to do this here's the other
reason i'm saying to do this because your idea was to have like a metaverse type thing or how it
like interacts with the wench uh regular and like this and that the the thing you can actually do
like and may and it's possible to do like efficiently and not call it like cost effectively
efficiently and actually cooler than what you can just do with a smart contract is by having
these dumb contracts they're called and what they do is they can interact with mainnet smart
contracts so you can change the metadata and and you can actually change metadata from nft to nft
so me and you can trade metadata so we could trade traits if the traits are on e-scription let's
just say this is an example if the traits are on e-scription and the mainnet nft has this is is
is in this dumb contract how they set it up you can fucking change the traits between your community
members too and you can trade them and you can do whatever you can just give them away they're like
cheat like it's not like a transaction like that so you can it's very much like how everybody
used to talk about like having a video game and this and that but it was too expensive and what
are they going to do this is how it would work like this is it this is this is what's going to
be going we're at the very first day of it and it's literally moving fast but it's still way away
but you'll consider yourself a happy person i think for trying to get we're all like really like
bullish on it it's fucking not it's no one understands there's 300 people that understand
what it is it happened to be me and black cloud too there's no there's like 300 other people though
because it's and chinese people love it dude you could break into a chinese market with these
wenches and you never even right black cloud yeah it's crazy they have they have thousand people
spaces all in chinese and the guy who made the protocol goes in there and was like yeah everybody
yeah it's cool here we go here we go i mean it's very interesting it's really wild shit
basically he developed just this way to like mine the receipts ethereum has like a receipt function
and that's what inscription is it's on the blockchain so it's a receipt because that's how
it has to be so you it's immutable so it proves right so that's what that function was for and
it's only has seven megabytes of storage so so basically your nf your quote unquote nf your
picture or your thing can only be up to seven megabytes that's why you got to scale it down
and even at seven megabytes you're minting on chains it's mad mad dough that's why some
of the early shit is mad dough because it's on chain you see art that's selling for quite
a bit right now and you wonder oh you know but they spent a lot to make it yeah absolutely no
i mean listen any of the gan generated ai art from fucking 20 to 21 is going to be so valuable
your head is going to spin and it's right now it's for like hundreds of dollars you could buy
really like some of them are less than yeah like point point one i i we got something a couple
months ago when it was real bearish for like point one and it's already worth like point six
and these things when it's bowl bowl it's like their 20th like they're already you know um
there's just there's so much of that that if you have the eye for it
you can really just collect right now and be happy with sitting on ship because it will
when you know there's like a technology element to it like i've always that's like the main
indicator to me for longevity doesn't matter what the floor price is it's like it'll be
dude he he uh bulk sent shards for like five bucks like he sent out ten thousand for
less than five bucks right you could send stuff so cheap right right you can batch meant for cheap
too it's only one transaction it's there's no smart contract cost uh you can you know you can do
they're gonna they're building like the whole reason this thing came out is because
an exchange got hacked and when the exchange got hacked well actually a protocol got hacked
like a d5 protocol and the hacker wrote in the pollenex fucking that was the pollenex protocol
right they they wrote in this thing that they were doing this to bring awareness that ethereum
can be the most decentralized uh social media snapchat twitter and everything else it has
the functionality but it just takes a little bit of of trouble to get it out no one knows how to
get it out of it yet right so this guy read that shit and he developed e-scription as a protocol
like from that bro like it's sick shit like it's like crypto it's like cipherpunk like
crypto punk shit it's got lore shit's gonna be worth it's american as fuck too it's like
badass like american ethereum like i call it american ethereum even though it's like canadian
so it's like it's not ccp ethereum like mainnet you know it kind of is it's more like fucking
it's more like just the people that are into it that are killing it did you ever see that
cell phone video of vitalik calling americans feeble americans yeah he's a piece of shit
scumbag just like all the rest of bro they all are the same don't you realize when you sit back and
you sit in the space for this long the kwan was the same as ftx as fucking this guy every country
had a guy and a nerd from their little sci-op program that they had at their school they all
had it they all had it ethereum is canadian and chinese fucking intel government people
all working together charles hoskinson and nobody america's bitcoin america's bitcoin bro
america's bitcoin cia for dark america is nsa nsa bitcoin for nsa i don't know i don't know but i
do think bitcoin was originally i do think bitcoin was dark net like i think it was intelligence
people but i think they were cypherpunks like they didn't they definitely were like they didn't
believe in that they were just doing that as their job maybe and thought bitcoin could turn them out
of that job even and change the world like because it has that weird thing to it it always has so like
you gotta kind of believe in bitcoin i don't know even if it is full of shit whatever
i feel like it's the one thing that you just gotta believe something about it because they're
all scrambling right now that they're all fucked up right now you see that all blackrock all these
fuckers they're all scrambling around wondering how can we dump the market because what's
happening is the etfs they have to sell because if you're an investor you're selling your investment
they have to sell too they can't just hold bitcoin it's illegal so they can't just body up
bitcoins you know what i mean so they're selling off at a rapid rate five hundred and seven
billion five hundred and it was some crazy number five hundred and seven billion dollars i feel
like i read was sold off for something in like this weird amount of time and it's all from the
etfs selling off right uh because just doing normal etf stuff i mean but they're using bitcoin
so it's obviously a little different now because we could see everything moving so clearly it's
not like the old days where you don't know like that that that you don't know the data on the
stock market like you know what i mean like you don't know they're down to like trade pistachis
right they know the exact clip of blip of this of whatever happens so it's like
it's a different world so that's why people get so shook up instantly and the market responds so
instantly because it's so clearly in your face it's not as mysteriously hidden like the stock
market and there's no short options and like uh how they were using that dark pool
right well that's why that's why well yeah see here's the thing well that was ftx too bro
see that was ftx's whole brain uh trust like see people think that he was just with his boys over
there and carolyn but he had eked out into the market obviously and fucking they had a little
thing because there was another guy who developed curve phi he's the same too but he lives in like
australia in like a hundred million dollar house see sam never sam thought he was going to be
president or sam was psyops sam was a was a fucking democrat psyop like uh you know like um
well they had to get him in there he was like a patsy yeah he was like the uh the kennedy
assassination guy yeah uh ruby manchurian manchurian candidate the day that the
eppstein killed himself it wasn't it wasn't like the next day when they started that shit
yep yep yep so much
and you know who they shared their property with right uh clinton's the salona dev team
yep he was one of the earliest and heaviest holders of salona he had salona at like three
cents and he wrote it all the way to 200 bro how are you that lucky at every how you know
every little thing obviously you're yeah i i mean at that level you do get all the information
everything you're making the market too but i mean man come on and then every single jabroni
goes down there to try and advise on what to do it's like bro give me they're all fucking
handling somebody there and they all had to fly there and see a client so they needed a smoke
screen even that guy bro they all bro you know what we did on that we did hundreds of we did like
a hundred hours of research each on that shit there's so much shit like i found the doctor's
connections to like the to generals like i found the guy who taught the doctor he was involved with
two guys the three of them created like half the psych drugs that are out right now in the fucking
40 in the 50s or something and this guy's still alive he was around with charles manson i like all
the shit is tied in he had clinics that he had all throughout the country that dude is this guy's
teacher george k learner's teacher the george k learner was the doctor in the bahamas writing
the scripts for the adderall whatever he's the only there was only one article that he
came out and said no that's not true it was a sexless environment and all the main net uh fox
wall street knew everybody just took that article copied it word for word and pasted it now that
never happens okay that's cia shit because it wasn't an ap article to begin with this is some
weird shit now then you know you just look into it and it goes so rabbit hole down and i was so
quick onto that that i have so much shit that got already taken off the internet because i have
his doxify i have all this shit man i have cases of him when he was a private practice how he was
with clients forget about it he would talk about himself he would be like real talking about his sex
capades like with clients and like they're going through shit he overprescribed xanax to people
they would have seizures and almost die and shit like and these are people that aren't drug addicts
these are just people that were looking for help you know like shit like he was uh always hitting
on women like there's mad stuff all that shit got wiped off the internet and he literally went
to the same school was under the same program ucsf and this and that and he spent like 10 years with
this same doctor he wrote a paper on ssris he did all this shit that's so wild and yet he had one
blip in the new york times and that got copied throughout the whole entire country and that is
actually the whole story that's what people don't realize that guy that doctor guy is the whole
story through history like that guy is in history guy like that guy is in history and he's affected
things like far as gump you know what i'm trying to say and it's true like the dude that jumped out
the world in san francisco who's that the mk ultra shit oh yeah yeah it's right giving john's
acid right that was the guy that's right that was one of them correct and that guy also
that guy had charles manson at his clinic charles manson was known to be and this ties into the guy
who wrote the book it's all ties in it's all the same people rogan had the dude on that
rogan had that guy on and i have the book it it's great that guy i forget his name now
uh it's called from chaos the book is called it's about charles manson and it's about his
study into it from like way into i would say 1998 maybe he started into it cia doctor met with
manson the cia doctor met with manson he went to his clinic all the time correct um who else uh
ted kuzinski the unibomber right well that that was no that's a different time frame but but he
was in that same program program yeah they sexually molested him in harvard he freaking
freaked out and saw the future and was like hey everyone so so that's what they would
do bro and then they knew charles manson was how he was they let him skip parole go all
over california go all over town he was supposed to be in like illinois on parole like he sodomized
people in prison and got called for it and at that time that was like heavy heavy you know
what i mean that was like really trying to kill the hippies right well i don't know
i don't know part of it uh jim morrison's dad is also a fucking military intelligence admiral or
something yeah admiral right right the the book um weird wench would like this book it's called
weird signs inside the canyon and it's all about this stuff laurel canyon yeah it's all about all
the bands from laurel canyon all their parents are in military intelligence the guy who wrote
the book was a car was like a carpenter he was like some plain old cool dude he wrote the book
and then he wrote the one on england because they have the tavestock institute which is where the
beetles the stones the sepsis all these fucking culture whatever comes from and it's wild because
it's all true it's all like how could it not be true i mean it's legit like i could see it
completely and then the other thing is how sneaky to not have any fucking internet or anybody
you know everybody says oh you can't get away with that anymore but they can't really get away
with that anymore either it's not obvious as much anymore but what they've done is my theory
is that they've got everybody on these drugs that these guys developed in the fucking 50s
in a bunker just like fucking pineapple express bro only not weed like we're talking
psychotropic drugs they gave them out in the 60s lsd everything because what happened in the 60s
was in san francisco they all started getting on speed and meth and all that shit and all that
shit started to take over and they all started getting crazy sex sex weird sex shit and stds
and all that shit so basically yo that shit is all exactly what they give at the pharmacies
whatever and what happens now is they they do the mk ultra ring through your phone through your
netflix through all this shit and what happens is you're all you're all fucking whacked from that
like that i mean i really have a huge feeling like that's what it is to my wife my life my wife
my bad have you been to the the car washes that have all those lights
no what do you mean they have like these oh they're way bright yeah yeah yeah yeah i go
what if this is a fucking cia burger and feel like dumb people down
what you're going through those car washes yeah like although why they have all those
fucking flashing lights they have all those flashing lights so you could see your paint job
brother no i know i'm joking it's a joke oh i'm sorry i switched into a literal entertainment
but like uh they have this like this like light treatment with flashing leds to like um
whoa anxiety that sounds cool yeah and what about well first of all bro no did it change
my mic now no it's good no yo you can't you're doing all that shit you don't lift weights or
anything i didn't do that yeah that doesn't help with this shit with that trauma shit
oh yeah for sure yeah it does a lot oh i just had to learn how to deal with uh panic attacks
panic attacks so once i figured that out i'm gildan we can't smoke weed bro why panic attacks
are crazy with weed you might not catch one for a minute but you will especially your age
and you'll have a real panic attack with the weed on top of it i don't think don't all right
trust me bro please i wouldn't tell you from um i wouldn't tell you because i don't like it or
care about it like they're just while you know you might get up and get a bell ringer like take a
nice what are you smoke the little vapes you smoke those no yeah stay away from those i have
old school weed i'd take like yeah you might be right man old school
my neighbor said he's uh my neighbor yeah my neighbor he's he's native american and he's
like this shit he's got the piece but yeah medicinal talk and he's like this shit is uh
yeah this shit killed jackie on asses no he's like it's good for like uh treating
anxiety and sleeping and dude you take a hit of this shit and you're just like yawning
what is it i don't know
i don't know it's it's a deep no probably none it's probably called sitting bull
no no what's the other one black cloud didn't laugh twice
um he's interested in the strain he's like what fucking strain is it
kush it's a kush probably og kush no not kush what's the other word grand ditty perp indica
indica do you like that great i do i didn't realize i like it so much i do
is it stiva indica indica no i don't fucking know black cloud but all i know is like
like they would like a half a hit a full hit one that just makes you cop a couple times
and that's all you need and then you're just like yeah that's good and you it's just like
you feel like the front of your head is tingling a little bit and you're tired and you're just like
headbands you smoke some headband huh i don't know what that means strain it makes your head
you said you just describe headbands that's one of my favorites too
i don't know anything about this shit but i know that like it's fucking peaceful
did you start rapping yet no no you're not smoking strong enough oh wow i'm just kidding
that's the thing you know what i suggest like don't don't waver from that if if it does what
it does then don't try to look for anything different let's stick with that 100 i agree
with him i don't smoke anything but flour i smoke a lot but i smoke flour and i know that
if i freak out on the flour it very rarely happens it must be very very strong or it's maybe it's
sprayed but usually if i because sometimes i'll get them from the delis from the bodegas they
got packs and i'll grab them and they're good they're like it's good it's weed it's not
it's not k2 it's none of that shit but one time i did have a freaking freak out on it and i was like
man i don't know that seemed a little unnatural i know what you're talking about because that
happened to me when i was a kid when i was smoking but like uh i'm i'm the kind of person like um
i did mushrooms for years and like dude i i could do them and go to work i could do them and go
to family functions and everybody's like how do you do that you know what i mean like they're
like i would fucking no panic attack for me the panic attack comes from reliving what happened
with maddie it's not like shit like that oh no i have panic attacks and drugs
yeah dude what you don't get panic attacks not really man mushrooms too fuck that yeah
dude mushrooms do not freak me out and like i i know what you're talking about because it
happened to me but it was like it's almost like you're saying like it was sprayed with something
like some kind of like well that happened recently that actually happened recently it's like something
unnatural it made me have like a neurotoxicity feeling yeah it's like your brain just kind
of shorts out but that's what i was feeling i can't concentrate on shit i know i know i know
it's crazy yeah i know that shit's crazy bro but putting i'm telling you the booze is the one thing
it's just so i can't fucking tell you not to do because it's like i try to drink sometimes still
and it's like you called me the other day you had when i was a couple
that was like a special occasion maybe oh a special occasion like if my wife's driving
and i can act like an asshole in the family you know like around the around the family
i'll act like it's total asshole i act like a total maniac they all love it they her family
loves it my family forget it to be like oh god but i'm like the life of the fucking
riley over there hey what you hear this one i drink tonight i don't know bro when i drink i
get wacky and then i get mad depressed and it's all that's trauma shit yeah my doctor even
told me don't drink bro i'm like yeah i know i'm i'm not an alcoholic it's not has nothing to do
with that that's the thing if you're an alcoholic though i've been wondering like if you're an
alcoholic and you get and you have the trauma like that it's probably fucking gonna do damage
in a way i don't know i don't i don't like booze man it makes me feel like not myself
a child person like anything could have a couple glasses of wine and if you can stop dude
like i don't know that's the weird thing it's like dude three glasses of wine and you're just
like nothing for me and if you can stop there you know what i mean like but that's the thing
like i used to not be able to stop and now i'm like oh i feel good that's it i haven't done
new drugs i want to try something new what wow i don't like meth even i never tried that shit
trying to boof dude i'll take a line of that shit give me one it's it's will i throw up dude
i did it if i throw up from snorting it gagging it's fine gagged on gags on that scream
and say oh my god oh it's like a zipper my fucking forehead dude it burns so bad
really what are we doing smells like kerosene and gasoline and fucking pain
yeah that sounds wild experience why is it so popular because it then you fucking want to
paint your mom's garage for the next two days i like that though it might be
is it worth it for that i got a lot to do i could i'll just do one time and clean my
whole house and renovate it well that's what i'm telling you about the alcohol don't do that
hi thanks for the greeting before i wasn't able to talk it's goo
good night good night good night mendy uh wench did say he's buying you that chanel
backpack yeah verified chana that's what she asked for chanel that's glass i like that
she wants chanel backpack and one study do it no it's better than the fucking louis absolutely
honey i will get that for you oh you don't like design it you don't
you're getting that backpack from wenchie
man that's the whole backpack
yeah i'm sure what's up that's uh i hope you're all doing well nice to see you in wench oh
that's i even see you dude what's up you've been you've been missed so we love you thank you
and who else just popped in sloppy i just wonder what we were kind of boof i heard boof and i
boof in chanel dude boof someone got boofed tonight did you say schloppy
no no what did you say i said boofed no you said schloppy no no i didn't
it's recorded so we can go well i have to go see so what is it it's at 10 48 all right so
2.48 minutes because i know you call sloth at poker schloppy guys let's block the schloppy
i'm pretty sure you said schloppy no he says he says schloppy no i didn't i said schloppy
it was kind of close okay schloppy's here it might sound like schloppy but it's not so
what's up schloppy the sloth steam okay i hear it sloth burger sloth arino wench arino
now i saw this flothmeister here so i always there's no differentiating sloths from schloppy
no i did not i did not i'm looking at him and going no dude i agree with you you're right
okay thank you yeah you're welcome all right love y'all all right
give me those wenches which ones yeah yeah 50 oh okay i'll get them going tomorrow i
promise they're gonna have yeah man they're gonna be whatever i don't care what he does just send me
a good one oh i'm doing with no backgrounds and once you dead sell us a question
my question what's gmgf what's what gmgf the title oh it's not in my oh i didn't
know that okay good morning go fuck yourself oh it's just gmgf okay someone added that
well it says gmgf why i see it right here that's gf why for me yeah what are you
what do you have a hack to counter or a retarded eye
good morning god fuck yourself that's a hugger mom cork in all of us does
but it's all right i guess i don't know sounds good what's wrong with you
pistachio yeah
i freaked out you guys want to hear something funny you're eating all the food in your house
right now or two yeah let me know the snacks the school snacks are right in front of my eyeballs
whoa black club go ahead tell him should i tell him with this song on
yeah i called whale gala said dick sucker
i called him so many crazy names to his face like are on the fucking call
black out heard it and i snapped i snapped bro i snapped like i'm telling you not to drink
snap it was like that who called that i don't know bro but it just took a long time it took a long
time who called me oh bro i know you did call it like first day i said it was gonna fuck up
the first day you called it yeah but i i fucking couldn't take it anymore he's yet oh
dude he's autistic dude or something i know whatever so my the fuck who cares no no no
he needs to have things in the right order i know he's in order but that's what i mean he doesn't
that's what i mean yeah i know bro i know everything that's the problem he thinks he's
smarter than me he ain't smarter than me yeah does that whole build up to that just started
holy fuck that was some post the weird thing is is like he does like sucking dick or something
well he's an edgelord we know that the fuck is wrong with him
i don't care what he does actually what i want is my is not to be it's like popular now dude
you have to be that now listen you're just not smarter than everyone you can't act like you're
smarter than everyone all the time this momo told me descriptions were not even possible
and i had to hit him with an encyclopedia like knowledge of it and he was like oh i've been
at dev for all this time i didn't even know like you're fucking gonna get smacked with a big fat
one if you don't shut it bro that's how bro gm gf y wench wednesday coming at you live we're
gonna fuck the world up with a new drop on e-scriptions oh yeah that was cool well got us his
currently well got it so more like fucking edgelord he's trying to develop a robot to jerk his dick
while he's reading the newspaper folks on his fucking kindle yeah he is he's trying to develop
some kind of thing to to edge him off i have it all i have it all documented all right all right
calm down oh god i can't don't calm down dude that's all i need a little i just needed a little
burst i'm good now i need to let the boys know a little little inside game it was funny
well told you to calm down yeah it was bad that's what made it that's what made it happen
that's that's what turned it that's what turned it wench i love you goodbye
telling you to calm down is the wrong move when you're wrong too it's not the move
he doesn't calm down never my wife heard it too that's the worst for my wife
she's like she said to me the exact quote you sound like a savage you're not dealing with the
same type what do you you don't know you're not dealing with the same type of people
from california living in tokyo dude calm down well listen don't fuck you pay me is all i know
hell yeah let's go dude let three or not hey do can you please calm down
all right buddy you got my number right hit me up have a good one love you
love you too you fuck you fucker yeah fuck you too