What is an INO? 🧐 - Kabiplaza Weekly #62 ⛲️

Recorded: March 21, 2024 Duration: 1:11:09



Welcome welcome welcome
Good afternoon from Spain
Good morning for those of you who are just starting the day and greetings to those tuning into the recording
It's great to great to be here as always
Seems like a slow start today, but I also think there's another spaces going on. I just kind of saw on the timeline
But that's good. We're gonna get started. We're gonna get cracking. We've got a great topic today a great panel. This is episode 62
And for those who don't know if you are tuning into the recording
We host these every week every Thursday same day same time with a different topic
And a panel of amazing guests to talk on the topic and learn together. We always encourage community engagement as well
So if you want to come up and speak any week, you are very welcome
My name is Jack behind the PFP and
For those of you who do not know Kabila Kabila is many things
But our big focus is NFTs and always looking to empower creators with easy to use tools
So they can leverage the power of NFTs
And tokenize their community, you know the whole journey from
From the wallet to the tooling to the launch pad and of course the educational part
Which is why we're here today an NFT Academy
But we host these spaces every week in big for big reason in big reason and for the educational part
The topic today being what isn't I and oh
Also known as or that means it's an abbreviation of initial NFT offering. What does that mean? What are the benefits?
Why use it for a token launch these are all questions that we'll delve into today during this episode
Some amazing guests some of which that have who have actually launched
An I know recently so we'll be definitely picking their brains on everything. I know with earthlings
We've got the mouth. We also have two doors from head start up
Where we saw yesterday things I know sell out
Congratulations, by the way Patrick, I'll just greet you on that note. How are you doing? How does it feel? How did it go?
Went well, right?
Yeah, yeah, of course that that's great. It's always as you know yourself by the way every mint is exciting
When we mint we're not saying yeah, we're gonna sell out big time because we were things that's not how it works
You never know what happens. You always it's always exciting every time. So but also with the excitement it comes to joy a bit as well
And I know the mouth of the mint as well. So they they know how that feels as well
So yeah, that was that was great. And we it was the first time by the way
That's also because we had so much to do last week. So so many things come
Coming to desk if you want to prefer
Prepare for I know I know an idea you need to do all the legal documents and so much more comes with it
so we were so busy and
So we forgot to to put a little extra what we always do for public open rounds
so I felt a bit silly there and I
Love admitting my mistakes because I make many and my wife reminds me all the time
So I was I was sad. I forgot that but for the rest of it. Yes, it went it went great and again
And who does her mince again, I always forget. Oh, he's here to door
starter and started that
You know, it's not there not a speaker anyway, no, no just joking but said the team of two did amazing I was shilling
Victor but to do is gonna tell us the other name of the guy
I already forgot bloody flood the flooding me and I think or something but to do will tell it because he's got two people locked
Up somewhere because no one in the ecosystem seems to know them but the projects that work with him
But really they do a great job
I said in the last space as well. We never made it easy on them. Yes, Jack
I know you do great mince as well and but it's not it's not a battle of the best today
You both have great minting strategies and programmers, but to your really also
Really delivered well, so sorry to do a shout-out
For the competition, but he's here. So
Let's let's give him the words well
And I've got so much more to say today, but and I can by the way because look we're with eight
What is something rubbing isn't it intimate? Isn't it intimate today, right?
Feels even more among friends, but eight we never had eight there's something something's going on
What's what's yeah, there's no there's a space is an H bar spaces right now
And there's like 80 nearly a hundred people in there, so everyone's over there
Kind of way
Don't they know that this is the best space in the week?
Well, we'll have to prove that again. I guess well the mouth the mouth will say well the mouth knows
Everyone everyone
Thanks for having me. Jack. It's lipstick here. There seems to be a lot of drama in the other spaces. So
people are kind of
Just listening to that one
It's about something with a H bar suite and a comment by
Swirls labs out of engineering or something. You shouldn't have said because I think Milan will now go join that space. Well, yeah
Yeah, I mean there's some drama going on and I think Shane just joined it and and Christian Hasker too
So yeah, I'm probably gonna send everyone there
Yeah, it's what I wanted to say jack what a sabotage what a sabotage what's going on here
Yeah, it is. Can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you guys. Yeah, it's I mean, it's I'm sorry
I don't think you get a lot of
Listeners, maybe you have to postpone. I don't know if that's that fit your agenda. Obviously, but yeah, that's there's some some some things going on because
the head of engineering
from so far understood from Swirls labs made a certain comment publicly and obviously that's that's not really
That's not great to do something like that on a project. That's
Investing their own time and energy on building on a there
And you know, you've got Shane you've got Christian Hasker you got Charles involved. So it's a lot of them
It's it's going on right now live. So I think a lot of people
Pre appreciate the context. Yeah, I thought it had to do that. I did see something
I've been so busy with calls and and other things that I haven't really
Absorbed too much yet or digested it but it's good to know that that's going on
I mean, I don't want to keep anyone here away from the drama because I know if you the human nature is I want to
Know what's going on over there
If you do want to if you do want to go over there like feel free
But I think as this is recorded and I think it's a really interesting
important topic
I'm happy to just do it with the eight of us here. Have a really nice intimate
Yeah deep dive into I know is I think between us we can provide a lot of value to each other and
Then whoever tunes into the recording
But like I said, if you do want to head over to the
Phases don't feel precious to stick
Let's welcome to door because you've got that amazing peep on your PSP
I'm loving I'm not I really love that campaign. I must say shout out to Andy and everyone who was involved
I was involved myself as well. Very excited for that collection
But no, it's great to have you earthling said, you know competition
But you know here we're here today to discuss something that's beyond that right? It's this concept that so
I'd say revolutionary in how projects can finance themselves, right or get a kickstart or head start, right?
I love that. Yeah
Sorry, go ahead. No, no, no you I just wanted to say maybe we should create a scandal between Kabila and to do a
Competitors and make it big and then people get some drama going we'll get the people in
You know, and then and then we'll make another show where we make up and sold off again
And so we'll have two shows with a lot of people but sorry to do you you do your thing?
Thank you. Yeah, I
Like to stay Switzerland in everything
I don't like drama personally, so
One of the things that I would say first off is yeah, congrats to earthlings on the amazing
Mint and and the way that it was received actually all the all the vets that earthlings have done have we have been widely
Successful and there's a reason why they are like a figure in the header ecosystem
I would also say congrats, right since we're talking about I know
a huge congratulations must go to
Hushback for
Topping two million dollars in a raise on the header network. This is a very important precedent and
really sets the bar when it comes to header a project and
On the competition side, I don't see that there there is a competition
Headstarter is a platform where we support in
multiple ways projects to crowdfund and raise
And that is our core
Aim, which is much different than I believe
Kabila's is where Kabila has has a wide spectrum of where they offer value to the ecosystem
Although we have some some some some places where we are tangent
I believe that there is
Direct competition between us and we're happy to to collaborate on a lot of fronts and thank you very much for the invitation today
It's always a pleasure. We've been doing these spaces with you guys for a few times. Although I'm a bit sour that you
you took over our
spaces slot when we kind of like
I had a breather back there in the bear market, but it's really cool to be today in spaces with you guys and
always always great to discuss the topics that you have it's always exciting and I think you're doing a hell of a job with
this with this
sponsor kudos kudos to you guys when it comes to
The I know is in the header ecosystem. They've been kind of like the prevalent way of projects
crowdfunding and I'm obviously keen to dive deeper into
the the intricacies of different models
but outside from I know is which is a way of
having crowdfunding events from
And we'll just keep it that that for the moment
I think another important way in which projects have been raising and we've seen some successful
Raising is directly through tokens or direct listings and
Yeah, I mean with headstarter had we had launched the HSC token through an IDO back in 2022
We have another idea actually happening tomorrow and next week for VR jam
And we're very excited to have other such events in the future and we've had some other
Token sales in the ecosystem. I think one of the recent ones that comes to mind is
DaVinci graph, right?
So yeah, and on the peeps thing. I'm so excited about the peep collection
I think I was very trigger happy to change my avatar into the peeps PFP
And it's just it's just very a very cool concept. I'm looking forward to having a peep in the local Walmart store. I
Was about to ask if that if that was your new logo
Why is there a joke in there for the logo of headstarter not being
Yeah, but it's really cool I love the peeps I must admit I like the design on those as well actually I love them actually
Yeah, I can actually when you said I can't wait to see a peeps in my local Walmart
I can see that like very much along the lines of the model of the pet the pudgies, right?
With the the design they're so brandable. They're so likeable. I mean, they're definitely different
They definitely catch your attention, right?
So yeah, I'm excited for that as well one thing you said about this this space is slot being taken over
You do know right if I knew back then that that was your fly. I wouldn't have taken it, right?
No, it's fair game. It's fair game. We we kind of like we've been doing it for some time
We've been going through some internal restructuring and we kind of like I think I think it's it's great that we hand it over the the
How do you call it the button there, right?
Appreciate it. No, so I want to welcome all that you guess but one thing you mentioned there
Which is one of the points I have is I know versus IDO
Obviously, it doesn't have to be and it doesn't have to be or it can be and because we know I think he's doing both
But I'd love to weigh out the two options and and look at what?
You know what boat what are the benefits of doing one over the other or doing both and and everything else?
So I look forward to diving into that
Lipstick, it's great to have you man. I know you've spoke already, but if you'd like to
Um do a little intro for anyone who's uh here who hasn't heard of the mouth or who's tuning into the recording
Yeah, take it away man. It's great to have you. Thanks for thanks for joining us today
Thank you jack
Well, uh, i'm lipstick from the mouth. Uh, we showed up a few weeks ago, uh with
what we called audience owned media group
I showed up at jack's door wanting to do an ino
Uh, it was like jack was like, are you crazy? You don't even have a community yet
So it was like a very accelerated plan
That turned out pretty well
uh, and the ino seemed like the perfect format for us because
we were launching a
fungible token
And we are a doll and we are community owned so we didn't want to do a private sale
Something that would end up centralizing our supply at least our initial supply
So it seemed like a perfect way to raise capital for
creating the
lp token so for adding liquidity
and at the same point, uh
Have something in the hands of the community of of the early audience so they can claim their token
So we have a vesting schedule. We have a distribution
Uh script and we we send their fungible tokens every week when we unlock those but the ino was perfect for that because
We could just like and we wanted another specific thing that jack liked it from when I told him
Is that since we are an audience owned media group and we have channels we wanted to have everyone
Paying attention to our channels and and attention is our business
So we also used the ino to start training people to pay attention to our channels
So we we didn't have any prior announcements for the the the time of launching our we did
several we did 10 small rounds
And they were like announced when they were open
so people would
Have really to pay attention rounds. Uh, I think the longest one took almost an hour, but some of them like
Were sold out in minutes. So, uh, not only uh, the ino format was perfect for our
raise for liquidity
Also using kabila for short rounds made sense to our business proposition
Yeah, I can I can definitely um
Corroborate that when you shared the idea
The plan to do 10 launch pads sell is it just over 2000 nfts?
You literally just came out of nowhere. I mean I did say I'd say I think that's a bit, you know
Maybe it's a bit premature. Like maybe give it a bit more time miss that and the other like the
Kind of I think I would give that advice to 99
percent of the people
But uh, then we had the call and I delved in more and I don't know like you guys called it off
And I think there's always exceptions, right? Um, it was very unique that the way it was, uh
Approached and uh pretty cool as a witness. I must say patrick
Yeah, but doesn't that tie in with what they do and what they stand for what they're trying to accomplish?
So I must say that so I would love to have some more insights on this because I still I have to admit
I still did not watch the
H. Appu or brennan, um where he was explaining in detail what you guys do because i'm really i'm stuffed with we're from
dusty dog, but
That is what you do, right? You you
Do community engagement have the community work. Uh, well, yeah, actually work for you sounds a bit negative, but
Shoot it now. I don't think so. So isn't it
Exactly. Actually the what you did coming out of nowhere and still selling out and doing and everyone now hears about you
Isn't it actually proving that you know?
What you're talking about or am I wrong? Can you explain that to me, please?
No, yeah, that's perfect patrick. Uh, it is our business and our our main
Initial goal is to be a way for hedera projects to reach a large community
without having to build it from scratch, so
We are currently
Building our broadcasting system that what how we call it. We have one product
Uh launch that we call the loudspeaker. It's like
Uh a weekly engagement and popularity contest
And everything is is voted. I won't get into the deep explanation because I would take hours for that
But we have a governance system. We we build with fungible tokens and
And it's managed to uh telegram bot
what we do is
create engagement
and reach and awareness
for anyone wanting to
Uh send a message currently on hedera inside the hedera community, but our idea is
Is to reach a point where not only our own products our own channels are
Uh accessible to anyone and and and that
Kind of mimics and resonates with what we were doing during our launch because we had to do
Uh the things that everyone does when they want to launch or so
Giveaways and follow here and mention friends and whatever and that's effective, but that's
borderline spammy sometimes
Uh being lots of space is also something people do and it's also effective, but we want to streamline that we want to make that
Programmable, let's say more you can like have a more strategic approach to it and you can have like
You you can streamline your marketing your launch process or whatever you're doing and you're trying to communicate
So yeah, that that that kind of uh, we we used to joke
When we were planning our launch and we used to joke about oh, I really wanted that there was an existing mouth
That we could use to launch our product
So yeah, it's it's kind of it's totally linked to what we do
Uh and what we did with our I know yeah, good point patrick
Yeah, so in short, so I always say because if sometimes if people ask me, what do you actually do?
Easiest ways just to say yeah, we're building a game because if I want to go in depth
It depends on what I did on the day. If i'm not prepared. I'm just gonna ramble about yeah
We're now making cinematics or whatever
So i'm not so very good at that
But so I I just say we're a game and then you there's so many facets on what we do
But is it with you that I could say you are?
Maybe even a next-gen marketing to a new way of marketing communities on web3
Is is that a good word to describe you in short? Sorry, by the way jack
I know it's about ainos, but I missed a lot about the mouth and their logo is cool enough to really give them
Little attention. So is that is that a good way of saying it in short?
It is patrick. Yeah, I think there's two sides to it
I think one of uh, one of our sides is building our own strong channels
So yeah, you can call us a decentralized marketing platform or or something like that
But we also have another side and that
It's totally linked with our broadcasting system because we want to use our broadcasting system to offer our own channels
Uh for anyone trying to send a message
But we also want to plug in
channels and creators so they can
Create ad spaces media spaces to monetize their own content their own reach in their own
So yes, we are a web3 native marketing platform, but we also
Are we are also aiming to become a way where?
other people projects entities can
Tokenize their media spaces and use our platform not only to uh, streamline the process to offer those spaces to
people wanting to send messages and
Also in a way to to tokenize it in a very simple
Uh manner
I never I can never achieve to explain it in a simple way. Sorry, brad
Yeah, well, it's it's not easy
With marketing platform. Sorry jack go back. Well, let's go back to I know but uh, love what you guys do
I know a lot of people are very hyped about what you guys do it. I will probably find out eventually
Sorry for hijacking the space jack
Not at all one of our wonderful guests and we wanted to learn a little bit more. So appreciate the questions
We also have sicky who I think most of you in the room
Uh, no, but it's great. Do we have chris behind the account? It's great to have you back on the show, man
Yeah, thanks for having me
How's everything going at sicky?
Yeah, I mean, I see you got a big event coming up, right? I saw somewhere sticky royale
Yeah, the launch event that's gonna be pretty cool. We're gonna be talking more about the people that are a part of it
Um, but yeah, definitely have some like major influencers and artists and stuff like that
we have some more people we're going to be announcing as we continue forward, but
Um, yeah, we're doing it in vegas. This is our partnership with the allied e-sports
They're like a massively, you know publicly traded company over in china that have like a bunch of e-sports arena
And different things like around the world. So this is our first event with them
Um, they're wanting us to potentially make it a series which they would fund which would be cool
so we would just keep throwing like celebrity e-sports events and
You know doing live music and you know
We've started speaking to some different gaming web3 gaming platforms and being like hey
This is a great opportunity for us to bring you know different fun games in to try to like
Educate more on so, uh, yeah, that's going to be a cool thing to kind of kick off our new
You know sticky 3.0 version with
Amazing and on the topic of today, what's what's your thoughts on?
On using and like using leveraging an ini
I mean, it's it's definitely been something that's been interesting especially seeing you know one already have some good success within hidera
Um, it's funny. Uh, arnold was actually just in here. He's actually helped raise a lot of companies a lot of money
We were talking to him a bit too and we've been basically going back and forth because we're planning on launching the siki token soon
Um, you know in a pretty big way probably within honestly the next three months even
You know, we were we're going back and forth with these different groups and making sure like, you know
Just hidera like the main question a lot of people that were working is like does hidera have the you know
The audience and different things like that. So really kind of hit all the targets you want to hit
And um, you know after you know showing that I know that there's there's some cool things with it and with an ino
We actually have a lot of other things that we figured like these could be cool things. We could add to that continuing
besides maybe just early entry to
You know the token launch but as well as like, you know
We got all these like events that we're doing and we have like a bunch of other artists nfts that like
We're being asked to whitelist and things like that
I was actually just reached out to recently by um, the narco's ordinals that's coming out. That's like official ip of narco
So I guess it's like one of the first ip's coming out there and they were like, hey
We want to you know send you guys a bunch of stuff
I was like the app's technically not open right now
But you know in the future we could definitely kind of partner with things like that to kind of you know
Feed the community different things but
Um, you know definitely looking into it right now like pretty seriously
Um, we have some people that already kind of designed some stuff
I know we were actually looking at your platform a lot too to
You guys have so many good tools that make this so much easier to do a lot of stuff. So we've been definitely uh
Trying to basically finalize it before we like announce or launch that that's definitely something we want to do
Amazing let's i'd love to throw the mic to tudo and ask like the the simple question
Of you know, what is an ino and also what like what is
Because it being an initial initial nft offering. Well, how does it differ from?
You know a regular nft collection right for those for those listening in
Yeah, thanks a lot for the for the question there so
Um as you as you rightfully said
an inos typically stand for initial nft offerings, right and um generally these nfts
Uh, especially when they are linked to inos
They are more than just an ft collection. They are more of
Nfts that will be leveraged in a certain manner in the future. I will give people
in in the audience the example of the
utility nfts, um, which we
Had a event. I think it was for around 100k
back in 2022
Before a lot of people were not even here back before we had uh saucer swap live and um
one of the things that that
These nfts are are they they are a placeholder for a future utility?
Of that particular nft either inside the game inside the ecosystem inside a platform or protocol
In our instance the utility that our nfts provide is
either guaranteed or
increased chances to secure allocations in upcoming
Uh, inos idos
Uh, you're you're going to be able to secure privileges and higher yield in single-sided staking in um in uh,
a new product that we call
uh stake pools
So there's there's a there's a lot that we unpack through these nfts and moreover if people are unhappy with the way that
uh, the utility that is provided by these nfts they have always have the
Option to discard them and burn them against the token. Uh, so
um when it comes to
nft mints
Typically, I would say that they are more associated with a pfp collection or
certain artist doing a mint
A certain collectible item. Uh, it's not necessarily with the intent of it having
a immediate utility
Rather it's more of a collectible, uh item. So
that in in in in in a nutshell, uh inos typically are more associated with projects that have a
clear roadmap of how these
Nfts will be used inside their platform and they are used as a crowdfunding mean ahead of them
launching that thing and um
and and having
Runway to be able to build the things that they have set themselves up to while for nft mints typically the commitment
I would say that it's it's it's a it's a lower commitment
um, that's not to say that there haven't been a lot of nft mints that are
and have been very successful and have
developed to be
Uh projects who have their own utility tokens and and whatnot but uh, there there there is
Oops, sorry, I just I was I got the call there. Uh, am I back on?
Yeah, yeah, we can hear you. We're good. Yeah, sorry. So, um
That that that's about it in a nutshell. Uh, I would say
One of the things that also is important is the future utility for uh,
either non-fungible tokens and tokens
uh, so there's
a lot of times when when we're talking about
Uh tokens in general you have like the promise of utility
going forward and typically there's like a shot clock whenever they go live and to what is the
expected timeline for these
tokens to become utility tokens
You know some uh, some of the tokens are have more tangible or more, you know
Uh palpable utility than others what I would say also is that it's really great. Uh, I mean
It's the first time to be on spaces with the mouth, but it's
Great that there's a lot of projects that are spurring in the hedera ecosystem and their utilities and their applications go far and wide
And what I really love about
These new ways of projects to crowdfund into success is that they are leveraging
The technology but also the power of the community to build
decentralized marketing around these initiatives
really, they're a way of everybody that
is hard working that is committed to his craft and is um,
Is building with a strong vision in mind business plan, etc
It's it's a way for them to
Have a way to become successful and i'm great
And very great i'm very grateful to be in the middle of all of these
Visionaries that are launching on hedera. So
All 10 of us here in the spaces
Yeah, I think and this is definitely the smallest space
uh cabin plaza in
Can't remember when it was this small when we first started out patrick like the first few episodes
We had we had I love it
We had episodes where we had like between 20 and 40 people
That was like in the in the in the really deepest pit of the bear market
I didn't expect this but i'm even curious what's going on
We shouldn't talk about that because then people will leave again, but um, yeah
I just wanted to say i'm happy that we have
To the day today if they if I was in space one or two days ago
And they'd ask me something about gaming and I couldn't shut up
But you you can see that tudor knows what he's talking about because he can't shut up
Well, it's about this stuff and he knows about all the details. It's amazing what this guy knows about
Tokenomics and I knows in the so so I mean it's in a positive way by the way tudor. So
Um, I would just say yeah, I know yeah, then you can also sell to the u.s. But uh,
Tudor knows way more about this
Okay, that's an interesting point
Let's unpack that
What was that last comment you made there patrick?
Maybe tudor can unpack it but you mentioned with ino you can sell to the us
Well, the thing is yeah tudor can unpack that that's a nice way to say that yeah, so for instance, um
If you want to sell your tokens, uh, you could do so obviously in europe
That's okay
But with an ino initial nft offering uh people in the us
And I think it's a silly silly reason but yeah
Well, it's it's the way it is
They can buy the the nft and tudor will will tell me if uh, if I miss out on something or i'm saying it wrong
And then you can uh drop later
You can drop the tokens or you can switch it for the tokens and that's that's apparently legal in the us
But you can't sell them directly. I've got no clue why they they why this little
How do you say that
Little bridge around the this workaround workaround. That's the word it was looking for why this workaround is then
An option for the us government because to me it's it's not really
A lot different but so maybe tudor can can explain that a bit more of what they why they set up this
silly rule
Yeah, thanks. And and this is this is exactly why I joined from my personal account and i'm
discussing my personal opinion and
not representing any of my companies, but
I would say that the nfts are not
They're they're at the current state of affairs
Um selling of nfts is more seen as a collectible item
it comes under different jurisdiction, uh
instrument that is has financial implications and actually when it comes to
The inos that we do on headstarter
there are
Collectible items
implications that have to
That interfere with different jurisdictions around the world. So for example, i'm not sure you know, whenever people flock in for a ino of earthlings
They they typically don't have the luxury of time to
Uh to to to to to go fully through the t's and c's
What what they would see there is that especially if you're in?
the european
Uh, you have the option to return
An nft for its uh, it's a purchasing price. Um, so
What that means is that you are subject to different laws?
Arbitrators when when when you're selling nfts versus when you are
directly fungible tokens that have a
Liquid value
Yeah, i'm not sure if I answered your question, but I think you did you did and and now that you're saying it
We had that conversation
Already and i'm like, yeah
Yeah, that was the reason but still it just feels like a silly workaround because you can still drop them
It still feels silly. But yeah, it's a great explanation
Sorry, go ahead. Go ahead. You know
well, also, I mean that there should be made a distinction, right when it comes to the
Nft's that earthling has and the earthlings team versus the entity that is
generating and minting and distributing the
Uh steam token as far as I know so
Uh, I think that there's a there's a clear distinction that should be made there. Um, so
Yeah, I think I think we're good
Sorry, sorry jack if i'm trying to to to navigate the land land field
Yeah, I think I think patrick is more relaxed it's a bit like yeah
It's a it's a it's an interesting workaround
but yeah, I understand like because i'm i'm a bit ignorant as well when it comes to like
Certain laws, especially globally, right because you say that each
Region or each, you know continent or even country or
area has a different landmine or
You know law to either look around or or understand
Do you think there'll be a point where we'll have a global like being a global technology?
You know, you can sell whether it's fungible tokens or nfts
To anyone in the world. Like don't we need?
Uh a global kind of agreement do you reckon that will ever arrive?
It'd be it'd be helpful, right
There are regulations
Going worldwide and there's more and more standardization when it comes to
What the vast means and what should be the licenses that you have in different jurisdictions?
So I think that the regulations are coming into play and this is one of the things that headstarter is focused on
When it comes to supporting project launches is that we live right now in a golden era
Where anybody with an idea and courage and dedication can launch a project, but I think that this
Disruptive nature of the technology through regulation may be
Maybe dumbed down and muted
From what it is today and that's why you need certain sandboxes that will
Allow you to continue to innovate and reach crowdfunding without necessary
Without without you having to pay ahead of time all the intensive
Licenses and and compliance
You know requirements that you will be
That you will have to comply for in the future in the next couple of years
Yeah, I like I like the sandbox
Patrick I see I see with your hand up and then I just want to ask like
Well, I'll follow it up after you Patrick
Well, it's enough nothing important, but I like the
So so to set crowdfunding and I think
Sometimes we all forget that actually web3
It's well most not most but it's a lot about crowdfunding actually what we're doing here a lot of projects here are possible
Made possible by the community by many people getting together. So yeah, I just wanted to touch on that
Kudos to you to to use the word crowdfunding
Nice yeah, I wonder I wonder if there's other than uh, you know, the fact that I know allows you to reach more people
Are there other reasons to use an ino when it comes to launching a token?
if anyone on the whether you know, this could be a question for the mouth or
Sikhi from what you've been exploring or earthlings or tudo like anyone if you found any other benefits to
You know to using this man. Obviously, there's idea as well
Let's maybe look at that as well like the the the contrast of the two and why pick one over the other or why do both?
Who wants the mic don't be shy
We're the last to be shy
I know there's a big mouth here on the stage as well. So
Uh, no, let's let's bounce that question back
Jack what oh no all saved by tudo. Okay, you take the stage
Thanks, that's generous
Obviously, we'd love to hear from siki and the mouth to chime in but one thing that I would say
Especially when it comes let's just just take earthlings as a reference for the for the moment. No, I believe that if
Earthlings just had been building without having any
Nft that has graphical representation that will spur everybody's imagination
they will not reach the success and the
Disruptive nature that we've seen them
When it comes to building community and and galvanizing people around their vision so
graphical representation that
Will spur people's imagination. I think it's a very valuable asset
In when it comes to building community. It also creates a sense of of of
I would say like humanizing a project rather than it being just a token
There's a lot of ways in which you can gauge the commitment and the professionalism of different teams
um, and generally, you know, if you just have like a project logo and an
fungible token number associated to a project it's less it creates let's let a lower sense of
Not belonging but but uh, uh proprietary ship i'm not sure if that's a word
But uh, it it creates a a lower sense of of commitment from the community from the holders towards towards that thing
Uh towards the project. So yeah, that that that's that's one of the things that I think is important when it comes to having an
Nft associated with a project
I like that definitely. All right the mouth what you got and then we got a sticky
uh, yeah, uh, I was just going back to to our fungible launch and I think
nino or nfts being
in between the launch of the fungible token and the
the funding round
is because when you're launching a fungible token
You can pretty much ruin everything by doing it wrong at the first
because uh
Hedera has been growing and we have for example lots of snipers now
uh, if you launch a token the wrong way if you
Take too long to
For example communicate the token id it can be accumulated seriously by snipers
Another thing that you can do wrong when you're launching a fungible token is having very low liquidity
absurd amounts of volatility
And it can ruin some people you can have like some people making lots of money and some people losing
large amounts of money
uh because of that like
first candles
having and I know having uh liquidity from an nft that you can add
a liquidity for the fungible token
It gives you that uh
possibility of having a larger
amount of tokens or for hbar if you're parenting for hbar for liquidity so you can have like a more healthy LP and
And if you're doing it, uh in a decentralized way if you're doing it community funded or crowdfunded
as you were guys were saying
Doing that to doing that to an nft is is a very good way to assure you're you're giving access to more people in in the
Let's say private round or pre-funding round or whatever
So if you do that you can like you can have the liquidity you have the funds for for a healthy LP or a healthier
LP that you would uh, then you would have
Maybe with only the project funds
So it's a it's a great way to have a more healthy fungible launch
Nice love the love the insight there sickie chris
Yeah, I mean I totally agree and um
I think a really cool thing about it as well and one of the big reasons that we're also looking into this is because
Because you're adding the utility and the extra values that come with it
It gets people to dive more into the platform itself
Then people that kind of just see the token and they're like, oh i'm just gonna buy this because i've heard about it
It's going to go up but it helps people learn more about it
um, I know if the um the token like it's main reason why it's taking us like three and a half years is because we are
Working on like the legalities in the united states because a lot of media platforms are not
You know technically even allowed here once you get to certain things
But you know, we've been really being like hey, this is a utility after the fact. Our platform's already built. We're already here
Um, you know, it's been a little bit of a a thing
But we've we've gotten some good, you know headway as far as that goes
but yeah, like with the ino thing it's like
Like I said, you can bring people in and they could start using it
we're gonna like allow people for like, you know beta entry to see other things and
I think that there's a lot of like extra things that that can even go with honestly even after the token launch
It's really just like a really cool way to like experience things
Nice yeah, i'm loving the insights here from from the different perspectives
What um, what about idos like why have you decided to do an ino and then an ido patrick?
If that was uh your decision or was that more
In in in relation with in with tudo from headstarter or was it aged by joe because I know he kind of
Uh takes care of more of the token onix side of things
Did we lose you patrick
All right, i'll throw it to tudo i'd love to hear your thoughts on that like
the ino versus ido
and whether to do both or
One or the other like what would be the pros and cons?
Yeah, right so
When it comes to to fungible tokens typically
We we've seen in the years past that the fungible token route is something that
has a much higher
Much higher liquidity
So it's a lot easier right if you're building larger positions for you to
Um, I mean, sorry for you to either build large positions or liquidate them when it comes to
different liquidity pools
Um, it's more difficult to do that if you have larger positions in nfts, right?
When it comes when it comes to reaching a point where you are in a position to have a uh utility fungible token
That's when you know
The value propositions becomes more attractive to institutional players and although we've had
Not that much, uh, not that high of um institutional
Awareness or appetite into the header ecosystem. I think that it's
Ramping up and as we are
Able to offer more liquid markets more liquid secondary
Markets, we're going to see a lot of the projects that are building in the space
having institutional
backers in their cap table and generally when when there's a
Token in the uh in in a project that has a utility token or plans to launch a utility token in the future
uh, the arrangements
either done through soft events or
Safe plus token side letter and because you have these type of
instruments that higher networks individuals institutions
family offices can tap into
Um, that's when you have this final liquidity pre-launch event that typically is done through
Idos or initial decentralized or dex offerings
that will create uh
both awareness it's a way of distributing the token making sure that there is a
Community and a user base for the project
that is directly
Interested in its in its success by participating into the ido and I think that the ido is a great complementary
Uh feature when it comes to all projects, especially
Earthlings, unfortunately a lot of the
Let's say crypto web3 participants nowadays
Still come the from the centralized exchange route and uh, see
uh tokens as
More a more of a a um, uh high risk, I wouldn't say okay, not not high risk
I uh walk back on that but but there's but there's uh, um
Let's say let's say that they're generally like tokens, uh are are seen with with caution
uh at the moment from uh, traditional investors, uh, and
You know that there typically are a lot of people that are either
Betting for the success of the project or not through it's uh, it's a fungible token
with that being said
Once you are on centralized exchanges on
Dexes, there's a lot more eyes that you can potentially potentially reach and uh,
I I think personally that uh successful, uh projects in the web3 space
uh only reach a critical mass of adoption and awareness once they have
A market cap associated with their fungible token
Nice so there's there's reasons like you say they're complementary. Um
So yeah, I guess I guess it would also
depend on the on the strategy with the of each um each
Individual project but uh, yeah i'm getting that it it would kind of make sense
They're kind of layers, right? Um, and then after that, maybe there would be
Uh the the next layer or the next, you know kind of step after that. All right, super interesting. Um
Patrick had to had to jump off for a second. That's why he wasn't answering this. He sent me a dm. Um,
He might be back in a sec
Any any anything? I see you chris take it away
I mean, I definitely have some questions as far as like
You know people's favorite, you know launch pads and favorite DEXs that is connected right now with you know, Hedera
I'd be interested to see from some of the community. What are what are some of their favorites?
I mean, you know, we've spoken with like by bit and some groups like that
But we definitely want to you know, probably circulate pretty early on also that within the Hedera community first because this is kind of
Where we've been and things like that. So
Um, i'm sure tutor you have, you know good insight on that as well
Yeah, certainly, I mean i'm
Happy to help. Um
when it comes to um
I think I think the Hedera community is has a lot of launch pads. There's a lot of usps that a lot of
platforms in the space have built
when it comes to to a headstarter, we
uh like to we we actually have tomorrow planned the first private round
For VR jam and we're going to have the ido
next week
followed subsequently by the their
the the fungible
Token generation event which is on the 28th. I believe and they're listing on
saucer swap
When it comes to headstarter in particular and the idos that we do
um all the idos we try to run them in a
Regulatory friendly manner
And unfortunately what that means today is that we have to exclude certain territories for participating in the ido
one of the things that is
Important there is that we can stagger different launches. We have a certain flexibility when when it comes to
the launch and
Our our whole team is completely doxed in public. So
That is why with headstarter. We kind of like try to stay regulatory compliant, but there's a lot of other
Valuable ways in which fungible tokens can be launched even on Hedera
I love that. Yeah. No, that's that's that's really cool that you guys
Really focusing on the regulatory side
There's definitely a lot of launch pads out there that you know
They're kind of big that they don't really kind of go for the best and they're like, well, you know
Let's see what they're not going to come after you because you're only this size and this this and this and it's like
You know, that's not really like our approach to this at all
Um, we do have a call with saucer swap later
Today because we've spoken them a lot in the past and you know
We we just i've seen them grow a lot from when they first came out, which is really cool
Um, like our goal with all this like we want to bring a lot of people into the hedera community
I think that's a big thing with this event that we're doing too because the exposure is going to be really big
I hope that the drama dies down a little bit as far as everybody like arguing about the projects and stuff because
It does kind of come off a little strange when they come in there and it seems like oh we're
There's all these battles and stuff going on but um, you know, there is a lot of good conversations
There's a lot of really good projects that you know
I've known for years that have been a part of this and you know
It's not all rug pulls and stuff like that, which you know, you worry about whenever you get into a new chain
But um, but yeah, no, that's really cool. I mean
I'll definitely like dm you guys after this. I know we also spoke I spoke with somebody and had started in the past as well
But um, you know definitely interested in just you know, filling out all the options to see what's
What's like the best route within the hedera community?
Yeah, certainly keen to have and one of the things with saucer swap i'm not sure if it's live now, but they're going to have
a single-sided
Coming live on on text soon. So that's a very very exciting and interesting value proposition
That they will be able to offer through the partnership with ichi
You know, it's difficultly especially with the saucer swap v2 pools to to manage the position actively and what this new feature does is that
There will be a protocol in the background that will be automatically rebalancing
Your position live so that's that's that's that's great. And you're right
hedera has been having a lot of growth, but I will say that a lot of the
sub ecosystem tribalism
Uh is a great feature to have that it has people so passionate about
overall our ecosystem succeeding so
Uh, I I wouldn't I wouldn't think about it in a negative manner
Jack are you still here?
Yeah, I think maybe maybe I was rugged there a little bit you hear me now
Yeah, you're alive
I always I always love uh seeing connections happening live live on the spaces
Um, I think that's what space is or what a big part of spaces. It allows us to connect with people in real time
I think it's been a I don't know if there's any coming up to the hour now
I don't know if there's any kind of final thoughts anything. We haven't touched on regarding ironos
From the mouth maybe or anything that's left on your mind to door. I think patrick is still away. Um
But yeah any any final thoughts on the topic anything you're excited about that's coming up feel free
Uh, we'll kind of open up the floor at this point if anyone wants to come up and ask a question as well
Um around ironos feel free. I encourage you
But yeah, i'll throw i'll pass the mic around to do
I'm, sorry for taking over guys, but uh, I I kind of one of the
Interesting things that I would say about ironos is that it opens up
A whole new realm to crowdfunding and what I envision in the future personally, and i'm sure a lot of
Other people here is that the kickstarter type
model will be revolutionized through, uh ironos because it
it builds, um
it built it builds, uh a
multiple ways in which uh projects
Are able to succeed not only
Are you able to uh source liquidity, but you're also are creating a user base for a project and I always like to go back to
Citadel wallet because through their um
The the the launch of their nft collection of knights
That collection has a digital
uh aspect aspect to it where
When the when the project will be mature and we're very close to to uh having the
Audit for the uh citadel wallet
Not sure if that's public but yeah, I mean
It's too late now. Um, so
The fact that you are able to source funding for a project that has a lot of digital implications and probably you know
In citadel wallet's case. It's not such an exciting
Uh value proposition where you're just you're you're you're a hardware
Europe you're a pure utility, um component to the space very useful for everybody in the space, but not something that people would be
degenning on or creating such a
A high sense of belonging when it comes to to being part of the community and the success of citadel wallet
So through their nft collection, uh, they've achieved multiple things
And i'm looking forward to having this model
Propel in the future and i'm very excited about a particular
Uh project that that might be announcing sometime next week
something similar so
Yeah, very keen to see a lot of uh projects coming up in the ecosystem that have
into into
the web3 space
Can disrupt through the use of ironos
Yeah, okay. I think the the kickstarter kind of uh comparison of like web2 and
You know the the crowdfunding like using those terms make it makes it super super easy to understand and the potential really is um
Yeah, but I even think like looking back at some projects within the ecosystem
They haven't necessarily used the term. I know but they've been they've you know, they are utility projects
Um, and they've leveraged it in a very similar way
Uh, just maybe not use the the terminology. So yeah, i'm very very very excited. We have jason on the stage though
Thanks for coming up. Welcome to the stage
What you got? Thank you. Appreciate y'all a long time listener first time caller and like to use that web2 reference radio
Um in regards to the ino, you know, I find this as a really interesting opportunity to like you mentioned
Just get this out into the larger community and get that liquidity in there
My my goal with this. I still haven't launched a project
I've dabbled around looked at various parts of hedera to launch on and I want to reach out a tutor
See the launch um headstarter, but my thing is based on supply chain, um infrastructure development and just overall
Applying funds where needed to get these roadways that need to be built
I work in urban planning and transportation and just the traditional route is not going to be
Efficient and fast enough to build out what we need
And so i've mentioned this to the state and using like a dow
Or some sort of like I just realized now an ino might be a good opportunity
to bring some funding to these projects that are heavily needed and
And could support, you know supply chain resiliency and and the whole
number with the efficiencies reducing emissions
And cross-border
Trade so I know it's packed a lot of a lot packed in there
But I just want to i've got a project set up, um meeting with a lot of the investors this week and next week
But on the hedera side i'm still building my team on
Where exactly do I start i've reached out to the foundry got in contact with them
And a few others but any more guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Nice yeah, the foundry is definitely a great place to start we had milan in her earlier
I know a lot of uh builders uh developers
Unite or come together every week
Um, so great place
Two-door you mentioned two-door, uh, also feel free to reach out to to anyone here
Um, if we can support anyone in any way
Um, yeah, I mean I really like the idea of like this being a more I guess like
Like hands-on approach when you're doing raises and like so we have like for instance, uh, villa modell in the audience
Um, he's an amazing artist like he's been on he's come on siki's released stuff
He's super super talented and you know, I know there's a lot of platforms out there
You know, we've talked about like pools and different things like that where artists like release tokens and I think tokens is cool
But it sometimes it doesn't give you that like
Well, i'm in there and i'm like helping and i'm part of this project a little bit more
Where I do think the ino approach could be a really interesting way
To and it's also like you said it feels a little bit more
I mean without saying the nft in the to general purpose because right a lot of people are still
Confused about nfts and since the last crash
But I think that there's a lot of really cool aspects to that that you know
You could sort of implement to give give even artists or people that are building, you know
And like there's a lot of like access that you could give directly
Um by providing something like this and it's it's like I said, it's a little bit more direct than
Necessarily staking a certain amount of tokens that you buy to do all this other kind of stuff
So I think that that's really cool and villa definitely
You should check in some of that stuff because I think that that could be a cool thing that we even talk about maybe adding
Internally in the platform in the future for certain artists that are like wanting to make an album or do like a show or something like that
Yeah, thanks, I was just gonna drop uh, just gonna say that I appreciate the time on the spaces jack and
Sorry if I took too much of the air time here
It's a great topic and i'm great to it's great to be surrounded with so many
Founders and builders in the space Jason and everybody else who is building a project on hedera
We'll be happy to talk to you. You just need to go on
headstarter.org and
Fill in the form that's behind the apply for spaceport
We have a grants program ongoing that gives up to 25 000 and incubation services towards projects that are building defy on hedera
we want to see a lot of
You know the the the prevalent defy use cases
Whether it's perpetuals prediction markets anything that that has to do with with advanced
Defy functionalities we want to bring them on hedera and this is why we're
Taking a stand and supporting such initiatives, but also, you know, we'd love to see
We'd love to see applications such as your station. I think it's a it's it's a unique way of
Building and it sounds like a very interesting use case. So happy to learn more
Thank you so much for for for the time guys looking forward to catching up with with all of you and join us in
For the after the spaces I I put this our spaces
Two hours after yours Jack. I know that it especially with patrick on it tends to drag into the second hour
So feel free to jump on our spaces at the top of the hour and learn a bit more about our ido
That we're doing with vr gem and more about the features and the plans of vr gem there
Thanks guys all the best
Thanks to thanks for joining us never apologize. I I knew you were the perfect person to invite for this
I love your passion
And uh, yeah, you heard it head over to their spaces later on to learn more
about idos
All right, I think we are going to wrap this up though, it's nice to see a few more people in the in the building
I imagine the the other spaces came to an end
But no, it's uh, it's great. Thanks for coming up as well. Jason
Uh, appreciate you for coming up here. I think you might be disconnecting. I
All rugged one of the two but now is uh always encourage people to come up connect share what they're working on
um, I really do love that so
Shout out to jason and shout out to to chris as well from sicky and and lipstick from the mouth
It's been great having you up here. Thank you for taking the time
And uh excited to see uh, what you uh, what you guys do, uh chris with the ino and the token launch
Definitely looking forward to that
And the mouth, uh, of course, um being part of the the teeth
I'm, also very excited to to see the what feels like a bit of a social experiment as well
but the whole decentralized
Marketing machine that it's becoming
Uh, it's really I think it's really uh
Taken off to a good start. So, uh excited to see that continue to develop with the with the community
And uh patrick, I don't know if you're still there, but uh, shout out to you for being my loyal co-host
It's been over a year now. I'm pretty sure it is over a year. Yeah
52 weeks in a row. I need to check that because it might be this week that we're celebrating a year together
Our anniversary we need to check in with that
But no, thanks everyone
Um for tuning in and if you listen to the recording as well
We'll be back next week with a new topic and a new panel of guests same time. So that's uh 11
Actually, I think it's 12 p.m
EST right at the moment with the time change
But uh, usually it's 11 a.m. EST 5 p.m. Central European
Um, and once a month we have an open mic as well, which will be in two weeks where everybody and anyone
Is welcome to come up share what they're working on
Uh make some noise about an upcoming min or launch whatever whatever you want to talk about
That's what the open mic is for
So i'll see you on the time timeline as always
Our DMs are always open for anyone. Uh, if you need any support when it comes to
You know, if you just if you're new to hedera, you want to learn, you know
First steps where to go who to talk to if you're a builder you need support you need tools
Um, or if you want to jump on a call and just have a brainstorm
Um bring some ideas down to earth. Um, we're here for it. So
Appreciate everyone. Keep up the amazing work
And uh, see you on the timeline. I'll leave you with the see you a song
as always
Take care everyone. Have an amazing rest of your day