🏝 What is Nifty Island?

Recorded: Jan. 29, 2024 Duration: 1:12:01



Hello, everyone.
Thank you for joining.
We'll be starting shortly, just waiting on Charles to join.
Hey, how's it going?
I think Nifty Island's on.
I see Charles as well.
Thank you, everyone, for your patience.
Just one second, please.
Hey, I'm here.
Sorry, I was in this other meeting.
I was like, oh, shit.
I was just running in.
Oh, no worries.
I know you're a busy guy a lot.
Lots going on.
I really appreciate you jumping on here.
No, it's good to be here.
Every realm's been doing amazing stuff around the game,
so I'm super excited to be here with you guys.
It's great.
I'm a join for my personal as well.
Yeah, you as well.
I know we've been longtime supporters,
so it's been great to see the whole journey
and see it launched now and seeing a lot of the creators,
some of whom are on the space right now,
building a lot of crazy stuff.
One thing I've always appreciated about
if the island is really putting the creators first,
creating the tools for them to build,
because without them,
without them, obviously, nothing really works.
So, good to have you.
I'm excited for you to speak about how creators can get more involved
and also highlight many of the great creators
that are already building cool stuff.
Yeah, for sure, definitely.
Because it is basically the thing we're trying to do,
the polar opposite of how it's been approached
with other, I think, Web3 native platforms,
where I think, like,
the kind of high-level view on the problem space is,
basically, you've got platforms already on the Internet
that have creators doing stuff, like YouTube or Roblox or Fortnite.
And the goal is to use Web3 to figure out how to do that
in a way better way, not just Web3,
but also innovate in a couple other ways.
So, how can we have game worlds where more people make content,
more people feel like they can contribute,
and they get rewarded in better ways for doing it?
I think a lot of the past stuff we've seen in Web3,
I won't belabor the point, but it's kind of been a step back.
It's been asking people to buy things to create content.
It's kind of like a worse version of YouTube
or a worse version of Roblox.
And the goal is to try and do it better, right?
So, that's, like, what we're playing for,
is make the barrier to entry in terms of skill
or, like, special knowledge lower for creating games
and then simultaneously make the rewards bigger.
If you do those two things, you've got something good.
That's kind of the goal.
So, anyway, that means all kinds of creators can get involved.
We can talk about who and how and all that.
But, yeah, it's going to be a fun one.
No, that's a great point.
No, totally agree.
I think, you know, in the past, to your point,
we saw a lot of Web3 projects put, you know,
monetary up front.
If you had money, you could buy in.
You know, the whales took over the projects.
If you had something meaningful to say
or to create your voice or your creations
were largely lost in all the noise.
So, I really appreciate you, like I said, you know, doing this.
And I guess to start things off, as a creator,
how do you even get involved?
I know you've launched.
A lot of creators are building.
But if you don't know how to get started,
what's the best way to begin?
Yeah, yeah.
So, if you want to get started Nifty,
it's pretty straightforward.
So, I'd say you should definitely jump in
and try the game.
Go to the Niftyisland.com.
Be aware of, like, fake links and all the classic crypto stuff
we have to worry about.
Recommend using WalletGuard for your own security.
It's a great tool.
So, that way you'll always know you're going to the right NiftyLink.
It's a Chrome extension with a whitelist.
Use WalletGuard.
There's just no reason not to.
Great product.
But anyway, make an account.
Go through the tutorial.
Get inspired and farm blooms and kind of engage in the game.
Or do you just want to get to work building?
And you can choose to do either.
When it comes to building in-game right now,
there's like a simple no-code builder.
You can build up an island, terraform it,
place objects pretty easily.
So, that's cool.
And then if you want to upload your own custom 3D assets,
you can do that through the marketplace.
So, get familiar with the builder.
The build library we have in-game is just that.
Just an asset library we have in-game.
The internet has a lot more 3D assets,
and you can make your own too.
And then just to clarify, you don't need to own any NFTs,
or there's no buy-in associated with it.
It's absolutely free to get started and start building.
You got it.
That's right.
It's completely free to get started.
And then going along with that, as a creator,
and you're importing items, you're creating items.
NFTY Island's on Unity, correct?
So, for creators, how was the best way
to sort of create their own items
and import those into NFTY Island?
So, I guess maybe what we'll do is,
I'll talk about that specific one,
but I'll kind of give the full menu of like,
okay, so I want to create.
What does that mean,
and what are the different ways you could do that?
So, what you'll see is basically,
if you are someone who just, say, likes building in games,
you're not necessarily a 3D artist,
but you love building elaborate landscapes
and places and game modes.
You're someone who is obsessed with Halo Forge,
for example, you're good to go.
You can hop in, you can make stuff.
You can make stuff for yourself.
You can find a creator with a big audience
and make stuff with them.
I know Spike's been working with some awesome creators
and using his platform to promote their work,
which is, we love to see.
So, that's an option.
If you're someone, maybe you're someone
where you're like, hey, I bring a good vibe.
I have a little bit of an audience or some friends.
You can, if you want, just create in that way.
So, you can say like, hey,
I'm going to get all my internet homies to come in and play.
I'm going to attract them to people's islands.
That's another way to create.
You can really just have an audience and a good vibe.
That's good.
And then, the third thing you can do today
is if you want to create 3D art, like game-ready art,
you're a game artist,
right now, you have to work for a studio
to monetize your work.
You know, there's not really a good way
for you to have a relationship with the end user directly
and be an artist who sells their work directly to players.
You can now create your own game-ready assets
and sell them as art,
just like the way OpenSea changed
how people interact with digital art.
With game art now, you can sell it directly to the end user.
You're going to see a lot more from our marketplace there
going forward, but I think those are kind of the three primary ways.
And if you want to do the 3D art stuff,
the web app's the place to start.
Check out our create function.
Oh, that's awesome.
And then, I guess, going on with that,
you have a lot of these communities that you're highlighting
in the NFT world.
I've seen a lot of healthy competitions already starting.
I guess, what's NFT's plan of using existing projects like that,
leveraging them to create their own spaces within NFT Island?
Yes, on the competitions.
What are we doing with competitions?
Why are there competitions in-game?
How's that going to evolve? All that.
So, the fun thing is, think of a game,
a big thing a game has to figure out is how to do live ops.
You have a live service game.
It's up all the time.
It's kind of like running a school play,
but with a lot more technical complexity
and you can't control any of the actors.
So, you have to figure out how to create interesting events
that are going to drive people into play
and have a good time together.
And so, a lot of the time, that's done just by a core team.
Right now, that's how we're doing it.
We have to figure out, hey, there's this event, boom,
get to the top of the leaderboard and there's a prize,
or do this, do that, double XP weekends.
We all know the kind of classic tactics.
What we're doing is our quest system,
the medium-term goal, it's not that far away,
but medium-term, is that it'll be an open live ops system
where anyone can come to the game,
put up an NFT prize and say,
hey, who can be the fastest on my time trial?
Who can earn the most blooms on my island
in the next two hours?
Who can be the most popular island in our community?
And this will be driven by on-chain prizes
that anyone can post.
So, that's where we're moving with the prizes,
and I think it's going to be a core feature.
I think it's going to be one of the most important features
No, awesome.
And then, with that, as people are playing the game,
I know there was an option to farm blooms and whatnot.
How does that sort of work and play into the game loop?
The blooms are really an interesting one.
They're basically, think of them a little,
they were a little inspired by Dark Souls runes
because they're sort of a universal resource
that can be turned into many different things,
and you earn them.
They're sort of a replacement for XP.
So, there's no XP in NFTY.
We did have it in an earlier iteration,
but we scrapped it because we didn't think it would work well.
So, blooms, think of them as kind of a currency,
off-chain currency kind of XP,
and you can take them, earn them by picking them up on people's islands,
hosting great games on your island, completing daily challenges.
Alpha being, that's the most efficient way to do it,
is make sure to do your dailies,
and then winning games with lots of players in them.
The bigger the games you're in, the more blooms you get.
And so, you get these blooms.
You can spend them at your campfire,
which is like your upgrade center for your island.
You can make your island bigger, more beautiful, more options.
You can spend it like that.
And then, you can also spend them on bloom rewards in the marketplace,
which are cool, game-ready NFTs,
themed around the best communities in crypto.
So, you can kind of get a taste of like,
oh, interesting, an NFT can be more than a JPEG.
I just bought a house.
That's kind of cool.
So, yeah, that's what you can do for now.
There's going to be a lot more you can do with them, though.
We're adding some pretty cool stuff there soon.
And then, I guess, when it comes to island customization and whatnot,
are there any restrictions or things that people should be aware of
as they're building islands today?
And on that front, I also see there's abilities
to build your own games with race and deathmatch being an option.
I'll say, too, Jagman, I see you have your hand up.
If you want to chime in, feel free.
Yeah, for sure.
Any creators up here, feel free to raise your hand.
We definitely want to hear from you
and your experience building thus far.
Yeah, for sure.
I just wanted to be patient.
I come from the community.
When we're in spaces, we raise our hand if we want to talk,
and we just try to be respectful.
So, I didn't want to just chime in and be like, oh, yeah,
you're cool.
You're talking great, but I want to chime in.
Appreciate that.
But I actually wanted to...
This might be a question that other people have,
especially for you creators out there,
working with the creator in the marketplace, stuff like that.
I did want to ask because I noticed that when I was looking
at my wallet on OpenSea, all the creations that I made,
they're there.
But whenever I'm in the nifty marketplace or on my profile,
for instance, and I'm going to list an item,
I have to do it one by one.
Is there a workaround for, say, if I go into OpenSea
and I list multiple?
Does it list it on the nifty island marketplace as well,
or is that just...
This is a great question, man.
Oh, sorry.
I'm interrupting you.
I haven't had enough to eat today.
All good, brother.
So here's the deal with that.
So you're totally right,
and it's actually its definite flaw of our existing system
is for whatever reason, you list items one at a time.
And I'm actually curious what you think.
I was just talking to our blockchain team about it
and saying, hey, we can do two things here.
We can focus two things.
We can get OpenEdition support off the ground,
which I honestly think is really important
because I just think OpenEditions will be
the dominant format for game art UGC.
I think it makes sense.
How many swords should there be
if you do a cool intricate sword drop?
Who knows, really?
I think the market maybe can decide that for us, right?
So I'm a big fan of OpenEditions,
but the other thing we could do is fix that
so you can list many items at once.
I'm curious what you think.
And if anyone in the audience has an opinion on that,
if you're thinking, hey, what do I want right now?
Do I want OpenEdition support,
or do I want to be able to list many items at once?
And you'll get both eventually.
It's just a matter of which first?
Yeah, me personally, and this is just personal.
I mean, my opinion could be biased
just because I have thousands of songs
of the same song that I want to list
because, say, for instance, like the other day,
I went in and I had some dude buy like six of my songs,
and I was like, holy shit.
But I had to go back,
and I had to re-list each one individually.
And that was like, you know,
a good five, 10 minutes of my time
versus just doing a click, click.
All right, list 200 of them.
That right there would help me out personally a lot,
but I don't want to be the one person that you guys tend to.
So definitely, like, you know,
get some feedback from other people and stuff,
but that's just me.
Like, I'm listing stuff all the time in the marketplace.
If you go search DJ Jackman just in the search bar,
you're going to find tons of assets, songs, avatars.
But not showing here,
I'm just saying that, like, I've listed a ton,
and I'd like to be able to sell or batch sell
like 200 songs at once.
Yep, that's super legit.
I'll figure out what we can do.
I mean, it's, yeah, it really should be,
it should work that way as is.
I will say just on the open edition side,
I think they're going to be really cool.
And I think what you're going to see is when you, you know,
I think of it like we haven't figured out
what type of NFTs make sense for game UGC yet, really.
Like, as a collective, we don't know that yet.
We're looking at it saying, oh, is it like,
if you have a sword or a house, like, you know,
should it be an open edition?
Should it be an auction?
Should it be this?
Like, what's going to be the dominant medium?
There'll be many,
but what's going to be like the really killer one?
I have this, I've had this pet hunch
that it's going to be open editions for a while.
And it's one of the things that didn't make it in for launch,
that I'm like, I was like, oh, I really wanted that in.
So, yeah, we're going to, we'll see open edition support key.
So is the multi-listing thing you're talking about.
So it's definitely important.
Appreciate that. I really do.
No, thanks for that, Adam.
Yeah, really, I'm going to have to check out
your creations after this as well.
Another MFR, I saw your hand up if you want to speak.
Definitely love your PFP and love your experience that you built as well.
Yeah, appreciate it.
I was just going to jump in on kind of the point before,
unlike how Charles is talking about like the,
or how you asked Charles about how to start building.
So I wanted to give my quick perspective as I think it's a good,
you know, general basis, somebody that's gamed my whole life,
but never built a map, never any kind of game design.
I've played games such as like Rust on PC, Minecraft.
So I'm familiar with builders,
but never to like any server based or anything where I've invited people.
So I got on day one and just,
there was a pre-made castle and I had a hill on my island.
And I was like, I want to castle on my fucking island.
And then I was like, dang, this castle doesn't have an entrance.
So I built like a small little stairs around it.
And then it turned into a massive castle.
And then it turned into what I want with my castle.
And then I built a city.
And then with no prior experience I've built up,
I'm one of the featured maps.
It's the MF for one.
If you want to check it out, you can see the scale.
And I got to the point, it's like, what the hell?
Like if I can do this, what can I really do on this game?
Like with just stock assets.
So I just started building higher, bigger, more creative.
And to the point now, it's a pretty large map.
People enjoy the race.
And now I've moved on to a stream for the first time.
I've never streamed, never even like had the thought of like,
what am I going to stream?
Like I'm not an elite Call of Duty player.
I'm just like, I'm good.
But I wouldn't say elite personality or anything.
So now I've streamed twice, over 2,500 views on two streams.
Cranked my VR headset back on to start working on different variants
of MF models with the MF that made our models.
I built a building that I'm going to incorporate
as much MF culture as I can.
Because I've never made an FT, never sold an FT.
Their create system is the smoothest, most impressive thing.
I throw in a meme.
It's free to mint it, put a meme on my island.
With CCO art, a lot of issues that people are going to come across
with building is there's only the island builder wallet.
MF for culture is CCO.
So I can just copy an NFT, put it in the creator,
and then link it to the collection with QR codes.
So it's like, you know, I'm just every day just scheming.
So it's like the creative ability in 8, 9, 10 days, whatever we are
is pretty insane.
And I'm just starting to learn modeling today
to start importing custom MF for buildings.
And, you know, that process of importing a building,
because I've imported a few now from different communities and stuff,
and that's impressive.
You know, they come through spotless.
Like the example I always use is there's a bookcase
in one of the rooms, and the books are spotless to the fact
like you can see partial page indentions in each book.
So it's just impressive, but that's long-winded.
So that's kind of my experience.
MF, or can I kind of highlight one point that you brought up?
Yeah, absolutely.
I want to stress to everybody in this space right now
to go do your research on CCO traits or CCO licensing,
because this is like the future.
I'm just telling you right now, this guy, he's on it.
He's got it. He's got it going on.
So check that out, because if he's saying they're a CCO project,
MFers, I got to go get me an MFer,
because that's why I'm in Broadside, is one of the reasons.
If you're in the MF or CCO, then I don't know how you missed MFers.
It's the decentralized CCO project, in my opinion.
But definitely check out my island.
I'm going to be adding more MFers stuff over time.
So that's your thing. Definitely feel free to visit.
No, that's awesome.
I think that's really a testament to how NITI Island's empowering creators.
You're able to build this in a matter of what, like two weeks since NITI Island's been live,
and you're building assets to streaming,
and all those different ways of creating value for MFers and yourself,
and NITI Island, all three of those are gaining value from this,
and this is just the beginning. I'm really excited to see where it goes next,
and where your experience goes next.
Brangus, your hand's been up. Do you want to speak?
Yeah. Hello, everybody. Thanks for having me.
I wanted just to touch a bit on the creating process, let's say,
because I wanted to say that in the first days,
I was focusing almost on terraforming and putting assets in your island and so on.
Then I discovered in the latter days, maybe two, three days, something like that,
that of course you can also create the skin for your drone.
So you can change all the features of the drones,
so the horn, the shell, the core, everything, and you can put your assets.
I mean, if you are a 3D designer, you can design your own assets.
So I think that this is something really, really huge and useful also for creators,
because you can put in the marketplace and sell your assets
or give to the community, your community if you have a community.
So I think that it's really a great feature.
And I think that it's one of a kind.
I mean, I never saw something like that in the space.
So I just wanted to highlight this because I think that has to be highlighted.
Love it. No, I'm glad you like it.
That thing is surprisingly beastly behind the scenes that create function.
It's basically like what I always say to people is with most games,
this is obviously not true for all games, but in many games,
they'll have a content pipeline, and basically they have an art team.
They put things through it, and the content pipeline is this bit of software
that's going to get it ready to be in the game.
But you know generally what's going into the pipeline and what's coming out.
And that means the pipeline can be really dumb.
It's just sort of like, yep, they're going to send me another Assassin's Creed
avatar or sword, you know, and I kind of know what that is.
It's all classified going in.
The content pipeline we have, it's kind of part of the special sauce
is that it's in a scalable way able to take in tons of different types of assets
and then process them so that they're game ready.
And so people are basically yeeting like random stuff in there,
and it can usually auto-detect what it is and process it, which is funny.
It's cool. It's a really fun one.
We have two devs who are full-time devoted to it.
And then one thing I wanted to comment on, too, was another MFR
saying where I think a big part of it, like, you know,
before it's like, if you're thinking of what we're all trying to do
together on this project is, you know, make it easier to create
and then make it more rewarding to create, right, do both at the same time.
And I think NFT projects, especially like MFers, are a big part of that
because, you know, you look at it and say, hey, I don't know,
am I going to be the biggest Call of Duty streamer in the world?
Like, that's pretty daunting, and like, I certainly don't think
I could pull that off personally.
But when you look at it and you're deeply embedded in a community,
you know, it's like a more cozy internet where you're like, okay,
I think I could be the best MFR streamer, you know,
or I could be an MFR streamer people really like,
and they want to go to their island and hang out and stuff.
And then it can grow from there, right?
Like, maybe you end up doing even more than that.
That's up to you.
But what I really like about NFTs is it creates like a more cozy internet
where you kind of have this starting audience that you can use.
So it's really like, you know, you're creating content for who?
Who's the audience?
And that's what's so cool about NFTs is they kind of define an audience.
You feel like you know people who you're making stuff for.
That's awesome. Great point, Charles.
Funky voxels, I've seen your hand has been up for a little bit.
Something you want to say?
Yeah, thank you very much.
And starting off with thank you Nifty Island.
Thank you, Charles, because this is all I ever wanted from NFT.
Like, this is freaking awesome.
Amazing product and just having so much fun over the last period.
Forgetting to take care of myself, almost addictive, man.
Shout out to DJ Jack.
Love pumping your music onto my island.
I'm spending all my blooms to, you know, upgrade the island.
Until I have them all at the max.
And another shout out to another MFers.
Because I saw those avatars, man, I guess I'm going to have to get me one of those.
And as you said, man, yeah, Learning Blender.
I guess everyone now is Learning Blender because of Nifty Island.
The company should be grateful to you, Charles.
One question about, indeed, assets that you can update.
I'm a noob in 3D design, yet I have some experience with voxels.
If you tell me that you're not going to allow voxels in the future,
I'm going to be forced to learn Blender myself.
So, yeah, a quick question would be about allowing new files in the future, like voxels.
And if I can get another question, it's about terraforming.
Is there in the pipeline like a feature to copy paste the land,
not building, but land or kind of cut move this kind of stuff
to have a bit more mobility in the terraforming part?
Yeah, good question. So, yeah, we basically .vox support.
Yeah, I think that's something we have to do, for sure.
I wanted it, honestly. It's another one of those things.
I look at the game, I'm like, damn, we didn't get that in in time.
And that's one of those things, because I'm like, man,
there's so many people who love making stuff in voxels,
and it would be better to support it natively.
I'll take that as a point of feedback, and the team that works on the content pipeline,
it's really about them, just making sure it's a recognized file type.
So, we can see what we can do there. I'll see how difficult it is.
We'll do our best. So, that sounds good.
And then, your second point, oh, terraforming.
Yeah, more fine-grained terraform controls.
Yeah, it's a good idea.
I think that one I'm going to say hopefully soon,
but it might take a little bit, but it is very doable.
It's definitely doable.
And if you haven't, you probably already found it,
but you can adapt the size of the radius of the brush for it.
You've probably already seen this. I'm probably appreciating it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've been spending quite some hours there,
terraforming a full paper island.
Oh, I've seen that. That's great. Yeah, okay, that's awesome.
So, yeah, I'm talking to the expert. You know, yeah.
So, we'll do our best to make that better over time.
That one might take a little bit just because there's a bunch of stuff we've got to fix.
But, yeah, I like the idea.
Dope. Thanks for your answers.
Awesome. And then, I know Funky was mentioning using Blooms
to buy some assets for his island.
How does one earn more Blooms and what's the process there?
Yeah, so, to earn more Blooms, really, the key is complete your daily challenges,
host great games on your island where people hang around and play a lot.
Over time, it's going to reward quality, quality content.
Like, if you see some cynical farms where we're doing stuff to deprioritize that,
know that in the long run, it's going to be the real builders that benefit.
So, there's that, and then it's playing games with lots of people in it.
So, that's really the play. That's how you get Blooms.
And you can collect them on other people's islands, too.
Now, I'm realizing somehow my calendar keeps getting giga-double-booked.
I'm going to have to hop on one thing real quick.
I'm just going to mute, and honestly, I think most of the people in here
will do a better job of describing it than me.
So, if you wouldn't mind just giving me a little bit,
I'm going to hop on and try and speedrun this call real quick.
Oh, no worries. Sounds good.
In the meantime, VQ, you want to step in here and speak?
Yeah, yeah. Hey, guys. Thanks for having me.
So, first of all, Charles, you know how grateful I am for Nifty Island.
As, like, Frankie Moxell said, this is, I think, everything everyone was waiting for.
So, as a Moxell artist who have been in this space for the last three years,
I've been already, I've been always creating metaverse-ready avatars,
but there were no places for people to use it.
Like, I was creating VRM avatars so that people can use it on cyber,
they can use it on the central end, sandbox, all of that.
But they never had, like, a place they can use those avatars with other NFT projects.
Like, right now, Nifty Island is doing something revolutionary.
And also, I want to touch base on the Voxel characters.
So, Frankie Moxell, sorry, Frankie Moxell, if you're creating, like, Moxell avatars,
I can show you how to use them, how to convert them to rigged files in Blender
so that you can just upload them to Nifty.
You can create VRM avatars or, like, FBX files from them.
And, like, with Vox files, I kind of feel like it's a little bit harder
because, like, with Vox files, you always have, like, the little blocks,
and when you export them as OBJ, the only thing happens is, like,
the vertex only gets the outlines, so it's not that big of a file.
But with Vox files, you always have the little, like, smallest blocks.
So it might go a little bit weirder than you thought.
So I think the best way for you to do it also is, like,
exporting it as OBJ in Magica Voxel or, like, Vox Edit to Blender
and then just use it that way.
No, awesome. No, thanks for that feedback.
Yeah, anyone else on here want to sort of provide, you know,
their experience on Nifty Island and sort of how Nifty Island
sort of fits within the Web3 gaming ecosystem?
I see Spike on here and others, if anyone wants to chip in and say a little bit.
I will say, while we just have some free air,
I do think this is a great opportunity
that if you have any normies who you couldn't get into NFTs,
try to get them to try out the game.
Because if they try out the game, enjoy it,
collect 15,000 balloons and go to the marketplace,
they see these sweet, mintable, you know, per-collection houses,
they mint one, guess what they own?
They're now an NFT motherfucker.
So, like, you know, I think this is much broader than just, you know,
NFT people enjoying our PFPs and finally getting to do something.
This is a real opportunity to push the space forward
in a way that we haven't had, like, a tangible product
that normies can come to and be like,
okay, NFTs, like, I can see this.
This is something I can play and enjoy.
It's beyond just a right-click, safe picture.
So I think we have a real opportunity with a great product
already to help push the space forward.
No, definitely agree.
And, you know, as part of our mission at Everyworld
is highlighting projects like Nifty Island.
You know, just to throw a little bit in there,
Everyworld's rewarded ad platform that, you know,
showcases videos of projects like Nifty
and people can get rewarded for watching those.
You know, this week, we're trying to, you know,
bring more people into Nifty Island space
by doing a Palm giveaway, which gives you a boost
to earning into the island airdrop that's coming in the future.
That giveaway is ending tomorrow,
so anyone that doesn't have, you know, a Palm NFT,
yeah, feel free to join that, you know, giveaway.
We're trying to bring more people
into the Nifty Island ecosystem.
And, yeah, excited to see where things go.
So with that, Spike, I see your hands raised.
Yeah, thanks. I appreciate it.
Yeah, I wanted to tack on to what another MFA said.
My name's Spike.
I've been in Web3 gaming for the last three years,
but, like, I was a total maxine, didn't really kind of intertwine
with, you know, Web3 community and cultures as much.
I was all about games and collecting those assets.
But since I've joined the Nifty Island community,
I saw how many amazing, diverse, and, like,
really cool and culturally relevant communities there were.
And I've since probably joined, like, eight or nine.
I've been on OpenSea quite a bit,
and just really kind of getting in with the culture.
Like, it's cool when you can just buy stuff off the marketplace, right?
But, like, when you actually buy NFT and you join a dope community,
like, it's been, like, hella different.
Like, you know, in one of them I was able to get, you know,
the files to upload my drone avatar,
and, you know, again, just trying to reach out
and grow with other people in the space.
So, again, in terms of a normies perspective,
as they kind of open things up right now,
it's pretty much all Web3 communities for, like,
to play the airdrop to build, like, the core foundation of it.
There's just, like, so many people to kind of hang out
and vibe with, and they have, you know, in-game voice chat
with people always in the Discord, you know,
helping each other out.
So it's been a hell of a vibe, and it's been great
You know, more people are getting back to the real ethos of NFTs.
I think it was just lost a little bit during the bull market
and now in the bear, and, you know, we'll see where we go from here.
A lot of people are coming back to, you know,
why the technology was made in the first place
is really to empower traders and empower communities
to build within, you know, virtual worlds like Nifty Island.
So excited to see, you know, everything that's happened so far.
Moonbeam, you've had your hands raised for a little bit.
Anything you want to say?
Oh, my goodness.
I'm so glad I'm here.
I wish Nifty Island was still in here.
My voice is gone.
I've been doing a lot of don't even ask.
I've been excited.
I made my first sale on my store the other day,
and I've just been freaked out.
Nifty Island, I'm telling you guys,
I've been a gamer forever.
I'm a graphic designer.
I do fashion.
I do game design.
I write screenplays.
Nifty Island is the freaking best.
Web 3 is the freaking best.
I don't care what anybody says.
If you don't know about Web 3, go look at it.
Go look up Nifty Island.
You can stream.
Me and my friends have a space, you guys,
at night, and they'll play, and we can watch and stream
and watch it.
You have your NFTs physically in the game,
and you can see them, and you can buy them.
I mean, it's the best marketing in the world.
I mean, it is the best idea I've seen, period,
throughout the last few years of going over,
above, and beyond, and giving us artists something else to do.
And especially, you know all of us artists are gamers, right?
If you're not, that's okay.
Watching the game is freaking fun.
We were back, and we were eating popcorn.
Me and my girlfriends online, and we were like,
wow, no, look, jump there, jump there.
And it's like so freaking fun.
I mean, I can't explain how ecstatic I am.
I think you could hear it my voice,
although it's scratchy,
because we were having a lot of fun.
But I have so much to give to it.
If anybody wants to follow me,
I have so much to add to that,
that will bring it revenue too, as well.
I'm in the middle of screenplays.
I write science fiction.
I'm in the middle of getting a portfolio ready for Prada.
So I do have projects going on,
but that's all I do is work.
I mean, and I love it.
And I cannot believe I need somebody
to come up with something that I really, really like.
Shout out to the makers.
Shout out to the ideas.
You know, thinking about web three games,
thinking about what they want to add in.
Put it out.
Put it out there.
You know, give them the ideas.
Send them a message.
They will bring you on.
I mean, that's how I get the things that I get.
I mean, I have three stores.
You know, I just have my first sale
because I just had my grand opening.
It's just you have to get out here, man.
You have to get on stage and say, hey, I like you.
I like what you're doing.
This is amazing.
If there's something you need me for,
give them your credentials, your portfolio.
They get in touch with you.
It's not like signing a resume when you're going to McDonald's.
I mean, they actually get in touch with you.
And it doesn't matter what you look like,
you know, what you feel, what your beliefs are.
When you believe in something in yourself,
that is the key.
Love is the key.
You don't have to believe in anything
because it's already there, man.
And when it comes to the games,
it's like when we're sitting there watching the game,
we laugh more.
I have laughed more than I've laughed in my entire life.
And I want to give you guys props because OMG.
I'm so happy.
I think I just lost my hype, man.
I'm going to just hand that to you, Vox.
I will say on that note, everybody,
if you don't have a PC mic, get you a dang PC mic.
MFers are in voice chat.
We're having a blast.
Get in voice chat and shoot the shit with all the, you know,
PFP MFers.
There's not enough mics in game right now.
How do you do that?
Can you send me the link to do that?
Go to settings, go to audio,
make sure the audio input is your headset,
and then the game automatically has pushed to talk as T.
So you have to press T to open mic,
but you can turn that setting off.
That's on Nifty Island, right?
Send it to me though still because like I've been up for two days.
I'm working on four projects.
So, you know, some of that may fly right out of my brain.
But yeah, that is so cool.
You're telling me you've been up for two days and you have all this energy.
Oh my God.
You know, I used to be a nightclub manager.
You have to understand.
I am a hippie.
All I do is do projects.
I have 40 screenplays.
I have a published book.
I do graphic designs.
I have a gallery stores, you know, so all I do,
that's what hypes me up.
Now I'll go to sleep in a couple hours and I'll sleep like a baby,
but I like to stay up because it gets my energy is there.
I can't quit.
I have to write down all my ideas.
I have paperwork everywhere, paint everywhere.
So yeah, that's just me.
I don't know.
I'm just an energetic person.
Some people like it.
Some people don't, but it's just better to be happy.
It makes other people happy.
It makes other people energetic.
She's got the hype man.
She just took the hype man metal.
Like I stepped down.
I stepped down.
No, you're beside of me.
We are both number one.
Don't ever think that.
Hey, man, I put the comment or the settings in the comments.
So it's just the second screen and then the audio tab and just so
they should be able to figure it out from there.
But yeah, push the push to talk.
You see how it's checked.
That means that's how it is auto.
So that means you have to press T to talk.
If you uncheck that, then it's a hot mic.
So your mic always is like, well, what's so cool about that?
Because I haven't played the game yet because I'm actually
creating my own island and my own ideas to put in there.
But the people that are playing, we can sit there and watch
some stream and listen and it's without that.
And I didn't know I could do that.
So that's so cool because I haven't played yet because watching
it is so fun.
So I'll be watching it and creating and watching it and creating
and me and the girls and we don't know each other.
I mean, we're from different parts of the United States.
We've made popcorn and had a shot of vodka.
That doesn't offend anybody.
And we were just like, okay, take a shot.
All right.
Go to the right.
Go to the right.
Jump there.
Oh, I mean, I, I wish Niffy Island was still on here.
I've been in the last two spaces.
He would that they were there and I've been like, oh, okay.
Somebody pick me, pick me, pick me because they're so, I mean,
and I'm ready for the next one.
You know, I'm ready for the next people.
Don't think that they're, you know, collaborate with them.
Come up with your online.
I heard somebody say about Pepe Island.
Oh my gosh.
Send me that because I have, I have over 5,000 collections.
I did all my stuff before I promoted it before I opened up my stores.
So I would have it.
I didn't just do two or three.
And then you do it.
I did all my five grand.
So, and I've got five grand plus.
And if you need to get with it and be on there,
because I think Niffy Island would bring you on and be like, hey, yeah,
we want that game here.
What three is, where is that?
Anybody that puts web three, like the gentleman that was saying,
they don't know what they're talking about.
They really don't.
Don't listen to him.
I love your energy.
You know, creators are the lifeblood of Nifty Island.
And in the early days,
creators like you with this energy are going to build a future along
with everyone else on the stage and, you know, in this chat.
So really appreciate you getting up here and speaking and really excited
to see all the energy go into building Nifty Island and where it goes,
you know, from here.
Anyone else on the stage want to follow up on that and say something?
I know that we can't do it without you.
We can't do it alone.
You know, you guys are the key.
I appreciate it.
I know Charles is probably still finishing up his call, but yes,
anyone else want to come up here and, you know,
speak about, you know,
their experience thus far on Nifty Island?
Give it a couple of minutes.
Yeah, I just want to second off what Moonbeam was saying.
I've really been enjoying creating and building on here.
I joined as soon as Open Beta was available last two weeks ago now.
It's been almost two weeks.
I jumped right in and just like, you know,
I'm a person who likes to click on everything and try everything out and
see what we can build, what is capable of,
and immediately started like messing with the terraforming.
And like, you know,
I've been building in the Metaverse for three years now.
And other Metaverse is like the central and spatial on cyber,
hyper-fi, and just this is like the first one that I have the
opportunity to create a game with, you know,
because like the barrier to entry between a person who like loves
gaming and having to build a game is like a lot of money usually, you know?
So like the fact that this is free is mind blowing to me.
Like I help you all the time.
I'm like, they're like, how do you start building?
I'm just like, go through this tutorial,
just walk through it and it'll get you to it.
But immediately, like we started throwing parties in there and we started
building this little community of just like,
of people who are already in other Metaverse worlds and,
you know,
just kind of shifting the energy from there to here because there's just so
much more to do while I'm playing music, you know,
usually like when we're doing, when I'm playing and doing DJ sets,
usually people are just doing emotes, but like,
it's fun that like people can choose to like not do the gaming and they
can sit and party with me,
or if they want to get right into a game and go play death match for
two hours straight,
they can go do that or do the foot races or just everything.
There's just like so much stimulation happening while we're in the 3d world.
And even at that,
like I really,
really experienced like the app just like closing out on me or freezing.
Like, you know, happens once in a blue, you know,
but I'm also like a building while throwing parties while playing the
games at the same time.
So I expect like things like that to happen.
But besides that,
I just want to say you guys built an amazing product and amazing platform
because there's friends lists in here.
There's chat boxes.
I mean, there's just so much that's like,
I can see this being its own complete platform, you know,
like, I don't know, just,
there's just so much potential behind it.
And I've only been in in two weeks and man,
me and spotty Wi-Fi teamed up right away.
We were already doing stuff in the central land,
but, you know,
traffic has really not really been as busy as you want it to be.
And it's really cool.
Just to see a place that's like feeding people to the island,
you know, on top of everything.
And, you know,
we're just really having a good time at the end of the day.
Like I'm having fun.
And I love what you guys built.
I just wanted to piggyback off a move.
He was saying, you know,
a lot of us are working a lot rows in the grind.
So to find something that has the combination of both like the grind
and like putting in the work for it,
like not everybody could just pop in and like have all the features of the
They got to go grind to other islands in order to get that.
I love the daily challenges of everything, man.
I just can't stress enough how epic this is.
And to run around as my own avatar is super powerful.
Because not only are you being seen in your own content,
but you never know someone might be running around,
running across you with their own stream going with thousands of
viewers and your avatar is being seen by them then.
So it's almost like when you go to a club or you go to like a big
event, you know,
and like you're wearing someone's t-shirt and that person sees that
t-shirt and then they want to get it too.
You know, it's the FOMO that creates from that.
But yeah, the avatars are super fire.
Everybody's making dope drones.
I can't wait to get some new weapons.
I'm trying to get these new blades and pistols.
You know what I mean?
Like I'm kind of like bare basic on that level right now,
but I'm leveling up and having fun with the foot races.
But yeah, great job on what you guys built, man.
It's fucking awesome.
I have to piggyback on that.
That's what I've been working on too, is like the weapons and
And when the gentleman that I was talking to,
the nine others, Christiano, he is down there.
Bring him up.
He got me into this.
That's who I was talking to.
We had so much fun and it's like something that I have never
experienced before.
Me and the girl, we were like laughing.
I mean, it is.
I love you.
I can't say your name.
I can't say your name.
Is it CJ tracks?
Because yeah, weaponry is cool.
And the thing about weaponry and what I do,
it doesn't have to look like a gun.
You know, it could be like men in black with a pin and you
like beam them up, you know, and I have like a whole set of
I mean, I definitely been working on everything that you
guys would need to do that.
I mean, bring Christiano up.
I mean, that was the key.
He just gave us a key to an infinite door of profit
I mean, it is amazing.
Do you want to come up and speak?
But, you know, saying, you know, what CJ said,
and if he's only been out for two weeks and it's just
crazy to see, you know, everything that's been created
for you and you know, the stress is enough of where
it's going.
So you're really, really excited and having seen a lot
of game games develop, it's a very difficult process.
And usually when a beta comes out,
there's a lot of issues and especially with UGC,
that's a whole other animal to build out all those tools
for a traders.
And those are very difficult to build out.
Nifty building those out and empowering those creators,
just, yeah, super impactful for the industry.
Christiano, I see you on the stage.
Do you want to speak?
Oh, yeah.
I just heard everyone.
My name's going to come up.
You know, I think Sherry was talking about,
we did a live stream one of the first nights that
everyone kind of started getting on Nifty Island.
And the Nifty Island kind of actually retweeted it,
which is really, really cool of them.
And I'm just, I can't say nice enough things about what
you guys have built here.
It's something that's built intentionally.
It's obviously built intentionally.
It's obviously built in a democratized way with the,
you know, the free land meta.
And in a way where it allows us to take our creativity
and really allow it to shine.
And it's almost like a meritocracy of creativity.
And that's what I really like about what you guys
are doing.
I love what you guys were saying about bringing
concerts in there.
I'm a musician, obviously.
And I just would love to see it, you know,
continue to, you guys continue to reward,
like, you know, who gets the most creative and
stuff like that.
I heard you're doing like a best island challenge
and stuff like that.
So I love the challenges.
I'm a Destiny beta tester and played that game
This is one of the coolest beta tests I've ever seen
and beta launches I've ever seen.
So really cute, awesome, you guys.
And thank you for being receptive to the players
giving you feedback, you know, in these early stages.
No, thanks for that.
And I know, yeah, I won't speak for Charles,
but I know, you know, he takes all that input
very seriously.
And, you know, I know more is to come with,
you know, new additions and whatnot to Nifty Island.
Anyone else on the stage want to speak?
I see Faro on here, who I know has been, you know,
helping out a lot of creators in this space
and building a lot of great creations from
Eternal Reach that everyone should definitely check out.
But, yeah, if anyone else wants to speak,
you know, raise your hand.
I know we're getting towards the end here.
But just wanted to give anyone the last opportunity
to come up here and speak and share any wisdom
or have any questions for the community.
Yeah, another MF-er.
Yeah, and I'll just say, you know,
this game, if you're enjoying it,
I would fully embrace kind of touching on what
Moon was saying, like, really embrace this.
Because for me, you know, I was very much
intertwined in the MF-er community.
The MF-ers know me, but outside of that,
I was just literally another MF-er.
So I've built a personal brand,
and two weeks of this game,
just getting out there playing,
having my mic on every day,
everybody that joins my island,
I'm saying, what's up, thanks for joining.
Trying to talk to MF-ers, like,
for example, I've bought probably three projects
since joining, just from meeting their community,
seeing the cool stuff they're doing.
So, I mean, this is an insane opportunity
to kind of get outside,
every community, like, how Twitter is,
you kind of get sucked into your main projects,
like, echo chamber almost.
So for me, this is really expanded.
I've met so many new amazing cool people
doing cool stuff.
I had, like, tracks came grinding my island,
won a prize, but kind of found out about him
and the vibe community through Spotty,
who even Spotty, you know, I knew him
as a, you know, MF-er in the space,
but didn't really know him.
So it's like, now me getting all these connections,
like, you know, getting to know these MF-ers more,
you know, it's been a kind of surreal experience for me,
and, you know, just really enjoying it,
so ready to see where they take it
and everything they keep out.
Awesome. No, thanks for that.
And, yeah, it's just the beginning.
CJ, you had your hand raised.
Yeah, shout-out to MF-er.
Or, like, a time trial checker to see how many times I rematched
and just, like, rematched myself over and over and over
to win these races.
But, yeah, man, just wanted to say that it is really,
that's a great point.
Like, you know, most of us get sucked into our own communities
and then we're just kind of like in our own little discords
or our own little Twitter pages,
and you don't really get out to other places,
and it's just cool to see the Discovery page,
and when you press the map or the M,
you press the letter M,
it's just cool to see new islands that I may have never seen before
or see, like, places where people are hanging out at.
But, yeah, it's been really, really dope to just build games
and just, it's been a lot of fun, you know,
because it really makes it easy to build a game.
That's the biggest thing,
and I can't stress enough how important, like,
the fact that this is free, like,
how that brings so many people together,
because, you know, the biggest barrier for a lot of metaverses
is the cost of land, the scarcity of land,
you know, like, that was like,
we all thought it was going to be the bread and butter,
like, not all of us,
but some people thought that we're going to be the bread and butter.
But then you realize that virtual land can become unlimited like this,
you know, at any point, from any company,
it's not just Nifty, but any other metaverse can just drop
free land for everybody to get into.
The fact that we can upload our VRM to free,
all those things, like, it just allows for people,
the onboarding process is a lot easier here,
and then I can bring them to my other,
more complicated metaverses in the future.
Like, that's how I'm looking at this one, like,
I look at this as becoming like almost like the Google of the metaverse
with all the main communities are already in it,
like, they're already running around,
I'm running into board apes, I'm running into sappy seals,
I'm running into people that I probably would have never have run into
unless I went into a Twitter space and went up and spoke.
So this is really cool, it puts us in like a 4D kind of experience,
because even though it's 3D, it's like, you put yourself into your avatar,
and you know, even though we're on a desktop screen,
I've been on my desktop screen for three years in the metaverse,
and like, the connections that build people in the physical world,
like, are unmatched to social media, to web 2, all that stuff like that,
like, the connections you make with people when you're hanging out in 3D,
when you go meet them in person, it's like you already know that person,
and that's really, really key for this.
But yeah, this has been the connections I've been making from other communities
that may have never heard of me as a DJ, or know that I build,
you know, I've been building in Decentraland for a long time,
but you know, building is really, really fun for me,
and if you guys ever get a chance to check out Tracks Island,
I'm giving away a free DJ set to whoever gets the fastest time on the hard race.
It's been getting really heated up the last couple days,
because it ends in two days, and I'm also going to be doing contests
and giveaways for VRMs, like, all the time.
Like, this is something that we've already been doing,
now we're just doing it on another platform with a lot more games
and a lot more fun involved, so just tapping with me,
tapping with Spotify, we do events every Tuesday,
make sure you check in 8 to 10 p.m. Eastern time on Tuesdays,
and shameless shield, because, you know, we've got events,
why not talk about them, and we work hard to build all this stuff,
so why not put it out there.
Make sure you guys put your stuff out there,
even if it feels awkward, even if it feels weird.
I know, like, it's such a new world that we're all messing around in,
but don't be discouraged from your friends or your family
not understanding what you're doing,
because the Metaverse is taking me to places I never imagined.
I'm going to Argentina this year, I've gotten flown out to Michigan,
I've gotten flown out to a lot of places,
and met with people from all over the USA.
I think that's the most powerful thing,
and it's just creating connections with people,
and we're all nerds, we're all 3D builders,
we're all 3D designers, we all love art,
we all love, you know, digital things,
so this is really fire, man.
Can't say how much I love it.
Thank you for that, and yeah,
really excited to see people connect in the digital
and, you know, physical world,
the two are, you know, merging together,
and the things that we create in the digital world
will then be, you know, brought through connections
in the physical world.
See, creative, you know, you're new to the stage,
just something you wanted to say.
Oh, yeah, well, I don't know if Moonbeam had her hand up first
to maybe hear from her.
No, that's okay, you're new, you go ahead, sweet love.
Oh, thank you.
Well, you guys, this is so awesome,
like, y'all are doing the gamification thing
on Nifty Island, I'm really excited about that,
and so I'm building an experience called the Coralverse,
and it's centered around ocean conservation,
and the idea is like, you go around cleaning up
digital plastics, right?
So I'm wondering if that's something that I could build
on Nifty Island, and I'm kind of, you know,
exploring different platforms,
because like you guys were saying,
the open metaverse is not just one space, you know?
So how do we interconnect these things,
and what would be a good way for me to get started
like gamifying the Coralverse on Nifty Island?
That is so awesome, because you could get donations.
What an idea.
I love that.
Yeah, so yeah, we're raising money for ocean conservation efforts,
like re-planting the coral, you know,
like coral gardeners, thousand mermaids,
like real world conservation tied with like games.
That is freaking awesome, they're going to love you.
A quick thought, just very initial.
So on my map, I have a pool,
and in that pool we've created MF or beer bottles,
and I have them like kind of put in the pool,
like, you know, got waste in the pool.
But just like a thought is if you could import like garbage looking,
and there's trash bags, but you can almost do like half the island clean
and half the island dirty or something,
while stuff's being built out almost to kind of like send the message
of what you're trying to, you know, convey,
is kind of my initial thought to get started.
But I'm sure there's, you know, there's plenty of things that,
especially if you reach out the trawls,
I'm sure they could, you know, even on a case petition.
I love that. I love that idea.
Yeah, I showed the dialectic there,
the dichotomy of like the clean world, which is the dirty world.
Yeah, that's just a simple like you could get done pretty quick idea
that just came to me, so.
But, you know, the game's very open ended,
and, you know, you could even, whatever y'all's website is,
you could get the QR code, put the QR code in the creator
so that it represents an NFT, put that NFT on your island,
and somebody could QR code scanning on their phone while playing,
and it could bring straight to your website.
Love that.
And so do I buy like an NFT in order to have like a plot to build on,
or how does it work?
Free-to-play game, you start it up,
and you get an island for free, you get a tutorial.
It's insane how little microtransactions or any kind of,
there's literally nothing, it doesn't ask you to buy anything.
Like, it's just play the game, create your island, collect blooms.
There's a marketplace, and the create system,
you can throw in any JPEG, anything, mint it for free,
put it on your island for completely free, it's absolutely insane.
Oh, that's killer.
And then, am I able to sort of like build my own game?
Yes, right now there's four stock games,
team deathmatch, capture the flag, free for all,
and race, actually five, spy hunt as well.
Maybe, I think that's it.
So there's five base games, and it's very easy.
Once you create, or get on the game, you just press G,
and it's a very straightforward create a game creator.
Oh, killer, hell yeah.
Well, I'm really looking forward to diving into Nifty Islands,
and I feel like there's a lot of serendipity,
or synchronicity, between the Coralverse and our project,
and with the Nifty Islands.
So, really excited to start building on the platform, you guys.
So, thanks for having me up here.
Yeah, just on the Z-Creative, can you guys hear me all right?
Yeah, I think it's a real opportunity,
Nifty Island gives people a real opportunity to just sell their IP a little bit,
and do something that they otherwise wouldn't have done before.
There's not a lot of logic in the game yet,
and by that, I mean, if this, then that,
like interactives and stuff like that,
but you can at least build your story up and share that with everybody.
I have to say, that is a cool idea.
That's a really big part of it.
Yeah, get in touch with me,
because you would be able to make your island,
and I can do some work for you to show,
because I wanted to join Greenpeace, I saved a manatee.
Yeah, you can get, and Nifty Island, they're going to love you,
because you'll be able to buy like a ticket to go to like,
kind of like a, when they have a Gaia or like an art convention,
and people will come in there and they'll buy the art,
and you can put 90% in the coral reefs,
because yes, they bleach out and they die.
I'm so into conservation.
You actually have an amazing idea.
I would get in touch with them,
and I think Charles up there, he's a good guy to get in touch with,
because that's going to help them promote other things,
like conservation.
Can you imagine what that will do,
like conservation of the turtles,
conservation of the, you know, the forest,
conservation of the, you know, you are nailing it.
You need to keep going, get in touch with me,
because the islands are cool, and to build one,
and then put NFTs in there, or conservation,
and then the proceeds go to like, conservation.
You know, that is on time.
I mean, that is on time.
That, I don't know, they have given us an opportunity,
and it being free, I couldn't believe it
when Christiane said that.
I sat there and I was like,
ah, you know, I'm going to have to do something.
And it's free.
And it's even funny, fun just to watch.
I mean, it, I was so amazed.
And to put that on there, you could have a raffle,
you could have a day that you're going to have a contest,
and people will like pay $5 a ticket,
and NFT Island can get like 5% of the proceeds,
and that would be like 2,000 people, you know,
because it's free.
They deserve, they deserve props.
You know, they deserve to get something back too.
They have given us a platform that is the most,
this is the best platform and the best idea
I've seen since I've started in Bitcoin and NFT,
and I've been here for a while.
And I was waiting for someone to be smart enough to do it.
You know, have enough clout to do it.
And the more people that come on, the more islands,
you, I mean, you can go crazy with it.
And, oh my God, that idea you have, I am on board.
I am on board.
Yeah, I just want to touch on that.
I agree with that 100%.
I can easily see, you know, NFT Island becoming part
of the flywheel of Web3 onboarding,
where you've got, you know, instant utility.
And that's something that a lot of teams sort of struggled with,
even in the bull market.
Throughout all the euphoria,
it's like finding something that's actually tangible
and doable and usable.
Like you can see, it's going to get pretty chaotic in,
you know, let's say six months to a year's time,
but straight away people can go, all right,
we can use our collection in NFT Island.
It's going to be fantastic.
And it's not even just for NFT collections,
artists, movements like yours, Z Creative as well.
So yeah, we've got a lot going on.
It's exciting.
My son wants to get on it because he is so awesome.
He's autistic, but he is a gamer and he has a lot of ideas.
And this is something for people like him.
And he is going to love it.
He's going to have his own little island, you know,
and have his own little fun.
And I hope more.
And I know as adults are, I mean, I'm an adult gamer.
I'm not afraid to say it,
but I hope they have a part and they can even have a children's part.
We have to be, you have this age and younger because you know,
you don't want to men with the older people and you could have it where
it's for actually kids.
Can you imagine the kids games that they would come up with?
They're geniuses.
And can you imagine, I mean, it's just, there's,
it's limitless.
It really is limitless.
I mean, it's kind of a crazy thought.
Like, you know, you have a kid when it's not out yet,
but once they add the iOS and, you know,
iPads apps and things like, you know, get your kid.
You kind of create a simple fun island for them.
Now they'll be having fun grinding balloons.
And they can then they'll get into NFTs.
It will get these children that think they have nothing to do with their life.
They don't know what they're going to do.
They're in AI.
They're in NFTs.
They're in web three.
They're exactly where they need to be.
It will lead them to where they need to be because my son is a genius.
I mean, he looks at the car.
He knows the mountain, the make the model.
If it's been rebuilt, the engine, how long it's been out.
Autism is a gift for me.
It has been a gift.
One of the smartest people I've ever met in my life and for people,
for him to be able to do that and be accepted because in school he was not,
he was bullied.
It gives him an outlet and it will, it will create.
I don't know.
It's like a cure.
It's like a love bug.
You know what I mean?
And it's going to travel and kiss everybody on the forehead and say,
Hey, here I am.
No, that's awesome.
You know, nifty Island and platforms like this can bring multiple generations
Anyone can build on nifty Island.
I was excited to see what everyone from young to old to,
to everyone building awesome stuff.
And then, yeah, as you create, I just wanted to add on there.
I really love your mission.
That's part of our mission too.
We're not only supporting platforms like nifty Island and creators,
but also conservation organizations rewards on every world's platform.
Our percentage goes to different conservation organizations.
We're trying to support, you know, the platforms to the planet.
So that's a really important part of our mission.
And to end with that, you know, anyone else,
we've gone over time here, love the energy here,
but anyone else want to say any final words?
I see Spotty on the stage.
Anyone else want to say any parting words?
Hey, I'll just say, I'll just say I'm super excited.
Check out my Island.
We've been offline.
We were getting attacked by the haters.
The cyber attacks are real, but we're back online.
Thank you to Charles and the nifty Island team.
And thank you guys for hosting the space.
Much love.
Appreciate that.
Well, you know, with that, you know,
I want to say thank you to everyone that joined today.
I really love the early energy and if the Island excited to see what
everyone does on the platform.
And we'll see you all around and have a good one.
See you in the island.
We love you guys.