What is SYNEXE? 🔥 w/ packs

Recorded: May 30, 2023 Duration: 0:50:28



What's going on everybody? We're just gonna wait for a few more people to get in here until we get started with all the juicy stuff you guys joined up for.
with us one sec. If people are joining in, just send a link in the discord. You get a few more people in here.
In the meantime, go ahead and like and retweet the space down in the bottom right corner. If you guys have any questions that you guys have, maybe if we don't touch on it here, maybe we can look on it. I mean, look at it a little bit after, you know.
us about 15 minutes at the end. You know, for you guys to come up and ask us questions or we answer your guys' questions down in the bottom right corner. So feel free to go ahead and do that. We'll do the best we can without trying to reveal too much, but we'll try our best.
Yeah, definitely drop some questions for us in the bottom. That'll be awesome. We want to know what you guys want to know.
Yeah, let's get it this way to good that's not a minute or two, you know make sure everybody gets a good chance to get in here before we start.
Pax, go ahead and if you want, go ahead and send a link into Discord as well.
Alright, I'll do that right now.
Can you hear me? All right, can everybody hear me? Yeah, yeah, you're good cool
I just want to say before we get started, damn, these profile pictures look good and I cannot wait until we get a whole space of all 100. You know, that's gonna look fucking sexy.
Can you imagine the AMA and the Discord was all of us in there? Yeah, everybody with these profile pictures is gonna look fucking good. No doubt.
I would give it like one more minute till we get started.
All right. I think we should go now, Pex. Yes, sir. Let's get us started. All right. So the application process is closing in 24 hours. I put down an announcement today about it. We just want to get
everybody one last chance to get in. We have, I can't even like the amount of applicants that fucking applied is crazy. We have to go through so many. It's over 150 at this point. So there's definitely a lot of people trying to, you know,
Get in while they can and not which I'm just gonna say this right now the early you get in the better the better it is That's the little alpha. I'm gonna drop in there and we got a lot of things planned But the way the application process is gonna work is we're gonna review and you and if you are selected you will definitely
now we'll definitely let you know that you're selected with all the details of how that auction is going to work and everything like that. You will have everything you need information wise but yeah you will definitely find out everything you need but you will find out through Twitter DMs.
will be the only way this is going to happen is through the official syndicate account. All right, so that's how it's going to go. That should happen this week. I'd say about Wednesday, we'll start sending them out. People that are selected will get notified by Wednesday.
Slays did you go out? Can anybody hear Slays?
Hello. No, I can't hear him. Okay, awesome. I'll just I'll just take over. Yeah, yeah, so please not sure why we can't hear you. Hello, hello.
There you go. Where did I end off that my Twitter app just literally closed on the as I was just mid speaking but yeah that's a good question. Where did I end off that anybody now?
You're talking about like if you guys selected for the application and stuff and you said like that's all that's basically it. So you guys missed that whole thing I just said.
collected and we'll go from there. And then so, Pax, you want to get into kind of our vision and what we got planned moving forward with how we're going to start with the 100, maybe expand.
Okay, so first off we are okay, so we're accepting applications for a private auction That's that's really what's gonna happen here and we're gonna have the first one of one doubt on Bitcoin The Dow, you know, I mean obviously what we will do with all the doubts do
We'll talk to the highest people in the space. We'll get a wireless allocation for our DAO. Stuff like that, you know. I mean, we just want you guys to, you know, get value from holding the NFC or well, ordinal. Same thing. But, um, yeah. So that's, that's what we're doing initially. And that's not all we have planned.
something pretty big plan that I can't really disclose right now because of the NDAs and the contracts and stuff like that. But we have a team, we have a lot of capital in this. This isn't just some pump and dump rug where we're just going to leave it and slow rug and move on to the next thing. You know what I mean?
We're putting a lot of time effort and capital into this. We're putting our reputation on the line here. We're backing this fully. This is our project. We're going to do a lot of things under this index umbrella that we can't wait to share with you guys.
I would just like to say also for literally like two weeks me J. Pax and Slays got in a meeting and talked for like man I don't even know like four or five hours at a time and we even still do that almost every single day so when these guys
So, you guys are like 100% quality.
and building every day, making sure it gets down every day and putting like 100% in every day. Appreciate that, Bryce. That's awesome. And we do appreciate you guys. We're glad to have you guys on the team. And when we do expand, I think, man, I think this is going to be
big. I think we have a great opportunity here. We're really early with the whole ornals thing. We just hit 10 mil. I mean when it was launched, what March? It's only May. We're two months into this thing and I think we have a lot of room to go. I think the future is bright
here and I think um yeah I wish I could tell you guys more and like specifically what we're doing but we are you know it's not just the 100 doubt we're doing we're doing more than that but our main focus is the doubt for now so Josh and then Bryce
Yeah, I mean to add to what Bryce said like these guys they have so we were in these calls for like four to five hours and then we'll hop into another call and they'll have like so much done like we're just like dude like You can tell us all this stuff like you guys been working ever since we got a call like for
You only have like 16 hours left in your day with how you doing this much work. So yeah, these guys are actually crushing it. A lot of the things that we've been talking in these, you know, calls, super bush on like crazy stuff that's going to be, you know, come now that I know they don't want to talk about yet, but just know like
like these 100 people, like definitely want to get in on that application, definitely want to sign up for it and try and get into these 100, because it's going to really kick off the project and then the things coming after it, it's going to be insane. I'm fucking bullish on it. - Go ahead, bud. - Appreciate it, guys.
Yeah, so I kind of got for Jay said also about the application. It is crucial about the application to be honest with you and what we're doing with this 100 collection, it's going to be so important to hold it because of what we
adding into the future and the utilities. Just holding the hundred collection gets you so much access into so much what we want to do and filling an application is literally like the beginning of you just in the journey of what Sinex is doing. So fill out the application
That's like the biggest thing you can do and then I'll also have a question for Paxton slaves you guys don't mind me asking Go ahead I don't know if you guys can talk about it, but like a lot of people I see us are confused about white less than OG and how that whole system will work with application you want to like clarify that
So without revealing too much, so with whitelist and OGs they will definitely have a role in the future. There's definitely going to be ways to get OG and whitelist in the near future, but definitely it is in the world.
So if you see people with that role right now, don't be discouraged. There will be ways to get those roles in the future and they will serve a purpose in the future for sure. And you definitely want to be on the lookout on how to get those roles and you definitely want to be one of the people that have those roles. Let me just say that.
Yeah, I want to ask something to when when PFP change
What do you mean we already changed that profile picture when when my pf b change I want to be a p those things are so fucking hard Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's it's in the works relax
But anyways, I just want to touch back on the applications. So the reason why we chose to do a private auction, you know, made people apply and everything like that is we just don't want just any random person in there. Like we don't want any random person in the 100 doubt. We want people that actually want to be a public
We want people to hear hold the NFT where it has their profile picture be proud to have it be proud to be in Synax we want those people in
are doubt and especially in the hundred. So that's why we're having this as a private auction. That's why we're having this as you know an application having you fill out an application and we've had a lot of applications like that of came through and like when we ask who are you it's been like a troll comment and like obviously that's not
What are you doing what can you provide to us like how like why should we pick you and like that's the stuff we're looking for we're looking for like like minded individuals that just want to like grind together because at the end of the day it's gonna be a hundred one like a two one oh one doubt we're all in this together we're all gonna try to
You know make each other money we're all gonna try to like have plays with each other and we're all gonna grind in this space together because at the end of the day that's all we do is we grind every single day and we show up every single day But uh, yeah, and I'm gonna look through the comments now packs if you want to take over I'm gonna find some questions and see if we can answer those. It's gonna be a sec
Yeah, I actually want to say something really quick too You know, I don't know how much how much hopefully you guys have given I'm definitely not gonna give anything out but If you look at you know what's going on here in the Bitcoin the Bitcoin space like we're so new there's so much opportunity here and if you're actually listening you see like a lot of people
They move together a lot of you know projects they group up with these like badass people these highest individuals with with a lot of values So if you're over here, you know in these applications, it's like throwing some random stuff Unfortunately, you know you might not make it into the 100 like we're trying to get some legit people were trying to actually move this is gonna be
be big. If you put something on Bitcoin, like the biggest thing versus Solana, and I don't know if the airms like it too, but I know Solana, like it's mutable, like you can actually change stuff. So this stuff is not is not mutable. It's immutable. We're going to be on here. We're not we're not doing this to fuck around like this is going to be something that's that we're#
going to be moving as a group, as a syndicate making some things happen, making some big waves. So definitely take that application seriously and like let's fucking ride. Go ahead, pack. Sorry about that. You're good. I just wanted to say so I seen George, if you still hear his comment, he said, um,
What's the long-term vision here? Where would you like to see the project and the community around Sinek's in the next three months, six, one year? Yeah, so the goal here is to be the number one down Bitcoin. We want to be the best down. I mean, if you look at boobles, hotheads, deadgains, you know what I mean? Like, we're
trying to be, you know, I don't want to say better, but we're trying to be the best. You know, I mean, I think anything but the best is failure for us. We want to do something big and, you know, we're here to stay. This is going to be huge.
You know, it doesn't end with the one-on-one doubt like we're gonna do so much more It's more than just alpha calls and white list allocations. It's way more than that. It's network I mean we're networking with some of the biggest names in the space We're gonna get people in there that you want to be with that you want to like, you know Partner up with and start something with you know, there's gonna be founder#
100 you know we we plan to give that to you we plan to help you guys make it man I mean that's that's the goal here what's up Bryce yeah I wanted that on to another utility that people may overlook being part of the 100 and one of the biggest things that everyone looked for inside Web series network
working and just connecting with others. And these guys, I know they are stressed enough, but when we create this 100, it's going to be full of people who are builders, networkers, people who've done things in the space, people who are doing things in the space, and just opportunities for you to be on network yourself and work with these people.
So being able to become one of the 100, you can not only further what you want to do in web 3 and your career, but you can also further your networking skills, your content you're making, and just further what you want to do in general in web 3. And that's like one of the biggest utilities that a lot of people overlook that I want to just get out there for everyone to know.
I mean, another thing just to show you how serious we're I mean we have a registered LLC we have contracts we have NDAs you know we have a team we're we're hiring out right now like this is serious we're building something out in the background that I can't discuss right now but we're building something that's I think it'll provide value and I think
I think people will be pretty excited about it for sure. Slays if you want to take the floor from your W. Yeah. Also. Yeah. Lord Ben you will ask what is the motivation behind the creation of this project? I can kind of tap into that real quick. Yeah. So me and Pac's been in this face for a
a while years now. We've been at the like, we've seen it through the bull run, the bear, everything we've been through at all. So we know like how to operate in both markets and like the motivation behind this project is we always wanted to start something. We just didn't know what. So it took like
Just months maybe even years of just you know just shooting ideas back and forth at each other and just really you know Actually trying to come up with a plan and an idea that we both liked and that we both think that we both could get behind and actually you know and just to put this out there we went through and again
extensive process with artists like we we packs what do you think like 30 40 artists we went through just trying to find the right fit of like what we wanted in our vision and we finally got the right one and look at them they look beautiful in this space so and they've been they've been in the discord
It's just nothing but love about the art. That's the motivation behind the project. We just wanted to start something that we created and we can build and it's going to be here forever. I mean the two things you need in this space is longevity and trust and I think we have both of them.
Yeah, we're excited for the future. Taxi on muted if you want to. Did I just wanted to go off what you said with the profile picks? I mean, I've had my D-Guard as my profile pick for like two years now. I bought it when it was four so I've never sold. I love D-Guard's and like this is the one profile pick.
that I'm more than happy to change to. I mean, look at it, dude. This is sexy. Like, I don't know. I've just never seen, like, I used to think boobles were pretty cool. I used to think like, you know, pixel art is awesome, but this is just like, this is next level, dude. I mean, we were really picky with art, and I'm so happy with how it turned out.#
But not only that, it's going on fucking Bitcoin. Like that's even crazier. We'll be there forever. Like our NFT will actually be on the fucking chain. Like that's in nuts. Yeah, that is the biggest thing because and here's the thing with all these other NFTs on Salana and ETH is that like I think Josh touched on this that they're beautiful, right?
So like you can anyone at any time can just update the metadata to be something other than, you know, what you originally bought and what you originally paid for. And right now, you know, when we inscribe, he's on the blockchain, they're there forever. You have the piece of mine that we're never going to change these like this is yours forever. But yeah, go ahead, Bryce.
I wanted to touch on the art again. I'm a huge pixel artist. I love pixel art. I like anything about pixel art. I just want to love. That's also what got me into the lead 3. So when I started
like pixel art coming out a lot of it wasn't really that great and stuff and then when I seen what packs and created show that show what they showed us behind the scenes and stuff with the the P.F.P. is everything is just wow this is probably some of the best pixel art I've seen that hit any blockchain
In a long time and it's crazy because wolf captain wolf calf drop I was like, okay, this is some pretty clean You know P.F.P really pixel art and then when I see what they were creating as I holy shit This is like there's just next level pixel art. It's crazy
And like that's the thing we like through the whole process we didn't want to get behind art that we that we ourselves wouldn't wear as a profile picture because I'm so bearish on founders that come out here and they launch projects and they don't even have their fucking profile like they don't even have their own pro like project as a profile picture. I'm not gonna name names
But that just makes me bearish as fuck. So we want to get behind art that we ourselves wouldn't wear over like packs at D. God, like that we wouldn't wear over like these blue chip projects out there. And I think that's really what made us be so picky. And like we went through, like I said earlier, we went through like 30 artists, like 40 artists.
Put out like the amount of calls we got on the amount of time we put into you know really perfecting this art and the amount of revisions it took like you can ask Josh Bryce like we sent them so many revisions like hey, what do you think of this? Hey, what do you think of that and honestly the figure that we have now it wasn't even like the if we showed you the first
It's not even close like it's like complete 180 or 360 the other whatever whatever you want to call it But I'm glad that we have this now and I'm glad we have art that fucking can shock the fucking the all trains honestly go ahead, but yeah before Bryce goes for Bryce goes like I just
want to emphasize that you know slays and packs like they were on top they're on top of NFT and spec like they're riding with their youth their their de-god like people recognize them for them in the space they've been here for years and for them to like be that bullish to change their pfp for that yeah we're there the whole time they're going
through so many renditions and like some people are crazy some artists are crazy supposedly what I'm hearing from them Wendy's got me tax but they went through renditions talking about it and then when these came out like oh my god they're beautiful and that's why at the beginning you know I'm just messing around like when the fd cuz I just wanted
Like put a point to that like that. All right, it's just Fox man. Go ahead Bryce. I had to put that in Yeah, I got good J. I think we should release the Wendy, but yeah I've got was insane to be able to do
come up and speak, ask a question like you know with your voice go feel free to do that. We're here to answer as much as we can without revealing too much. We got a bunch of listeners in here. We got Stephen, Kyrisco, Meaves, Primal, Clark. Any of you guys want to come up and ask questions, feel free to do so. I'm gonna go.
even Hydro shout out Primal, Marv, all you guys, give us some questions. And also to answer your question, unhappy, unhappy B, you can reapply on your application. I'm guessing you put that in there after I said
Don't put a troll comment in who are you but that's okay Just go ahead and we'll figure out reapplying for you. Yeah, we'll figure that out But mebes is up here now go ahead mebes you got anything you want to ask hey, what's up? I just want to say I love what you guys are doing. I know we talked in person
I'm very excited for you guys are building. JJ and Bryce, you guys got the perfect guys, man. You guys got the perfect guys with you. So that's sick. And I just wanted to ask, so I know you said you were working to broaden or build up your team eventually. What are you looking for exactly?
Uh, or is that not like a concern as well now?
Honestly, we haven't really talked about that too much in terms of like moderators, community managers, collab managers, all that type of stuff. We've really talked more of the backend stuff.
kind of like dev work and everything like that. So those are the type of people who are always looking for better devs, anything like that. But in the future, we definitely are looking for one community manager, especially when we start expanding and we start having a lot of more in like influx of people into the discord.
We're definitely going to look for a community manager, definitely going to hire out the staff team, definitely get more moderators and everything like that. So there will be a lot of positions open and there will be a lot of positions to fill. So yeah, to answer your question, yeah, we'll be looking for everything to be honest with you.
Awesome. Yeah, that was pretty much my question. I think I think pretty much from what you guys were saying. I don't really know what else I could ask even to try to squeeze some
mouthful, but we'll say that for I'll try to squeeze some alpha another day for me guys. Hey, feel free to sit up here though and try and you know, I'd be a question to squeeze from these guys because I love taking alpha from
Yeah, that's it. I don't know if I wrote that.
No, yeah, we would love to answer questions. It's hard for us to know, because we already know everything going on behind the scenes. And it's hard for us to really understand what you guys know, what you guys want to know. It helps us a lot if you guys ask questions. And we can really like, you know, tailor the project to what you guys want at the end.
the community is what matters and that's who we're voting for. So anything you guys have to ask feel free anything we're here all night folks but go ahead Bryce. Yeah I just wanted to show this team a little bit you know I understand how stacked the team is that you got you got Josh this man this man got on YouTube
one day and build whole goddamn car like okay you know that's that's that's off on its own that's pretty bullish. Well honest serious note though like this team is stacked bro Josh knows video editing those graphic really work really well I took almost two years worth of graphic work in school I'm getting into video editing packs and slaves are amazing
people want to come to management and just doing anything project-wise. We have a legit jack-of-all-trades stacked fucking team for this project. So that's like a huge bullish thing and a big thing that whenever I'm investing I can get behind as just a stacked team.
Yeah, for sure we definitely have a stack team and we're also we're also looking to add more eventually like they're what like I said earlier what meepzass there will be spots to fill and like we're definitely looking to fill those spots especially Trying to answer these questions without revealing too much. I was just slacking
up there and just completely reveal it a lot. But especially with what's going on in the future with everything that we're building behind the scenes and everything like that, we definitely will need a lot of people on board. So take that what you, well definitely need a lot
So there will be a lot of positions to fill. Yeah, so mebes to really answer your question. We will have a spot for you soon enough. Yeah, let's go. Yeah, fucking me. Mebes is gonna come off the chair, but I know these guys have been coming.
We're looking for bad ass
We're looking for people who are going to do some stuff in the space who are trying to move around who are very consistent, growing up and stuff like that. There's a lot of things to be there, even if you're not part of the group, we're still making sure you guys are. The people that are in the group are going to be some great people.
Yeah, and another thing is that we're not gonna have just one specific type of person in there like we're gonna have the low key people who are low key millionaires, you know what I mean who are trading you know Bitcoin and futures, you know what I mean who are making 20% gains but they're on 20x land
and they're doing a consistent every week. You know, those guys will have, will have the top guys on entity inspect will have the influencers, you know, will have those guys will have founders will have builders will have devs will have artists will have it will be a hub for everything that you need, you know, and I mean you'll be networking with people that you can
really built something real with, you know? And it's not just random, you know, people DM you on Twitter, you know, the guys that you can really build a relationship with is only 100 people in the DAO. Like you're going to get to know these guys very well. So people, people who you can execute with.
I see what you did there, I love it, let's go.
Yeah, that the pin tweet that uh that was shared by Josh that is the first auction Viking dot exe that will be the first the one auctioned off and I'm excited for it. I can't fucking wait Look at it. It's beautiful. Uh the
Our artist, he, you know, we put him through the ringer, man, with the amount of revisions we did and everything like that. It's rough. It's rough being an artist. Like, we just want to make it perfect for you guys. We just want you guys to be happy with it and actually be satisfied with the profile picture.
Yeah, blood's that guy's heart, dude, and I felt so bad. He would send us on me, being nah, you gotta change this slightly, you know, move it to pixels over, one pixel down, you know what I mean? We're drawing up shit and paint and it's terrible. We're like, dude, you get the idea, and it looks nothing like what we're going for. But you know, it worked out at the end#
You can't change it. So that's why we have to be so picky. We wanted to be exactly the way we want to get it right the first time. You have no other choice. It has to be right the first time. But unhappy B came up. What's up? What do you got?
First of all, I just want to say I'm super bullish on slaves and packs. I was with them during the meme season and you know they were they were doing hello out
But the question I got was for the PFPs, right? They're going to be auctioned. Everything one of them are going to be auctioned or is it going to be just this one?
Yeah, oh Let's go back to that question at the end. We'll be back to that question at the end. Yeah, brace what you got Yeah, I just want to let everyone know I'm sorry everyone's kind of scared lonely here. It's just
a 100 collection that they're going to miss out on the opportunity to join like this amazing dial and stuff that we're creating. I'm not trying to release too much alpha but don't be too scared. All I'm going to say is there will always be another opportunity with what we're creating.
No, yeah, the opportunities are endless, especially with what everything we got going on. Like I said earlier, the OG, wireless roles in the Discord, they will be used for something. So take that, take that how you will. I'm not going to say anything else. They will be used in the future for something eventually.
We'll get to it, but right now our main focus is on getting these one-of-ones out and actually start populating with the Discord and having people rock our profile pictures on the timeline, really get our name out there. That's what I'm most excited for.
the streets are going to go crazy with these initial welcome posts. Oh yeah they are. The people that are we already got cooking up that are going to be a part of this. Yeah you guys are going to love it. We've been doing a lot of shit behind the scenes with you know we
been in calls all day. We're talking to the like influential people in this space every every single day like it's not stopped like a meep space earlier he asked us how do you guys balance it out and like you just don't you can't it's just not enough time the day to really you know run something like this
and build something like this. So you have to really sacrifice your time, but I fucking love it to be honest with you. I'm here for the long time. Me and Pacs are here to put on for you guys. Not only just us for you guys, like that's what we want. We want to build something big for not only just us for everybody in it.
Yeah, so another thing I was going to say is we were riff riffing on the art for so long and how picky we are with the art. It's not just the art that we're picky on. It's everything. I mean, we're writing out white papers and you know road maps behind the scenes and exactly how we're going to structure the Dow and the the four
The articles of everything we're going to do, how we're going to structure it, how the funds are going to be handled, and just everything. We're planning 10 steps ahead of wherever anyone thinks we're at, where we already thought about it, and we're working on it.
Go ahead, Bryce. Yeah, I wanted to address the pickyness of, you guys said about the art stuff. I can 100% agree to this guys. It is not just about the art. And like, we would be in a call talking about how we're going to make a white paper and how we're going to do the project.
We're gonna go with it. We'd hop off the call after like three or four hours and not no more than five minutes later He would they would call me and Jay again and like hey, let's hop in a call again We thought of something and they'd like tweak something to make this better We'd hop them tweak this and they'd be like it was like that for weeks and like even till now we're still
doing that same repetitive scheme like we're constantly in calls, we're constantly trying to make sure everything that we do and produce to you guys is like a hundred percent quality and we like touch every piece of what we can do just to make sure what we're doing is unique and something that you guys are proud of rep and be a part of.
Thanks for having me to the are you gonna talk or oh no good my bad I worry where I was just waiting I didn't want to talk but like I said earlier you know we me and Pax been here been in this space for a while so we've been through it all the bull market bear market
Whatever you want to call it. We've seen projects come and go we're kind of you know just over the just the time in the space we've kind of see what works and see what doesn't and we're trying to What's the word for it? Like yeah, we are picky like I guess you could use that like we're like we're
We're picking in a good way in the sense like we know what works and like we've been in the space for a while where we can really sit down and break everything down and kind of pick and choose what works and what doesn't and kind of pull pieces of like from different projects or different one-on-one dowels that we could maybe use or
You know, we're just kind of, we're just like a sponge really. We're taking everything that works and we're putting it into a plan and we're gonna fucking go from there and without revealing too much, but you know, we got shit cooking and we're doing it the right way and we're gonna be here for a long time.
Yeah, so I just wanted to tell someone that too because, yeah, I mean we've been in the spaces since what like 2017 I mean I wrote Bitcoin in 2017 I was in Salon Island seasons, like 2021 early summer, you know, I mean I just seen everything I was here for when
Google's were selling for four soul and now they're a hundred grand floor. You know what I mean? Like I remember all of this stuff like we know how these things are structured. We talk to people in these dows. We know what's going on. You know, like we're just gathering information and we're executing on what works and we're
And we're going to do, we're here to build if something doesn't work, we're not just going to quit and give up, we're going to keep going, you know, nothing can
stop us. There's literally nothing that can stop this from happening. And yeah, I mean, this space is recorded. You can come back and clip this if I'm wrong and clown me on Twitter all you want. You know, go for it. You won't be able to. But, you know, yeah, that's all I got.
Yeah, and I would just touch on that real quick. Yeah, that's the best thing about it is like when it's like when you have the vision of being here for a long time You are able to pivot and do such things like kind of like D.Gods like Frank started out as you know With you know regular D guys when fucking Alphar and look where they are now
Like that was just like months and months of just pivoting and just taking feedback from the community. And I think that's the best thing about it is when you actually listen to the community and actually implement the things that they are suggesting or they want changed, like great things can happen. And where are the type of founders
to interact with you guys. We want to be a part of something big. We want you guys to feel a part of something big. And we're not going to exclude anybody. We're all in this together. This is one big family. We're going to do this together and we're going to do it the right way. Go ahead, Bryce.
Um, you guys did touch on this little bit by the question that I could see a lot of people be interested in. What made you guys want to start a project? What originally, like, what originally made you guys want to do this? Can I answer this, please? Yeah, go ahead. Okay.
I mean for me personally I can't really speak for slaves you know we're our own people but I mean I bought Bitcoin in 2017 and it wasn't to make money it's per se I mean obviously you know that's awesome but um it's really the ethos behind it you know money is the root of everything and you know a decentralized digital cash
it's peer to peer, you cut out the B words and you know what I mean you can own your assets finally it's the one thing that they you know people can use to have power over you control you and now you can finally you know have autonomy and freedom and
It's just a man, just to be able to build on it and be a part of history and what this will grow into is insane. We're so early in the grand scheme of things Bitcoin came out in 2009. It's been functioning without a central entity for 13 years and however long, yeah, about 30 years.
14 years, 14 years now, and that's saying something in and of itself. And to be able to build on it is a dream come true, to be honest. And when we execute it's going to be surreal.
I'm so fucking excited for when we actually get started. Like this is just the beginning. Like there's so much in store. I really wish we could just get up here and you know explain what we got going on but we just can't right now. There will be
time in the future for when we are able to come out and really say what's going on and it will shock all of you guys. It shocked us when we came up with the idea but it really will shock all of you guys. Go ahead Bryce.
I'm about to be that guy who answers his own question, but I would do it. But about the whole thing, like why why you guys wanted to get into the project or into building a project. The whole reason why I was so keen on supporting you guys is because I'm like a huge believer in bridging Web 3.4
into this whole new era of technology that we're starting to experience even in Web 2 and being able to just build something that is on such a new blockchain, on a blockchain that we've yet to even experience. The whole, I guess you say, "Boronon" is just amazing to me. It's just one of the biggest things I always
I've always been a fan of you guys and when you guys DM me it was all like, you know, having a call. I was like, fuck yeah. Because like, this is just something I can help build, something I can help other people, you know, profit from other people, you know, gain, you know, whatever they want to gain off of install. It's just huge. It's a whole reason why I would even want to be in#
Yeah, I totally agree, Bryce. If we picked you for a reason, I mean you're constantly in the timeline, you're constantly showing up every day. I mean, that's what we're looking for. We're looking for people that want to be a part of something. Like that's why we have the whole application process. That's why, you know,
it's a private auction because we don't just want some average Joe in there that just wants to buy the NFT and flip it two days later. We want someone to be a part of what we got going on here and actually use the profile picture on the timeline and actually be proud to be a part of it. So that's what we're looking for. We're looking for people to
just like that. But yeah, go ahead and if you guys have any more questions, go ahead and feel free to drop them down in the bottom right corner. Go ahead, like, retweet the space, whatever. If you guys want to come up, speak, feel free. We don't bite. But yeah, I was just going to say like for people who don't
have many followers and you're low key and you're just on the timeline, please don't feel discouraged when applying. I mean, we don't care about how many followers you have or if you're an influencer or not, we want people, you know, are serious about the space you've been here for a while or have, you know,
bags in the space who have something that they can bring to the table to offer the doubt that can benefit everybody. Like we just need this is this is the basis for who we let in. Can you provide value enough value to the people that are already in the doubt for them to provide value back to you? Like
Are you offering unique value or is it going to be lopsided? Can you really offer value that someone else who's already in there, can you make it equal? Do you have skills? Do you have trading experience? Have you been trading NFTs? What are your credentials? How much sold
where did you start with and what you end up with? You know what I mean? You say that, you know, there you go. You know, if you did well then we'll consider it, you know. Don't worry about your followers, don't worry about your reach, don't worry about anything else like that. Just come with your credentials and we'll review your application.
Uh, unhappy be left. We meant to get back to his question. I know I fucking feel bad. Where did you go? Honestly, uh, what was it? It was, uh, yeah, this is gonna be the only one of one. But we should go. Everyone go and tag him inside the disc. I'm gonna find that in here.
Yeah, go ahead and get him back in here. I don't want to answer his question without him in here. I feel like kind of rude doing that. We were going to get back to him, but he's gone now. But, uh, yeah, if anybody's got any more questions, feel free to come up and ask. I mean, it's kind of hard to really, you know, explain anything else more that we got going on without really revealing#
you guys have any other questions? It'd be great for you guys to come up and ask so we can actually give you something without revealing too much of what we got going on. Either way, oh go ahead, Bruce. Why did you guys decide Bitcoin?
I mean, Bitcoin's the OG blockchain. Bitcoin started everything. There wouldn't be a lot of Ethereum without Bitcoin. It's the most pure form of digital currency that we have. It's the most decentralized. It's the most
was paired up here, whatever you want to call it. So that's why it's the gold standard for blockchains. It's the best one. You want to be the best Dow, then we have to be on the best blockchains. So that's the goal.
Yeah, so if anybody doesn't have any more questions, it's kind of hard to really reveal any more information than what we already gave you guys. I'm gonna give it like about another minute. If anybody's got any other questions or anything like that that we got in here, just look it through the comments and
the bottom right corner. Hopefully we answered all of your guys questions in the audience. Hopefully we gave you a quick little rundown on what we got building over here, what we got cooking without revealing too
much more will come out in the future just stay to Discord definitely put an announcement every single day. Follow the Twitter @CindicatedXe, keep notifications on, more tweets will come out soon with everything and keep on the lookout for your application.
You know keep on the lookout for Wednesday when those DM start does being sent out and I'm super excited Yeah, I also wanted to reiterate I said this in the discord, but if you don't get accepted for your application for the initial private auctions, please don't get discouraged. There's gonna be a lot more opportunities
I mean, the one I went down is seriously just a start. It's definitely our main focus, but it is just a start of everything that we're doing. We're thinking years down the road. I mean, like Celia said, longevity and trust. I feel like we've built trust and we have a reputation of our
protect and we just want to prove that we can last and we really do have longevity and we can build something that lasts and that people are excited about and that they want to be in and provide value to our holders. At the end of the day, that's all that matters. Provide value to your holders and you will be rewarded. That's it.
Yeah, so nobody else got any more questions. Hopefully we answered everything that we could. If you guys got it, if you guys think of any more questions, feel free to ask in the discord. We're pretty active in there. Just, you know, ping us. We'll get back to you. Don't even worry about it. Yeah, so thank you guys for all kind of
coming out as a you know quick little 40 45 minute space but I think we answered a lot of questions you know cleared up some things without really revealing too much information. Bryce Josh you guys got anything you guys want to say before we get out of here? I just want to say one last
last time when pfp I'm scared I love y'all can't wait to see y'all in the discord @mejj I will send you a bunch of those pepis that are screaming across the screen I fucking love those but thanks for coming through everyone back to you guys
Bryce you got anything?
Yeah, I just wanted to say, you know, just keep keeping on the discord. We're going to be announcing we're going to be in the chats every day. We're going to be Helomeen JJ get in the voice chat almost every day, you know, video editing and stuff like that so you can always stop and say hi.
have any questions that we're able to reveal to you will answer it. Yeah, that's about all I want to say. Just we're going to be in there every day. You know, don't be afraid to ask questions. Don't be afraid to stop and say hi in the voice chat whenever I announce I'm in the voice chat stuff. So yeah, got it.
Thank you guys. I just want to lastly, I just want to say thank you guys for all coming out showing support. Coming in here and really finding out what we're about. Packed you got any closing remarks? You got anything? Just wanted to say Faiz over a question to speak. What you got? Let's go.
Hello hello. Hey I just wanted to hop on here and say you know I've known tax and slaves for a very long time and when it comes from like you know genuine and hard work these are your guys you know when they lock in they lock in so I'm very excited to see what's gonna happen
And you know, I just wanted to say that before the space ended. But yeah, I'll be in the discord, guys. Yeah, appreciate that phase. That's awesome, man. That was that that's even more motivation for us to execute and really really do this for you and for everyone else.
Thank you so much and also thank you for everybody that came out today. We really fucking appreciate it. Everybody that came up here and spoke appreciate it. Everybody that stayed and listened to everything that we had to say. Hope you guys got something information out of this. If you guys have any more questions like we said feel free to
asking the discord will be there, we're active, we're 24/7, just paying us will be there. And yeah, I think that's pretty much it. Thank you all for coming. I'm gonna go ahead and rug this space in 3, 2, 1.