What you should know about Genadrop. #Auroraisnear #web3

Recorded: April 12, 2023 Duration: 0:27:48



you guys what do you think everyone? well, it was y'all fine
I can see we have
only 3 persons or 4 persons on the call, you guys are all team members so you are going to be waiting for few minutes and then we begin at exactly 4 minutes from now
So let's invite our friends.
I'll listen right off, grants.
And also please let's get our browsers ready.
I'm going to be sharing, okay, it's going to be an interactive session, more of a practical session since I won't be able to share my screen here on Twitter. So I think from the better if you are following up as I'm demonstrating.
So yeah, you're so beautiful.
Okay, I think it's already time to shoot them already get started. Can you guys see me?
Can you guys see me? This can you respond if you can hear me? Yeah, yeah, I can hear you. Can hear you.
All right, awesome. So today, to this workshop, we're going to be talking about, excuse me, we're going to be talking about Jan Adrof. Yeah, Jan Adrof, I believe it's, this is a project that
So you call your team and your team manager. As I was saying, this is a project that you must be familiar with or most of the common
in our oxygen products.
your network is bad there's a break in the network if you can
Can here please signify by sending an emoji?
All right, so let's see what's in here. You love them. Okay. All right. I'll say, uh, Genadro is some actual issues for generative growth. Yeah. From the world, um, generative. It is actually used to
to create, you know, means and generate energies. So that's the use of general growth and that's what it's actually meant for. So it's well, it's...
It can be possible for me to explain everything. Yeah, with just my voice, I believe this is more like more physical and more effective if it has been a practical reform.
I was able to you know show you guys from my screen if I was able to show my screen. So I would like all of you to just just go to your browser and such.
then gROP.com.
Thank you.
Okay, I will do it.
immediately your search results this place the first page that pops up is a page where you see different stuff that you can actually do in the general group after connecting your wallet and the first
use case of the first thing that you can do which are general problems, you can see AI by 3-8 digital arts and AI. So at this point I'm sure we are all familiar with the most brilliant aspects of
of the crypto space or the blockchain space which is chat GP, chat GPT, which we sent AI that gives you results of virtually everything you ask for. It could even be image. You can like describe,
image of what you want to see and then the AI displays the results for you and you know it's actually wonderful and this is exactly what this very huge case of the genre of those that you can create is that actually
be AI and means it as an energy, means it as your own personal energy. I believe we almost are from across the famous images of the poop that was circulating around, to this park, people actually like acts
the AI to provide them with the source or image of the poop as a dj poop as in the poop like as in swarge somebody and the AI actually did that and just kind of hilarious so AI can actually
like do these things like they can actually like picture your like provide the resources or whatever you have your imagination. So you can actually do that if you click on if you click on the you know create create create as with AI you see
Okay, we're actually going to describe the image you want to see. Yeah, some examples, inspirations. You see, a giant donut on the road close to your mountain. Photo of a futuristic car on the garbage, the MS driver's. You click on the photo of a futuristic car on the garbage.
if you click on each sound, it takes time, like a few seconds to generate this image. So let's turn it
If you actually claim, let's see what's the report for what kind of community couple.
Okay, put of a realistic graphics. Yeah, I can see a picture. It puts you the outside looks like animation on as my results too. Like
This is actually the work of an AI. So you can describe virtually anything that you want to see and AI actually generates things for you. So that's one thing. So you can see this is actually unique feature like I'm not sure if I've come across any NFT project.
that does this like I've never come across any energy for you that does this so it's actually good to see this from from general I know okay I actually forgot to mention you know I drop this is a more teaching energy platform like you can use or
on different things, on various things including, I think, to go on, Solana and yeah, definitely including Aurora, because it was actually integrated on Aurora, or presents. So that's one aspect of, of,
is one utility of genera, create digital art and AI. Another utility is proof of sish, or proof of sish, as you can scan your stick for proof. These are like proof of from humanity
you know, not to crop out boats from the platform. So the third utility is digital ads, as you can open an image and mix. I believe this is something that's almost every energy platform does. Like it's any other, it's very
So this one is family and of course
very not. Then the next use case is tweets like you can meet your favorite tweets on chain. So, okay, the last person
or the first person, the only person I had, that showed his tweets for a very good amount of money.
ona. We found out, Cita, not a little mox, a former ona of Cita. He was the person that showed his tweets for over $2 million or $20 million.
So, in this, or with this utility, you can actually like mint your favorite energy, mint your favorite foods as an energy.
you can use your provides with a certain energy and then if you are lucky it can be both and you get your game, you get your money. So the thought is collection, import acts into the acts, you can import like
actually important collection, not just a single data arts or a single teacher, it's an actual life. It imports it collection. Whereas a collection I mean, it could be your mental energy of the both players then.
on that is NFC, you now have like NFC or these are out of this channel, we now do NFC dashboard like different football players all on that one collection so you can actually do that with general group and then the last use case is on can take you
life photo, or the other of, of from like, you can take a lot of life photo and mint it as an energy that you could like be in a very like beautiful, all nice view. And then you can just like take a picture and mint it as an energy. And
We know how crazy energy is. We can get lucky and someone might buy them a very handsome amount of money. These are the utilities or the use cases of general growth.
that you can do. You cannot do that. I know that some of the books, or recently the books around NFTs have actually like faded off. Like many people now, if they hear about NFTs, like they're always frown, frown about
because the boost or the exfile's main direct energy is no longer compared to before most energy projects are dying and people have actually lost hope on energies but the two of these if you know cats
The world crypto space, even the DeFi market is not as hot or killing as it used to be before. The only aspects of the DeFi market that is still working, in the aspect that doesn't have to do all that's the food room.
So the current is actually like affects almost so the current very much is actually affects like affected everything concerning the space so that's why we haven't like that's
That's why the boosts of energy are actually down. So if you are from lost all hope on energies, I would like to inform you tonight. Just try to revive them. Just try to revive them. Because I believe energies are an update.
I believe LHCs are not like, they are not completely there. They are just affected by the PM market. And once the PM market comes, hopefully everything be back
Awesome. It's used to be. So yeah, just keep like creating, keep creating, keep keeping your eyes on, on NIT projects, good NIT projects that's, you know, you know, mute.
something in the future and I believe at the end of the day when the food market comes we all get to smile. So at this point if you have any question you can ask or we can ask answer
(water running)
Okay, I just hope I've not been speaking to myself for this ride.
I'm accepting requests for speakers. Just give it a minute. All right. I know.
Hello. Hi guys.
Yeah, welcome you. I will thank you. Okay, him. Yes, you can.
Oh guys, yeah, our are make this and the accessible for everyone.
Sorry, please come here and get your question. Is there a Mac DB and accessible for everyone?
Make the fee and accessible for everyone.
I'm asking if I would have made it accessible to everyone. Yes, made what is a genadro. Yes, genadro. Okay, genadro is actually accessible for
everyone is like the matter, the blockchain or the network you are interacting with. If you are interacting with your digital, of course you can access it. If you are interacting with digital, interacting with Solana, you can easily access it. I know you're in here interacting with Aurora.
Yeah, definitely, um, easy accesses. Most of the time even, it's a lot of those learning how to be a time for in-carski. So yeah, it's accessible for you. Okay, thanks. I'll take you guys
Okay, the next question.
I thought you had a question. Hello, good evening.
Yes, I got a lot of questions. My question is you also to go to our browser and search for dnodrock.com, right? Yes, sir. Okay, all search for it there is a page like AI USA in some of the
I really artificial ability or what yes, I can tell you how come we are sitting are we creating are we creating our own and left to be or what like how come we are sitting
Yes, so okay, by first of all, connecting your wallet once you connect the wallet you can access every utility on the general road and like I explained earlier the AI part is
That's what it meant for like if you have an imaginative picture or energy in your mind, like you can easily describe it to the air and then air in generative for you.
Okay. Yes. All right, thank you so much.
Do we have any more speakers? If you have any questions please raise your hand and I'll invite you to speak.
Okay, I guess we have no more questions. Okay.
Okay, there are no requests to speak and no more questions. I'm guessing. Clinton, you can take you from here.
night. So I actually this is quite like spring and autumn, you know, having an AMA on the Gita space, you all are already used to having AMA.
or tell us. So we just like actually decided to take you away from the comfort zone. They are going to be there. We decided to like have it on a two-time space to do. So it might not be like that.
And we could have it anyway. So we don't have an exact
for AME, it could be anywhere. So, wherever the AME would be, it would be communicative before the time for the AME. So, I just thought I should like to guys know.
Okay, so, since...
See you soon.
I know more questions I think are on.
which is good next ourselves.
Good night everybody. Thank you for joining the space. Thank you for joining the AMA. See you next next week. See you next week. See you next week. See you next week. See you next week. See you next week. See you next week. See you next week. See you next week. See you next week. See you next week. See you next week. See you next week. See you next week. See you next week. See#

FAQ on What you should know about Genadrop. #Auroraisnear #web3 | Twitter Space Recording

What is the utility of Proof of Sish?
The utility of Proof of Sish is to prove humanity and prevent bots from the platform.
What is the topic of the workshop being discussed?
The topic of the workshop being discussed is Genadrof.
What is Genadrof used for?
Genadrof is used for generative growth and to create energy and means.
What is the first thing you can do with Genadrof?
The first thing you can do with Genadrof is create digital art and AI.
What can you do with the Tweets utility of Genadrof?
With the Tweets utility, you can mint your favorite Tweets on chain and sell them as NFTs.
What is the Collection utility of Genadrof?
The Collection utility of Genadrof allows you to import collections of digital art and NFTs.
What is the last use case of Genadrof?
The last use case of Genadrof is to take a live photo and mint it as an energy.
Why are many people losing hope on energy projects and NFTs?
Many people are losing hope on energy projects and NFTs because of the current bear market and the impact of COVID-19 on the crypto space.
What does the speaker suggest listeners do regarding their hope in NFTs and energy projects?
The speaker suggests listeners try to revive their hope in NFTs and energy projects.
What is the format of the response expected in JSON?
The format of the response expected in JSON is a list of objects with two keys: 'question' and 'answer'.