What's happening at @HermesProtocol HQ?

Recorded: Sept. 6, 2022 Duration: 0:59:18



Hey there, welcome.
Hey there, thank you.
It's pleasure to be here. I'm good, I'm good. I'm excited. How about you, Edvin?
I'm being good to thank you and I'm also excited to hear more about your progress and see what you have to share with us today. Drop some alpha and see, you know, maybe
some of the feedback that you got in so far from some users. I think this is going to be an informative space and so hopefully people start to come in.
I think it picked up at least the announcement of this Twitter space picked up a lot of attention because Tara, the official account, also retweeted it.
Yeah, it was really good for social awareness. We were definitely very thankful. We're still relatively small accounts on Twitter, so any retreats are always welcome, of course.
So yeah, starting with some really good alpha. I mean, it really can't get any better than this. The app is now live. So for anyone hearing this in the audience,
You can go on to app.hermysprotocol.io and register for a Hermysprotocol account and give it a spin. I think we just made a tweet just a couple of minutes ago announcing this.
Yeah. No better opportunity than this AMA with you guys to announce this. We are very, very, very happy to be here. We tried launching a few weeks ago, but we had some enforcing circumstances with this quarter, which
made us push and then vacations and everything, but now we're we're happy to be at this stage. Just want to bring a fair reminder slash warning, this is a data. So there are things that will change. It is very likely that you'll find bugs
Please don't be shy, share them in our Discord or on our DMs on Twitter. We will do the best we can to follow up with everyone. And yeah, that's it for the biggest announcement.
Well, let's go back a little bit. So let's get an introduction to just yourself, just maybe two or two minutes to who you are, and then also another two to three minutes about her business and what your goal with the platform is.
Absolutely. So my name is Sergio. I'm mostly known on the space by my alias China Minton or Chinomin or whatever. I've been on Terra for about a year and a half. I started by getting to
you know anchor protocol back in March I think. It was the first protocol I met on Terra. I mean back then we only had three of them. Actually two, it was only anchor and mirror. There was also shy but it was an international. And then there was a hackathon led by
It was Delphi and the other one I'm not remembering. It was a big VC from that hackathon, Paul of Dao was born. I also met them right at the beginning. There were a couple of bunch of people. And then you have Philip Sight crypto.
so on and so forth. So, fast forward some time and now we're here. We also participated in a hackathon on August last year. So around one year ago that was when the idea for Hermes Protocol was born. Also,
So before going in and explaining what Hermes is, I just wanted to give a little disclaimer and context around myself as well in the project. So behind the Hermes Protocol project is an engineering account
company, engineering services company called Momentum 1. We are mostly known for building discord services, branding guidelines for new projects, etc. So we've helped over a hundred projects on Terra alone. Although we also
helped projects under a change as well. And then when we participated on the hackathon on August last year, we came up with this idea to build hermys and that's how it was born. And then we started actively developing it, like actually hiring people full time to build the project.
in December or January, it was around the end of the year. And yeah, now we are here with this launch. So talking a bit more about Hermes Protocol. So Hermes, there's a very big vision behind it. So it
It's a bit hard for me always to give a short introduction, because I always feel like I'm explaining something in a really simple term and it's not really making it fair. But for the first phase, let's put it like this.
protocol will be mainly a notifications platform. So what does this mean? I usually explain things with examples from other use cases. So when you register on eBay, you sign up with your email address or you sign
up with your Facebook account or your Google account which inherently have email addresses. We somehow took it for granted about these communications via email that a lot of people don't like. I mean those pesky spam emails, et cetera, they're new sans.
they do give you good value. Like whenever you put something up for sale on eBay, you get a notification when someone bids on the thing you put up for sale or whenever you sell it. Or if you want to buy something that doesn't exist on, I don't know, it is like you want to buy
these really rare pairs of sneakers from Nike or something, right? So you clicked the button, "Hey, let me know we have these back in stock." I mean, I know I did that a lot for Razer. I'm a gaming gear head. So these things are very useful for us to
to stay up to date. But with Web 3, we don't have these. Like we use, we buy NFTs, we sell NFTs, we participate or we try to participate in governance, whenever new proposals are sent, we send how know about them because we are scrolling on Twitter and everybody
is talking about it, but what happens when you're participating actively on 100 projects, you're inherently going to miss some governance proposals because you don't have a place where you can see everything that is happening in the space. You do have portfolio trackers.
like Pulsar Finance and 8th Board. Actually 8th Board has now rebranded to Nance and Board or something like that. They were bought out a few weeks ago or months ago anyway. But to actually bring more information flow there isn't a really
good place for that because previously we had email so you didn't really have to have a place for that but now with wallets you don't really have that so that's the gap we want to try and fix so by registering an account you start by connecting your wallets you can then connect multiple wallets to
to the same Hermes Protocol account. After you do that, you also connect to our social media accounts, which for now is only Discord. We're bringing Telegram next and then Twitter. And what happens when you do that is that we are able to notice
to verify you through direct messages from our bots to those apps. These are two purposes. The first is that you don't have to install yet another app on your phone. We don't have to hire iOS and Android developers to build an app just to send notifications to people. And you just use
what you were used to already using. Okay, I know this is how I'm using it. But if you spend most of your time on Discord or Twitter, then doesn't it make sense that you get these notifications about the stuff that you care about on those same platforms as well? Well, that's the thought that was our
vision. So we want to be where the users are rather than pushing them towards this new platform. And we took this so at heart that we always wanted to make sure and we're doing that, we're building it that way, that in order to use our products,
or services of notifications and even the other ones we will have over time you do not need to interact directly with our web app. You can use commands on Discord or Telegram with the bots and you can figure all the notifications you want.
These bots serve as an alternative interface to the web app. So we don't want to force users to go on the web app, so we will have all the features on those two. Not only that, we're also building APIs so that that developers can
build integrations through our platform. So basically ask people register in our platform and they connect your social media accounts and we can notify them about the stuff that they want. Then we are able to create a channel of communication that didn't exist before. So this is quite important for validators such as
orbital commands in ourselves. It's important for DAPS, like one planet, the NFT marketplaces, or even for derivatives, like NETA Protocol. They want to let you know that they have launched a new pair, that they have launched a new collection.
and you want to know about these things. And if you want to know about these things in the Web2 world, you just push a button that says subscribe and you get an email. But you don't have an email on Web3. So we come back to this same situation. We want to bring that exact same user experience where you push a button that says subscribe.
to this notification or to this alert and you get that through Hermes on a bot on Discord or Telegram or Twitter. Specifically for Twitter just as a sneak peak a little off I guess we're basically going to create what we call a bot army. So we're going to
create dozens, even potentially hundreds of Twitter accounts that are tailored to very specific kind of notifications. So these aren't really like notifications towards one person, but rather an interest like
Let's say we created a Twitter account called Doke Ones Wallets and then every time that wallet does something that account tweets out something and then of course those tweets are powered by Hermes Protocol which then brings added awareness of what we are doing but any person that wants to know about those
while the movement is taking and taking, buying collections, whatever, they can just turn on the notifications on Twitter. So it's very native for them. It's a good user experience. And again, they can also benefit from our technology without having to register for an account. This may not look very
good for us, but we believe that bringing this utility and letting people share these things that are useful for them, even if they don't register an account, will eventually bring us even more users because more people become aware of what we are doing and what we are building and how useful it is.
So, I think I talked a lot. Yeah, yeah, let me get in here for a minute. So this is definitely, I think, sounding useful. So I guess from a decentralization
perspective. You know you kind of mentioned you know we don't have this in Web 3 this kind of ability to subscribe and get notifications from a Web 3. For example besides obviously their own
Twitter account or their own Discord or Telegram. So this is something that's more customized to what I would prefer. It goes directly to a DM on my
score if that's the platform that I use the most. So that would you say that that's the most utility that Hermes will provide just that ability to be very specific on which alert to get and how you get it.
Yeah, for at the beginning, the most definitely yes. We've also seen a lot of demands for NFT integrations. So stuff, for example, something that we launched already a few months ago, even before the web app was already live. So it was just the feature we had.
for our Discord bot was actually being able to subscribe to collection sales. So every time someone buys an NFT that is listed over specific collection, we see an alert on a Discord server. So this is obviously very useful for the admins and the community management of set collections.
let's say like skeleton hunts, for example, or galactic hunts, they just run one command on one channel, usually called like sales tracking or sales tracker or whatever. And then the bot will just send a tweet of like who bought it, who sold it, what was the amount?
purchased by and of course the picture of the NFT. So that is very good for hype of course. But now of course as a validator you want to inform people when you do commission changes, when you change your profile name or your description. So there's a role
things that can be made possible now. So, Orbital command, for example, you guys are running a Discord community. You can also have a like a validator updates or something channel that is updated automatically through what with these messages, for example.
So that's the other point. But yeah, so definitely being able to pick and choose where you want the information to go, I think is a really nice feature. I mean, me personally, as a techie, I know I'm not the typical use case.
I'm usually like the the power user not the the user that doesn't have any time to spend or whatever, but I like to pick and choose everything. I like to customize everything very well. So I like to get my important notifications, for example, on Telegram because I pay more attention to it.
on my Dn's but on this chord I want to get most of my information because I spend most of my time there. So because I spend most of the time on this chord I also tend to not pay like the most attention to it so it's not the most urgent
attention to it, I spend like this, but on telegram because it's less active, I tend to give it more urgency, let's put it like this. So if I'm being liquidated, I will want that to go on telegram, but if there's a new, a new dex pair, like there's a new
Luna, Siluna or Beluna, whatever, the rivetive launch on Astroport, for example, maybe I want that to go on Discord because it's not as urgent for me to get that alpha, right? So yeah, this is the, this is
the first stage. So we've launched a tweet, give me a second to find it real quick. Yeah, there we go. We did a tweet a few days ago, let me see, it was on July 12th about the features that we're going to have on this page.
data. So the ones that we're going to have, sorry, that we have, not are going to have, have, because it's already live now, I have to get used to this. So we were allowing people to subscribe to governance proposals. So this is
live for Terra and Terra Classic. So whenever there are new governance proposals, you can be alert for those. This is also compatible for new governance proposals on specific protocols. As report is supported
the final mistake in and Mirror was also done this week, although we had already supported it in the past, but we had to rebuild the entire code to support a new architecture, so we had to rebuild the integration with Mirror and Anchor. But so those are already supported.
and we're going to include more projects soon like Wikimoney, Redacted, etc. Then Valid/Profile changes. So as I mentioned earlier, these are for the names, the descriptions and the commission rates. So this is of course very useful.
for validators and for users that delegates to set validators. So as a as a delegator, if you if you actually choose to delegate to a validator that charges 0% commission, you don't want to be surprised when they change their commission to 100% or to 20% like we previously
had some validators do, right? So if you don't want to be caught off guard, then you just come to these profile changes of the validators that you are delegating to. It's a very easy process to do because we detect which validators are already delegating to. And then whenever they do that, you just choose redevelopment.
delegate to the validator to delegate to. For validator this is good because it brings them, so if their users are more informed and you are more, let's say, what's the word for this? If you are more
more morally correct. Let's put it like this because I don't think it's right to advertise 0% and then put like you know 50% or whatever it was. Suddenly without any warning on social media, I think that's that's very bad. So if people are aware of this then that means that the good validators
actually benefit from this. And moving on to the next one. So NFT monitor, I've also touched this a little bit. So you can subscribe to sales, bids, lists, and the opposites. So, and listing, for example,
as well, etc. So these are collection-based or wallet-based. So you can subscribe to specific collections whenever they are sold. This is useful for Discord servers, but for the users, they are interested whenever their NFTs that they have on their wallets.
So they put it up for sale for a specific price and they want to know when they sell it instead of having to refresh the page every 24 hours or something. And then last but not least wallet watching. So if you know a certain investor likes
Sumo if you know his wallets or doke on or any other person of interest India ecosystem and you want to know what they're doing which NFTs they are buying which men started participating in which coins are they buying etc. Then you can subscribe to to their wallets
So you can know exactly in real time what they are doing with their wallet and then you can decide to copycat if you want to. And of course these are the ones we have right now, but we have a really big roadmap for notifications that we want to support. So you type of notifications.
and also a new platform. So for existing types of alerts but new depth. That's a lot. Yeah, yeah, let me breathe there for a little bit. We actually have a D sub here. You may have a comment or question. Go ahead.
Thanks for the spaces. Great to hear from everyone. Yeah, some questions. I remember it was either spaces or maybe just some tweets while back. I remember you were discussing this idea that it was going to be free for users. You sign up for notes.
But then there was going to be this concept of these projects and these protocols that are, you know, pushing out notifications or maybe even advertisements would be some sort of payment based model. I'm just curious if there's, if that's still the plan because I know it was early when we first talked about this and
If you have any more details on that and then also I guess the question that came to my head when I was thinking about this is like One of the things you mentioned was kind of like to avoid your wall getting spammed you could like set a dollar amount That's like essentially like what they have to air drop you to you know, notify
you or advertise to you and that made me think of the question, you know, where do you draw the line, the difference between like notifications that users are just signing up for free and then what's like advertisement or spam. So I know there's a lot of questions in there so I can reiterate if need be.
- I know that that is perfectly fine and thank you for for using that question. So because that's a feature that we're still working on, I didn't touch it right now, but of course, always very excited to talk about our roadmap. That is indeed still the plan and I will explain it.
for anyone hearing and also yourself. So basically, when you subscribe to specific, you as a user, subscribe to specific notifications, you are telling us, Hermes, that you want to be notified about, you know, whatever you have subscribed to, right?
So, most of these things for now at this stage are going to be on-chain actions. So, things that are happening on-chain. So, there isn't that type of... Hey, let me know whenever... I don't know.
a play search with a profile doesn't happen because it doesn't happen on chain and I say I'm going to build an Oracle for that. But anyway, so the notifications that DAPS will pay for at least a very small amount will be a very similar business
model to a mass mailing platform like MailChimp or Syngrid, Synd in Blue. So basically you pay like $10 for a thousand emails or you know 10,000 emails, I don't know the pricing's out of my head. But this
you pay that and supposedly you should only send those emails to people that have actively subscribed to that newsletter. The reason I'm saying it's supposedly is because everybody knows what spam is and it's very annoying. So this is something that nobody likes.
So the way we tackle this is actually in my opinion, I really like the solution we have to come up with. So whenever you subscribe, that is like an action that is confirmed through us. So we can confirm that
project cannot send you a notification through that way if you are not subscribed. So we act like a spam filter. But, you know, whenever, like, let's imagine you decide to create your own validator, but you don't have any traction on
on social media. And you can actually run ads on Twitter, but you don't know the traction that's going to be. And in any case, you don't know who the users on Twitter are. You cannot tell Twitter, "Hey, show this ad to people that have over a head of a thousand on their wallet address because Twitter is not a way for
that. However, with a blockchain, public blockchains like Terra, you can actually know everything that is happening on un-set wallets. So you can actually tag those wallets. You can give certain achievements to those wallets so that people actually
have a bit more intelligence over what is happening with those wallets. So what I mean by this is that if you are running a new project that does not have any traction yet, you can pay to AirDrop users and show them an
an advertisement, but only if they have allowed that through that dollar value that you have mentioned. So as a user, you want to earn through our platform, right? You don't pay anything, that's amazing, but you can also earn. But you don't want to get a lot of spam.
So if you get, let's say, five ads per week and you notice that three out of those five ads, they only sent you 50 cents, then you can put, okay, I only want to be notified or serves an ad if I am air dropped over $1. So someone has to pay you
$2, for example, to actually send you something like, "Hey, check out our new validator. We promise to do XYZ." These are different types of interactions. One is doing an air drop, which of course has a very high
price depending on what people have chosen to set their inbox value of. And then the other one is just a very simple subscription, like a newsletter subscription. But it doesn't have to be newsletter, it can be any other things like product updates, et cetera, et cetera. I hope that answered your question.
positive key points that really stand out. But I wanted to bring that up because I remember when you mentioned that idea of setting a threshold, a dollar to mount, to be air dropped here, or wall it to avoid spam, but then the flip side to that is, we don't want to be spam.
But also we have this idea a lot of us stay in our own echo chamber so we may not You know see outside of cosmos or see outside of maybe even one of our own chains We may be a chain maxi so I don't know I just think that for me is really brings Awareness in a lot of aspects and it's finding a smart way
to monetize it. So I think it's great. Appreciate it. That's definitely our goal. Raising awareness and transparency is really on our objectives for sure. I've got a question. So I'm curious in regard to your user acquisition strategy, like how are you
are you going to get people to feel like this is something that is necessary for them? Right? We, I think most of us in here are power users. We are looking at our screen all day on Discord and Telegram and Twitter.
But that's still a small percentage right there's still a lot of users that are in Web 3 that You know are I think are still like at the surface level only participating for important projects or just not spending you know the eight hours a day or you know 16 hours a day
days that some of us do. But anyways, I'm just curious as to how you're thinking about incentivizing users to get into Hermann's protocol. Yeah, that's a really good point. So there are of course several things that
that we have to do, I mean, as with anything, it's always good to have multiple, you know, 10, 8, 10, etc. So I think that for now during this first stage, because we were only having these notifications. So everything that we just talked about a few minutes ago with Debes here about the air drops.
and the subscriptions. Those are things that are still well under development. So it's not even going to be launched like in a month or anything. Perhaps by the end of the year, but I don't want to promise anything that isn't developed. I mean, we'd have to learn our lesson by announcing a date with things still to do.
new problems coming up. But anyway, so with what we have developed so far, the strategy is simple is identifying the pain points that people are going through and then telling them we have a solution for that. I think this is a very common strategy for
for product or staff services, etc. So, you know, these things that I just mentioned, like for NFTs speculators or, you know, enthusiasts, you know, you don't want to refresh your page, your sale every five minutes to know if someone has bought your
your NFT or if you want to know when there's a new floor price because you want to buy let's say like back when Aluna was booming and each galactic punk was worth way over a thousand dollars but you want an ag one but you don't want to pay more than eight hundred dollars
So you can just set up an alert like, hey, let me know whenever a Galactic Punk any Galactic Punk is listed below $100. So these kinds of things will let you have peace of mind, which I think is really useful. Although I do recognize that perhaps people that will feel these pain points are
more the power users because they are more into it and they feel this pain. I mean, if you spend only like five minutes a day looking at crypto stuff, maybe this is not going to be something that you are going to feel, oh my god, this has changed my life. It's been in five minutes, right?
But I think over time people will understand how essential this is and even just reference it to other people. I mean, I do it all the time. Everybody that follows me on Twitter knows I'm a massive Cloudflare fan, for example. I don't earn any commissions of Cloudflare, but I love what they
are doing in what they're building. So I'm always very heavily recommending it to every developer that wants to have their own web app or whatever online. Those guys are great, right? #FreeAdd, I guess. But anyway, so the same way
I'm an advocate for Cloudflare and even other services that really love using every day. I hope that we will find in our community also these advocates that will help spread the word. And whenever they see people like, "Damn it, I missed this mint."
And we like, hey, dude, next time, just set up an alert whenever new means are happening on Lua or on random Earth. And then whenever there's a new means happening, you're going to know. So if people help through word of mouth, I think we're going to explode.
But we'll see, I guess, it's still very early stages. And then talking more over the future features, this one that we just talked a few minutes ago with Debes about the air drops, I mean, who doesn't want money? So if you can
register for free on a platform that tells you that you can earn air drops just by being a user. I mean, this sounds like free money to me. So not only that, you get to discover new projects. I mean,
I'm not going to guarantee you that all of them are legitimate because this is not going to be like a centralized platform. I mean, we're not fully decentralized or anything yet. I mean, these things take time, obviously, you have to build a solid foundation first and then eventually work towards decentralization.
But we don't want to have to actively manage what is happening with the AirDrafts through our platform. So of course, always be wary of those situations. But anyway, if a scammer is paying you $10 to pay attention to them, you can just ignore their message.
then you know, sure. I think that's that's always good, you know, by yourself a burger or something. And, and yeah, of course, validators and apps as they integrate with our platform, they will want to let people know about what we are doing
right? So if Orbital command as a validator decides to actively use our validator profile changes alert to let people know about changes that are being done to the validator, like, I don't know, let's say
you change your name to orbital command now also on Juno, for example, if that even fits on a title, I don't even know. If you do that, people that have subscribed to that, they will get that message and be like, "Hey, orbital command that I'm delegating on Terra is now also validating on Juno. That's interesting for me."
you can even kind of use that as a way to push a kind of like free add or something. But people have subscribed to that, so they want to know. Of course, if you push it too much, you know, people will unsubscribe, but they have the power to do that, and you as well. So I think that's really powerful. You want to say something, I've been sorry.
Yeah, just a comment and then a question. The comment you alluded to adapt previously that had a lot of activity based on the cousins. So I think if you
have something like that you'll definitely get a lot of action as well. But my question is in regard to to DAPS right to the integration component of
of your notification system. So if we have a new app being built on Terra, how would they go about integrating your platform with them?
Yeah, that's a really good question. Thank you. So something I haven't mentioned earlier. I really wish I had reminded, remember, sorry about this earlier. So we have two extra resources besides our web app and of course the landing page.
So we have the documentation website docs.harmisportical.io. That is not super complete yet. It just has a few instructions on how you can use the bot commands, which you don't have to use if you just use the
But if you are just a Discord user, then you don't run once to register for a music count that is perfectly fine. And you will find all the commands explained on the documentation. Eventually, in that said documentation is where we are going to have instructions on how other data developers can
integrate with our platform through APIs that we are still developing. But the way that it's going to work is basically whenever a user pushes that button that says, like, subscribe, or maybe it's just a bell icon like Twitter has, or whatever, this is up to the
developers, not us. What happens is that the user will have to sign data with their wallet. So this is something that happens with the wallet, but it's not broadcasted on the blockchain. So you don't pay any gas fees, but by having that message signed, then
Whenever that app, let's say one planet sends to our API, "Hey Hermes, Edwin here has signed this message on how he wants to know when we launch a new collection." So we take that request that we receive from one planet and we look, "Okay, this signal
came from this wallet and that person has confirmed that they want to subscribe to this notification so that is authenticated to us so we now know that that person needs to be informed. Of course this will only work if they have an account with us so that we know how
how to deliver that message to them. But here's some little alpha, as we work with wallet providers like leap wallets, OB, XDFI, etc. We will be able to deliver these notifications to users
Even if they don't connect a Discord account, this is very much in progress still working on those connections and building those relationships with the wallet providers. But the future we envision is that these notifications will be embedded inside the wallet.
while it's softer itself. That way, if you prefer to be on the phone and you don't want to open this court to see notifications, you can also just use, you know, like, Ferestation or any other wallet to get those notifications. And this is going to be very powerful for us because we are going to be able to notify people that don't
know about her means yet, right? So they were able to subscribe to the notifications in a very easy way, basically. And there was another question, sorry, I forgot. There was another thing you mentioned. Can you remind me?
That was really the only question just how kind of a new daffolding on Terra get integrated with your notification system, but I think you answered that pretty well. Yeah, no, no, no, no, that's right. Now I want it to mention. So I talked about two other resources that we have launched at the same time.
as the web app. So there's a repo or a subsite. So it's a website and also an open source repository on GitHub that we have called simply assets. So assets.hermys protocol.io. Right now it's just going to be like a blank template document.
implementation page, it's not going to have anything useful if you access the website directly. However, if you go on GitHub and you go to our organization, Hermit protocol -io, there will be an open source repo there called assets and in there, there is going to be
Well, there aren't very detailed instructions yet. I'm still working on those, but that repository is going to be important for projects that want us to integrate with them. They can just push pull requests
that repository and it's going to automatically work throughout our web app. And as other depth developers also use that same repository as their source of information, then everybody benefits here. So I don't know, Edwin, if you were around already on the Terra,
few months ago, a telescope, they actually started doing this and I thought it was brilliant. Unfortunately, they stopped doing it. So I asked around, and nobody wanted to step up. So I figured, okay, you know what? Since we're going to have to integrate with all these apps, let's just do this ourselves. So basically, they
had the same repo. It was a fork of the official ceremony assets repository, but it had a lot more useful information. Instead of just seeing, "Oh, this person executed this smart contract blah blah blah." No, this person has swapped.
for Biluna because we know that that specific smart contract is the contract pair of Luna Biluna and whenever they execute that specific query with the contract we know it's a swap between those two coins. So this kind of intelligence
is what gives telescope its power, but unfortunately it stopped being open source. So we decided to do that ourselves with our asset repo as well, and it goes beyond that. So if you look into the folder, which is static,
blockchains, Terra, I don't know, by heart, give me just one second, I'll open it real quick. So static blockchains, Terra governance, there we go. There's a file there, projects on
JSON and that file right now it only has a astroport so I built that for astroport as a need to provide an example. Any other project let's say we come on if they want people to if they launch a governance platform
platform, so anybody that has an NFT or some tokens of theirs, they want to participate and know if they want a new feature or whatever governance is used for. Then they can create a new entry on this file, this project
that lets us know how to track those governance proposals for their governance smart contracts. So it includes a bunch of variables so that we know where to look on the blockchain data in order to capture this automatically. So this gives people the ability to create
with minimal effort. So they already have all this information. They have the smart contract address, they have the variables, et cetera. So they just push a pull request and suddenly boom. Hermit's protocol now supports the governance of whatever project it is. But this is not the most exciting thing I wanted to talk about.
So under the folder NFTs, there is a file called contract.json and the folder called metadata. So every developer that is doing stuff around NFTs already knows this. NFTs are not indexed by default on the blockchain.
have to do that indexing work by yourself. But every person that is building an NFT tool, a rarity tool like Terrarity, or an NFT marketplace, like one planet and Lourd and Random Earth and whatever, every one developer has to do the indexing by themselves. These are a lot of requests
and it's parallel wasted time that could have been spent on doing improvements of, you know, the other platforms. So in the contract subjection file, you will see a list of all the collections that we have detected so far. This will eventually be updated automatically as we detect new
new NFTs, NFT collections uploaded to the blockchain in real time. But so far it's not yet, but it will eventually be. And then in the folder metadata, you will see one file per each collection. So I don't know which ones they are in order, but one of them
will be, for example, the Galactic Banks collection. And if you open that file, you will see the information that trades, the image, and everything about all the NFTs of that collection. So by referencing, by having this data here, opening available to everyone, then
Anybody can build their own rarity tool or marketplace with minimal effort. It's a power of open source. Not only that, this is deployed as a website. Again, at assets.hermysport.io, you can get these files through the CloudFlare CDN. Here comes my love for
for CloudFlare, which provides this for free. You can access these files whenever you want to on your app. If you want to download them and use them offline, so if you want to just host them for, if you want to just integrate this URL into your own application, then that is fine by us. We literally have no bandwidth
with limit on this, actually on any site really. So you can just use the asset software. It's called IO/blockchain/terror/NFT/meditata/thecontractedress.json and you will get the full information.
So yeah, that's the other thing I wanted to mention. Yeah, no, I think that you are creating something very useful with Herb and protocol. And I think that a lot of the developers are going to be very grateful for the open source
documentation that you're creating and just providing it easier access for that indexing as you've mentioned so that not everybody's working on the same thing right they can focus on other features for their own project. I wanted to open up the floor here in the last you know five to ten minutes, just five to ten minutes to see if
any of the listeners want to come in and ask any questions, but if we don't have any, I just wanted to see if you have any last thoughts here. Any where, anywhere that you want to send the listeners to continue to interact with your protocols.
Yeah, absolutely. Join or discord, give us some feedback. Again, you will find bugs. This says a data release. We will be launching updates at least once a week. That's usually the persistent production. So we're doing updates
every day, but anyway. So you will see improvements over time for sure, but the more people reporting bugs, now the better we can make our product. So this cord is our preferred platform to have our community
So definitely join if you haven't yet. Follow us on Twitter. And also don't forget about the Luna Air Drop that was just announced a couple days ago. Do you want to just very briefly touch the topic a little bit?
I mean, so I posted the tweet that you made. It's up on the banner here.
Ah, yes. You want to share anything? Go ahead. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I forgot you had shared. Thank you. So yeah, there's a new Luna AirDrop for people that hold Luna on the previous chain, but their Luna was in the
So supposedly they are being fixed now with the need this new air drop Just be where you have to create a new wallet if you want to claim the the the the loona So you need to connect with your old wallet, but when they ask you okay, where do you want to get this new air drop? You need to give a new wallet that never had any transaction
This is very important. And the call to action I wanted to bring to this is that that Luna is going to be vested for one year or two years and it's going to have a cliff meaning that you will not be able to use it for at least six months. So while it's a
on your wallet for six months, you should stake it. And while we're at this topic, please consider delegating to Hermes Protocol since we are at the very bottom of the of the of the value. So you will be promoting decentralization and as well, orbital command here, we're also running a validator and
provide a lot of good utility like this AMA and the older channels on social media, not all the information. Actually, Edwin, thank you a lot. Just one more time for letting me know about the AirDrop on AstroPort with me when we're in Austin. That was really helpful. And then I can't think of another way
that really highlights how our people command is useful for everyone. So thanks a lot for that. Yeah, of course. That's what we're here for, man. We're here to help the community overall. You know, we like Web 3 and we want to stay here. We do have Madman here. Do you have a commoner question, sir?
Hey, oh, yeah, I was just looking in my screen so that I was a listener for a second that thought I had to request a speak again. Yeah, I had a question. Now you said that these NFT contracts that Jason file would kind of be updated
on the fly and like a live kind of state is this going to be available for testnet as well or just for the main net? We don't have any plans to support the testnet. Potentially if we see the
there is enough demand for that for the users. I guess it's possible. It wouldn't take a lot of time, but it would take some resources as we would have to run one more node just for the testnet. So it is possible it can gun down the roadmap, but I don't want to give you any promises.
Gotcha, and to that end, are we looking at something for Classic as well, or is this just for V2 moving forward? Oh, no, no, this is Classic and Terra Phoenix, so 2.0. We already support both chains.
I just wanted to make sure I came in a little late just a few minutes late. What was the journey? No worries. Welcome.
Cool. Thank you for that question, man man. Deves any less that's for you?
No, thanks for the space. I think it was great. I actually got a whole lot of information out of it and thank you for clarifying the several questions that I had on the Hermes Protocol side.
- Absolutely.
Cool, well, thanks again, Sergio for joining us. - We'll have another question. - Yeah, yeah, go ahead. - Sure question, brief question, really easy question. How many are on the team?
Okay, so as I mentioned at the beginning, this is probably when you weren't here. So the team behind the development of Hermes Protocol is a company called Momentum 1. We are based in Lisbon Portugal. So the Momentum 1 team is at the moment
14 people out of which we have I think like eight or nine full-time working on Hermes at the moment. And the other people they are either doing part-time development on Hermes like myself for example so I'm doing business development for momentum and Hermes
as a founder of both companies. And then we also have some other people that are doing full-time development, for example, for Discord bots that are not related to Hermes. So those are the other remaining positions. But most of the team is indeed pushing the development of Hermes.
Gotcha. Gotcha. And by off chance, the developers for the discord do they have access to the source for the live deployments that the protocol developers are touching? And now we, so we, we, we segregate the
the permission so that each person only has access to what they should have. There's of course internal company documentation for whatever resources are shared with everyone, but in terms of repository access and everything people only have access to what they should have access to.
Okay, cool. I'll follow up with any more questions I have in the discord.
Sure, thank you.
All right, well, thanks again, Sergio and the listeners here today. Appreciate your time and her news. You know, we look forward to continuing to see the progress and, you know, I think we will definitely
be excited to try for Ms. Protocol. I think the validator perspective that you bring, you know, the notifications that we can share with our community, I think would be helpful and experimental now and as well right just to
see how the community can take advantage of that. But yeah, so we'll stay in touch. We'll have you back on other time later on once you've progressed more with your roadmap. But with that, thanks everybody and thanks, Sergio and Dave, and Madman for coming up here.
Absolutely. Thank you, Revan, for hosting this amazing space.
Alright, everyone enjoy the rest of the day and yeah, we'll have a couple other tourist places lined up so we'll share more information in regard to those later on. Alright, take care. - See you everyone, bye bye. - See you later.

FAQ on What's happening at @HermesProtocol HQ? | Twitter Space Recording

What is the name of the notifications platform launched by Momentum 1?
The name of the notifications platform launched by Momentum 1 is Hermes Protocol.
How long has Sergio been on Terra?
Sergio has been on Terra for about a year and a half.
What protocol did Sergio first get to know on Terra?
Sergio first got to know Anchor Protocol on Terra.
What is the main focus of the first phase of Hermes Protocol?
The main focus of the first phase of Hermes Protocol is to be a notifications platform.
What is the purpose of connecting social media accounts to a Hermes Protocol account?
The purpose of connecting social media accounts to a Hermes Protocol account is to receive notifications related to web 3 activities on those platforms, without having to use a separate app for notifications.
What is the alternative interface to the Hermes Protocol web app?
The alternative interface to the Hermes Protocol web app is the bots on Discord and Telegram.
What is the ultimate goal of Hermes Protocol?
The ultimate goal of Hermes Protocol is to create a better information flow for web 3 activities through notifications and integrations with other dApps.
What is the name of the NFT marketplace mentioned in the podcast?
The name of the NFT marketplace mentioned in the podcast is One Planet.
What is the main function of the APIs being developed by Hermes Protocol?
The main function of the APIs being developed by Hermes Protocol is to allow developers to build integrations with other dApps through the Hermes Protocol platform.
What is the warning given by the presenter about Hermes Protocol?
The warning given by the presenter about Hermes Protocol is that it is still in beta and there may be bugs or changes that need to be fixed, and users are encouraged to report any issues to the team.