What’s Next for FVM???

Recorded: Dec. 8, 2022 Duration: 0:43:28



Hey everybody, we're gonna get started in one minute just trying to pull up everyone on stage.
Cool. Hey, Matt. How's it going? I'm good. Thank you, Jody. How are you doing? Doing all right. Thanks for joining us, everybody. Today is a pretty big day.
So yeah, maybe we could start this off. Well, do you maybe a quick round of introductions from the speakers? I think we have a couple things that we wanted to share with the group and then yeah, maybe we can open it up for questions and hopefully answer anything folks have. Maybe Matt, I'll kick it to you first.
Do you want to give a quick intro background on yourself? Sure. Yeah. That sounds like a good plan. Hey folks, my name is Matt Hamilton or a Hamilton on Twitter. I'm a developer advocate at protocol labs joined what three four
months ago now, a protocol labs and I work within the FEM team. So the Filecoin Virtual Machine team, I lead the FEM developer experience team and we're responsible for helping developers build upon the Filecoin Virtual Machine. That's me.
Awesome. Emily, I know you're going to just be helping, pulling folks up. But do you want to give a quick entry? I can. Hey, everyone. Thank you guys so much for joining as JV said. This is an extremely exciting day for all of the Falcon community, but also for the upcoming FEM launch and space warp as well. For those of you who
who don't know me, I lead the marketing team for builders and developers on the outer core side of protocol labs. It's great to be here and thank you to Matt and JV for hosting this awesome spaces. Awesome, thanks Emily. Yeah, and then I guess for myself, great to meet everyone. I'm not sure if that's
I am. My name is John. I also go by JV. I've been at Protocol Labs for about three and a half years. I've worked on things from Falcoins' proofs before launch. I helped launch NFT storage, Web3 storage, so some of the developer on-ramps that we use in the community. And now I spent a lot of time on the collab side really just trying to help
on board more and more teams into the SEA ecosystem. So I mean, it's been crazy to see how Filecoin's grown even from before launch to where it is now. It's also even crazier if you compare some of this to like what's in the 2017 white paper. There's a lot of through lines, which I mean kind of speaks to like incredibly, like how incredibly thoughtful.
of the original designs were. But today is I think a really special day, primarily because we're talking about space for. But maybe before we dive into that, maybe Matt, if you want to give some context here, I know there's a lot of new folks in the crowd. They may not all be aware about what the FEM is and what it means for Falcoin. So maybe if you want to give a little bit of a background
on the FEM itself and then maybe we can dive into some of the use cases in what it might unlock. Sure thing. So the FEM, so let's set the scene a little bit. We've got Filecoin and Filecoin as people may know is a storage network. It's a decentralized storage network.
FilePoint is responsible for managing the storage capacity of about 16 exabytes of data across the global storage capacity of 16 exabytes across the globe. So it's a big decentralized storage network. Now, as JV mentioned, if you go back to the original
white paper one of the kind of the next steps after storage was compute. I mean, I need to be able to do computation over the storage that your story. And that is where FEM comes in. So FEM is the Falcon of Virtual Machine and it allows you to have logic running.
on top of the storage. So you can now start building smart contracts that can interact with the storage. And just apologies for if you can hear my dog barking in the background. It seems to be a bit excited about something going on next or it seems so. But yeah, so that's what the FEM is. It's a
is a virtual machine that runs on the following network and what we have as well on top of this. So the FEM is a polyglot virtual machine that allows you to write in multiple different languages and have multiple runtimes. And so the runtime we've been focusing on at the moment is the FEM, the filecoin ethereum virtual machine, and that of

FAQ on What’s Next for FVM??? | Twitter Space Recording

Who is leading the fem developer experience team at Protocol Labs?
Matt Hamilton is leading the fem developer experience team at Protocol Labs.
What is the purpose of the fem?
The fem, or filecoin virtual machine, allows for logic to run on top of the storage in the filecoin decentralized storage network.
How much data is filecoin responsible for managing?
Filecoin is responsible for managing the storage capacity of about 16 exabytes of data across the globe.
What is the connection between filecoin and compute, according to the podcast?
The original white paper for filecoin included compute as the next step after storage.
What is the fem's role in enabling compute on filecoin?
The fem is the filecoin virtual machine that allows for computation over the storage on the filecoin network.
What is the fem's runtime that the team is focusing on at the moment?
The fem team is currently focusing on the filecoin ethereum virtual machine runtime.
What is space warp?
There is no clear answer to what space warp is in the podcast transcript provided.
What is Emily's role at Protocol Labs?
Emily leads the marketing team for builders and developers on the outer core side of Protocol Labs.
How long has Jv been at Protocol Labs?
Jv has been at Protocol Labs for about three and a half years.
What are some of the developer on-ramps that Jv has worked on in the past?
Jv has helped launch NFT storage and Web3 storage as some of the developer on-ramps in the filecoin community.