☘️Who gives a fuck Fridays??☘️ 🇮🇪 🇦🇺 🍻

Recorded: May 19, 2023 Duration: 1:07:01



told you it was just going to be the service
and how do I
do you want to be your speaker
we'll give it a minute and see who else has got the two ninja
big crowd tonight
orange is in the house
because the way you can play music through this I kind of figure out how
do you know how to play music through this Jay?
hey I don't actually
I'd like to figure that out myself
yeah because the secret you're
let me see if I make you
a co-host
can you do anything about it you're a co-host
I'm just having a look at all the options
Oh Rocko is in the house
hey Rocco
hey Orange
I know Orange won't speak
because she's as shy as a camel
Rocco probably
will have a chat
if he's not working
did you get a new fluff Rocco or is that
yeah you did
Rocco has two fluffs and four party bears
very nice
that's a nice looking fluff
I was looking at them recently
I really was
and even the party bears
I was going to actually buy one then
and I was like ugh
I don't like them
there was one that I really liked the ages ago
I was like fuck it I'm going to pull the trigger on this
and by the time I got around to it
did you see what I just bought Jay?
no what did you buy
I'm going to try
I'm so retarded with this Twitter stuff
one second now
yeah that's our whole figure out how to play some music and get things going
oh here we go this is what I wanted because I can pin it
yeah I can pin stuff
yeah you can pin things yeah
yeah the dudes in lowy lab spaces that was on just before the bricks one
I jumped in there and they taught me how to do that
I was like good timing
no I'm going to post this as well
because I know I've shared it with most of you
and you've seen it but
this Slash It Lands game
Orange did you end up getting
whitelisted or
did you get into the game?
just give me a thumbs up if you did
because they had beta access that was open
I thought I'd done all the writings and then I
went to go in and was like nope
but yeah did you see the first thing I posted after Jay?
but anyway I grabbed another one of the Psychedelics Anonymous
oh yeah I see that one
yeah that's a nice looking
I've wanted that one from the very first day I started looking into Psychedelics Anonymous and
I think it was the dude had it listed for like pintry five or something and
I jumped into his DMs and we were kind of chatting I was like alright I'll get it for cheap or awesome
and then ended up buying another one while I was waiting
and then he got back to me the day after and he was like yeah I can do it for pintry
and I was like oh fuck I've just spent all my heat and I was like can you just hold it for me for a few days
and yeah he held it and even though the floor price has gone from
do you see it's gone up again?
it's 0.22 or something now
oh I better get a move on
yeah there's something happening
see I think because one of the gods dudes has been
he's bought into PA recently but he's been very active in the chat
and then I think some of the PA guys have bought into the gods and utes as well
so I just I don't know if it's mixed crowd from them or what
or just there was all these new trade packs released and people needed base models
but yeah the floor has gone from 0.13 or 0.14 to 0.22 in like two days
yeah if you're not watching it every day stuff like this can happen
and you're sort of caught and you're gonna buy one
and then suddenly it's gone up
I tell you what I think I'm after notes and as well there's a shift in the market
especially for NFEs and like the good ones
the prices and the sales have started to go up like you've seen it with genuine and dead last week
and they really took off like their floor price doubled
and I'm just seeing it with Psychedelics Anonymous this week
so I have a feeling a lot of this shit coin money has started to flow back into NFEs
I think yeah this psy up shit that's a big mess I think that's gonna be
a lot of people getting shafted and going alright
yeah I saw a lot of people getting wrecked on Ben and a few other things
it's dangerous
I see that they want to come up for a chat
but yeah we were just talking about GEU hockey
saying how the floor prices doubled if not more and yeah literally less than a week
it's good to see
but I do honestly hope that all these shit coin season fucks off
because I'm just sick of blocking people onto it or just because they post about it
hey welcome hockey feel free to tell what's going on how are you
hmm hey hockey nice to meet you
pleasure likewise how's everybody
oh yeah GEU is one of the C11 council members as well
nice nice yeah that's right I recognize I recognize the name
how's things with you
busy busy between you know IRL and the happenings of GEU it's been
it's been a roller coaster ride
all positive in GEU it seems at the minute anyway which is good
yeah I mean things things like being things are stable you know like we have we have a little bit of a shift
and not a little bit of a shift but we had a shift and if you want to call it a leadership
I mean we are kind of we have a you know our ended council so uh dr. boom step down
yeah we've been regrouping yeah
it just seems maybe being like a little catalyst for change that was needed to shake the sour grapes
and just yeah because I don't think if you had to continue on the way you're going it would have went well
just people were shitty and it was just a bit of a witch hunt and I think it just needed to happen however it happened
and yeah the community seems to have reacted nicely to it
yeah you know it's funny how it works right
it's you're right like things you know the way things are going so I guess something had to shake out
and it's always the person that's sitting at the top that has to take it right wrong and different it doesn't matter
that's usually how it goes and it's I wish it could have played out differently you know to be honest
yeah but you know the same thing is people have a yeah oh sorry go on no no good good
I'll just go and say people in this space have a very short memory as well like you know
they they don't see past the last few weeks of what happened with Doc like today year before it of all the good that he done
yeah I mean yeah it's a lot of that you know in terms of the the shift storm then and then soon
you know people remember the more recent thing but at the same time it's like
the space operates you're right like it the space operates you know it doesn't
think it's nine months so that we've been around the council's formed back in September October
we got our guidelines passed by the end of December so you know we only got a chance to really do anything
or start doing things in the new year yeah right but yeah for the space to be accepting of that long of a shift
of a timetable is just fun you know it just doesn't work and but the thing is that you have so many people
that have different expectations so you're trying to accommodate it all because again you were trying to be decentralized
it hasn't been done in my opinion and hasn't been done in a in a model like this you know
no it's it's not it's one thing like MFers or some or a few other projects where it's like you know you have the rights to your own
NFT you just go do whatever you want and and that's called decentralized to me that's not it's just your view or you're just building your own little thing
and I'd say you're not involving a group of people you know what I'm saying yeah yeah yeah 100% and like the thing is well like with proper setup
decentralized set up with you like everyone wants their opinion to be heard and like you have how many two thousand three thousand people all with different opinions
and then you're the head of the table trying to decipher all that and like you just can't do everything and so in turn you're never going to keep everyone happy
so just trying to find a happy medium of yeah keeping everyone content yeah it's not easy it really isn't and the
that's I mean that's what drew me to it is you know it's a challenge it's it's something that you know has if successful and in some ways we are successful I mean look at it
we're still we still have a strong community that's still kicking ass to this day you know we're all we're nearing one year anniversary and we don't have a front-loaded team that like you know from like an ownership perspective
you know we have not we have the community period you know what I mean and that's all we've been able to just do things as that and still keep pretty amazing spirits like you know aside from like
intermittent times where we've had some issues like it has it's actually been really a great like I met a lot of people IRL as a result of it I made friends you know we meet up the New York crew we meet up regularly
as a result of this I don't know man it's been an experience and a half man like I wouldn't I wouldn't trade it in for anything at this point
and like you're still so early you know people think oh yeah we've been around for 12 months but like as you said you only got everything set up so you could start going in January so like you've only had three or four months really of functioning and working and by the sounds of it a lot of people weren't happy with the structure from kind of day one and just felt yeah so I think I hope this new direction because you're now working on more of a like council controls everything set up isn't it
um the council is there well not council yeah so now council comes but there's not just one man leading so it's not going to go back to like Mason or yourself or someone's going to step up and become the new dog well we we've given right after Doc's up down the we've agreed to flatten the council so there won't be a chair or co-chair you know the council is just you know we represent the community but we still take care of it and we're going to be able to
take in everything from the community so like it's um it's there to balance essentially what we're going to be doing at c11 we're going to be going through the very same as what you're going to like we're setting it all up at the minute and like getting the wheels in motion and getting it all prepared and ready but like once we get our communities involved and build out that then it's no longer ours like yeah we'd be like you guys we'll compile everything and make proposals and look at
proposals and come up with our own proposals and but it all goes to the community right um finding a proper way to it's a design a new uh a more appropriate voting structure that would be something yeah where you know if people were to agree on that then we could move forward in a quasi-dao way you know and then the council's there the council's there to basically execute the whatever the community wants to do you know
we yes we are there to help filter through the proposals but we're not really the ones to be making the decisions per se you know where yeah where we act more of like as a as a trust more than anything um but because of the original setup it seemed like you know um and the way things did happen and where the frustrations occurred is the fact that you know the the community felt some of the decision making it was done was made from the top and not involving the community which really wasn't the end to
uh but i yeah but i get it you know that's the way they perceive that yeah but you know but you can't walk away from it and say well no we just did it like for the community no like i get it the delivery was wrong this was kind of been done differently you know but you know we learn we learn as we go so yeah exactly and i think that's the whole thing about this space is because everything is so new and we're trying things that haven't been tried like there's just no playbook so it's like you do things you fuck up you're like
i'm from you move on like we're all adults it's yeah it's when the daggers come out and the people are swinging for the sake of engine it's like oh god that that does my head in yeah man uh it's the one thing i've always said is that you know when when i first joined uh in this space it's it's like the wild west it's it's so crazy there's so many moving parts um expectations uh you know are within
time frames of seconds and minutes not weeks and months you know it's like something's got to happen otherwise we're moving on um and cool that's great but like there's got to be more you know the technology the the the innovations that come from this have so much potential but they need patience you know those real things need patience well one of the things that i'm actually starting to see is kind of it's funny in a way but it's not so funny for some projects who are after
dumping millions into building out certain things at the minute so like some of these projects have been building uh 12 months 18 months two years whatever but now the stuff they're building in is kind of old tech and it's a bit obsolete and there's new tech coming out now that very soon you'll be able to like essentially chat gpt your own 3d world and yeah how to play around with that and at the minute you can only kind of like 3d view it so i look around in a circle but i'd say give it
another one two months and you'll be able to actually like map out your digital world and then import it into these meta verses and things like that it's just going to become so user friendly that yeah a lot of these poor people who are after wasting hundreds of thousands on building out these worlds are going to have done so for no reason well yeah that's the miracle of advancement isn't it like uh these things happening uh chat gpc coming into play now it's changed the game you know i'm still messing around with it i'm just
getting around to really learning more of how to really get the most out of it and it's uh it's an it is insane you know it's i i'm the same with it like i have a play around and i i ask it some questions here and there and like i think i can use it but then all of a sudden i watch someone who can actually use it and like a writing computer codes and then rewriting it and changing this and i guess just crazy and so i've actually jumped into a group
that uh one or two of the guys in there are like chat gpt experts but i've been talking to them about coming on and running like chat gpt group classes in the leprechauns discord and yeah he seems pretty keen to do it so i'll see you find someone that can yeah come in do an hours class for whoever wants to come in and just learn some prompts and how to use it that's actually a great idea yeah yeah the guy from loli lands there that oh yeah
he's um did that hundred days of chat gpt um yeah yeah so that's exactly who i'm talking to about jumping in and doing a couple of classes for us so i'm i'm the same i've used it a few times asked it a few questions tried to craft the prompts in different ways and it's amazing how you ask it uh in certain certain ways you get entirely different answers it's the tone of uh how you type type this type the sentence in and the prompt and the words you use and the
way you craft it and you get totally different results some good some bad so and there's people that are out there that are masters of that and they get exactly what they want and get it to do weird and wonderful things and others that are getting like basic results but it just could do so much more so yeah those classes would be great even for c11 as well i'm gonna keep an eye out for that
i keep these all posts that it's definitely going to happen i'm just talking to mentus on discord earlier and i've just said yeah when do you want to catch up for a chat so i'll catch up with the chat and see what he's willing to do and how many people i suppose he could just run it like in discord in a voice channel and stream stuff there and people could watch or
something but yeah i think it'd be good just to get things like that and there's a couple of people in there that are pretty good with mid journey as well and so we might do an art one and
i've been thinking about reaching out to as you know the guys from born security and
places like that just to see what they do classes on like discord security and
i think stuff like that is sort of the evergreen value in this space if you i mean even if you're
not interested in leprechauns at all i mean if you get something out of the security part of
things and if you're interested in in art in general or if you're interested in ai and just
having those on the side definitely a way to give some some good value there and learn a
lot of stuff and hang around in the discord so yeah it's just i'm looking forward to rolling
all out so i have started reaching out for help in certain areas as a few of you would have seen
but like i've already because i was looking at making up a spreadsheet for it all and i started
it the other night like first time ever trying to make a spreadsheet and i i got used one to
templates and then i was like oh this is not wrong tried to change a couple of things made of
balls of everything i was at for like an hour and then restarted the whole thing and i was like
fuck this i need to find help and so i reached out was that when you were trying to create the
traits was it no no not even i was just trying to create a spreadsheet for the whole leprechaun
project and then all the seven or eight sub projects i now have going on underneath so i
could just get all this shit out of my head and onto paper or something in front of me so i could
actually figure out where i'm at with everything and yeah spent an hour got nowhere reached out
and discord say rene takes me he was like yeah my missus does all that i was like all right well
whenever she has time could she do this and i swear to god within like seven minutes the girl had
a spreadsheet knocked up and sent back to me with everything in it and all the information i was
like oh my god i spent longer thinking about what i'd done wrong than it took or to knock it up so yeah
that's why people don't know what they're doing yeah yeah yeah and some girl followed me earlier
some aussie girl and she's like graphic designer i just sent her a message straight away i was like
hmm what kind of graphics design yeah so i'm just reaching out to whoever now because i was going
to try all this stuff myself for sure if i it's just not worth it the time and effort to do it
compared to someone who knows what they're doing they just go in boom boom boom done it was like
gecko last night watching him using cat qpt like he's pretty good on it because um
it what do you do like yeah he got all the traits for the leprechauns last night and like putting
that we wanted light and dark and how many of each and all this kind of thing and just pumped
it all out and uh it's mind-blowing so he used chat gpt to generate the traits did he yeah so
the see the list the traits the big kind of long list that came out chat gpt okay all right
pretty impressive i'd done the road map and chat gpt
you've done your character descriptions as well haven't you yeah yeah the girl orange
just listen there she does them now every day with chat gpt she's getting a bit frustrated
because it keeps spitting it out the same ones and yeah but still it's just so handy you put
in like three four words and it's just like boom boom boom here you go
nah i just that's why i was hoping because like it won't be long before we can
implement this and that's what i was hoping to do with like the leprechaun companions the mini ones
that are coming down the line like actually have them follow you around like a pet and implement
chat gpt into him and have a talk back to you in an irish accent oh god you got a leprechaun
yeah yeah like mini ai leprechaun pets that talk to you in an irish accent like
no one's gonna be able to understand them no but they'd be fucking brilliant did you do that
alexa thing that i sent around a while ago that yeah yeah that's that's all i'm correct
because phil will show me the other night you can get these bots that it's like like the me bot or
any of these but it's like a sarcastic bot and i was like oh man you need to program the sarcastic
bot into it and then somehow get it in an irish accent like i'm sure you can pay for
things like that nowadays all these things out there you can um feed in the the audio and it
would come out in any um accent that you want if you give it a few sort of lines of an irish accent
it'll learn that and then you put in some text and i'll convert it to speech with an irish accent
oh man i'm just imagining the board now everyone running around with their little mini pet leprechauns
i can imagine yeah it's gonna it's gonna sound like a mad science experiment yeah it's gonna
happen and then eat leprechaun land yeah hockey just since i've talked to you last
year i'm after coming up with so many other ideas i have leprechaun land now as well
which i'm actually building out in like the orfox vault in one of my mates shops
yeah it's gonna be just something very basic very simple but like you can go in you can play like
flick basketball like a carnival kind of hopefully thing but yeah it's just fun it sounds
awesome man it sounds like you know you just give people something to do as a result you know it's
like hey i'm involved in this but i can also just do other things and just like hang around the
discord yeah yeah exactly you can go to discord but you can also jump in here on your phone as
well and i can go and play shoot the ducks or throw the basketballs or whatever it'll be but
yeah just the friend of mine had the shop and he was going to sit on it for three or four months
and then see where the tech was at and i was like dude fuck it let's just stick a little leprechaun
land because you can buy pre-made templates that you know we need to get one of those basketball
shooting games they are so good i was uh doing one in the other night at the um arcade like
irl and it was so much fun if i could do that in vr that would be amazing i got the high score too
it was brilliant dude i spent probably i reckon when did iphone the very first iphone come out
it would have been nearly 20 years ago i'd imagine yeah around then so i think yeah i would
have been 16 17 18 kind of time and one of my friends got one of the iphones and had just
a flick basketball and paper i remember that and paper toss yes i played that that was that was
one of the best i spent hours on that thing we used literally paper in yeah yeah yeah and the
fan would be going certain directions you'd have to carve it in but like i just want the physics of
it yep just those little simple games like that like paper toss but instead it'll be like toss the
leprechaun or something and now you toss the leprechaun to the pot of gold yeah something like
just basic fun little sticky games but like they we spent hours and i like i'm talking from
we'd have dinner at six o'clock in the evening then we'd all jump in someone's car we'd go out
to a country lane in Ireland and we'd sit there just smoke giants all night long passing around
one iphone because only one of us had like the iphone so we just passed around all having goals
and like try and get the highest score but like hours upon hours will last like so i think all
these big fancy games are not for me in vr anyway because i remember trying to play skyrim a few
years ago in vr and i put it on like this is just shit yeah they all have their place they all have
their place and people do enjoy them and they're popular but for yeah and people love time quick
games they've got like five ten minutes between jobs or whatever without the phone or and then
play a quick game or even put on the vr headset for say 10 20 minutes or they've got a bit of a
break walk around a bit play a bit of a game in leprechaun land and and that's it that's good
enough so yeah yeah you just nowadays you don't see anyone waiting without a phone or hand
no exactly nobody like i i turns my stomach to be honest especially going in around the city in
adled because like i'm a chatty person and if i'm sitting waiting if i'm at the doctors if i'm at
anywhere i want to talk to someone and like i'm here sitting looking around trying to make eye
contact and every single fucking person in the street and the bus and wherever has just got
their head stuck in their phone yeah it's amazing isn't it it's um one one thing that occurred to me
um a few years ago i i was i was working from home and then i actually got a office job and
then actually had to take the i had public transport and this was a long time ago now
but it was before phones were out like uh in the 90s and then basically you you could
talk to people and you could get people's attention and have a chat but then when um
when i got this other job it was like a whole revolution and a shift and everyone like you said
had their heads down on the train and before they were reading newspapers or something but
now they just had their head in their phones and you just couldn't make eye contact and it was like
like there were zombies walking around you know that's a it's probably what you saw
if you try and talk to someone nowadays they nearly hiss at you yeah i've been just sitting
down above and just said oh how was your day or how are you going and you kind of look at me and
going did did you just really speak to me like no it was like fucking weirdos and it's not just
like it's not just young people anymore because like when we were younger we were on our phone
but we weren't even on them because we didn't have computers then essentially in our pockets
like we have now but like nowadays it's everyone from a 10 year old to a fucking 90 year old
they're standing there on the phone paying no attention to what's going on like they could get
hit by the bus and i still don't think they'd know and some of them some of them actually get hit
by buses i'm sure yeah so remember what was that one the pokemon go thing where they were walking
yeah yeah yeah and they're just like zombies they got head to head in the phone and like you're
chasing the latest uh you know the balfa's uh um bulbasaur or whatever yeah i don't know
what the fuck yeah you're walking out into the road not looking and you got hit i've seen videos
of them in america where they like actually like attacked the person in the car because they were
beeping the horn out i'm trying to get them to move and they started kicking the car and i was
like oh my god and adults like not not children yeah 35 year old grown men like chasing pokemon in
the fast like oh god but that's that's the way the world is going like that's why anyone who's
not paying attention to web3 now as well is like the fucking idiot absolutely and as as it was
saying before like um eluding to like 12 months it seems like an eternity in web3 because you know
every day is like a week um but you you look from the outside world the people who aren't in this
little bubble of ours and it's it's a drop in the ocean as in like things like we're so early still
and the things we're creating are so amazing but um yeah there's a long long way to go and things
are moving so fast so it's like it's exciting exciting times ahead you know like i don't know
i'll just go and say it's just funny because like i remember when i joined in i think 2017
like i i talked back then i'd missed the boat i was late i wasn't early anymore and like
now in 2023 i feel earlier in this space than we were back then like it's just crazy because i just
feel that it's on the verge now like it's essentially got legitimate no it's like it's
all good there's there's everyone's involved in crypto it's not going away it's here to stay but
like now the next thing is where does it go like with nfts do some of these big gamers jump on
board because that that's to me is going to be the big one for nfts i reckon oh absolutely i mean
just an example from today if you're talking about web3 and all of us in our own little world and
things are moving so quick but to the to people on the street who don't really know what web3 is
they don't know what nfts are you know they're like what the hell is this what are you guys
doing trading jpegs and stuff and they don't understand the whole blockchain and the whole
concept and so you know you talk about pudgy penguins of course there they start as a as a
web3 brand and they're going the other way back to web2 to sort of bring out these amazing toys
and look you know they you saw they sold out in almost instantly and and it's really educating
people through memes and really getting into the the psyche and the brain of brains of people who
don't know what nfts are but they they associate with these brands and these like little penguins
or whatever it might be um and they then when they look into it a little bit they they find
the brand and they say oh they may never find it but it's really brand building distribution and
and that's how we sort of and even with games as well you sort of um break out of that little web3
world and then sort of go the other way back to um the wider audience and that's i guess that's how
we'll we'll expand and then and then spread the word it used to be the goal was for web3 projects
to partner with web2 projects that was the goal yeah two years ago like that was the big hype and
that was where nowadays like you could partner with anyone and you're going to go oh yeah it's
a partnership like that just doesn't have the same effect it used to whereas now likes to put
your penguins and that who are jumping into web2 and going we don't need partnerships like we're
making our own way and actually succeeding according to the template yeah like um turning
a web3 business into a self-sustaining um business revenue generating business itself that doesn't
need to continually do extra drops to squeeze money out of their holders is there's something
to be said for that because you know 99 well 99 of these companies now in web3 they they can't
generate extra revenue because all they've got is another drop and and who buys the the token or the
the product then it's their holders and then i mean it comes a point where they're going to run out
of money you know so you see they've already done it and they've done it again and they've done it
again and that's what i'm noticing with all these like big pfp projects like they've they've had
their initial drop but then they've had their secondary drop and then they've had like their
apartments shall we call them and like just yeah their houses or their dog boxes or their kennels
or whatever like they've just and it keeps going five and like they're just at the point now same
as cogs same as all frogs everything like the communities are just bought out they're just
they're not going it's not a way of generating money for projects anymore exactly it's it's
there's really a lot to be said for companies that are branching out into sort of back into
traditional forms of businesses whether it's a media company but it's combined with web3 so
you're taking um traditional business with products and structures but using web3 over
the top of that so you're using like twitter spaces and of course using instagram and other
other um distribution and branding and marketing tactics but you're still keeping keeping your
initial blockchain and you're you're sort of combining the two so you're generating this
like self-sustaining business at the end of it or even um like the douse some of the douse structures
out there like nouns nouns douse and um invest some investment douse out there they're generating
other forms of revenue rather than um just a drop after drop after like these these media companies
are maybe like rug radio or something like that they they're sort of um have a lot of a lot of
shows under their um under their sort of banner of rug radio and they obviously have structures
in place to generate revenue from that so it all sort of sort of goes around and then they're not
doing drop after drop after drop so there's a lot to be said for branching out and sort of thinking
outside of the box whether it's yeah products or licensing or whatever it is anything even if
avatar in the metaverse like even what like c11 are doing bringing projects in and popping them in
just a photo frame on a wall like just anything to give a bit of excitement back to not like and
not charge the community forward i think that's that's right a lot of places communities are just
crying out for a minute and i think it's what a lot of projects are also struggling to deliver
they're just yeah they don't know what to do because they had all these big grand plans
and then the bear market came and shot all over their grand plans and yeah they just don't know
what to do they've they've invested money into something that's now not like possible for them
to do is what i'm noticing and a lot of them were building outside 3d avatars for the whole collection
but instead now they're building out one at a time and you know just yeah i find that's the same
thing across most projects and that's why like the ones i've jumped into recently like brick topian
gu psychedelics anonymous like there's a few of them yeah and like if you look at them all
it's the same thing with them all they're good projects they're good communities they're like
just the people coming together for the right reason and there's no nonsense about floor prices
and this that and the other it's just communities there for the community and for the good of the
project which is most of them are lacking that solid foundation absolutely i mean you can tell
the mark of a good good community when they stick through stick with you through the bear market and
they're still showing up every day they're sharing things on twitter they're writing threads
they're in the discord they're engaging they're they're having fun they're not worrying and talking
about full price like you said and there's a lot to be said for a good community i mean you can do
anything in a bull market where you can throw anything at the wall and it makes you a lot of
money you know are they shit coins and this and that but and i mean that's wrecking the market as
well and i mean some people are making a lot of money off them and good on them but overall it's
not it's not a long-term thing short-term thinking they're all going to go to zero in my opinion
some like some may turn into a sustainable coin like maybe pepe or something but yeah 99.9 will go
yeah and and if your community if you're in a solid project like the ones you just mentioned
britopians and all the all of i could name like 50 which i've seen have solar communities but
there's so so many um just really average projects out there their communities have abandoned them
and yeah like you said they had they were building these 3d avatars and they've run out of money and
they don't know what to do because they haven't thought long term they haven't thought um 12 months
two years yeah exactly they haven't done alternate revenue streams like we we just went over before
and yeah it's it's sad to say it's made um it's made looking into projects pretty easy though as
well because like you'd jump in there and within 10 minutes of chatting and a feel of the community
you know like if it's dead and you know by looking through announcements and yeah just where is that
like because in the bear market is when you know if projects are still building if they're still
showing up every day if the communities are still active if they're still in there talking it's like
all right well there's something keeping these people here so there's a reason but like that
genuine undead discord i think it's got the least numbers of people out most of them that i mean
and it's the one that i cannot keep up to the notifications and like yeah that's just impossible
but that's a good sign it's a good sign yeah i'm gonna have to check out the genuine undead
discord i i'm in there i need to dive in and really jump into the project and get into the
the meat and a couple of weeks a lot cheaper okay yeah yeah i should have done a lot of things a
few weeks ago what's the floor place at now hockey it was like one point one flavor of
point one six was it yeah around point one four i think we're at you know might have come down a
little bit as people continue to uh you know bounce around to these coins oh yeah still
limitality but yeah you know it's okay again uh like what you guys touched on is like you know
the focus isn't really floor price um yeah so consciously people are affected by it but the
goal is to find ways to find that golden nugget of a of a revenue source that doesn't evolve
you know taking money from the community or from web three in general you know that's that's where
a lot of the problem solving that we've been trying to do within genuine undead and right
now we uh we recently created a proposal channel where community members can come in submit their
proposals um and uh it basically the rest of the community reads them and based on how many reactions
they get if they reach 100 reactions we uh we go forward with the next one with that proposal
meaning we'll go into it deeper when i'll analyze it we'll uh we'll see if we can build it out you
know use community members to help support that project idea and and try to launch it for them
um you know it's mostly initiatives that involve gu um some of them are not um you know and it's
just cool i like the concept that um that it creates where you know community is a utility
and it starts with ideas ideas then expand the minor you know for whatever else we can do so
um and my my biggest feeling and that's why i really had a uh an amazing conversation with
you edily um is that you know it's all about bringing people together um and and having that
networking i think it's absolutely crucial so getting involved with other projects not just
by saying hey come sweep our floors and we'll sweep yours or hey we'll give you white lists
you know like get outside of that mentality and just think about hey listen there's a lot of good
people in the space and if they put their minds together they can create amazing things and
we just need that catalyst and that catalyst is what the conversation yeah i love how you mentioned
catalyst because uh that's exactly what we are the c11 there i mean that's how that's our vision
and pretty much what we're looking to do bring together amazing communities and if you you have
that foundation then as you said you can create amazing things and it's not about just making an
avatar and or making another drop to sell to them it's about um lifting each one of us up and if one
project has something they release and shining a light on it and showcasing that and then suddenly
have 50 000 or however many thousand eyes on the project that you didn't have before and
that can only be a good thing retweeting um you know sharing on social media here and everywhere
and by by that you start getting organic um interest in the project and that that's good for
everyone and and then each of the projects um see new things that they may not have come across
before and they you know they talk to each other they find amazing um it could be partners or
subject matter experts like coders or solidity devs or graphic designers or what it may be and
we can all help each other out and it's the way it's the way where we're looking at it so
that's what i'm really noticing over the last few weeks as well as the most expensive projects in
this space are the ones to get into for those reasons the network and the like meeting people
the good community is the good people who've joined for those reasons like your your Tokyo's
your Azukis your Utes to gods like all of these like they're they're expensive to get into because
of the people who are in there and the things they're doing to help the community like that's
it's about what they're given back yep exactly i mean you look on these um ranking sites um on
social media like nft inspect or something and you consistently see the same whether it's pfp project
or whatever but you see the same communities uh in the top 10 20 30 rankings because they
continuously engage and show up every day and retweet and lift their followers up and they all
bounce around in other projects as well talking about each other and d gods talking about sappy
seals or pudgy penguins or or neotopia or bricktopians or ge or whatever but they're just like it's a
mentality of in web 3 overall about helping each other out and and that's like the the vast majority
of people are amazing and they're just that where there's that you want everyone to win mentality
so yeah it's really good to see and we can we can win at this um if we all well we'll leave the
shit coins behind but yeah they'll come and go like that and speaking of shit coins look who's
just joined us hey will how you doing hello guys how are you yeah good how are you doing well
speaking the shit coins are mutual i'm a favorite
well here's someone who's making bank off shit coins i got in on peppy 27 million market cap
and then i um i fluffed like eight other winning plays so far fluffed wojak fluffed the original
ben which did like 50x i was watching that dude shilling his shit well he did like a four day
pre-sale not the syops one that everyone's looking at now but he did like a four day pre-sale on ben
before bit boy got in and i was sitting there i was watching him the whole i was in game i was
literally talking to the dude um and i just i didn't get in on it and then it did i thought
i don't know what it was 50x or 100x from its pre-sale i was kicking myself it sucks like i hate
shit coins when i'm not winning you know it saved me but the rest of the man watch turbo watch turbo
launch didn't get in on it was in on wojak got off it to get on something else then wojak pumped
w literally there's like eight of them that i was either on or watched go the ones i was on
i got out to just ape into some other crap and every time i did it whatever i got into tanked
and then the other one mooned and i'm just like this i suck it i really genuinely suck at shit
coins but um i'm still like 95% up because of peppy so all good all good right here but that's
the thing is that it only takes one win it just takes one bro it literally just takes one and
i swear peppy peppy doing 10x from here is like the mate it's the easiest play in all of crypto it's
the most obvious thing that's going to happen it's just it's like it's a no-brainer it's just
simple so i i know that i'm going to be pulling out close to half a mil from one very fortunate
moment we're very close to this decision yeah i i've had those hopes and dreams before too
they'll come cracking down with one big long red candles
look careful it's it's a narrative game right like these are all narratives they're like it's
it's not super technical it's just narrative based if it's a strong enough narrative
believed by a big enough community it plays out from
it's absolutely it's just a story yeah and you know like i was talking to a dude in melbourne
i was in the cbd like a month ago we were talking to this firm about helping us do our
raise for our token right um but from some traditional web 2 vcs um which we didn't pursue
but one of these dudes he's basically his job is to get involved with businesses and over a three
year period prepare them to go public and he gets them already and he gets them on the right track
and then he launches them and you know it's their market cap pre pre pre going public is
1 15th usually of the public valuation when they look when they go and he's like you know what
it's all about i'm like no what is it all about because i don't know anything he's like story
and he's talking about like stocks right like traditional stocks he's like it's just story it's
old narrative everything's narrative and that's not shit coins that's stocks like regulated stocks
it's the same shit it's the story that pumps the price look at elon look at tesla look at everything
else there's some metrics going on there but it's the story that pushes it up and down
and um yeah anyway and ranch that's all i wanted to say
yeah so fuck pepe fucking shit coins i'm again i'm just a bit sour because i i'm like you know
i know about pepe way before most people knew about pepe and i was like go away for me with
your fucking stupid frog kind and now i've just sat here and watched a rocket go to the moon
waiting on it to blow up like elon's but no of course it didn't it just kept fucking going
honestly for me it was such a good thing for me right like i'd had a rough couple months of like
moving houses and stress and sleep deprivation and a baby about to be born and all this happening
right and i was tired and i'm like i know i have to get my ass on twitter as a founder you've got
to be active on twitter building your following it's the strongest tool you have in this game
completely by far um you know a founder with a big following can raise and sell out an nft drop can
launch a shit coin can raise 10 million tomorrow if they need to it's your your biggest strength
is your personal brand community and i completely neglected that for the first nearly two years of
being full-time in the space and i was doing other building and um so i like no fuck it i'm
gonna do it now today's the day and i just jump on and i'm getting involved i'm i'm you know i'm
being a being a reply guy to people and i'm just doing it and within four hours i was rewarded with
pepe i can't remember what i saw or who i saw i'm like what's this did like five minutes of dd and
i was like yep this is it bam two grand straight in i just took a fucking i just knew every part of
me knew that this was the right thing to do after so long not doing anything and yeah i'm so happy
just need to be a lot smarter now i guess with all the other stupid shit coins
yeah i just stay away from them have you seen all this have you seen all the crap with cyop
and what's going on there i i'm not even thinking liquidity pools bro i i don't even
understand half of it man but it's got like a false 500 million dollar market cap like 97 percent
of it or something's locked up and like all the pre-sales are 90 down the minute it launched
i saw i saw someone put 62 ethan and got like five cents worth of cyop out or something or
i don't know like it's just crazy he he put it on v3 uniswap and there's a
and so anyone going into the v2 pool is basically just giving away all their money
it had like 14 dollars of um liquidity in it or something i'm starting to wonder if the
cyop is literally just teaching everyone a lesson to stay away from shit coins like that might that
could be his ultimate goal here yeah it could be like a psychic operation or something is like
true to the name so again like who are the fucking idiots who are actually sending the money
yeah like seriously it just what that tells me is there's too many idiots with too much
money in this space and i need to find them and sell them leprechauns dude a lot of a lot of
deejans sent him money a lot of people that know a lot better sent money i think a big part of it
was just the gamble it's like walking through a casino half pissed and then you see a flashy new
fucking thing that you've never seen before and it's like don't and it's got a big neon sign that
says don't play me you will lose your money half of us are going to throw some money on it anyway
right we're going to throw money on that yeah yeah all day long but not before you eat can eat
like you throw a hundred bucks at there but oh it's so bad
so what is everyone doing well like we are meant to go for an hour but i don't give a shit i'm
sitting here smoking giants anyway so if anyone wants to chill and talk shit we've people just
join and so we may as well yeah keep talking if anyone wants to jump up and yeah have a chat
marv rockoff will be part anyone request to speak crypto crypto j welcome there's another there's
another there's another well we made a duplicate we made a new duplicate now which one's the ai
crypto j this is the companion uh oh she wants to come up i i was going to say uh i actually have
to get going uh but uh i really enjoyed this conversation i love what you guys are talking
about and uh yeah keep me up to date on the future spaces man and uh they're i'll probably
do the same time every friday just fuck it why not yeah good good to chat to you yeah yeah
actually we will uh we need to talk soon because uh i think that we could put together a proposal
to the community uh regarding what you guys are doing and uh you know if you as a holder
can put go into the proposal channel and say hey by the way how does this look but let's see let's
talk let's see if we could develop it and uh you know again uh creating an opportunity for people
just to interact at no cost uh seems like a no-brainer so uh i do want to uh i do want to
talk further with you guys and now that things are starting to level off after all the
all the changes that were just happened you know i think we're going to be able to hit the ground
running soon yeah yeah i think i should do it jay wilder still cheap you know yeah nfa but you know
go for it i i'll say it financial advice do it i don't give a fuck it's worth that
the community loaner worth it do this yeah i do you know what for the community alone
uh 100 that is advice that uh i would back um i think it's worth it we have some amazing people
and uh that's something i actually do want to talk to you about as well so you know what if
you're about hockey or the weekend doing nothing we might just try and catch up for a quick chat
and make a plan of attack uh yeah let me yeah i should be available i kind of uh promise oh
actually i take that back this weekend no no i got two family events uh uh back to back
and i completely forgot it's my birthday
thank you thank you yeah it's gonna be uh good family appreciate it i don't normally go out
discord don't stress i'll catch up with you at some stage next week we'll go from there
yeah yeah obviously messaging and totally fine uh you know but creating time for phone calls
sometime next week and let's uh yeah let's talk further man really appreciate you guys
look forward to it hockey thank you for coming my pleasure thank you for um uh for getting me
up here and let me take care yeah enjoy your evening and i'll see you guys later yeah see you
too cheers now um yeah if anyone else wants to come up and chat and talk shit you're welcome
if not we'll just maybe will and jare are gonna probably talk shit about shit so yeah
what have you been up to on this beautiful friday william
i i got my son for the weekend i got a five and a half year old called zen and i've got him for
the weekend so i took him for a swimming lesson and then came home for some food and played some
zelda tears of the kingdom which is pretty fucking cool and i get another box i don't know
if anyone's played that yet but um the ability for nintendo to release game release games like this
on a shitty little handheld fucking console that's like i don't know five years or how
old is a fucking switch all this shit right and and big captivating games where no one says
uh the graphics suck or it's laggy you're like no one's complaining about the performance of these
enticing like immersive games on this shitty little that's fascinating to me but um but yeah
do you remember when we were kids playing the black and white or the green screen game by him
like we weren't complaining about them back then either i so do so do and like in your memory right
like in my memory the joy of that outperforms the joy of half of the triple a games released today
oh 100 and all you're playing was tetris or something but yeah it's just like you just
you're happy with what you have because that's yeah i i don't know that was just always my outlook
anyway one of those things like a good game um does it it doesn't require great graphics to be a
good game you know our brains we read books like humans read books it's literally black and white
words on a page and we read books and we go off into these wonderful worlds inside of our own
heads and and video games that's how we we were so captivated back then because it's the same
function right like it doesn't have to be stunning graphics to propel us into these wonderful world
if the things that trigger our imagination are good enough and along the way the the triggering
of great imagination for gamers was replaced by um well graphics increases right like rehashing
ip that worked already with slightly better graphics year after year after year after year
a lot of the time not all the time but a lot of the time see i didn't think there's two points
for me with games it's either like your full-on call of duty like proper like full-on immersive
game that you can play or it's a quick sticky user one like we were just chatting about this
area like flick basketballs like something that you can sit while you're on your lunch and you
just want a quick game or something like they're as fun to me as something that i'll sit down and
play for 10 hours straight on a playstation 5 but they've different like i'm not going to sit
down and play that for five ten hours straight but like if i put on college duty of a friday
evening i could be sitting there saturday morning still playing it going off fuck so but i won't do
that with the little sticky games but like they're they're the ones i'll play more often and i'll get
more use of yeah absolutely that's why i was i don't think i was actually telling you i'm going
to create a little leprechaun land in the vault in one of my mates shops he's got a district and
he was going to leave it um with nothing in it and i was like fuck it let's just stick a leprechaun
land in it and like all it's going to be is a very very basic open world kind of thing or not
like just kind of environment where you it's like a carnival like you walk into this district but
then you're outdoors in this green world and have like little air hockey tables and basketball
things and shoot the ducks or fire the leprechaun throw the leprechaun into a pot of gold or just
some shit like that but you can you can buy all this remember we were looking at it in unity
yeah yeah it wouldn't be that hard to build really no no no despite some mara would tell
you like to buy some brick topians were doing these builds in like two days they're buying a
pre-kitting in unity and just boom boom boom whacking it up and it's like oh shit that was quick
it's like the sims nowadays is what i'd like a bit more technical but not much more technical
so like you could build like your little fight legends world within one of these as well
yeah yeah absolutely you could have tossed a leprechaun it's tossed this little leprechaun
i love that yeah well that's why we're talking because do you remember the paper toss game on
the iphone years ago where you had to flick it into the bucket and the wind had carried either way
yeah so like you could have wanted them where you're throwing a leprechaun in vr like in your
headset i'd just be cool
it's magical i would play that you pick up this little angry leprechaun with and you see
your hands lifting him up and he's just like kicking and fussing and trying to bite your
fingers he's like ah get off me yeah keep this angry little fucker and then you just flick him
into the pot of gold well you're gonna love what i'm doing with the little leprechaun companions
because this thing came about after we spoke but i'm going to make um like the leprechaun
avatar is only a mini version just like a little pet but it has chat gpt integrated into it and
but speaks back to you in an irish accent so it's going to be proper like little angry leprechaun
following you around talking back to you and i have lots of people who can do a farming and
they're like yeah the tech is coming like it's it's really close and like oh this could be fun
oh yeah that'll be sick that'll be very cool very cool because you can program chat gpt to like you
can you can give it you can program the personality that it's going to feed back to you in regards to
the conversations it has with you so for the leprechaun well there's this one i was looking at it's
like a sarcastic bot so like it responds like chat gpt only sarcastically so like you could just
put that in and put an irish accent on it and like done that's awesome yeah so i think it'll
be a bit of fun i just don't know how much all this shit is going to cost and i do have to get
numbers like that but because of what orfox are doing and like the tools that they're
essentially building and then releasing to the public like i think it's all going to run through
everything they're building out so it's like idiot proofed so i should be able to do most
of it myself with a little bit of expense here and there but yeah it'd be interesting oh yeah
oh yeah that's gonna be sick right well i might wrap it up with that because we've just run over
an hour um and yeah thanks everyone for coming yeah that was good good chat with everyone good
to uh talk to you will and everyone else who came on yeah likewise brother good seeing you
probably next friday and yeah if anyone oh shit do i whoops no that's wednesday's
all right friday no it's game night tonight is it i think i forgot to organize it whoops
if anyone's been jumping to leprechaun to discord in half an hour we're
having a surprise game night for everybody brilliant what games do you play uh it's
going to be bubble soccer isn't it no we start with gartik so we do usually five games of gartik
where the winner of each round gets ten thousand loot and then um after that whoever sticks around
we play a game with that bubble league in the discord voice chat have you played that's so much
fun oh man bubble league yeah it's do you remember like the flick soccer like sabuti or whatever
it's called back into the like little men that you flick that a ball oh yeah so it's like that
yeah i think there's four on the pitch four each and you pull them all back like they're
pulled back ties and then as soon as the timer counts down they all go at once so uh it's just
it's pandemonium especially when you've four or five people playing but jump into the leprechaun's
discord we'll jump on have a quick game of it all right but yeah anyone else here who's not in
i think l42 and maybe crypto j 2.0 if you guys want to jump into leprechaun discord just
yeah send me a twitter message and i'll flick you the link and yeah we'll be here next week
same time talking shit about fuck knows what we'll see what happens between now and then
thanks everyone and we'll see you all next week cheers bye-bye