Wild Spekulashun ⚠ī¸ Bored Brothers War Room đŸ“ĸ

Recorded: Nov. 15, 2022 Duration: 0:51:09



Oh, yo. Can you text me along? Nice, nice, nice. Let me see. I tried to copy it from... Let's see if this works.
Let's see. Okay. Oh, actually, no, I can probably just look up your name and a a 3593. All right. Well, while you're doing that, we can go ahead and get started because we're already recording. Yeah.
Yeah, hello, if you're listening for the first time. This is a call that we usually do that we're going to turn into a Twitter space because we literally just call and talk about the market and try and figure out what the play is because, you know, that's the million dollar question.
Yeah, our minds all the time. So yeah Actually, I think I'm going to retweet this out. I don't know if I did it already. I might not. Oh, anyways, yeah, so basically, holy crap. The the board a floor just decided to rip out
pretty heavy. Do it rebound. Rebound it. Yeah right now we're sitting at 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 well now there's 9 when I looked earlier there's like four apes still well grainy and four of them are flagged so. Oh well on to yeah I mean more.
Yeah, we're not super surprised there. Yeah, it's one of those and I think we shared a tweet with each other the other day where somebody was like they've lost it all in crypto and they don't want to lose it again, right? So people are panicking, but I think if
I mean, if people are holding down to 40, like sub 50s and then they're still not trying to sell right now, like, I mean, that could have been the the board 8th floor for this cycle, who knows. I don't know, I mean, obviously it was clear manipulation, right? Like Franklin's doing his thing, you know, some people
just started spreading fun whatever whatever whatever I mean no surprise. Well yeah that and a lot of people I mean like got hosed with FTX and then they're like well I no longer have liquidity that I need so if this is the most it's a bad set it might be. Okay but I thought it was funny how
And I remember when we were falling from 60 the first time after the mutants meant, and then we kind of hit like 30th and that's when everyone and their mom decided they were going to start buying 8th again. And we just totally snoozed on them.
And then it's like, right, that's like the clearest like just buy it now. The clears by now signal, which I mean, when you look at it too, I do this every single time. I'm going to start calling it the map indicator because like just out of the blue, I started talking text to me the other day from
like, yeah, let me just go take 60K and throw it in and eat, right? Which is like, when you really take a step to think about it, it's a lot of-- - But he's been in crypto though, so like, it's-- - No, I know, I know, but it's still like, you know, just telling somebody, hey, go take 60K and throw it in this. Like, there's not a#
And there's only one person that I would actually feel comfortable telling them to and someone that's reputed and it's like, okay, cool. Okay, so, but the question is, right, what the hell is the next move? I've still been watching other deeds. They, the ratio of like how many deeds you can get for a board eight, like kind of committed for
for a second and now I assume once it like rebounds, it's going to go back the other way and then assuming land stay this cheap price have not keep going lower. Right, because I still think it's like 23 or 24 for floor lands and I feel like at this point
We're gonna have to just like go ahead and buy that because like I would kick myself for not buying it just because I was like trying to tie it perfectly. Mm-hmm. Yeah, so that's where yeah, it still goes back to is it better to make the play in APKON now?
right? It's like what's gonna happen? Cause I can see like a whole whirlwind of events happening right after Thanksgiving. Right? Yeah. Other side comes down and says something. You go finally says something with apes of mutants. Maybe that's not so much. She knows. But I mean, there could be like a whole all of a sudden we're
just bombarded with announcements and excitement the last month of the year. Right, but when you look at the timeline, what is today's like November 16th or 17th or something like that? Yeah, it's 15th. 15th or 13th. No, we'll get there eventually. No, okay, but like November 15th, we've got half a month left.
right so it's like we know that staking has a deadline right like when things really start to kick off would be like December 12th I think it would be insane thing that we don't hear like unless if we're doing like an other side trip over Christmas break or some shit like that like around that time
which is possible. But I just, I doubt that that's when they do it because that's when people are traveling, that's when everyone's going to have like, you know, they're not going to have access to the hardware, hardware walls. So like, the question is, is like, do we get a pump leading into the next trip, just a
as they come out with something, anything, people are gonna hit max hit the FOMO button. Right, right. Okay, so then that begs the question. Are we going to 2X on the other side floor between now and end of year?
or we're more likely to go from 3 to 6 dollars on 8 point. I think the answer is 100% 3 to 6 dollars on 8 point. But yeah, I think that's a lot easier. Just in the sense that there's still like a ton of apes and mutants that need 8 point for staking and even if they don't, like we'll just take those
that 90 day farming period are the first 90 days and just farm the absolute shit out of tokens. Right, I mean, I don't know how accurate that dashboard is, but you would think at this point, right, after the whole FTX fallout and like people getting spooked and holding, you know,
Spooked out of holding their coins on exchanges. Do we know? Has there been a bunch of ape coin that's been I guess lost on FTX? That's not accessible. Well, so that's the thing, right? I was looking at it with based around the whole 10 KTF scenario.
the tokens that they transferred into FTX, I mean they easily could have been the 100,000, I mean, sorry, 1 million 8 coins that were recently market dumped by the FTX trainer account. And so like when you put those two together, it's like damn like they legit could have
lost a hefty batch of coins because like a figgy came out in the discord and was like yeah it didn't affect our day to day something something but like you know I wouldn't I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility that
So I guess you know is it coincidence? I don't know maybe Maybe maybe not I guess we'll find out Indeed, but yeah, I mean I think if anything Yeah, it'll be hard because it'd be nice if the eight coin play panned out before other deeds so then we could just kind of roll in and
You know put the 8 coin have that pull a nice little 2x and then roll that into the Because I still think yeah, it's hard to say what the play is on deeds whether it's you want to buy a floor deed or you know mutant deed or ape deeds since they're all cheap right now an artifact
Like that's really hard to say like what the play on those are at this exact moment. I just got an yeah, I agree.
I don't know if my thing is about to cut out or not. It said connection loss, but it looks like I'm here. Can you still hear me? I can still hear you.
But yeah, I mean I think if anything, if we still don't know exactly what the play is, just picking up a little bit of everything.
Just staying. Yep, I hear ya. Hello! Yep, I hear ya.
Are you there? Yo, yes. Oh my gosh. Yes.
But clearly, can you give it all on the map? Is this going to look at if I leave?
Probably. Maybe not since I'm co-host. Alright, well I'm gonna try. Wish me luck. Oh, can you hear me now?
Oh, just kidding, I'm texting you this thing, I'm sorry.
Holy shit, did I recover?
Oh yeah, here you are. Can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you.
All right, cool. Sorry about that. That was bizarre. We're just learning on the fly here. Apparently whenever I get close to the house, it connects to Wi-Fi and then that messes me up because it like disconnects me from Twitter space.
I turned what I killed the at anyways what were we talking about we were just saying um roll and ape coin profits into other deeds but also it's like are you better off picking up floor other deeds or ones with artifacts ones that have the first trip or the first obelisk piece
I don't know questions which if we don't know anything I mean the best bet's probably just to pick up a little bit of everything scoop a couple artifacts pick up a B.A.Y.C. land pick up an M.A.Y.C. land scoop some floors I don't know personally I'm I'm kind of leaning towards quantity over
quality at this point. I mean yeah I would agree there. Especially if like the speculation on the flipping your lands and basically having a re-roll. Like if that doesn't send deeds just to the roof I don't know what I mean because like okay there's one or two scenarios right they either reveal
more things and then the blank beads start to look more attractive because they have hidden things that weren't revealed before or you know there's an airdrop one to one or there's you know an ability to re-roll the traits on your land to get a new
to do what Deeds want to do. I think we have one more chance. There was goblins on the leaked pitch deck, but it's like, I don't know, maybe not goblins anymore, maybe something else, but like it's even more. Well, courted the leaked pitch deck. We were supposed to be like, put
basically done with Roadmap 1 this year and we haven't covered anything. I know right? Crazy how that's changed but I mean like they've definitely communicated that they're trying to drive it in a different direction not just
And not like burn themselves out. Well, yeah, right because I mean imagine if they dropped all their collections and all the alpha like right now It would be really hype and then people would just be really bored So yeah, it definitely seems like they're kind of taking the more quality over quantity approach to where at first it was like all right We need to get out dogs and get out
mutants and get out land and they've coined and odd stuff. So now it's like, all right, let's actually build our story to for this project that's doing so well. Not that they like weren't building the story before, but I feel I mean, probably focus. Yeah, I don't know personally, I feel like we're still going to see a few more things come
for the door before we see anything ape related which is great right because I mean we're in the crappy parts of the bear market people are getting beat up left and right whether you're ready for it or not. So we didn't end up buying that red obelisk
But if we did we wouldn't have been able to buy the ape right I mean we probably could have but it would not have been as We well unless if we had like tried to quick flip it but knowing us we probably would have been like I'm gonna hold on for a little bit And then it would have been flat and then it would have been like I mean just go
the show like if the deal is too good to be true like the red office for 50s like yeah okay it seems like the the the scammer tried to play it off is like oh this person you know is in distress they got affected by RTX they need to get out of these lands quickly
right, which is why they were like doing everything and like selling blocks of like the merikami seeds. But then it's like, if it really is too good to be true, you know, well that's where I still don't understand already pick up, right, because that's one of those like, it's too
good to be true. You don't look at the guy's wallet that we bought it from. And he's got like 10 other apes that are all way shittier than the one he sold. I have no explanation for that. But I mean, yeah, we did our due diligence.
before buying it, making sure it wasn't a scam or anything. It wasn't a flag. The only thing that was pointed out to me for somebody else was that the M2 mutant for it had been sold. So maybe they had kind of said, well, I already sold the M2.
I didn't even check does he have them ones and M2's of his other apes? I don't know I didn't go back and check either but I mean he put the funs to use sweat to wrangle black boxes, bought some azookis, whatever whatever. Like almost instantly.
Yeah, the time we checked as well and it was like oh he's pulling a D farmer. He's like all right. Well, it is what it is. I'll take it. I mean honestly that's the point we got to it when we did but. It's very fun. June J. Ruggs dude. Honestly.
otherwise we would have totally slept on it. And that we did this that heaps rebounded. Yeah, for real. The other thing I was going to patch on is it
It looks like if not already, it looks like all of the bend-out liquidations have taken place or are really close to completing. And so... That will be good.
The thing is, we're kind of out of the woods, but not 100% yet. Right. Let's see. We have 1/8 ending in 51 minutes. It's going for 6.
62. We've got in two mutants. Those are the only ones left on their books to clear. So that's positive. That's not bad. Not bad at all. Fact or alert list. There's one more mutant that's
like 0.103 so like it's definitely encroaching the liquidation price area. But on the bright side there's no there's no board apes anywhere near liquidation.
That's good. I mean, all you want them the last two days has just been through the roof. The one that's closest is that 1.14 so I'm not sure off the top of my head what that would be, what liquidation price that would be, but essentially, I mean, that's good because I had looked at a distribution of like, yeah,
If we kept cascading lower there was like There was quite a few that were about to be on the auction block Well, there was a big chunk that was all gonna come You know flood the market at once. Well, yeah, I was like 20 some apes at around 35 eat so it was like that's
when they would hit the market for liquidation. So I'm glad we're not getting there because that would be tough, but also GG to anybody that bought one for 50 because I turned out to be a big GG to the people I got at sub 50.
Yep. So another thing I was thinking of recently too, I mean obviously freaking
switching topics to other side. Yeah, a code of hearts maxi. Um, there were one for 1.68, but I'm like, at this point in time, does it make sense to buy one for 2x the floor? And I'm like, hmm, right? Well, that's not 2x the floor to oh, yeah, 1.
I think I said 1.16. I was like, no, I would have bought that instantly. Yeah, it's just one of those like what's going to perform better in the short term and I would bet my money on Abe. Yeah, I think I agree there.
Because I mean, yeah, I wish we had a better handle on like what the more realistic or like actual metrics are in terms of like the ape shortfall for apes and mutants. So we know like roughly how much we would get per day and roughly how much buy
pressure there could potentially. Yeah, I mean, if it's max state, you get like 18, 8 coin a day. But then if it's like right now, according to that dashboard, it's like only 24% of the old, which would give you like a crap load more.
I have the number somewhere, but I don't have it in front of me right now. So, you know, I don't know. Interesting stuff, right? I mean, all right. And I think I mean, yeah, I also don't think we'll see. Yeah, it'll be interesting to see like when it finally hits everybody, right? That's like, oh shit, staking.
like legit and will yield me a pretty good good reward. Yeah. That's going to take like that until the claim period on the when would that be the 12th of December? If that's when people are going to wake up and find out they're like, oh shit, I need to start staking. Well, yeah. I don't
exactly 28 to 18 lives like who knows I don't know exactly when we'll see the rebound but like like okay so my take is currently the AP 3 show is as low as it's ever been and then that also kind of
lines up with apes being the lowest eath price they've ever been. But the apes ratio fell harder faster first, right? And that was just the lay of staking. Well, the two things though.
Delays of course, but like we didn't reach this new all-time low for the AP ratio until the FTX kind of fall out and all that kind of stuff. So like well I'm curious. So if they didn't announce the spaces or whatever for staking like right after merge if we would have just continued the plummet there.
Right. Because that's what kind of revived us from that initial just slow steady decline. Yeah. I'm not really sure. But the point that I'm was trying to make with the AP 3 show is that people who were, you know, selling their apes and pushing the floor down recently.
They more than likely if they were in a need for liquidity, they probably sold their 8 coin first, right, which would be the only leave that 8 coin on the AP 3 ratio would have bottomed before we saw a bottom on 8.
So, you know, not obviously the markets whack. We have more factors than just NFT traders when it comes to Abe Clingwright because you have all the people that are trading, you know, treating it like a shit coin, people that are, you know, that don't have
I'm an exposure to being able to buy an NFT but still buy little bits of the Abe coin and all that kind of stuff. So there's a lot more that goes into Abe coin and the market for Abe coin. But like at the same time, I think it's very likely that
all of the A-pulters that we're gonna sell a board ape as well or mutant or a dog or whatever, but was also holding A-coin. My guess is they're likely already sold out of their A-coin bag. And so the question is is like, okay, who else is left to dump tokens right now? And I think for A-coin
and we're pretty much at the point where if you're max staking and you've been holding a max staking back for a while, I'm not selling 8 coin anytime soon. If anything, I'm trying to acquire more than I'm going to need to stake so I can flip some.
time is uh it currently I think AP 3 ratio is a ticking time bomb to the upside right like it's going to uh we got a bunch of new people that have more apes and it's like okay cool you bought you bought more apes what are you gonna do are you gonna stake it or are you gonna try and put them in the in the shared staking thing let's bend
and it's like, you know, my argument there is it's like the bend down, that would require so many more people to then put their apes on to bend down and then like that kind of becomes like a, you know, security concern. Right? Yeah. Right. We have 30, I mean, because
At least when you're taking a loan on bendow, you put your ape in, but you've also taken eth out. When you put your ape on bendow for the shared staking contract, you've taken your ape out of your wallet along with someone else's ape coin leaving their wallet. And it's all going on a bendow's contract. So like, if people
people want to fuss about a bug bounty and all that stuff, a coin staking like the official contract and then you have people arguing that everyone's just gonna rush to do the paired staking thing like, yeah, we got an issue here because yeah, y'all doing it wrong. Yeah, no, for real.
But yeah, in regards to the ratio being low or potentially at its lowest or at the bottom for right now, I still think and you kind of mentioned it earlier when we were texting but waiting for the clear signal and not just aping right in
because there could potentially be more pain ahead of us but do you know the other thing that came up recently was yeah by another age and then saying that he's ready for staking and I'm like okay I mean like that's at least some
That's at least a little bit of nod of confidence that we're about to like, you know, we're staking is around a corner because I mean, if it would look bad, right, on yet to say he bought an ape and he's ready for staking, if he knows internally that they're going to delay
right so yeah I mean true yeah I don't know when the what that green signal is gonna be that's gonna you know push me over the edge and buy it but I don't know maybe we'll just start being upwards momentum that I'm like okay the rock
at ships, you know, starting, there's just still risk, right? There's risk until it becomes more clear. And then when you have the clear upward force, then, then the external risks become less, right? So there could be some other big dominoes falling from FTX.
that are just taking a little bit longer to fall. Yeah, right. I mean, because originally that it was supposed to go to main net on like the 23rd or something like that, right? I got pushed to the 28th because of Thanksgiving. Yep. So until Thanksgiving, I'm not going to be
probably doing anything too crazy but I mean I'm already loaded up anyway so I'm not that much all the families would hate everybody if like the apes start doing like just ripping out all their announcements right before Thanksgiving so that it's all these people can talk about to their families but like their families are all down down
bad from their investments. I'm not like a real conversation. Oh man. Yeah. Did you do all the people who got their family to buy on FTX too? Well yeah, that's like twice as worse, but like
Yeah, so that'll be the interesting conversation is can I still convince our family members to give crypto a chance here because like it would just need to get more to sell off some of her fidelity and buy an ape. There you go. We okay.
I'm not sure if I can do that. I'm not sure if I can do that. I'm not sure if I can do that. I'm not sure if I can do that. I'm not sure if I can do that. I'm not sure if I can do that. I'm not sure if I can do that. I'm not sure if I can do that. I'm not sure if I can do that. I'm not sure if I#
to go lose all your money. So, you know, obviously I didn't have that conversation with him then, but I also didn't really want to have that conversation with him then because he's like definitely the definition of a boomer. If not older than that. 401K that you can't touch till you're 65. Right. Okay. So, so
But anyways, I was wearing the Adidas hoodie to work and he was like asking me what he was missing. Like, he was like, what is this? Like, what am I missing here? And basically, I was like telling him, I was like, oh, it's an Ethereum address. Like, you know, it's a cryptocurrency.
eased into a conversation about crypto, which I thought was hilarious because he was actually pretty receptive. He was like asking me if I owned Bitcoin and I was like, "No, I just own Heath for the most part." I didn't want to stir the pot and be like, "Oh yeah, and monkey JPEGs like."
That's for another day, but I tell you I made the mistake of wearing the Adidas sweatshirt to a tailgate and called in called station and Everybody was like, what is that? What is that? And I was just like don't worry about it after like the fourth time explaining it I was like, don't worry about it. You're like, uh, like you'll find out
How's this? Okay, everybody's like what are all these numbers on your shirt? I'm like dang it Adidas Yeah, for real Phil I see you joined us you get what's up brother in the little basketball court the little bass
Ask of all practice and I didn't say what's up to you two idiots. No, what you should have told your boss is. Oh, yes, I'm also invested in this currency. It's called ape and I'll be retiring from this job soon because of it. He's right. And wouldn't that be something? Yeah, you're like, yeah, you're
You can go there to lose all your money or I can make my salary in like two flips. No big deal broke. Yeah, in BD. But yeah, Phil, you missed all of our speculation stuff. We got it out of the way early. God damn it. Yeah, dude. Basically the TLDR.
And then, you know, I mean, I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do that.
ideal is like in the main reason why I'm not like rushing to go buy them yet is like the ratio between how many like the ratio between 8 coin to deeds is like not good. So like obviously
Right because eight points way more likely to go from three to six than deeds going from point eight to 1.6 Especially with like the looks rare rewards. That's just gonna continue. Is that over anytime soon? Dude, I have no idea, but it it's literally just forcing all
floors down. It's pretty terrible. Disgusting. Disgusting. But I mean, you know, I guess in some aspect, right? Like, what's the worst thing you do? Buy a bunch of floorlands and then you just turn around and
and the list them and also farm looks rewards maybe sell a few in the process and then they they have their 2% royalties or whatever it is which ends up getting refunded in in looks token anyways so I don't know it's kind of like a
As long as the floor just doesn't get absolutely tanked further, it seems like the risk for a reward is tending towards the positive there. Obviously, pending a catalyst and people giving a damn about buying leads going into the second trip, really.
Right yeah, I don't know how important that'll be and for like moving forward to right because all the deeds that participated in the first trip got the first first obelisk piece or whatever. Yeah, I mean they got the first piece and they also well, I don't know I think I think a
a lot of people realize then that they didn't need that many deeds. Like you just need one deed to participate, but then at the same time the market crashed. People are like, "Oh, okay, I'm going to get out of the deed," or you have a bunch of people that bought expensive deeds and they need to go harvest them. I mean, I don't know. There's definitely cell pressures leading into the
of the year. But like after the end of the year, you know, we get a little change up in the UGA comms. We get more like consistent pump out of information like, well, that mixed with like we start, you know, really tackling some of these other pieces on the obelisk roadmap. And then it's like, okay, cool.
suddenly everybody cares about other side again. Yeah, for sure. Although, yeah, the more that I'm thinking about are like past speculations on other deeds, your best bet's probably going to be to sweep floor lands that have that first piece, right? Because then it say the other 100K's going to, you know, the voyagers that's us, like the people that participate
Yeah, yeah, I mean, you're, yes, you're better off buying the ones with the obelisk piece already because technically that's just removing more off the market from from what would be available. So it's like if you got my dog.
If you go ahead and buy ones that already have the first trip piece, that's like, I mean, you're gonna go buy lands anyway. So it's like if you're gonna do it, you may as well remove them from the market. Yeah, that was looking on blur earlier and it's like, yeah, all the floor lands still for the most part, obviously not all of them do, but the majority have that first
first piece or the first trip piece. But yeah, it'll be curious to see if it's like, oh, if you just participated in one because they were supposed to do a makeup trip, which, you know, I don't know if that's ever going to happen at this point or if maybe it's just going to need one piece to, you know, be eligible for the
They got their hundred can't that's the question dude because otherwise it's like shit I didn't like log into both wallets like I have them spread out so you're like god damn it like if it matters that each one has it that's gonna be a real bitch Yeah, definitely and a lot of people will be feeling that same like damn it
I think I saw Captain Trippi was talking on some comment section about that issue, right, where it's
like, you know, like you can't be advocating for security and then, you know, expect people to not spread their deeds out. Right. Because it's like if you have 200 deeds, like, and you're like that one guy that got
And recently or hacked or whatever and then suddenly he's out 200 deeds But he kept them all in one wall. He's trying to get the first trip pieces like there needs to be a way to better Have your deeds participated in the first trip other than
like having to move them every single time or just risk security every time. Yeah, I agree. I just don't know how they're going to tackle that issue.
Alright, I'm gonna come. Dude. Sorry, I don't know. You got what you talked about this, but the adidas thing is that is that a nothing burger? What do you mean like like the spaces are like the blue? Yeah, whatever that shit is
the way that they fucking worded it where it's like it's probably worth the weight it's like okay. Honestly I they're being very web too about their language there which is just stupid like they're they're trying to use all the web 3 the
Probably nothing's probably whatever probably like like okay, that was that was we get it. No, don't need to like brand every single tweet you put out as probably work the way probably what you know, it's like okay calm down. Um, but you know, I
I don't know. I spent that the price and I was like, "Yeah, I hope we didn't just screw up by selling our Adidas stuff because we had been holding passes in those capsules for a little while." All of them except for one yesterday.
But I mean, dude, there was a point in time when I owned like 12 of those things and I bought them all for like a little bit under an E and then like I acted it like 1.8 to like 2.2. And so like my mindset there is this like at some point, those, uh, the deepest passes.
will be a really good buy. But you kind of have to treat them like a savings account for ease because like you're literally just never gonna see that rise super quickly or to a point where it's worth selling right because like I mean because there's 12.5% fees
Right, but there's just be coming out with their PFP at some point, right? So I mean, there's definitely potential that it could sprout legs and rush to race artifact. Okay, but like, but like if that's the case, even if that's the case, you're still not, um, like, they're not moving quick.
Right, like I think it was pretty clear recently. Like look at Look at how 90 I swoosh right like that didn't come out for a long But clone next stuff and all of that and in the artifact stuff has come out at a decent clip because they
Well, and they said on the spaces, the GM and of T spaces that Nike, you know, is going to, you know, do their entry totally different than, then, than the way that, sorry, that the way that artifact entered the space or is was native to the space.
What the heck was that? I got a breaking news the board A4 is back to 61 points up then. Oh no way. Indeed. Let's go.
I don't know. I'm going to be completely honest. Bryson and I were definitely like we've been sending each other. We've been sending each other. We're like, no, ours is cooler. We're like, did we make a mistake? Did we make a mistake?
I'm not sure.
in my opinion, unity a lot harder. I don't know if it's just a few people that are here.
I don't know if it's mine. He's rugged, he's rugged like hell.
I was like, I don't know if it's my first time shooting or if it's his. But, yeah, okay. Make sure I'm not going to break it. Like, I'm still sitting in the same position I was playing. So, yeah, I think this one hurt more because I think you guys made a good point. There was obviously people that had to have money. Like a lot of the
I felt I felt kind of good about being such a fucking lazy ass no trader that I had never even thought about using FTX in my life I kind of felt like that's kind of morbid but like I was like I guess I'm glad FTX or baby in any of them
I don't need any of them because I'm like to me to me I'm not I'm just simply not active enough like when I'm at school I'll pop into Twitter shit like occasionally like on a lunch break or something but like I can't I'm not taking my fucking ledger to school like
to do shit and I don't have a wall that has enough of anything to make noise anyway so like I just I feel like I'm bored of shit because of it but I'm kind of thankful at the same point I guess so I'm trying to say because I have to actually it really sucks man
I mean, I'm going to be completely honest. I've traded myself into a whole recently. Like a lot of the trades I've made, I'm just not materialized to anything positive towards growing my bag, which has been unfortunate. But I don't know. I mean, I feel like at the same time I can kind of
justify it with, oh I've been putting some volume down on blur. I've been, you know, doing like little things here. I don't know. At the same time, I knew the risk of eight coins staking and I literally just jumped the gun. So I'm gonna hold the bag.
I think I still think like you guys picking up this ape I think that will be smart I really do like I think that will be smart even if you just flip it in a little bit and I mean like it might be I don't know how long you guys are you loaning for that or what the fuck you do to get it we have a lot of
open, but it's one that, I mean, if we needed to pick off like right now, we could definitely, you know, make that happen. Basically, I didn't want to make my eyes bleed from selling the very bottom of the 83 of knowing that it moves so violently, so quickly, and that my bag could instantly
just be back up like 20-30th in the matter of seconds. So it was kind of like, I saw a little bit of a point to make it happen, but we took loans on two age to snag it just to kind of like secure our spot in line almost. It was like, it made sense. We weren't going to create like too many fees.
So it's like I don't know for for the months that we kind of wanted to not really Leave our spot in line. We were able to take the liquidity and you got the orange background orange background. So I mean chef's kiss there. Yeah, I'm in one. Yeah, for the long.
Yeah, the aesthetics of the age just jumped out of us and we saw, I was listening for like 20 something minutes and we were like, "If we don't buy this now, it's gonna be gone in like the next 10." So yeah, it was... - What did you, if you don't mind me asking, what'd you pay for it? - $65. - Oh, you're already back to where it was basically.
So, I mean, dude, we've all been talking about this shit in the DMs and I'm definitely the one. It's because I'm so bored, I'm just waiting for shit because I'm not doing any of this active trading, but like, it literally just takes one good board of eight bonus and the next like couple months and that shit will be back to like
like I have no doubt. Like if it's a good announcement that's like this is some shit we've been cooking for like six months eight months ten months and we're ready to go. I think I'm not saying we're going to 150 east but I think we're back to 70 in no time. Yeah I think the
The biggest thing though is currently we're in the down stage where the announcements that you guys put out hasn't been anything super grand. They're definitely showing that they're making moves and they're making progress on the events, they're making progress on the
efforts for punks, they're making efforts. I mean, you know, all these things are like moving forward, which is great. But like at the same time, them announcing that they are going to donate a punk to the Miami museum or whatever. Like that wasn't going to like send punks to our rocketing.
upwards right like they're like the foundation like a what foundation so I mean like with that right like great get all these announcements that are low devs doing something like get those announcements out of the way and aren't going to really like amount much
And like I know I know I was begging on it and I still am like wait and see approach but like I do think that Figgie out of all of them him being in control of content and focusing on board ape as a whole as you guys a whole intent and he to 10 kg up
I think long term that will be beneficial because he's obviously that old team has proven that they can keep people engaged weekly in shit and so like I'm not saying we're get weekly stuff but I think if they have him with the minds of the obviously Garga and Gordon I think long term
I feel like I got in at a pretty good time because it was like the story hadn't really gotten too deep in the woods yet and then I don't know. I've enjoyed it just seeing all the
the stuff play out week by week and then it's kind of like a nice reminder of like oh shit like there's something fun to come out on five o'clock my time on a Friday or on Thursday. So I don't know I mean I don't know how my investment is doing. I also wasn't really looking at it as like a from an investment point of view but I mean there's
There's definitely some things like it looked like the floor had some nice volume and some some pieces definitely traded hands so I don't know I mean it makes sense. I think people speculating on ranga didn't necessarily make the most sense other than it does seem like ranga will have some sort of a home in
10KTF as well, but obviously just not it wasn't like rango was acquired by Ugo so it's just more of like a it's one of the parent pfp Partner pf what parent partner whatever the crap You know what I'm saying and like more content is always good when it comes
So now you just brought in whatever 20 people on to the team to literally focus on content because that's what they do best right and so now you have a whole team dedicated to all right we're not gonna rush it but like when we do it it's gonna be great you know like you just
I keep again, I need to see them do it and I believe they will but it's kind of like the infinity gauntlet like you're putting all the fucking jewels together to then just fuck
and rocket the shit. For real. That's where yeah, they've been so quiet now I'm like the next things are gonna have to just blow us away.
I'm ready for it 100% last little thing. We're gonna try and keep these kind of short big news with Circle you know partnering with Apple Pay or having that functionality come out
Yeah, so what exactly does that mean because like I saw that but what does Apple pay being able to use us DC? So essentially, you know like currently we use like there's different coin like a coin-based card or a block-fired card block. Right. Yeah, they have the coin-based
But really the coin base is a great Apple Pay. Well, right. So then we could then Apple Pay our USDC from our coin base to wherever. So I don't know exactly how it is, but like my guess would be is you could probably go load up another wallet with USDC and then spend spend it on
Okay, so like you go to Chick-fil-A, you pay for your meal and it would probably just deduct your your USDC Straight out of your your wallet or however it's set up, but I mean personally it's not it's not something that I'm gonna use but like it's it's Rails which is important and I mean
I mean, when you think about it, it was kind of difficult trying to figure out how to pay off credit card bill with crypto or from a crypto connected account. And I feel like that would also help in this scenario.
And at least in the and leaning in the right direction of like hey, we need like crypto rails and More everyday like everyday things every day purchases every you know that kind of stuff right that you All right, Lads, I am freezing
I don't know what cadence we're gonna do these at, but essentially, Bresden, I usually hop on a call right after work and talk for at least 15, 20, 30 minutes a day. So I don't know, kind of fun to kind of try and see if we can carry these out.
Unfortunately, it's a lot of the same shit right now because there's just not a whole lot to To talk about in terms of the trades that we're trying to make So fingers crossed
guys take it easy yep peace out