Win $MVP & $Bonk! What Is Bonk? Win 100X?!

Recorded: Jan. 5, 2023 Duration: 3:54:42



You're a legend, Trent. You really are.
Dude, what up? Sorry. Sorry, sorry.
This isn't really a normal space as I think we're just hanging out talk this new fucking coin Talking of T's bullshit talk whatever give
Anyway, some of this bunk, bunk, and fucking hang out. And if new people come on in, try to get a bunch of people so we can get some new people in here. If I can tell them that focus 5, I'm gonna fucking hit.
How much box did you end up on? I only got the I only put like $15 worth of toilet head Fuck yeah, I bought it. What yesterday is a day before I think about Seven soul worth and was checking in
No, sorry, 15 solar and now it's over a thousand dollars. Holy fuck, let's go. I can feel. Yeah, we put in 200 bucks. It was like 200 bucks. Yeah, I put in 15 dollars.
I'm like very curious to see what it's gonna do like in here mixed things people like like that one dude other than the other thing he's like
get to us in Chetablot species and as a guy there for his name he sounded like a new a shit though he's like I see it going from another week or two and it's about it he didn't see it going places so listen it is what it is we're all the greens that's what matters right
Damn straight. I mean, yeah, I was Fuck there was a couple her I was just jumped in the spas cat. Sorry contemplating on buying more last night like midnight 1 a.m. on
doing kicks so I jumped in the space like 2 a.m. and they were talking about it and some dudes like I'm buying 500 bucks worth and I'm gonna wake up and double my money and the fuck you know he did
Oh, there's yeah, there's so many mixed You know what can happen, but shit right now just fucking enjoy the ride, you know, I guess just try to pull out
when it starts dumping. Exactly. As long as everybody's up. As long as everyone's in the green, that's what matters. You just gotta bail out at the right time.
It's not stiff and it'll drop it like it I looked at actually looked at it today at one point and it did pull back a little
Did you rug going to co-host? Wow, I'm not co-hosted. That's my phone. No, yeah, your co-hosts are not you rugged for, I thought you were talking and rugged my bed. But I don't like a big, you know, everyone's to see what's the, or the bonk paper, the bonk paper, but there's no even
There's no nothing, no tokenomics, no nothing, all it shows is we just are dropped to these people.
So, you hear they were air drop and like you saw the message like to add drop all these projects and I forget how much they were doing it was like billions they were dropping billions to projects right I think it was like 700 solar worth or something like that to all these big projects
Did you hear that? Yeah, I don't do the fuck. They basically said fuck you to D-gods and they put out a message and that they burnt D-gods' fucking drop.
I didn't know that part of the idea. I know of freaking Alex and his smart ass marketing. You know what I mean? It was fucking smart on his point or part to post it, but he said like Frank said fuck you guys fuck Salona. I burned the center. I burned the whole supply.
And then Frank like retweeted like you guys better not believe that he's just starting shit But so so long that oh, I guess so so long to just ended up fucking him like fuck you you fucked us. We're not giving you years. I guess if I could find this tweet Ed is the um I saw the tweet
straight from bother that they basically said fuck you e-gods we burnt your drop I mean yes so let me at least to the guys who started the whole the
a guy who started the coin it was Frank himself. What the fuck man how nice would it have been to get that air trough and been able to split to everybody or split to all the big ass holders. Yeah it would have been

FAQ on Win $MVP & $Bonk! What Is Bonk? Win 100X?! | Twitter Space Recording

What is the topic of discussion in the podcast recording?
The discussion is about a new cryptocurrency called T's.
What is the value of the T's cryptocurrency mentioned in the podcast recording?
At the time of the recording, the value of T's was over a thousand dollars.
How much money did the person who only put $15 worth of T's make?
The person who put $15 worth of T's did not mention how much they made.
What advice does a person in the podcast give about investing in T's?
The person advises to enjoy the ride and try to pull out at the right time.
What is the reaction of the speakers in the podcast to getting into the cryptocurrency market?
The speakers are excited to be in the cryptocurrency market and see the potential for profit.
What is the opinion of a person in the podcast about the future of T's?
The person thinks that T's may not go anywhere in a week or two.
What is the significance of the air drop mentioned in the podcast?
The air drop is a method of distributing cryptocurrency to a large number of users.
What is the name of the person who started the T's cryptocurrency?
The person who started the T's cryptocurrency is named Frank.
What does the podcast mention about D-Gods and T's?
The podcast mentions that D-Gods were burnt in the T's air drop.
What is the advice given by the speakers in the podcast about investing in T's?
The speakers advise to bail out at the right time to avoid losing money.