Recorded: Jan. 18, 2024 Duration: 2:00:51



What up, what up, hey
Happy Thursday, how's it going wolf?
Good good, man. How you doing?
Excellent, it's a
Almost time for me to pick up my first coffee, which is generally one of the best times of the day. So I'm ready
Hope to see you love to see you. Good morning. How's it going morning morning?
It's going on Ashley cook in an egg while my partner vacuums right behind me
You said coconut egg no cook in an egg
Cook in the night nice a coconut egg. I kind of want to have a coconut egg now
You know you saw the picture of the the eggplants where it was the sunflower egg
Have you seen that one? No, no, what are you talking about? Oh, this was so good
This one was like the best AI picture that I saw all week
Oh, I think I know what you're talking about wolf the date like the flower is the egg, right? Yeah. Yeah
it was like a
Yeah, I don't really know how to explain it. Alex. Did you see it the flower that was like a sunny side up egg?
Instantly turn off my computer whenever I see AI art AI art's an instant exit out of the browser exit out of whatever I'm looking at
So no, I haven't seen it
Nice. Nice Wow, honey, you must be making him rage quit a lot out here
Yeah, Alex and I are good friends clearly
Penny is the only one where they post he post the AI are and I don't immediately exit
I put my hand over the art and I comment about how much I love it
Nice Penny I pinned it up top if you see that now
Hold on let me check it out. Oh
That's kind of cool, right? I
Would not exit my browser on that AI art eggs as flowers. That's like two of my favorite things
What else do you need in life changed my life changed my life seeing that AI art
Amazing what a great AI artist Charlie Greenman is a Charlie Greenman is an incredible AI artist
No, they definitely stole that one that I saw I saw that one like six times before they posted it
They were just the first I came up when I searched for egg fly out Charlie Greenman great AI artist
So Alex are we had a full week yet of you being Alex Finn, I think we're getting close
I think we're like five days in I like it
Actually, you know, you know what? No, no, we're over a week. What am I talking? We're a
Remember I remember where I was when he changed that photo. So yes, we are into day eight right now
We're in day eight. I'd say overall. It's been a great experience
The I think the vibes of shift that I think my voice changed. I feel like everything about my ex experience has changed
I so I don't I don't know what it is, but I feel like I can troll harder now
I feel like I could be more of an asshole. I don't know why I don't know why being anonymous
Held me back from being an asshole and trolling people, but now I feel like I can just say whatever I want to people
I know it's a weird. It's a weird dynamic. I'm pretty sure that's the opposite of how it's supposed to work
Yeah, I agree Ashley. Yeah
It is. I don't know. I don't know why it is
But I just I feel liberated just to say whatever I want to whoever I want
What a life it is to live
Cool. Well, we can't we can jump in maybe some of the big things that are happening this week that we've been focused on
There's a lot of Elon hobo blew on the timeline
There's all this political stuff. So Alex I gotta ask we're gonna be drawn closer to the political things
You've been doing a lot of the political satire stuff. There's no good options here
How how are you approaching this from a humor standpoint over to keep things fresh with the reporting?
I saw you did a space. I think the other night with about Viva. Maybe yeah
Well, I do a couple of these satirical news spaces a week
Penny over here is my co-host. It's called Shadow Cabal news. There's literally no
Advanced chess move here. There's no like second or third level thinking. I just enjoy trolling
And so I started a space and trolled people over the news and started giving just really bad takes on what's going on in the
News, there's no like brand building here
It probably is hurting my brands more than anything to be quite honest to you people, you know, they trust me for my you know
Content advice and then they join a space and I'm like giving just outrageously disgusting takes on the state of the world
So more than anything it's probably hurting but I just like having fun and I just have faith that if I create content
That's really fun. Then something will work out and it'll work out for the better
so yeah, I mean I also
If I'm if there's any logic behind me doing these satirical spaces, it's that
Every space I join or I'm not gonna say everyone almost every single one
I join is just like really boring and serious and upsetting and like low energy low vibes
There's very few where you go and it's like high energy high vibes make you smile type spaces
And so I'm always a big zig win other zag guy and while everyone's
Zigging and doing really depressing stuff and talking about how terrible the world is
I would rather do a space where it's fun and people laugh and people walk away going. Well, that was enjoyable
Yeah, I can always appreciate some good energy like that what's up action I
Just about to say I mean that that's where it's up or it's at man
Like nobody wants to stick around and listen to something boring, right?
Like that like, you know, it's a good space Alex
When you see all the emojis when people are throwing them up on the crowd, right?
Like that's where it's at. I'm usually the guy throwing the thumbs down. So people get upset usually works with Dave
yeah, but I really love doing that, but that's just to work people up and
When you see them reacting to stuff like miss gecko and Ryan down down below like that's when you know
A space is fire and there's also you know, the shenanigans that we throw in every once in a while that makes it
Did you just soundboard yourself that was exactly what it was
If I can say this really quick with you know, thank you for bringing me up to speak
I am so honored to be part of the shadow cabal
Every week the hard-hitting reality of what's actually going on when and only via our special very very private
Telegram channels with people that are very much behind the scenes
You know and including their families
It's just been an honor to be part of this while you know, and just to spread whatever information we can get our hands on
To to through X spaces and I appreciate you very much Alex. Thank you
Yeah, it's a family the shadow cabal news channel the well to correct one thing you said there's no it's not family
Telegram chats this is your serious private telegram chest is not family telegram chats
That's an insult to Marsha if you say it's a family telegram chat
But yeah, I find that laughing and smiling brings people more together than going on stage and talking about how much the world sucks
And things like that and so I believe there's not much for some reason
There's not much humor on X X should be a place that's very humorous and light-hearted and people take it so goddamn seriously
So I don't know. I think people should be to do more light-hearted spaces comedic satirical spaces and less
You know talking about how much the world sucks
Is that cuz the world doesn't suck or just cuz we should talk more about you know happier things
The world is whatever you make it
So, you know, if you're gonna if you believe the world sucks, then it does suck, but if you believe it's awesome
Then it is awesome. So I choose to believe the world's awesome
Our world is what we make it and Alex is making great comedic spaces. He's making the world. Awesome
I'm actually really surprised that there's not more
Comedy on X it seems like there's definitely a demand for it
Maybe it's just that comedy is difficult to do and you have to be really talented to do it
But you know Alex is great at it
I plan on you know focusing on creating more sort of funny content as well because it just seems like
Everything is serious on X and I'm I'm serious that I'm sick of that
Greg I want to pull you into it. I'm curious. What's some of the best content that you've been seeing over the past week
What are your favorite types of spaces? I?
agree, the spaces are kind of you know, it's whether it's some Jeffrey Epstein rooms or
You know, there's all this other I don't know I get kind of depressed also
Favorite space, you know what I actually like what's interesting is so I actually I don't really like them
But the most entertaining spaces seem to be the web three spaces
But I just leave because I don't really care about the content
But the energy is in there so I'm like, how do we combine like actual alpha and information and education and the energy that some of
those rooms bring
That's something I've been thinking about. So I
Think there's a lot of like again
I always come back to like bringing in the external sounds like even how action just fired off that that thing if you can do
That strategically with like to compliment what people are saying
And using sound boards and stuff
I think that can help a little bit but you know guys like Alex, you know, he's very funny and he's talented
Don't get used to that Alex with me complimenting you but you know, it is hard
It's very hard to be entertaining and somewhat educational
You know the thing about X is people are here to learn in a lot of ways
They're here to get better. They're here to meet people and make real connections. So if you just do pure entertainment
It to me it falls a little flat. I could be wrong
there's probably room for that but
Unless that's your full brand then that can get a little stale. So it really is that that challenge of trying to combine the two
What's really about web 3 sorry penny, I'll just comment on web 3 real quick is uh
Yeah, I was obviously in it for a while is there's always narratives built in to web 3 and that's what makes the space is
So interesting and that's what makes their spaces. So big is
There's always something going on in the web 3 world
Whether it's rug pools or new projects coming out
There's always some sort of drama or something interesting
And so I think that's a big thing is you really have to have interesting narratives for your spaces as well
And I think a lot of people go into spaces and they just choose kind of the standard narratives to talk about and
It's the same as the hundred other narratives
I think you guys spent a lot of time coming up with interesting narratives
That's that's what makes a space interesting the end day penny. I didn't mean to cut you off there, bud
How dare you Alex?
No, I was gonna push back a little bit that it could only be entertaining with a lack of education
I mean, I I came to X originally to learn as well
But now that I spend all my time here now that I want this to be my everything app
I definitely have room for like especially short chunks of just pure entertainment
Like I don't know if cartoon style is the right sitcom style maybe but I really wish that there was like a little bit higher
production value shows on X people spending
You know 20 30 minutes doing something that's super super entertaining if I learn great, that's cool
But I don't feel like I need to just the idea that we can participate in spaces
We can bring random people up on stage or join the show
I think that's really cool people figure out how to do more improv
More just comedy and entertainment kind of like what Alex is doing with Shadow Cabal
I think there'll be some big stars coming out of it. That's my few cents, especially with video coming
dude, I'm kind of the opposite where like I
Don't care as much about the entertainment aspect of it as much as I do about learning something
Like I'm very
I'm kind of that annoying fucking type a person though where I'm trying to get my 10k steps in every day
And I've got the the treadmill desk and you know
I've got my Apple watch on and I'm tracking everything and data and metrics and all that shit
But if I can learn from a space that to me, it feels like I I spent my time
productively versus just kind of I don't know sitting around and and
Not optimizing my time as much as I could be but I know not everybody is a freak
Ashley you're lying. You're straight-up lying. I'm gonna call you out on this one
You're the one that creates an engaging content man
Like you're the one that does this all the time look at your YouTube channel
You're gonna watch you because you're giving information in a boring way people watch you because you're entertaining because you make it fun
You do this without even thinking about it on spaces, bro. I
Don't know what you're talking about. We'll see
I think the idea is like a lot of times most times if you're pure entertainment
It's a form of escapism and there's nothing wrong with that
But I do think that the better content like if you spend all your time on here
Like like penny just said he does like which I guess a lot of us do but not everybody
Like the creators do but the audience is I don't think spend all their time on X
So when they come here, like if they're just looking for escapism, they probably turn on a game. They probably turn on Netflix
They probably turn on YouTube and they come to X. They're like, all right
What can I like be it slightly productive or like what's like the breaking news?
What's something I can like chip away at if the room's really fucking good and really funny
Like of course like there's tons of value in laughing, but it's really difficult
So like you look at what Alex has done with like some of the roasting of profiles
Like that's something where it's like, okay high entertainment value also educational
You can lean towards entertainment and still take away something
And that's really I think what the challenge is for all of us is to figure out like what definitely maybe if they're more
Educational now with a little bit of entertainment. How do we skew it but still have education involved?
Well, okay to that point though
And I don't want to sound like I'm a bit of an elitist
But at the same time it's sort of like, you know
There are certain people who are just good at a lot of things who just have that talent
Like, you know
I know if you go into a lot of spaces especially on the political side of X or especially just more so on the
You know theoretical side of X you find people that just have no stage presence like that
You know when they talk it drones on and you know those educational soft spaces
You see them everywhere
Like people just want to get up and talk and they think that they're better at it than they really are
And they just drone on and on and on and on and on and on and on and it's just horrific
And you know, that's unfortunately what space I've turned into which is sort of an eco boost for people that just couldn't really cut it
What needs to happen is that you really need a good cast of talent
Which again, we're going back to act Alex and Shadow Cabal shameless plug
I am the super high on the Imperator of security and space bedding for Shadow Cabal
So just want to get that out
Yes, actually, yes, and I am a I'm also a level 99 and with about a 300 rank 300 so resonance
Let's tell I'm pretty high pretty high up. Okay, that's
No, no, this is totally an appeal to authority
But at the same time you see how we can have those comedic breaks
In between me making a serious point
The point here is just you know
You need people that can bring out the best and other people that can make other people laugh and make other people kind of cut
Loose because we've had that happen
so many times the Shadow Cabal where people came in expecting some real news and they might might have gotten about
25% real news and
Okay, I'm breaking character here because the Shadow Cabal is a very serious news source
We are the most respected name in X journalism, but still, you know, they get about 25% education
75% entertainment and it's like they come expecting 100% education
but then they somehow get rolled up into the joke and they catch it and then it becomes a whole experience unto itself and
Now we're able to produce content
Whether we have a story or don't have a story
But if we have a story now, we're able to add a new extra dimension to some of the more morose topics
That's the power of having good cast and good characters and a lot of my friends are in on it
And it's not because you know, Alex just said hey, I'm gonna go down Malcolm's following list and pick out all of his friends
It's because a lot of these people have something that's already allowed them to draw and create a following
And now they're just getting an opportunity to show it because of the decentralized nature
I do gotta say one of the things that I like the most about you guys is the
The insight I get into each of your lives
Like if I don't know somebody as a person it's a lot less interesting to follow them
Right, but if I know them as a person even just a little bit
I feel way more interested in connecting with them and and following like Malcolm. I
want to be your friend now because
You're talking about diablo 4 you're talking about gaming and obviously I can see you lift and I fuck with both of those things so
What's up bestie typical effect? Don't worry. This is this is very typical i'm used to it
I'll be honest like the host is everything right and a host that can basically be part of the improv makes all the difference in the
Especially when it's you know in the shadow cabal where we're all part of this thing where we know
How to continue something and you malcolm you said, you know, well, sometimes there is no news
There's always news man. There's no real news. We make the news. So it's okay. It's all right
We know how to keep keep it going regardless. What's happening. I just saw alex on mute alex. Remember I subscribed to you
Uh, yeah, so he can say anything to you
I was gonna okay. Yeah, I was gonna disagree with you
But now that I realized that you're paying me I completely agree with everything you're gonna say
Uh, how about this i'll say it this way. I don't think it's all about the host
Uh, my only goal is the host is literally
Rotate people around as quickly as humanly possible in order to find interesting panelists
The the shadow cabal spaces that don't get a lot of traffic. The panelists are really boring
the shadow cabal spaces where
uh, they do really well the panelists are really interesting and it's it's like
Basically what I do is the moment I find someone interesting like penny or honey badge or whatever it is
I or malcolm because malcolm's on every stage too
Malcolm will tell you I dm them. It's like I need you on every space. Please come by the space next time again
Uh, this is really fun. I just keep trying to get the interesting people to keep coming back
Uh, and then during the space i'm literally just anytime someone starts talking and they're not interesting
I'll cut them off and go. Yeah, I completely agree then i'll take them off stage and bring up someone else
Um, just like just to keep it moving into like literally my only goal is to find interesting people to come on stage and speak
Because that so far has been the only determining factor of
The the success of the the shadow cabal space is how quickly can I find interesting people to come up and say something?
So you just move my point right like it's the host that gets to rotate people in and out because if you keep the boring people
Going man, it's a snooze fest true
I guess yes, I guess in a way you well not in a way you you are 100 correct
The host is the one who has to find the interesting panelists
But if I fail to find interesting panelists the space sucks
So you you are right that's I'm gonna I should write a book on there's so many little nuances to hosting
To doing spaces. I should just like write an e-book and oh
There's an artistry to it that I think not a lot of people who you know
Just pretty much use on the base layer have tapped into but there is definitely an artistry in hosting good spaces like putting on the show
And it's like if you don't have the vision if you don't have the ability to use it to make it interactive
You're cooked now that being said again
I see a lot of this artistry and i've seen it first in black spaces
By black space, I mean predominantly african-american spaces. Alex got invited into one. He can definitely tell you there is there's an energy
There as well
And I think that's something again, not trying to make this racial or anything at all
But i'm just saying just because of the showmanship nature of of uh, modern day black culture. It segues quite nicely
The block
What the heck
I'll tell you what penny i'm gonna invite you to the next one. I actually just hopped off of one
And so I hope can we can we talk on them? Are we allowed to talk on the the black space? Don't worry guys
I've given everybody a pass. So for for now, we're safe. But if I leave the room all talking my cease
Malcolm if you want to do like an interview with like white people feel free to bring me and penny up
We'll we'll feel free to I think that could be interesting to have a conversation on the black space like okay
What do these white people think I think that could be awesome
Okay, hold up though pennies pennies not white he's bronze
There are still delicious copper
It's copper. Okay, please
Please uh, don't don't miss miss metal me
Don't worry. I just had to give him a lesser degree pass because he doesn't need as many clearances
So he he made it draw the force shields. You're good penny
Like space
Go ahead. I was just saying black spaces you go ahead
I was gonna say when you find someone interesting
What's your strategy you're like, how do you keep them up there? And how do you make them more interesting?
Are you needling them or like you just let them run on? What do you do?
Oh, yeah, 100%
I am doing everything I can do to bring the best out of them and what works best for their talents
So I think something that's worked really well for me
In my career is for a good six seven years. I was
Uh a tech consultant slash sales engineer at a tech company and basically the way that works is
I work on the sales team
I work with like the biggest sales bros on the planet and then I have to go and talk to people from
developers, you know really big nerds who barely know how to speak to
executives to alphas to
Marketers I had to talk to every role in in different companies in order to make sure they're using the technology correctly
And I think a skill that really built for me was the ability
to understand how a lot of different people communicate and
Understand not only how they communicate but how they want to be communicated with
In order to get information out of them in order to sell them something in order to
give them information in order to explain something
And where i'm going with this is
That skill set is really translated
Well to spaces where i'm able to get people in and out
Onto the stage understand who they are quickly and understand the way I can communicate with them
To get the most out of them whether it's to get the most out of them to get information like we had
The director of content for vague up on the last space or if it's to get them to be funny like you guys
Malcolm penny really funny people. Okay. How do I set malcolm and penny up to save funny things and be their funniest version themselves?
Or bizarre like we had shantel up on that other space and how do I get shantel to talk about her project and keep her going
like there's
You as a spaces host you need to understand who's on your stage who you're talking to
And what's the best way to get the most out of them based on their communication styles?
And so there's a lot of the soft skills that go into it, too
Um, and luckily being in in the the business world for so long, I think contributed a lot to that
so yeah, there's a lot of mental games and there's a lot of
Understanding how to communicate with people that leads to spaces success as well
Yeah, you're definitely right about the business part about it and
This is coming from somebody that has been in the business world i've been an account executive for multiple companies before
deciding to go back into my
Sorry, my son kicked the uh, he kicked the mic button
But and before going back to my true love in research and even then in research i'm more of a translational
I'm in more of a translational role where I actually travel and talk to you know
Bearing doctors and people of you know specific subject matter expertise in the medical field
and so it's like
You know it it definitely is a big correlation with learning those skills
And yes, you guys can probably hear the coke mail in the background. My son is he's commandeered the room
But don't worry. We're keeping scrolling
Dude I just saw a tweet from tiger is fine. That's got a couple of web three girls in it
It says the only cabal that matters is the coochie cabal
Multiple things can be true
They have an x account it says cross chain coochie council
What is that what's a cross chain coochie council
I don't know man you tell me alex
Does this mean that shadow cabal needs to have our first enter cabal war in nxm?
Do we need to add them to the cabal? Hey, man? I'm not listen
Shadow cabal we're friendly we come in peace. Let's try to befriend the coochie cabal
Let's have a conversation with the coochie cabal
Let's understand how the coochie cabal works before we go to so you're saying a lighter touch onto the tree some fun party
Yeah, I'd say probably a lighter more gentle touch on the coochie
Be gentle to the coochie cabal treat them like a lady. That's all i'm trying to say
No need to go to war with the coochie. Fair enough. I shall you know i've been considering
I've been considering joining a cabal and and now i'm
You know, i'm i'm confused. Do I join coochie cabal or or do I no shadow cabal ashley?
Come on now ashley. We've been friends way too long for you not to join us. You got it
All right, i'll start drafting the paperwork and i'll make it floral scented
Because i'm nice like that
Reach out to the coochie cabal. I need you to be our
Correspondents of the coochie cabal only if I get to add another line to my title. That's the only way i'm doing it
Yeah coochie correspondent coochie correspondent. There we go. That's a good line
I like that way better than your security title coochie correspondent. I was thinking coochie whisper, but I guess coochie correspondent works as well
You gotta update your profile with it too. Well, you know, I do have this nifty affiliate tag so I could actually do that right now
I would like to lead the shadow cabal arm of the coochie cabal
So malcolm, we should we should talk about how our roles intersect. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa
Are you muscling in on my role?
I take my titles and roles very seriously within the shadow cabal
Do you not know that you're talking to the high omnia period or super deluxe ultra mega gatekeeping?
Correspondent of coochie for the shadow cabal. Do you not understand that?
Absolutely. You are obviously the lead here. I'm just saying I am like you're lackey
You're talking about interacting with coochie with I just do all the grunt work that you don't want to do
Character break see just like that. We've turned again. This has now become a shadow cabal space
That's literally in essence. What shadow cabal is
I'm gonna take back what I said about the host
I think the co-hosts also mean a lot because I know right now gab is eating so that uh, you know
The co-host is important but you can also say the panelists which means that maybe
Every part of the space is important like from the speakers to the panelists to the host
Maybe it's all okay. Let's not leave out the learning. Oh, you're right. The listeners are important, too
We got nothing about that
Yeah, I mean your audience is like that's like literally your consumer that like you think of the speakers is like your supporting cast
correct, and then you know you have the
Host and if they're as dynamic as alex then he's just rotating people out and he's keeping people interesting and he's keeping the conversation going
And he's making fun of people while he's doing it. It's a beautiful thing wolf hasn't booted one single person off this stage yet
Uh, which shows he's an awful host. I demand a boot, but it's not me the worst
Yeah, and it was on a more serious note, um, I did want to say for wolf alex penny
When you go into spaces such as yours there is even though. Yes, we have fun and all that there is a professionalism
You know that if you are invited up as a speaker, you will be called upon you won't leave somebody there
They feel like an asshole like, you know
It's that really really does make somebody want to come back to your space not just as a listener
But obviously as a speaker as well
So definitely wanted to give you guys a shout out because we've all been in plenty of spaces where you know
You get invited up as a speaker and you're not really part of the conversation that that makes the listeners feel awkward
It makes the panelists feel awkward, you know, so I wanted to give you guys a huge shout out for that
Yeah, you guys are legends for that. So hey ryan go ahead and request to speak
Uh, I want to give wolf the opportunity to boot somebody off the stage. So somebody just comes up and we can kick you right down
Nice. Hey, I see we got a gap and just came and joined up on stage
What's going on man, how are you guys i'm just on my drive back to new york still so I decided to join and
Pass some time while i'm supercharging and driving across
Oh my god, has your you said supercharging right has your um, have you been dealing with the decreased battery because of the cold?
No, not really my super the supercharging has been
Just as fast. I just plugged in I charge I plugged in at
68 miles about about a little under 20 percent. I have 166 kilowatt charging right now
It's 745 miles an hour charging. I plugged in like two minutes ago. I've already gotten 40 miles charged
No, i've had no problems with this beach of charging
Very nice. I think all those headlines are fake. They're complete fud
My mom was sending me headlines tesla loses 30 percent battery in the cold and i've
Literally haven't had a problem. It's been snowing. It was negative 20 degrees negative 40 degrees in iowa. I never had one problem
Polish on tesla is what i'm trying to say
So alex, I kind of want to pull back to the hosting side of things there's a lot of talk about
What goes into a successful space the host we've identified the host the coast and the speakers so we've hit on all those areas
Uh, I think that you know the title i've just been messing around with the title up here the entire space
I've changed it probably like four or five times with different pieces for that and then there's kind of the content the structure
So i'm curious alex, you know, maybe what else what else goes into the recipe pot if you're cooking up a big
Soup of good space what goes in there? You got drop empathy
You have to completely drop empathy the moment someone's taken too long talking a little too long being a little too boring
Getting off track getting selfish
Immediately cut them off and end it you you cannot have any sort of empathy
Whatsoever the moment someone tries to go on a little bit too long about whatever they're talking about or they're changing the subject to something else
I jump in and I i'm like, listen, we got to stay on track here
You you you can you have to stop talking or i'll or i'll come off and say hey, this is going great
Thank you for your contribution and immediately kick them off the stage
You have to have zero empathy and then uh when people dm you and you're like, what the hell?
Why'd you dig me off stage? Yeah, sorry. That was my co-host. You blame it on the co-host every time
You have to have empathy empathy for the audience not empathy for the the panel members, right?
Like if a panel member is pouring i'm, sorry
There's a hundred two hundred sometimes a thousand or more people I got empathy for those motherfuckers
Not for the person on stage who's embarrassed because you kick them off like i'm, sorry
That's one to many in that relationship
And as a host that was the hardest thing for me because I like to be friendly
I like to I like everyone to like me
I don't like the drama in the back channels when you boot someone down and like oh, no
Why'd you why'd you kick me off the stage? I thought we're friends like we are friends, but there's 65 requests
Sorry, I gotta I gotta go through them. You're just not that interesting
Yeah, Alex is a sociopath when it comes to spaces I can I can definitely attest that's not an act
I well i'm a sociopath when it comes to everything but luckily it's translated well to hosting spaces good to know
I was about to say you are but it works right? It works. That doesn't matter
Know your strengths
It's kind of like in trading, you know, sometimes you just got to cut your losses
Somebody starts going a little too long that stop loss, you know boom mute button
Maybe my trading brain is just getting a little too into the thick of things here. No, no, you're dead on about that
I mean if somebody jumps on a space and starts going, you know, i'm just here to kill time
I'm not really committed to the space. I don't want to actually be a speaker
I'm just driving from point a to point b and I might as well
Request a speak and kill some time while i'm charging my car
Like that's ridiculous that this is not the main priority of your life right now
And you're just doing it just a pastime like that that that requires a boot
I mean I can speak I was just listening to the conversation. I kind of came in at the metal
I was waiting for a good time to start speaking, you know
Wait, what makes you think I was talking about you gavin?
You're right. That was a little bit too narcissistic of me
Exactly. I'm glad you caught on to that. I appreciate you you being self-aware there
Well, well since we've given up your gavin
We talked a little bit about the more fake political spaces that do happen
You know a little shadow cabal news and some other stuff
But there's probably a lot of a lot of real political spaces happening throughout the latter portion of this year
I'm curious if you think that those are going to
majorly contribute to the conversation if you think that you know candidates are going to be
actively getting on and engaging or and stuff like that
I hope candidates are more engaging on this platform
I think it's the premier platform for candidates to be engaging with their voters and getting their message across I I
I enjoy your spaces wolf. I enjoy alex's and pennies spaces. I enjoy pretty much everybody
It's a it's a really great community and it's a great way to understand what or really get a pulse of what people are feeling
On you know x so
I I hope that spaces keeps growing. I know that spaces and a community
Mixed together. I was following talking to dan about this a few days ago
That is the god tier combo if you do spaces within communities that have lots of members
That are actively, you know posting and interacting with content. That's how you grow and I think you know
Politicians would be uh remiss to to miss this
Opportunity especially now at this point in politics with you know
Everything that we did over the past few years a few months, you know leading up to this iowa caucus
Yeah, that's about say blazing a trail in a few months. Like yeah, don't say so short by calling that years
but that's
But no that that is something though
Interestingly enough that I feel like we don't talk about is that we are under leveraging
The I guess I guess you could say synchronicity
Uh, you know pretty much the harmony between
community spaces and live streaming I feel like once you find a way especially and I know who she was here, um
Kind of where she could have stayed
But because that would have been a good idea
But once you can find a way to sort of blend them all into a seamless app the way discord does where you know
at any given point
A room can turn into a stage which can then turn into a live stream where everybody's streaming
But you can have one stream take precedence
Um the minute that you can blend all three of those things together seamlessly is the minute that you'll see a renaissance of creation on this app
I I couldn't I couldn't agree more I mean
Just like the the live streaming part of this app is so great. Your name gets put up at the top there right now
It's that live stream, you know pink bar
Stays up at the top for five hours now
It's just talking to a few of the developers on the live side and they're going to be increasing that notification on the live
Feed more so right now it's only at five hours out. It stays up there
Hopefully they said there will be getting up to 20 hours or 24 hours soon
But I mean once you can leverage the live streaming the spaces and doesn't all happen to happen simultaneously
But if you create an engaged community, that's how you create the elite spaces
And I we've I've been a part of some of them
I've done some of them and
They really do change the conversation on this platform because it ripples out into the posts
that people were posting about for the next 24 hours like when Elon Musk does a presidential candidate candidate spaces
I mean people are talking about that spaces specifically for days on end
You guys start getting into streaming and that is
That is my
Specialty man, I can vibe on that for fucking hours, but i'm gonna cut myself short
Uh, yeah, it's good
That's what what like what do you like about streaming versus spaces ashley because myself I log into a stream
Even someone that I really like like alex for example
There's several others on this platform that do them from time to time and I can only last in a stream for a couple
Minutes, I feel like it's two one way for me. I need spaces where I can participate when the timing is right
Uh, so so yeah for me i'm really excited to video in spaces
And i'm curious if you would consider that the same as a live stream or what it is about live streams
That are exciting for you
I love that so obviously this comes from like
The twitch space and having 10 years of experience over there and coaching streamers for as long as I
There's a couple of things. So one is audio only
creates a
Very different community experience versus when video is involved
So there's a closer connection that you have for people. It's the the same concept is why we go to in-person events
You know, we're trying to create this sense of connection that doesn't exist if you're only in an audio space
although I do agree
Twitter streams as of right now are extremes as of right now are not
in a place that
They're conducive to being sticky
So like people are not going to watch them longer than a couple minutes for a few reasons. They really need captions
They really need
Picture and picture so you can watch a stream and browse at the same time
And then they really need the ability for other people to get involved
Similar to spaces. So imagine if instead of our profile pictures on spaces
It was really small videos of all of us
That's a very different experience. And then if uh, somebody listening could like tap the profile picture and it it
Like grows the the size of that
Specific camera feed. I don't think you should build out a requirement for everyone to have the camera on but
I do think that that's going to
To increase connection
It seems like that's definitely coming. We've heard from elon that they're doing video spaces
And I suspect that it's going to be something like you said, if not the pfp showing video, you know, like a
several rectangles
With with the people on the speaker panel or whatever
So I suspect that it seems like they're merging the two features live streaming and spaces sort of into one
You know live with a panel or whatever
Really exciting to see how that goes over the next days weeks months whatever happening. That's exactly what I would do if I was elon, but
I know we're not all that lucky to be born as elon musk, but yeah, keep trying
Maybe we reincarnate correctly or you know, maybe
We just improve ai and you know
Create similacrum and we can role play as elon musk and pretend we have all the power in the world
Much like shadow ball really does but you know, we won't talk about that right now
I mean that being said I think the next move for x should be number one creating features
That will allow the gaming community and the irl streamers to better stream to this platform
Like once you create, you know get those qol or quality of life enhancements
And improve the and just sort of improve the utility of this place
You know, why would they go anywhere else if they have a big following on x and you know
The compensation is directly better on here and it's easier to stream
It's like why diversify your presence to that degree unless you're afraid of getting banned, which probably won't happen on x
We're more permissive. I think than many of the others with esoteric community guidelines
So that being said, you know, it's just going to be easy for people with large followings to just directly get to them
I mean so many celebrities have millions of followers. You're telling me that a celebrity if they found out they can get
Like literally just wake up and live stream themselves making breakfast with a bunch of their friends and stuff and get paid for it
Or get them some money that they wouldn't try and do that. Just like hey, we're just gonna wake up
You know, i'm just gonna show you guys my makeup routine
Yeah, I just use this foundation right here. And yeah, just to have it like yeah
We might find that born but there are a lot of there are a lot of vapid people that would totally enjoy just watching like uh freaking
Like a dua lipa or whoever the heck else is cool right now. Like do their makeup
Like you can there's so much opportunity there
Honestly, it's just like i'm really impressed that you know, they got to dab the foundation. Malcolm. I gotta I gotta say
Hey, hey, i've got you i've got two girls and a wife
So if I don't know about now, I will definitely know when they start hitting teenager dumb
He gets it the feminine energy not to poke the bear but
I don't think as of right now x has the best monetization
For live streamers specifically a live streamer is definitely definitely going to utilize youtube
Um something great that happened for all these gaming streamers like you're talking about. Malcolm is twitch finally
Uh fucking removed the exclusivity clause from their partner contracts
So now all of these game streamers and this only happened within the last like six months
But all of these game streamers can finally go out and stream to multiple platforms, which is actually incredibly
Beneficial for their business model. So they're not going to stream only 2x because one they're not going to want to be
Back in the the confines that twitch originally gave them but they will likely
Uh use obs or streamlabs obs to stream 2x
Right now which a lot of them are but I guarantee you this test with mr. Beast
He's not going to make as much from ad revenue as he'll make on youtube. However
Elon is going to get some very important data that will help them make those ql
Improvements that you're looking for and I do think that he's going to make improvements to monetization long term
Can I just add to what you were talking about as well?
I mean especially with the monetary monetization part of it in the live stream itself on the pc. You have to be able to like
Donate tip and stuff like that right from the live stream and they're neglecting on all those things
There's no like tipping. There's no chat. Like I mean there is chat, but there's no
Active things in the chat like emojis or like, you know the um
You know the things on twitch that they have
Like uh, the bits and stuff like that. They need to add more interactive things into the chat as well
That was the biggest financial feature that twitch ever introduced was
Subscription gifting where somebody could yeah subscriptions a hundred percent
Well, those are all coming. Uh, I talk with nate mcgrady pretty regularly who works on the live streaming team
Tipping is coming. Most of these amazing
Most these features you're talking about are going to come when x payments launches. So they're all dependent on
X payments x payments is going to be kind of the core building blocks for most new monetization features that come out
So once that launches which is looking like june this year, then they're gonna add on the tipping subscriptions things like that. So that
It's all going to be very easy to do because uh x payments is built into everything
Well, that's very exciting because I mean once that happens
It's really it's gonna rival twitch because nobody wants to go on twitch and look at hot tub streamers anymore or half naked people with
Censor bars speak for yourself gavin
Oh, I don't want to that's gonna happen on x that's definitely happening here
You think someone along with his free speech is gonna let the boobies get away
There will be sensor sensor bar sensors
There will absolutely be women exploiting the subscription and or streaming model anywhere where you can right?
It's supply and demand and people will pay for that. So people will do it
It's why you know, vhs one out over beta max. It's why uh, blu-ray one out over hd
It's where where the the sexy women go. That's that's where the people go. I think it's just a matter of time
It needs to be created and he has to create more of a community like twitch twitch has created such a
You know institutionalized community in the gaming sphere x has to take a market share out of that for sure
especially with all the like you said, um ashley all the crazy like
requirements in their contracts and
you know all the
What is it the terms of service that they have are so?
abjectly bad
And vague that it causes a lot of streamers problems
And that's why you see a lot of them leading to kick and youtube like big ones like tim to tap man ninja
All those other guys nick murks on kick
Yeah, i've been saying exactly what you just said for the past several years since me too
Was a hundred percent since mixer. It's like you guys can't just buy
Content creators the reason that twitch succeeds and nobody can can topple it is not because of the features
It's not because of the monetization
It's because of the
The product wide and community wide culture that they've curated everybody knows what the hey guys emote means
Everybody knows what the kappa emote means that is
Bringing people into this sense of community that they don't get on these other live streaming platforms
So elon definitely needs somebody who specifically can curate
Inside jokes platform wide in order to achieve that level of success
Absolutely, and I mean that's just a new product of twitch and going back to justin tv
I mean, I remember joining and creating my account when it was justin tv
And all of those things have been I mean they're ingrained into the twitch ecosystem and
I mean, I guess we're just at the you know, we're just at the birth of the x ecosystem and it's exciting to
Find out what the next kind of live streaming platform is going to be but right now. I personally feel like there isn't a
It's not site wide, you know what? I mean, it's it feels very individualized
Certain profiles like you alex when you go live or when I go live or when penny or anybody else goes live
Like when the fake was going live
It it there isn't good searchability like there's no categories for live streaming
There's none of that and I think those kind of
Quality of life improvements like you were saying malcolm would right off the bat. I think would improve live streaming
On this platform like tenfold
I think a specific tab for live would be
Probably the smartest thing that this platform has done for live because otherwise you can't see anything
And then you're it's just what shows up at the top of your screen
And if you're following them or not, there needs to be better discoverability for sure searchability and discoverability is huge
We're just going back to that community point you guys were talking about
I think that's actually it's one of x's biggest strengths. But also alex is just about to say it's coming
It's coming for the next like
It is coming, uh, they're gonna build out an entire section for live streams
The discoverability is a huge priority for them this year as well, of course
And I wasn't expected to do that like right this second either. I think it's uh
Obviously we're talking about things that they're talking about. We're not rocket scientists and they're obviously the same
Everybody knows this
All right, all right, well, maybe you are action you're a rocket scientist, I guess speak for you. Yeah, I'm about to say okay
It's a difficult thing in general if you've noticed the banner at on top half the time it doesn't work
You don't even if it does you see like three spaces
I mean literally alex like when you're doing the live like
You'll be doing it for a half an hour and I will look a couple times and I won't see it until like the third
Time so that's just feedback. So speaking of things that's
On jumbotron, I just put up elon musk's, um most recent tweet
Or zeit if you will did we have to see it again? Yes
This is this is subliminal though because you see he's on the computer and he's watching a video now
Elon wouldn't have him watching hobby and malaise on any other platform other than x not witty
So I think this is a subliminal take that he's going to improve the ui for computer users as well
So no longer shall us computer users be filthy second-class citizen plebs
Our day, I mean yesterday we saw that happen with computers were number one, right?
The phones weren't working on spaces, but computers could hear just right. Yep
Yeah, I can't wait for that space
That that live stream tab is going to be so huge. There's been times
Especially because I think people less and less want to pay for these things, right?
Getting them for free and just made easy for you is awesome
And there's been so many times where like there's a game that I want to see or something's happening
And you know if you jump on like even like tick tock, they just have a full live page, right?
That you can just scroll and it's everything and it's literally i'll be like, oh, there's a ufc fight on I go in there
There's like six people live streaming. I don't have to be following any of them
I don't have to really go through any hoops and steps. It's just there. It's okay on youtube
Um better for some of these big events where you can just click that live filter
But this is where things happen things happen first on x it doesn't make sense why there isn't that live
Just being promoted out there the second that someone tweets about something
They should be able to go live and just start covering it right a lot of times people see things
In person and that's where they are saying. Hey, this is happening
But when they go live like 15 people watch right there's nobody there's no incentive to do so
It's all text based. Uh, and and there's got to be some algo changes, right to actually figure out
Hey when someone's live, how do we decide the value of that content?
How do we decide how to filter it and put it is it just going by how many users are watching the tags that they put on it?
Or is there some better way perhaps?
There's even a location based things, right something major happened in a certain location
This person is the closest to that location that is live
Uh, there there's a lot of different ways you can go about it with the tech that we have
So just just some thoughts from my end, but yeah, I can't wait for them to be at that point
I think the youtube ui is also pretty lackluster myself
I mean, I watched a lot of youtube streaming. I watched tim the tap man. I watched courage jd. I watch uh,
Dr. Disrespect and these guys are I mean they're live every single day. Maybe not every day, but they're not they're live almost every day and
It's yes, they pop up in my recommended, but sometimes they don't and I find myself going to that live tab more
And I think that live tab on x would be
So much better. I also think x has to increase the ability to
thumbnails without having a
A pre-prepared stream. You have to be able to change titles. You have to be able to add games or have to be like game gaming tags
You know, they're I think they're obviously all these are coming right alex, but
I'm just excited for those things and I and I know once those things get implemented
streaming on this platform is going to change and I I personally think it's going to take
like 10 percent of the twitch
User base and bring them over. I really do. I think a lot like once people start streaming more on this platform
Like big streamers like that. I think it will be
I think it can be it will be a game changer
And I think people like myth
Who kind of people say fell off and i'm air quoting fell off because he only gets three to 500 live streamers
I think if he went and brought his audience to x I think he would 10 x that
I don't even think x has to take
any percentage of twitch's
viewership I think
One there's going to be a lot of people who are new to streaming and content creation as a result of x it seems like
Everybody in web 3 right now is like I talk about content creation
Kind of has been that way I guess for a while, but also
If we diversify as content creators across multiple platforms, especially for live content, which is so time intensive
If you're streaming on twitch
youtube, etc
You're going to attract people that are just natives of each platform, which is beneficial for the streamer
But it's also beneficial for every platform
So it doesn't necessarily have to be either or I think that people can definitely
Diversify with this chunky huge live content
I just think twitch is losing market value. I mean they're losing amazon tons of money and I I don't
I think a lot of I think a lot of streamers are leaving the platform
You know what? I mean like not that there are there obviously aren't a lot of streamers leaving the platform
but the big big household named streamers are leaving the platform to multi stream and I think once they
I think it depends on what kind of you know
The audience of the platform itself. I think twitch is a younger audience now than it once was I don't think it's as
Adult not that adult but it's not as like the age of demographics are I think getting younger on that platform because the more kids
Want to become streamers?
And I think x has a higher
Demographic that might have more intel that could bring more of an intelligent, you know base to the platform
I just hope that there's a community based like there has to be more
Like you said there has to be more inside jokes and stuff like that that actually permeate the whole platform and I think that's what elon
Is doing with like like the post up there and you know at the top of the life at the top of the spaces right now
I don't know. I'm excited for it. You're dead on. I mean people are stupid on twitch. I get it. Gavin
I'm 100 with you there
But don't get me wrong I
Pay all the time. It's just like it's it's not I don't know. I find it like
It's a very child. It's a different. Yeah, it is. Yeah different type of conversation
Mellie speaking. I want to know why you didn't like that
So hot right now post by elon. You said seeing it once was enough. I think it's hilarious. Why why didn't you write?
Yeah, what's the matter?
I don't know
Don't answer that
Mellie's not in the coochie cup ball yet, but we'll get her it's a trap
Hey, hey, my loyalty is to the shadow cabal first coochie cabal. Maybe if they bend the knee
Bend the knee get on the knees coochie cabal. Whoa. Yeah, this is pretty much a shadow cabal space now
This is exactly how it goes
How could you go out would definitely thrive thrive on twitch?
Did we ever find out if she knocked is the question?
You never know hey, uh, we'll do a few more minutes here
I'm waiting for some more speakers to come up on this next one
But I wanted to just first off just a big big
thank you to all the speakers that come on and make these these thursday from 12 to 1 pm eastern are kind of
The have fun space I would say for my week and they are super fun and we talked through
We talked through like 17 different topics on this one. We dive into the cabals and news networks. What's happening on x
How elon sources his memory all the good stuff is what goes down in here
So we'll keep it going for a few more minutes as i'm waiting to get them up here
But just want to give a big thank you and if you're you know a new speaker on this week
Hopefully you'll keep coming back. We do at the same time each week, which my awesome coast alex and penny
We got to get ross back on here. I think ross has been a little sleep deprived lately
Man is on a crazy schedule. So you gotta gotta get him in as well, but we'll keep it rolling
What's up on your mind? Gavin? I just want to know what have you been investing in recently wolf?
I mean, I know that you run the financial platform the premier financial platform on here
I just wanted to get your take on the market right now and what you think uh some future
Obviously not financial advice, but what do you what what do you feel like is um an interesting?
Um subsection of the market that we could be looking into
Not spirit airlines. Tell you that
at jet blue
Yeah at dave portnoy who just posted about an hour ago that he bought a ton of spirit airlines and immediately drops 15%
About a minute after the article went out
Fucking god, paper hands portnoy is eternal
What do I like I really like the precious metals and
Uh stuff like uranium right now areas like that has been really appealing to me
They're starting off this year super super hot and I do a lot of spaces on those though
So we don't have to it has to go too far into them
Um, I I host a lot of stock spaces a lot of investing spaces on the stuff that i'm personally investing in but
I've been doing a bunch in that specific. I actually have a precious metal space coming up after this one that i'll go into
I've been joining that the other side that i'll lean into is
Data love data
I I think data is going to be the next wave of things and companies that are capturing mass quantities of data and can actually
Analyze it and organize it are going to be the future here
Uh, and and what's cool is I like, you know, some people I think are pretty attracted to just the massive companies, right?
Yes, invidious can benefit from data. Yes, met is going to but I like some of the risk reward with some of these smaller ones
You know, there's a about a billion dollar firm out there called giga cloud technology gct
Not financial advice. This one has been very much on my radar does not move like the large gaps, right?
This thing moves about 10 percent in either direction on any given day
On any given basis and so, you know names like this. I just see more opportunity
And so that's just an example right there
But that's where i'll dig in and find these smaller names that are really in b2b electronic commerce areas like this
But they're built off of understanding and leveraging data sets
Uh, they're basically yeah, go for it
I wonder maybe also argon because space x is moving towards argon
Um, that sort of seems interesting if you're looking at that sort of thing
And the lift the lpf batteries as well with tesla, you know, especially in tesla
Shanghai at the giga factory over there. It's you know, the lfp batteries and the lithium iron batteries. I think are obviously also
That mining and cathode cathode development. I think is personally something i've been looking into recently
You know tesla building their own cathode plan and buying the recent cathode business
I think that's uh gonna be huge especially with all the new evs that are coming out
Oh, you guys are a bunch of nerds since we're all talking about this i'll throw this little one in here
Nobody's talking about it
But there's some big big contracts already taking place. And yeah, I mean it can improve batteries by over 25 percent
And uh elon already signed some contracts around it. I'm investing in in bunkers
And something is obvious
Hard metal
Like if if my options are get shot or live in a bunker i'll just take the bullet because
No, i'm not living in a bunker. Thank you. I live in a bunker with startling
I'm not living in a bunker with nobody zombies can eat my brain. It's fine. I've lived long enough
Yeah, I don't know man
You're gonna miss the fallout lifestyle and don't you want to collect bottle caps and you know fight ghouls and suddenly
You know you have to go against brotherhood of iron
I'll live on the surface for as long as I can with all of the radiation and maybe i'll evolve and then when everyone comes out
I'll be like a superhero and you guys will be like
Well that got my follow
Well, you know what? I I am going to roll into this precious metal space here, uh now in a second
But maybe we'll talk about, you know, some of the radiation and stuff like that
And we'll talk about if you build a bunker with precious metals
You should store in that bunker to make sure that you're uh in it to win it for the long call
But real quick. I see we got greg up here
So we are going to get into that one
Let me give a quick comment to each of my co-hosts and then we will get rolling penny
Any other commentary on what we just talked about for the last hour?
Nope fun space wolf. Thanks for having me as a co-host. Uh, look forward to the next one
Bye Alex, my tesla bag is down tremendous everyone, please buy it so the price goes up. So my net worth goes up. Thank you
Easy peasy
Nice nice. Nice. Nice. Nice. Okay. Perfect. Well big. Thank you to both of them
Thanks malcolm for hopping on as well as the honey badger. We had a bunch of great people on here throughout melly
builds action ashley gavin
Penny alex just a top tier panel all around i'm gonna roll into that next space
We're gonna talk a little precious metal sound like there was some interest in that
So let's get it going. Greg. Can you hear us loud and clear loud and clear? Sure. Hi everyone
Perfect. Perfect. Great to have you up here with us. Yeah, so we're gonna roll right into this
I'm gonna allow you just a second if you want to give you know brief introduction of yourself while i'm getting a couple things situated
And then I am going to get us rolling
So greg you are coming to us from the world of alaska energy metals
Perhaps you could give some quick background on yourself. Just some details and then we will get rolling
Yeah, sure thing. Well, i'm a geologist. I'm a mining engineering technologist. I came originally from toronto, but
And worked for a great big nickel mining company called inco in my early career
but uh in 1995 they moved me to alaska to search for nickel and i've been there ever since and
Uh, I actually discovered nickel in the in the late 1990s. It wasn't rich enough
mine at the time
But uh, everything's different for nickel now
Its main use is stainless steel so far lots of uses for nickel besides that
But now there's a whole new use
every electric battery
For an ev has got around 29 kilos or 64 pounds of nickel in it
So the demand for nickel should be huge and as it turns out where I discovered nickel way back in the 90s
Uh, i've reacquired the mineral rights and it turns out it's probably a enormous
Deposit of nickel not high grade but very homogeneous
And that can very likely be mined at a big profit
But i've just got to prove that and that's what we're working on right now
Can I ask a question greg about the uh evolution like how does nickel become more rich?
How long does that normally take is that?
I mean obviously is it like over hundreds of years or can it be over like a half half century kind of thing?
No, it really uh, it's either rich or not rich, uh right from the start
When it's molten magma and there's certain conditions
Geologically that would allow a deposit of um, what we would call massive sulfide nickel to form
In this case the nickel minerals are disseminated over a large volume of rock and
And then the rock crystallized millions of years ago either to be massive sulfide or disseminated sulfides
So the great the the concentration of the metal is determined at the time the deposit is formed
with the molten lava
Exactly. Yeah
Yeah, perfect. Well, let me let me give a oh, yeah. Sorry greg go for it. Well, there's a good
A parallel for this in the copper mining industry, you know
our industry
Previously used to just mine really high concentration copper deposits from small veins or
Or a small very rich deposits, but the mining industry discovered back in the 1950s
That there was these large volume deposits with
Uh, you know a weaker concentration of the metal
But we found that we could make a lot of money by mining
At a large scale. So these are great big pits
And a lot of material is moved
mined and processed but
They make big money and that's how that's where most of the copper in the world comes from now is these large
Open pit what we call porphyry deposits and I think the nickel business is now going through the exact same
Transformation because the really rich deposits are so difficult to find they're so rare
Uh, we're we've run out of them. So the mining industry has to
migrate to
Mining these large bulk tonnage deposits of which we've got one
Perfect i've got some great questions. I want to give a little bit more context as well
As we get into it and gavin, it's exciting to have you on here. Obviously interest in this world
Uh, this is a area market that's been booming and so that's why we were so excited to get greg on
Greg's coming from a publicly traded company alaska energy metals corporation. They're traded under the ticker a em c
So what I recommend people go ahead and check out i'm actually putting up a post right now
As well into the nest that has all the info that you would need to learn more about them
And of course whenever we have on a publicly traded company, we work directly with publicly traded companies here at wolf
It's important to put out the disclosure because this is an opportunity to conduct due diligence and to learn about this sector
Right. This is an advertisement. It's a paid advertisement for amc, but it's intended for informational purposes only
We don't make recommendations or endorsements of specific stocks or investment strategies because investing involves risk including the possibility of losing your investment
But these spaces are the perfect opportunity to conduct and really start that research process
We're going to dig in i've got some questions
But we're going to take a bunch of questions just from around the panel
That have not been given to greg ahead of time, right? We like to have that back and forth
I think it's healthy and in addition with that if anyone the audience does have questions
You can DM them directly to me and i'm happy to take them right to the stage
So with that being said greg
Let's get a little bit further into this here
And again, I encourage everybody to check out the link that I pinned up top as we do it
The u.s. Geological survey has now moved nickel to the top tier of its critical metals list for domestic production
I'd love for you to touch on the growth factors for nickel and why are we going to need so much more of it?
Yeah, I mean the projections are that
The mining industry is going to have to mine somewhere between five and ten times more nickel than it's presently
mining and
Indonesia is the the biggest producer of nickel in the world
But the unfortunate part there is that that indonesian nickel
Is sort of a different style?
And to mine it they're more or less strip mining a jungle
And then burning coal to smelt the nickel
From the rock which completely destroys the point
Of using the nickel for an electric car battery to save putting carbon into the atmosphere
So, you know ethically sourced nickel, uh, I think is really important because that's why we want to drive electric vehicles
Uh, so we've got to get away from that indonesian nickel and furthermore a lot of the indonesian production is chinese controlled
So all that nickel goes to china and then we end up buying it in batteries
Or in a car so it would be way better if we can
At least from free trade countries preferably right here in the united states
or canada, but
Definitely from free trade countries. The but the fact is the demand is projected to be so high
It's like every free trade country in the world could send its nickel and it still wouldn't be enough
To meet the projected demand. So we see
Uh that our company is on like a you know, just about to start riding the perfect wave where
Uh, there's very strong demand for nickel from ev batteries and long-term
Energy storage batteries to uh to store renewable power on a grid scale
uh, there's going to be huge consumption of nickel and
We want it to be from ethical sources where we do have
excellent environmental standards workers rights standards and
things like that so
um, we've uh, we're really pushing that angle and uh, and we've got this deposit that
You know can supply nickel to america right in america
Yeah, that's a great answer right there I appreciate it
This is uh the areas where I look to where we're going to see high demands continuously coming in and there's opportunity with profit margins
And others like that, you know currently there's no significant domestic us production of nickel
Even though just we talked about demand is skyrocketing. So let's talk about your project currently
Looks compared to the other potentially
Mineable us-based nickel projects and the attention that your peers are getting from major players at all levels in this value chain
Yeah, sure thing, you know
I mean the one good thing for the united states is that it's got a good neighbor to the north and and canada does
Produce quite a bit of nickel, but now canada's building
multi-billion dollar battery plants
In kebec and ontario and I just don't think all that canadian nickel from sudbury and thompson, manitoba and and
Boise's bay labrador are going to be making it all the way down in the united states anymore
So the us is it's it's really in a vulnerable position
and uh, it really needs to get us uh stuff together so that it
Uh, it doesn't get a big supply disruption. Uh, if the us wants a nice smooth transition into
electrical energy it's got to secure the
The the raw materials and you know, they're they're building a multi-billion dollar battery plants
On the eastern seaboard and on the west for that matter and they're just not sure that they've got the raw materials to to actually
Uh build the batteries. So I think even those producers must be feeling the pinch and think they're at risk
So yeah, um, that's why I think it's it's great that we've got this deposit right in the united states
But uh, I guess
What what's really good for me to point out is that there's a similar deposit to ours?
Uh near timmons ontario in canada. It's a bit
Uh, uh, well two or three years advanced from where we are at this point, but they've uh, really done a great job
Uh, and uh, they've attracted major investments from a strategic, uh partners
So anglo american a great big, uh, uh international mining company that likes to mine nickel invested in them
Uh on the first of the year there was an announcement that agnico eagle
Uh made a really big investment into them
That was a surprise because they're typically a gold only company though
They know timmons area well, and I guess they they saw the potential and and uh jumped on it
And then more recently those samsung has invested in the company and uh, you know as a their battery production
Unit and so again just with all those three
Uh endorsing that project and and more endorsing the idea that the mining industry has to
Mine large bulk tonnage lower grade disseminated nickel sulfide deposits
It really is the future the next generation of deposits to be mined
but uh, you know, there's a market cap is
Of canada nickels more like 300 million compared to our 30 million. So
uh as we grow out our deposit which
appears like it can be bigger, uh than canada nickels and uh a higher concentration of metals, so
Uh, you know, I think we can catch up to canada nickel quite quickly
In fact, it may be just within a year or so in terms of our market valuation
Love it. Let me get one or two more in here and then we'll make it around the panel
I know we have uh, i'll stand up here as well
We can come over to him
But I want to talk about where nickels mainly sourced from because I think that there's some challenges that's faced around
extradition environmental effects as the world moves towards decarbonization. So i'd love to hear a little bit more about that
Yeah, like I said, uh indonesia is the world's biggest
There they don't have the very good environmental track record on mining those types of deposits and then furthermore much of that
Production is controlled by china. So all that nickel is going to china
uh, and but they do have the capacity to
Up their production and that's what's sort of keeping a lid on
Uh the price of nickel right now which for the investor is an opportunity, you know in my own investing
I'm a real contrarian. I'm always trying to look for
Uh things that are down, but I know have every chance in the world of
Going up and since metals is such a cyclical business. It's a it's great to be a contrarian
And well, uh, you know
The recent rise in uranium is a great example of that. I'm old enough now that i've lived through three
Uranium booms and uranium busts, uh, but uh for my own portfolio i've been packing away
At uranium companies, uh for the last six years the price of uranium was ridiculously low
But I know if you want the lights to come on
In the morning, uh, you need uranium and at some point the price will go up. Well
Literally happened overnight. Uh, I had a long-term average price and
My shares and it jumped up 30 percent just like that one one day
Basically one one week and it's gone a long ways from there
I'm super happy with that, but that's the beauty of
Cyclical mining stocks
And uh nickels kind of down right now, but it's got such a bright future when you see
The the projection for demand and it doesn't seem like there's much stopping the
The electrical vehicle revolution even though that you know, that's only part of the story
I think grid scale battery storage is a huge growing area
as well, um, so you've got windmills and solar panels, but
You need to store that energy so that it uh comes back to the consumer when the consumer needs it
Not when the wind is blowing
So I think that's a big growth area for metals generally and nickel in particular because there's big nickel components to those huge huge batteries
Yeah, you clearly have a great grasp on this so so let's talk about how elast energy metals
You you all started recently focusing on
The nickel rich, you know, nickel like claims in alaska
I'd like to hear a little bit of background on the history with this project and then the project itself and maybe you can explain
You know, I I I've done a significant amount of precious metal spaces at this point
So I understand how the projects go about uh getting found
Beginning the work and some of that but maybe you could give some context for the audience and maybe less familiar
Yeah, sure. Well, like I mentioned i've got actually quite a long history, uh with the project. Uh, I was
Stand up to alaska in 1995 and it was just an idea at the time the the global
Targeting team of geologists and said greg there's no similarities
In alaska at this spot called nickel i compared to the norilsk area over in syberia, which
Uh norilsk is the biggest accumulation of nickel metal on earth
even bigger than sudbury ontario and so
Yeah, I was uh sent there to do the exploration. I did we discovered nickel
And uh, it just wasn't high enough grade. It wasn't norilsk, but it was uh, very very interesting
Uh others worked on it after me, but uh, just a couple years ago
The interest in nickel was low and and the claims came wide open and we were able to
Acquire the mineral rights at very low cost and then in april of last year started alaska energy metals around
uh this asset
We raised in excess of 12 million dollars. I was introduced to the right people and then toronto and
Vancouver and other places and and you know, I guess they're contrarians too because
Uh, the price of nickel was low
But they were willing to put up that kind of money in a bad market and uh, and we put that money to good use
we've drilled holes into
uh, the deposit that I had initially discovered way back in the
mid 90s and
And uh, we're pounding it out drilling the deposit off on a grid scale so that on an engineering basis
We can calculate
kilos of nickel are are in the rock at uh, what concentration
Once we know that once we delineate the deposit then we can calculate the economic feasibility
but right now the excitement is growing because
We've already got a big deposit on
based on simply on historical drill hole information now i'm adding
Eight more holes that we drilled in summer 2023
That's going to make it a deposit somewhere
three three billion pounds of nickel in the ground
Or roughly three quarters of a million metric tons of contained nickel. That's a big deposit right there, but it's clear
From other drilling that's been done scattered historical drilling. This thing keeps going over about a 10 to 12 kilometer
Strike distance. It's really thick too. It's about 300 meters thick and so it's just a perfect set up
That a large mining company would love and ultimately that's our goal is
to sell the project
once we've increased its value and and uh increased our our share price and or make strategic
partnerships with major companies that
Would help us have the wherewithal to develop a large mine here
Really well put hey gaben. Let me check if you have any other questions off the top of your head
Uh, and hopefully some of the ones that i've been asking have been helpful
No, they absolutely have i'm i'm very interested in all i'm actually very interested in the the actual mining part of it
I find that you doing it by you know, the holes that you were already in and
Building drilling new holes. You said eight new holes and I just wanted to know like what is the
Process and how do you figure out where you're going to drill? How deep you're going to drill?
Is it all historical data? Is it kind of just like is there a
Like a standard that you have to do
I would love to know more about that. The mining engineering is very interesting to me and greg
You are incredibly knowledgeable about all of this. I i'm loving what you're saying
Great great. Yeah, you know
It's been a great business to be in you have to be a creative curious
Scientist then have the imagination
We use lots of different types of surveys to try and imagine what is beneath the surface of the earth. So
satellite borne sensors we use aircraft borne sensors, uh, we use geophysical instruments on the ground
We collect samples of the soil that can give us a hint of what's below the soil. We we sample
uh, the sediment in the bottom of a stream that that is a sub sample of the rocks that are upstream so
Just clue after clue we try to put together
But at one point then we start to drill holes to actually
Test our theories and see what's below the surface of the earth. And that's what I did back in the 1990s a
You know that was pretty expensive work, uh, and
We did discover nickel in the rock wasn't high enough concentration at the time
Uh, my employer inco decided to pull out
Others came along behind me spent more money exploring the same
and probably spent in in the order of 30 million dollars doing all those basic
exploration surveys I mentioned plus drilling drilling holes and
I was fortunate to be able to purchase all of that historical information last summer
uh, well, I guess we paid a million dollars for
something that costs 30 million to create and if I had to
Reproduce that information that they had probably cost 40 or 50 million. So the great thing is
All the basic work is done. Um, and we know the nickels there there's been enough
historical drilling and tracing of this layer of nickel mineralization that we can
We just have to start drilling it off
Uh, and we have started and we're going to keep on going
Uh, and so it's just drilling holes on a grid style pattern
So then we can calculate between those holes. Uh, how much?
Metal is in the ground
One thing I didn't point out is this isn't just nickel nickels the main contributor to the value
But there's also precious metals too platinum and palladium
And then some other metals that contribute uh copper and cobalt of course both
really important metals for electrical transmission and storage and additionally iron and chrome
Which are great for steel. So
yeah, the um
Uh having a what we call a polymetallic deposit is a good thing. We have multiple metals
Contributing but nickel is the most important one in the deposit so far
Great points there
Uh, i'll get into the comment. I'm no, I was just gonna say thank you so much for that
That was really awesome. And um, I can drop off to listener if you wanted to bring up more speed people to speak
No, you're good
You're good. Uh, whatever works for you. We've got plenty room on the panel
Uh, austin you want to jump in here with any thoughts or questions?
I'm not here in austin
Okay, no worries I saw him on mute but maybe he's just having a couple of problems mela you want to jump in hey
Yeah, go for it awesome sorry about that nice to meet you greg
Uh mike was off. I'm very excited to have you on. I have really just one question
It takes a slight sidestep here, but I think it's very interesting and I know the listeners probably want to hear about it
because I know I do
can you just talk to us or give us some context and just talk to us about the uh
The I guess partnership and or you know partial sale of that data to cobalt
Which for those of you that don't know it's the unicorn startup that has been
Basically buying a lot of mining data and really kind of exploding into the space
I've done a lot of press you don't often see silicon valley venturing into sectors like this just from my perspective
I don't at least is like a general media consumer
So I would just kind of love to hear you talk us kind of around that
Maybe some of the people that are involved, uh, and and just help us understand kind of what you guys are doing there
Yeah, it's quite interesting
You know, we we do have uh neighboring uh claim holders, uh, just to the north, uh of us
And the company is called cobalt. K-o-b-o-l-d. It's a private company that
Just uh came out of the blue maybe two or three years ago at the most and uh
They really started with a bang. They raised uh, 200 million dollars
And that's really a lot for a startup
Exploration company, but it was back to the initial investors where bill gates and jeff bezos putting their money behind
Uh some pretty smart geologists, uh that I know and some of which i've worked with previously and the whole idea was that they would use
artificial intelligence to analyze the entire globe
Determine where in the world is the very best places for us to
Explore for for cobalt and nickel and cobalt and nickel can often go together
uh, but I guess the reasoning is that
gates and bezos believe that those two metals are going to be the choke point for
an electrical energy transition and so
Uh, the the team did use uh ai to search and analyze the entire world
Uh, and they ended up in alaska among a couple of other places, but they were too late because
Uh, we had already staked out. Uh, our
Mining claims and they've got a few interesting prospects. They're starting to work on on their claims. Um, and
We're having various discussions sharing data. It's a a good relationship. I know the geologists pretty well and
and uh, yeah, we're we're both having fun, uh, exploring the area and I wish them good luck because you know any
any success they have is going to be
Uh translate to share price increase for us
And and vice versa, although they're a private company. That's not one you can easily invest in with ours. You can
Simply buy it with your your tv
Schwab or whatever you want
Awesome. Thank you. So, uh, I guess follow up to that
What do you think this does for the mining industry as a whole in in the in the context of the united states, right?
like in in canada, I feel like
It's already been kind of understood and they're uh, you know, always a
I would say like a wealth of companies to really investigate do more diligence on in canada in the mining space
There might be a little more of kind of a base level of understanding whereas in the u.s
I feel like we're just
At least in this market of like the people that are here, right like our generation the millennial generation
I think we are just really starting to scratch the surface in terms of
Understanding what this could mean for us, you know as investors as you know
People in an economy that there's a lot of fear surrounding, you know
What what do you think the the introduction of of a company like this with cobalt metals, right?
What do you think seeing people like gates and bezos and all these, you know
Major players in the tech industry now shifting their focus towards the industry you've been in for damn near 30 years
What do you think that does for us as a whole within the context of the united states just from your perspective i'd love to hear that
Yeah, you know, it's really interesting because uh when I was uh the age of uh, uh your group here
Uh, you know the only speculative investment was mining stocks
There wasn't much else you could uh put your money into where you would have
Uh, the depend the potential to make 10 20 or even more
Times your money and so it seems like when when
We were younger
Growing up in canada or the us. Uh, we understood that's that was your speculative investments in your portfolio
But now you've got like quite an array of uh, speculative investments and uh, I think uh,
There's still that overhang of um, oh big bag mining history
That has this checkered environmental past and it does and I still have to live with that every day
Uh, the fact that the old mining industry did leave messes behind and uh, you know
The modern mining industry is completely different and if you ever have the chance to go visit a mine
Please do you'll see how good it is and how responsible the operations really are
But I think it is coming around
Where people your age go, you know across north america are realizing. Well, these metals are absolutely important
You know, there's a saying that if if it can't be grown that it must be mined
And if you look everything around you came out of a mine
And the technology that we love so much all of it came out of a mine. So
And again, it's cyclical right? Um, and so if you see metals that are down
Uh pick away at them or pick away at the the stocks that mine them or explore for them
uh, try to pick ones that have good management teams, but
Um, you know the the first jump up is always great
It's like recently with your anyway, everything just went up 30 percent in a week
And and then it's gone up another uh 30 or 50 percent from from there
But if you're chipping away buying along the bottom
You'll you'll you really can't go wrong because they're almost always going to go up if they're down
Awesome, and then I didn't mean to have another follow-up, but I I do now
Where and from your perspective are we at in in this cycle for for the industry that you're in?
They're usually there's uh
The baseball analog analogy and uh, I think we're still just doing warm ups
Pitching balls around the field getting ready for the game to start
uh, and uh, you know uranium was uh, you know, maybe the first few pitches so
Yeah, all the other metals are going to come. Uh, I've been
thinking that uh
The precious metals are going to take off imminently
But i've actually also has been saying that for about six years, you know to the point where i'm officially wrong about it
But I still think uh anytime now
Precious metals are going to take off and in my own investing i've done the same thing just picking away at uh,
interesting looking gold and silver companies
I put a fair bit into the etfs. So they're a basket of companies with less risk and
You know, I look at um, particularly my etfs and i'm going well
You know i've been buying them for six years now and uh, i'm i'm at break even right now
And it's been down like probably 30 percent. So
Uh, and it'd been at times up 20 percent, but right now i'm ready to break even and I think it's at breakout time
In precious metals as well
I just have a quick question about the precious metals. Do you find them inversely proportional to the
inflation or deflation of
a country
Especially market movers like the united states
You know spain the uk
Yeah, I mean I think uh, there's a tendency to go to gold for safety
And then gold stocks can can lever be a lever on the on the price of gold but that sort of
Conventional thinking doesn't really seem to have worked
at this time
Right now the price of gold actually isn't bad and gold companies are making pretty good money
But what we don't have is positive investor sentiment towards gold and again, I think it comes back to my theme
that investors have lots of speculative investment choices in front of them and
They're still using those but uh, you know, there's nothing like the safety of owning gold and
And then the the incredible leverage that you can get
When the market takes off and the price really takes off
Well, i'm really I i've been investing in silver. I think a lot recently. So I I personally, you know, especially
With that price going up a lot. It's been I feel like it's been going pretty well
What do you think what do you think about the silver market? Is that it's much not it's different than the gold market obviously, but
It's used in a lot more things
exactly and
in my experience
can be a lot more volatile and and so
And you know, there's there's a core group of silver investors. They're really pretty fanatic and and when the price goes
Everybody jumps in but silver generally follows along with gold as a precious metal, but indeed it's an industrial metal
Uh for sure, uh, you know in the older days
Silver was used to develop photographs from old cameras long before we had
Digital cameras or never mind that but cameras on our phones and you know at the time I thought well
That's going to tank the silver industry
Uh, but it didn't because there's so many other uses for silver and there's more evolving all the time
But of course solar panels actually consume quite a lot of silver
uh, so it's it's uh, it's got a big industrial use but it also is a great store of value and
You know, i've got friends that stack silver up just buy some every month put it away and they're safe and uh feels good to have it
It is a good store of value and you never know when you could use it some of the early discussion today
Uh a little bit I heard about bunkers and preparedness and things like that
I think it's great to to have a little bit of precious metal stacked away
Thank you, I um, I don't have precious metals stored away, but I have
countless rocks my gem and
A lot of people say they're not called rocks. They're called gems or they're called crystals
But I just call them all rocks regardless of what they are
But I feel like that's my form of investment even though it only means something to me, but you know
So I can understand why some people like collecting silver because it has
intrinsic value to others as well
You bet those crystals make you feel good no matter what
I've got like this massive chunk of um, it's well, it's called pink opal
it's basically
a type of
jasperized like
Opalized jasper and it used to be
part of the ocean floor in the cretaceous period
but it's like
Yeah, I don't know. It's just like beautiful, but that's one of my favorite pieces
Um, anyway, I won't go on about my crystal collection. I'll just I'll quickly just ask
My two questions that are basically one question
just with um
nickel and cobalt that you were mentioning specifically how much um,
like soil generally do you have to move in order to get um
A good quantity of the metals and then also just on that as well
um, i'd really love to hear more about
like the regreening or like
What plans there are once that site has been like exhausted of minerals like what plans are in place to
either refill it or to
reshape the landscape and and um
Like find different solutions for the future
Yeah, great question one of my favorite topics because I wish I could just take more people to
Modern mining operations so they can see what what really happens there
Uh, but yeah
You know, there's two different types of mines. So there's underground mines where there's tunnels built down into the earth
That's usually only done when the ore is really rich
It's got a very high concentration of metals over a small
Area and then the other main type of mining is open pit mining. So a large hole is excavated in the ground
but in both cases the
The rock and it is rock not soil that we're mining. So it's hard rock
That we're mining it then has to be crushed and then it has to be
ground down
in great big
Until the rock is more or less the consistency of baby powder
It's just this really fine grain powder and then various processes are used then to separate
The grains of rock that don't have any value from
the metallic mineral grains so we form a concentrate
Of metals in the case of a gold deposit
Gold is so much more dense than all the other metals. We can use gravity to easily separate the gold and
We use different processes though for
Base metals like nickel and copper lead and zinc
once then once
We've got the metal concentrate then we use a different process to
Refine it further and make actual pure metal
But you know the modern mining industry is really great about the reclamation after
When the mine is eventually shut down, but you can imagine one of the big things that comes out
Is the the waste rock?
So we're grinding up a lot of rock
To get a little bit of metal just a few percent or less
Of the material mind ends up being metal that we use
And so those what we call tailings the ground up waste rock is stacked up
and but then eventually it's
Re-contoured reformed becomes part of the natural landscape again
Re-vegetated and you know, there's good examples now of mines that have operated for decades closed down and
You can barely even see that they were there
Uh, the the excavation the hole if it was an open pit mine may very well become a lake
That uh, uh is quite attractive to look at so
Yeah, well, you know
It is sad that decades or centuries ago the the mining industry did leave, you know
Just uh was get the money out of the ground and just leave everything behind and uh, it's really unfortunate things were that way
Uh, they kind of are still that way in a lot of parts of the world
uh, but but not in north america, we just don't allow that and uh, and you know, the mining industry is very proud of its
environmental record now and so
I really think we we need to look at that. I mean we're we're all
responsible citizens that
Want to put less carbon in the air want to see?
uh, you know less pollution
um, but if we're just uh accepting that
Other people are polluting land all over china and indonesia and other places
You know, that's really not right and we should be more ethical about it and mine here at home
Uh, you know, I keep hearing people say yeah, well not in my backyard
But I think it's better in your backyard because you can control it more
Great questions there meli
Nothing, so that makes a lot of sense
Um, and just a really brief question
Um, what do you call like the the stones that you're pulling out like cruciferase or like?
What kind of stone is it?
Yeah, it's typically, uh a rock, uh in the case of nickel deposits. Uh,
This is the interesting thing nickel only occurs in a very specific type of rock
It's not distributed well over the face of the earth. But um, uh, we
There's really two types. It's called either a donite or a peridotite and
A mineralogist, uh have heard of the word, uh, peridot or the mineral peridot before so
yeah, so it's a rock that that has some peridot in it and and uh
Uh donite has a lot of uh, the mineral olivine in it
Beautiful green colors
Um, but it's a pretty normal looking rock. Uh, it's not uh, especially attractive
but in my case then it's got little flecks of nickel copper and
iron sulfide sprinkled through throughout the rock
Um, just a suggestion for the stuff that you really can't turn into anything useful
Sell it to people like like me. Honestly, take it to the German mineral shows and people will buy it
So, let me let me jump in here talking a little bit more about
The drilling side of things so uh, the historical data driven resource will be backed up and likely expanded on from the eight holes
That you drilled this summer. I am curious. How do you think this will add to the current resource estimates?
So that's kind of one question i'll let you answer that then i've got to follow up
Yeah, sure. So you're right. Uh, we had all the historical drill hole information
Uh from the holes that were drilled in the past some of which I drilled in the past in the
1990s when I was a younger geologist and and uh, um
Some of those holes were closely enough spaced that uh on an engineering basis we could calculate
Uh, how much nickel was around those holes and it was quite a lot
It added up to over 1.5 billion pounds of nickel documented in in the ground
And now we're going to add our eight holes that we drilled last summer. We've
Collected the core samples. We've sent them to an assay laboratory now
We know how much metal was there in every one of those samples?
And so we crunch all those numbers and I think it's going to double
Uh the amount of metal in the ground from what we have so we have one and a half billion pounds of
Nickel in the ground plus the other metals
And I suspect like just roughly guessing that we're going to have
Three billion pounds when we announce the calculation of those eight drill holes
So that should have a very positive effect on on our share price today. Our shares are trading around
40 cents canadian 30 cents us
And uh one would think that's a good catalyst, uh to to move the share price up
Perfect so and then the other ones I wanted to talk about the stock so again for those that
Missed in the beginning. This is a emc
You can go look it up. We also have a full two diligence deep dive pinned into the top of the space
So it should be pretty easy to find
Uh with that being said i'm curious if you could go over some of the financials behind the stock
If there's any items, you know that people should be paying attention to a lot of my audience are investors as they're digging into
The fundamentals here. What do you recommend they look at?
Yeah, sure
Ideally, uh, you look at the the people first. Uh, you want a
Management team that's got a good track record, uh of success as uh, uh responsible explorers
Our developers, um people seem to make uh good things happen
The other thing to look at is how many shares do they have outstanding?
You know the the industry is being in a tough spot
It's been a dow market for at least six years now
and so that means companies like ours have had to
Uh raise money by selling shares at low share prices, which quickly
Uh the the stock and so you generally want to see
Uh a company have the lowest possible number of shares outstanding
We right now have about 83 million
shares outstanding, which is a good number and so
But but that's uh, definitely something that an investor should should look at. Um
You know, particularly the australian companies seem not tuned into that as well
And the the they issue billions and billions of shares and uh, to me it takes away a lot of the torque
You know if we make a big discovery
And there's not many shares outstanding then that means all the existing shareholders have a much better chance that the price is going to rise
Dramatically and you know, this is a speculative investment and that's what you should be expecting
That's why you would invest in a company like ours because it
It could triple a quadruple or or even better in a relatively short, uh span of time
But the lower the share count, uh, the better the chance that you'll get that that rapid rise when a discovery is made
So those things that I like to look at, uh when i'm doing my investing
Appreciate the deep dive there greg into some of the fundamentals and some of the pieces that are behind this
Continue to drive it this obviously the cobalt metals
There's there's a lot of catalysts here that people should continue to look at overall from a more macro perspective
Why is 2024 a good year for people to be examining this industry?
Yeah, so overall, uh the the macro backdrop, um, the the realization is setting in
That there's going to be tremendous
Shortages of the battery metals. I would call them
nickel cobalt
those that are going into
battery electrical storage
and that should
Uh, well, it should cause panic actually when when the united states realizes that uh,
China has cornered the market on on a lot of the metals and and that
Uh, the the united states is therefore quite vulnerable to supply disruption
Um, but in any event that should result in strong metal price increases
And then of course the exploration development
Companies are highly leveraged to price increases in in the base commodity
uh, and so
On that macro backdrop, I think uh, alaska energy metals is in a great place like we could just be
Starting to surf this this great wave of uh price increase
Maybe even a supply disruption. I mean I can't imagine what that might do then if
All of a sudden it became clear because uh, you know, maybe and we've seen china do this already with some metals like
Essentially weaponize it. So yeah, okay. Well, we're cutting you off. You can't get any of this metal
You know, they're the only producers sometimes because they're the only ones that know how to refine the metals
U.S. In particular has to get over this and has to
start promoting
Mining in its country and refining in its country so that it's not so vulnerable
Um, and well, we've got it. We've got those metals right in america in alaska
And I think that should be very well viewed and and you know, the government of the united states is
Providing funding granting
To to help that happen and hopefully will be a recipient of one of those grants as well
And that's cheap capital when you get it for free
Yeah, that's well put awesome. Did you have any other?
Questions topics you want to make sure we hit on in these last five minutes or so
No, I mean you really
You went deep on it. Uh
Ryan, I don't know if you're here to speak. Mr. Ryan my good friend ryan john sone
I don't know if you had any questions
I've only to give you a second here to pop up and and ask anything. You might have to ask
You got anything?
You just need to have that unmute button there. All right, go ahead feels nice. Hey guys great show so far
Can you hear me? Yeah?
Um, uh, I guess one question I had we talked about the eight holes that we're going to go into
the upcoming
resource estimate, um greg can you give us some color on
What is planned to be a very aggressive
Um drilling campaign coming up this summer. Uh, I think it's going to be quite a bit larger
You're going to test the high grade canwell this deposit, which you just got some really um,
positive geophysics on and
And how you think that might affect affect things overall?
Well, you know our company has been in existence for for nine
months and uh, i'm quite proud of the fact that uh, we've already found, uh more than
Uh, three billion pounds of nickel
Uh just with one drill program
So, uh, we plan to be pretty aggressive this summer
We can start drilling in june and drill to the end of october if we use four drills
We can put a lot of holes in the ground and uh, roughly
Uh, we postulate that uh, as long as that historical metal concentration holds up
We will end up with uh six or seven or eight billion
pounds of nickel which catches us up to our peers like canada nickel who
You know count their market cap at 300 million right now. So
Uh, if we have a deposit of similar size and metal
Uh gross metal content, but at a higher concentration
Uh, we should be getting all those strategic investments from mining and battery companies as well
And and strong investor interest and therefore share price increase
Great points there ryan
Okay, um, where's a good place as well greg? We've pinned up some research articles
How do people stay in touch with the company?
How do they follow along with the story and continue to see it develop as potential investors?
You can go on our website
Just put your email address in and you'll get every press release and a couple of other things
We won't inundate you we won't sell your email address anywhere, but that's a good way to keep up on on the company
Uh, but of course you're welcome to contact us directly too. Uh, we're always happy to to answer questions from
investors or potential future investors
And let's talk for one second here as well just about the markets
Uh, although the markets are I would say feeling a little bit positive as the year starts you raised a significant
Significant amount of capital in a tough 2023
So, how are you looking for financing in 2024? And what does your market cap and share structure look like?
It's actually a really good opportunity right now for people to come in we we raised money first last april at 28 cents
By selling shares in the company to a small group of wealthy people
Uh that they could see the potential and then
During the summer we raised money
Uh at 40 cents and uh, the people coming in there were big brokers amongst the the bigger canadian
brokerage houses
uh, can accord echelon core mark, um
A couple of others and and so, you know some some of the smart money I would I would say
Yeah, the the price of our shares started to do well from there
We were up to 50 and then 60 cents
But uh one thing that happens when you sell stock in your company in a private placement, uh like we did
the the stock has a hold period so
The investors were unable to sell the stock for for four months after the financing closed in the summer
And well, some of them took profits. Uh, the stock was up 50 percent. So
Uh, they sold it but enough of them sold it that it brought it all the way back down to 40 cents. So
Uh, you know
It should go up in the coming weeks as uh, we hit our milestones and and publish, uh, these these catalysts
And honestly, we're marketing the company fairly aggressively getting out there and letting people know about it
So that should help with the price
As well, but we will have to raise money to be doing an aggressive drilling program this summer
So we'll we'll again have a private placement financing sometime in the next 90 days
uh, and uh right now like I say, there's 83 million shares out, uh, and uh therapy
We'll probably have to issue somewhere in the vicinity of another 50 million shares to raise the sort of money that
We want to put in the ground next summer
Uh, so yeah, our share structure will be somewhere around 130 million post financing which still provides lots of torque
I had just one last question if I could just pop in should be a quick answer
What I just wondered this as as a ceo of a public trade company
Are there do you guys have a target in mind of total share count?
Is that something that you guys consider and going public and everything else? I just always wondered that
Yep, we always wanted to be as low as possible
And uh, you know if everything goes perfect
Each raise you do is done at a higher price than the prior round and and uh,
Of course once you get up over a dollar in your share price, then uh, you know
It really isn't very dilutive then to raise money
If uh, I need a million dollars I sell a million shares if if they're valued at a dollar
Uh, and it's only half a million if the shares are two dollars
So getting the share price up out of the pennies and into the dollars
Really really helps on keeping that share count low
Perfect. All right. We're right up at the top of the hour here greg real pleasure having you on any final comment for the audience
No, great. Great to meet you all and uh, great, uh audience here. I'm really glad to see
Younger people having interest in in the mining business and uh, you know, um, it uh, I think it really is
Starting people are starting to realize there can be an awful lot of
money to be made by investing in an exploration and mine development, uh companies and
And the fact that yeah everything around us comes out of a mine. So
Uh, it's great to see uh younger investors in our space finally
Beautiful well appreciates you coming on if you're trying to hit younger investors who are doing it right by doing it here
All right. Big. Thank you. Everybody. Austin. Do you have a final comment?
It's just gonna say, of course, we're interested
Where the hell also are we gonna get our teslas and our computers and all the other shit we want to buy?
Well, I gotta jump here go coast another space. Thank you. Greg. Thank you. Ryan. Melly. Great having you on miss gecko built
Austin looking forward to the next one. Everybody. Take care. Talk to you also guys